The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, May 09, 1863, Image 2

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Tit eistitter.
Tax Gazette, when quoting from Judge
Pinson's late Anne to the Grand Jury
of Dauphin ccitmty, should not have-Omit
ted the folleorinifsentenee
"Men have the mai iinSmsled right to con
demn and if you please, nil at th e Macias
al Atbitinistrition, and ohlect to the manner
in which i it condnots public affsins, but not
to decry the Goviirnment-under with* we
Aire, or erpremiltopes or. wishes for a.dis
solution of the triiion, the destruction Or
defeat of oar 'arthies, the success of the
rebdh br the rebeUkc!ii" - .
• ,
We trust that "these views e consineas
they do from the meat talented and prom-
inent Republican *hate in the Coinuton
wealth, will be regarded )sit decisive upon
the much mooted' qiiitatioh, ivhether the
Adminietra4pn i's "the Govern)nent. It will
be seen that the Judge not maly \ concedee
the privilege of disagreeing with `the Ad-
ministration, but goes further, and*euta
the "unlimited right " tn.. "condemn" • d
"rail" at the same. The high authority .f .
Judge Fastigiate on this subject ; will not be
denied by. the Gawk: It has repeatedly
endorsed his ability and integrity, and we
believe he is that paper's favorite candi
date for the. Supreme Court.
We may say here, that the views ad
tianced by Judge Pearson, as even above,.
are those which we hold, inoommon with
all true Democrats. , ,While we earnestly
contend for the• same right of criticising
a Republican Adaiinistr akin, which the .
opposition pos.
~ssed•iii relation to Demo
cratic ones, and are determined to main
tain that right at all hazard*, we have no
sympathy, and oan sever have any,. with
those persons, by whatever name they
-call themselves, who "decry the Govern
ment," or "express hopes or wishes for a
dissolution of the Union, the destruction
Or defeat of our armies, the success of the
rebel's or of the rebellion." To diffisi with
the Administration is one thing, icklabor
for the overthrow of the Government,•an- -
other. The latter is,treason ; the former
is the privilege of every American citizen.
No Democrat thats. have ever . met de
sired the dissolution f the Union, and if
there are any persons claimingto be Dem
ocrats, either in Erie county or elsewhere,
who are 'secessionists, we acknowledge
them as no political brethren of ours. It
is the first principle of the Democratic
faith that its members are 'required to
give unqualified support , to the,Union and
constitution ; and if there are any calling
themselves Democrats who know so little
of •the party creed, or who 'are so untrue
to its duties, as to sympathize with or aid
the 'enemies of their
_country, we shall
gladly see them meet with a traitor's doom,
end as gladly assist in meting out their
well deserved punishment.
LW/Mr Iliebiffi-kkat'Elß AlullY
OP gs~
• The netts from the field of operations
near Fredericksburg, which had been-al
most uniformly enccini:s&g before that,
took a sad 'tarn on thurshay
We have not been - Tarnished with full
particulars, but sufficient
„is known to con
vince us that Gen. Hooker las Met with a
disaster 09 serious, if not tore so, than
that of Gen. Burnside. "kgreatbattle was
fought on Tuesday, and *Rake, with his
army was driven back across the Rappa
hannock. Lee was heavily reinforced, and
the last battle exceeded in slaughter those
of prervious days. The crossing commenc
ed on Tuesday night, covered byMead's
sth corps. Lee's sharpshooters nicked - off
our artillery horses and mounted ofileers.
The rebel batteries occupied all the ad
trantageotts positions and fired Vigorously
on HOokeri T camp. Sedgwick failed to
join Hooker, end being hard pressed,
crossed the river to prevent annihilation';
the experiment costing 6,000 men: This,
added to the counsels of the corps com
manders, shook Hooker's confidence Anil
he ordered the evacuation of his strong
position. -
"The army it greatly desnoralized by the
inglorious retreat. There was no time
from Friday morning' to
_itiondeY. night,
says the Thecae,' but that Gan. Hooker
could have attacked and defeated Lee s but
be leaked the ability to give the - order.—
The Tribune closes by saying the army is
side;leoa 10,000 men, and a much Urger
• number unfit for duty.. The heavy vales
have impaired the health of
_the men.,
. "The World's extra has the following Bich
cloud papers of the fah state thatlkonerelit's
cavalry destroyed all the bridges tut*"
Itiohmond - and the Rappahannock, tore up the
tallroBd, cut the telegraph, and ventured
s few miles of Rjahmond, consequently
no co , on can be Width Lee's army.
"Hooker Ives forced biotin consequence of
the superior numbers and generalship 'of /es.
It is rumorel :Lee has maimed his army on
oar right, and Hooker will Change his bees.
Hooker is slid to be much disheartened."
These painful tidiagsmiuit fill every patriot
• hOart with, sorrow. The public expectation
in Gen. Hooker IA been wrought up to se
3 -higli a pitch, by the fulsome praises
_of his
• friends, that very Much was anticipated from
him ; and the national (ihispi•ottiteautt is
therefore the more serious. %%atelier may
' be thought of his apiary qualities, though,
there is but one feeling at the North over the
misfortunes of our Army, and that the mbst
sincere anguish. A terrible blow has been
limited for the cause of the Union, and Clod
grant that 12 may not be the prelude to still
snore inokerdag and depressing miefttrttuses.
The. majority of COMM, Democratic
candidate for Supreme %Indy, over Dzsoxi
Conservative Republican, is Await 4,506
on the home vote,. tat the eokiiers' tots ie
said to be some 8,000 in favor of Duos.__
Of course, that has bees - managed by jug
ling, but the enact is the same se if jihad.
been fain-4t elects Duos. We hare this
consolation, however, Dixon is a fair, •14
'rate and sound man. He is the Judie
w h o decided, in a case before him last
winter, that the mspeneionof theprivilege
of the writ of .Aaheas corpus 'by the Pred
dezi,t wan unconstitutional., r • •
J 2.17. DA US ON TM trmicom.... r efau was_
t}Nlanguage of J. *Fie 1/m4 th of
J, 1848 : •
iThisgreateounnywill oontione united.
