The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, May 16, 1863, Image 2

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    drit 611strter:
Tan UNION AND TAM 1 003nrtnirriCliow AND 70a.
avas-030 aan isnrisAityl
Ax ARTICLE in the Itichmond I .t.raminer
ridicules the Fredericksburg route to the
former city, and says that the only sensi
ble plan was that pursued by lfcCutt.e.
Atax. K. MeCt.rai has writteri a
letter indignantly denying that he-used
the language attributed WI him by the
Chamberaburg Vigley iSpiritoand=published
by us a few; weeks ago. The Colonel is
plainly of; the - opinion that truth and
good genre are things to be ashamed of.
If the malcontenbi in the North do
not like a Republican President, let them
emigrate-co Jeff. Davis' dominions, where
they can have Democratic rule ; if they
are in favor of Slavery let them go where
they can enjoy slavery. No one in the
loyal States has any desire to retain them
against their will, and When a mi.n can so
easily have his tastes , gratiSed, he should
at once avail himself of the opportunity.".
Suppose that this style of reasoning had
prevailed on the part of • die '"Governt
meat" during the Meziean war, to what
punishment would our , Grroffi neighbors
have been subjected ? We hare yet to
read a speech delivered by any, person,
within the past two years; which contain
ed language one-third as violent against
the Administration as the Ga:eUe used in
regard to the Administrations of Presi
dents , iiicKsott, POLK, Pritesl and Bunt
• One or the most annoying things to the
Abolitionists is the coolness and good spi
rit with which'Democrats accept and turn
to ridicule all the slang terms that the.
former aro in the habitiof nicknaming
them. The titles of "Copperhead " and
" Butternut," which are their most recent
inventions in this:way, instead of beitig
regarded by the,Democrats as a reproach,
have thus been amiably adopted by them,
much to the disgust of their political en
emies. It. is this happy faculty of the
Denaoct atic organization which constitute's
one of its chief elements of sucOss. , No
amount of ribaldry, abuse 1) r perseention
can drive -its members ii , oru
auce to principle, or intimidate them from
the exprestAion of their`doCtrines. The
Demobratic part), is, emphatically a good
natured party. It feels strong in its own
sense of right, and having long , ago be
come accustomed to the extravagances of
, the opposition, it laughs every new nick
'iname ,to scorn which they invent, as a
',joke! it can well afford , to submit ;to,
and Which will do it no permanent harm.
Ilad it not been for this happy quality of
the Democratic organization, the violence,
the fertility of falsification, and the fa
natical spirit of enterprise in the'Opposi- ;
. tion leaders would have destroyed it, long
We suggest to our Kepi])linen , breth•,
ren that if they think they cari'put doWn
the Democracy by the system of 'strate
gy"-they have pursued since the war be
gan, they may as well give up the attempt
at once, for it will certainly fail. pemo
crata can be coaxed by kindness; but
they will never be cowed by threats'. They
will continue as iii the past to : laugh over
four eccentricities, and to fight your prin
ciples ; and the more you vituperate them
the more united they' will be in standing
up, for the Union, the Constitution and .
the rights of the white men of the worth.
We have some items from Richmond
papers of a late date. The editors Claim
to hay/gained a great victory over HOOK
sa, and exaggerate the Union loss_ and
Confederate advantages. A rebel surgeon
makes their loss 900 ki11ed,,7,000 wound
ed, and 1,200 prisoners. The Richmond
Enquirer of the 7th confesses to a loss of
from eight to ten thousand, beside four ;
teen guns, and says they have taken thir: ,
ty-five guns and some-ten thousand priso- ,
Gen. Floosia has issued an address to
his soldiers, in which he asserts that the
army " by its recent movements has ad
ded new. laurels to its former renown ;
has made long marches, crossed rivers,
surprised t..e enemy in his intrenchments,
and inflicted heavier blows than it receiv
ed. It has , taken 5,000 prisoners, 15 col
ors, 7 pieces of artillery, disabled 18,000
of the enemy, destroyed his depots, com
munications, stares, captured prisoners
'within - the entrenchments of his capital,
and filled his country with consternation ;
and the offioers and soldiers have no oth
er regret than for the loss of their bravo
companions, who haVe fallen in—the best
cause ever submitted to the arbitrament
of battle."
A Boma correspondent of,the Springy
field Republican dilates with 'enthusiasni
upon the oratorical abilities of the new
Abolition stump speaker, Miss Amur.
DICKINSON. After -speaking of her " cul
ture," ability, beauty, and good services
in the Connecticut and New Hampshire
campaifins, he exclaims in a . tone of ex
ultant ardor ; " Why not make Miss DICK
INSON the next President?" The sugges
tion' is eminently appropriate. A party
that once supported Fazio:me for the
Chief Magistracy of the Union ; which
has such a baby as Sums= for its leader;
which keeps granny Srawroit at the head
of the War Department ; and has filled the
leading offices of the , country with imbe
ciles, would fitly cap the 'annex of its
career by nominating Miss DICINSON as
its next candidate for President. They
should do so by all means. It would be
the right woman in the right place. ,
A cOiIictSPONDENT of the Boston ?3'iV43-
cript, an Abolition print of the deepest
dye, says, with truth - approaching to
"treason t o "
"Only those who have been hronght in
' to personal contact with the agents of the
' government, know the utterly corr u pt
and mercenary motives which, control
their action. I haw little doubt that go•-
•ernment. is being swindled as few govern
ments ever were before."
