The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, February 21, 1863, Image 3

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    he grit artthig Obotrutt.
R 1 F:, PA., SATURDAY. FEB. 21, 1863
lu English and German, printed as this of
e. JU as reasonable terms as they can be
st •ny other establishment.
-A,Lirres W Crowell & Co., No. 211 Supe
or S reel, Clete'Lod, Ohio febl4-6m.
II lru RIGIIIIINT —The following promo
one have takes place in this regiment:—
rut Cobham to be Colonel, ?dsjur
tier to be Lieut Colonel, Adjutant Boyle
be Mejur, Lieut. J. N. Wells to be Adjutant
11e have for sale at this office a War
ut on the Iron City College, at Pittsburg,
hich we will sell fur $1:0 The scirool is one
the very best in the country. To a young
aldwitiirnlg to attend a commercial school.
114 is an excellent opportunity.
Luc L LEGISLATION. —lO the Legislature,
Monday, Mr. Lowry presented "cließeti
.li iifheere of the 11111/ regiment, asking
front the time they entered the service. -
r intent read in place "in net to reduce
r par value of the Philadelphia and Erie
ilroail bohtls from sloi} .5."0.1, and author
ii k z Erie county to receive the bowls of the
„elelphia and Erie reilload, instead of the
nt.ury and Erie railr mid."
bra l'sren.—Thetic has just been invented
r.ting paper for thl use of soldiers in the
inj, which does away with both the trouble
necessity of carrying the ink. Common
per is covered with a black substance, on
In the writing is done with any sharp
int—s pin or point of a knife blade. The
ention promises to become a great benefit
rsuip life.
~ i
‘AIISIOUS VIRDICT —The most rigid ana•
is by good chemists has failed to discover
thing in the Clienucal Suleraius which can,
n properly used be in the least degree
rituental to health While the women of
country entertain sentiments widely dif
tit upon other matt
- era, all concur id a
Met that the Chsosscol Suievous is the only
Ilible article in use for light and sweet
Ltsr —This well known perioJ commenced
Wednesday of this week, and will last
en weeks. The services in the Episcopal
ureh of this city during Lent will take
es as follows :
uesdaya at Li P. M -
ednesdaya at 12} noun, a short service—
at P
'rllays at 12 noon, a short service—and
P M.
Passion Week every day at 5 P
ENTERTAINMENT —On Thursday evening,
,t Frazer, assisted by his daughter, gave
rwertainment in Park Ilan, to prove the
tier of mind over mind, and in exposition
he so-called '• spiritual manifestations "
e performance was somewhat disturbed by
unruly conduct of a few present, but the
den•or certainly succeeded to doing all he
tuu.ekl Tarts of the entertainment were
r curl uus and novel We assure our citi-
that the Professor is no humbug . but a
n Kh, alvertises nothing but what he can
The next exhibition will he given on
bi) evening.
tV4CIATIC Viesosize —The local election
,iicord township took place last week.
rr,ulted in the choice of a Democratic
tier of the Peace, two Democratic School
ret,,r- and a Democratic Assessor. The
u' lican majority last fall on Congress was
1.L.1 on other candidates still larger
h Sparta township, ( rawford county,
• :t.
bas heretofore gone Republican by
to ts.i majority, the Democrats have
clean sweep of the local officers, elect
their candidates by majorities varying
.aria's EXTRACT OF SMART Wl:RD.—Colds,
—rt, it no preparation now before the
elual to the Extract of Smart Weed,
cuuktictioarseness,l'ain in the Breast, &c.,
The constantly changing weather of the
eat Winter, has produced a greatly in
number of cases of all these com
as, and the additional demand for the
- act, and the abundant satisfaction which
►s iarariably given, warrants us in the
Ce assertion Ample testimony from well
wit and respectable citizens can be pro
ed if necessary, to convince.
siNVIII or OCR °Melt.— It will gratity
:mends, we are sure, to learn that the af-
Jf this Ace were never in a better con
wi than they are at the present time. Not
standing the fact that the past year has
the severest ever experienced in the
ting business, we find ourselves Bits close
far better condition than we anticipated.
