II U /hark Weehim isbotrver. iIIIE..PA:,SATURDAY , MAY 23. 1863 VitINTING INS. Re We totes the acne! cslaltrated Ink a ii“ 1111. KEILLEIC CO; at Now Haren, Conn, and shall p e happy to mitre ibn:ordcrs of our friends of the craft This Ink hie bon Moroni/10y tested In our oaks. auu lend to be oval to Node's, ►father's, or any ether to t.b• mutat. The prices In believe to be tower than the woe Nudity of labs Qin be purchased to Buffalo ur Olarsland. Any color or quality daslrtd, can be pi:r ebelled. The tarots are turariably each in advaucc, or ou Unwary., A UMNTO -EMU- Irll IS OSSMRMEN. This lollowlu i l a rleroso liars been selected as our spate 1.11.0141 Whore tioy rod& Persons &wiring to mud subsist pUou or Job Work, or to remit moues to us, cast do it through their !toads : J. Sullivan, i . 1. Albion. • Capt. A. Pouserai, i W. C. *bits. \t ~ Waterford. . Jos. Waldron, $ / ' - II Ssley . Edinboro.' V Schalk k Div., Stil Creek. , SL. Potter • Weslityvillt Capt. P. Willtuds Harbor Creek- J. S. Fins, Gressesid. J. Saab. East Greens. Lyassa Robinson, t Irattsbarg. A. P. SOU% $ John Doolittls. !Prip`f t! x. It do Riley Potter Wart Sptingeold. .IM/ph BOMA A, MUM. g. W. Garish, L Eingrvilta, 0h1.... lion. th W. Iliatehlsoms, Ginn'. - Asap. SOW... Fairview. Nelson ilawdy, Cherry Hill. P. U.'S thaabas, t Union. Jas. D. 1 141- 11 Plis i I. E. Borrows', Columbus. .1. L.• Murphy. Warren. X. Jaakaon.. Garland. .1 G. Burlingham., Spartansburg. Dr. A. H. Coy. Marring. Jaz. Cro esU, Lorena. T. D. Cbelhs, McKean. Capt. 0. J. Wkttuey,. Youngettlle. • Mos Heath, ' I Corey • . W. C. Oakley. i I J W. Boyer, Le Banat ' D. 11. Dosaldaes, M_priug Creek. D. M. Howard, -. Wag. 4. C. CUP* '• —. iti sy • .• Elk 60.. Pa. rtreuo.euiLs In English andlforman, printed at this of fice, on as reasonable terms se they can be done atiny other establishment. f //MAE ItIaDING ROOM. The Democratic Club Room, at the corner of State Street and the Park, is open to visitors of all political creeds. Files of the leading sonserrative papers i the - country are kept on hand for the conven emu "of the public. A cordial invitation is iven to strangers in the city. By order of the Standing Committee. 81xstexa —lt is becoming the custom out west for newly-married people to send to newspaper publishers, along with their mar riage notices, , the amount of a year's hub script-ion. -This is a very sensible custom. Next to a good wife or husband, the greatest - blet-sing is a good newspaper. SCAATORIAL DRLIMATS. —We assure our friend of the Crawford Democrat, that in our brief paragraph, last; week, relative to the election of delegates tp the State Oonvention, we meant\ no injustice to the Democrats of that county. It was our impression when we wrote that item, that-Crawford county had the 'last Senatorial delegate, and Erie county was entitled to the one this year ; but if we were mistaken we shall freely ackawledw our er ror, We have not the record at hand new to ascertain whether we were right Or wrong; but even if we had, we should not care about discussing iiii * niatter in a public lay. Our interest in the success of Democratic prin ciples, andlesteetri. for l the Democrats of both counties, will prevent us from taking any course calculated to mar the good feeling at present. existing between them. The matter will be settled by the Committees of Confer ence which will meet before the assembling of the State Convention, and-whatever their de cision 7111 be, we have no doubt it Will be cordially acquiesced.in by the friends of the Union and Constitution in both counties. ; • BOLD Roaster.—On Saturday night,- or Sunday morning last, the residenae of Cratirford, a wealthy widow lady, in Sptilig finld township, was entered by burglars, and the aunt of $ll6 taken therefroit. • 'Ars. C. wu in the habit of placing ,her .motley under the carpet, and the robkeis appear to have been aware of this fact, for the carpets in multi of the rooms were' cut and torn to pieces. From the loWer portion of the house, they went to a'rooau•hccupied by a hired LUSta, and after taking othbr articles of his clothing,. undertook to steal his pantaloons from under his bead] where he was in the habit of placing theto.. , . Ile was awakened - by this act, when the robbers struck at hint with a club, btit missed their object. They then took to their heels, scattering the stolen clothing along the stairs. After leaving the house they went to the harn, and tried to steal two horses, but not finding any bridles, they were obliged to abandon them, after they had been taken l a short distance. 'The apparent familiarity of the burglars with the premises, would indi cate that they are ..parties residing -.ltt the neighborhood. OEM N*ZDS.—That Erie is one of the most Lleusatit cities in the country is a fact which will be denied by very few vtho have ever been here. That It has more tasty i residences, finer public buildings, handsomer streets, and a more hospitable people, than most places of its site, are dote equally indisputable. That tt is growing with remarkable rapidity, and is destined to soon take a prominent position amongst the cities of the hind, we believe none will dispute. But pretty as it is, enter prising as are out people, and proud as we have sane to be or Our city, there is no deny ing it, that there are a numter of improve ments of which we stand in the greatSst.' ne acuity. " WO need better water arrangements, by which water shall be carried through all poi tion of the city in pipes: We need better gas arrangemints, by which oar prominent streets at least shall be Murat - natal every dark night. ' We need better police arrangements, to put down the 'spirit ofrowdyism now so prevalent. We need to have our streets cleaned regu larly, and sprinkled during the warm season of the year. We need so more city ordinances, and an enforcement. of those we have got. We need to bate the.entrance to Our BsYI thoroughly and immediately dredged, So that IL will admit the largest elscd vessels. We need en efficient fire department. We need that the docks in our harbor shall be kept in better order, so as not• to be an eye-sore to the publics. 