The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, April 25, 1863, Image 2

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    (grit Obserber.
?as View ma no Cosamirnosp.nwir LID tor
ens-011 MID ibtlltn*Alaje
' Tax city of Chicago, for - the first time
in many years, we fielieve, has elected a
Democratic Idayor. . •
Gov . . ccrava has appointed awns, ri
Coacasof Bradford county, State Super.
1 tendeat Schou In ' place of
Roo. Tool. H. Bosthwta, whose term 'has
expired. Mr. B. has made a reoficiab4
illielent officer:and his "reappointment
was earnestly de;ired by the friends of
education ; but being a Democrat, the no-
party politicians were determined that he
'should not be retained.
Gov. OTITIS having been kicked oat of
the way, the Republican politicians are
now directing their attention to the seen.
ring of an available candidate for the Gu
bernatorial nomination.' Our information
from garrisbnrg leads 115 to believe that
the individual most probable to be select
ed is Hon. W.W. awn, of Wilkes
bane, a reaegade_Democrat, who former
ly represented Luierne county in the
State Senate. Mr. understood to be
the favorite cant Mate or Ocn. GAMMON',
and if sich.iiC-the _case, his nomination
. may be regsrded as certain.
Osa Whist soldier's in the field, and
Abair friends at home, should bear in
mind that ave,ry,Democrat in the Senate
of , Pennsylvania voted against Lowry's
bill authorizing citizen 4 of this Common
wealth engaged id, the military or naval
service of the Uhiteo States to vote.
Traitor aympathizeils everywhere deny the
right of suffrage 41 the heroic men who
are fighting to sustain the flag of our
-country and the Union of the States-.
Crawford journal.
The third article of our State Constite•
Lion, giving the' quiliflcations of voters.
mays none but citizehs who have resided
in the Commonwealth one year, and in
the distrigt ten days preceding thealec-,
tion, shall have the right to cast a ballot:
This article is binding on every public of
Beer in the State,—all election officers
swear to support it, and until it is re
pealed, any vote received by them cod
trary to its _provisions would lay them
,open to indictment for perjury. Thr edi
tor of UM Journal and Mr. Lower know
this fact, and yet they would have our
election of violate their with; in
order, as they expect to gain a little poll
.:. capital. Oar soldiers are ndt so stu
pid as Republican politicians take them, and when they find that the State
Constitution contains the article we have
quoted, they will not be likely to have a
great deal of respect for Cdr. Lower and
the other RepubliCan State Senators who
by- their votes have shown their disres
pect for the instrument they are sworn to
At a meeting of Ithe Radical League on
Saturday last in New York, we, learn from
the World, that the speakers wore put into
One of the parlors of the Everett House,
and as their names were called they came
forward; a badge of gaudy ribbons was
pinned on their breasts, and - they were
marched, with "an escort of offloera of the
society, to the stands designated for them.
Among--these gentlemen was D4triat 8.
Dtcturaos, who appeased as happy is his
borrowed ribbons, al the Mock Duke did
in his. To show haw a political trimmer
can be his own prophet, the Work!. quotes
the following passage from 'a
speech made
by this same DICLIXSON in /WO, when he
was stumping in favor of his pet Bimini
Baid he
i i
"Do yoti knot*, 'y Democratic friends,
how the Republic aerie the Democrats
who go over to th m I I will tell you
how. , They serve them as the New York
butcher serves his &Lox. He puts gaily.
colored ribbons on his horns and marches
him through the streets as a spectacle to
be stared at, and thah—last'scene of all—
he drives him to thellaughter pen. This
is . the way Republicans serve Democrats
who are flattered and cajoled by them
into ao abio4ooment of their principles."
It is not every man that is so signally
- privileged to be his own-prophet.
We assert, and we challenge any
tion paper or politician to prove the con
trary, that no prominent 4mm:rat in the
North haa ever proposed a separation of
the Stately, or ilk. sweeties of the wax on
the basis of diasolutiou; and that the
only members of either party who leve
urged the breaking -up , of • the Union,
have been Republiassui,3--Imeh for iristaike
as Kr. CONWAY, of KNEiglia i j who offered a
residution In-Congreee teengnizing the in
dependence of the Southl; or Iffr.
• i i
Lr, -who declared that at the expira
tion of , thrte month; troth April WA, "a
serious Impreulon bad wit been made on
the rebebk" we should "bow to out des
tiny and make the beat attainable peace,"
or Meson. &masa, Patture, and Snu*a,
who announce plainly that, they " want,
Tr Union, unless slavery is voted eut of
it" Will any Royal Leaguer accept the
challenge ? We offer the use of our own
columns rh oar olu
gating Committee of the Pennsylvania
LeiiaWare in the Caineron name • have
made i report, finding Gen. 'Ciarruos
guilty on the charge of bribery preferred
against him by Jar/as:sox Boris, a mem
ber of the Legislature . : After airjpgag the
case • strongly agains t the witnesses in
Cameron's defence, they say.Bovlit's state
ment is oettoboreted in nearly all the
leading details by testlnumy of other-wit
nesses, and it appears from the testimony
that.other number' of the Legislature
Wig* Born were offered money.
To rot n friend of the Constitution--
the Constitution that. Washington and his
compatriots or the'Rerroitttion bequeathed
to the Arieriosit people as a legacy of in
estimable worth, is 'to incur the suspicion
and dila° 'ot AboliticnOsts. - They have se
long terriedto l oo 4 **" e 'league
with death aut.* tiovOlint with hell,"
that l they eiestirtinibtkonthe ocesaron of
war to own itt'ocaltiee,nod undenoino
its authority 11114-obligalions.
? realend i Franeeeand Atistria
iimultaueoussly to Emits, oik
the 10th, ;dative to robust. The du.
patchouli Menctly, bptiall or tlieixi
ivyitOntaliiiifie warnlng. !rods exhll)-
' Bedatiltivt.oUttorprerattpus-:
vie sass isHififernierticAND vets
The - Republican organs are never'weary
orilatinting id oar faces the scornfully re
pellant tone in which tip Bieh c‘j
pals comment onrepdit .
raise and conciliat* dby e
Democratic party. 1 / 4 ye they
"when the Detlioiattitode ssi ne
"lhetiebels. spurn them. These recreant.
"oonserratires get no response 10 Jamb !