serious misgivings with which we corn
cel have all been allayed by the kindness
ur friends.. We have not ogl; succeeded
sting both ends meet, witlrut any diffi
y, but we have also been enalitled to lay up
uug amount besides—sufficient, at least,
itablish our financial c•edti, and make us
Una against any embarreesment that can
se riy occur. Our year's experience in the
office has satisfied us, that in ordinary
and with careful mahagement, it would
urpassed in prosperity /by no other in the
e. outside , pe r h s pa„of Philadelphia and
KT Paocerimins.--A 9ourt forthe trial
i,l rases, has been het during the pres-
Week, Judge Derricksoti presiding, The
ping are the proceedings up to the time
~ ar going to press, for which we are in
tri to a young legal friend :
r 1 Brailey ye McDaniel.—This was a suit
lunage fur breach of promise to 'marry
Jury gave damage to the amount of one
Iry I t rid fifty dollars Mrs Brailey is
r years of age. Young ladies take rout--
in 1 widows be of good cheer , you will
tAtu „Id to marry—or at least to try
rius'l for plaintiff Sill and Ounnison for
Gitcfurl esCanip.—This was an action
ir!Jt The Jury found for the plaintiff
Qty four dollars and eighty-four cents.--
for defence: Walker for Plaintiff
Isl flail re The School Directors of Fair
Tali was an action 40 collect iirages
ich the Itrectors refused to pay for th 4 rea
. that Miss Hall would not sign a citpfraci,
the directors require the teachef.
Ly them to sign They also gave her
.ce that she would not be considered as
Ling a public school. The people of the
trier are said to have been In favor of her
(Anil the school Her claim was terenty•
kr" The fury found for the plaintiff
claarlea Kelso for defence ; Marshall
Z'ennati use of Johnson vs James and Jelin
-ey —Th e Jury found for the plaintiff one Isod Oinety-eight dollars. Walker
J Lane fur defence ; Marshall for plaintiff.
P.uhry vs Finn S: Stearns.—Action for debt.
• foetid ail hundred and thirty-night
' ll4 r. 1411 furty.four cents for plaintiff--
tiker fur Plaintiff . Marvin S. Spencer for
MtuftL James Dunlap.—Action for debt.
t jury found for plaintiff seventy five dollars.
arvin & Spencer for plaintiffGunnison for
lA►. Rev. Dr. Lyon, who has been ill for
sow weeks, is expected to resume his pulpit
next Sabbath.
yes The next city election takes place OR
the 341 Friday in Mareh, when we hive a
number of important local officers is elect.
lei. The county poor house is said to con
tain about racy persons, of whom the ma
jority are natives of other counties.
'P• The Girard L'asos says ten Web wood.
sells Nt that market at from $l,OO to $ 1 , 60 e
cord according to quality.
sm, The weather this week has been re
markably mild. It seems more like apriog,
than the middle of February.
The Presbyterian congregation at
Belle Valley treated their pastor to a liberal
un Thursday evening of last week.
anilk. The tetagraph lino of the &
Erie It N. is now in working condition to
Oar!awl. %ad will be extended to Warren next
Oa., We regret to learn that the small pox
is riging with considerable violence in Sparta
township, Crawford oounty. Some dozen
cases have occurred.
ges., Capt P. B. Carpenter, of the 8&I
Regiment, has resigned his commission and
returned to his home in the vicinity of Con
aeautville, Crawford County.
sot_ M II Pease, of the 145th, and
Walter Dustin, of the 88d regiment, were on
Saturday last, taken to the Military Hoepitni.
Tanner s Lane, Philadelphia.
Mr Our thanks are due to Mr. A. D.
