The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, April 04, 1863, Image 2

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over will; uncorrupted and incorruptible, and
cantinas watchful and jealous of their rights,
the government la 'flore t and the cause of free
dom will continue to triumph over all, its ene
mies.., I
But it will require etea'dy and persevering
tolerant' on your part to ridyourselves
: of
the iniquities and mischiefs of the paper sys
tem, audio check the spirit of monopoly and
Other abuses which have spiting up, w r ip it,
and of which it is the main support. Sumany
intereets,are united to resist all reform on this
subject, that you must not hope the conflict
will•be a short one, nor success eaoy Ey
bumble efforts have not been spared, during
my administration of the
. goiernment, to re
store the constitutional currency of gold and
'silver, and somethingl trust, has been done
towards the aecompli ' shment of this most de
visable object. Bat enough yet remains to re
quire all your energy and perseverance. The
-power, however,, is in your hands, and the
remedy must: and will be applied, if you deter
mine upon it.
While I am thus endeavoring to press upon
your attention the piinciples which I deem of
vttal imporlan'ce in the domestic concerns of
the country; I ought not to pass over, without
notice, the important considerations which
should govern your policy, towards foreign
powers. It is, unquestionably, our true i -
/ Wrest to cultivate the most friendly unde -
'standing with every nation; and to avoid,
every honorable means, the calamities of wa ;
and we Shall best attain this objedvby fran -
nese and sincerity in our foreign intercours ,
by the , prompt and faithful execution of tre
ies, and by justice and impartiality - in
conduct to all. But no nation, however dii
eirous of peace, can hopeto escape occasional
collisions with other 'powers; and the soundest
dictates of policy require that we ehotud place
ourselves in a condition to assert our righti,
it a resort to force should over' become neeeti
, sary. Our local situation, our long line of
seacoast, indented by numerous bays, •Oth
deep rivers opening into the interior, as well
as our extended and still increasing commerce,
point to the navy 'es our natured means of
defence. llt Will, in the end, be found to be
the cheapket anti most effectual; and now is
the lime, in a season of peace, and with; an
overflowing revenue, that we can, year rifler
year, add to its strength, without increasing
the burdens. of tho people. It is your true
policy., For your navy will nut, ouly protect
your rich and tlourishinecotunsorce in distant'
seas, but will enable you to rtiach and annoy
the enemy, and will give to defence its greatest
efficiency, by meeting danger at a distance
from home. It is impossible, by emit line of
fortifications, to guard every point from attack
against a hostile foroo advancing from tha
ocean and selecting its object; but they aro
indispensable to protect cities from bombard
ment; dock' yards and naval arsenals from
destruction ; to give shelter to merchant ves
sels in time of war,and to single ships or weak
er equadrons,when pressedby a superior force.,
Fortifications of this description Icannot be too
soon completed armed, - and placed in a
condition of the meek perfect Preparation.—
nie abundant means we now 'pbssess cannot
be applied in any manner more 'useful to:Me
'country ; end when this is done end our naval
forge sufficiently strengthened, and our militia
armed,lr,e need not fear that any nation will
wantonly`iusult tie, or_needlessV provoke hos-
Odes. Vre,shall more eertainly--pria
peace, when A s ia ,well understood that we are,
prepared for war. •• '
In presenting to son, my . fellow citizens,
these parting oouns s, I have brought before
yott the leading principles upon which I en
" deatored to administer the government in the
high office witliNhich you twice honored me.
Knowing that the path of freedom is continu
ally beset by enemies, who often assume Me
diasnsise of friends, 1 have .devoted the las
hours of my public - life to warn you of the
dangers. The progress of the United States,
under' our free and
_happy institutrotus, has
surpassed the • most sanguine hopes of the
era of the Republic. Our growth has
been rape and all former example, in num
bers, in wealth, in knowldege, and all the use
ful artsi which contribute to the oomforts and
convenience of man ; and from the earliest
ages of history to'the present day, there never
have been 'thirteen millions of people associa
ted together Inoue political body, who enjoyed
• .so much freedom and happiness as the people
of these United States. You hive no • longer
any cause to fear danger from iabroad ; your
strength and power are well known throughout
the civilized world, as 'well as the high and
gallant bearing of your sons. lOW It is from
within and among yourselves,•from cupidity,
from corruption,. from disappointed ambition,
and inordinate th irst . for power, that factions
will be formed and liberty endangered. It is
against-each designs,, whatever disguise •the
. actors may assume, that you have especially
to guard yourselves. ,jorg You have the high
est of huttatin trusts committed to your Care.—
Providence has showered on this fevered land
J blessings without number, and has chosen your
•as thnguardians of freedom,to Preserve-it for
the benefit of the hut= race. May , Re, who
holds hit hands - the destinies of nations,
make you "pithy of the favors hq has bestow
-,el, aild ena ble you, with pure hearts and pure
!Ands, and sleepless vigilance, tot guard anti
defend to the end of time, the great charge he
has committed to your keeping. 1 _
My diva-rsoo is nearly run ; advanced age
and failing health warn me that beibre long I
must pastbeyond the reach of Inman events,
and cease 'ft, "feel the vicissitudes of human
" , • affairs. I thank God that my life ha s *been
. spent in a land of liberty, and that he has
• given me a heart- to love my country with the
affection of a son. And filled with gratitude
for your constant and Unwavering -kindness, I
bid you a last and affectionate farewell. •
Wseutworos, March-4th, 18:17.
♦IOLATIONS OB TEM coxstiTuricim.
Hums freed- Wasaiastos's Farewell ♦A
It is IMPortant, likewise, that tho habits of
thinking in a free country, should inspiie
elution in those entrusted with its adminli
tration, to confine themselves within their
respective constitutional spheres, avoiding
in 'the exercise of the powers of one 'depart
ment to encroach upon another. The spirit of
L eneroachment tends to consolidate the pciwere of
all the departments us one,
.and thus to; create,
whatever the form of vversunent, a real des v poi
ism. A just estion6e of the love of power,
and pronene'ss to ablise it, which .preilomina
tea in the human heart, is sufficient to maim
tcWs of the truth of this position. The no
oetialty of reelprocal cheeks in the exercise
of political power. by dividing and distribut
ing it into different depositories, and consti
tuting 'mob the guardian of the ',public weal
against invasions by the others', has been
evinced by experiments ancient and modern;
aomelof theta in our Country, and under; our
own eyes. To preserve the must be a.s ne
cessary as to institute them. is the
opinion of the people,
.the disbibation or
modification of the constitutions/ powers be
in any particular wrong, let it be coteected
by an amendment in the way 'shish the Con
,designaym, But let there be no
asap- by usurpation ; for thOugh this, in
oneiftstanec, may be the instrument of good,
it is the owitomnry weapon by which free gov
ernments are destroyed. The precedent must
always' (really. overbalance In permanent,
o v a an: partial or transient benefit which the I
use can, at any time yield
Too BAD.-}lOll. M. B. Lowry, Senator
: from the tie diet:riot, in his speech in the
Benate, bill lazing the Erie Canal Com
pany, llelliered Feb. 28, . 1863, gives us the
following pathetic morsel :I'
• The -poor widow who. Parham loit 'her
husband *mit the 'miasma' of this antali: pays
more tasselor the little skiff that takes her
to the other side of. the canal, (which him cut
her farm In two 4 to milk her co* that
pastures' there by her husbaud's gravei than
does this powerful corporatlmi."
