drit eirstrfur. SATURDAY, IiLUCH 93TH, f: fa lbws An ram Osponseirshow us res. svas—Oes as tiumusate JAM LION'S rannsoss.i. ossesiss. more is no name dot is more frequent ly in the mouths of Abolitionists, or of- toner quoted to suet* their eansi - D, than Vat of the 'noble old Democratic /4ervi and statesman, Amur, JACKSON. For the purpose cf showing what really were Jammes opinions, we have conclided to publish in our next here hit Farewell Ad dress in full. Theise who have never seen it;will find in it much that is ayplicable to the present crisis in our National af fairs, while those who have reed it before will suffer no harm from reading tt again. We" shall publish &larger edition than usual, to accommodate those who want extra copies ; and all such should send in their orders before Wednesday morning. AMOK ?MINIX DUFKAIIII GI4IILAT 11111*, =I The Abolitionists may suppose that 'they can crush out all Union and Consti tutional feeling in the Mirth, * vilify ins and misrepresenting tltuee who enter tain it, but they will find themselves sadly crisippointed. Persecution never makes matt altei thet; minds, nor feel any strongcr affection towards the people hat practice it. On the contrary, all the - eiamplass of history teach that the more men who believed tiseinselves! to be striv ing for great principles were despised and abused, the more 'firmly they adhered to their opinions. The early Christians were tried to be put down by this method-- they were crucified, they were driven from place to place, they were stoned to death, they were obliged to submit to the most liorrid,crueltiee, but in spite of all `these they remained steadfast to their faith, and the fruit of their labor and suf f,irings is seen in the spread of their roll /eon over i,every part of the civilised / world. In later days, the experience of •our own revolutionary forefathers, the late Italian war, and the condition of the pee- Pie of Ireland, Hungary and Poland, all prove as strongly as facts gut evince, that oppression, mismanagement and con tumely, only serve .to weaken the affec tions of those towards whom they are di rected, and fill them with a determine 'on to wreak vengeance on the rulers and he people who are the cause of it. If the Abolitionists really,desire to o tain that blissful state of public ikrelin which they so earnestly profess, when all the 'nation shall o be of one thought and purpose, they surely take a strange me thod 'Of mousing it. There was a time in the Whirs of the country when the k m" pawle stood alinostiu o 0 man in their opinion of th e °Weals the war. and the manner in which it be con &toted. Why is it, that Were is now so much diacordl Certainly Abe Democrats are not to blame, for their: principles are the same now as they were when the re bellion broke out--they stand on the same platform on which the President, his Cabinet, a unanimous Congress, and nearly unanimous people declared that the war should be prosecuted. Had , that pledge been faithfully kept, bad not the Administration, been driven from its de• elated policy' into one of fanaticism and disaster, had the perils of the country not been made the occasion for feeding and enriching hosts of corrupt partisans, we firmly believe that the war would have been if not entirely closed, at least so neer its successful end, that there would be no cause of foreboding for the future. Rut the Abolitionists—and in this term We include more than two-thirds of the so-sallied Republican organization—were determined that It should be fought out in their own way or not at all. Their leaders boldly alleged that if the fight was not conducted more for thefdestiuetion of slavery than for the lustoration of the Union, they would lieither encourage ethers to go, nor nasal themselves. They hare been steadily going from one grad. of folly to another, until now it is no longot to be denied that an far at least as the Administration party are concerned, the mu , has been totally wrested from the pure and patriotic purpose with which it was originated. At the same has they have k tup a oontaneed storm of filthy denunolation and nnparallelitid falsehood in rdicard to the Democrat,* organization, which Is no less shameless than it is dls- 1 inmost and disorgafitstng. 'We tisk Republicans, do you in candor want the States again united? Are you 1 . 10 1 / 4 14 in your declarations for the unity of the North? If so, how can you expect to be successful by your present course / Will men bullied, imprisoned for opi ohm's sake, slandered, deoeired and out raged as roemocrikts have been, BlPilii to combjne in an amicahle political union with those who bare so meanly treated them, Wituid they be .trus to their ow .1 manhood if they did) Would you, if yogi were placed , in like i ciroumstanoes t 1 I We ted the opposition plainly that if they expect to succeed in breaking up, partisan feeling to the North"ley are taking the wrong worse to abet it. If they Wet read history they will find that foul-mouthed abuse never done any per =Dent *jury eavapt to these who used it. /f 'they want a slab!' country, lit them give rip their own partisan setszoos and aspiritions, let th!iteeease e their vile slan ders itnin WhO are as alftiOlifi for the prosarritiOn 4 or the 17nlonas titian:wives, let them being back thp star to the policy with wi3,14 if originated, and let • drive fidi rod, Place thflogrnal4 hirelings who are diving their arms up to the pile into the people's coffers, no matter who. awe tinge is high or low Nation. Wile* Oki, 4 damp. we promise them that Deinqcota gill support Ake Administrap tlon kt lb bits mast ardent beads °mkt soloh; hid Ow any 4 44 ,4.4. upon It, thallso pear will while it, eaadanes lb present visionary and mischievous eounn,ionthMuswhas it aboadd-be dm& and uteladied grin when it should yield, and witiameging instead- of puniddig these who are doing so mush to dbgrnoe I and ruin us as a nation. I: is a bet worth rententbering, that, directly after the adjournment of our Con. Jiro gold mat down in New yoris, an d ap in Nktimond. - QI g . 