Itrie Aftekbg (Observer. - f E. I:A., sATUR r fur MAR. 14, igo re ',quested to 'mamma l° the pate that kit - I F. llkti; RR wilt be • asagilits for Coastable w•rd. mr1414. I , l i, qi oifiSEILN - ER: aunooue• lhot JAMBS C. GRAHAM will for Road Commisoloti.r of Willem k town. u,. ci.roloir Spring oltetion. • FICATION MEETING! o Union and Constitution! 1. ' Ti-4L L w ooing of Conservative citi .l Erie N 1 ill lie held in Rosen z•-. II tn, opposite Brown's Ilotel, March 14th, ratity tlie Democratic City, Ward Ihstrict nominations. ivclies will he made by WM. A. 111i.111.11, *sq., J u d ge MAR ,. liENit, IfRANT, WIL \ Esq., and others. the Democracy of Erie turn out, irro%c by their presence that neith t!lß.at.-, abuse nor falsehood can q them from declaring and defend !iicir principles. PUBLIC MAUI ISILLS, I,l4lish and German, printed at 'him of ,c, as reasonable teruxu ui tley can be .v any oilier establishment A.iS, BAXNKRA, RIMIXI.NTA L COLOICS, &C ire.‘ G. W Crowell Co., No .!I1 Supe eel, Cleveland, Ohio. fehl 4 r 1 Ita4T-111ATIt leave for sale at this office a $2. War the Iron City College, at Pittsburg, we will sell for $2O ,:The school is one very best in the country To a young tiptittng to attenti a commercial school, t• to excelleuiliovfortunity. ici.seTtotrriux icTs. r-.412a wanting Iflectiou tickets printed:' nud us prepared to do then] as promptly, u as reasonable tern's, as any other in the city We have arrangements by t, we can supply as many tickets as are .1, to persons ordering them, at from an two hour's notice. SUND LN TILE RETURNS. e trust our friends 41 the different town and (ma to send iis in complete re• of the elections to be held next week tofure this has I,eru tou much neglected. “tie else will atten f to the mater, ma y t lepeod n the I.hatiocrat IC tlqi.ect .Yr In I,,wnship to do u_ knot hrr e hlbit; m , t tnee EeCU INEDEI Science w ill br given by Pr ,, t Frizer arid Arer, in Pad. H di, on evening TV" i L,•iri wily in v fn.. iit w MEM JEDS F , lt THE 1101 ft 1. , “ tz• h.tve ft Ge•.rnment by MEM v yr 1 •61 0. 1" t i ,. I,lli I. , r • • ,1.1 ko,w I ri. )rit i ••:., •,r decision Let rein- of hrice.i an 1 held it steal) awl c‘cyli c•wlaln.P Lr reprrdcn•hd VIA Orricsas.—The tulluering are the * of the Gamma company, for the ensuing M Rod. H Caughey MeAllaster •rsn:,ndent—Wm. W Keel. r.—James C Marshall, Jolla !learn, iotrele, U. Mcklisater, Y .Metcalf, A 1,:.t , u CAUCfII —A Republican eau /mid in the club-room of that party e Ines lay tvening, to consult in regard sltuinatiuti of candidates fur city of , lbe whole matter was managed with •eofey that hardly half-a-tiosen per of the "ritis" knew anythin It is understood that the caucus iurued to Tuesday evening next, by u t.tet, We suppose, the politicians will tt, ke ready to put in the field. The 11OlItibtedly 11, to obtain a mixture iiettuerati and Republic:tuns, and then call n LA ticket, though none Lake part an its but ItepublicAnd. We do nit believe • sity 11,,nwit Detu , ,c.rAt elk' be found an who hits little regard for his ipLes, sit to accept of n nomination thus the regular carididates of ICE LJutrvit to the seci:et ootitre of this Re ~ ,CLII rwcui, It,w prioud altould Udiu)cruts courseof their own party On our very clung 1r As done openly an l publicly le esti fir ik tueating was pttl4ll , the I..iper:s, ttit Akeetini, tt+elf was free to .'3 proesedl4. • wsre printed, llto places ti,l ling the ellitteises were public, ss tilso ocy oonventioe, and every opportunity girsz the people to express their choice, stle flat Mit te rs . were eJuluctul Fairly. crate are haver afraid to let their sots open to the acriitiuy of the community. MR. LOWRY 111 FAVOR OF MOIR NR,ORORS IMO iJTo PIIRNITLVANIA.—In the State ite, on Friday last, Mr Lowry, '• from the 'mutation ?Mind Relations, 141 WIROM ws 'mod a numbet_ of petitions asking the i&g e of's law to prevent the emigration of Ltild mulsUoas into this State, submit & loug reportedverse to the prayer of the The report says that it was lie isry for toe government to suppress this tr, gain the sympathy of the slaves Pr alining their treedoui, and at the same depriving the rebels of their labor. s,tue ail the rebels are lost, and iu r ettrernity they have hal recourse to shies and sympathizers iu the North. " for the esoluit )n of it egroes SL*te, %Ea the petitions for A sty to nal Tettein *re psrt of * system to work the "'lug Purpose of treason by arousing the it the people: There was no cause fear the influx of negroes in this State ua J would prefer remaining in the South if aettt6erty is secured, nail this &ate should taw to thwart' the policy of the gov nment For these and other reasons the multve e rep,rted against the prayer of the fhe Commatuee was discharged I , ,tri the further consideration of the subjent. Mr White ofered ireigelminn t. 3 print 4,000 :'Pies to English and 1,400 lullarmtn of the - sport. Agreed to—yeas l9 i nays 13." If Mr Lowry, aad the Republican majority in the State Sens* himil . .deliliairittoly resolved ' ' %kr h•lniehikli odious as possible to the Pe'Pie. 01,1 U /a bum taken no more cert.cti c ourse than the one above mentioned. lu thijseetion, where the negroes are few in "ue , vr, and geererslly well behaved, the et t , :ts of this Ineastire will not be so deeply T C I z ,l . ht. in - Lite Southern portions of the where tits wre 110 , xieml frith the filthy aid lazy runaways from Maiiland and Vie- Kan', it will rouse se Intense spirit of indig nation N e have not the least doubt that if a v , ,te were taken, three fourths of the people In tie !hate would be found to oppose the o !itirse adopted by Mr. Lowry and his broth"! klakYtelids Oil the conamat.e. tttioaers a itc F'A'"‘.'.4P°°ll.A.GriMMWr. ip t ir- "Heckle. 