Munerftylr - , • • Pl i i r llo-1 7 0}1,TE 'STAMM/1411NT NO. 127 RROOML STRUT, /TRW YORK. Thilanteeriter respectfully invites the attention of his wa n ds and the radii itwaehilly,, to his Pte -Feria RA. teadlehinent, at No. at Broome Street, corner at Crosby Street: Ening withdrawn his Intwoot, stock and material from the late firm of "Lights 4 Bradbury'," which Inn 'was dlerolved on the lit of January, nit., and haring pnrchioed the entire stock of Piano tortes and Plano.. Porte Material, owned by his brother, Edward O. Bradbu. . ry, In the said thin, he Know Inspired to 'supply the In- J'cresaed demand for his celebrated Piano-porta.. Em. playing the most &WM and experienced workmen, with a large stock of the beet awd sited tliersegigy aeasemed , :materlel, and an aliundrince of capital, be - his taken In hand the perwinal suparvialon of the whole business at manufacturing his instruments, and ts enabled to turn out Kano-Fortes of %Wig Galled toss and araitesiss. BRADBURrB NEI( SCALE PIANO-FORTE. In the arrangement of our hew sae*, drawn end pre pared with the utmost eye. ex ruist r ly for oar dew In strumants, we hare ',Lipman vasnont which can hinny way tend to the action o the Plano• Forte, and we can confidently auert, that for delicacy of touch, vol ume, parity. brilliancy, andowestaeos of tone, combined with that strength and solidity of frame necessary to du ratdlity; their instruments are unequalled. • .Sraaacru AND BEAC111" Is our motto, sedate Invite the d *knout criticism of the best untibuted judges in time lan Every Instrument warranted (or fire rears. MM. H. BRaDdURY, ru.r7-3m. 42 Broome St., oar. Crosby, New York , affilA 'LECTURE TO - YOUNG MEN. UST Published in a Sealed Envelope fj Prim 6 cts. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Radical Cure of Spenintorrtusa or Semite] - Week nem, Ilmiluatory iimissions, Sexual Debility, sad hone dimeotvttt;,,.,rriave generally, Nervousness. Common.' floc, Epileps and Fite; Matta! and Phvalial Inessolty, resulting from tie (-Abase, ke.—By ROST.? coLvEn witLi,lt. D., author'ol the firma B•alt, r• The world-renowned author, In this admirable Lecture„ clearly proves from I ds own experksee that the awful consequences of Self4.buss may be eitectually removed without medicine, and'w about dangemus @orgies! oper otiose, boogies, instruments, rings or eordtak, pointing onto mode of once as one* certain and by which every sufferer, no matter what his nowil Lieu soy be, may cure himself cheaply. privately, sad radieally..— This lecture witl port a ban to thousands and thou sands. • , - Sent ander seal, In a,plain eneelope, to any althea, Of the receipt of six cent', or twopostage Eta to" by ad dreutag. 'Dt. C RAB. 1. C. KUNZ, f4.1,1"n;5-. y tel Iteenory, Nese Took. Putt Mai Bat, WM. _ _ _ F CFI'S HOTEL, 0:4 THE EUROPIUM PLAN, ITV 01 NEW YOKE. .Isotdi . IZ(V)litt I VTS pkelt HAy. CI k• as,lll ',square, Carver of Frankfort Sifter, (OrPotrra Crrr Hatt,) IA Wolf may ha ordered lo the optima ri Wort !TL •re is rt Ihrb•r'a Thop awl Bath Rooms attached to )10t..11. . . of RITNSKRN and Clacxxxx who say ar• are full nl.ll -1'153-Iy. R. FRRNCR,Propnetor. *1 TO:CON,iUMPTITAEL . . Tddt; subscriber will cheeifully sena (free , charge) to all rho •lestre It, the copy . ar silting Inruzirr kr which Le was e.t.a or Wet Di MS dLitllll Con etimption., i e anew» wth - Conecw rrinw, A irilllAs BROSCatnip or ao) .ting adection, be eioorrely Lupe. win tr y this well entlaftedif the do so the) will Union than with the result . Thankful for 66,0v - 6ne1:44,1m 1.1110114111- th .4 he la 'oxides to plaee An thehaada °revery salaam the 46•6111 of curs: Those wishing the recipe with Lill dlreattona, kn.; will please call on or Wizen 1 i until-62_ . Ray. Nil. li. ALLEN. No L 6 John Stmt. Wsw.Tqrt. L. A. MORRISON . . WHOVisdAiII'IftWALTIL TN ' FloUr, Pork, Beef, Vxlt, Gr ain _CLOTTKR, Trmar.lir SEED, itc. No. 2, Wayne Block, • /ft:II:Sill STREET, iii , issessi FtfTh sail ...auk SM. ' ERIE, PA i t'ortNl,. i i.' ITV . . . - ... _ ...,-- • = 4 2 ~/ ' ',... _.,., ? • .." ....:' • _ (4.... ..,-...-..." ' ....:,, I, 4 :A . errrsautto. P!. . Winter ••••••iiii virf •;: 1: ,iir 81.. THE Largest Comm ctal schoorot the Vatted States, ottli a lia.ronage or nearly 3,01110 Pitudeata, in tire ) ears, 1i..... .1. aravas, and the only or.. which afford' complete cwt rellahla instruction in al,' the folkiwlog LituriChes, via.: ' , Ahromerot, Aressfacirrers, :bum Baia, Ratißoill and B/111111.Ronat kin?* r. . Fl It PAT PIL K3l MUM I r'sin and Orsuroicutal Penmanship ; also, 'Surveying, , Maginot. lug nod Ilstbesnatlcs /manage. r li 33 . Ili IP Pay. for • Coutinernial, Coarse; Students outer and review at soy time. .3thstaters' so • trillion at fiall-pnee. , For Catalogue of Se pare, Apeeimens of Ptishseas and Ornamental Penmanship, and a beautiful Collegewiew of 6 moan feet, containing a r sat variety of Writing, Let ' toting and Flourishing, inclowe 24 dots in stamps to the Principal', " - - JENYINSit -4161THi niayrent•iv. ' Plliarg. ea- P. ARBUCKLE, :-oezesitot to CLA3I k IfcCORD, HAS UN HAND ANDJIB DAILY RECEIVING A LARGE AND , - COMPLETE - 3 STOCK Boots -.and - Shoes ! IN ALL VARIETIES, EZZECI LOWEST NETT PRICES .