40, - -..+says =I MAWS PlIAMMIlira Min V. Rs- We published lan w e letter- from oe HoW.FintautDo ' • th e rebels had made prop it for on an honorable basi a l i whichre jected t y the - Adtfilhisitrathio„ now find the statement confirmed in a recent speech by 3 (r. Vit.t.aitatonag, et his home in Ohio. Surely time gentlemen would not dare to make so important an user thin without good foundation: ...._.' . " On the 12th' of last December, when from the city of Richmond information came to the city of New York that there was a disposition to compromise and re , turn denying to the National Gowen and be obedient to the Constitution and laws, and thus restore the Union as it was, the President, on that day, rajecited the pngiosition, and the damming owl dams of that tageetbm mina is New York over his ow' autograph, Wine of "hear, hear,"] but there as an obbeiniww. of .sewecy at present, and the letter has ayaie bens Liam no the public.. The a• the , iii army cecesea the Rappahannock into Pnitioricksksrs. en der the belief that Richmond was to htll, Betiou end the Rebellion. s, Abraham Linooln rdettd d 2l Ipropositions to retorts, over his own 4 11111111lre ; sad the day Air, the hoptlllof the blind man in the White Acme wisu I dissipated in the defeat a% Fredoritiki burg, and the loss of 20,000 of our seas end brothers. Es could have entertained the propositioWeu the 16th of December, but he heedlemly and wickedly drove away all overtime," . It h worthy of attention, that, although Kowa. Woon and . Vs.u.imsonam seed* these statements several weeks ago, not a single person connected with, not area of the Administration, has undertaken to deny them. If we are to believe the numberless sto ries which come to us from the State Cap ital, there never was a session of the Legislature, „ perhape,""when corruption reigned morel i defiantly tban.during the present one: 'The Pittsburg Gazette says that scarcely any bill can be passed without the expert • ditnre of a large sum of money. A 'ring' is formed, which is omnipotent. Unless its favor is purchased, even A• simpisat and most proper measure will fall. By the time the lobbyists, who Italie the en trance to this ring, hive paid themselves and the member whose voila are rem& red, the parties seeking legislation are very seriously out a pocket." It is a burning disgrace to this Co. monwealth, so noted for the high-toned character of her people, that charges of this sort should be.macie,without freen'on attempt at refutation. Up to this period they have only been general, bat regard for the upright men in the Legislature, and jostles to the scoundrels, requires that they should made explicit. W. call upon the / /Philadelphia lkdkan and Pittsburg Gazette, which have been ? the foremost in asserting the exisienee of corruption, to give us the names of the guilty parties. We promise to do oar' fall sire in holding them up to public ex*. oration, without considering whether they belong to our own party or ihe4positibn. Tim assaults made kor 1M Abobitioo or— p.m upon Ticiu.oir . Wasp `iro sot appear to deter him in the least from tailing tit* truth about them. In a late number 01 the Albany Journal, be repeats his opin ion of the evils that they have caused, in the following language : "Slavery and Abolition are 'like im practicable. Neither, alclik could have worked up this Rebellion. and both aim at an inevitable Dissolution of the Union:— The Tribiois and its sympathisers demand such a prosecution of the War as constant ly strengthens the enemy and weakens oursehrea. Mori strugleinow m eve it an extreme Abolition chareater. thus fatally dividing the North." Sox. WY. Horraits, of Washington 00., has written a letter positively withdraw ing from the contest for the OubernsAo rial nomination. He thinks that at this period particularly no man should make any effort for the nomination, but that the selection of a candidate should be left entirely to the people; and noun, but a person of the strongest firmness, the straightest consistency, and moat uuas sellable • personal chewier should be placed in the field as Sur htandard bearer :—to all of which we give our most cordial aseeiit. Tie term of Hon. Wires Lowe's, pro sent Chief Justice of our Supreme Court. will expire next December. He has made an able and upright judge, and his recent decisions In Philadelphia involving prin.: espies dear to every citizen, have increseed the public confidence m hi. capacaty and Integrity. and given him a firmer hold than ever Upon the /hearts of Use people. 'Mak he will be mocalusted without, op. poeitioo we Save not a tooteent's doubt. TR: Dart.—"lon" write. from Wash ington to the Baltimore &a that (ago of a hundred thousand men or more will be brought into an instruction camp by the first of June. The demand of the army now in' he field for 1111111f0/08talinta will be pressing by that time, not only on amount of absentees and deesetion, but of the expiration of the tarot for which a large number of the troops were enlisted. 