'on' eye me a Was ; do you know it !" "Well, Salamis, premed, yeas loill." par A recent order of Gen. Hooter pays a very high compliment to the 111th ' regiment, for its efficiency I One of our bachelor coterapartries mays `•There are no wed4liiiigi in Heaven." How does he know ! Mtn*' Rev Dr Forrester's lestswe oa 8410- thy eveniug next, WILL be ou the subject of "l'ertulean " These lectures are verytater- CITIZiAtt es( log g a r The lecture announced to be deterred 1 , , A ulon G Chester, Esq., last Friday eves ing. was pomponed on sooount of sickness in 1.1. RALLY! omf (jet+ F J. Herron, who visited this el,:o It leW tv,eekii sRu , bye bees promoted to a ijor 4 iefier4l4llip He is only twenty six yeur- ‘•1 tire" Au iniereet iug letter from our soldier courtvAiwundetit in Kentuoky, will be found in untidier e.duttin. lie is a we:l known young gru, n il this city. Col Wm Patton, of this city, has tali, atiot her contract ou LLe Phila. St Erie fl a •.) rive miles in,length, below Ridgway, Elk cuttut) s „.r. C l Jack Casement, says the Conne aut k•parter, recently paid his friends in Painesville a short visit. Be hal a slight *thick of vphoiti fever. ,itr• Lieut. Jouett, Into of the Michigan, has been ordered to report. to Corn. Farragut, at New Orleans. He will give a good account of himself, we planet. ns.„ The copper shor•tipit, now so sites. direly tried for children's shoes, a.-e manufac tured at Lewiston, Maine. Three million pair of tips are turned out annually at the factory. 4 ,7er• The supper to be given on the anni versary of St. Patrick's Day, is Brown's Hotel, promises to be well *Mended. The commiuee have been quite successful in sel ling tickets . me— We welcome the return of Adjutant Hart atd quartermaster Payne, of the 146th regiment, to their homes in this city, on a brief furlough They are go.' soldiers and clever men. if you want anything in the grocery line, call on Jas. A. Bliss, at the corner of State and Itighth Ste. Lie has a fine stock of goods, sells at low profits, and treats his one tomers with politeness. sir Would you eat healthful dinners? Eat slowly. Would you est @vital dinners ? Eat slowly. Would you eat relishable din ners? Eat slowly. Please suffer a short word of slowly. lota. The Harrisburg TeleyrapA does not like the 06serrn's standard of -loyalty." We are rely glad to learn it. We know of no °slam. ity on earth that we would not rather sneer than to be eud)rsett in tiny way by the Tele stir The Phila. 4ti Erie B. Company's yilegraph line, it is expected, will be comple ted to Warren, during the present week. The' delay in putting up the wirem has been owing to the dlffidulty In getting poles. 3tjr Rev Mr. Blackburn will-deliver an es•say upon Individuality, before tile Young \I en Irist3sa Aziecittioti, at their rooms, next Mon lay evening. All interested are in vited to attend. Ihnuence 14 not pal" Master John B. Greer. of North Nast, son of Judge Greer, has been appointed to a cadetship at West Point. A similar appoint ment was offered to James I. Williams, of this city, but declined. SM. A brief session of Court was held this week, commencing on Monday afternoon, and ending on Tuesday. The business was of a nature nut generally interesting to the public. The Court which was to have been held nest week has been postponed. Stir Lieut W. W. Lyon, of the United States Regulars, wounded at . „ the battle of Gainesville, has been detailed to recruit for the regular infantry service, and will shortly open an office fur that purpose in this oily.— Pittsburg PM. gay- The Reed House is now under the joint control of Mr. Guild, and Mr. J. L Gook, of Waterford, two of the brat hotel managers in the country. Mr. Guild occupies the flattering position of being the only mart who has been able to mate the Re.d House pay, for a number of years. gm,..We regret to see that our lately deceased (politically, we mean,) Member of Congress, Mr. Babbitt, was ohe of the majority in the House of Representatives, who voted in favor of the notorious "third Mileage." The mem— ory of that outrageous not will stick to its supporters down to their dying day. an. A good pup of coffee in the morning is a luxury that most can appreciate, and a trial of Mile'e Suit), Java and other aoffoes, put ap in neat pound packages, will do much to over come tikiftult often found in the flavor and quality dais delicious beverage. sir We regret to leers. OW the Treasury of the Ladies' Aid Society of this 014 is “nearly empty." An eintertainment fol its benefit is proposed, sad we heartily ",pond the motion." This Association., has done so much good since the opening of the war, that our citizens should Wt. pride. in edeouraging anything for its ad tags. 90. The-hotel kept y , •- Robert Leslie. in Waterford, was destroyed by fire, early on Moodie, morning tut, together with a portion of its contents. The tire is supposed to have caught from a stove sips. The house of John Wood, close by, was fer a whits. in Vent dim• ger, but, with, considerthle ezertion,was served. We sympathize with both of these gentisasea in their mistortanes. gek.. laformatten has been received In re gard to the heretofore uneertain fate of Lieut. Chas. 11. HAlet, of the 146th raghsent. He was wouaded in the lungs, in the forenoon, al the battle of Fredericksburg. and taken to one of the hospitals, where he died in the after naoo. , He was a eon of Sir. George Kibler', and a young matt of good qualities, and'vcro sidersble promise. • ga r We take pleasure in announcing a alight improvement in the Gazette's manners. For a while put it has been- as fierce Si a fish woman, in calling the Mends of the Coss• st linden and Union "copperheads," "butter* " traitors," sympathisers," he., bat this week it actually speaks of oar party friends several times as Democrats. If 11 will only persevere now, we shall been to hew ) hopes that it may ultimately regain he oases sari** reputation for respectability. v es. The Ottawa pablishes ea extras!, from a !Wm whishiii mir e wall mines - by apirste is as Mutas regiment, speakine le terms of severe reproach of the 009894 of the Northers Democrats. it also says it hate agleam litter. from a member of the 884 regiessat, uproar ing the use Desaimests. We know nothing of theories of .bps documents, bat ye all venture to &flirt that we can produce half-.. dozes letterefrom privates is the army. arid sizing the coarse 44-, the Administration, and applaudlitgthe Dalliers's, to every one that the Gaut& will present on the other aids. Will it wept the ohalleage I It has fbr 90 leag a time, been otalnitagrasat the army is Ilapabli• we are assiemtia yolk l& to 4 Mot can, t.J11.1 411 , 1 f t pisteisoss, hose its opportunity to urge its supporters to shoot Roos tut Republican to office, In sash of its issues, for several weeks back, it has oontained articles grossly insult ing to Democrats, by classifying them with the enemies of the country, and urging its party friends to vote against thorn ou that account fur lima °Semis. This last of those is contained in the number published this week, and is as follows : 1 . We wouldurge the Mends of the Government In =County to bestir them selves with a view to the approaching spring elections, and not let those who aim only at partisan success steal a march upon them.