The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, March 14, 1863, Image 2

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    grit Obstrinte
Tito trams Asa vas I
Democratic City Ticket
*9(4001 Direetors—J. -43R2ti'EOLintfilt, 3 yin
G. A. BENNETT, 3 years
M. KNOLL, 2 years.
Constal.le—H. 111TTELBFRliER.
tixdois—W. W. DOBBINS.
wksT WARD.
School Directon—W M. S. BROWN, 3 years.
JOHN 11.,8L158,3 years.
F. P. LIBBEL, 2 years.
A suistors—J AltiES 0. JACKSON.
*S:eizei C.,uneti —CH A RLES M. TIBBA.LB.
Common Ouncii--./ NO. W. SHANNON.
" B. F. SLOAN.
Jtulge of Elation—D. U. WALKER.
lwector---D ENN IS FOGARTY.
(.I,•rint." rained—JOHN M. KUHN .
/ .. p. ..1 on—ROBERTEL:di S. II E R
• - P. - J J. SCII( )TTEN
• m Cv4, ned—DAVID SII I U.K.
F. M. W AtiNER.
II EW 1iA.111.11.1 1
,1,, i,„ ~j AMES LYT 1.F..
CITY il CK ail'
The late period at whici, the nomina
tion. for our city ticket were completed,
leaves us n., time to speak at length of ita
merit& We can only way, that having been
fairly and isonoratrly wiminated, it is de
serving of the euppoll of every conserva
tive man in the city`' Av.. L. Scorr, Esq.,
our candidate for Xayor,is widely known as
one of our moat enterprising and worthy
citihent. He is well qualified in every re.
mpect, anal, if elected, will make a public
officer of whom we may all feel proud. ,
We trust that no Democrate will leiod
themselves to any etlort that may be vide
to strike down the ticket thus nominated,
by producing diasatisfaction andfilsorgan
ization in our ranks._ The opposition know
very well that they esnnot succeed except
by ruptures in our party,and will do every
thing to cause them. Let the Democrats
of the city, to a man, rally in defense of
their candidates, and_Lierrnit no personal
grieviances to / gland in the way of snows&
This is no mere local issue ;--it is a ques
tion of principle--of political strength,—
and will have a large effect on the elections
that are to take place next fall.
" Another principle must certainly be
embodied in our reorganised form of gov
ernment. The men who shape the legis
lation of this country, when the war is
past, must remember that what we want
is power and strength. The problem will be
la combine the forms of a .Repsibrieens Gbwrs,
ment with At pdloits of a ilanarehioll Govern
ment."—Philadelphia Press.
- This war has already shown the absur
dity cf a government with limited powers ; it
has i/iowa that the power of every government
t to be and mutt be uuiernts.—PAiladel.
NortA American.
Who would have supposed, remarks an
exchange, two years ago that sentiments
such as are contained in the above ex
tracts, would have become the fundamen
tal doctrines of any portion of the Ame
rican people„ and be echoed and re-echoed
by the press of the party in power. Yet
such is the fact,''and the drift of current
events are tending toward the accom
plishment of the objectds here foresha
We fully expect that the complete re
turns from New Ilampshire will show a
sweeping Dethocratic victory. Enough now
is known to confirm the adage that revel
utionit never go backward. The vote of the
Mate last year gave a Republican majority
of 3,5031 The latest dispatches give East
man, Democrat, 4,0X0 to 5,000 plurality
over Gilmore. About 3,000 to 4,000 Dem
ocratic votes have, unddubtedly, been coat
for llarriman, Independent Democrat ; se
that a tremendous gain is thus certain.—
The same dispatches also elect ittarcy,Dem
ocrat, to Congress in the first district, and
leave the other two in doubt. The first
news gave all three to the radicals. Now
Hampshire has done nobly. Look out
for further glorious news.
Tae tiarrioburg Telegraph, in • reply to
thp Patriot of the same city--a paper by
the way, which is u much more patriotic
thin the Telegraph, as /leaven is purer than
Itell—gives what it styles the "true object"
of the so-called "Union Leagues" white%
are being established all over the onus.
try :
"The tory organ is rallying the copper
heads to organize to resist the draft. It
declares that the Union Leaves are to
take the places of the armed patrols and
provost guard in enforcing the draft, or,
what it meant but did not dare to write,
THE LAO'. The tory organ, in this, has real
iLdisoovered the true object of the Union
EITATZ Von.—The vote met at the
late State election iterifificielly counted
in the prate*e of thia Legislature ,s last
week, aimi foot up u follows:
Asalter Geserat--Skater. D. 3' 219,0 W.
—Coebran. L. 215,684
Elleakerte enjority, - 8,882
Eftrrroyvr Gotiong—Bser, D. 44092
.. .4
—Ron, R. 2/6,928
Barre uujority,
Nasso of CANDIDITSS.--The Waists tor
oity idioms pill be pristod at this once is tiro
emir pan of salt week. If than an nay
onion to the amass of like easiiidaiss„ u
priatad at tin heal of Aim column, so shall
Do if they sr their raised" will give
as the earreal siones. so Ow Won say Do so
*Wain is lie tickets vow.
- -
• 4'
to f3t. Louis DOMOCTSI of Satur
day nays t " . C.Ol. John W, Forney is now
in t►sdtysktia Piaataes Howe." Mars
up?" An, Mare any fat contagion) to ho
en out, In St. Louis.
The Republican papers are inormant in
their alum of Messrs. Vallandisbant,
Wood, Brooks, Reed, and other Poem
Democrats, but it is strange that lot on
of them, at least within our *slystkilks
has yet had a word of rondoniinapott So
Mr. COO l mY, of lames., a mmaisiist •
cal, who stands in the peculiar position of
being the only nut sat the North, who up
to the present time has declared himself
in favor of a oemeden of hostilities on
the basis of a reesgeteisa. et She thouthenr
Confederacy. In • speech mole by the&
gentleman in the Hones of Represents
siva, a few days holism the adjournment
of Congress, he made use of the following
"I cannot refrain from expressing my
individual opinion that the true policy of
the North is to terminate this war at on
The longer it continues, the worse oar sit.
nation becomes. Let the two Houses of
Congress adopt thefol lowing resolutions :
"Resolved by tAs &ow oseHeam ef Itep
rocuoires, h., That the Executive bcend
is hereby requested to issues general or
der to all commanders of heves in the sev
eral military departments of the United
States to disoontinue ailbasive operations
against the enemy, and to act for the fu
ture entirely on the defeadve.
