• 6t,te. tier: A"Ft7.IZDAY, APRIL TF ;VND 71” . . CVSSTI7 ,, ' , II—"Nr.- : larEll-05111 ANT , 1Ng?..*M11.1.!..' TILY DO NOT W.tND UNION The ilotte of 'ltepre.-6entativt - - (.1 State, a few thys pftt•Fii St:* the :4etic 1)1!.o.-•:.n:s1W4 not heitat.':: inn nait:!-tt:-..ntb, . tße.mlutl, 'dot hio , 3e. - neta', A.-i. - PrF,.: ly deem it pr,-)p. , r I.lthi.t. :1 ,1 ,- ;•1',:.). together with :;,:1 Ilit.i tray 1 ,- 7alvit• c.*: the 5:.,t,•,- y, - ,./..,i-'i 1,,..il t-,....i, i. 1.:. .. ~,.(1 , , Iell:/ht ar,'." 1 • 1.........ii:t:1.... .•.1 ~ .: thr2 part of th. - )V,‘, - ;:1•1,•1›. 1 1,• to tbeo.r allegi;., , ice t.:‘ ft..: g , )7 the Union, an.l would, i n . t: tlialiy and e.01,n-,tly co-ope tte t,, in th- re,-tor-:,,,ii or 6 - q. , ,..,) f—ict L!.. , 2 110 etniern.:•l2/ of .".t ..I IVO:111 , 1 ...'"..", • .'‘ ..1:1''. \ • =MEM It -v:11 r_'. } I, L inenl . l,er o! been rothld, "ieJneaa; : .kry, 11 I.;itlift/1 1/:` EA - .) t c,f LL ,of clu-Lituclat. re, ),..v.lu•.—vet ncit I- tins I,lct. NVe give Cie ii,t in fuii, the h.)71‘.. - : : ,.. 1. , ; 01,',f! - 0; I'enti;ylv.ini aea who are the ;rt. 1,..e am, tonly pr3va f11, , J to Cu rile Honor of ottr Lot it Ili iI- I; .‘. =lll v k C :t t r.". ~: ~Ct ~. ~. 1.111), :All,. 1.. I,' )..'r =II mnEsem `.l • ~.( SW Mai .11IL Onnit 31.1.15 ed Jll til.± it-L -.l:TterlKe lor!i:121 ot LLC tv7o partt• 11,•:;$ the throe ' gro L (--"•:41 non, money. t,c,vor, • , t vi - utt,ion. i:J.V.• • I 111 • t winlrlty . th• 1”, We• c I i! I. ~ MEM .T 1 • 'l3rctit~•.... CHID the eTAni;.%•,i 'rcluce thin 7 ti, •, c t:, 9,uJC vott t .-.3, :mutt a ,I ` , ) , r17 than t,,t; , .0 i, F 11C11 "vietoey" ',mkt of lieptiblirtni—n (" v tluretiottt.. Th.. "i“ I t k• .• of like lIMIE jnojul-Ly fn 1,-56 i; 1`57 •' lc rnljority •;‘. - "flw it will bi , fluff loorrixty if ita - filily On t in. et ,, os. in Yew 1;..1 ,. ..‘tv1, v A ir• • vtrti t:. : .ttt • • •;-• ; • MEI 11)1:t: OW' trc•a3bri tV:_t.l..)-t a l f orc o4, l nur .f--/ lhrougii•,r , : believe' ii t iii, , rer,•: rivoroz.v , ! , .. :thtr!rou-; unfi ; (,(rtf,e:- e- .7 Taiero runv •v ! - ••c of 4,:Lifo;•in,:i .11:11tia h.r t•vo month:. to 11o: - 1 k upon the 11-f , trp niy i but the 'n , en now in tliA suffice to , loni - tier;-ively lvith tnr , !.or -„. Ir of tho P iff State st ree E ri, Pa. -- - . t-t(. • N oTIC E. Navin a iti!kell 01 RYE WiIiSKEY fmy own i lnit.itlarlow in 11360,T n.Z.• ,iffer !t. li s , • ,, r , CIO, In quaintitli , not lots than n sprit:tip aNtitiN • • NOTICE.' \ .• Whereas my wire. CATIIF:RINI Irir left my And and hoard—frowt which sto aluistitod herself Jaly I.sth, 19'7 - without any just cause or proroceloa—thla is notify •11 persons not to harbor 0. trust her oo I*) count, as 1 will pay no debts of het con!racting. • 31K11.111 1 .: It aiSIM. Corry, Erie Co, Pa, 4111 16;14'63 —3.• • - - - sre•;S•[' RAY LT. . . , Cam t. the denre n[ the u:,1 . ...r .. .ivnq d in Switcoln•tn, on e day tunmintr, the 6th nt'Arrit. a BAT Co LT , 4yr 6`.4 , (se, with 6 white ..t.triat the for, held. The tert bind to' t i. a'. 