13 Manion tiist any man in Ulinoio. or boYosa motive. So = al of the partisan questions an eon- I staad is aqua, irreanaibibla and sadp 4 opposition balk tp rapabliesas saitilsp taistlikoniat" Appbtasel The last letter which Mr. Douglas ever dic tated was addressed to Virgil Hlckoz, Chair. malt of the Mash dataseratie state *sutra oominittee, in which he said ; " I am neither the rapportire of the " W I II / 11 9"/** 0 110 111 faiegra seers et the administration. My pretiotis relations to them remained nachanged ; bat I trust the time trip. nave! oaa‘ lowa I ail nee l isp ~o aisedful esel fee 4ng sad party poiier, tat Use honor and integrity of my country." Is this anythieg Itke the " no - ply" pre tention upon which sone of his proteemed tol lobers have joined s party , which nacos ttioaslty endorsed the repiOipla policy as *Tied out by Congress sad the eihninistra don While yr. Douglas lived, he knew of the war only sa one of self-defense, and there was no evidence on record that it would be perv , from the object ,for which It was &whirl dr Lineal* had said Is his inau. prat " I use t • / • hill!e no purpose, D 1 .r 7 V. to interfere with the • SD the States where it rave I bale no Loirrut have Do iodination to lICTLT or i institution exists ; that RIGHT Lo • do so, do so." Mid Coagreas had almost ananhaously Resolved, That neither Congress mar the people, or govorwmenta of tio aost-sinvehold ing StateA have • constitutional right tOlegis 14te upon, or interfere with slavery in any glaveholtling Staten of the Cation." These avowals covered the whole' case of interference with slavery, and no one could then have supposed that either the President, or Congress, could' ewer la " , hewn. to them selves, give the lie to their own doclarations. So far from Douglas having endorsed the policy of tire repahlioes poot is rebuts§ to the war. he was directly opposed to it. He said that .•war Vas disunion, thud and lm vocabie;' he titonght that the party lied re fused oomprousi ae. amt :on war for the purpose of either, destroying slavery or the Doles. La a letter written to Charles It. Lsophittr, editor of the [Wattle gime Register, in March, ?S6l he informs his friend : the fact can no longer be disguised, tl►t many of the Republican Senators desire war and disunion under the pretext of saving the Uni4M- They wish to get rid of the 'outlets SeCiaters, in order to have,a majority in the Senate to confirm the appointments : and Many of tt►em filial; they can hold & perma nent reputilican ascendency in the northern States, but ■ut in the whole Union. For par tisan reasons, therefore, they art anxious to dissolve the Union, if it oast be dene without making them responsible before the people." He was bitterly opposed to iusurrectiou, such as is invited by the emancipation pro clamation, cud thought that it would ever be a oonsequeisce of " republican teachings."— lie thought those guilty of inciting imams°. .1 • tien to be I mintrrtievers and.traltors." Th• following resolution, in relation to the Harper's Ferry insurrection, adopted by the Democratic State Contention, of Illinois, Jan. 4th, 1860, was written by Douglas: " Reaolced, That the rlarpees Ferry out rage was the natural comsequenee and logical result of the doctrines anti test:things of the Republican party, as explained and enforeed in their platforms, partisan proems, books and pamphlets, and in the speedup. of their leaders, in and out or Congress ; and for this reason an honest and law abiding people should not be satisfied with the ,disavowal or disapproval of the republican loaders of John Brown's sots, unless they also repudiate the doctrines anti tesehings which produced those murderous crimes, and denounce all persons who profess to sympathize with mur derers and traitors lamenting their fate, and venerating their mimory as martyrs, who lost their lives in what they claimed to be a jaat aspf holy cause. " 1 I . All of these I, syinpathizers with murderers and traitors" are now respected members of the Revubtiaasrpirty, and many of them hold ing high positionsiinder the Government. Aa instance of this came under our own observa tion. kpublie meeting, held in a northern city on the day of the execution of John Brown, passed resolutions of sympathy with his pur poses and oondole.nce with his friends. The memberii of the 'committee which reported these resolutions all received federal appoint ments front Mr. Lietoln; and thief, but one of thousands of similar cases. What maw of or dinary pelf-reepescholding the opinions of Mr. Douglas, tumid consent to act with a party in which “trympithitint with marilerers and traitors" were the leaders ? Wito upon reading the rrldesees, San for a =moist suppose thatelf Douglas was sow Hy ing ha maid eadorisaise policy of the Repubk bean party for sondastiag the war ? Who oaa think that he would sustain a principle which holds the Constitution and laws, the inaliena ble rights of, individuals and of States, all which had heretofore been held dear, sad which reader life valuable, toad auk sad he destroyed Wore the oatalpeteat will sad sov ereign power of Abialuwa Utopia ? There will he - bat little, awe of surprise that he who think* 0 04 skosid aloe Shish that the hest