'We need s complete cleaning out of the old rubbish inside of the docks. - We need niir iron fences , about the Parks, so last they wail be an ornament instead of a discredit to the city. And lest hut 'not least,. wit need r. daily newspaper, and we need the right sort of spitillon the part of our business men to sup port one. Thum are a small porAiltiof our immediate and almost ua•do mWe.trithotit need'', and when we get theta accomplished, we promise not to complain until—we' find something else to Crumble about. • C ' Agth;llll SKAIRT Wilf.D.—This invaluable medicine,is one or the best remedies for Sore \ Ttirtat, bipi4cria, Scarletina, bronchitis, &c., ever discovered. It acts rapidly,-and is nearly alwsys a certain cure. We recommend ita trial, by those .affiicted" with the compleihte named. BRIO PARLOREAPHIt.. ler In two weeks more the Observer will ewer upon the thirty fotirth year of ite ey MID ter A portion of the journexekanahoema kers Alt the city are on a strike for highs, wages.- • • . See 'The Directors of the A. AO. W. R R. have dually conoluded to build_ their ma chine shops at. &toadying. siy- The cold spell'in the arly. part of the week, wq; are glad to learn, d es not appear to have destroyed the fruit blossoms. we . Rev, J. George, of -Fredonia, will 'preach in the Universalist Church in this city next Sunday morning and evening. lir' It is an old saying that it takes the devil to lie," but some of his imps who edit "loyal" Abolition papers i p this country beat t him all'to pieces. affit..We tall more and more In love with the Philadelphia Daily ye, eiery day. It is a capital 'paper—the ,bit by a great deal, in that city—and we hope itis doing wall. tor 'Jerome Pow 1, of Elk county, has been appointed Enroll ng Commissimier, and Dr. John Macklin, of Clearfield, Examining Surgeon for ibis Concessionil district. or s .. Quite a lively little rivalry has b p ung up betweon Titusville and Oil City. The peo ple of Titusville call the latter a "nuburb," and the 011 Citizeni retort by saying that Ti. tusville is "decaying." vel.„ The Erie ro/kthott, published in ono of the secend.story rooms of this office, has been enlarged. It is not often, in these Limes, that papers, and especially new ones, are able io increase their size. as, If°, all ye who ate thirsty, go to Car ter's Drug Store, end. take a drink of Bode Water, the freshest, puiest, and coolest lin the city: As a pleasait and wholesome drink it' is not to be excelled. Mir It is really astonishing how many Democrats there ire now•a-dsiys. There is not an old Abolitionist of twenty-fito years opposition to the success of Democratic prin ciples, tutt claims that he is'yet a Democrat. . le. Messrs. Boner. & Burgess will open their ice-cream saloon to-day (Friday), and invite all who love that, delicious article to 'girl them a call. They procured prompt and obliging attendants,' and cannot fail to give satisfaction. gel. An accident occurred in the 14ching of Can. Reed's uew tug, at Buffalo, and she will not bo ready for use for a week or more. Capt. M. Magill, one of the most whole smiled men and capable officers along the Lakes, will command her. • Ike .We [earn, from a letter written by a gentlemen connected with the 146th regiment , that of 'the . l,ooo stout and patriotic m-•n who left this city last year, only NO now remain in its ranks. The regiment has been thinned by death, woands and sickness down to a mere shadow of itself. • ate- The Warren Mail says that "at the battle of Chancellorsrille Col'. G. A Cobham, Jr.,•of the 111th regiment, had a narrow es cape.. A ball struck his left breast, going com pletely through! l&ge wallet -awl lodging in a gold watch he had purchaied in Washitigtcm a short time since." iteL., We are pained to learn that MejOr Patton of the 145th regiment, who was severe ly wounded in the lite battles, has shoce.died in the hospital at Washington. He was editor of the Conneautvillo Record up to the time he entered the army, and was highly esteemed by his acquaintances. , g " A Grand Mass Meeting of the Union men uf the North-West," wits held at Cleve land, on Wednesday /evening. Among the speakers announced to be present_were such famous " Union nien"/ as B. F. Wade, Charles Sumner, Jno: A. Bingham, and otbefe of eq4l " loyalty." Although the crowd pre sent is said to have been immensely large, we do not bear that any enlistments into the army were made. ie. It is really difficult to give our readers reliable news at this time. The telegraph has proven to be entirely unreliable, contradicting itself-in the same , paragraph and farnishing absurdities without number, —DtpatA. It is not the telegraph th l at Is to blame, but the Dispatch's political,frieu4s 7 who control IL If the Admilditration bad bonnet agents at Washington, the telegraph would not be so "unreliable, contradicting Itself in the same paragraph; and furnishing absurdities without number.". IS, The 3d Annual meeting of the Young Men's Ohristinn Association was - held in the Park church, i on 3fondsy evening. -A large attendance #ll.s'present, and the proceedings were marked by unusual interest. An address was delivered by Rev.