gig grit "dig OW= E &PA+ , 414.91.444,;41:11,11618, 1863 'lttls for the Observer A 80114 at INT.; - - Here's a tout for our Mends whor'e away, A butisPer,to those who are here;— "m i l the former be brief in their stay, And the latter ne'er lick of good cheer. A shout for true ..friendship where'er it 39 found, God_ kdows in the virtue esrth does not aborl ; - - Long life and good health ; thrust care on ike shelf, A pure, happy heart, is a coffin-of wealth.' PUBLIC MALE BILLS, In English and German,.printod st this of fisce; on as reasonable terms as they ban be done nt any other establishipent. vitscat *Liao's* 31. • The Democratio Club Raoul, at the corner-of State Street end 'the Park, is i open .to visitors of all politick! 'creeds. Files of-the leading 011141rTailre papers in the country are kept ou 1, e nd for the , convenience of the public. A ..rdial invittition is given to strangers in the ity. By order of the Standing. p Committee. FLAG', RAN 11111.11. BECIIMINTAL COLONS, 803 -Address G.M. Crowell St Co.; No. 211 Sopa ig Street, Clevelitad, lrhid. "febl4-41m. • COXTRADICITEON.—Certgin parties, who sp. ,ear to know more about our business than we o ourselves, have been industriously oircula iag a story that a change was to be made, or sd been made, in the proprietorship of this ffice. We , desire to give to this rumor a flat .stradiction. The office his been didng as ell in our'hands, as we could have expected, the embarrassed - condition 'of the country, much beUer - than most' printing establish. ents —and we , level no : desireito sell, or to' ke say. different artagement from what w prevails in Its proprietorship - . The edi ial *pertinent abso remains is the same ds in Which it - has Ipien for the last year d iquarteri and all assertions to the 'con. ry are untrue.. Since our connection with' e office, no person 4as r : ifts* a line for the pa-' appearing in it's editorial columns, except the dividuil who Is generally known - in that ea- ity ; arid no one has either dictated or to the editor the course be has adopted. e are entirely free from oontrol by any tvidual or clique whatever, and wish it to distinctly tuldeistood that we intend to re 'n se. These statements, we hope, will be ;;cleat contradiction of any rumors in (de istical at pretient,:or that may be originated future. mi. or Jusoes.—The following is the list Orsod and Triverse Jurors drawn for the of Colurt; Coma:wooing on the let Mon in Nay next: as: Junona—liarborcree, Jamel Chant= s, foremen, JUDO' Ebersole ; Venango, W. Austin ; Cohneaut, Michael Alderman, Wm. 'Ger ;. Erie, John Constable, see., Homan rah, Jacob Knipe, Anthony Mehl, George • er ; Cenci:lrd, Lawrence Colegrore;. North t, Booth Caldwell ; Wellsburg, Williath k; Amity, !Sterling Doolittle ; Wayne, B. Greeley ,Millereek, Walter Glenn, E. thick, Clar k Wood; Girard, , John %%Al ger, Jhhn G.: Patterson ; Union, Myer .bey; Summit, Stephen C. Lee, Wm. Lid- ;Le Buff, James. Watson. ' TRAVIRSZ Juaoas—Millcreek, . Peter Al ph, Francis Dario', Martin Fray, J. H. Amer;Erie, G. Atkins, G. F."Breval , Wm. Buss, Richard Butterfield, Wm eneort, Conrad Doll, A. Fliegel, D. W. h. Richard .Gaggia, N. Murphy, L.. W. : Bultorcreek, D. S. Brown, A. F. Jones , on Videto; Summit, John Byse ; Greene. .ben J. Bruce • Watteburg , Beoj. ; rd, J. B. • Cl;irk,• Fatly Hinds, C. Hog -11. Hart, C. P. Rockwell ; Le limuff, •s B. C. Ford; Amity, George P. Fish ; us, N. M. Hammond ; - North East, James 'Anson. Foirwtew, Robert Kirk; Concord, rt Lilley; _Springfield, L. N. Patterson; hingttin, Samuel Reeder ; Elkcreek, Julius ' ells. he folfo wing sia,thf Trav erse Jurors drawn the 4th .Moadij iii April : irard, Alban Anderson, Wm. C. Kirkland, M. Loveridge, Levi Loveridge; . Ira Pick- Greenfield, J, W. Babcock, I. It. Prindle, Binell; Erie, David S. Borger, Matthew ilton, Wm. B. Hays, S. M. Lytle ; Mill- B. B. Brooks. E. Camphausen, Perry Thomas McKee, John Shank ; Venango, • . Boyd, Henry Booms 'Franklin, L. D. ks; Wayne, Samuel Baxter, Itobi. Gray ; rford, A._ M. Canon, James P. Vincent ; " 4 40 01 4 David E. Etheridge ; North East, French;`,. Springfield, George Haddon; %ruff, A. •J: Holmes • Fairview, John jr.; Conneaut, Isaiah Pelton; Harber t, L. P. Seals ; Summit, Simeon' Hoek :Albion, E. W. Stint:, Thos. Thornton ; ek, Wallace Sherman - ; Girard, J. ,P man. hiLl. it EMI IL IL—The amount of t k his road laid and put in use during the last was 44 idles; viz: 84 miles on the East- Division, • from Indium to • Grove plat, 10 miles on thr *uteri Division; from rem to Sheffield. There remains but ninety s to complete ihei entire roadi.:" On this," I the report, cd the Mistime* "a large ant of grading has been done, and Otto' iderable remains to be done, we have the ranee Of the Contractors, that, with their set organized force and arrangements for icrwene, together with- the fact that most to troy cross-ties, and other materials for uperstruetnre, have been secpred, and are for delivery, as wanted, the whole line e finished and mood for use daring the at year, 'probably on or Wore. the first of Ode, burnt latest, 6y the first of 'December. is cot 'doubted, inasmuch as a Luger met, both of grading and trick laying, sow remotes te be done, was accomplished qoalits.n? is 1859." qanagex , s calculate on a large carrying . Petroleum, and think the road will ,oliza the moat of this trade. -They urge ilihng of a breach tothe oil regions.