The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, May 02, 1863, Image 3

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    hc . Otir ittaittg hocrutr.
PA....SA=IIRA Y i jKAY 2,-1863
• rninglitille _ •
• waileft-11m')0.14141reig
KEtaik kvit., dam Hazen, &Di . ateahii
ti , p py t 9 r.oeir. thi B,l:rat:doer litiaad s of the aria
t. tat kasbeint thoroannly tostad to oar orate. aid
•od to Odooostl to India, mother's, or say other lo
, rottkot. The prteAr ONO Where to be loner than th..
we quality of Wk. eta Da porchaiod is auffalo
„Isnd. Any eolor or qaallty desired, can be par
Thslonni Invarlatay CAA la adcane of on
The DOtocratio Club Room: at the earner of
[ale Steeet and the Nth, is open, to visitor.
all political creeds Files of the leadipg
.oserratife the country are ketis_oli
and lot lbv convenience of the public:, A
rdinl invitation is,given to etraugove. to I it,
ty • lly oulct of the Standing Committee
l'Ulll.lll rktl,E tfil.t,pi,
in Engliti. ma Unman, printed nt Om ut
p.,* on us reasonable terms ns they can he
.ne at any other establiniuneat.
-F1.409, BANNS'S, 111601111111,NTAL COLokS, &c
"Ahiras O. W. Crowell & Cu., No. Supe
or *reel, Clevebuit.l. Ohio. fell 4—tine
Carr C, ~s —The City Councils Lave 4cohleil
;asks a kry of a) mills city lilies {•u 186 J,
fullowm : General purposes, 7 16114; torliay
tem; on city-bontis, 2Q mitb ; to wig lam
of drafted men, 1 mill; to rev fat-Aro:lg
g channel of harbor, 2 mills
I'llOVtiST MiIISIIAL.—LiCUL Cut Campbell,
to a the S3d regiment, hag received the ap
.intutent to this position We are not per
&tally acquainted with him, but from What
• can learn, judge- the appointment to he a
od cue :Col. Campbell has 'distinguished
self by valiant atwvieeg in the field
it. DIVCANCE.4.--The distance to New
k train thir city by tiao Erie, R. R. is 503.
; by the N. t. Cent'F•ti, tiso tnilet ; by
['bibs Sr. Eric; ti;rau6 Elston, Reading,
4' Harrisburg; 1 525 miles ; ttirottgh Mauch
twit and, Cetswiss, 440 miles ;
a, by way of the !. &jE , Northern Cen
-1 ant Pe.uaylvauta E la 419 miles
m Erie, anct Baltimore, by the P. & E. &
•rthern Celitial route, 42ti miles.
PEZBAISION ' S MaGiZlma.—The May number
ihri tide monthly publication far the ladles
tched us; laic week, but at too, late a period
review) TI4 trortotint entitled wildeen
Flowers," ti en - evinisite eiiiv e ingealtd
eSashion plains are -as LIM Ll full, reli f ble,
d_haadsome. We fall more in love its
is linguine with each eucceeding nu ber.
ii a dollar cheaper than nosey oi• lls per.
.1 contains niarly as Much reading s ' f
Tue Ehanort.--"The sum of $2,01:110: was
.proprbded by Councils, on Monday evening,
•r the purpose .of dredging the bar ta the
astern entrance of the Harbor, and the , May
was authorized to issue Bonds, under the
•alaf the City, _bearing interest, at 1116 rate
tit per cent., in such sums not leas-jtham
30, as he may deeds ,elp9dient, for the -pay
ent of the sum so itopriated, , provided
.at only so much of said sum shall be ex
uded as Shall amount to one fourth of the
tole amo\iint-expended on said improveMent.
he Mayor and Presidents of each branch of
.runci!e were upp9inteil &Committee on part of
e City to ' assist in ranking a contract for the
uric; and 6"" oversee the expenditure of the
.pTopriatioh.r We understand the above
,propriatian to, be orate on tonditiott• that
.5 remaining three-fourths of the exi,enso
tell be contributed by Cho ,various ratlroad
umpanise interestekand •
by the businesi men
t our dock. •
a Monday creole& the following proceedings
.ok place : `. The Committee un Streets and
'lke:4, to wheat was referred the petition
r paving the .uorth-rile of the Public
Fiore. bet Ween French and Peach eireets,
port lhat a large majority of the preporty
care, representing throe-fourths of the
operly in each 'block, had signed said peti•
.u. The - Committee recommended that the
Net be' ordered made of the' width of 81)
et, telnding the side. walk on the ,north
of the Moue lion established nt 2t, feet,
the,aidswalk heioefter Lo be built, around
Flak S feel in width, leaviug a esrriage
.ty to ha paved GO feet in width. ' Select
ouncil receive the report and adopt the ke
al:emendation thereof. • Common Cuuncil
mend as follows : '
the city to appropriate one
h inland dollari toward the.expense of par
g the carriage-,way as stated in the rapirt,
you condition that the balance of •the es
tate thereof be hoine by the property own•
• Select Coittioll concur In the amend
cat o f the Common Council.",
Ntw Buttons:ie.—Our eitisene who are not
ueh• in/the habit of walking about. town,
!taro no ilea of the largo attrabur ,of new
uildings that have' been emote,' within the
six mouths. Most, or these are neal•and
bstanlial o/itiess, 1.4 d, and give ovidonde of
.te and prosperity. Notwithstanding this
there is still a demand for tenement
• • lea awl • ituutirei or huutirod and fifty
otafortable buildings would find itante4tate
spans. The truth is, that Erie is going
esd witk a substentist progress, that speaks
ell for. iier Suture. There'never woes a season
•es the, busineis signs looked better,. and
e sh alt eeCii be Y surprised if the coming
sienter—is the moat active ever blUett in this
With the opening of tho Phila Sr. Erie,
Erie & Pittsburg Railroads, capital trio
Drcial will f w
bad ite ay here for laves •
meat, and mauutaothries of all soris - will
priog up, to sdd to our prosperity. We may
e over Confident,' Aug we have 'tittle
tivo iu prAleting tho corms taker of
klqi, will go.I Erie wifh u population of
fitert Svaitsys...Within the Lust week or
two the residents and promenaders along State
greet kale suffered much discomfort from the
hastens. clouds of dust raised by every slight
breeze. The city Councils have determined
remedy this, and enforce the ordiniincere
illatiag parlous living or doing Wittiness along
the street to sweep that portion. of iL Lu front
,of their property every Monday morning. The
tet takeceffeol. on Monday next, and we hope
to see a unanimous - acquierence in its;provi
tioos The plan to be tried- is the same as
that of but year, which, it will be remembered, :
worked well. The city is also shout to reunite
r4 dirt from off the new paving South of Sth
street, after which the people - iu that section
'AI have to comply with the same rulesin,rw
lira to sweeping a* thei r ibwn to wa'neigh bora.
If the authorities will' promptly remove the
dui when it is Swept Into heaps, idstead of
PeraPtting it to lie for days and weeks, as
.41 Dean tiwi'Case in the past, we have no
doubt that the people will perform their share
ut the
_labor with zeal and promptness.
kir The ltrt of. liupublicsn ctsuilidal NI for
Like different Offices to b 1111,A lltia iii in
Crawford county looms op estraordinaril o y
large. I The Count:4lth Mu Courier skireoy
publishes auttouneementslror tweore a3piriug
tlo vgasranwr vs. A towlntsittntsioi::'—'gr. Mt.
