T' 4' BUFFALO NERCAN 'TtLE COLLEG cossea Or MAIN a am= mum , It an Important Usk in the greet chain of rtinee.u. stiturtua trousess. loaded to the %Wong CltLoh via :—r4 NW- TO/111 CITY, BROOKLYN, TROY DR TKO? POILADELPHIA, CraICAVO 8.024 WOW AND TUROMv. A Scholar Alp bored fivesßAlA Ceitegs, oatitho the holder to snood olthiir or all thi Collo& kw an Wilizited tlam. T. HeeWs .t ammo Inothatdoso, is la Lague to young ram aad ladies, a Libirseipik pridiadbasisse alkustiose. The.. colleges are organised and eoadarted upon a bass whicit mint locum to. tb NSW* lalltilatten th• but pormble facilities for Lthpertlag a thorough com mercial ednotrion, and render It as a whole, the sleet oomprehensire and oomplets'irystent fa this country. IteeritAfeetttarg tri all Re dopertmeata,Telegraphiag. Commerciei La e, t o tamerdal Al ittunetle and Yeamars. ship, are moght in th• :post Morrie, and practical •• Time Somalia,'los Mystaris of Pomona"ldar, ItorAg=ate s nt arni expariesoft. trodiars. in silvan,. l4o. Colo aria 4 2 4 , UK fuming z—vo irtaLtitzi. Baal nt Principal at s ßaalo, J. C. Bares. Tor farther inforseatito, plow tall at the C0U144.! adootria, oz rend fat Cat4oiska and ClZOilit 1190100211 latter stamp.. Addreu 811T1 swianow, 9altale. K. T. 6b7-Iy. .: :DR. P. - HAWS CELEBRATED t COUGH REMEDY! noyrizTuEs to gain publiO favor anti demand in WI stations, and after the thorough' ex patents of sixteen yam, its initiation for allow in airing Throat and Lang dilator is !Wily sostabsoL— Wherevar Wm medicine la moat known its Merits hare le- Mblished the greatest popularity and demand. It has be toms a standard remedy with many people for ruing Pulmonary complaint' and is kept in their houses for ready nee whenever required. AJ a tore for Cough It la speedr and rettable—estdom requiring more toil" °miss:A- I tie to curs a Couli of many weeks standing. POT inning ' Croup it is not malted, and sea remedy tor Asthma its ellitienc cannot be doubted , having restaged many Par sons to health after Buffering a long term of years with Ude miserable disease. For Bronchitis sod Ittoaremensit lassie and reliable, quickly removing irritation from the air cassager. la Whooping Cough this Sewed; le orgivat value—it promptly lessons the tniquency and violence of the cough. and shortens the disease one halt bons its or dinary tedious count. All diseases of the lungs sal six pours dirpino spin irritation or laszosaation In the lining mum membrane and requires the prompt use of thorough abothiriode so ef fect thew remoras. Hers Cough Remedy is sok speedy an , eiledual *Ate operation—is adaplad to both saws; to all ages and constitutions. Rem y venom stoktos wish . either of the following Winans should UPI this pleamat ..Roily and their voices will soon min !a with *Wan In r its merits to afflicted neighbors and tme half a. alo Remedy it ewes Gbisia: Cse CisugA Randy it cures CI-oup or .R.4441e.5. Use Ho.fra thugh Rem"-iy it arra Asth ma or PhsAisie He's Cbtrylt RAmeely for thlarrA. Use Hati's Reddy is Strengthens Lungs. Use Hers Cough- Remedyfor B7071A1:48. igm., Use Hall's Comil Remedy for Hoesrso r ness. - Itel. Use Hales (bush Rrin.edy it Strengthens the Voice. OS., Use Halls toug.it .ficmedy for Wholpinr, cough. tt wit I matt y roo.lity the Intro& .tt lb Is disease and it hOT• ten Ito ledlOUe eounte, oue half from ita ordinary dura- Von. txr. err fd counterfeits sod bac, onitaldous call fer Dr F.l3ill's Celebrated tough Remedy and see that his w ti 9 gnature. tit upon the wrapper and direction:la. STRONG TESTIVIODIV. ttt'r, the uudercigned citizens of Erie City and vicinity, 131,0 used Dr. P. Celebrated Couth Bennedy with grain success, lu curing diseases of the Throat and Lungs, and take pleasure to reemouneudlng Its ore to the a/Meted se a speedy and etlectual reremely, fully worthy of public • confidence. *JitmeiThousiwon, listthew lieruillov, D.B John Welborn, Sr J. W. ityan, ltlebard Jam A. Tracy, Hobert Cochran, J. T. Ca" Jahn W. li'Lane, Dowel Boar, Daniel Hum, • • John W. Hays, J. Rubinson C. E. Bakst, - John B. Cochran , W. F. Itindsinecht, J. Hoonsay, John R. Dueusa, I'. &Burton J. W. Ciskei, • John D. Warren . . Alaason Shed -wood, H. I John B. Brown W. H. Cooper, • A. Y. 2.1.. Foeuter, ' Joseph Deemer, E. A. Bennett, J. R. Hull, aenl. 1 Orrice Smith, • • Lucius A. Htell,, 4 12.. 81" Jb 4l37' - C. DunuFs, Theism Wage, 1 1 . 