Couldn't there be some arrangement Made
•tL keep the widow and the cow on the 'same
side of tbe ditti t—Pranklin •Elptainor.
—litunors of the probable evacuation
of Richstiond. by the &beds are currant
ainongthwailicers of Gen. Dia'. comuutnd.
The leading °Man. however, do not put
faith in thii stories.
. -
• • ' L .
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'tit. 14) burlier.
.66 ['Eel! &is 1,1111 • •
• • —Off lao brasrsaima.
. 11111/I,VSD.
" is' the mother of invention."
The Alk bolition leaders, finding Sher rebNi
of power rapidly passing from their gaup,
have put their heads together, compared
opinion, and resolved to abandon tbe•
sinking Remembering the sum*
which for a brief period attended Komi
Nothingism, they . have built a new craft,
modeled on the same principle", baptised
it with afresh name, and launched it
under 'tile attractive title of "Union
League." Its objects are to irillbins and
concentrate all the elemeite Of Abolition
ism, and tit is hoped, . that many Demo
crats, deceisLl by the plausible garb . it
wears, may fie drawn within its bidden
We have noticed for in considerable
period, the efforts to give life to ibis new
partizan movement, and they at length ap
pear to hive met with a degrees of success.
Organisations of the society are rapidly
being'established 'all 'over the North', and
it wiliprobably_ net be long until they are
found in every community of considerJ
able size. The " Union League." like its
prototypes of Know Nothingism and the
tiolden Circle. is a secret• society. Its
members are sworn by a solemn oath to
divulgel none of its proceedings, and to
obey; all respects the decisions of. a
inejoritY of their fellows. In: certain
owes, it is said, that it is •to • be used
for military ptirpoees, and the members
are pledged in - all their "social, business
and moral' relations, to discourage oppo
sition to the tenets of the order. Tod&
scribolt . in brief, it is to be used for the
crusbilig muter free speech and Constlt - u
tional4inciples, alike through the chan
nels of trade, of society, of the church,
and ,by the more feed'sl ordeslet emus.
We have yet to see whether-Ita members
will have the courage and assurance to
press their dodge's to a final test..
A movement' is now in progress to me
tablistrone of these Abolition party in
struments in this city, and afterwards In
other portions of the. county. Strong ex
ertions will be made to entice Democrats
• 'them, but we have faith that none
\ will *Hew to be thus betrayed..
The character of the men en
.gaged in the enterprise, should otiteelf be
sufficient to influence Deinocents to have
nothing. to do with it. 'With compara
tively few exceptions, they are all well
knosinßepublicans. and if they have re
ally concluded to givoup any of their re
cent doctrines, it is only a temporary
Plan, intended to compete more danger
ous and permanent otdecte. The idea of
persons who only a few years ago sneered
at the, Union, declared that it was not
worth'preserving, despised those who la
bored in its behalf, rejected all measures
for ita safety, and even now deolire that
they would not agree to its restoration al
established by the patriots bf the Revolt'•
tion, assuming to themselves the Phari
saical belief that they are the only true
friendsof the Union, and organising into
so-Called ; " Union' Leagues," is so novel
and absurd, that we are disposed to doubt
strongly the honesty of their motives. '
But aside from the A bolition
t nature of
this League, Dona:nits have another
good cause for refusing ;to connect th em
selves with it.. Our party has always
boasted of being open, frank, and Manly
in the expression of its 'sentiments. Its
political conventions- and caucuses have
been free to all who chose to witness
them, 'and the papers were at perfect
liberty to publish such of its proceedings
as they saw fit. It is .now proposed• to
substitute for this method, a species of
midnight conclave, , whose actions shell
be conducted with • the most stringent se
cresy, and whose members shall •be
bound' together by fearful oaths, and. re
cognise each other 'hy, gripe and signs.
Agaiust such a system. ns this, we enter
our decided. protest.. We believe that if
it. i. (ince, peimanenLly introduced. the
death-knell of our nation will be sounded.
The Democracy fought Bone battle against ,
a secret political' organization, gaining a
glorious victory, and surely no one at
least who was with ui in that gallant
fight, will lend his assistance to a foe of
like nature.
The Democratic party is "Union League"
enough for us. Its whet. history Is a se
ries of conflicts for the interests and per
petuation of the Union, and the pros
perity of the tenni - 3y for - the fifty years of
ins efietence show with what success they
Were fought. .43,irye !Democrat cam be a
diskryaast, and no iratior;ilrortli or &A , tax
454, a Democrat. liennt assume that hal
lowed title who;have right to it, but
we hips declare; and we know it will be
echoed by the unanimous voice of our
party, that we regard no man as a Demo
crat who does not gives hearty, unflinch
ing support to the Union. So far as the
"Loyal League" makes profession of seal
for the National cause, It could not add
an ices to 'the strength of a j Demeeret's'
affection, while in its mysterious, seCallt,
and unnatural character, it- presents •a
garb that should cansoit to be spiirned
by every patriot. '
The eampaigu which is now going on
in Connecticut is perhaps the most melt.
hag that has ever taken phase in the his
tory of the natiois. Both pirths have
, ea listed in their wpm the bed eriehtes •
talent of the North; and the Opposition
is partici/tar are working with an OHM
that has seldom been wltnemed, The
Administration party have nosy, *ails
du ewe of office, and the terrors of power
011 their side ; the Democrats truth, and
the fommon- sense of the people. We On
scsecely hope for success, but the seal
dtPleYed by the Abolitionists shows that
In their view at lent, the 'result of the
cal npaign is far from being esatain. They
have raised immense MN of me y, - td
influenoOthe ehotion, My thousand dol.
lays havink bans mbeezibed in New York
city alone. Naiads; will be left undone
that fraud, malice, nal corruption can of!,
feet, and if, is the 'face of the combined
influencesk t agalnalt thew oar Mends hi
the gallant little - 84U of "steady habits,"
come out riatoriouis, they'will win an ins
mortality ist 02E74
We have all along insisted that•the main
an con ragernent*eived li•y ,the rebsis,and
the' Lading cause of their vuulictive
measures, was to bit found ,in the Aben
ion jaurnaLs of the Itforth.. We have
plenty of proof to this iffoct, but' in the
crowded state of our ef . .luput4 hare
no opportunity to puLlish it heretofore.
But we cannot omit \any longer the fol
lowing taatimony Jim the letter of a lot
dier connected with the army near Vick*
iiurg. Hews:
ass ha.