way t erresheriag a reveltiog people to a har monious Unice, will be through ooallsesttos, emancipation and stsvtle LanTrention. Kr. Douglas talicirdied the war, ant bceause be thought the policy of Its inception was involved, but because to a patriot there was no other alteemativa., Hoskin thought Ighissinty to sustain the government in its coastitutiral O- W nui syskservatiot. The war,ho should-be wags& for SO Mama pampoimo tpa of presoiving the Unita aid Conalatution spiv* the pile. of secession.' Its trek* a war agemeet wrongs, and not/wales! fights. - He advised his ottinittinten tolttlawdlon par. ' to enstain the goverantese agsdnen traitors, but mere advised the abandeanutat of the Demaiiiatic asgtolnation in the civil policy much tees didbe esitrise them to join the Be/- publican onomastics and 'indorse its poligy. That tibsPlhojolned what Is called the "Union Administration party," under the pretence of being an adherent of air. Douglas, or a repro matsttee of 4 T.iollll, can only be a fool or a knave. BRADLEY'S OZlABalielein HOW 1111111111 M A oloisklet• aarottaseat Jolt prod, at WM. P. BA? & CO., NO.* t ROME t VI v . = . 0 IMO ilia i a INK Lt Tri , TOP IMMO VIA DOUALA' Z.Vrlt4 ii7Dk, 4=4,9 egtzatosua, at tit , P a i geke e r m apat .11, 0 5 _L D Also, Yoga' lad CloAldnees. Young in a ucibia a Thum g a m JO*, 14 1 4 1 rid th. bast, 01 44k4hallini. ' 11MT.X aSS ✓ ?BB Btk, el UM 1101111), zoom:lig; ruin VESIPII * • OWII&IP •RS•l11, r 1 ~. J• Do yss lAA Is be Medea oak NIS PaAmmar Wens w inestIPSIPB PM. M. uv 0111111111414Jte VOW* ma, wansmosie• boo es" eft& or Sof biloir sttiorthess. II mai par Ws. lineas at Or arlomy imp %MIL Nolan. irlikb 'albs degbey. De yea is be eletis drayeaella M UW% and asproblis te 6 1. ( Pit. WOW* VI AMA. t soft par boisis. This astriages . Ira* IN also tbe b russlif Ws thill weed for Calizza, BAD Baia" LA MM OMB. WAS rears, oft. It lies oared hartbuis. Wt.. , ° ra. or Varailarte"i=l usim.s. Pr es, 76 mato per bottle. an_ yes satiated stith WAWILLWit t Mpa W a. UMW'S NattinalAiklA PLAIWIWIL This awn easetive and dellegalli Wm* 1111"116, ?boy do not adhere now balder, bet go** and dem pan 'may. Try them Prier. le gma ri neawl. liodied on receipt orptiee. Do yogi wish • comploto ost of MITAL 4 - and a D% or ritassnrsant Se D% DENTA L W.M16. 2 sod M lost valuable present ant as Wm. OM >llll soother. Pries. $l. Sant by IC spreeaaa raeolpt yirk,a rot salt ►t ill lb. best Maw Ukimiliphesi taw adesb7. C Amp r .--ee Uwe ant dashers Mho the hinithiph our edvietfeemspete te lama *pea SY& seilmer4 i, dee posperstioas, It 111 01 , 01iiin fill WSW MPS New e Z. WWes A OS Can kw, and y val WIT MO IMIlf . y wehiet, f tee mil prope o ed 17 aft easeelmeM a the Toe! flishe Aar coition. adid Vice-Prealoisist a thdaw York WV tioelety. A AdTWO WY. B. HURD & CO, New York. 1)It Huai?* Dar?u iLsauumias ma ram Cure it aill Pt.soa •• ail Damaiirra. .. NEW rovirrusat pousei. c z a.„... = 4 ca re st no = ell th• lady Pow Yea sad rare. labium to be 1112Cliii 1 iIII Vr as watts( Samtelos, ikake. Oat NOWIIe • MO sal Wain glom la ail kW& antlearl - vgato treat Puraltse• to Leoliest. It is diesper sad Weer _ . - - . tt EAT BOOKS IN P 111464 6 Ibe finial of er Wien sad\ The attics sad tie patens are might is Shia this will Is sad asSommies po War ler tbe those win Nisei as* U. seAsiag, ba/e-lersadth al 4 1 1 Mres sad manors, sad Its taddessie Ma w Use thaw of at loasitaoraSie Snsideofimo rem to calm It itr ottiaos rime' to , 11.-stirtiesMlA* 1114 Plinosor t .hiesl Asslysim of IN Calms al Inee War. le Jo. Lamar *o $T L. L. D 1 MAN , giVibi Waft el Ow Dutch Sepedelles," etc, tles dam W6ll Ohs ba% periwig ergots twos the Jabs neoirs raid, aM mm 0011 Par" all sad revised aceoeet of tho Wads& Was . et "iggi"/40. Bar tfartlard tba priesilili of Mt • liked to Is ir ill be gives for the ikst•Or A sod all parsoas who v fah akW CI ...,k, aid to boson tbe maw.; saboallitmall Immo owl a& dross at Ammo. 4.1. u. say dam tog je* iut pops* 1 a say Much of 1 1 . unary; Wrist_ Woortifts re I bona, sot ar Manias taalamat. trill ofrigs a.., moan( W an scamat of U. 130011SELL11.114 hmtritAIMIIIIM OM Qunawo• AdIEWINI wW be haralebed with a ailmiodtptioa Pesepeettia, o• up' phohUoo to the publishers. 4 Wisest osimisiddra gam ta wittier* Jairdar Is ad •. ,yew s^ safir RaNseriamsans. Tait RISTOSY 01/ AIIIIMICAMISAMIAIe• TULSA% nom aims a. 1100. Sy Do, .I. La &goon Mawr. 2 rob/ , fro. Vol. I. mow ready, VoL /L assrly toady. lale t• probably the largest sad moat Important - earls auv In the etmerinso press. No bar* &so Not pablialiad sow oddities of tho kotag areal aad yoy l books • 111.1141PIKAN SWIM LAVAL ADVIANJI ; go, Mow to Sion Norm s try Coomitotitft 104010041 M. *Mime to boor, as a:pomaded kp W Mot sad West katimactUaa. 