14 . H. O. Root, W:ll.l.l4llagber, , J. Robinson, 2d, Wilson King, Chas. W.Kelao, • 811uH. finch, Daniel klinor, D, P. ansign, C.G. Rowan, C. B. Wr ebt. - SOLD DI 11a11 i IV" 1-- 811 F - • . awwwww,,• w'wesent K. D. Waterford: Beene • Sherwood., Union;. W. B. Smith, Wattstargh,• G. T. Jewett, North testi H. 0. frisbee, Edenville; J.U. Fi .tees, AIWA; - TYker, Lockport, and by scents p malty: Manteseturir N -E * I FURNITURE AND UM:RUM§ WAR E.R 0 OM BI On Sate St., between Seventh entl Eighth. The 50eatbeis henentend into the Cebind Meldn'i and • 71.111.11 1.1 - 13 • TRADE, And propose rasing ft order sad luesPleg e1m:404 en land 1.11 Miele of Furniture. Orden will lame prang; salivates., laptllasit deo, on short notice. ', • UNDERTAZZZ to title I. • The nbeeriben will gin spodeletiL eteleqeetan tear aqint of their busier. , 4 r• allortilfter of rletellal tanu . n . Laid themselves Is zoottases to 11 promptly, trots say put of tbs ‘43l% ,.. : :'").fttmeehmeil to erre no etterta_l.ffitte ontdMo• It le tee goalie l of emir Veda Pries. Col lops to mecum • Ilbersl sham If polite ouzo _ 71001114 Atari • • - Basommes to J. H. Bazar. sprilla-tf. • TY. HURT. 1 EAGLE FOUNDRY! • Parch di, Ohora ids Rabb LA Male. HENRY . -Br. - 13 RYAN T. aCi . aatos a Sonya itAIRTACTtaiIs or PARLOR, COOK AND OFFICE STOVES, ' Tur iiimirsr hos Wass, • AND ALA Ailf733 OP MON C. 0171,08. Seal Italy 04 by us vartaittod to Ora ottbiastico. • &Mu to Slaiiii -shasa, dad tow, *e, ea Mad or Nos. otootated ardor. ?unman Plow Pours otsapottor sib pad eIiJIM tel always ea Mad. A call and II fair old l of oarotti• shots all yoaak. HEW k intrAmr. seisremt ADMINISTAATORS NQTICE, sou.. homman , _ gine ihtik Jotters of Aarlido. r station on the iststo of Thome • Waling. illooksood. Grosollold tp. the County otkito.borototro coma to the sabaxibor. MI so totoktod to the mad. Ito• taf.aratoqsiortod to imassAiAto woes*. rid lbw barb/ elidois or domande salon tho elide ortitorsosot Om. sathistioste‘to N iLAURA AIN WALLING. Gromitaid. is Co., April 211.11 t. A.botwatteatz„ aaptirPottitigu ir — amours co. `, BA IMPURE _coretsinnarie. MCORP 0114112 b a. RTIVIINGTON. hoot,. T. C. ALVIN, CITY FIRE DI Snare!! 00112 ANT, HARTFORD, CONNDOTICft MCORPOKA TAD 1347. C 4 PIUL $3llOOO e. B. 80W11.14. Pron. 47. W • • ""NSURANCE . in-the above old • • reli , b •.` • • - ;:esa beebtataid .IfAiwN, tik L W. Aviiiialay Aim& • , ERIE asst CEANLi7&'OF - 80 U NO LarnDtathic !WWI/ BOted:—Deport. Mit ' 4 u I N IL , Mod' Uproot,. • • '''' - '"1; Tut ty4l/10 4 PO A. mr. Way Freight Stock Erpresi mut sm.? " A* 11. , CEU.B ; MINIM o •sl . gia " H sealLT4l.4. (Ri:jorEArmCiiiktv.SE4oFx I Ulf " - yr Moto I\ 4, t . 54 Body ; .. bologeduo t y Maas of I. Baser; IBMs_ E DENTAIL;REMEDtES TH3 BEE.AI(73WORLD, vamnirce. • - nal Tang & 914I)Rirr BeltiTu &ID alma iroanuosrs Amp Deja% wish b be Weevil with and admiral rnr Pluum.T. Warn old &wand TKETEI Use Die. W3l. aIIIIIORDI4 Mgt VA LIAO TOOTHPOW - a teg. Ors/ meta too boa said. snail, or *AIX leidriaas eabetenes. Pries t II wets pee bee. 04.kkor„B-0.1.1..tie, destro th. s y irdlikarY Tooth Pm.d."' . Do you slab to be arum that your BR WU to plus, tee mot, earl agreeable to baabaarl or 'elk lover or Mande NUM% VIM MUTED DIOWTO ,W ASH . Vries, SI mato per bottle. TILho 'Morn . womb to also 1.10 treAlrookoki in A.. woad for comas& 800 BEIM. SUisionno sake, Sou Moor:, Os. Moo mod ksodnots. no yaw, ez your eattlyss Salle *ass ToMITACFIE ? OW Dir.. amens MAIM.: TOOTLIACUE OWE% Trio, LS mats 1? - oc bottle. A2l.rm. se 1e1.4 wits RITIDALGIA G•t DR. W. R. HMV • twoUsillAus rimmoos. Tb. asst Afteetin sad deltsboat stag knows.' Titer do dot Shen so blister; tat soothe sal Sarin ,ais sway. Try that. his, IS sad SI cents. Railed •a resift afros. Do roe w a outploto sot at MOLL REMEDT6B sag • Tszents PISIZIMINI Tlstttt Vet DIG W. B. '8 CUSPS DAMTAL the neatest and "'Got valuable prowl %bat oho Wood oso Make to snoilme• Nap. $ l . Soodby Limo ottreottptotprtoe. row silo at O 1 lb* bed oone tbrentiont the wintry Cairfrerow.—As Uwe as &slim who lake adrantage of our adevrtreamenes to impairs arra their customers in htter tt is newsier, to Insist upon haring What tea all for, and you will ars tyra asaw,thoroush ty *gad, aad prepared b, as wpwriesseed and .cunt ffe Dentist, Tlyeanrer pitha tiewYorts ittate Dentist's Lew elation, sad Vice•Peerrideat cc the Yes York City Dental Serietj. • WM. B. HURD & NOW York. DMA). RINSZIIs AAA Poi 9•1 1 .1 Sr TIIIS IL ON IT ALL DIVOISITta. NEW }TIM - TUBE POLISH. PREPARED from im WIMP . etpe by the propels. torefth•"Yaotssa Poua"fa serireod by all the leading New Tort / niters Dealers and 'limo-Forte Ne*an to be the. NA in the world for Re moving Seeded:els, Weeks, sad. 'stand restoring * cosh and Mating glow to all kinds of Varnialied work, from Fosnitnee to Leather. 11.14 ilexper and better thank Varnish, dries inunedlately, and is earliy With a piece of Canton bosons( and a bottle or two ef -this New Foutertnits POLIIIN, a Housekeeper exit work magfo in the furniture of a house aad keep it leokiog liken's. Now is the time td Wahine np " your Chain, ikelis, Pianos, iletarialksmars, Carrtag.a, aria make %knit look 50 pat aka-better. 