“The Union cause 44 the S outh has sit.
fared move,at the hands of Republican
c ps= than horn all other reasons. Clr
g among the people far beyond our
lines, these papers are reed and commen
ted upon. h. , m the Chicago Mow and
other papers of that class, people here get
the impression that the Rest, last and only
object of this war is to free nigger*. "rom
such papers we learn that bands of "Cop-
Peri!es4” " Traitors, " " Butternuts?'
“Knights of the Golden' ' Circle "•and all
(!t. dangerous
wi tar P o z as of pa o pprs u we leirn magic hers;
tha the entire North .is in danger front
ci • war ; that trehson is rapidly on the
• .• All - Democratio papers are by these
sftmatised as treasonable ones, till
the rebel - here believe that the North
will, in less than six months, outdo the
South even in treasonable schemes, and
that the entire army will be • needed at
bane to impress rebellion there."
We welcome to our tiblithis new Dem
'wrath) daily, to long delayed and so anx
iously expected. Its typographical ap
pearance Is very neat, and in the ability
with which it is conducted, and the
amount of its reading matter, it is sur
passed by few journals-in the country.—
We congratulate she projwietors. Messrs.
thosesaamma, Gaunt) & %mu; on the
success which has attended their efforts.
TAe dee is • paper of which not only
'themselves ltut • • the publrc 'may be proud,
and we ars greatly Mistaken if it does not
at once rise into • the front rank of our
National publications. It is the first really
creditable DenworatM journal which has
been established in Philadelphia, and as
such should receive the encouragement
of every member of our party in the
State. , •
P/ I 9 r ",) 'AI /Ili 4 1711.) a *lll
It will need no argil* on our part to
induce the-patrons of the Martyr to read
this immortal document ? Taken in con
nection with - the Constitution and Wash
ington's Farewell Address, It is the text
book of Democracy, and , as such deserves
to be reed reeve: 41y and thoroughly. • It
. • • the spirit of trun statesmanship
and pi r - T.' • • • •d no one can read it
without being strorigly. • - • . ith the
conviction that were its noble as
alive, he would throw all his wonderful,
energies op the side of the Constitution,
and against the twin crimes of &Cession
and Abolitionism: '
Ons friends may rely tipow it that 'Penn
sylvania is overwhelmingly and nachant
ably Damocratic. We have watched the
spring election returns. in the various
counties, with the closest care and have
no hesitition in predicting that the Abo
litionists will be in a minority Albs next
hill election by 25.000 ailleast. The change
in public sentiment is astounding—or,
rather would I e, if there was not so much
cause for it.
ins MIS4IBSIPPI laralwriore.
The news which we receive from Vicks
burg is of too contradictory and unreli
able a' character to place much reliance
in. • One day it is said we have gaified
important advantages ; but the next day's
news either contradict* or throws doubts
upon the previous riport. 'From what we
can,gather. we fear that our foams have
suffered a calamity on the Yazoo River,
but to what extent it is impossible now to
t_liL i . i.l!hl .zrt')'~.i
.The following lathe !Isn't of the spring
elections in the towrshipa and boroughs
named. We shall publieh the returns from
the remaining districts in our next issue :
Waterford Torcurhip.Justioe,H. &Whit
tlesey 60; Amoroso; C. C. Boyd 30, James
Oldfield 126 i. Road Couldnioner. Geo.
Frittz 49, L. F. Phelpsl6,s, J. F. Beason
1; School Directors, James Oldfield 146,
Jahill Boots 155. Wm Thomas 48, Joseph
Walker 12, J R Taylor. 115, H. ,Ormsbee
14A Brownell 2; . Intimater Nathaniel
Bowen 75, Wm Darla 26, Jno tattimer'27,
C C Reid 3 ; :Auditor, Jrhill Boots 46 ;
Clerk, H. R WWttlesey 17 ; Treasurer li
H Whittlesey 2D ; Constable, Jam M Trash
98, Judge, Aaron Ormolu*.
Orsommt.--&thool Directors, Orange
Huntley 131, Oliver Gary 123, E Dorman
98, L B DeWolf 105 ; Judge, H !Smith 112,
8 L Kennedy 59, F Kidder 29 ; Inspector,
Willard Matey 77, ChM Paul 69, A Bent
ly 85, Jno Beaumont 9; Road Commission
s", Ira gosio 177, Wm Xidshlns 157, 0
Spettiag e Bawdy 84; Amoormor, A Pieta!
99, A F Brae 991(64114 Owns Ferguson 111,
P Salsbury 62 ; Contable, 3 Tntesdale 189,
A D Mold 1, Wm Splon , 82, A R Dunning 98,
Wm Griffey 89, C V Wheeler 6 ; Treasurer, H
Bantu 29, Wm Dinrisoy 37. •
Northam: /kroweit.--Bargers, J I. Brook
ins 69; Judy, Richard Bran 46, J H Haynes
6,•W.P Brookins 2;lespeetor, NAM'
1) Pierce 6; Constable, J L area 56, B.
Orton 41; Almelo.; :AL Conrad' 41; Boma
Binger., R wed 61; Alemouter PoN 30,
.1 X Conrad 24 ; High Mutable, I L Grim
14, B Orton 41% Anditerng Meer 12, J L
eras 12, WM Jona it; Connell, p Glass 67,
•D 1Y lierrilt67, Jobs Muer 28, B B Town 28.
dielog Bors*L--Burgess, Michael Jackson
47, Wm Museum* 'edge, Anion Meeker
46, 011 Cross 81 L • Hulbert 41,
W I Mews 88, 2 ; Constable,
P' Penes 48, Ilklisadirs 11 Mute
hie, P 8 Pergola 45, 8 Allleaders D Bly 8;
town Cooed% B Htholphin 84, 8 ?Andrews
RS, 0
* Andrews 48, Tb
MAW Jaskol. 32 J Snllime 88, W,
its, 0 astea 48,
B Corr 47,4 R Ortoir4ll,' WAN 46, PMe
dal' 1; Avatar J F Clark 42, , 0 B Juksen 81;
Asseirff, 118,.1 0. Flowers 41%
&NM Btrieeiers, T Tboreteo49, 0 Lope 50,
p mike 51 C WO/9111188: W• Men
, as, J 84.
tLneltry aormo/li.-Jitotioo, D Patter-
Na 87, 11,Duisirebe 18 ;113ustable; II 11 Tay.'
I.r 83,. t 1 w Am 14; Assemer, I Rouse 15,
HIS Riad 86 ; leopesier;4l 8/111man 17,18 A
Mom 88;, Wm 8 Doris 18, 8 gm
85, Dargess. ' 0 1 / 9 14,10, A Bkimor 81;
&kW D Ash
86, H X
'& 1 • 10 ,4 2 SW.) >4 RB BA ( 2 PI„) $6.
g game (11 zip IMMO* (8 year%)
18, A P How (t. ) 18; em. 4 .y
Clark 25, Jig 22, X Rouse 17, Orestes
17, L Vessadmi 1; Auditor, L Rob-
C hlt dil lS, 0 Atel 18; W, B Mama 18, .1 W
Davis 24, A W Clark 88, I X /nu= 48,E 0
Wallswerth 82, Wa Clark 88 ; High gonad.*
11 lor 22, W Allen 4.
