The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, May 02, 1863, Image 2
drit Obstrinr. SATURDAY, ItAy . 215,' WM' Us Cm= Ass m stall.-01111 AMP Iv rs a fact worthy of record, that rota* of the Republican more of this 1100iiCO. have sampled our pr4osition .of • last week, challenging them to prove, that single Democrat in she North had ever advocated s dissolution of the Dalin. 'Pas radical papers publish a long and characteristiCally egotistical amount of testimony given. by (lea, ,:105 Homes. be fore the "Committee ou the' Conduct of the War." In this, he criticises With. great' severity, the course of Generals M'etzt,- . LAN and Beassma, and tabors to give the imyression that had die been in chief command the country would have seen a different result. - Gen. RooKea is now in . the position-he has so long coveted, And We venture to suggest to him that when lie does something thst is worthy -of ap- probation, the pilblic will b h p better pre pared to weigh hhropititons \Of .other and more modest Eitnerals. . The Senate bill to secure \the elective franchise to soldiers in the Army. autho rizing a vote by prosy. paised the N. Y. ,Assembly on Thursday, the 23d inst., by a solid Republican vote against an equally solid vote of the- Democratic members. Gov. Seymour exhibited' his great regard for the man wise are fighting our country's • battles, i,y ou alleged constitu ticinll grcsind.. Caminent is unnecessary. —Gazelle. - - Oar neighbx. lies not iletiy that the hill, is unconstitutional. If 'that be the case, will he assert that it was not Gov. Santous's sworn and soleruniduty to veto it ; or, is he, too, , one of the 'many Rekiub-, hound who believe that Coustitutistia nu& oaths have no binding effect': Tag New 'York Wor an Tuesday of, the piesent week, cot/Wine! fortpseveir columns of advertisements, , the largest' amount, We are told, ever. .given in it sin-. gle issue of any paper published in 'this country. It gives us unusual gratification. to notioe ench 'an- exhibition of prosperi: ty, for it is well deserved. -The Worl¢ le a• journal of which any - party or country might be proud. - It has long been noted' for the reliability of its statements, snci in editorial vigor and ability is Without a rival on the Continent. Taking it calm; . straight-forward, statesmanlike coarse, i has min .its way thoroughly Into thecon fidenCe of. the conservative- public, and'. done incalculable service in' the cause of the Constitution and Union. • SuCh . 'pa pers as the Wri t / are ! the 'kind that, it should bean esOcial pleasure to Demo crats to au 'port. The (*Pryer will find in courerof time that everi the reputation of a a bhiek guard " will be infinitely more honorable than that of "traitor" or sympathizer with traitors and rebellion. —Dispatch. The Dispatch " will find in .cottroo time" that the clati of. Cilium in the North who are now called.'", traitors" and "sympathisers with traitors and rebellion",. by Republioan paper% 4)o:uprising me they , - do one-half of our • popfation, Will be, regarded is the =true patrietaLef • those days, and lie hawored aeeerdingly. 'Then , men are not - to be put' dowel by slang. terms or bitter dentuseithidin—they are" striving for what they believe to be the good of the country, end:limy wiltpersel. ‘vere in their faith,' Apt:dim of die via lence of their 'political enemies bake of traitor, when applied in its cor T, . 3 rent sense, they , regard as the most odious iobelanguage ; but sylltin used as it sow is by Republicans tawardis bein#Urista. is a mere Partisan epithet,, they care -an mere for it than they do for the hundreAs of others in which the 4)ppoaition vocal). Wary abounds . . , • A rums OP I'ULITICA L • The editor of the Warren Mail, who is a clerk in, one of the departments at Washington, writing to his paper: last week, the lets us into the -secret of an affair whir luuheteci the suite . ct of much diatostion For a week or two_ past there has ye" a great deal of figuring in Pennsyl vania politics. Washington is the grand political centrr' and the man_agers -of State politics frequeently come hither to organise a political campaiga,,, Whim far . Gov. Curtin and Hon. John COTO& bate, been regarded as- the most prOrninerit candidates for the Republican nomination' for Governor in our litale. Bet lately Gen. Cameron and his \friends have stepped in to the ring and deolared undying hostility to Gov. Curtin's nomination and his elec tion in case he was, noininated. This was the consequence of a feud existing for Tome time between them, somewhat in-' teositied lately by. Gen. Ososeron's at to make the Senatorship, in which tie claims to have been disused l i hy Abe Governor's opposition. Hence a new combination had to tismade by the man agers. Goo. Curtin and his friends have been here several timeavrithia two weeks ; Mr. Covode has been here almost cot:l -atently since Congress sellostrned,. and qen. Cameron has keen here on frequent occasion. Those who' ere booked up in tke movement of Men could some time ago that something was afoot- Row it is developed the Governor's sppoine meat abroad and his retirement, from &h 4 'contest. Whom his frierlds will 'bring out in his place does not yet appear. Wein while his. Covode's friends are confident.' They think hie most -ftermidable rival iM out of the way." Tan long threatened :con federate lova, 'ion ottifiesoort 10, It ahem; reatly com nonsied: pen. StelAimra' s titics 1e astually in that agate with Co siutg—hOii large or to What state of Oficietkii ,is riot itnciwo, but. he la al 'eider to be (*ruled 46" inil ter what torte he 'ilea frith ' Mit, It is fortunate for the Unio, Davis has halo .P oakum keo . 