The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, February 28, 1863, Image 2

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    (frit Obstrbtr.
SATURDAY, FEB. 28111, 180
?to Gram =t2ts •
Om Asa
A meeting of the Erie City Demoorstie Club,
will be held at their room, opposite Brown's
Hotel, on Thursday evening next, the sth of
March. A full attendance of the Democrats
of the city is earnestly solicited, as busineils
of importabc• is to be transacted
Erie, Feb. 27, 1863
Tait Washington corespondent of the
New York Evenini P.'si says the rumors
that have been paraded in come of the
public journals, to the effect that a war
was imminent with France, are mere
speculations, without any foundation
Tel publication of • the new
Democratic daily paper to be staiteil in
Philadelphia, has been delayed, is
appointment on the part of the ' , re...,
manufacturer. The publishers reque.i
to announce that the first number 'Ain
not be issued until late in March.
A NovEmtNT, we notice i- on foot in the
lower part of the State, to induce the
Central Committee to iLsemble the State
Comention at an earlier day than that
nosktfized for it, the 17th 'of June.—
Against this proposition we enter our ear
nest. pi ote.t. hel;eve that ;nothing
could be gained, while much night to
lost by such a course, and we are satisfied
that' the general sentiment of the party
is adverse to it. We fully endorse the
views of the If arriiburg Parug that tt any
chanje i made in the time of holding
the 'fate ('invention, it had better be to
a liter than an earlier period
NE60.0 SOLDIERS —We :putill-h ull %Pt!l
fir-t page an article showing; the:results
of the negro isolilier expeliu.tent at New
r earin, an ,
„confirming all that we have
ever alleged 'about the injudiciousness of
the measure. It appears that the troub
les there related a•e"not eonflies'rto the
immediate locality spoken of, but
In every portion n" th 0 department
rfispateh'from New York, under (late n
February Vid, is as follows •
- The (Republican) , a).
have private advices confirming to some
extent the rumors 01 trouble in General
Banks' command. growing nut of the :n
trnduetion of negro troop , : Four7or five
oflicers'of the I' o ,l N N' volunteer have
niE tOVVII ,11 I
the StAta 01 New York, at, far as w. have
seen, show surprising Democratic gains.
the New Vorl: !braid, sty calcula
tionion the returns received up to Satur
day lirt, Think the combined , Democra tic
majorkixiVwili not fall short ofa - 11 — Tad
thousanct. it We have 'iaine4l in almost ei
ery town over the vote for tiny. SEYMOUR,
and in several cases the change has been
almost too extraordinary for ti;•liel. -7
Oswegatchie, for instance, where the Re
pubboani had t,.i7 maim ity in 14t,1, the
lieMocrait have cal i their ticket tv sii
averagb majority . uf -u 2.1 n Chemung co.
the Democratic,majority is,7nowhile Gov.
Strew:ries was 32 • In - Delaware the Dem
ocrats elect eight supervisors where they
only had three last year. These are but
samples of the general returns, and our
readers may ,depend upon it
.iliat the
great Empire State is f•trongly and relia
bly Democratic. The Abolition organs at •
tempt to deceive their readers by copying
pretended victories where there were no
partisan issues made, but they will not,
and dare not, itithout convicting there
selves of talseticiod u publish the Lull re
Mr. Wilson's bill, which passed the
ate on Monday night, provides as regards
conscription, iu suhstaticeas follows All
able-bodied male citizens, and those who
have declared their intentions to become
such, or have exercised the rights of suf
frage, between the ages of 20 and 45 year •,
constitute the National forces of the
United States, and. are liable to perform
military duty when called on by the Pres
ident% The_ exempLn :are those, who are
physically or mentally unfit, the Vice
President, heads of the Executive I►e
partmenta, United States Judge,, clovern-
ors of States, only son of an indigent
widow, or infirm parent, or one such soo,
f. where there are two or more, to be ,elect
ed by the parent, also the only brother
of orphan children under twelve years,
also the father of motherless children of
the same age ; and where two of a family
are in military service the remainder of
such family not exceeding two, shall be
exempt. No person convicted of felony
shall be enrolled or permitted to serve.
The National force not now in service is
to be divided into two classes,' the first
pities embracing all between 20 and 35
years of age, and all unmarried men be
tween 35 and 45 years of age. Tbe sec
ond class embraces all the others and will
not be called into service until after the
first class. For convenience of enroll
ment, districts are made corresponding
with the Congessional districts , in each
of which the 'resident appoints a Pro
vost Marshal with rank and pay of cap
tain of cavalry, or he may detail an offi
cer of similar rank who shall have a Bu
reau in the War Department. and shall
make the needful rules and regulations
for carrying out the provisions of this act.
These marshals are to arrest deserters,
report treasonable practices, detect spies,
dc. In each district there is to be a Board
of Enrollment, consisting of the Provost
Marshal and two other persons, appointed
by the President, one of whom is to be a
physician and surgeon. This board must
divide the district into convenient sub
districts and perfect an enrollment once
in each year, each class to be enrolled
separately. Persons thus enrolled are
subject for two years to be called into ser
vice to serve three years or during the
war, on the sane footing of the present
volunteers, advance pay, bounty money,
&e., included. When necessari to make
a draft, the President shall indicate the.:
number for 'Pilch district, taking into con
sideration the number already furnished
since the beginning of the war, so as to
sef i r , daqualise the burden ; enrolling offi-
Oer cent. 'ken make the draft with 50
* - -%d within ten days
serve notices upon the drafted men. Sub
stitutes may be furnished, or commuta
tion made not to exceed three hundred
dollars, at the discretion of the Secretary
of War. Any person drafted and failing
to report, or furnish a substitute, or *Ay
Flow ura Foa
his commutation, shall be deemed a de.
serter and subject to immediate arrest.—
The bill provides for the proper surgical
examination of drafted men, and the pun.
ishment of surgeons who receive bribes.—
When the draft is finished, all those not
taken are allowed traveling aiy to their
homes Those who furnishnbbstantes
are exempt for the entire time of the
draft, and the substitute has the same pay,
as though originally drafted.
