The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, April 25, 1863, Image 1

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Single enbeieribert, it paid to adieu,*
:(;lobe et twent)-6re s2.s.—Clubs of fifty 140, Lod
, t L•hte rata Larger Clubs.
rr Twee* Hose or Iwo. make a square.
t su sea, one Week .16 1 .. 06e square 3 months $3 to
" two " t 1 / 1 0 Otte " 6
tore ' IS One •• fl , w 9 71",
rjr doe plating:yea ,r changeable • t pkaparr, $lO.
two equares• -3 months, $6; 6 mouths, $.•
$ll 60, 1 jeat
20 .$l6.
060 cOilelllll. err eyearee—oar year. $7O; 6 mouth',
in; laoldha,o3ll. •
ediCardsinaertad la the FSu sloes. I ilreetory $3 per
marten. 81: lines allowed for a Card, over lig, tad under
- . .
nett, $l.
' special and foittorlal notices, 10 cents is. line ; but DO
aver 'les wen twill be meerted among tits Sireclal Notices
for 1 than oat Lollar.
erlierokaatiaati others reoiriug frequent *tinges
a tketrateeitietesots a ill be allowed two squares, paper,
sod nerd,. tor $16.1 For additional apace, the charges will
be la proportion, and thenalvertisements must be strictly
eualliedlo the legitituatrhusioeu of the advertiser. Pay
meatll for transient wive macula required en advance.—
tillikfor 'early internal g will lielprenedtad bait-yearly.
1,Wa.11 COIMOus teat! us slisaLl4 be IdArtesed to
- 1 H1T31.% PI & BURL:IIT,
Bixix Wiler*tx
door Wayne Block, Trench Street, between Fifth
Hamar Sqlkl/, Aarrieburg, Pa., Geo.
NOLTOS. Prc pletor. Thla old established House haw
,.it el ,nod hands the present eetson,ins anderione
tea rr e lrprorementsandbeentho.oujhlyßlNOV AVID
ASD RIC PITTIRD. Ire Isel ;Defiant that tt Is nor not
wawa to soy Ca the Stale fibt the ceeeferts mad entesedes
ce welch pertain to • Tint Clue Hotel. fet46 —27.
i .t.lolllole. 1[141.1111111r ac CO.,
1 ) Wsoursetn alumnus, sad . Dealers in
~.,,,Mettle and Intcd Whose sad Leasorsodao
!owed, Prole, Oil, sod Agouti for Maeda =
toe Hos 1 mod II enomocist 111'1161nm Korth aide 0
~htle Naar*, Orbs Ps.
- -•-
AMOS C. iI.KIO. --_-
Arrosearr Asap Oucuessucot se Lev,
K rt ., ht. fleeing resumed the palettes of ble profession
pertesoently„ sal be tband at Ws old Office, op French
ust, south-east corner of •I'a • Square . July 6, '6l:
. 'MORRISON iloysE.
Corerr Or Sowed and Market Stroot—one Nuzzo oast of
•obasena Exchange, Warren. Pa.; Sept. 24.--11.
. _ .
1 1 Sit. COLIC,
. I• .
H. :Woad itory onlinderurcht's Block, Erie, ra.
1 4 ttiMv v.. 1,111414()N,
e ereuessi 4 Cootnet.tom AT LAW;trierll. - • - •
idiot ~ n State Street, beer the Tait, in the Americas'
oreotol blur/ of the buildligg,'oecnoell, by F. & li
alaayo be. found In bra oaks, and
111 hoodoos.' paucloally attouabal to •
, i tolutim 11. cuirtattc. k
-!( I - AT/OIL/LT AT I.AW, OITATI, Erie COO at!.
. I•,.treettnna and other bacineier •attecele.l to with
~ p rtrsesp. end dimpatch• t
, Eti itta It J. .1110MIMe.
,',.hlic Dock, Sri% dealer in Coil, Salt, riih, Flour and
, I ~t.r. , j
t. OCHA:ESS dr. CO..
lirliot.enkcs Pte.llllo iY CittoCTITTIS AND
l'Kortmo:ll,.Stato Striet, Net. 7 Bonooll Block.
_ _ _ _
ruin Itticiticv d co.,
Fo K wARDING anal Commirliol3;lierehsiaU,
t.. 1. r. io Coal, Flour, Flab and agrat for a daily lice of
'pier Lake Slaciaaera, Public Hoch, 1 14
- _
.1 D0U441.A1.44,
,:vrrokairi AT I.kir.--0111ce ranovedto
batl.llblts+_atot tate:itnet,onthenortbetdeoftbe
wk, Yale Pa.
.1 . V. I)OWPaNti. ' \
Pam's. Will pActice I n the abreral Courts of IC rio County,
111.1 ;lae prompts's:ld flaitiful atteoliost to all bug:ins an
trtstoato bin bsocia,rititer as an Attorney aril:vett-39..
f ir tsatee to Empir; V.lctt, c^rri.r of •State 'MO Vint'
, 1 , Frt.., Pa.
1 inibeci.g. ! _ac MA 10411,
X•rraaarta Rake u!Sarara Rag taaa,Bollati,
I a ,
Mil 4 ,:vtriug, Agrieultllnll - impleriewolx, Hailroakt Can,
• • ...0 rte. Pa , ,
. . 1.. :.—. ',_ ,__ •
% •';4l-ilt YVlllt 19' dc CO, . ‘, 1
.111 • lig k Lena is (lox n, :laver, Bank 'Notes,
Cern n4tea ot Deposit, ke. Sight exchange on the min-'
4.1 1 .11 rites* conatastig for sale 091c•No 9 Reed 806110
rub Ile !inspire. Eric\
- _—_ _ _ ---
14 V V A CI 16' M . .
CITY and Partavtutta Matta liALOolt.
....quern( Liberty Sttvet and Pennsylvania R. N. Dipnt,
Pittsburgh, Jour lisv,stlit, Proiiiitiro - r. Oyettgu ind Ite.
:rratitanuta at all lioUta or the dav or night. *..f. , 16-37.
-- -
0 cur? & It 4NKET. -
inuissi le all ktgala of Coal, Salt, Plantar, Floor,
tab, tc,bca Public Dock, Rite, Pa. • it
. Enactor in Monks, Watetten, kine Jew•/
•i• stio:r Spoons, Plato(' Ware. Lookin g. (ibinmeti, Gilt
entlerj'and Fumy &AI. Paragon But Whig,
qorth Aido. West Part near Pesch nt
'l' A. 1411PICI.AILL,
(thsccaser.ta Sterwrt er buchisr,)
..uur.sala .4.114 Sulam Dauounrr, ifiright'a knock,
LIP Strrilt, Erie, Pa., Dealer In Painta,Oila,thuarberm,
y.-Stalta,Glaaa,.lferalair Dumf. amebas, Le. •
111111. A. IiALBRAITI.I.
TT . ATTOILINST AT LAW--020001iathilltieet.
I ran: opposite the Court House. Erlich'.
uu Z. MAUI LI., •
Darter, Seeln Rosen- "filial..
wwg Block. north side of the Part, Erie. Ps. • •
moutelltlol-41‘ COLPISMILLUMM AT LAW
UFF/CE, Paragon '•Block, near North
Wen comer of the PubtleSquarp, Erie, Pa.
,WEDAMIL noutot,
J. P. Ras; Pxopt wimp ,Cor
/Mt of SOppOpt had sackiiitrasta, Cknataall, 0. 3131.
Beticarcsis AND STATIOSti. and
mat ufactairer *Mak Backe iod Wittlat tloittb
rtmo olliughis . alaik, &Ms stmt. marckWLia
1 X IiCLIKIILAUB 41(. CO" ~ • - , DIALIMII II imam and Ahem,
• - ,
Leather am" rindings, Ilfliolimala and BMW,,
RIr.IIFI3 111517914 "
Sail. a., Gra, Proprimoi•
Tel goisto of this }lmmo aba/1 Iwo every attontkoz, Ito
asks thair stay 241-scab's. . I t o Omaiba t and f ro m all
item. , apails-42..
ate IWO Room. ?Mato Xoskofoitato d trait Cs
, Ircre Nom at 8:01 goad r,str,Ps. Nelms
' 3ll t, All; Plot; PLlator, Watts
N. 8.--Coro roaming 16 and from Qua i l Wars Boom
Jawßomar, Proprietor. Comet o
ztate mad Mid Streata, (baiehlately frontlet the Cep
u,l ) I tremble.", Pa. Terini roasonahle • secoannodetiou
'noel ID tie heat liotal fa the say, wad the Bar al wa
with the almticast Beware.