Tiding politicians in'ilietiouth, or in tie
„mob, or in the. Week law, tantalum to
talk otherwise, but it will be oreo
Th e y sin like the mosquitoes around the—
ex; they , ono ; hot they canoot wound,
and never -
lion. Quart L. Vau.annionau - was ar
rested-at Isis residence at Dayton. 0., on
Tuesday morning, by a squad of soldiers
sent up, 11 special t ' im • . eat
for that 'purpose. Th& . ,to
Jimaah in several doors is . -."--.. . d
get -to him. The IselhApr 0. ,i rung
attempt Was - utne - to regal. .Im,
, but It Wed, and - heiv - w to Cinc:in
nail; The flanged populace, M
-tri lava refea
.gad el*elvei If - setting the Dayton
./sscrWartlin ' lilleanjnifice on lire and cut.
tii4Wl e pts - viiVinitTniii. ' . •
,telegraph °Moe was ekeed in the fear that
the rioters would enter waste**. The
fire, cotainatilies44 to thesadjolnteg-balld ,
Inge, and all the property from the south
end of the Phillips Renee *to the middle
of the - squire, Simi destiwyed. • All the tel
egraph lines iniksioity were cut doira and
destroyed. At lOW`clocii et nighlfederal
troops from ..ruilointniti and Columbus ,suss
oeeded inputting down t4eriotere, and at
. A
half-past 12 delook.quiet was again re
's:aced, iidis - ipitois fun Qacinnati. dated
May. 6th, says: . _.- - -. . '
"Dayton has been donseseetive# quiet today. About 30 riNfieaders in bat
night's, riot have been arrested-without
resistance, and placed in jail The . "Ern-
Ore" newspaper (Democratic) has been
suppressed,its editocerrolied and. taken
Cincinuati. i iThe !piths, itigiov o
, swivel from -ilia "Faziptre!,' awe, and also
took possession of two Wagon - Toads of
muskets. stored in the ROA Gerard% Ar
mory. \Every precaution behead taken'
to permit a renewal of the enibreaket.
The liquor shops . have . been closed, and
the telegraih t rpah.ed so 'that. commu
nication with e east Is rekatahliih4xl:
"Mr. Vallan t lian:t was brought before
the Cheri Mar • 40-day for trial. Here
fused to plead to the charges which were
reed tti him, and the court proceeded
with -the evidence. the publication of
which i 9 not allowed. The charges were
based on 'his Mt. Vernon\ speerh. He is
at the Burnett - - HOisee , hi, under-s
airbag guard.. David - M:llnd
counties are placed , under inertial law.
The total htee by the( confliuiridicui, was
$39,000. The ?image - otherwise \by the
riot' was small.' • - .
The work which the citizen has to do at
home is another and a different work from
that which the soldier has to perform
the field. It is one of the Worst heresies
of the day — .which teaches
,ttuia:.are kw.
committed the fate of gurpaticoito•lkilo
military power, and ,tliiit_wthave nothietat
to do at home but- to' austele.that power.
The semis heresy. has destroyed statical
before, waif it ghoul& beasmenuiveraat
here, would clestioy our own cossatry. We
have other work to do besides making.wsr.
However important, however vital to the
national life rosy be that department of
national duty, it remits., peverthelees,
true that there are other equally vital du
ties, other, equally important subjects of
patriotkt labor. It is madness to - teed'
that when .the ship is drifting •on rocks
there is no danger from fire - that whei
an enemy is boarding the vessel at the bow,
it is unntwustotary to watch the helm- and
save the ship from going on - the breakers.
The rebellion it not onrionly national den
gm It is not 'Certain that if the rebellion
is - crushed we shall. save' 'the American
Vision end the Constitution which inaitta
us a nation.. Eternal vigilance isTfitaVOLY
of the patriei." War timeir ans the' don - -;
gerous times for natiaitid . life; from other
MUMS than the - Open enemy. Hence it is
a terrible ft.:Or which men make who
would have all.olher patriotic and person
al duties absorbed inthe one duty of sue
tehtieit Hence it ja that, ktup
clergy make kgrand, almost a fatal error,
who lay aside - the "military duties of the
clergy,- forget, - for the time the'ordinary
province of the ; church, for the sake of
devoting their force to aiding the war,—
Hence It is that pOlitfoians make an un
piidonahlo error who' say itiat weluive
nothing to do with theciairse of the Ad
ministration in - Thiene that matter ; That
wee ought to aubjectelt public and private
nghla and. remediesi k e the olfe Idea bi
sustaining the
• Anti
to crush the robellicei:-:-.7Ouritterif
- • Walli-01 1 / 1 11. -
'We de to hare it_ fully ntule;etwx: .
that, the columns of this journal ore open
to °correspondents of every areal. Res
neat Democrat as we are, we are not
afraid to let our readers see an ides of
the qmetiens s in 1clote; and if there ere
any Republicans w hochoose to dispute
the positions we amnia or the statements
we make, they shall And as willing a.plaoe
in our Irlunins as our own political
friends. l i lt is only by free sad open die-
Wad= -that people em arrive at the
truth.- If Denim:rade arguments are we
mend, let them be refitted by simile!:
ones but do n6t, like Mwardly tyrants,
imprison, threaten and mob tnewbeesone
they do not endorse your views. Whitt
a party has to resort to snob means to put
down its opponents, it is a pretty sure .
sign that it is unable to meet their. state
ments in fair diamision. •
Gsx. Fuson. AND 13t.sci Tioors.—The
N. Y. 7rikie states that at the conclusion
of the regular servioes in the Church - sif
the Puritans, flunday evening 'Wit. Dr.
Gwen', a colored viaticum), was intro.
,duced for the purpose of malunga.stata.
'meet relative to the project of raising
10,000 colored troops in the Northern
States to be sent into the teld.under the
4xnamand of Ab ‘ jorGeneral Jose C. Fu
son. _ He said he had received from the
President of the United States the tom:-
awe that if 10,000 colored soldiers were
raised they would be accepted. - and that
General Faunae would - be amismed to
the ixannumd. - sdrstated also that be
had',seen Genend YIENNONT, and received
from him a promile that
,he4itot willing
to micas suet Conimatid.' • •
Tat Republican papers 'are publishing
with high glee an editorial article; abusive
of 6612: lifeCtatzlas. from the Richmond
If' this rabid rebel 'paper-1i - each
good authority with them on= onirirsabject,
it ought to be -on others. Perhaps they
endorse, atio, its views 'about President
LuscoOs.' and the , Aftmixsistration gener
ally 1 Row t -
Hasa Lass e•willoie is net ispt
s lo prodsoo
a disordned•
tolid* LadretaiL
llooleas 4 2emos_Atiacrit in 3' Iv ny•
day loom ie. bad 4.146 mad preTest sore
swims consequooes.... I( ion Aare_ 410 Des
tepidii,'.l. few bottles Mil. miser restore So
sscutive* orgsashitheitveigiora vigor. for
sue byibanbittairdoosseribm*
st , 76 cots ok bottle.