"kindly proffers but a storm of derisive
"vituperation. Hew absurd; then, to cher-
Nsh.-wereeniiisaus-eowertt-ebeser - • -
'invites but an unrelealiag disk* for
"their exterminatioa 1" Bet thisielts*Se
fury of the rebel:orgasm, rightly isierpre•
ted. proves the very opposite pt we* 414
aholitionista maintain, . The hireettres
forth by the ides that the Demo
cr guarantee' them -their rights if
ther will lay down their smuts and consent
to the reconstruction of the Tinto% 'dem
onstrates that the rebel leaders ccirieder
nothing so damaging to - their causi'es for
belief to take root *thong - thiir fellbirers
that the North will Meet them halfway
if they will cement to come Wick,
It needy hut - a slight acqualatanOLWith'
human nature to see that men will not
make a violent oppogition to what tip t ey . !
consider for their own "advantage,,,tht ,
Democrats advcieete coucllistion.;
they advocate it only as a condOea
're-union. The iehel goiernment,. which
sees in reunion nothing, but Its oerade
=Adieu ; the. *An; whose importaboe
is staked on separation and '-thelnnitell
which this gevernmeat and theme leaders
control, burst into a chants of hot abuse
of the Democrats, because they see ;that
exhibitione of reason, -justice and Mode
ration in the North tend to' shake their
power to its foundations„ These leaders
have been •plotting, disun ion for thirte
years ;, but they dared not disoloss their
purpose, and there was probably never a
time, up to the actual outbreak of ,hostil
idea, when a majority of the Southern
people would not' have strongly profisired
rentaieing in the Union if they could
have been disabused of the idea that the
North intended to deprive them of their
Constitutional rights. It was bemuse the
rebel leaders knew their preference for
the Union, that they joined the Repabli-,
cans in defeating the Crittenden resolu
tions. The passage of those resolutions
would haveretained the Border States,
and rendered the rebellion abortive.—'
Hence the southern members Of o:ingress
withdrew or'refuse j vote, to enable the
Republicans to defeit the Compromise.
Their recent abuse of the Democrats is in
pursuance of the same tactics. They dare
not allow the impression to peeve! that
the Democrats will give the South \ ins
rights, if it will repent of its follyand`re
turn. Here, as throughout all the steps
Which led to this fratricidal struggle, the
secession leaders and abolition females
have played into each others' hands. The
northern and southern people, if they
could get together in conventionqind
derstand each. other's sentiment', could
end this quarrel in three weeks. his only
because the secession leaders make their
followers believe that the abolitionists-are
the North, and the abolition leaders
make their followers believe that the con
federate government with its officediold
era and organs are the South, that the
War has proved so long and so desolating :
So long us the rebel leaders retain their
ascondencf over. the 'southern people, the
North cannot, in honer, relax in the
slightest degree its military seignior's . .
Peace, or any steps toward Pewee, while
the rebel ascendency in the South remains.
unshaken, merely paves the way for per
manent disunion. But while DeMocrats
give an unfaltering i support to' the wir,
they will be equally ualoni in attempting'
to upset the rebel , government, by letting
it be seen that the &with can kayo all
their rights fully guaranteet if they wilt,
consent to resume the Old fraternal relit
dons.. We will not, if we can help it, let
them mimeo's they must persist in fight
ing in Teter to ward off emancipation,
itniversakconfiscation, subjugation to tar
ritorialdepenclencei and /government, by
military satrap. We, will• novae cease to
Bee to them, 1 lay down your aims and,
yoyf rights • shall bit, as ,eacre4 ,es purl. ,,
dt the earliest moment, when they will
consent to discuss , the terms of an ar•
rangetueet vs i/44 bads et" reunion, we anal
all Democrats will pronounce for at.'
mistier tut till, thee the war mist go
on ; and vigor .in its proseeution;-like
anything else that tends.
,to shortie its
duration, is mercy to the coushatants.,.
N. Y. World. . 1 ,
TUN.TIO , .ace
, An important decisioishm imently been
nude hy ..liedge Van Trump, alb. Tale
field county, Ohio, State court. - Vdaciap..;
Olds, 'Who had been kidnepp4 by (a
11. S. Marshal, we bedlam ' ) sad other. in
Ohio, abdicted ham the State lad imprid- 1
fumed in Fort letfay,i, sued Bliss ter the
outrage.' He was brought into °Mut, where]
be pleaded the Indemnity Act„and asked
a eertificate to transfer the ease hem • the
Ohio State Court to, abet U. EL Court, als
provided in that act. -Jades Van Trump
ruled the act of •Congrass, in•in .far as fa
provided for, a transfer, to be miesoudea
dosed, and refused the petition. Milli is
the first decision under the sal, and Ilia
case will undoubtedly be carried to
higher court. -If the declaim aboald . be'
sustained by the litslO Court of WU
resort, it will bring the Stater and Federal
authorities in direct aciallka—forfWe• can.
not suppose other** than that the Pro.
siding will andaavm tciptotbet hli sabot-
dilutes. He is in the same - boat with
them as violator of the Condituthin,
and it be • cannot save 1 Mani from haini
neither can he save himself.--froiriiisay
"Where is Geo. X' t" —Bosoms
General W.Clellan is at home, in ;? .
York. He haeitsked President
a score of times, "When am I to be ee.
signed to a command 7 4 or, "When sr•
vertices to be called for 7" • Tha l
Emmet uniformly is, "By and - by. ."
limit time ago, be mid toPresidi. sart.
cola, "I must have siomiehlrig to do. of
must ask your soovevao,ci my resairue
:um." The President's reply-is •under 7
' toad to have boon. "Wie Asia loos hied
.you; we MAY Weed you now -bide your
time ; I cannot wept. your resignatios."
—Prondeacs An.
1111 r Lieut. I. W. Reed,' of di si!!,
"mud, has 11141.*
Adjutant-General Thomas, of; the War
Department, has commenced ei - re
.. r b ta s y
I ti ed' Aisket s the -
.:. rat* n n inn r-;
. • d i tisfi u p ea; ~,i
•• .. -Lan idl_ln , La.,
• few days ago. dehiscing 'au •'-address to'
the aoldiers, he which he stated that' he
came there i'svith full authoritTlfrom the
Presideit of the Unitedlltat4e)tilo , ail
deliberation,,,hait beeirdeteueined -upon,
,by , Abe tviadoiss,.of I the/. itatkie,l l - Oen.
Thomecooncludeeasifidlows:i 4 - , 1...1 • • "-• '
- , ~ T hey= (the isegrbbsyire to; ' encour
aged to' come to us; • . They are to two r
eamed with openanot : they are to be fed
andelotateck;.-tivY al- gil,Acared • k _ ii
",This is the.. •
.I‘v.impe: 4 *4
; seik
'ileinrsidnedlt ''..' /Ai here :say that
I inn autho Mi,,iiii,r 'raise as ninny
liitht ol i blitiiic,
,os I, can. I ant author
. to give outucuawiona, fivin.the,highest
to 6 foilat; l and rhhaire tho 4, perzoas
who rite etriteit Ittihievitirk to take hold
of it. I- desire onlttihosWwhoie he ars e
' eveja Al. and to Ahem - alone u t-l - gtte '
com I miinionse„ slOott 4inie t w airy are
1 or Whitt their_preaent mdcAlay,
net' hesitate' to icy thiit - alTproper, ..m
Will receive commiss ns. -- • '-'-' - -
~ Widhittifin a ' thus in the
name.ofilapSocultaq et-Wet, I hive the
fulled. . to disable:boo thstui4
r 2 2,, b e Ji b '. te'failri 4 aik , who,
it ft - maltreating the '
part of 'ear duty I - irflY l "tibia ' ' - ' y
perform if- *meant, °dues -hetbitivmii:' I
w9ls übibior do Abet-Asa givetottuttle.