111 ii is trite economy. For tale by lligtaltute Dealers and more• keeper" generally. Pries. IS•anil bu &bra a bottle Depot ti o. 1 time!" Street, likar York. tiraciaa AGINTA WaXTKO. ADaaaaa, BOX Mt top. Tors P. 0. .The notracciarka'aillihrirstra3 POasea Is for oils berg at the Stereo. GREAT BOOKS IN' PRENS. THRILLING INCIDENTS GREAT REBELLION ; • on,\ Tke icritia of ear 41dien and Sailers. —The Caine 11814 -fM tlte lenge alatier, bille•bfildth mesa of oat widows and seLlete, sed Ite tatilhate wtll Dom tbe theme of antetematiaa at lasmearable brealdesfar yam to come. lt *Meta, fa addftlas inlrHns deektla, th 11111aeoptiee1 Avalyele ul the Cassel of the War, b Joni Lememstehlensm, •L, D, Author of "The Rise ,the Data lispablie„" eta, the data, of all the Im estate tomo ihmo J Dross said, sad OD some. at spart's% obb ad tedim4 aeostat et the 'misdeal battles, th solirtsP• One42Ord tiff prow& of all 110Werfveloas o lame toes will be elves for the ifslfef, , 0 Cfeablird" a Onion. awl all psetoas Wei wfalt ro son el the work, sad oho to I Use abeam . sabbera, Usk aims and Ad tures et OWL Lao s amp r pitto, or prior to 111Kilavr Übe e0a1417„. Dart• g oiledgp of a tkiwOL: stf et.iditting ter4dent, will ebbe' as a•LAIN es ow beesent 0 IL am asitaums, Paaminua. sad Cattnlitill 41 , 4;115rE faraiehai walk Salimliptaut krappiclak un i‘r •••• Mimi aimedidai ott4ire ask*, to ea Ototrob talky 1;!. RIMPORV os /111LInticAn aIANVIAV. Waal% WNW* 11111ka• MIL sy or. J. Lo. AIM lamper. *ray M. ToL, L low molly, Vol. IL ~is wit?, I. IL SILIWIT. Owrn N . ral• II sae&MINI aitd mist. iatipottiat vont is • *blase alisa lart galatama. @edam al Oa M ats* mad sal Sepals: inaka• i• :Irilli 141111X4/111 MAPPO LittsUlL ADVISICS 1 for. gem iis glams MatteMly akmdeatft agailleess be.. au le Law, as espriuMsll by tie kart sad Latast Aatioettles. 400 pp.,shavp. Pike V. OtTOILTICIXEMeg ROX INDINTEIr et A TIIIMAND commas To nacos 'tomb% Coths 111. This Am bat reguAllitsed is Wm& Ares v baboon IMO Mid elistilisaldban Um* books. 'hey rill ki Sfik piy tho bit Usb , t oca • heitnd Ibld. • item parent, okos All Wei books oe aolleA peeped. as looMpt pea. peekeer emseike - so malting book& osodolbrE prawn dad mid ley book ooze weeeptot pablebare Ea- is oomph irrufazur...irair ac nM Ink to & Plan at no 611110 1 1 11 1 . 14 a abeln#lo. nry ein arm Plaa a haad , s easelpar nif_puthin tbsy addnes T. an In, On e Co., rablialmne JiseaU, Nor York T. O. EB/E CITY BOOK BINDERY COMB OP STAR 411 D IiPTEI STS. A IP , tiodsul= to wsmg rispectrally Warn thanks tor astsadsd to him, tad solicits a M . 4 0 nostioet* tiowoo losh . K. has rsoimil • kssafia Antacid, improsumeats, aiming ild" ars PAGING MACHINE, ;Or p to agiamßlsek lioolaabfiasami of which to is snableil 40 volt o f that Mad used alai as,it eau b• demist Sepia 141 asap liaalag • EXPERIENCE TWENTY YEARS.; fill °odds= hi toy all* 110. (lye , `RULING, BINDING AND ALL KINDS • - -J. _Ol WO:, At. T LIIII • ' 'peas to cloaatialAy ea Isms! a lava !apply of N K 'BOOK S:. - avi a tb ir alsa place, scostivisoos earner of State and Mara a ant door to Cho oflinetto" 311. COLE. ,11:1*.iaaragrage. 1 1 4 ( 0 1 1 1 - -): - ) :4 :,15 = auriniUmem. I vol., large 12sto!'/ Price, a rrilnu4l ihtildings, N. "Y SPEER'S - SMIEBUCI; WINE! rURF., AND FOUR YEARS OLD, 6/' CHPICS 01'014g fV.,1113, FOR . PRYSICLANS' USE, , • For rei - aaloa, Weak& Persons and InvaU 5..• C. L. 11. M O . t- tAt Every gamily, at this ISSIAODIt11 1 1: CSC the SAIISUCI WINE,' Celebrated in Europe for its 'pediatrist and bisnefitdal qualities as a gentle Stimulant, Thee, Diuretic sad Sudorific, highly esteemed by eminent physicians, wall In Zarepean and American goipitals, and by some of the Sr. families In Europe sod America: • AM A It has no equal, C 66 sing an appetite •Ind building up the system, being entirely pure vine of s moot val. table trust. , As A rpttarrte, It imparts a healthy action to the Minas and nays, and Urinary organs, vet? broads' In Drays, Gout, and Rheumatic affections. fil'Egira WINE, Is not a mietore or man& tutore d articl bat purely rum th e juice or the Portigsl Earchuens drip.., mitt rated in Hen Jersey recikartiendad OY Chemists and Physicians as possessing *died properties impteier to any other Wines to tee, MI an lint arUele tor ail yea and debilitated persons • aged and harms improving the appetite and benefit( g ladles and child. Mn . A. LADIES' W . , Beeson° It will not intoxicate as other wines, se it contains no mistnre of spirits or other liquors, and is as admired for its rich, peculiar flavor, and nutritive properties, Imputing a heath, tone to the digestive or gans, and a bloproin,7, soft and healthy eau and cam. piesion WE REFER To A few well known gentlemen and phisdelans, who hare tried the Wine : Gen. Winfield Scott, U.S.A. • Dr. Wilson, Uth at, N. T. • Gov. Horgan. N. Y. State, ,Dr. Iratd; Newark, N. J. Dr. J. H. Chilton. N. Y. City 'Or. Dougherty, NeWic, N.J. Dr. Parker, N. Y City. 