The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, March 21, 1863, Image 2

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gpovetoow. R AMID THE TRRO OF
CIVIL WAR, &In /ME Gromenumma jmatib
Odd thiserferesee with the Preolow of
,pew or al tho Noe, wry woo than it mot
with the "roam of As kW. The atamtiser•
SOO the kimpiks arid v th. pat a maw
oimiretrwi with the • ,§6ovi t abitsi g/ Arbi
trary pokoe.—F. P. Bunk Sen.. Either of
the prevent Peetatamber-Geberal. and the
intimate Mend of Gea. Jeekmen.
WZ RAVE belayed the publication of
our pin Attie/ to gire the result of
Mae city electioti.
Tas opposition have plated ose more ad
bereekin the penon of aK)I." James Wor
•eii, tonne* of this oity, He has been
steeled Freed ant of the "Union League"
as Herristorg, The "rslyant" Colonel ie
in the fair way for promotibn at last. Now,
all that is required of him is to make an
Abolition speech, denouncing the "cussed
eopperheads," and a Major-Generalship
will be within his grasp.
The reverend person whom Thurlow
Weed recently "cored for preaching enlist
ment to other people's sons, without send
ing hie own, is the Rev. Samuel J. May,
of Syracuse.—Ezt/uvv.
regret to say that Rev. Mr. May is
r, .1 thy only person who preaches "enlist
trp.nt other people's son., without send
.ll fivrn Tue C ' itAa .ittito nuntoi•
I . .!) they Ate ill (litho
lrop ..c t.lanl dll.l iA.nt k in 1
W 1 ,0.1 1 10 , 5 L. 4 kt . , ottrt4ge, vatri“litan at.
; me the) Welk.- :11.
Ina ifarre.3t , tug Tr.' , ,rap', cell* the ()Nit
adv — oopperheai print." Well„ ea that
term ,n t 6. man , ier .• le now applied.
means 16 paper that 4tande up faithfully for
the l',)atitution a n.l I.lwa, and revere the
teachlnga of Waellinsion Jeffer•ant, Jaek-
Clay, Webater and ftougie, we rather
like the title. file Tdegritpi4wvould have
oalled 15 4 . 11 '•Uniou Savet" let 6u, and
thought the name just LL= opprobrious as it
toes the other to-day.
Now, if the Teltgraple will only keep on
giving names to us, and call us " mean,"
"wicked." "corrupt," "iy ing,""villainons,"
"butternut," "traitor," "sympathizers,"
and some of tit. of tier i;hoioe epithets which
abound in its vocat.ulary, we shall have
reason to rejoice Nothing could prevent
the Oissrver from gaining largely, both in
circulation and inflt4ace, with rush a re
commendation of its oharacter.
Me chief obstacle to an early pesos, and
the reatonition of tiffe Union, either by
fnroe of arms or honorable compromise,
schwa. says the Pittsburg Pau, from a fact
not often referred to—the multitude of
persons dependent upon the war for sub
sistent*, as well as the thousands who are
accumulating calomel fortunes, in various
ways. not entirely apparent to the people.
It is perfectly clear that our thousands of
officals, of various grades, from Major Gen
erals down, are not disposed to curtail their
own importanoe and inoome,lf they could,
by bringing hostilities to a aloes. Then
• we have passabers of Congress ' who, by
their position in the party in power, have
secured for worthless sons and relatives
snug appointments ifl the service, which
takes so much burden off their paternal
sheakiera Other men in Congress are up
to their eyes in oontreets, by which they
are "lining their sleeves" with the finest
material. Then come the hordes of fullers,
cone , paymasters, assessors, and
tiu-gatherers, who, when adtlEd to the
hosts alluded to, comprise a multitudinous
army of "war patriots," eating out the sub
teepee of the'Unioe, and far more terrible
to our people Iliac several rebel armies
with fleeting homers. These are the prom
inent "patriots" of the country, who pro
nisiten DO pasoerwlth the South as long as
we have a dollik or a max ; no peace with
the Bobth until every slave is basking in
the atm of freedom. These persons have
many powerful reasons for their glowing
Late against everything and everybody not
absolutely sanguinary against the entire
Southern people. It is their vooatios, and
they are laboring in it. Should peace take
place they would starve.
illootioos were held in many of thexti.""
les in New York week Were boo, which
resulted in splendid Democratic victories
where Abolitionism has heretofore reigned
triumphant. Troy gives fsso Democratic
gain: Roeheeter, black as ink heretofore,
has now gone Democratic by an over
whelming msjority ; in Illicit the Demo
cratic victory is complete. Auburn, the
home of Seward,is Democratic for the first
time in twenty years ; O;wego has come
back to the Democratic household ; Gene
va is Democratic by 150 majority ; Lock.
port has gone Democratic by 200, where
the Abolitionists for twenty years have
had about that majority. In t various other
large places, the results are equally hon
orable to the Democracy. The Albany
Argo remarks upon them that "the Dem
ocratic reaction which set in last fa/1,
mores on with undiminished force, and
sweePs -into the interior, reaching and
breaking in upon the inmost strongholds
of the Republicans."
RauLay.--We have looked with anxiety
So see if there was any person by the name
of Greeley in the army, and had about
given up an hope of finding one. But it
appears that am* is one—one only that
we have been able to find. His name is
Adolphus A. ereetey, and he is a sergeant
in the ItaaaiKhueette Volunteatit Let due
credit be given to that one rtiVresentative
of the Wy- of Greeley's. He is perhaps
the first and "last of the MOhioans."
Pounce in listen—Ths &sum
In speaking of the town elections in /Lane,
"imp Detheereate gains have bees mach
In Mid, *lvry tows. The only town that
Oftaidade last yeas most has fon*
Abolition thla, so fan as we have noticed,
le W. Deiert i While the towns that have
chnnied hews Lholltlon to Demon:toy are
maltase& by the More."
liyrkittporum*.--The badititiese
firoakamsetotient ire la the highest degree
leftemdderbthie Detrwarbey are In me
timiMettl-fil carrying the State ettd elI
shg Oitsposseea. b 7 oAsa 10.000 sr.
jam. . .