The Transcript had.t , etter take scare of
what people istite to it from Forteleas•
Monroe—the from which the lettet
is dated—or iti editors , may be arrested
for disloyalty. ,very patriot must say of
Mr. Liacota4 Administration : "What
ever is, is right." 'Never mind the agents
of gm GovernMent.
The Republican party journals profess
to desire a iinite4'NOrth, and to lament
that the people in the free tales ado dot
think alike and act • togetillr. Ther*is
'ust one way, says the New Yri Eipitss: s,
to secure this unity of
,sentikm4t -
Cop at the North, and that ts-litor theito
cusirs to cease to be party Men and to be•
come patriots. Long speeches are made,
and longer reports printed,, in order to
calumniate ton Of thousands of loyal men,
'ho arecaliedisaiters f sympathissra; eopL
perheads, and by every opprobrious epi•
that which a bad taste and worse temper
can command. Pray, is this the way) to
unite the North?. Can it be done by prov
ing party men, while abusing persons, cer
tainly not mofe partisan; and far more
national, than themselves ? Can it be by
insisting upon the extreme' party meas
ures, like the terms of the• Conscription
Act and the Proclamations of September,
1862, apd of January, 1863 t Can it be by,
declaring that all who are not'for the Ad
ministration' are enemies of Abe - Govern
ment? Can it be by maligning the millions
at. the .North, •who,. while they have no
confidence in the political policy of the
Ailtainistrati?n, desire to support the . Go
vernment and suppress the Rebellion t or
by calling all men of Peace, Compromise
and Good Will, traitors:
Those who suppose the war can end by
means and agdncies like these, mistake
slue hutnan nature and a. wholesome
public opinion. Reason may -convince
men of their error, as erroroestses to be
dangerous when reason is left,jo combat
it ; \kfut men are never won by the abuse
and .alttrany which form just now the
chief taple of secularly leading men and
press is that support the Administration,
whether right or wrong. One may do
that for the (4overnnient whtn in
trouble . or in peril, but never for party
men, party objects, \ and party machinery.
.At a meeting of the "Sixth Ward Re
publican Association" of i, i `Teky York city,
the ' gpeakers were WENDELL PIIILLIPS,
each of whom, the accounts say, were re
ceived with "trethendousapplause.""lt is
one of the most alarming signs of the
times, that these three men, who only two\
years 4;c),,,wer r e not acknowledged as lead
ers I,y - narge potion of- the Republicans,
have become their accepted and moat pop
ularones now. WENDELL PIIILLIP.3 , boast
ed at the commencement of the war-that
he had been a disunionist for twenty years;
Bosses it KEELEY i 3 11/ f; editor who said
tint it' the South wished to secede he
•we'ulcrhelp them go ; and Dir:Gsaalsox's
paper still keeps at its head the atrocious
sentiment that our noble' Constitution,
Made by iiissipscioN, MADISON, LIAMILTON
and their patriot 'coMpeers, is a" taupe
with death and a covenant with hell." Is
it any wonder that conservative citizens
distrust the Unionisni . of a party which
accepts these men as the expounders of
its faith, and the pilots of its course?
The Reba have .a tumor in Richmond
that Gov. SEYMOUR, of Now Yoilc, has
called out thirty thousand men to resist
the execution of the Federal lawg..--Ciit=
cinnati Lion Incrci
The rumor was; of course, started by
the Abolitionists, who would be intensely
gratlfied if it was true. It is another proof
of the fact we have so frequently asserted,
that the opposition journals are the ones'
thagive encouragement to the rebels.---/
By their reiterated charges that the North
is - full of traitors, the Southerners have
become convinced that there is a large
party here ready to assist them at the first
favorable opportunity, and are thus , in
duced to persevere in their treasonable
efforts. 4 nothing. the radicals so
much desire as to i force the Democratic
pa;:ty into direct and forcible antagonism
with the Adniinistration. With theintent
to accomplish this treasonable purpose,
they passed unconstitutional laws in the
most odious form possible. They will fail
in this foul attempt,' tis in everything else
they have undertaken.
As Oi.raiuz,—lt is nothing less than a
puibliCinsult, a national disgrace; an out
rage upon our brave soldiers in the field,
that simultaneously i with the progress of
a great battle,•in it& results perhaps deci
sive of the fate of a nation, newspapers
should parade detailed accounts of a bru
tal prize fight, in which two wretchedan4
depraved creatures are presented to us as
objects for our regard. Is thia a commu
nity of barbarians, that at such a time the
public cares for these brutes, or what they
;do, so long as their pkwer for injury is ex-
I pended on each otheil? Yet the fact that
their explisits•are proclaimed through the
press with such zest and disgusting detail,
amounts too direct affirmation that pop
ular sentiment is so debised as to demand
aliment like this, even when our comrades
'are engaged by thousands in a mortal
a rugglei„ and our political institutions al
.. :st on the verge of - dissolution. For it
will be asked, if this is not so, would such
stuff find its way into print? The charge
is a libel on the American people.
The Cincimiati Eripirer says : Mr. As
koLD2of lUi iois, in. a'-r cent interview
with the Secretary of War,'rtTzertaitteddite
terms of the forthcoming, conscription.—
The action under the law will be fi rst, to
return to the army all absentees tubkde
seders second, the draft will be made
first in those States and districts which
have failed to', furnish their quota under
calls heretofore made ; i third, such of the
States as hAve furnished more than their
proportions of volunteers heretoforecilled
for,will be credited with such excess, and
no draft - will probably be ordered in such
States until the number of troops furn-
ished by the several States shall have been
equalized by drafts' in those States which
are behind.