II Armstrong, cif Wattaburg, a former County
Superintendent of Polak) Schoots,'has Written
eummtuticaliota, which appesrn In /tte ]set
notehcr of 'tlis ':l7czeskt annewieing 14( ho
will he , eandidate tor / rtretsotion to 'that
position. Mr. Artastrung to Midelltly
pressed with i eons/et/on Iliste the neat county
Superintendent is to be , ' abostm on politic l
grounds. for he repeats the usual no party
iihrities, and adopla the Republic tn: sentiment
that the Atituitustration is the Government
SpeAking on the ta t ter subject, he [ties the
following, Language •
• l , lo Oct believe to ilia rrlLtcy sa flip
pattily trilled from the toque of (reason,
that the tloverumcut is one : thin,t cud the
A.lministrof tett another, but hold the comsti
piton' •trul the A.l.ttinistroti an to ha each
ciente its of the tioyernment, mud each near.",
.vary to render it complete and efficient."
Leaving out of consideration the liackuryiE4
alluinon to the " tongue of tremmu,' nu ex—:
prelsion in itself enough to prove Mr. Arm•
strong v unGineses fur the odic., to which tic
aspires, we beg leave to snggest that ho
could hot hue referred (o iii3lllictioun6 re
c. utly if lie had, it is out likely lie would
have ran the risk of imputing his tifer.try ig
uor.iitee, by proclaiming as flipp.tut" the
statement that "the Government is ono' thins
and the Administration another." If he will
take oar advice, he will turn over to his %Veh-
stir Alsbridged, soil IhOre; fins Gofei'pw..ut
Jefinitt as—
"The system or polity cf a State ; that form
of fundamental rules and principles by which
a nation yr State is governed, or by *high in
dividual untialwers of-a body politic are to reg
ulate their Boatel action ; a Constitution.either
written or unwritten, by which the rights and
duties of citizens and public officers are pro
scribed anil.defnise4l."
And then, IT looking at: the 'lefatition of
Administration; he will find it out follows :"
'• The executive part of the government, con
sisting of the exercise of the constitutional
and legal powers, the general superintendence
of 'national aff.ilrs and the entoreCment of the
Iu Illui-cester';}, Academy edition —se hiTe
not . his nnstni#ged ar hand ,-- he wilt altlo
find— ' .
" Administration, n., act of administering;
the executive part of government, dispensation."
I '
It may ha that Webster.and Worcester are
wrong, and Mr. Arreetrong right 7' tint-until
we get rid of some of the " fo : gy" ideas of
admiration for the former, that we got knocked
into us at school, we shall confirm . ° to accept
theni as authot:ity on the subject. We pre
sonic, though-, that Mr. Armstrong and iii 4
olasw wilt pronounce . Mepers. Ilabster and
Worcester "flippant" old fellows, and con
tinue tb I believe that Mr.: : Lincoln And his
Cabinet are the aoverumeat.
Mr. Armstrong is'quite as serio
i sly at fault
in his grammar as in his dietionary l We
trust that the following is not a specimen
sentence of his composition :
" I regard the success of the Confetleroy as
the death-knelt of Democratic Government in
the World, and, am therefore for .the war to
the bitter end, imlieving that any settlement
of our difficulties short Air a complete restora
tion of the supremacy _ of the Constitutiots
over every foot of territory front the Lakes to
the Unit, and from Ocean to Ocean, to the
triumph of Despotism ever Freedom."'-
" Believing that any settlement,"\ &e., to
le , a triiimph;V, is poorstuff to come from
scho d ol teacher, and candidate fur the county
superintendency. Were Lindley Murray llV
ing,.aud told that tho above lines emanated
from one of his disciples, he would be obligett
to hang his head for shame. - . .
1 -
,Ye do trust that whoever the county con
vention may select; it will not beta conceited
.popinjay who essays 'to teach matters to
others of which he dues not understand the
first principles himself. Judging by two bi
ters that we have reit!, within as many . Week'',
from aspirants for the county superintend
ency, we cannot resist the cetivic.thut; thith
there ore some men who Would gracii a pupll'a
desk, fur more thou the icapousibbf and pro . -
minent place which they seek 1
ffpet. to tit/der
by ulaking as by
Itevt Mr. - Oras.sio, late the New
l'reabytatiaaeltuyeh at Watt bhuri, buy
acceptor} a call from Ediuburo.
Voir•Our, Lake' , Aid Bociety has shippiqi
dive :auto boated hospital stores to the gen
eral Soolitt,Vat Cleveland.
Me' We salt the attention of our readers to
the advertilealtat of Mr. Smith. ills Pianos
arc !iota the but manufactories in the coun
try. , .
W* notismthat Cleo. W. Dettiunp; Esq.,
is pie of the 'pfinelpal speakers ibefore the
peagueti,in the adjoining towkta. George
is after souteihing, you may bet on it.• • .
stir Thursday was observed in this city as
a day jf Putiag and Prayer, in accordance
with the President's Proclamation. fierrices
were littld in most of Use churches.
por The teachers for' Qirsr*llownship hare
been seleeted for the summer session.. They
are slilledies. The rotaries range from $9 to
$7,50 per month just about half irhat thity
should' be.
mei. The 145th regiment has been paid off
to the Ist of March, on tin 21st Inst., over
$22,000 were sent front' the "boys" to their
homee, of which $5,000 were Intended for this
TherStreet Ctonunitterief Conseil. lasi
resolved to require the huilding of side trAktri
aew. Part of the eit, whenever
tlideiable iortion ,of the population ,Ia any
locality petition for it. _
.lete Tke Liz to be 00 1 . 1 1 0 44 iii 00!• , e47.14
present year, State, county, city and robe!,
amounts to 59 mina On: the dollar„ or n
6 peccent.'; The total amount levied 'huittiout
SO,OOO. - • • . _
- oar , Our city. Jr,there.: 7 lLrairitio.iintiallll
delves, with all their 4tankless labor.. _h vpryc
Monday riming, after the sessions of-belt
bodies, as oyster supper is agreed wpm& die
expense of one of the members;
participate. -
231 t. is n$ generally known, parkipa,
that a law passe) the jail Legislature, pnin . p:
lug that all School pireettrs In offteonfrti
present.time shall coi4intas In shaman nistil
the !at Monday in June, 1864, and ifizif
term of School Diresttre herea ft er akailFon
melee ob the Ist Mon
. sy in June.
os., Dan Rice's show sillbo er
pinOgeMent of Dr. Spaulding, dtl - Fll44ie.
eat Season, the Inimitable Dan savon9snyisg
it as clown, for whit& he is said tel get easla.,
ry'oc $25,000 per year,--4.qual to . that of the
PSsidest. Dan's Game and repatition, the',
are Worth three times ; that to any show. - lie •
twines Girard on Monday; for Albany,
in, In flarrhbarg, on Sattirday'montlg,
the 27th .nIL, Hat Anna, wife of Major'
Mal?. Lyon, Paymaster is the -U. A., and
daughterrof, Sou. lid. U. Lowry, of Air city,
aged 26 years._ - .
btu. Lyon', Anent took place on '7l*) ,
aftrritoOn,' frou the residence of her fat+,
..a was &Alen ed by an unusually large ItOttly.
ori i relatives and frlands. She wu a of
eatim9Arie °bonder, sad tutivel i resill
beloved..r tons Ii - mourned by all who knew
$ The WM regiment id encampe4 about
three-miles from Falmouth, - Va , in a pleasant
pine grtxre, thtolgh hioh thAerikave l qty
strecte, and made it io k quite city like. Cal.