The last hours of the late Congress were
appropriately occupied in a desultory, but
somewhat pointed climbed= of Mimis on
the country, and singularly dough .ppre
discussion included china of ftsuds
'soh other by members of liho
ling Comtultdee. We hare's bolicese Mtn
bly familiar in this country, sanse the wer
been, with these charges of fraud, and it
Is • noteworthy circumstance that while
radioed politicians profess the utmost ab
horrence of traitors and sympathisers with
traitors,they do not hare the'dighteet =
apathy to associate theasselvavaitimily
and personally with men notoriously guil
ty of anises which are fully as great as the
crimes of the Southern enemies who ire
abet and shell at-armies of the Union.
The rooord is a feikiful one. No words
Are adequate to describe the extent and
magnitude of tin criminality of the men
who are robbing us of immure and blood.
They shrink at nothing In the way of baud.
Auld the example of civilians extends to
some political officers who are in,but ought
to be thrust out of, the army.
as P-
newspaper oorrespondent thus seas
up a portion of a debate fa the Senate on
Monday :
Some of the most damegins and damn
ing charges of the war an
or the proud
Congress were made in the Senate of the
United States today,and on all sides of the
Chamber. The debate wail=n the bill
to regulate trade with the in insur
rection. The following were among t h e
statements : By Mr. Renders= (Dagon,
Mo.)—TA.: cAarges made ars wallow. and I
decline to repeat them because they are
under investigation. I believe these char
mto be true, from information in my
arion. Mr. Chandler tkapetblioan of
gan,) says military Union aims
th.% been guilty of pillaging from thii ro
be.* among them
' Large 'Rums have thus been seised,
heil.toicid divided by -certain general oat
cerl." Mr. (.. was asked by Mr. Powell to
twine the officers, but declined to do so,
=u , the) were betote the War Dent.
Mr Davis(Union,of lientuclry,r=
charge before given and connected with
the transit of dour from the Belize to New
()deans ($lO a barrel for flour In a
transferred to a relative of the ociaima
ing general of the department, the dour
then selling at New Orleans for $6O a bar•
Mr. Lane (Republican, of Kansas) said
he knew of a Brigadier General who, hav
ing received a number of slaves (18. I be
lieve) within his camp, gave them up to
the owner in corisideration of rseeiving forty
eight telt+ of cotton / The custom, said Mr.
Lane, was for commanders to give permits
to bring cotton and for military command
ers to receives per oentage for the permits
and protection thus afforded. These trans
actions had greatly demoralized the army.
Mr. Chandler, at a later stage of the
charged that the Senate had isiiiisr
aidy voted to continue the present damn.
ilisation in the army. and to uphold tA.
tAiet:es, plunderers, and robbers in the service.
NSW HAMPSIIIII.—The Ittaaehester, W.
H., 2itirror : Aßepublican,) expresses the
opinion that Col. J. S. Ciresray, the Demo
cratic candidate for Railroad Commission
er, is elected. The anti-Republican ma.
jority is admitted to be 8,500, which is a
pin of 12.000 as compared with last year.
and over 20,000 as compared with 1860.
M. GALsaairn's Srsaca.—The 'peewit
roads by Wm. A. Galbraith, Esq , at the meet
ing on Saturday evening Wet, was one of his
finest efforts. Delivered without any prepar
ation, it was yet °output, argumentative anti
eloquent, and was received with flattering en
thusiasm. As special pains have been taken,
by oertain members of the opposition, to mis-
represent Mr. G's. sentiments en this ocoasion,
we give an abetraot of his remarks. Those who
were present at the meeting will bear witness
to the oorrectness of our reports
Mr. Galbraith, after referring to the semis
of the last two years and the present deplo
rable condition of the country, west es to
, Say that he had been from Um beginning, as
was !ell known to his fellow-oltisess, bl i tterly
opposed to the rebellion and lie &utiles.
(Applause.) 14 could not be dummied in toe
strong terms. (Applause.) It was wholly
unjustified and without excuse. 1t had greedy
consigned unnumbered thousands of the beat
and bravest men on this continent to an
timely graves, and had filled the whole land
with mourning. It ought to be sternly and
vigorously suppressed, and its leaders brought
to condign punishment. (Great applause.)
He believed that there was but one sentiment.
among the great mass of tip people.-on this
subject, and the differences that hive divided
us into opposing parties were not apes the
mein question of whether the,rebellisa ought
to be suppressed or not, but upon the proper
means to be used to restore the authority of
the government over the seceded States.
When the war began, the Issues now agitating
.d dividing the country, did not exist.
There was at that time only one all-pervading
and determined purpose, and this purpose, in
obedienoe to an almost unanimous public
opinion, wait solemnly enunciatediby the Con
gress of the United States, by resolution'
passed In July, 186 1, and by whiob it was de-
dared to the world that am war was 4 not
waged for auy purpose conquest no subju
gation, or for the purpose of overthrowing or
interfering with the rights or established insti
tutions of the States, but to defend and main,
twin the supremacy of- the Constitution, snit
to preserve the Galan with an the dignity,
equality and rights of the States unimpaired ;
and that as loon se these otdoste were seems-
Flashed the war ought to °ease." (Applause.)
The world has never - witnessed - witnessed a sublimer
spectacle than was then exhibited, when a
whole people, laying *aids all past different**,
sprang to their feet as one num fordo defence
of their Government and Oonstitatien. (lirest
The North was a salt, while in the South
divisions of the most serious eharaeter ex
isted. in many of the States thousands and
tons of thousand* rensined true to the gov
ernment of their fathers, whole Omaha, were
known as being distinctly and deeklledir fir
the Union. (Cheers.) The obvious Maas
of reason and common sense was the adoption
of sash a course as would eseserage the
(Won sentiment, sad rotate the ethehoode
with which the people there had been misled
as to the porpoise of our goverament towards
than, thus building up a powered esnitsrvs
ave party there, that would at last be able,
by the form of publie opinion, to cheek the
Soothers radio/is at home sad maguey
arerwlahn them by a popular reaction sobs&
theta sad their mad and bloody edemas.
(Continued applause) To vesture a Union
worth having, a moral as well es a physioal
vistot7 was required. to vast as sabot of
cooky suldogated by moo oupetivr brat
would be but a barren victory that, lib the
apples of the Dud Bet weary bun l• ashes
on our lips.
