Tile ERIE OBSERVER. 'er• t• I: ON STATE Sl ntr, rIPPO3II7, ib,isr OFFICE, ERIR, r„ .übsenbors. ••Ivrta•r r, lien[) her Z 2.5 ;,ft) 1111 fit .•we rate tar largetClOp, rrft11!• 1 t,R AOVERTII3I2ifi • i !%I . illt••••Ir 107 , • 1.1.11,v .quare.-lis te•a'.ls •)n.• oequale .1 monthp • • •• tOO One •' Oren ••• 7L p, • tt p115,11111rt:11 0 . mpoths, i.tl; h natal [LIN sa;,9 worithfi, !Ft, • , ...4tures—i , me 'ear, s'7o;:ti ruouth., 10 , 0 nwotlll4,s'2o• • '•• . u simrl.4l , ll the Ihrect(ay at $3 per „ limed (or a Cara, 'ever 010, Mn.lnp.der • .it ht. $ 5 . S votual e.,/itOnni ii./aCt., I F ,II I/fie but no 2, cifi •• • two 1-.4 the ;penal ..1.414,1.{1/.10, reol.111113•• i1,1 , 1 ,0 T1t c ;, . t r. t,•10, LW, 1,11.61,n, raper: 1 I•.i 115 ..r V..lttn,ll te••, the t•bni 2 .14 L xta . And the 10 reel tw.ments rhu.t tine? y u•'tn• t to the 1101111141 e busts t ra t , t rot I.ll:n.oinvot o:: , •rtta ',Cunt< 1,411.116,0 fl•lV.lnee hl!- lett early wiro.rtimn, , ill b.. v retortr.l half-...1W re - kv he .41re54. ,1 ti• N'll "I .. Pity . ' . ,I.ltKh. J I. llnwits rit atTSINESS DIRECTORY. T ritti.() BENNIi'TT, JeNTIOK AT TUN C 0 0.) Wa).. ftlo , k,t irrnrh hviween Fifth awl :oth- innelh 2, - ELI .eel 110 1 l iliailrXT .44,1414 e, tlarrisburg, Px.„l:so I l_oxrutt. l'reprietor. Thienldeitahliihed House hit% • c hanged hand , the present sois,son,has,untletrgone ex -•o. erttrernents and been thw .1 oughly ItENOVATEI Irr Eli. We 6 . 44 roxitldt-ot thseit nos - not in the S In fir list• conf..rt., and rmarenztx. f• I. tt perlxitt to Firattibuos liottd t h bin C.ll 'tallith . CU.,. • YryIOLIMILIS PROCFRI4, and Dealers in sod f ruported ;Wines and I.iquors, also Segara, Fro It. }Jilt; (hit, and Agents for 11otiatt, Buffalo I,iud Commercial fintitlinge, North side. ottuErie, Pa. . 2 F REID, ATTOSINK4r AND 0017111tb1.011. AT Lai, Erie , 's. daring re.tilmed the prnetiee of his profession i e,ulanrnt l ), Will tot found at his old I thee, on /roach ap.i..,.uth-exiit corner 4f Public Fplarti. July 6, '6l. A 1,, ' . PROPRIETOR. Iti()RitiSON • II otisE,': ."..rner of Second And Market Street—one eel nary. east of e ' L neon'a Exchange; Warren, l'a. — Sent. '29-17. _--- Rnot puips.a, B t..um.kluom 11..Larractr Ric; "Cory of Rinacv.weht's Btpek, He. Pa. . . , LtVirlre V. W1,1,134:4, , ',, • , AT-Totems* S.: Corn 8111. !AR ATit.iw,Erle Pl. ~1,.. ea caste Street, near the tart, in the American .. t, second story of the Walden, occupied by F. & SI ,Zoteker. He will always be found in his office end , • ~..eree punctually attended to. V: MOB AITOPANY AT LAW, Clra-I,.}Crie County.. Collections aryl other bunineas Attelided to with re.o—tnnes end dispeotelL, - t.aiti: it J. MORTON. • J. FOIMARDISO and Commission Merchant, ilihr flock, Erie, dealer to Coal, Salt, rif ih, - Fleur st. I.Oter. I . C. OURUESS do CO.. WHOLVIALII DitiLIPAI lY nROCRIttill Ant - ..I !MONS, State Street, No. 7 Bonnet! Block. • 11111711 [LEARN 414 COA FORWARDING and commission' Merchant; ,rrs in cpe, Flour, nth aud agent for a daily line of Lake Steamera„ Public Nock. Erie, Pa. • w. 1,011:1.AAS, PArron.wx.C.Pr Gsw.---Offise removed to west Of Stategtrvet,ou the north side of the ark. Erie Pr.. •_ _ _ j F. DOWNING. . ATTonsti AY LAW AND SCRYICE 07 TVS hArt. Will practice in the several Courts of Erie County, tad give prompt and faithful attention to all bneilleas en. a,•!