Vincent is in command A Meinte;.of the
regiment, writiug to ono of our exchanges,
eays : "The general of the Regiment la
good, and tho men arc in good spirits, though
not excessively anxious for a fight. They toitt.e.
more cimfidence in Gen. hooker thau iturnsidt;;
but - 1 'hear a cry of 'McClellan is our l'llllll'
qtiite u i ttvir '
11,,i4 r ellitu4 by Catl
made its tippearasci! uu yuturJiy !sot, rifler a discoßtinuatico ut wine utuutlaz.
tVe',e:tutiet agree Willi Mr. Benson i ►tJttlitiea
via arA, but We Winli hitti itruSperity sa aI OitaCk'S
-Ile in atfactiVe 1111111,and ilunhtlOs tue \ et with
sucet , ss There art twat litre() filevinan p4pqrs
published iuiiir city —tWa Uuwocrutic uul Übe
Oppeuition. ,
. The Couveutiou Beho Uire.cture-,
fur the election of.a Whitt) , luperiatendent.
will be held iu the Vouit•ilou4E, uu Nlotutty
next, qL vue o'clock. Mr. Swvago is 4s4astli•
dote fur re ulectiett, atul riit trust will:IA tst,ict
costal. We have yet ft; he:li7 laic tins Cure
plalut itg 1114 01111111 •tethlarit, sad it is
altaitle,l an all han-14 that he has wade
cupitul Stipt:puteulcitt.
,• r ,
.dteirt! have reeelVed the ties( itottibh.'
a new p tiler, .24t.trle.t In Si.lney,'Freutoot Co ,
lOWA, and called the ..lauth-W4suirn Icarian.
by T li Orgy, and Henry. I
Harvey, liiqrs.,--the litter is toe youngest
son of i a rorutor e4nor or this paper, The
lowirtnib well 'olito l na , l pre-leut:4 a vent ftp-
- slay- It we are to believe the Copuri. B pilr7
rent, in the city, the' new railroad projects
spoken of in our last menthol. have bothi;een
4u:done& The whole Mater is generally
leoke.l upon a'..gune of MUM" between
the two rival companies- owning , the different
divisions of the Lake ?Shore road., .- ,
htztr o The forwarding - eetablish'ofblit itt. - the
junction of .E'ighth st. with the Canal, re-
Gently conducte 1 by J. Ken'nedy 4 Co , has
.beep taken 'by D.
,lturton 'sin. :7 They Ora"
'ocerie and careful men, end strove entrusting
tipsiness to their care, utly depend upon its
bein; Welt - attended to" ' ••• -11 • 1 '. • .
• weir The Orimpiiii 4iourt vill•corateence on
:fstanalay main/loan next, at. two_o'cloelt, wit. •
.the' oases of the' po'or tellOws - Whe hare Irea .
unfortunate enough to get into the clutches
of the District ,Attorney will be attended to.
We shall endeavor to MI report oT'the
proceedings. "
;tie The President, it appears,.. has prom
ised thiv, Curtin, a fOreigU 111 4 4 iall• ' 3 X am
close of the Int.ter's term, on eonditionthst
Ito will net h. ft, ein.littate far re-nomination.
"pc dal bo y, butiby, ita you *Lail kayo
stick of candy." . • - .
gar Tile inilloes %of• this vicinity ere' ♦etyl
generAlly beginning to uso-tho , now style 'Lill
Paper §ocks for putting up flour. They tko3t. l ,
only about a third of what the cotton ones:
do, and are equally . as serviceable.
SW" A oonsiderobb• portion of the Erie a;
Pittsburg R: R., from the interseetion of thei,
Buffalo & s4e to the hake, bols i
Ana the pier at the mouth of Ca•t;l,l creek'
Ens been comtueueed
ze2r• Thu argutnent blurt iltVi been tio4tr
pursed to June Jililge Derick`sun has hdupted
a good rule, in relation to those Court, malt'
lag them lesff 'frequent, and flying t longer
period toy the trausectiouctf Lunine3c !
goy° Thu trade on the Carnal !ale opened
with vigor, Itnd hirits foaled with this
able article a,r4vunnine, thick. k'rout what
Aie can feria': tVt..;:jit l i ge the pri,e thiis
season - will be vory high," -
gar Forty' file thousand titiliarfave acid to
have hoes aubnoribeti for the rev:n*l/.4419115t
Hank in tlirard. It is thLught subserip.
lieu eau' ' $7; . "0,0 1 t1 without
difficulty. -
- log. The Connuig,tioner ut iute rual
nue iias decided that tile production of.tnniil l l3
'sugar is a ittan!iftliourt), cod, liwhln tua,dut l y
of thice per cent odureln
at?". Tlac surface vrilie , (Ake, ai the N 9 -1111
and of St./At. skeet, ii 501 feet above the level
'of 11 sna
14" A gukA tilablo 1+ abated lii rem
Intinre at this office'
(fount ot,thtunaou eolutueurtap 41h
Ntuudiy iu April, 186%:
Elizalietlt i Platit lie
iburgi by ' fiat trtuil,
Rural Pratt, vs. Matthew bitatsburg.—Far
Di fogiwg_: cr Jaqi Mrthal 1, - . sad. t.I. !V( itl4au
fur libelant ; 8C11.1 . 011 and Dec imp' fur respuu
ant - Argued at fezigth, tut,t verdict rendered
for' defendant. •
Charles 3lir.tuville vs. Jaunts H. Silver•
thorn.—Suirtmuus iu ejectment.for six nerCit
of laud 11<lelibtf
plediliiil; Church 2ittd.Ciedcr It;r,.defctic..! L
Verdict fur tlet'eullut ; new tikil t grautcd.
L. L. Gen', ute - oe ,ptomisserl: note.
No defouoc; verdict for id4iutiff.
All the tin:mining esAloi were expiiiiiteed, , eo
secolial. of iickeees -,Judgo Jobusouf# Um:
'Gk. btu.*
thcipoor pi' Ireland he taken, tip in -till the
Cat l holicChurches of this diocese, on i unsay,
play ludo., T . ift 4405! Youbg
will receive donations for ilia Object, from
paioOn:t who c:imut4allead:
will contribute liberally fur this • beneveler!l
purpose. - ..•
Dslussous Cousisaistr. —Tiro dollar
greenbacks allereotto ittiltdiessltiKisol/ eaten.'
sisal circulated. Th&alteratiotts are so sou-
Cessfully done that" t lie AneSiciikanAilitilcitiil,
'necessary to detect, the fraud. TwerqdOliar,
gorerntrient bills should lba'eletOilreefe#& 3 1
before/ley aratakeck. , 4.4910,1111 . Pi 6
terfeit bills before a strong light the alters.:
Lions inay be detected. - rasp her - state
that there is ea. coureitrtet.eitgutt
sold by Jsines A.• Bliss, at the corrietrast &h.
.Bkst e streets. ne,y-Ar, their es roittp . ; •
inetanied. , ; , „,1_
SPUINO.—rhe Krass is coming out
and green, the btWitre peeping•ntitt front the
treep,.U.1..0.9 canilla in tibun 449/ i 9,4119
Laic, and yellow buttee„greeniposs...4ml got
Cr thing's" will • sooW•Wjittewe
theai*e, too, Wien belga ig.petrA
theli my* r spehtg , inifFineryi rapliddiet
sipok of which has ju-t been receivo
11: - S'mith's store;-SratU street?
rieintisauan.— Mere lalontono:epi Q4n
the State among hone 4 men; in-reference
et the Ihst Legislatarso: It was Ilia most
scandalous body /Wit el IV /assembled at
.Correspondents say that count
less bill's at,lbg,Kiyafeititet*4l474l3itin .
through l,uiiillolls6i . jfloo.
bety• a'„llzbuso or a hoam.J' ft •is 104 , anci
ahaiherdl. The people shoulti discrlittin
ate ip treiti c to the , raeri , theyiend-tolhe
iielp4oLure. It they .410 ttet i ,„wprAo:Aciine4
than those Witt/wet), lia.t aloAltst i aessiod
will NOM at; the State Capital an years
to eonie.=-PolYs lifintrs'
a L,
' lir*/ MIA, "twee, per.!
tinieionsluqjilcxidrhitebr,lkaye appeared;
in irnmens•Cia , amis 16'annoy the soldiers,
liefore VioisbUrg..- The - weather Is jlikd
July_ in New - England. The trees are all'
in full Itiat: and' many of them Intreputi
on tht4r brighteAt rebel - net
birds of exiisthern Istitnde4-11lt iintionir-the4
nypress ,and 'magnolias, displaying li tt le
fear of the N6rthernhostu., rEvidetttli
they have not yet learned to hate.