• • The prusitip•• icdl Ln enodrietod by 1511. who Urri returned with a view to become a per rrstileut, •and tandem to the trade genetally and to his • d friends, in Incitation to call soil examine the above STOCK AT No. 16, Worttr-West Corner of the Park aryl Peach 'Street, Sept. ERIE, PA NEW JERSEY LANDS FOR SALE, ALSO, WREN OR FRUIT YARN.l.softable for &spew, Perna es,l'Nee Rwipberriee,- Strawberries. Illsoftbriss, Cur rants, Ise" or SX, 6, 10. or 20 says abb. at tie Sallow los =Wee tor the present,, ids: lb aeries for MOO, NI acne fur Um a acres We Vb. laletOr $41% N aer. "). Patt bypod $1 a week. . Oboberry lanai, and villas* lob in MUM WOOD, 23 by 100 twit, at $lO eacti."paralpie by owe dollar a week. The above land and linos are situated at Chet wood, Washlagton Township, Butlingtoa coluity, New Jersey: Far farthar %formation, apply, with aP. O. Stamp, for a circular, to B. 111t1NILLN CLAM. JalraSyl. No. 90 Cedar Strew; New York, N. Y. A PACT GMBALLY KNOWII, . THAT the variety of new style Bed steads, of 43othit, Cottage, Coarse; Round Car nes., Camp Sofa, Jenny Lind and other patterns, with ampantineand straithenkliasdioniely veneered Bureau, detention, Dining. HineWeall. Centre mad other Pabies, Whatnots, Quaker Btandis, Cupet and Damask Lowers, Sofa Bede, Hair end See Aram Isthmuses. Roam ads and Bolsters with other nansthold Pandas% ibe, ail wasmactured Prom siren seneeeed "lusher sad Inalthy reatinialkey expertemeed woilmsee mita, lads. Per !style, quality andlewdefuns I grill= two-mite dealers to nedereall an. lhethera tend sold. Case sea ratt er fiedteois, lteekkr.- Name aid other of Eastern mid Wasitawmeam faatare, are hickory dol aid steed, mating them as strong as any other part of the olialrorbere °thinned* aid sold are only nailed, and by sasenedandile. Vow! Windsor, hoelting ‘w : l eowteg sad honk ate chairs of hash wood tumuli the seat and tined, war ranted to dead. Hodsomelypainted, and can't be bea ten for strength, prior and Welsh. Orig ve ßeds. 1 here sold over nOo and have the highest --. 4 Walt with a list of prima of all good. sent on applleattan. Tacking • nd shipping free. After are years asprierte and contending with an. pri:t i ricra two price &Wok" am determined to sell one to an, dire Illitth foe Your pay, and do o to who trade with me. Laraltar. Lath. Samees, Stools. Crude mat j r 011,8 tors Pay, taxless am, talma at tat magtat Talon for pay. Hesander the place. nest maser of Stir street osi SU* trio, Pa. G. W. =Ulf arse tt Ilaingheer ased Coniatea Selowsisa. N!111/ OROCBEY 4T04111 Tht alidenies4l hayist opboed NEW GROCERY STORE, •SblErS-IFE3T CORNER OF STATE AND TWELFTH STREETS, Respectful* solicits the patronage of his 014 Mends as 4 customers. HIS STOCK OF GOODS,' Eu been selected with are, Sid be intends selHet CCM REASONABLE TERMS,/ as alum dialer in "city. " ar MOD 14 graide Anything line are inn* to en s call. apanlit-it • .• , W. WALBRIDGE. H AIR„ TEETH & OTHER BRUSHES. Wombat. an pr sena la *am art_4l t!g . salts' ai the stars of sprlltt. ' S. CARTER.' gTIRt - PRENCH--ZINC, . 4e2 finel y c vous4a tt l aestly j a i laW n .ciruir4 • . IFLOWEE SEEDS. ♦ vanity of the moat choke kiadi at the ItOT , [sprlitt.] t. 8. CARTZR. WA FOR FARMERS. i ot• IoP ••41/.. g al . tl i Nge, Carona& Audel, ciltii.TeiffintlNV DENTAT, REMEDIF., TBB bb: MINA ?UMW Sc A SWAIM' AlitiATll, cUNINa Totorfii•JOUN ♦ND N WILLI a Do jos With to to bknord wit . sad admired for YeAkia Watts and Saud TglM:i s es Dk. WM. R H URD," UNIDIVAI.I.IIIIO. Irk row• DKR., warn/aid kis hes *Wog r say fajarian. smtrtaims. Pries. le awls par hoc . • sy . Borate of %Ito sodium amp 'T tk Plorr . whirl, wh,tre but destroy. • lb. Jou wish to bo uremia that yourilli 41 re, sweet, and sontosido to Intsbood or utk tovit ott tree DR. 111/R0 , 14 eItLIIIII/IlliP 111 I W Attn. 1 rite, 37 orate per bottle. ThLt astrlnged • molt hi 1,110 the beef wady to tba licield for CilflMl, BAD ilitan, Burma° thrill, don Morro, ode It bits eared Itandretta. Do you. or yeneebtlares maw fr om TIXOTRACHE Get MI. elVitlret N*UJU TOOTIIIAOII2 11110Ple. Pyles, lb fonts per bottle ' APO tem award with YiUEIIIILI Ott PM. W. rt. HUMP"; ISSUMALGIA nelletTYlita. The mutt affective end delighthil temody kaoline. They do cot adhere now butter, bat soothe ud charm cede away, Try th em Pries, IS sad S 7 cent& Mailed ee teeeipt of price. • . " no 41 midi a complata an at DUVAL 1111111134112 and a %%Avail as PLISMIZO Taws P ,Wt Dit. M. B. MIRO% DINTAL11111418410 . • the NOM lual mod, voluble roast QM sae MSS Or imams smother. - Prim. 241fft arPries en MAO of Pim- !or sate at all this bast atertatkranboat tin atiaatty CArrriox.—itelhre• are &um who bib ad vas tags a oar adverluteiarca. to Impose epos tbar enatonvera brim pnootatiota. It aerefosry to Wad atom loving shat jolt WI for, s od yoacerilf cuclP t= IT testa aid pieprsd by &a itzpitinotii amd peattat„ Trimmer of the Nov Tort State rontist's elation. and Yler-rleeldeot o. the New Tett City Distal Reekety. A Mrs'. WIC B. HURDAI.IO., Few York. Da. HIM'S DIZT.U. liaglataa aas rim aux at Tau rocs as au. DiaDeausa. 1 ; . t U NEW FIMNITIME POLISH. . . . . ajPARiD ban es WPM • die 1 1 i " = tore/the * inon .rolin sid • Poust."is FY id the lesaing Nes Yen a nits» Pagan eAd Pisaw-Forts Makers to be the. mg Is tiOW - yOrki tor 11 * - wooing scratches Mote, sad 41. auoiestocial a 4 With awl boding gkow to all WWS4 of Vara wok; from Yarallaro fa to all r - " - letter_ them var.:flavors. , see till:1r Willi • *ow eile • sad, e .44. Vita n . . .. n WI t•aw PCMINTIMS P 0•2••• a Ili= as Baa mato in the fennel, or • heals - ,-11 Wallas Woe pow. Maw is tis tine SD • ligillnitlif W „spur Tubbs. Chars,. links,. Moos, Picture Traws;Csnteees etc., .deltiolhe then bob Niles stin.lor, :Aim Is tiros ..ossearr. Yor .alel - by Voisitori.lindlose4s4l Asir Wenn generally. - Mee. » saidli) eats a Amine Depot No. A Brrece Street, New York: EMU} Mums LW 4ww. - 'A MUSS. !!oz Mt Rim Yous. Pb. no notlislionsit's NET friunvvint Max into sale - ere et the Stores, , . . (4 HEAT BOOKS IN PltEtiS THRILLING INC/DEZiirS GREAT REBELLION ; The &rob= of oar and Banns. .1 rd., large 12180. , Price, )1,25.' The critics and the palate are right !.2 predialing that this will etweare, to graphic varratkerietteitiagistme4, and extensive popWarity, all other - Notaries of the War tor the OAOn. Li• theme wW be We heroic daring, pa. trot enitertng, and hairbreadth of me &Where and sallies, antiiseideeta We theme of anweeekloilWieweeileshiwilrealles Oen to cme. It wilt eoatge, to addition is ID 111 WWI sktelia. lb 42,0olophieal Analysis of the Cannes of th. War, Jou Lament )loner, L. L D., !ether of "the Rise .4 lbw Data Ropeddle," errw, the daft, of ea the lee • portant ' , Mtn train We John Brows raid, and an &mar ale and revised aedeant at the peleottnal bat Use, th our...ring& - . 