'Dr. Parish, Phila. • Drt. Darey and Nlohnll, • Newark, W. J. Sl%Nolte Feminine unless the signitrirent ...ALFRED , rail/ode. N. J." is over thei Nast of each birttki._. MAKE ONE TRAM. Olt THIN WIN& For stale in Erie. by J. S. CARTER, HALL k WAS FELL, Agents also for SPEER'S Celebrated Sembaci Brandy 1d Oporto, a pnro old settle.' A. Sitkleil, I Norma's* l'esaidc, New Jersey. • O 208 Jigundway. - Now rod; JOHN I.A FO C, Pairs, Oct. 4-Iy. A not for Franco add Germany. IMPORTANT s" 4 „ • TO ; LAD S.. JOllll nAulirZY. Win* tot weirdo of twenty years devoted his profeeslonal time e Iclualvely to the treatment'of FEMALE' OIFFICULTIES • And hiving eaeceeded airman& of 0004 in reeve: lag the filleted to hetith, h a (milldam/ In offering the GREAT AMERICAN, REIEEDY, OBSTWCTION, da BTOPPAin or lainall4 Or b restoring the eysteni - to peitoet health when eof. fering from Spinal !Affection; I , V*lrtaft. tbe Whites, or other weakness of the o s. Also, m ail cases of Debility - or Itersees teems .Iba,i&e.,•thw Sbiserannern- more serious diseases. These ?ills are pettesey immatess on the socuMittitlon, and rimy be taken by the most delicate home without distress ; , THEY ACS' LIME; A -our teas to healthy eundimr; rg";_zersr monthly period with regularity; no sneer er wa r cause the obstmetions norY.Piat at say etiew time, se seer, NOT tss..trbe The result • Each boz contains CO &Ad Np , ail Drwyytsta . _ ON DISEASES w' FEMALES. Pregitanowifiaasiriags, Bkritity, Ro• preelioation, nod obriaa 4, 1141144, as r.ankr . PRIVATE MEDICIAL. ADTIONA._ a Pamphlet .I'so pit ra, tent fria&WM 11111 cents Nquired to piy postatto. , • The Pills of IS4k. will be sent by we, propold &IA Nauss from obsorvstion, on iveelp. al %ha maim by any advertised sgviir, J. mtves.,Gesend Assat, unr; Tr:TAN TEN THOUSAND BOTTLES or Ws article have been mai in Una vicinity of its tion. since. He Inttaitudnu_ and. the =COMO attending It hr.s been Ter 7 remarkable. There in seareaky Ita 111 that occurs in fanglion,. tot •whit tta timely nee has either cured or reline& Abandinet end &nee hu been shwa n that it lever 7 sseessiklia aplij alf - i'ortne et - r SORE THROAT, DIPTIJEITIV SC4BLETINA, &C., &C. -IT CUBZ&-- Ministers' and Lawyers' sore Throat CURES—URCINCHIT/S. IT CURES—SALT RHEUM. ' IT CI:TREK—SICK HEADACHE. IT CURES:-BURNS, CHAFES, &C. IT CURES--CHOLICH, CRAMPS, &C. IT CUREB--PAIN IN Tin BACK. IT CURES--BILEVIVATISAI. IT CURES--CHILL 8141X51. -- • ; 44 -mr Gives prompt relief in Asthma ANIi:tROITP. • 'tarp vninnble in GRAY EL, DROPSY', , AND (Eiptity . I VFECTIONS. ; la unsurpasstrd as a LINIMENT: AND PAIN KILLER, ;In Bottlea, at 26 and 160 Ot t .: • Sold bje all respectable Druggigis and Dealees in list United Staten. Y. WARD CLOSE tr. CO.. Non. la and 170 Wljldam Streak New York, Wholesale Agente. by wboto °tears will be promptly filled. . • • Prepared and gold JOHN S. CART ED' Erie" Ph. "CARTER'S SUOMI. • Mao 1104COX= lt r _ projarietar o elritf AND NICE'S DEMEAN WORM CANDY. - Jan. 8 . € 3-:- tf I E i • ' BARLEY!! BARLEY! The imbacrihar Wear lowa to Marra kis limb to the Farmers of Erie county, for.the Batley they have BySe. hict i 44asha the 044 =yearsr,-, ropy I ; , rwultes ao•may. , — l‘../ 6 o 0,04. - E,L And et ilk time% ia'y the Ugliest market miss Ipes lJIZE WINES ANDlLigrons: "i t:i To Medical ', /fen and the Public. I e steel of cholas Vibes and LI/coes, both fez* sod native, embraelar all nip varieties usually prescettad or celled for, Such All rorte,ltadelra, Sherey_ . Cie*, Mech. Clate2,4 4 native Moe& itmedise l,li r. soaks and St CHU RIM; • Ifealp &below aid% sid" fipple Gio;, WA. liri. and • le its ,y #e de,— • Azov these Zip' Mite doe loi 'Built 14 itillithtatea of 1 volt '66. N•my fußeript, Ro4lBo i'vok.ZiorniPiAlii,h4b in Price, let ill they are meat cheaper to the purthemo, tad &Avid es profit to the dealer, than those Sethiskieffid or leterlorhheds, which ere hitt Winton.-- _ dic. parity and obtain the.llo4o 7 :• i thiM,MOR elf44-14A . • i MP" asPli'.o.• 4 .6-,; . ; . _ Mi . C4 411 1 4141,: • • : .• • - • , .... „ -' • ' .---..... "cm. INr,-A ARV sr wifenee...6* -.lsit t rk i t itios; Sway -10•41414 Aga Dr.. t, twuTm t , i!•?.• .4ve: VIC .r: AYEE,. SarSaPari • FOR wawa Is t otik :M= AIM /Or 1110.01000$ own 01 the Wads* criaridalubst Scrotal/a sad Scrotal sem AfTecliomeseitek so Tumors, lacers, "sera, nraptiores, Pimples, Puerhalee • Inlistelles,- lions, Illailms; mid all Shi a PIIMOSteIe °Aim" Ind., tall June, 1869. J. C. Arta Co. Dente. I feel it my duty to ee. knowledge Out your Fakeepartne liihe done for me Dying *checked a &refuted' infection, I have r e from it in Tarim *aye for years. foructirom it burst out la 'Ulcers on my hands and anus: wassettrees lt tuned Winne sartdkstneised ms at the stomach. Two yawl ego it broke, out on my had lad covered my scalp and ewe with one woe, w_hkit Irks palSwthl and loathsome beyond dectiPOOd. I Sited m m edicinany se and emceed physicians, but withoutpmcb relief from any thing. In tart, the disorder grew worse. At length I was trlatced to read in the Gospel Messenger that you bad prepared_ I an alterative (ianspazills), for I I.new from your repute- Lion that toy Wog you nada roust Lo good. leen!. to • Cinelnuatt gadget lt, and need it till It cured me. I took it, es you advise, be small does of a leerpoonfol m sir • month, sad need almost three bottles. New and healthy skin soon began to *lna under the oceb; width after • while AS O. My akin is now deer. and I know by my feeling' Mat the disuse has gone from my system. 