4W151 Pint;lirit-Tsit' Q6AATERS.
VT ; I '• - ' - killa'''
a '' ." A+ I s
atinertsrnr = 1 :• on= "
, Tiiini•
and l ift yartul' goirhilif` Atilit SOD
Inilot,Lhat.ltalf 1411 iggiir.oo .94:J 1 31. 1. .44e of.
fiva,millinne,ii , dollawenperQuarrintel..l.-1.-
4,-ipp , Wits(litigteti .14,t4VIer , Ititiiill
trom i - 601447; :viilao_lell.:: ! itiitigo r. .: 2t,iiiii A i.,
4 .11 S•thinliky,• that news leeeived hoot the
S. nth gate protnige-of another'-asi sort ,ei
I'harleatuu,.un'thoit3lll.4rll. .
Hour ninvii from-Vicksburg turd below
eintiques gooii. 'Six morc•tranaptirts hate
bora' shie*"..ful in i tinning the hittekai,&:,
TlO Tigtest pi
Emre 1 Al.
.I,ty. otlerater,. An
gl *Sassed, Cheese/au,' Swat: rfarrik;uu.—
T misports near run- liy - Warrenton with
out difficulty:the li tttericz brink 1-tletit'cd.
, -• The. Waniiiugton /;./;//4. , ..cer of 'rue:,
day, 111111111111 CPS Olt step. liii6kev "k•nm
irioncect a • fora:Aril utureininit, Zilouilay
tilairniiig. Heavy 011188014 of artillery anti
otticr,tropsticro crossing; the Rappattan- .
neck AL satirise. • • „
,-- Pr in Nasirvillo we have news cif the
G slthilte of is force of Itol-el.C....itili'lltinnirit
as the d'exes ,Le Kim 11..ustualmeieg, : -/44, wen,
including eigtit7 one **Lined - - eiltleonly--
The tr!liirliatiktitate'6lglit'ruileTlidifth` 61
Prankliti,',Tenn., where the lle . thon win
str.likinly surrionnied liv 244:1..Turat Caval
ry, coitrunanilvd by Cou wit'thiti of the 6th
_Kentucky.' 'rlie rebel Co/::Was. taken, but
manage& to ftleftpe. _Fille!telbil36 teem rub?,
Sally N oopil ei l I • no ptstriltiOs en our'
sit. - • ' ,
- .
—A .
corisider.ilile excitement was pro.
Linear} in •Enehistri‘ by i the. seizure of use.
'Rebel ''gtilibost - 'A texiindra; itpitar' the sus
picion that she at. t s tit l ing fi tted out for
the•Conferlera tit cervice. -tither and tven
more . stringent measures , for prare a ling
the fitting out of privatetrituie antionuwd
A great meeting has been-held nt Man
'Chester to pretest ngainst the building of
Betel ships.
—lt is asserted that a prominent ralical
.member of the lust- congress .expreased
the -opinion that the 'Southern, peopie
Could never be Subjugited: - "Why thou?"
Said the listener, "do you insist upon your
fanatical :marl" The reply, was, "to atop
Snow W014d , ./Mio. 9. l 4',ltarkYt got( Yfe Welt
tight, as long as we can, mil like the de
vil.", —'
• =-IThe long - Interregnum In great 'ma- 1
!rine disasters has been unhappily broken,
land it- is 'our sorrawful task ti . ,r - record the
floss of the Anglo-Saxon, an, ocean steam-,
skip, of Cape Race on Monday. From
the meagre accounCturniShed it seems,
that !the ship struck a rock, and went
down an boarlfterward, a donne log pre-
, vailing .at ..the Ainre. The Anglo-Saxon
Ira Liverpool on the 13th ult., with 444 i
perieittii. On, licitcd: Of Aitetw. 97 are thus
far !sported savild, leaving' 347. to be heard
from. -
..- Quiten sensation has been, caused in
Western., Virginia and Maryland;-diy the
stul t bui; irruption of a large rebel force in
those arts, Morgantown, Va., -was cap
tured, and'an attetnpt was mae to break
%Jollier Beititnete- and Ohio ftailrciad;
wiiiiih OulriCSulted, howater, in the des,
trudiantlif a bridge, which has since been
rebuilt. , This seems -to be the extent of
thidatiu - r iipitliane.. The fears entertained'
for.the-ssfety of - Wheeling and Pittsburg
are set down" as baseless, and a sufficient
nueahoief Union, troops hi:Lye beim march
ed into the isvatted region ; tocheokmate
any- further motes of -the robot/.
The rebel attempt- upon Cape Oiler
deat,,llfri.z, was a *matched failure. The
last news is that the rebels made.a hasty
retreat towavd Bloomfield.;* that a part of
_nude under Gen., Vsndever pursued
thigri, dome, Up. with them on Sunday
night, and whipped- them soundly,. taking
a large notober of prisoners, horses, and
arias,' "The •purinit was atilt kept up.
Marnieduke, the' rebel ecimuuider, has
stripped: the-eonntr7 of everything Mov
able, .rol t hing.unidnists, and secasionists
whsle:' . 44 4,iiii -iciti*la of lib, wagons
loaded with plurafer. - The very latest
ilispalcii gar; that in - ilmo Monday attack
from 55 to CO rebels were killed, and over
.2.oo'wountled. There was a prospect that
, Bfarmaduke's entire force taken.
. . .
tien.,l3ur,inii,le officially report:, the
eiliaijilatt . tirtelfaiiitercitatoro;notkiii;
was onliiSly e.ucepthful
still County, Tionn.„oti - Lb . ° t 3 rw crlatid,
1;141. river. cros ses into :AA : 10-
tucliy).- , itoopi•tlestreyed•tinriow
100,000 pounds of bairon,. 2300 tr L -Aw Is.
corn and villeit‘;' , .100 lOU
I,Les.rikaur, a considerable. quantity dl an:
r.;reofreo, tea; tight mid other Ittoreß, told
40 liontatothich Lud Wen 'pied iu trans-
porting supplies. , " rile rebel.; roport o• loss
01'90 killa" Wo Lad ouo sOutoleil uud
'• •
i • DIED.
thlakith on the lath Inst., of dtootzt . or tdr brnato,
I.lldAir, rntep-datribtor of Mama tinhorn, EN,
aged Whit pm" and oh =loathe.'
"Silltretlt, on the 10th twit, Wm ELIZA coca.
RA NA; telet, of Maki Cluelittni.llal,...ntei about 01
NlGtres4s, on the3J hist A of searlst fi73r , NIA /1Y
ELIZ-1.11/214, °sly ehll4 of Geo ./oho JClrto ,tack, sz4.l
years, YU notha and 23 days. •
I D swain" oo Zhu rzik - or:. Ri.PUfA. S44dbt4rit
sophisi sod Ilssyltimpospil 14 years, 4 tionto4llne4,
da• a.