— Should they, by neglect, fail to, sota major ity of the officers to be chosen, it will be her sided u a triumph of the compromising, peso, party, anti a rebuke to the Administration sad the means adopted to put dews the rebellion and preserve and perpetrate the Union. This is the plait; issue, even ia these local elections, sad we trust our friends will all realise it and sot accordingly." SNIT We are requested to state for the benefit. of those who may desire to visit the Union Reading Room in this city. that all loyal men are cordially invited to do se—es unconditional support of the Government on the pert of visitors being the only requisite necessary se *bud ission —Gazette. We presume, then, !ilia the large class of Republicans who were only for the continu ation of the war, on eoaditiow that this slam would be declared free, and who announce that they will never agree to the urtiesentsion of the Union as it was," will not be admitted. low A friend le Clearfield writes us:— ..What a pity that our Congressional elastics does not come this fall, instead of having taken place. We could elect our candidate as clean as • whistle." Yes, indeed. Our Re- publican friends may make up their minds that they have had the lam Coatrooms,' they will ever get from the 19th district. air An exchange says the Desecrate are called copperheads on acconat of their good stare, (cents.) IMASONS FOIL NVPPOIIfINU A DIDIOCKA- TIC CITY TICILIST. Ma. Enittort:--I am glad, for one, that the Democrats have resolved to pat a party ticket in the field in this city, and shall give it Nay vote, and I will tell you the reason why. First, because I think the Democratic principles are thi only ones that can save the Nation from ruin. Rat I have soother cause. During the last two years we have electol city offieen without respect to polities. I, I. common with many other Democrats, have voted for Republicans. And I have found that some of these very nen,who are indebted to Democrat's support to their offices, have been amongst the most noisy, in Our stores and around our street corners, in cam. g Democrats tretkire If I vote for a Republican this spring, what assurance have I thal. he will not follow the same ctou• se Other Democrats may be wil ling to wcrk and vote for Republicans, and have them call (ham by the meanest of names afterwards, but I, for one, shall not. And if there are enz : tirho do it, ail 1 have to saris, they must hies stronger stomachs than I have. Then, again, these men whn claim to be "no party," when they run for office, forget it atter they are once in Will any one tell me how many of the officers appointed by the •city Council are Democrats!' I am informed that oat of some half-dozen or more, there is only 044 Democrat. This doesn't look much like "no-party." I ma i l be mistliten—if so, shall take pleasure in being corrected. I hope the Democrats will put a good ticket in the field, and aand by it to s man. It may be that some favorite candidate will net bs se lected, but don't let us let personal feelings stand in the way. We can gain success if we only stand together,—and I don't believe that after all the abuse that Democrats have had to stand from Republicans, they will turn round an i " lick the hand that smote than." My motto is, —the ticket,the *isle ticket.ami moth ing but the ticket." Axil- 'Lamy it see. Erie, March 7, 1863. Tea Daartzo Rsoixeces.—The following is a fiat of the numbers of the regiments of militia drafted men from this State, with the Dames of the Colonels of each, and the place where organized. It may contain information useful to those who have reloads in the drafted regiments: Comm&oders. Nowt*. Wber• Orgaiabied COL D 11. NlcKibbon, 1)58 Chambersburg, Col. Ch. II Buehler, 165 Gettysburg, Cul.J Fulton, 166 York, Cu1...1 C. Knoderer, 167 Herding. Cul Joseph Jack, 168 Pittsburg, Col. L. W. Hmirh, 169 Pittsburg, Col. Ed. W. Bierer, 171 Harrisburg, Col. Chas. Kleckner, 172 Harrisburg. Col. D. Bogle, 178 Harrisburg, Col. Joke Nice, 174 Philadelphia, Col. Saul Dyer, 176 Pkiladelpkia, Col. A. A. Leakier, 178 Piiiiischilpbia, Cot. U. B. Wiesdiag, 177 liarriabl,g, Col. James Johnsen, 178 Harrisburg. NIWCIPAPIia Pormina.—The postavoconews papers, under the bill just passed by Congress, is as follotie : Weekly papers, five emits per cps armor; semi-weekly, ten seats ; tri-weekly, fifteen cents ; six times per week, thirty-0e omits ; seven timss per week, thirty-five cents. At these ratesffiOrSight most sot esseddibur ounces-11504k ease payable lu imbrseee per quarter or ylsi, either 11,1 the' mailing or doily sty Akio. Or t runte tits above of motile& to mordalum Outside the tummies where they ars pitted. Nti j is °barge is to be made fora card priseedki; impressed . epos a elm lar, or letter or wrapper. Circulars to be pre paid by stamps. LUCTUIII Coves.—Thu twelfth 'and lest Lecture of the course proper, will be delivered Itednesday, the 18th inst., by B. W. IL Millburn. The subjeet will be " Mut Ban dolph of Roanoke," it being a lecture of far greater interest than the one before announced upon Aaron Burr. The followitig evening, (Thursday, the 19th,) Anson G. Chester, Esq., will deliver hie poem " The Gods." This will be a gratuity L. the patron's of the course, and season ticket holders will retain their tickets until Thurs day evening, when they will please be pre pared to give them up. Leo. Con. BPllllllll4ll.lllL—Bef. A. 8. Dobbs, of Titus ville, CST' & free exposition of Spirituslimn, u practise; by Fay. to a tarp multesee, is pier ter Heti, ens -Irreaing. The perform ance wa• awe tory, ud fail: sow winced t Fey was an impostor of the ,0 r." A aalmeririest, ob tained previews Ilia Statibitiaa. PPM the expenses. 