100-tblttl tba proceeds of all Babot o • • ditset sa 0111 Wimps for th• WWI of &Siam l a . b od e t s ra l o wi i •tho capy or Ms Seek, all 11:: , dross al nom Also, say elbow, Or photo, or pram fai any menus of the cusuntry, turd kwaykdig• of • !mow act or 'Unit% incldcut, oblige tia by ratios , us so account of It UoulufM46OUl, P.anuartints, ant! CMIVAIIII4O Acme •111 he furnished with a Sobsertption Prospectus, on sp pfimituu to the publishers.. hienti amiliabot S ingaterio dark!, i• 'Ad es vests tai Wu" sa,cryaset. IMEI rnif kIiSTUMW OY AMIIRIVATI 111141/111UlrAVe DMUS, Innen 164118 aNM by Dr. I. les- AnDell Blown. 2 vole See. Vo4l. now ready, Vol. 'II. nearly ready - TtM le probibgged and most Important work now la the Ame rrksa press. We hare also just pa binned we, editioss of the -fol lowing nodal and popular Mete: . Tux Busitiniss muirns LKUAL Auviiisst or. Bow to gave Moiety, by Cousisothos Badness so. ' cordiag to Law, is sisposadod 17 LW Boot sad, Latest Authorities. 400 pp i sheep. Moe $l. oPtiOitTIMMI AA MI LPIDUOTAYA iss4 A TUIPIJOAND CH MIMI TO SLAMS 1110NOY: Ciotti, 11. This has tom replablhAet lagtasd. Kvery bulging' ma and clerk should bay* tire Woks. :They will pay therbe)et a husdia4 told. Crary parent siboa id grt Wes for their sopa. • All times books an maid, postpaid, to receipt of price: Wa pq pairtlentax oat/MS.O to audliag piPil ti".. , culailUi , led,' will 00air• red= poo. any book sore tone, oa reet4t of palatalise,' price ap ale storope.;,,Addrees' \. T " FREIMID,I.icir ar, CO., .. Buildings, N. Y. PlAl4owar MI . a ' Maw of Use best waken win be alien bow simic*. Wei d 5 1 ; 13 , 4 471litot%Vian e • U •sigi. Uwe Y 114 1 1%.. .11". LITION W RIES. • gotreakits' wr..u.raPßofrrs, Lo ostalatoll STATISTICAL PAM AND O,IICIAL MUM* ay Thomas Photo It Dm; Mb Woo at the Democratic fie. rota** to sav Octavo Tobias,. aooodla slotb.lll • : ft' 1.5 t la ppm emu, N • • ikatED 24)0TT DECISION. /• - turVeChtothollac Ufa; TO ea Y tatrodadiss cif a Tea Lee almost h o leadis i z ataimm tatain se Masi es the Miura iliMm7 the sac 14.• rOc• la Coats. - • NRIBD SLAVERY :NOT UNJUST. 14=6 Chithe Zig, at the red Upbeat liaw To* (11.0. is 'reampit Oethet% ,leppm Prim, tea meta • • ar Agr at the &km truths Mahe rot by aim, pat ter MN, es media aria. • V-A*M=Clll4ifaltargerk. c• VT.'S OFFILCIAL WAR MAP. -;-.... IrA2ARDI3 RAILROAD A MILITARY • MAP OF THE IgIiITERiN gum hos tbe moot E ilthMz i fthe deed liar a la t l Uirdir etlat i = It all Silber% UM. tba War satbeekseeltA ohimatitaiaaitl= .IM fts ii 40 .. I am) con= szook~krumogaadcoussul or tk. CLL. Ao lt la Slig NUJ =estll eatbadiell am 0 b en ii dm mut Judbealla , iead ben lb berm eis-a2 kr A.Aailme-obes4bare the I=Phattaaall all tbaittatigie MAI. Eleartal aemesasie poi hapedsseeti et lt, • • limiannr...... a .ar 00 111a0rir on !MIL- Ato 'tlie - ..a meaataapat ub e ill ed oa ewe hi klaolla, with Italhaa...amil Sad allesediPtme , . • lite.TlMbeilialm ar opt a=bienberot araliaate ' 4 411.4 =1' NLAP. boob sea wow gqiill 67 -. .- _. __ ___ Fn a tarr i ASP be rirt su . . . Woe by ling at UN Mond thaTL • ' • • . St VIRTU; - "v R. CARTn. ass ' THE'WORLD, i - ZilMne, MID j .Or ISM ILLUSTIATID. WINE run, AND 'wit VIPARS OLD, OP' CHOICE OPORTO FR : IJIT; FOR PHYSICIAN.T RAF, Bar Fiimales, Weakly Persons and Erni at thLs raison should use the SAMS UCI-WINE. Celebrated In Europe for Its medicinal and beneficial qualities as a gintle Stimulant, Tonle, Mantis and Sudorific, highly esteemed by eminent physician, seed Is liadopssn and American Hospitals, and by wane of the int families In Europe and America. . AS A TONIC. It his so equal, causing an appetite and building at tie system, twins entirely a pare wine of & most sable (mit. A 3 A DIURETIC, It Imparts a healthy action to the mans. ago Ma says, and Urinary organi c Tary beueklal la Dropsy, Gott, sad Rhestastlc edectloae. SPEED'S WINE, • Is not alsrlittors or masa!' 'stored arUely but rola the juice of the Portegal lisubuens wiled la New thrifty resommeaded byChaolah mad Pity deism se posMesjng medial proputies imparter to any other Wives is um, mad and excellent &disk for all west sad &Untitled sad the use um! lam. improvioatbe appe and Leo 4 fitting Wit& &tad child no. , I A LADIES' WINS, - Seesaw it will not intoxicate as other tithes, ea it othinthe no mixture of *Wide Apr other liquora, and is as admired for its rich, peculiar flavor, and untritire prop-it:lea, Imps. tiog a healthy, toue to the digesting cr eate, and • blooming, soft anal healthy akin and emu plexteo. WE RENEE TO A few w ell known gentlemen .nd physicians, who hays tried •the Wine :— Gen. Winfield limit, U.S.A. Dr{ Wilco 11th str.,l4. Y. Der. Iloiwas, N. Y. State. !Del M ad, Newark, N. J. Dr. J. R Chilton. N. Y. City •,Dr,i Dougherty, New'k , N.J. Dr. Parker, N. Y. Ctti. I Dr: Pariah, Ph la. • Do. Dirty and Niche% Newark, BlMNonerennlne unless the olguatere of 4 AISEED r .N. J." le o'er the cork of each bottle. ar,m4llllK ONE otrress wlrat. Tor sale In Erie, by J. R. CARVE% HALL t WAR FILL, Agents •also for 11PKIZErg Celetgated aluilb' Gni Deana; or Oporto, a pore old article. .A. SPIER, P 114411117011. VINEYARD. Passaic, New Jerry. orrice, smi Broadway. New Ye* .JOIIN I. k FOY, P#.11.16, Oct. 4-17. Agent for Franca and Germany. - ISPORTAINV TO lAAMTEB. . DELVOLN HAILVST,bir=r opwara of treaty years his profentonal time ezcitugeely to the treatment of. . FEMALE DIFFICULTIES And Wing enocceded to thausads of arse to restor ing the afflicted to health, has confidence in offering the GREAT AMERICAN ILINCEDY, Or In restoring the to ere et Watt when mai tering from inUoni4 Fletriaril the Whiten. or other wasknewe °Elbe 17 Al" In all eawe of Deb Ml 7 or Nerreas Hys teria, Palpltallene,has. tho keistaases • More 'nations &mum. Theis Pllla are parbilly brnal•s• on the eonstantlan, and maybe Ulm by the swat delicate (cowl' without distress ; THEY ACT LIRE A MUM! 1.4 striegtbsent invigorate& iumi netastes tbe aye. tem to a healthy condition, at by titeing SS the mostbly period with regalseity, me clatter, has what gam the obstructions mycelia. Tbay should,. hoer. weer. 