— vantage'that the road will have over ire, in the Petroleum trade, consists. in . of having " back freight of anthracite (which abo - unds near the Eastern termi end is pearer the • great West than any • mines,) to supply the inexhaustible de- for that article, in the vast regions bor t on the Western Lain." floating debt , of the Company has been . from $1,810,826 in /snotty, 1862, to AS in the same month of 'lB6t, and it Is that the whole of this will soon be out of existence. Praise is given to the ore for the "frank and amicable spirit" have displayed. , ' • lease of •the Pennsylvania R. 13; Co. effect on the lst or February, 1882. The gs for the last year were $413,408 88, 811X7 more than in- the - preceding 'he terms of our lease • to the Permsytra il Road Company give to this Company r cent. of the entire business of the :his, On the gross receipts of the put 443,419,) is $138.026; a result which, . of the/ increased productiventse of the heretofdre finished, and the extensions lily- added'and to be added,/ as the track if progreziell, leave, 110 11111110 n to doubt the.proriortion belonging to this Company be softie-lent to pay the interest on its led indebtedness as it becomes doe, and i t a soon s completion our Btockhold- Nl al r ex 't to realize - the long deferred of re uneration for their outlay." .. ie tot cost of construction Ito Jan. I, has 6 n $12,3 . 18,866, of which $93,8011 spent on the ter* at this eity.! 4 A 31 Hrtsunva Ittasuinalrt.t may apt be knewn' to meet of ow mini, that the aeons esta dish:neat of Meows! ITlniestv-Tib bale, Shlrlitt 'Co., in this - elty. Is etattee the most extensive of the sort Weft of be Hlideon- River. Through the courtesy of o,air_et proprietor% . wits, on, Moaday.4lean an opportunity to fully examine the wwlts, and ascertain the amount of business they were capable of perfetinlng, and we doubt not the result of our visit will be as Interesting to our plitrons as it was to ourwelf. It will be remembeied that the establish ment Was almost totally, destrayed by Sr. on . the night of the Slat of October last, the only portion saved being thaiVrhich Is now used as a moulding room. Arrangements were at made to rebuild, and so aotive.wpre matters pressed forward, that on the 17th of Febru ary following, a car load of stoves. minutia tuied in the new concern, vassal:it to elleigo. At the time of the contligratien, the drat had Teti large orders for stoves . to fi ll the Weal, and Ohs damage to. their business,, through inability to supiLl,7 their (whams, and the obstructions to their Itiegular course of trade, was actually larger than -that di roctlY caused by the destruction of Omit. pro- _ • party. , The new buildings area great improvement on lito old ones, being erected with an -eye to the.groatist oonvenlende. They are run en. tirely by water irom min emelt, which la car ried to theta by a race, Allisestoin g at thi dam near the B. &E. R. It. Bridge 'The ad vantage in economy thus given to them over establishments depending olly oa steam, can readily be peroeivedl The first branch of the cowers which. we -visited was ' - !he melting room, where the Iron prepared'is for the founders: The average amount used hare daily is 9,000 . pounds, though it varies somewhat, one dal, being le s prid others more. ' From there we depended to the moulding room, ; where all the out ings are made. Here found a burst:en., some twenty-ave or thirty men being em ployed at prephring the moulds far .raseiving, 'the iron. gverytiing seemed to moat off like' clock work, end wa could, not help:hut admire the systematic manner in which the affairs of the establishment tippler to ,be 'condusted. The trade of moulding is one of the very best at which a run San be employed. A good workman in this line is emit certain or per manent, imployment; at fair loges. Some of the moulders in these works make as high as eighteen dollars a *ash, and they usually average about fifteim. , From the moulding Timm, the castings are taken to the grinding ream Where they are carefully cleaned and Burnished, and after , wards placiOn the hands of the Alters." Here they are carif r :lly examined, end each Imperfect one "thro to on. side, to be re moulded. Every workman takes a certain portion of-the stove, fixes it read:) , for putting together, and : it is then placid in the hands of another person, Who “sets it up." When this is accomplished, it is hoisted upstairs into the ware, room, where it is *opt ready for sale. The men in the , ettinkr oom average from $1.214 io $1.60a day. 'There are generally from fifty to sixty persons in the employ of the firm, and they all receive. what is usually considered good wages. ;The popularity of some kinds of stoves ii astonishing. Of one variety shown tut, 10,000 Were \ mild in the eight yearsbetween 1862 end 1860, and over 2,000 • since that period. Others have had nearly equal success. - The stores are all sold by weight., and the amount of metal in this shape sold in the year l8!2, was abMit 600 tone,' The establlehmeat is now, turning out an' 'average of about •27 a day. The works are capable of doing nearly twice as much as this, and would and a ready sale for all the stoves they could make, but the difficulty of getting moulders stands in the way. . • The firm have a branch at Chicago, through which by far the larger portion of their stoves are sold. ,But . their: "hitless's and retail trade at home is slim considerable, sad would be thought enormous in establishments of a less extensive character. It appears a, little singular that an Erie manufactory should be able to make and ship Moves to' the lug* city , 'of the West, at a rate tuffielently seeder,- ath to compete with their dealers; but 'such is the fact, and it speaks more than words could express, in favor of the enterprise and 'skill of the gentlemen who conduct this es tablishment.'' The people of our city have cause for congratulation on the esteem that has attended the *forte to establish autistic- tones ,ham and It Amid be dud, steady object, not only to maga thole greedy 1!;o. Wed, bat to gicouoge Others, of sway vs zjety modal, aatl on a ualc that will do credit to our o4tsuprise, and sett to our Cow on privet*. ' ' ABOLITION 13muteu.