'Vat Cmula's " AD.—This niedikiao is growl's hi pypidor - Isser daily. The retail sales have impressed two-fold during the pres ent yesn'tend there is s growing deemed for It frees oilier cities sail swine. tiaaT families have it miastantly ia tl a kVA*. Mia MU trio have used it, admit that its saperiew simnel be &waived, fbr the purposes for which it is recommended. e No Boys& Piper Biesexasso--It bss set Jet Wes itublie!) diluted that the Chestiest Worsts)) made by I% B. De• Land Co., is sti fist its Meads bees eishssiP-Ilbst ' is a 111 ssi 1140105001$ ThWilmit tot *did in rstect the toothless) , 14 sitstaisUi sod thus bsskipals4 Meow eeetains a long seaminettiesties T. Foote, giving the history of shay of the Poet odes it Weeqers Neer lreeitine4 North ers Peanlytiakia. (a. 0111141440aitisalar have a keel interest lish " e ß d e r a g t t e p w re n se n P t o v s M t -aOre e f North ankh- Itastbley 101 8, 1812, and Andrew Vanessa. Esq., sp. pointtd Post-Idester. This was the test and only Poet Ofiloo on the Buffalo and Brie poet road, between the State Line and Erie, for many years. "Mr. Iliehard Williams, n Ina-keeper and piano, settler of the present town of Portland, from Bangerield. N. lf., but a satire of East Hartford, Cone. was a stab-aentracter ander Gray for carryi ng the mail from Buffalo to Erie, en horseback, and his son. Abner Will iam,jperformed most of the services until Cm. berry's fleet sailed from Erie to attack the British Beet on Lake Erie, when young Williams volunteered on board the Lawrense sad was killed in the motion oa the 10th of Ber.- Wisher, 1818 A 'onager brother subsequent ly carried the mail for some years. 'Mrs. Riots ard Williams cecasionally rode the mall horse between Bats& and Erie, when her husband and eons were hurried on the farm. "In 1814 Richard Williams became contra., for for carrying the mail from Buffalo to Erie via Mayville, on horseback, ogles *week, for a compensation of $B6O, from Jan. 1, 1816, to Jaa. 1, 1818. PoitigeerfuLCl4tr.—lf we ue correctly in formed, this patriotic and eminent persouage will shortly realign the Postaustership of this city, with its quiet ltd. salary of $6,000 a yur, and enlist, as a private, in the Army of the Potomac. In taking this patriotic step, he is but carrying eut the pledges he made to the People, last entailer, is &famous War Speech, which he made in front of the Churches. We chronicle the contemplated action of our ven erable eotemporary with great pleasure, as it emphatically sets at rest all insinuations against his unselfish loyalty. Only think of it! Postmaster Clapp as a private in the Army of the Potomac ! Forward march ! Young men of Buffalo ! Imitate the noble example of your esteemed (?) Postmaster! Some people are pa trietle. Some ain't. Postmaster Clapp is.— Botritio Post, Gnassai FILIZONI..-8iso• the day when Gem Fremont was relieved from duty Ls .Vir gilds, he has bee• without • oomaimd. the' he is known to be desirous of active alnico.— N. I. Tribune. The ?ramose has tie hardihood to put forth this statement in the face of the fact the t 'termini was "relieved" hem duty et Au own written request, while Au commend in the face of the away. That may be evidence of a “desire for active service," bat people gen erally will fidl to see it.—Rochester Union. Tstsciamrstm.—Oar proximity to ate water world is jam becoming apparent by th• com pletion before the end of soother week of a has of telegraph from this pleas to Erie. This plane will be so men furious*. The people ontaid• shell know, the ;mysteries and miseries of antiquated Warrsa.—.rail. IMIVIVA/14.—Estweisive revival* of religion have been going on for some ti to is the Me thodist aid Presbyteries elinrehes id North Etat. The revival is the Meth°4liet *harsh of this city has also been quite vueeensAil, seine twenty siatebers having been loaded to the oongregstion blot Sbbsth. rovitrxnrairs ie stated abut at so time for many Tears ha, so much counterfeit 'abbey been afloal as now, and probably at no time hire the bad bills been so well executed and likely to deaths. Unusual caution in mealy ins paper should therefore be exercised. 1101.1LOWIY. Fe, 11, to, tits, I •melt the blood of a . Democrat Matt, Be be alive, or be be deed, I'm equally boitad to have hie head. nails reeTur. L•tlanai= beast et dos& 1 war. Illtastralatase flair mot guitar, Woke sly heart It an.— la palm a iiiSalUellf. =slalom Ma. nab oaf's ta nary lamb.- 'Mid Itaaaia'a aaaws—aa4 Atria's mad Theft weadrooa worts -Übe pappmm all, Predvead by Illsailuag's asatebiess Does disuse Mkt pm l oba sot doubt This awning easaposad arra It oat, ad health wale parr system ill, If yea Ey ad aver to Illasssoca =reash lir att—bodb old sod resat pralsaa an Os ovary km= Colaraor disarmal—ao baa etaaa we w blaredsttbrasauss'a Pas. ar Put up id* Caen* Spanish, airman am} Pram* dirseliosa. Mae ES sista per km. Sago. esallsyl. Era adradismast au th.trd page. For We by all d la Cris. 1. Detail rd PLANTATioIf BITTSRS. They parity, stneagthea sad lavigotate. They waste a healthy applethe They are ne metddate to Arne of ester sad diet. They overman aloft of dlalleoMine and late boars. They antagthea the whet sad enliven the stied. They prevent adasmatie sad leteremittest ham They parity the heath sad acidity atlas stomach. They care Dyspepsia sad Cossiipatioe. They care Dianimm, Moles and Cholera Nimbus They can Liver Complaint sewPitervous Headache. They are the bast bitters la the world. They Make the weak was sheaf, sad are exhausted nstare's great te stator. toy ars as I. of pare St. Croix Ram, the ale. leratial Caws Dash, roots mid herbs, and IWO taker a ith glee phootheof a boestoge. without mead to ago or thee of day. Pletleulsety teeenstsabed to delicate am requideg a geoth .inset. sold by all G 7, Thor jorroletide sad Piamose. P. B. WWII h *Me& 70t Broadveytilky• H s, ISIOTSIIIII44 IMIUTABLII &LIB IT It NOT In bat irelgors• try mg eels; by otootylos the ompLitsry to sostoosoes, tegolied by ego co diesee,l eyes ere tomposed of Law Casette, disl YEW sad bosety ad lie Mir. sad siord,i so