grit aftoklm *Wm. i SATURDAY, MAY 9. 1862 IM PIRINTUIp ••tiara Wit yNV !cpc the faisionited to a . IULSti 09, et Nee Nevis. Clem, am& doll way to meta the e#l2ll dent Merle el *urea IA UAW* tallellela billet_ hi eer elliee l sod i „*. f eeitt; 111•Sie,Aebbeee, or air slier le read. 114 prtees we beliere to be tower thee WI %ashy 01 Ink' can be pandissrot to BIM& or rasa& Any odor or guilty daetred. or be per. The News ere toTariably cub to mimes% or ea Ins wirer VRADLU. * - the komiy, asiel'ehiaber, fluwe'S an empty srsdle bed, With s print upset/as pillow ut • baby's shining head. 'he a 1 elr wed dairy esestie— t-z-Deway eon, itie pillows white ; But within the bias/mita Maid. - Lies so little Nam to-alght. WIC. the mother at Dodds II When the de, met posies dim. Isko4pr risAatot Tell* W dosing - &Aim" low, • cradle biota. Now there, 00 - oear• Deed of staging Wiwi the eteotog 'Woos creep; FotAbeersille•beed Is soopty - Ana the tombs gene to steep. Little 414:thtt used to neat' e • lia'a.4lllo.• witite and 'oft ; lattlattintli, nose rotten florin rasN t b •re to finitma leo oft ; Lip... preartarith irmaest hues ■OllO re palmed log varimist rai— Uadiruesth the ehiutli-yagA daisies Mbar ban hid you all sysy. kh I the estpty, airless cosine; We will put Wont of eight, Lett our hearts shiCald grieve too sorely Yor the little one to•slght. WU will Udall how sue for *ter In the beast fold above. 'Hist yours& lamb tor Inlet' we sorrow lteetsth 11111/ to Jane lose. 1 •101111121, REGIMIIIrEAL COLOSS, 810 dams G.,W. firowell& Co., No. 211 gape &root, Clostiand,Oldo. febl4-43m. .1 PUBLIC SALE SILLS, English sad Geruian, priiitett at this of- , as as reassemble terms as they can be e at any other einabliehmaat. . knits 11.00.11. Doetocratio Club itoom,'at the corner of e Street and the Perk, la oven to visitors all ?Masi creeds. Filen of the leading .. re papers in the country are kept on 'ilhe convenience of the public. A • Invitation Is given to *angers In the 1.. By . order of thelltanding Committee. Collsn Bunistirrrinascr.—The contest ibe. County Superintendency, as will be by our amount of the proceedings, In er plane, has resulted in the selection of . D. P. Ensign, Prinsipal of the East Ward .cols, 'of this pity, at &salary of $6OO per . Mr. Ensign is a popular and succeaslW .ber, a courteous and enterprising gentle- ei, ands pereon Ina!! respeota fitted for the ice. Wwhaess no sympathy fur hiepolitics, 4as a man we regard - him very highly. His see vas Wilt opera for the plaise.ou the ,y of the Conventien, and the tattering vote i reeeived oa the first ballot was evidence at toe that he was the favorite of the Conven es. Whether he will consent to accept of le office, with the safety reduces!, we are an ds at Present to state. It is not too much I say of Mr. Savage, the late Swperintendent, kit he has made l as efficient an officer as mid possibly hale been found. We have ler_hearsia Wortl, of dissatisfaction with his NI course, and , had. the question been itik of merit Slone ; e believe he would have re elected " out a dissenting vote. cafert'unstelyor his prospects as a Pub 'ler, althougi he voted for Mr. Lincoln, a Bepubliesta c atill, he could not agree the polio} , of : the Administration in all :tr. He bas also been a consistent friend sa, MeClelletti, Being-an lioness& and man, he bas never hesitated to express clitieal views when celled upon, regard of hi/effects upon his prospect, for re m. This vas mon& to roue the ire of Abolition wire-Tooter! of the pout', Aare been