[J. P. Spaulding, which is spoken of is a remarkably:able and iuter aug one. The singing by the choir or the E - • church was exceedingly ens.;, Ott- Persons in Want of ,Priuting of any sort will find it to their odynntoge to call at this office. We have added very extensively to our facilities for Job Work, and now feel satisfied that we can do any kind of work en trusted in us, with ass muckientness, and at as chesP rates, as any 'establishment in the ectientry. It is not neeessnry for persons to sent abroad to get fine'tinting ; we have offices in Erie that eaudo it as well as it can be done in Itolinlo or Cleveland ; as an evi dence of which we ask an eivitultustion of our speeitiens. We notice an unusual number of strange., nevi) / es_about our streets within the last few week s, and it is evident that the colored per- Lion of our population Is largely oaths increase. hkst of thecliwe are told, are from the South, where they hive been picked up by. military Akers, or other persons coneeta with the army. During a porde:a of the last sesitic, we had a colored recruiting officer here, but he "does not appear to have met with much enc cemi. It is due to the colored population of Erie to say that as a general thing they are far better behaved than in places where their race is more numerous. sir During a brief visit to Girard, on Eiturdsy, we had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Bunt, editor of the Union. We found . him a glntloman of intelligence, good nature and sociability— in fact, the very ernbod?ment of a 'clever fellow," with whom we felt ourself as much at home' n a few minutes as if we had known him all our lifo. Throat!' his kindness, we were enabled to spend three , as delightful hours as we have ever enjoyed', and we take this occasion to assure him that when be visits Erie, we shall try to prove that we know how to return "tit for tat." , its Ina recent visit to Albion we had the pleasure of meeting aid shaking hands with many of the • Democrats in the Western put of the county, and •we found them as fall of pluck and determination to stand by their principles,. as any friend of the CIRO, could . ask. That they are as whole souled as they axc sound in political , faitb, ire. have ourself reason to know, - for their treatment of ourself was at so kind and cordial a nature, that we shalt long bear it in remembrance. If the spirit of the Democrats in all'. puts of the county was like that of our Western friends, we shimid, aeon be`able to redeem this section from the intolerance of Abolitionism. Or A l Fairview correspondent of the li*. rad Mimi enters his protest agatett the hate and desolate appearlince of ninny a the burqd pieces in the country.• We agree -with the writer, whoever he may be, that the condititin of these graveyardsis disgraceful to the p 4• pie in whose neighborhoods they are ,located. How easy it would be to convert them Into cheerful and creditable sputa. A few bouts in improvement, spent each month.. by ills friends of those buried within them, would in a few years time, make them what th4y ought to be. • , kr- Our well known merchant, John O . Beebe, has just returned from the City.cf KW York with an extensive aasorlent ergot:l4s of the latest styles. Having ibeen purchase since the reduction in prices, an selected by bi l , Mr. Beebe hituself, who, it we d hardly Ito said, is uue of our shrewdest an must cautious dealers, he feels confident of _ eing ablate sell at least as low, and probably loWer, than any other Ert:haat In the city. We advise odr• readers to eve him a call. i .The dry goods store of It. 8. Morriscih la one of the most conveniently located and popular in the city. Few concerns of the kind do a trade, and few are more deserving of it. Mr. Morrison is • strictly uptight and enterprising man, and always keeps • good titueli ou band. His prides, too, are as teased abi, as any. We know of no esta(dishment that we can more freely recommend to the patronage of our friends. gar. The/stockholders of the First Notional - Bank l of Girard, on Monday, the 4th last; eleited the following officers]: President, Henry McConnell; Cashier, It. 8. Battles l ; Directors, Henry McConnell, James Webstet 4 4i , Henry 31. Webster, L. 8. Wright, and Jolla Gialliford. A resolution was passed for hi oreasicig the stock to tlOO.OOO as soon as th i e bank shall go into actual operatiOn. $ The Conneaut 4 ,Reporter says that dur ing the excitement of last Sago-day,* week, dispatch was received by Bin. B. F. - Wade, from Secretary Stanton, informing him .•thit the stare and stripes were floating over this imperial city of the rebs." Of course, infor mation from such a source was looked upon is authentic, and the people got gloriciuSly en ti Is,. The well which hag been boring for come time, on Mill Creelr,.near the Buffalo road, began spouting' water, wiled with a lit tle oil, on Saturday, and ; continued for abort fifteen hours. Not a fear of our citizens aYe confident that oil will eventually be disce7red in a profitable' quantity. The proprietof this well deserve credit for their perseveiance, to . say the least. -AV' The Observer is not em bad a paper as it might be. It takes Yallandigham's Byrd& mueh cooler than the majority of the Demo cratic prints.