—Hoc. Ames $1,717111 sf Clotho, the sucessabil sompetitor. of Jo* thuroh is the Crawford Cuirsidesal Dis trict; delivered s speech lii Farrar Hall, ba Monday evening, to an mwastralo this au dience. I#is rerairks were aziremaly radical, taking ground in taiir Ot patutioxi. •101407 =Madan, sad ail the other AWN. dorms:, As a speaker,lte is tpiltaWsdlaati, wad ha ils whabit of throwing about his arise' salt twisting.blis body lato•odd elapse, ,thjia r gliet mitt tha impression ha is troutdmi *Mb wrest In the stomach...* HaPubliesna of this city hive at least a Man lira*. is their ruts, Who arc tiger 'tilde to interest 'an audience thataike is The people of outaillielsiik dis trict made , rather a poor. 6aipis whew. tkil, rejected the able and polished aisdeitheith,. and sent all their Beprasentati4 to Cowin a man of such shallow qualities as ABIOS Myers: &moot. Angst% L-Thi &Ma Baperiatendist: hu drawn his warrant for the payment of the following 'amounts oat of the Skate appropria tion, to the Districts in this acuity named : F.dinboro', • • Wiwi Say, 70 40 Fairview, &Adolph Pettit, 183 00 ilarbor Creek, Jacob nary, • 164 01) Greene, • David Edwards, ;108 00 McKean, Uriah Skinner A 144 ' Mill Creek , [ a., Clark A Metcalf, ; 384 40 North Easi.bor., A. 8. sennieoit, :5: 71.60 Union VS., Ind.,. John Malley,. 49 go Venango, , Jacob Fritts, , 120 00 kimonos Dictstim.—The Commissioner 'uf Internal Revenue hu deehled thit oil luau factored without _distillation front paradise and bowls will be subject to 'iviuty of thue per cent. ad !Worm. Coal'illemiinating oil sisal &stared by the distillation or modistniation of ballots, parallne, or other ilittintinous sub. stances, is subject to a duty of tan ,seats per gallon. ' • ' Tux COAL.--It is Impelled that navigstion will soon commence on the canal. .Ths water, is to be admitted, 149 the work ii tit. early portion of tho,week, amid' boats will probably begin storing by ill elem. Wit: earn. meacemeut of operations on the trade will soon open at our harbor. • , • LAios Itasca Tass.—Mr.Jastes Rysa. - of Fairviei 4., est on his feria this winter a beech tree of remarkable size. The stamp wai lour felt across, sad the tree nada 18 cords of 18404 w00d..--Oiririf • u Awn. Sid` Hole s l Direstess'. will lad ea edam lisemeat of interest to then la another schwa as. The new list table oa the Lake Shore fwd will go - tato West on Monday sea. pip" The position of Harbor butane stiU held by ("apt. Dunlop, ha levies been elected for one year from May. 1862. S. The buds bigin to appear Oa the trees, aad sane of the early towers have already Stade their appearance. mi. The Detaeirratio meeting at Kidder's Corners to:day. (Saturday,) we are requested to anzieukee, - will be hail at 1 o'clock. SO . The Bdulo papers 'slate that seamen are wanted there, fbr service en the lakes. and will rooms from ssdfr to $6O per aoatk. 5d We direct 'saltation to the' wive:tile sant of Philip Becker. Hie stook of goods is one of the largest in the city. ' • air Three thossiutd barrels of ott wsr destroyed by Ire et Pittsburg, on Monde', isorslng. us. fio to Mee etcom ter waist yen need in the Grocery or. Provision ILL Yen will Ind it one of the most pleansaa yhteetta the city to trade st... Mir How that a list of Ills Assn f\olos Loyal League is olds sly, his mot boos published ! The people are interested in haw lag who they are sr: The subject of Rev. Dr. Forrester's 11 4drere. before the Girard Club, wee " ington," and not the "lanes of the DO." previously represented. stir Twelve ear loads more of rad pallor ere phased through this cities Monday best. They were en their way to , City Point, Va., far eich N, • eire. uuderstand that gorge 'muds Train, Esq., has meat word that will deliver a lecture ill this city, on Fridairening:ei Alt week . Mi. The Managers of the Erie & Pittsburg IL B. confidently expect to hare the road)Hss liked and in good running order by the lit o November. Oft. The editor of the Consonant's Courier declares that he was not " hataltri In this city. Erie is then, we are delighted ie keow, responsible for one humbug less. Prof. Banda, the !widen. has /sod upon MU eity,u kis residence, having takes quarters at the Reed House, for the period of one year, for his faintly. . $ Than wilt be ao service at Ike Uni versalist Church nest Sunday. unapt .th Sunday School service. Hamby school st the usual hour. ler Rev. Dr. Forivetsr, of this eity, started for the West on Thursday, to Mature in Dubuqui, lowa, sad other plasm is that State and Illinois. The!lirm- of Welker & Gilson has been dissolved, and the buslases.wW, in More, At ooadueted by Mr. Walker. He is as Mmem waiting man, sad, those who *strut busi ness to him will have