Any person who resits a draft, or noun-
eels others to do so, or dissuades them
from performing military ',duty, shall be
summarily arrested, locked up until the
draft ig finished, then be tried by a civil
Court, and fined $5OO or imprisoned two
year, at both —Excite:nye.
The telegraph brings confirmation of the
report that the Federal Steamer Queen
of the West, which recently ran the gaunt
let of the rebel batteries at Vicksburg, has
:gnowinouslyfallen into the enemy's hands
at Fort Taylor, Red River. Such an in
cident. following so closely on the Harriet
I..kne disaster, will tend greatly to
strengthen the rebel cause in the South
west. The Confederates are steadily ac
cumulating a navy at our expense, and
grow stronger every day of our inaction.—
We look anxiously for a stroke either at
Port Hudson or Vicksburg which will turn
the wavering scale in our favor.
INTELLP.LNLE: from 'the, Army of the
Potomac gives no indication of activity on
our part. Up the other side of the river,
however, the rebels appear to be earnestly
Mgt wink at their breastworks, which they
are Itiruwmg up on the river fistsopposite
Falmouth and iu front of Fredericksburg,
~0 ‘,., to result the crossing of our troops,
.1,0u141 Buell an attempt be made. The
lorces of lien .Jackson are said to be lo
cate,' two miles south of Fredericksburg,
lyhin(l the first range of hills.
Its• A despatch from the Army of the
Potornac . we learn that the sale of news
paper.; to the soldiers has not been pro
hibited. (len. Hooker issued' an order
limiting the number of newsboys to one
for each divisinn, and the newsdealers
have struck in consequence, and refuse
to sell any papers at all.
I ttipiois.—The Legislature of 'lllinois
has finally adjourned. 'fhe' Peace' Res
olutions which passed the House were
},revented from passing the Senate
by the withdrawal of enough Abolition
members to prevent a quorum
Tin sentence of the court martial in the
a,e (if Lien MeK instry is dismissal from
the Aeiviee,, We are not told what was
done with Mrs. Grit:inlay and others who
participated in the apoila.
Elms are now waiting to be reported
approvrleting iHNI,OOO for Emancicht
ti2!.n in Maryland, 51,500,000 in West Vii
ginia and it 50,000 in Delaware.
.1n exchange paper apelike of Lovejoy u
the notorious Lovejoy ' lie cannot be no
tor) 0119 . 110 is all tory ous
- The election of Hon Edwin 1.) Morgan
to the Uniteij Stilt tql Sellat r, by the Legislature
of New said to be a bitter pill to the
radical Republicans of that State.
- The editor of the Fulton Democrat was
arregied week before hut, by order of the Gov
ernment at Washington, for the crime of acting
as counsel fk:r iv drafted soldier in a habeas cor
pus Case
The New York Expreu threatens that If
the administration shall kidnap any Democrats
from that city, Greeley will be kidnapped by
the people and held as a hostage for the good
treatment and safe return of the prisoner.
-4 The largest number of officers ever em
uloyed about the New York Renate, whoa the
Democrats were in the majority, was fourteen.
Nuw there are twenty-nine. A similar increase
has been made iu all Republican Legislature*.
The Owensboro, Ky , Monitor says
that Col Shanks and most of the officers of
the Eighth Kentucky Cavalry, have resiped
their commissions in the service. No cause
known beyond the general one of dissatisfac
-11.)13 with the Abolition war programme.
- Tu► DIFFERENCE —The difference be
tween the Northern traitors and the Southern
tratturs a, that the former ara for the destritc•
tiou of slavery, even et the expense of the
Union, and the latter for the destruction of
thr Union, cren at the expense of slavery.—
Lc'tort II Aurnat
How IQ 8711tAllitiliiii A Nauso's WOOL
The New York Tribute states that Fred. Doug
lass gave a lecture or speech, at the Cooper
Institute, iti New York, on Friday night, oil
the President's Praulamstion. Among other
things he said . "Since the uttering of tide
Proclamation I Lave grown taller, felt whiter,
and comb wy hair with much less difficulty."
"Ncoaoss P1111111111UID."--The HMSO of
Congress recently made an appropriation of
$5 . 2,0(x► for medical attendamie and medicines
Or the contrabands now in the bands of the
Government. How happy many s poor white
man and woman in the North would be if their
doctors and medicines could be provided by
Uncle Sam.
The committee eppointed by the Legisla
ture to investigate the attempt of Simon Cam
eron to buy a seat in the United States Senate
are holding secret sessions. They passed a
resolution that the name of no witness *Lim-
Lo.eml,sor the facts testified by him be divulged.
This strictness, it is said, is absolutely neces
sary, in order to elicit the truth and secure a
full and honest investigation, but our impres
sion is,the committee had better have left their
proceedings open to the public.
Ohio, in the course of a recent scathing and
able speech in the House of Representatives
at Waehington, remarked:
-The House, this afternoon, voted down the
resolution of inquiry as to the cost of the con
traband business in Carolina. I aseert here
that the report of the quartermaster al Beau.
fort, 'youth Carolina, wilt show that for the
month of September, four general euperin
teudeets received SIGA.O per month, and sixty.
four other superintendence received $5O per
month for taking care of 93 ategrom I This
vreport. shows $3,900 per mouth, being at the
rate or $44,00u per, annum for the cars of 93
big aced little, male and female, free Ameri
cans of African descent." $l,OOO per peer
would astoaish a western farmer for each
mortice. But we sea caused all information
as to chin and all similar infamous abuses."