actively.impged for tide. past entering up II political fettling him. The- result has been plainly for some time, and bt'only what every at all conversant with the matter ex '. The Itipublioan members of the diet!, almost ; without exception, joked, et him, while be received the support - 0 emocrstie once. have no beg Cation in declaring this one the most MO -banded seta .of political In 'le that has ever taken place In the his of the country. -Here was $ man against gee otscial Foam not a breath-olobjection ever peen beard—s high-toned, upright mo—a candidata for re-shakos to an not at all political is its character— en down solely because of his independ his honesty, his refusal to be the tool of Vosfigpasit leaden controlling the demi peltlical Organisation.' of the county. commentary agile "no-party" piofes- of the oppoofficei Is such oosaoi t It adds one more to thenbundsaos of proofs .their profession of zeal for the overthrow party lines 6 all_ s Ash= ; and enaviets of being the most floleot, carload's; facalleal of "dila - as: vv. Sbair.- r -We regret to see a disposition lire of 'some of our neighboringeotem- . te bring the scrip issued by ibis city ',guts Witithe ptiople of their sections. rbo do so, mask certainly not be se with the Manner in which it is There hat net been a single boibar's of this scrip issued without receiving lt, bank bills in - eirlange, and She sans realised-bas been irvested in" first-eines 'lmes sod stook of ,lbs United States.!-- are by no maws ta friend to the paper ey system, buttho events of the war driven coin aiamst entirely out of lOn, it would be impossible at present , along without shinplafters. The • scrip Lk ally was Wiwi at a lints whoa a sub . for goldsnd ails wits urgently needed Wee of grest ados tage to the landless , of- North- Wester n Pennsylvania, far • Period after its iiPpearatico ; and it is Ir, to say the least, for those who reaped benefit of its circulation, to now turn a sad endeavor to discredit it. So - far as Ice is column:led, we think 1t folly equal 'AY bank bills that pass current here or !hers. i - . • Tits ilassoa.—We leers with pleastme that sun 0rt6,000 how been subscribed tower& inipmesteet art The harbor—s2,ooo by a 411 41 company and $4,000 by our . dock ?ha amount, addedlo flu eats 'ion of the city, will make sB,ooolu all subscribed. it is expected that the lia. It Erie sod Erie & Pittsburg R. U. go'. 11 etch contribute $2,000. The total amount be expeaded, we belies., is $12,000. We • that the impierement will be placed tee headway as rapidly ea possible. The animism at the entrance of the harbor to been a serious itmoystiCe, and tilt prod. great detriment to our trade unless speedily received. CONVANTB.OI4 at actspo4 Dlttifvfoluk The.Conventioa of School Dlrietere for the election if a County fittperiatemilest, Met la the (hurt House, on Meade, afternoon last, at about hail-past, one o'clock. The &ins - - don was organized by the electioa if Watt Hart, of Girard. ma President; flora P. Met calf, of Erie, and E. W. TerielleU, of lidiabore, so Vim Pre/sideslip; and John Pliny, of Har bert:reek, sad o.' W. Ortfiln, of North bun, as Secretiries `On Anoka, the sagmbere the adjourned to the Seat Ward SAW Novae. Some di/minion arose on a terabit to admit Jacob • Veith, of Middleboro, as a iserabor of the,Convoution, it being claimed that be was sot's legalli chosen Director. The question wad busily decided is Door or Ms adusission. The exims-of,ti salary for the Superintend = : 4111l,beint.the dist•thiag is