naps ! becausikauch steklife Ilinly , the
name of ieddiere. I
' -' ' I ' did
' .-.• I hope to heat ' hat in ibi s i sp en
division, as I knew It to be Veterans is Nip
poison would call theim—for 'yogi ire Vet
erans—l hope to bear before i leave, that
I shall be able-to scrub it lautw regiment
from among you. I.d,metwant to stop at
one, nor at two. I mist have two at leuti
It is possible that I 'tarn- procure lohr. ' I
would like to raise on this river twenty
regiments at least before I go back. I
shall' take all the . Women and children
and all 'the men unfit for our military or
ganizations, and pike them On these
plantations; - then take - these -regiments
put them in the rear, They will
guard the rearftfibotiVely. IGnoiring the
country welt;--'and ' rattail* with all the
roach' and • swamps,
they will be able to
track out the accursed verrillasland run
them from the limit When - I et regi
olet3ts raised,- 7ixi mfr. out, into the
interior .with itopuzlity. . Recollect, for
everyreg,onept of blacks I raise,,ll raise A
regiment of whites face the fbe in the
field. This, fellaw'stddlera is the deter
, mined policy of the Administratban. You
all know full well, when the Pretideot of
the United States, though said tci, be slow,
in coming to. a deteOzuzation,
_When he,
once puts his foot down it, is . there, and
he is not goingto take It up. Ile has put
his foot down: I am;' here to' astute yout
that my official influence shall be given
that he shall not raise it." 1 -
4 _ • :AI - • RMS..
'lCtie Newark' (O.) Advertiser, in cxenment
in • upon the general favor shown! by, the
A> on press to ants of -mob Violence
upon (I , oaratio papers my :
"These \ swts al mob violence are not
more remerhOle for their skulking cow
ardice than tursubstantial, coufeastions on
the part of the nblicasti that ;the po
sitions and . _ fa of the Democratic
newspapers can not met and :contro
verted in fair di. The !Repub
lican politicians semi to nderstand that
the confidence of the'pecip in Democrat
ic newspapers is constantly creitistg.—
It is to thufact, and to the sness
that . Republican 'journals and kers
are Unable tooverturn the facts • ar
guments inesented,Democratil air
papers, that we are toi attribute the d
peration of reeling which induceit ißepub
limns to resort to brute violenod, barglaif
and • arson against those who refuse to
think and smk as they do." '
The 4lcivcriiser lout ,bit the Dail .on Abe'
head exact.' . .
IC PP *gm pur litcobaitges.
President Litman inteltnoeiced to. many
UM into exited hes; sad too few Out .f thetit
-- Tim butternut's' are willing ( light for
Vitale Blitn, but they • are' not' itieliiie4 to a°
qitite so Dinah-for Unehi tiamt)o: ,
= The' Western Star very trAy t , that
Ita‘ /egotty that nee is to ibe Volagre4 i►g and
strengthened by frequent Asils 9 , c,thfii , ?atti „Of
1411?gifinhe ilia the 'Union. LeailuS;,tatts in
eery feeble iipifgiOdi 0 13 4%11 9 4v 4 • - •
r - "-4 1 415 liberty
or . giro as : Oath ;7.1;14 foelisb . say:
"iliseuts the ft:smAgaswgig o pt,Afritsa die=
scent or give us ThitlopttilwAli.7 1 -• •
11xcii fc,4 1 elifeaul.--Atmgro., viiims
tote! 8 4 14 9f PLlFle,AbOtsiima,.l as styled.
them ' • '
if3,s9 p Alto Awoke. 1.1-* 1..
ol* oied Men." . •
leT 1991, the"Titiffigehlt
In 1862, " free Americans of 'ANSI!' 'de: -
. • .141.7 ,, ' • '
A writer in the Nollibi litithtilhit !Chris •
don Advoeale uys:-:-"Otistns forty-sigh t Au
-441 CosesseiliEekiltlil*-Isita r0:704 intents
ringing from %1,73 ..7;1: - * .p q ual aggre
g4e lase rai tiro4,',..utsildiallaiast the
" t irk!!. 2, 0 0 7, roUticoksrWitthitighttwet
the indoutitiiii eattee,ttbla 4seeky.:•_: •
;Tsui Comiscriotrellsaiet Diligent
e4tOperitos of toe GorateetidOt *Lieu
ties this you, with, tau, etile/it yeas WO la
te'rento-- •
blmipcgi rrteti 1:11 4 ..1"f_t — "" 7- + A Damien ula
Desoastle Pin to last.... 1 41 1,
itipablista vote la
JfepaW cue fob 1!1.
ihismatiansate la Int. •
.;• l I •
- 1 •;-The Abolitioidita Of tie town o f Itipio,l
'OO4 Kato a- eltatootaiistie 'ilai l Oi 'Bll4liing
'thair tthilatetropy: . Lit 4 . .titay" 'ilidii .dea
t•ersteofortai tad stic6tedod ii: tnioning s tiO
negra - ehildratitiOm theh , , tontuolty 'Waal* .
-sad a day. dr t a Windt* midi tato beiges"
'Cilia:orphan ehildrini, lihoie-' Wier ' i' now
in lite tram to' the poin: kOlike. • To:the- Stant
of thalami& if lieorgato!ia, Ohio, thee, } an:
dila ware mat *lifted to antis the lifiraaryi .
ay 'era proolded withlinssa firtlie Wallin,
of two good Democrats erntie plaice:
~1 •
_••• —, A 1.1. ~'
arateralte Ti. : Ihrronnan s —oa Itaturty TO
oylntesid an Ikeda' dintaagoi* bothatia 111
ALlnditionist and • tioraottiOn#e„tiOC-acily
botori thi - tlgislatiiiiiii'ke*t WI t Piiiirt ,
do 4 ielieit,i.rito.o 4 . stoe ; , I% 4 1 ° 'PIM!
of thadiaeitistia thi JOxilitionist:
1 1 lirOnld is *on: 11 :14i,,
_ . 44tiloan .0 See
tatotignint I hive seen .'' vs::Abol ? nist !
i i wires*. g - hir rekai,d fat ;al&
Inta c t* 46 - foe Otira,sid,lrith,
)!iilsetia, l •,- - tor! s iai Piri4-• ..