Bache, Superintendent of the Coast Survey,
for a very fine sketch of Arkansas Post, the
scene of our late victory
gm, We understand that the movement for
organizing a policelVlSe, and levying an as
sessment upon saloon keepers for its support,
has been abandoned.
l e r There are vessels now building at the
various port on the Lakes, to be ready for
the season of 18113, equal to an 'noises in
the tonnage of $30,000.
gss., The Lecture Committee had engaged
J. Ross Browne, Esq., the celebnttul traveller,
to supply Park Benjamin's place, but he was
taken with sudden indisposition, and failed to
fill Lis engagement.
air- Thayer, Noyes *Si Co.'s Circus is
fitting out at Girard, and will appose next
spring in better style than ever. It was un
doubtedly one of the best that travelled last
sir Mr. Guild, the present proprietor of
the Reed House, is conducting it in a manner
to win general commendation. Under his
charge, it is gaining a reputation as good as
any in the country.
air The Democracy of our neighborirg
county of Ashtabula, Ohio, are about to take
measures for a more thorough organisation.
For some years they have Lad ao active organ
0016, The people of Titusville intend oele
bnitiog. the Anni y of Washington's
birth.dey in an apPropriate manner. Re•
Dr Forrester has been invited to deliver in
Jar Park Benjamin, Egg , did not de4iver
his lecture on Tuesday evening, as aanounoed,
owing to injuries reoeived some time %% awe
which proved more serious than were maid
lir St. Valentine's day was celebrated, in
this citf at least, with more zest this year,
than fora long time pest.. Our dealers tell
us that their sales were larger than they have
been before in a number of years.
sm, So far as our experience has extended,
we have generally found that those who are
least prompt in paying their own debts are
the ones who exhibit the greatest impatience
when they have money coming from others.
aft. The nomination of J►o. W. Douglas,
Esq , at collector for this district, has been
confirmed by the Senate. It is due to Mr.
Douglas to say that, little as we like his po
litical course, he has thus far made an oblig
ing and efficient officer.
Mg" The Gazette does not even give Gov
Curtin the compliment of publishing his late
Message on Arbitrary Arrests, but puts its
readers off with a brief and incorrect abstract
of the document. Poor Governor, In his anx
iety to please everybody, he has won the
usual reward, of pleasing nobody.
Dn. We neglected, last week, to thank our
enterprising neighbprs, the Messrs. Burgess,
for the bottle of Drake's Plantation Bitters
with which they have favored us. We are not
much of • judge of such articles, but several
friends to whom we have submitted it, good
critics, say that as a beverage it cannot be
surpassed. The Mesers.Burpss are the agents
for its sale in this city.
B iro.. F. J. Herron,the hero of our r _vent
victories in Missouri and Arkansas, paid a
brief visit to his relations in this city, on
Monday last. Ile was met at the depot by the
marines and sailors of the Mir-logos, Mehl's
baud, end a considerable concourse of citi
zens, who escorted him to the residence of
Rev. Dr. Lyon. The General left in the train
on Monday evening.
mi. As there will doubtldo be great dif
ficulty in getting - competent persons to ad
dress all the Democratic Clubs at each of
their meetings, we suggest to them the pro
priety of taking measures to have suitable
speeches, or documents, to be read publicly,
when they are without speakers. To keep up
the attendance at, and interest in suck meet
ings, care must be taken to make them in
structive and agreeable.
*sr The Democratic borough ticket' in
Warren was entirely elected, last week, Cat
the exoeptitin of the candidate for Burgess.
The Ledgrr says the Reput linens electioneered
with great activity all day, while the Demo
crats were comparatively idle. It is strange
1 that after submitttng to is ouch hisslt sad
meanness as we have, any of our party !Hands
should be found so careless to duty as would
seam from the Ledger's statement.
s t ir We admire economy in public busi
ness, but when such a degree of parsimony is
shown as our County Commissioners some
timesg\ exhibit, it is earryin the matter too
tar. For instance, the cou p y statement, a
document that is of interest t eitcry citizen,
is only . published in one paper, and that, too,
not the one having the largest oiritalation. In
most counties, these matters are giVeR to all
the journals, without regard to their politics.
What can be the object of such unequalled
stinginess We trust our Commissioners are
not afraid to let the people see how they are
managing the comity affairs.
asi., The Banner, of Light, s spiritualist
paper, in speaking of H. M. Fay, the test me
dium, who was recently detected, as en ha.