TUX arrest of Mr, VALLANDINGLIAM will
undoubtedly givo.great joy to the rebels.
A few days ago the Richmond Enquirer,
speakine t of him and Mr. Cox,•used the
following language:
"We wish from our hearts they were
both already safely chained up at the pres
ent writing. Taw TIATi'DOSI 178- , NORE
"Oh, Dictator Lincoln I lock ye up those
two Peace-Democrats—together with Rich
ardson--in some of your military prisons."
I The President, accommodating soul that
hal partially taken the Enquirer': ad.
In the hour of !our tsorroi:r, let us not
seek t magnify the greatness of out dis c
aster's. . The Ximple true is ,softicint,
terrlHe, 4 . lthout attudlng' tidii 'fit Op
hea4iuus crf Itstur4 tiitkrini ;
and:loss. i.,Bat it lx-cAiithi tis 4404 the
past, andleatn from rt.. the "mons of wis
dom which experience aloPe an give us;
From the hour that Hooker crossed th
Rappahannock and Rapidnn it has; been
plain that there Wass 4l 4AltritegroJior4hai
evidence of generalship, in his movement
There was a mournful ridiculousnnas
. in
the columns of fulsome praise whiclt were
published in radioalpapers;about hitnand
his plans, since from the moment he went
into action, there has beeWcontintud and,
increasing evidence that he had no plan
which could be carried out s , in the fine of
• vigilant foe, and that he must timeline-
ly sacrifice his whole army lin a vain bet!
tie, where success' was hopeless; . We
heard of his leading chargesi in person, and
.if the correspondents who *releases. so
counts are to be believed; heezhibitai
that personal bravery which has always
been his characteristic, anii that io4l neg
lect of the duties of a comManding gener
al Which must indicate the real bows
of the failure of his movement; Let-him
receive all the praise duets courage ; but
let as at the same time acknowledge the
truth, which cannot, for n moment be
doabted; that the failure of the battle is
due to the incompetency of theNsimmand
ing general. -
He should never'have divided hisi;army,
as he didin fact, by three rivers. Feria long'
as there was no communidation btitween
his right and centre and the city of i Fred
ericksburg, just so long he was practically,
separated from Sedgwick'S forces I y the
Rapidan, the north fork of, the Rappalum
mock, and the RappaluumoOk at Falmouth.
-It was no strategy thus to place his army
in a position of great weakness, 4d ex
pose it to the defeat it instained.i The
proof of the strategy is in 14e result:l Alia
for that result I Neither was there any
strategy in crossing the river at all. 1 There
hat been no time within" some Months
when that movement could not have been Hooker: It could have been
inadci by Burnside quite as easily! The
rebels never even erected batteries Ito, op
pose it , the crossing at :that point did
not threaten them seriously.. The ipublic
has•ebeen deceived by the newspapers
which'assured them that this "Splendid
strategy' l had gained for • inpy• td-
Jo._ .. gL _. us a conamant.
mg position on the flank, and eveniin'the
rear of the enemy. We h i ve never been
on his flank at all, except , to far as being
some miles distant and to e Westward of
him may be said to be on is flank. But
his rear .has never for a' momimt been
open to us. On the contrtai, by crossing
at the point selected we eitpoted coir right
wing to the attack made in overwhelming
force—an attack for whi4h the enemy
could well afford to abar4lon hisl works
behind the city, sure of his abiUty to re
take them after beating blok our right.—
Nor was there any truth in the reiterated
statements that we had cut! off theenemy's
line'ef retreat. At no moment hat there
been any difficulty in hir-jretreat toward
Richmond. His rear :has airs* been
open and clear, and the fiaositiian !of our
forces at Chancellorsville has not; for fin
instant disturbed his hall isosseeticeii of the
southern approaches to hie fortificatione,
the only approaches alonglwhich hQ would
under any circumstanced 'be likely to fall
back if lie so desired. I • I
The whole history therefore !is :this :
Hooker had the largest aid the finest ar
my ever under command of an Anierioan
General. He placed that , srmy inn, most
exposed and dangerous s t osition ; ; i so ex
posed and unskillful in respect.e, that
the rebels came ontoftheii intrenclimeatk
; but for the desperaleivalor of oar Oil
lant men, the bravo old Army of the Po- 4
tomac, would have utterl,4 destroyed it.—
We give all honor to , the , endurance, the
noble condt*t.of the men of that brave
and fated army. - They chherve e'verlast
ing remembrance.
Would to God tho radiclia min who have
well nigh ruined us would stand aside
now, or that the President, would; awake
to the solemn pect of the nation and
i t i k thrust them aside foreier; But if that is
net. done, let us patient and firth. Ber
sist to the last m meat very min who
dares counsel din ion; and the day will
come when the conservative *en of
America will reestablish 6it old pecks!
tal the old'Statue of Union.---,kurnal of
. •
anninerce, N - f
USNZIAL StosE, we are informed, has
been assigned to duty in the Department
of the Gulf and will soon leave for that
field of service. So ends; by a public con
fession, nearly the most shamef4l injus
4ee which the administratinn has perpe
trated against any individual. 4rresited
without cause, imprisoned wlthoitt trial,
shut out from the servicelto which he has
deioted his life and to which the *Country
owes the safety of the oapitid, disgraced
in the eyes of the whole nation when
worthy only of honor, and in spite of the
repeated protests. and 'appeals of his cona
mender .for his trial, General' Srows, , at
last receives tardy justic. Ire. has done
well to bide his time, anby his patience
to extort exoneration fi-om the, depart
ment which disgraced him. Such injus
tice could not last for ever, butte hey infamy
of it will cling to ,the sidtninistiistion so
long as its history is reznembeTed among
. , .