'Yon emu welt Wee that I het what I em saying when r toil racy that Mid you to bs oaf of the apostles of the Igo, sad remain ever gratefully. Yowl, ALFRED B. TALIST. St. Amtheityra Mire, Rose or Erysipelas, • Vetter sad Salt Rheum, Seale Head, Iliallieriormi, Sore Spuds Dr spire gla Dr. Robot W. Trate write* tramigek Sept, 1869, that be his cared en Inveterate cub of Dropsy, which threatened ih to terminate fotall • b= . l use doer e ve and alp =a ag grysimias lamp doses of the serseys be cans the C 01316011 OvekefOett by It constantly. Sronehoeolle t notice or Ihrellia 11004 Moira Mow of hvirett, Tow, welts r "'free bet tin al .yrmr ism pantie eared me Eros a Cleitre...• bid. sous Evening MI lb* sock, which I had suihred from ear two pare Ise steorriemia fir Whites, _Germain" Verner, Utorlao illoorotiosit lresaales Elimisses. Dr. ILL•ai CIV Sty Yak Chi, write"; "I, most simerfully with t the mood of pa in r Mint Slaying ham to year Bumper* a moot moldiest altlmel" he the trantereazi m ion a inds far which- sew, eiroloy tech resisdy;- bet yin Asa& Piqua of the licroftdoue datbsis: ban mend testy ineste6 ete aim of leheorAstes br its sad some where OW MD. plaint weeansdinedcostioscltlettrnr. The esker. mime Steele wi t soon cured. Soiling 'lade my Mori. edr=. itler them peak eV' • f 3: idemicer, of Illewbs i t i =wvitth, • dim prom orariap Imam on ose of Mes Ammeles in my family, which had defied all the remedies we could employ, bee at length been condetely cosi by your Zatract of Our'_pkysicissiht maths' hot Whim. Mon covid afford relisf, ra gadvised the trial al your Bareeparilla as the last resort hegira cutting, mud it penal efectsmi. Alter takingyour remely sigbi owes no ryeaptoot of the dhow reaseina." • Syphilis mad Nereurial . Ntrw QUA" Pith Avast, 1869. Di. J. C. Alia: Sir, I ebeerfally comply lath the re. guest of your agent, and rt tl= l :syesu some Mita edicts I We reallied`vrith your I bate cured with it, is my _greetkoe, met of the sour plahita for which it I. kid /r sad have Lund its deeds truly wonderful in the ea» of Moral god Abr. arid ihrease. One °Clay patents hail Byphilidc Mears it blithmet, which were consuming his palate and the top of his mouth, Tour Saseeinrilla, ars.ut taken, mixed Wm be five weeks. Mother wee attacked by sec. oadary riceptoses in his mot mei the idahstios had eaten sway • considerable part at is, so that I disorder would am reach his basin aid kill blra bli .Vrt yielded to my adadeistration of Icor ihreeparilla; the takers belled, and be Is well again, out of course vithout to his face. • gamer she bad best I = 4l tsame disorder bylines's.- gr wee aalfldig from this pima Is bar bow* They bad become so ma Wive to the weather MO res a sismpslay abe sallend m enu:Wm pole in-bee ithets and beam Me, too, was coral entirely by your Saramierilla In a few weeks. I know from its ibrinsia, which yyoouarr spat pot sr, Oat this reepantion from your mai be a groat =tcoMleatly thee me. Indy remarkabin masks an Ai sna • fraternally yours, G. V. I•t'smnPlo4. l ll. ILlimumatiesa, Gout, Liver Ciriptilist. lemounsets, Preston Co., Va.. Ogb July, 1150. Da. J. C. ma: 614 have bean Meted with • pahe Sol amnia Rimeadine fora INC thnoewhich tenet the skill of pbysicians, and stuck to me in spite of all the remedies I could find, until I tried year Sensperille. bottle cured me in two weeks, and ratend mar puska health go much Wet I am hr better Mew Mime Iwo attacked.' I think it a wooderibl midge. J. num. Jules Y. Getebell, ei Mt Louis, Trial t "I lam beet enacted for years with an affection of W /la^ itbkh destroyed my Meath. I tried every tiring, ued everything • Ailed to reliete me; wadi bamboos a Wolm—down man for rope jeers bras no other Mere than dentnpanent Me Lira. My "beloved pastor, the , Rev. Mr. Ropy, adduct we to try year Banaperilla, became he said he kisser you, Mid any thing you made wee scribbling. By the blew. hue of God It bas oath Me sad ha so periled my Mead to Milks saw mks at um I *el young spin. a The ,best th at can be said otiou Is not half peed micaighP SchtrriiiCineorl i itinors liirlolitroaest, tieerstlos, Caries and Sztollat;iiii or dim Bones. - A great variety of cases bamboo reported to us where cores of there Ibrolidable oemphinte have resulted Awn the used this remedy, but our ewe bas wile MS admit them. Sew of them may be found in out Ameges; whirl* the Wats beim soaps pleased to _uste.s.amil -*pis floe rtsP been giaertek7mlitbiragtstkibdYLsl7l.lrhkb"lkeerCf"rlietioas tu".wlictl:uitlrafkllitridkssmeetah:bz"btTCoti".n Sts reach. Ouch a remedy bur keg boon femme& by the fie seadtles of the people, and we ors coulkleni titattlie orlll do for them all that mediciee am do. • . Ayer' Cherry Pectorals rot-rns Iwo ctiores revels, CoMei lalhenta, Ileezteatsi t Creep. itrenehltto lONlpteat Cele. • Wens sad far the