Wooossoza ozo 4solai. D8A1.31 11l
o L. 1,04 , Pr0T1110113. PlOtll Wad F 41044 Wood lid
' Willow Wlllll, WWII Liquor% Taboo**, Toopoos, be., Mats
duvet, otio door Sou, or Fourth, East N We, Kris, Pa.
14; R 'MN
14 Rfstias AND in OHL
11011 Crook gig . •
( 1 ) P.! ..4 111 1014
Lisietut.twn and Mater to gtatlonery.
*sn ' Peper lisvisines. Newspapers, &e. Countr, &Mewl
.spiest. I Store under Brown's Hotol,frouting the Park.
sieWeltit '
N rithuss, I
BALlctaiD COMVPIOII2.; Wholesale
Dealer in Candies., Cm:kat, Calm, ke y Klty
C-ittna 811/Eery," Est Comer orliighth and Slat* Idyl Le,
E.,e. hi. Ir fun eB-Iyl.
tr igi rl ii tuer irr oft ' and liarketirts„ tfarrlsbarr,
ibis old and well known house is only fitted up In the
num unproved style. The acccuncoodaVons are of the
0,..t order and the terms resionalgs. IClssituated lu the
deltichtral part of the city, and affords one of the
*santUpping plaeos in the country. I WAVY,
a •,
- pi P.TT/
Pi az DAVI*,
ATTORXRTS AT Lili, Chestntit
viba s ‘ea. 1,, Feb. 15-37.'62
!Ar t .;
.314.4. 1
ez. 0.!
, Ina
F•rt Ito
ENNEDY 4c W., •
FORwAILDItIug ais.oolllllll/11010 VILMCTIAXTS,
la Roasted awl Crusts Oil, Coal, lour, Plaster,
• and Yard on itff stow; user Oland.
1 4. T. [aptlll62 4 yl.) tars&
Durlits.-011ice In Sou...
Erie, Pa. \All work RAMA- II $ t a , • a
Liorr. Cifuranti o. L . R 11447.
bozg 4,
CURIIII tt%•. -
II you waat . the Ivry test Beitateurtd
SHOULDKRIS la tie Marko; UN pima - to get
kw &AIM :clays.
J. 11. Mu., Warren, Witten Cu. P 1
tageOffieo. rang '62
I .
Yoßwastutko AND COMUSSIOi tlinkmairts,
OU, Criß apuaty„ Pa., Atlaatle kI3W. N.
II • • IQ Coa‘Mat, Lroo. CruAls mod Relished Petro
kinds of Shipplas dons ou Coastalittion. 2411.
+l4. r• G /MUM,.
4%1. istantANlcts MUM. Coneetkolbe sad all business In.
Min waylaid/ stagnated to Application* lot
op amp* aoliatiol, and Policies lanotwithost daisy. at
r.t slow sospaolea. Wrlnlits Block, earner ol
511, LW eta", stmt.,
1.1 1114"1° A le rf lt 0 9 11.1117 la Walter's Of
-1 Simalb and. et* au 712
IT • * • f,tot ti.( k ir I • •••
• MIMR OA Ur Madetttote, se Pt- 4 ritit4t. let door expetli.ol
of •
, T r
vorAmEi 33,
- • - - - •
N(Successors ti;F. F Actuuss,)
CoRriRR .if\,7ATlle AND Tl B 814., VMS, I.AI
BALTIMORE OYSi# % l 1 3 5,,
Rupplhski with los Canna. fasay Woe, Floe Caadbm.
Flue French Cantection±l Fitt* gaits* of every
Lemons, 0111111V14 Cocos Nat; 246/8112‘. Pigs, Dar, Se
Seaton, Oystor, Slitter. Soda ►ad Razor Crackers,
Ree,ired every day, by erprese, dlmet frolu Bsltlmose
wmatorreo rfteßtf AIM 'SWEET
pay part enlar alteetion tn , orders for any
1728 t( Goods In tlielr
'.l. H. 4,i11it3W0.T...13
3.4100,441111 Ve9t, of ASH I,IIIIHHR, 17t , 1i and 16 feet
to Itagth.
Same,l Web% 1% 1 1-?., 2.;21 , 3, 3 404 4
1,300.009 fret of 5.8 White Wood full titaness.
see,eve 4-4
300,000 " 3& 4 Lich "Lite Wood Plank.
340,000 " White Wood Columns, 6a6.
717,11:11. .
300.000 feet of 4-4 Hoards.
3,000,000 Rcd desk FlhiL Stares, 44 Leah fool I Inch
tL ck, on twirl "art, and 4 Inch 4/ 13 " ,
1,300.000 White Oak Dbl. Mures 34 inch long, 11-4
lack thick on kited. edge, 4 loch livid*
clear of map.
(am owl Dual opposite P. k E. IL R. Depot.
felat.3,;:va • J. 11. O.NSWOLD.
Wr tide great pleasure in informing the and our
nomerob■ Patron, In particular, that re bras
again resumed
Awl are prepared to Wall orders for
Flavin` parch/wed a large Stoat of Lroa, preview to
brlat burat oat, glue us s a direided advantage,
prim of atovin,y‘orer Manors:UN:al/bp hale booed
' r • Iron at i .greeeet high prism
itwrokful for put faVers, we Itepa, by atria atteation
tattle wants of Couturiers, to continue to merittbdr
feb2l . 63ti. INCANT, 11113112; SOME &CO,
E R I CITY,--,
i'maza OF STAW AND rim! 'ars.
Tbe mcderSigned would rewpecillially wieletu sa rl=kr
the tro Unto/ore esiondell to kiwi, aoftelle a
the mane.
Neisaa recently ode extenehmhopesiveenewlie, along
which are a
for paging Blank Booka,by means of which he la asaibled
to do wort of that kind ad Aga sad. as chap
as It can be do de In illogala.
Having had as
, *Alec. I can appeal for lhe public patronage will
fell maddened, in my ability ,to give latiakiztlon.
Done to order. Constantly on hand a large supply of
• B L A N, 0 . 01C.A.
Remember the piarst, loath-UK corder of State and
Fifth streets, wand story, newt door to the `liseette
once. Z. IL COLE.
Erie, January 24th, 11161.-in
Patented ty Prot. L. L. Hus, ;sae 17, 1111 W.
Tbts Gas hut town tbarouirbly betted by s. or edema,
and Its lawns bare steed the p"test Pwittlap It oat
be swaettetared ter
50 CENTS PER 1,000, CUBIC MT .
. It tareostly hos bolo olessalsesat 'lO
explosion sad will sot soodoost to S tetapeasiwowor
It tuts iFedra rperier tortbsbeelCo.t fispilall(givei a
wash more liril/bust /WM '
We ire tow prepared to oily the hamlets.' ass AE ,
alas SO the Nibs. whlob werllewastaillytabe
Oran oilier chow awls to an *lra Idel d.liitfty wk
can be wads, Ito torillua; et lOW "whet
ead its adepOtbdtty la Mess 111$ Wad IladriiiWs
Torre private dwelliage latotty owarstry._llawk
Chnbas, Hotels, Thealosa„ Wadosies,
Om, Ite., and eta «wily be waspled to Goo Waste row la
operation, at vary liage mew
We will dispose et ItIGM for Cities, %mac Coultas
ptatas, at lestilwala MIMT
apply to • • •.7.11E y,
Jan 10031. 313 Walnut Street, pb Pa.
coRNIM or M Allf is MUM
Is nii hOPOTtent HO in the t alibi 'Ol 1114111 . 1011411;
via :-401CW YORK crnr. 11110011:11fi _ _
_l7tOY, D
Clile= 1 :110 LOCUS AMY lilltONTO.