TrWI was akwi tor *Owed. PrigN4ol
miatainasbip instilled lb. pen, mashopi
fa As resolat422 of Cawing aid he OW
.tolieved Au as adbarease M . Ibegi
iiiil4 loft sisse dins be 801411*
troth iiii -I "ititWi'VesTsk - if net WAWA"-
pruned it. (Cries of that's so, sad clapping
of hands.) But, in en evil sad unhappy hour,
these wisa sad usurvative principles were
aFplitl bia plaits Ot e 'thi
t Sher=
bcp •
saitutory 7 writt , .n am Nt
. They in Mot Amok am Mere piimieell
by its suitors sad advocates, nor ere they
auk ho was Wand to say, u live much hope
or eacentraigemest for the Mare.
From the fret, this change of volley / See
awed by at laqpipmetp la the
hulas is its maks souse of tits sblsu of the
tepubliess statesmen. The hum MIS, how
ever, Suss" upon the 04Mitz7. i ns principles
in guavas& are vital, and, tit his j
involved the gravestas4. most ts..
consequeme, ulna; taiihe cans and solemn
eossldsestioa of every refisotimg nom
?ha Wee * is abaft. Wilma a mama
soaserrative as.' assaittatioaal policy ea lb.
sae band, (applesse,) sad on the other, the
extreme mot latprootleible plans arced opt*
the malty by a class of a who have bees
espied for years Is wring du seeds of
babel and esseed between the sestioas. The
one coarse seatemplatins toree alone ; the
Ober oesellisilea also. (Great ebeedar)
Be had DOM had but one opinion on the
matter. Be had fres the int adveosted the
Naas views he now entertained, and he would
be pardoned perhaps tor gaethig lion a
sipeteh delivered by him in preemies of a
large concourse of people In Brie, In Ooteber
1841, u reported in the Okerver at the
thee :
" The election of Yr. Lowry would un
denbtedly be claimed as an expression of the
people la favor of turning the war from its
proper and oeastitutlonal end into a were
sectional struggle, a fanatical crusade against
the institution of slavery. He (Mr 11) was
miserly opposed to this doctrine He believed
the only hope of stippn6ring ths rebellion
and ending the war was in, adhering to the
Constitution. If the administration should in
an evil hour-be forted by the clamor of the
extremists of the North into an abandonment
of the true round heretofore and now occu
pied by the government, he believed that hour
would sound the death knell of the Republic.
lgs was in favor of upholding the government
as handed down to us by oar Fathers. (great
and continnoi cheering.) Let the President
kilts the position urged upon him by the abo
litionist*, and it would require ne oracle to
foretell the (pulsations roseate that would in
evitably fellow. The Rowing Union senti
ment every where manifesting itself in the 's
eeded Stews would be instantly extiagnishod.
The South would be et Cave waited unto death
la Der datums ; the North would as suddenly
be. divided into Willie factious, tad a war,
the Wed, sad °erase., sad woes, sad curses
of which would have no parallel to the his
tory of the dowatall of nations would iaeri
tall, fellow."
(At the close of the resdiag of this para
graph, the dmaanalratioas of approval weirs
mait.worked. TM applause was spostanitoas
and sathasilsistlo, sad soatlisaed fora coast
derabLo thaw)
Me supported the geteranteal so mere
strode, then they sow. bat thea as now he
opposed taralag the war isle $ nee berm
salegtaiesa—e hopeless. isterstiaable war of
aweless sad peoples without *sot sad with
out hope. Ile believed sew that the adminis
tration valid have to rotors to the wise
policy it had ill-advisedly Outdated, sad he
adraosisked gentlemen who bed drifted of
into abelitiesista to look bask spot those
foots, and smolder and digest this well be
fore deaseasiag us trailers said 11. oolopsr
heads" Oleos who while eleall7 tlllllO sad per
haps sore so to the govianawat, refuse ne
vertheless to believe that the adadalstratioa
ie pureeing the blot teem fax
of the Unto' esd the safety of the emir/
Be urged, In roselseion, &Asap of um
sad measures. t (Great applieass.) pesos
nor union was likely to oomis spin made, as
line of policy now beimg 'carried out. Let
thane be • Ina edlonessalt is govenuesest
this its day of calamity and disaster ; let
there be entire oboes's** to law, no matter
how oppressive ; but let there be through the
pelmetsl operation of tlie ballot box, at every
@Wilms, mall and great, such revelutioa
will at lent give u a oonstitutiond /disdain
triton of affairs, sad a return oit . peso, and
prosperity under a restored UniMk. (immense
sheering.) - - =
1111UVIBLIICAN ailltWlYo6.
The ilepablisen meeting in Parris Sall, en
Tuesday evening, was well attended,--large
sambas of these present Wag Democrats,
who were melons to hear whether the opposi
tion could produce anything mere in favor of
their omits Una theory of traitor against, tbeee
who do met agree with show We are sorry
to say, that almost without exception, they
were disappointed. The speakers all set sat
with the idea that these who are tot of the
muse vistas with them, in regard to the best
insaner of reetoriag the :Uaion, are Wilk^
aad indulged pleatifulknia the use of the stale
*piaci, with 'Melt the eensary is familiar.—
Not one of them attempted to answer Demo
natio argeoneau, nor 'denied that the Adndn
istrattea bad sweetly mismanaged the Weise
of the country :
Hon. Joan EL WA Liras was the first speak
er. He commeseed with the inspertaat ad
mission that ?ernes ere memory it mom frto
- Government, and said that he was glint we bad
two poetise at-the presses time. They were nee
emery as a guard on each other's eoeduot.—
Without parties our yablio eilieere would soon
ran into a sourse of extravagance sad corrup
tion. He then proceeded to argue that the
Deem:Natio party was a disloyal one, and
should not be glowed to get late power. Ale
resent for Waking so was, that it did not ho
lies la the Adatisistretiett'so way of marrying
on the Oovernm eat.
He was followed by liao. W. Deans, Esq.,
whose abuse of the Democrats us unky exceed
ed by his abuse of the Queen's Eight& Thom
who beard Ur. D's "war" speeches lest
wer sad fall need no abstract of his mare re
cent effort. It was the woe thing over spin,
with,koerimps, the words .theitternut,” "oop
perbeid," "trailer" and leynepatlisers" more
plentifully interlarded.
AL7IIIII. LIN, Iraq., was Ow tier: 'Poker.
His remark, were in gement qedwkwafteeP
linable, bad pot the audience In good humor
by their jellissee.
/ono W. lhoosaa, Esq., Wooed, easiseing
WI So la o Dooscrot, and Mend of Stop= A.