i - -
siigro law of laillass• s sociirlij
estorest: seek fliss,ll4o.kars bees
Notified to liar the Stets, slid, are preparing
to ellinate tO Canada;
1 •
`The drat of
the tax law f(
•tin •
.3141 t
the aaelatabot , ' , -- -- ---
repOptio oc . their bwit eis or properly of every
ldid tad fesc7446a,-- -4iii wilesser• win
decide what daddetioas ire to be made. frhi,
sabaitiedio 'esainthalicin, and sipeaig issy
takeii: - ifiersonf4h6 to . Mao i'lltitolii4
a their tneoine, 4 siftininiatinientitf,h'ot amen
to be fine, ii `I hit Witt bf a ?tide ish' bnef hi!"
formation the assessor pan ?Ilitain; Sub)titi. ;ti
the tiatiCor altirmatior t i oithi peritcnni - MiWmilit,_,
as prewiribed tiy tie •las In timing trtigfaiidil
t tr
the inisiridon of . $6OO W 'n'otlie`rifaile; ni:
leas oath is made that emitthi 3 Orbitriteistif 4
has no other Inaiiin fimnitith the sBooei
emption can be Made. rpm Ibtictertiiimiebinee,
-abstract - of the TaW'relating to dawning tai
wM be teund - oseftti id' enitlittlii hi
mating oat ri itthisienti of thW Inenili, *tit:
aiso gimes the dedaethiiii i:ilbi atia"elii Ibif
ialleetHol7l : . 1 • 1
.. - .
Mechanics, merchants and inhistifiktmeit
will-retort the whole account of the` trifle or
of-their bembuirs, dedirelit,oL,
r i . u 4NIPR of tblloolo• 100 I• toSeriik o.
Co-partners will' returni their abettor IntaresC
it the ,etV.parineridlip tunicirdert i
the Imolai of profits : -whether iipthrt hers of I
dieidembi or otherwise. Evidences of
for 44 14 4 r aosiauSb . * il l be yggied at If the
person znaktig as nventOry lo the 019ne 1
on Millman of an estate; - 4, -,
-Parnievowill-rekont- of - dm-pro?
dam of the farm. _portion et the-enam
has been "fed out" to a, k ftifjealq is PPP.
of the stook fattened, will be riturnod •
else; all salts at nada Medi. -phis irill.sveld
the payerwat of a double: artz,,fie: both
`the product of the fu -grain;-hay,sad
thwineome from the lltdek, WOW from th'e
soma.) No :doduellewl wlit tia-niadifor fihe
l*bor. *r. BrirfOrsSit kirreiej tr-' 4 1 11 47.
peasetof hired 'help will be delimited .
l i tryiii)iniforrent, bOrmianoe; orthEiry - re ,
, interest on mortgages, att: • Pio deduct.
,wilibr \ made Stu!. any ..patWr- of the
products of Lke \ farut waimmr4 in the:family.
Produee on handl)e . cern:tier 8111 , 1862," Must
be 'nalued at the ) hen market Prfee. : .•
,alerted treewillWsteune timbal anima of
Wi *lades , they e, whither sze&hy
statutes or agreement, dulled from fees.
4 4 . Previous to Sep 1 ,„1. 8 6 3 ,A0 dodo°.
dew of three per cent., froarealarles
of is the amp of w flatted &MGM
II foltowe that the prase noloniteeteed b
tweets Xeituery 1, 18424aad Ant:: : 1862,
itolndro,\Most be retained. ' •
• A return tar ." - Mirde of the me-or
divider:de. derived from stook' in, eal bank,
insarewee oe!ty, sayings bnitlbit#ow\ erg*
company, nuiro riUroso beide, steamboat,
ferryboat, 'or brid between hammy 1,1882,
and August 81, 1862\inclueive.
The nee pins. or ' prollts of sassufaeturers
are to be taxed. nada' wagon ;ninety of Um
law, without: retied to iheiset that thtiy Aare
alre:ady - paid Tki etentptloticontained
in the original Mal* was • mencrved-by the
ameadonat of +Nara -
All income received from'borbtimortgespo L
• notes, stock is gas companies Or .utaltifiotnr
log comparries,=g the whole ortbi year
11362;i1 to be ed mad • -
Persona rheas futon dots -not Aroused'
$lO,OOO, gad wko ineb4e lis art Utkited BPlteS,
are liable to a tar of three per pant. upon au
such pant thereof it Is ott-tmeinpt.* iceed
hg slo,oooer *sat. • Provided, how
ever, that it iderived -ftreel United iltatee
securities shalt be subject to, a duty of ate
and a half per cent. Only: Citisilts of the
United States reelditg ibroad,:ruld 'trot in the
eseployment of the tratted.Statios one Bowan I I
rol**lrlf Pf.five per 000.-41 0 00,44/10
stook, or securttles,. *limed the rp a i rej
• States, except government secuiltlee; ind ttp;-.
en these one a hell per feast.'
The following dednetteas will %bobs amide
from the auregetebeetle M
vi IA Illrecafri Mid
the tar levied upon the elide; :
State and local tazat i th e ''calindarlesi;
January 1,1862 i-to bet El.- -
43alaries of Thrited Agates olieleis, Alma
which has been already dedractill by
lag officers' the" three - iwor = cog: in et ' tsli
.nterest, davidenda, tie.. of •itoelt is banks
and other money corporationifnun high the
statute tan of three per gent, hoe already Veen
deducted or retained e.) August SY,
Rani pts derived irostE a adassilowleals" an
which a duty shall alraally hilys4ew pt. : .
The NUM of $OOO, exiippt thosa MM. in
which the $BOO Ikair aliee4 hies lighnited
Near salaries a paver iletiierhaubst:iiiiers
-,. The rent actua4p4djoy row of-dPWaI
how,e or estaii,"the ortierepgs as
sessed. The nlue of rent ofliintwr, accnided
by' the owner, islet didisillet • •1:,.
Tito .ononal , of binitilika..nnliel;al
the board of sitaltjabsr:
personaliitatitifif hYe ~ ltd toile
duet the - vit- rape* • • "•Uitnitin- lib& iL
tone, aniaaandesina upon sans.prapany.
The not at onanorilimrsieniietkriew dot
tares, Stl., will In ne, own.