'NOT be taken during the SIM *see .ar four moatha of pregnancy, though dad at say *Um Una, m mfacarrlar,. valid be the result. Zech beat contains eo Pills. Price, One Ibillar. Bold by ail Dirskrglits. DLL IIAt.:7IITSITHEATISI ON DISEASES t.? ' , FEMALES, Pregartney. Miscarriage, Barrereems, aarifity, Re. prOchiC4ol6 and abases rtf Nrises, its / LADIES' PEIVATE MEDICAL ADYIBEE, a Pamphlet of alleges, sent free to say address. Sit cents required to pay postage. • The Pills or Book will be tent bj et aidlorepabl Obi secure from observation, on krel the mew by - . any advertlecd.agent, or by :• J, BRYAN. General Assets , M t BOTTLES of thlaa;litlo h i s D vo bowl' sold the oteloity of its praparation„ Mina Ito hattoduetion, and the sneezes attending It has area very manastialie. Thera to animal, an ill that owns In Warne", -bat what Us Uwe!, ass has either cued or relieved. Abondiat evt• dues has been Ahearn that It I, very sueoridel to curing pa=.of 'SORE THROAT, DIPTItERIA, SCARLETINA, AC., AC -IT cuaks— Illinistea l and Lawyrs' Sore Thfost VT CURES—BRONCHITIS. IT CURES--SALT • auccm. iT CURES—SICK HEAL IAcH C. FL , CUILES—BURNS, CHAFES, &C. IT 2 CUIES—CHOLICS, CRAMPS; &C. ITURE4-4 ) AIN IN Tall BACK. • IT CURES—RHEUMATISM., ' - IT CURES—CHILL BLAINS. - GivoO prompt refer in, Asthma PHTIUSW, AND CROUP. • • • h my valnible is 1 41.,AVEL, DROPSY, AND KIDNEY AFFECTIONS. ! se a-- Litilai ss - AND PAter Ezitita at 25 and 50 Cta.', - Sold toy aU myeehbla Dragests and Nam 14 t Datbii Maim • as.Ch:,47. In aid ei *Mum sta. Wiring' Wars primh : t sold t: JOBlT2l..ceratit. Ps -sartgtr BM ado OrA: a lt ea lltltir a; ,MD NIcrB CANDY. 43—tf • • - BARLEY ! ‘)ULALEY! flia to r M loan ba Mum itle thAsks to St - of left Ileuty le r u ttor ts ban .4•14 at dju Zies, ary "ant. 8" 4,006 L timei piw th 4 WA* NNW Ow Cath. I • 1111e.4. 642. - A.l .. PURE ,W I INIIi AND LIQUORS: - ..'' To Ifiodioal Yet and: the Pubno. I how a stook of choke Whom aird Liquors, both lb p sad Bath% maboortixt oil tho =rill, oroolhort for. Such or Porto. Chaet Hoek. Claret sod matt,: -11 11 =oo lgab • g stoles and At . Croix Boon Flo ekholiforo oroi all ApploSils; OM By. and M outon is Whiskey, die. Loft Illessitro SOW he Old reads a the vulg.. 0ft1164 sad lA. Vary supsrior. • ' 1 Berna of these ars cotapsratirsty high i ln pries, yet ct ensillyst4w, an touch simper is lite I plume; and samtless profit to thadealsr, than thaw lovrer rived or taholor kind., which &rebut Imitallois. • lacimitursi She pork ould'Aidelbsibra dust coalition se Wes ettleisdiosisep unties thatpradanot saidexperisnek could stargoit hors bass employed, God at) fir am ilk pos sible this sod has bun secured. , Me rains of In Madam of articles is so InspOrtant both to ore invalids, that sosasans• is Indy nososorp to sawn their attention.', aprtilliti. ; 12i0.13.. CAMEL B• -: parsENZOLE,‘;I = Salta)to for MIA Mat aad iromoki, sad ; las puled seb. to ibr t ie,turpen T orok k by aro ; rum , txramiiii,‘ • . ,-1 , AYER'S Sarsaparilla FOR PUkflT ZER EOM And be des weft tyro of dr 11niviat Illetretialasat lerimihderas Afbe i M e a t i t% as Tun =He% Sores t s. Pimples, ale% Sl•tellwas Rona, =alas, sag 4111 Skis Dbeasse. , • . °maim ha., as Jai% 11W. 3. C. _Am CO. Chats tlidlt of AMY lo as knowlsAp_ what yam bmampasilL Iles dose tut Morin laisoolupd a goroadosuLabctiao. I balm asce nd lrma It la valises ways be lonsUmas It hunt vat Is Ulan co and arms; aonistlame tared Ward mad ma at tba ofauseb. Toro yaw up It boots est eamy bead sad earirod fa; scaM sad sues with OM 10100,11bMI 10111 Oat& sad iiislbsoms beyond ductiotke. I Wed aim wadies aad anew altrbat 'MIK* ascii esasi boss aro Ibis& iliordw pry Warm At length Igm ROW 5o read Ia Gaga* Illosrugar that you kid moral anerallts (Ilanat), te a I. trms your rivet*. tkm that Loy th ing a mast be gusa, I am! to Ciacbsaadaadipat it WLM eunbi as. I Wok it, as you adds% to small dams of a uampoosnal over a walk sod used .Most tikes bottles. new sad Midtby skin soma Inn IC to arks Um soak whack atm a obas MI at My skla Is mow dear, sad I know by my baling tbst tbs dims barn eons bom my maim You can wan babies than Ant slut I am mina abed I ten yoo. that I bold you to be ore ut else anoscim of Ma ogo am nada sue pats tap LTIRA Yaw, AD 11. TALI" Assalears flaw _atoms swillairsi Tense sad Ilan Rawest amid I= illitagsrosio. two legfea, Alleopair. Dr. Robot II: MU. writes tram Balm, fit. no, GM be boo Acrd so Wettest* arc of Drtymy. Vida toter uI to tombs'. bid= =it l og goo close stnionitik arra Slag a Jlrystieloy by largo Aura &Ws rum; MI coca Ito ammo ßroptiot sa 'by it ocootaatty. iesingame.a., switip. or Swelled Iteisis. Lanka Son et homed,Tazas in ts " Gbitesgumbo& Use et your Bersqsarilla mad me 'a bid. ems mailbag as the ma, wbith I sollored Asa over too yaks." , Icewaseireleas awlll/1111tent, Chrawbua Illasaterr. Mariam UksexidAssa. rnasal. .Misuses. Dr. ID. O. Chst, of Dew Yerk Oty, inks " I met chesufally Nth go regard of yaw t it New I awe ffooaaii year itayarilla a soft etailest Wand» la the insanuns i t im mialate kr Which we - employ sat a may, bat y la' !beak Means of this Offollikes and away isreter ate alit Of Latearhas by ff, aad pal Nora' the ear plant was ceased by afiradises of the stays. gambler mien itself we scam cond. Nothing within say lased edge equals It for these hags siscamte Uncut 13. Harrow, of Newbury, A wake, "A Ow tams aeries to en ape of Ur aay 1.1)7. whisk had aged all the eusollse we amid emesioy. hat a si t ii = beim esauktely cared by your Hatred anew- Oar ~as thos ibtles' actirre boa anal mai row. bat be alg sea l the ta bet d of Par Ilerassarilla as the WI met bdz. coda& sad tt proud effectua ell l. After halegyour ansdy aligt wage no loyaptaa the ger same" As 1 Ilyrpktlta east II are lariat, Meows New gisaug 'Alth Awe, lig o pa. J. gAm lit, I chunkily sanely with the sr quest of year wad. and eow of the AIM / WITS 11111 Md with year I bye mid with 11, la ayars prast ail icw mad of the tog *ate kr which it is rec =m umed. and have toad be 'gets lady wondagl is cure or famed mud Ake carat Dikart.