••••1 in hi■ hands, either as an Attorney . or Magiatrate. IV" °thee to Emplei• corner of ,:tote ana Fair, f 1111110.1.0 fir AIA ItSII, I A ifi.4l" 4 /Arrrarks OS team Fi:i4invs,Bollers, 4 ! , ;(mrlng, Agrioxlturil in,vleTto.nt.4. Rtilrowl Cara, ... \ 1 *4 l *4 fi ORD IL; ,(11., DIALIZIOI IN 1:0LII, Siivvr, [intik Note.% ..rid;.101.11 Of - Depolllti kr. 814 ht exchange on tba_prln dard Itlrm nonatanly for rode. ir) ffi erSo P ft.e.nd Hon** pub I , -guar*, FrlA:r I '... , si t 11V A.li IC' Li , 1 . . - CITY end PAro‘r,...snin.DlNlNci SALony. • ,r..ik 't of I IN-li. ,Z11...t and l'ennaylvants RR. Danot"; *.n.o 0 rt.h,‘,lnari !•I • %%WIC, Proprietor: OTstera and sa. ...I ..from :Et all bourn of the 4.4 or ninhi. ftddfl---37. ‘• , i I I,i . - RANKIN., . :,.. 1.. c-a 4 au all kmalo of Coal, malt, PlUstef, Flour, ~kc , ke. - Yublle Da.. k, Erie.,,Pa., 7 51 J. U. Ra!MI% • r. %USTI:V.- 1 . thr..ti.hfrt In Clocke, Marilee, Fine Jew , 's..r ?Ronny, Fiatxd Wart, l i ookiug Maguire Gilt • ..ice, Cutlery and Fancy Goode, l'iLraftott den , , - Aide West Park near ?sift at •• MINCLA/ • (Solc-Cealsor to Stewart l• Santinir,) ' Tana t . ti AYR 11IttE143181:, Wright'a tate :•ttr, ea, Erie, Ps, tlaalor In Punta, Litix, C.atapbeur, ••••••tnt!•, (Haas, Burning Fluid, Ili uabee, !cc. \V M. A. liAL ar il , 11.. 0 Al T1 4 1 4.tw--Otficeotuithet 4 oppopate the Court Hour..., l'a. ' Wt. MA1:11 A L, s aa DYSTIgiT. Sillice :eq.' aaa north lade of the Park. Er ie. SIT.NCEE, '.it!LDEZI LAVIN. SI'ENCE,R LI: AI A It V I 'N :TTOENEYS & COUNSEL LOOS AT • LAW U}ICE, Paragon - Block, near N with Writ Clatler of h i ale :square, Ene, Ito! M 1 r. , a., le.oz CUr of Superior tail Bunk Stiiuuts, Cleve'Lou, u, fS 21. OLIVIIat tirAlttleOßD, BOOESILLER AND STATION^EIL, and tun/full:tier of Wank gouke and It nun luk. s..uth of deems' Bloek, Stab street. mired:at—U.l3. Et('111101LAIIII & CO. Dratins ti Roots and sh.,ra, ..e.tl.etand Findings, Wisulesaie and goat. American State Street, Erie, Pa. ' mittl33o-44 • 1101.1 SIC, Eats, l'A; A. • Grit.u, riopristoi rAE , pests et this House .hall Mtn. every iitte.rition, to nuYn tLer stay agreeable. Omuibum to awl Crum a ll tnung., / _ W al4aElle6r. roawasniala la commission antucaa:vrB; t Ware Row, Pildic Dock, halt of State Street. Ca .r• lions* at gall Road Crossing, Erie, Pe. Dealers Fish, flour, Pliultar Water Lime, he. N. u. -kart tanning to aitilgrout Canal Ware L A Y 110081 i, Joan BRADY, Proprietor. Corer, u b t 3 tr &Lid - Tbitit Stmts. (ismadtittly Mating the Cap 1 sr:tabors, Pa. Tenon reasonable;accommodiition myna• to tillS•brat natal in the city, and the Bar it a a ..oeiteLl •Ma the choicest liquors. UtielreICAKKR; Wnot.taaia Ann Maim Dacia* in "ftaWaties and Prorlalona, Flour and. Fard, Wood and Willow Wars, Wlnta,Liquora, Tobacco, Sedalia, lic.,Stata *trait, one-door South of Fourth, Etat side, Erie, Pa. juovf—U32. . _ litilE CAR OIL CO., RI/I3K/41 1D D DIAI.XS4I/0 One. Ona. of 11(11.Crook. gar , " . , . II P. AVAISIGN I ' /./: - Roogost.tro and Desler.la Stationary, eui r Pr r , Ilige un tines, Newspapers, 6c. Gotintry dealers nippll . Store der Browtia liotel.fronting