4intia 4 11 1 . _ . .0 164 groundupp the war coatioaoooti• mukskitinel , baee, matters roightnesrhanwihod• a iron di., eat and scotch ISMS- app ,reef na tisk other We at' theafissaseippL' . . The pro , . portions of this sisordarsaire . st.ars ml ma yet keown. Several Unreels's; hoinpre ti Deer caper- end: docinesse• aumul News to be alasineck evlee hes exiled out the mill* of the weetkiew &miles f 6 thirty doll ttl beat back the bon: federate forces: The talon camels Talk (unite 113 hilvieittvoTvery ealiable'cd‘tai —nii4etele Ind '&41114 ' , 4rhe rra'lMP V'it • . eno w i l briVe, eaa „ they wpops :frodevestabg. , save thit greet _state fOrCe i s confederate . _ rill We publibh on our arab pope well written ootrununies+.onthis b jed. It wo'fi handed ELS we o, • bUt in the crowded shit* 1 ns, ire have ben unablao t *fore. The writer t )gots into& thorough tileoussion ot the en ea, end: vivre* alt words can oxpreee, that the measure pro *and would Vot 'mai- be a violation of =I but allkot*lligniolibiitle•WeidAin guilts soldier himmlf, end, tif4lte citjaeq. .WA geed dent , iiiine rwasarlri t „ !fa will content ottraelf, with Pap .Lellowmt4 enctract from the declaim of our Borman! , *loud, when the subject of soldiers Ito tigg WO before it far isdiudieetion.. The opia iQn of the Court was given by Judge WOODWAIU4 widely knOwn ',end honored ' moth lot— his powers of mind, and the ptirity of bis character " To '.44iir to vote' by ballot, is to . pre• stmt ones self, with proper (pialiticassons, tat-the time and place appointed, and to Make manual delivery of the ballot - to the officers appointed by law to receive The ballot cannot be sent by mail or att. pram, nor can oast, outside of all Pennsylvania Pennsylvenia el districts nod certi r iato the ty where the voter hes his domicil. e cannot be persuaded that the Consti ution ever contemplated any such mod's of voting. mind we hare idaindant reason for thinking that to per mit it would break down all, the safe guards of honest mange. The Constitu tion meant, rather, c that the voter, in propria persona, should offer his rote in an appropriate election diatrict,in order that 'his neighbors might be lit Watts eritab lish his right to vote if i&,were challenged, or to challenge if it were doubtful."' • It Was in the face of a decision like thie, ;the highest judicial body ill 'the Cooonookeeltb,-3 Wort which every citizen. the inetabers of the Legigiture, - i even the Governor, are boutid to obey., that the RePublican majority of - the Slate &nate: cal &roe ito4 to violate (e ximahosi, passed an act permitting. picky voting by , soldiers.. What, respect me hoses', minded men have fee the,conduct of such legia. lators P.• TIM Alinlr. "The'attenticiri °tall' the oriontrY‘ii directed to the Artily of front the PotOmat, fro Which news ought soo n to be heard - of the most active, movements. lithaie,'ver Miy be the opinions of thn . lll eren persons as to the merits of particular genprela, there can be but one hope bresals, , and that the most earnest. for speedy success on the part of 'General HOOKIR. .Tits own prornims.andli3x.presiioris co•nAlle c Le,3 in hintaelt"..haire led to the forming - of high expectations, -and all good citizens wait for their accpmplhdiment. Meantime let patienCe and calmness be cultivated. War is not that rapid work that the oonnis7 was a w6/41 ago misled by , Abolitionists to think it.. Dniester and I defeat may, Mint .be expeck4 at times, and wa . mot week to boos them with; equanimity,. ..This Army of the Potomac is. Ail& has always been, one of the noblest armies isi the world. It is capable of great things, and if rightly led will aosomplish great things. - ' • The ierreriab,virying stated the parhtiC mind is not What the. expiwiletice of -two yeitrOought to hate ntruielt.' 'lt thew that we settled down' to one woil ' 4 L and' • ; look it - malady and , pitientli 'Ooki: eo doing shall We aticceed/iVii • have abiding a nflde4ioein the - Am: Arican.oo - and hope for the 'feline, 'when • the peepleiteedcteated tetheii educatic' in comes slealf; a,nd we all -need patience, which, with - persetemnce; save us, We "advises our readeekteho on the look tau t 'for, an 'exoeedingly - dangerous ans• terfeit which is now in , extessive cicalas_ tine throughout the ocantry, and in this section particularly. It. claims to. be a pure, irreproachable) and . undying Abi ion man; bat the proob of In - him chestier an too plain to deed,. any but the most ignorant. Its principal signs-are abuse of .all citizens whe do 'WA, agree with it in opinion, az "traitors" and "rympathizen ;" denurciation of publio' officerz,. who have shot& reel ability and seal in defense of the nation;• sneers at the oonstitatiou, and sacrum for iiolationia 'of that docutnent.— It his recently organized what it styles a rfnion League, the title of which stionitil really ber - Itoyel League, aa . it is the palpa ble design of the 7piincipal managers of the concern to.set ups despotism 'in the North. - The correct impressions ire the. i.notrererso of all this.. They believe in the Union as it-was made by our father`, the Constitution as it is, pnty and ability in public officers, arid such tdanigerient of the war as will create a oloipartY in the Sciutli, instead of co4solidittog the people of that section in e*trenie hatfed of, the old am.. It - appears that ins were •ineennitt - in stating host week that she renew Demo. mein Tienni7 in Was% wig the Brut one gained in Many years. Mr:Butansw, the Mayer elect; was chosen to that positicre last yam; by a largermajariti than he had this. Bat the contest on - tlmt 'occishin was • ;able a persons* than political one, and invert)! prominent Reinlollmuis; io , chiding "Long Jona " Waxvtos s. were Mr..Sumessaes supporters . The last ele'e• Con e 76 ceetiislegl eetireli on poll* im4e4 c4inigi4 the ClBPnoi-, tiOn' that taey*ported wend thinnilitni, of, voteitsrlor the ,eephelen. Under ' th e ciicumstanapa, oqr'parks friendi there-nO , gard..the !ichst Taws& attraordinari one. " is „ tp:4R,r entarked., Wk. that to* As yam pievioio to -1842,4 he held uninterrupted sway in "tiikotrden eitraf : At . ia West.," , lost yew tie City Compile was equally divided ;.. this year the Demootatalumn.eighLmajority.D. . • ' ''''' ' t AN INVASIOOS mo im ' t 0 0v . ikrigit ! lne.Wide alie . atindiii clog r the viit# of tiiio4464 i . * 7 iota brtt,:eithj "attefitioa tO,,tho f ollowing - Gr in' iiisraiitriiaititviiit ttaiitaiitidiPta' . 