Docgise, though he has dooniag every princi
ple held deer by that imicertal ototasona. Be
was guile humor la ids refesonoes to Makin
eon. Johnoos. Kok, baker; and other row
pde Itontecoolo, hut hogs& to Nil tare andiesee
that, Us hinoolt they hod rill boos well no
eroded tor their support of ilbo Adndidairn-
Jebel. liCeehmene, Presideee et the esetiag,
Rte. bed aseeeeded la dispiwas the erowd
vie hie meg dinky. Ens km y eseetiesed
Wi l de aelkaew. bat et dia ware awed as*
*CR go set mat th. !airs me big
sellbti infest grip or imams • • • •
The messed sad most abusive weak of the
tot 'se made by Yr. Ihoesep, Ass eestrialag
tke emits that wyagi ornarli iimpt sr
-440: ." We Asti selttOgells Is
tefint hie • --
The Pittsburg Gmebi nnikeeit 1:130V0-
. ••• t oftroops westward. supplied to be
or the reinforsement of Bassenele.
Th. Committee on the Conduct of
the War kava, it 4asesaix4 &wed fbeir
talfant Old to *MA .W..,f1 1 0 11
mks tzar report
The Governor of insoonvin has ra
oeived urgent »questa for snore 'medical
ski for the troops beforeNicksburg.
) According to the Van Wyck report
the Omuta of the Collector of the , pert of
New York for one year will hoover =l10,•
1108,51. - •
The &webHaan Coutaduse of Pena
gloat& leave called a State Onlventioniu,
Pittsburg on the 15th of July. to nominate
candidata fix Governor sad Judge of the
Supreme Court.
Gen. Kilroy reporte from Winchester
that hie retmanniassuice deans the Valley
et Virghsta shows the late *tortes of a re
tial advisee is that direction to be wholly
Gen. aosecrans reports to tato oom-
eittnder-in-ohlef that Col. Minty's recent
eavah7 expedition from Murfreesboro
drove the rebel cavalry wherever they met
than, captured one of their camps, levee
teen wagons, forty-two mules, and one
hundred and fourteen prisoners.
An insurrectiokhas broken out in*.
Domingo, which; ips feared, may occasion
great trouble for-t Spanish protectors of
the Island. ;
The colored regiment at Fall River,
Illus., now ninxibirs 300 men, and recruits
are being received at the rate at ten per
-- It isasoortaiied that the rebelpick
eta at certain points on the Rappahannock
are composed of one half white men, and
one half negroee.l
There being O suilleieaxg of 25 and 50
mot postage currency in circulation, the
Government has stopped printing.
The body of the rebel Msgor firedog
I was recently sent to New-Orleans for bur
lal, and at least 3,000 Secessionists, wore
than half of them women, attended the
The latest account from our comes.
;Kindest at Franklin, Tenn., the scene of
the recent disaster gives the following as
the result Hilled 65 ,• wounded, 259 ;
missing. 1,082 ; Loki, 1,406. The Rebels
admit a loss of 1G killed.
George D. Prentice spoils a story or
iginated by the Chicago neer and New
York Drawee to the effect that the patriot
wit had sold out his property, invested the
proceeds in gold at 7B, and was earoute
for Europe, by flatly denying in a card pub
lished in the ?Haute.
Advice. from Hilton Head state that
an order issued by Gm. Hunter on theOth
direetWie drafting of all able bodied no
pow the department between the ages
of 18 apd 50 not otherwise employed by the
government, to garrison the various forte.
The Chicago ?Fee tells us that there
are five hundred clubs of the Union Loigue,
and that the organization is extending
with surprising rapidity.
The town elections In Main* look
place a few days ago t and the result in many
towns shows that the revolution to public
sentiment manifested at the ballot-box in
November last is going on.
The recent levee cuttings at Lake
Providence aoi elsewhere have resulted in
inundating more than 100 miles of Louis;
tuna territory, destroying millkos of dol
len worth ofooperty. The guerrillas were
ompletely thownedout.
The story of another rebel raid in the
Shenandoah region is untrue. Search has
been made,and nothing discovered beyond
a few of Imboden'. Cavalry.
All accounts agree In reporetng great
destitution and distress in Northern Ala
bama and Georgia. The rebel army are
starving the entire population.
The United Skies Senate terminated
an extra session on Saturday. No business
war transacted in public. An executive
guidon was held. and the President's nom
inations acted upon. At 9 o'clock the
doors were opened and the residing offi
cer announced the Senate mourned rim
An engagement is reported to have
taken place between the Poles and Rue
,sians near Hutu*, in which the latter were
put to flight, taking renal on Pruesian
territory llt was supposed that Austria
Would demand satisfaction for a violation
of her soil—some Cosacks having pursued
Polish fugitives over the border.
—On Sunday, a fast schooner, while
leaving the harbor at San Freedom, was ,
overhauled by Government agents and
found to be In full outfit fora privateer.—
About twenty Seoreslonists were taken.—
Other vessels. will probably he looked af
The Detroit riot has extended to Can
ada. At Oil Springs, on Saturday night,
the whites organised a force, marched to
the negro quarters, ordered the blacks
away, destroyed their property, and burn
ed their houses. The negro*. fled to the
By the arrival of the steamship lifsr
ion from New Orleans, we have dates to
the Bth inst. Oar sorespondent states that
P m
Wm have been made for an im
= attack on Port Undo:in. Troops
and munitions'of war have already moved
in that direction. Gem. Banks and Oro-
Ter have started for Baton Reuse. The
attack on Port Hudson is to be made by
land and water.
An American merchant, who came in
the City of Baltiziore,brings iotalligenoe
of a new monster which le In gooses of
constriction for the Rebels - In the vicinity
of London. It is $6O feet long, iron sled,
with •torn/aid/We prow, and wUI be pro.
Tided wilt( four engines. lie described
her as one of the ni(ist terrible of the Wil
ily of num.
—Private advices havebeen received from
Gen. licseerans' army, which give the mast
gratifying seessite of its °malign. The
men and atom am in high eon&
dent and cheerful. They are well
well fed, splendidly armed, and have oom-
Amiably quarters. Foragingparties have
been exceedingly
lelwaakee fired minute gone over
We grave of the ibirty-aevaath Congress.