! • • :.•- ' i. ,,
,+A - ;it. ' rrfolitZlident . o t* ) . 1 44 11 / OP4ists
lir a in it ol° )1404t fr , Nt T 1 - *,/& 1 « low:
isi taitiail,;i of '! ari si"4-4T4.i. ", ) , 4 4 liat
instead O n , tlit k .ana 6 i_h - 104 14 , - fir.#4 , 4
' 4 oiidetipia. l o4,,,ititti4 YkaPOl O ...l4 l lW
4: poliispeiikki44,. vg,bAlkAi*.rielion
** o.o*aeiviulowi. Pit tot ths4olo'
ire iiitilie;roi;.*Aiiai *ei . A.,sopi . , op.
ecOllaiiiii old s 0;: J?kl°itti . ° 4 r4104
friaidni 111,0 Ta tkiter*RlA#lraf.l*
7„!:1 .:43E11 ::.11•1.1-1:7 .:. O.- -
- i ,
reward for - a patriotism 'that had made deso
late his owst,imsrthsloae to defend the Gey
er= ,
/10 r ' Cikiciona ti,
CommereSit,..* . • blicen paper, has
. firiwiteita .look
. ' "Our eseeihmt old General in Chief, the
somnalcut Haßeek, is not In the most audible
humor In the world, and the same thing is to .
• laid of tbaJadkdous, agreeable and affee
ltre Sta rti Ther i 4Pol Bo4 P? !dui tall -
bitut o "titles and !Twin' hiss.
minirele, ex
cept Chao,,pin/les. Even the'
,Preaident occasionally indulge!' mild
11- 7 ts ! Biwoid swears doable and - twist oaths,
and smokes:lllw the pit,' not to speak of the
"emlie# he laltna." it is nevi sad. ,
A.‘frioad semprets so the Boston - Courier,
that the name Onion lona „would be the
most appropriate la these maw abolition is so
Ciations,•aelar awe seggTolee'of the Aron.;
Afrkzeses vittrwhlett they are 'lmbued then
the honored sew Ir#kelk they nava
lammed, and•wbiel belongs to persons' actu
ated brfery'dliferent purposes from theirs.
T,be New York Expren thinks that after
Mie 4 - ascription we shalt see wen here, tut
- on the coati/tent of 'Kempf. pMwiag,.,boeing.
*Uing,i*hg, wood-eleopoing, raining, ,ke:
A Michigan soldier who Mu accused of
stealing a rebel's goon, 'said that be found
the bird hissing at the Anteryaw i gsg, and sr:
item.' it for tressed':
• .31111. VINCOMP to 1110*111111111,11110.*1
Mass.—Tuesday Morning,' April 14.
Mouse met sit WA. 11: 1 •
Mr. Benedict moved that h repoct of
tharalnerity of the committee appointed
to invadigate into the alleged attempts M
corruption in the election for United
States Senator, be printed with the major
ity report.
• Mr. Champlain contended that •it was
nothing bat an' act ofjustioe that this re
port should lie printed with the majoi
Mr. Sabre said that he wanted tiyia re
port to appear with the majority report,
that the people might compare the two
with the testimony in each: The argu
ments of the minority were unfounded by
isny evidence of facts cited by themselves.
By the argument of the minority, every
Republican•mernber who voted for Simon
Cameron way guilty of coniplicily with
this attempt, at fraud.
Mr. Vincent said that he did not believe
one single .Republican in this House knew Qf any
attempt at fraud by Gen. Cameron. -
Mr. Koine.—l would like Wash the gen
tian= &question. ' '
Mr. Vincent:—Yee, sir..
Mr. Seine.—well. I want to ask him
if tray Republican did not kiwis, the feet
that (led. Cameron could not be elected,
eieept-by bribery I '
Mr. Vincent.—/ had then, and I have - yet
a better opinion ef Gen. Cisneros than to op
pose for a manses, that As *coat resort to any
sucA means of obtaining votes ; std iilask 90 1-
down on this side of the House think the" same
Finally, it was resolved to print Eire
thousand copies of ther minority's report.
Mr. Ho pkins ,. of Wuhington,. offered
the followang resolution
Resoford, That the Governor be instruc
ted to direct the Atr General to in
stitute criminal proceedi ngs against Si
mon Cameron , Jo hn J. Patterson, Wrn.
Brobst. and Henry Thomas. •
. Mr. Benedict moved to amend by strihm
ing out the names of Gen. Cameron and
the others in the resolution, and Insert,
the named T. Jefferson Boyer, Disagreed
to by a strict pezty. vote. ' -
_. The vote was then taken Pu the resolu
tion of Mr. Hoptirus, when Mr. Laporte,
Republican, rued aye, and desired to en
ter his moons for so.doing on the journal,
which were asfollows :-- 48 As Sinsoin
ei'Pe } wag Into informed, constant' as
serted since. his defeat that. but, for his
failure to' obtain - my vote, he would have,
. • eleeted, ind as that assertion' can
• ybe Westin my opinion, "on the'
wand that he had purchased a Duty
cratielrote, I vote are -
The tirisinal resolution of Mr, ,Hopitins
then passed, yeas 49, days . 44.
ittunored Departnre of the • 'lron-
Clads to the Minsiesippt:t •
If it be true, rig Stated in Mei telegraph,
yesterday, Sit the iron-dui fleet Is to be
sent from Charleston to the lassisslppi,"
the reason is probably to be Wad in the
fears entertained at present for the safe
ty of New Orleans. A. ooramporidast of
the New York %so gives an alarming rid
venni of 'the situation Of 'the Crescent
City. His letter is deted'Apfil sth
"tha city,. fer ehride fritt
tairMi:PcfoOmicte of by .theNations 3 / 4 troefie ,
seriodily thre a pi t itil ire en, new.
with fhirty-Bie d
, roahleit 'V a t P e i =i l
thouset l elfriet . Hetet 7 11:1"
the Deritteeet. The -,feet due the
anew irt steadily courientrating his formai
witlunrdziking distance - 6f . tes t and ai t '
though bann6t - cenoeiie it passible that
heepoeklLaimdt at: pare • contalhfrig :ober
hunched and Ally tbemiend people.
thin bigfe# 149, 1 sea woomanotabillirkf r
and pe24lnlit4lllll 4,44` at Ipeno,ine.
-eninnes Monde, bitt ihne wtll daterralee.
Ataiotrl itri f redierli that the (iffy of New
lenowi•kenthelhet-thileshrici its
depletrepAiwiesiett.. threstene4 I would ,
I tate 1 4 4 , 11 0: 6
,IWecnolf at aide I/112111SW
mead troopti At, tiechscek,
Wig; - We're' thoirsitidf on, the Atoka,
falityrkeNsen • thottsand; tad it' lircitile,
ten thormasd—rtutking • * total of riiityz
the Ammar& ass, wha maid, by. -- taiV
1 "0 0 4
' klyeenosalletted.apot
Polka in
twelve home. ilia
redone* recently
• lifoirile t „ thei r
great preptratiorts' are being 'hut& Were' ,
to take libip .lelead f awl obit ibetritui.v
porta aadtenope eeeraer fee tbitrnipieer
Are. no! .
nreaciiiNloll;oll4,ooferturii tbs.
toeulexd,to,leeve. Elo peat ja •cettanier-'
ad the denier, the' liiht on the telend f , bE
ibe United Stater hoe', been
New Esaieno Etabome.—The New .