the Park. sp 6211. -- - —' - 11 0 . BUSS, Baxesasra Correct. week Wholesale .04 detail Dealer an Candies, Crackers, Cake% kc-, "(4ty C.n tral klakery,":4:so.t Corner of Eighth and State etrrete, • ' ll l3Katm noTEL, Corner or 3,1 and Market ate., Harrisburg', Pa. Thii old and well known house is now rated up in the net Improved style. the , accommodations are ,ef th e kit order and the - terms reasonable. lite situated In the -.eat dellthtful part of the city and affords one - of the leaurateet opping placca in the country. lebtll2tft Y. PARS DAVIT. L ICatta PiTTIII. • p Orris a; DAYtti o ' Mea STTORSYT a AT LAW."Chaltan _ . e, Feb,. 15-37:63 dvill ea. J A A. KENNEDY do CO., FOKwARDSItiI AND COMMISSION 1! MRCS LIITS, .4 I dealers in Etanned &ad Crude Oil, Coal, flour. natter, Itc Vitas lad Yard on Bth West, near - Canal. .1. °MDT. [aprllrtr4L) - 'gnaw/a. . . ilLw. tl. L • el•Llt/TIP - dc SON, Diarus27l.—oedde in ru - k Row, Erie, Pa. All work woman- ga a 44 ted. TJ. ELLIOTT. (.1310 . 17] - O. L. ELtiorr. St" Ikt CCILED II 1318. • you want thower) beat Sueisz Cured and iiilot,7l..DEFti in the Market, the piano to get b•w3 ‘, he 11•04nr "tors RV. Cutviit I.IOUSIt. J. 71. iith.t. Warren, Warren Go., P.l Gicieral zitike4)-diee. Aug 7 '62 STRANARAN Et WARDEN, FOILICUIDIONQ •NII at Colon YIIL , t rie coanty, I'a., by Atlantic /a (1 W. R. ! g -lara in Coal, Salt, iron. Crud., and Refined Petro g:a Alt Made Of Shipping done on Comnalakon. I.lltf. • GiantGM Wit pews net Post Offics. HAUCK Stier. State treat, nearly Later Beer Saloon attached, where gentlemen can :v. themselves witheat being annoyed by dtor'derlt :row& E FE To NERVOUS SUFEHERS 0 F .80111 ARS —A REVEREND GENTLEMAN 1 Kann been restored to beittb in a fir!, days, aft/render rang all the anal tontine and Irrei:ular xpenal re wod.w of treatment without success considers it hi• aimed duty to co rn:tinplate to hie Millets:l fallow cnratures tile means ;. ewe. Hula, on the reeeipt Of asraddrearedvinvelopit. nsid Mee) a oupy of thi broseriptlon used. Li t' a "" • ,2rnat Ragnatt m led Fallon Street; amok' ~V 146 „ _~_ ..,e . • ... . . ' r• , . ~ ;, .`", . , .. . • . -... '. . 'l' ..". .: - .., -,. T. .:•,. 7' ' '2. ,--..- :!.: :-: •- :-.* . ' " ! . . CI , _.. . . T ~ ~..• ~, • f . . . . I ' - ~ ? • . ' , - .- .. I ---,.. j i , ‘• ' ... rf . . -.,. •-- , -...',' \ ' .o' l B " . • . . 4 I • 1:.1 • , 7 i " '." " ONE DOLLAWAN . D A-HALF PER YEAR, IF PAID ADVANCE, VOLUME 33 F B F. N E II & B U . : 1t..8 14 , INarroPiort to IP:11. AU') ~ ,o zritl.l. •“•vrE , AND Fir HI 3P9, , ERIE,-PA ' ~ Dit.III.BI/N IN .1 CONFEdIONECiTES, FRUITS, NUTS,. &o. 1 . 4 - IYS, FANCY HOOPS, YANKEE N4ITIoNS, tir. • ', • 13A-ITIMORE OYSTERS, TOBACCOS dr, CIGARS •I' %REINA AND FAMILIFS Supplied attli Cco Cretm, Fancy Cakes, Finn Cau.11.4, Pyrac Fruit. &C Vtench rui.kktiouirud Pure Caudoos of every =I OrAngea, Vacua Nnti; Roqins, Flort,-*Dates, &c CR ACKiftS CLACKER. ! Bost" Et, 0 ) ster, !hitter. Sods and Auvid Crackers, AEW•YS FARAH! FRESII CAN OYSTERS • , Received every day, by *Amu, direct 'from Baltiavitie WARRANTED FRESH AND SWEET Will pay p%itfcalar attention lo tilling orders hi any Watt Goods in their Hatt. L UIIL4E4 A-N D ST AV E . S.! WANTS A.SH LIIIBERI 3.000,000 Feet of As!! LID 416116,111„ spite tat • In kammth.