Jferg Tay giso firsorliip.-4nsuce_ 0 1 K WM lel,
Igo Oralrem,l6B ; Road Osseadudoner, y Bel.
larisp 163, J A Stetson 173 ; Judge, William
Matiel 173, 8 J Nash 166; Constable, ;Noah
Burden 169, II A Taber 16$; 130beel Directors,
0 W Orlfh 185, J Mimeo 182, W 00140.189 ;
Wolf 161,11 Breve 169, J A Stetson 156 ,
K Belknap 156, Jams. Welsh" 167; J SW
UM* 188. Seth 09111 k 170 ; Clerk. 3111 KM.
171, II Barley 16$ ; Auesseor, B H iliteboook
171, p B Bessilley 160; Auditors; J 13111iinaa
1711 itatell64.
frassive.--Justloe, A Hinderso462, Bow.
lead 112 ; Mutable, 31 V Blom 6i, J W
• ,
Fritts 112; ' . . oonmelainer.• 8-Header.
son 52, 8 Berahrilt; AtHogirs 100,
J Urch 5W IF Bsidnin • Clark, le[ Met
103, Willlim More 81; rer, P EhttP l / 1 ,
2d, 55, C A Bata 109; .3 Chaj4•lol3,
Jas Moors 60; Bichsel WW Jelkelk
111, 3 Bonin 111 t; 111 It 4 9 . West, gotelsr
son 50, LII Chaps 11 J O Sears 51, A
Richards 112, 0 Swig
Greeaddel.-Jarboe, Morison Lewis 57 ;
School Director*, Porter Permeeter 62 , A E
Beeman 42, Hlisson 4N D Manton 0,0 Hoe.
4, Wm Mideast; Nlamotor. K Jones 88
T Wilsonl7. Chester Rapsond 0, W- law
worth 2; Judge, W Farniarorth 41, 3 W Most
82, B Jones 1, IF Jonas ; Road Commissoner,
11 Farnsworth 14 ; , Jas Wilson 15;
Clerk, Jas Wilson 16; r. j Babcock El;
Auditor, P Brows 18, P 20.
11unkles.-Elehool B P Hanel.
J W Deanery 8, Abel' Enacts 66 ; Road Com ,
Illiegeelen Alvah Francis 89, A L Wood 17,
Waiter Franclil9 ; Assessor, 0 0 Wood 60,
L D Brooks 81; Inspector, Levi Howard 22,
86, J J Milosit; Judge L Francis 56;
Constable, A Alden 0,18 II Washburn 42 f
Auditor, 0 Wright 28, L D Mine 1; Clerk, J
Tuoltsy 18 ; Trasurer,l Tuokey 10.
akkiktowe. OosuNbk, C Shafer 28; Wm
Ferguson 1, F D M 11; Assessor, '7 Hos
tetter 16, J D Choi* 1.1, 8 8 Bonn 1; Mesa
Directors, Win I' 16. J D Mans 16,
3 Parmater, Jr.. 1 , H 18; Judge, 3
,Paromater, Ehr., 16, J 1 , Herein 17 ; Mother, 1
'D Chas 1, 8 8 Boston i 14, B F Marcy 2, J
Hostetter 1; Burgess, It C Wilmot 14,1 F
Martin 19; Council D Wilsey 12 ; Inspector,
If D Wilsey 10, B If liaison 11, 7 Weitniaa 4;
High Constable, J Welinsis4, RC Wilton 17,
I D Chsllis 1. , ' , --
aloud BoronA.-11grimes, L Hatt 64, II Id
Webster 1, Win CI °shifty 2 ; Coenoil, I Web
star. 68, L B Wright 64;,1 H Nichols 1, Thos
MoChwe 2, 3 Real ; *hod Directors, I Res
18, 8 Pease 68; 30 1114 (I yoq) 64, I•llJeeie
2, 3 Gulliford 2; Judge, 11 IF Machines 63 ;
Inspector, J T Sistaio4ll4, 11 Platt 47 ; Con
stable, J 0 Callen 64 ; Assessor, II • Ilistlists 62;
High. Constable, 0 H Frees!' 1.
NeKesa.--Justice, DI 11, Verse 72, T Sterrett J
68, T DueslBB, DUS 60; Oonstable, Win
Wiswell 92'; Assessor, BStafford 68 ; Road
Comaissioner, I Dro 86, Josiah Ha burger
38, L Wiswell 11, B 0 ood 2; &hoot Direct
ors, A Dayls 84, Bsli 45, 0 MOW 107-
ir a ter
A Leland 8•; Judgell ord 44 ; Inspector,
Wm Grant
46, r Style 1; , 3 11 Voris 61;
Clerk. 0 Resd.49l A , .1 M Edinburgh
48, John May 1.
foinder.-Jedge, Isaac Weiner 62 ; Frank
.;'Keslilel 79; 739431.011. .1 Fates 88,E Boor!
'47, W Eaton 1; Read Commiadoner, Levi
Hadar 90, 8 Stunts 1; Assessor, A J
C 4
90, W le Eaton 2, B Bina 1 ; Constabls,
Barr 104„ 0 P Lather 2; School Dlrsoters, A
J IdsCrsary feig ier ßaisat 104, W Kirk 1, 11
M Kelso 1, J s Clerk, 0 W Cock 78 - ,
Andittir, W W Raton ; Treasurer, R Pistil
16, P McCreary 82, W Baton 1.
Harbor Creek. to H Cone 138 ; Au
ditor:AA Moorhead 1 , J Rios 61; School
Directors, C Lad 1 P D Bryant 144 ; lion-,
stub* W P Con 811; s 1 3 L Otinwood 86;
Read Commission. o Osse t 180, J MoClnis
90; Judy, 3 Dodge• 181, W El Bassos 08 ;
Inspector, P D Bryan e 121, Jae Brawisz 4 2;
Assessor, Jas Chambers 148. Wm A
69; Treasu rer , i 104.
Lexington, Sy March 28, 1883.
i Dear . Observer :-I presume that ere ml.
e ,- -•-• .6 has communiest d to 'yaw
the fact • , . - .• ddy soil of "Old
Kentuck " has . . Inv • --. horde
of half-starved Judi - vidials, who are se'
ing to destroy, the Ibest Government on
God's earth. 1 I 1
One week ago to-day they entered ILL
Sterling, a small 'Own located bleat 30
miles east of this place. We had two or
three hundredteT s there (niostlywom
valesoents) who f ht them for' four
hours, but being npmbered three to
one, were compelled to succumb.. They
also took possession of Danville, what
small force we had there being compelled
to "fall back." They did not, however,
hold the latter plbut' a short time.-
Our forms entered • town, about 4,000
strong, under Gen. , drove the reb
els out, killing an wounding some. and
taking about tb ' •
re T urter
hundred prisoner.,
who' were brought t this city. Danville,
by the way, is a bitter secession town, of
about 5,000 people, ottated Wailes south
of this place. The l prisoners state Gen.