England Eltotiolul
we tudioato tho ,
.1p por'. 'Per
'though they have allot enormous same
and rent bonebrigades of picked abolition
soldiers, whose furlough wee oily upon
oondition, that they would vote the shoil
.have still lost
_IA Sim H
In Rhode they be , 10,104
In - ;000
- 7,000
In throe anulil States 19,104
1•: In all 04b. the demon* not.
withstan they bad the whole treasury
old cadatin tion•to fight, make a gun
in the.eta about- to the abolition'
loos. ,/ • .
this,RMArross in?" ENOLAWIL—A ipa
ohd "ii4ateil dated WashinOod qp Wed
nbisisy, So•ths•Philidel hie Lao. skis: .
'Time is very grem sr °pin
k* * to V* nqiure.a liho dispatches just
feet pot upon We, nuked aAs Aispoor
ore of Vseselo froMErieand for memos in.
the htitihi of the rebels.' But; If I -am Wit
otitiokoldOd, tbofitte of sash a efiiketer
as will insoles the wilieheirsi of Kr.
Atka, should they sot be complied with.
This fersiso mail at New York, yertordtty,
!Ought fareber dlapotehes from oar ism-
Itterist Wand Land 'Fronts, bat Mk'
(Wm. It;anknows." :
+ The' Znyrn jainial says Ijkak Abe
'thorn and Central Illino
100isiffitctlhecottiOn ja
sanbut..;.Bin oar loads et ilea ifthi
mai tram Jank e tip Alamos
bispat • ;eel I 7
ram, Q,u of the
t : C
T 'P id t
Pa . on :in h
' .io f t
i : th
days - from Tuesday
~.---- The CioCinnss
item.from bfurrresh.
Dodge, comtnandio
fiblted.thi..epemy a
ha 'Arad kHked,a ‘ nd
Thernia 4./ilet4
fu Minnow:4a.! On ,
Indiana attach to
M unlititti,Villet two
ail four. - •Crrah.f7re
Calla* kaslGuars
Douse of -Repreeeti
bill . authorizing t ch.
marry by consent of
--, Whin 'Genes
would probably diat,
on the other side el
His reply Wati; "Do
'llinve. 71; , have
.b OD
Ibex six 4 , Alsiyii." '
Mr. - A. T. Stews
ehareeredthe brig "
is •noiiii loftaini tier et
pepsel' with-a full Vi
skims Ifor the gutter!'
. ,
Oa the night b
gdriboets miff threci
N'likeb4re blocked
liineiportlienry Cis
piveite •
- die city sui
OA. fleet .was a
samboar Benton_ S
and two wounded
Early Rathirilay
abent3,ooll stron, A
Fayetteville, Ark., j
than - 2,000. The ri
with considerable ltm
ties on our side were
seventeen wounded,.
According to th
of the 11th ipst-, For
day "as strong as wb
Not a person. it say
Sumter from any
gaud issued an addre
10th inst., in which 1
on their bravery, ant
success in repelling I
We' receiVe . fr
New Orleans, sews fi
27, which does not. s
counts received two
00, via San .Franeis
said to have suffer
March 27, to have
000 men, aril to have,
operations against
The news from
the effect that the
spreading. Several
are reported. Ths
capital of one of the
the Kingdom of Pol
to 'confirm , and ih
, Governmen , Kalish
stied; the i stirgents
within six :des of tip
.-- The eabt of th : Confederate Grover?
went is eight hues! • 1 millions of dollars,
and the C4rleston . ercury estimates the
yearly curtint expen es of the government
<white or
pet c o
in the futtieei,ghty- ur millions.or about
seven dolls* a year each man, woman
and childi black , in the twelve
millions ofoopulatio , eight or nine times
airmuch a/I ' any tax ever levied in South
Carolina. it ,
—Wash - v. atm] • •
ed—Wade . d Chan
their dirty' ark, hay
—Pr ' ,
Yujil.. fr iig,i,..... re li i iiii the "proPrieties•
at ,defince.l, Tie sing lion of the hoar
in that giOcapita a aura skintsamsaktr,
who has a_princely establishment in the
Aim de la_ P .411,, His place is thronged by
the most faarconable allies, who go to him
to have thei4 dresses fitted. His success
in this &Nate bra oh of industrial art
is somethingmarvers. !
1-- •-•Aociounisi frpm e principal agricultu
ralcentreaorlhe Western States Inform UR
that the - projspect` f the coming crop, of.
whiter whetitis goOd. Notwithstanding the
!great scarcitiof Jibe , more than an aver
age breadtlig land h been sown in most.
V ac "' I
- -: , •The loss; of nava 'Vessels 'during, the
last few Diplithe has n very - large. The
Ilatteras. Harriet. L' - Indianola , queen
of She:Weal . Hisshisi pl. Diana, Kaokuic.!
Lae. Smith,, and ó constituting/a
fleet, are&Long t, whiefe the, reVels
have destro ed or ca hired. ; "-' / '
Itis a pular t that 'the, 'rebel
prisoners taken in' uthern Kentucky,
kne*,of the akialn ta a, Barriaide to
hiapresent command and the Movement
of the Ninth Army rps ifealward, be-
/it made
fore the a ppoin tuna had' teen ' /11.....11
publie,, or a ktyal pa , r' West had
Intiniated such a eh - ' e 'of minanders.
• •-- Thelndians in ' nes° Betines'
a , hestile ,dispasttion. A - messenger who"'
Wilt liad -an • raw with ' , Little
Crow " chief bt'thei, ' , :calla on the
61Ortiner of lifisoobsi : with the *eat. of
intermit* Goieral / Po of •thedangor of
'a new 'dull-urbanite ova a more ektensire
writa 4
:Wait' 045 bill.k#o... atilligenee to the"
she 44feet:is/given by en 'lnlithui apt :
militated tear port k gly t „ ,
4 ---j ire` ii,'ifii_. F ant ki - 44(4),
nbc.-1 1 14;7 0 .0. , . of. tate pro.
tm i .
Ilibits '," banking," 'a &,-. the creation td`
Paper Ttr'seirerulate` ita money.' WO bank
hive ever
„romp in Caltfit i
pia sr/ PO-t414. 03 1 .4,, ; AID .twa i r .. /
. tetet I
usfst4ul . any .pir_V at :east,
t toopodon mid Mkt: ~ -•- . •'. . •••:. • • '
' Yeti at ilif Iti„.4,B4.",grblainai
the:Ponfederstot are icetuating - Ow some
talinifensiverepersiti. .a *.t#ol; iroohi3l,4
ttk . '''...414W. UV - air I, — Thanths. •••The
igesponeer; ftf, hintidirat . sta .
-. 'ef ; qi.' . - itri cases, 'says
Neirarirkwillioon . e.aociething More
iMportant than hate ' -.OW aid brokerage
glimb4Ciar)felieabou . • •
c— At last ateounts - • 0 Ifirtford,, Ad
miral Farragut's flag -4 :ip, was at. a , 'point
* few iiiimabove Port Hutisen, and cora- ,
eiontestkciltid- been effected with! the
'fleet belch.: * .Tllo,Uni . .fitatee:guriliant.