34 i ' t. • -4; , - .W 1 4 , 014Wrar i r47, --. , th 1 alnelerlit 4 11141 tiailite from the service of the Unite 14 d , * • , Liget; da:: /4 Bdorlep, 4sk' New U*mpsbbta4 VOlNiallaWolhet. CoPParkPalti gettelii e' eke t=n = 4 lr matatit; 11-`.' • I (Ml T:f tt. i ILI „BrApileilft Abe iimirsido. letylVent,6:l: 4.4 o Nlig4 nii . chmail , W 9 Atkiligrrriuzir,,, tit '- . .-.,, -I.4llor c iwr. Adti,.,4 ftr i i _jAlliT that r bave ample erldenna tbat7thia or. der wee lamed in the ter, 'above re mited." ISOLIMERA ' TOTING. MEI ibillpilllN79 VOVINSWILIT. T&I CHICAGO SLICITION. i s. ifTUC ILEPOWPIED AII.IOCSTS. I, The lensatiott . sf Icep;4l', in pa ' o r this arrest of o lien ..„, n own .. wht.' ti l i war ea regilt,Anilhe .: tor es of n , fr.*, lStne i t 1. , 5 , ' ki w i tiou. Imelit . I, true. on the arrest' of one by atiatake iu ill? Wir Deportment. who was ? peedily L ev,: leased. I, They - publish a card, challenging's ffilt :reViiiiNnlin7rrirto uttered 4100711 * word,(Arindini'l I. as follows: further solemnly and' we quhraealq lechire that we have ' never w r ittati One word or sent:Vent 'a 791,bia senuter to any human hein in thes4itii on any shbject; nor have'wa over in One inatanonreeeivesi a letter written to either of us from the South since tie commence ment of the rebellion." . : ' On. Briassit's",POsicv. Oti Satsirday of last week, Gen. WitCox ? lcomiiiandant at Lexington, Ky., issued orders forbid ding the circulation .of ttl) Cincinnatti ii that Stiteror il l admission to the mails, and instrucleACCelnincy, com mandant at Covington, to Owe guards at the ferries, to, prevent tha pee i l from crossing the river. Gen. Bilraside as re voked the order, and saysi that e has discovered nothing in thelissnos of that I:Apes-offensive to the Unit d States Gov ernment. • • 13[111,NSIDIeS ORDIM No. B,t o referred to in reoen( Congressional intestigations, but never ishibited to the public, appears in the New Yorrllcrald of , Vitedneeday. It demands the dismissal of hooker for iii imixmllinate criticism 'in - the army before Predwicksburg : of Prank] n, Smith, Star &and Ferrero. who were Aiseleee ; and of Newton .and Cochrane, foi l . going to the President with impertinent criticisms of their columender. - 1/4 Lamm /Nom Kik' 'your. CAMP do. Stuatns, Near Lexington, Ky., ril 26, ISM. , %AI Oariravin :—Whett II last wrote you, thiagewericomewbst mixed," but now it is (with the excepiimi of that con founded fife and "dreint,) aid , jactglig from present indications; will eoitiisne so, in this 'section, for some time to coite. • At I stated in my last, large bands of guar- Ikea tad' entered the State,'. and were prowl. inirabont.the country, destroying and carry- lag away the property of citizens. At Shat time our fore° in Kentucky was suT iciently large to protect it against the' sup posed number of rebel inviders--their force being, estimated at iron) , 26,000 to 30,000. Since then; however, we h ak e been reinforced by'the Ninth Army Corps, General Wilcox commanding, (formerly Gezi. Burnside's goat- Mend). It was encamped here a few days, but is now somewhere in the Southerly , nfiii of. the State. Tide , cove Its compaedkito- ' ;ether of 'Eastern regiments, and has, in its many eoatests on the-,Peedmmla, won a as iional.reputation. The rebe ls , probably learn ! ing of tide relzdereement, and, thinking (like the Irishman win a row,") they- Hamad see as well tit. little ways-off,'-took advantage of the first opportunity and lift the State. On the 30th ult., a rebel cavalry " force, about 2,000 Wong, under command of the *foto:foes Gen. Pageant, mimed the Mistier land river, and attacked &roes it'ili;suir- Ky. Our troops, unsibur . bi g about IMO men, were under ' the rar e mend of Oest. Q: A. tllz aim aor i e, who, It will be .emetaberetit com et the reduotien of Ettri-Poluki / 6,1 tfi ril tirtf . eittTh%f A. battl lasted " re bs five Whr•hours, resaltiag • driven c,k, "in great confusiOn? " " to the Cumber land Ty , rebels. lost moat five. hundred Often, and four. hundred beta of , cattle, whioli }ley had, taken from loyal] men. Our loss is itstinteted 4 1 —haven't bred. A number. of totted peisoart were tukenl l who were brought to this city, and a morn dilapidated, degraded. 411114 1 puidleahnisualo#ftig squad of men . k saver before hitvit assn. Thai were nearly destitute •of-ehithing,looked and so ; 111 ffl i : "something to l eer Was an entire 'banger to them. , ,Fleoit t el famous rebel regi kmat.paelisiimted in the light. • Baltimore and Washington may bout of their li&PgP number of sbjmlder-strapped Ju di:slangs, but. I' gill wager all i I own (two postage stumps and a ping of the weed,") that the small city of Lexington could send pat" two Al regiments hf those "Jokes'," kr% are doing - Waiting:list prowling &beat - eke city, pitting "five dektire,"• - apitting beeesi-jnice, and louden*. bound oiltot class" whisky-shops. It is slot ..... 4 itrUy staled that time their snivel here savers' miaow have keen opened far their epeeist use. Where they hall fives, where they ere jetting? or what they contemplate doing, nobody hat &minim know, and I do net think even they could satisfactorily answer the littler. We have left Camp Elia Bishop, and are I *tow encamped in camp 3'4. Shields' which is titnat e ett tone miles from the city. The wea ther is very pteasant here 2, The • ono fruit trees are now in full bicktui, and the stavound ing country looks beautiful. "More anon." JIM. I • I Comanaleste4. LITTER 'FROM A.l CANDIDATIL Mn. Eorroa: I notice you offer SS AU iusiendment to the cell of ?, A Director," that 111 the candidates for Coakley, Superintendent give their views on national questions, sad tender the use of your columns' for dust pur pose. In complying:withi your wishes ivutil eopline • myself to . the one' -I consider most trial to .our , times: isi not, say purpose ie . Iridieisto vino. on "poilind hobby ;" yet I **WA prefer dans so, tolsot getting twat all. o t hr.ifft Ono of the' opinion that politics ould never be a test of Ithe' qualiticsitoem of teacher, or any giber steer connected with Unr - ionusson' schools, unlesel nano 'TuslitieS. But in tunes like .these, now, Jig at this parties's, time,ire present, when, W 'fintlini U . strettling to; preserve Hs 41 1111• itioinditY,": Saran: ther pollgelaus' of our' !party. sea gaols their, -poi:diets with ;yeses maw - se the-expense of Uncle Sam ,:ivni„lt'is-tire duty of bevy eltisea Of this 'idSmiuutat'lo yield obedience, both ia RHO; ;made. 