400 ply, sheep. Ma $l. OfTDDIMITOTIED gyros 11M T • trtlND CIADONti TO •EajT. ak Ma baths= ripablfillipail IS Mosbug. kr or 714 risa amtelatitibmild hors awe books. Thy th• barer • leaderd • /•14. &ray issuat siosiii got km ask sum books ii, 'RAMA rim i p odi ea mew ef rm. es p•Iii0141i1 0,11106111 C%. imigifisa p casotally sod 'NolvO book avirboop,oa amooW of EaB otoasps. Adana, FICEICEIM.IWY CO-, INlO.ol6—lbowoombo winb lo ow a Moo et Sr 'bourbon wet be Wows bow Ow ow now boob utun 12 Co, Ow= =Mame Pubs% owa jipa Ivo Tent ANTI-AINAMON WORXB. sole= Iruiza An imam= morns, g resis ttßlCAL rAtrl u Macui esir mnsa. ?sagas losst.erst lair se 164 Jsasokiars is see Ovens Vitus* lasisily TS ct* 4 rx on tow **nee, is sta. DUD SO= MINION. t o - ' of COM iltriato44frat. at& or isbodsielloa Ow J. 1 Tom into alloaoa• ea oa So Natoml atillsortb i t s Odis•ciatifkkilt. it pp, Olitioro. rel.. ft SLAVUT NOT 'O'NJIN3T. a Cliariso OVloaaso w Lye.. at ea gra Claims is Ilko , Took 014 r. la UM tanobloll. Name, Moh o do oak& of Qs dhow wombs will Mama %), soil. par tat. ea eloolpt of adoo. Na YAM lIIVIIM a og jai...6 ' mollin loom sao‘lhor Tait. I IE OFFICIAL WAR MAP. • RAM101142111310411Y YAP OF THE EMT HPATIOL. MS UN mat grgp. wend la tie • 4_L %,:__ 1 t s s =usizoi s, or . . -• =mod_ Km siiiiWili. sal '` WWI sang AO flarsais . s4ll* All* ti Mal IMO ONLY NAP SOU ea alfiffp CUL. it Ii the most MOW sad aid it e l i ttr i -11 a br U a sisleatil ail Vis UM* PAU. Suomil 11111 .iio - Cieurlolpd UP and lapsdne of if lersi a m* reoiagliknfaiWirLY CM Aare wo raklt 4 =6...dw-idlritml i k. ' Outs oda Munk rift s = " ll %ail% - .1" ; ' me ak Ilya tr ad ea or roh ,.. -. , ir.. famakr i k, ! . 4.,..... 4iiizzi.,••§1..,... . en - Who now Rig* • 111111 M-841111 011111 a 11111111W111. bo4 aim la mated is thin IP NO* kr •ow•••••• se itort. JAL+ _1: 4 CIE DB. WX. B. HUILDIS 11:1-4:min i THRILLZES INOLDERVII IILUST RATED. 1 vol,, large 12. o. /Nice; $1,45. Tribune Buildings. L Y. ~~, ~~ SPEER'S ELAXBUCI WINE I CHOICE 41 011. TO FRUIT, rem eirsiiiataste U At, for lonalas, Via = Persona and lir; Cm, Wally. at able ressoidboald. me tab W ldi Odelinalaid inildlimps for Its medicinal aod bass I • oa goods littonaloot, took, Dioratio and ! • bdahly saidadoad frialaaat ptiyakissa, sad is=asa lawless licapitala, and ivy some ail Vaa ha E 8 1 ,144 aad Alatirodea. i AA • TONIC, „... It has so equal, musing if a appetlb sod bullibg op lilo gabs, O•lag *stint a pan alas of a food FM sable halt. 13 A DICILITIC, It layarts s healthy oetlaa I'M." IllOada sod Ed . sad Urinary or=vory beosileisl to Drop% sod Itleoweestle tea BMWS WI . Is Sol it Wigton or motif adielr, bat ye= eon thajoleo of the P gaol la Nov Jamey, ricommic••• pi Cle sod Pleysteisas se powering medial propettlea supeerior to Ow other Wises Is ma, sod as aissltelat 'Alois for ail wish sod debilltatel oscuse sad thei lq sad Whom, topeadoi tho Appolits sad boaellttlog so sad etalti nia. • 1, A WNW WWI, t=t ai tsaatsoe so other Ores la tt oP Warr awes, sad ir Weil*, Oseoe sod vs 0140114114WN W ir iame Jo ib• 4440110sitr• =ad s , sod fty skis sad ems. -WIC RIFT& TO A f.w well Mows gentlemen and sbysteloas, who bare Wad the While : OM Wialleld Boot% [IAA. Dr. Wilsoa, Mb Et, W. Y. Get. Id N. Y. Bt AL M. Ward, Kowa*, ft. J. t.J.IL .1. Y.Clig Dr. Doewkorty, Boir•k, N.J. Dm;VakiE 1;11.a . Dr Parish. Ptah. le= o llir a. Nowl waleir l db• sigwatorro at ..a umiak N. J J. is wee WI omit of tech bottle. Br S. OPUL Billil.b.‘ OP IMMO WINS. far Ws la Brio, by J. B. °AMR, NALL a WAS r Arista also fro MAR% Calabiatoi Suatetel Bawdy a Oporto, a Pen . oldlirtialo. .13111 n, Paimurras. VINTSABO, radwaloOlow Jonah 017101., ZNI Broadway, Nov Yon' JOBB LA FOY, Pasta, Dot , 4-Iy. Arai for Frame awl Gamow. IigIVIMPORTANT TOECEL Dlit. MIEN ItARTZT, Win tee %prude of twaft LADE yetis devotee - Woe exehtlietotr to .doloholt et FOUL' INFROULTIES AAA Wes k t otorie lmou tel latouietto et ow ta outer be the 'MOM hoo estidesee to Aide* ta. GUM AUMULICI4II 1331 in, • \ • \ \ il 1-41.1‘ V 1 I. 1_• •__ • • • • WWI kW. sew yet • Sin Os • • hate Mos IbllionsiJ L erao4ll4l • • • • sot dag &ma CINTRIXPrenr, Off WM, Oslt ht Imintills Mies sat -644:405in /P 0410114. Ms or aftbs AM& la sa oat St WM, se SWIM NM' WM% PMNUMookM4tis Ibmosomon moos artellsitliinem Teen PlO em bee nbeso tie romMuMas, sad way be taken by Übe most dense* liesaeltilherteibier THIRY ACT LIEN A. CUAPF I eat Oss s it t =ea a oj=g e ..do:weed watt eagokilor, es isis ' 614 a tG ciao or obsimediessew meet bar e... b. Mate &Mae CMat tour POPOSON IMMO pa at ciaar the.. m arlsemeso amid be fbeorena, @Gabbs 60 Ma Poke. One MS bjr ErS. 11JUITZT'S T3131&21111 ON IMISS.JUSEIS vF IICK*I4EB, Pranumar/M ai ff ia . a•• lADII3O' PRIVATS JUDWAL &Mak INV 00 pay* mat km is lia7 Ms mats te MY Psal TM or suet stub. Nat)/ ma% Peapld 164 ,_ wen &oft tau, ossespe Oa wasitypy ear assimilate:est, or by J. Mt V AN, Geseral APBs, MOSS& 171117 A LO & NUE I. R. ..a Aar " Now. it 1862 r.-e. 1., wilt sea sa this Bead as ibliellrla LEAVING BRIX 6 41 /L 111, ea A Crest North Met,Plists rant bests% Lisddit, trots; and Aszols, etgotS o s it WC, 00 2 r. atoVasiitiand Angola, End Visalia/1k Dna dl btoltsalvia( Mo at 3 Sll P. . 11 41 k ink Ulltrilt Prom, stopping st 1114rt&sid, sad 11114 w Creek, anises at Bs/Ms at INA. M. TM Day Noes sooneeto at Dnukbir and & lip Xisbt &Vows at Bali& osly, with Irma, Simla. Mr Mae Tart, P6ll'6llo* 'Plosion, se. LEAVING BUFFALO. 11 so 41. Day Agra" stappiwas ,&Seek& nibs as rile Cruet, 46 et! oubt, W P.M. itid sad Nett& Seek sag , 4 10 4.11, tiJA44:4 St North ISt ere* Bow ten, Phorrama ,710 .