Mishit'. Holsostreere lallesttsble r sot Doty restores bar to Its wawa ester, by lin 11100,41 1 % b-• gives lie Leh. LIZZOLIINT 314 tAli itt rpoirti. prowls tor tertior eef, snaps!" desk BO i rte Matt sad titisistim toNit& It Me stood tbe bet of tire. being the seising Colo Say, sod Is onstsatly Isereeetairl. beakVd by both seatiorso mod lotto& It Is sold by otiolipertsble d. tee, or eire be yesearee by SIMMS 4:llo}4miesereitil spate, D. E. halals It 00, SW Brerstrityad. Y. too rises, be setts _ . Roma or oskuravaik: - . ua* - Daus pervasion, 1 • t• lar MU. twin .1 your paper r• 44 that I will Nod by ream nee 'biota wile vrieoZ i k • R• 41,•• with ovo irsattene asking sad a ideas meta& WIN. wilidese Italy ravisem 40 days, Pimples, Snatches, Tan; - sad at insparla a of M. gins, bililti sans . imio•Sh rot Iramilivi. aise nal hos la these hada' Bad heads or Bare rafts, simari• end tatosinaion that •111 lithem •• Nara a fell grow* a Lnuvrisni Hair, um, et •• limileseho. km 4 •7•• •P' plemilleas sineirol tampis sesurn nail wither*/ charge. 117eLni.uf, Cheadvd, • bidi 1141 Breviesp, New Tort. WOWING Meta Ot vituvr Bower wows. nay be iktbevistiod •M areal by see el Winn Woe NNW' Curative 11 Ms tavola**, eseelleflopowellOpe octesordlatory pooror of rollovtoe famedistoly iflooptiqr Cough, M eshy of Brootboad, Iloweeken„ Hui Moon sad Ttekflag of tlio Throat. It Weems, We MeV', eled will be Wind to be Tory ageosablo to • toots. It is sot • violoot roosily, but Not 0•1•-orot4 ~Meg oat Whet Cola be egeNiApt tM damerp•OlVer Mir , / ski". Ter sale by 01l isoisteef•ot IS risk 31 to pot bottle. jaidlo4,/ imp INC AIM It:UM. A Or A POGO YOUPIG IBLAN I.— is li Mea hada( Mee mewl ad tie malts of early or Tor sad ammo. odi.lbsei motives at besevolemem mead to thaw wileresomeitt. a 01 tie above Istormilai simelive. radiated by ItimuMf. This libtlo book t de. Vas • warming Lad mattes to yams aim mad Aces oldlir Irma liazoom Damizvv, Lose as itsmoar, Ammatmas Dawn, d., *a, eopplytat it tbo a sta dim tim steams et sat ears. Saes woke sill be semisoft eell la a plata ez ip S-witht ebarso,—tc say by ou tie math m• 0 A. user" thoempotst, loft Mari. H. Y. littnint . f 11,Vrgr a F i g ig le41 1 3 (I g n Ati. raw Woe newel to lowa to • kw days, after ander all the usual reatittooed=eape , rdv• aware rorawholiarx ,, :r.= filo, t res=u lla Ve= ilof cam lieural male •••••P• Of eaaalmood wiretap*, 11 , 1410114 (free) I hew of the peseartpttan amid. bi ped 11 pr. JOIN tf- P.ABALL. lalmato. Moot. Mee& Om Pim Tat. Oa*. - • AkiIYSICAL DEIMIBILACY -or- A*ZIIOAI PZOPLL JUST PUBLISHED BY DR. A. STONE, ,Phisiciaa na to the rroylew te. mg sad Ey gienia lami • I.ositoo oat of &WV /Wilda! DWIle• of lameriesarispie : the mass ofDlibillty, Cos- saarbiles sad Yearns Nowt fess ef lard moral Seat, swabs fa el mar. Td idellkos isogmag a sag wpm= areal, =Ai mew= siseriseierse of 41.1,,,hialerTS end filneweilliel apace 0 4, &waist sadticoNgsesifer arm It will he Basil qlmo ea tiro reestiM ad two (II) seat Parente sad estardteas! Pia mil to mud sod elb• te llt r i ldo beat. . JELfeeem meal oat ROAM. moinpet thlo bosh. Loam! Yoe too shosid siloesusiernirials porgt • West et esiama, OM= Wier fa those wise A slam fu malsiles puma Mr Minded egliolMX: esemoseity, 'dooming at lead Mibe g rothe el se aasoally, to aami gum eta itsperfeetly undo sympeome, are Nets 4111116 =illif lismakirs; Moraemu or - noose of the *hole • Mad b remilhils2 on 1 ., 1e *seams.' dolga( et . 44 611109timil he =sod to beelomellelledn . 16111 •14 VAM Memory, diadems,/ tike mac le.sereneparts of the W w,,k, Ml h. r Lershess, Dvvelo bowels. Mowa seemdiems of Oa Sloan Oases of the body. Loessahsee waist Ails,. Molt 1 *fel 14 ,11 •Veh Mid Metweleallyame. ^ view, is stastrohmealos Mt et every ewe- th 411 the above mused swedue. and • hest of t= Named, se Consaniptima eFiholmass mid that Mei hie Adieus and wily form of Coasamptins of the Epinal Nerves, known as Tiles Dorsal's, and Tabor love their seat and artiste la Masses of Use Pelvic Viscera Hence the weal of wean es the pan of Old seheel porsetiar Is treating symptoms only. Dr. Andrew stone . Physision to the Troy GAS; sad listieote Ineitation is now essays' la teeMasithie dam el modern melodies with the most seaseasidag sommob,-- rbb treatment adapted by the lasittallios le sew; It le based opus sciestilis priselpiee, with sew discovered remedies, wittiest mismole or poisoas. The isellitlimi of wears each. that patients ere be eared at their homes. la say port of the eountry, from samurais demi. 'pitons of their ease. by lattsr4 and have the emedieise seat by mall or icons'. Piloted lotecrogatorMe will be forwarded oa applioatios. Censamptioo, Catarrh and Memos of the Threat eared as well at the home of Nis patients as at the lnetitstioa. by seeding the Cold Yedkated TRRALWO BALSAMIC VA PORS, with Inhaler sad ample dlrestionssor flair ass, sad direct surespondestem Patients applying for intere,gatives or advice, mast seelom retina stamps to meet aftwatlon. The &tupelos phymetsa will be knead at the booties lion for eensultstlon, from 9 a. in. to 9 p. m , sash day. &May in the forenooa. Addrees„ DN. ANNUM ['TON it, Physicist, to the Troy Lang and Flygiewia Tostileste. and Physician for Diseases of the Heart, Threat Nod Lamm 911 Fifth Street, Troy. N. Y. J. C. BURGESS & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND MANUFACTURERS OF CRACKERS AND CANDY; PROPRIETORS OF THE Erie City Steam Bakery, AND AGENTS FOR FADIBAZIK I I3 SCALES. GROCERIES, pßovisioxs. N A I A*4, IV i)li f) E N IV AR E, 11, sn LT, WATER LIME, CARBON 011 r, .WINES ♦N b Q1:101/8, SUGARS, TEAS, COFFER, srtrrs, FRUITS, NIITS, TOBA'CCO AND CIGARS, -• BUTTER. M cd WATER, 41 W C.) 41 4 g 4 C.) SODA BISCUIT Masafacturod at dm ERIE CITY STEAM BAKERY: CANDY! COMMON AND FANCY CANDIES A SHARE OF TRADE IS SOLICITED. J. 0. BURGESS & . jaunt eats Stmt. lint More above hut 01IAA TO CONSUMPTIVES THE subecriber will cheerfully 1101112 (free of Ithairgs) to all who desire It, the eop of a Moms man by which be w eared of thAetwas dliteese Coes esteptioa. Beam, with Canetrierwion, Arms., litewastwt . Alf iiwy lane &Becton, he siatterely hopes will fad_ well sethaed it the, de no they win heron Wm with the 