! .
It yroctn really seem ad if the President
had made up.his *mind to. desert his Abo
lition friends (enemies ?) and become a
' ti 4
Copperh • . oes not the following nen
tame from hii fast-day Prochunation look
that way
Let us. ttien, rest huinbly in the hope
authorized by the Divine teachings; that
the united' cry of the nation will be heard
on high, and answered with bleedings, no
less than the pardon of our national sins,
and. the restoration - of Our now divided
and suffering country to its former Aappy
4:!0 ndit la is of unity and petiee.r
What else does our "Former Condition
of unity and .happiness mean than the
" Union as it was, and :the Conititution
as it is ?" Can it be passible Out the,
President has resolved to become a Cap.]
fierliead 1
IT is worthy of attention that the only
Republican General wh4 his yet devel
oped brilliant talents, Gap. Biancs, hi the
One that hi" least popular with the papers
politicians of his paity, -
TRH N. V. 44 lAD* ON TH K ABO•
air r.'
pee iar
rest of
"There is no neoessity for any Alits,
citement, or Indignation about Vallandig.
ham's arrest. he has been foolisb,ind .
Ineonsidetele 16111014 tidikr the"boese.l
has linty to keep cool) for. the
. perststent
blunders of the Achniniatratlon render it
the ocon_ple master of the situation. All
easel oraebittai7 arrests will. snake poli
tical capital for the Presidential =MU
nextyew. Then, when the Democrats
come into power they can • serve the Abo
litionists as the Abolitionbils have nerved
them. Those must be "poor laws which
wiU not work both Ways. A little patience,
and the radical . fiction will receive the
justice it ham so long merited."
AU true, Mr. 'Muhl: but the Demo
crats, when they get into power, do not
intend to " serve the Abolitionists as the
Abolitionists have served them." The
Democratic party is a party of free speech.
and it proposes when the reins Of govern-
Ment geti into its bands once More, to
show: by-its fairness, its moderation and
its devotion to long cherished principles,
that it is the true party of Freedom and
Union. It will make no arbitrary arrests,
.destroy no printing offices, raise no mobs
against its opponents; but will tolerate in
them the s.tme right it has claimed for it
self ;—in short, it will endeavor to act in
such. a just and temperate manner as to
win the respect of the world and obtain
a permanent place in the affectioneof the
People. I •
What does the government-mean, says
the New York Evening Post,, by this per
sistent suppresiien of telegraph war dis
patches from Washington! ' , :rho whole
country is in an agony : or expectation to
know the progress of the - tremendous
Combat. which is going on in Virginia:—
Why should it not•be allowed' to kullb
We have too much respect for, the mem
bers of the Cabinet to suppose for a - mo-*
meat that it is done for the be4efit nj stock
jobbirs, and yet the whole elieetof it is to
give them the opportunities they so much
If there 'is no news let us know that ; . if
the reports from the army are unfavor
able we see no.reason why we should • not
be informed of it; or if they are favorable,
the sooner the glad tidings is spread the
better. 4
Or r.sys it is getting quite common for
Republican orators and presses, especially
those of the radical stamp, to.assail Gen.
Ilstkice and Secretary " Sitwatur In St..
Louis - Vconvention has been called by the
German citizen kli to take measures for the
removal" of the former. Our only fear
from this family quarrel is, that it will in
duce HALLILCIE and SEWARD to endeavor to
take refuge in the
- ranks of the Democrw
cr—a calamity which it is to be hoped can
be averted.
[From Cluannattl Zarsirer, Etabuday.)
The Court• Martial of Hon. C. L. Val
On yesterday evening permission was
given to the press, by Gen. Burnside, to
publish the proceedings had before the
military Court-martial on Wednesday and
Thursday, in the trial of Hon. C. Lc - Val
laudighans. The evidence before the Court
was fully reported. but as an official record
of all the proceedings has been requested
of, and granted by Gen. Burnside, we will
postpope the publication of the testimony
adduced until after such record has been
furnished, which will probably be in time
for our issue tomorrow. We give, how
ever, the charges and specifications,. under
which Mr. Vallandigham was arrested and
tried, and his protest as to the proceedings
had by the. military authorities. Thelfol
lowing is the charge and specification I ,
, Charge—Publicly expressing , in viola=
Lion of General Orders No. 38, from
Headquarters Department of the Ohio, biz
sympathies with those - in arms against the
GoVernment of the United States, declar
ing disloyal sentiments and opinio ns, with
the object and purpose of weakening 'the
power of the Government in its efforts to
suppress an unlawful rebellion.
Specification—ln this that the saldelem-'
ent L. Vallandighane, a citizen of the
State of Ohio, on or about the Ist day of
May, 1863, at Mount Vernon, Knox co, 0.
did publicly address a large meeting of
'citizens, and did utter sentiments In words,
or ine-..t., as follows: Declaring the pres
ent war "a wicked, cruel and unnecessary
war ;"'"a war, not being wasted for the pre
servation of the Union;" "a war for the
purpose of crushing out liberty, and erect
ing a despotism;" "a war for the freedom
of the blacks and the enslaving of ' the
ithitese. slating "that if the Administra
tion had so wished, - the war could have
been honorably terminated months ago-"
that "peace might' have bee 4 honorably
obtained by listitnin to the proposed in
termediation of ;" that "proposi
tions by which the Sou ern States could
be won back, and the South be guaranteed
'their rights under the Constitution, had
been rejected the day before the late bat.