-- irtlisey, Mats Use, Neil& bra smi garbor Cap* ara tine at Ms at 06 P. N. leakiL 11 NP. K., Allgrat Stoup, stopping at Sums amok Daakirk and Westfield, arriving at Erie at II II rb - - Railroad time kitten initiates teeter [hut Erie tins. 17. wt. s 11. SIBOWN. Rapt. • . . . 4 1 r • • MEILWOZ. OP Tom. (IN and after Monday, Jan. sth, 1 to and mall !Silber sale*. MOM ow OW Bowl w ma a. follow. • ,LXAVE Na.ILMIEN4Aum aril at SWILL. at 6 Li P. IL a ea P. r.. sag ?Ws. (Om tie pf Liao nor* Masi) sad •nivei stlliarnta ler. it. LifiA V Walaida, 00 A. N., 1101iTilftc'anistsw h lA* N at 11 le A. It. Li IA A. It 41410001.1•061“100 Trete arriving at tale at I IS N. - iliallTzsia Wut compacts at Corry with Atlantic ll & esst Loam ti. W. Asoosnoodation ?main iv t. OA Antesininsolniirm Trains cast sad West soasest at Corey via Oink 'habitsW W en sh. Atlantis & Greet Western awl Oil Seds. WM. A. BALDWIN, Bart. W. D aura oft*. W. Niels Jas. 4. lOW Cleveland and Xrif Railroad ON sod After Monday, Nov. 17th, 1::a sad sell bartbior itotier, rossoefor Tatum • as follows. .an— LEAVE CLEVELAND. IS 06 P. la Day 2. steps al Waiseetir, Niger Ws", Cleassant gad Girard. ar I riew at iris at I SS P. ' II 25 f. NA. VW sad Rasswatedialle• Trels step ist sal sad arrives at MU at T 30 P. IL i II) x lt i rL u tiglit Roma nat. stop at Ashisbulsead Waal. ealy. sad o r ol i t i itr iN t t it 30 P. ii. LEAVE ERIE. $ 06 A. X. Night Itzpsetateas at Cassese*, oaly, and Gi rardOrroStad II ,A s all sarrUis strives at 61,, A. rai X. 5 00 A. X,. Nail and Aaniantodstio• ?raw. stoppteit at ail tha statutes sad , anises at Cleveloadl at IS 116 46 It. 2 ILZigtrois t &WM atisrlitipet _ o 4 ll4 4oalwant, 110. Ashlabals sad runsemue. arrives at Vlssaisad at S IS P. X. If. thresh trains_ galas Wootward, ottaniet at will" trains for Tide% Clam" Coleuthus,Cia relia. ha ha thategh teeing coda( ltastwanl,oossost at Our ths tablas id ths N. T. kites Railroad: sad at with the N. Y. Coated sad Budhlo sad N. Y. 011, tor New Yock,Allowy. Bar= ii i r "114"14 Xis. 2 . MC F A x uotunis ory Draidcalatist airbai. at T. T II diger SarSalP /el Minn* Ng NM I iiag OR I* iviilt 461 dirOi iie•hy 441WA1: MmivOnla sad leireihileaahabertli aarzazivgtici-m7= sari an Maws. OeittamiN Sad, Ida awara 11111 t. J. CI. Ay= a 00. r L ad % m iry dity le am vil 1.....k.a.mr. two. &mom. it Mewl la Mom .ad smz e r a : asd a ma i e ; saimatmee it aserr Lrok• sot as II bred sad emend say wady essit mw sum OM wit pillellat sai Ilmillawm domeriptios. IWO pie Iftelieitmee sod morel bat wittwel liitli rellinteen sew the tAbut Wheiretrypow 'Pena. /It I Merl Irm SSW taw *IP. nfolereelbot =hilt Pigwoit as akeratleo (11x9p. Sit I !crew pew toted& lOW LW mey nide toed be pm& Teat to Cliwkwillswdlipt amidewl II Wil le ..'aster I we* lt, aa yes •6484,01 meal doom at a temppomael over a prosta, mWI mod oared dam bottles.ltearllwelthy Witt -waft ibapel to Wm wake hin scab, gibers addle MI all Jill lib is sow dear, sad 1 70 my Whip IW II.• arigiss km New boa surawetww. Yea wet Wed Weave est I taut wlat I .sirles edam I ten i. thett Mil yos be be law ulford the mm Set rands soar ptiohally. • IILYZ IL 'PALM $l. Anthony's ititsates sr firdrypl= Tilelosir awl oitakt sein absalream, We gym', Dropsy. • Vt. *dot K.th writes tram Sawa. N. N. 12* MK.,INk .11110 isp Sad sa iaTeeseele air et Dram woes Ihmeitewed is beastaaaa tatat aliar bttll u e I=no daft lkuww•Mia, aid oleo li .11rywilpisa Ipy kip be ems Wm owe et Um maw; asp ammo ~mit" It mostantly. iltrearal *'taro or Ilwo111•41 Woo It. lelnia• Sem IR Two, widen t ' , Time bel. Geed your owed ime bon • aliers.--11 W. Ws Was SO Boa, which I bad Angered Aar met two yeat•" Lisikeentims ',Wlite/401v,las Timor, Utechie 'Mamalea, limalle INfesseis. De, J. IL &M at New Tart eNy.v&sa ;*1 Orli era** w efts aged al ye* wad fa =bac. fionoperUit a Soil steel is So for aaliab we alieloci 4 -.bit 47=VANIale Damao llsootemusdOdmds. laws amid maay WNW aI• aoma of Isemaisia by N, sad lama adore tim air *tat was cured by ollorriekos of tie limo. TM a/mac adam lOW ma area atm& limetilig WIWI* WWI. admsn i gmabc Is S. Dar row,, f liewborp lw rlM •. A &m -imosa saarims maw sm ama of &a harks is my Ilrili oliSehi bad &dial aU tbs sammilies was maid giarkig. b .O at bass eared by roc dolowd ad Oar- Oar *awe& motbkag lat mdbcpa- Nos weld Om WNW &a U iihe yaw =Pilla geatia as l i r i S cr balbra ratio& mml4 . mimady NON wbabs am armibms GU& &Mao .., Illypidna and Xiarearlal Dissain. lasi Cum^ %Ik Amid, UK Da J. C. Ana r Nq Ithoortally Gould/ OM to. of your mpra is ary_ . ==somo Ms Oise Fra:o I bar= Otb cr. lay pftelles, arse of dm amm plaids rue ebb* It h eee.aawbd. sat boo Sod it Ahem truly soadoefol arid hi th ismoie am ef he Amend «.d: themor. a eas yrr 1 Pi u ar° Is hi throe; .M d were esadteMlaa ride sod the top of IM moutb. Yost Salsaaimille,, stamp, Mama. need Wm to am We amathse was ittedisi b ter symOvol bli sem awl the uldunillus emuc oodmrss away a csauldmildo part of It, so do 1 bottom Om =r would Asa Nadi Ido bade sad WA Id S to My 110411dOilbei cd rear • Ike ado bided, IMO he Is mil odds, add` ow dolomites to bit ire. A mom Om Md boom tit mel oslandlor by temovirdmi =odd= la bar beim nog id • bezid Oleo to Um ellatber that ow im d p ay OM or onadadea _pod la Ms keisitaag_ beam Us imp eared req by roar 11.1 