?ix Us
A Washington dispatch to the Herald says
"Rev. Mr. Cheerer delivered a characteristic
politioal sermon to-clay (Sandy) et tile Capi
tol. There was much applause oa the occa
sion." And the Washington correspoadest of
the Co— ereisi writes: .?be anti slavery men
earnestly and . actively weeole with rn1.1.4-
sentiment here, reticTiu; e.icit other. iter.•
Dr. Cheerer, of the Clime:it of the Puritans in
your city, is now hero, sad will preach to
day in the Senate Chamber." VicelPresideat
lissaLinAs °hind, responsible for slieerisg the
Senate Chamber to be used by such incen
diaries as Cheerer & Co. •
131 7 1./EP 1 3 A.14..ACil A.PHS.
war The session of as Supreme Court for
this county, will consinesce in Philadelphia,
on as 4th Monday of March.
ger A darkey's instructions for putting on
a coat were, "Fast de right arm, den de left,
and deo gib one general esswalsitun."
sir It is estimate' that nearly two mil
lions of hernia of ends oil have changed
hands at Pittsburg, Pa., during the put year.
fir We call %Mention to the Administra
tor'efiotiee, in the cue of the estate of J. B.
Johnson, Esq.
Col. Truesdell, formerly of this city,
is acting as "Chief of the Army Police," at
Nashville, Tenn.
s i r Wood, stove length, was sold in Dun
kirk, last week, for $1.621 6 cord, the pre
vions price having been $2.50.
Mir Pennsylvania has more miles of Rail
road than say other State in the Union, Th. :
air we sn glad to announce that Rev. Dr.
Lyon's health has been restored sufficiently to
hate enabled his to occupy his pulpit on Sun
day last.
glir A tire wormed in Titusville, on the
evening of the 28d, destroying Culver's bulk
ing house, two stores and the GeseUe printing
=The Carter Zouave Troupe have been
ins during the present week, to good
addieneee, in Farrar BAIL Some of their feats
are alike novel and entertaining.
xer We learn that Hon. Daniel 8. Dickinson
has changed his mind, and finally concluded
to deliver a lecture in tkia city. The time has
not yet been announced:
stir A ball, for the benefit of a paroled
member of the 88d regiment, will be given at
the Walnut Creek Holum, this (Friday) even
Ifir The old maxim says : ." Hire one boy
and you get considerable work ; two boys and
you get little ; three boys and you get less ;
four boys and you get none at all done.
lir Arrangements are making by the M.
E. Congregation of Meadville, for building a
'new church edifice. The building is calculated
to cost about $16,000.
Papa--Well, sissy, how do you like
school? Sisey—Oh 1 so mute. Paps—That's
right. Now tell me all you have learned to
day. llisey—l've learned the names of all the
little Doi. !
M. Eighteen Pennsylvania colonels have
lost their lives during the present war. Six
teen of the whole number were killed in bat
tle, sad two died in camp of disease Con
tracted in the service.
wel.. The Spring Session of the Crawford
County Teachers' Institute will be held at
Stegertown instead of Rockville, as heretofore
announced, commencing Monday, March 9,
and continue during the week.
rir The Phila. &Erie IL & Telepsph till
be colipleted to Warren during the next
ihne placing the citizens of that pretty
Tillage in electric connection with the rest of
wink it'd.
ger The brokers of this city are now tak
ing Crawford county bank notes at 2 per cent.
discount on the dollar, at whisk nite only they
will be received at this office, until further no
air The next lecture will be delivered by
Anson 0. Chester, Esq., one of the editors of
the Buffalo Oomiarrnal, in Farm Hall, en this
(Friday) evening. His subject is "014 Boys
and Girls."
sir The dation for Bupervieon la the
adjoining county of Chautauqua N. Y., shows
a Democratic gain of two or three officers, as
compared with last year, and an Astonishing
Democratic increase in the popular vote.
ma. We see in the columns of one of our
ootemporaries the announosnient of the mar.
riage of Mr. Samuel Hogg to Miss Annie G.
Hoc/. We presume the result fill be a litter
of little pigs.
Mir The Cleveland !Jerald having stated
that the daughter of Col. Dan Rios rut away
to get married, the latter gentleman publishes
a card saying that it is not true, and "thanks
God" his "son-in-law is a gentleman."
jar We are glad to learn that the people
of Meadville have finally secured the location
of the A. & G. W. R. R. Co's machine shops
at that point, the subscription of $40,000 re
quired for the purpose having been obtained.
NIP- James Onslow, formerly of Meadville,
bit for some time past oonneoted with the
PlUaborg Press, is writing s Life of the gal
lant soldier and unsurpassed orator, Col. Sam
W. Black.
NO. WincheU, the humorist, once a great
favorite with Erie audiences, died at Lafayette,
Indiana, on Wednesday last. " Alas, poor
Yorich! be your jokes now ? your pm.
bola ? your soup ? your Sashes of merriment,
that were wont to set tables in a roar ?"
adir The Anniversary of Washington's
birth-day occurred en Sunday last, and was
appropriately alludel to by several of our
ministers, in their sermons. In some of the
large cities the occAgion was celebrated with
more than usual fervor.
la, We are glad to notice the return of
Capt. Austin to his home In this city, after an
absence of over a year, in which he has taken
part in most of the battles in Virginia. A
tried patriot and a good citizen, his safe re.
turn, after so long an absence, will be hailed
with delight,by all who know him. ..
gill. The following promotions in the 111th
regiment are additional to those given by us
List week :
Limit. Peter flashed Bancroft, to be Captain
of Company Z ; First Sergeant Frank 0.
Guthrie, of Company R, to be First flatten
ant ; Second Sergeant William L. Patttrson,
to be Second Lieutenant of Company Z.
IS. L. W. Savage, Esq., our able and effi
cleat County Superintendent, delivered an
address before the Girard Teachers' Institute.
on the 81st ult., which has been published—.
A mong other views, he takes the ground that
the Constitution of the United States should
be made a textbook for study in the schools.
W. The sixth meeting of the Union Teach
ers' Institute was held according to adjourn
ment, at Wattsburg, Saturday, February 21st.