Longstreet oontem late entering the
State with a force f Aileen or twenty
thousand meu, all ousted. One thing
is evident : the Is are: determined to
enter the State vri I. liege force, and if
the army of Kontu ky does not shortly
re l
get reinforcements, you need not be sur
prised upon ‘ hearin of such another dis
aster u that w occurred last fail,
while our troops w driven back to the
The "red 'tape; indiriduals are at
doubtedly "getting eyes opened "-
fortifications are ing erected, rifle pits
dug, and everything indicates activity.-
The "gentlemen Ofrim" in the city and
surrounding vicinit h ave been "pressed
in and are now using the spade and sho
vel to good advantige. - - This, in my esti
mation, as a "military necessity" far star-,
passes the Emancipation Proclamation.
Major General Burnside his superseded.
Gen. Wright in the coMmand of this De
partment. This has created general sat
isfaction among the troops here, 'OM had
little confidence in Yrright's Water", al
though, I believe,ho hes never had an op
portunity of execieing it. Though Bum-,
aide made a diblunder at Feeder-1
icksburg, his coin "ey• to oommandj
this DepFtmetu is not denied. •
• There is in organieation•herearegirnent•
of Tennessee's's, composed of refugees
from that State-men who have been
driven from their homes befogs they
supported the old Flag. The • nt now
musters nearly 4001 men, and is rapidly
filling up. It is to he commanded by MI.
Reeves, "El exile *oat home," and who
has of late, i ; r eastd. held'a position
in th e War ent at Washington.
• I have just earn that a largo numbe r
of-troops arrived he's hit night, and that
more are expected to-morrow. ' They Ore
from Western .Virginia. This looks as
though they anticipate active times..
We have Ter; Pleasent weigher bete
now. The warro,Mn is rapidly drying up
the mud, width is erns only two feet deep
on. the level. You, shall hex from me
shortly again, if we #rw not, in thegreph
lo language of one of the " boys," "gob
bled up." Yours, as utinal, Jut.
poplo•liMMidel vs. BWltiliairms.
The Black Repabli 7 s; exocaudvely fatal of
applyiatpot names Asti; olkpollidie,, are
am Ton I W l O4
giCepperbOadir to As DOOIIIOIIIIII. Re like Li
wash. There le ea applicability about it
Irbil* opiate out bol add has a palpable
The "Copperhead" Is poSalisi to this boon.
try t a reiriles, badepotatent snake UM %sows
its poweti, and whendistarbed or intetAtrid
with, umis it is a brave make, end there
naturally tolerant, harmless and paseirM
butlane we you do riot trauple upon it, for
it arra num, sampt ti) µmob iii foti,i and Its
bite, whei once arogaid, is Anita
Now, the reprelentatlve of the Republican,
opposite to the Copperhead, It ,Ikillallts,aks.
And here, too, the "WV . Is complete. The
Bleak eitaka Is a coirsOly; kissing, thieving
reptile. as plaseorsts. somewhat the power to
charts, bat he al* lye Shims the immeent to
destruction; He ecta nests,' 41sIte phi '
barn yard and sock hem's egga, and will disk
be found curled aroua* the legs of a ear such.
ill her milk, just as past Republican
tractors, jobbers, and ake holders are nom'
doing with Vitals Randal's oow.--Artrienien..
Itsoon Immo, be 0491,411 WA*
*ate bee gone RepubriOnni as .are expel*.
ed. ' The Adahristrntion part 'hive ear;
'Vied their Governor. °albeit ofeenernek;
Ind ether odors by large reefeeitiee.
Telma* of' fin* grad ' s
pound in :Lyeehtmarg. 8
bILUCAL lag alaff, $l . 50 to 175.
~.,,-:- Deserters aie said to be rushing back
Ilk tht Aruirof the Potosuacat the rate of
two or-three regiments al week.
-- 2 . The nem expedition to Florida un
der Colonels Higginson and Montgomery
is reported.hy Gen. Saxtrin to bare suc
eseded. in whist?, .
. - The Presidatit has appointed Thurs•
day, the; 30th of the preen& month, ,es a
day of fasting, Weyer and humiliation, to
be observed throughout the loyal States.' •
A.pariy of guerrillas; last week'made
a rnifton the railroad north of Grand Junc
tion, Tenn., tore up the ;pack, destroyed
ears, captirred a few prisoners and then
ran. , , 1 - i
The Navy Depertment has as yet re
ceived nothing confirmatory ot the late
Oruro 'dispatch stating that sir iron-ciads
and twenty transports with 15,000 men
had pwed through th: o l ( iiicksburgcutpff,
and that Fort • Greenw bad been rap
tured. •
A Declaration ofl.Creitf ii*PriloaT
for clergymen is being argued in Philadel
phia. They "avow their unfaltering loyalty
to-our General Government, and their du
ty to pray without ceasing for the tritopoph
of our arms in putting' down (his aftoly
and Murderous Reb4iori." 1 ,- .
On the Eastern coast the !rebels ire
getting uneasy. Yesterday t* attacked
Williamsburg, Va., and were reptleed and
driven &Way by the sth Parini/401a Car
alti A day or'two ago thermide an tit-:
tack pon Wingfiel I, on theghowa&Olfv.
er. Where they also enjoyedreat. mid
werediverred in the neighb nviwamps.
- On Saturday United Stiieii . Mturhal
Murray arrested Charles leamire, a noted
traitor, who left Tampico' on the 23d of
Febirary,and who woundeagood to have
oom hither to purchaie goods for Abe
Sou ern ConfederacY. IHe was,„„oceord
ing to orders from the War Department,
sent to Fart Lafayette. He toot With him
to Ida fortified abode two, bags' of bullion
w,blek he had brought, fr om 'rarnpieo.
Tait Foataboutmo Daan.—it seems to
be very well understood that as soon 11111.110
piorrat-marshals areitelected and an en
tellatent assured. 4 delft will' be first
ra;in these States that have not filled
t notas under the old allotment, for
menienough to fill up deficiencies. This
Willlput at least forty thousand' :yen in
the Feld, with prospects 'of a cellar. June
tout* or three hundred thousand addl-
OW. ' .4-•
. ATSACI. CON CHAILLIMIX.+—ii is highly pro
-1)6E4 that ere this the attack , on Charles
ton leas conmussoed and determined the
strength of that central !stronghold of re.
bellidn. Yr. Ericsson, at last advice.; had
coat 'toted the pregaistions nausea?, to
the monitors. as is supposed, Inv ul
ners le, and for this - 4*e the enterprise
wait ._ : The capture or Charleston would
ru t
be isplendid stroke for the ,Union.