'saki sad *ROM, 'is sorry ,Paans : Red fee the Rpm** of the rebeilfea, 'even thotigit, theme Masai should be Raking * the , h's blOod . ot i , the ,Mition, sad • malataii ltdlutpaired the 'national pasty, la prbeeiple Rd terviteriat botaciary. tins, in yieldibg 'obedience to; the of the ail- - anilattedtem,;(ealled by imps our no-puty iertythe Governmest, )41 Mumble opiniesi 11124 41 4 uisT by on ones seekeescso wed* ' aim ailitt.--1 balm tiuslaimeated -Rim& del ke, the shousaid *nit , say, whinlie said Rama sod !Ran i be preserral.!' I—that memstass—ibr Re, &MINI wiling -lie at Oasettovettmexteetudoss„" el tikokkjil'h4W- the '6rterdSif to 4 714 1 &, - nat /04 doniiitt' hers , gif ie. ifrita m 7 lte : ftjr,npp6tt (this doesn't mean shOaiderhsg a musket, please remember,) to the use of every Min : 7,..1,1"3.11.,,P=r.2.1=1Z.R4110 I staplilyed by the IMOllO= - 411Cirlstl" Ilhbellion gain &sr Vise shall "It In triumph 0r11 , 11*001114 . t:k ; m P kiaT WORWI III 4:I If!it Tam. Buoisso: WALLThe hue becoaie historical is the an jiylvaais poUtice, ae the ""Buy .mm 74 in the yeti 1838, at Ur asi wee then Goveretir iitke Vettairr'MaMa• - ttikall2gtely IL Porter had bees *del a majority of nearly eight ihooson. Thaddeus Siever s this aria Commineioner, and Thomas H. Burrows: fleorelaril of the I Commonwealth, the master-spirits of ltittier's adminiatratien,-laid the pint . to "treat Or elec tion as if it had not been iseld,"- and to keep themselves power.' It was a bold • plan of revolutieu r ead to set aside the Popular wi expressed et the ballot•los, but it did not faceted.' The Democrats took the alarm, and flocked to Harrisburg from airp'ert# of the State by thonsaads. The leadiag men gut together; and organised a Committee of Public Safety, of which Hen. Adem Diller, of Len caster,was Chiamitin. 'ltillnieritiiiCalled out the military, and several comrades welt from Philadelphia. The Democrats having 4 clear majority in the Seasite,thatbody orginised end proceeded to, business. Hut Barrow.,, as fiecretary,of theCommonweilth, hating given certilicateli of election to thecandidatee fur the House of Representatives, who, ran against_ the Democrats is the county of Philadelphia, ' and were defeated—thus created a contest for disputed ware--that body was -unable to or ganise, and a wild tumult ensued. The Dem ocratic outshine, convinced - that a great fraud and $ great wrong was about being committed, rushed le a large body into_ the , hail of the Roam and drove out the coaspirsters ; and it. was then that Thad. &atom made that cele brated acapide lam the "hack window," which lute beeoineas memoreble as the "Buck shot War" iteelti . The Democratic members kept possession 011ie Hall, while the Biomes branch, we think, met at Heckler's, and was known as the "Rump House ;"' but. as anther had a quorum, neither tumid proceed to . legal business. Finally, Jobe hlontelies,of -Union ; county, and Chester Butler,'of . loumme, weed• .l from the "Rump," tad Went over to the - Demeerite. Thi s gave them a gamma ; they admitted the 4gally elected members from Philadelphia canny, and Ahem "everything looked lovely sad the goose hung high." . And thus was defeated one of the moat ishautelees conspiraides to' defraud , the people of their rights that we have on record.—Philedelphis Braday Mercury. VOL. AIKX. RieCLUItI. Thu distiegutsbid Republicin addressed the Union League of Chambersburg on Tuesday 'riming last. The ediiisi of the Velky Spirit lays - of it "We esnatit refrain from express ing the opinion that his speech' was a most re markable one to be delivered by a' Republieen• speaker ate Republicah meeting.- Ile - com menced by adtoinisterieg a powerful rebuke to his' partisan friends for stigmatising as "traitors" all who dicareed with them in poli ties. These Men had gone from our midst side by side - with RepUbllcans, their blood was shod upon firm"' battle Geld, - their dead bodies had been carried thro' oar streets, fol lowed by _a whole community in tears andcor-. row. "These men are not traitors," said the Colossi, "sad yoa know it." He that spoke of the BuitimikpMion Proolmeatiom • Ifs was, not prepared to say he Would hare - inked: IL, had he Wit la Mr. Liss:toles positiew, sad • his new &elated that lf itslood is the Way atthe restoration of the. Ualoi tt ought to 511,that the Republic may lire. • TIN meet nanaticablo feature of the spied' wee that it dhl• sot :"en! dons axis& measure ef the .adudaistratioa while the speaker concluded with the dgsiti etas deelarstiow.Lhat he .coishistad - his Oral duty doe to kio oottatry, arid weiddlhilew that ditty, though it might lead him into &Martini path hem that In which he • had harldefore traveled. It tsaeargdy acesessly to add Aka this portion et the Colours spank met with no sympathy or applause from theteeguers.' " —Pithiarty Pod. A ENI*I/10.411! FACT.—You cannot and a Democrat north of Mason aid Difon'S tine that has nese uttered a desire or wish for the dlsso ludin of the Union. You cannot End one that does not claim .afaithfial aldermen of the Constitution and the' du: ezeintioinf the law. this cannot be trntitlidly laid of the Royalists. Men who are in the lighestlivor at' Washington have called the Union 1163- cuise4, and the Constitition a compact iiith - Belzebub and yet these are the men 'who de nounce Detiocrate aslrafthrs; sad who bow deilre to carry out their long elteriihed pur pose of disruption by force, Intimidation-and fraud.