order, &gentleman moved that it be the samess last. y oar -4000. Ai amendment Was stored, that be $5OO, and still soother that it 'be $6OO. Os the question being put, a long sod storey debate occurred, Maim". Twiohell, of Edinboro, Met• calf, of Erie;Taylor, of Edinboro, sad othirs, taking strong ground is favor of the old rate. They argued that it was not too large—ia 'tact hardly large enough. The frisadi of the reduction contended that $6OO was sulkiest; that plenty of good material oradd be ob rained for the amount, the best proof of which Was the large number of candidates for the place,—and awn, of thinitivored still mese of a .4:rease Ii era Oldest trim s the ex ireesioas of many geotlemen .that there is still an. intense feeling .'weettion' to the. Superintendency throughout tliffirataaty. The" vote resulted la favor' of the amendment to the amendment, flung the salary at 1• 6 06/ yeas, 88 ; nays, 62. Mr. Metcalf Braved to reconsider the vote, saying that, he kaAvoted in the affirmative in order to be able to make the motion. After Soother lengthy Aelate, the question was put to vote,,-ancr detested by 81 yeas to - 71 nays. . • Nominations were thon..msde, and the fol lowhig name, presoaked: Win. H. Annstraing,.of Wattsbtug. D. P. Ensign, Brie.. ---- • John A. Auitin, Waterford. A. J. Poster; L. W. Savage, apriagfield. P: H. Stout, North East 4- J. M. Merritase, Edinboro. The names of Messrs. Austin, .Stuart and Minima were- witlietrava, thee* peidamen claiming that the. Wary ea reduced wee sot suffralenrromuneratioa. The vete being taken resulted as follows: Ensign, 62, Armstrong, 50; Savage, 40; Fodor,- 4. No choice. After a recess of ten minutes, the Conven tion proceeded to soother ballot, with the fol lowing result: Ensign, 55 ; Armstrong, 98 ; Savage, 42 ; Foster, 8. •No choice. Tho 84 vote stood as follows c Ensign, 04: Armstrong, 48 ; Savage, 43; Foster, 1. Mr. Armstrong` thanked ids tritlndelor their kindness to him, and withdraw his name. On the 4th ballot Buie had 103 ; and Savage 44 votes. Mr. Enrage Italia( received a majority of all the votes oak was declared. elected Coanty•fluperintendeat for Om term of three you* The sanouncemenz was re °raved with slight umpteen. A memorial was presented by _Kr. Philip Whores, from the Dirsatars of Girard Win ship, resosualmillag the teaekingst gmliteasse to -Children in the wheels. The secretaries, after much tdrost, found it impossible to read the document, and -the assistance of tither gentlemen woe called in, with bat little su ttees. This episode ostasid a pot deal of amusement. &vend gestlemea smiimited 'that the, inemorbl be retuned to the Dirsotere ofilirard township, with' a reeemmodaties Zhat 'the, take lesseas la writing. Another remarked that no person amid have writtaa so mean hand, maid a lawyer or Utter. Finally, with much labor, the reading of the decanting' was partial/7 sonsidegoi t whet a Director moved that it be laid ender the table. Several gentlemen opposed this, wing : it would be (Hempel:del. A sesatber sold thit home wits Ma proper place to leash polliwog If parents were more careful in this respect, we should not see 4• many ill-behaved eitild rsa. A motion to' lay do :amoral ea the table was made sad passed: The Ceiveation then adjoarned. . . 