tle of Fredericksburg, by Lincoln and his
minions," meaning thereby the President
of the United States and those under him
in authority; charging that "the Govern-
Meng of the United States were about to
appoint military marshals in every district
to restrain the people of their libertiya, to
deprive them or their rights and priviligse
chavacterizing General Order No. 38, from
Heeklquarters Department of the Ohio, as
"a base amrpation of arbitraiy authority,
"inviting hielieelers to resist the tame by
saying," "The spoiler the . people inform
the minions of usurped power that they
will not submit to such restrictions ,upon
theirliberties the better:" declaring that
"he was at all times and upon all occasions
resolved to do what he could to defeat the
attempts now being made to build up a
monarchy upon the mini of our free gov
ernment; asserting that he firmly believed,
as he said six months ago, "that the men
in power are attempting to establish a
despotism in this country more cruel sold
More oppressive than ever existed be
fore."- '
All of which opinions and sentiments he
well knew did aid ' comfort and encour
age those in anus against thegorerinient,
and could but induce in his hearers a dis
trust of their own Government and sym
pathy for those in arms against it, and a
disposition to reijst the laws of the land.
G. W. arm, •
Captain the ilih Infantry,JudgeAdvocata,
Department of the Ohio.
racrtzn , „
Arrested ii shout due "process of law"
—without a warrant frornt any judicial of
ficer, and now in aniilitary prison, I hive
been served with a "clin• re and specifi
cation." as in a court tivirrial or military
I am not in either "the land or naval
forces of the United States, nor in the
militia in the actual undo" of the United
States.nandtherefore am not t riable for any
cause by any such court; but am subject,
by the express terms of the Coostitutios.
to arrest only by due process of
dicial warrant re/whiny issued upon MB,
davit, ,and by some cater or court of oom.
p e wit iwidietion for the trial ofeittrens
same saw entitled to be tried on- as in:
.V -
, lietment or presentment of
of such court ; to speedy
by on impartial jury of the
to be COD fropteckpith. itiin
half ; the sii*stat--
tense, and ' itle4e alma „.
!slaw the m g 7 lay( '':
OMNI co .-, laitit.
itsand ea i ri emit
t'xi States, and under the •
the United States.
But the alleged :offen - •
known to the 03natitution
prites, uor W miy law the
pulp% to the potlytitta 0 •
and public political neeetin:
peaceably assembled Under .
titin, and upon full notice.
with:darn of the public polio
&Tants of the people, by •
was alleged that the we ‘,
try wee not promoted. It
to., the people to "change th
by (nice, but by free else
,boz. It is not p
councele(l disobedience to
tion,pe reeisiance to laws o
ity. 'I never have.
Beyond this protest, I
urther to su•mit.
Curtin, that
soon resume
—lt is sail! the rebels lready have a
large force engaged in ebuilding the
Orange and r texandi la iilroad bridge
over the Ra !den, destro din the course
of the late id of Stone= 's cavalry.
- The Wasiiington says, it.-has
reason to believe that the e is no truth
in the storyi that Gen. Ralleck designs
taking the Meld in perso in the next
movement olf the Army of the Potomac.
The Sedtetary of We has directed
that while the Army, of th Potorimc re
mains in Ita present position, no passes
shall be gratited to personf to visit it with
the view of Obtaining the bodies of deceas
ed friends.
c i
Gen. Grant had a sev
Gen. Bowen• at Clinton, t
Jackson on the Railroad, I
a week, lastng all
beaten . and driven b c. y k to
It w4u( reported fro rebel
large ' force lof rebe are
Charleston iind Mob le ter
ture Of Jackson an Vick
Gen. giant is app ' of
and IS falling back , the
The Pretiident has i
maticin on the Conspriptio
&Ilene, 'who have declared
intention of becomieg eit"
leave country wlthin to
they da not desire to be
part dif the national forces.
Price's forces fpr the
sourirare collecting 'at Lit
They all to be I na.-_.ui
move,:up Black, River. '
will be the time of ritartin e ,.. ,
Washington dispatches positively as
sert i that up to Monday nodls Hooker's
army;bad not recrossed he Rappahan
nock4 nor had 'the' Confederates• dimin
ished,ltheir force at Fredericksburg.
It is now sat' facto', ascertained,
that dome of our ego ntled . ho were lying
in the woods ar nd hancellorsville,
were burned to d .
Mon. John J. Crittenden has been
renoMinated, for tigress. tie made a
speech in Frankfo t, By , in which he
said he was still for, the prosecution of the
war, notwithstandi s. the obnoxious acts
con •-ting cenfisca ion, e ancipation and
negro ficibEers. Ile was r its prosecu
tion wlthout an arm tics d regardless of
foreigriinterventio , till he rebellion is
crushed: . • .
The capture o ,Grant
Grant's forces is dellnitel!
teleVum from Cairo. 'I
by a diapatch boat vi ich
two for the Govern eta.
ammudition and ate of
captured ' together Willi
Gelo. Grant is kin,
Mississi pi , and.will n 1
queation. of Vickshu •to
the 30tgult., he mbv ut
a .own dn ; Bayou Piet
mouth, where, at 2 a ,
met the4enemy, 11,(
gaged him all day, em
with the t loss of mat
500 prisoners,, beside(
lout is about 100 kill(
i t
The enemy retreated tow d ViCksburg,
destroyirig the bridg - ov r the , two forks
of the Biro Pierre. Th 'were , rebuilt,'
and the pursuit con in . Besides the
heavy artillery, four ; eld- ieces were cap
tared, sad some a . --_, nd the enemy
were forded to deetro m ch more. 'The
Memphiii Bulletin of Sat rday • says that l
Gen. Graht has sent 1 900 risoners to Mil';
liken's Bend. A "di; of his forim,i
t i lt
when lai4 heard fro w within 20iniles
of Jacket* . There a report/that an
imports* bridge o r sig Black River
had bees destroyed,th us cutting off the
means of retreat fro IT,,i, sburg.