Swivel trunks have been
near Bekown withabout a ton of el = im ut i .
laprms aadhottooe =root* for Dizie,maa
nbotared In Now York. •
Gen Remo, who *thieved an infa
mous reputation for theittrocitles he octet
mftted to Hungary, and mobbed by Bar
clay and Perkins, browses in Loadso f re
cently ocsanaitted suicide at Cassid, by
blowing out his nameable brains.
thancandaptly com with-
Tim' tell the mat
story respeoUng the surnwiags and ing
tions to whisk the Rebels are subjscWd.
The prime of all thinp have incremed
vary much within a short has to ease
quotas of the ►lt =Aso. digrociatiolk of
paper. Gresabectut are worth 150
soristhin c s
na cant
premium over of Slatee i, and
overcon =
is worth only ens quarter l face in gold.
The Richmond papers of the
contain the Mow*: "Format has
made an attack on Port Hudson. sad has
been repulsed. The Mississippi nu burnt
and Fanor abu tr down the river la his
;R.ltehlP The Federal lend braes
nos Join la She amok Fist Peacher
ton as the mouth of She TallehMelcht Zig
sr, was 600 on she Midi" IN
obi 011 aw NA • kw
* ' .
• - - -01.--epedCeeererrnident with libe
Army of the Potomac seeds= particulars
of a highly important victory by our cav•
alry and artillery under General Averill
over the 'rebel cavalry under fitumikesitiew
ed at ReLig's Pad, above Ilklmouth. and
on two bat/Iola& beyond. The expedi
tion, whick'won4histriamph was eiet afoot
from Stoneman'. fEitatioe toward Culpep
per tame* miscall'," beat the bderven
ing eanniey, and also to amok it possible
the rebel cavalry under Fitzhugh Lee.—
Accidental Information extended its
course, and the eequel is thus fortunate.—
The enemy were charged across the Rap
pahannock, sad »puked in three flying
msgagemants with the law of several pris
oners and a large number of killed and
wounded. •
A tioutb Carolina laanler and mew
her of the Legiohituri in that Slid* la re
ported to have arrived in Cincinnati on
Thursday. He otalasilial Wawa's wales
Sr. mooed in Tennentre,and that a power
ful move on Liuisville and Cincinnati will
be made as soon as the rivers fall and the
roads dry up. He also mys that ten iron
clad* are understood to be nearly ready for
the Confederate service in foreign ports.—
Their first attempt will be to clear the Nis.
siesippi and cooperate with the proposed
Kentucky movement. Rebel advice, show
Witt the Unionist, of Northern Alabama
are giving the rebels much trouble. Many
of them are deserters from the soutbi►rn
A Tray.
—lt is reported that there has Wei a
draft upon the Army of the
reinkiroe lien. itosecraos. The Pittsbtirg
Chumtte says that one regiment was to pass
through that city on Thursday last, and
that two others Would immediately follow
—one en Friday and another on Saturday
night. There is probably some truth in. jhe
rumor that the Confederates are orgeeis
lug two powerful armies in Tennessee,one
ki hold Rosecrons in check, and the other
to i needs Kentucky.
Oen. Hooker, who was recently be
fore the War Committee, when asked his
opinion as to the muse of the failure of
the Peninsular Campaign, replied with
characteristic arrogance: "As lam on oath
I must answer the question. The f v
of that movement was owing to the , - .
petenoy of the commanding general." 0 .
this subject the General has the misfor
tune to differ with Prince tie Joinville, all
the foreign (Moen, all the native °Akers
of merit and distinction and with the
whole army.
From Fernandina, via. Port Royal,
we receive news indicating a reverse met
by the force of 1.900 negroes which ascend-
e 4 St. Mary's river on the 9th of MNrch,
and it was even thought that it had pro:.
bebly been captured. The of of this ex
pedition was to supply arms to all slaves
whom it Gadd incite to insurrection. Col
onels lingenson and Montgomery ,com
manded the blacks. If taken they and
other white officers were probably shot.
The Mobile Register_ enlarges upon
prices current. Farmers, three months
ago, warp paid 12 50 to #2 75 a bushel for
core; 20 to 25 cents a ponad for their cat.
tle; 11 25 to $1 50 a pound for their butt•
delivered In Moira*: they got 04 miss .
poured lbw their bacon, delivered in Mo.
bile; *gigot $5O to $56 per t arrel for flour,
dellveM In Mobile. One man now re
fines tit seltflour at $7O a barrel ; anoth et
sells sups at4oo a pound. LardZ
at $ll 00 a **lon, etc.'
A resolution introduced hit*
islet:ire of Wisconsin, last week, but *act
ed by astriot party vote, chargesHutt 46
citiseens of the State have been ariWQ.,
tokensfrom their homokand maned
in • prisms, without any le
gal proems fee m a ch arrest and without the
authority of law.
A dispatch from Fortress Monroe,
says there was fighting on the Blackwater
on Tuesday—no particulars received. The
same 'dispatch says that the Rebels attack
ed Newborn last Fride l y and were defeated.
The Memphis iiiitr (Union) of the
13th inst. says that the report of the cap
ture of a large number of steamboats in
the Yazoo is all bosh. That's cheerful.—
There are rumen in Pocinnatt that
the Rebels have retaken or repossesaed
Forte Donelson and Henry. It was stated
some days in Louisville that the Union
troops hiddisarmed and destroyed the
former fort, which, if true, may account
for the above story.
A letter from Florence, Ala., to the
Mobile Ittrister e ir is that Wayne County
is full of ren styling themselves
Union men. T y hive been joined by
many deserten from the Southern army,
and have become more formidable than
Brigham You has been arrested
and held to bail in 12,0(4 to answer the
charge of polygamy, under the recent act
of Congress. Fre made no resistance to the
promos, nor was there any trouble w
The Charleston Afenatry hoe an article
entitled, "War or Peace." It beast the
Confederate hopes upon successfuliphokl
lag out for three ionsdha.
HUMP 1,91111111 r. •
Chidbins Mei* a/ deeds le var k
Les i♦airdrtaro Owls most guStam.
atoolblior Maw aredrellt Eli— ,
ia rola of ibmarogro maiNder PUY.