OA Diarrsnifax.—Pennsylvania draft
ed enoughmen last fall to fill up her quo
te, bat of the 40,000 placed in camp; not
gm+ than half the number got into ser-
Vice;' the remainder having, deserted or*
proCurect exemptions. ,Goir. Curtin, now
in Washington, is insisting that the State
• 1 *credited With the full number in
the en . .. - . {t ot the conscription act,
believing it to be . . • y...0f the General
Government to hunt up the - da .. . . te.
lIIPOITAXT TO DlAilTille.-011 WedlOOO•
day expind the period of twenty.** days,
extended by the grace or the President to
returning deserters. It was announced
that all who should' return to the designa
ted places of rendezvous before the let of
April, should be subjected to no other
punishment for their criminal delinquency
than loss of pay for the time they were
:absent without authority. After that time,
we have reason to believe, there will be
tarnished of she necessary rig- .
law. { ,
-=. The Navy Department has received
posi,tiee kattellogence of the destruction of
thei r ew Rebel steimeiGeoqiana,off Long
d beach, S. c., by onsßeet. She was
A erftil steamer, of 407 'tune: burden
,and 'lso.horzoi power, and was 'considered
mo formidable than the Alabama. N She
left iverpool o Jan. 21st, and has since
at Nassau; N. P., fitting out to prey
upti Northern commerce. She had two
ipr,lready mounted wbeq she arrived.
; here can be no doubt o i l the scarcity
of . • ideas among the Rebels. The news
pa, -{ confess it, and the fordble seizure
of ; • . • and grain prove It. Governors and
Co . 4. .. en are urging the people to
min . • and cattle instead of ootton,and
one I re is called in special session
to mulct laws against {the cultivation of
large llelds of the royal staple. In Mobil
a Rebel Commissar is begging for bacon
at 50 tote a poun d ; In Knoxville, Tenn.,
emir, $55 per .barrel.
. Langieweis. who • how been pro
claimed dictator of Pohind, has issued a
stirring proclamation which ureporeed to
hive hods prodigious egad. Preparations
were being made by tsith the Poles and
Russians for a great {battle. Garibaldi has
nailed two more lettere in behalf of the
Polish cause, oneto the Russian
army and the other to ewies.—
Another address to ' Ales s been
published by - Kossuth who warns them
against trusting Austria..
A Cairo special' ti l t& Wednesday
morning the rams Lan and Switzer
land undertook to run the batteries at
{Vicksburg. As soon as they came within
range,the Confederateslo a tremend
ous fire upon them :. : e
Lama* , was
struck 30,tunes, and entire bow was
li dened
idiot away. causing her to sink *mediate.
iy, taming a completzoneent, as she
went down. All her Orel', except two,
trooped. The. Switier d was disabled
by 0114-poinder ball peetrating her steam
drum. She floatedown, the batteries
bell keeping up their the epee her, strik
ing her repeatedly. Finally the Albatross
ran alonseide. and towed her to the lower
Mouth of the canal. { e loss of life on
her it not aseertahsed.
i .4-- A Confederate valry force under
Forrest, Wheeler, and Wharton, attacked
Our force, 500 strong, Brentwood, nine
Onilei fr om Nashville on the Franklin
road• yesterday morn* g. After a feeble
realltaleo, with the of only one man
killed and four wean ed. the Federals,
under Lieut:Col. Bloodgood.imreend ere d.
The enemy were afterward pursued six
miles west of Brentwood by Gen. G. C.
Smith with 500 men. Meeting at last the
entire epartederate fore*, 5,000 strong. he
Was Wood to retire, after retaking and deo
diming all the wagon and ammunition
*pared by the enem .
Tie Amos on Port It voson.—We have
New •Orleans new to the 23d Inst., em
particulate of the movement of
Gen. Beaks and Adnii Ferrer mouixl the
loss of the IlillsOssippi. to general facts,
the statements do - differ anemia
from what have, been alreed,y pu
Gen: Banks moved up 6001 Bann Rouge,
not to attack but to ' the Rebels
at Port Hudson, and, make a diversion
{ Which would fever pamegeof he 114-,
{Re was successful in t , and imonediei i .
1 returned to Bat* Rouge'. His men
were greatly t tair al bein ordered
I to nokirn wl t g a fight "
On the
water tbewas ery exciting ; the
Earthed flu pored the battejies unharm
ed, although the Mini was ' tali& ; the
Blekratend a shot through her steam
oboe, and to bat dowq stream, hay.
tat int throe killed and ten wounded=
the v All only pallidly disabled.:—.
The' Ws, win forced honk with'
six six Med oin twenty wounded. The 10..
disippi AM Aground, • d after a despised*
Mu, was she on fire n. d Abandoned by her
otheiela—l4ii Orme 65 in ally the mug
rat tg ati ti r t
fi T ik Oy •.. The. albatross:a { altered under the
PPS ari l the '-' . • .
- Major deseral. Grant, in a letter to
Surgeon-General Hammond, emphatically
contradicts the stories of extraordinary
sickness in the Vickshorg army. Ile says
their heshb wilroomeare favor:llly with
that o any command in the service. •
waa 50 per
a.. last weak ;
DTING Aininistratiou, it is
said, claims to have information, through
hatikers in Baltimore and Washington,
•who are in pcsatesiaion of : news
s trove Rich
mond, that the rebellion is rapidly "caving
tn." ,
- Both Houses of the Legislature:have
agreed to a resolution to adjoarn on the'
15th of April. •
Let Chhdtains bout of deeds in war,
And Ifinatrels tuns their sweet gwit t ar
A nobler them, my Atari it Ills—
Is praise of matchless init.
Their oaten are found In ivory hod--
•tild itunia's aoa,,w■--arid isauti,
Their woodraum •orb -the papaw all,
POduanl by linnuct's matchless PIIIA
Dora disease attl'et you / do 'out doubt '
This ebarmlor ii , dopound wli I search irnut,
od health actin tome system All,
If Asa Ay 'M saes to HIMUOVII Pills
- 'They're sale for aU— both Wand I (tang
Their pleases are on every tongue;
Dumas disarmed —no longer kills,
' Slam we are blessed with Hinniez's Pills:
Er Pat up with Easlieb,SpauislOperman and French
loetions. Prim 26 make per box Sugar coefeiL See
aKTertisensent an third page. For sate by all druggists
In Erie , 1 jr2S'Ety I.
. —.w-,--
T-18114—Xe - e t
They purify , strengthen and lavigniate. /
They create a iialthynplAtit• '
They are an aat'dote to etvinge of w its a nd diet.
They maim= o ff sets of dissipation in late hours.
They stsengtheu the system and male the mind.
iThey prevent miaamatlei and interml ni. levers.
They purify the breath and 'chilly the stomach.
I They care Dyspepsia sad Constipation.
They one. Diarrhea; Cholera and Cholera Hostas
They cite. Liver Complaint end Nervous Headache.