Rettig - oott Consumptive 'Patient* in advaneed 'Woes 01' the pioesse. it btu L s iiipity a WO th" indratilimrtilan Other bit =Uri Gollgobb eittelli to *Mom of often:: Ito unt i i4l audience for comes est colt* and he Deb , era corm of peimmary dhow, ham, made it known , threnthoutthe defined nations of the earth. Fen -art tlt• ecimmesitiey or emu •feasiMet aleueg them who nem sot some poem& treisrients of fie Marta yome lifing trophy ha their tablet of Its victory over the ettbne Ord thulium's disorders of the throat and loam As sit Wow the dreadful fatality of these disorder% aod as they know; too, the effects of 'this remedy, we need not do more than to mature them that 4 has now all the vir. tom that it did hare when mato. the cage whith inve• woti so otrongty mgeorthootatOomet of metlthoi._ se Prepared 111 Dr. T. CU= Sir CO, Ural, Saki hit Me by lobo 11. Cuter. T. 9.,fileettir. Doctor L. shoe& W .Nina and Dosser F. 1411,1 and by *shot 'arerrwhor • Jebtallit-11. gUCONOMY IS • WEALTH RE YOUR COUGH FOB 13 CENTS! THE BEST AND QIEDIAPESTF DOUSIMOLD RUDDY Di MX IVONLDI • , MADAME' ZADUC PORTERS GREAT CGITGE R.3lll(EDyt OE d Wee -- get as ehoreverl ea* blow& r esist for ass. The timely age eta loos kith win rye,* 'Ube vocal 100 three Its ead:- • • -- • - _NOTICIL—Refire Taw Masi.). whew. Imaded topethass Nelda, _ GsWeliii do sot tale *Owns*, et CBI seet at beh U. iserialess Porter's Cocas a. reties Belem, the earl of ecuisatheteelee wheat Lae greet as Thee Oakum% so Woe OM:id ths very Pe price st which ft Issold, missela to the teller apparently aesTi, sad rim:4W scammitais receramead other es whist their: prodts are isrger, maim the seittosess tattot spec r Nadas, tonsil sad eons ether: - Astribraels Carr the Salaira. prise IS ida. sad be begs Wee at ht eta., lad lake as other. -- Free armed gethaSess 'tore you stir stub) imen at 4 etissi sad haw loam aim ap. • . • • HALL tsigicaga. ProprkAane.T. 010.8: CANTU, ArrijitioW Dianips j , . . . . • s I . a ‘ :. 4 a 8707 4 11 mi . r...1141k.n404; lin awl oßocatrzw "rttPrreloNtil nuissiwynip In4,49*ab' .iltiStrisoarial; STORK ITARff, firStihTatitii4 .72 _ are twits an bind and waft - 11 *l4 J 111.!: Bak/YANA VIF • • ; i ' '7.s• T g GREAT " AILERIC R!iOW/1 .13 .6 GENI3III:I:.PRE EMI 11E1.1180LIYA K.XTRA IMPfdDV HELMB LD'S GENUIICE P PARA . TION !Is!: ltritATZir wipo 'NP 'EXTIttcT . 131IC1111 4 !•1; +.IIIIV. 1451116,DY I=E ELAIMER CAL Ibis iur4lalrie him% a:M.lg the AB9 thr , WATERT ON CAI Uti.va TURA& SRL, well as rata aza WOMRN OR CHILD, EIELKBOLD'a 1p PR itirlair from PaceLe ATTENRED WITH THE Irrlapooition to gnortioo Los* at Ilemay , Weak Norm, • Horror of Memo, Dtmuess Vidoo, trohyrool Looofrala of Muscular System. Hot Boob. Law Of Pout. I:ol2ealty of Streatham& Trotabans, Walothelesig. Nail 111 tb•EM • litatibir 0i4417 " . Meea the Pa l , aotanaaeo, of thy slfa. 1 , none eystatr, II en ., to s to en i g i rklehritneolkine lIIP6TENCT, 7A , EPILEPTIC zra. In one of whia !► the t nay noise. , . 1 Who irk us that they aro jkot ~,,, zanily tolLotted . by those IBIIIAN/TY A Nary are aware of nese wlll eeelee. ' r aid the melancholy tit__ tottaeas to the truth of The ocuntitu • Or _ _ Racideee the aid at doe to etrearthes sed tsvftee ate the eistetu, IEL*BOLDE EXTRACT 17CM/ terartably does— • trial will convince the roost An ' tteekt. MALICI4 9 irIDILIILIS ! . FLILILBS A , Le: OLD as Tomo, Bcro •i lEgElEiiiii rto , 'Loa& 1.• • , • ea other retsody,ia In Ma • I . P. Gorrbra or lirbfth atsrUlt7. au • r • rut to theca:, *Wither. to or IMMapatton, w `Lac In nuoty affections Botha Is unequalled ids or Mulatto, of like Cinnamon Z data of the Cranes, foe all comnlants in Iron t.dlaetotlo., 1:;11AN . i tar: OB LIPS DEol.lri6 0 lintiross Anon.. OULD 13E: ►TITHOUT IT.I SO FAMILY SI; !miry of Cap!want Medicine fur aid• Danitanans Dlasaann ' ..• . RILIBOLD I S UTR.LOT - BIICHII S:ECRE, DiSEASES,. 4- • . , i. • ,-..)., CRACK.F.IIS, AND Stli)A. Bisc,Ll't GONFECTILLSERIF.is% In iili their atacsilltlin earrao ; little or no ornillt - . t . iiirIiOLEAT.T. AND RETAIL. •. • in -; no Inenelnaiihnion, T kiM Subscriber is how 'lnanufactutinu AND 0 EtPOSUBB• "' all kinds of C. , k'SplEs-01-the tat;q?.. , al . iir o tt . r , e i r .... i 064rioaa. I o ff al. a❑ kinds of (,1 k. . , . . •gill' Iloanana hotot: draire,nn4 iirtilootzsogth to tirinc ei stn' "stortkaal{"' &e., at Rath lien 'mops that /t , 111 pay toitoroow to Fr', isaolesSanor Lill ~ .. .....1 , lbenilip,rtananda t Wm/Wm; prnantatiag lind_ceili,ifiire bast I 14.4 1 v , r • 1, 1 i wA,.,ii,„„:,.„,„ pint .ng t aril, .1 tv si.f , . an.. z...! ...ip ,, ..‘ , StlittOttil Of % U UV'S" allaying path d innim „Am s h. bc, . • .. , lion, no fro:plata l i this dun et diftaserszot expo jouorti-4 Neasl3 opi,,..:Ar. i•oit 6ih - !.., i'r;.