• - sume,l haeh„ 11,1*, 11.2, 2, 414, 3 sad 4 Hack. . WHITE WOOD - LUKE'S& " 1,200.000 feet of 5-8 Whits Wooda thletimsa. 500,000 " 4-4 " " 500,000 "1 3& 4 inch White Wood Ptao 500,000 " White Wood Columns, Ma, 616, 717, 143. - CHPa l aWi r .LUBIBBiIIa • 500.000 feat 0f , 41-4 Boarda. - • STAVES. 3,000,000 Rod Oat. Ind. MEW 44 loch long,' Inch lb et, on heart .Ige, and 4 inch Tide 1,300,000 White Oak Hbl. ntatas 34 Inch long, 11-4 - inch thick on heart edge, 4 fizeb 1, 10 2 11 clear of map. 4,21,m and Docks opposite P. fr. 4, ELL Der l ) s t. feb.S 6.3-2 m ; H., G WOLD. worm) COFFER. . .-- G • ,(' 3',!anE,tizi"t7 1 4,rtra:fdttatil: at th e "Harmer Store. 8 ! ..0AN & W'OREARY. , . D AN DK 1.1 (14 COFVEK. The Llealthieet 824 chtziret Di ) pz-Arivmpire.,,, , ,: lrer.r.,::ts„D.t.: I n"..', u 44)Iand 25ea Z P :t :;1.l attARY. . JAPAN TEA. Another Invoke of Japanlee Til !: s: LY jiy k n R 0 4 1,..D T1C . I A I MPOkTID. the • Battier" at Pah pullet/ad. • T [fy2tltfj SLOAN k 144UREAST. NioT tCE. We take groat yleaaantlu leterseleg 11'40W:die; ;;We nnaterone Patrcaa la partlenlir, that we here • again renamed JIANUFACTURI_N 'STOVES DM INCREASED' FACILITIES, And are preparetl to fill all orders for cooKING AND ;HEATING STOVES, WITH PROMPT?:IICIA laving * large Stun: of Iron, previous to being burnt out, gives no • decided sdrentage, (In prleil of Stores,) over Maunrs:tarerswhobarebought Iron at present high prices. for i past facors o We 140p4, britrict attention to the Rapt* or, Cto•tonters, to continue to merit that palrannze n'.4nl,f. V INCE:4T, TIBBALS, SHIRK kCO N EW .1 EftSrE . D - S, FOR SALE, G It If F. NI 0 it' FRUIT FARMS:imitable for Grapes, Paiscii• es, Peers, Bee n berries, Strawberries, Blackberries, Car.; ke., cli„2.ffe. 5, 10, or 20 acres each..ee the follow. iig prices for the present, acres. foe $2OO, 10 urea for SI Iff. 5 acres for PA Sit acres for Sea, 1 acre for $2O. Payable by $l4. week. • . good Cranberry binds. and rase& lota In OUT. WOOD, 25 by 100 feet, at $lO each , parable by one dollar a week. 'The above. LSO and Wins erstituated ier. Chet wood, Wiiihingtoa Township. Barlinstoo Comity. New Jersey. for further information, splay. wills a P. O. Simon. for a circular. to B. FRA.bliLls CLARK, • jal.7'63y 1. No. 00 Cedar Street, liwur Yort,ll. Y. in 11 I t C - T• 13UUI 1 13 13.:E•R'N'i L'ORIVEII OF S_TAITE /VD FIFTH BTS. ' The'underelgned wont respectfully Moro thanks for the patronseolnetotote aztaadod to bin, sad solicits a cbutumauce of the • ESiii;JEM PAG,,-ING - MACHINE, for paging Blank ilooks.la issiann of whislit al he le enabled to do work of that das mat Led cheap as it eta he one In Buffalo. • Hawing had as • EX PERfEN'CE OF a'WENTY" YEARS, I oelieye I can appeal, for tha Amain. pitroasivg‘th tall eonfidence Insley tititlitr b we nuatema. Tit LING; BINDING AND ALL KINDS OP WORK Of mrz.ufts Donb_to order. Constantly on hand • kris supply BLANK -11 - 001E8.0 . Remember the place, south-wept corner of State and Fifth streets, second story. neat door to the *Gazette' cedes.' S. Y. MLR. • tr.rie, January 2ith, 1 1863.4at . • • • NEW GAS Lrowr THE OLEO—WATErffiE! Patented t y Prof. I. I..lltttyJune IT. , This Gae has been