'emelt. Tbetaidel for his awe iteeepiebe wienere, tot, be to earions to phi. fe the band& el" every nearer the new of cam. %one wishing the nape with fen deedless, lc., will please nil ea or address jesel-12. Raw. WM.B. ALLZW, No 414 Jolbe.Btrese. Mee Y.A. A FACT GMBALLY ILIKOWN, THAT Übe variety of new style Bed eteede., Gothis, Cottage, Comptes, band Om. oar, Camp Sodni Amur Lind and easy inttoene, with Ilse and strait bent, bandoosnaly venseted lierwws• IL Dieing, Breabibist, Centro and other Tabh* Whatnots, Quaker Stands, Carpet tad Damask Son Sods, Hair and Sam Grew Mattison* Featiss iA r= and Holsters with other annsobold husitene int, al* nape factored from well sessoasel limber and - booltby anterials, by espoitimead werbass and sot by lads. For styla, quality and low prices I will =rut two-pries dealers to undersell.r. Feathers boogbt and Lesiofirat. Pariat. itedriposa. ltookier.. -Swains NUM sad Aim Cid" et /lidera asst Waer, 11111 t tou r eari kikalusey dobtoland gloat. antkiz w ti re issa as litrutig wad tits ebetrorbiee sad *obi we only sail/404=d by DO Show" Aerobia. 11241 Windsor, Reeking, arcing and Wain er hero wood rounds clotehod throe/Lb Us. ssai end slimed, war ranted to stand. Ebooloororly minted, and eau% be bee we tor letiosereth price sad finish. Spring Beds. I here . o ia over 30u and have the highest testimonials with • list of priors of all goods Nat on &PPlkibiloll• nails( and saapplag hue Alter five years o:pelisses so wowed*" with ea prteeiteled two pries &Wen, I en doterinined to .all 0 " r ire al. Id" "11 , he Tim PAY , sad do Justice to ail who trete wiiirne. VL Lumbar, Stung to, LI vo Stock, Credo sod R•Good on, Atom Pi), Product Jte., tams al Air owing Ws, in. pay . Ramoottior the !daft, nett bonier of en Stats, tutu, Pa. 0 W. ELLSZT. sevLi-tt. Maantser's sad Coaiskil'a Balessmo. A OEM FOR THE MILLION, A. AID • SPLANDID - ANE APPROPIIATI HOLIDAY PRMSIXT MME *p.m iffmw 5 SEWING SILACIHINE!. emb)dtaiNit et Pgsatketli Wi l k il l o ltie: Binspliatty : mitre the mailer WO} d Market, were a eerranion rierdliaaad will laot shle.thar.— At the New York SW. Fair, Its atespdeity,ordleleoey sod Kreat_priietical utility, was cuultrumod by tit* award a tbe Fret rte0311.11:13. II will • GP IRK, MCI, try VT 1111E4Irt1111, 04, wfthl $ lurk) or doable thread tram: artleatel adapt ed to the serweixa BTITCII4 the Iki/11,4101, aasally the mat difficult to stitch by other Amin machine% blies mewed the eriaiest. ler Wks' and a a'eapperel.aralietlese articles road• of light Wade", it wiU, therefore. Is Used ahariet terrace. MA. It Is litilleblrd to the table like a sewing bird. and how lag wo tendon, sod requirtag se tl oa ee strays of stitch, Is always reedy for apetatiely and we a marvel tup laity that a child or eta or eight years sea '1 • e sad use It .iot at all Habig to gat eat at ettlhe. L... steichies e Ate t ap la a rind hod. . 101 l and direettemolpilltveatrfte asisill =. - Seat to any I. tbeVaid Ittritha raahlpt el au order , loaterilag the 18101124,011' my a erillterteltry U prise on *Ovary Olio simidss. - Whoa the mosey is me t with tbaerlor sad we 'amputee Its seas reaelpt sad lba dodawy = M a• . eirishanywhoro within t.seibidi* amid say Uproar olortra Veer atonal to Far goo surrey 1 or - men kg/e• Ott , nada otaihr eaters allay. Mama, DWI eh Broadway, N. T. Every lady, Mother, Minion rood doino-roaloor &odd bass one of tame valsabla sowiag tarahinas. . acos IWO ON I - ,1 Tor 'r Flour, Vork, Beef s 'Wenn' CLOVICR, TIMOTHY &KVA 46e. No. S. Wayv. Filoolr i rumen iftmer, oimm. iviu sad Aka St, 7.111 isJ. MUM, • A noun AT Law. Rarreilmg e sa a Third Am% opposite tbs County jag. H UP E, -OUR BUKIJC Of 18 LARGE ' (") PZ l io C, tzi PZ' Ct SUGAR, ... PIC-NW, BOSTON, DEMOREST'S -k..,1- CELEBRATED COUGH REMEDYI CONTINUES to gain public fa r : d a to a imatiaaa. sad little too es parloaaolirdl starn years, Its reputation ft& ellatey in swift Threat earl Las( diseases is fully enetnior.l. Wirerempr this medicine Is most knawatta Merits hem es tablished UHP gravest popularity sod demand. It has W eems • stsadsrd remedy oath rest people for earful Pulmonary eomploints sad • 111 kept la their tiottaps for 'Pass Om/wry required. As a cur. for Coact, it Is • bad ittliable—seldoto requiring emoe teas eiabot. io ears a Cough of nubby weeks standing If or curing Croup It is mot ex= = de at= Asthma its Illimeary swot magg tog, sous to Minh sflar authorise alo term of years with this mimmists disease. Per 8 sad Basnasoos It a auks sad rollable, quickly reawring Irrltatias from the l i at id =P L Es Whotlisd Cough this Remedy is of great Prood#o.kadded lasascamoy sad oisdaseo of Os Dough, sad obottais Obodissassoat bait tom Ito as. Masa WMous mums. All dimes of the leap sad air pososios depend upon looltstioa or I nammaittlon in the Min Mama mminahrboe am' squirm the prompt me of thoroegh medicine to of TookotaL, HAWS Cough Reined: ts oaf% speedy mfr ellientital Is its opendttoa—tt..egepttsd to both/me% is all aye sod constitutions. Cray person r a alkali ill either of the following disarm should ore this 1 'goody sad their yokes will boon minghi with o in b t a Ile ~ : minierding its merits to &Meted wriend &ads M. vat Halls thugA Remed ii cures add:. 1111116 Use Hales Clataft .fiamei4i owes Cheep or Bottles. - - Use Hall's OmyA Remedy i 1 mires Artie ma or PiaAitie. 11.. Use Hales CbskjA Remedy for UziarrA. OW. Use Hall's Cbugit Remedy K ASlrcnythena Ae ,Lungs. My. Use Hales ONO( Remedy,* Broncluti.o. IS. Use Hall's 0210 itaosigr for Hoarse ness. Sel. Um Hall': (burl 11~4 u Stray/atm Au Voice. IS. m Use Halts Ceogh Remedy for Whimpow gA. It will mostly modify the hibiene• of this disease andshor. ten its tiimlious eosin% arrialt from its ordinary thus. tisa, Viwriire ad soontat♦Y[ts Mid bus butistiose—eall En Dr. ►. Hairs Colsbesliod Obi* Storsky sod ow that Ida grot tos Aviator* Is spot tM wawa sod directions. 