it promptly attended to. IR. Thu revivals ia the Baptist, Methodist and Presby,terian ehurehss, at North laid, are still La" operation. The list named outgrew lion has s boon ismst samesshal, bat allotthim have act with unusual osooareipunent. We nee advertisements In some of mar exclaups of Lloyd's County Map." ;It the publication is sot lime cornet than its pub lisher is bosun, we would not give Midi for SS. M. P. Cronin, of thli elty, is execs- UV. officer of the U. S. gunboat Argosy', of them Westin% iloUlli, and Jobs H. Welsh, -ano ther of our *Miens, is acting muter of the lame vesiel. air We,nnderstand that Mr. Inkbblas, one .of the but oonduoters ow the Phila. & Erie R. H. has resigned his position, baring se 4:opted of a situation on another road. . We have not herd 'rhotakes hie plus: air We call attention to the ocansuudestion on oar first page, relative to the ilives of the South. The author Is a pntlernan of asua allJ talents as a writir, who has .plat some years in'the Southern States, and is full,y aequainted•w4h the sallied, he 'dismisses.. alr The hew buildup between Browa's Hotel sad tits Reed House hare bees styled the. 44 1JoiasBloat." The most USW= MI is owned by T.: D. lilmanima. titit sit by Wm. 8. Lase, Zaq.. and the two others by Gem Chas. M. Deed, air The stoterooM at the corner of State and 12th streets has bees talum by Mr. W. Walbritigo, themerly of the. See City 11441, who has cootmehood the grocery Madams is it. lie is i (mahatma of strictly upright habits, and aarpodaqg of the pablie patreasp. Thi barbers of Now Loudon, Conn., Moo itdoptadAo following motto : • " Sinai man to ilia 4 so =Ark I do not know *hag Mil to trust ; l're trustainty to ay sorroW; So pay piday 'll Inlet taiaortow.' Say.,.' Dr. Loomis, Pre ids of Alio gitsay College, at Aleadville, protokoll two sermons la Ws-city. last Isbbstb, was la the MetiodisiCkareb, awl As oilier la the Thai Prestryterisa. ;The rev. pollens' ltas • strong voles. Sad 'Melted legleal sanaeas, b l akis hr tress %tag inward I. his delivery. lar Thayer, Noyes t Co's. dress will embalm the mimeo Asisioilia_ by se sad- Wise is Girard, eitheStrotaleY.' *nein we sei toiat.this sonipaay. majadge it. has long Wia neft'lmatior Ay* aid inaprilia n heataninr at Weil, thee wilts( Ma pa vi,finaly biennia. _ •aireennterfelt $5 crawfbrd aunty orders her. eppifered. • They-mu petaled on as bil drier Away of pagir, Missed dant , than ‘osis Ow origins* Lid the primal s le sot as . tieffesit vide as the Vain , Bow of the piriin elms! la eireelitiaig s neaterfeits kin beinerrested aid twatadoner for ',UV -or Pains keying finnan win SBA Ili_ (Uri. smart It Moore prepared to thriti _ . . . Irith emery artiste in Nat line, oa short sad reasonable terns. Thq tasnatne -1 their own goods, sad warTaak thew to be I they \ ere reFeseated . Me have ao • laits ia reoinameadiag thb Ara to oar readers, en sae in which they inky pls.* Cartea'a Extract of Smart Weed kas heeWased with usri \ vidled speeds ia dtrias Son Throw, 'brosokitis. • Sisk Ileadasits. Ithiersatista, Pais is the Beek as& other dis eases of • likewatare: It gifle prod**. relief la Asada, Phthisio, sad Group, sad L sss y "doable it Grovel, DroPey ? Sad ladaej tioas. As a Liaising sad Pala' Killer It unsurpassed. s ir Tko popslarity of itaiik's Mulkey dote ire well blows ha: heat aterahtg-to algid it is thronged with ladies, sadas amen of bodiless transacted mast be fiery This oastdarity is mot digslar—it is 4 1 = to three fsaia-Ist, the `ittoek of pods is well kept up, sad middles tie lewd styles asdal as ressosabls, sad 3d, esstodds are " tom dodo& with 'elitism. • It is eideoulanr for a to 'spool time as dealing ens ,positioa to lid Ourtor sad its elitisa-tiri_ Ales of the Dupdvh speak for thalitsdves sad will prove the tutor of tie Meanies a liar.-Digertok tut, aoiglibor, you musts% lon your tempt. Language li4 ;ire poi& a bad idea' of your briodlag. We hope yogi are aot onions of pialag , lb. roputatloa of blaskpard. EMI , . .. . . . AMC the issetiim - llbr i lmises, bow don Ake Nita. ittbil w so sick abirld, Oho inatitiMinio , 'Ow /loyal Liaises.) Vhe lum*ea and kw," as as be peteniktOlgy.le ,sounisy NO 11#1 falow atisimilhat beaboild oclptes in detail theybeis ands; sat wader sulk cirstunstmosi, ifbisegiihts to mats dui **mato% be places biataelf upon the record atOne:of the ellost Mallon of the, land. If, on the other band,. be knew, little or nothisg about it, sad =km inch charges, end irate. oasts no above, ',from Jug's& at ionalnaiess sad that despicable jealousy lad mimeos which Characterises political brawlers.' he tit Iwo brands himself se a meddlesome fallow in filth.* there is so real mesh or manhood.- 4 . , eWm the Dispatch at its own paw It barepeatedly charged that then se. 'sights of e Bolden Circle, traitors sad aympaibiseri 741 t tresses in this coonoiloltY• .Nows,_,,titi,", ' • quilithie natirally arises, bow &se' Ilup Wog editor of that paper "know sa much. abOut the" characters he claims to exist here t "It be knows as much as ha. pretend. to, duty to is country, 'and. his , fellow idtinins, do. lan _ ..," 04 be 'Mold ezPose. in detail, th e wave/ stair ; and under such eirmunstanosi, if is 40M/ft to maim the *epodes*, Ito places hinmeicepon the record as one of the vilest traitors la the laid: If, on the other kind, he buret/ fall* or nothing about a, and lakes snob charges and statemeats as above,' from oonoMaione and that, simplest de *lout and mermams which characterises polltisal bowler*. b. at own brand himself as a meddistosso fellow in whom there is sio troth or manhood." ' • Nir Deeming the oitleet (of the toy' al Woes) is the highest degree patriotic 'pad antasSabbi. we have reeomaseade4;aad "veld &pie reeinotteed, the imitation of sad societies Is all parts of the eounty.4-- @salts. • pledlity with which 'mil. 