thoroughlAtested by men of etionito. and Ito merite hare stood the greatest scrutiny., ft eau be taapalaetatial toe • 50 CENTS PER I,OOO\ \ CUBIC FEkr. It is per'ectly free from offeniive aura, not. liable to explo.ion and will notcomilinae le any temperaturs'or tlirpate.E It hue bode auplitior to the best Coal Cu *levee a inuch more brilliant light. • IVe are now prepared to oiler the Stralenta Givens. rates to the Public, which mast erentagly take displace of all other Gams. wear to the cheapness with tir& It can be made, Its brilliancy of light, Its perfeet ithuptlelty and lii adaptability in all eases where good light is re. quired. For private dwellings in city or country, re Ll= Churches, Hotels, Theatres, Factories, Public G Andean be adaptetYtr Qu Wieriolusep in operation. at very little etpense. We will diapoie of RiGliti for Clttes,Toeine,Ceintieti or 's tales, at moderate prices. For farther particulars apply to , T. B. TUTTiee, Eisen Jan 10ne1. 313 Walnut Street. Pktiartelplita,Fa. • )VE YOUR visuz;Nl!..;:_, IMPRi JOSEPH BLAqic';' l'facnell and Scientific Optician hai.arrirsel ill this ty with a large issertineat. of the ofolstinisel DA I, SPECTACLXS, thibest In ase, nal eAltfflikrus4 perfeet_thelr poffeet theme, high pitlith cad their pail, liar flap° being round in a CONCAVE CONVEX ELLIPSIS, make it the cleared ex yeti as the mutest .pe c4a4et lb f'.mwas who are fir or nesir•stirhted or NA Mari Oaf - ferik from WEAK EYE", smiling , from whatorror anis or maws will improve their RY ES by the as .of the 3PEKOIDA GlASilird. For long reading ortlxi• Midas they asset be surpassed. - New Gleseri !bet Into old Primes. Ocoee It I.,Atro — ties Drag Store nadir the Reed House. FAS. P. GA GGIN 1 t ' p • - Notost.7vosoooso lasnotoVallitomotdoo ocu breotozos Await. tollootioao sad idt bk• 'euste4 to itaxeresoptly ottooOhol to. Applgestleao foki 'unmake* sollottod. and Policies Wood withoot,doliyAlr Ot&rt elan aoaapaalas. Mak littbro Meek serour et h alit State otn.otkgrio, aordiretlf. PARENVELII ADDRESS ANDREW JACKSON. To the :People of Ilse rnitod Stater FELLOW CITIZENE :—Belng 'about to nth* from public life,') beg leave to offer you my grateful 'Minks for the many proofs of kind nefis auk confideece which I Ilse* .reeeired at yoUr hands. , It has been my Corinne, in, the discharge of publip . duties. civil sad military, frequently, to-have found myself in difficult and trying situations, where prompt deaision and energetic action were ; necessary, - and where the ititertet. of the Country required that high iesponsibilides should be tearlessly evitiountered--and it is with the deepest emo tions of gratitude rthat I - acknowledge thi continued and unbroken confidence with wbieh you have sustained me is every trial 3ly. public life Has beans hong one, and I mut• not hopethat it i has, at - all times, beta free from errors. But I hate the consolation of knowing that, if tnlstales have been commit; ted, they have not seriously Injured the coun try I so anxiously endeavored to Serve ; and, at the mainent when I - surreader . mY last litb lie trust, I leaveihis great people prOsperous• and happy,•in the full enjoyment of liberty a,nd peace, and honored 'anal respected by 'every nation of the world. ~, , . , If