A. , Mel, booed trees Itolhae Colleeepe i
rotittelfilie older to attend either or alt the Colleges
for an unlimited time. ' • .
The Seaga et IMMOto impart
to young men and ladles,* 'Llionsgh„ prertienibeennem
Times ceolbeignie agespgaslasol and eseditefill 'pen
a buts *Melo must secure to each Narrate Isuentnnine
the boat poordbletaellitin for importing* thorough cow
mercial education, and render it Ili a dine, non loon
comprehensive and complete system In Ude countity.
Hoek-K ' , ABS in all Its depertaentiOneranblag,
Commercial law, Cammernial .11sIthenetio and Iresittime.
ship, are taught In tae meet thuroppa: selL
wanner: • - .
'lit. Spimmoirlaii tl7ylM of rewtetsYp, is
taimbt hr eertopeten sad espedenbeelinnebele‘
nebetarsklp., payable loa advance, $4O.
College open day and evening Timittlasa.
iteeidentWincipal at llagalo„ J. C. Bigr.alre.
for farther itVormation, plow mil, at the College
Swim s of send for Catalogue find Ciieslar 'adoring
inhoor stamp. Address .
Mtn lilP t XTRATTON, •
illaffigio. X. Ir.
MMus Wise bees awed of the means of wr
est. sod Monne, 'Mersa sesames enessmeemass, seed
to those who reques tit.= et the alowelstsresthqg
sarrstire. gmbliMedtty_ This "infiel4o4 fs 41.
tweed as swamies sibliegirim to yoftri=rilioll Male
Who MOW from Niuttlefe Down Loa sr inmost
.lesesereas EfsesTass. befelyt i se at lb. same dm:
• theiessans of self aim itati. metes will be seat
by tair=..ascr. ..„..14114
‘ 446-1"3"4:
ow. LAIlw
tiolmkine: WA.
insonoist,Lotmg woad;_ ,
triatioal winkor m il aseefttai.
*mad Mb* wages 4440 44111111i*
sialll4w. 1•101C/161 •
Pyrsaills, ritilt. to
i r i ( ' i
... , •
. -.
. 1
1 . ' f .‘ `,:' 'I
. 1:1 • . -- ' -
... ‘‘. .....
. .. ...... - fel . . .
: i
„SI ',. . r. •., ' ,
. . -
I. •- . . ,
...‘ . i
fat Cliiielyiss boast Of aside la vu. .
acid 111 1 44 601411/1111tbillitiriniltiti4s, -
A noblerlhemrgAwelt AlL
Is plebs at Ilinquora
. .
• their rams are limari
ItWeatee *sows—and e mod
Task assoireae worts -.4as
rru414.04 by illasascal
, .
wee E. ogle* yew f M sat lisalot
144/411.141 essepereari wait name it eta,
ad health meats yew eyetarein.
II yes Ay diem to itiarasare
neer whiter all—iottr' cad am foams
%sir pratiotirs
• Aimee tibareewS--ersl
Mee we are blared wi *wry
i M Ma=
timisteeriPitia. •
or Pat up with itairiali,Byeateli„iMaa akol
aliesitess. Prise 111 anti pre e eelei AM
sdrertla meat as third pig& 110 7 T I M*:
Is art*. 4
S -11!—M18—.16
?boy parity, fltreagthook mad lavagorets.
They mate a booltiky appetite •
,Thor us II antidote to sham. Of orator sad 414.
, 'ploy overcame ellida okitaipottoa atad We boost
streagthea tL. mama "Medi*. tie M 1541 .1
?boy proroat miasmal*/ sad latoroqtfait
t'Ssi purify tb• breath sad aalety area siamits.
Thor ease Dyapapita sat Cosultlpittos.
ea seltibiial.
s OW N % brad Ch e la n LW
naybpsh tathiaw!.
mak Mae straag. and an aziatittal eatiisis Vomit •
atom. Ilse, an mita !DC satat at, 01104 Raw the
basted C•lisiva Wart. miasmal barbs. otitaittabia
the Odium* Of a boron" rabaat marttoi ii!e.A.lllP
of daj. Partlealluiy reCosamendod to • 010 111 14 0 .
_ . _ •..
revering • pale sernalase grail Int rkill
gist; Hotels end Seam. PO. MIME% h • ,
jallogl, • • . 201 arolidwaj PI,Y.
BRANDIiMrd nut s. miw mut
la I stall-IMo tor regal rooess,iipainosi, koall if 1142•116/1
etch headache, giddiness, rouse of Wallet' altar
- ditainer, drowsiness and crimp's, paros, and aft dlsor
dere al tiro stomach and Words,
Er Original Letter at 294 Canal Sbeet,New,lfork:!
J. 1. C. COOK. puldblio* of the Stott Use.
olugtou, Vt., Bala ha was attacked with, Dversreksad
suffered eo 'merely from It, that not a whole of food
could be wallowed, without ee maiming the wet
eseoralortebie sensation bs his stoomek. Ybr Iva yz i aa
he esifened from this dreadful im eelpMilek
set !Pi
ElRAlttelltler II PILLS. :The diet bee std lol OHM to hews.
health, bat the mooed prodebei • ihampi, MOO"
the time ballad tales Ms boyar. COMFILTSXVILN
was effected. Howe "i4y drepspala was pus sad my
importation of aottiatdol,P!
ASK rbateliiiiethe
• Yrinelpil 001,...v„,264 pent Stmt, Nst •York.
Sold by Dr. L. &mode, Krt., add b 7 ill respedtdde des
lard Is suridSetus. , ape] I,7]es.
[llOl'S ISATLIAINXIM• • \ I. •
. This dslightfal article for prenetriag and
beautifying We human ban la again ps,t, up by \ ths
nal proprietor, and it now made with the sausseins, skill
and attention, illicit that created • it. homenst aid ept•
precedented sales of OTOI ono soillioabottlaaannallyst It
WWII sold at 25 cent-elm large bottle.. two infilha bok , l
ties can rally be nald to a year when RI, again known,
that the ['Shelton la.not.caly the neat delightfil heti
. dresalog in thsstorld, but that it cleanses, the 10114 of,
scarf sad dandruff„ glees the hair a Beefy:rich, lutatiant
growth ,and portents It front turning" ea r . Them am
emidaemturns north knottiest. The [libation has been
tested for war twolre - years, and la *nett.
bed. Any lady who valor a beastifni be of half em
ant tie [Walton. it b tatty .pothreed. sheep sad via.
sable, It is sold by aU nspectable darkits Onstegited
the world ie. B. BARIM& 00.;
jalgoa6. - Be& Yost.
17 IS AQT 41bIllt,bat manor sway balvta tts oast-
Ina color, by supplying the inpliburitaben ssl fuloisd
sesteseanos. tsepsteed by asoor all lastaisoiss,
It* mit coutputwd ag Lanier Garth neatroyhig tliwlrf_
tants and boasts of this ltair.and agoslbf theireaPii
Alonwstrosesjulinitsblo Calsetrig ant way
Nakano bar to Its Warn' &Misr. Wan We! Srneldll•- 144
giros the hair. PWlTtinf
growth, prevents Its falling off. srodisitos soli
14oporta WWI awl
.pleasaatore to *bp .It-La
11 "4. la Olt liras, 640 i 1314 . OOPS Bair igrl
aria is toostastly locresslog in law. !kirk% tty
piths:lea and t b said Ity 1 14 geoil,Okt Os*:
er ego 1e 'mural .b 1 then of Ws
agents, Baum Co., 1101 ireadvrOy. '
Anti p ocato sod it. . 1a5t46,34.