Ms la •Om wombs. I Mow area tat imoild, vilkid spat aue am des tido Preperatioa tna yaw I.Danlaq to be a peat moan with ac re ma. = llll 7 theme tidy remarkable nooks laddimally pon t O. T. LA MM, MI PllouliamtiaO4 aural, Ukase Comaidludiall. lusommats, Prom es, Ts.. deb JaA Da. J. Q. Arai Sky Ursa bass hi drools delmouttim for a Wog haw es Vohs 41Ire OW at Oracles., and shod to au la oda of tile remedial could Sad* oath 0111 bat& weed to. to two Todd, W woo eel seaeeal halt to nub tbat I as the Mao them b.AVI Mai .patted. I thhtk it a vambred apedille. J. MAX. Moe T. (Mad, of to. lank olds g boo bees tamed by yews with a. *amp if me Liam Odd deatroyd my bed& I Mistime, Ohm enap Iltdos Idled to roam me ; sad IWM tem a aad bedommaim be same yaw/ Ikons ao wrer maim Yea doviamomist if Me /dm My beloved mador. the lam Mr. Atm added mem try l c us llrdooduellia. booms be voldlbeTates pea, sad sag you mob do war& ads& Ity the Mar bug dad It said dm. um ima de prod my WWI as to mike •sm apes of ma I =twit& Tem beet ad ma be mid °Cyan b sot oeuiLl , 4 Silkirnal6Csamer Taman Vlaeradista, Clarlal• mud Ike Illinsee. A grog Today of ton Iwo boos rsoosiol to usiksso me al dna *rakish", omookkib oso rt kb mak,betas Row kw will oar** Mei kom at larm ma be bad Is air kisiskos Abas•s, iddak tbs spats lisilovrossosi aro Skirmish yolk So oil silo Con kr thoss. Dysp lopalierise Dftear m = bi theilairp. gYr , ares of Wm a go op. boo Ms manvilai tra =ls piwur of drb smears. h *aw Wes ftsease ts6v Apia's aides, ead Sue imorraoriri iliiiiiMwe Wbbe Tashi lie agpmil kwea4 Me =so Ds* a 'sway boa d bog bees segmbrei, 11, Oa so tbe p•spls, lad We an easl6.4 tiaUftb •M do br IMai A tbas modiabe ems 6s. Aye's Moly Pectoral, 102. TIM WU) 0:1211 OP Cassia, seal, Csszs pe iist and Mr Oansaaaptive la ralthaallorri Naga 01 ale Disease. fas is • moselp Matharsethr boars So amen say Odor Fr Moo taro ordidat eel Wet didelldold, OM I lair ism a peal* as Mimes et as thaws. Its minds. aesassen br cads eat able. sal Its yelp doodles! mai at mthasaary assess. bar nab a knows tbooogibal 'Magid sombes d as Nb. row ow lie mommaidad aft sew Swab* Ilona orbs 2regre sot sane personal enss at Its = I ZII troth, Ii ask et its than oar Se dasamses dianars of lie IWO Ma NM& Ail a snow is iinesibi Way obey 4111134 it snap /thire.leso. lbe divas of tha Nusely. wejrnoi act to mod Ibui to arum Moo that b bes it, ea the Mn ass thesis IM an gam searrap Moo CINNII width dm woo it Ofrowky ire Oho esolleadi of liNalSo4. • Dreesrei 17 D. J. It AM dr OD., lista Rad is Ibio by Jobs L Wier, ?. Nark fr o DeldOf L. Strom W ARA odd Deets. P. Roll ; sod &slow' ovorTriw ECONOMY IS WEALTH!, MP RE YOUR COUGH FOR'I3 CENTS! ME 1113? •IND CVRAPU? BOUSUI041) CURDY IX nn WOULD ► MADAME ZADUC PORTER'S ORLI? COVOR RRIZDYI vromire -eargs.. she ..m • 1.11. • th• _ es _ _ _____ slirr:4ll66olesiklie sl as Is 411. Isla els lismilbeldeel n/Ws Uks sok el sessill Is is iriest Is Skil Of shout ser eat We prise II whibii*lssellomils tie Is ertarrslb' rsessrms4 lll. 4= ll4l6l tisk pesib see reVegalesi the sisissost aiNiS slier. Ms 41111 Mr siN ims. Me Oars, OW* *a.,ead Is Wes as/ess 11 al di, sal =Arm IC res west UPI it aim al“ , Pia Oa SNP Mg be en es/ Slue arsenal 13 Me Wit iitya I at N. T. /NO.& CAXTII/ w Agist Ibis. Usalei,. 3 WRIGHT'S BLOCK, MILTB mum aim MEM Irian a hB mod diloksommtisest et GROCEMIRS, PROVISIONS! DIPIARP4MC auras mig +swim WILLOW AIM IFOODICHAWHI. I? OU AJIA, nMTAIILHH, as, &sodomy's co Mad sod IsOlpg obiop at . jdMl JOHN NANTJIWO limo Gamy: oft PlGlMl•iisispaillkab. Ne Nu tell Ow pods as uN mob, vet U OA s$ V.• FURNITURE 1 a agillosillyE Nei of AlPsooll4f. - 4111Poiibflr sliding, as MOW West, odor doerflostb of rim I.uffl oopsotay for lbst tots* Ilistr loiftwasi latgo sod volt irfoofoil foofisosoit . raWasimaqi al. kiwisWM MOW *0 * mak IL. ' Ili mm ilre k tmer lobo* lunessiriliss. illlmi Ssard*r ibis. Satek Mist. 4. Oar *I atassiti W Cfiltik 40. t it * Ifaiiiliatated Cy Weft. tri Al at % C I - X. A. llt ti 3 - ' ' - AM ermry fines .to oaltaluaL rb. amid is, iv el UMW le o le Onsi as gam. Wore T L r a* MIAI Chalet, tad althlada lif 0 l aiikLw •A e l l im aNall ossw tut restrr as 4 lVir4 tqAM. What Not& Witif :,tacct, - %. • , fbe WWI leer eeseellee Arginefain boll p? bligriaike art euelemis. aseprbeat tu sisaalhebailaar laths eibiart tio• hi the bog style sad isolloalasike. ?h. p•blic.j•krtiruZal St:=••• • la. rir.d to rail lima r birt 1.41•11111111 /an OM iio b• oarsirsold 111 say oreabillabweell Am ibe OW ea elm.ekwer All Ideas el lesebnrewripirosiesollebeabt - Out fl ow we fateiesse. ' J. II OM" r i.. Mai, h 111, Me —4l •;.