• Dakar say *Nab had linklitis Nos is kisthrest, which wens 4:1=4. iselalassd go top of his mouth. Tow cased hia la Ire weeks. Ababa Ira calm madam la kb awe. end sas sucemasne lad masa away a coastiaelis tart et gee that ; baba the ' Maeda scald saas nag kir kala sad kill law. yielded to my agiabilietiou of yaw Ireeepollaa m a s s okay basal% and he hs gala age of caws .oaf dldeuratiat to his ice. A gram No bad beg trabillbr the ease i Cedsw byg oesay was ealbriag fanthlepshoss gas. gq had hatesne se am- . *Are to go wager as a asap day she sulked ea ausiatlast pals Is bar b and bona. lie, loom cared NANO by year ftrawarga is a tar bath I knew Am Its lbsasals, witch your aunt gaps eft that ibis PrigllMSoo fiva iota likry awn bee pat numsty ellallPitirolly, Ouse truly nuiattable ieesdar with is awe not see. • ffralaraally years, 0. T. Will N. D. , Itkesuitathwas ' past s ' Sawa, Cumplatiat. to tanninssaff. Prates Cu, V 4111.1ay, /SW ' Da. Z. 0. Airs: lilt. I hare hiss Nita pita - tblchreab iikesssereas kr a keg Wasorbish aged go atoll of physteleae, and stag to se in Pita 43 / sU ass nobodies I could lied, until I Nil your laniverigi. Qw bottle card to to two welts, end 1110111001 air Bull ' hudth id ands gat lan kr base thaa Mee I is iittackal. thlak it a weallldai abliciaa 11111111. - Salse Y. &Nall, of It Lath, suites s *than has alikted Ibr ware NY an aglassas spf the Lean Nick dedzwyellay bank. I y dim awiseary Ihks• Ailed to relieve as; saY ee boa a beeloadega eau 1w some pan Alan se akar canoe gm deseswe:=l Sic Aker. 'III blioret Eater, the ay. Dr. an to try e knsusa basins lso add b li nsw_ and says s you made Ina walk b& 01111INIMP kg of iffed Is wad ma mad base yams ay geed uto ago a mew wan cif as 1 Alert spa. !is best that can be Odd of yea is 110/ Isl• "lOW letalniaatraiteeirsaatersoosailat t libewiratitlito Owlets and ainigatiess of • Out affaaao A oat NurWotan, hoe boa rapatial la aurabse mu at goo *ridable cassaidaNa NA* *NA the INS Ogg newly, tot cas Now ANN elll INA Mil& thus. lof emi mos ba egad la am Amiss Alamo, width Ib• apnea Wm amid ass &ma a larsisirgiatii No Ng who adi lbr them DyipirpoliOlosrt Dlsisse, Inti..lll9lllop. try, Maunakellyi lionsßaja. Meg rrosekabbregnie et lbw ~No bre ha node bg eikagler peer el Me uselebee It Mow later CM Aid leestiree fare ',roes adke. sat time ererromee Ombra ettleb weld be suppled berme le meek Bede a rierag bee keg Wes relebnie Weer twelfths of the peogle. sad we are emehket tble vitt do' Ibr ekes w dud meeklee eta flyer's Many. Maid, sus m isAnD cum or Cesighs. adds, taftsimia l Plyesoldeb t _lhaeV.sidStear ' aaa Sas MAW Caaainapthre lhalimata la aavalleima Stage) • et tai• 101aasse. b a atm*/•untvally . knout la NOM calar kw the cart demi mai log 11.0141014 dunk Se wells bore to rube* the aditacant se victim IV unrivalled excelbac• aoe eoeghl Pod calle, ma Ito ono wonderful cues of issleassry Owen, Um met a known thategbant lbe drained aim at tbs Yew are the eammitlen or II SHWA Mate Sea who bays not some pancosi inerienee et Its sm. UT III 4 tIoPINV tettlabr Wet et be abbot, WIT the sahib out dingerota stbanbao et the ducat ad hog; As al know the *mem! bait" et dos flisosesrs, and as they know, too, tie Owe of ebb cssieft, we used oat do more than to mare than thet It has *owall the ea ten that tt 414 hate Watt =kiss the aline arkkb btre von so atrocity ape the =Mao ot aisahlnd. • ' Pnpated by Dt. CL 4113111 416 pi, Ls . INA Zia Bold la gni, br John 8. Oartii, T. 8 81aelar. Dodo L. Shen& W .Wiak aDd Dods» 1' Han smid aaits vrayithils J lir. CONOMY IS WEALTH I i RE YOUR, COUGH FOR 13 CENTS! THE UST AND ORIAITIFIIIODICHOLD NINZDT, IN 1131 •OBLD I . . MADAME ZADOC POliTt y • aespo i u Iwo o* o, o rhe l - o ar; 0 Ids, of tia /Reis. IPORTIMI vM s aid mmia Loroo via al AM. IS oif Übe oar. tam as see b es to - WA tar loaf. I = l3 tkor sot rOffoloot ousoiliook— oomoliog soder - ooloilmo or moos& ism wog by e error 111l000k Weillsonsult =Lea , Oak teems._ nisgmgg U la Uri resdi atm. sto fi amarulia• tae -. TM Um. asp atudabialli vil! "U, Se b• au* Mr taw Its mai , 1 11011 1 10/11 Veer imam ?-6. sea maid to poraWa meshed is. to World. de ao he t MS. Ws the UM. eta It avatbettis Mama Partirle Imam astem a tile oast et owilitadat *Nab as C d prt al 4WA aim 11.:4 *at hoo aadtiae• sat = thair ta =ra =ram trommitaam Unit aria beat. Madmaa aad area saw. arNaeaaa Postera Om. Oa plum, Owl& atm, aad hugs WNW al IS 46, atti tale weft& Upot fano. gattlt Mau atasilas raUtar. Er smit by an Dreggiala art Mon knows at 13 alai sad la Wyse baths at SS OW I - /RAU dr WW2% /Wary . UM& OAR? S& Agar% 2/ 18 . IN Av. ISSIPKIN Y. ' WRIGHT'IIBLOCK; STATE muupr, 1111, /NOWA a 101 l sad sh.fa GROCERIES, PROVISIONS! . DONIMINC AND 1011111 N IMUrrer' • WILLOW AIM wooDu noiFit 'l/#llk eg, US &bap on band said Was abospat , JAM , iIAXIMIIIII Nat Ihseiry. 