Ascrrats. Born Rat . en. rant has
forwarded,an official ace tint of some of
Col. Grietion's - cavalry o erations in Cen-
tral litiMissippi. He stru k the Railroad'
30 milesi east of- Jackso ;
moved south=
ward tofrard 'Enterp ' , demanded the .
surrender of the pl ce, and gave one
hour's grace, dining hi a rebel force'
arrived.i -Ho left at o ce and moved
ward Uazelhurst , b th New Orleans
and Jaiikson Rai , d tore the
track. ' Thence be ph to -Bahia, 10'
miles I . er south n e same road,
„e had a fight , 1, Wier( Adam's
cavalry; From this pisin he moved back
to the Tew Orleans and . ckson Railroad
to Bredk haven, 10 miles milli of &hale,
e i
and when last heard e ml he' was 10 miles
_south -hi Brookhaven an was supposed
to be Making his way tdßaton Rouge.—
Ile hid spread exci nt , th roughout
_Side, destroy • da, 'trestle
worlmi and bridges, rn g locomotives
and reilway stock, t o in prisoners, and
destretying, stores_of all kids. .
, Do i ath of I
tati ton ‘ e_ Jackson.
T 1 Ric l hmond palie si announce the
d ,estlelof StonArall J :kilo& on Sunday
u a l
afternoon, from the L
ti of his recent
ampulittion and ppeu o id. His burial
was.fined for Tuesday , an was Auldoubt,
edly donducted i with- ig militaiy 'lon
ois.. The death of J n is a great loss
0 thOrebels-qme whifh 4 will be almost
unpo4ible for them tn: repair.- "We
conldlietter spare stri ade or a division,"
sap the Richmond ism That paper
"Through a cruel mastal
fusion, the hero recei#d
some of his own men Irhc
died' for him."'
- On a* UUs Jost . bY Rev. Je•
=WA N, Ja i eiGreauneld tP ,
PZIUIT, of Volume tp , I , li l c°.
Ps thio any, oil* nt r. luau., , •
Irosac, Ifr.IIIMMI. tron P.M
both °l a!" plastid, ' •
On Sunday learning lut, Mrs.
of Jleahua Follansbee, Raft •
y~ea r&
a Concord, as the lEthl ult
onegest daughter 0
L 4411 11 se y 4 /ohm .
Darling PDegb I how We to
With has sweet and 'ifs',
• And her gentle, loving Suit
Sawed UM sputa oi It
But the soots Land ow ,
T.% they claimed tag/ Jo
• And they bore her wo k
• , has from trontia, free
Tel hat little spli i t hoist"
'Sound her sister, lasgle
424 she 1•4111 y loth
• ; "Notlist, stater. eheol nu
tattle Pbeata's robe to:II; t
Ye that bright sad alio,
Und eh* wilts with Annie •
Toe howl •
Roam to btighlis now ab
la grand jiiiy
d public Crial
L I ! , inftoy
1 iotzipy
,4l uiages of
- • I bite de
fivrthe Uni
.nstitution of
itself Is not
f he Unite'cl
,f. It is words\
in an open \
, lawfully and
the Constitu
-11 is words of
of the public
hioh policy it
.of • the, coun
an appeal
policy, not
lone and the
,tended that I
the Comeau-
F lawful author•
have nothing
, May 7th.
raphs . to-Gov.
!(2. rotomac will
ittions. , •
n• Stanton tel
lie Army oft
offeMtive ope
e'battle with
n miles from
-t Wednesday
• n. Bowen was
anis Jackson.
sources,' that a
coming • rrom
• revent the cap
•urg, and that
e movements
'ver to await
ned a procln-
I. Law, giving
• n oath their•
.ns, warning to
ty-five days, if
,onsidered as a
nvasion_of Mis
e Rock,- Ark
ted, and wit
he 25th inst.
Gulf by Gen.
announced' in
le ,new comes
rings ill forma-
All the guns,
he rebel were
five hundred
clean work in
ring the knotty
I solution. , On
.n Port;Gibdon,
miles froni its
.n the Ist; be
ong, and en
; routing him,
Had and about
wounded, ' ,Our
y tbe
a, in the con
two balls from
would all, have
the Rt, lit itrv.l I hop
.r U. .1., aged 34
of dlionserls,
Ur. and Kra. C. C.
•d her,
it lora) 1;
?Indy rays
- upward,
m care.
r " ,
land ;
ifsta than,
Gloq, her bright province yields
And with Mk argel Jennie,
Elbe roams the fiaaAlyin.
u. e, Pe
Ting ,i111.111i04V1141 maw alma.
itini Irg 4 • -AI `RI ? Ir nod
Cit e L aT applbdi
arta& siquarefeli tl4 mew 1" Nothing but their
VlCNltraiinn rierscrriti bas on thou , thr:r a um:
nal oukto ;aka the place of all
other preparations. Vat. Dye produces/0y atude desired
in ton mloatoo.
ltiumfactared by .1. CRISTADOKO, 10. 6 Astor douse.