/PLUG AIitIIATIOOII DISI.IO/X2l , IMP . 11 1 111111
1 11(i6:—Tancers, legalise 7:1 e se
sabecnedy eget! to R. 'rota" licootte* 7
drligli=lll.llo 4110111111 Date
tcoGbee oes-slclusom eat., beene2 bireaGookberti
cad ititlY. , woolotto Mee. 1“k ii SU lAA r
l i kokft; M. ilt it beer loot ghe rellOrtbessoey‘lll;
be abed.' - 2 ... t!LoLta adopt le e tdo/i.Goil me 11 boa
co et to tbi
De. foal ee-7= 1' kat. ilea .
Liaise, t Lamy [tally fde a aaabereitibbabdoitibeltote
it to be }ho bort lutleie. tor obit it Is peopipsociaeot lima
I love me e 5.11,.. lOr stabs ettodu les
0 1 , 1=kk tali
Wee: 'I rastlecAiliaparfr-hi TV hit '
lb* 480 . iirefienipint _ .!
_Jain .soid It 'tee limy I
yams, It gine i ottiiifoottork- f •• • -' •, •
, 1711.11..k H. MOM •
geaRIMIOOII. a* Key S. OM •
Yeses 115 sad GO • • !Lad by at 41eakykew. 4111elet
GO Ouvrttaadt Si Ne TOL. '
, ... , .. . 11 . 1 -: 1
a thaTui
t likateVare=.
o- lolir Or , ON itiballii hal or k • I
1 - . CRON .... ' is tSank 1 ..1 , i r
Min lOW I . _ .' 13 i• ' 1:400
Waken Do. i.. . : . •, ' Orli
reatitapla e Sid Ire iegolleallythe !Iglinig ,
1. I:CiestaiXtlter lit...s Astegilims A
is. Twit. ilketookortbok, net *ROM' 411 , 811 air
bflimu• , L Pr r, 04 St Sr eszowirdhs tile
glim • , • r • : . ••: rfff, I.
C * 44 7 40 : 44 0 „
4#. 7 ,
r tirardri ref. rk tr... se thou
to %
ilks o"kboloskill,di 41141
i:1 IJ . •.. ,
“.; . lb ' 0 614 4 aa,t . ' . s l 6.o l tr , SZl i ttli i
le . COV a tiVill‘r ' . ' . . L:0 •• (N !,
' ' VS• ANON Karimpillpoi
bi t i i g i tS
ii voibi, alloolMikkookoWol6l
Noes! moo Ike s army kw 4101111041sikike. MIL
lit ai r i kr a t i M if ill""ria __,..„.,_
=.24194 *mkt ki is. Mk ash we inopm• ,
gaol ft !it oborynt io kid
ri i i
l ilt l ik ' s Ilk raiii=lo 4ll l l 2ollif .
tragto Pil Akzere
errritiMr kik
o Wl* rilsedy. as Zirl i en
sod . low peeve a. 4 T li t t:r. zwi i su i i t . l : l ' !
W ." I
Cop CoanWilri,_
urarlk- , 4t0
! rim or mum ,
Da4Bilkii:^Th Pia 40 0011,66 ;i0, 1
le say' te lb. madmen( you' taro fief sir* :
b Mei n wait to ITI Irbil IrSati;
liall w 7 lra iir e Wag asi volosiisit .
1g..... imati free le Alvis.. WI/ lIIIIL -.
' la ,
tier., aleopii aid lalowiliail ma Zgl
l e
: • Ono **tart a' WI Own of La s
litilliara. ea a Boa la lam tibia days. •
;dilations kallaltal bflly i
jali mat trithott chaise: f ! 1
Mit IP :01111PILlIt; elibiltat:
IN. 2111111Paidila1, SW wilt. :
vituouruin vivanlnt AIM*,
Haseter lim mg c
, 112114
by-the use et Madame &deo Portsee Ca*tlee aeLeki..
?hl. Imobtabiti meatier poomio Vie
lover of rolirrittic titledlitioky
catty. at firmtbuss. tiovemoot Mahlon ail 161Iilise
of IbeThiost. It boom the foirgaild siittadissa
oty t* " 1 7 ,arteatste l° to MA& not
T. p a} altand WWI Pal
tea be taloa e 1 Ito OtOta Pr4ser Volltiog „tiii tllna•
For sti•bi 11 41 44 1 1 10 0 44 M sad Si 0 1* ra
SpiuM7 oirgroaoar lisonamos irstm ,
tnkht .
ai delltte "go. riedingte ea. we It
MigLashieh 11XliiLSUIP IMUCZUJ'
w i g A Is anstben ishemetnds - .
by it:J Yin/stoma rainenrttod. za
Vlawl Yos sail sot s air reqslin it _
el nese rus def.,....'
• "ft errs Width and Agin , to W ipary .
And Moons to the paid ebook."
Hipsaissigeetnimildtg I - Cud snsorndendi •
QWM. ' • ' '• • '
' elliame4ll4l! uiervimmi6tioeo
2wt i Woo g_ LAMA. NM' Nino
tx Tit AMMO 4 -wEi 712 CZ . LOCI( (coup
1411144MOVF4.1001111P) *lll
.irte , Irv* ta laved Ix the noti-Tmagibqaditsigi.
'lihey Wire the ist oULT ant._ , .1
. JNY COMM Otrasearrnew aisoY,'" "
a1ir4,40. Jr% 11411:14igalk
. list
eform:thedi MO Mika-4 llNA•did
fr," Or at oil
k ; .Ir
ERIE, 84,TURD#11:14,NIN.9;
V. Am% eseeeilddi
alloisa•t be aiiet**6l.' 0141
Takla, the'rear,teeitier, ;^‘
„Teen teal mere ; •
'l% tido Instfilis sit
Ism% Ipmegompasiviscipit, -; •
fit skim thafser tWIWIMPri WOW, •
” ft." WI twat 6 4 1 . 11 .kgfaff. !!4 11 • -
Wows sla Mee seiyillycllidtai, •
• bum% la*ir9Eacirere
Bat Waif the year all.meada dear, ;
roa .111 alaejeaad tkeliey r
We aim had ow Key. KdAalNi t
• P AM cartoon tom !co, ' • •
AsAtiks aid it 'Wyss: Is sly aeir;
. ter Ids And iseii I
„ .
Asa asidisalk,m •
01.1silas walinreiEglimy •
We ha sad dots that vs see Ba • . :
Wherever Be Ueda the way,
- `4=l l* • •
14 1 1 .___ 4 " 11,. 7. 46 ;e5e lod ovesorast.toailodo
Nftsflssinfwltuta tonree. takes by Jinn. Alga!
13esdift, et•this dkate, in llielditioniat lieuatc;
Misted sea Reptibteran; ha iiiti N fixiteil to ipe.
come a mere imt.,7. - 00,1. awl, inSjee4utAlloi.
'big !Ate Taiatical dead o'c tf idoirownossol
iiiiissot, pursuable own views at dut)r. &mil
a man deserves to be hOtiond by Demoorith,
oven though he does not elalteto beton" to our
Marty. { , 'The following ( extract . 4
lib We, epeeciles shows where Mr: Conic
squids:. • .. • ' • ' -
!ill would fain, too, eland' upon the Consti.
Wilton With such" a construction 1.,f It as We
could all stand upon, not ea,s4fist as la *reel
the operation of the instrament, nor; so loose
as to indicate a` diiregsed of Its' prqvisiens
and I would doilliialways and tel. pit tithe id
good faith.iThst Coasiltuan biiag2thdpers- ,
mount will of the whole Penpla,.."4.4:oPOrt.
or - party, It imposes thO,:first. sad Strongest;
obligation upon *to obeylt , lndeed, tb , Oe.
asie this we. are ' , un l inked • to' sweat Illesswil l ,
that we will do so ;'andl asto cottfoiro 4 no!
elfence equal in magnitude to• him violation of
List oath. To break faith with or'betray a
trust eontided by one man is bid enough, but
to do eo with numerous millions of confidin g
citizens is so far beyond the ordinary measure
*of human transgression that I sus nimble to
tklait at it without- shuddering. To' cur the
dikt4\ which protect a small district frith ta r
UndatiOn, to poison a reiervoir which Supplies
tie watertor a. city, are things toobarlibla to
~and yet the effects produced by
gross are•ao more to be 42016pEreq to the dirii
nimbiproduced by loosing the bonds by
vritidhOsideipire is held together, thaw 241 7
hilts areto:molux4ans. „d3use4yrweisave sew
Wks Pww.PwSktifell suoikb2be lath* us r of
all calamities whichnan Whit a eouutry theta
Jarmo india# appitikahie tat 'td . aril . lu.
iiik tadierigkid'or Viola:. thnceisiiiition. is
f.",:i ,:umwl.,,
. 15 /1 "‘ 44•Irac. ewe keiet 4o44llo . l s
a? . n. ruptia diets own terms; what ' they
eves their:Were may io Mei will ,atoll' to
he iteavi aid bathing a fore irt*ttelrriti,
rUatiOti '. # 1134 ,0" the 4 3. 4 4 i ' r . 11/ • iii4OLle.e.i.