14ts election returns from almost. every part of the State show overwhelming Democratic pins. We have carried ma ny towns and townships that went oppo- sition before. A moan► of outs says he has ootioed ono cations hest, that the ,110-a dlei "Wit DINICLOCTSW" seldom go to lb* war. • El:m..ini Radical and OaosarvatitiN When the distinguished founder or the publican party uttered his akebraled Ein er grad ig =to= jl ll l : 4lwella. a truth of thessosinnenentons and imp =tent character, and erred Only'ht ftW. g those ideas and prisonisentrielt ft* is reality "opposing end Ileftrft." WOO began MOM Mae 61111011111,01 two grant conapowas.sawaPil at with each in the oseminot vanas ailhars, et in their nature, sato- Rin their abets. edissikes and Oonsernalkee boos bane tv 14 71 at war witirsmeh , refit . tlMd ' wilnt amararatill*raY, owl malattinde its wet. ierity with but tampon reelseis ilror whenever we look at the —lb ful peen sr its bloody arrebuieng, its an ruby ar °rife. " 1 4111V00.10111 ' tip its ezospens at' libertic iu lat though Wrote and viol t pertheme aq lusre bens= for a time el power, lad per. bops may have epos obriliesios son= of their etrousoustheada, yeSeer.o. ty has invariably head Its most atebls foundations in the egtablislammt diem& El TIIK LIVISLATORII. 40nos end extremes the despotism of her Emikr en swept awry her greatness ; under the auspioes of order she pve to mankind • progress has been unable to w pm, yet she host her homes, her virtues, her eats *nib', nadhnisdity when violence, lewlesseass. Imo" 'snipped the places of justice, order, and liberty. Cromwell and his of fanatics tri mplimitipr kinse, be Eng land lawless liberty oestreled only by the of P=lollBlo=l. M and this g dmpothm e —miligimis privilege, enai bigotapaint only in the re: turn to the husdamental principles ol their versumilikin thito triumph of Conserve and meson, did the loglish people find freedom and - Altar govemnent sta. Why. Radicalism plunged France in In mesa of bleed, made Christendom at. im anemias', swept away the limn define" of Religious mireality and Libbrty, and recovered only whim Rama rammed her army; sway_ over Panaover Br tickm Order aver An inmay . Radios/1m burnt and Ming old wanes as witches. and sailed Quakers and Bpisoopelians from the very soil that Pur itanism had consecrated to religious free dom. Oomervatlan, though it could not eradicate the principle yet, wiped out the foul dimness from the virgin miss of American Ingialstron, and ipive to al the benefits of unfettered 7corship. Amid the throes of a revolution just completed, our W Wks tremtded fora time on the of anarchy, but found in thesui7 ouil aioderate counsels, the cultivation mutual concession and for. buiranas„the station of-that prosperity and greatness, which endured for three quarters of a °outcry and was lost only when disregard et fixed principles, and the temporary ismer of 001410011 and fanati cism, swept away into the gulf of civil war, the old and time honored principles of moderation and conservatism. Conservatism slowly, surely, and faith fully builds up a structure based on ex perience, cemented with virtue, crowned with wisdom. Radicalism, with tire and sword, dismantles the venerable temple and casts its dishonored fragments into an mean at desolation. Conserrataas nests oontsat i with the m olt diamond of present prosperity and happiness, - and awaits the uiet wo of time to im e add adotn q ; Radical rk ian rail, dn6r an into use nistried futoure, Wiper a glitbering bauble that terns to ashes in its realm bead. , Consernthen looks santiously at those new dogmas' that are advanced as specifics for all political dilemma, and hesitates in aakstlyures=the condom of public ; emperiseents as rashly the vitality and lifrolgoed of the na: tion, as a=p r hysician with a met a marl of mimes with "i t a l eistinee of a helpless brute. Conservatism peeserves, maintains, and defends those long , Sitabliehedi works which time baseborn la be, if bet parfait, at least as ha vMg oonduend to the publics welfare ; Raidie undermines, over dames and destroys, thr the remote ;thanes that from the ohms of Reseolution may spring a more period ezistence. Oiaservertirm le adriN n Z amg ble ; Radicalism ii violin ar s charita bitrary, and intolerant. The one Its course by the enduring menumeents of wise fij la tic% that remain the bemon_lights does for centavos ;—erts that speak of oivilisation and stability that thine the brighter amid the dullness of desolation and anarchy ; the other strews its path with ree, blood, and deeds of barWMms, and Waves behindonly lbotprint the wis s of desolation to be awed dom of more moderate These are indeed "opposing and enduring" forces, the one admirable in its constant and un tiring s&rt to preserve and perpetuate the tried institution sof our country—theothor detestable in its reckless destruotivensin. Yet the shrieking advocates of Revolution still cry on ! on I either to a more desper ate and overwhelming destruction, or to the establishment of an empty name, par chased by the loss of liberty. and the sub version. of fandamental law 1 Yet men boast that they are radicale—glary in their shame and proclaim their infamy I Would that we might hive looked in the history of other nations alone for the blasting re cord of the triumph of Panatioism and Radicalism; would that upon our land the tempest had not fallen 1 - Is it memory to my that , the American people have been blind to the teachings of