Mae ladone • oh. how wle, atm.& hoz In tho tirolly arele
end in 4h• Regbate Mettlol wtsfett shs legal so well liar
pleas to the clam. In no• slimet, but we Lep, the is
whim eta aad sorrow aeverstesse. , ,
lather, Mother, shed scamp Jar DJ , ;
Wool.lst thou keep th child lOW the , •
Ratber,tata tolLoPitit l iar, •
: 4 lror res Tolog .honsir. -, -. '. •
. - ;*flatisalretheh, aeartd welpo
,' .
&Au Inn an "Nati wlttinti steep, -
' ' Soca 3Pmett ellvel:Tho river deep.„e• e
'you'll be sellat inane , , 0 7 V,„, , at. K.
thesswritteu ogi We bath of .11::lleNNI „ deagiter of
Mettlas sea Any lissth..who died In COllOlll4. ditra., Nov.
24.agad yams
. , A foe% shod years La as was give ".y.. ‘s
A, maws cherub trout the s - 1 ..' .” •
Now armour interim with an A ' irlitiov-i,l,
, -...•-: i1e1ehi1..4 . 04.1 60 ; 40 Ire 7. '....,earl 7 )rs,- '.'.
: • ' Illervittldatb aettelefher wl • ,
._. ._:. /g 1 .- '
.' •- ' bier snot& satile,lter . • ' !, P", ",,,,,..,
- -.
Wade 111 iliqpli elestressure , ..,..,.., e
--- llesiaistal the lawn so frail tf g % ~,
- ;Ife f aldlirtipmgett her a' I oqr I \ 1 3 i
Wilwaeft -Corot t , givirj ~ • ~ :
j:„ . !Tatum* 'esitedoor cherub a• : •, .
At live retedie, forever
% . •
4 otw she tAl'oe to to6l Awn a ha•mt hoovo SOLO.rY.-t '. "
tr A •
''LM—Wolit)Or-.91P00. oh
; • ~(100 vatic 1 441 Pe the P Glory- 4 ) J. ,
' -Ha alei war swam We es "ti t : ,- ,
tfo pain or dealt:can put nu ; i ,
' .'fbe treetiatirflosal wlpu ie a c.-, . 3 ' 1
• - Co., met swe ea the sh abet): .:' '
, Illesk a theseve.Olda , ...
1141/41GLIITIO/4. t --V-: - : :: `7 1: 4 :, ' •
siE,T .. - tpertassattleekai4awisasieradir
the fi r m elf t ll ee
06e oa lly Mania •eleneed ad the 12116
a illZfaialtblikelyilaseltal itatasetel the- tales: A.
94. jassetartersesaid gm.. . ~ , N, - _-
111; Wine. Win beteattabed at lamestestibitsh.
eseataytatreiesandecpattwore eraiwr, the 0 awe- W
Liddell Sell eCarter, who are authorized Comilla th e .k.
..he m o f ii... ° wh i t,: , •„: .11111ATICIIII.O Lit .4,'
. :•• - . . • 1 . - . 413 . 011 KW l'Ai ANSI/.
- • - .JOillia'll MepaitTßlt. - •
4.ldiceorthe ittie WO hata We dta.soreor of State sad ,
1911 r storole. -- - , . • • ot2-ter.
: I V9I Afa NOTIOE. -. •
_ -
- ' 1 °Oho! rate Oery litov Weiss"-
"." " " irntloth t !VW
*reeibitiv stii-
Om 0 Lf44 0 7/. , InieW# itt'attee, stet reemeetra talti•
tate letttem6 n ?Cie *sail
;'-f•'• , , uvo
.1)1§Si)L11_111)N.: '-", ' •
1 . 4410/tlidrih** 4 . 4 . l %. l rlialbetweett tl.
O. Walter and W. P. t;tlaotc anatt' tbername std style
of-Walker la 4:111..b, to .ifaa.horl by ospinkawa e t ta ri p.
Tbbeekee.o.l accouutAaraio the bands of D. Walker
attheir Idttorr Owl, irttlemtnt.
rt.rnS InWto 4 1 0 Ihillte Brit kit."4loe4g.a,
.aa ti lUrnAtoi* PI 1). WALkt,it.
maf , oyiloiliWbsalswarhertatte l
will be eentege.4 .
.0 E. 1
7 . MOM k. Co.
033131; OF IDISSOLJUTION, -• :
- . 0 thy I 4 0 Mtnrillar finite:are radio s 6t im . - k Co km* b_diaeolred on the 11th
day of Yebrosry, 15431, by IS odaratlt k Co. selling out
to John tanduatit.tha godenagned, and the business of
the hadtrilinedlirrity &axed bit the 6th day or April.
1553, to be minted on In name of 11. Laadarsth & Co., the
andarahreed oill, therefore, carry oa the buginess a$ th e
old atatid,Awl will alto to till' *Gement of therl•
nen of the late firm of . C. 0.. and th e
business of this uudendiursi. done in the name ru.
Landsrath Co., and ail setnino *es an in any way in
debted to IL Landarath & Co., era meshy requested to
setae/Aar aeolonta with the n 0 0 ,111044, aratual tetth
laodarath, he having heretofore; u above stated, Bold
his entire' inter* in the keeounta, Stock, &e., t f
Lan*raftly fin_, On undoraiated: • • .
*0164* I :40110.14Ntraltillri
Duir lid sr assortmelit 911Wtodrn!. &tub,
'MAW With atia otter Brunbek, it the store 01
grega...• • • • . " - ELVARTER. h UItLE HY, SO/PS,
,044 t'sswOhoU 1
t In the taz,therisire-1 Mart Niattei
t o
r-40K , 010e14 0 04 *l
city am of e
heat en
rll . o3tt. J. B. CA iSR.
- -
Physician to the Troy Lug and /4-
gienie Institute.
Tseatine cua the C 41111.11 of Emir Hivaleat Ile4:lu.•
tint:3 . 4:lw : the mow of Dobitity,l'ett.
eutuptiett nod Maraaums. •
• lAdfit.rl, Y alms,of kirt oivrad tams wring.* i. aa ,
ytt aril/lag land•age goal apptals at redly to lh4 murkit
rmuderniessof ALP.
._ . PARRNTS and Gisardlaxa,ropeci•
dilly, cklearog eiltetifesat iefiable aniajaadtreatattat far
It .11 in. 'ow, I/ uialt .u}blitecelpt ; 01 two 0) c ent
!Itatup4 • • ••
rr eut.4 nr/4-1111cra4ajf Fehi uu At .4 Ana
uto data I auk..
re you.. wee t illsiwt sib...4mo get this bank.
YenMould lmt autareore • tap) 'St
A Word at Sulam % Cooselesdrnin Advice to -
' 'bore wits WU Rellebt.