11 t4 *llk 41 ,11 7 wet, sad Qat labium iiarnest;
named! ill Winstist la the grim: atroggki re*
'guing,on to enfor, 1 . , ce ti! ' •' 1 ,
toltvi ebnifitntfon, thee, !:e jet ;tit. fitiiies,
'by . which our goi,Cia6M6ll.-6 created, ll a easy
1° ? -4111 " 0 0!4+010/401 1 4towitkism, ' '
Wor can tikrowfollYilinsWistawo WlSS i re way,
kW force and desPoilint:Bitt there can Mao law
Sow Ono gereinfaent 4tid il;o:t who, fa/
. tiContent,"*Zilbt iii. iikqernmoot mush wed
italliiieg Ott benetitittleal, • ie idtbfrilpdley
f,suprease folly or setwethe irietiodueile :fie
- tesbarewerteiroespiebeidiAr'the priitalifeO
f ise• 0t , er04.; 1 14.**1411 ***kiwi*
ii." Pepotti4ii‘ 49 . pftwAt agia *low
ikAke kories. :sue is Gehrerimilint
laskisParimte 7 4lllkti Aid 'lot!* Wan.'
Ober that the` o i l
, :dOltie:s4 t...
e, '-,!, . ktati1.,404,14#441t.,
~,, , #l,44.6wAsolmeostiop
:-,,. :.10.newoutis issikta. , Now.t ifeeltueis
,efiwel.tbsteceldis walk bd esaiiillef.WlN .
theefeedi hlintlitiallitiit, /. ibt4a,l4lik't
. "Ilitlail :! 1 " 4 ..***1 I 4.4
AS 1 4 1 444 1 4:4 1 4 01 Y liffiblibel await-
AinuoidoW,itaraisisiiWitimall biota.
AI Wen flimiii !SW. it
0 ~,,:.•,-_ it.l b 3Ol4A I L . . • I*-'
, irlf.AS MflAssilliallibarn: Iltanibes4.
PalliewasO i S bi dlO i l l in v i l ifiliii,
' . illgvidis like ii:4lll4 9 bMilor i liAkilf
. 14, 4 4 o(lclip.**s bWlill 40414r
-419wTikook Aalweelt hi- igesseseemm
Amin ,ki :wiwoeliAle 6imigavesselaoisgst •
, IsmspicilOrstome wildb the lin*
i" ` oil c l lo6d . . 041 .1 14 ?-04:401
1 t itir ri - 1 L,1 1V ,1 ' PM, 04 3 4* fr*f i'r ) l
.. twilris Mk WS 0 Sid adifirldnigill
Am* walsiwanistissafrobodsi badil; , -
xogi sinpabinty; obi Isitbp!i: ' btifl . l' ,
1 ' 1 " 6" • -141 c iitri f . i e ,f-: I F ; ; Si t, I 4 - 1 ,1 ; - . 441 4 1
. 4 .3,..eivii„mi:Tiito , i4id
Ore, inclose, of our safety—lb.lbstl leasil 64,
kin." '
,' - _ ----- .!r ,„
: 111 d 111 * 61 0_ , 1 ,, : li i iliftliiiii i ii i4 t #ii,l l4 . , . _,. ,I
, • •-• • •:• r :::' it , ' , 71 - ci •vq,vl :ii,
11 0;: ilie .. f 4, if Af!te 1 00 0 0 ,14- 4
.° ," 1 , 1 1 .? 1 ;/04 o.otoialrikeitirliMaeby,!al
/0 ?Alamo. Wit; it prortibi fie .ll
ittsigatiesosititet 1 441irioNliiiiel . t`'
tpt ytiOti—oroAlly lipi t g4'
'poi4l i s Mao Wesson mewing. .:. 3 girgmh it f
i l e
iiijiggitherness. Annie ant Anna, probtbly
$4Oll NMI from the same asansi, :isabliiioY
r i racism • itiliwitlis iirijiiiilia* ; 1
in t •lswi46l• ilelekiii Pb,tilfi'l - 100 41)piii; 1
4 44:41,f**050,AtAi409 . 44?
eil • rg, but of en define it as one who pities.:
4, e; now g enneliiit,„ i tig...
. 1° ',Wit;**-141.1:#1 i i: 4 11 04:5i .
* 1 444,00 11 A . ! 1 44! Wi0.44 , 411414e*
. • . *to lioraiot dist. . fiamairifisti
i ji, - aod alibi* iiiiiimi* a till, ilarlinciFit
4 thtitem`qx"#ooo*.lisp'f! , giiiii,..,l4.
hols04 1 140:: DO .4000011040 wsp!
asilifoy3.ixyppfiristrirmeseik. ,- ik
vii Am b. elesielered as awisting brightsissW
1 4 . , Lod:000 blooydio0)%:'
~ ' "
I . , 1 Eklbetttisilttlat: ' t . :4004.. ''' -`
4 460.0. ft 04. -
Who protean. _ Fanny Or itliptY[ :
filth r fro*. Kabt-ww.4intrine,
,farr , e or
Oil*Yfili4 4l 4 1 1 0 , tCIt 166 *** 1111 4. ,
#41 41 10 031 , 41- 04 41 44 1 04 14-2
' WlNVlwelg Ouiposs• AiOneotes‘or,. slow
', , laiiiin* *ffilsz.._ 't Mg ) MIA
4614iiiiitiMN0144161i ii
c,) •-.
~`i~aro ~:. ,
. 7
The -
Os!Us.:: Agnes! mail obastor • , Mak' 440
4041 Minsk \ Ohm like , aid ktii*L.
Xecli 141111111 ; Or Wirt si4ti.
Pine, ligii.of life.
'__ (0440604141Witekoos,04eder.)
~ ,
I .94360r0idnig %Agoga
JeL'it-' n 4 10#440444,;t "ab
veligvtoto* *mama. , to- mar gitsrfais
)411/010t0m0sou,noi6 bee6oo di/0641, 1
ii,tookledbiiiiy-idbrii-bru; bide : Woo/604 o
ptevolli i s k •Fmitiot , j ; theiiool) ithildt,7: Pi,
edlip44:" r j‘ , 7" ,i,.,„,„. • 7 , • _el i H. , , i ,
• 4' 1/04104014 04000.01.10/11b1114eksilip,
- a 410 1 itualoaglei0-
. - 411 11. 16 0 1 . 4 F%iir - fitilt
' • . . ,'fir oil , . •:-4•,: i ii4 0 ",1 7 . ;; i i.
•, - .
"lllmutilefillfs AA, dunk.' 410 isuldrut
• - , . ,_ , 416 _lO .
luAlueungin .
a 116011116011 :
' i ti d_ ii giab4t
t S st : a4toi4ib;o 0 i
nl s*4
k lilc 4 i
wivepheir bob4":l6i
As, i1446-Wu 0160 ,
o o l it
outoothoto boa douching , -int
eitudy, Abe Admit, obsoiro!pditiefilons of tho
dhipubltena orgnatzionr, :but 'Ate routilres "of
"IIIii•• 7010, b 014- ditojer4ion of 'bidouii. , ih
.140 ,4A44 , juill PC !Plea lisito,of I'4
solinty r Aink iiitioubboamo boa doelaio4 , llol
they- Willa, no sore meet of DestOttnitio
hatelhol6', ad Indrogooth of Desnocrodo otore•
lftilfeilv '. u .. , '' . -'
• r ,_
; A lPin___ •4 om
)7 1 4;641:initskees inrtda
iml: wtoo who Wooed to trotoi lb: linolchig.
him.: u the 131 e» 11104451# iti*S4Or ' t
Wl* Abdittedete iedly i 5,,.. !ci s: e to caniii. '.