0 a little while. 11.14 a Loiter on him lint no strap. and (mom In riliymi-led to Otarie forward, pro% e prolog ty, par elarg., .1111.<1 tAk• him anay,„l4itlii•rai , l‘ I, a ill o•f according to tFlT.:4ll(ilint AKER. Swant•osa, April 51,140.3.—1 a.. S 1 „ RAYED OE STOLEN On Serdly the 6th NO., a Tl;ree.. Y1 . 11 . ( 11.! COLT, Light Bay Color, in good cortaWn, lonz in ,tLr 1e7,1,111m1 Gne for hie ay. A ret of rhoe. 'neer Imp Any portion returning tuna, or giving informatlonol his a bete. abo atm. will be will rtlwardod by applying at 11:0 Ell LE It',- BREWERY or lIARTLF:III'SiiTORE. arrll-'4:* NEW MILLINERY STORE The Ifisees BECK 71i. would r.ep.ctfully announce to the ladies of Erie city and coun ty, that they. hp.re 0p , :0..3 a NEW IIILLISElt• S 'l' o R IN BEl:llit'S - EAST 3.1 ..i0F T II E P•A. R K , ibere they troulsi la; ite att aecdiagartialrii i a tht it liar to giro thorn a cz!l. Tbrf ZIP prepared ty, furnish articles of Sl:Utak:7 { oozes at this shortest deltic*. • AN p CLEANING Particularly atten,led to., As we do all our own work, ♦.e Ii Orrhoaltatinn In pronitslog that our terms will' be as reasonable, if not more en, than any other store in this city. " ENV` 1I RDi. ICIBSITURE. ',UND UNtaavimaNG WAR E-R o akt ; 13a Fifth St., between State ma French. Tlie S abscribers have entered into the Cabinet If akin.; a! FURNITURE TRADE, Au,' propose mstior; to order sad keepinz ronetzutly o band stl toads of lornitur, • Orders will rel2,lVe prom:.: aittotton. i'r dal. • . 1.11 on short notice. UNDEB.TAKIN. The subseriben peelsl attention t. , this 41. pertinent of theirdiusi , , , s. They will inenufa.cture and keep constantly on hind a large assortment Of If ste!he Cases and Coffins, and bol•I themßelvis lil rtediaso to meet orders in this line, promptly, from any part of the country. Determined to sive're no en.irtm to give eatisin:e tion both In the Luelity of their e lock "and ; they 'hope to secure a lihet.l 31. arr of te iatronoge. .'lt. It. JiIOOR _ 0 o li SecoOd hand Futniture OF tiLL_KIND - CAR PF'T?„IWU9, t I Irlli :, F Tl/.PI) Etch:a:ll;o3 for So a I,', trot!! 1.1!1. 4.4. W. ELISEV, ERIE, PA:. Ea'ahlolic I has apart t - ^m Icy+ - 4 6,,n01, Fr-rond hand Furniture, C-irpc•i•c, Fe;thc•r lie 1.4,1 env, rlett. llair. Ant other :11.0:r.cp c, C. liver., Pic Vv.-a, Pa cr)11,1,1 and OM-e Doak+, Conk'and rfhlar C. Wtriir 0, 1, Se , - hcionz• la t•l• •, Stand.; DecAs and Bare v.l C, ,Ll 3: and other honer-kilepir,7 It% 'I; tkc car, elmn;ll3,; their raPhh•ne..., plitting or ex.rhsoqing d-c i4l, lc; callti,:t on w tllp y. tfLio Knaranteta cow., oak, and en•l/ I. Lir • Oheur - re the pi 4 ta, nrnt hr rth strc c t on r'tads, Welt rude._ - - - - - WHOLESALE UFZAIL tiIIOCERY SMRE . . ! P. A. BECKER, ;. \VIII ILE-Lk 1.1i.‘ AN I ) 11ET.1 I I, .4 Oil I Ti 7 ivorth.Call Owner . 