•, Vs ,PptiOlYo,7B,Dl E.4.11tD4 N'ORNOVTAUT: _ - . l a k e no fialum, Uoplmago 1 •lb impoal nomad; BEEN Ilia 'VICTIMS • WHO BAYS U A. 0 IL 8 I • 111111..Y)C it= to be cairod tea, Imre doeirtradoind that the: .0 wiliwerfid satoissestar, Se batisk "itt Ls as awr . , . .had who has ilia*, have •• • sal" boa. Wan, dried NA* . form, a ßO nd PERU -it • 'AfTERIIARRIAGIS Enna Buir labortioncand MINIM at ,or an, 'AAail- ORIAAPI atlzic6 7.X41 X &tab' OtiAsOilf& aid so mule 1 Lewd erimicil• TUE V . Or 00 Moue el Ibilas :will* the Mel et 1 7 , 1314 3, tattltETlC, ' '• '• • . • tbs * al! Dlst• Is whit& It iiiiiEE , . 24 ,BLOOD 1. ; 10. I . , 0 ooiaimitestid coin 4 trait SelitipiOL Y.THILit3 , . , . ..: , ?We is es Of tbilifoeV et t o biA", nal Organs, "of tbs Now, _ __ pflos, sad other Ns Bodans. , 111 11 la.th• bee of 17 4 ththaboitrat tni _ or fl,e Mal AA . 4=oo jr lissitbs: sea t Colo:. -it Wag . use_ sillflikla 6111 et' wapitis% Its II Prdro . .._ _ tor oats' say otber la . ...4,.....• . , • • Reba Uri joy r ash. '.' • ' ,Aa szasliast Lo lar,Plassa4: Illitililkl_Ns bat, sad at oa i fa • ‘lngaigr' = oz ti iski i i i 0 Ik.bi lL c4d iorat . l a w as ri sa pi t a r sash disbar si - - 1 1 fividatos of the lieet=lo - ' II rallabliperse. ter erill eeboayeay %be .' - BLOOD telmbelts rhdd OMPUI d cows, • • with maser looms 7AIII/r4 3 • of ;WO; S» Dispolisitory to /Prli c at ac ittio • ifrot Mated VM:~:r:, VMUng' . otos utitlene , SliaApitaudA, D gait WAIN. [INVENTED IN 3845,,i ‘l PItoVED IN 332.) BROTHER OF glattis )30WF4JR-., •, • • -THE ORIGINAL • INVENTOR A N I):PkIE#EE • OF THE Z %~IIJ PROPS• as.. of Dipatiod, oda 1114 asilaD, Wash depositio /11 sr• ' to good. ki NSA ,CT BUCHV, as. timipatiew, Zial7 or Above, YOLLOWIO STWPTOIta CONSITIPTION • came of thels'satering, bat • • at Um imam Agleam by Coasamptlea, best ample amertloa. Once Affected with Weakness, HOWARD AS SOIATION, /:+, at Relief of Mt Siel avf Weirwed ehlklauttA Virulent end Caronie butane, arid especially fur The are of DietaeM of gm Sexual Orreas. • , L EDWAII:ADV WE , given Tratit, the lethtf Sot a. 4 - VA tTABLE itt.ronrs on gperiesterrlices, or ?et:lima Wlllatiala, and other Menses of The Sexual Ur tax, amd N tate NSW RZIIF.DIES employed is the lint to the *filleted IA mated intter enrelepea, free of dares. . Tiro or three Stump for postopt will h: ampt , *tie. ' ears*. Dr. .1. 81C.14.TP: FIIOD.OBTON, Mang •ziar n. Howard Assoilitloo; No. 2 South Mutt, kr, et l'LlLOtiphla. _ 1 ) 1....-- ÜBE =I HERB/CIPS SUGAR - COATED 1 1+ L St The best bunny Cotharl the Werld,ased twe a:7 by Mg MILLIONS : ve re=ery; el; bed bytaus prisei alarl bs we. b. - pons 44 4.1 tith !PAC imp io St eats s Ilesseas dense. -11P11-,e roitiose pith PA bsp 1111Pottitinspietets Ma biters tie HERB IrCT , KID STREIIetiENiNG PLASTERS Ciiire In Ivo InSiirs; Was int 'saltness of ttcolimurt,dde and Bilianandin conopininbt In- eitialky short =1"11of line. ?pied on baantiful whits lamb akin, I saroablootol. valuer to no insoirississes, and sank MY will uona:from . nosh to Ifttoo months.-- hieing *Mtg. ' afflKelelf OWN OnafettPllla and Kid natters ate sold al , 4=nta l7 In le t & Vs o y f at ° b troitod for them by their fall name. jelllnktel. Dr. L. & Co., Aibtoy, N. Y. . , . FirrECONFESSIONS I EXPERIENCE :IP mamas plum). Vabllebsd for the benefit sad ite s estate's; to young sesa, sakedirens *Se meet *our Dfsrvaos Debility, Sex ly. Daly, sad. their • kindred aitscuents-4utiplytng the 11111111,t111 Of INOff-CIPS. Vy one who hex trued Mtneelf after Wags sicaseed adirdssed sostWoutes in Radial beg sad quackery. By enclosing a postleskil envelope, lints albs may he had of the author:l.4=MM/. MAY rata, Yaw, Bedford, Binge County, tiew Yore: jediri. N 0 T I C. E .• We Was peat plasma talectelag Quo l'lskalo, anal- ou r simirese Petral. is lsr, that as oars , MANUFACTVAING ,Sto.V.ES - INCREASED - , :r WOKING : AND' HEATING STOVES Basile iiiirliii a !iii t t liaa c ; iif frOss,'preriaut to ' betagluisit oh + Wes us a Amadad wthimane+ - .!, Qapticiaatabevai,Yoht limaursatanarrisalsam.b994l4 ' • .::.„ - 4 - .V9 1 at PriFeut Net P4iis. „.: 4 ' -,.. ' ' 'lf for t Wm, IF* hum by east atti;ntion . is thlysists 0 •to waits* Itiveril Omar illak%rii*.,;*-i:WCIMTIiMiL4OI4ttIef&C,J PRIMEINTIONLIB Binllia WO .C.VA,V, - :; gLOW of &slim* kioltb*impaired. i =!4ka t z t r ec = i =c& nid esagf ImiltiliptimAttliittrittiii milutbi*litila sad SO. videlAtita amok jtritrelibid iiirlout parts of I. the otilventi /1111.17tithitarticlo ple rtry obeip sod -sim, yet it has bee. t rap to half slat bottles ss-sold ter, extraitivtly sit am, exkorbitailt ea rtlitithaw-I".lr4l4'ish retipi co* or • tini'polatwahxd sae igoartis Jinx dm; Mom - ft* ißffiktf stifor23 cotts ,i re ANIMA wilin Wt. 1604004 ot lestleillaiala can be smsrtb dairst Oilibeirca44 on Dili'3! typsttAtt • . ; .71/1774.:.p4fLab*,41:13814"eir *#010140:6 4 1 4R011aSUFFAVAS C ai rn , SEIRS,A untab Sitmor NerflisUiiimiltn she swim. II r ei m ill rig tit W i rt ' a l =irlA; l : PI ilAt ib = 41W rioeigot din &Wrested- etite . o OLU pe, lif thittptitetiliptioti !T . /4 Vl- 10[ 1 :g . Fth‘Sir.f"YMTa t a r 4 . k : otsitVriitAt a ta ir e i r et e . f, gliM it istad • ask. 42161 td J. -- IiANUFACTVRED BY j - A. B: H O'W E HowE N.EW I li M.AC4NE7 104 rn■i Aewler,tif.,llll3,.. Ave thole JOSEPH JUSI ICE, ANT. ' REEL i HOUSE. Las, El 62t t. EATS AID OASiPS - • FOR THI . MILLIC!Is:, , T S kl" / / H . 