• War -1. I
tan Econowr Or ,
tin of Anteribana 1011.11%000r,
'people, Thosi - iiirvities 'kW bintindad Min
a day, and their annual loan by stekainaskas
avaraga of takileys nob
Om a tmal low of '
times at large Ilia 'thole "'et a ,
rws Ileac
rat Onerainlik lashalling tabli ckhey'r
Post 'Saw lonnisiset, Viertign Maiden son
pure g The sapon . w &i
lioter,o4,-4 1 44 1 **V
at •
large prOpoition" , of Ms
-sight be :simia , by inintiewito dealt.
less, sad above all, by eas
right remedy in season. , hen a,25 omit Pp i f
of Ayer's Pills will avert in stink ,„
',Mob it would- take iiiirdxds,i JO
May nor a dollar bettlirotiyerbt
willlmpel a tunas iiissailsr
gin saferar I his bicktoe ennui or inine
does it. take any lignreaL to "Atoll'
economy of the investmenel When. Pine
Ague is rankling in yourvsina indwbaking
per.ilfe oat et you„ lilt - intik AS daily it
coin for hieidaua cum talkairethn iu rl
&ander expelled; which' It - ant - •
*fitly Wbei yen havii taimi 11 B r
=to well -it pan aanisci nano
rim sia" er liddiLdk 11e14011044 dIdA .
4tmttotrYiag to min lt,,trvinei It Won be
=On all, oi" is it cheaper co l late Aye"
Cherry Pintonl, costing alb* Mang; . aad
penuno tbs-troable-beforipkt! is isriowal 11
taken so wiadont tadasloo.i •• • - 3 1 , •
,•• The lanai 4!, anntlannerinal
*Wan have benne on assoniensil i nnbassing
disloyalty and. trauma
link that they ma -aspen tbintsslant,
13a* Senorita, plinsei regani tiithais
nor, their winazikeir tradseuesi, aiiWklisemilabs
weather. • ' , lt ia s dislayaltlay.l 4.1 A it tno.'
namable westher.'! "that AbillistalneAsznApt-'
anion synnsaisor QV
Ye apt" wosid.bant
bon - 6218 104 eler kw. " PO
m. L•to • twit
" the Potatoes ere bik040494!: • than
ntl. Oman lame of the to n. . irk said lo
intanitio notrarreans it, 09 .104. 4 , 110
nobs th e .4 1 4,04- 141 . 1/4411n
MITIL-TIPPIRD 811110111.41k1".4111411
teak item iatha ,
ibeaaiu 0104•11.'
as eval Pirtnt
riabli Wear out their aboeial tot! Tivi!
sot parequeutly before tie olio, to art ai
quarter worn. Children's 0bi:44 . 114 *tali
tips serer wear oa t at the : tle
PAT that 004'11,Tfr1004PPArwillii*il*N
more Ikea csatlvp,r,tbetia pe l t, ltpb ut . 4191.1
Me *fire
. 0 the ettae.ito3aeril.k,44,ltbrn....,
Tihr'satirly eblikaisdoeseibialli iturivon,;
Asiaiti•OSi4a;.i4iies4 et tkiiitilits;
etWilidastos IliostWils-11460sSittiitil..
Se bii tiiii minga4 toripfe;•-z
- tad ibr - thi *tweak, Oyer the reports
.• the. vicinity of Fredericksburg.—
4 t u y i M eA deornite sod bloody
• • • • kifadeem •. barthe coati
7 7717 r." - come tY
othenotimbi. ipfbe there then' timidly un
eatiafectory. Thelleiiiirantaat holAtA con
trol of the wiree,:sivd—vvill .let nothing
pass over them except whit is directed by
the 0111110 T atitaihitigta: The newipo
per correspxtdests have also. been placed
under restrictions, Gee ! . Hooey: hiding
honiedac i alim fore prlortrard move:
ment tool pi*" bolding tJaew:parsonsili
reepocoulge for their l! &temente. From
the macs sad unreliable
matter doled MC 40 the rablie,we have
tried to extract roinethlng like a method-`
teal amount op;tar;otis' SO far to
they have reached jai;
twrusmAr's saws.
On Esiturtray seeping, we received the
- first news whiciasil-been eagerly antici=
poled or tbessecessfal moyeateat „across
the Itlipp.shanisatik by the 'Army, of the
Potomac. On- Allooday .maralag oLlast
week, the Fifth, likwevitit i r and -Twelfth
corps moved unmet& Kelly's Fowl, aboie
Fredericksburg. assebing -that 'plow the
tollnwingday. -Alletemsled bones were in
readiness here;-kusct byitightftill, • or soon
after. - the MMMIWWWWfter with,
SuICK.V.PIOt *ft cs_,..—talfAii 4be
stream secur ely. At Awn vu - achy the
FAM031104,,. nociNgh L omainovect down
the -
river and Icis..eurprised — therobel
pinkest..: Thiry ahm threw, amass the RIO-
Pshannock two bliclogjoui miles below
_Atioescaitir. &Duna* of
.14b troops bad arossestim the two bridges
wiendaimetabwrtros third bridge' was con
structs& awl /carom jposOd hold them
all apins . t,e,ny and no more troops
cioneed over the peer. gen. Reynolds
bait abridge saws the 'river- two . miles
Wow, ned'evesesd with his loreain spite
ef wshespirefecsotthe enemy's vidsrpits.
%lemma, fled, CIVISA.Lthe eerthWorh&—
Aglit s yeeveaptisottent were takentbniong
=in Sixth Lciairiank and nurikibigh
Five hundred Openers - were
Midelrp , terlbererefeek;• an-i the, enemy
anima Whirrs been taken Ittsurprise at
-almost trte7.. point. Our force marched
41,4ChanoeP o orville.. 'General Booker
Wa3 contiriiiillY riding along the lines and
seeing that everything went 'right
The iutellivoce from the 'Army is very
Tien en who lift, the Rappa
hannock thiffaturdiarrepo it that as 'soon
witilen.Llfooktei advance was known in
Rickusond She essay moved_ mat to , inter-
Dept him. Rebel .retufosceostots ocoolita.
ned ta i arrive, throug . holit Wechiesdey
night ind . Fridajr.: trams ran constantly
finnaltictitesonitand IR the kralithle eon
federate troops were-maned around Fred
ericksburg. It was repotted front Chan
cellotville that Gen. •Btonanaso bad nut
thi,railrOad.}looker hso • kilted an
aliss - piybita high obtnplinaent to
\ nieufdr•theif condndt thus-far Ita this ha
pa/Mat alkomposent t • A-bait/await mines.
ed•,at say sagaiest. - •
8o far as wncunjudin at this distinct,
from the scene . O 1 salon, iiverithing bed
bead nitt•iiifbll# managed on' ani•in:4 np
to &Air ;11 1 -E va norni zy ng. The plan adopqd
in , caussim' 'stair soilated - Rall -of--peril,
and. - had understood lho seta-
meat 1 :40 0 46km0 IKIF FraiY - could
kiire escaped serious joss, if not i daunt ! :
gblidbYmit:'lltiksiti a At* In face of-11
detettaltielf intl'enteupth,ing-fon is alkays
irseigeas:amsior. • L - • •
Themilitsmi preblaiato, be. sobsixi by .