14 Ihe .ParL 4 i'rerA :,treet, 'C'sk4-zll,=• ) ' . it..itli reFtr_;tfully call the 'httt..r.:i , ,rl ~r the comn.inei• Ito'hi.qhtr.re: , .}. ,, l of , . . I ; RUC ER [ES D RIZOV I SION: ,, Which he f, -iron! toliell at thO, LOWEST POSSIIII ‘ Af. His I'l94Si:rent of SUGAIts,' 1 COFFEES. TEAS, ~. :-... :•31" ItU PS, • " • 'l'4 )IslCt_'o:-.z, - • 1:1.11, i ;;(..'.. • is not sarvassea ' ln the city, ~ Le li pieiarra P> Tor.,r, to kll whn glve hhn a call. , lie else keeps eenttantll nu lala.l a sufwrior lot ••f r • PU- E I. () It S , for the e-holost!.• tr Ada, t r"ehkh he thtet•te LL • att of the pabli: Hi* =Otto i% "Quick Sales; Small ['rodla nal a 144 F. quirplent for the Honey.'.' PERFUMERY ' SOAPS, and Preparation (or throilair.—l hare idde:l largely to my former stock of this ciu of good}, and now have the txet as.iortznent lu the city. eprll'Otr. J. S. CAWAII. TRAVELING BA4 - ;8 FOR: LADIES, From two to six 4 ollsrs each, at the Store of aprll'63tL J. S. CARTES: COMBS. Ivory, Buffalo, Rubber and Born,—enough to enable alt to suit theinselvea, at the Drug More of aprlreatf.J . S. CARIT.It. • AIR, TEETH S.l OTHER BRUSHES. Ereu body - can lie salted in these articles Ly calling at the store of aprlltf. J. S. CARTER. yALUABLE'FOR FARMERS. PORE PINS TAR, tha real North Carotlaa artic le Just metre,' at the Drug store cl aprll63tf. JORN 3. C 1RTE:11. • PURE FRENCII - ZINC. Very aly ground. mid uortly put up in Japp►unudi Iron Caps. Cap:llll3g JOHNS.CARTER. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS. To Yedical .iien and the Pahlie. have a stock of choice Wlrma and Liquors, both foreign and native, embracing all the rarictkis usually prescribed or called for. Such as Part... Madeira, Sherry, Malawi, Claret Hock, Claret and native Wines. Brandies Ja maica and St. Croix Rum; • Holland, Scheid= and Pine Apple Gin; Old Rye and Itonongaliela Whiskey; tic:— Among these are some flue old Brands of the vintages 1854 and Very inpertor. Some of these are comparatively high in price, yet in malty thay aro such clasper to the purchaser, end afford leis profit to the dealer, than those lower priced or inferior kinds,: which are but Imitations. .Ts ware the purity and obtain the finest qualities of liisstiarticles every caution that prudence and expert brace could suggest hare been employed, and so Win it is end has been secured.' The value ot parity to this class of articles is so important both to Physicians and tavalida. that autos:Loa is only necessary' to: secure their attention. april'63tf. J\o. S.