'S! i' •A lIRING my 6nt. visit to New York sri d phil L d e ta I Londe arrattgruivats n it!! the „ ad moat t u bl o ' s je mann:natures, for a constant If ) alip pi y e f mob iti Ojai, sad have now en !sandhi. largo Itirilt a tate best _ ItA TS,PA PB,, 'TC*.• .., brought t o shipmet. . I have on hand two hiiii idred dosen - PAL LEAF HATS, sad ~,,., , ! ....,,,,,, 4 OW, matted direct trots the rain iimmusrs. w hi c h/ bek sold by the So/ac, at New Turk Jobber's priest. 1 hue a m ri e! Beebe's Spring . Fail:don in r.lia Rota! , R. SMITII. rircl MU. __ QUARTERS ' -ro - R- • C H43l,:ai GooD'sH e and Retail nockeAND PROVISION STORE, pi Es AND LIQUORS; r. s. SCECILAIIDECTZER, are no ti Vittgat their old stand, Ameri co nßi Fl te street, a large and superior Iitcaci CEIIIIES, . - - PROSIISIONS, ' . . . 'WINES; .. . i , • LIQUORS, = - ( I WILLOW, , • AND WOODEN, • , = •• STONE %VANE. . , ~ . • FBLTITS, . UTS, ,i.e.; ‘te.,- • '• v er with every thing found in a 1.101.1b,` I,,i s kind, which•they will sell as cheap .5 , other e•itablishrnent in dig city for der moot kinds of country ptodue.43. Mira aino nu 1,50 trl3o of the largria and 6 tit,,t. B of Tobacco eaul S•r o ,rtr‘o. broug'..l. to I:rir, I . ,they fusito th, attentlon of the rablie. r, Gilt and Iwo tu b anit u tile nspenca Li hotter than I o:ailing, consequently l'ar , b ”* cm , irlil fiad grrat lea by calling at War, irocerp Head Quarters! ERICAN BLOCK, STATE STEfinT. •on 2. til64-52 ' F. it if. t , 'Cill,a..l MARV'. " rnlLAveLrnut. ENE OLD FRIENDS IN THE RIGIIT PLACE Wrrit:i74)UPTliiSS 104 ~.., ..,,.,4„. -: aid ~. s, tißefin?rs bil lien 1 , .: t : ~, , • ~..-.....4.4 '-.• ;, . " .. • . , • . ".....-.: . e A . ..-- --,. .....• . ~ ./errxi.:-,.. iii....R _ . ` 41 .4. a •• • a ••• '. ••' .-" . "*.A. , .4 , ".!'... • ••••••,- ,•%, . „.._ a; ••••••—• .-• ...1- • a•-: ~........... •••••••••••• .....r .. .... • ass mi 4 NM =EA MI 11 . 'VII F. :VI 1.1.'S b` • 01 rtlftf, r tt or.u.l 7l A Pr RAT[7,s; FOR RF,FININT4 '' A z, n 4 Stills, 4 Aiffil.tf-10' na.l Jir,re Satrks, Pan,{ tr • ::,•11/M., <,“ iet N't, to. I Frit ell i 1 1 ,14 brat WINIkr101119e : rif IP 9 lliblAg ff. , . int u.,; exarn:On Ow work fo r ot p er: , 11.000n:1 g of cltilr i;rcer, In Kiln. .11., V, ayll :•: l • • , rin".1.7.4. , Wri.. 31..4 a: 7 4th'. II cloug liornp powia ma lba ph." 4 , 1 -; ocentn. Kne'r..t $444. ! 1, fit ',T. • trrtr cli 76:(11 PAINTS! PAINTS! I H.% on hand and ~rill ',Ail v tr , ; , 11^•,, w 1 . . 1 . 14, l'oikortn.mt P-VINTS AND COLOR , nneiprt: Ir. is fat •.( 1 TE PORcE.L.,4 ./ 4 11 , Dt.4 CZ) Ail n oil, F0m be 1, 6 ,,._ e!.••; Fin" !'rt,of Paint, Cline*. and I.: N Z_ Terro..ll.tn., orated and row Lieut.! 911, Torpetti, - , tr t t0kr.g.,1 , ... • Pesos, fxgrz..linrto haat rlll ly, 3 their 1..;•••••:.• cr. to c.AI4 "go, "eat Stoop f•f - T. S. SINCLAir, earner t' and _ NDT I C. ON the bit clay of April ne't more trots enyjoresent location to NO. 2 WhIGHT'SkBLOGi, (Two DOORS ziaatit QF Tinir srEur, wbith rents a coW being titled ap,fOr me. h i Li ■ loclitbn, with very greatly Inorriort 4 tveiby k i doing bußine=s, and with a mealy par. , esrefutir selected and coinalete Stork ta DRUGS, PAIICIS, I OILS, 'WEI GLASS, &c., &c:, t truot to 'newt an my old friends, where tt ttir bercinforet Rod it to Moir alp.astrage, to T. o. deli L 1 ERIE COUNTY MUTUAL Inn, A—SCX COMPANY. Incorporated in 1853—Charter Perpet h o Property Insured Asalasi Lose In Iber any, Term Mat elLVDtialla Live Yenta Policies iestted upon the deposit of Prete.= NO upon the payment of Aka cum! Stock Rau. Pt without the liability of a YVIIIIIJIM Note. Lori 'Whoa; /ilization. One salt only haa 'arm' Nankai NirainFt this Company. This coerzesy if Mint fro* debt, and is a safe hose &Alston. DIRECTORS. Wm..B. nays, JAS. C. Marshall. J4l. X.: C. 3f. "fiabstr, Y. B. liPpreary, E. Hutto, 'if In.Sfilmiernecht, Zit:rawly. • Wm. 3.3' fleori,rn A. Elliot, Grant, Jacob ' J. Li. Justice, OFFiCEES. :As, C. NlA:v.llw, Prest ./osAis Gcrnial,to, o SS's. F. Itinsancat, Treas. Ofrieel ifestrs. Gunnison k IfeCreary's Le utiesmalde, Exia. Ps. Exit, .itte MO. JOSEPH JUSTICE, SCCCVISOR ?O .IAS. S. BRYANT, • No. S Bard House, WOULD again call the atten anti da w ade. to hie large and oplendidassortaati GAPS /a GENTS' FEBNISHL'iG Cowie' ing of LINEN EMU MERINO SHIRT: COLLARS, SOCKS, If Aq'S', CAPS, TIE:, 1:10•E, And in fret t,erythinr and anything to pliant nyi tome**. • Call and see lot ynar.tr“. rr-t the ?eed house JOS. Jr A f v 3t. MU riBURY'S PO BOSTE ESTABLIS 4.7 Bo;tius4l: a7•i:$i:T,$ESV YOBS. •nrr, : pi - ctfullr hatito tho sttratioc• P •:ata'efy, to hts Yisao-Fr t tbtl , ttalttlt, IV 1\ iiroamdatreget, coier oil • t- , FFaving 4ittt Zratra his :ktorr.tt, stock itnd from Stun: ..! 4i 0.4 .4 4 - -r ' k.s.,:dv