history, end in embracing violent and =tram principles have wrecked their lib erties, their prosperity, and perrhance their nationality I Shall we point to a Constitution consecrated to our bands by the vigils of statesmen and the blood of now trampeiled under the feet of of crowds , .riashial rushing rh e grasp d tb o e f .g. dountry's bets IZT Shall we listen to the boisterous clamorihg in in sensate for a centralised power by the bermes of a deceived —eons likely to be established ? Shan we of the dismemberment of the the untold horrors of civil strife of that fair land, ber flowery plains, bloc= eternal Speing. her teeming soil forth to a waiting world the fruits of her industry, and pouring into the Italian's hands the goklen tribute of foreign lands,—now hid - from view in the mucks el battle and the dust of trampling hosts I Ethan we. tell of the Ir s , - perms, and sedightened N :W iilf .t= wheels of her martufactories perelneti sad nay —its sons gone forth to oonquer and eztorMinate--its daughters weeping by their lonely besides for those who some not heck to meet the esubraos of allsotion, or, more wretched still„ treading with reek less step the paths that tend to shame and degradatiton 1 Shall we speak of those = of warship, where ,Iledigion Meth her band ening, and raised her voice to to Quatee and Peace,-,--ocrw the. desecratedntms,w where the once reverend ministers of 1 Quist grow *antic inting envy, hatred and malice and pro paga ting t These thispp,in all their tremendous eignifloanee, are brought 1101111141 to the American People —thew Inevitable multi of the casting steal 6tiYansurvetheritieiple, and follow- Mg UM' Which ill and imbed.— Let thenallowksieen their Ithirties are quite lost ; era th e fundentestal principle. colour (Unnamed are destroyed—ere it be too Me. Let thrash . ' uproot, that Bohm Upas tree Of Rniitniime,'whieli,hridi ages of the wand, has poisoned the they air from which he .11111111180411 breeches have drawn =taionri again brmeoktite. shelter of i`kh a more r and ensue domestic Uwuffity,, securethe idessings °Tarty firr them 'ohm and their posted. • • • A limn:m.4mi Vos t garmana.-.414_ Gov tellabOot enlisted a ocatpie sokliers at Mt. liCiebigen,a Saw nigt, Aloe, an der peeniier eirenialliamoes. A mat llepublima named Dutton qli sad Dem:ma, me matinii to := 11 44) mid I , lxprealing his views 8- • now Olios, Zen., an old soldier endimatitenek Bowen* heard the 1111161 kammtitalltP•4 be Deems to map; Mid ttat4or4o_ptommuti ho did Kt. Sob iiquesithrubii Doocollriod to book out on the plea that be was United States Draft Otentakeloser, tad be tried to hire a anhatitute. but Mr. Min sad the author ities held the Deacon to the term of his onetreet. —Outeatirelaw is the late cavalry fight by Averin's men, was 59 killed sad 21 prineen--80 la all ~~ ....,,.e-N ~..-~ ~..0.-- ~— aunt be pieserved. The Seenstionists and Abolitionists must be both Pis chwo• So declare the true patriots of the land. dispatch to fit. Lodi. •aya that Lim Union gualioat Clulionihithonthaphp4 F ! Peinbiritin, on tbi Munn. for tiro days without decision repodis. Beideroeineota were going forward, and it wee that the ibet,wordthoosi be reducedthought The village of Illssais4 StortiaL Ken tucky, issaid Whey* town °told by a Zabel force under Col. Clary. ool,Batur day morning. There was • abszpibui ir regular light fort hree or four *rs, but the Union troops were compOid -kr sur render, and the place was burned. Denys, a correspondent of lb* New York Amid, kes been eanwieted by Court Martial of publishing( contraband news and eentaneed to cis months bard . Gen. Hooker bee roadttrod An la bor, and oat the offender beyond the lines of the army, never to return. How to cum a man of Abolition : dead him to the army of the rob:tome, let him board and lodge with the private sot= diem about a week, during a Wavy snow storm, with full opportunists' to tee plen ty of nigger'. It We 11 . 111111 of IMO* h• will be sure to come beak eownerted. A dispatch from Murfreesboro says the rumors herelleore ipven of the pro- posed rebel invasion of Kentucky are so las well-founded that it is expected ihein ousioii Doss dread] begun. A body of four hundred rebels stewed the Cumberland on the 18th at Rawsua. Ky., and it was reported that a large fore. was following. The southern troops known to `have Wit Virginia are said not to have reinforced Chin. Bragg, bat to have concentrated at Knoxville, Tenn. The Chattanooga Rebel of the 11th says : Bragg's army is in better condition, better organized, bir. ger, healthier, and more bent upon. Its mission than over before."' We bare Richmond pipers to the 18th Mohair Gold was at VI 25 en the 14th, having Ansa 200 per cent within a week, thus bringing Confederate= down to 23 cents oa 6 var mia ry arithmetic such paper he worth three times less than nothing.) The rear sons dfor this rapid rise are, the f is rfan Pr =elfide a r l ac i ywiroVarMsnag the lArit Woggri id any price, the position of as to a tax bill, the arbi Imo prominent of food, in UR lat er,ews doelanie that in Fredericksburg $6 to $6, 60, in Confederate paper, are freely Aired for gold, $3 60 Confederate for $1 green back. At 116 50 Oorshderatopepw is worth a little-over 16 seats to the dollar. Major General E. V. limner died at the reddens* of his sos-m-bar, Osi. W. W. Tea. in Syracuse, on liattuday morning. of congestion of the 1 alter as inners of live days. The Gegin was under orders to report to St Louis for duty, and was on the potat of stanaug when be wee ma il ed the disease wits& terminated his Mr, had been is the swift nom than 43 yes". and las justiy distinguishird (otitis magnanimity. His words were, ave my country— ** United States of America." Miaow* of his death created a deep sensation Waahiagton • and is atithary ads isa alt poet of the amain. the Army of Ws Potomac be was cousidered one of the most heroic and daring' Jaen of age.