The& ems are feud Is evely breb.-
111(lieedeleseerre—eri Aide%
Timer reedlromiveele -eltr42= l. l
rrodneed by Ilturriesere
DOSS Memo anti poor/ .d...{ doubt
doomolop romoesod will opoook 0 4 1 1 4 ,
ad likaallk spas poor Nystrom P i
lt pro woof lo Roomy o MIL
rrorro soh tor all—W4la old saloon;
so ost
DIr DIM ir dloarrood—oo too=
Ohm wo ore Yowl wlth Rtombrod'o
or Put op WS togthdr,dprodskdorwro arid Aso&
Sondem Prior Id otioloper boa. doiror orriori. Soo
Do third pow. For rah by all
rbfO puffy, ttromathos and invicometo.
Miry IMMO II koaltly anotitik
They an au meant, to amigo of watt aal dirt
They °venoms. sheets of ilimilyetlon are tete haters.
They et:elegem the "Wm mid Wives the me!hit.
Tiny poorest aims saris tad laterielltest
They potty the breath sod Welty KIM
They am Lipepepete rd Oseialipetioik.
They sus Dierrimee. Chelsea aleettailers Sleben
They ears Liver Complain sad Nervosa iTeseleebe.
They are the beet bitters la the world. They aseho the
week um stag& and It exliarbpd aaftre's groat se-
Omer. Ter ere Node et pare It. DMA Rue. the We
beselii Deillbps Deat. mots aed Metti mad are take% o lth
The *mu, of s beeeeigs without regard to age or Doe
of day. Parskulairiy noomasestild to delleste perrast
lecebtag "raft stbealeal bold by el aresors, Drug
gists. Hotels sot Saloom. P. R. MAXI ICO ,
jafivell. Droudiray, N. T
H 1111111141111111 1 4 1 ,15
Ir is MOT STA bat rasimmign per triM to he esigl•
bal tieloit, by 'applying Use saplibuy labs" vilth natagal
instwage. lanalgoll by or nt disisum all. Whamming
km age Magparil of !Amu V•watle, diastnying
lanky sad beady el Ur balg gll•rit et Ummassinsa
a. dismiamp listmatessiltiatigniabia Csiertag art only
imagism lab ts tie natant solo", by aa gag pnow . 6
gins lb* bar a LUX MINT SIAM primmilas its
ggentk. puma, Hs lanai silk andllsaiss mbimboilk .ad
Iwo% heath sod piereshme to Iho be.d. tt tee
Mood the WS ot Ilkoe. hobos taw seiginal Hair Coles
bad tg gaimsbilitty lannislag s Mot. Mod by iAMI
gaallaissa and balm It b geld by regpssigibis
ma, or .as M prootred -by Om of the romereleg
soesto. D.& Saws di Co., SIN &roadway. S. Y. Alpo
Mori. M malbasd SL jukiimiler
1111611.1111.1.111 ELIPIEWIP SWIM
eaug MIMI%
suiwoun 'num avow,
Ana Plop, • sad Ilipoolllo lowdy Ito Dfoomo of filo
Miss. Misr"
Owe% Weehame,
i• Aa4altilmases el the Odom Orpms.
kiverlfsmarl ta wasthar aims. Oat thelk sod
art its 111111111wil ism
ortithr tar preorryteg and
beemiltyMil lbw homes heir le sgsto put up by the GeV-
Ohl proprietor, nod is sow mode with the mole or" WWI
rod olirm.tioa, which dart tweeted It. tremseer sod ea
pc eedeotod roles at over 1101111 4 Mbuttlee &.omen, Tlt
WOO Mid MS wits 15 large bottimi Two ellltoo bet
els orm sway bireelele yes" whoa Cite apeio‘lisbowe
MM lbw gulltriireo r wet soli ihe moot delightful heir
berelms la lip wet* be t theit it slower the aril, of
nut doodholi, ghee ts. ilk • it••l7, rteb, lustiest
gemrlll,mod preveato It from tirsles ray These at.
tockime worth kid:mina The liiii.balree hie been
Mobil hot over Web* years, rotas arrasurt aa &seri
MIL day tmly who mayor • boodirol flood of bait will
err the Whitlow. It I. heel, perfumed, elicit') sad vat
Bubb& it hi sold by ail reepeetuble dealers throttphoet
the went D. B. BARS kCO
lid, Nov Vert.
Flu even nehmen"' ealtaitetion Alereg the 14
pars 11 bee bees isteeteeed tato the United Males. Ar
lin' benne lirled by wtJllons, It Lime bete yrosi.lined the
pets itsetreyeeot lb. *Grid Pent 'meet be doers tale
llndariet is spirited If weed aa .11nreted It munut ea 4
rime Nee Laihral In • slut:. imitssief r ot oold. , e o n4 h,,
and tellneuan. it met be beo Oar YS orat bottle v.ll
lan ell tb. beatilee being 401/111 t every brainy
for eaddiee weideote so , ,ti berme; cgita. 10 , 1 4 %, looPct
Lo. is is potion' I y Lamaist to t&It• I ntsi WI) ,
en/ este ha gleam to the of frit I,l*.in Tooogoot ehltd.
Prime 111 wad ou carats a /..4111 0010 i• Id t,oartlaudt dt ,
Mow Tort ?told by a 1 Ilrud i t6t.. oat 7 -4e .
tha a4reetlese !artal las* embalmed to h altli
• how wapiti& by. wary inapt* remedy After hada, salkned
wasaral years with • esverOurt. &Section, and Mutt dread
dinars, CoaanasvUon— is anzbus to male k mow u to Ills
twalaw-sofsrots the means of care
Se all •Ito desire it, he will sea/ • 4040, Arc lb. pre
awriptiwo use 4 are* of charge), • Ith the direttino fur
props:tog dal pains UlO some, watch, they will a•d •
qo Cnati for CulitClll.lllol, AsTlina , BROXCUITIS, Se,
The only trol•ct of the iilhrerthilet In sandlog tug rreecrip
it.a 1. In wot the affaulerd, and spread Information
wlslch be nearside.. to be io valuable, am en scary
sallersr will try his remedy, to It will ruutblng,
sad any prove a Weeding
W Womb • rich,
marl& :an rinds Lnuoty, 'i.e To It
Dana Wi th fair pectobiwi‘to, I
to say to the readers of poor per that I will wad
by return nab' to all who 'stab It, (free,) • 'Recipe, with
flirecUses• for mottos and using a simple Vegetable
WM, that will enbetnally remove, in 40 day*, Pimples,
INelebee, Tea, Freckles, and all ImpouNtles of the Skin,
leering the mean soft, clear, smooth ao4 lesatlfo I.