14 TILONIA TAIITISION V. We, Um sadwrolgsed dtleme of Id. City sod vicluity , , arm sad Dr. P. lieLL's Oldelested (*eget Remedy with gweeddmeeme, 1. endue dieeeme Odes 'Moat and }Alas% Ned taw re In recommending its use to the alicW es s sod edeeteel reenedy, fully worthy of public Jame Thesspeon, Matthew Handlto*, D. Shirk, • Jolts Walborn. Sr. J. W. Ryan, Richard Rees, Mesa A. Tram, Robert J. T. Case, Jobs W. R'l..ssoi, Oasis' Bear , Daniel Haver, Jobs W. Rays, J. Roblass4 C. K. giblet, Jobs R. Coshrsa, W. T. Rizibertieeht, J. lisoasy, Jebel IL Dinars, P. I.Bartoia, J. if . Oldest, Jebel H. Warns, MOWN Slierireed, W. 1= Jebel IL Drove W. IL Cooper, A. W. I. L. Tinsley Joseph Deemer. K. A. Itessett, J. W. WI. Bay. Great, J. 13 a 1 iip an, °Trio faith, Lodes A . Hull, K. 16,111 46 C. Drisstre, anus, J. L. H. G. Root, ilr k l i t il . " Gslisglar, J. Robiasesoia, wawa Ring. Chas. W.Ralso, Silas H. nosh, Assisi lass., D. P. lissiii., C. 6. ilowell, C. R. Wright. SOLD D( KAM ONLY, BY P. a:I.A.I.JIJ. lhaseatarsr and Ms Proprietor Gal Now Bolldion, Slag qt. PRIG[ 26 1 O ti daPris PER BOTTLE. Acorn 13arCO. —Jame A. White, Dr. Ely, GI. rand; V. Bollinal, Introits; 7'. & Cowles, Aprlmillelcl• Wm. 11:Proadat, Zdinboro; F. Lamson, Irßoscr, C. R. =o4l=llmm it Sherwood, I.7suys; W. S. ; et?. Jima% North a. O. Priam, Zdnalllo; J. G. Vilma'', Albion; -- ?yin, Lockport, aad by aceata gensrally. ILA -1 BOTTLES of this article have been soi4 in the vieiaity of Its preparation, mace its Introduction, and tbe =maim 'Moodie( it ha; Nees eery remarkable. There starealy an 111 that oectira In families, bat what Its ttraely sae has either cared or relieved. AM:mu-tat e•I• demos has been shown that It it very 'neonatal in cuing all forms of SORE THROAT, DIPTHERIA, SCAHETINA. L. 4IT CURES— Ministers' Emit Lawyers' Sore Throa IT CURES—BRONCHITIs IT CURES--SALT RHEUM. IT CURES—SICK HEADAcIIE, IT CURES—BURNS, CHAFES, &C. • IT CURES—CHoLICS, CRAMPS, &C. IT CUREB—FAIN IN TILE BACK. IT CURES—RHEUMATISM / IT CURES—CIIILL BLAINE. Wires prompt relief in Asthma PLITHISIC, AND CROUP • Is very valsabl4 la GRAVEL, DROPSY, AND KIDNEY AFFECTIONS. Is uneerpanned as a I.INVILENT AND PAIN ICILL.EB, In Bottles at 26 and 50 Cta. Rob by all lispectable Dnagglats and Dealers In the Galled Rates. N. WARD CLORE & 00, Nos. 128 and 130 W illlam :Onset. New York, Wholesale Acenta, by whom orders will be preoptly Web respond sod sold by JOHN S. CARTER, Erie, Ps. Also sale proprietor of CARTER'S SUGAR COATED NERVE I'LLL , , AND NICE'S GERMAN WORN CARDY. an. 3 -es-tt YORKTOWN (not) TAKEN! JEFF. DAVIS (OUGHT TO BE) HUNG MOSES KOCH WOULD RESPECTFULLY in &maim. old Maeda and elastomers !bat M le din In hie old stank 1 CORNER OF ETATS & FIFTH BTh., Wier, be Invitee then to eel bed einsuloe hlr I'_, goods. His Moen Le am begs end veil eeleoted - ' be say h 1145 sad be te 484enedeed sat to be fide bade Jed rewired tbe largest SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS! Eller braised to iris. Ms muftis is the Met of rands. v.* sales, one pries. and Hint the lowest. If goods ret rot what they are represented they may be returned. clonsteltt. PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE. TO lathe of delicate health or impaired .L boa or tit those by WbOiLi an inereame of tunny in tersaay reason objectionable. the axon. mi s sed would-oder t presseptioe whisk UP priessliy raltekle and safe, sad whisk ban bees pitrunthimi in various parts of the Did world-far the pest seetury. Although the article to verrehmait and .Misr yet it has been put ap in hall Sat betties aim, said iatenreiy at Site eithortitant pries se* psir Isehils, the utAistisowei propane to famish the Mips lior the real sem a i brf the locimis , iska of which everrindy esesearrir birself with a perfect safe guard, at any dreg stem lion the trilling sum of 26 cents raz. App playsiolas or dru gg ist will tell you ft ta T intribless, and ritelassedl al teettastruiale eras be pronined of its eflesey. dent to soy part of theOorld on nreeipt of $1; by addreseir t g angr6lslyo. Dr. f. C. nEVERAUX„ P. fl. Bea. No. sank wor en„ MRS. S. H. HALL Has just inotrasd has (w Tart, sad is isow opening bar S T O,C K. OF WINT ER MILLINERY Wleich will be se i • CHEAP FOR CASH. f , R aEADY-PAY. sai r Perticider &Watt ..I paid to bleaching, coloring Pest& St, 4th door above tile Depot, Erie, Pe. ARLEY ! 'nu subscriber begs Urn Ms sebum his thanks to the Yardmen of Eris Cuo.ty, tor the Bari*, they hare sold to him 41,271=1e past 12 yews. Es now to buy 80,000 Btr 8 ICE Ll 3 l And at all times will way ms highest market prise ia - . lan net. 462 _ A Dbi 1 NISTRATAS' 14 MICE. ea of Aduanietretion having been - Moto' SO to of .1 B. Joha nna, Esq., daseesed, • ii , Die Co., Penns.; eoUse fa /Wok: It2l to all Davin claims against the said estate to wee Om Oa - or WWI) Ileturdes, the rid=of Mush, leek and those knowing then:wolves M kbe sew OM requested to make _ilnluodidao esttlieseett Dr. M.. 1. JOBliokr.; ON , s UM. Mines a deeesool tilt, PA len Lisa /Mx Ot 1.4.14 V, Ifrtrlr L e " &4 ? • YITTSBCRG, TA, Bonet of Toss sad IN. OW THE Largest Cotansereiel School lA , United Stsles. rift • pileeirillie Otedeats. In 6re »n, trio eitssus. " &dis oft on• 'UM senate comOste Uet b imeniolies ell tbe folio brewreete vie: Nereentue,sia &NA Meg /kW end Bask Book Ireq*sir. 111 INT mon Plata and Ornamental Peamseship ; birwortas II Sti-ins sad MatlessaUst aqT r pip for • damienial enter and reveal, at say tine. am , tut tioa at tatalt-pritta /or Catate of Se perw Ilimpoieses of ami T t ed Orsimostsi NioiarWool • issatifsi vivo St illti aft is mi sin= weals aIW sad• W sing s OM: Prin poky • mayttably. HARTFORD 111.1 LIIIMULICII 004 tIILIGIVOIL/He IoinfiLHOHICIVIN lIWORPORATED O. CAPITAL H HUNTINGTON, Prost. T. C. AM, imay CITY ,FIBS arstrzAzo 00112 ANT. computorscarr. I,YCORP ORATZD carrat. NNW c. B. 1110WILB8, Yrort. 