-„ has often orpr the wish to die lag the thickset of the light. :A greet sears has fallen, but his life was starred with noble deeds of devotion to his country. Tie Alum Aro sa Pstn.—A Washington dispatch to the Philadelphia Inviter says; "Secretary Chase has_pleeed in the hands of the Paymaster General a saleient amount to pay the entire army up to the first of March. A salcient amount has also been sent to pay, the western army." The Delhi° Chaim- learns front an in telligent putlastanjust arrived is that city that the 1. 1 of gold in Colorado in the year • • J as tat,' 1863, will Dot fall sh 600.600 f area tronte of $3OO for every men. women end child the Territory. Deemer City hu st present a population of 5,000 Inhabitants. a GOLD IN RICIIIIONN TURN HUNDIIID Paz Clarr.—The Richmond Dicarai of March sth says that "gold an Saturday last was soldst $2 20 sad $2 80, advsociack duri ng the day ;" and that "yesterday edam*. day last) it went up like a rocke it reached $3 (Confederate scrip,) being an advance ( from Saturday) of forty per cent." Admiral Porter telegraphs that he has Warmatios that oa tieMk ear whole =pedalos waived ia the Tailaimachra, giving us sontrol of the heart of iLissianip pt. All but sue of the vessels got through la Wing trim. The rebels were very moth alarmed, and ware hard at work on their= We add that there is much suffering in lriairobaug for the wast of =OIL he people live chiefly upon corn meal. ♦ Cincinnati special dispatch says On the 19th a squad of soldiers were•sent to UM 6osnity, Indiana, to arrest some deserters, and succeeded in capturing six. While on their way to the cars the desert ers were resessoi by 100 mounted "Butter nuts" armed with film Two companies of infantry seat from Indianapolis recap tured .the deserten and 'tattered the The olicdal report of the omelet near Milton, Tem:between Gen. Hall's Brig ade and the Bebe*. has reached the War Department. Gen. Ilaseoraris says that the Rebels numbered eight or ten regi ments of Morgan's and Breckhuidge's sa l ad that Gess. Hall, after lbw home and drove them with a lass cm sx= l l 7 killed and 31 wound ed, includbmg osse ceiptabs. The Rebel's lam he says, was 30 or 40 killed, Including 3 eacniaissioned rakers, 140'woundesl,and 1.2 prisoners, among which were 3 commie. aimed odious. 7 - The oirtmat intelimi . was re ceivedlast that the gunboat Diligent, belonging to Admiral Porter's lest, had in entering the Yezixo River above Haines duff, by way Willie Onus!. and Steel•'s bayous. She bore one regi ment of volunteers, and was followed by tour iron-clads and a large Federal force. The position thus attained will enable our fleet to between Yaw city and Haine's BM, placing the latter between two tires and rendering the evacuation of Vicks burg certain. This intelligence, brotight by a gentleman just, arrived above from Vickstrg, is deemed authentic. Returns from all butt towns of New Hampshire alww 951 for Gil more, Republican for Governor; 32,804 for UAW" Nelloorat ; and 4,458 for Barriman, Independent War Demo crat. This gives 615 maty against East man. RolOns, Repub lic an, for Congress in the ihni District, has about 300 nudori ty ; Patterson, Republican. in the 3d trict, has about 3N nisioritli. The Ist Dir trict is not yet settled-41 a very close.— The Council stands : 3 Republicans and 2 Democrats ; the Senate, 9 Republicans and 3 Democrats ; the House, 187 Repub licans and 142 Deamtrata. The Atlanta Onsfetkraey contains a detailed would of a brilliant and nooses ful federal raid in North Oasolina. The expedition, accompanied by twobosis, reached Tuscumbm February 25, gun where the gunboats destroyed two ferry boats, anotYer at Flarence, and afterward drop ped down to Tussunibia. The Federal ad vance guard dashed into the town after dark, dispersed the rebel cavalry, and took possession. Wesel Odtwin, commanding the expidition, bad issued a preohmmaion levying mesmaisats on wealthy rebels.— On the 25th ult. be womeded to the in terior, taking "omsile plunder" with him. Eiossetaiosi prisoners lately veleassd have made ailklacits to statsetsasts of cru elty preetiood up* themselves and man il pardons by the authorities that equal every story of wa t on barbarity practised by the Meow hem yet bees told. Thews men were. lured by bloodlidttada, arid coedited in unisons without light for several mmitlis, and handcuffed at that the whole period. Of the °vigil"' party ,immured seven were hung 'lately. The government intends to adopt suitable measures of retaliation. —Admiral Porter reports hasping anseeed. ed in humbugging has be a second time into westing ammunition .and bunting guns by fining at • bogus gunboat that he had floated down by the rebel batteries at Vioksburg. It was asps time been the enemy discovered the huge practical joke. Unless speedily sup lied by the Govern ment, the Admiral to build more gunboats for himself. General llooker has been vindicalfd from the imputed *gouty that be had testified to the War COlSeeillee that the failure of the penholder eampsige was at tributable to the incompeteacy of General McClellan. The best authority declares that be DOW