—Dispatch. • ' The Dispatch does not take matters ao coolly. When we expose the corruptions, mistakes and follies of its political friends,it_ gets mad, and calls us " traitor." • ley. We made ,an : error in announcing Mr. Kingsbury. killed in the late battles, as C+ taln of Co. K. He occupied the poSitiott of 2d Lieutenant, the company beinifwithoue a Captain. The Ist Lieutenant is J. M. Well, acting Adjutant of the Regiment, who has bebn promised the Captaincy by the Governor. mg 6, We shallpublish in our next number, the l third Annual Report of A. 11. Caughay, Esq., President of the Young Men's Christian 4sociation—a well written document and Jets that will be reed with satisfaction by all Who are interested in the religious welfare of the community. SOL The income tax is levied on the ;tet income only. The gains or profit of business, intended by the.law, are only such as remain after deducting all the cbsts and Chargesi of carrying on that business . A ft er the resid e, the tax-payer has a credit of $6OO, and allow ance for taxes,:State, county and municipal. on. A business man of this city, who esme here some - months ego . , and made ratheri en extensive 'splurge," has turned up missing, leaving, it is reported. a number of confiding creditors to mourn his absence, and sigh ever the s trailtiesof their "brother man." 1 . la. Persons needing anything in the hoot and stiOe line i wilt find it. to their interest to call at the store of Mr. Lewis, in IleOse'a Block! lie has a large and well selecte'd 54* and having determined to locate here perms neatly, deserves to ho a enfouraged, - slay- "I know le m perfect bear in; m manners," said a young farmer to his sa!eet tesrt. ".No, indeed, John," : said the yenng lady. ••,yoU hite never hugged Die yet.. You are wore sheep than bear." A uer Counterfeit fifty cent scrip uponitlis city ii getting as : thick aslops." The most of it is said to ome from the south.western portico of the manly. t air The editor of the DiSpateh advotates the re.nowinatiott of Ex Governer W. F. - Joh'ustots, of Pittsburg, by the oppositioki. :dr A. good chance for making motley," is offered by Messrs. Matson I Co., of C/ese• land. See their adrertisonient. UV' The Assessors appointed , by the Ns tional Administration are getting ready th u sees the income tax: 1 Oar Thayei & Noyes' Circus,'the Orarti Union says, has dime a good business th4s far la the campaign. sair , Mason Jones, the "Irish Orli°, r," salted from New York for Europe, on Wednes day, ia the Perils. • sir F. Stein, Esq., has purchased an interest in the oll'refinery of Messrs. Do' ring & Douglas.' GaAre Covroas.—For same years ti‘e cut.. tare of the grape has been somewhat exteas lively and profitably prosecuted in the neigh borhood of North East, sad the, experhaents there toadeltave induced other persons to the 'county to Otter the business. In a short trip snout the outskirts of the city, a fur days ago, we noticed several extensive iineYards, .ad more will bo started 'at the commence ment of the next year. -The soil of the . Lake Shore has been found exceedingly faVorable for the growth of the grape, and2With 'timer care It might be made one of our - Most ;profit able crops. We would recommend ite more general cultivation to the attentio4 of farmers la Use county, possessing soil of. thO right kind. ==.ll DZMOCiATIC pre vious announcement, - a Democrittle Union meeting was held in the M.' E. Chitch, in ;lbion, on Saturdty, the 18th inst. idiehael ekson,Esq., war called to the chair as pre sident of the meeting, Ind Nathaniel Pomeroy and 0. V. Wheeler were chosen as vici-preal dents ; William Spicer and C. E. Lincoln, sec retaries. - The meeting ; was addressed bj venom% Whitman, Woodworth - and Sallivan, aria adjourned to meet again at Kidder's Cor nets, on 'Saturday, June 18th, at one 'o'clock, P. All Constitution and Union loving men are Invited to attend. ily order of the officers. • , - leas.—Jemat - A. Bliss has receiied the latgest end best selected .stock of Te4s over brought to thfi city, and is selling them at f r o g - 90 cen ts to $1.76 a pound. Be invitee the attention of the public' to them, feeling confident - that he can defy competition. L , All 4lssAta.r.ox Jt• Lout, Mss..-We learn Trotit the EriegastUe, that a brutal-and cow. sadly itssault was •malle on the Hon. M. B. Lowry. onliatarday dight last,while i(e was proceeding from a point is that sit ,ton his way homeward. The assaulting parties were a pug! of copperhead traittre, who took that mode of rebuking the loyalty'of Mr. Lofty_ •Bevere injuries were Indicted which produced a high state of nervous excitement, confining Mi. L. l t 6 his room for •several days: He was in the hands of hie4ihysician at the lateitt,aci ? counts', The vi ass who raids the attack have succeed in eluding all recognition or arrert.,L--17 1 7 'aburg Telegraph. ,•• I the; a we ..is precisely the tort 'of para graph-we expected to see in,l.hat most matt e. s and tudecent of all the Aholleion papers of this State, the , Harrisburg •TelegrajA. Without any acquaintseee with the facts, or 'any endeavor to ascertain them. it make the hasty and false assertion that the assault on Mr. LOwry was made by a "gang of copper headi traitors who took,that mod of rebuking" his " ioyalty." Every citizen this commu nity knows ' that such is not t e case; that the young men who attacked Mr. Lowry were of hie ~o wn political creed ; and that the mat ter was in no wise . connected with anything of a partisan nature. How did the Telegraph arrive'rt the conclusion that. it was the "cop perheads" who assaulted him f It certainly did not get the information from any Erie paper,, tor not one of them had mentioned polities in connection with its report °file affatr.l Every honest man must be forced to the belief that the Telegraph jumped to the charge through sheer malice, 'and with the desire,of tasking political capital. We shall see whether it will be as prompt to correct Its error, as it was ready to fall Into it. The;course of the Telegraph in this case is but, se index"to its character, and that of . .. Abolition prints generally.. We cannot. pick up one of these sheets without finding it fUll of alleged "" copperhead outrages," Meetings of the, "knights i of the 4oldin Circle," eels' of ' , Sympathy with treason," &c., and !in ninety-nine cases out. of, a hundred we ill venture to assert that they rest. on as slight a foundation as the Telegraph's effort to. saddle the wrinig taldr. Lowry 7on his political op ponents. 