'Venerable neigibors desert their former principles was airier better ezeniplited than in the above plikarspb. Having been epposed to secret poltdoit ' societies all, their lives heretsiforei tkl*.iliVO suddenly fallen in lovi with them, mks,* now found urging their orgailsatien n 11141140 readers. It Would be Interesting, if not histractire, to obtain some quotations from the `faseits during Anti Meanie and >fnow Nothinktimes, sad publish them side biaide, with titir present latulapOWs•of the ItoiTal ',Miguel. Chu any of our feeders fur nish am with • theaf\thia journal during UM perilodastatid) _ ' [Airvnansp6urr t } I.llarixo.—A fiW candidatUslor the County floPerinteadanoy. There bilni\only one or Naomi . from sash township at prams, It is featiod that * marmites will not 14 , ,b1e to And material enough from which to mit; oltlas, sad it is oilman, to be hoped more will annountat themselves. No danger. of &Wag the- tnaitet.' • Apply, with room- Mesdations, &e, to tie Convention of School Dire'lt" in Erie, as the let Monday is May next.. • , • It* ran 147.1014 L , OIL 00!PAJIT.-=-4 bill has t4ets introduced la the Pasant's:llh Ilcuse • litOreseatativee to bieorporste the' Nationa l Oil Ocara.7l with a capitanAoak not to ex, oeed $l/10,000,-- in sham of $25 each. The oosa,pany is entitled to hots lands in 'Venues, Allogkeay sad Crawford conatise, notexcee& lag live lambast acresto bon for oil, salt and other atiaerals, , and dispose of .thi pro duet ; also, to convey the same to auirket and great ierwes for any portion of their hinds. Sir We expect another new lot of Job Types in a few days, when we shall be able to tarn ont work Is UM lies at a better qual ity 148:Lever._ ,Sinee'our Oonnection with the establisitiiini; we bare id4d over $5OO worth of 'permanent material ' ,to it, sink's' intend eestistdag, our inaproysinenis -until it shall not be exceeded by any Printintoillee outside of the largest cities.' Our !Kends needing Job Printing are invited to give us a trial ' ?taw Bu:-.—Messm... B. Battles, H. M. Webster, WNW, Wetarter. Henry IdoCoinell, L. 8. WNW, sad John GaWford, have plidged a capital of 00,000, .and made ap plication Or dig establishineat of a bank to Girard, ander the provisions of the recent law of Ilmisrass. It is expected to 'mammies operstioni about the Ist of July. A move-. meat is Ca foot for the i organisaUoi of still another Mandist Bank in the same , place. LAW Kw:rum To •AULDII.—An sot of As- stably; says the Harrisburg Tdryrsph, forbids Ate lasseilverous birds it any season et the year, sad ens motion of Washes the posnessiin Of- birds 'forbidden to be killed, forailrfiloketiodeptoo. to Ganged ander. the amt. A des*. in pie irko "sells elt• birds, or the kesier`ot rib; serves Huila to Ids esstOssers,; is WO for, the potalty of tiro air w• Woody kw thiamin of )&upre IL IL Iteciiliut._Goo. H. Cutler, siotPlattp . Ostiwas t of Girard, Geo. W. DoOttisp* tkl eit4Blsor Boma, of Watt:ford, twid,. eiwitr; 0'12141,4 Soot s nwatiosod lweitooP tioii with ;tIHI oppooltha aoadastio4t4ll,.. soot* aft Ala feat Font toillosticww, it to not mrotablo that thin will Wawa:sr. hit , iottaidateo. _ • iodates to t 4 boantr of etater4ll7 tb set of Muck Si, spot seniors who, at the szpiradoa of tboir torts of ion* shall rroalist for ono ,yoar, ibe dopartaieat km ordered *at osoyiagoller so io•oaligtfig oludflo sliexsd tillitfomb of titioyo, to toe vistaed aliaotlit hi1,441410•L Jail* sou Gota.—Ths- douad for sold ,le. t, but it Is iot equal to the deasaud_ cos thieelebrated &Irma; especially wlare_thii Ihtletatos hai beat tried sad where tOroak a fully boos. 'Sy it aid Musty yirirside ! foi malty Oat aunduata.. • tot Char.—Miesn. Burgess are ftt~ag up a room in the_ row of their store rout far es ion 'ream saloon. The good tuts sal eglterprise 4' these. patinas' is surely sough that whatever they do in this line will M i ttens la the right spiiit. 1711111011TASSA OBATIOXII.—The Y. M. La Wboot Wisp lost $262 on Iluno ors dors &Mmed bolter* It by Mason Joao. Mao* Is about !''plays) ont,":es 010 onion to be. -Bo Is ono of, tho biggest of tb. tap . Ittrastr's Idutersaas.;--This limps will giTs I,salatation in Farrar - Ball, on.") day and Tandy sysninp nat. We are's* rt. sonsily atignainted with their merits, tint oar eltshanges in plume where they have visited, 'Oak kw this as company. , soitaa Psalms Tsata.—Ws learn that irispriudbl• George Erased' Trala is to s e ig ar e to Natal° . 0 4 Nosdsy maiig twat, he r being ott kii,tray East after a protractiled aid aim:4mM gpeakiag easapaign at the ;• • • Das.--Deo Rice is reported se 1444 rut • eaupber of old &auk= as q4lalarkeee sao ;the rebel prisoners at gfilialp, Ws wilder. He said to them, "Bap, Oa Vol', fa see yen hera" =MI THE Luta PHYSICAL DECIENZBALT ALIMILICIAX JUST PUBLYBII6D BY DB. A. STONE, tithe=l. l , llll gado • A l i realleiith the ter.... et Only DOW. Nam el Amielhema Paipth 3 tlip dem eitiresaty. Cew lkastarta: " 6 owe* dIio NI M merit isrillior slaws. fa mrierw, simm i t s wp Se the merit damialamme aminlins wad. dPii, &rift, 6414116.4t wa ti1a arl Imassat fir itwUlMn.tband ogee nielpi at tae ($) seat Marareirtaaad thwitheatt thiltiot to eilid sal th, beak. thEiseg sea I Mt sat Waal awl get tale bo th . WWI I Yea lea &NM at um mows sop ot A Word of aZOS "."