—Eudeiye. ' ' ' • "Air Tie Abolition oegaas, fail to quote the Micowiti 04 1 0 boil : JIM AR* l . ll l 4 r. speech. Ha sprats thus of the EltSillle3 at the Republica* party; f agree that nawisi. I agree they its stupid. I agree they:hayi lathed - the Routh, sad that they have etiftl.the Worth: I agree to another Wog, aad lon sea% se., peel se as a Rampant trilladlintßwith,titat —; I agree that they prostrated' t%. Republican party in every itea-slaveisadiag Male if this Cmfedersey mat. gave tha . Deinsenits.the. eendaney. sad 'nobody will expect as fault with them on that siocount; Nett Test. 'Peansylveala. Ohin, Indiana. became Detive.:' create as tie matt of arm aaalank lot Ate toss to SO lash with that." The Republican poi has brestitet its last. It is alca:4st is hard kk .1114 & now who acknowledges that hi belonged: to it, as au Ti Pastelist. 'A new eigiallitlek 'calling Itself tlui "Loyal Lamm' hal stepped into its eitst otrgaimeabOrad hopes to de. Olive ilegotple by Its fresh gales, but its Wince we, titisilot•will cone to as sutenutt* an end as that ef the eld mischief sestet. —liii-Oriessie dates tote 194 amid hind, and bring good ewe;, Ow. Minks', Cralai; the Tech. .xisiict ' Red b has been h4hll sticeiNfl.i OW the 17th he reached Yar ml ht. Labyette Parish (nearly writ heit Remit Rooge), after a severe light at the erase- Jim of Vermillion Bayou, where thellta= resou tepersta bets made a ' redstance, "but were with camihistabitoisse ea both .sides. &Waken himisimer from fortglektke 4 4 our possessksi. l i ri a 1 4 pima of thxpedn, ~tt • . .' by the Rth&therilidierbt idoesi or MOM Oboes", awe verypeiewid.gen. boat eidekkei:with railroad's/ma the dee, trued= of the 'bean of the ; Wes and Plans, the d.f.! t or ak• Rebels Wherever . they Made a s WO ? th, 6411111101 i of a large quanity, of antininitlieltid pi* dons, and thee braaktmrephilt(pisidie) tit fbr , Ittexwmtara ot;Neet w reane b liaheM one Z of Oen.Dier i tior eon or .. sY7 Titylor. Ms ii4is - tillsterii' ' or Imams, Vim% die eik'filtddik and' swanstik lamed- btplatetrahli bit a,' astlta,Ohert theltibetabriedtias strongest in that Staii.oThskj= ~...„(ilsootallimpathe otjtkßitalinX. J a. 141 qtr i . I =Zr.‘,. 111L PF "P i rri7 ..fIo:PEFCSV t,a . : 1„ The best news from the Potomac and Rappahannock region iathat the weather is good, and the road. are rapidly drying, Tho Ove . ughed NW! - 1111110ers. , visa d .if iis, f---- T.T - is , • 1-4 • . -i Id, bite al escaped ti ilthat di II which itlia 'oiii i rank of ,ssiral by the 41 has - been "pock• it, and will not be ac- . ', entering"into the pronounceckby the .hest officers, there to.theittitistictuktutt. in which it institut- The inquiries were i doora; the officers whose prof. ionitipartn - 'net was impeached , were noithe Allowed to be present 'or' .to ell he represen by Sounael; the,videnee was entirel y xpitrte; and nO record of the proceedingi wea l kept. Of their 'charact er, some isl e may he formed! from the fact that againe • several of thil !officers over shinghe.l lb se Was not a scratch of the pen on the ks of the Department. It was n to,he expected that decisions, so ouirageo mlyitnjust, awl socontrary to `all ilegsl id constitutional :principles. would be s 'ern.) to Pass uttchalittoged."7- 1 Apprala were itOcordingly !made to the' President oti behalf of twn Cr three of the shelved thr ( elifies on bent of the $ their cases ek to the Navy Department with a reco mend slims that an inVeitt gation be d ared: The Secretary of the Navy, th e h admitting their liaideihip., stated that e was IlOwerleas to apply a v l s ,remedy, as the act under hick the ' Ad visory B. was appoint s left him no discretion ,ill the matter. All that 130 e/ remained an appeal to Congress ttself. A bill w s accordingly •introduced!, providing for the relief and re instatement of those officers who could make out their claims to redress. To show bow rierfeetly fair and untlivested of all improper influences was this measure, I will briefly state its provisions. In the i/irst place, l it authorizes the SecretarY of the Navy to order an open Court of inquiry, 1 whose duty it shall be to carefully scrutin ise the mental, • moral, physical and pre fessional qualificatiocus of those officers who were not recommended as worthy of Anther promotion by the Naval •Advisory Board. Said pourt is ordeind to report in writing, with I full stateinent of the tes timony in each case; whether the 'officer, 'before them hies the necessary qualifies la tioncto petfoln e ffi cient y, -both at sea and on shore, all the &Ili of the grade to which he would have been . promoted but for the nation of the dvisory Board. The finding i in each cese•tobe submitted i t to the President for his pprocal, and if approved by hiiiiihe is a thorised to nom inate the °Meer for proni N tion, or to ap point him during the recess of the Senate to the grade to which the decision of the court of inctuiry shall assign, him, accord ing lo seniority. Where the finding is adverse to the officer seeking relief, he is e l to be placed .ou the re red list in the grade to which he at pr eat belongs. The other provisions o the bill regulate the pay of the offitlers s promoted, and direct that for the futur these Naval Ad visory Beards should kee a true and faith : ful record of their proce ings, as svell as of the testimony taken in each case, the same to be subject to the appiovai of the President, withoutwhici. no report or re commendation N to be lilted upon. The bill passed both flouses of Gong gas almost; without , a dissenting voice.— No measure introduced during the session in fact secured such unanimity of support. It was felt that a great injustice has en • done, thatprivate animosity has been al lowed to subvert constit tional 'andi legal principles, and that the interests Of the' country and of the se ice wonid suffer unless redress was awar ed. Aid now in the face of these facts, o . aril' told 'that the President lia3 refus , tosign the bill. and to give it the au .ority of la*, al= though he le vested by i with full diacre lieu either to o.uation - siotaside the de- Ckkins pronorced and it. ,The Fa 'ye surely . . ,sot mean to indantify himself with . • .. -.'