A etax, intladleir prevail to a fcarfal exteat lin th 6
to o,orooity,douwie% eib least tOO,lOO tluofbotheeo
sunually, to aelearly Brave. These Maniacs ant top
imp,rfeetir trwilerained. -Their raf.S .o. l
i mailestati , ~,
or ruptsmaa, aro Name
llsbU t)mod E
hau.diou: Illareensue oe wastingabd rapt:too of the
'tisanes of the olitalubody; shortaceeoflerea hay-.
rigid Isresthliagegeseendleg aMU or Mead • , t
of tli Heart; Amilliesa, Drobeld
shaking of the Hal& and LAMM; eillerisue
noeirty mite bash eel or study; ss- dip sit lust AVIA,
1.4 of itensory„ divalent& tbs Nod,* neth to
to various pane etthe beetr: Una In ties beet llorbsi
larnsartfro,yrigaia or iodiesetion, irregalarity Of the
bowel*. dean secretions of the Wagon and other
icletela ol the body, beecorrbeee Onset Allges,llo. Like.
w Lie Ki.ilopentlystaria and Nervous Nem I
in ninety- aloe oases Out of ervfy one hiau4rsei i
all the above waned dason'ora, and a loft of other, nut
puma, as EouszunpUou of the Lungs era that shoat its
--sidlesse and wily form of Cousumptioa of the gpleal
Nelson. known se Tahoe Don!alre; sod Tabun liernenteri-•
my have their Seat and origin le diaenioa Of the Petrie
V4pwra. hence the want of success oe,tbe part of old
04001 practice to treating symptoms Olt
Or, Andrew Stone, Physidia to the roy Lung and
!luta& ireditation is now engaged in treating thiselami
of 01041efla =ladles with- this most astoelahing stsesse,—
Tier treatment adopted by Use Institution la near; it Is
Isirel upon relerialle principles, With new discovered
releoMete,irftliceet minerals or polsoin. , The faeflitlee of
cure are such, that patients con be eared at their hooseN
In any part of the country, from mediate descriptions of
their ow, by latter • cad hare the eirdirdne senthy mail
or aprent Motel interrogatories; ell 4 be forwarded on
' Cossamptlon, Catarrh and inseam, of the Thrantotured
are well at the home ef the palisade aa at the Inatitatloti,
hymn:aline the Cold eledicanti i/INA,Ute ,BALL. ra•
PORI. with Inhaler and ample dissatinne for tbeiraure, sod
direct eornopoedence. 1 '
Patients applying fur luterr gaiters or attilie, muit,
entloao return stamps to nest attentiors.
the &Needing Ishmael! will be found at tho
Non for eonsaltatios; from ea. en. to a p. m.. sane day.
Sunday le the forenoon. Address; .
_ siliDitSW STONY..
Physleials to the Troy Lang and Pygienie lastitate,
and Physician for Diseases of the tlleart, Throat sad
I4u u , 103 fifth Street, Trish N. Y. I,', „itinirtl3yl.
Erie City Steam Bakery
iimaamtnes .sbtaxs.
lOC ER4 ES, PRO"kliSlrftle;
,pL LIA BS, •
~VjNEB ` AND" L4I Q17.0M.,
01M . .91'0611'43E' J .
'~~ o
At 4
PIC-N14); 7.
• SW AR,
ILL uketal 41 at th
CI D Y.!
4..,,Mmic0.„ FryNCY CAN DI
• •••••-„,
'"- 7: 1t3.!. - .llttlitAne
StotoStoetii Vicatatore above PaetOtte
IV fir AV 1 I lc
VAR E-1410 ODl s p!
Maio St.,hetilm s ni *oath ant
hointbaiiithe re hare entered the Cabinet !taking- a
FAT INT IT It T lt,A •
,tug popoe.i tualnit to order ¢nd keepin.; eau/tautly n
hand ail Urge Furniture.
e receive prompt at tpir
tention. _1411,1134 d
, ouldurrt4otito.
Ttur aobaczibnni will it's.; V 7 attaluttut to this u•
per lairut or Moir busisona %ill guinnilleeture nd
keep 9mattuttly on hand s Irmo aintortenane at
Cath and Coiling. and loW thauundres in it o
nice 01101 1 n thin Bata, PAII* I IS Imo 13 4 SA d 0
cowgirl. Dotatintoed tg spars* 'darts to igho •
tam both to the quality ut Matt goods and prima, t y
bopo to secure % libernialutru eff public
sprlFC.2-U. Summers to J. IL Brat,
, •
oF smic.cormlT.--Cilarn:axxx : In imrs . •
434 mention of the' Act of flth of May. 18 4430 U
hereby notified to meet to cailventlon, at the C. •
Howie. to Erie, ou the drat lilociaay In May; A. D, 1., 1
below Me 4th day of* imosthOft 1 feranklb that r
noen, and seleet,efeheffee, by fam ru erity cif the w .
!number of Directors prompt, °ea of literary r eeleaUfle acquirement', and of WI I e"pf i rletete in
art of teaching. au Coorayeepertote a, for ther ,
NUeOeldini.F....;_actemilne the Moot'l of conspenaa •
for the same ; a nd audit/ ths reinit • Mite IS ,_.
hatendent, at Itarrifaismiqnired the 90th and r .
'redone of "aid act. 1 . SAVAG - I
County It ntetaen f Erie Corm
Springfield, April Ikitieli.—arrl '
. ..
, .
, . 11111 PO RTAN '
1 N I 'O.
-NCT 0
Ion l S C Cy 4 t- i i Vr •
~, IFor the •
Caallaaritam Weer. ilre t Z li jar '
Seminal 'Weabgese, lavAlly libilatimuM,
Genital DeWitt. wid IrritalOtty, Grate;
- • Stricture cud ; ; •
ligiiii/IU ci tie lLidasys -lug Bladder
which ho been used by trilirerlo of
VIPs RinitUlD rim
is titrato peietiee, w ith entlial imeesseisepasett:
Ins Oopolbe,l Caputo'. te etayiespensil • -
ate knave.-
*PO speedy in KM* epee lattoM.l.4 • man la . • -
days, sod when • aute,la dated It IS
au pruned teem Vegetable ex t lete ests rlenekes
on the - Disko. entlever sicken etilllesell4
pregnate the breath ; and being •II••
_MOW taste to %Tokio& /No chugs at filet le
whits ;phis them. Me dna Lb*. salon latidoril
laWeeill pinnite. L llieh Box
10. 4 i m i
so* daalz,luthold , 1.
Dr. Bell's Treatise on Soniud. NO'
. k t ot 60 pp.m autsbalet Impels:A .i• le
elleted.-81IletT I= nu entseue_spedesil•
peter. e pße BULL'S Gal= UUU • Nis!
Z otin si 402 0, 1=ALFZIA N
, ta
t litr ea r he
• meat Iv= of • Mo. sae dettee.
TI. Pills or Books ‘lll mot ma ipresit
- 114111 M ROB S - theustallea,
° R i ot laio smosi 17
my sdvertieel weikv. bi t
i J. IIIIVAI! Buda .
cl , 'tel Naar 1 liar ark. (&x ,
LAW' sold la ! , My De. enema, woe. L.:.
ALCM and WY. NICK, ... • n ly
-- e
CALlBita t tlt D 1100 P e ors
A coopbte , arortmeatj reeled, at
irAi. P. HAYEE A co., NO. S BUD HO' BE
• Conolatlag of is
wale. caIIEZA 00E4 BAUM
zxri4 slate aim
P•I3,IDt OF TUE W,011.11.11)
Also, Yaw, LAW. Moire wad Obilottaa's. oaas
Ladles' Skit*/ Skirt.
Thee reds are elEacaded to be kaart, see par
t leer. sow In the market.
t i t:eosin •141,-;
& .NT INU EN to' gait/ r• - üblic favor and 1
W d, retool in .11 sections. end after the thorough ex.
per ace ail atm:, years, Its Itepetatien for eftleazy In
car •g Throat and Lang dimes*, ti tally &sullen...l
1V . reerettde ussislars is scialumara Da Marna Imes&
UM lied the ,neatest popularity andthmaml. . It liakbe
coo a - etamidid [rowdy with many people fur curia l !'