They are the beet bitters in the world.• They make the
weak man straw, &ad are exhausted nature's great re
stain. They are mai. ofpare St. Croix Rum, the ale
: brated Cellseya Bark, roots and herbs, and ars tiken • Ith
the pleseareof a beverage, without regard to age or time
at day. Particularly recommended to , dellenfa personi
requirlag a gentle stimulant' Sold by sal Grown, Drug
gists; Hotels and Saktnew. , P. H. DRAKE & c 0.,: •
.1624ai11. , ' . 202 *midway, bir!, Y. ,
1 j Y01 1 1 , 41 YATlLkillbtoll. ,
Ms delightful article for, preserving and
beatifying the human bag Is again pat op by the origi
nal peoptieltar, and Is now made with the eame'caie, WWI
end atteetion, which lest ail+l its immense and un
precedented Wes of eve: ore million bottle; annually I It
It etlU sobi at 21 Nets In large bottles, Two million boP
Um ten taidly be sold to a year .her alt is again known
that the Kathelrea Is sot only the most delightful hair
dressing in the raid, but that it cleanses the scalp of
scarf sad dearer, ghee the hair a lively, rich, Nutrient
growth.sed pimento it from turning gray. Thus are
soudderatless worth knowing. The gathairon has bun
tested ter our twelve years,' and is warranted u descri
bed.. Any lady who value • Waitaki" hand of hair will
use the Kathairon. It is finely pert:toed, sheap and vol
uble. It is sold by all respectable dealer" throughout
the world. D. S. BARNES k CO.;
Jahn.. New York.
11' 13 ROD A D YE, bat reatorea gray hair to tie Dile . -
*al color, by impplylng the capillary tubes, with Nitursi
abstanance, - impaired by age or disease. All lustaneous
dyes are composed of LUOILT Caustic, deirtroyiug the vi •
tatty sad beauty of the hair,and afford of themselvirs
so dards/. Ilshoatreero Isimltabl q Culorlug not only
nollotes bale to Its natural color, by s'n easy process, but
ghee the bale a LUXURIANT 86.4017, promotes its
growth, retreats lb/ s talling aft, eradicates dandruff, and
imparts health sod pleasantness ,to tlonierd. It has
stood the tut of time, Wing the original ital.:. Coloring',
Ind Is atonstantly htersaalng is firer ; Used by both
gualeuera and ladles. is sold by all respectable deal.
or am b. procured by Them, of the commercial
agents, & Co., 202 Broadway, ti. Y. Two
&) Gents and $ - I en2453-6m
Hsi eves universal satisfaction dummtbe 14
Lean It has been introdneedlsto the United States. At.
ter being tried DI cannons, it has been procLimed the
Ws destroyer of the world. Pain cannot be when this
Ilulanatis applied. If used as directed it cannot and
saw has haled la a Ante butanes.. Fos colds, coughs
sad induensa, it can't be beat. One 23 cent bottle will
06119 all the above, besides being nislal in every faadly
for audios sasidiats, sash as barn, eats, scalds, basset
&lags, he. Nis perfectly innocent to take internally,
and can be igtven to the oldest person or youngest child.
Price* sad al) asnts a bottle. . °See 66 Coartlandt St.,
New Tact. Vold by all Druggists. mr7-4w.
The advertiser having been restored to h alth in
a r t 'uw Wash, by a very simple remecly,after having suffered
severs] yeses with a severe lone ailection, and that dread
disease, Coanunption— Is anslous to make known to his
billow-entlarere the means tat cure,
To ail who desire it, he will Dend a copy of the pre
saiiption need (fro of charge), milli the direction. fur
pampering and, wing the same, which they will end a
The only object at the advertiser in sending the Prescripl
Yon Is to benefit the 'afflicted, and spread information
which be conceives to be invaluable, and he hope s every
safferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing,
and may prove a blessing. ,
Hinge County, New, oak
EDITOR OP ,41111112111V814,
Dams SAE—With your permisaloi,
wish to say to thej readers ofyam paper that I will send
by return malt to all who Ida It, (free,) a Recipe, with
full directions for making and using a simple Vegetable
Balsa that will elbodually remote, to 40 dam Pimples,
Treckles, and all impuritir of the Skin,
leavingW manse ma, dear smooth and Mordant.
I 'Maim Ilse to those having Bald Heads or
Bids fem. ampler Moods= and information that will
molds than to dada fell growth of Luxuriant Hair,
Whidoss, or • Illousholo, in lee than 30 days. all sp
gladiola answered by return mail without charge.
Respectfully yours.
fshilt-Mn. - Broadway, New York.
wueoripta cotrau•ou CEICLUP
Bower mere, may be alleviated and cared
by the use et MadeMe Zadod Porter's Curative Balsam.
This invaluable Medicine possesses the extraordinary
power of ralleving Imsoodiately Whooping Cough; DIE.
catty of Bzwationg,Wiersenesa„ Huskiness and fielding
of tb.Throat. It loose= the Phlegm, and will to found
to be vary agrerabba to • taste. It fa not a yident
remedy. bat emolid: di—warm, Marching and effect i re.
Can be taboo by 'the, oldest person, or youngest, child.
Tor sale by all droggists, at 1.3. and 26 eta. per bottle.
batiks bolo eared of the malts of early er
ror end Dasers. will. from moths, of beorrolenoe, rend
to Lbws who wet it, a, copy of the above interesting
serrotho, by himself. TWA little book le de.
me • warnlogaud caution to young Ennead those
from Naavocra 'Daum, LOU or innoor,
Tuntaroba MOAT, U.. to.. eappiplag at tb. same time
tie mew of self care. Single copies vat» pent loader
seal to a plain eavelope.—without sharp,—tu any who
request it, by addreesing the author,
Greenpoint, Long bland. N. Y.
Comwor LAIN a anisci num
Lan It Ilak hs_ the great chats of INATIORAL
smarm* mamma loafed In the rollers g atlas,
• tiebelarelip brined from Buillilii College,
, eatilas the holdarle attend either or all the Colleges
/or as salaam! Usee. ,
elms Soullips el dame Imalsaillmm, Is to tu l i
1 is rum Non dad ladies, a . thirsmo, prodial
slisitaks. •
'now Itleilegme are orgsaised anitesa‘sted epee
a besismitich mast sessrelo Seek impasie !saltation
the bait podia lieLlities tor torpartlaz • thorough row
mania olustlem sad robber Bra a - whole, the moat
,tocapeelasehe sal emapiete Ittent In this country.
—t ßilitsilacKam p ig os i ls=taspartroists,Telographing,
Law c
tilretanglit la ,the mast thorough Arit and Penman
and psalm!
Tim liplagarisa Itysfail of Pemaisteldp, is
t _ t and aperianows teachers.
Mahe lieedeesee, $lO.
6 / 1114.
irert•Siervid=a. o, r, l i . ° Bala
4... .
- .4. 01 owed for Catalo ue lad Ctrs teaea sal!
-...- /Adm
• Raba°. N. I'
Latta Tailusesdaysma the Estate of Solomon
dem* lab el Ways* tewaship, Erie Co., Pa.,
led to the sadoolised, all pumas ht-
QOM Is lisCials ea Iserats sailed to swam payment
without Allay, sod all penises having clams Diana said
estate psessat the same duly eatheatlected le.