- alth 44 * l. • clam et ardielme poems, le a liadd Writ la the wassateoWiathielag at keit 1/110Opeethe KM* env, et asammil• 610,11*** pen. Timm alma wre wimp ,Ispriestly tion nett gempiWasidislasoa, Sr empties. we MIMS' swift. mionsola 12- 1 hasstlea; Naramei eag et the throes et the wheie ; hap. fled bnatidag ea a 111110 SOW mt. pigtails' dee Meet. meat; *Wag it the Beals *ad ithanlea le sad tr Whim ellllthe Ne lll4n OPOSIII' at WI dot ree li Viteetsey. Madam at al. Ithinigia. Pala la la videos parts etas beZ i =la thetas& er tads el the holoth6 141111.4"11.811" Oaraegod eriretlthe ar et the = ale &alb °taking, tooomettoo se Mar Arbee t te. Wm win 14thipom Spier% sal Menu Spesti• Sew, la sl , 4fterues at et every sae toadied. all Within mewed theories; sad a hart etotiere set atawd. areatheatptleel efts Leap sad that meet dame sad vtly_hwei et thasenplies et the 'phial Nerves. ham mutes Denalea, idea Tab es =Pe their mat awl aisle Is diem= of acraili. arm the west et ~as ea the part et eli allisel pasties la houghs; ~um Draurfraw mOO% miaow to tAs Trey Levied VileLailltatlia le aeweapipith boating thhielmse thies sialaothe with the meet sellosisktag wreitorsa.- The treatment! Mortal y the bawd apes siesAlle with sew dieeevend reeardlee; wittiest miaarale sr The liwillitee moan teal that palliate sea be eared at their ben La eay part theessetry. hoe awe% their eme, laihrii &adhere the amilidarairr il liall et form. !elated lahwrogaterith will be bewailed is ee l we l l igli beeee etthilla d b ts ea the thetltattea, Ire= timaL r hohl and id lawarro w ilitaiino i Tz emerge . . Meats . opplyfoo ter fats sh er hims. oast 'Wow raters lamp te unt= w The ' will M bead at the 'Wits. tlaa far fres 11 a. a. to II p. as., aesh day. Sulky la Um, rosaaa. Ds sew MK PhVl a o the Tray Lug sad *Wats laattll sad for Nem= of the Wart, Threat Lamm nth Stant. Troy. N. Y. 1 Jaelfddyl. . BIIROBSB & 00.,! WHOL*SALRG.ROOi RS, AND NANUFACTURIIRS OF CRACKERS AND CANDY ; PROPRIETOR 'OF THE Erie City Steam Bakery, =MI , - AND AGENTS FOIL ranaLows WALES. GROOERIRS, PROVISIONS, NAILS, O,L ASS, WOODEN - WARE, SAjtiT, W A TIR LIME, \ CAR*, BON OIL, ANDWIN B LIQUORS. OUR STOCK OF SUGAIO3, TE4B,• COFFEE., • SPICES. FRUITS, NUTS, TOBACCO \ ANICIGA,RS, IS LARGE\ BUTTER, C.) .14 C.) WATER, SUGAR, SODA BISCUIT. - 4 Naas *bild at th. ERIE CITY STEAM BAKERY COMMON AND FANCY CANDIES: A SRA= Or "'JUDI is L C. BURGESS & CO., . • • PAM Stab Itrosi, lint am glen Past dies. MILE ATLANTIC MONTHLY. • • 1001111 NO OP A 1110/ VOLl7lft. iha Duni* kit Jainism 110, bigias the 'Lavin's mono"' vsZATLANTIC lIONVITI A T heauti• issimeast, la UN, tbs Aliastie too Looremd ta sad It now Ma the Isom ad duo riedomiees Its Iwo ma Ito cr i tz of ok =sagmelaokod moldw.allWpm Moidoo{ Wermileial at* ido s to gott pos hi tioadaelesi of tbaltd dlehitent AM tem so we et& wits Web Wolk Ms doe , OWMiet - tis to ow}ottot outimiktio !Walden led Mond. mud Mee it weeney_ • preeduie tiet lb pow ow mew bus tho asesot=4, agleam:. Ai 'wo boss es tbol Ms od UMW, ProgeOW oied sadtie woe tt line adepts/ la Its only week to Mad* wietobsi TEM run' wanzas, malady Whin tbm Asksitit Akodik, Wow mooy al tie Mot aatboto Weimatitmotoroomd vonoetothe on lapeaking to Its wilt= the bad llMMiles. WM* the tett beim width Wein, Wet ma fol. La? OF ItXBULAII 1:1001112. la Two oed roam W "AWGi el thc 4 n oVrA u W i lr rit Zi, , Goow L Meek Ni,. IL a Mew,otztry Armee limo 2toel:* sames x etimmL WNW. Not of Otoo~stra Weds! taut ettbo Way Waft.. saikomelip. • ' _......dtbrair Is bristle by A Bps& sad hid- ___,..... &km MN Drab a iiirikik. albiliiptider he Um . kW. prober pall Tamely raboodpime• or ober gambols otkpbsi by say disks •8 W I sambas bat IMAM at spollistko ko the barxmortraßrot Bossoustos. IM rePreshialmits• tandabbl oti_ftgbritlert M to tbrirtblbbmi. as. TICKNOR k .D., Tabbb • ' MS Weeltistitre it" Balbs. Ilimr. l ot IMPORTANT NOTICE. If* the !Mll e Parnisait 411111 allwo ausbeel /1160/~§4 7/ NW. illitiskisksetialso ~al laelmOielitio Ammo ' id ai Moor "sall - lAiskiras bees mei by arm& el . On HMS= PETSIMAII, ta wadies. witb oath. mom siesesw4 Oopdbi. Capra* army asiiip.aal "Sr . . Hfil. c, ,P 1 CIFIrf PI! t S ors spied, is eeks, Aftos DADS* s s :T. sod mho s ass adoNsi is Dessissle. IDisy bus Voidable Miele ail me lenshis is C ill As i sat SIM DOW Os elsims4. pawls es•lissit; sod bolsi smorissmi, ess.. am lois IN masa Ds alms D wide sibs thin. Me dui Sir ado Isisdis buisaSs DomIN. lisek ass ardiri dos Friss, es. SSW sal milli AVMS& Dr. Isirsitradbmiallestaillreskaus , s uW ir mrsi a 7c INNI:1181.1011 ays. Ida Pressfasss Ibillikabeloll solloses. mad vlessolis ill se s Itodisa. soft madam Desks isidk POW I• 4 • MOP ss rims se Dr isoir ostrilsMsl mot, gg • • &WIN Omega Din% Ts Osise IreriOlin UM) jar 84,1 is 14 los _De. L. MONO. TROD. S. EX ciAui. lad WK. Druggists.. solely tpRADLRYAB ' OSSA lIIIATED HOW OMITS A sank% assoMont Jut rosehod e WM. P. RATIB k CO., NO. 8 NEED HORSE chosen it 114 T/" 4 TOP 1111014,ABLZ. DOM.! ZrrAl QUANZA ROM 1114LNO1Ii t . 7 . AMA 8 / 2 4, /ND pNIDN OP ?RN WOE -LD ura Teing UAW. Igsme Gaboft Tom Lease rafts 4lise;ipois us Is be MME I la M i r M% an IN as I.IIIIA \ 0 0 , PIC-NIC, BOSTON, CANDY! 