New Tort. Sold ever yobere, and appllnd by all Hair
Driesma. Price, $1,h1,60. and ii per nos, according to
Cristadoro'a Hair Preacirvatii , e,
imuolooliktl4tit his Or.. es it thwart* tied. sibeest soft , . '
am, the most beautiful gips, and great tltality to the
Hair. •
Price SO cent*, $1 and $2 per 'bottle, according to misc.
monami , YEN TIAN Elteiltilg LlNl
alltStr.—Pint bottles at fifty coati each, for the
mire or lamearis, scratches, wind galls, sprains;.benlses,
splints, cuts, colic, slipping Atha. , over-heating, bore
throat, nail In the foot, etc. It is warranted cheaper and
better than any other article ever catered to the public.
nonacid* of animals hare bee. mired of the soil, sod
over-heating by this Lialmeat ; sad hubdroda that were
crippled and lame have been restored tb•their former
vigor. It la rimed by all the Ent horsemen throughout
the State.. Orders are constantly received from Ur
Racing stal les of miglicol for fresh suppliee of this in
valuable article. Owe' 1.500 tatisoni• ls Mot bigaLrs
cdoei. Rtsitiskr, 50 cents laid 'out in time may save
the life of your horse. Sold by all druggists. Olney. 66
°nitwit Street, New York. myo.-11w.
Utters of Administration Inning been grouted
t 4 the andereigned on the estate of Anthony Meyer, Mr..
decraeed, late of Mill Creek tp Erie Co., Pa..; Notice la
hind,' given to All .peraous indebted to said estate to
Maim immediate payment, and those haring claims
against the same will please present theta. duly auttim•
ticated. Jur settlement- ANTHONY MEYER,
:mayl6-!:4 " Adroiniatrators.
IL) . An emblematic savertplatod badge of the Union
Party of the United Stater. Preen.—Pet hundred, Ill°.
Per thouland, (to eubdo. $3O. Single Badges 15 contd.
Addrerm the mole Manufacturer and Proprietor,
' . J. W. MVERETT,
P. O. Box 1614, dr 111 F ul ton ML, Saw. York.
A larrp assortment of Robber Goods, Combo,
Brushes, Dolls Doll Meade, Games and Amusement/ for
Children. Parsee, Porte Monoules, Perfumery k,e.
nexus k B6ROBIS.
Of Drarnn. Ylairg and Bird Cages, for mile by
I myld-Im. UKJiIiR & BURGICSq
' Tellies, Brandied Prnit, Piekies, Pepper Slices,
thasup,ke ,at rnyl6-len. BENEM k nURGESS.
Fruit, Toys, Yankee Notions and Finny Geed",
jus t-received, at . mil 6-103. H. kB.
Fig!, Prunes , Dates, Camnts, Raisin; ke
etwayrin store and (ur sale by .
myl6-Im. • BEN ER & BURGIBSS.
Are selling Candies of every description &col
Lest quality. Molasses, Cleans, Nut, Fruit and Coto&
Nut Candy, French Caramels, and all Fine Confeetion
'try always on hand.- ' mylB-Im.
1 1r T None bat - the beet - brands or Tobacco and
ICairars. A lore lot of Pipes, Cigar Tubes, Tobacco Box
es and Pouches iu store. , BENER& RUKGKAs.
- Our Crackers and Cakes of ill kinds in sal
lots and always fresh
, supplied with Ice Cream, Lemon lee, Fancy
Cakes, llliscsroons, Kisses, Confectionary and Frail in
any quantity. mll6- 7 1m. BKNKB. & BURGESS.
Which will be indd
nr Particular attention paid to blanching, coloring
and - preening.
Poach it., 6th door above I t he Depot, Er* Pa
Woublinvita the attention of the public to kis
Width be Li determinod to sell se
. t ir Vy lot otLlquois cannot be excelled is Nottb
Vegeta Pennsylvania.
These DemocraUe gapers, lately published by Albert
D.- Boileau, (whose connection therewith has entirely
ceased,) are now published and edited by CHARLES N.
PINE and ALTRND E. LEWIS, and wai t hereafter, be
conducted Getleilly; as OtGASS or THZ OICILT DAM
CRAPIC rant. They wU I defend the primula of the
Constitution, mauls or rue STATES, and the Wilell of
the pro*,
Ties Evening Journal is published every afternoon,
(Sundays excepted,) at $6 per annum, or 33 for sit[
snonths, payable in advance. It contains spirited arti
cles on the politled question. of thw day. with all the
current news, Market and Stock reports, and all ench
matter as is usually fouled in a daily nowepaper.
The Weekly Denmeratie Leader, is a large double sheet
paper,rontatoing eight pages, forty-eight columns, of
resdin shatter, and is furnished at the following rates:
Single Cotes one :Pa; $ ! AO
Two ' • M
Three ' " " "
rive " .......... 8,06
Tweedy " 30,0
" 42.00
Fifty! :6,00
The Democrats of Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware
and New Jersey, it la hepeJ will exert themselves to
give the leader a large circulation. aridness.
No 106 South Third Street,
Eir Write for sample numbers, which wlil be prompt.
ly printed, gratis.
This Work Is la press and will Soon be ready. It
*patsies esnaplete and amuse, espies of • kir. Tad
lagrAllselsoes PrimdPst speeches on the subjects above
named. Also, parts of other Sporting; with Letters,-
tosiden* Votes, Its. The work has been earehdly edit
ed, sad ilk, Wised to pressed, fairly and isorreetty, the
political reeord and positkia of a assn whom Tiers In
,elation to the ranee. of oar National trouble', and the'
richt reisedies for theta. are attracting an`extraoselinary
'bare of pubile attention.