I wins's° mall free to those heeler Bald Heads or
Bata hare, elusphe direntiena sad Information that will
enable the.. to start a (oil Etewth of Last:trim:it Halt,
II Maims, or • himastaeba In Lem Oar, MI days. All sp
plintilooa rusmwareel by ratan, snail without charge.
Neepeettfally roars,
TllO9 f CHAP MAN, Checolet,
No. &LI Broadwsy, New Torii.
vvitoornota Iv/UO.I Obt tittlL P
However num., easy be &fist ta1•11 ..4 etievel
by the ate of Madame Z.d.o Poreet'e Curative BeAfauk
This Invaluable medians remoras the extraordinary
power el relieving isameeltately Whooping Cough, Mal
of Brosthiog. bloansoesa, Huskiness and 'MAHN
of the Throat. It looters , the Phlegm, and wilt he fogad
to be eery agreeable to e WM. it le not • eletest
r eimiy, put u n K anat,--wazat, searching and elect 1 re.
Out be takers by the oldest person, or youngest ehild.
Poe eats by all druggists, et 13 and 25 eto. per bottle
lam? ell-ty ?MC cox raparoloris AND itxritits
ilfalla OK A room. iftlt MAllfv—A
Fermi having beers eared of the results of early st
rut sad disease, will, from motives of beirevolesom, mead
to those who request l 4 o copy of the above interestlog
aarresive, krabled by hismalf. This Uttls book is de.
emirates sad caution to youngmen and *boat.
alt ON
toiler from Nlnsvora llsavairr. Una* OP Illeaoirf,
riainiatvla DOCIY, he , aupplyteg at the same time
the alms of self core. Single ocioles will be seat ariidar
Nil la o plata menslope,—wittrouMkiiirge,—te as; whim
request It. by addreadag the set,
evev2lreitall. Orseopoistrivereg Imbued, N
§:71:14111. NOTICE.
Ow sad atter April Ist, the pries of "The Itabellios
will be isteassill Fifty Cis. a volume. From
that sale of pert, from Noe. 1 to U, will k•
Beth orb of "The liotellton el" will be
told oat/ la voismei. Fireboats egtMuWalton who
have not woomplotod the fora vols. must at mice do so.
The week willtowthsoe b be published la part, at 60
TR2 WIO has boo istaasively mad in this and ethsx
anasstriss, sad is hiWy approved for Ita
This Collist onsaparas taret;ll7l4th, shd In by many
tent to no sad Jsea, sad is
Kis pastad said sit up in Tin Poll pipet la llb pas
avid Wait that mad—
hip. oink
la 1
sal of a lady
kolas. a W
ise pot. Th.
labels an
peso awl I •
W en eel.
h la pasted la slabs wood Wass of 60 lbs. sad t shoo
to bulk tatop sad barrels. Also oa haod,
Otaspolaat I ty, la Tim Foil papers sad boxes ; dna
/ar to Baas.
Oknioro wUI plows .sad for Clreolato sod Us or
Orillikey-01l or Favors promptly exoeubka.
L r. EIDLIIAX. 36 Muldoon St"
I for tbo Vatted States. New York.
-44 4 ufAali&lc
r B
0011Xia OT MAIN • 811.NZGA STRUTS,
Is so • I Hat In the t etch of
• • IXISUPOIM le the Wiener Mee,
via 7-141 YORK CITY, BROOKLYN, ?WV, Dll-
• litellersiarehire leremod tr. lialliti• o•Uese,
eat/lies tie holder to attimeA either or all the Callow
be ea salleoited time.
rb• bodes et awes iestitatiosa, It io tha t
to young soma and ladies, a titorougA, practice/ lsstwess
elloamt Citilkoma"ru (Hrgiialsod and sanduded upon
• Mats Wabik must wears to **eh sogirMot Institution
UM best possibtottoilitiao tot imparting a tkatough nom
mateial aotasaltes, and radar It as a whole, the most
el i
omillproksaiive c omplete ay Mom la tiiis country.
Missi.ll ' to all its dopartmonts,Taiographing.
Osnunstaiid I* • mmortdal Az libations and Penman
ilip, IT Wight In the nowt thorough arid practical
Tbe flpelaetsetan Pfysteas .f Perremeebtp, to
letg e baixtent and experieseea teachers.
9, payable to advance, $4O.
=open day sod "realm. :—po tio
llPtioripal at %filo, J. C. Sartre.vacans
for Luther tnrmattoa, pleue tell at the Gather
fleone.or re for Catalogue s g
and Clunks enclohir
bailor stamp. nd
L.itaiklo. N. Y.
Lett are Teetanteatary on the Estate of Solomon
dialmilled. _ of Wayne township, &W C* ,Pa ,
bZleim granted to the andentined, all pentorm to
te saki estate are hereby nodded to mat. payment
Sifted, delay, sad ell d ul yaring claims ageUet aid
estate to preens t the mune lauthenticated tor settle
ment. 111,1,611 PritICLNIS,
11.1 DEMON( fig,
Wayne. dlemar 11, 18113-aurldwa.• Ifsecatore of deed.
Xbo miloatibia bap Iwo to !Aura kis Moab, to tie
Amnon of Cris coosty,tin tiro bark, Ye" him
mid la kin daring tlie pant ID yews. Ho low
whim to bay
80,000 B II SHELS!
Arlo* ail thais will lye basked siatkot prise
ala i sot. 641. • . 11:1110
szuv atu autvnimn
Isete4 euteeed le la •kw den. e > eakier.
wig ell es weeeleeeilas wad !milder edpeeilve lades
et teeNlongt *And ss mi. madders tt Membered duty
weelete Ids e= What erettene the Mane
ed any. WM% de the nestpt ed addeemeed enveope,
OW ow et We set rob tles.= Dielittu, Stree!Otteb
CI RUT " 41111LICIAll Wl:jmu l'h
II Limed vinuct • lIVORU."
r Ivor ID HOU Vigil
MB answer or f 1 -
This eseedielne laarenor the power at Decortima ird
azalea Us ABSOltilaatie tato bookSba eakeito..4 u
the SIAITER rOR (ULCEROUS dapialtloaa, WS ell
MT/ TURIL . 111LAIROYEIENTS aro .rodsok
you as pain and teßsamatioa, reibi gpe
A rtst as h.n• Limier., Raolia et Dlasipattai, twit
ArrKxnao wrni Tifit rot.ILOINIMI 811111/0111
ladlapositiose to Storrtoa, - Loa of .