Poltor in Titusville and Jamestown, N. Y ,
says of Mr Fay, "that he is a medium for
physical Maskifeistalans." theirs * is so doubt;
but that when the conditions are such that
the invisible! are unable to use his organism
magnetically to secure power by which to do
the untying, etc., Mr. F. assumes the respon
sibility, and endeavors to do the work himself
—and fails.
The Banner's statements may satisfy the
class of people for Mums they are parties/a/4y
intended, but those who knew the dram
licenses will laugh at them. The fact la, that
Fay is a thorough impostor. He admitted
that his performance was a Jam, whoa as
posed at Jamestown;` N. r.
Mir Tilt Lie sad Mortar people, sot befog
able to *ford a oafs bask of their ewe, are
eaderabring to depreciate Crawford Coaaty
tummy. Fortunately Ow Bonk of Crawford
County Is able to stand - dm premium—Crow
ford tournaL
We beg leave to assure the Joursal that the
"Brie mil Mercer people" are not the only
mos who have a serious distrust of the notes
of the Bank of Crawford County. The feel
ing is wide-spread over the country, and in
Buffalo, Pittsboirg and Cleveland, few persons
oaa be indeed to take them except at an
enormous discount. We know not whether
the sentiment is well founded—we oily knew
that it exists, sad has fur a long time ; and if l i
its affairs are really in a sound condition, the
Bank olLiers, in justice to themes's.* -and
the community, should endslaver to mass"
them in such a way as to remove the odium
which now attaches to the circulation.
"dr" It friend in North Bast township,
writing to us, and enclosing six dollars, for
four ne o lossubscribers, says : " The °burets,
stands well here, beak in regard to enterprise
and reliability. It has grown into an adage
that we cult aline trust it for correct news.
I believe with atti.le effort your list can be
doubled. Many Republicans who would not
look at a Demoviratki paper a few months ago,
now read it with interest, and I know it has
(mused a number to change their minds *- •
Stand firm. You may be abuse I now, but it
will all turn out right in the end." We thank
our friend for his complimentary words, and
assure him that we shall oontinu• to " stand
Arm." The course we have taken is that
which our coassignee approves, and we shall
persevere in it., let the consequences be what
they may.
s ir The oyster supper, given by the
ladies of St. Patrick'■ Catholic Church, for
the benefit of the Altar Society, same off on
Tueedsy wetting last, in the school room at
tached to the church. It was a very pleasant
affair, and well attended. The Rev. Mr.
Tracy presided. Miss Maggie organ
ist et the Aura', took charge pi the plane,
and it 'antil beautiful sough, as did also
Miss Chart4te Ramsey, principal soprano of
the choir. The supper was highly creditable
to the ladies, and gave general satisfaction.
s ir Mr. Knox, of Pitt s burg, and Mr. flay,
ef Portland, N. T., have proved the Concord
Grape to be one of the .largest, finest, most
luscious and healthy, the most hard y produc
tive Grape grown. Being two weeks earlier
than the Isabella renders it the meet profit
able market grape yet tested. Concords have
sold the past season at 2 eta. per lb. where
only 10 eta. per lb. oould be had for Isabella.
Do you want Concord Vines—the extra White
Dutch Current for wine making, or lame sisal
apple trees, cheap Send to Ltscout FAY, of
Portland, Chant. County, N. Y. am
agi n , As our neighbor of the Gazette lo so
fond of quoting from the opinions of military
men, we recommend to his attention the re
cent speech .of Gen Corcoran, in which he
spe%ks of his -pleasure and satisfaction at
being able to hail as chief magistrate
of hie aillepted State, " the patriot and
statesman. - Goy Seymour We fear that all
of Gen. Coreoratt's sufferings and gallant ser
vices will not save him now from the abuse
of the Kinkyheads.
ler The scarcity of houses to be rested is
one of the most prominent marks of oar city's
progress. Time was when owners of build
lugs were obliged to hunt up renters for them,
and sometimes implore them to take them,
but now there is a complete change, sad peo
ple who and U necessary to rent, are almost
unable to get' houses. A hundred comfortable
new buildings could find eager Lodgers this
l ow The Wuhington correspondent of the
N. Y. 7'reser, Days the reports of any issue of
veracity, or of any ;disagreement whatever,
between Secretary Seward and M. Mercier,
are utterly without foundation. The fact that
Ugay dined together on Thursday, and held
laterootarse on Friday, both official and per
sonal, of the most amicable character, ought
to rgfute the stories of a suspension of diplo
matic intercourse.
sa., Dan Klee. gave another impromptu
two horse circus act in the street on Friday.