• Role freprigke. NI e —hue reeol9,o e leer Roil of lebTeee, eiebree tov ...:4 Pars, yosaldbmi mud Ot r 1,,.: J WIT RECIIITMA WWI ST= o & AT THE AIIVILICAN BLOCK 1 Joseph Ziolieulaub & 00., mAVEjust received from the East, at tioir 6111 Sinad, Aireisiba Weeks ... ..d stir sowetiessat HOOTS AND BROM LEATHER. FINDINGS, eled every tides eosally lbeaella a Shoe sad tastier Sion Enema Ups& Stook eUI be bowl geoloeme's hese! c m e= 1, 61,06k, Oswego Genii% ea. ho„, W ood *anew fdenere eV di ehr se; Waxes Ilereeeemed hummer deters; Chilid More tool rod el ell welters; Ilea% awl lea Kloster sed Shoo. hes* Collard ICIp. ~j ilfssailh Sob Viirrceees sari Undies% It" tree% sleeeteella hp, and Ilbieereekeet Teem dr every mite 0 Pads VIII be sebil et Alileiessle es &ORO, very_ or Ihelleekar arieediee po!di to Cuetoa 1141 . -E15 11 1116 paeseteed. in yea werraololl to be ea good eel so IMO be provend left er eirrarbore. Nolreer Coots SUtres. &brim sad bers el Wear at 1". ea ItarfOrbl AMIIIMD ANL tuntabt.A Is. C. 11“. NOW—id s if Altate t ir — rill ao r m & Ml= bed bWa se. sob bay ; kW = afe r es se sisissys; bY sszsal Is isselsos ciiii ; weressoadb. Ns, = 114 1::= I I se rk= ea this arum . lewis. TWIN. IL _ Nas moil book Abeld be Latta buds arr, yews( 4111 Y. teeszni= • v strassin es ao mow W Iblery sa m illssits ta . br milk tbosti s tald kb.. Is bijsrir It as MI of marliws lallsd.lidisisassftsas dos mei ises Area bass; AN IS is a boa Nat mast sei Veslisi INN sad sat IN Nest Ms beam It spa Is to bay .N. 06 Sits as= Swassi slop% se Poo ass NI I' *. TOBR ill e 4111 1116 .1 trat s e Ilb i bli; Ps. W ows 1.117 MID 1711111.4 maw n., . you Nessiik loshos yeS sa• Ns samsf as, It Ns sossrloss sy Issele—cis yhyrtiss is Nis se m % gist : 1 3*, 4 imesay er. T oV All iviag you awl a bliss, poi; r .I= l . 61" Dr i ritam, ..soasaliad as aa, of tb Nyman dissiribed la his NANsidos,st N saes, Ma. Ns BPI UCII *Wok above riallib, rbikobaoiras tea boom from b to b, boi4 41E, DENTISTRY CI. A INKINIP•01 b. RATRINVII. DEL TRONLPBO3 HATEJ3IIIII. • or worniu.o.s. Y. ji AYE opened in Office in the Rooms 11 lonsort, oessided by Dr Lam la DEATTT'S BLOCK, NORTH BIDR PAX. tiSsio thoy on Toady to portions all osoosioso la raw licit prokosioa. u. Wog twortoi tra Gold sad Alm Pia* V saw so tho podest Nay intro. rat If cot for ortdob as an t* dregs INN b. milt is I ..no Aid so would Ws Aber tee Neat o( our pstiosto is t i r Dr. T. boo ens It br the lift Mesa yaws atom* , id* pwbet res. ON& Mb WWI bolsi a. s. to r. TIEWIPSOM & RATIN e Air Dr. Inn bo to trio DXD&Y IFILIDAT mass 6101111 t 13:7 HEAD Qtrprnas • -roa wfosie eily, GOODS!! and Retail MUM AND PlOllllOl Mr, t Ss AND LIQUORS. P. & M, 801ELLITDECIZEB, •re Tim rebeiving at their old stand, Ameri can Block, State street, • large and superior 'lock, of GROCERIRS, Pk* )YISIONb, WI NM, LIQUORS, ry WILLOW, WOODEN, AND STONE WARR, FRUITS; NUTh £c., la,, together with wary thinthantdm a Howe of this kind, which they wilt sell se cheep as any other establiebomat in this city for Cash or met kinds of country produce. !boy bore dorm Wad see of t ame rid Said Steam atTeless• as' Swiss me to lAA Imv wbasin r lllo aftslatibe hoe a Br Orneierailft le. 00-411 eli di = = rot barlidow slew Grocery Head Quarters ! AXRRICAS BLOCK, STATE STREET J... I. LISN-411. F. i , 1711141:1111. Sessehlag few the Time) A NECESSITY' ER ENTRY 110IIIIIMOLD t JOHNS .& CROBLEY'S aillaUtlCLUi r OallediTALUE, 210 111141 410 table bl Obi wee* let Omeidloir WOMPO 212:114C111144111 ?be *sly artfitle Ib ute zeter pr rp ' osisesd "MA wUI water. 101Mi0j1I : 'testy theiseettiore Osmell lore • semis et Joles's c. .1. /maims Osumi ELM Teri lima m ites essiemitest to:beee is to Imess."—lfse Para Zti - LaiwilthloaSto ovira bow,— °We It. astiibiel it ea setae to ete4e.es , •• qf M. Thu& ram ss cup PEE Boma. Very Usenet Baitsaisai M TAWastie Doolers. 9104202-zia* 41-1u,126, VIVINIOIIIII 1111111111enisspers pow 4.411.4 V b Mime et MeV Obe•ij J*11114714 .4* - 11 AM, • ties bag. vials -0 tie )Iset r ailli b A* floe " NM L THE •RIGHT PLACE.. Et EREIIOIIIVS EMIAIE CONE= 1 PILLS 1::IIIMMe twlWyeus Hers 11111141111111 possumeat dm". 114101741dinir: EMB wreingenntornto ittAinge fart liken Itime, /Mime 0104ispe flat ...116,,taisiir asdreto OW FiLIXNDS =8 E=E:=l== Inink i l l iftr. a nkfention ;A oil Oho/risk to porshom lti•voo,, iot It boloook to lltotr ofgoodit smortaboot of illirmailmilhmet idhblesel Ctloll 'MOW it, for Cool or Wood hopoootof iIIIIIONISOI 1%14 *ltb rieSneti timr a 1 hasairettar...fi.,t.:r-es., A o t od Poke ' . Y - Parlor God telhoot I rook N. Doitirdoot kw SW:.. awl (Moro Ifilagoos„ for Irraltos, !Reboot 2001 OIL. &e.„ \ to mot 1 1 / 4 1 trny ill t port...moo so to style aad potter-go toodillrl bur Moots ors tooottforturpti boot Bootie %ad Atiototors troth, tootostod is U.. hi t i r s ad worry *tory *wonted whet. V. of 6flotoo . WO Stone so bot.d. for wo cool Gila susiber to aotatter of our •otiers. Ltd o • Votootaitt to topply all , roonotobk drinsatio VINCENT, rtgBell.4, SHIRK Seth, tortft—fitt os *tato, Winton 110 anelll mope., t... 1.11111, N I t ipt ot W . , ERIE COUNTY ?MUTUAL INSUR— ANCS, UOMPANY / .. ..._:0 .... :. • eiC,l6s9—Claarter Perpetual I ! Ilsoserssl .Assilliess Loos llot Vire lir 5- O v 77 " Torsei sr4 iseevilisig Flys Years. Pensive issord lima limo Appluit st hissiso Notes, op opals tMs ps carat o( the will SioeA Rata* in Illeael *Ullman th• liabliity of s himislego Plots Losses psbd Irillost Illiestit a. Use suit oaks Mayer b.. brought . tale Coaupul. Thi Oparairp is "'airily fire, go a t*, sad se 4 wife Mau LtUtits;tr. Was le s. . ca /as C. alassissli, jos. II Sant' 1. D. B. C. leCreary, lislobitt, ALL.cI Zunsberly. Wm. S. Stow., Aagablik Map um it s nmall aco t• H....., 1 IC I r ti°l ' OIPTICgRA . . _ JAL •II ASIBL4I, Pout Jam.. Garslacoo, sea. Wt.. lbsaaainvrt, ?rasa °ba M Jr i, la &arm Gimelam Is 11.2ereary'p Lair Oleo di. Pa. Jump) 1110* Voshotiosaries. Fri*. Hats. &e. wOULD respectfully call the attention acid tbsi public to sty I,rp stock of COOiat CA MU • a •mmrj deacriptlas sir lay ova araidisaus, sa4 b e 441- Vb. is .w► I saussaassoUy recotviag from Us* saat•rx Aim 'bolas ssAl trait NUJ" NUtil, FANCY W6I7IIOPIOXICRT,, ace., :mg=awl diecriptlars. tiara alga addimi say • lidory, 4vlap paramkood tluilk of Pe.. W. essirlik. MI MU mow petered to tutelar BIBILIDI Csootssok, isc. of the best quality sad sisieriptios Ai Ike Ask WIN sassy cam tosstaabolls , tio Atty. Ity as lagooramost at sky Noes roost I so oklablo4 to otter tlmk /ebbe rapsisesisoressit of CilOgli /ABUT 111.001C/Ull2. esenedeieg the rearms articles la =Tab I oder st pilaw else* swot eel to irtre My* tot I tali I Zootoiao soy dock sad Ns K I amass all as damp sal is resaleable as ellen Is a, essalies—eat. /CJI. AD Cot. Mb sad that/ At. wed titio, RitlfO NEW BAKERY I HODBEEEEPERS will please notice Wit 0% V. Mhos Itos romotood B&W) 4011) IWCY mamma, ma is proparoi to tarot& tototitoo um lino" Oolitto of wiry demodptioa at toluoti potooo Moto Stood, Dim Italsil,Gotiotolloomi, bosh Datio, Wager Bow, Ti. Wok /16coro•oas.Klesoh. Jum bles. ilt at- FRO IIOs M BREAD EVERY DAY. tholt bosom tamp optortaosot ahy. to be feud at Um Stork earwig at Attie sad ma to Im Cream. ADAJILV Ise Commas Nooses sill he opoursd as usual this NUO prt ii e t bs surral with CON PECTION EBY, &c., Qua lest quality. ?mauls' aappliol at Mori anis. farabilat kr past %anal patro he arks • roattoo• saws of tam pan fully deusrusLiwod to up lls moats dos la tap mortar ta rr of In Cream, Calms, ha slay' allatt. (INVENTED IN ISO, 'IMPROVED IN 1662 MANUFACTURED 1W A. B. HOWE, BROTHER uF ELIAS HOWE, .►R THE ORIOINAL INVENTOR AND PATENTEE '..HOWS SEWING tetACHIN E, And .1.0111 votes all other Phiviwig Maellium derive their vttatity. JO EPA JUSI ICE, AGENT, may 111'61t1 f. JOSEPH JUST I E, JAS. ti. BRYANT; No. i Rood Liothos. it WOULD spin call the attentilin of the TV 'Oho to Um largo sod sploolid assortmost of itef", CAPS 4. MTV FURNISHING 0001)9 I 4)ookuotlag of HATS, LINEN SHIRTS, CAPS, MERINO SHIRTS, GLOVM, COLLARS, TIES, SOCXS, /Lad la test treerythiait sad anything to plea,. my cue Ideas. Oa sad see be poesueleee. air Dean tome the place, No. 6 Keel hoar. JOS. MIMI. HATS AND . OAPS FOR THE ItIf.,LION, A T SMITH'S! A zlitd4.. iL tr Ia NG m rapt visit to New d. arnzsea.atd wlYthork taw somas sr is my .i 4 v. eve lilig litidah la m ! afield tQ best HATS, OAPS, ETC., ewer brogoill to this loisiat. / bare ea /mad two has &old doses PALM LEAP HATS, motors, amp ski sool4.eseeived direct troll tie* mar edieitinee. Wadi ern be geld by Ur doom at New Yotil Jobbat% belloos. 1 We deo received Beebe's Spitig, hellion in BilY SIM S. mom . ecrlPllte k BI- CIACKNRS, AND SODA 1318CIIIT CONFECTIONER IRS; WHOLEBA(.B AND RETAIL. MSS sub s criber now manufacturinb all 'dads WO albs bust audit, sad rimr Ma I dew all klub at CRACKM. SMA all wash law riots tit will pay Camailry ll =it i lassamate Mit dad asamlimo say Asa Min parabadias idawirlbado. Prlval• lamdlias ea OW Mesas. 11111. „0011111-11 Saari! apposite Pestsanwoo Oils% Ltdar i alt FOIIiOITY BAKERY n (KUIFINCTIONIART ! E nedenisibed are snaeuiseSuring .41=11 asiaGANDILB 0fi50144%, as weed ma *Mr Mauls. J C I=l. kOO. Me. Mossisil Ilea, Slats *kaiak harms 4% MIS& laws& HOWA RD AS 801ATION, ' PINILADDIAII.4. PrrNst iridr, qf tie Slob ea Disikres.4 od oak Plkillsof mod Ml* Dim" mod fee dko ;all ephoesed r Sig Soma Organ. i ; 'UAL DV ICE given gratis, by • do • ' 1 , . or 8/art atarrbata or dionLoal . =me od tbo &mud Omar", wad No , 'of ts the 41101 10 *I WM** is, =ln** eamlo i rse of lilmp. Too orihosolbosqra Sor postage oil as awes lo• . Aim Dr. J. anumur Reueffros, Actiag Nur lawAftwatims No. 2 Booth Mask stmt. rt. 1 y I'MIIIZAWAtiIa /I I,+ INSUR -001/I,II=I4PROAD 4. : 0 Al "air beibsor t l / b i o er tea ls, 'Wag t a. Uri Ounkla eif psi& the Arad Coosa isomeil ea 110 most breeriaileftmei• Loam will be Iftrandly sad prouiptkr * V a. ea tova r l i er " lboilog tom l*h p *rim hismpain.t iib Immo& sad, ai /AD 11.61015 Joira O. Do* , • .. ilemitt o , • , Sasso* i • ' a - MAI IL= Lors 14 Dor* , - A WU/Dma Hay, _ , , • - Dir. L Ai l td t mp . Dr. R. 11. Ilesteri, • , adhoeue lo , Soup reha llll 7l. Nadi% Jollgi. hen" , , a 4,4,1 1 a. ftle• DIMOSIO. ' Stimmell Ak.lse,•_ ~. lit ill iM i rbr i llt k J. =Ark Apratolirlit Eli OF THE NO. 5 REED BoUSE. SUCCWISOR TO T - at, iwippetwd-te filial *very 6woriss im6 _APPARATUg FOR ILLFINING InL weft Li 6tlts6, t hinnteel sad Mors 1 . 446. 6 s Plumps. Itaiginew aw.l Hos krt. , w lb* weik4 l : 4 wrier" awl Ica rwrhowalawar rank.; wida: lh. ,..., aiteirejuv Invited to strataitw tbt mint te 2 rorewsty at ttswiwasth of ULU *wet. sw Itra &Iwo Latinist' idmsat maw& ballets .ad all of %VI cualpistr, w. Alas 12 Yam rm. , at 12 ILA 61.1466. wed weiebEei 1400 114., d.litr•rt4 adi6yi„;" •ll Cie for $606. L 4 11 : wet. 16. 111 —2l PAINTS! PAINTS! IHAVE crn hand and will sell at ;ow•pricww, a harp awearterwst of PAINTS AND.I'OI,OI WRITE Lialll,.. .S'NOW WIIITB ZING, PORCELAIN rrocka Grresi,de .