1 ,__ )„, . „ , ~, Alt I LDIT011:11 rOrtILAIT. AOLAWN BY Rix sztr.-;-This (the alleged threatened attacki on the lotal editor of the Dl:patch) !a one of the evils lila* the Observer's doctrine leads to. It teaches the ignorant and selfish mind to disregard all forms of law sud all principles of manhood, to build up its own supremacy. It acknowledges no stabordinatkn to the gov ernment, and consequently asserts its supe riority to all cotemporaneons doctrines and sentiments. Instead of allowing a man to, thiukland act, it would think and act for him. 'lf a than tells a truth which does not comport with its claims, it calla him a liar and a de signiag knave. If a people do not bug its priletples to their breasts as the faith by which to live and to die, it terms them fools and--fanatics ` If man apply themselves to expose itsinoOnSistencies, it designates thein as hirelings or office.e*pecthig or patronage seekitig adherents to party. Out upon such stuff,;or airy of the kindred - doctrines belong ing to parties, -which kindle dissensions, and bulanp factions only . the detriment of the people and the goveram nt. There is not the first real principle of living vitality in it. On the contrary, it is made up of Jealousy, dis honesty, wickedness 'and the most contempt ible of all contemptible; things known , in the history of men and nations.—Pispatch. ;. If. the local editor of the Dispatch had sat down! with the deliberate design of drawing ti' portrait of himself, be co uld not-have done it to more perfection t han: in the above para graph. It will be seen that it is not as benig nant* countenance psi we have been is the babitj, of crediting hica with ; but• then it may have been taken in a moment of passion, or pekhais the memcir' l ) , of that "brutal" as saulliby the "delude,"" credulous," " tree sonaiile,' .. ignorant,'i and ";depraved" mer cenaries of Dernocraelyi may have preyed upon his Mind to such an extent that he cold not • i get "good expressien." Certain it is, that it is ii capital likeness,l !Ina has so been pro nouiced by a numbettiof his ytarmest admii ers, ! We could have ivished for the sate of 1— 1 1 our neighbor's reputation that he might have put a sweeter appear rice on, while the por traitlwal taking , but uch as it is we can only copy! it, with an Spole y for its ugliness, and i helot{ (or an improveMent when ire essays ano ther attempt. i ':.: x Giaann.—A visit !II this pleasant borough, on otaitirday hurt, couvince‘f us that it is well deserving of its wide spread' reputation as the "handsomest place of its .else in. Pennsyl vania." In the prett,nese of its location, the tutn of, its eitiis and, - the -spirit of thritt, intelligence and enterprise that prevail, it has but few oompititors in the *country.-- Thqo aro some remarkably tasty private dwellings, and the; iesteral character of the houisos is one of conlort and publio fish the people: of every village in Erie county would take pattern from the Girardeee. /*.ciesu lIAZD tre.i-L'ihe rebels are getting in 4 very bad way.'..5.11-their able bodied men have been conscripted, end the old folks and children who remain( it home have been placed upon short-commons. Confederate money is abont,the only thinithat is plentiful South of thei P.Otomac, and-this is so atuch.depreolated that it will scarcely purchase its weight in bread and beef. Greenbacks are pot altogether a vanity on the Northern side of the line, but they are woith fully their„face, as anybody m car( oertain by taking a reasonable amount of them in his brevities poeket'and investing theM in groceries, Crockery ware crime:millions at lhe cheap store ,of ill. A. Bliss, ) eorner of State BcBth streets. I, f ' * 04in-roman :'llltor.-1 1 day, the' dainty foattd, ii here, izid suture is in her most s u ing mood. The skies are bright (with occasional azoepip).. the air is - balmy (ex cept. when the sti-lif from the , northeast), bu!,tir-cups and .sines gem the &Wei, and grtmehutter is to; be had: by paying roundly for ,It. The city Mow has. its attractions as the , country has, l and Otinine loreliness crowds the sidewalks adorned with nice new slit bonnets, a* hats, purchased at the ex nitre Milliner store of Z. - if. Smith, State street, a feddoors south of 7th. . , kionsr.—The June number of Godey's La dyi'S Book containsl four faihion plates Turn hilted by the housel of Messrs. A. T. Stewar of New York, any quantity of embroi ddry ind:other illustrations, and the us us variety of literary' and miscellaneous matter Te ladies will pilnounca it a ""gem of a num ber." feis beyond dlipute, the leading pub ligation of its claei in the world. 'Timm rs io sun Doan,—lf emery hoiitswife will thro* her eh ap. worthless 'kinds of ,sal• *Talus and pads ;t the clop and use only the Mended Salerati there will not be 50 , .. much yallow, heavy bread and' biscuit to ho -seen, and consequentlyinot so' many dyspeptic; ail persona. Olt a paper and if it doe not salt, your money will be refunded. Ia Locs.—ldim Wm. Harlow, of this city - , on Thursday, reteivtd $BOO as his share of itrize money frcrii the Govrnment. Several c(ther young men, at the same time received mounts of $6OO and $5OO, and under. These Sums were obtained through the energy of ttieo. P. Griffeth, Esq : , who has been very Supcessful. in securing claims. • Losr.