‘ - k b it ' i hullii,4l 6. sittt tild gotli but Uon•
ii_ letalt citoZ6o . ,ol am, stau, which elected
b.Y, At hrusiti, owns 2,600. The/ 0
woe roodood3o the id/gange Oen. Nye, Oa
Wit I . 64ot6l' M ekEr •iv ' ! 4 : l " l o . N . : 46
ai.t state i ., ltdo'f4go,ooo was rahoi
OrewVimk 4 : 44 .r 4 T.Pi ft3;9l4 4" wt h a la
gr4sia. 4 iiiiwoo. . (the: Postsistor of Wor t
Iltrea 'toting , swag die itstive workers in
snishog thelsObey.) ' - - . ,
ft 0/k/;],hotieCrer,
,/pealAy found .ittot awn
*4 l 'ilockar% ,general Otingibe bought. CC
ftx* of 1.74 mob, for odes, wire undo to poor
men sod refused: • ' i .
Then an arrangtAile, made with the
all the Repuldieidi filhe !may that
gawid begat herein U. e4i•iett.\ The Sec
retary at Waregrewi 14) get does bite' wltlient
I tardy fonwalilies-nf that iota! Nrioegiti,
and every,man who ,woubkprt)Wrles to irotelor
I ! ll 9ktailhatkwie harried 014 Triiss of esre
Were dilaLaruk tbs frekz? iliesdayip lfalnr=
day. ' eidt2 7 43otfliave,biien brought.llo aid all itia4l4in:QS•One•sided way
-1115- .Po ll ,e;;btiPs.allsirs4 Some. • • •
li4ss Mimi+ uol4iiiiiitc` i tiviiitottimilikit
*yid hilt "11901,141),
of 0 *nil WM no.
"b il isitif : 944164 99 4 all WO itsd s hassdoskil .
'lt woe bilks shape st digiet nation on the
1)-4‘ the ildsainibtretiou it ii' l lsi!agtea,
sat •edifer 6i edirise *11'4.44 sidsoyeil:
f'0 4 0 , 4 Ikftii,F l 4 o r9loaintethuitim• t 0. ,.
iwaiisu;scis,t_or l sow purses •'• • , • •
~Thia,',4 l sitsisd"- e rai %yowled for the "hid
Play," sad wee h 44 sibs itit asll 'we eves-
Jess - whoa ilosPedii4ki Oise 0 &am
'l.erse4:it. Br . ): . 6iiteazie;e .
Departmeniorne Main - Thiel ealagtoa, sad
be ealisd-zelithii nit ilditlifilkiltolt's
,94 Its/#og;4,gek Atmtbit
ersmenL"es ib•weJ
. Astr,titkatol •9494 1 .1.•
roue. ft being nacierstood that Ufa Le ipso—
orisiti* krcont,lCAfri?a/ 11 40 Oa
raolortes,in Co tipet, fa*iii4govisrataeldt7
Swab Ls doe*, sad
of w rk, al,st . o c iti* to pitingsilk Qom* I
!nvolies the less the extant to which
" *l4-4 1./ are to inaeli44 /
bt tiiiidit 496 at 141 "f ir 4
Wt. ions' . itity tals,ilOtz
oif LINA: _ I+n beta aoetosd Mite
eostrarrei 7aristisi
sairlorits; stiandis Of -
!kiwi, ".
ii`st diet
*mai 144 the bilisaka
• It was said by ilkepablissW
•alter Wit MOB% gra - hat ifoottia to
101 ms ti *Au nata it _
iras the Desociats s id diseevet: that tin
Wwe whipped, sad Asa ,
e. 11 461 . t►y ol.* ttlol4 ‘
, • • ''•• •
Coswile 'ice! eperstaem I.j It appears,
•11 1"4 i .,0 . 1 01444 c*Ps l
c ,AjtOi; iiobe ga . Ow ww.t.
UAL dikild4.4 iioo.i;• I
, amidbuips, By., , Aprilt 166E3 ,
. mei Itorraw.i , 'lltilit'itai woithi: iiifr 14
, itSar hem thisilistifie; lildi iiiosia l viitoiet*
fli*.f*" ids's! -141tetlie Sheet, ovkakilidifi
74istlAit aIInii.P..IIIMOINS - l'ea#lololl=
iitak4 al. Cillint •PIIL-11 WIiesPNMIMY til • • if'
11:::say ides of what it is. , Before' 1
i Central IL L was bailc piI,N. _• • .IC - j
ipasttitatif Ohio river, bid bilitig wista, ,
, 1460 roe baeims saw" -lil:mi.,*
1,:..;11i1.4be presseet Aim it Ii Visealtd /
i iiiil
ii TAiret , stem eagles. sight quail
a ~,;00 , -rit 4 ; 44".14"!th.bai 1 0 41 P 1
1. 1 . t, ce " file .V . 4.. ; ,; 14 19. 1 ."
,1. `" . . 7:4 17. 1, 11 " !I l e " *TSAI& .#
•., f 0 k ii *. 0 7. 1 0 ; .1 4. 9111110 ; 1 4.4 1 1 A •
.. .:„......, VA _
,"- : • V 1 4 4 1 11 ' 6 ,7 M941,144 0 . 11 0 1 *
. it4Al4fi la ...W4 114 Prilre gi,i . 4
.. it 74. 1 .f4F 0 f.. 1 4 11 ,4' * I " M i d 1
1 , 111 , 1 ,4 1 : e r,4:1,0 1 ! 7 . ; 4 0 i 7 .44 41 4' .
It t-. 04,_*!* V.rit *a AA** hu., 4,
. la,
th/se Wm, ladt, 44ABlifir. liked deg 1 • i
E , 3of brush' before be found tits •.
L ti Fi ; li r lile,*** - iii - 6airo lii . A • 44
$ ;
ciimiiiillB oilk ' fort
" . -•
R4ir; liaii irrlieratitaid . o4ilisili
_l4l faliiiinatfiii piiiiit, 4 iri l lii
i;,l ..
144 - Ogiiiie``. A,
enii i iii i" el ' l l i . : 0: 161 4404; . .f.T;
Vheit`oll.ool 1411611,4 •0 4 ' g . .- •••••
if Mei' iii • •'" diver Of tai 1,, t
g di. has 6 tiikv,iiiie :e. .".. ~F .# ,
.illafiri.ll - 14,440%., - •. . s e
yrs, sad attested" the kiiiVeaqiii.
~t .46 ,1 t" Vi i`
t.. i l k
• .4 1 . 7 4;4 ite 114, 1 :' 4 111414 1' ,
," .
' alioNtalei :iii4uMailla*:44 . l * -'
; zb biardWiriiiiiiibitel, -,.•
: Aik.thvw - ' - iiieftbaiiiii;o4 toka i l
E itesr
11 1 ..o__ • miasiiiiiiiiiiit,--, ,
_. !litileielli i iiiiiittis figa l e' 1 - 1 31 0 4
' ' • :it"' l .
. , , •-,
i *.
0,00 It 'NOT IMO
a aais eiskentrisg:to , hoe ifigg light irp the
.21Isaainals';11teer, air she= , MAI' aro toirso. ,
Oita is large ussibenti • The ifieve
dillailt. asiedithre .• too a; arias • etteit list
PIS *Ws, owineirilie rebels sitactlitsi
• feMs4ti ererlrhabaiag numbers. Alftli
. . 4/14.1 111 90114/* bet. are In good stip
. APArk*Aggr4a. at. meta to Ms espeetod
. moat. ~ / paest,se l y fovea" owls part I
7'Ffil4,4 ° P 54k 4 / 6 * a lOW • Then ss'
9"1/4"4:444 011C,444 -1 4..• gunboats;
awe Al 41 1 04 4 014 latoodrd to.