Rape, NM* 11:UNI1.earldwilLS Ilasesters sifted.
*l fi ja
6 . 44 cileafa ,
\ ...__ , ,
VIZ: ..
• • moyan ROSE WASH. \\
.qllllolll.y CIyteKINITOATX-0,,,
This modielue Inc:vain the power of Digest..,
escars the A BSORBKNTS Into healthy settee, by
the WATERY OR (ULCEROUS depardtleas, sa4
well as pain and Intlosematlen, _arid le good for Ng
Arista's from Excesses, Habits ,of Miaalpatlori, po i 1
Indiscretion or *bits,. „
Y• 1
limit/postMon to Eleitiiin; Loos of Power;
Loa of Memory, I DI! of Eartiotiesi' ,
Meat Nimes, 1 Trembling, ‘
Horror of Dismass, - Wakatal nissy t ,
Dimness of Craton, ' ---• PSIS in this Rack,
Universal Lsusitude of the Ylusbiog ofliho Body,
Muscular System , _ Itriptiems as tbe IND,
,flat Hands, . ' - Pallid COMIIIII4OOI,
• Drynsis of the skin. , f
These symptoms, Hallowed to so on match thlismodkalc .
Invariably removes, w on &How
. -
In ow of which the patient may expire/ Who can e f
that they are not hequently battled by thosej ,
"olestel dissemekr
Many aii.aware of the came of their milking, a , ..
none will coakeis. The mold's ol the beam Aspic
and the melancholy deaths b Consamptlion. bear mph
witness to the truth of the a a.
Thee° natitution Onoe Affected Ina
Oigan4o Weakness,
Regains the old of medicine to strantisen and intim Q
ate the systeey JELELMBOLIT .1 ZXTI4CT 8008
invariably dem' A trial will,coesince the most Imo
tics!. 1 I
OLD oa Yocrao,"4ll,raue, 11Aaana, oa ConlartAna
• 'Lummox;
. .
, .
. 1 ' -,
In many alkoettans peculiar to -Females thu Zs*,
Bustin la unequalled by any other la Oblis
sis or Retention, kregularits. rainhaubieg or se=
of the Customary Zraosations, Ulcerated or I .
Mato albs Uteras, loneorrhss or While., Ittarilltin
me ati complaints Incident to the soy whither se w'
trout Indiscretion, Hablta of. Dissipation, or to the,
, I
Take. Balsam, Heronry or Unpleasant Yadki'le •
Unpleasant and I/angered, Na...... )
k •
La all their stages; at little •:pease; Little or no ohs* .
• In dint; no ineonvenienei,
It ceases frequent desire, and given strength to Urfa
thereby removing obstructions, preventing and diree
Strictures of the Urethra,
.allsyl nig pain and VANN*
Una, so fret' In this cau of diseases and ittpt
, .
• rioueands upon Mainlands, ; L
i • 'i.
QUACKS!' -` 4 ,
__ ...,. ~
And who hive paid IiZAVYAVILES to be cured aloe'
time, hare tound.ttley were deceived, and that jtheMPi ....
son" Ilea, by the uie - of ',!poweirtil,aatringenfa,"-ibut4
dried up in the system, to break out in an aggistit.'fi:
form. slid ' .
i v 4-,
FornrfAd c ailona and Manama of
Viliotber extatipt in MAILX or FACJW/LS, tem what
ever noise originating, and no miittar
11Igisei of these Ozgans rwalre tbo aid Of a Dna=
And if 1K cattalo to hiTil tbe dulled said La ell lar 4
vanes, for Okh It V recomiustnted.
. 110mbold's Highly Concentrntid Compound r"
Fluid itxtrast Unapt/AUL
This i an Lifted°a of the Blood, and adsorb the Sir
nal Orville. LlRlige of the Nose, ram Throat, WWI.
Op% and other Mucous Burflamesonaking Its impearemv
in the tors of Ulcers. Beimboiee tetraet ilanapuite
purities the Bl cid, and removes all Sealy Eruptions d
the Skin, giving to the Complexion a Clear and He nil
Color. It being p: spared expressly for this ems el
So:Bpi/into, its Blood-Purifying Propelling are preserved
to a greater extent than any other preparation siffiar
Helmbold's Boss Wash-.
An exeelbent Lotion for Dieeues of a Syphilitic Kr
tam and as an !injection) in Disesses of the Bylaw
Organs. arising from habits of dissipates. mod in air
nection with the Bitrscts Baths and Sanseperills s
ti t
1 eh diseases as recommended.
lieridence of the most roe bin and reliable dune
r will accompany the medletnes. „.
bo SaltIKT
eight to twenty F AKE. standing , with names teem
' For Medical Properties of - BUCHU, me Disiessigol
al Qs Baited States.
See Professor DZIFSZT valsabie works oa tbi bar
UOll -
of Mole. _
Bob remarks made by the Lb :Oplehisted Dr. AT):
Bee remarks oastio by Dr. Elk/LAI/If AfirDo,l l4 .
i &dusted Phyeiciaa and limber of the Royal C&Mfe..,
pf Sargeons. Ireland, awl potash/HI to the.Trseeeti?l'l
the Mug sad QUM'S Ronal, , •
See oiedloo-Cbmargical Renew, published bfr BEIUk
r&A VERS, fellow of tho Soya Colley of her
IS . :5
I See toed of the late tftsadioril.Watko on
itrsocrr Bum; ..--111 00 per bottle, Ar 6 &rill.
Passorarma.6, 1 00 " s
16ritarm kegs Luz, 66 "
Or hat • dose of each ibr SIT 00, which will be 616.
Wen to cuseithe most obstinate eases, lt. directions us
ikdb to
fired to any address, seccuels panted from °tor
Demi!» symptoms is all eornmneications• -•
Ca gu asotee4..
.Advice gratis.
, .
Personally appeared before Nos an Alderman lOW
clip at Phltede.phia, H T Hawraoar, .110.1b4174 dab
Swam doth say, hie p eparatlone boatels no WOW.
ao niejaury, or other ItijOrlOUs anigli, oat Awe
vegeta le. 0. T. WWI Br
Hearn sad eutaeribed before me, Chia Sada( rf
ember, 1054. P. HISIIARD ,
Alderman, Nloth•atreet, aborelieoh M I6
Altdreaa Lettere fur Information in tronAdenee,
. li. T. ifIiLMBOLD, Cbewlit
Depot 104 i'ollth Tenth-street; below Chestnut. /Ur
Who endeavor to divan " orfinus o;
's othu" ankles on the reputation attained by
tialsohold'e Asoulue Propuritiona r
", “ , Extract Bueho.
" ' • Sarsaparilla.
" 4- • Implored Rose Nash. •
- Sold by an Druniatliousiinherri.
Cut oa t
I t N i p% s ild
rrian 4!!D sod
ra d U ll i rit. 11
45 .