The exercises were full of interest, and the
subjects presented were discuseed with much
spirit and animation. After miscellaneous
business, the Committee on Programme repor
ted a list of enrolees for the next and lest
ustio* for this term, and‘he Institute adjourn
ed to meet again at Wattaburg, in two weeks.
Prat I. A. Austin has been engaged to lecture
at the next session, on March 7th.
war Not a few of the people on the Frank
lin Breach of the A. & 0. W. Railway have
painful recollections,: George Heti la soh
t ont rietor, who snoesedei b nwintatily, people
along the line to a pretty heavy extent. get
field finished his terser in this region by
hiring out as a sidaditnte tit the time of the, and getting his prineipars money
"skedaddled." All eforts to disarm his
whereabouts were unavailing until this week,
when a letter to die Dr!tft Commissioner ap
prised him that, Betlield was arrested at Buf
falo, when deserting, for passing counterfeit
money ; was tried, convicted, and sentenced
to the State Prison for 5 years and 2 months
Crawford Journal.
eis. We have heard great complaint of the
disorderly conduct at the entertainments in
Farrar Hall. The proprietors tweit to them•
selves and toqie public, that some exertions
should be made to prevent in future the die
gusting exhibitions that have taken place in
the Hall, for some time back- If nothing else
will stop th4m, let an example be made of a
few of the leading rowdies, by promptly ar
resting and punishing them. Their conduct
is a disgrace to themselves and to the whole
community, and a universal demand should go
np from our citizens that it be no longer tole
lINS.The Erie Gawk —the same paper which
has over and over again declared that there
should be no parties at this time—recommends
that the next local election in this city be con
ducted on partizan principles. We should pre
fer to see our city officers elected on the
grounds of merit alone, and without any regard
to partie., but, if the election should be forced
into a partizan nature, we wish it to be remem
bered that the first movement came from the
organ of the oppositioa.
Ng. If the present open westher continues,
we presume that Lake navigation will soon be
resumed. There has not been a week during
the present winter, in which vessels could not
have navigated the Lakefront one end to the
other, without say serious °bat:notion from
ice. The managers of the canal, we are in-
formed, intend opening it as soma as possible,
and we would not be surprised if trade would
open at our harbor at least a month earlier
than usual.
NIT " Bo b," said a tormenting friend to a
bachelor acquaintance, "why don't you get
married':" "Well, I don't know. I came
very near it once—just missed it." "You
did? Let's hear it. Why, I asked a girl if
I should see her home from a party one sme
lting, and she said no ! If she'd said yes, I
think I should have courted and married her.
That's the nearest I ever came to getting mar
ried." Now, if Bob had promised to buy the
young lady's bonnets and other `•szeaa" at.
E. H. Smith's fashionable Millinery store, we
havn't a doubt that she would have said yes,
and he been a happier man, •
COW AND Atrt-Cote —Petition% ere Gettig
circulated iu this county, or at least in
this end of the county, says Ahe Girard
Owe, praying the Legislature to enacts law
prohibiting, under suitable penalties, the run
ning at large of all cattle, hogs, horses, sheep,
mules and other animals Remonstrances are
following yhe petitions, and are being as act
ively circulated
Mir Charley Nutty
o t e iiymit tds moving his res
taurant, on the Ist pril, -to the new block
fronting the Park, ere ;he hopes to be able
to entertain his gu is in better style than
ever It any saloon keeper knows how to
get up eatables in a elishable manner, it is
that same Charley.
ea. A tremendous rush of Joh Work du
ring the past week has required sit ekeeesieur
cit. of our establishment, and being unlit le to
get extra help, we are obliged to put our pat
roue off Whh less Lima thine_ usual amount o
reading matter The some cause prevents the
usettion or several communications
Co. F., 109-ru Reur.—A correspondent
sends us the following list of officers and men
in Co. F., 169th Penna. regiment, which is en
tirely made up of conscripts and substitutes.
The persons in Co. F. are mostly from the
south-eastern part of the count'
Capt.—L. A. Dodd.
lst Lieut.—George Proud.
2d Lieut.—James D. Gourley.
Sergeante—B. N. Akerly, Hiram Forsyth,
M. J. Rounds, C. J. Baxter, A. J. Marx.
Corpoials—D. A. Davis, W. B. Moore, J. R.
Thompson, G. M. Hawk, S. J. Van Dorn, D.
F. Davis, D. V. Preston,
1 1. D. Runnels.
Privates—John Ash, George H Bennett, C
Bennett, H Burghei, J Birgher, Wm H Bil
lings, H Bunt, A Cory, Geo Culbertson, 8
Cole, W P Campbell, E W Estes, Geo Emling,
Wm Fritts, W A Green, Levi Gearin, H
George, W B Gifford, H C Hillyer, W 0
Helene, S W Hare, M Hail, H Herbert, H P
Harriger, R 8 D Johnston, A C Johnston, W
B Jaoquins, Wilson King, Kamerer, W P
Lloyd, D Longstreet, T Liar, 0 W Martin,
E hicOahen, R McGahen, W McPparren, 8
Maben, P F Neyland, I Port, A Parker, P J
Quiggle, Robert Riddle, Stephen Reeling, D
P. Simmons, G W Sisson, 8 Sedgwiek, M
Bipps, Ai Behlintwine, J Smith, 8 B Shored,
M White; J E Wart, Silas Wright, J. Piffer
drummer ; W H Iffottelough, drum major.
Payaotsum.—Dr. J. B. Edwards, in the
Pharmaceutical Journal, remark's that the flow
of oil from mineral sprints. is by no means
new, either to science or cotninerce. Herod°.
tun has recorded that the Island of Zante fur-
Wiled large quantities, while Pliny and Dio
scorides describe the oil obtsed from Agri
gentum, a small town of Sicily. The Persian
springs, at Bakoum, have yielded to the value
of $BOO,OOO annually ; and the earth oil from
Rangoon, in Burnish, has been exported to the
extent of 400,000 hopheids yearly. The
streets of Genoa and Amiens were formerly
Lighted with a petroleum obtained from Parma.