Resolved, That the Executive be, and is
further requested to enter into=
tions with the authorities of too
ate States with ref ,_.os to • •
hostilities, based on the .Ilowing w ow
salons : 1. Recognition of the to
dence of the ConfecierataillsAss. 11. A uni
form system of duties on isiporie. a. Fee
trade between the two Slates. 4. ?tee
navigation of the Itheieiippi River. S.
Mutual adoption of the Monroe doctrine."
In the same speech, Kr. Conway .1.
Wre the following tribute bathe "Iferthe
of the Deniocrscy
"The Democrats will not of course, lis
ten to separation for an Instant. Such a
suggestion, in their eyes, 'is treason— a
proposition to dissolve the Union—for
attach one ought tot). hanird• They,•Vost
the yuostion whf•lio-r tkit , Union stow
restored by force or by compromise to •
submitted to the peoplein %enact alma:in .. '
and upon that to carry the country. Their
plan is to oppose the Adminintrationsibt
ply on its anti-slavery policy. They put
in issue the Conliscatioo Act, the iCissortri
Emancipation Aot, and the President's
Emancipation Proclamation. Those mea
sures they pronounce unconatinstional.
deny their validity, and everything done,
or to be done, in pursuanoe of them. In
addition to this they attack the Adminis
tration on account of its suspension of the
writ of Aabeaa corpus, false hitpriswunent,
corruption, imbecility, At, and * thousand
other incidents. But on the war slid the
integrity of the Union, they are like ada
mant itself. They claim to favor the war
for the Union, but to be for compromise
rather than war. They say ivory truthful
ly that the Republicans have tried taros
for two years, and exhausted the country.
and upon this claim the adoption of their
method as all that is let to be done. This
is thilemanner in which the politicians of
the country propose to seuminaut ibis
great conflict!'
OYU WAS PO Si Issistraerzo.—As a
specimen of the spirit which satiates many
of the radical leaders, ?re direct attention
to the following article from the Harris
burg TrdegrepA, the central Republican
organ of Pennsylvania, said the kameetir
ate mouth-piece of Gen. Outievon. The
publisher of the 2WegrwpA is Ilf.relasisthihs
Postmaster at Harrisburg, and its editor
is a cousin of Col. Forney's, possendng ail
the letter's malice and unscrupulous cam
actor, but without a tenth part of his abil
"What is to be done with Northern trai
tors? This is a question often asked by
men who are reidly solioitions to supply a
remedy for the evil which northern trai
tors are indicting on the government. We
answer, fqAt the aortic% as tots anuAera trai
tor a fought. Fight him in any shape he
may present himself. Fight his lies, his
sophistries, his politics and his defames of
treason. Denounoe hint as a traitor. Yaks
him hear of his treason whereier he dares
to insinuate it—ndngte it with his badness
--thread it in his face at his era—ahont
it in his ears at his t it at him
in his ease—and everywhere, whether it
is at the altar or ist the walks of trade, let
the aversion for treason be manifest and
made known. This is the weg to dght the
northern traitor. We must ght him' in
this way until he gathers co ti to take
up arms in defence of his x
Won, and
then to area will be the battle cry without
as well as within the army. The cooscioue•
DIMS of loyalty should imbue every man
with courage to deacon,* the northern
traitor. Denunciation tin such wretches is
worse than a blow. Notre would only si
lence and not cure the meads of their will ,
lainics. Denunciation exasperates and
provokes them to a confession of their
guilt. Let northern traitors, then, be
fought with denunciation now, and the
blows for their destruction will all come
in good time."
Those who are familiar with the TWe
grapd'e course need not be told what is
meant here by the term "traitors." That
paper classifier all under this heading who
do not endorse the acts of the Administra
F11171)S. --Never, in the Maker of our
own or any other nation, has th ere
developed such a systematic series of stu
pendous peculation*, as we have seen tie
der the present Administration. And yet
with all the startling and undeniable proofs
of public robbery, what singlet step has
been taken by Cengress to sweet *he evil.
Where is the evidence of the trial, *limb
Imo of the oonviction of one of these
thieves ? Congress has been so deeply in
fejsested in legislating for the negro, that
its members have failed to find dm* to look
after the pecuniary interest' of the nation.
BOW long shall these things be permit
ted t
AuStria must be a jetty place be editors.
Out of one hundred mad krimtromak pe•
Mind journals, the most are titention
to the. Govenment s sail as
of the editon of these are in! l ps.;W • at i re
present time. In Vienna, thetapital, the
editor of every opposition sheet is now in
It the Abolitionist, heal their wayrnawer
ice would •001114 in the wee condition,
with regard to the freedom otepeesh,thet
A.netrie I ie.
Tim Inworted - Abolition "patriot." who
live odor the public; Treasury. si N as h_
vale, Tenn., held a mesa% en the Stild of
Feb:nisi, to which Gar. elude. of this
Nate. w avited. 14 is siofitaisat that
the Governor's reply dole sot eentaha a
word aboutuGnaperhead “synspaddases
with trauma &a., nor wen allude to say
of the l sada* between the two par
ties in the North.
lre uscimegamkaip the Zeingeui Ba
r* thee the Demme* alato Costal
Oomeasittee, at lb* remit 'seethes /a
Phileotelphia, to essesikei tie pehey
eluagim the thee dud hr holeas
SW* Ceanstisw- egispil to umbitypir
chis4P- Tits Camaithe *Up timelipmk ,
be held as the 17t1r-of hem - -
The N. Y. Trawls, commenting on a 1
communleuion in reference to the pro- 1
posed prom , of 180:leaps:
"we °Ono* ' t e vil r l o rtilit
ding of , ; ::„...,.: . of r nt gr
suds Ili Li.. 1 1 Z: . d ,rt 4.): ~ ,itai C
tandem p.- 'W , . 4 - is is of a charile
ter with Senator Waves remark, that he
was glad we had lost the first Battle of
Bull Run, because it brought us finally
to the Emancipation Proclamation, and
- Basautthr 4 1111.11trirlierien -thsir-ww
had so many binge 1 1111011 to offer up their
lives" at Frederic'fterg. No doubt the
radical /seem* ars all rejoiced at the con
dition they and their allies, the rebels,
have brought the ()annoy to, for they
have lined thldr pockets welt by the war;
but the poor people—the fathers, mo
thers. sisters add wife*, who have lost
their dear oboe—and the soldiers, who
have to surer while these sooundrels are
making fortunes, think otherwise.