• eat, r,, verhadase Kai. lire Prow( Yai.l. Chisterrwiwt IprialUtwo, boiled and raw Liwonowl On. Turprili k ,h: {),Maws, kw rowsuaa lasawdlogr to Pram* eat U. or adlsaut.pr to r Iw eal Wart alimpi s &h. Oro( o nwta iitar* 7.3 c 4 wia)*A-41. 4-eirsorr Male fiad %Now I) -- - FRENC S E 1 oat TUX [tutor/AY "[As, CITY OF M ZW TOIL Single Booms Fifty Centi pox ('Hy urn "ftgatell comer of ?sutlers ft, tOppaiLta Ciii Raft Ilea* aatMr may as °fund, to taw ry Thom la a .rite's %up a. 041 Satit to tb• 1111. act. S B - Buy mm OF RC U 8 a.M11211 , Ile krt. al. FatatlVela Riadenischt & Beckmais; CORNER OF 5111 AND STATE : /ISM PA. riaHOSE desiitng anything in the Ctir WI, INV iod so towel Is NAM 'most IffllOt4M - .1 OR WAIL on so OA/ wo o Ill ift a tOrtrolv a t to tall sad odsollao wit otNt ELARDWARR, CRWRERY, OLABBWARR, RADDLERY, PORK, HAMS, 8 1 104 4414 18 . LARD &C„ ISKRDR.• AC a B. PAWsiER 4ETustis his sine*. -- thaAke for the mg =o,llr. 4 a7 thist hl. realism /Mist . toseti v to plement of ewe kelp. be hew sseOdabii IS R'4' giNelat i r so Artist twelve Noei•atee, N. 1r t pals he bualass lieg rt i rtbsseSoi M le ted uoder the asamt at PALMER k SINCLA wt. are prosoirod. to * * moot* rIiOTOGS TU ATM 0(414 , 87 dos:Asti'r in a style 11, kl bodi is NEW YORK OR PIIOTOGR/ PllB—Plata or Colonel, to CARTES DI TI3ITM—DI • sew Dad ommo. A el iUtOTTPI3—Of ell the bums "Oa. piatoras tikes La to teeregiblyehertepee el HALF A SECOND SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS bow Cabo t- Comybt• lootrocuon in &a or sooty Jaoderats tharies, end astiolaction 'UP' MirSi •e2U. 1862. FALL AND WIN T IL A f) VINCENT, TIBISALS, SHISH s. Oa State, between Iltb and 13'tb 31 Nave In ►tun, and are daily reariettag, ■ sTApLE DRY G A lea, Groceries, Mbar Hardw r ilo Shoes, Men end Boy a Caps, Son C Ready Made Clo th ing, Tin Wore, , te e etetwiniged (or cowpox) intodreat 4f gown. low prior* u any erabliahinest in Maio city may 10%20 Au?Lig PAREWL 10 I,,....,Turpt.r..tutepArepir..% b Dumas Aabanatia Apple ?WA Fat sale bit J. C aag46:.% f. J W 111110otig, vr ~ LAW, in R fa A XX r a Seventh street. /411 s PA:" NEW LEATHER S. KET'fbLBEVORIt No. te, Picket 11 MAHAL. 110111Nra p 4 iost ofdai c =citoilY Wong w rilkp - • Ikhor YEA HER AND FINDING In lb* above asnood plootjarbmoo aloofly oo band lootbor of aver) 'Web they oiLl MU at the LONE* bopt by strict atteottoo to lholr 64_ aoloalloo to pleas* everybody olio thal• vomit a likoral *pi of pada* yotoofoopo kaop oo bawl all WWaaddai of DUO DINAR K itt4 o AND TA N WIMP Lefitba.: lot Bookbinder. and TOW nr Cash will oopaid for ilk! Roo' WOO. DalttL] R. Y J. & J. B. CARTIER; VISOLSILILIt A .RAIL maul= itw Leather, Hides, graotat=7, 131« k, ERIE, FA Constantly on Lad • LARGE STOCK Or SOLE' _ MOROCCO, LIM/NGS, RINDINt TRENCH AND AMERICAN CALF SKIN KIPS, UPPLEI AIM SPLITS, LASTS, PEGS, LASTINGS, GALLOONS, Also a rn.i ASSORTMENT OF SRO MAKERS' TOOL All of which Sissy Mar LOW FOR CASH OR PROMPT PAY Sept. IT, el, NOTICE. ON the Ist day of April lend I will mow bon my preesat West Mai NO. 2 WHIGHT 2 IS BL (TWO DOOR NOIITH OP MTN k which room fa aow belag Stied up the am location. wi th very greatly thereased b doing beldame, arid with a rectally pa earefatt ir e thod aa4 etheekte DRUGS, PAM% ULU, GLASS, dka, , I treat to moot all lay oid alloadle, whore Ike heretofore, fine it to their *dyeable. to **IOW • T.reSZ la s E Rigid. x , 7ir , o PAIN EXTEAC SRI ONLY TRUE PAIN ZUSACTOR DI TIII! 4 CIALLZT'S PUN NXISACTOZ will ear* Tommie Weds. DAI4OII PAIN EXTRACTOR will tatumasties. DALLITTII PAIN EXTRACTOR vitt pones, DA YIN *CIEACTOR mug ahtLl7`ll PAM EnitACTollt lout %Asters pita or Bark. DALUDS PAM =TRACTOR aeutrabsee all Wooed t,..laitomels, tassel: or Illoydeoe. DALLIT'S Pall CRILACTOR witless, Sem ke. D•Lusra Nl itawaaoroa wiu gam Dat=lScald Mead hart srnuctort will mire tddlljbluMe4 ha. - DALLIS'S P.X =TRACTOR will can Cl Mos Mars, Warts Boas, Se. Ma Ilauseqpiar slosaidarer be without dy for ma. The timely am 'of • amile box sal mom ague Oise 100 Mame its met. :--41 you hare a soa la the Anal. a BOW of Dailey's Tila llstssetor. It say ' at sots* lash% or tho 11111 of a eosiesot wounds of all Uuds without pain. Try the Who deeettot is. it. It will east yea hot Iltto. Sham !.—U you haws A dial' abatailt mod Wm a Dos of Daher. rain tatzsetre ewe woof+ of all IOW& .s Ise' lac your brothrile Dasiglieerol—Sae yea a loved**, la tap. I. deem to Yin than Ills Ifa.lt t Seed his a Ses, lore %Ma Ixtruotor. It will CIO. Teas& of ' 'had =at lallasaaaties, sad may •• the 2-11 yew s Mead la the Amy, a Sex M Daley's )4ael Pima listnictor 1 1t i mese of Nieto( • tik• you have so woof - Mahe It, mod It by meg. It will slot pa WA I ' tor • SS ot. Soic said la She proper** sad a l litoo Box. Tho largo boxes moat: 100 " leethe SS et. boas. —Thad auxin-a M ABICAL PAW i TOR win do MI sad Nos Mare thss n didis. 1$ new to Dr. vaLtarnme MOTT, sad Imodro",,mi— soilaleat rikredaimee sad Iliarteas Waldo poor all Ore, the Mad, who awry aged tac Wi oeverfeittag seereel for the peat 90 yew* Tor isle by all Draisista, sad Ay__ 11.41.L - * kVuazL, A 5 0 0 ,1 4,, • 2111.0ameawieh Street, Sew 70 to Who will seed a Box otsitim sirs. Pad% P" t r address la the Dotted Mateo, ea, of SA eta. for tho=efee. sod 111= smdfaus sad lane aims