010101 P. RUM. s. X. NILINXIXA WEBB & KELLOGG, ' • Oksimpire I. AiM 4 Rdbj mazurecetrauess or irtax y Dzsca'Frinak ' STONE :WARE! AND ' puma ; • ' FIRE - ERICK, AND FIRE CLAY, Mesa 2d sad . >d Bison the Cam/. Dee. 2T, ft—ti to sift MIS abase 11491baii, ywk i esithwead ‘lll %dams mils nx msts, wee Ilkigegbar. Sells IS • , Oa .Tffir ALL 9UFFICI MEI O,IIIIIAT "AEIRICA KNOWN; VI -la lalfluMe4 , 4ENUINE', I ,I I .IL ' i; A kATI(IN'i, . _ ilt:111110L114, k xret.te /hlPetilq HiLMR 3 EN U l ICE! .l' N WYE! txistrut. FLUID ILitriA A Roam"; Amp yr cane REMEDY rot WOO OP TIM EI4IIDEAS KIDNEYS, Ga. CAM Mk This This. lasamissa Tis 1.:4W the it ESORBIOTTh I 'he WATERr OE • CILCIIR fATIIIIAL ZIILIRCIIt %roll am pails sad lalivassaticie WOMEN OA CIIILDICA NELIBOLDII • FDY ws.uf a trgnr 11:06.... • bbilliaaretiror riITINDUI FIR tag t hilispoOLHoo'to Low 44 11401017, • Week Norm. Horror of Diormar,: Memo of Usk" Ileiversel Leeks& of the. leoecater flute's, 11 " 4 *lath. 6 This of Timm oriptomo. if aimed to ; romar , .IKPCOaNCT, 84,7171? I hi me of whilst the palliest that t ant &Mtn' INSA Nit AND Naar an &wit* al . thei Boas vW assimi. miaow NA the orai smtrot Aali /Who VI h ot tb• Coisatiintion • 91111111. ' listrairektbe "Lid smilkda• alls the iymatiA. ALLYN) lavesiibly does. A Irial MIIIALIai, SIUSA OLD Of YOlllllll6 Emma% fa may alsotioso rumen% Nadu la itoogoallod ber say is or ItotroUre, Irroolarftr, , , of the Coololiwy -t Ask of tiro Mask t Loom Ibtotl croaperi tem lod ots lserstios,o ddy* Habits rot IIIII:I.INS OK lls 111E= NO FAMILY SROUL MI • Tam . as 551644 **teary Uilviirsiat sod ' CUR SECRET D aU their die' ULU. 13 Is diet; AND,NO 1E llamas Ire(imit &dm lbw*, riresidet e bri Illtiliduna el thalnthrs, Um. se trequiat la this e' • POISOBOUS,DI4.t.f sED Thears!lds. upo WHO eptorg Q A 1 Aiod who lave pad HEAVY Us% ban Ihroad they were • - w" Mo. try AL. .w of 0 Wimp la tli? mot*, to Ow" itsd i tir4llAPE; AFTE HILIIIIIOLD'S 4 For. all ifiectluss TUX URINAK EME= OW 110W' LON Diassaas of itrso th:viar Tap i a" ea aid of a Drumm". 1111U1100011 BUCK° , • • 12 illa aU4 DIMUCTIC,, Lad It la aittals to bate dealnPd idbet, is all MA urea. tor: which It akaataatattl. - f • i •"; • sr.poD! uplai BLOOD! UsLusboitiors *Oft Coartrated /WUXl:tad • • - ' &,Y PH LIS. - ml. 4as allaction of tb.l and attaift lb. Sot. W Orgoon, Limp lb. * ROM, TWA Wind pipe. and mbar Mamma staking ita appsaranco isittot bra of View: liztniet,-/hamporgas putties lb. Load, mot oil Seal: emptlosa Ush to tie thnopinzian a Clem ao4 Healthy Color._ It Wag coWly tot this ems of complaints, Its nioid• Proportiot Int mammod to • gamier sdost LK:, Übe, pfIipSZOLIOO of Ear; aapatum. • , 11, 1 Aa ehellesit Latina ler Dlaie et a Itypldlitin lfr sae so aa **tins bit Diaiwiee et the Urinary Oogairt, ariebeig era* babies at Idiotpatien. sad la eine unties with toe Exinots 8 dm and Ilatespartlia. to .web Crewe as trilhaw. et the nowt le and seliebie eberie ea will aiwohway lb. CILWIPIPICAIPSIS • Thee eighth twenty Iwo' le MAD= AND FAUX. et the illobiliiresprtise - et FCHU, Dievehatery Usibpd elatea. .he Pref..., lostrstr ratable weds iii the Prin. Ilia al I ky _ We marks ow& the oliebnited i. ,i O l4- VOL Fbllaihlpliis. goollemieft wadi by Dr. s MAW Jir,DONZZA eteleheilnifluilabot 1.4 of tie loyal WISP et tearfurmi r kelvatt. weillablilhed la the Treamietkwe et the Whig luia Wane% .TeareOL See llatiael Revic e paWillied by BIWA AIIN =arms, teller et ' Royal College et Bar roes. he wog at the let* ilasaderit Teaks ea Mailkiaa. is e _ tether Ila hra Ware. • el pr both, vil II 110 • flosititute, 410 " 118818110 Rpp WM% M ff • "1 AO Molt a Mena of Mal he $ll oa. whitivill be ea& eli* tbo aria Obatteate ouslidt Ovation an ba. w sigma. awashwhoa hem he' r••• hales. .sylains iii la is ai . ormainaisatlone. iia AVRIDA Floawa ie btlipeavell White ow so Wars wak we be lialli lay epiii. N. T. is no Whit ty mparei , We assists lve aimovesty. sae otherarietilTae. bat' he welt werviaihi. :t. 1111.1118OLO. andarale4. , P Ohio mai aalwevibeil Weree this lid . day et Nor , us ,maim i na, Math • .5.,. Wers.Ala, Adam Wine lit • T • to eiiiiiiivosa suist a, . • Dentin Baath Testi • balm • • Mk. asuriute oar • ilititerrs . alp unix MU" Who awesnor, to illeYeav ,OF TIMM 01W' sad • 'thole ankh* ea the now • • altered by Setiebebts Omahas heilerattess.' a •, ratted Oran. • I 14 5•11141peilla. • • • baybeved Rose Wash. - /alit by ail %mists entylr Alt as DIMROLIJ 06 sat tie obertlawnent AVOW INPOSI7JON =ll3 SJIMEDE psi s:1 11C if AKIAPAiiii..I.A. 'U MAN W4SII. INVENTEDIN 1845. IMPROVED IN 1862.1 MEI I' kii AT lON, BRO'rliElt U EI.IAS IIOWE, JR , MiTIVITBD" OTBUCHIJI NVENTOIt A'ND PATENTEE HoWE :lEVVINCII6.IIIACHIN.E, VA% /MD DIROPif iNG3. twi tow shade all uther.Seerlog derive their wor of Agoation. sod heathy adios, by •Web' US depositlool. sod all CAMS aro reduced. as and to god Lo attn. OSEPH JUSI ICE, AGENT, Pay SI =I I HATS- AND OAPS . • FO'S THE MILLION, •A T • S M A DIJitiNG toy recent, visit to New York and Philadelphia, I trade amairercoenta with the bolt and oast taaklunahle inanallieharera for • eountwit supply aped. La akt line, and hate anon on baud a taw stock of tba bait SATS, CAPS, ET,C.j ever brou g ht to this market. ',have •in hand two hun dred down PALM LEAF HATS, drown of HOODS, reamed area from the man ateturar• which a ill be sold by the down at New Tort Jabber's Flees. 1 hate also received Beebe'. sprin g Fashion La gia UAW. S S MITE! prirtirli2tt BUT S C CRT.I, raid• 01 Dlaripalkm, Pally r Abase, .LOWINO SYSIPTdIIB Lou of Power, - LiUlleally of Breathing, ?MAU& . rlel ese e a.,. tag ot tVats4y, ir pima uolk lb* Fyne, Coantenanor, s;:hlch thisimodielao follow ILPILIXTIC /1/T4 EMN CHEAP oristlitirrioN Wholesale and Retail GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, WINES AND LIQUORS. at title- rallariag. bat • of ti. [aim* Anlaae Ceasuorttoa 'bear ample lon. Affected With eakrume, F. le M. SOHLAITDEaKER, tare now receiving at their old stand, Ameri- Elock, State street., a large and superior stock, of• • GROCERIES, • • PHA )17LSIONS, • WINES, • GI ORB, • WILLOW, - • WOODEN AND • ziTtiN E , • • 4 WARE FRUITS, • • . NUTS, &c., ' together with every thing found in a House of this kind, which they will sell as cheap as any Mbor enablishnient in this city for Cash or most kinds of country produce. They toms aao on hand ooe the timid ond gnarl ated's of !Miaow and sagaro over brought to Erie. to *Ma thus invite the attention of the public. Cam . Qat and oar ac--a minable vispenat Is bettor than . 4 @lair alitillog, oonseggently Cub hdyrrs will find g root bargains try orilling at the 8 11411VR.ICT sad Br ij = comma the mod gut InULALSIS ii Ile INmalse the. It:tract nobody, am in ro: I !storminess orSupproorion Olmsted or riebtrrooo or Whites, ttility. sod the sex, trteer arising eripition, or In the suit of uric. I:E=3l HE WITHOUT- IT Craplilegat,llll.dicies Yr onisa Lifavisse. mum bum Grocer*: Head Quarters! AMERICAN BLOCK,: STATE STREET Jose & 1100—az r a Y. S E •S E S., CRACKERS, AND SODA BISCUIT . CONFECTIONER I ES, —l l WHOLESALE AND . RETAIL. THE - subscriber is now msnuracturinb all Muds of CANDlrliottlia best itualiky sod vary law prism 1 oiler all abets of CRACK ED.