'Barataria was Wrist ' her, officers while
leakiht it ; 4 :01i. - :•:' :. of the Amite
river.. Theltiot 'true a snag; and while
last cots* was attack . by rebel infan
try' On shot* 'who a.. . ato pick of!
her men. Her •i: • • - • deliberation,
concluded to destroy ' . A small expe
dition' against, Amtch . oula had resulted,
sucoessfully, po4fuss. ';'ve been plaaard-'
Kobili , ' - - . ding . "braid
Pe em:'
A dispatch finis ' 1.-Commanding
Cushbig_to the Navy 1- . - ent , dated the U.S. steamer. .mniodore Barney,
Nanasutond river.' Apri 14, states that in
the forenoon of that -ix • The enemy open
ed on our gunboats wit a rtill ery . 'About
Ip. na. the gunboat ..i. it Washing to n
was grounded. and disabled. The Barnet
kept close to her, fougbt the enemy until
high water, and. atteceaded at last in too. .
eleg.the rebel battery: A later dispat.:l
from Rear-Admiral Lee sista that ti.e
rebels were wpm's& . be retrearttl e i-
Oar loft in she conflict estimated at lire
killed and eighteen w. . fled. .The fight
waii carried on with de „mined gallantry
tlirou,ghout - - 1 .
- .--'The Now Yak ' '-n publish hitters
from (ten. Corcoran an. le friend who was
brills side at the iime of the death of
Lieuteoei. Kimball, ..- planatory of the
cattoss'Whlchied to that unhappy oocur
rince. ' Aeconling :to statement., •
elen:Coveeran artul xi ta ' IT lir realPitifenstii
mit knowing:lElW hi; . I was, Inv-
In 4 ,
DOUR before mesa I, Mints] I_,_ "rho
. . -. . . • . ,au who. wa s ,
' - to all expostulation Geti.iCipeorin
. /eon Court -of lama , - ttntli • tot. the
of batik luttll!JkA. - . 4 , conteis'
s ay
'by rdotodc: i,...
'deans gay the
3 been reofip
1, ~
lued a proeltj
iet for], the
et. __.......effect in
]i . Cloginfreidi has pe
ro', saying that Gen.
et Corinth, 11/ad at;
il driven him from
--Qs/ ...Joss- was • oweri
Owe Indian trouble
]• 16th a party of
utpoat Zglmiles•from
persons and ',wound
welt in pursuit.
--i'he itassitehusetts
tines has rejected a
oieed parties' ,to re
the Supreme Court.
Hooker. was last in
asked how soon he
' b;tise quiet of Lee
the Rappahannock.
n't 'ask when'..l. will
staithurror: the 'wee-.
rt of N. V. City. bps
elsie Oariflelci, 'Ana
tirCly at hiss own Pl
or corn tinti proyi-
I •poo' . 'r or nelfid
the ltitlii [ six. of our
' transports ran the
safely, /ceps the
~which caught tire
bUrned Only ow
• , and. , was the
tet lost one asap kill
- .. .
the. rebels,.
tacked our fortes' at
FrhO nunibered - less
!bele were reptdsed
s, while' the casual
rbut five\ killed and
\ __
Charle,ttott Mereitry
Stimter was on Ithat
'n the fight began."
, wins killed in Fed
Gen. Basuto
la his troops on the
o congratulates them
prophesies ultimate
y federal attack.
1.113 Malan:loma t via
Puebla to March
• 11 agree with the ac
tyki agofrom A.capul
' . The French, are
1a total defeat on
1 t G 0 t6O cannon and 8,-
l a giYen up' further
1 bla..,
,is again to
insurrection is still
feats of the Russians
- pture of Radom, the
!five Governonenta 'of
;cid, by the inturgenta
!, capittl of 'another
is likewise threat
having advanced to.
. at town. . ..
ple must feel rellev-
Iler. hash* finished
left the city.
lien. Foster has eiscaped from time
corner in which the rebels hail enmeshed
him. On 1142 y fast he ran the block
ade itt.tweiri light, pnwung a perfect
gailnt* of re batteries soil kinall : arina
v yoffpn ali : wooden steamer. The
Pi t vies kills and one deck hand mci
waAndilld ; over - 01:lesnnou awl. hie! -hells
wiliMe_futhci, 3f ilmli•ch 16 took efleet in air
steamer. The Genera) wss joyfully heard
at Newbern; his forces remain at Wa4l
- but, of course, immediate ...ler, ail'
b 4. taken to relieve them .
• Col. Graham whipped the rebels in 2
_ 2 e.,futkitit Si/4=140..14W Sunder rit
ink Tenn., and Just across i he Ciltuber7.
'land, tailing even . and . destroying . their
camp in ilte fir-tl'in-tan(C., and killing 3(1
and routing the remainder in the last; -
Col. Riley attacked' the rebels' at Crust
biro', on the Cumberland, - Sunday, kill
ing one and captuying sitteen. 'Mere were
no fesfrral casualties.
40;r nf letr r..1. - r.-,—T bete it Jt n irrepre, SI ;
bLeleo "ee Between Abolitionism a nd the;
restoration of the Union. If radical fah
aticism Succeed:. the Union is hopele-sly
gone ; if the - tlue friends of the country,
itti-Constitution and Lairs, succeed in re
storing. the Union; Abolitionism is gone
under.,---Ma/toning Sextinel. i ,
r , -40Shial tlespatibm say th . a portion
( T \
of Admital Porter's fleet, la en with a
number of soldiers from Gen ral Grant's
army, has succeeded in running thefriattet:
lee at Vicksburg and are in a condition
to 'either ; help Gen. Banks in an - ottack
1 on Port -Hudson or to make an assanit on
\'icksburg ficim the South.'-
The report [hat General Stoneman
had driven the rebels out of 'Culpepper
and Gordonsville and occupied the latter
pliice is unfounded. • .
- A Queenstown dispatch states that,
nothwithstaniling official efforts to pre
vent, a ; pew rebel privateer called the
Japan, or_ Virginia, had sailed from Green-
It is believed that Gen. Hooker in
tends to make a general advance, in ,order
to avail himself of the troops whose term
of service expires on the first of May.
In Cantor& Erie Co 15,, on the Ibth lost.. Dipthe.
ria, MARY J., youngat daughter °Malvin C. an I Sam
Lovett, aged 4 years.
&genitals Death, eouldat thou not !pare
That lovely flower which bluuni'd ow lair
pn Weds,*Jay, the SU inst.; at the reildence of his
son,on 6th greet, Dr. Dorm. TIBBALB, formerly a resi
dent of Pastrey, Usoadevi, Coy N. Y., at the advanced
are ci 91 years and 6 months.
"iro-gall'o Adartiontento.