4 4 q )E 1 1.' PI 4 1 .g°44 4 . 6 awl ter.z
. . • _ PT, PP
P urt; mcilroalgslat
. . „pommy consists
,i; six 241 b.. kowitsers, l
' 'd two ii II;. - Taileld Ora, with rifts, Okra,
ball, f iiad veiolven , !, for all the area. The
tili t .l. : s liardlter pier.:, g. al. itimi,
• . cuter, coi(24 it
ain s ; .P. Cropino
. ' stealth. 0.016 e ; Jolinli. Welilli,
giki l , .. / Waist stiskfi.R: W.. Rinaid. acting
• ' f '4 ll oorlragiier, 'soling assistant-e-
Dam 24 aidstant;eigineer.
411441114 eladabiaii:eiglasef; ratite;
lg,g: Biittli, *ad 11. i . . +inn*
• smitert mallow' flu eourpletee ear
raoria the, azsepdoit of Mr: H. Wilson,
pilot;" who• is a gondol:sin In erery ma
• • , sad *Wads high in hie profession. .
i . :. 1
• ter : ••
• !i.F.ittlAy-sovan different stinks -
~ 2
Al well dellaed ; and several static hes.'" •
• Tha Geneva Chants say' the to/twirls(
ia cspy of titt advertisement posted in a con
loom, plaoe . on a manufacturing establish
-1;4 4944 Tilliii 9 ; , • A.,
Wasren-Pour indult:is:mai young men wish
• marry ?att. respectable young ladies who
• Vey a &thane or!** each, to. evade the
Inquire within:. I .
."4‘4le Peilarms Awar."—A personal friend .
,',Mr., Liacebt slide° hits : "Mr. President,
rej94461114 *sped to end this war during
ow : adtaboistratilm I" The Pessident—(la
1 •94) -- l'es 91 907. saa't say. sir." Tke
i1,9441-7‘. nut. Me. Lincoln; • what •de yon
Mew to - 41". The Presideate-oireg away,
I ft! , Pet " 1 4 4e Pirrig away." ' -
M 0
; ' 7?* noel irs-Delecesta in 'title city and
ithlvdp lot wear • 11. coda', mat lanaol.
"Jiang like so many oattle. 7 -dinfaZo
• . „
• y reigning 'to Greeley's Minna° We find
tort ri
the filtpresi is torrid. - Theis Were in
embee: Lastlll,7** Deinoernts o I the stamp
bed-edikil 2,1fil more than • eflumbei
tif• illepeddinswe stall- kinds Ica ors: ' 1
v i i;.
i• rapitiroutpoet titbit deserlbei the =sn
ot elibibtinei kiss. • ' As i ilie 4loifeitiot
' GSM's 'aim the' A4nizial %rain, " It .
gest.","- , firse,:grasp with haste 'around the
sad beg beryl/hi , to flow' end than
lioaly—." Do go away--do, went you let
Li l!' : Thew, ads what bliss ! but never miss'
, pia awkaaso We that ; thew make a &A,:
itielLse flesh, sad—Harriet hold my hat I
Cuudiblikeinsuiserton.—President : How
IS absimodiff4-1•40 t
I Beward—liaPidly crushi!g. •
1 - , Cluum-Japidly plat - Ma i
i deshtAigi ' ' g'
- ' INthe-tamoldly andisig.- .- -.,
1 1 17sr s- r#V= l f . ,' - ' s •
Pinildairt—l - W gentlemen ; btat, othrOilling,,'
Iwksithig;• &Deutsche*. decaying,' ending,
9 1494, 1 114141stumaebing him:a, toy. Melds ?
KII . 11111111pHilli RIASIONT. nt•DUSIIII.. Fresh :MT
.:' . '4.ol*.tittleessaaitaittlisi viivelaticins
-have benwnisdaiallNeltairesee, this see.'
,ini.lo:thavereeitilat,-malier -a mien-,
. :
`lit wist liseaadi'ma .Ifiwnet, ' tie lea .
shousaid wines halt been lOrticilly•
. • • 'tab linesseb Government -lb the
K.3 a,
4isseliiiwbeee-wide !Wily. weirs wearing
K •
oelellaitoirmere wretehed than
iokOwt - &MONO Ilsmis ander.; the , most
P 0 (.1* ~Wet. Omen to way, this
‘. .19441491/,110,,41139495ieek, and scarcely
f..J• ,‘.•
~,trsc,: . t ~ 7 : • ... ;" P 1 .
' 1
•.(-_ :, : I: •- . . ' .-
.4 I :1 . 1
. ,
. ,
7: 1 , : 1 I •.
-1" •
ItlFth THE 'END r:oF Y F. . YEAR,
• Itespeats rhos your obed't senant,
.. Wumr,
Ensign, 11. 8. Gunboat Argosy
pliiiohigs from anr Exchanges,
Prentice says pi,srograpits in various pa=
J.. relation to stabbings of the public
.: . • r eiror headed 44 Astounding Robbery."
' o occasionally see cases of astounding bon
• y,,but robbing no loops. astounds.
-- An Irishman being told to snail. the
iigen, returned In SbOlkt EM hour a ft erwards
d said : 4 ! I've greased • every !part of the
n, hisb i le .ond out, yer hoUor, but, by
tto blue of Idiies' wig, I can't I get at lila
iek° th, l i ' b . iifie 4 4 s AarliC on y sure .'.' : :,-
.I.dIGAL 1 1 1 1/30 . 1131. VV. GOLD.—In Waithini
..4a Mono. ... igt..
le Willard' leasl their hotel before the pas ,
of the legal tinder kit. Pent w as tend
in , 4laper,'irbiehlhe Wilford! 'refused to,
sixept, and *they f beim brOtight suit for the
iitl llnient of the contract by Plrnent-Ia
Id. -I "- '
' Neuf Lincoln Slept in a tent when she ,
ed llookeelo camp. A letter writer, &-
station the. •fici that *she*. attacked the
* ens isiigOrously the - neat morning, says
circonaztanet: will have an excellent effect
n the 'soldiers I • ' '
1- Allot lissrpshire !fillet,' speaking of
t,:= i
party is power, meth* II Beheads beat
3 i dantheasen • himielt; and are vastly more
lateneons than the smells which Coleridge
ftetnd in , the oily of Cologne, and of a worse
47,4.44) ig: 11 4;
.61 , riallOtautailThe , liaasook,(o.) - ooarier
tm!flY. 1 94 , Racairat Wt Alt.:Lincoln will
11 1 : 0 441.144ba ioaliiDß , iir• MA*
portal: than. illi l y
Irpacoonta Or pep.
kegOirYof aft
19 P A14° ,4414 - 44P 1 * -
er li glV A Pnii th t *chi
Zan sad putting in Mit
howifinerloan of Afrioan
;am iaithe of Ow Obt-
dw YArk .
Ripa to 'the
tie r i iioith" is to,.fit,
raw; suer
(Wait oht4 . litte den:
Villigialtiki-titairoing to
*Wit 'tin:erg-in.
site. ateintevi lYie
*me Area, ~ sad' that
We, ismostet MOW*
TPrifiara 110 latter.
**4 U l6O * ll /
pietaitiL 6-
4 1 MM aut e it airr, itir i ;
0 , 4-. 'Athylislstrstlon : is• the 'a:immune
irh) joR ssb _ geweiitiniSOD, or
utueridisika 7 -. •
&appose the #eeerteffit. Tired ifith s
to bud.
If ilncota atiOnti.:t4o 4*!fttObs
filowilitnerat *Oda' biro to ir4lo,.llFlit •
brandy, or sontstibatassat; 14ignlii(o
Us-b4weici " ••''
.i;4 100 /, 'Oaks rhanostaga:lbi
lovirfizo t ent wvilfl lista togs as anielhow
Cb,ae takes aau lb. ~o~eeaiiat'
• .r, •
min rlelJ~i pro ft* htestrad b lier
s: WOW Omi
&wart , • i
There r,titeortbst . . tito 09”,iftelt
deb/tiles Otifot 11. bottle. „.