1.11114 L 111 1109ilas MAY VW* With* Com. vs Patrick Pendergast-B.lagli;suot;. Defendant disciuuted by Coat. Oen. vs Titaotky Sheksa--‘hseault amid bat tery, true bill. - Deleadaat Atisekarged by the Court. Coa vs /bag Beelhagir—Tondestios *Ludy. Lamm irso i to4 by DiAriot..Worsoy to enter talk pro& on mosso. .of coats by Aohodarte. Co. viliTyik . , &Wing' —4bokutaiag bigil . rl. -WWII. • Coa. w ificlust sad - Ciantat liYarhofer— Keeping public a*lsatem Bsatemeol tt4sy $l.OO 68A costa At prosomatiom Md remove the autism wititlh thin? . e. Co.. vs Joseph , tivass. Do feadeat plaid Why ; sealtmeasd to pay amis. . Com. vs blast latth—aigag liquor. pea. teased to pay a Sao of $l6 to 'Nevis* school district sad oasts. . Coo. vs !COW ilokaikoolior—Yooptsigoi gombling house Lam growled by Attorsty to. eater molls pos. oil mufti of Coati. =rs Owes Boyisact—lfigictkim cilicskirged by aka thwart, Wag Ls- efale Com. is Ambrose 8. Pack—SaUbig Uglier to. a titbit* ileitaiioet to 0y t lay at, cad costs; and 30-01stiCloi ' • Plyaa-4ku4t7 it the peat». Trutt bill:* Ditimaittit 4bmillitod sod the pros.. mai:, Mrs. tibotli sdii t mike ocets.- Com. vs Alaimo faisslrs-4fasald 4d-bst tev. Leave pasts& by ttiNvioa Altorsuitto miter a molts pros. cos missal, of costs. --- Cori. vs Stead Norris—Assaalt sod bat. tory with latest to commits raps. iyitoilaat discharged by tits Court. - - - Cosi. vs Philip Scbardt - 9fpb ` liquor.- ; seataacmitt to pop a Is. at , $ll5. sad costa. - CoM. vs Smuts Piyan-Bidliag liquOr.— Foisaditailty ;, iadsadsat gams ban is the oast of ;100 to : appear - "at mat taus sad pay the frosts. Com. Mt Mart's Poster-Ttory". Ptssd guilty; sectioned to pay it rod close oontiaamout b. I. /wit Com. - Plead guilty -Alta Pfsit Cos. "'IA*. Kam ars _ doom& to outer 'a so! Cm, of the paw. • My Ibto oasts. Col. vs Willlsattidly—iladiatalforlaresay. Plata guilty ; smatsmomdlAs mien dm goods, sod abed live dollars mad costs. - "A parer of try," ow tao Girard Uskm, droned out, in biadrid of seekers Is Ike 111 k es assiey sigbs. Mak usm to be is-esibe sal. year, Sad kohl ea Weide." Mir Tior piling of Pow* N.. hoot tbo• pot to the Basle road, hi repidlF progressing. Ned will sows bi completed. %. idr Patirls,rolotelidaaa,` to sawed old taszla mum& &mai t$ beam of Lancaster i 4 Lebanon counties. Theustbet &Hui Our Ike hat dm of the week was rentsrks&ly ipplestaat—more ilk, December than May. A corps oleaginous Is ai preisent sur veying the Use of the Mud from the C. & B. R. B. to intersect the Atlantic & Great Western Railroad. Wiir Proposals are %riled by the i3uperin fondues of the Jamentewn I FrankUa a L, for the e grading and masonry of Mit road from Jamestown to the ( Venango smutty Use. stir Mesas. Thayer, Noyes & Co. hate sent to the Ladles' Aid Society 417,08,' being ene,third of their profits fraiMthi entertain- Mont in Farrar Hall, onluesdity evenksg.. • amp Among thong, seriously, but not dan gerously wounded at Fredericksburg. was Col : Thos. D. Johns, of the Bth lisseackneetts regiment, whose famlirreside is this city. —. Our Cemetery Is beginning la anima a handsome appearimos, and MAW** °Oka days particularly by large umber. of peMple. There are few httrial places more delightfully located. • or W. trial that .• nommen will be earnestly pressed upon oar cidsene daring the present season for tbe putting up of new foams around the Pirks. The present ease are- an awful eye-sore, and discreditable to the's:4y. $ The rain storms: of the present week have: re)rived , Tegitation, and made it look fresh and *dunning. The trees are mapidly patting forth their buds, and we skill taco ess the blossoms and the leaves. sir Oar well known friend, Robert 8. Bunter, has opened a hat and oap store under Brown's Hote l — where he Wads, keeping a large