-CARTER: FAXEGOTORS' -NOTICE. • • , /-etters Testamentary on Co- Es.tato ( , f•Solomon origins, deceased, late of Warne town:drip. P;rie Co , l's;•, Daring been ranted to the undersigned, all 3.ersons in debted to said estate are hereby notified to mike payment without delay, and all persons laying etaimi,against said estate to present the same duly authentiestell for settle ment. F lAA a l'EllliCiti, . - KI.I La1N1.1111314 •,. Wayne, March 11, 1863-eariiirk• Katem 0 t rs of deed. DISSOLUTION. The co-partnership heretofore eth Jos. Riche!'Laub, Jr, and C. Englebsrt, and, and dna ofJOsepb Efebentsub & Co., is thlsx by limitation. The a4connta of the obi firm 1 to, bands of t'.E.oitlebart, who uill attend t went of tbe mane for Azty dam 'After ib seem:min as have ant been settled In come r placed In the hands of it proper person tore. • t JOS. MBES Yrle, April 1,11363-3 t. C. ENGIIO.IA. A;1 . ESPECT - ABLE i'OUNG y Can same* a comfortable Loma w w chillies* and wba Ia willing to to .tle Le:, maul ta the houso as a compensation for h mr2l-2w Adams, 130 s. REMOVAL.. Kra. 31%Cort4i has reruoted h.r stnzic . of and Faber Goods to the Erie Bent Bull.tiothre. , doom Wart of her farrow staled, where bo ld, berrwir in, liedloess to meet orders In her line of harlot sprit!. _ _ _ GARDEN TOOLS. Resa t Rakes. Spades. Shovels, i bits. gr r og; tor ids by . Earrui.j .J. C.SELLTRI. I) 13.,,Y. () In.St4re and Receiving 1.):tor F _I) ESs G-0(),I)'s t: tit 21, Emi;re's.4 Cloths, Fr6ncli . Moritios, all shades, 25 - FINE 'MIDDLESEX SHAW Fine and Mediun► Qiikl I N ST (► R - E CLOAKS ! CLOAKS Fine Doe Skin and Bearer Medium and Low 'lrked All the - Newest Stylv, BEAVER AND DOE SKIN CLO, Fult VijNTER MANTIAS.! Hoods, Sontags,Nubias, Lad and Childrpns' WORSTED HOSE 86.-(DLO 50 BALMORAL \ \ SKII3, .14.,t - Received and on the Wad• Real . Lhee C?llars nd:_pmbroider, _...,./ ._ a H' E A P!* . AT - - , M. P. HAYES Sr. CO., (itH:;Ly. • 1E032. • 1 BUFFALO & ERIE R. aorAtAm-- ON and after Monday, Mr. 17th, huttn:r. Trams will ruu,on t 1.1; a; f, • • E. V.., . 4 :,1 4,1 l'lre.na., ',topping at , North t . 3" r id , oe"nn. t.itrerttr , •ot., Irving and at: r,:taz 11.11,1 , ..5t 11 Co A M. - SI.: Erpref a, o..iptu.t it W k• IL; Soriri Fvet, "Jl‘. r An:" s. I nt Itu.l..tt• at 5 P. M. II 1.. A M., ..lizta E.rftrrt", ',topping al !"ten: tric at ti A ' To.. hap F•tpira• ronnt-ch, at Dunkirk RI, Et.'t Expro..a 'at Butlalo only, 1, t. Iloaton„ar," LEAN" I 1;(j FFA {,ti. • %el.. I,r; ntoypltLZ at A' .1 ;;; t, Id sod Nrrtli F.t,to• Fr. st - 1 I . St t o t m 4,,,t1 A 4, no 1 • 1 1 1 t tr, I,t-4.1,1. ^1 -, ! •1 . ttri, 1 50:1 %it.. 1 1... IP , F Cie\ eland and Erie R, 4PNg IN and .o•tf r ,\Ion(1,1v. Nov. 17th and •twit ti-V, T • foliwrs, t,t LEAV E CLEVELAND 1 , . 3.14(C1 y I,,press, stops at , (I , ill 4 Ashtabula, Come iut an e at Erie at P. IL r, DL, 5:,0t and A-enmmodation Train, 5..71 sITIIIO4B, and arrives at Erie at 7 nor. m 's 0, P. M. :sight Express. I ratn Cops at Pt,r A.'Ar. , &ea Ir ir 1, Duly , and al-, gees at II %22 P. 1 - 7 - E Al' E ERIE. 3 05 A At. ,S,,Tht ESpreasTrala steps at Connect rat - t. Alit.s.bula and Painesville only, enr , st 1 1e5.11,11111 685 , A. M. 0 t.S) A . NI , Matl and Accommodation Train, at 111 11.0 stations mad arrives at Clevelan, Day Express stops at Gitard,SprinatlsldA Kingsstde, Ashtabula and Patnesvllle, an Cleveland at 6 15 I'. Si. All the through trains going Westward, cu.: Cleveland with trainspr Toledo, Chine), Ce tinnl .n 1111117.1, Indihaapoloi, All the through trains going Esstward,eounect g with the tral us of the Y k Erie ast.nas... tho Y.I 'en tral and Buffalo and N I Railroads, ter N, w Yert„llLan), Boston, Niagin Ar., Ac . ff. NOTTMLLIAM, Super.r.'es:u Cleveraud. Nov. 17. 