Tau Gazette la in trouble because wiz do
pot denounce " Jet Davis it Co." often
enough to wit its taste. The silly thing
hasn't sense enough to know that if we
would fill our columns full of abuse
against the rebel leaden . t;
I tt wonkl be of no
his. Whenever they approdrb near
enougb to us that any language we can
use will hue: benefit, we promiie to give
them as vigorous a "pieoe of our mind" as
It is possible for any one to bestow on a
0110/10 ha detests. Meanwhile, we intend
continuing our attentions to their allies
In the Nardi—the (kseU and its class.
THS London New of a late date
contained the startling tuanoutmetztont
that fifty new war steamers are beinibuilt
hi England. for the rebel government.—
The ship baikiars claim that they are for
. the ''Ealperorpf Cltina I"
Damoorstio Otty Nominations.
44 .rm0 Pre... Fele Piand Prolpikoss”—s•
The Democratic canons meetings bald in
this city on Tuesday evening, gave evidence
eta firm and energetic determination amongst
our Mends to stand by their principles at any
and every out. In the let, .id, and 3d Wards
eepeelally, there was a large turn out, and
the utmost good spirit and enthualum pre
vailed. There was no clashing--4o petty
rivalries—no sectional jealousies,—but each
man seemed to bare his whole heart in the
cause, and was resolved to out aside all. per
sonal beings for the sake of success.
the spirit that has been developed, and the
right kind of exertions now, on the part of
our political Mends, we have no doubts that
the ticket platted la nomination will come out
of the canvass in triumph.
rzur Du rarer.
The caucus fee the First District was held
at the law office of Col. Benj. Grant—Wayne
Hail, which had been selected for the piste of
meeting, being occupied for another purpose.
Col. Grant was elected President, and George
P. Griffith, Esq., Secretary. The nominations
were made by marking, and are as follows :
Select Conseil-0. Y. Tibbals.
Common Council—John Corse, B. P. Sloan,
Jno. W. Shannon.
Judge of Bleetion—D. D. Walker.
Inspector—Dennis Fogarty.
The following delegates to the City Conven
tion were elected : Col. Benjamin Grant, Col.
M. fichlandecker, James O'Brien, James H.
Tenant, and George P. Griffith. The dele
gates were authorised to meet the delegates
from the 2d District, for the purpose of select
ing candidates for the offices to be Ailed lo the
Bast Ward.
The caucus in the 2ad District met et lien
gent Hell, and organised by the selection of
Jacob Beate es President, John M. Kuhn es
Vice President, end Jae. I. Brecht as Secreta
ry. The nominations were made by marking,
with the following result :
Comma Council—Jolts M. Kahn sad C
Judge of Election--John Ferrier.
The following are the delegates to the city
OonTeetion John Ferrier, V. Babo, Michael
- itusteUAtr, P. Ph. Beubert and Jacob Boats.—
!The delegates were authorized to nosiiinate of
r • far the East Ward, in conjuncilon with
time from the let district. Peter Joseph
Illehuttes, Prams Pfeffer awl P. Ph. Seubert
were suggested as candidates for Inspector of
insetion„and authority girth to the city dele
gates to *the a choice.
TIIIID D/11111t. T
The 06130111 for the 3d District was held in
Label's Hall. David Zimmerman acted as
Chairman and F. H. Sennett as Secretary.—
Owing to a solsonderstandlag, only delegates
to As City Convention were elected, who are
asfallowst D. Zimmerman, F. H. Sennett, F.
Wooer, Henry Muller and F. P. Liehel.—
The delegates , were authorised to nominate
candidates tit the district offices, and also t o
meet with the delegates from the 4th District,
to select candidates for the Ices to be filled
In the Wait Ward.
The caucus for the 4th District wss held at
the Democratic Club Room, and was largely
attended. Capt. James Dunlap was elected
chairman, sad W. W. Toad, secretary. The
following are the nominations :
Beloit Council—Henry Rawle.
Oontmen Connell—Richard O'Brien and Ja
cob Dreisigaker.
Judy of Ileotion—James Lytle.
Inspector—C. M. Briggs.
Wa. A. Galbraith. 8. S. Ulu. Capt. M.
UAWII, J. hislarea, wad James Lytle, were
sleeted deleptee, with authority to meet
those from the al District. sed shoos, candi
dates ter the West Word (does.
The doles** from the East Ward Met
tosetherin the Democratic Club Room,
on Thursday evening, and nominated the
Wowing candidate.:
&led Directors, John Gemsheimer, 3
piors 0. A. Bennett, 3 years, X. Rtoll, 2
flora'; ASeessor, C. Rughtukipt : Constable,
bin*Litlelbseasr ; Auditors, W. W. Dob
, Owaripl i. Griffeth.
Adler tie adjoursaten t of the confer
. Ur deieples from the 241 District
'applied the coosacy is their previous
ticket by oossiseting P. J. Sehotten fir
isspocter. Robert ft Rumor was selected
se a casdidete for Judge•is tbe 2d District,
is piste of John Ferrier, wbo is disgatii.
led as amount of - behig -unisber of the
dip ootuseil.
wart VARA.
The delegates fig* the Wass Wird met
fit she same place, al iliiiriamo• tilde, and
10 0 10 444 A *PA e lt
:aka. BrowsAyaara.
imim„ F. p. liisba, a
; I %mistable, David Zemome as ;
Auditors, James G. Jackson, Jas. A. Bliss;
Assessor Andrew Tarbell.
Ths delegates *min the 3d 3 1 "-Eise ,
uw'4on the fol • •., ' '
4.4 C. . ' .11 Connell, • • . ,
mg . ; Judi* of l',. _ •_. ".•,.., . thew
..:. In I. :'. n ; I; • . ~• . • ...:.,.; - ' ; ' ' -... • %iv y , .0.:
e'er' , . • • • .- ''''' - -
The City Convention assembled about
$ o'clock, and organized by the election
of Col. Benjamin Grant as President, and
Geo. P. *Weds, Esq., sa Secretary.—
BUtric (141111144 war Pritle4klo l Alert
were a large number of outsiders. Win.