uttered Mach a statement. We hear by telegraph of a fight with which took place oear Blue ring, Yo., No., on Sunday. The Minis out numbered our men 4 to 1, said the latter were compelled to retire with a loss of 9 killed, besides several wounded and mim ing. Tr Rebel papers (111ohmocid) of Yestor say that no attack is expected on Charleston until the high.t , spring tides, which 000ur about the of April. There is much suffering among the poor at Sa vannah; they cannot get provisions, be .osuse the Government monopolises rail rpad transportation. Oen. Burnside will 'periled° Gen. Wright at Illincinnati, and his new com mand will he more extensive than that held by the former Goners!. It is said that Gen. Burnside's business will be to protect Xentucky from the threatened rebel in vasion, and possibly assist Roseerans in East Tennessee. —Oar special dispatch from Washington gives some summit there of the probable intention of the enemy to abandon the lines of the Rappahannock and fall back ii4lditichmoad; also, that the Secretary : War believes that the Confederate seat of government bl to be removed to a more southern ciir imp Syracuse has bad a touch of the mob bing-nevi epidemic. One day last week a png of a hundred young white men amused themselves for several hours in bunting nerves, betting them with clubs and otherwise tormenting them. Within the last ninety day. c • 7 . Childs, the Philadelphia publisher, handed over to Parson Brownkm $lB,OOO, his shore of the prate from his book in that time. A bill has passed the New Jersey Leg islature providing that any negro or mu latto going into that State and remaining ten days, shall betransported to Liberia or some Island in the West Indies where slavery does not exist—the expense, not exceeding $4O in each ease, to be paid by the Governor. The bark American, which arrived at Philadelphia on Tuesday, reports that the rebel privateer Retribution is pos4ively reveling in prises. She has oaptered a number of Amerisan vessels, run them ashore, and sold their cargoes. Secretary Chase,it is said,bas received from a celebrated banking firm in Ger many an offer of a loan of $100,000,000 worth of bonds, at something above par in currency. nazi rosemr. Lei ClAllialiks bona of des& la war, Lad Itlastrels tea. Orb soft A nobler tibias my heart It Alb— la sobs of limmies sistailiss Pub lw boss sae bead us ovary bed -1114 Rusles see Atries awl ?bar 1 / 1 11.1411110/1 halsood by Iliaboca's Don 41sous / 44 sot tiosbt TiM Osorwo/mg oomposool will oostoit tt oot, M oplo poor mien ill, U ol Am to limoors =rildle for dll—bo* old dad youski psaw en as s• tea= Diaries disammtil--s• lemays Maw we are Mims' with Zianset's cr It up with Illaglisk flpuslak, Germs sad Praia diesetleia Ides Swats per box. /star mast Ise ea Wad page. Tor sae by ardsVabl Cl=! • S—T-1111110—X. DRAW PLANTATIOX. BITTUL They 'with strostimat ISt lavieotabs They stasta • Itaaltby sppatli They saw sa sathlott to Awes of luster sad dirt. mor everems• elbsto of 4111 d is sad Ista 1104014 They Use maws lad eiglivss lbw Wed. ?joy petriont altwatilis sad tatintitaist boom They p. tie brss* sad oddity etas atesseds Tim, wars Dysporls sad Clowt•pailim. They ours Diardras, Motets sad Clothes Idoebss TINT ooze Lbw Complaint sad Morrow ilasaitato. They aro Na beet Wawa la the maid. They mike the weak me Asia& sad see eabethebed sane% great pa. seam. They no nib elpeue lL Cloaks Li" the eale bathed Collage Deethallethasi bid^ ail 4 see tebea all Ow pleasure el aMalmo stead Nisei is sue or lino el day. Pssiloodatembig to gelleile pews reveirthp a geatheelemehat. lad by all Geessee,Dreg gkils, Beadisesel Selesea P. N. DIA= 100., jethi to theeeaway, lf. T. BRANDIMMIL T PILIA. DIESPINIIIA. =Me, OW LID RIP .TO IMBIONMPLA OP WSW& Ds. Tabus IL asses, it Ilertmoath„ Uses blea4. says ofUS treaty-saves years' imipss this ased bias. beano Ws bellet not le very ire ebb valid the Pliplelesta serviase be smiled U Pills Iran preoptly wed la lb. Getty obese of abeam." J. J. Owe. publisher et tba Dean, at Boulairios, ars :—"Brastholi's PUbmsesed M at Dyspepsia tribe way other beau had 044 sea I was basally gives lip by wry physteleas sad fl de." The sear Issaleseay le ebbs by N. Buse. Nee s tbs barn ewes. at WUllembarg, sad thintsebb of elbow. Ilettbsie bulb are well Mows; la fall doses there la se ewer Impairs; le Mart orbs lbw sat as a goals tillnahrk Maw sublvesees Sad pari4teig Um Wood.— They are rimy ay airing theeeimia irks an assased br eueble that biessed eissflabe was used. Marital Mae, tw CLUAL sugar, lint Y.*. said by Dr. L. anions. iris, sad by all mepestabie &e -lm le _.ebbs. jaal-tai UfnaTAIILIC 1111101 U 1V 11' 13 NOT !DYE, but restores gray bait tirihe origi rd eons r by ssp Allay the cdohlary taboo will Wand sesftwasee, Mpirmil by sip or disown W lastsasoas bars on sonywowt se Lamar emistie, destssytag tbe ti. tally sod Pasty DI the halsoust aisell of thepoolve• less insalag. Itsinstnet's Wadable Conslot set oats inlisets barn es mend ease, by ea any preens, but item tbe lilt a LIMINANT BEIM% pommotss Its pow*, plonk its .w. st, swadienis Essand4, sad Insets bawl& said pousabsess te the Met It Ma Mon Ae test of Use, Wag the original Fisk Cohirtag, Ind V ootwitsatil laanialsig is ken. Used by boil patlonsi ad Wks. It is sold by MI respeetabh Ass& sr; se saw Is rowed by Ws of tb• esamsedsl sin% D. 16 lams hCo ,101 inedwar, If. T. Two *as. 40 ants std jsaMILIM EL I TIOLDPS 'EXTRACT SEXERg THE HEEAT LIPS EXTRACT now, RILNSO THE GREAT =REMIQ. LD'S RICTRACT RUCH; TIE