Citi ouery c.mtplalote and iii kept lu their houses for
yum it hemmer required. Mt • cure for Gough It ui
s,.v sod reliable—seldom requlrtug more taxa uhebut
t cure a Cough of many weeks Mantling. Fur cluing
Cr' pit is not etcelled, and Le a remedy lug Asthma Its
ucy cannot be doubted, having restored many ver
so • In health after eutleelog is Neer tams at years with
th uilseralairdiarna. Fur Bra•-aWrar and iloarseinistt
la and reliabh4,qdktaily evenevhsc twitatifoutruntr the
Mr ea. to W happen* Cough lh wannutr war vest
cal . It promptly Lemons the aregamairy and violence at
t etnigh._eua Audens the dream one half from its 44
idl• y 'talon. masc.
ii dimmed of the lump Mid al; passaged dewed spa
ler tattoo or loam:Lactation lathe lining omen membrane
so 11.41141 V thu prompt ciao of thorough titiellain. to at
tag their removal. Hall's Cough Remedy Is safe, epeedy
effectual In Its operative —ls adapted to both setae,
to 1 age and cucidiadicaui. Eva, us annelid with
al rat tie following Altatiaael Sh e, d , ass thla pleas it
lu cs
nordy and th eir voices will' wain ti wi th others to
...,aquending Ita merit' to 'Mc . neighbors and
NIL (Arc ilair9 CbuitA Re it cures (.116.1.7.
Use Hall's .I;bst i gh
or Rattles. - •,, it carat 13 , ritgr
Use Ilall's, CbugA Itanitly it cur es
or 41thisic. :
USe . HOPE Qa* , ißesneely for °Muth.
Use Ilall's tough Remedy it Strogtiteis
the Lungs.
IN ; ..
flees. Use Hales
~ ass& • -fle. , for Brondiiii.t.
Use' Ha ll 's (bugh ' y for Hoarse-
Use Hall's awls Remedy it Strewrfiktws
the Voice.
Use. Hall's Gong' A Remedy for WhoSisis g
. will greatly modify the Nines of thla i dlseam andillol.
0 Its tallow saaree. oeir ball tram lie eredLeimy dor
Lianas: as owastsrlittaamabmw Imitatteao-uall be De
nali% 044 aralwiliewth Remedy sad see that lla writ.
a sianataso Is apes Us. wow* mad dtreettima.
IsTicooru ?sew/nor/iv. '
We, the animas or EA* City and vicinity,
ya and Dr. T. 'a Odlitmeatad Osta.ii ltassady Via
Ftramcar, In caring &ewes oft hw.,Throat is
d oi taksaare trrreconuosodimytta nal to the
a sad Mbelnal annedy , tally worthy of public
. I
mow irtmuiP 3 l4 Xattbew Ilmallton, D.
ohs Million, Bx. J. W. Wyss. R 1 chard
1. Tracy. 1 Ratan Cochran. J. T. Cu.,
la W. rum. Meal !mar, Mafia Serer.
ono W._finrs, J. liabLsson, ' C. X. Mils(
oho R . Cochran, W. T. Itlndarnscht, J. Roomy,
ohs R. Daman, P. Z. Barton, J. W. Calm,
oho N. Warren, Almon Sherwood, Wm. la
ohn 8. Brown W. H. Cooper,
. L.. Forster, A.ll.
Joseph Deemer, IL A.
J. W. Sa lk , ,=. OnenA, J.l34.labary,
°midi 11. Mil, '. XL
C. Damara, , Theme. WY's, .1 L I ML
H.*. Root, ', W. IL Galiether, J. Robinson,
Wilma iLlag, , Chas; W.KMao. 811 am IL nub s
Daniel Illoor, D, P. C O. Wows%
C. B. w :tot. i . IsoM 1:1111 WILY, Mr
-1. Y. IlL.A i W ig.
Ilanafaitanw mil Bata Proarkstor LW% wsw
Bute at. PRICE sus TO 76 Crawitt rot Borns-
Amax maws os.-Aus.A. Hliatt . z i . e 4a
rand; Wm. lie t&N Yarview; T.& I'
sx m adat. Ulabwe r. basu... - 71zuisreii. L.
Miaow 'Watediard* Hems li ebarerM e Weil W
BiIiIWWWWWA . W. T., ifilieWi
_NW* 1214/ li. W.
Priebe.; ltdawrEns; J . O. VI mum /Meat —Wiwi
Lockport, and by airenta ptaisily.
milttisioßD - Irnri unrcauuraz
HUNTINGTON, hat 4.0. ULU. Day,
C. B. BMW& Prat. C. C. WAIT& Sea.
TNSURAINcE in the above old and roll
1, able
bs laIiLTA•O4
Second- Hand Furidtuie !
Taken In for Stile, Ezebasirsd for New, or Cash advanced
; Wit mold.
;1-. W. El.i ' NY, ERIE, PA.;
zia.blistwi lasi. his Stones &Pub from hill ft& Room.
(pc second hand Furniture, Carpets, Yamaha? Beds, Pod
ding Coteries,. Hair Sod other battiallies, Looking
CI ta ins,'Pktorq, PalnUasp, Yaaiedl lastrameala„ Store
and Oaks Doak@ Cook cu bow Wardrobes, Sec
ndartee, Sofas, SLia Chairs, Dedstesda, Lounge'', Tables,
Stand", basks and Dareaeo. Pallor and Cooking Stores,
and other houns,-losoplog utensils. , Female leaving the
city, chaceng Melt residencea, quitting house-keepinj,
or exchanglng tannage, am .410, weft by ogling
Elirey, who guarantees quick lake arid cub pay..
Observe the pl ice,—Furnitnr" Store next to bth street,
on State, West side. sprll-4w.
i 0
P 4
1 pi-
ltYllitY. '
J. U. /111.IANT.'
Pcacia-51., above ac BiliSh Ruud, Eris, Pa
to Ache". Ellenry,) 4
, . . JusgprAtinatzaa cia
TIN a Sim? Lam( WARS,
4111) ALL KiNDS OF IRON CA8771103.
Every Store has; by us trartaatc : d to li tre mattalactloa.
Rattles Slds lt Sad Icosisam, on band of 111L11-
afaatiusd lv wart..
PLO we Aim Ant Yours of inverter oaks and aim-
Willi always us band: A call and a, fig/ trial anus eel.
cles la all we ask. • ' lIENRY k BRYANT:
Ifort!k East Owner 4 aus Park 4. Frear4 Strait,
Would rcopeatully call tho eitteation of the community
tO klalarp Stack of
Which he la deal:ant to dell at Ma
Ltla aasantacat of
V 13.11.1
• •
SU( .
FISH; &C.,
V Up t " rirt'd Li t aim city. as be aprepared to pro to
ail who g ye him a c4ll.
tie aiso kcepeeonstentiy es haw! • superior lot al
for the wholesale trade, to which be dltesta the attention
of the pabtk,
His motto is, "quick Sales, sassll Profits sad a WI
Equivalent for the Money," .aprlr63tit-
REitE3. a H. HA LL .
_..-.... , .. - - , .4- : -. .0. fief rettNned from
r... - • - 1 -...,;•.*:-.P . . New Yd k, sod II sow
%:-..' •-•••', :‘,. 1
" II •
- l .;. : : .i. s._ . - ' .. : - .../"" 1 lige .
-.' r - 1 . • r b k ,. ;: .. .‘; ', . 7 STOCK OF
-::: %P i • rl. ';,‘P ./ '. s' FALL'
• i .S" .- a ...•-.•
~. a,.. z . 4. . :. -, .. •
- 1,- • :-. i s i v ),,, • : 4 . .
,- 441; 4 3 .. 1r • .. AND
: .. Which *4WD. wits
j r Pouf/cola/ attend/Do NOW to blowthtsg. catalog
=2.; 4th door aeon Ow Dopot c trio, Po.