'DR. P. HALL'S I OZLNEIRATED • KIVOII REMEDY! , 1 0=NUE8 to pin public /war and ta al/ eastimen. sad dee the theme' am et *dos yeses. Its matetles for Mew ;Is 711Zaid Vasi diem* is tally membiamp... mmidletams le Med hens lb manta here rib Wain,: the vainest pepsbarity aaddermerd. it has be. s meas reemedy with smasy peoimle for carhop isomplaislis mad la hept la thab Coy sem wbeserwr rooked. As •we for Cough It ta d 7 and rehshieeillies nrqabisgisere toss esebot sem s Oisesh el Easy weeks damilbig. Per tt is se% well* sad am seemly fol% hatheis , %II easset be doubled, haw* metered sissy per te after salaries a lees hirm ef yews with dhinsdearelit dlammaa. rem Bro/aWtla mod ta ll lakf "A l i tsept ltil miftlY rear " trrttdlo . Goa Vdellsnady baliftelt yeaseptly Moose the sod rielesem ii the aid *wises the dhows one treat lb sr At ti rre of the hogs aid air panes iimplad apes brl or billumailes la tbe balite woe amemanse rid . ibi nemerargr , r "Ism° 1411" is of •es , Is lb ilicsai—hs adapted t7l — Cth arm, te airessdesamtitatlean. truly millated with el et the Missies dieser a alto sae Ws plains's% mad %Mr reins viii moos Wavle with adhere Is \ IL went' to ~ad ssighbeire end ems WI i Gilgit Rama" it ewes Odds. //as Hai,* CIRO Remedy* ewes Chnso Ni c ow Uss MO* CIAO lime* it ewes Asa , or • ' h. UN Halls: Cbldgh ßam* for Chterrk ' Um bi Hare Cbigh Rime* it StreveAem 11114 T ' 4s l 2.lfs Qv A Ranediforilrorteltitis: '6 " .1 Uso Halls Claret likassely. for Hears*. VC • t . ~...,_ U. Hall's CtaigA R ani it StrealtAras W Voioe. ler Uss Hairs 'Cov i gA ./52.4eriy fer\WAsapiag . Terulliktitireilt.',V.: iNi a gi=e4 ll 4% .l‘ a l a= l its* Ii Ups. tie mem/ sad dirietioas. -. RWRONS TIOWIRIONY• Um twiwidgrod anima ditto City tad Adak, ....... wasdllr. P. Irm.sta Cdettated Cough Remedy with ~.. 0 . 1 7 wassww. la wain Moth. of the Throat tit4= =lll aliti li tthtiithilthw it hwo l ;l 3 4 . of pt — lW tr.•• , RaUfbatatimillios. D. • o T om . A.. Tag. ' Lawn J. T. Cam, W. Mart. Dada Beth, , Dania Hum. ~.."" W. Rs ROlthison, C. K. Mat. , f"....,_ R. I.V. Rindwawilit, J. Mooney, R. Lieugur% P.Z.Barioa, J. W. Cult= N. Warms, AlamosN. Ethwatrood„ W. RA • 11. Irma W. R: Coops,. - A. W. Foram, i Jam& Discos, L A. J. Ala. 8.4 GINO, J. Ssithary, I Sol* . . lad Ties R. Han, M. IWOrt 'mm WU*. J. I. Lon. — .Raet, W. N. thillielsr. - J. Robinson. 2d. CM& W.lii* . - tiththinniiiii. wit oL D. BOLD ERIE 011 ti!kr li. P':-EILA.L.L. , • • tad We Prepaid= Hari Kw Malan& at. Now) marls PA irrn.r.. dummercer os.-Jaans ,Ltlnt Dighat iab rj TR. Sprinve I:: • litisielt, I: L a nt os, !Kew. 1.. . Or= Etat t atzwood. Mutt; W. f 11 , S.Q. 11.1 MOM ' AIM r; ---.--1 VIM. anti • sad by awthai is sts!:- . INELIi Einii.:.* No. liUXlO.*: - . ._ , a, ' • S 1 Tao Fn,rada TO BO ; TOWS wavy - .9' : ''- Li AT :Si A O bOVX NA= • I WOOID A ICCRZAPT,, , STUN -C lAI May. Tar cionriNE ARTIE= • C ItI ALTAIS E°II ON ? ELI " " :D crrl AT =SOF NOTION/,' i STORE, Z GIiPILINZ 0. Y. MAP. • TEE GENUINE DIRT EXTRACTOR. 1 PYLVIS 0. Z. SOAP. TOGISTREA WITH IL #O4ari II ArtHESIB L N APIIOI . WATB WCORD k M'CRIART. ST CIO MI6 • ' ?Bs Jar imiatro3 or CIGARS, flevi u "11. 1. 1) 1 7 o4Dis TO," i D cv. ALWAYS To n I 0 Pa I/OCSD AT li TAR “ ara aamts Broil." - ICCORD & M'CREARY. •• EIRLIDARI EAGLE TODACCO. °TOE AItERICLY LOLL" ATD "DARNER" E . Runs Os nu Orr Tosacto £2l TVA RUT ILTOWT IS TA IT CT. ANT lITITS YAMS?. . AND TIAS DIU ZS TarArD AT No. 11 Ortar s Dux*. . IFS ORD k WCRZARY. 1111311: CHIME: GLOVIIR'S CIitZSZ! 1 Tu un Dun IN Zs= Curui AXD 01101DIDLT MILD 07 MAT lILLIIIMACTPUID t ; ST "MR 0111111 YAW' ALWATS 01 WO, i' W1101.111•1.114.11D anus. AT um ■Banm." ' . WCORD h rawer. COFFIDS. --- i • } Tot ato end a Mai Artldiot GROI7RD COMM. at WC Is. 20. ii ma 20 pot., \ \ a t tb o .B m wr st ork \‘• • WCORD k WCRIARY. ..--- DELION COMMIS; Ma Rualtlitait aad Ciaaptst mew la um Is tie Pare DANDZ DIVISOCITTILL hr We at tb• " gar 1 ' air," at 20 aad .. .W U ants per W lb. k CILICAR_. 'A N TAM. o Amot . ber Invoke - f Japapyili Di 1 lgiiiiiai - dieTalghal% MIT Orman. At %it ■ Same at SLU prima& JjaPelan WCOED k WOTAN!: ILES' CELEBRATED \ rSLIMO AID (Inn COFFEZB \ . ANO had bees adearitr* and is this sad ether eseateies, wed is 11,. approved for it. /LATOIL, lIZALL AND NUTILITIOW QUALITIES. Ceiba eeeaparee tavinaidy with, and is ,iks wiskty d to Me sad Java,aad la SOLD AT asouT HAW' TEM MICE, . i hankawl put up la Tin 101 l pew In fib pasta "Xl llkt mad ' • " X11,1113' • Obarre • . • belpertiatier • ray . b as zertift • se- 4 arepittlagup ma &b rim*. 111:44, lift] title, initio 'be. • Ile* geastrissare, tu afar sia the ^ Pil 1:22 pi - NO COFFEE." Ird to istitto weed tans et SO I. suet; else law sad tenets. Also ea Mai. ♦ aeassonme, lets. MAKacaucclit. IlOiti- N lty. le Ms rod men set tem ; mos- will aims mad kr Madan aid List et er trproe_prart mauled. L. Orttleirleaallt„ .1.1 for the Vatted - Ater TOri• uwAgs 01, COUNITIMIUTS novll4lm. PASK, uticu in tholTifie es 1. arteLso :G .ea La is haus,' toidutiu Is be Y ..conat 36 , sot city.