my humble efforts have, in any'degreh, contributed to preserve to you these blessings, I have been more than rewarded by the hoc ors you have heaped Open me; and above all, 'by the generous confidence with 'cadets yen have supported me in every peril, and with which you-have continued to . animate and cheer my path To the clash* heitt,of my p01i... licit life.. The time has new omits; Whoa ad vanced age and a broken ne w Wain Me to retire from public concern. ;• but' the recollect , ties., of the many fevers you have bestowed upon me is •engraven upon ray hart, and I have felt tbat r could not part from putt 11er.,.... vice without making this • public aehnolrledip mast .tif..the,Natitude I. owe you .: And if I use the cession to offer to you the caw* of age, and, experience, you will,. I trust,.!* m eeive t)(e'itith the same indulgent kiednise. whit:Al/3U here so often, extended to toe,; 114 4 will, at least, see in them Cu earelisilleslie.td perpetuate in this fivored land, the blessings of liberty and equallsent. • • ' '2 • •• : We hive now lived almost :fiftkieirio under. the donstitutlon framed by the 'ages and pit gr t triota of t .11evolution. The' * Conflicts' in which tee: ' ions piliuropii *etc Ong/aged duripg w t part of this persed.L.the spirit in which th y waged war against wielivither, and our inti commercial connection, with i, every. part o the civilized world,. tendered it a time of m h diffioulty.far the .gaveromeat of the Unite Stilteii,.. we have had our ra . eons of peat ;4644 wir, - wltti" tilf'the' evils which yreep e•ePifollgvi a:lltater of hbaillity_ with imwertn ottlons.‘ Atelettaanterifdtheee trials'. With our 10clitititutieis,' y'et in its, In; fansyViind undit the difladreatiges Whielr:i new and untried government meat attrayti fed when it is called ups* to'tiutZfailitEiLsoiliolis streugtb,:witlusut the lights et 'expiwitalealtis guide It; or A the *eight of preeseents:tojni-t City its maisuraq 'WM. Wit hate paisedtriza-f phantly -through, all .these diffieuhifai,, _OO Constitution is. no .lenger a doubtful experi ment; and,. at • the end- oftwearly half ti., n..- tory, we find that it hai t rtiorved unimpt . irat the libertieiiiit the people, secured the right. of-property; and' thit our country -4U 'ln-' proved and is flourishing , beyond' waylcireeir example in the historrof .aations.' • -. I in our domestic concerns there is everyL thing to encourage us, and; if you'inr.true to yourselves, dothThg ean - impede jade mare*" to the' highest *cant oftultelotliVrtiiiirleilfl,l: The Statesishiali "had se long been retarded , in their improvement, by the Indleiltrilmerar. , siding in the midst of thotn e 'irs sii la 6 rd Hived from the evil; and this itidtippy rule —the original dwellers in our, Lad,-are nekr r placed hi a situation where we well liopo r that they will share in the hlessings'illi (USW-, zation, and be saved from that,degradati* sad destrtietion to which they *ere rapidly' hastening,' libilithey remained ILI the flletesi.. and while the safety end comfort of our Dein' citizens have been' greatly promoted 'by their removal, the philanthropist will rejoice [het the Tenitant of that ill-fated_ racy, has beer" at length placed heydnd' the reach of