—ln this city, a red belt and gold slide, with the', lailials I , C. C. L. from A. C. W." upon it. -The - finder will be liberally re. warded by Leaving it at this oat*. rir The "depraved," "ignorant," "br • sal," "disloyal," "crodulons, k " sod "Ireful able" fellows who mstitute the Democratic party,.,., according to the local editor of this Diapech, appear / to give that amiable as model inilividual an Immense deal of troubl . lulus Last lieu. he pretend* that his--1 " criticise* upon. the Obtervere politics" to have inflamed the ire of some of the fries r i b s of that paper : so much is that we , w. warned on Saturday evening, by a person ibis claimed to be ',Democrat, Of a threat to sault us; and advised to be prepared to .0 l ourself. We paid but little attention to : warning at the time, bit later in' the events a demonstration vu made toward; and en sub offered the sealor t _by t person who en. - ports the Oberffe. which convinc nathat there *Pied be SOW Inuit la IL" . . re should regard It as a sad calamity f an of our finds would anal' and Wars local editor of the Dispatch. Whether say .f thug have threatened to do soils a matter tb t we innewhat doubt ; but if they' have, we bele them not to repeat it. That Individual is in 'ut eri!, doorman when left to himself--he can coo no one any harm ; but if, by Cochleae, he omelet manage to slip into the position of a martyr to his politics, It might make him of some conse9uence. Wo say again, then, don't hut him ;. you can annoy him more by. ‘4 , severely letting him aloha." It is true That he loses noioceludon to grossly insult those,who miff frclui him in political belief—that he dellgh . in calling them all sorts of bad_waniec—th t he has urged the mob law against his oafs bore; but all these only disgrace himself, an open his character more . plalnly to the Iliespeef , lion of the public. If he chooses to ankle hlinself ridiculous, it is not anybody 4 s busi ness but his own, so long as he cannot do any damage. We hope that no attempt 'will be made to prevent him from snarling and snap ping as long as he has a mind to. 81DI WALK Oanisason.—The city Count have passed an ordinance saying that "all this Side Walks on the Streets now opened and all propriated or which wily hereafter be opened and appropriated to pubic use in the city tlf Erie, be and the same are hereby required to, be paved in suph manner and of such materi-, ale as the Colutells of said city shall, by an resolution kireatter passed, direct, and _ i several owner, of the property fronting' o said streets, are hereby required to lay dow a Side Wiqk Pavement in front of their _re spective properties', in compliance in all rt. 'peels, with the provisions of the resolutiouts • that may be Weed by saidcouncils, order" the piving of the Side Walks of any street cir streets in said city, under the provilions pro vided, in the laws and ordinancesinvernidg said city." ' . The parties concerned in the attack on Mr. Lowry have een bound over , in the slain of $2OO each, to answer the charge of intuit with intent to kill. WHOLESALE & RETAIL TT GROCERY STOR P." A. BZOZZE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCE Mrsk•East CbniorAf ou Pork 4 Frasck airset, OZEICAPSIDC Would respectfully call the ;Mention of the octiornan to his largo Stook of GROCERIES -AND PROVISIONS, • • Which be is desirous tomtit at the VERY LOWNST POSSUBLIS PIitICEM His assortment of SOARS, 'COFFEES, TEAS, = SYRUPS, TOBACCOS, FISH, 41 MI Is notourpuot4 to Om - eity, u bola propaiod to all who gin him scull. EN oho Irm;po constantly c .'..." 11%utt aniodor tot PURE L IQ \ UO RS, for U. lisolasala ludo, to which ha &socialite &its's of the Foblic Rig motto ls, "Qatzk Sala, Sault Profits sad . ' Egolsalent for Om Money." aprky N E NV MUSIC STORE B PIANOFORTES!! IV! aft 4 AND MELODEON Tram flit allowing aeletwatad Puuto mud Mel u Manufacturers t Light t Bradbury, New York. - Stainway k Sous, New ark. Wm. Raabe k Co., Baltimore, lid. Boardman A Gray, Albany, Y. I. B. Denhant,New Tork.- tirdtod Piano Ports Maus, New ark. Bartaraae Ribose , Bartle. N. Y. Geo. A. Penes Ca.,Baffeito, IN. Y. Carhaat, Needham it Co., Ninr York. OUR.ITIRS„ 4CCORDLIIIS, riarditik Mao, Inatreattaa Books and Similitude, I ALL VERY LOW FOR 0•11111. All persona wishing I gni rats Plano Torte or Billodep on. an Monad to elm sad sundae oar to. fore prushasimg *Levkas. Basta . illoak„ SUM Ansi, gouty opposite Poet OEoe Z. SY a. or F. Piaos and 16.1 a inersat for eve years. nia3r? OM - ORANGE OP =M. glitilliMiAßE : - PHILADELPHIA & ERIE R. R. This vest Ltsetrarethee the Piet . d Northwest cantles of Pownsylviate to the ty of Erte. OD Lake Erie. It has been lased by the Pertneohirntia • Rear Our posy, and ruder their swims is belay rapidly pelted throtighout Its entire length. It to now to Soler Paseenver and Freightlitu horn Harrttherg to Driftwood, 24 Fort. ( ITT idle )the. Eastern Division., and from tibeineld to Se* (7 Ha) Oa the Walton Dietelen. Tall 0! ?Ammon rives at Mt. Vail Train Leaves - - 2 r. el 41cootamodation Train Leaves It 40 a. ■ Nall Train Arrirea. 9 43 a. g Aftrommodatioq 'Train Arrives For information respectiotParteager bruin apply at thee. R. coiner llth and Market atm., and for ir plash %MAIMS of the Company's voila, 8. B KINGSTON, Jft, corner 13th and Slartet Street; Philadelphia. J. W. REYNOLDS, Hrta. J. N. DRILL. agent N. C:l4. R., Baltimore, • H. H. HOUSTON, OEMs! Pttlght Jive% Mad's. LtWiS L. BOUM', General Ttole— Affet, Philsra, JOE. D. POTTS, General liarsager, WUdinspo jal . 631 L. HATTERS' GOODS! - • CHEAP FOB CAST!. Rg IlligTEß, Practical flatter N 0.2 I ! brown's Betel, flu just *pencil a eery desirable Stock et Fla s, Caps. Straw Goods. he, ti , which he offers to the - munity at eery low Falass, and Isopestrufly amp tar *liberal slam of palmtop: E r Bats &eased and Irftled. Vey 9:1853-42t pARTIES AND Runup. &Applied with leo c =ir ; limey Cakes, Msearooil.