A. Galbraith, Esq.,' noinlnatea Lt.'s id
L. Sony u a candidate for Mayor, and on
motion be was made the WialliMElta soniisee
of the Convention.
The utmost harmony and kind feeling
prevailed throughout all the proceeding*.
CAX? ELLA liisuur.
LEXIXOTOX, KT , March lsi, V.
Dias Ossawent:—To day ie the Holy Sih
batb—s day of rest—a Jay of prayer--a day
that all should appeal to Him on fligh - fOr the
rsator•tios ofol,---o•Fi happy country, and
tor • speedy suppression of this wicked, di•
I rebellion
111 x. last letter 1114 from Frankfort t this
ass, you perceive, from Lexington. We
ion fire former place (on "double quick,")
Thursday night list, at half-pest seven o'clock,
ab4l arrival here at four a. to. the following
morning— a distance of twenty six miles. We
Were Ordered to he ready for any emergency,
as lure hands of giterrillas were reported to
be between here and that place. We.' how
ever, came through all right,•• without see
ing a guerrilla "or any other man" in the
shape of a rebel
Lexington is a large town of about 12,000
people; located on
the l`ermititir e~"l ea-
Lucky Central Itaitroad, and Is, appareitO,
quite a business place. Its principal streets
are paved. and kept very CIVIL 'Thin place is
the head quarters of the army of ki.entuoky—
Major Gerona Wright commauding :he de
partment. -
Ashland, the former abode of our taniontol
statosinen, Henry Clay, is one mile from the
city. The old residence bas been pulled
doom, attti a aew one erected upon the old
foaadation This beautiful awl historical
pine ie now ocoupied by the family of a tr.tit-
°roue souk—James B. Clay—who is uuw bst
tliag against. the flag that his father always so
nobly defeat:l44. Auother son—Thousaa Clay—
is living hare, and is sail to be a true, loyal
althea. The eitlea.ll,l twoutateut of the 061
etatestaisti is located in the old gteve yard
hen, and is 4 greed spectuteu of ;set:l**,l4lAl'
ingenuity. It is 12.; feet high.
The notorious guerrilla, purse-tlitet anJ
desperado, Ora. John Morgan, of the rebel
army, was born and raised in this sewn. ito•
fors the outbreak of the rebellion, be carried
on a large hemp factory here. We mother is
living here, end occupies one' of the finest
dwellings in the city. The old lady says that
if the " cussed 'intik..." will only let her
"Johnny" alone, he will return home and be
a good boy ; she thinks, however, that her
" beloved eon" is just as bray as ever Oeo.
Washington was, and is fighting for just as
good a cause, Loo. She has arrived at a very
sensible conclusion, viz: that John bee done
enough for his country, and that it is high
time he should retire. I coincide with the old
lady in :bar respect; but I think " Johnny"
deserves none puaisiunent for perpetrating so
many murders, stealing so many line horses,
he. Copt. Morg►s, of the C. S. A., and a
brother of the " °emend," was captured here
a few days since. The latter was quite a
favorite with the " suesh" ladies here, who
thought it itutragemus that so handsome e
young man should be taken from their midst.
He wooded .• very much" to be exchanged.
but was very politely referred to the order of
Jeff. Dula forbidding the eachuge of com
missioned officers anti! President Lincoln
would modify his " Emancipation Proolama
don." He was, therefore, sent to Camp
Chace, Colambua, Ohio.
Aomori are afloat that Humphrey Marshal
has a large force in the State, and that he is
going to attack this place. Our scouts are
daily bringing in "butternuts," who are
prowling about the country, robbing and
pluaderiag loyal citizens, Our boys have
captured within the put week two or three
hnadred of these fellows. These guerrillas
do a great deal of injury in this State. They
dash into some town, unprotected by our
troops, sad e►rry sway everything of value,
then dash off to some other place and perpe
trate o similar outrage.
We an encamped just outside the,city, in
"Camp zu4 Bishop." When the rebels enter
ed this city, last September, the "Stars and
Stripes" were displayed from a building. The
rebels hauled down the tiag,carried it through
the streets, tramping on it, &c., when a young
lady "rushed to the rescue" and demanded
the flag. Not knowing whet she wanted with
it, a rebel olßeer presented her the flag. She
immediately "wound the b►nner around her
slender waist," drew' a "sir-shooter;' and
lured them to molest either her or the "Em
biem of Liberty. ' She then retired i f s her
home, singing (victoriously, of course,) , 4The
Flag of Our Union Forever." Since that time
all the encampments surrounding here have
went by the name of "Camp Ella Bishop;" (sa l
appropriate name) and if future history does
the young lady justice, a few pages will be
devoted to the Daring Deeds of Miss Ella Bish
We have all kinds of weather here in "Old
Knatuck," in tact, we have "weather in abun
dance." Yours, oociutionally,
' Tatum Rrov.—A serious riot, moulting
in loos of life and destruction of property,
ooeurred in Detroit on the Gth. 4. negro
who had oommitted an outrage upoti a
young white girl was being taken ftom the
coast robin to the jail under the, escort of
the military, when an attempt to m o u e
Was made by* prig of rowdies. The crowd
was bed upon, and one man killed and
several wounded, Being foiled *in thefr
attempt to get possession of the negro,the
mob perpetrated the most horrible' out
rages the colored people 'residing in
the vi cinity of the jail. Limner were.sut
ted and burned, and the inmates maltreat
ed and in many-instansxa killed. Ten or
fifteen limo have already been Lost and se
many houses hunted. -All the rivaiiable
military there, and a regiment
tli in the in
terior of the Mate;, have been Mat for.—
A virus attempt will now bb Wide to
quo! the rice.
A inter dispsteh, - drited
Detroit, March 7, has : The military last
night succeeded in dispersing Abe ti9tfita,
and all is now quiet. Twenty or thirty'
buildings were burned,severti persons kill
ad, and a large number wounderf.
—Richmond mere of the sth inst. con
tain Warm* from Savannah, insane‘
lag another *stack an Fort Keellistes ,on
the 3d. Titres irMs-eiada Sad two smears
opened OD timpAart, and succeeded in, dis
mounting 8-inch columbiad and wadi:A
-.14g t*o intn—iooordm4 to the Rebel to:
pert. 'the attack not tioneinnad- bestir
z was o tz
41 4 w d n . ea► day.