supply' of everything in his lips. HA is deserving of success, and we hope will obtain it. , air We romotamend those of our readers desiring 'to spplyfor peafowl, b6entfie, - or kiss mosey,.to engage thaserviceeof fien y P. ":Iritfeth, Esq. Mr. 0. is as intalligeat •nd soave young man, and has had much et parka°o is aseuring &Wm oft, The PW ,ftsporMr is • the name of a new paper established at Titiusille, la place, otitis Gaups, tin °Moe amide* •efai'illestitiyed by ire, some months ago. it Is very neat, is appearipee, and In all respects Tate a credit able Joan*. , - 1011,. The 884 end llieb rsellentil sr* both , said to have been in the late series of battles near Fredericksburg. If such la the cue we fear that we shall soon hear end news MAI them. The 186th, we ere 414 was fit the reserve,,opposite Fralsrialtsburg. se. Application will be made to Governor Curtin for t 4 pardon of Bradford Knesiles, convicted of horse stealing et the Court of Quarter flessioss of Erie oettedy, Nov. Taw, 1861, and sentenced to the Western Peniten tiary for the period of two yews, from the Bth of Nov., 1881. . " New GOODII.—We call the attentive of our miser to ther edvertisomeakel Wm, P. Moir h. Co., who have received a 'area of g oods, which they Intend selling at greatly reduced prioes. These gentlemen are asugst our most enterprising merchants sad deserve , the liberal patronage of 'the amorally. - g. J. Irvin Steele, editor of the Slaire dua Record, who was nosolly amideted of libel, barn been sentenced to pay , ; orc dollar asspl People wbo oullarme r Übal salts egotist aewspapers• dkoet ellen inks numb. Asa rural thing they only get Merle for their pains. A Welt known gentlemari of Shia, city, Wu; hu blest engaged II basialeatansostiens along the Mississippi, brought home with him last week, some live or Ms eilored persoas.-:- Our,of them is said to becrathar sod is deseibed by his Mends as one of the best business men in Memphis. It is said that he initials ramming to the latter sit,? shortly. The rest will remain here. Dasocasvto idarmo.—A meeting of the Democrats of Conneaut sad adjoining towa ehi~i, wilt belt lithe AmmluarAlliThibili on Saturday afternoon, the• 115th last. l at 1 o'clock. !All ia favor of all sestoration of the Union and the preservailoa of the Uonititation are invited to Woad. - - Speakers from abroad hive wombed to be prom* By l ordsrof the Oonunittee. Air pie first coal ever sent - to this city, "by -Tay nontaining about 100: teas, shipped some 19 Or 15 years, sigo, by Wes. Frail. Sag., 6011 • mine near Claritrrille; Wow" county: It be• lug a new article of traria, says the Meadri lle Republican, Mr. lk.foraftskit tit AI AWN* of Ida itnilicargo rtist - after - ronditi shout, from one dealer to another, fletweejs, Ito faally.+trl 1t 40. 01,111Lltsed, al less than cost, taking a "slow note" for pay. ash. Thayir, Noysi & Co's sinus gave two .shib; AU 04/. sok *ad' aft 4 sad !wit. They mos both i I I4oadod, sad peso ipoicadatoolisa. fito :skid taw did . pressibod as* lion_ *Wag wader alarm, oad thig jam oa osisetagasocat to Fame Kati , is the scowls& The wagon *tacked to this circus, designed and painted by ear. well tams: call, lir. fibers. UST; fa- OM Gust Alai of She sort we hare Tate itOIAL LIIA0081.—" WOll4 OS aip A. Pledge ?" said one of the "Reformed Omsk kith" 6 h‘,4 66 1. OP 46 ‘ 6 1 0 F6b4 Qslksr whom he encountered in the prosecution of bli mission. "No Priend.?.respeaded the diselple of dhow Fox ; “there is rno occasion tor. roe to sip the Pledge." ' a , /