We, Visoopcinnumder was a • _ •_perpieasag
iirelii:frout of ii , deep TiVer, directly
el pdsite in Impregnable podtioc, and
• Med-below' pintail"' guereed beds,
a t
ride-pita, and redouble. It e • not
wools Abet *Away should in get
across the river .stabil. The was I
Worsen li .
. 4* In ti position w - the 1
eliemi*OM hate no adrantsge of
lien siuliecadd not letteate with out
lam •i It was sbeirefenedesidge that thee
I shoub4 be disosircsi as Le the real move
deb( and th e Uniott army` table a-poidtlon
ou•thettedite • hm* Whise 'inur not MC
psiteebribent.• f Abd this waiee all 110-
pearamem aaderapiishei.. While these
tali" Stall2oSPUli
wiih dio entire, naval . bras, .istarted, foe
the-yrstar cif the miry to die ,
able the railroad'• tritely and' destroy_ the
bad.. I.ever. die_ htattepoer and Worth
ltlo !:=itri tFOm taisksoarturits„
# l 4r, *0 every - "WI, id" IPIMVIId
mimic would ISelimecesse. - `ld that me;
think' Leo be debated, Itweeld go hard
spiablie Mayo Weskit' ileoleter la reedited
bi ate sA:pV kaina4 l a .n
is 61. erthymeterl d
I . diT
!Nictio9 11 r- ulmi
- gills' tit bey onfedeed - thei'the orate lent
ispiammwerthe eeemy kw a inurpseimm
sfirmemiUmou: The beide debase of she
ter-4 1 */
. .e . 1 1 1 . 1 = 0 4 311 71rt
lITio - traitnr, a 7
rlesittlividahltea:lforater niched
theft hank - seeedd Mean to- indiente - thet .
thighluetpriaperedis snap hr. ilk* Union
may. lA* Ssoksottraed /Bud have in
gjoret.been too dish on the alert to
Met 'add kavebeen caught sae
cl•l t:( 1 'lEfiCCUrdenialOil MM.
1 al" . 1111114 linuaoser left wit*, which we.
• • . swijisti. city and
p . e" . • eteptl iar Oti seal is ,of a most ea
. ... ~ _ . Macity had been
tilt 'dmlrilni fOrtniebble line of wok*
*dont widish thrie. Burnside, had dashed
hieesiammisal,iirvale was is - Our
„There ;ego, rumor' of 11 and
esdered:eistiosy—of implored gime and
the taiteuedon &vast qtusntitlea of stores.
r, ..7fseasetioestor braa oar riOt wing, me
lba direstscamemmisli of Geo. Eleohee.
Jtetkie tamable. ;Unarm klmt, whet
mg, he term . ...the
,-mesa* of our line
=liftßanki Ibid , on the Bap.
iNistaidkairine, while the
visht,prepirt astAkeit the Isitee-pohat 10 '
the eiriasids Ail, en the Ba= 4 =
insetketittoe angles of which
die was the ex. By this position our
mkt, .ed the road to _Goidocie-
Willni Mote Unit `timid be in& le ,
ii,allebie-*r' ttiir fdroor Of sho - 4800tliy
gioddletioy :walk to nimbi.; as Gesemi
Hooker femur anima. he took up litie
er d eadmius "e rn=figter i b d inett i t:
binilitreeta tad Naha this - armee of as.
tam taitowbsithodildlio!liwea
rmiatheatmorals=, or 'drive,-
in atig e m =i extritoia,=74o
4twd.atGesintinisito Bly's Tord.
'Mk Weir z litle bra heartirid Mutts*
wisititivit elhatravtote aveilihie-liese at
tomb liths Mid= at Jeir.t , ittied
- rialroseiirrilisietrengi +4. *et Pilaw
•_, . • • 9... and. alter the rmery Were
• • ,- glit up Gil S Ariktay Diglit . the ai
rosy wise not ',web the worse fbi- thfe Ut
ile notbie cite biSioei ol i mente re
uosi ElshdrploWtheom see manes
ateietemkut amithiesdsfinite br4itmwm
- • .„ . i.. :inialliSClAT: o MiWils• : i
0 ~ •
• The speciil correspondence °ft's* 'tTew
7n ii isn explaist the naktra of our
*One the Fiechniettekos
11' "IlierlAriC lama lissnaisstah he a,
eepahee Aloo eineilsete aleggered and
cesium saik*OPlF:inoted Welk hoot the
itrrit4 * TAW , • • sidok , were owed into
AlieirZ . 0 mond iseauitthe
Wider - Paw- u, Ibltted 'the
gki . itie**lipe.oUld
' • c.:::.:.• - . ,-_ .4. t the
'enemy could be seen
section?. Wecapts
'prisoners and twigs
caviar/ to increase itb
The rebels took High
teen ugieslistant
• .Wbe, last' heard
,waiLwilltin *Mean
Hann E Conn. EN.
'cuit &sound' ° Ibe en
railroad bridges on
Anus rivers. and lu)..
,track. Time is„ or
, Means or escape
'Ault artittery'e
• Dawdle road. •
ch exci
I The, following is f t tt the II: Y. Herald
extra: '>Oirr m- •• gets file* Hooker's
army bring details , f Lis movements to
Monday night, and o movements of Sedg
wick to 2 o'clock !Tuesday' twitting.—
Hoaker male/tined his new line on the
edge of the woods, a sh ort distance north
of Chancellorville, ing the wain, road
leading to the Unit States Fort' *Mout
important change., here, w -no lighting
there until late bi a ye ;moon, when
'a division of the sth corps YUMA to
iosrds Frederick b ur , mem ii 4 the rebel
skiriniattem in the Dods (hieing them
heck. The wain bod pushed on, meeting
'large bodies of rebe 8 in 4ouble line 'of
battle. A half hour heavy fighting en
sued. Our bstteriet ' repelling the rebels
to fall back in d; rder. The division
then returned to our in line and rcited,
having ascertained; t. e'eneury's position.