In 1847, a spring was discovered in Yorkshire,
which was successfully worked by Mr. James
Young, of -Glasgow, until exhausted, when he
turned his attenti 311 to the distillation of evil
and discovered paraMne oil.
gams FLAx.—Every farmer, says an ex
change, should turn his attention this spring
to the growing of a few acres of flax. The
exorbitant price of cotton goods, and the ion
poasibMty of a speedy decline in prises, rea
ders it important that we turn our attention
to the growing of this crop. The prices of
cotton goods have by no means reached their
highest standard yet, and even if the war
were immediately closed, it must be some
time ere the South will again procure a full
crop of cotton Thm are facts that should
be borne In ova I i c y the prelim:sing classes,
and acted upon before tucy are overtaken by
ruinous prices.
droves —Our readers will see, by the ad
veriisemeat is anositer e“lutaut, that the Ann
of Vincent, Tibbals, shirk m Co , who were
bussed out in the great tire last fall, have re
sumed the manufacture of Stores, and are now
prepared to supply any demand that may
madslipon them The members of this Ina
are soma of our most reliable and enterprising
business men, and anythiag that is entrusted
to them, we will warrant, will be done right.
Horn. Eirazialsotzwx.—Prof.lLlNT and
daughter gave two entertainments, in Park
Ilan. on Thursday and Saturday evenings of
last week, whiieh have been Hie *abject of con
siderable disolpsion amongst those law were
present. rhii Professor 111111101UNCIPS that his
salibitioas ate iateade4 to demonstainie the
fallacy cif eke ao-oalleir 4 ,apiktual maalfesta
tioos," by priming that the same result* that
are produced in spiritual circles, can be Oleo
ted without any assistance from the dwellers
in another world. His first experiment con
sistie movies a small block of wood 4 many
timed as the audience wishes, while be is in a
different par. of the then invitee any
one up to the stand, and giving them a pencil
and paper, allows them to put suck a figure
down as they wish, and makes the block
tell the figure marked. Another feat consists
in fastening two pieces 'of wood together, by
the alleged simple exertion of his will, In such
a manner that they cannot ire separated by
a person over whom he obtains the influenee.
After this performance is concluded,the daugh
ter is bliadfolded, and in that condition tells
what articles persons sitting in a differeit part
cf the room bold in their hands. This portion
ut the performance was carried out with as
ton►shing success, the audience swing with
each other to produce the most unusual arti
cles, and the )uung lady teluug their natui e
with but slight hesitation. and scarcely ever
tusking a mistake. To test the daughter's
powers still further: - it pack of cards was given
to a stuill boy, who 'lit not know their names,
and after being well shuttled by a gentleman
in the audience, the boy was planed in one
corner of ibe Rail. As fast as he could sepa
rate the cards, and fix Inc mind upon them,
the young lady repeated their names. These
feats were all done in stick a manner
as apparently to prevent any chance of collu
sion, and it is - difficult to understand how the
latter could have occurred. The Professor
closes his performances by allowing his hands
to be tied, and releasing himself almost in
stantly, while two persons are holding on to
the ends of the rope. We understand that
he intends giving one or two more ethibftions
in our city, this week, and suppose that the
novelty of his performance wal draw him a
large audience.
Tau OILIAT Itassiecitee, by J. T Headley, 2
Vole., WO pp., published by Hurlbut, Wil
(isms 8t Co., Hartford; E. B. At H. C. Treat,
The above entitled work is just now hotted
from the press of Hurlbut, Williams & Co.,
Hartford, Ct. It is by one of the most emi
nent authors of the present age. The publish
ers have spared no pitins in making it a supe
rior work, and it is upon a scale of liberality
exceedingly commendable Everybody will
want a book that will tell concisely, but graph
ically, the incidents connected with the histo
ry of this War It is a royal octavo of over
500 pages, beautifully illustrated with engrav
ings upon steel, from designs by barley and
other eminent artists,-embracing military and
naval engagements:
The work-is sold by subscription only, and
can be obtained through - authorized agents
only The people of Erie and vicinity will
now have an opportunity to procure it, as the
publishers have an agent here with both Eng
lish and German editions.
New Flax —Our readers will see by the
advertisement in another column, that Mr. F
F. Adams has disposed of his establishment
to Messrs. Benet & Burgess, two of our most
active young bueiness men. Mr. Burgess is
well known to the people of this section, and
hie name alone would be an ample guarantee
for the standing of the new firm. Mr. Boner
came here about a year ago, and in that short
period ;has won a reputation as a careful, re
liable had enterprising business Dian, sur
passed by few persons of his years. We have
known him since boyhood, have watched
'closely his career, and recommend him with
the utmost earnestness, a• one fully deserving
of the confidence and patronage of our com
munity. A mon clever companion, a truer
friend, or a inure honorable.mintled man does
not existanywhere under Hod's canopy. The
new firm are having large imprpvements made
to the store room, and will make.such addi
tions to their stock of geode as will render it
a first class establishment of the kind Here's
success Co yoqys:
MOTH RIGUOINT.--11, letter written to us
from opposite lorktown, Va., informs us that
the drafted men from this county are in the
169th regiment. Co. F. is mostly made up of
persons from Waterford and vicinity, sad Co.
G. of persons from the western part of the
county, though there are men from this eity
in both. The report that the regiment was
in the late fight at Blackwater, it appears, was
incorrect. Our correlpondent sap they have
not even seen a rebel yet, although they have
several times been routed out of sleep to repn
reported attacks. The regiment was in very
good health, and had only lost two men up to
the time that the letter is dated, Feb'y 16th.
respectable and well known citizen of Warren,
Pa., we learn of a remarkable case of cough
(almost in lie drat stage of consumpthm,)
performed by the Extract of Smart wed.