- lb@ sselsOrd. Is aII et ' UV Oils dot os kir USW stile. Had I shed. TM sins: Is • AWL MOW ra t Aga 11,111110.4 r. TRAYED OR STOLEN 1 asaktl% bd.. attires Tsar OH aUtList West is slalom, kw is tils ad 0804isip: sell erases vas Ms, Asy ledosiel Imo blia slide slim. moil "lir M spetigfts ASILIONABLEGII*RmeGoodsatIIg V. s aaoa lIMI . . LIVER '. OMPLAINT i - DitPIPSI.I4 Jaaadece. Clirootie or 14,91016 pedakis, Dimon ' • , - Qf the /Wisp, asulaßDia,i,setariaiwfivo a tartorckred Litviir SkrinarA, • ; . / .. , . . ' , las Oeislipe. • Igoe, leveed I'D% Yelleete et Mod to the Zook Adele et tie Sir . : • - _ ' - ash, Dessee e 1141,,itigeet 1 it Peel. Mess it Welipld la tie . / acme% fear Moseistletwaititer ie - Flat Weft et ti• pit el the liteese. Deis. ' liana of the Iteel aid aillseltlketelete‘ ' Ylutterizii et tie Bout, Ciddig ee Deltestlig me- • 'them whoa la a kiln peithue. Mum et Metes, Dots Or Web. WM die Illghte Pewee sod Dell lido la** Iliad, Dellaieity elf neeptteties, Teflon= et the slab sad Dim, rat b tie we. Sask. Chest, Limb, b., sadden Mabee dr- \ • Hoek Darahil la, the nubs Dow . . few batelailise et 1/11. ( \ se e gist* Demi- • YELLOW N1V411., BILLIOI7B yam, &C. ALCOHOL Oa \ BAD wiasily I l TILL was Sabo &bon disOsons La aiastrigooooom oat 11 76 10-./M. 1 educed b e the edealtre 'she wad a.elt:l 6 = of Hoodeael Owiwea Mitten. at lemma 4seeke sad wwwntipeloas edlveslaueft Loo spited apaaeallarlaa hmft_ the lleed-plee fid ger. tram la Ike slaps of Pear IrMloy, vUoly with layarizes dna" mid ehrtaleeed Toolli. 4lll = 11114 !Mo. Sumo a' iiko oatiormildo army et Alesielle ttaae platheetabeiMee. wad Ma Whet Mfg madras • odeot oppeastioaof =Weir which WWII et wit& . ply awards Caws, wad Mire its dhaegstalidaaami. ' Pr to dioapa:r. are oct a sew sad waded erode, bat bine steed the of driee a yeas trial by the emmeteea pebble: Oa nL et.c.loo set ettly are dot the lied M esq iOtr preperatfoo. • The plOpriewes hate -L.:.Daezele of Latteri Ib. Mdlilk sienna ,CLEILG.YILE2S, WORD & WCREARY CITLUtlia, aat is • ' tWag. of t bsif aira lwa silal do irlade, Ur bar ado Whets sad meow villain ad alms atlas SOMETHING' TO STRENGTHEN IOU? A BRISK AND VIGOROUS FEEthiiit \ 4OO}LANDS G MAN BITTERE4 t ' \- • - , . Poe \ .1. so Pm" D. 11 0 . Mk, if the IWO.. 4Z aest ßairkso irallisidire. Litheogh ro ' to tarot = iseeselatil Patent , Nedieisom lo through dietruet or the= higniell• este and elle ; =lmes et se etelleiumt rem= a sum =ay not to te bush he Wimp to have rsortred - sof ebe llttPlo t = e tS°3 ill 11111 lb°?:that he myth= Se to t ethent. • ~ tad,- the lips ~1 lit nossrill to Noollemire Ser. l i aa m ak re pe o pa my 11r. - C. IL Juba= at title city, -beaus I wan pniWieed al= 14 ::: 1 for a mritz mire the teupeeirka that =we 'hilly so moisture. I sat Whit= to my Mart ihrimmeher, zeta= 0 1 011/4tif Worst WIN are I to Illy eillua liedheteg hes pima sod Issas& eintly. am a levee bee. Iles al theme' at the_ heitruilig et tieffimmayrit s las lenered by t relterimail raiiew to a MP ei gees z mou of bodily tad metal the leihiregoil bad vigoa bout r =Ma I lots= hit lir . et Ageldag I thonibre tut Ned aid =y blestr i dinettair ere. the see of Urea • r o Ilea sl, ufa. Jess . =IL J. Xi N 11101 1 / 3 1. i • . . • . • . . . , From tie a.. JOSEPH A =MASA Prat Vile tall'-- Cliwred. • tia.l,ussow—ikes Ira —1 bare bees Itec yrr anted is essasta mew witit oewmarlattom o ldada et bat regardieg the prastato se sot du, appropriate I bond* all moor pp. awed; bat with itekrarq r la mow irremona. sod =l7 is wy own .et the wastalaseet et Dr. r in i GYMS* Whirs. depart ter ease tram my anal mune, to erpress ay tall ~Wes that, Ibrc r eral debility of 'the antes. sad eapeetalty lie Cesiptalat. it is a mate sad nimble pepitatioa. la awns rues tt way tau, bat watally I desk tea, it_witl be wrry beseastal to Woo who sager fres ea Me% firm Years my twmpostn r. _ aim= . - tight below CbalAsate Mr& Dulak. . HALL Ilas just returned fion2 New York, and is now opening hoe ' STOCK Or FALL Preis N. Irvi4 4LDJUNIAS Irma; emir LINERS sold • R BEADY-PAY. • to biltuNtnt, I . , assiuntrim Jun 14 HO. f Do. O. L homes —dot I—lt es =ie gad pismire Imo yewsse giro you tielletee died the Genre litters bid lisse he too. in new psi*. ly eareti of Milhous • _hewn pea sididoe poidime to cam do :•41)didedo,Clirmie sod IterremeDdifiley,d* res. 4 tld ifitary" it !hit yiewerfol teleinaillezerb - u weir.** prolluelea le oispetelag. 1 hen oserettel r• - rtriittilo telliNelit * yefax Illdes;loill 'Most kir I.upp, lays resemostfoi It for the obeys eseopiatehe .4 In orrery Wine. It hos wed. Tom ... lidos bap a via swlntieff to mei hi 1.. 'et-iery !wildlife aid In NMI the ' , + .II en) nor*liffajd onfilils idiot I= ll6, - -,, Urmai, I •-*'n,. and / wil l: 111 ill 1... . .1+ , 41 . fi.ita • hase 1111 VW NW • woe Wm titan:, du.' of Ow Ant dbllllllll6 ... r:. 'podia 111. . HAINAN InntiNE ' Yalu at.. Abele ittati~. Sitheritelll o Pi. . pipet, Er.,, Pr STORE mrpectiolly ell i gird c 4.. opened • F. L'ORE, . WM= pciZTAILVII A4411§0., no ALT;COHOLIC PitEPAILiTION I I • 1/1111,1 sores pawner 33N DOCTOR HOOPLANDS; CIILZBIATID GERMAN BITTERS, PEZPAIIIID HT DR. C. M. JACIDION. PIIILAVA, PA. WILL EFFECTUALLY CU •l•■ •f 11114411. ANDAIILL POIIMVILLY 'UM? ' THEY\CONTAIN NO 1100FLAAND'S GERMAN BITTERS 1: LA.WYZRS, PHIMCIANS, ` AND DO YOU WANT DO TOO RAM A GOOD APPETITE? I DO TOO Willy a BUILD-UP YOHR COMTITUTION DO YOU WLN To \ 'FEEL WELL? DO TOD VAIN? TOGRT RID OF lisavciusNEss I _ : • . I Do 7617 WANT • , , 1 RNERGYI 1 IJi DO TOD WAN? P TO SLEEP WELL : t . . • DO 2017 WAN? IP YOU Dq, Qfl i millimom BEWARE OF - COMIIIIIIIETS Ile OM UN sliedimi se "0: Y JACLB 0 Non la as %I wlta2lllll Ma illailk: ~„„‘ pAniglutui, 0/71011 MAIGIPACIRIZT, • NO. 631 ARCH 'TWIT. JCWIII WM lna paupsmillto O IL JACIBON 00drtaiiimiis 1 114r11!01114 . i6l . bMoilWooed Iliskrirtrialli • f.' . . *, y 4. Riga g i r It4Lng IIN Illit=lllo CI 4 1