Hooker, on Sunday lint and Mondity en
trenched himself, an is ittiundantlytable
to resist any rebel ! tack which may be
made." 1
Prom Gen. fiedgwi It's corps the herald
prints the following n tintaitance : It ap
pears that alter the g struggle of Sunday,
Lee detached a large body of his retiels to
pest fiedgeick, and it bras known that Long
!trait was rapidly getting in Sedgwiek's rear
At the same time. Early Monday morning
Imp masses of rebels Oppeared on the heights
east of Fredarickbur. where we bad but a
il mall (ores, having . •1 $ large portion , to
strengthen Sedge/Wt. This position was re
linquished after a sh.rt resistance, having
first reamed all the t ns.
Some fighting occurred above Fredericks
barkt„'believed to have been in unencoessfnl
attempt to reveal. : leosptreet, moving up.
The r rebels no objection to - out
bidding Prederickb which we shall retain.
1341 41F10k was hotly engaged all Monday,
the rebels pressing at all points, and his
mestWere obliged td re way before over
irkeltolig masses of bele, and his aikido:mi
litant lammed certain, when n Vermont `hrk
gide niimie a ferocious harge, repulsing them
and securing the Wet of that portion of the
may. i The shinede of the enemy here,
alias Banks' Ford, as perfectly horrible,
'idiot' brigades of re being literally', wiped
oat' 80dgwick, ho re-crossed the river
in face of the enem after midnight, I Ito
enemy I.raking ear, with artille7,
causing great loss of e. U. succeeded in
getting across in. c ' Ivey good order,
and leashed immedi yto the Hailed Staten
Ford tekjoin Hooker's sin body. 1,
The N. Y. „Tribune an extra witik nbout
the stuns account its th above.
Instructions bus n given to thos' in
govertukest service no to impart information
to any one regarding the progress of oper-
Won' in and around Fredoriokburg. The
authorities at Wealth" ton are perfeetly, eon
tident of Gen.-Hook 's success. lie lean
maintain his psition and reinforcement' to
the *amber of 80, . men, under Gennial
Heintsebnan, have n sent him. Nothing
definite has been h ' of General Stoneman,
but be is believed to) aye accomplished'the
Work assigned
A 'Washington co ponanat says Hooker .
has taken from 6,000 MOOD prisoners,- and
has lost icon. 6,000 or 6,000, sad is in good
The fighting yeti y (Monday) Was "ot,
general or 'very es in its character, as
Was generally anticip ed. It was thought
that the shock of to-day (Tuesday)
'sold be fought with highly important.if not
Taal remits.
. -- Gen..Btahl-repo is a severe fight, r be.
tweet a portion. of .is forces and rebel
eavelry near Warren ~ . on Sunday. After
a bard simile the - , -Is were driven from
the geld. Oar forces penned, but ea the
'many scattered in oery direction to save
themselves, it was i possible to cap tu re
any 'considerable 'nu ber. Gen. Stahl,
however, sends in 28 prisoners enci sixty
horses to WaribingtO as the trophies of
h victory. ' The 'en my's loss is said td
be heavy in killed an wounded ; aura is
not Stated. - •
—One Sunday DI ins a spirited figest,
took=on the N mond, in which
were dri a oat'of their rifle
pi .after a stubborn efenee. In the af
our troop stell upon a masked
, t, by • eroe cannonading,
14 out ere Rundown. At'the same
k w_
timennaket force crossed the river four
mike . Btiffolk, •nd, it is rumored,
succeeded in .' . g a rebel battery of
8 guns and a I ,_ - nu .. ber of prisoners.
A rebel .. - •a of Priam inMis
sissippi: "Pins, w ..* . ormerly sold atfive
cents a paper, now - ..*. command two
dollars m our mar ' t. A peck of Goes
toon playing cards are. •• . ily disposed of
at the common price . ight dollars per
puck, and rum at fifty ..ntelier,drink. A
seerrumn sized pump in sells at forty
Gents." ' l
1 jr , • of .._.
1 Jmuteckar's FIDDLIL .U 0 Wil
Declaration of redeye ... ence was Torsi*
ately fond of fiddling, . . is said to.*vs
excelled in playing on . t instrument .
In 1770 his fam .! - • -ion was burned:,
Mr. Jefferson min . in after years;
with great glee. ad , . ... ote connected
With the fire. He was absent from home
when it occurred, and 'slave arrived, out
ot breath, to inform hi .. of the disaster.
After learning the _ . al destrtiction. be
inquired : " But were .-; .e'of my books
saved I" "No, muss," . the reply, "but
wir saved de fiddle."
What we want tol
mid do if we are tc•su
the Rebellion by pA
Amok, &trod. • -
atm oli rertanee upon
Proolesnapon been
wisji to earn • repu •
we met mist the teat
r etx laraonsaar.—T
• expresses gratin
!Akan' now eh
election and political
Tilikwistch an sod Union
y wed ge from
I to *Wide
ful to have a Intim
' 4. 41118 4 0 IN:qt 0.:
litrft_ r BUNTER, PnicitiCal ilattekNo. 2
Itacjatit opal • otay_ « Rs* ut.
'kW 4 • 441 : kei 1 .9 vaioi 1110 to the aosmiati
at vat Iwo putasi, sad . • im i k s k e a 'A iw a
dim !=to. Rib from&
• V Nay - - •
a 'CHAS, L.
Alp. Box 1820,
' 'eF . , : l' ' 1 1 J •
r4. 2 ...;-:7- '',i . - • '
P 4k, R 13 1 Q N
VAT 9-40 w.
it ilatttlONSMllillerrilicirrwarn
For 30 prim have Murata foaled CitllT WOW.'
D 311 AND 131241311VAT1V 3, made and applied
erll3l*• mime of the same spot. Mathias Out their
111 1 / 4 MaLiatti elairecThe bar given them their wi au,
VMS litarvntrws, 8~1 tat tabe tbe pimaoi . I
Aiwa ptvganitions. Tire ar produces any abide dreid
la Ilea Wade& ' .1
liiiiiialetr L Cliarti)ollo, 1.0. CI Astor How"
N Y 42.144 1 1 84 orreryir*lp, and applied by all Ilair
Flammoi.Arrleibel, SI" Uwe $ i por wog, according to
Mem 4l _ . may 9 lm.