This Goirernmesqe:Sbeat az feet faith, iits
liii. feet pet(l...itetk Atm eat need to maul
wbett it wee plug.
Wbon Ifoltock L3L IStaatos tko liismussoat
Lad a btaik . •
Olt:axial', wok's tworig4
. botore ths
eotder . or 4440. y. aid Ira no. aratil
oc;o• miodemeomos.. IPte.solorod hi* Rohm
04 was ropeotablo lornooko ii t s Ro t,. ay all
Oipabie o the — otfoo'oo impatod. . " Whoop .40
•Eiti..resido?"' [squired the " TA NAT
4r9ik," Ifikoio do you kaaw
there ! iiititni ifotdo riiiloootobto permit of
yotoratiollttiogii." Thi,ii# : goyo . laiito
of reatoll the stoutest OrlttdOillaslorii la
Gotham. Very ibildaOblo
his Honor,. Imailiog,,, , “ : lfot not Tory typal
sio'Cifor 44. 1 ! , • -
• Tao Titus Pooroomoz—Aotterdiot to Lim
Louisville Joinnal, gi the true proposition is
that we must crush kheiebeilioss with holies,
'and preserve our constitutional right/1..1th
ballots, vlgorously keitdag by each mein
wit it Its end It liehievin - 1, and nalitg, victories •
fa' the one to iwiimote iletorlis in the other."
!The Administration sots upon the ceasing of
this in using ,the. absence of vicinities Gm the
battle tisid-to promote rictorieast the ballot
box. It preferred to send soldiers to capture
Connecticut instead of Charlestoq. or 'tricks.
A TAW TO POVTY...4I, is well
enough to put things in their trim shape. Let
as try 3t:
" Be it enacted by the Congress of the United
Mates—That any able bodied man, between
the ages Of twenty and forty-Ave, whe shall,
from say causeke too poor to pay throe hun
dred dollars ole deniand, shall be seised and
conveyed Jo. the nearest military post, and
compelled to sere-. in this ranks as a titivate
soldier, to the full term Lf (arse years--any
provision in the Federal or; State Oonstitn
dons to the contrary OOtnithetc.nding.
DISDAINITL /*odes !--The negro, twain&
at Washington, on not being admitted to Chi
parties of .the Hayti ambassador, is wall ex
prettied by thi - ctintraliand, who thus alluded
to it in ose of the colored churches Due
niggers tink demseibs better den
de president. -Nana Old Abe let de paltered
lolks come Into de White House, and, talks to
dem like a fader, and' here's dese cusses woe
look at 'em. IWI rain, to hab anißn more
to do wid 'em, I isn't." '
Year Cniust.tentlia.--The .Washington
correspondent of the New imp badypeadeal. a
papas which claims to be religious, has
adopted anew. standard of ChriatianitY.l ie
sap : A roan eae Jodi:it/es, be a .fientocrat, and,
a Christian st iame time, thotigh it is a
very ditinalt bnainessY We anal sec how ;
politicians of, the Malignant school can know.
anything of
,this. sort, ae they have never
been'ettristitni o"i'DeFoocrate.
A correspondent Aye that he Move of
nobody at the Worth Who "preach dissolution
as a nisaas of !tieing the Mare."' " Why, bless
his uneophiaticafati• soul*: Mesas. Garrison,
Phillips, Pilialn4 l Co...hre, basin doing no ;
thing else these thirty years.—Albany Jpur-
Oaf; .
. .
Ana this saute Pillsbnry was one of the
stump orators on the Republican lade In the
law Noir limapshire contest t - •
BUD ALOXG THII Psntstersm—A. COMB; '.
poadsat relates that dariat the - receat *dew
if the Ararfor the Pototssa bytheVresidear,
st out time the troops Maaalig la Hee _
laqt side . of hit carrier, battered Old Abe
will. I very pertiaeat request to , Iseadaloai •
*the paymaster." We trait ,tbeVradditat„ ti
bell as the .troops, learaeVontethlat by the
•. . . . . .
Rnroeiscrix Tasenrs Baena fehost...* '
Ike •Itatithiisses_ lowa aliotsd • Kr. Pam,
Atturnay.-thaeral of Rhada!slaad. Kr. Payne '
* patriot, et tifiriqrashty stamp, as will he
observed by the foUtrwtagrdsolaration recently
• .by hinif ' • 10
• .gFikir war Aar lasted anif iiodosth, and in
ass i
favor or/ karst thorßastt gro.' . •
Os the evening of our charter election,
• diseppabaind Republic**, oa being told that
tbs.'s:Mks i‘Copperhead" Waist was .ladled,
eiuldrned ;..1 My God, ho 'lst so ± What errs
wit minims ta atm 2" , r
;4. There in .no intik woad -D i aifiej
eallight P*Yl***l.l"
64 r5t10*.l.sriblueei- .
WAW . the SAO Methodist Corder.
ea " was . 114 9.!$ 1 4 41 4 111 a11 ikar.akirit & N.`
prr!eutatite of ,the Repuldlown./3taLs• Central
:Committee of Coanecticut, appeared at di
'floor sod fooKtilia'ames ,of 'thaw desiring to
go, to that 1311. e to vote, giving each . qj such o
free pass there Tod back, lc' vote spinal, Sey- ,
mour:—.Ar. l':.Expreis.
A 'Florida piper desCribel the 'visit . pt i
Federal ginboat'up•gt. Janes Wier; t4' take
i+ession of of Illatka. 'According
.to .thhi autUrfty, s-aegro battery on board
attacked by : esnfederate • easairj, after •
may a Usable, aid drivels back - with
thaly.or forty killed, without tiring a gun:
}.a Esau!, or ini D. IKISACC-s-The Pro- . '
Thieriot keg Pao Dtmittag 4wit Jag oni
,w . 1 1, A4a• kniiitlie , ittio l 4l- - Itotor• -li •
weL. *Tioratioo
,K9oLieel . VII , thousand
4 9 °o2 3 .,_ s Pc4arC",,Atel#2. ll 4;k tri llo 4 4 . it the .
. LFP 4 uttfccttiolitl , uptiriot, and, the Pose
0 er°9* them Ir, *ism end useik.
. , 4foll! ti t : bo4*temt. with milk& flovern:.
!toe s eieliC,hhee dabbled with - all meat
, 4 4 i
_pok i iiipieiati,that the A.dtahtlairstion is _
7 iscilitiltenis ab o ut political iiketoties at 04
* ilth than it is itbOUV4he visisrpiis Pin-, ',
• 4 0 - r, 6 it, Ifni, "To the sake of the I:Taiok.'•
/ 14
ne . i - Or rebels ut she South.' '. :'
' 'The Itiehmond`#*i4irli,iiiiiii:thi iiiiii
AD bars have gone innljgoope by &lend -
es as the , ooefederete 1106„ begin iej, .
of .0 lireo4 relitto4oo 6 it 111$ 4 •Yeakeieeta
r lige, 40114te . •bilii• the, TM aAL
fai. a milt of blue, isisk &Wei gm. la .
it aisrete sruOts•
._ : _ s ,_.- -
• yllti4t 3.M of aMil 11•POILaia Pg.
I were , ilea Mei from. the
~ano,y, to re
v m f . Sonhow,* it itionociltit tits re- .
1 .. ; ::.. . Glen. Footer al Little !Nat
i .ii. : Pit Cilim 171,- #0 3? : 111 * —;
ir *Soot lieliefe• ~ • , .
b Foeuss.—lstuaslicfriebilitte biea . •
wed la ihalhablitualos laskia holm
oott . vbislimmo mow
• . • ' .la liotr Iroik to the b 2 A. SO
In' • ' •'9l4tr itilliksitink*Ptgi
" I like year laggiNlWaa ll' pop
'lll4 ealli Irks her boa 411114,hiet --. - 7 - : -