The n 0 putiewithiptieretotoie existing between
the enrol, under th e Ana name and Style of Rawls
e Tenni t. Caanterehists. at We, PL. .was 'till, day
diesels by mutual consent. Th e basin:we will be con
tinued by Henry Rawle who will close up the altars of
the late firm: ( 1 / 5 .4t) IigNRY RAW LE.
- French street. between 4th and 6th streeta,
near the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad De'pot, Erie, Pa.,
Louis Shoemaker, Proprietor. Itxteneive aziowitundar
tido for vtratiaeri and traveler*. Rivard by the^day or
week. Good etabitin attached: ape:L.63U.
Notice Is hereby given that !latex' of Adminis
tration on the Relate of Thomas Walling, deceased, Leta
otsiimendeld tp , In the County of Erie, bare Deep' ranted
to She subscriber. AU sermons indebted to the said Es•
tate are requested to make immediate payment, and tilos*
haring claims or demands against the state uill prment
them, duly authenticated, Is • / •
Greeniteld;Erie Co., April 16-6 L Adseinistratits.
711013. 13. it, it ii!1.1.1-;
Would resyiectfully annonnee tor-tho liolle? of £rie and
vtcioity, tbat ahe will open,
T DES D , A P-R IL, , , I8f; 3 ,
at the corner of French and Fin streets,_ two ittiore
Not th of wa r ns nail, a large and sOlendid ititortment
6003)13 !
Fresb from New York City, embracing every article
tonally contained In a Brat clan establipbrnent of the
Done fs tio' Beat Btits, and on the most Reastnnable
Wm R. Laying had extensive experieriee Is the btt
nes; delta).* herself that she eau ante eaßre . eatisraeuot
The pubUg PlircoulMis resiioadialit scokot 4ll_ • ~4311..
Is at
Fmartust., 2d dos'. &bath East
• ' sczatovAL.
E. Conghlin, Boor and Shoe Dealer ,
neapiattally inibruni the Public that he
has rostaved his slam! to the Stara Room
on rpeneb street, two doors South of 4th e
whets he invitee alt hie 614 Woods and elastomers to give
hlai a call.
Petticoat" attention Oren to NIT !RING. Bating
urea! swims*, and ‘ superiat•ading all his bas h:
hinge!, he Winne ha can give sit go\liatiatection sod
sell at as low prism as any other person. in the city.
Good Pita Wansntad. apr2s-6:ltr.
T 0 • N L 0 T 5 ,!
- „ •
In the tan oppogito Oil ('it',, Pa.,
on the Allegheny
Direr, rill take piste ow thagroned, on "
TUESDAY, APRIL 28th, 1864
At 10 o'clock, •. m .
Tholocation It the most &gable Yoe a town In the Oil
iteglon. meta la :boat forty feet above the rirer
Mi r banktail as itreardet4Sideit.•Pluta
etas Meer Ott City end the Valley of tro treek,
together with thissironsdiwg eoiretry fora wale shire
lad Was.. There OW •
'OA iblietig air ruiScisat eisvatims to curt the water
. thecieesk gigots lite semi boner.
• . •
-10..yeendiarrrepor, rife In "great abnedAnce In the
• - vichilty. •
MUM of Suess.
'Twenty-64 Dollars on day of Bale • One half the pur
chaos moray oa receiving the Deed, one-fourth In iii
Months and the talsoce In twelve maths, with Interest.
lbr further par ticaLsrs„ apply
West. L. LAY,
far** • :oft.coty. Vaasa° Comity, fa.
iargost..Bc Bea t Stock of Goods
in eCitt
fotm hla old him& and autimen that
hai removed to the Wmlid now Store
Waste he Invitee them to call add aticsioe'hin
reek. Ms store la as brim mad well seeneed,
seamy la Ede, andhe is deteriahred cot to be •
tierammikLl-116 hu Putt received the *yet
Ever wasight to Die': Me motto la the best of (mods,
olr quick mileons pries, sad that *he lowest. It goods
mot Thal they gm romnseated they may be returns&
P/10 1 1'0GRAPH CALLER`t
N ittpiliTlintSVB BLOCK, N
' Wirt of tie Pt" Pint Deer firm state.atisat.
tilisteinl for past firers, the subscriber respectfelly.
lissits tin elitism or Brielked vicinity, Unit be hem taken
sod _reified tie fisikry recently occupied bi D. M.
C Wore be is prepated event*
ir ANp.
"" l i"`"'""""" 4 \
( LI ,.
. : ayp
laErrEltil t AtES.
to Cho4l;as 'mi,'
,4*lolol . OJUMPIIIIILL Ml* appliteatioa thr
telik e Ze WaMool4llthtevell Liam% it
The most perfectly organised and attractive erm_ f r ,
err estabilaheron this onntiond, heeded tercsita - `+ ° •
wahinited wads ens Mammoth Pavillkin. OliagD ef i
POSIT' VI" PitOCESSOOII, ea the Inorracar of m a
lion, f a the 'special-purpose of ;Orloff , all an 0pp,,,7",.."
of inn, the ant magollissat BAND CllllllOl hi'
United Stuart, which toe neatnealar display exesow.
thing en: ham attempted. conning a millet, ii, ,
esiortad trona the principal instruments" Opera lay,
tea, led ty Toe Canes, tee Canompiou liaglard„.
drawn by a magnificent cortege of reedy eangeny mi c.
Arabian Steeds.
Of the Starry Phalanx which ewer/rims this
OBI' end excelsior combination ol theepts of performer i;,, , -
ant In the galaxy la
MU. JAMES 111001P180111,
?lie Nonpareil Horseman, equally well kneel k, ,:,
elamical and daring act of Itqditation, *bah Ind &c
-oped in America and afterward . ' Lovesand hirti will t;
title of Champion of Europe, sad Use undisputed lel
Bret Rider of the world, is now the ilat hoick
Star of this colossal Istilbitien. Next we Ban
And his chine sti, the Flight of the /DUO
Tbsseknowiergbd Quaintest; of the eismia etnie, irk.j
feat., darts* skillful and usparafined, Van thrmo .
the shade Um tar Based fission Brunews, • -7 . 4 ,
V.:Mistier Aerobic Gymnast and thrtgreatsst Lena i
the world.
Id thegracefal and fascinating roam t k il
, presented kr
Most celebrated epuestrienner, la the bar and beana: . "
n - , :mu. DAN iii lIIIIIIL.L.
Thecilebrated representative of the Great Easterglie
, ,
•/ . ,
• The pet Equestrian of the Vranconi School.