likaßaT DEURIETIC. RIELNIKILETS EXTRACT 111001111, GMAT DIRRETIO. As 4 s Peditv • sad apsollillismety aK Disesses of Os lasolesc. Gm* 10“117. Olio& Irealcomy all essios of So I:Maw , See Alreetbelead t tact er bitessa. at It out, mil be the lbabbout lew-40m Ulf 00mrzierzrra WV' = TiAlbiM 111111ZNOS f ff ai mprj r d ote oulls as madm= w =lbsa. ohm Assimsbi by lbr. Mews, . _. _sl WAs mermicas ILLSOLVM. sa4 Is err momthe plam WA Mier Dym. misomMe holliiThom IA bor. Ism ilmmurlisloi sell iimaik, OM* roil glob Ihe psalm. ....W. ebbe eir bobs% wan MI wi41104rp4, 14. N . i_ _ i _pisdesw e ie *J. GIIIIIRAIIOIIO, Ha • Voir /WWI& $141" ai4 $1 per Se meaSl-12s. Orisiadowirs Hair Preeenigh , e, IN tovellembls wlth No Ille,as It Wpm* Ow Missal ma • = tkii susibersibitibm. oad gnu Manly Is t&• aim a es* SI sad illor WU% smieraAl ei.4 6 iim.• L TOMPS ILATIIJLI RON. This biblikdd setiale for prosereisi and besetlfpleg tb. hums& late begets put ap by the oriel. eel gitsprider, sad is sow owls with the ruse cant, eliW sod 'Maks, wbbisdrst Motel its leassesee sod ow peesedeeked sibs of level ogre saillkin bottle. ao woolly 1 it le dill sold ell ld bats b belle bottler Two million bet ties on ewes bomb le • pees vibes it is again beows Ikeit b not only thip loose delightlal hear Ittesittag la the world, be that it cieetowe lb. scalp of sent and dandrelf, gives the hair • livelbrish, le nazism growth, sad poneets it front foreleg gray ?WWII eve 1101144111f141111211 word knowing. The ILatkelron ban bees tested isir over twelve yews, sod is waresetod as deal bed. eoy heilly wits weenie beestidel heed of Mir will ass the gatkolree. It b Seely performed, damp wad eel eikke. It is sold by LS respectable dale.* throughout Iles world. D. S. SARNO k CO., Awe New York. - f - Dd. 701111/18" 1011111 API LI NI SAM Bee Owen noire/teal satiabatioe doing tbe 14 ribs it bib been lotrodisood Ia o the United States. af ter being tried by saillioas, it has been proel tho Pia destnerer of Übe world. Pain ..wool be o loos this Ilebsset b Sfellet If said dirsetsd It samba and DIM% hate felled la a Waite hastened. For selds, coughs sod blooms, It weal bie best. Oise Si met bottle will sore ell tbe above, bctides Wag aside, in every family for maim saslll.sto sack se bona, eats, scalds, issect Wag; be. It IA priestly insocoat to take internally, sad *se be Orem to the oldest perms or yoaegeet child. Prime 1111 astie mote a bottle Mae SS Coarthordt St., Nil* York Sold by all Draggiste. ste7-4w. Ire 'sallow miry' Y lOC 4 The advertiser hewing bees restored to h knit in • few weeica, by a very wimple reeled, Attu basis; suffered =yaws with • severe lase &libation, sad that dread le s=loe. to undo 'mows to his Wiens-= .— witswo ci ears To all who &sin It, he will seed a copy of the prr seriptkre seed (tree of charge), with the directions for reparlog sad seise the saws, which they will find WWI Cons for CONIIIIIMPTIOX, A• 111114, BIONCIIITIS, The wily object et the advertieer essidiair therrertrip; Doe I. to beaelt the aftliated, aad spread latereastkiE whichQbe ill coaceives to toe laminable, sod he hope, orrery ealereticr try his rem as seedy, it will cost thew &ottani, sad sookeprove • Istewriag. km EDWARD A WILSON, Williamsborgh.. Eiscp Comedy, Kew Tod. wl4—Ua RDITOII OW 011 WILOW OIL. arm DILI BIZ —With jeosoa, I rati 1 1ralt to say to the madam of your paper thib I will mad by Mara mel to all who wish It, (free,) a iteelpe, with fell dandiest for essktff and SAWS Idkr Vitestabl• Baba, that will die ear, names, la 40 gait, Pimples, Blotches, Tan, lredkles, lad all lapsed/ e of the dkia, Warta( tie seas soft, dear, smooth and beantilal. I sin also man ft* to those having Bald Mends or Bare Agee, simple dlreetisme and Informatloo that will enable them to start a fell growth of Lassulea si * Whiskeys, or a Wonstarbe, hi less than 30 days: palmettoes answered Winn wail without eb NeepeettaU7 you% Tam. T. CHAPYLX, Chemist, rho. $3l Broadway; New York. febtll-11m iruoor/Se v iau Wit MO' However revere, way b. alleviated mad cared by the am et Salaam Woe ruder. Curative siassig: Tide lamilailbte medicine peewees" the extraordinary power of re/awing imezediseely Whooping Cough, DUl catty of Smatlnee, Hoerseoese, Suakinees sad Tickling el the Throat. It loomei, the Pliers, and wiU be Seed to be eery terweable to a taste. It is not a violent remedy, b emolieut— warm, marebtag sad east 1 re. dea be •a by the oldest person, or yawned at d. For by all dragnets, at 11 and II eta. per bottle. jaa26lll-17 w zi 10k cularstist ARID ILXIMIIII• KOOS OW A .TIMPIO 111A1 1 1.—A baeiti t bees sand Use notalto of early sr nor and dims" , from et et 1111101M41141011, mend to those who request it, aso of tks abort, hit/westing sarredire, pabliabarl by This little book is do. so a ~nisi sod to wing masa and those il li rr i sollbr fr om thinvocis D , t or linsioar, PasocariThilsosir, kr-, as , ispolylog at the same Weis the mesas of self curs Sinele copies wUI be seat ander seal to a plain savatups,— graham'', charge,—to ay who renown it, by sadressing this author, _ CHAS. A. Lkkitakil, los, ausifireTag. taressipoist,Long blood. if. T. Et r OLAL PIITTICS. • Oa .ad after Agee let. the pace of rte. hobo Woe will be edema/ Irtfty Ca. volume. Two that deta, the sale of pera t from No.. 1 to 24, will be de. maltase& Beek Me At iteliellioo Record" will be sold oat, la Wows Porshassre sad Weathers who bare set tesspleSed the tour soh,. toast st owe do so. The week witiosettrae to be petals/ad lo at 10 seats—each put