-- There are four banks inPennaylvania
now releeming their bills in epirell
ing in theiheirhulatihn t-c - igeh rid o=r
verninent lax 4 2) • 14 1
-- Dispel
Dispel from Tomah) speak of tbe
arrivalin (;an " a oßil night* of Amen
tans who 4tv ed tii British territory to
avoid the ltraft -
—.The Rebel lenders in Virginia are ur
ging their l',onfefieriteCongress to prohib
It the planting of tobsooo or anything else
save corn for the arm', antler the heaviest
The Democrats are everywhere car
rying the New York charter elections by
heavy m.jgri4A►. The reaction has kept
steady headway since the gubernatorial
dames Bolger Lae been relieved
as Depot Qnartertnaster ftt Baltimore, and
been nr4eretl to Carhale, Ya , to await fur-
Belger will h. remembered
her orders
as oz e of the parties to the Ilaltimore
--- :A Liverpool letter of the Oth states
Lat while the tieorge Gribtwol4 vrtus eo.a-
ing up the hftrbor with foal for the poor
of En the steamer I)olphiu was go-
ing out vrith a cargo of munition,' War
fur rt
110/ akin, 4)( Juliana, in his
remark- , it' Congiew4, denotinterwl NA utter
ly take, the story eireulatri by Thal. Ste
reos mid other abolitiOniata, that there
were ,prei neganizatmna in the Northwe.t
orWeAt, loosing for their ohject the ,e•par
*firm of any Store from tho Ilmon
-- The NeW York Trui.s . (Kinit) head
New entrespondent •Ays "I ern'
worry 14) nay thallyery disagreeable tumors
are ad 'at here,reTpect ing a disorderly spir
it having manifeseed itnelf among our
truo,ps at Ship Island, owing to the arrival
there of a voinred'regirrient "
It is said that lion. Stephen Baker
of I\P9V York is the ' 7 ii)rily member of the
late house of Representatives, who refused
to receive the third mileage. The Aggre
gate amount paid to gentlemen on thin
account is probably $BO,OOO.
:•;otne conscienoe-smitten rascal sent
to the President, on Wednesday last, by
empress from Brooklyn, New York, a
packegerontatning PB6, whieit, the letter
atat;4l, was dishonestly obtaintl from the
Government. If all the other abolition
thieves would dp likewise. it would put
many million:, tit dollars in the treasury
From Vicksburg la sent the gratify
ing intelligence that the health of our
army there is improving. The Yazoo Pass
expedition has been so tar surcesidul that
one of our gunboats has - nearly reached
Yll4OO City.
—A4 an offset to the Fairfax Court Howe
affair, we bill/0 to record that a diV itooll of
Union earalfy attacked a large body of
rebel cavalry about ten miles from Mur
freesboro, on Saturday last, lulling 50,
wounding Inn, and capturing 2 captains,
3 lieutenants and 53 privates, besides a
large quantity of spoil 4 our aide, only
two are reported wounded. none killed.
Fuller account. of the Union de.
eat in Tennessee, near Franklin, hhow
that we - lost about 100 killed and 3(k.)
wounded. The rebels admit a loss of up
wards of lUU killed. They came down up
on our wen in tnrenatible force, umnber
ing 22,090 in all
ordet reigns again in, and it
is presumed that the military forces in the
city will continue t'Vre entirely suroessful
in keeping the rioters down. The report
ed loss of life in the affray of Friday has
been greatly exaggerated onl man
is known to have been killed Twity five
houses were destroyed
We learn from Washington that the
Rebel Captain Meeeley, with his command,
entered Fairfax Court House yesterday
morning, and captured, Provost-Marshal .
Oscanner's patrols, horses, ie., together
with Gen. Stoughton and all the men de
tached from his brigade. They alas took
every horse which could be found, public
and private. The commanding officer of
the post, Col. Johnston of the sth New-
York Cavalry, made his escape.
Moan Facer—Thomas Brown,who was
sent as special !spat of the Treasury De
partment to the Pacifiic to investigate var
ious questions that have arisen on the
coast, has presented an elaborate report,
socompanied by a large mass of testimony.
It is understood that the evidence which
Mr. Brown submits, going to show that
kir. Robert Stevens, Superintendent of the
mint at San Francisco, has appointed or
retained in office dishonest or viciothimen ,
is so strong that he will probably be re.,
The most recent slander concerning
Pen 3 sylvanis troops, which the New York
press has put in circulation, is that con
cerning the 167tb regiment, composed of
drafted men, in the recent battle near the
Blackwater, in Virginia. They vverezchar
ged with plainly refusing to fight, and the
men were reported to have exclaimed
"You may draftr.Wl 014 rwk isn't make us
fight!' This Mite eel to be a eveijoious
falsehood. Thersigglikiest was in tilWaotion
at the beginning, and received the fiercest
of the energy's attaek.
lismittrA or CRARTIIIL3. —The Bank OM
mitte•Wthe Legialatere have doter:mined
not tdgedimer charteca of beaks for more
than five.yesai. Thee for vrhieh bills have
been repealed tre't Bank ofDassville: Bank
of Delaware County ; Lancaster County
Bank; Farmers' Bank of Easton:Come:2er
cial Bank of Pennsylvania. It is intima
ted that the intention of the Committee
is merely to give the banks time to wind
up their affairs and begin business afresh
under the State Banking Law or that of
the United States.
The Rebel Secretary of War makes
some very important adocisaions in his last
report, regarding the stringency of the
blockade. and the difficulty of obtaining
supplies for the army. lie apprehends no
difficialty in obtaining a sufficiency *limns
and ammunition, but the question orsub
aistenee is 4n alarming one. The harvests
of the past season have not generally
proved propitious, and, notwithstanding
the much larger breadth of land devoted
to the culture of cereals and forage, the
product in many extensive distrietews be
low the average.
la North East, on the 12th nit., JA Kt glirrs, "rife of
Baubea -
Kra Etaitb closed her earthly career in the serene no.
Jogricrot of a Cbeletiaa filth. Ste was tonstaloed ttiro'
•loag sad palatal blow by an csalisttertog trust la the
potables other 11•40 , 111110 t. Her new, though thus wally
eicawd, ••• fruitful of preeept asi4 example weer to be re
tnetatreeed Lad revered. While bowing to this painful
dispensation, her !badly sod Mends point the eousollag
thought that with het all is well. Cog.