. go of the Naval Advisory : , which have met with the unanim. reprobation of ilm o tiremand the count .' Mr. Lincoln's feeling and sense .f 'justice will, st tube hoPed, praven his committing such , a blender, the mo a particularly as no Pci li ticaldiiierest is be subserved by it. Although the - time al his signature to the bill , form of bier; has elapsed his power to order a co Individual cases, and to effect to:its decisions, u an opportunity of re-en *iieenres of relief. A FRIEND 0 [lt is well for the pub the officers• who hare *laughed appear- by the cently issued all on aCti for their Conntry's Flag be asked, who are the and what duties have tl they sowperforming ? be personal. but it wo, est the pt d to lesia.] Miro 11104taty • .1 lain We hare'show in the arm war service ' bier voted the the Filtnooth of tits Proilde lowing: • I "A piece of may chaplain: ~r.P H. CIIIIMPOUri t the envie* tit came directly f: withoot. the use like • thunderl tim. The'calu Elchenectedy,- =. to the ; to: his which itsroma rilillassi 4/E - ou itretiseray tee ha% cad tAiat do mate, Jai i by dediviemota : man, and ete oar ail: 'lie needed, aid an , to his worth iar loins must i hews& abeam. • oot to Mokie4l for it itching round for GOOD Nal tars to Lo term in New moms, width British Govern privateers 'or soy it Moir atiymoreaf tto are gI4 to hear scaresiwhichea kes the greatest . the tart of the fact is tort tar possible fec - th‘ penaltting whe; the Clyde and ia theam4 jai Milted Tamresack.—The the, 01E10 .Unicm stalei;:4o7 the Beamslonists. Iron ssalpesinteis skt hie cl Vetriettit Mtn shout AbllNOPlrti. "Each his true level- - -the *I of the Abolitionists, bosom of the Seoessid 1 4 4.....`re••••" 0,, W0Mm, ~, N traerx...ternmarrir.ra, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r • IN ~ 4 1 was ,nototiau4, bad bpi., ugh motives of perannid ill he part of individual mein t iard. Mr. Lincoln rererrei owed him to affix and to give it the he still has it ,in I of inquiry in temporarily give til Congress has 6 • ting some fresh THE NAVY; • to' know that been 'thus over avy Register re e duty, - fighting. Let the question Advisory. Board, ey been and are • of desire to 1117:ttainly tian_l--,& breve Lieutenant dismissed from ilonipshire be \et. Now, is Irrespoodeane have tbo foi- "of interest to t transmitted. of tkte lst U. 1 'milted from The order :Department, :ution, and fell testi of the vie-e, He went me be reskded there delivered& ootregaon in ants w hich ins theaniny, pasa. fAiNtr, 6ore Gem • epy reporad • was punished an excellent east a cloud fere braver* is ,earlltimony Y chap get leave cif in favor of ey, can _ho rge." be About as trap as ifie;Northerti forget - toAesionnee ould speedilf find tter in . the bosom forrnor in the raiste." ... ao-gilt etti,6cliktitt..:.. 1 ~.......:____..4 . ....._...._ ...„___,.., _ -, ~,,, cE. IF4 T a ; S igned ' 4 b'on , tO-...0". I e t-r 1 j the te ilerir il, e• c.ese.l , bp ei el Fre at ilt. co• h ereb r, ran to all heriog claim' , / 1 t t o to lipftwut 'tom for .411.m.nt en or before the tat of Ate e tuetl Ili aid Owee boors nq thin:Dieter's Indebted to the same are required to to a.. paywat, are r r bawl the oriole perl , l•l ' . P.TiALI, Executor or d« ,..,,,,. I 0ay2,40 ISSOLUTIi )N F -.......Taiwirmisaisoks4.4l.aft&Wixel46#o.4l4 , 44 , D' mutual onnsont, 41.nolve thn partopnasip 1 the buokitss curial ou DII 10ent antler the o.nto and IV to of, Kendal k Kautern. Tho haitintos h.q. 11, • (afore will hol rained on by W. (1. NCO , . who nlll p.y at 1 debt,. dui by the *aid firm • W.ALTTF.4, Curry. Pa, April Wlt KV.NI)4I, • A Elitism*. & is A. YA)titioxiiiut T !1A. , . mill AgPnt. for Plant, A Klnvoreit Patent —the frit in u, -State Stare!. hi.* e'en Btl, and oth Erie, Ps. Cdcfhint taus jointer Ile 6004 Al3 r .,k, PYIWS-to.: „., , r ! • .. e_ • DEAD JtF,ST'S 'rIKIEOIt ot• r.1,4H tlSO*,, QUAlti F. IS Jul It \ Al. 1/1' GRAND MONDE Chas% too 4* s4o.(ilineot in the *arid.) Nutt nanthrr Cont tint hurt and Usaainuott colored etre% 4 41 env aye I rmihil iPlatos,Splendid of el ti,. Itaffhinemble Paris Novelties for Ladles' Drew., ipe'Lniwfifillfnafittilniiii. Keening. 11 111114. sad ►.nurittasses Waists, !looses, istenials. Wraptors. tlsf Ir., tin ler garment.. Jewe'ry, ilea.l•drneffee, (Nye', liteame owl I afantie Dreie:fie ; Nee and Enegant Hildd stud lindmfil Mry Patterna.Trimmlaga Vestal tfloveltlffe.ele 4 ate Four life-size Pal terns, cut ready for tw. rombird thi ch-spest, most neeful and peactfeal 11.tortine her Mothers, Milliners, Dream makerstand I.sdielf generally, aver leaned i 3 this or any °titer taunt's. • Panitshaa salamis. °annalists's Foursnunttot Fashions, 41f Heiadway, N. Y. Yearly. tire., with a valu able preirsiarn j mingle "cniffee, Twenty-Ben Cents A apleitiflid jchance I,r ageola mid I priimiunis! estraardiguire premiums! Including 'tire, - Patterns, aystom al 'Diets Cojttnit, Ilsrathres, Photographlt At .bawl, Elegant Gilt or tteet, aids and Back Combo. Le Running Stiteh ?felting Machines, healer At Wilson's Sawing Machines, and patent freer Gold Watches ; any of is above valuable potnatisaa to IA tabtainsti without paring aiv tonney for them. Fnr particulars, see the "Mirror of Fashions," or semi fro a Circular. • MUSIC STOKE! The scilbscribe, would respeatfolly inform the cameos of graistid Tidally. that be isAbout to open STORE,, n itwis Binc.k. Stahl , street, Dearly oppostte thP' - Ottlee, when' I, • will offer tar sale . P LA NO,-FORTES' _ -• • - :!; _ AND' 111ErLODEONSI From Utelollowlnieetebrated PllllO Forte and Melodeon Manufee tureen ' Light k Broilhu ry, New York. Steinway k Soria, New Tort. Wm. Koala: St Co.,ll4l.litiort,lU. Boardmaa it. Gray. Albany , . i. 9. Dunham; New York. . ' United Kum Fotte Makers, Folic York. gortzono Mau!, Bolfolo, N. Y: Geo. A. Fano k Co , Dufla'n„, N. Y. Corbat t, ,Net4ltankit'So,,NeW York. • store littotill itoo weeks All persons wishing a first rate PuutoPorte or Melode on, aro invited to sell-sod exit:aloe our instruments be fore purchasing. elsewhere.; Ciroolaro trot freis to any te a , ' Z tallTti.. 