% SODA BIS MIT CLIMB, key at each low pekes that it sill pay Illotekatits to soaks to Ms and exasuisis m stock boon putelasing elocution, Priests, Families supplied ►sthodhfaass. W. aIIERWOOIA. .Juadl3-3 Neasty oppordle Post Office, Fria, Pa. EMIEI POBU E gineintisnith to Urinala. pressAtiag and wins yin plink and lalawkwe of sad expelling WORibUTAUTITIL gl'qW ARD AS SO lATION, PHI LA DE Lniu. Aoki/ea. Mut wad frichw eftwea wit* Vdreidit imait'Cknenic tkiresms. sal especial/ fve Hie are ephemera of Um Strad! Orgiout. MEDICAL .ADVICE given gratis, by ths Acting hatitten, RXTORTA ou Spennatorrltiza or Seminal Wealtaess, and other Diseases of, the Sexnal Orgy, and on the NEW RICHKOLES eaoplo.ved in the Dispetwiry, pant to the afflicted to Boded letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three gienips for postage will be accept abbe. Address Vt. 1. es; taxi* govanros t _mtusg ?ur• go on, o Howard A/moat/ion • • No. 1 South Ninth &tree Philadelphia, Pa, . Thonnads, sac ystrrisso ur K S RRS to to cored Los short red. sad that the " Poi *ergot aatztagenta," hem - out to an augtavatad t 141ARtilgOE! i RACT. BOCRII ad Diorama of IN THE RIGHT PLACE HKERICIE '8 SUGAR COAT' PILLSI The beet Won/ Cathartic the Workloteed twenty Y •Okt1•148, •r FEMALAITom l g, and no matter BT•IIIDING: of poniona annually; al rive satlifsatlon ; -coal noth by bVuic i pal b•d mane In' the r. ROl gently mated' with ; imp Deus ti teals Bozo* owe dollar. Ful radians with each b; Wananted 'appear t 4 Map Won the peas. . ItERP STRTrAITITENING PLASTERS &re lu ass bsom; pains and voskoses ants breast, slay aadbask. and itbsupsatic complaints la equally short Sods of Uno: Ppresd on bourtifal wbila lamb din t las aelasota- tbs imam to noand ova will VW, (too oass week to three m oot PstioliX *antis Herticles Raw Coated 1 Ms sod Kid Plasters sn quid ILD2Laal=nd ia ttht i n , ts la all and of 2e 4 tlnlte . d d byMiag for them by ttier full name. jatretty 1. Dr. L. g. HEMLICK a Co.. dna/V. br• Y. • !VIE CONFESSIONS & FXPERIENCE A Or A NERVOUS INVALID. !abashed for U3ll bewellt and ais csatioaSo yaws; sswill others. who safer f ro m Nervous Debihty, Ear ly asp their kindred ailements—sayplylag the iffloles =ma eons who has cared Mama after Itgoista vi .of misplaasd confidence in medical hum bug aad fjuichary. By *nearing a yosift•paid sung*" size* copies mV be boded tboautbor.:NAMMAXILL MAY TAIL 800 . Be d ford, Zino County, Now York. Istir I. MST RAT1C8117311,41 LARGE STOCK OF BOOTS & SHOES!O46. Of/ /CUM, , vitas iliac, Meru jtotieph giohenlaub da Co., witte just received from the East, at lb& OH eimikkiriateaa a Dew and•all. . BOOTS AND SHORE! ! LE4THER, FIND I N 413; esdealit ik tkheMp a rr !Wadi' &Shoe suld Leather Sto . re istll haled dleateasoceo Preach g2f. lead IL Booty_ Cowan Clatters. TteK I.• ril, sad Morena Welton of al Meow noes Papatoadoroaso sad Plimsolls Welters. Chlld resell vio lent sal Meow of all assiotles; YOU'. ' and 80) 'Coarse &sob spd Show, hank Woad Zip, sad Spinal' Sole Leatbee,Morroesso aad Mama. Boot Taws. Shoe faits sad Popei sad Sbearater's 'fools of oves7 variety, oil o ablob b. sold et Wholesale or Rolla. Tasj_law: dartisahse itieetkra peed to Customs wort-4 to ipsimateal. Allwoetwarreeted to bemegoed ands* ohil mesa be proessod hare or elsewhere. &abhor Loots sod o . llll Wallit o lgUnllasaralload out Wore May, Wow at /pees ar w itilauxe maxim TO. JO& 1;10811bLAUB. • ±. SMILES AWL septll-111 • PRIVENTIONJE BETTER TrN CUBE rro Wits off' d el ioite health or impaired aelmindlea , is Moe by "lam as hennas of dinekilto Ina stl7 MOM objeolleeelhOtee sedunigeod would saes prepertptioe welch la perfectly willabla and led add& heir bees preeerseit earlose wog id the old world he the put oentetp. Although the art.l to rery thou gad &MINI, yid It bad bass pat up In half . ...baulked sold Tr n esteenively thf aal u vitant &netlike CO* aerk ' tV i t i T i l c br e peissuiee el .huh preellaareta manly Wulf with a peeled safe. geito‘td say beg OM store Air the tritthor stun et Id rents *Viagakkledi or ingest will tell p.s it I. ard thou*o at teethooniele eau be Praneleil oklileillieey. dud to sof pertottbowortd ni leeliP aas taM Mielehop • Dr. J. C. DENIM -- 1, 1 41. Boa. 2163, New Elareamea. ME To NIRVO SIIFERERS OF BCrili • asvizarip Gurnikua baying tfssal readseed fhla a her days, attar ander piss tio anal wattle sad isterdat rapsaalys mita albinism's vino:tat saseiss. easaidars it Ids mend duty to w ainlaststobissmisi.dWow nroatutes the means at saw. tioses. ea lLa af aa addressed •avelope, be iiillasedAttos) a oopy of ptios ased. Dl aiselhaw simarK. altelltll.4 Tanen , Iloosa• 3.11. us". , TA= 110 OMR.• sad owl WI be L Al MANUFACTURED HY A: B. HOWE , 41 THE ORIGINAL 4IE THE 1111=11 No. 5 REED HOUSE. HEAD QUARTERS GooDs!! OLD FRIENDS IWI MILLION AT THE-AMEWAN BLOCKS Tolikanarw- andbil Ken.! /~~ ~^ Jule "PIM NILF2 WOE 8" of" I are preparkfte envy • :A PPA RAMS FOR RRFLNIN(~ SL, Sue). .. dUW. Ilgra-mat. mod Mor a Paw pa, Koatosa and itoilato. ooahattig ‘ ang ‘ i f a L"llf_ prim mid aide oariamary radio wielga g ; 1 _ above, tairitad to asandita lb. work tarataw'f.r . - reenery at the swath orifin Veimit, Is . Zrfa. Orb 1. rajah afrom engiork. boiler, Mid all of in.. ponplada, s. 12.10r5• pow" DA. pe uft i".., slam and w4plghing fella /ha.. 4kiloand an my tin ' Pis for POO L. Rrre, Am *Larchl6.'ol , 41 FAINTS! PAINTS! I HAVE on hand and will It T 4 I". p r tam, • large ariettarat of PAINTS AN b COLok 'coosfatiocio part - of • , WHI TE L 4 A I • SNOW Will Tis , PORCELAIN-YIVIB,II, &ironwood Yrsueb Wen, dry sou 111014/ra VewoLlso lied, lire Prooltrolat Maus tad Yetattllkm,,N.llad tad ; raw Liammod .011, Tarptat.... ty, (Haas, kc lharshai, og to Plat alll eal that t. &Mita/we 14+ call Wait, I#llathaldat 1,144v1e; thd ttrug and 'Mot More of 7. EINCLAHL tray=—M Censor Staid sad lirrsatitik Rindernecht & Beebun, CORNER OF STH 'AND STATE Krs . wax PA. litt*: desiring Any th ing in the a AL CiiitY I . LYL, wUl lad o_s_popanod to sow, imam at WOOLMILZ OR RETAIL, on as fak t ul to intik' bo deafu can ron to call and eisinlo• our 'sod tr HARDWARE, . CROCKERY, ' OLASSWARS, SADDLERY,. PoliK, (lAMB, SHOULDER!, LARD AO., ass4a.. IC. • 1862. . 