Crislaidaro' s Haar Preservative,
Mianaleelbiemilllbbla DioNit it Imparts the utmost •
WON the Red billillidl3l Oho, and gre a t titan(' to the
Film 10 meta, $1 sad $1 per bottle, according le Ma
• aeglelt-ty
I seatter og in all di
. many important
I - guns, but leaked
1: trophies of victory.
over the plain to
! their farces, seven
' General Hook erl
.m Gen. Stoneman
s of Richmond at .
hiving inadelt
l• my, destroyed the
the Pamunkey and
e fifteen miles Of. the
as at - last day*, no
:he enemy with bag
eept along threw
rold. TIKISIAPP 1/1101,snAIN 1101116 K 1.1I11•
ad RPM —Plat hottleihtg e. eanteenah. for the
Fad hilliehleh iseretabei. triad .SPllKw&hreLiwali
ts. cats, mite, attpetaii , nv. - 0 'Wiwi'. NMI
mat, nail la the f,ot, We... Rte warranted rheorwand
better thaa say other ankle ewer °dined to the pablht.
Mama& of animals hare been eared of the was mid
ever-heallse by this Mamma ; and bandts‘ that sire
'rippled sad lams been been restored to their tons.:
rigor. It is used by all the best horsemen throttighoit
the Etats% Orders are constantly mewed bee the
tieing Stables of gnigissad for fresh applies of siwn. ta
nduable article. Over Child fationdi le Mao ban re
sriosi issarsher, 60 cents laid out la time Easy save
the lite of yore herr. Sold by all Arirgglets. ORos, 66
Cortlasttttreeg i Kew reriu
do—ead Whit, we
~• —is to emsh
forre.—A !bant
o Emaacipatioti
dolt We don't
• foe density. but
tation to as i thy•
- New Haven Re-I
on that the Re
their Victories atJ
age, as Union
Ling& It is ai r
years ego, when
I. Apr thinking its
DS Illip
$ U* o at'
rr NTs:
go-glag's Vvertionnents.
Ay . SESLID PilOPOttALa will Wiecelved at the
esineof the Gamow,. la 'Aswan's. Nowa onstal.
up to . tholetb Tar tie Green imod asscoory
et the
From asemistown tu the Yoram-go enunks Ilse, imat of
Brounsvfilie. A. W. itAYSIOXD„ [key.
Jamestown, April 'nth, 11411.-m9ll
Flour; Pork, Beef, Salt, Grath
No. 2, Ihrayno Block,
B•l If Vai and Shisgh
20 to 40 Per Cent.
Wm. P. HAYES &
No. 8 Reed House,
We can sell a% 20 to 30 per .ct
Of Font. Weeks since!
Newest & Cheariest
.•• - ciIi)VES,
In fine assortment, and• much UNDER
BEST EMT " " 137
$ DomEs:rie GOODS within
•the reach of' the million.'
the ielolors opiolotei
iYt . el OMAR Ot Mali late of -
eity,Ps., Witte Ai lesriep:olPee to datum
ais lea estate to )nest them *gm meat
tet or before the let of August, Mt, sad these koetrillit
theemeelres lodeleted to the sum era reqatred to woke
oit t r Wore thorium pertorL
l air 44ol . *sem • tot doomed.
. ..
A taiers4 \ do Biomass,
irMICIOIII.III.II Talton sad
*test" for Pi= k ZeW izsr Petest Swiss; lifaoluaes
the best la State between SO mad Oh Na,
lkte. Pa. Clottiee \ seibe to In the Seed stle.
The Nabeeriber
et Ibis lied •'' -
la &lora Rif
.11Wais tie tegaritie aeleibrasea Plano Porte mil Nateison
• Nannfaatureta
Light Si_ Breams ry, Now Yost.
Steinway laSsone,'S ow tork.
_Allsortswa k EhrohAllkr;ii Y.
J. B. Doukas,. Nei York.
Eutaw, k C Called Pkissi halo khans. New Yost.
law. eallislo. L N. Y.
Ow. I. Aims k Co.. 8a610.41. Y.
Csehat e lissiOS & Co., Cow Y .
Mass wUI be 4.44 In *hea ork. t
two woks.
MI passes wiskkig a Monts Moo Porto es lisloar
os.astiavikil Ss sag asWissiszkise our isotrwoworts b..
poseiwolss oksawbows. Cireatara mast tare to any
Wrote. L
ler P. Initramente warrasitoe tee dye pion,.
tipster. Shores. forit fmmrolt
la. brittle kr (sstlti .f .a.sunex,
_rrettbatoy imbed mime et T
lioe ki
le r ow, - A.
i TM mb mptifiltir M.ltria !
batmen Ell be maims" of the 01 eitiblik•
imeit by
htir=e l : lll radhotte r ed te mitts eti.• of
bow ugs old Ilea: WALT= IP. J. I.IIIDV I L.
Attlfitlrtr t!t taut.
011ee ef the 164 e City Um Witiveirser oriole as 4.
UM streets.
•• - •
owes op Tin tan Cm inn Woln.
• 113121‘lipitl MMUS.
AU foie kens sasellnlf sesslub tis fog
ana •11.143•14 Kant & Nsesesr, sre smsestostto inks
Issionistssettinmat tin IMMO winos' further inlay.
• 1 73-41`. LIDOXLII4 SoCIAJOITt. -
A Oft* of Or sealiplrk, kis& &
12.0 p
ot -
p Ii 1,,L
vest Urn. traverses
and Northwest castaway of Yams) leausa
Ma t on' Lake
It has his lamed 0,7 the Pammassliesue I
irnalbwad radar their asuptows le bliss" r".,
thmighwei Ito entire Length.
aid •07 V um be ramseuter aaA Vweo,
from fiersiabarg to Driftwood, 24 York (In olk
lialliatu: 1114..10n .u 4 from eas44l4 fir NAN
on let sitars
yell srau loam— • .
larnamodatloo Tashi
MO ?Ws Arrives
Aceoemodettee Tram 'Arrives
707 I'lton:taloa reepecHeig Peetenger
et the!!: R. cos net 1 Ith sod thither; eta,
Mathew of hey 09...psere
B tON, Jr.,.seraer tats
.J.lll. DRILL adult N. C. R. IL, fieltisie ra '
H H HOU S+QN, Hermit ftlOckt Aiteet. pta),„. i
LEHIA.L. HUH? Hamm! admit Ara; pu o
JOE. 0 : Mrs, Beckon' Neuter, — ti
N. and alterlirudw, April
Pawner Vidal • 111 oe this I
41 A. ts, sad lasses. atop at
Pin rib 15et..1111411, Usk iliglaabWaiiii
Ilrostee. DasktML, illlomenek !Mrs
"Motets% ihdlalo, al 9 64) A. M.
00 P. IL, Dog Narrow, 'topples at 11e
Sold, DueltirtS/or Oroolk, and
arrtols at Illialo lP at •10P. M. •
15 PAL, as ,
Dooldrk soot Sillror ts = ih=or at
at 10 10 P. M. .
130 • M.; Mgt, bare" stopple, at
Minket mid Mose Crook outer •
4 110 A. M.