Lo of Miliff Me I , Lrllloalty P TLatidalk
Weak Yosays, ?rambling,
Horror of Dlsoaso,
Photatos of V Pallilto
Cultural Loa= of the flub of lbw
Vascular Systota. yraflare as Illbe Valli,
Hot Rood', nin sat Cosablemme.
Them sylapsoma, Wallowed to VAN 01116 1 1 1141 . 01 "ift
ttivaelabli mono, arse Wow
n owlet wtiteti the patent aim lapis*. Wilke ene" a t
the they ere Dot froquently &Owed by these
"antral ttlseheeti,"
Irony are aware of the 011ual of that' 1841fts big
eons will cordate. The mord. of tho boos /micas
and Ile molaneholy deaths by Coasaciaptime. bear snail
ciboria's to the truth of the oasertlon.
The Oonstitution Once Ageofed with
Organic) Weakness,
&N WT; the aid (4 modal:km to sheiwallie wad ksil w
it, theapstawa, HXLMBOLD's zxraAerr sa
Itivarly dam. A LIU/ wW warless the moot gat
viimiALtuo, saa.aLsas, IMAII.IMIII
Oao oa Yorao, fitasi.a, lialinia, as
In many elfeettenn poculler to Teatehre the SAM
Bathe la imorquolled by soy other reasolty, an la Merr
els or ffrfratton, Irregularity, Pelndalsomor
"(the rooter:tory Itvrenstioas, ttloorseal or=
state of the uterea, Leueenarme or Whatai ke llltalM ral
y t
for all cemplolnto incident to the mi. w Wag
from UAW-rotten, Habits of Dtiodpelamt. tie
T.Y. no Dat iloroory or l'apierisoll lor
I: op know t and Ihrogoroso Diriorkos.
IngunoLD.l =nun sum
I a all Libels . stages; &t Tittle expense; littis sr s• dug,
!Imam. frowsiest Wirt'. sod env Omega to Caw
U. romoTiog otoWnetiooo, proirootlas wit wag
StrioWto# of the Vreetta, salvias pas WI Wow'
too, so froquout in Mita Woo of Meows oad swag
POISO.NOL - 3, Disl.4 SSD WORII 0177 Ma
u worse La
awl parillawkr
4 am parties
are putting sp
au Wanda fis
tula. tal m
umble tha
goissfaa Said,
aa near aa Ma
law F1+48116.
Axil *to, hare pr.l4 ;:KAVY 7W to to anted a •
time, Oars bread Lkey wore iaativird, oat Ituit %%mutt
soli" kiew, by the wee of "powerfUl eutdartete,"
dried op la the let , to break out la as
1z s s
W Either orgoilng In MALE or nemALs, fro. viel,
Diaesees of these @drum repulse the 44 at • Maws
And U IA eartalo to have the dordred s I. Malt
taro, for whir& It Is ninindiundiit.
I - :11
This le an adootlos of the Blood, sad anodes Ow lbs.
nal Orono. Llolop of U. Boo* WA, Itl•rood• Mel
pips, Iliad o,hor Mucous ditarfatomoooddais he orrOMINOS
In tbo fora of Clem- lialmbole• lissom and
paellas Use 151.-04, •od rootoino all So* MVO= d
tbo dklo, firing to the Comploiloa a Cosa and 8..1
Color. It toeing plowed exprit br WO, dam
eomptslota, It. Blood- Progring hopooldoil eta maw*
to a rosier • :toot than say other moilentlio• of Be
An eseetlent Lotto* for Direahea of a hyphlhtic Or
Inns, and as isjectit.o to Dtaessai of She Crtearf
Organ, arietag from habits of diartpattes. sod V roe'
section with the Estrada &Lahti aadt Berespiralk
snob disease. es motonbeisclet.
Bridesce of the seat teaposetbi• awl reIIMMI dam
tor wilt accompany the medicinal
C Itiltrlll , lCATKO Or mars,
Prow eight to twenty yews staseto. VOA mow Wit
to scisters 4191) FAME.
For Miami Properties of IV CAM ow NormWNW
of th. halted States..
See Prcfeenor DS W EN: 5' valuable vette on UK tree
tic* of Physic.
See remark+ made by the late celebrated L. PO
SICK, ebtladelphie.
Se* recoafts made by /Ir. lIPHIR4IIII
a wiletkrated Physician and Member of the Royel OAP
of Surgeons, instead, and pabliebed in tbe Prenseilial
of the Slug sad Queen'. J'earshl.
iteSoe-Obanspical Review, by BIWA'
NM TR,/ V SR.% Pillow of thr ,
rid Caller
Bee mad of the late Steadied 'Scale ea Sedicilis
ItzteAce Boor; $1 OC‘ pre tootles, eir I fort, 0
" Serssermuus, 190 " . s •
la rewrap Noes W Aim, 00 " - I N
Or hat is doses 44 mob for $U 00, which vUI be eil
cleat to ears the most obstinate.pures, U dimities* '
aethensd to .. .
Darin,' to *by 44.1toto,focaroly pbelumi boa art
Or Demerit* symptoms tu tat soisamoigaloo .
Cams pusatem4 Advtae cystic
Personally appeared beten mar re Anteroom or
eity of Philadv 0140 H. V. UsLitrol.o, Idle. bang _a ll
prom doth may, Me roparatieao 'obtain ao orwl m "
Do meruary, or °Oar Injarlasa drip. at aft
vegetable. H. T. BUMS °
Sworn sad, ontae.clbed Doren wie„ this SW all Of
ember. 1014. ITlt. P. HI
Alleorwaa, Moth -drat. above boa
Atldreee tatters for latermitlawa
Depot 106 ilo6tA Toefli-eteoet, Wow Chootail.
Wile endeavor to Ho s p ose or o 41"
• otbjV 'Medea ea 04 repatatien ateateed br
Hebebekre Oessabee Pnereakeleeve
LIIIIIO perei•
• • danziOe.
• • Impeorml Yon Waal.
Mtd bb •li Nuggioie everywhere.
el 81 FOR 1141LOOLD' TAME 110 Ortitt a
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