UMW AID ZZPJL t 11l ratrotria or DIIIAU.
Da. Tama** ilLikamtur, atTottemoatli, Rhode latimi,
no "That tireatymem pwro P realism* with ULM med.
Noe, andlessa the heltaf that i.. raj few cam would the
ThysidaCesetirieea be tequiwel t Beaminittea ?Mt ware
peetaptty moat to the stay ltig" el Mamma."
1..1 Coon, pansies at laser, al ibinsingtes,
my. 1-esibisairstbn wad asd lOusenpeas ripen
tasty attar sum pad Med. aid I was 'Mao I • SW ,
Vs; say physicians mil friends."
The are isstisisay is Oren by N. Buss. Msg.. Ines •
lawn sitting or ISlHlanahneg, and thousands of albums.
Bat Lballraweetto ate will kaolin; te full dost• %awls
to sun reng•ths; la stiller ows thy Let pa • gods
stismisa, stelae evitireempas sad putt) log tb• b 1064.--
Sage eao}overy iiiky sertai %passe& who pre doemod Isr.
pastas Lpittl We tamed median was u•• 41. Principal
Pic., Sod CANAL MITT, gay York,
• Sad by Dr. L. Ihsoad f , gna, and b 1 all raapastaw Qw
Mn In issdialias. ja3l-102.
Dit N
On pooh orthAt stokoeso to Coble. No menet
libels Noe 411asese 145141 t 10 M...t.d•M.orlob 1"1
be bagel wepreisod perepipslise, or • yew Comp
sad Lava Coosiolaiata are the deed peeteelli at Odds.—
la AGA Coridenee Oles bioeblapon et UN lb* Amine
tiost Mb* lesemafty, bees tiyen eeeeed d oireekeit
reoptretlea, sad as Itowelitabs of the mots matt* et
toe bear Nee* through the We% 1 4.4ti011! Woe en
deed, tbse peepeelle• Illeierremeem ir gy
goo Ofolir asia amlbs, as gem
pressitous adios's.", or if swamis", break them up im
mediately, by s Unholy use of Maisons Poster's i waist
assksafis 111014 all Druggists it 13 and 21 , soot. p.r. bet.
PilpsrsUbas theilesea ward ow the hvir f...
pa:tin ur it • wigwag of two or btsek ,le
CtaT 11 DYE.
it r l ets dolma meta ma
nthe,r ea, °tt/the th
m e
bale, &sisal*, appliat Mme Itja iniArk eastaxi4seowiy,
soul ittjareaos, to the observe rgenistos so
11Pli NICTRA 111. X . t 4 C R T.
lifoooloctured by J. C RNA r* O, go. 8 Astor flown.
Mew York. Sold ertoorrbere, 4 Orof applied by on Hair
llireseet I
Price.ll4s4 6 o. &40, tlrrwo4,44cordwit
Cristadoro's Hair Preservative,
i s j ir ,Wh ww w w w ith hu D 3., ei It 'ln varta tue utm - oAt enfl
ames, the moat beautiful ewe, and ',t e at ,ttortty t o th,.
Prke to eretta, $1 sad St ver bottle, oceortlisk , to rite
I j irOPP. ITII 110:4.
I ht. *Own Mal •rtioto for prw.urr g and
brunatily log tbra *air Jaaponla prkt up hy the ntle•
Dal prnprnetror, n, 11,11" made With th. sato. CAM skill
and attenti..n, uh•eti hut enrsluri , t 1111111.40111 sod us
prvardented o num tm111..1 b Wye% • !It
still ....d at '46 -or nt• la i• po A Aline Tun rnlilinn but•
that can rawly he ....din • year is ban It ill aglielq known
that the iLat heir... to unt..ul• the 41e1iglitlo: hair
dreaming iu the wand, but that it ti-ttasaa the Pal, .4
.curl sad dawirrff, glare tin• hair a 1.10, , rich, Invariant
growth, an.l prevents it from turumi t v.) I bear ara
coasaderatio..• worth knowing Tn.. ttatim.roulmao la.c
towtal far over twelie ?Sara, viweraoted s. desem
bed thy la lay who 'Cowes. two.ntiloi heft.' hair will
awe tiow A . :A....1r0n. it is finely leerfuraed, Cheap sad tal
i:tablet St fv , ..1.1 br all ,evy.vets , le dewier* thrno,glimit
the world I) itARVRS R rt.,
H lCLlPinoi.uot4 EXTictrT stcnr,
tard.mtiolar , iallttLT RUCHI ,
Tilt: GREAT n.j[t.i.rlc
ilimmyours LXIILACr
lt,o. • and 'predic Hew.* tar Diseaar•l the
' It r
Or i gami.° Weakness,
And all diseases of the rriaary Organs
4 e. Advertisement in smother column I'4l it i.nt, and
send for tha Medici:l,la oi.ra.
frta.t ttn
/las Oren universal satiaLsetiou dur mg the in
years it hae * te , es Introdueed itra the trailed Slain. Al.
ter tn.] by millions, it has been procl.ame.l the
pain tleirt I oyer of the world. Pala cannot be nacre tibia
1 1alialteet applied if sofa as .iirotilt,l it cannot sad
W.V.( has lac/yd to a *lngle 111atIkb.C. For couihn
and lour nze, it can't Le beat Otte '25 neat bottle will
, •ere sit the above, besides bikini tioelel fa every faintly
19 9.104..0 aceid.ota such as hums, cut... liwalds, tuft. t
etlogs, g 4 ft is rpirfectli iny..4,ot to take Intel - Daily,
and can be glee?) to the *Wet person or youngest
Prii-etn and nO rents • bottle Odic@ Ein Courtlasolt SE"
New York 4 041 by ail iru...goita.