, ...
ale Maws BECK WR. 1r 0,a4 tr spetlaUt
aoeaaa to tbo Wks of tut* atty aid emu
% tbat.thai bays arise" a y/10
ter 'mini , * sweet,
Q~BT di bs. (.I_7 T Ft pa
where they eneekt Invite alloweling settekre I • that, Kr
to to them iteen.
They ere mimed he Antall all Widen OM ry
G dads at the Amiga., notice.. -
- Pistiesissly- stbradsi W. -
• As we do all our emu w. hives* busitatlem la
promising that ear tenon HA I as rasilailil4. It pot
mono sn, than en, othe,r stens to lids en,.
sprIVILM • -
• baiLati aim WPM' Mr
VIrOXT'AIII.4O. 40, '
0Y814.4 taa
POULTRY AND atßor ar ' Gala to Omar Us
%gee Bk4llll
M. sur,,ra.
Ordati haat4lßdria air et 011•WietZI=Ar
aod at leiraptut
N 0 T , . •
, likathssamikor • •
Y.,E •_3IZ"EII, K Y ,
of•iirrikebeniam•wkt - lainAit iOT • acid
ust a r d =lllll6 umslmMie
.- • ' 11,11,1161110 N.
- ftwalina fir **so list i t NM°,
- it SPRING. Tit 4
a wnissmos. rns Waal
Dwifirr i Bratirs Mock, North rids Mho Park 1
NI INA 14 1 1114 6 arrU%-tt. ali 1 0 .
to bibeisl
12 door min of
A PUitt
. IONIC ittb/CIX1:1
../aunda, liironie w Nervous Dissaut
qf tAe Kihuw. mkt 1111Di:eases arisingfrom
Aserrilora Lbxior Stoma,
• ;sob
sa Constkpa
! ikon, laward Pass. .
: Fallsoisitar Wood to ths
' kai4. /Wag of ns- ' •
ask Wasseitkilasaiiiar the
i l / 2 Sto Mpat
tut 104 Fellatio or Wodplit la l.
sv,mssb,Wow Itrattlaibtia. Slaking et ,
blutlattni at tits pit of tbaWAoratta. War
miaow et thellesd.liarsiediumbintkalt Itteatlatis
Fluttering at lb* Mart, Main or volitemati•g sea
tektite obta to I kiitig pasture, Diatom of Visiots,Dote
- Webs bolo* 1/10 81pht, Fora sod Dull Pala Latta,
noade ItMeasKi otrolPiratkili, Tioilelisima of
' Unable' sad toe, Pals la tii• Ms. Bub,
.Chest, Limp. Aw e B•44sa Maws of
MO; istralag is tie rash, Con.,
sisal inumtimattoa tot Et*
- attlignatDepto- •
&lon •1
rTh~ was wan the theirs almeasse In nereiredere ewes
eat ola heedreei.
I educed by the vitamin Bale and anlvr i l o da ="
of lloolaaere German Mare. (purely v
ot loosed Quarks led nalerepslose prevenient', bore
opeteti epee.ellartne hassoley the llood•tates d Now
trans la the dupe of poor wbedeey, vilely terepoweeled
with W il allo w
ers. drag; end cluisteeed Toeing Stananchko
sad M
Sewers of the otateetsbte later Of keoholle imeesivr
times la plelhorlebottles. sad big bease keep seder the
moiled appelletion of Bitters; whisk ot amity&
Oily wren% dim" and leave thellisappolatedsofer
sr fe despair.
Are sat a acre sad usrtrisd wilds, but Ism 'stood llts
tat of Mom yeast trial ,b? lha Apiericas Wills; and
thitif nipotatloa Itml oar, are not ttrilied by 'ay statist
The proprinton lir, thounanda of Letters trona tboiceot
Tastgriag, of their nit pmenal koovilsdp, to the boo
Oda (Oats aad Ttetaia at this. Busites.
I'o FEEL WE-Lift
13; 24 . 11 a 1' r
;-- lb' YOU DO, USE
Awl 1 Andes Ifrant,D. &Mar qf Li.cyda
rats of -Itairiets InuTisAis. •
Although not diepoood to firm or reocaorstad Paten'
tiellelneeln rat, through distrust or their Mimi!
este end • Lei
know et no esaoleat am=
• pea may sot testify to the begat he believes
to hese reseteed bola ani t &lPls Uct t l .
hope that Us any theaton te to e t GUINN.
Ida tide the MOSS .rte la regard ts Ger
m., sw am p r opand by Dr. C. X.Jaricioak OM etty,
beaus =named t hey w
tor ma=
under the on that they ewe &tidy an
salaam lam lastehted to toy triendliebert Nhoieseker,
gift Su the sena* el thla paladins by preps Ws.
waiter eromnagtoutodt to try than, when errihrienlrear
peat ead twig solid ileMl4. thr e bot
tles oit theme Ratak at tho ft Thetaelm.g. t mod
hepresei pier,
mai tarred by lulat rellid, sad Mdfts' to a do
gma( bodily sad pastel erzhiett I had hot isid far
viz m a
months beture,and had at isigsGater
. 1 therefore thank God and my trtoed dlia r a *oting me
the sae ettlims:
riatat?•, Jeri 2d, 11111 L J. IRWTON UOWN.
PM. iki Rae.
JOMPII 1311/114111D, Paster i #
Thai "Os Cbre
as. Jaaramt-anas Ras lump
=to amast wpm Walt
Mato at Ode gir* Um Facia
a• solve say ansagtialt I vs la alleyw do,
efired; bat mak" astkor pad la mom batman% aad
=Ss se ma Sway. ei the at Dr.
lama %Web depot lot oast tetra my
mud aavana Islorasim hal elladiSea
acal debility el Vgie spIR NM aped*,
Complaiati It las aad propustitat La acme
taus it my W. aaaagy &Wit siwt it trill la very
boottlelal to limo who wit frogs ibe *boos ossitto.
• Yaws ser7
I"" ll . ...isanuazi.
Stalinbekni Guru h eti ram That 11416
Aim (kg Irv* V t /URDU, &num-
itimurennio Jan 141141.
Da. V. sii. lioc aorites—ilsa :.11=5 pat *mug
W. yilini aro, la rot 1 totaltillor whit
ma lais ititin.• lime &lobe is& la OM Poglog.
I y carat Win Mort am* poor okadiatoo paohma to
urn.lit .S -- Pritatma. Mosta aotlfarrompladateidio
es* Oft MINA •A• IliP prowlial Inissasettemeto
nos 10 rialag. I bon isimialied
fr . eq== il ki lift IWO 101001 it bet-
ItSth.n. how nis IS kr the 'Oft* somplallitik
.ad la owl" 111111111110. i ns =sameta 44 awed. You
...ii, 4 o• hoe • vat to and Li
.... ott4toonn Nos date mils ma al
0. 0 44 in& : if ant o." 1111,114
t two am. to I ;Min . UMW, a nd la thlTialt•
Ideeli•Sa. -, INV th• it.too• haw la Gib %bitty
~mant toy. tor.o IA ,•••• of 'the AM 011Nis.
, if, spWitligh
mamas maim
rel..t ~w•. i mmaram Emirate.% Pi. ,
1 1 •
. ,
' 1 '
Fa that 11l Stan 01
"C. It. J•j.CSSON,'"
• /swills isarii:a
NO. 631 ASOII alum.
KnfliiOki 'TANS,
IlkOsionmielis O. K. JiCIIMOWI '00L)
11, 401444 t WW I & 1611 Ikeisee
Be '/Wl'lAdliftir