Th. Day gime" eniasets as Deeilrk
ths Might Norms al Beide Oaii. with
for liair York,
L2A di V i rgit BA.'
zo A. Y. agat • Icea.„. eapPlisis sift
- '
toe, P Angola, Irviag.9llne
urtlabd, 11/60111•111,1Trulaqg, Skols Lloo„
Cod sad rubor Crook &MON' at Ws
P. 11. •
6laA. V, Takao Express. stopplat ittisek
Daebtrt. Witteald wad North Mut, antra k
at 10 0,6 A. N.
9 36 Dap Express, "topping AS Are* 10 4
Crook, Deathly Wettiald add Mori Mostore,
at grit at 1 30___ . P. M.
10 10 P A Y . ., ASO at Mew Cal k
_ klrk and " raottili ' 1. 816 = at Ads 1
A. 111. •
Itallrout Maio Is to. Waite' tutor this i 1 s'
Aprll24, INS. It. X. 11310."
> E-
talE, PAI
calm till loom Dunlttelt atiikost‘
- 'Eastward Botad—Dopart.
tab% gzpreri -.4 IS
jtoek Lipwe ..... lil is ,
rt Ihmegbil ..---- .4 SO L
Way height :. ..... —....----.......-1 IS .. i
ii!ockrlp3press runs oral day.
lIINOL a.. 7 wit
Lao Noise Bamoot Nom)
onpottod with Goods at Moo York h a
Polar atteatkru paid to Ittosablair ood
It vows. No. $ Hogttel ItiodOtato on*
IOU! YQY 114
. lir at
French st., 2d door &Nab of rigastk, Istadea.
Mali 0 •'A L'.
E. Coughlin, Boot end ape' Dealer,
nespeethilly latorms the Public theg be
se removed his stand to theaters beam
au Flea* street, two doom Beath of 4th,
where hi invitee *Utile old Mends gnA or& ft Is
him a mil.
Particular attention given to ItiMUXI4O. Wig
°artful workmen, and superLotendieg all bia brim
himself, he batistes ha can give as good settandiss lei
sell at ea tor prices es 4nl etby paw* la the*
Good Fite Warranted. wirer
Grateful for past faints, the nibristilas rimputtilli
threw the cities's% of Este sad etigattp. that baba&
and tatted the Gallery 1 etently 00013141111 hulk /
Chambers, where bir Is prepared fo aluiss,l6
or Part4oalar attostloa to Mildew aid Copied
■RB. R. 14 *SILLY,
Would respectl y cly i zetr a s t as iam lo l as Isar of &to at
TOEBDAY, -APRIL .28,: . 18433 , „
at the come of Frisch sod Itftts shoals, two &ma
North of Rivas ILA a Lugo sad apinalla anortaati
IPreth frost Neer To* Qt % ambe.eltat term etni
molly eontalnett In a and dam eg CY
kind. •
17LiCACIII1f0, P111E331140 AND Car, cuusa,
DODO to the Beet Stile, and ea the' mod itemonlin
Tema.„ Waving bed intimates fa
MON flatten haraatt that Am - •
The pablla patronage la ta.Mcst. y entlaglog.
T..• PUBLIC Rs aridissed 43 iin ,19 117110011
artfalee of LTC for ifeekber 80AP. mew oared fef
abr. TR. cal, ORNERNifaat PA Lye Bea
IWO COMPANY. timAr trade umutkr ItbdaeßA=
nu. OR CO v CaRTRATIO LTV." Thibelligic
of the utielb has led WILIIWURPIRD 1"..4' lis ill•
dam, to IMITATE 11, 4, violallas se tin Cullhara
tberoitlUtill 1462, are lama, X Qat die
CONPANY have wiNeyed ma their ATl'OlllllOllll. ,
eigORGIS II MUG, left-. id Plin=
EtiILZWILL. Eau, et
And tbit all LW man:Taus. Mae cm =Lai
ol=ca vislatio• of Ure *kb a the Onippity, gabs
MILD at ems.
Ws by all Diciaatm, Gamma AM Cloons, aroma
The Us ITIO atATII2 etiOirlT COM, Weitera
Pesaeyhttetlik_No. I or Ike Up/AI. ink la i g!
P NY as._ TRW. G. CRAB; dempal to the
ea endear 12, 11164 the CXOLUNIYIWV
• palleet emmed by them for the aILTQX
dated 21, 1826, smell
• Philadelphia I Pitt Stew. at
re. • akpa-je" tenW
• 01...
*• • •
LW WaWet •
Duquesne My. •
. DEM s'!ESTt'S •
masa or. Liman"
VlNlNgrtiou 4koSt •
Wadi *stator eoatalso ~_ and
p l k lif d Ukbas fokWri•
steel aid swayed Pablo* n• Ulsakaksie
ecifill the faititosibie hem N it= i trelp
lotaladke Bortoebe,ioloebo. • Sam.
sib foie) itrssssa ; Witati.B *sluts, Wrap"
Woitee.ruireate, Jewett". —4NT=
llWaif zed Weals' !Mew ; Ms•
Idebrettlery Pattern. ,Ttlamitigt Vote'
rte. roar HIFt.-afis; Patteras. pit gm •
the l =ll ll
ebiaptst, meat *peke imed rubles!lttatheui, stmlotrens. Prearmakentead Wks
ever Weed kt Ode er 1103 Wok 001taWf.:
tl is Yu& Disimart
41.1 Broadway, N. Y. If *Win Ono WO" 6
iNi per; Melts cop*. tee•lplie
splistAtd *beam Iv wake otil upload*
ta 081
kareekropy porodaesekl baokeliato p = s t a r
System of Prom caWft.
balsa. Lleetaol Gilt or K 111 411 141 so* gee%
Reartiog ?Web de a g ar alf
&win Mullein, lad palest lister gold. W
et the above voluble to be oblide.
miag trii sorter fitt • Pre We
"Alger o f nittitoos."*r lloadaor atarlar • • •
Taw walisniesiai did, as tit Ana dsj , t•
aistiaial cannot. &twelve the.. pullermagg Is ,
beigowws abrrlod on by Mon wader lbw mar sod Ow •
Kvidsl /k, %sates. • Tbi• boabros for %a Mae 1/00 11
oirried oa by W. ti. Nam! Taw will pry all Ir
tko told tm. 11. ajar
Ourry. Api, 1114120. VW.
T)M• 0/ PAAWILIIII TaAlllll AT Law
ktitiNN ZW MlG'd WACI,
West of the park, First Door from Stata Streit