?he'Overt/rr Wing Lees restored to h •Ith to
a fre week.. by a very sidiapie reatedy,abir !taring sulkred
sowersl yoin with a se.arto WO( atleetiosk,iwel that dread
duress., Con,unaption .41,,u, to wake lituise to Lie
miew-euiteier e the ~ 1 core
To all who desire u, lir 1.01 sen t t copy of tt, pre ,
Sertlioo Watt (five of , Iret-,v), with th. dtreetle fig ter
p ad wank the at me, *Lich they Ira. Oust
SEMI 1. for. LOis&MPTIOX, Alan& A , 810.71Clirtit„ &C
The only oCjest of the aderrtls-r in sending the Preserip
tlon ts j.alooetlt the Meted, and spread Information
or Web EC ooncoAvoil to be leraluaLle s.nd he FOpes every
vabsret eat try his remedy, as at will ,00t then) nothinz,
and ant) prove C blessing
Kings Wanly, New Took
soar 14-lm
Q 1,21.C1 A 1.. bleirlie g•
CI On and attar April lat., the price of •The Rebellion
Reword" will be sdiewnorelifty CL a •olume From
that date, the sale of parts; fripo Nor. - 1 to 24. wit , be dia.
continued 144 seta of "The Rebellion Record" will Le
sold only YONOVIO Parch avers and subscriber' who
We not tiellapieted the tour yols. moot at ones do ~
The work will e..utinne to be pnbliehod In parts. at .Itl
iiwittai--eacb part illet.trete.l with two portraits on. .t.w
Volume V. will oompriwi seven parts. writ(.
So-glag'o 4drettigemento.
Ex 'CT() Rs' scfri(•E.
Lettere Testamentary on the Estate of Solomon
Perkins. deceased, late of WS} ne township, Eris Co . Pa ,
having beengranted to the undersigned, all perlir , LA in •
debted aid estate are hereby notated to woke payment
e about delay, and all IN/ MO 1211 hawing claims against wild
'etas to present the same duly authenticated for sett:e
Ways*, *arch 11, 1863-corl4ort• Executors of deed
THE SANO has bees ezhickeively used to this and other
countries, and is highly approved for its
This Coffee couli,area tarorstd, with, sod is to many
pteirrred to Rio and Jars, and is
Hie ground sod put up in Tin L oil paper to lib packs
ges, with labels that rend—
In the centre Observe La.
or •nice Uk •
eat of a la4l
holdnig • tor-
fee pot. The
label► me tea,
gram sad 11a.
nod ant ecii
►t is packed in whits wood.tomen 0( 6,0 Alpo
in on. is kegs and barrela. Also on hand,
Miura* Ouo Goyzwzin., JAVA, 11•1141146.1)0, T. Dom's-
Of supoitioe quality, to Vas Foil men and bone. ; agog
isr to Asuso,
Dealers will p'ue , s send for qlreulers sad list of
Orders by mail or Express promptly eseented
L. F. HOLMAN, 36 Harrison St,,
Sole Arent for the Coital States. New York.
Aj/ //,J
I. an hoporhun Bak to tbo frost chola of sarsosai.
Nsuarriza cesamass. insAtAa 14 flub tollo.nag
♦ ltebo4►teblp Seemed from fletfole CeMee,
footttlea the bolder to attend *bet or 111 the Colleges
for as *alluded time.
Tbia Disks N ties. Inwthatisses, Is to Impart
typong mea and ladies, a therm/pi, prettiest homes,
im a m cousiges are orlyealsed asoF "ambilastied epos
a brads which mast secure to etch erporste lostitsUos
the but possible becitittee for Miterting a thocaagh seer
morcial edamitioa, and rekttler It as • whole, the sids s t
comprehensive mad Complete system to this conatry.
assawiceeptaig to alt lts departinistats.Telsogvaptitag,
Commercial Law, Commercial Ar Mosaic and ?tante°.
ship, are taught in the mint tborough and prsei,,,,i
Th. flpenaerisin P!Tho of Penonnaatap, I la
taigeht to.o_pellant 644 experienceu teaclteni
badaratib, payabla In advance, 340.
CoHap open day wad evening :—po vacation.
RoaWint Principe/at Balrala, J. Q. WILT Arr.
For farther infonitatian, plaque call at the roller.
Koalas, as sioAd
dd tor Cutalogue cod Circular cucloeing
letter stamp. rette
rot-47. If
The summer term o 1 this Institntton will noun
eneeme on Thursday, the letb of April. Young , ladle/
who wish to join the dosses to Physical Geography, Br
tarp or Mental l'hiloeoplty, ere required to rater SA FOO
as awastest.
Otrouthre for the thiottug year can bel WO by applies
dos to the Pritscipil.
}Lynam Pun, Da; I L. L. CITARIMRLAIN.
north Rh, 11$1. f 'hetet.
TIRE undersigned is prepared to supply
dealers with the beet nuallts et the et.ere newel
assallsnt lossissestkrie hb
Male at firs wow slilhdliole Road and liars& fittest,
sou' A Mire pert se the My of trio. !teatdams" In WV iiturisasirs-red for those astable the
altr—aindirt Ste* settee isthesd depots.
eier.Sl—lL CHAS. KosFuxa.
aim" imitiorillik arar7 dosorlptioa ol Table Ons*.
100 Creams. Jollies, Priti b. Coil.
INK" C HI ret___,T =AI appflestio• to
JOHN WILLBI4 Chospaido, krio, Pa
.5_,,, 44.1 was diestroas cot purebadd e
V , las tea% 104 tea boar of 0•9 oa
tom by appljlag it this Ake. MO 4tre .
augl" 2-h
!Cos York
K Idilt•) .1,
bel ?Attica/sr
nrikii iiirtairra
me putlitit up
•o ix/mar at-
WIN to ter
minable the
sa Dinar as Oa.
law pertatta
• 1
16 h Y •t /STRATTON,
I %Nato . N.
KNOWN 4J - HtLllOOlOl4 •
F I .14 i(t'e laTft Act - RUCH U,••
'• t(IGHL 1r CONcscreltKATll
CO It POLli 0
4 AND UIFIC azitany
Tow Allinsllll3 a 111111
n K 6/1.1 YCL 4110 DROP3I
Thi. awlleitm lacreseeir toa wow of Digestios. and
tho Into bemtby aistlest,b7
tbe WATERY OR CALCEROUS depoottlose. sad ill
well we pats and twewmiostituw, and IS guod far Ma,
PrOivEN oft
A raking Iron , rtetorm. Habib col Diselpstios, La is
leeissesstlos es Abase,
ATTF.XDF D WITH IIIE rol.l owtma liminPrifilts
Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Noma,
Leas of Iltranory, DtSmith of B nia olii s 4.
Weak NOM" TrlPCSbniir.