The wort is oh enbltsntial paper,2oB pp., large
Bra. •
PRlCE—Paper &niers .50 Eants; cloth, 75 cent.. •
- Nel trent , ' by mentor express, prepaid; on the receipt
a the pries.
Bend orders, with the money etioloio,i, to Columbus,
OLIO, addressed to 3. W. Hiles k Co , or to Governor
liedary„ once of the "Cititli." A large Bala is expect.
ed. inayl6-3w.
4 LIZBEL 41_11. 5111.0 TH •
•Posatoza out Tamara fad
/limits for Plasior k Kayser's Palest lewisir Usehrots
the best la ass- State Street, bstween Ott) sod OM St.,
est; Pa. 'Clothes mod, to order in the 'meat style,
m7111.16.1y. ,
Hess. lam Swiss. Shovels. Forks, Trowels
Se., Iseult kr Eseset J. C. SUM%
20 ,o , 40 Per Cent,
GREAT PALL in the Meg
Wm: P. HAYES & Co.,
We can sell at 20 to 30 per et
Of Four Weeks since!
Newest & Cheapest
/ -
~ . I
n fine assortment, and much UNDER
PRICE. ' • H
BEST EMBED " " . 1.37
Has just returned from
New Yo•k,aad Is now
opening a latge .
the reach of the million.
T. a PUBLIC ani ototiclaed Liana . rho , SPURIOLI
artlelas of LYC for making SOAP.4 7i t uul loir 01104 d
sale. The only GENUINE and PA ED Lys Gil
ISO COMPANY, their trade mart for libel/y.llO'OD /
IPIER, OR CO SC EN TRUED 1.. YE." The groat SUM!
of the artiel• has led UNPRINCIPLED PARTIES Is
deavor to IMITATE It, in viblalloa of the Com Part
theeeSPURIOUS Lree, are hereby NOTIFIED that Gs
COMPANY hole esploped ae thole ATTORNEYS,
GEORGE liAEDING, of /11 1 / a 4elPhlar sad
WILLIAM BAKEWELL, tn. of Pittsburg. '
And that all MATIIITACTURZILII. UM= OR 1311,11 - 1118
of Lye, in elotatloe of the rigida of th• Osssphoy, srillbe
PROM:CI:Tin at cook
sale by ail DzrGoirri.Groopts As9sCoortar Brous.
• -
Tl au 7:lll9 Sum CLICCIT COURT. WOBUM D4.t&s
of P yin.* No. lof May Terri. la IMO, fa ea 4
NT U.• TH03.0. CHAU, decreed I. the Qatepuy,
Ow* oreteberls, lee; the eXCLUSITMtaa=
e L p= o 6oereted by these for the IWO
de bey 21,1666, Perpetaeltalmilea wearied.
127 Wilma 'Street. Philadelphia; PStt Street u 4
Susanna Irby. Pittsburg. lay S-am
1862. SPRING. Jen
• . (Late Maid Bawd Mom) '
,E . H. SMITH,
UrrYillin.r. supplied with Goods at New York Priest
Partteniar attention paid to Bleaching and Draining
Straws. No. 3 Hu g hes' lHockAlate MAI
Is at
- .
E. Coughlli, Boot and Shoe Dealer,
respeeWasy 'storms the Putdic tho ha
haa removed bla stand to the Store Rome
on French street, two doors Smith of 4th,
where he invites all his old Mends and cutup:Yrs to Stos
klm • call
Particular attention given to IMPAIRING. !laving
,eirefal workmen and superintending all his business -
himself, he belirenis he can give as good aatialbetion and
sell at as low prime se any other pence in the -6 4' —
1;004,11lb War:sated. ' ariddl3tL
West of the Park, Flat Door from State Stieet. •
Grateful fur put favore,lhasubeafbar 'respectful': 14:
Corms the eitlmns of Erie and vicinity, that be has tabs
and refitted the 'Gallery recently , occupied by D.ll.
Chambers, •here be is papered to execute ,
P I I 0 Tii 0 R A. P. Ha. f
C►{T{ DS MITT{ TO \ I '
Partlealvattootloo to Children and Copying. \
neei. E. itlTEitivi,
Would iiipectfally announoi to the ladles of Rio WI
victual, that ehe will opirs ‘
:TUES , I)AI", APR IL- 28,:51863,
at the corner of Freoch rd3d 'Fifth streets,
' two decal
North of Wayne Hall, a large and splendid fiitortillost
Fresh from New York City: embracing every artiste
usually contained In • Bret chum establirhowat of th•
BLZACHIIVO, PRES SlArd etIVD- '0L( 1' 21.%
Done to the. Best 841 . ., and on the mod ileum:Will
Terms. •
Mrs. It baits{ bad eaten/dee experteass la the bad
nese, natters herself that she can give *lithe siglietc6 o2
The public patronage la respectfully ifroUdted.
' OVVICI OY 7 . 1111 king CITY /SOX WO/S&L
Ems. aprtl :oth. 180.1.
' -
An riVeoas having uesettled wrowits vitt the
Sin of Liddell, 'lllar.h.ilt If eCirier. wert WU.
.01 - .ICD culla
i mediate settlement . I the same etbou further
my2-ter. 1.11)DKLI. k Lang.
, A nrkft, of the most choice kiwis at du Mk
"1. — lea) J: B. Q./1520.
No. 8 Reed House,
Sar.felLEES T.
- •
French et., 2d door South of ',Alib i LW II&