injuij , l or oppression, and' that Cie paternal care of the G eneral Government will hereafter wator, :over them and prdteet them. •If we tarn td our retuning with• foreign ,powera,. we fi ad oar.conditioneqnally gratify ing. Actuated -by .the sincere desire to do justice to' every netion,, and to 4i:bikini * s r biassing of peace, our inteeoeuras with theta has 'been conduc ted on , the part of tit* gee• ernmeni: in the spirit of franknewand I•telte pleasure in saying that it.' lute generally, il t ee 'met in a corresponding temper.. Xtifßoultitnr, !of old ,standing have been surteonnted by !friendly drimussion; and,:the =twit desire I to. ,he just:' end the claimihf our eitizeni,-*ltlelt 'hat been , long•withheld, - havrat length 'been acknowledge& and adjusted' rind sathrfaettiry arrangements made for their fail payment, Anil:wish clunked, and,i ii trait; a to exempticin,.• mit relations. with fiery' foreign' power are nowoof the moil.friesdly character —our oommeree continually expanding, aid our deg. respected in, .every quarter of thal . - • • •, - pi • 1 These cheering and grateful garspasta, sag these multiplied fevers, we owe, under Provi donee, 'to' the adoption of the Federal Genial-. tutidisr.- fills; no longer' a questio n whether' his great can reniainhappili hed , lievilsic tinder tar pries & ,form • hf gov !remota., • :Experience, 'the - ittOttring 'teat ail hunnue'vedertailitigs; l fies'ihtitnt Orr vie % dens and iforenight'•ef these Whii - ibrined - it end has proved; thistle; the tintliaiitthese' States there is ' .et sure iiibundation for • I thsi' brightest *tepee of freedom, aid for- the piaeea of the - peel:de: Atvieery liasank ' by every . sacrifice. this • Gniett• meet be itta - i' iened. , • , • , ! The necessikfut watching with jealonW ann.. ' 44 Y for th e .Prlwtrvallen of Als. Union; 9aru earnestly, ?meld, • upon his fellow aitistair by the hair of laic coaacry, his-fdrewelLad dress. "Jie has there told us, that "while eh- . perience shall not hare demonstrated it 4 im practicability; there wig always 44easbn distrust 'the 'pettletird - '421 those . l4fop In nay quarter,' majiiitidetivor to Wesitieith bonds r and he has cautioned ht the ittrtingett tesns, ;against. thd-fontistien onf' geographiallNAhicrhitinations, - is 'one of 'AU ' means width- might disturb otr•traidn, and to which . designing men would, be " liliekt -tat The lessons . oentained.io that ihirataatge legnay- of Washington to Idsemmitiyaniks shoald be cherished WO* haerial env silk st% to the Wept geeeratiott ; oati•firilails• M oo pried of timeco i d they Wiwi< fly. remembered than ,the : preseria .neemesksli.. • For when we look, upon the sceti r es_.llhat. ate paceingisientorni, and direr tipod tliktag - es of his rating 'Wrists, bit piternal" commie I wined See* •to be not merely - thee nesprtig Of i ireslnisAked loiesight, Mil the' ic k iccveloi s sz pbotrf tolinelling Won hi isvt *6oi i ns 6t i ;be' :sill !its tomei.- 1 > Pettey 'years 'hive' piaci 1 Mose. Skil lipperignibleydoeumenivas Eisen to, bilitintryniitrottes Federal llesidinitiest 1 web regarded' brleini as Ai ispesksiek' and so speaks et it ii his addles's; birean' experiment upow the, modem .eit:ieltieh 'the hest NW 'of his constry