11412. F ALL :AND WIN:Tgt VINCENT, TIABALB, SHIRK $ Oa Mite, between UM andltUal Hay* in atom and we dray nodes` - stoat an STAPLE DRY A lao, Groceritt, &Pelf Hazdvliv, IRWIN. NMI andßoys Caps. god C ay , ,Ifoady Rada Clothing. Vs wars, die atelliongod formantil7 _Poillnleoli low rime as any establishment In onayloll2tr • NEW LEATHER lITOIR IL KETTELBUGgIit & CO, :a, es kit V 1111661.11. arum would nopssifall, Wow IS polite list Wo o • dsed • Wow LEAFH'ER AND FIND/ NO STORI, (u Um shove saaawd place, 'bare will lum•up , stagily - on band lautboi o f ovary Walt whidi th ey will sal a* tilt Loom* pd Al bolo by strict attoattoo to th at midget, atiortton to ploaso everybody who dolls wiiii Qom em of *tit a ilbotal sham he phew va Thq ii keep um hood ill kindest- , 241101311/IILERS 9 AMP TAl'etitilhtl , - TIOSU ' Loath.: Cr Boolldolades• awl Taa•arif (Nt. a"Taab will .• d lar 044141, filititardN Ethic Oildtt.) pa R. '11.211110E11 k CO. J. & J. B.scAitvita, Leather, _Hidee, - &c, - ERIE, PA. State Stseet, Constantly tw hand LARUE STOCK OF SOLE LEATHM mokocco,.Livtxos„ EUNDTNGB, FRENOR AND AMERICAN CALF KW KIPI3,IOIIIR ANDWIATB,' LASTS, PEGS, LASTINGS, GALLOONS, Also a tired. A SSURTMENT mit swergsr Took' , - AM of whiels Wry tam "' I I LOW FOR CASH OR PROMPT PAT 1 Sept 27, et N-0 T C I R. O N the Ist (hip of April satM 1 wino from tn.* mama loa a ttlua NO. pWRIGHI 'S BL! • ( TWO DOORS NOM% Or MTH &TM% *Meta room le bow beteg fitted ep free a.a. La a, ;location. with vary 'natty Laccesoad Laailttio J..IuK Weiner; and with a reamilly i chri can-Lally selected aad ciesiele • it DRI7OB, .OILS, WNW • GLASS, Aka, "ft, I trust to meet all my old Idol*, wises Ibel heretofore, aid It to tM4 sdismatiorte yershisu m•4 2 tf- - • - T. & = cum USE DALLEY'S - MAGICAL • PAIN EXTRACTOR TAEONLYTUUC PAIN ICXTRACIVRIX INC DALL.Nrs PAIN EILTRACTOR 144 iita missok dr kludn. • PAIN A:MAMA Ell ANNE* aficOr • Icaltmaistloo.• DA LLRY'S PAIN EXTRACTOR will perm* sad 601. 11164106t10a. nAgxers PAIN EXTRACTOR rat cut . kiwi •11 DiLIXf3 PAIN EXTRACTOR boils bpsten how, pan ir =wt. . DALLRY'S PAIN LiTRACTOR oratralbss AU Pi6s ' itiftwed by Animal. Insects or ' BALL aril PAIN EXTRACTOR wif esM lunoltaaltrik Sore Nipples, Tits, de. DAILIA.IrdiFALMI =TRAM& wilt ems la 'Scrofula, dead He'd. DALuers pane EXTRACTOR willears MY* , ; blab* haa DALLErB PAIN IIiTIU,CT th OR will con Corso,Cwiw • N• Mom Wu% Bo &a. N• I 1 sm•shiseme r aboaldoew be 'lanai 641 kb, dy Tor um. The timely um of a vises toss my preen more value'ttutn 100 Unwe 48 east.' • Parental-1f you bare ama In the Army, email a Bo: of bailey's Pain Extractor.._lt may be the tea darting his Ilk, or the Woof a oniareik; foe 4.11/ wound* 01'411111pda without pain . Try the, en 841 1114 if bedlam not me Li. It will eosty on bat littla. tllatexwl—Uyou haws a doom &albs: is l b . 113 Mad him a Bow of Dolby% Pala Ittnetor 1 for ewe wounds of all Made, and it waif bs tbu inseassbn - leg your brotbor's Wfoughtwew {—Ham, 010 • Intedona in Wooant.„ l9l . la demur to Yon then Lib Itself? Sand hiss a Dm ley's "ale Extractor. It will me. leer& of id/ um and Isularnanatuar. and may be the mew afar locale life. wieder tr—if y os hem • friondinibo *nomad a Bin of Dallefa Backal Pals itztraotor I It nay is 90 - memo aiming • Eft If polo ham as smoseMIWN . • aendiak it; wend It by all. It will emit 'oil tat 9NA pulse fbr a Id et Bow and to bb eunpurtloa WIT sad 2400 &b. The lirg• boxes aciatods wow /a' money Man the 20 et. boxes. "‘" Pierilice.—That DAlAtril AWICAL WESII9 • TOR will do all and emu moos than ws Man it'sl/4_ o • refer to Dr. VALLNTINI NOWT, and tondos& of eminent Ylossicians and 4eses i ks sallow ok` people all over the land, elm • re used the Ertwa' with paver (Milne MUMS far the mat.lo seem For-aide by all Ortsosists, and by . imuirawi, ASO" Resindek Street. NM 1119 1.' Who maimed a B ox of sttbwrodm. 'War s pa. wo gs , • addrsin ths Untied disins. Postage, Stamp. , of 10 eta. for the ma ll ar4 and for the mallum and latim slam somddrd2-Iw. , . . - . 17 .1 55 . - : 2 . ' ERIE COUNTY ittrrcrAt IWO: '; ANC" COIIPJIi'Y. . .; Incorporded in 1859-..C/tarta l Petyriese^" Property_ lasired Assam' Lass by Ns i t Poll Tem wS wasswilaug lifts ... ' Policies issued upon the deposit et Preeele W , :ta. • spoil the payment of the easel Molt Silo syls . without th e liabilthy .(c Pui swiliwi Not.. LOA wugidus iithout this litigatOwisThhi ult os im aihruw t e. 7,.. NSW* f ... 3 rogs &it, and I s HAI hew ' , _ . DliUtOTO*B. • Ws. IL Ems, D. C. Warshwil, - JOL M. Wig C. M. Tibbdil. - D. 8. Irene'', e. 30. 04 _,.. 1 : WasAlikuilissaht. J. Ira 5._.. 10 " - '. Owns A. 12114. ,i= l iDosts, Josh ww^:'i J. W. Jestiou CIITIZTAS. . .laa. O. N cumin.. Prot Jamas Clocal". 11 ~" mmea, Taos. .Or Office, la Yews. P Oaaateaa ßacco ir NeCreuo lA* '''' abeapalcle, ll* Pa. Itrie,, Jame U. INS. JOSEPH JUSTICX. GUCCI:WOG TO J A S.. S. 13.11 YANT , No. Rood - Houk _ WOULD agaitt call the attention afg pababer to Mt Imo mad aplesildasselso ill •:* HATS, CAPS GUM' PUNISHING 00 0011 • VoulaGai et HATS • LINEN MP" CAPS, MERINO 131111 1 % . (+LOVE, COLLAWJ , ,SOCES, •_ 110SEJ And la footArrorytalag and anything to 'Mat UPD".• an 6.4 simo ItAirmahm Er Deal forgot the prams, Na t .& ow. ..••••• GXOIII.4IIC w ß* • Saor, State stmt. 104 vosi taer 54,1mr te the Past sakto Offileg wit tic bed. whore e iu sw i aolo po Soy mown' without bolas alloy s 1 1 .1 crawls. TRADE! ingoussass a Amman . sasiSISS is 11