The facts; as related by the gentleman him
self, are as follow): His wife bad $ very bad
cold, which ended in a cough, and produced
such distress as to make it almost Impossible
to breathe—sometimes being compelled to sit
up in bed for the most of the night. The
Smart Weed being recommended, a small bot
tle was procured and used with good effect, a
second bottle effecting an wire cure. It was
both applied ezternally and taken internally,
and is, as the gentleman remarked, "a most
remarkable case." We recommend it to all.
tention of our readers to the advertisement in
another' column;olfering certain valuable real
estate for sale. The property is well located,
sad every way desirable, and at fair prices
should meet with a ready sale.
In this connection we may add that Messrs.
Downing & Oaggin have opened a real estate
agency, at the corner of State and . Fifth streets,
where those wishing to buy or sell property
can receive important assistance. They are
both good business men, and will no doubt
succeed in their new occupation.
GODLY'S LADY'S Boors.—This favorite pub
lication for March has Wen received. Our
readers all know our opinion of the Lad 3
Book, and to show that we It. not It woe .
we give the views of some of - our exchange. :
We ere confident, if the public appreciated
it as hie/1y as we do, no bitly Would long be
without it. It should have the grit place in
every domestic circle.—Patriot, Quincy.
Ahead of all other magazines, not in the
time of its arrival only,-but in intrinsic merit.
--oPit6/4c. Clinton.
This is certainly the beet inegfizia • for the
ladies published in the Utute4 States —s eri _
told, rdort. _
Ix Lock --41 co. W. Bone, Felix McCann,
Wm. Bloam, John 0. Dakar ind Patrick Don
nelly, all of this city, have each received the
appolatmeat of Ensign la as Navy, and been
ordcrod to report .at Cairo,lU. They are--every
oar-"•bnUy boys," sod we oongratiaato Lima
on their good luck.
racruse.—Artemus Ward Writes satirically
oesoeralag Philadelphia marble and white
paint. He says: "The artist I spoke of in
sky last ham returned to Philadelphy. Before
he left I took his lily white bend in mine I
=to hits that if be could induce the
st Philadelphy to believe it would he
a pod Idea to have white winder shutters on
their imams, ui white door stones, he sight
make a fortis'. It's a novelty," 1 added, —and
may startle 'em at fuel, but they way eonelood
to adopt it." Artetuut should employ his
time to better effect than in ridiculing the Phi
ledelpkiass. for instance, let him write a pub
of the store of Jas. A. Blies, where people
eau buy groceries and queetrsware it the •r y
lowest prteee. •
Murrain Ftowtsu WELL—The 'Mes.lville
Reptabluan says soother flowing well Iris
struck on Oil ('reek, lest week, on'the Miller
farm, two miles above the Sherman w.. 11,
which hse been ,the only flowitia well of soy
would withia some six or eight miles of
Titusville. The striking of this new well,
two utiles higher up, and in s territory which
has been givea up as of no account, has
giveu quite an impetus to the- oil cperations
in that quarter The all was struck at a
depth of 500 feet, and Bowe some 200 barrels
per day.
Este HARBOR —ln 1773 -t.), the State of
Penaaylvauie purchased of the Clitteti ti•ntes
262,1157 serve or land—the northwest pats
the State, inclnkiing the gaud harl..r, at
throe quartep of a duU per acre, at three
per cent interest—in tktog $l - .1 ~4 1 ,1
The completion of the Suuhury and Erie Rail
way-75 years 4fierward"—will wake that ear
ls anti sagacious investment really, ft,r the
first ittne, full avallattle . —Phsio. ifullet,n
LCIIIICIV—ThWee who have lumber for sale
will do weir to consult the advertisement td
J. H Griswold. Mr. Or is probably the
largest dealer in that line in Erie, and has won
an excellent reputation for promptness and
reliability IA his business transactions. He
intends buying on a greater scale than ever
this year, sad will pay the highest market
pi lees.
BtEtlrter's Mintraati —lt will be seen II
the advertisement is another column, chat this
favorite troupe will perform in Farrar Hall, on
Wednesday and Thursday evenings next.—
Their reputation is well known to our citizens,
and that they will be weloomed by an enor
mous audience, we have not a moment's doubt
Oa the lath day of February, at St Anthony, Minn ,
Wns. Y. Imolai, formerly of North Loot, aged 41 years.
Oa the lath of Jamiii g y last, of dropsy on the brain,
Herbert Jaeksoa, son of W H. and E. II May. &gut 2
zeors and 3 moult's.
go-ging',o 4driltionumts.
Any person deurno• of purchasing •
HARP of fins tons, tie, can hear of one on ressonaMe
terms by apply ins at this odic*. feb2B-41.*
WZDNIIISLIA V tic Ti! Cit-fIDA S , MA KCEI 4 dc 3
litidarged and Unproved for the Seau.a of 1983,
la the Mammoth Troupe of the world. TN. etitt Star Pet
fonspare The Monitore of Minstrelsy, whose tour
th• Umtata States has baba a succession of bnlllaot
pha,lllll introduce their grail CHALLILIVOIi PRO
GRAMME aa above Itmerythltig entirely Dew.) produced
In their Inimitable style, peculiar to tivet ETHIOPIAN
tr. Admission zb cents. Nu Galt price.
Doors open at 7 o'clock, to coma:tom et ti
dAll 811ARPLEY, Manager
J D NIWOOMIII, Business Agent.
Being Ull• Qrshatda of Repant it Beecher They are
*tilted with the eboteeet Trait Trees and Grape Vlore,
all le fell bearitig ; will sell loy to a purchaser of fire
scree or more, or will sell one acre. I will &he mil
At a very low price • Diagram of the Lots can 1,«
seegr at the o•ce of Doe wog k Gaggift, Wright's 131st
Shiite Street. logutre on the preauleee 01
P Beecuta, or
Real Latata Agent*, W rlebt'. DOWNING
Eilo •k, eor. S&
tate & :•th ta
ILA*, Plibtaary 2d, 1843-42412.