3.—Sri In4trum•nta. crfrranted. Tor fire testi may 2:63 lr. • SAPONIFIER, • CONCENTRATED, ,LYE. THE FAMILY - SOP MAKER T e PUBLIC are cautioned Lgaiteit the iiPURIOUS artlidee et I,LT foinitaklair BOAP. droit, now offered (or The ' only ONNUISIR , and PATENTED l.te is that :Limbo by tlie PENNSYLVANIA BALT MANU rACTUIt !NG COMPANY, their trade mart far It being"AA PONI MB, 7311 CON C IiNTILATED I.Y U." The iireatSUCCE'id of the ertiels UNPRINCIPLED PARTILA to en deavor to IMITATE it, in •iolation of the campus'', PATENTS. MI MANUFACTURERS, ilii-YERS or SELLERS • thaisSFURIOUS kyta, ars /wetly NOTIFIIIO that th CUMPANT hate empin3 aa their ASTOINETS, GEORGE ` ARCING,. Eli of Philadelphia, and OARMIFILL, ibeq" etPtttAmf, Asa that all MANRPACTRRIRS,USZRA OR 8 LURKS otl. la Tioisilos of AU:Witsof lb, Company, will be P SD &S OW.' • The NAPONIFIER. or COM; RNTRATZD LYE, is for Sale stilhailseares,liseesizAssiCaritear iliepsim • TARE NOTICE! Thetra 1 TIM 2r.reo Ctlizt:ll. COCAIN Weatoro Ms trial ofte . !allMbraill4l9_ll 510. 1 of illay Term. in ISt; in mall of 21111P2MMTYLVAX1•.11.LT11.111UPACTIMNG COY PANY we. TOO 3. G. Cll.l B / 4 deem,' to the CompanY, on NovainberlG, 11162, the CIdLUdIVIC etillat ranted by • patent owned by them for the sAPoxir lER. P.tont .dated October 91,1816. Perpetual liaittiothet awarded. _ • 'THE PIIIN3TLi'42II4 SALT 14 A N U PM:WM NG COMPAN I'S 127 Wsbut Stmt. Philattelehls ; Pitt Street and Duquesne , • opt-la itielde. DISSOLUTION. _ . The - • • • • . tp heretofore existing between }ho alsdervilivaed, A is • the arm lame and style of Itawle prtennaat,errel• te,el Erie, Per., Ina this day dissolved by mutt ealisset. Tbetiebitieselritt be eon tiese‘liby zesty' :•, • turbo *rill older tily•tbe strain of the late arm. aprl4-3t) away gAurrx. L A FAYSTTE HOTEL, .4toticia street, White* 4th and RI Meets, biGN ttiO PhUadolphis 4t licht Railroad Depot. &ie. Vo, Loeb Simenteiter. Naphtha/. . liateoalea accommoda tion for ationscra and travelers. Board by the dm ot week. Good stabling tttiebtod. • . 4,12,5:u;51- NEW lIILIANERY MAW - . E. ii7sTEni.ty, Would respreatiltily finnhenoe to tls tidies of Erie /tad that she 161101*ra • TII,ESDAY,'4I,:IB63, It the corner of French sad Fifth atrode. two 14041(111 North of Wayne Sill,* burs 144 Weald anwortrurrit of • /111/0 1 1 111111 E GOODSI • Fred' tram New York City. embracing every *Aide usually rentained In abet elms estabitslinseat of the kind. llLitArinfla,redslNCl eflal notai -Bait._ 4141..444 airs . Llt9 13 : 1 1 1 a ne0 0 : 11 4 1, 0 Term. mes.ll. baring had eitsasiee eljezia L ser le th e l'ual" seas, flatten herself that she can re event re satisfaction, 'a plane pairouste is nag:Peeling" - i,ted. • aorfaeCiatt. . "E PLA 'E 441 gOtt . morrET BACA' bat • • ' • E. OOTTOEL 'SHOOT it SHOE STORE Freftelt Se, 2 door *math of F.urth, gait side. - ' • REMOVAL. F.: Collin, Fl t end Shia Desks, respedELl Public lEct he naaseuseireiftlas • 1A0•Moto Xmas • on French skeet. t doors KWh of Ob i whdrr he tastiest thid,friontLtawlesstomers to glee 'Lim Particatar nt on slew to REP...OR/MG. Llarlog carstetticetseas.. litiAoteiness htmeltalbstleeett 00441111 a sell AVI lois as atty etlies . pesses. in the' illy. Good fits - - 5pr26133t1: 8 I N C A: I n s •iEXCELSIOR"'': PHOVOOMA - 141 .1: 6ALTIRY ! • . aosciaigurs West of the. Put, Rut Dmer friont state Street. Atittetht for past utili*liiiitWiibir roi?eelluff: Ihhies the citizens of Me sod etelnity, thzt ekes takez zed relined the fialleq receetiy occupied by D. IL Obashere. whoa - 144e limited it* I aseut4:-- , ,P Ii O T • 0 G R' APRS, • 14i! 0 3 1 FR b iL Y*TK. 1° - • •L, I=F 'E 1 . 1 . Ct • LraniEttl t itTE.s &V. 1:1 - Pattleisias .1411114 ta.litaldre!i 44 ,Coid4lit• aprltiVlL • de iiiig do lat. conned at the as to pol aig mil' trts. • • \ tia 4:1 1 ' Amu, WI. 'ended on it. The Was im be tilted in !Mout teen tlrti Ar'zi JA ,CATION'TOR, LICN iE. Tiorgi c Apm , 2 1 1 13 :0 " 0 awl meett l th at • 11 1114- , a: l 4 f.T s+ PTO IK, I • T • II -4. W ILETA/I; Malta; IN krtaa,T• 0044D,8. - !WI ada4 at Vii'w tick Mow paid, W paul Droving 3 II blocihdAdeaL maasu ) Pkirdei , OR =AO . 3.6llkߧ' ' NOTICE. _ .. . lattaneentarje on thi; , &We of Sla bad otilrappertieraship,inie co 4 , thattsilentedeppe‘ail po . * H. 'at sm=aseltisisbraotissittaii aghast* easi.lll pesseashavinie claim li a I s d eAlV i g 'Rotate to present the AIM Italy authenticated for setUe tibent. ELIAS PERKINS, • , ELI MECUM BE, Waxes, limb 11,1863-ral4w6. , Executors of decd. NEW ICI UMWINEISI 0011Cil • THAYER &',NOYES' I.,fNITF.D STATEa. CIRCUS! MEI HIPPOZOONOMADON ! rut; (MEAT PARAGON 4 MCI-11TUE ITRIE op t , Comp - Wog alike the Rstrry Coingtel'ation If lilt A • •r deeil•ped ID 141r1. 1 qlo ittrisnlemt L sting flymnasis I ' A fpNiipc 11176.4441; Puotomitmc W i a 4 s genersi melange of the elegant and Wined tnti the l'amslao School commingled with eiesi .ttraeln re of tim Grecian mad Roman Models. Will Exhdat at Veit on Monday A& Tuesday, May 4 4t 5, THEIMODEL Extuntrorg OF THE AGI The most peTt•ell ' i organised and sit:wire nhful,„ retabilibrel on Ude cantle/at, Waded t0gen..2 44 etbihited uod.r one Mararnotb GltANLto, YO TIVE PHOCI4OIIOK, ll* worlds( of ths K a * tlon, fir the 'pedal purpose N giving ell MI opportu b of weep the moot 111111411liellit BAND CILIUM , l a - 1 7 trotted Mateo, width for 'wigmaker dlagday tin thing ever before attempted. eostaiMag • pin t_ selected imnsi thy. principal Instreeseetel Opera 4es, kit Toe CCM 1011, the Champion Bogie,* drawn by a magoino.nt cortege of rsebly arreresigNA Arabian Ittirietc__ . ,or the Starry Malaria width creapriast Ltat weak mid exeetrierearrobloation of the elite of pirteraceol. ntst In the galaxy le j J 44E14 mistiming, The Nonpareil Eloreernia, egad!: irelt known etwitcal and daring act of Equitation, laud Ir wed in America and aftergrarrar farina,/ Mao tilt. of Championo f Europe, and the est* Back Rider of the wo rld, le now the Bright Star glide colonel exhibiNert. Next velai GIIMIUGH IDESIOUgi, 'TUB MAN / And his dusk act, the Flight of the THE DELLEVANTI Bildt The acknowledged Champions of the dank Amis. daring, aUM'at and nowslieled, Ina the eXade the far fausedjimaitne Brother,. MR. SAMUEL , RHEINHAIr Voltigaer Acrobat, Gymnast lad the'gnatast . the world. In the 0,41 and tardnatlng Posea._,preeested Most celebrated eitatestrieoeser, is the fair and bail 31D•Li E. 