Norton of Dtkaawk.
Otfunieta of Violas. Kt: la th eilh l
tolortessl Laaaitada of ths' illobiss dCM
Masers lar irateux It .. eirs se We tan,
Hot Ban, 2 ,a1. Cosallosam.
Miaow at the Ms.
There ”mptotoo, it allowed to go as, AdafilesasSatat
lewiiN! eew•e'ea, roe Mum
I u Do. of whirl the patient say Imply*. 1 Irik •es• ay
that they Cr. Dot fraqueatly foliaged try Omer
"direful diserieur."
Meaty are aware of the ;canoe 44 their sitaliatis, het
110001 1 W coulees The rewords et Übe Imam Alsylasi
amd the weLtnc6olt dratha by Coodramptioa, iMili Mapb
thet•uth of,the &wedlock.
The Constituticin Once Affected with
Organic Weakness,
t re* the aid at medlelo• to atessgtbee sad
ate the ',Meta, HILMBOLO 8 t riltdlCT
Itj rr. r.Ol dare A trill will convince tM Meet M.*
FK.H4Lii..4, FIC.VIA LICE 4, irtiliALICC
t. 0 , OA Y.tnra, gulcht.ll, ILUFAIIID, OR
In 1011,90 atioctioni peculiar , to Fraeles the Salem
Hu. 1,, 1. uo.qualickt by bay other mitetr, am la Chian•
tit o, irreguWity, Tainfaloass Or Sl*
rwt u•toinary Evacuation*, Cricsratod or
eat.. ot i,ucotrtnia or Waite*, Stiortirtj, cat
for all complaint* tacklent to the era, whether Waist
trom I o.i4arretion, Habits of Dissipation, of ta the
Tak• no Balsam., Mercury or I: opleasuut ILudlediut fix
ropleamiat ■ud D.ogeross Dissumes.
(.1 RE,
:I , l.ekt ET DISEASES
to Xll tb.4 stew., ►t 11:t1e expenme; little or so dune
In ,'(ft; UO
kNlo N 0 EXPOS U'R E
It'&ute..4w.rst 4+.1r.% sad givesslsvoirtY to I: rtovat
Ir ere rry r rag ob. truer to w% or ovooktkig sod oars;
ritoctureo of tho. l'retbra. p0ia.0.4 I.M
ti n to fr,4:4rt.L to Urn. c.a.. of 4111 , 1 IMMO •04.0zp51114
TLoursuds upon Tbousaad,
WWI {MK 11111:ENI Taff YIVII el
q t' .4 C K S
Acta w ho have laid HEAVY !TICS to be mood tee ebet
Uwe, have Woad ttol were deceived, sod that the " h.
son" hank by the uer ut •• powerful aetrierests," Mta
.irewl uF, Vieth* ay plan, to break out is as &wen*
form, and
/or all Ada&Uons and Diseases of
Tillti l • &LINA It V 0 b 141,11115,
Wite'ber eximng .V/LE or iiMAILS., Craft
ever calor ongt Dating, &WI DO Ibiller
Dlstresee of these Dives requlle the ►ld of • Dr
•o.! it a. certain to daub th. climbed Whet In all Dr
rase; for which It is i•codisoeaded.
lt,luibold's Highly Coaceotrated Compound
Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla
Tbia is so affection of the Mood, sad attacks the Ihe
eel Organs. Linings of the Noes. Lore, Throat
Pilo. end o.her lineons Surface*, waiting
is the for of Cleers. Helinbolde iistreet
partner the Itiod, steel moons all Soh tr
the Skin, giving to the Complexion • Char sad
Color. it being prepared expromedi ht this elms
complaint". L'Ai Blood Pnrifling Properties bre preen*
to a greater extent than any other preparation of ii
Rambold's Bose Wash.
An excellent Lotion for Dion OMß of • lbw leatil
and as as twenties La Damara of the "
Organs, ft Ala( frOil baba lit diillllll l / 1 1ollii111111116
oeciloa with the Leiria/a DUNI* Mid f . •
such three**. as recouarnendeid.
Evidence of the moot neepoostblo and evfielpie
ter will accompany the mcdiciege
from eight to tweed, Isuis stardist, id* runes
to SCLellep t il.TD P/Ml.
For Medical Properties of BUCHU, wp.
or the tfaited Stites.
rob Prof moor orwEgr ralssbio works on
ties of Physic
Bea remarks made by the late celebrated Dr
S CX, I' kfladrlpbts
See remarks wade by Ds CPHR4IIIf
a .elebrated Physidsa sod Member of lb*
of Surrpoos,l.lsad, sett pablisbed le the .
4 the King ot Q 00•11 1 .11
p Are litedleo-Chstatirteal Review paldisbid by
DR Fellow of the' nova College
moat of'th l eL lat. 3 c layhti4 Aka Pa lf,,
S.l Tll4Ol Boom, $1 no per Elootth, or 0 ft.
SAanArLitn.t.i, 1 00 ... ..
torsiono limn WAsu, 60 .. ..
Or halt • dome of eeeh ter slt IXtrerh'clt ell' be rb,
coot to care the moot obis quote wes t It dlseettool.
adbertet to
Ito Unwed to any liddretos. oretattely packi4 fro a . 1°
ar- Claw:raw brapplocan to all ousolgitiabeaMOV
CCM. f a not" 1 Adrie• grstfi.
Personally appeared before WI u alderams
(iv of nl4& phis, H T Hatneous, who. beret so f
sworn, Both my, his p 'partitions contain no
ao merest', or other tojahme dram oat " s
"Pt 4 N. T. Itgo llo,
Sworn wad eaberribod Worn me. this 13.1 dl) d 14 "
ember, 104. RY. P
Alderama, tilattvatreet, aloe* Rea, fr
Address Letters for lafOrmatteta Is eoaddesam
U. T. HatABOLD , Cb" .
Depot Ind loath Tenlit-eltreek Weer Glesesel r
SOMALI& or vourerssersrrs
who endeavor to dispose •• Or -TOILS 0 ./ 0 "
"other &Melee bit the reputattes attained
Heltateld's Genuine Preperstioaa,
Entree% Beeho.
s aro willa.
" Improved Hem tell
Sold by all Druggists everywhere.
SY FOR asarsolars...r.dis
Cut out th• admettenneet. semi send lea it.