C 1 Yoncab awl a Sic* Article of %,iitol:l4D
COPYSE, at /VC Id, 20, 23 an& So (-rats,
at Übe "banner Stott
The Has'West and Chretw.t
D Beverage DOW f 8 UAW V tale Put. DAN DE
DtLION 00171[14 for sale at tas • Sao
ser ." at 90 and 2$ mots per lb.
Another Invoice of Japan Tea,
At the " Ranter" at 111,24 per pound.
ffytirjj SLOAN olg M'CREARY
3,•••,••o Feet of ASH LL'IIBIR, 12, 14 and 16 feet
Same, bri fi l leh, 1.1 1 4, 1 1-2, 2, 2 1.2, 3 and 4
1 015015 ,64,•.••• feet of 6-10 White Wood full thieknees.
60. 4-4 46 64 «
40011.1 1 3 41; 4 loch White Wood Plank.
30414••• 0 White Wood Columns, tab, 614,
.7xl, ihtB.
30111.41.11 feat of 4-4 Boards.
3,14•044 Bed Oak Rhdf Staves, 44 inch long, 1 inch
thick ea Mimi edge, and 4 inch wide.
1,15450,0041 White Oak MU. Staves 34 Inch limg, 1 1-4
loch thick on heart edge, 4 loch wide
Meru of syi.
Ones tad Docks opposite P. di B. R. R. Depot
b 4 41113--9 m .1. ki. causwom.).
(Successors to F. F. Adams,)
DlALins IN
Supplied with Iwo Crew% Soucy Cokes, Vibe Condi",
Pyrualls, Fruit. kr
ri n e Feepeh Oyuteeth:one and Pore Cowls*, a every
Tule tr
Lemons, Chsisget, Cocos Nuts, Raisins, Vivi,
Boston, Oystor, Butter, 9044 subd Saw Cra, tor?.
Ike*teed nem day, by express, direct felme Bailie:int e
Will poy pealkleabor alteottos to elMai °l'd,» for any
teldtl Goode to *Or lino
WWI of Atinfinistratlon having been
g=ot 4 to tato uolsnoinnod loon the Mato ol
C oJohn
OS lath 6iNsinit, inns of trio oily. to o py as " ;
arson is aloft etas to all hariof
_slalom against list
oniti inittlolli=l than on Of MOM BatUraky. tie
=111( UN. sad those koovinn inmost.«
Ohs asses
sobSimoset. rogeos Dr. N iod J . JOH asksNSON leasorDato
. J,
Wisp M. S, U 1 Iw. Adam's Of briessed.
11 ""1:111
" Vo lig i KW. .
A VV P. n iiicx
t-8 ,(iItoW,;KIK" 14 AT TUE AROY Y. NA11):1)
• s i -.IISTITUTIto. "
13 41"""1
VitAl 1; 14 1::1; 4 N . 1111112 ARTICLE. •
THE. "CITY or NoTtoN2 , ,
L AToRb.
Bs Ca 41,114 N k 11'( FtV.kkY
T UE Iif..NUINK K. ft(l.4l'.
O. R. „Tilvm ni0."..1.8„.F.4,At.wayA
' it - AT I •110INKR"
I)/L$1 Vita \IW .
H lllO4.
THE Bit 4 NO)41 OF CH; A 63,
H. 1.0. Arcs •N A Li',7 "OLD 7 6 7 "A
•ut Xl., "Y•T •CA. AAAAA• ton
I rill "a STOMA"
8/. 1 14/4 & arf:FIKARY
i i v i.oc u
„ r , , r 4 CX A D N k
M N ' 2 . ME I A W M A I !"
4 $ i
G 1 Tut sirs Dear IN Kam Cocw7r, An,
1 AT • ..A.lrr OT111111t 1 .4., " ALWAYS oT HAM ,
Erie, I , rb. 7. 186/-tf SLOAN k IITRIF.4. I
A"iO , TTS, J INUARY, 1503.
CABH,TH.FAIIeee Veer's
OF le IJIISTeI/ZI tee, on bawl and dopnill
tc,l oo wll, .n , .0 agents' bands,
Ba.xe. pTw tl K, to Nt,of York. Hartford,
ttoetuo, %t. LOW",, and
other plena" ........
•eo ST•T■ STocllll., In Kentucky.
New York. New Jersey, Ohio, litchi
im.n and indium,
it f Borne, New York, Brooklyn, Hart
ford. limebefter, Jersey, Milwaukee, ..
•tt.COAP STOMP, Hartford k New Ha
rem, Connecticut River, and Barton k
Wor ..... 119,006 00
170,426 01
ST•Tn or Co VveCTILTT, Temporary Loan 100,000 00
Rt•r. Revere, Coineurntereel, ...... 97,9611 MI
LISSA Id 1111113T1110 1 1.
Lomita, Uuadjue t •nd a.t due, SIMI= 71
J•NrAIIT lIITIDILVD. Plll.l. . /60,000 00 11320,0= 77
lirty riwour Tn. t
Hartford, fee. I, Ikea. $ 2 0 1 4 4 , 0 4 10 91
R.-.pectla 117 aolicit, and will take r,leaatire in attending
to lour Inaurance wanta. J F. DOWNING,
ftb7-lm Agent
7 ,2
j/ i tidM
Is an important link in the greet chain of gi t tried4l
eingxeirriut coLLenen. Iricateil in the following. Cities,
A s_ se le o Ilarb p bared trona lirillEale Cotiese,
eutitle• th• attiß4 •416er or all ttke Colleges
for an unlimit,ll.m.
The 'Scalar' at thews inattlatissosk Is to =par
to youoir woo •o , ! ..lie.,& thororgh, prastscal bunks*
Throe College. .r. rgantled emtroondoeted epee
a La.,• ich mud reeure toe eh 114 mote Institntior
tb. 1. ,t 111 inopti tab" a tbotnugh ens
eternal edur•ahon, and ndieler tt am a %bole, the toot
comprehrinrave mo.l r.rmi Irte eyotem 111 tido country
Book.Keeplog in all it departments, Commervu
Law, Commercial Arithmetic and Penmainab.{.. V.
taught in the nu.% th• rough and priketleal Milner
The fegkeneertno Syotem of Peetiostoetettr.
taught I y e • mpetent and experience.. teaches.