111A1ES. ifie y. INSURANCE in the above old and rat ablepze Maim/sod es sabr• to guards' R. W. 11=I Agent. HAS ON HAND AND IS DAILY RECIIPINO Boots and Shoes ! The busiossa will be towdowtwd by WY. Y. A 112001114, who has returned to Eris with s view to Worm • pow, =Dent reshbout, and Undoes to the tot& g et sod so his • d hianda, an tuvitattos to 101 l sodommilol the 'bows North-West Corner of the Park and Pees► alms" Sept. ERIE, PA IMPORTANT ft N NOTICE. ror th. Bloody mid Pommosei Osie st Onserrbes, titeet. Vendrnal Dendrugin, andonal lr 2//dhliyOnfirdeasokrelditnnowl Goodtai Dobti ,ladfrrUsbdOn, dross% and Affioatiair si du ramp sad Sloan, wbkb ben been mod by NMI& St • OYE rtnirMLED PICTECIAR la thiti CW O PrlallOk itb " ti re Ma === tag Onbe Covel o'. colionlar, ur any trio known. BELLS SPECIFIC Pk H ere speedy In seam, altos elleether a ees• to • km days, and when s Gun ts elleetal ft tr paraarreel Thep preperd:. Vegetable estraists w beenbila oa the - and weir sakes the Mem& or lar pregnate the brestbl and Wag sispe-assia4 gar seutts tease is avoided, lie chew et Met h while Wag them Sae Jess their MOM titil6ll ll = business pursuit& Each Bon coated= as demi MU Prise, one dolly, and sold by all Drool:Ma Dr. Bell's Treatise on Bening Wasisses SELF-AZURE. GONORRRIU, GLUT. ha. a let of 60 °outdoing importing oiltvtho is rt "fillets& E.."T FREE. Six ousts snared% pip yostice. IIIitLLPI4 Gil Zvi i r tar t. plots Treatise en GONOURICA., Ultg, Y P, 0 . , ... 4 1taal al/ tbl ll aros olopoo, with 97 Procriptions In I„, eh. obnponl tor 9919419.911. mitt wi th out th e aid at a nyokian. Me^ nos dalloa. ,The Pills of Soots wUI be mot by ootip prepidd nrl secure boas obowyszins, so ommipt of Mr - bp ed welsed apinA, or YULT.A.N. Goonool A 01199, 76 Cedar Bt, New Y•eir Mon Er Sold In E-ie b Dr. L. STRONG, THOS. L SDI CL AIR, sad DIY. ram, Drepprists. wally 1862. SPRING. 1602. ERIE BONNET STORE. (Lett Nadal Boma Star..) E. H. SMITH wiIt)LESALE Alp RETAIL DEI.I.I/8 IN MILLI"NERY GOODS. Unarm supplied with Goode at Now Tad Mess. P attention paid to Sioseisfing mid Draiskag *train.. No. 3 Rushee' Monk. Piste PPL. menpla T HE ATLANTIC MONTHLY. Ulr • NZW VOLUXL ELEVENTH VOLCNIE or THE ATLANTIC 11011TELY From the oonswiegkomsaat, in 1167, the albtais rapidly increased is arculaticia, sad Ii as bee tie bpi. eat elate of readers sham its begiaulng, tee yeas wt. 11111 prosperity steadily augments, and it emernianas, amid al the II oetnations and dangers lacideuPto oar agatkasal Al m* to gain ground is the emilmatiount the rabbi& At • time sopregaant with mints which touch the fame air tinges ()Carnegie& le every vital pertleular, the Pahlishem mad Editors do notkieset it neesesery_ to preemies list lb pyres via never swore* from the berm peas et Will patriotism and universal freedom. Its epinlem Moe de ways been on the ids of Liberty, !mime NM sad the course it Ann adapted is its early emeer. ili ft ever be faithfully maintained. THE STAFF OF WRITERS, regularly contribstiag te the /Howse Mirstalp engtosens many et the he Miens authors to American literals" and warmuklathe rainmak ers in promising to Its readers tb• best iteemys, tie best Stories, the best Poems which American talent can furn ish. in ?Rosa and Porrwr the "Atlaatiir Stied Writers is unequalled. The following authors ars still swag tits rvgular contributor : James Ruaiall Lowdl. Homy W. Longfellow, I.onie giuuria, Ralph Waldo Rwrarsea. Wa thanorl lain:Oberon, T. W. a, Author Howth," Oliver W. Holmes, John O. WhiWker7rt'. Whipple, * Bayard Taylor,lie S. Ni.. H. I. Stowe, "The Country Pa r ana," tam ' Sacrist Z. Prescott. The 'Alhaufser list of tribstors taeladl away or the leading Write= oasiarias. Tarns —The Atlestic to for WO b ail Bak and Peet °dies! dealers. Price 25 mutt. a number. Inbscripainss for the year, $3,00, postage paid. Tamil subscriptions stmeived, or single numbers supplied by any disalar or by the publishers. Specimen numbers sent MUT*/ on applicatims se ski publishers. Is DC Canlerla POS 911110011.1110.- lAA of pemlimit.els, tursishod on tppltastloa ts tbk TICKNOR & Puldialbers. 136 Washington tit., Boston, Wm& PAIN EXTRACTOR. TII ONLY TRUE: PAIN EXTRACTOR DIM WORLD DA Li.rrs PAIN RETRACTOR will care wounds of all kiods. DAL LEY'S PAIN EXTRACTOR will Mans all 0111101111111 intlanunatiott DALLISI"S PAIN EXTRACTOR will plume* aril dorm Nortmeanow., DALLErs PAIN' PXT RAMOR will roe barns et aD kinds. DALLEVE PAIN =TRACTOR hear Wirers fro et pain or mark. DALLsrs PAIN EXTRACTOR luminaire all Primes infused by AxiiitollA Weer or Reptiles. I/Ai-Lars PAIN' =RACTOR wild cure brebas Dna" Bore Nipples, Tau, kw. DALLEY'S PAIN K.I.ACTOR will sere Ilat Uses. Sewild Newd. DALrEV"I ' L Ia i'AIN EXTRACTOR will ewe chapped barb. chtll Wallas, ke. DA.Luirs PAIN KXTRA.CTOR will sue Owns. Cairo eke, Olken, Warts, DaUs, kri. No Lliresekeeper shealiewer be without • bow lira. dy lot use. Th. *way ire of • angle les wry pews of more value visas ISO true Its elm. rarer,' t—lf es • see hi lb. Ann. sari Mr • Box of Dailey', . It are be Dm mem of saving his life, or the Lilli of • eresradia fart gel arm wounds of all Ueda wilheat pals. Try the espielossti if ite deem sot sue it s it will cost y is WARM. Mum I—gyina bum a roar Brother be 111, wad bin a line of Daley's kals Isis tar i Ilse d i n ea • weande of al kinds, aodit nay be the inns ewe. in your brother's UM. Oft amitsera i—liare you • leradowe Is the Amy, wile is dearer to you than 11111 itself" lamd his a Das ea Dai• lira Nis Raxector. It will ease yea& et all Mai% and wrest hillsarsatioa, aid mu be Ire iiissre Staff* hie lea Ilk. iteafbin—lf yea lore • trisect la lbalsimp o seabdla , 80 , of Dono r ' , swag Pao Itstmalta=lea immis of " Tiair a HS. If rimi befre be Ise min di ng it, wog It bp ma. It will test yen bat • NAP on a ga at. Dm; asd ta iita pie g oeties Ise ed. =OO Sex. Ms Inge burr sialan anise Es IRO nosey elan the 21$ et bone. geodes.—TWADAILZIPS 3(2.6ICALI I AIN =Lea will 40 al sad eras sae Ors we drat It wUl i lei I, Dr. TALIISTINS MOM sisdb=sal=bse et 47 21iyardass and czas laad. lasi Ike Itiessilait =COWS PIM sale by wil irm an - MilMillip ° Wilminoa Wm Talk who will mod a Das of dew doh roam OK to off salmis taw gaited BA 4 % . 1 I fa i . I v:4 s o WU i ist r i E ja ipsuj"o Willi:a. ---. FALL` BARLEY ! STIR* . MAIEW et c a t" gin% - X. Deabers is . ; 1 4 • . .1 6 . 8 4 imam. AU Weds 7 V` • . JAN. tip lastauslo Assn. Consolises NOW 6tustad to bisi property sAleadliazte. , . est..rikno• sollellimme, sod Pealitellmod br WA . Olt elms oompliaisa. easet Wee • _ ith sad Stag Ilintitiv, We, h. ME P. ARBUCKLE, $ ueossoor to Claill k &WORD, A LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK IN ALL VARIETIZat •1 LOWEST NETT PRICE& STOCK AT N.. 16, The number for January, 10, bilging tie LIST or REGULAR CONTRIBVTOU. USE DALLEY'S MAGICAL lEI ECM