Inseasted with two po teen steel. Telmer V. will sestpriss was porta. icultL MILES' CELEBRATED SABO AID OTHER COFFERS. THE RANO has boss ostoofidvsly maid in this arid .thee aosaltrlos, sad is approvedCov-tte Mt ILA TOR, 41.11.ALTELFUL AND NUTRIVOUS QUALITIES. This Coale oralipw , e• favorably with, and Li by way prollortod to Rio sod Jays t aad lo SOLD AT ADOUT HALF Tiff PRICE a l IA dead pot up la Tim foil paper to lib path* • tk labels that read— " =LEW la lb* oustrr Observe 14 tt4 bet parrilcalm 4 are patUartip :. • p an inferior ar ticle, to re /4=W the - law permits. of which is a eat of • Lady bolding I cof fee pot. Tbe Wien &11l red * yore amid I lee sad are fighlo't f 4 ANO COFFEE." It is peeked la white wood boxes of 60 lbs. each; also I, balk la kip sad barrels. Also os head, R/Lie OLD 00VNIOININT, JAVA, IliAlLaCkl7lo, ST. DON IN., OD, RIO, DANDRLIOS AND RYE COMM., Of Pastier sailAty, la Tlit Foil papers sad bozos ;rid to Sea*. Dealers wUI please send for Circulars and List of Orden' by somil or Express promptly executed. L. P. HDLNAN, 36 Rerrlsou Sole Argot for the United States. New Tort. SEINtal COUNTINTEMI I Loslfast. ;, / td-kgj *l‘P4'/ ofyienize '4l THE BUFFALO MERCANTILE COLLEGE, COMM or YAM IlifilOZCA gnizzls, Is as islyselsoi Uak ill the gnat shout of NAtIaIIIAL issacwovna posAsess. 1 hi Ow bilowla I attest vis :--112W TORE MIT, BIIOOILLTN, TROY DL nom PEILADCLPHIA, ALBANY ctsyslaso, osomoo, sAurr Loms Aso Tosoliso. • liamilasehlip Immod (mei R.. Coeheirop slits the bedew to snood either or sill the•Collegee be as ualladied them Tb• &Ws. 01 (bees loodalattooo, to= to you, am awl ladles, • thoroggri, practice/ oillsookoo. Thema Oa" ssome are orgaanied and emedneted upon a bade whisk mist mime to asap unto lastitatioa the beat penal,Utile ter imparting a thoinsigh ma al edamtlea, amireader It aa Mwhole, the woe eampreimenve sad complete menial la UM country. Illeak.llLempiamia its depantaimeta,Taleipapidiie, Ommisecial Law, Commercial Arithmetic andeoman shi, are taught la the most thorough and pmetleal Alp, TM Ilpenieerinis Bimini et Penumanktp, is tsl==c7 , l sad a i r s x lr =ii . egad: sec =n l incial Y st Enialo r. Bt . . For halm lararaintles4 p;oes• neE Colkels , Roar" cee 89ad for Catelers• sad Clinalar enclosing kilns damp. Address BETA Si STRATTON, ‘lllll3o. N. T. Ma-1y EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Letters Tionenestary oa tail Notate ot Salaam deemed, late of Ways, tewashtp, trio 0o 1% , , lia_ iii;w il lemrited to the aaderaiened dl p. is. *NW to setae us 1 sallied to ottlioat at y. aad ail pumas claim ea= estate to mead the lass duty authenticated tot settlt neat. BLUR Plinin, ILI DONODESZ, Wayne, Ilniali 11, Ilitirouillvi, Iltatestoti of hoed. BARLEY!, BARLEY! He ms mbilegbor b. w,., to ..an w Osaka r Ups wn of Ms tAA Risky tMy have nig to ida *Wog no pima II yews. Ho ram wtabirs te buy 80,000 11 II BHELBI AM it All tils *Alry the Idgbast ioutst pk. Br* ed. 4-412. Cul" A. ICING L• A. ILORRIEION, 11 1104111•111.1 MAW, II Maur, Pork, Beef, Salt, Grain CLOVER, TIMOTHY MED, &e. 10, 11,3ra0 Moak MINN Atom Sifie and MO os, P. 4 Feball THE ALL SUFFICIENT THRET. GMAT "LIZOICAZ 11.110111 I[llol MIELSBOLVI GENUINE PREPARATIONS H[LYBOLry el NA ritAc suelAnksau.., IN P4O V If.D ROSE w Vg 0 ENUINK PREPARATIux .. if Ilia I. V CONCIIMPILITY 0 FLUID ZITILACT IVOR', A rc►s/rns 1110 Priam IMMOT /ILI 0011. KID/ft/S, , 01A /EL AND 010? CAL iIItiLLINGS isodictse lacrosse' limo paper of lis t , suing no AYtlOttiClFl,l Isle hieettloy salsa. dm WATERY 01 CILCIRROUII depssla -UNMs TURAL ICRLiaaIIIZZITS an well se pais sad ladassessilloos, sad Is WORIRM OR CRILDit" MILMBOLDI FAXTRACT FOR WRIA.I9XIrI. c fro. Ewer" Habits or Mslllatios, hodiorrotion or obese, MIMED WMI TRW FOLLOWING minom • to 111Ortion, Lose el • of Memory, W Nemo, TombLiag. • nor of Dhieers, Wabobilasa Dimas of V Pala la *el traiverval Lesid i tte of the Floolatai of ;soot , Systtm Tet f-M 01 0 L memami. firYaese of the Ma. Thew qmptosos, If aDovel to p os,vbbii invariably reloorso, Imes bOov IIitOTENCY, FATUITY, VILZPVIC Rai, to In ono of *bid' tbe ma alio- motto ea dull tbey are net y Ibllowed by th o e ft ilsomos." fPitIANITY £NI coIiSUMPTION Yaw" aro aware at Ow awe of mow .111 confess. The and ~ rwswato=m wi= to the =Um The Constitution' Ono* ASlnctO I organic Weakness, lioquirva tbo aid of median* •o .7 ate the a) Min, azz,msow = 60 1. , invariably does. A trial t9l. tied. FEMALES, l 'OLD OS YOVINI, 81NOLV,=USN as KABNLAaI. fa teeny aßectloae peculiar to AMNIA/ the Bache V aseiealled by say other reausity,ar ' eta et Reteatioa, Irregaiatita. or theOtitoost7 Bioorated state alio Uterus, Loosortliso or VWts s. ail compLatata taeldert to the arci, from bolimrelloa, Sibiu of DtiapaLios. es is the DECLINE \Oit. CHAMAS OF L/lIPS. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT Take DO Bs.lsom, Moreary or Usploorsot L'oplossont sod Dasworoos Diarorro. HELXDOLD'S JIXTPACT non SECRET DISEAS'ES, la all thtlx stages; at lane esprore; Little u p amp AND NO EXPOSURE Itemises frequent desire, sag gives striae& to Grim thereby removihg obrtrustiosks, prinestiNg sad aril Strictures of the - Urethra, a/layiss pats sad WWII tips, su trei l usut th this class of atmesisse sad swag PIJ/50:10US, E 4 S E.D 4 'OAS OUT 114 Tm WHO iIAVE 11111C110/ THU VICTIMS W. fltifiliat 9•310, Awl who have paid HRAVY IMPS to be wed ins ant Um, have found elm were deiteirsd, Ya a ti ton" has, by th use of "Vowswfal" dried up is lb. to brook out lir ani ampluent form, and IA near as