• Mons Nid VMS la Ng a710 , 4at. UM s 11p61211 0. Butons WHOLESALE GRI*EES, AND DADDIFACTIMIS Ot \ • CRACKERS ANISCANEW; PROPRIITOES OF TOS Erie City Steam Bakery, AND AGENTS FOR mumairrive WALES. O . ROCERIES, • PROVISIONS, - N A ILs, GLASS, ROPE, WOODEN WARIC, , FI sa, SA LT, WATIR-LIME, CARBON OIL, WINES *ND LIQUORS. =2 ova Brock , or SUCURS, BAS, COFFEE, SPICES,; FRUITS, NUTS, TOR ACC() ARV:CIGARS, Ifi LIMON, •-• BUTTBE, IZ O oe SUGAR, :._ SODA BISCUIT. Matteketeret et the pC ' WATBI, - PIO-AlO, MI ERIE CITE STEAM BAKERY CANDY! 003 DION AND FANCY. CANDIES. • SLIM Or TRADE IS IKILICITSD. J. C. BURGESS & CO., jaarea, Sista Sitert, That tPtareittion rat Ofilea CELEBRATED BAIO AID OTHER oOPPRES. THE SANO has bees exterudvely rued la thislusd ether oesstries,aad la highly AND lbr ita FINE TUTOR, iiT.ALTSIG L SIITSITIOVI, UALITLIS. Thu Codes sowipares Q bearably with, aad Is by away preltrzed to Die aad Java, sad is SOLD AT ASOUT TILL! TEM PIM= Ms rood and at ap lia Foil paper la bib packa ges, with labels that road— ' "MILS" la' tie awl of which Is eat of I lady =CZ fee pot. Tbt labels aie etd, tub and tlr jrassias Sank an near as the larmits. is n - It Is packed In whit* wood boxes of SO lbg. ach; also In balk la kens and barrel& Also an toad, 51 ,, Mixt Cu, Onrusazxr, Jars. Y.aaaarso. 8 r. Dorn!- , ea, Rya, Duro:stay( AID Rri Of sap arfor quilt., in Tin Toil papers nnel beret ; to Saao. _ . sad ere tc4s Eighig,d. Dollars •1.11 Pleamt mod for Clretdars and Ltsl of Orders by mall or Etyma promptly amested. L. P. IBIOLVAN. 8e garrison St„ Pole ..lasat for the UMW Dalai. Nan Turk. gtipagit OP COInsIgnSZITS noslalas. THE EARLY PHYSICAL DEGENERACY ix_sixeil - PEOPLE, JU§T PUBLISHED BY DR. A. STONE, Physician to theVoy_Lnng and Hr glade insidtztts. A Trestise on {he Omni of Indy Physical Deals, of • American People the ewe ad Debility, Con sumption end liaraiones. This writ is ens sf wad o. an shads, =boom 0:ILL PII ; an l TS and weals direct O ly to Us surd lENsardiaassipsi affhdasitiv Mos* and rungs eits mad Osatneasfar nos. It will be seat by mail on the receipt of two (F) cad Parents and 00.11Iiii311! fall sot to seed aid ob -Btrthis boo t Young UM I Fail not to send and get this book.. ladles t Yon too should at Dna ware • copy of A Wok! ofHolesisa t CiasseiMideue Adele* le tees cam ertL /Lellecd. A class of malaillse penult to • hada silent to the compailty,diandng at last 10k000yonthe i 4 both ea se asumally, s to en ear grams. These dlossies are very baperlecUy Their atonal reaniftstatlon, or symptoms, NOTT01:11 Debility, Ilelasatioriaad Ha haastion; harems. or watts' and consumption of the tissue of the shell body; shortness of breathing or her tied brealdnis on asomding a hill or flight of stairs; gnat tlate'leltrar Bout; esthete. Bronchitis and son t; sh of the Hands cad Wax; sardon to moiety and to business or study dialects of eye sight, lose of Memory, Orissa of Ho Head, Seesslria. Fain la is swims Peree of body ' Moe la the bock - or Limbs. Lumbago, uremia or isolhastioa, tromnlartty ef the bowels. dimmed secretions of - tha,, Eidoeys and other glands of the tody, traceable& or Fleur Alba. ha. Like wise IplUan. Hystata sad Nervous Booms. Now, in Warty-ass eases oat of every`ene all the shore maid disorders, and • host eo= named, se Cansurptioa of the Leap sad Oa mast law adieus and MI, Arm of Coaramptlos tbs Spina Norms, hosts is Tahoe Doman, sad Trdes.Kasi ca, have Mar Nat and /chap la Walesa le UM Note View& Hesse the minutia maim cm the part of sabol pracace la treaties pane estr• Dr. Andrew Stone, to the Troy Iliac cad, Hygienic Inatitatloa Is new segued la treating this clam of modem salaa' with the most aidoelaking netom.-- The treatment 'dented by the lastitation Is new; It Is bead apes soisatide priodples, with saw diseiremod assedies, without Wawa@ Sr roams. Thrilbeilltlee el care are sack that patients am be cared at their Imam is any Pete of the manta . from moarate astriptims et their ass, try lotte ry and have the modiclas ant by sail ors ress.% Pr l tsall,tarogalocias will be forwarded en " Sensanatiat, Catarboad diadems of the Threat mad as well at the has* of the estimate is at the Institution, by saiding Um Cold Mediated frustum HAULMS VI, toss, with Inhaler sad ample dirratioasior that: use, sad direct carresposancs. - Mesta applying for Inters_ gotta. or advice, toast saltier nturnsaaps to mat Mintiest. The attendingphysician will be fame at the faslits- Hoe for consaltatlen, troll 9a. to p. each du. Basile, to the forenoon. Address, DR. /UMW" MN to the Troy Lang and Appals lastittel sa - d — Wy -- siciaa for DiMMAINI: of the Hart, Threat sea Lange, 95 Fifth Mast, Troy; N. Y. N EW MILLINERY STORE. • 11 ID The Woes Br.Citleß would reepeittoUy jo stmenoe to the Wise of Me aq mut mo tty. that they hove opened a NEW MILLINERY STORE,: • ,IN BEINUIPS BLOCK ) BAB+ / Or. 0 Tyr 13 Y. PARC, whet* tbs., itortld finite alt Oman 'Maas la ttudr Wilts thou • WI. Goods ttir at UN aro iiropa rodortrat to &Mak all article* •1111111sory ih ' • B,SPAOLING AND CLEANING • PartioaLsrly attended to. As ire do ill oar own wort. WO hats WO kelitiliOW promising that out terms will to as reasoceble, It sot nor. so, thus soy other titans to tltts city. le.peira. • j - OILiN WELCH, MALIN AND 11337711 J POREIGII DOMESTIC . EIVITS, .