P‘chellinghill. payable in advance, S4O
dr) "4 , 111ng —on ;Arai). n.
Rreideut PrlDequi at Buffalo, J i flayarr
fa- 113 , orrulti .u, at this Collor
Rooms, w .a. 4 i r Latawo: a..d Circulat ancloatt.
triter p.t•wp AQT Pt
B LE '
tELE nit t ED Hoot , yhlftr.
t cumplet. s. rtmeett jut retrtred.•t
tt M P. HAY ES Cl 1., .O. I.+ REEL) HOGS£%
C,.n.toting of lb.
1 , t1R.4 SIZE, AND
Ala•., Y and Lathes', Yaws: and Chthiteo's rusag
Ltdome Skating Skirt.
These gooda are conceded to be the best, to every pet
ticulor, noo IP the =rest teb6ll
TTwo good Stores and Three °Seel'
Rooms no Fifth etreet, near Stoke
(eV -'it
Au persons indebted to Win A. Grisvuld
by note er book account, utast pity op before Mardi Ist.
°recite will be made JAS. P. GAGEILH,
feb7-1m Agent.
Notice of Dissolution. 1,
IHE co-partnership heretofore existing beeween the
subscribers, under the firm name and style of Alight.
tch and Perry, (Refiners and dealers In Oils, ite., at
Erie, Pa.,) is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Br
Per having sold his interest to Byron B. Persons, and
retired from the Brm.
The business of the late firm will be settled by M. Aa•
/cattle Perry, solely. who Is hereby authorised to use the
name of the said late arm for that purpose. Dated at
Erie, Pa., Dee. 10, Ilse:. ALLEN WRIORT,
IRA 6. llATra u
Der 20-42-3aln.
ERIE, PA. The subscribers hors formed a 00-past
ership uod..r the firm hod time of Wright, Hatch, ant
1 31 Wrsoos, and will ontlnuc the business el Y4flotog and
Dealing in Oils, /cc., at the old staod, foot of Teotb-St.
Erne, Pa. °loan solicited.
AL Dated Eris, Dec.
, 10, llldt
Dee. 20, 62-3 mos
Notice is hereby given that the parts...ratite
heretofore exuding between the undersignet was di,
indeed on the 15th of January . , 11M, by the drawal of
H. W. lioott. from th- firm The business will boo:ann
ned, as 111P1111i, by the remaining parts:4m to whose at
Notes, Boots and Accounts of the late area hate bees
transferred fur put tleoeut, and by whom all the Habeam
will be lboulated. B. Y SLOAN,
yBl -mow
haring been rest, , red to health In a few days, after tinier.
going all the usual routine and irregular expensive men*
of treatment without sueetell, considers it his sacred date
to oommun (cats to his afflicted fellow creatures the mean
acute. Hence, on the receipt of en addressed envelops
he will send (free) a copy of the prescription tired Di
red to Dr JOIN ld Dausa LL, 186 Fulton Street, Broot•
lyn, New York. pal ly
GARDEN Olt FRUIT FARMS, suitable for Grapes. Nub
es, Pears, Itaapberries, Strawberries, Blackberrlea, Cyr
rants, Arc_ of 1, 2)i, 5, 10, or 20 acres each, at the f^lie•
lug prices lor the present, via. 7.0 acres for $2OO, 10 errs
for $llO, 5 scree for $6O, ;Is acres for $4O, 1 acts for S 7 J
Payable by $1 a week.
Also, good,Crariberry lands, and idler. lots in Car
WOOD, 23 by 100 feat, at $lO each, parable by one della
a week The above land and tarns are situated at Cher
wood, Waehington Township, Burlington County, Nee
Jersey. For further information, apply, with • r 0
Stump, fora circular, to B. FR.% RUN
jal7'6Syl. No 90 Cedar Street, New York, Y
pilLADELriti& & ERIE I; R
This gnat ling traverses the Northers
and lifortlisest coanties of Penns, 'Santa to the city v! ,
Erie, on Lake Kris.
It has been leased bg the Pfau,low..., R.a.1,41 iM
pomp, anti under their auspices is being rsodir ores , :
throughout its entire length
It is now to use for 1 saLenaer and Fretgbt buctou
Jfrom Harrinburg tot:rot... F tat ,172 mit e .) t h e
tltrlsion, and from on the Vtoeitera P
tiptop, (78 miles.)
Y~II Mau I.e4Vell
A emu:medal kw Ttll 4 1.1 i eal . •
Mail Train A rri i t9i
Acewaniodation Tv skin Ammer
For Information respecting Paarreger buinnerr 6114
at the 8. K. coiner I Ith arid In•rtivt etr , arid lot Frr 4 o ll
tautness of the Compaq 'a &gaunt,
8 b KINGSTON, JA,, corner Litt, and Market
J. II U_KILL, agentlq C , Baltimor ,
H. H HOUBTON, General Freiht Agent, 11 ,0 ' '
LIIWI-1 I. FIOUT, General Tic ket Agent, Pbtlaa
JOS b POTTS, General Manager, Willsolorporl
t alT6 —
it I. E T
Two Large Stores inn rr,ncti st:rot
-2t DOWNIVG G Agts
2OMAN choice Brilllauts, '3OO y e rds,,, , ttonso.i •oci
Sod dress goodmst 124 coots 'rot • i IS, ma
tatasoV.. a o*.
41.4 , AN a M'CRKAkY
IfLalal l7 TALL&
$436,t031 I 1
968,401 (14
661,495 IA
2r; 100 04
$i,803,1 I 0 59
‘l2ffAln T
5 U) A '
i i s. •
,!, 11 r N