'A NTOII4ETTE Mlle DAN ~.........., The celebrated representative pi 4.l rent Eastern rip MAST.R. J• NSON ' The:pet Squestrian of time Ilhossoond &boot ( MR ALBERT ATMAB, Weil stele, =nap sod Mire SU Satin, and who f blo pesitionan the motley_ reek. of 'aeletattles, is r Taunt and excialai te Vomit& The Coast aide, 11., represented by DR. JAS. L. TRAY R, The original leiter and Hanarrist and Itreally modern exponenta of the mythological God of , A triple corps of Equestrians, Pantozobalsts genre, with I fall complement of Ismer stirs hi Arimanent, will make cemptste Una slims' 07 • the beautiful stad of finesse and Pailesie • wltb a New for display of blood and beauty, W ucated animals an pronousmilanispsaled la I Feremoet Is the trained home - • G E N . ERAL .%(3 0 TT, . litxhibited by his Unison. MB. MR. C. W..MOYEB. , TunsE COlllg MULES, A UNCLE • SAM AND DR. 'JONLi. Will bs introduced by Abele' teacher, DR. L. NEM L. TII AA" AR. Nothing shalt Le wanting to Wake this a i4oril, ' lectual and amusing exhibition. Notwithstasd" Innumerable variety of attractions and the ted espeuse of ibis unntalleled manbleatim ti 7 ._ of admission sill be- placed the extract figure of T WENTS". FIVE Cen Reserred tt, I:vote. f GRANGE OF TIME. /MPS NMEEIAMMINI A; ERIE R It. • This visit Us* bassists the Noels. and Northwest enmities of Pears, Isaais to tis Erie, On Lake Eris. It 1.,•a leased by the Priastlvaais Itagraii posy, and under their auspices "is being rapidly throughout its abuts length. it is now in use for Passeciger and Freight from Harrisburg to Dilittrood, gd rork, (Irt mile) Eastern ritrisiou t and from tShtOkld !a BAN R' W..4.1.4n1 DivlsLoo. = 14it into Lau Accointondstion Train Leaves.— Matt Train Arrive. AcnoMonolneion Tram Irogjedierostios respecting, Panninger at ties S. K. opener fits. and Kaden ste n and basin... ol" Dm Co upon'''. gent.. 11LinfintiN, Js, corner 13th and Mutating PhlLdel {a. rsows. Erie. • • v . Dluf 1. Y.LitILL, agent N. C. R. R., MaMinor% H. H. HOUMlN,•43kseral Vieth* Apnt, FtUs LEWIS 1.. HOUPt. General TW4at Agent, Prdlefi.- t JOS. D. Patti, General Manager, Wllilarasat • xsa l s. . 1. BUFFALO & mum -nt; and after )(nada*, April _ ILJF Pasiongar Trains Wtp ran on ttds LEAVING - . EWE. 6 0)- A. AI, Nei! .Jet Mores/ at 8.40 North East, Stab Line, ir, selled,l Brocton„ Dunkirk, Stlverwedtjtesig and. arriving le BOW°, at 965 A. lL 4.10 11., Dar Evros., stopping at Korth FAA irf rtagDrt.rk Silver Creak sad Agra,' arti at Baileho At 10 r. 7.15 P. Y. M du irati Jetiwera, stopping at Watt Danlttrk and Sliver Creek. sad Arens M Sdl - at 10 10 P. Y. I ...t) A. 'IL; MOS_ Lyres, stopping at Wad Minket sad Intro* Crook attires at Baba 4 20 A. 11, Tho Day Expecu connects. at Dan/kirk and Pia the Express at Battik, wain with Express to (or New York, Philadetphia, Beaton, he. • . LEAVING BUFFALO. s •;.) A M., Mail 4. Jeer...toppings& Ek=kura•-•• Evans, A sw irstag,aser that*, ton, Pat astioni, Wary, State lAA tart sad ' Cask attliviai u X* P. N. 6'3J LM . Mar Ewes; ategoing at Sliver ! Dunkirk, Weeded and North Nut, anima it 10 as A. H. • A.. IMF Express stopplag at Angolat 111)1. Cies!, Duchark,lllllo6Mlaallorth 145 1 . 80 "' • •at Edo at 1 P.Y• 10 10 P. a 1.," A a O/ sura Dualdrk a.l V-estrkid,ai at l li at Eris st 11. liallruad time Is too minute. Guitar than Eris Oa , April la, 1864. - N. If. Hamm sec • '• ERIE RAILWAY. aIIINIIMININIIIII - f CIIANGX OF HOURS. COMIFY ' 1. tioN . ...MN'. APRIL :0, 10611 , Trains will tears Dunkirk at shunt the follselgoll sus :- • Eutward Bousl--llepart. • 0141st lirmi 1 15 I+ l , mai Stock Riiresa - 10 00 /.11 , '.. • Fut ?might .......4 ill LA • Way Freight 60$•• 1 I • Stack Express runs nor, (iv. - • CH49. - lIINOT. G. 4 ° o ' .-..'. S E"- i*OTATOES FOR SALE. Go) bushels of GOODRICH'S weedlingr, rowe l the following varieties: d ri ° Garnet Chill, Cusco, Central City, Cal o lhartyroat. Also, 60 Imahela of It arty JILDIMI Pries V.,60 per bareal.tletteered at the PI t Woo The barrel to contain as many of the - aorta la yell; - Paekagekof melt sort teat by mail post paid at each. =sit to accompany all orders. it P. 8 'Mgt , aprll3-3t. ftyaspau.Luseme CLOTHrNG ! CLOTHING Ingest & Best Stook of in the City COME AND.SiE FOR YOUTtSIIIIS MOSES KOCH,' WOULD RESPECITULLY in- ' ram his okt triends and enetomere that he kno removed to the solendul wow Store Boom . NO. S UNION OILOCIII, - Wiwi ha invitee Won to all and examine hti goods; HIS dank Is enlarge and well 'sleeted nn} la Kr* and ha is deteradned not to be sarlersOld.• L. was jut sentised the largest - stook nl SPRING AND SUMMER CitY3DS I . - Ever brought W Erie. Illsmotto to the beet antek.gelay one pried, tad that Ow Went._2. l l tiro List whatliony are represented they nig lte""'" A DMINISTRATOR'S -NOTICE 1 t , No is barteby given that ha Han 5i 0 4 41.1 1 ttattata kith, Umtata at Matta Walling. ,01 ofilaraanleld tp , th the County' al W eill*" i i i iit tdtbe ilutrerlber. All persona Wetted to As_ jdo p tate-ars requested to make Immediate pay 0 200 !„r.,i05 , hay Ina claims or demands wawa th e estater.r— ,ratio{ duly authenticated, t a AletalF ' ' • LAURA ANN W . ~..i i i k r _loterc2_ eld, Rao Co., Apr11.25-dt,__AtimS_ I._._ GARDEN TooLs.' Troo , (H,„„....ke3tv5tri....„,0t„ era