* CiltrT ABL a. .16110, Ma= 111 OVISZES, POULTRY AND GAUL is their Smelts I Ike Ne. 2, 7Vaq's Bloek t liNt Caser-litos, fszuw gals, PA. (Wm ho d either the Myer Coostry 1111•4 ltremptly 1 ' sod at lowest starket totes mitt NOTICE. risalag o Meek of ' RYE WHISKEY', of lay ova , alatlllatfos 41111*,1ari tag It ler Wei tekti-th.thisa eet irthaliter. pit -VOLUTION. • , - , mfota _ ef _ Th ~ ~.m at e e rski Malik k Ib k lU tionfoloso slued Mali ea Ma lath labor l.bileK inar Kira lad. by sated tom* of las peeks. A., T. retiring ban add Rim SU toottoom wlll be osidlamodl It tho old aoloillet mom by flop n.alaiog porton* solos ilie trot woo of Limo a Notttatiot.viko moo ottiorisot to oath tho of lola of ti. old Its. WALT==. J. LUiDELL. I.! =HUM t Lab% JOE= 11b02:113. °Mee af Gs Ma City kali Walks. ea mar °Mato and UM otroolo. sk7ll-41r. EiZOTTOR'S Rhe wilindgeot hams/ bees ted nun* for 4 the estate et Roney 13411, late of Irks city ?s. settee le* berets, ems to a dikes er Met the moll estate to preseet them tor set t ea ez before the Ist 4 legesl. Mkt alealkae• kande. labbted to the sum am maratrod to make poymeat, eft er beibm tko mow period. eas.6% itionwe Wes. • 00., ALamosra naPARATEO,I N rim TOM UMW DOCTOR ROOVIAN*III o Liescivrau 'GERMA. BITTERS, pastAzia BY DR. O. M JACYJION, MIN& -17/110TVALLY LIVIR, COW:PLAIN T. . WESTIN A, latadia t Cam* Alliway rhil* Ando tAerdisdr, aDranses ar,ftfimi a assrehmi Dew eit filiamik, • Ola \Ss as doh " towed Mo. • lifierisep Mod le SOM. heat M Ss is.. • wh.ltgisirs4lllnallosmiligsql Mose se MO, to lis listamlOcer treekillo.4 Midas or l'lssissts. al tie ott olio tiofsio rak 4 et lie Sim ;iv id* alba 11112.10 Ptsflortior st Issit.Chilly isttsaowboo la • Wag /isles. aim= Orli% 901 Ot Wets Wass um alphs, boor soil DO Ida WV Ws/. rostiosor of Pworbstios, Telloosios of Ito NO opt Am. ?do St VMS* alas , Clod, tits. itio. Wass Maas M • • RSA Ilursior to Ss Ilsals. _ stoat liostoolito She. mad gradltopos- • • • sPirteL &76rON, D, WILL nunwr YELLOW swim iguttitrs Mali, at ALCOHOL Oa BAD WBllll3ll they Ihtt van tie am dliamui iminlasailat oat era bunked. *peewee be the eslealre We awl talverael et Iladaa's Gamma i lletani am ety eflignassat Qu. mid opened open snarls" uman! Os Ile as.b ! taws la tan dare Owe a all* proadsd Midwith aste*, &tip. sad eh ne. 'Mira Wm* sof the MiWorails any orsprs , Was la plithods bottles. sad big bidlisd waif lits widest sprollstlas of Marti widskiti l Wm" sal Ism tie HOOFLANWEI GERMAN BITTERSII Ara aai saw aa4 Wiled @dials bai love Mad OP lade/ Mom yam as by *a pales: aid tide Ma aid as* are aid dialled 1, ~as °bows L. bolporNadoe so parting 'inputting*, as ki,foriorsz tido, 'to to owbte • tie The proprietors bate ti meads st iwtbt►hor Wealdll eadasst CLERGYXI3II. LLWTEIIe, Tut*lay, cf tber ova•promuukt lacrolodo, to Ups imp Whitt .Deets and isedlott virtue at tboto Illttero. SOHETHERG, TO STRENGTHEN YOE TO BUILD UP yowl CONSTITUTION 1--: TO ONT RID OF NEATOMNIONI A , BRISZ AND TIBuROUB FIZELIMig HOOPLAND'S GIR,KAN BrrTlM Pr.. ./. Anus Wass, D. .0.. LIM til she gatridir peals of ilkiyiriesi illeimie4gs. Altboogb ad So Ivor at ressaraged Paled tirrikAssa Is thumb disbudst Wit bipordS• sloe sad = M I yet basso or as WNW sod o = lrdy ad oUq So Id basset w d to esseirsd tam dr bo ba staple IssossaGoo, ha tire be myths& soattbds ro do basisdid Mira I T I So Gls Qs son doiNtr to mild Sodiosisadv ed. siaa Mises. regard b Dr. C. IL Amiss% el %IA limas, I Shod Misr avid Go laCifs• thiali =bobs *Adam /an lo dy biseditabod iboondor. CR Orr Ur se Ibis palladia by prow tad. liiittle MOO to 2 1 4 r bash bs. pdhighyr *Ns cud sad tori n ssai e l a add .TM asset lbws boa• Else at Cam "ad Cr ow. Ibilidalatydr. was Sollevd by I row ,sad rowimai to a do gra at Wily sad sasses! dad W widsl" .„ l bad sot MS dre Gs vodka Moto sad bad Odd at madras I tbsoidarothaak God lad ivy trioadlkastag as Was of Oise. Ihits.ase•. Jtrim 91.1101. J. XRIFTON WM' iVOIII tie• Sac. JOSEPH a JriNNJAIA, prier gib ikon Ohre& • Da. JAgssaa—Dasallia I-4 have bse= misso essur top seated t. soaaset aims at* dttttwatMadeat Dit, rigiseall the isida as at guy swroirtals I bros If 111 Ow 11t gibbed; bat rah a stsatqa woes I.llftink sad =llia my era .se lie, waders st Ds. r m sdinfta Dlttoas. depart Jae sass Des Jar vast sews% tonow. Stall is zadselsa *OJT= seat Sr gr sad smissisity lar Casseistat. It lea sits pisossaltas, aims tt wr Dot u sad nsay I ambit tt W mai l Is vsy bewidisl to tboss rim..ks Doss dos Man sows. • . Tours vvry torsellylt • • IFIDIWILD. • tiirtni We* Coates at. Mrs _Dow Wk. Pim tie Wifs 4L1Xt14141 , 1 W Magas 42. 7 11141110 ROL Gasagesewrirehsa Ist s ll4. Da. D. K. lawees ee —aes :—.lwze r a t w eleemen Wee feen ege s le gl yen a fteeparftes - mses bad ectaeie — law. sat Ref/ - sl= l te WM ed all thaw =Law aftlidete em s WI a sad Menem efte etthe= . lo. . The powered hairesi aped memo predemelea le aupiteift hew . I lave IS 11=Tla ederofte to Few alleare s sal 'Wheat ensiessamielee it We the Awe leuifteleft sad la wew lestawe tt hie seats eft and. The andiefte beta west naatellea la eadl W are WI la %viols Drag eIMMIWIIIi I. well "la dens loft II wig orm Weald weseliew WWI it ir thew awe to Oenweloerw, sad I willow, le mft, Whelks. Uwe We Waite Mn mei ft efts we um mew ewes el the show hews. - - ilsoffakeDfilialt4 wainis. Web A, above I,litelkeimmftivaslea PRINCIPAL 017IOR a mantactollfe Muisileiss• .x..raassiur CO.)a 11amosiffb: 1 1 apbroams by Dmittsbi sa. 100d011..M0N4 WS - climbers sad COW N WAIN" imilb tetrad &MO frisk , 1411 40 BUSH AIM& Giii 4 .. !.r . 7 1 TREY CONTAIN' NO PHYSICIANS. - • Ait C/TILINI3, DO YOV WLIII. notlXf 'W A GOOD' A.I'II'ETITEt, DO TOII WASP 1:10 - TOW WANT TO. FEEL WELL? 'Di' Wort DO TO WAIN! BG Y? 00 - 7017 WANT TO SLEEP WELL? DO TOD Wart IP\TOO DO, CU BEWARE OP- COMMOMMIt ON OA t s 114101180 et "C.' M.' J A C XS ON,ig 4as tbs Immo, seekbetila. No. en APICU mum.: Jour Ali ZYAXI.