' R„
Will ride, Manage and drive Six Roma. andinhober,
his pa action in the motley rank of mdelattles, p A
rated and exquisite Vocalist. The Court of Yana
be represented t k y ,
DR. 4/.8. L. THAYER
The original/Jolter and Humorist aad greeteet
'modern saPoneuta of the mythologkal God of
A triphicorps Itquestrians,Paatensisikta a L at i n
gear*, with a full complement of lesser stars Mils ma
firmament, *ill make complete this colossal emanate'
The beautiful Mad of Horses and Palfreys art glint
with a view to-s display of blood and beauty, shin lb •
eilsaced animal' are pronottaccd unequaled in the val
or's:lost is the trained horse . ~
iralribiteti by hi! trainer, '
MR. - C. W. 31071.11. r
_ Will b 2 introduced by their teacher,
Dit• J A3liil4 L. TUAYlifi. „
Nothiefr shall he wanting te oaks this a non'. lasi..
.letatual acid amusing, exhibition. Noterithstandiat a, ,
hummer/able wwrlsty:wrattrwctione and the snprossih'
- ttld ...pease of ths. uhparalleled combic alien, the par
of athubssints will t., placed at the extra/s[o=l km
figure of TWENTY • }` l Ventw—iLitserred ' Seats Fur
c-ut... _ ispr2l,.-h.
. .
I 563 )..?
. 1911
. .
This great Liar t6vsnses the %intim
and Norti, west comities of Pennsylvania to the ,rity
Erie, 00 Late Eris.
It has turn leased by the Pesasyletaiii Ehtilroarl tL
party, and muter their auspices .ta being rapidly open 4 1
throughout Ate mitite length. Q.
It Is now i 0 USW for Passenger and Freight banns
from tiamstio re to Driftirood, 2d Verit. (ITT miles) es lir Fi
Eastern Division, and from tibelleld to Erie, (75 nor
on the Western Division.
Tlllit OP PARsrstme Tll/1/NT AT
Nall Train Leaves.... ... ......
Accommodation Trill° Leaves...
Nail Train Arrives ....- .......
Accommodation Train Arrives..
lATlntormation respecting Paatatigar boalnau
at thadi. X. coiner I lut aad Market sta., and for Frsigid
baileessetthe Co pany's , agenta,
S. B KIaGSTON, la., corner 13th and Market Stmts.
J. W. MULL, agent N. C. R. R., Batt/mon.
R. H. HOCSTOM, Geaerat ine*lst
LEVU.; lIOUJI, Gieneral ?West a= i piiampa s
JO_. D Pon's, Gingen! blaaager. W
1808. 'lBOB.
O N and .
Trod ' ran y, A tria . ;Ai f l 20th, 11104
co A. 11, Ni avid AStoning at Harbor Creak
Korth tart, State Lloa, ,Iliettiold„Portleal,
Broetott, Doiddit, 811Tertnek, Intim aad
aillitineat Buffalo, at 0 65 1,"11.
2 GO P. M., Der Irprees, stopping a x East. West.
field, Dunkirk Silver Crook, and Aagola, sal
mitring at Barb at 6 10P.M.
715 P.M.4 Collaillediti Erprese atapptaz at attgeld.
Daaldet and Sneer Creek, and arches st Hallo
at 10 10 P. M.
.10 A' 11:, .44/1 IC:pros, atopptag:se, wawa,
nuakuk sad Slim Creek antra - a* Salraloal
4 29 A. M.
The Day lispreair connect, at Budd* and Buffalo. k
tbe'Nisbe Express at Buffalo only, urn Rapiers train.
for New York, Philadelphia, Bortoooke.
20 A. It., % «..; dapping at MORIA
. Vans, Anvil Lnring,SUver thank - 11211.1
ton, PorUana, (Worm State Lisa; lore
East Lad Earbee Crook, iambi"( at. Ma 111
"Pt U.
.6 30 A. K. lbw. Swam. stopping at , Sao
Dunkirk, tireettlehl and kiertlist, antra PM
at 10 OS'a. M.
;73 A. 71, Deg Karma, stopping at Air t Creek , Month*, WortlaUt aatt Xenia Raatorfirtag
at Ibis at 1 /
10 N p: Y, Ai* doggie at' !Wm 011ak
MAMA sad W intlatil, *MT*at =Be at 170
A. /1.
Railroad .Unieis tea minutes tinter than hie
April ZS, 1863. . li K. 611161 WW. 3a68.
Cleveland and Erie' Railroad
ON and aft*r Monday, April2o6l, 1863,
and ant/1 farther notiese ressenger Trues/eta ran
as follows, Tao -
fl 46 P. N. Night Express ;Train step. at
Ashtabula luta Girard b *sly, aed arrives at I Pill n:rU
1 1 , P. N.
20 1 P. Mail and Accommodation Seals, steps at all ,
stations, and at Erie at 8 28 P. N.
10 00 P. M., Day Express, stops at Witekkby Palmer
rill% Genera, Ishlabela„ Conasant sadGirard, sr.
' rives at Erie at 122 P. Y.
116,A. N. Night Expreastaln sib at Girard, Coal*
ant, Ashtabula mid oath and arena
at tflevslilul 4 48, A. Y.
5 60 A. M „Wail and Acoonunodation Traloodopping "
all 16. stations and arrives at (s at 966
'1 23 ley express, stops steirard. Conneaut, Ashtabula
and Pidoessille, arrives at eleveland at 4 SAP. X.
Alt the through trains colas %Niobrara, connee
Cleveland with trains for To In4a, Chieses,o9lsunbuni
All bluo through of
goiag tastward,eqoaset
het with the tralu of the N, k Brio Railroad: dst
• Baled° with the N. Y. t:•ottsiand Bateau and X. Y'a
BaUrcasla, rue law York,
_Albany, Boston, Marva
11m., 80. H. NOTTINaIkiAII, dansrintiodsat.
Cisorseeil • an.
cliA.N iu? E : s I),F
ilf A '. NUL SO. MIL
Troia. will i..... Ilia ak irk mahout the &login bout
via ;
. Eastward \B o tuid —Depart.
Night Express' , .. • 4 13 P. I.
Vail 9 00 A. g.
Stock &sprees ........ ...,:\ ..., ...... _lO 00 A: L.
y Fast height. \ " " 430 A. I.
. WayVreight
1 ,' StocrExpress runs every_ll7. \
CHAd• tintt)7. Gaol Rs^
S 1 \ •
out timbals of nooDalcul simkpinipe, rolarfsilld
the following rarbstire : .
Garnet Clan; Cuzco, Central City, Callao and Platir
Radio:mit Alto. 60 builiele of gaily Jean.
Priers 12.60 per bartel, delivered at the -Pittston &pot.
The barrel to contala is many of Ws sorts asyea awn"
- Paeluogeslnf each sort sen-t by malt poet paM at 26 sit ,
s W6oh.
r. Cash to accompany all orders.. llamas ens
f dsiA4 • ' • P. SWITCH,
sprit% Ransom. Ussaree Co., fll•
1.1 . .ti 1. ,
Idadable or mixing with Pilot and Vanish.
'very pure and dear, nll deodorised. !Lad If • pasUct lab
! alltatally pusidatlae. or salt by - • •
sprint. . J. S. CA/MX
I 0
^ .1;
-10 55 it
- 9 3:44*a