1462. \ / 021511 SYEIZIE This great line traverses the N and North% est (Inmates of l'ennsVranis to the .Erie, on Lake Erie, .Itltisbt:3l:l leased by the' Penngylr ania panic, and utol,r their auspices is I•eink rapid'* throughout its enttie length. It is nOw in use for P333eLlier and rei4lit front Llarrisburn to Dnftrood , 2 d Fork, VII 1:311,11 Eastern Division ' and Irvin StutTheid lei Env,. on the Western Division. TAIT OP FAS:AMITE TRAIMI AT EI:A Tr3;n Leite• Aeroatn.o.Litiott Tram` t.a%. Mail Train Arrirei Accornmoditinta Train :trriTe! For inf,rtaation respecting Passenger Ltisinii at the S. E. comer Ilth nod 'Market sty., and for ha ISM ILK of the Co --Tally's Lomb'. .11 KIVGSTON - .1e..., corner 13th and llartr; Fhtladelphia. .1. IC. REYSOI.OS, - --•• J. M. DRILL, azrn: N. C. R. It., RAltick,r‘k ‘•-• 11. II Hors rox. G.gwrat Freight Attzt, / 11,4 • - g! I.EWI' 1..)101:Pr, deternl Tiricet A r JO?. D. rot. r 4, General Manager, Wit'Aamsporr - , 3al7t ERIE RAI an' CH A NG.E. OF HO, MON?. 4.Y, NOV. 17, 1882. Trains will leave Dunktrk at about the follo. vi!: :A Ea s tward Boned —Depart. Night , 4 r Mail 6'15 a 1 Stock E.q.reaa ~. .9 41 i• ' 4 4 .-± . l" IA? Fast Freight. Way Freight 5 33 .... 1 Faa Freight runs every 'day. CHAS. MINOT. Gen'l ''ll"- 1862. , 'SPRING. - ERIE BONN - El STORE • E.,, H. S T IL - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALEI ' MILLINERY GOODS. ['irilllin....supplledwithdnudaat\arVOrk •` Pattlectiar attention paid ta, Illearhtay ALS Pret Straws. Nu. 3 llu,;hea• 1,,i..15..tktakt0 St. - • JOIE IV ELUII, V.LLI.R AND `ALIITTKR ts FOREIGN & DOMESTIC VI:GETABLE6, F. ing . taneeo r tho nara• di‘Rnire.l to plae44l the Fettle • date, .ririt ape,. will b. llectton. iLV.ti 1.t.1.7 . (17 F, 1.1 n • • 1;:‘ , . . 2 iva L . -.L, Ordel a tram i.ith.r t 2:4. ( tty t.r eorar, • • r.`! atol at I.,rat, Ll.l .o:et r A 1. ti, J rs , HARTFORD INSITRANCE . _ . H.Tt. OR D, CONSINCTICI iNCORPORATIMISIO t PITA! , 11. hi' , T. t• AI CITY FIRE INSURANCE CO ••• OM AN re there are If geurrall; huard MIZE 11.41ITF11)111), FOY!: ECTI CI T. , i•NuOn i'()N4l TED' 15.47 C.41.11'.44 • C. 11. illlWßltS.:Pyr.rt C.!". Nt;P: itt tit' above , 11. 1 ' ,?. rut Lr, 1.tAtu..,1 ; warrten--41. W. 111111 t. TEETH %ND OTllEitliltU 4ll 4 EV f , ',llY tie/r , + caltink ate *Corte at 000. J. 4g1.111 body he stiitt4l in the?' - 1 N - V;dours, Saks, &c:, Received this it ,v. CLONKS! CLOAKS! i 1, S ( ) JUST S It EED t • r T;I Fr.• t,rt 4 .! WAY ( Late Model &asset Starr.) 4/ -