He was enjoying a ride in his light cutter,
when the horse flew into a gallop that oould
not be checked. He was spilt out but not
hurt, but the cutter was broken to pieces on
the braces in the middle of the_canal bridge
and the fragments scattered along the road
below the Girard House.—Girard Union.
sir We are requested—eo announce that
the Rev. J. F. Spaulding, of St.. Paul's
Church, will preach on the six successive
Sunday evenings in Lent, sad also on Good
Friday, oa the neve& words of Christ on the
Cross. The subject el discourse at the first
of the series, nest Sunday evening, will be,
"Father forgive them, for they know not what
they do."—Garetle. .
One year ago the Republicans elected
their ticket in ?parts township, Crawford
oouay, by about sixty majority. A few days
ago, the boot was put on 'tother leg, and the
oaths Democratic ticket of Sparta wu elected
by 23 majority—thus showing a Democratic
pia of abut 80 in a single township in one
sir The dedication of Bt. Boaifaos's Ca
tholic March, In Greene township, took place
on Tuesday, a large attendance being present.
Rev. Mr. Oberboefer, the minister in charge
of this congregation, is one iof the most plea
sant and talented men of his denomination in
ic o r Daniel S. Dickinson has written a let
ter to the Committee 'of the Young Men's
Christian Association, announcing his inabil
ity to lecture in this city, according to ap•
pointment. Mr. D's course in this matter has
been somewhat peculiar—but no more strange
than his political summersaults.
ilk The township election in Le Baia'
last week, was conducted on,strictly partisan
grounds. The Republicans were sucesestal
in electing all their candidates, with the ex
ception of School Director. Last year, the
opposition majority in the township on Co.•
grey was 6
sir Notwithstanding the hardness of the
times, and the recent increase is the subecrip•
Lion price of our paper, we are gratified to he
able to &Tsars our retders, that the circula•
ties of the Ol.,err'r, as well as the business
of oar office generally, is rapidly on the in
sir The election far &Mot Directors is
Millcreek Independent District has mulled
in the choice of the following gentlemen, by
large majorities: Wm. Henry, Rev. Jos. H.
Pressley, E. Camphausen, Esq , and A. Ea.-
glir The papers of every section agree
that the marriage of Tom Thumb, at New
York, though celebrated with all the teclat
that was possible, was ose of the .rasa
affairs of the kind thst has ever takes' pima.
gar Friend Kelsey, of the Cooassta Re
por, te r , has bow pressotod with a batch of *ld
almanacs, relies of the "good days of yore."
Among them is one pltalshed by Oliver
Spofford. of this city, la 1824.
my. The greatest sac tbot the world has
produced have ofam taw is Isolable saps
cities. Daniel Webster ogee said, " I may be
a good lawyer, but 1 was a poor school
AN 011.111411 New YEAS'S Aniaass.—He
who has dieeovered ea original idea for a New
Teat's Address may well shout ihreira! The
Lobate* Oeurier, living in * Dutch-English
ate osphere. started its careen out on New
Teat's morning. staging thus:
As I forth. Wool' eta. Weep ens,
Die Utbseg
II oft crag LS mry ham%
sa feel gams matt and steed.
Dock haelft. es Mikis, I must proceed.
But when I think welch grow Farad.
The paper gives des gates Lent,
I feel refreshed. un mustig ph,
Through beat aad dust, dutch Frost, um'
Der Liebe Ckristdag comes at last
Des Yalu am end, eta labors=
Dan liar lob eln with my
Gar 'sham gedruckt. fresh from tic Press.
"Welcome!" the say. "mein brevet Held;
Take this, sin V IEK?EL silver gear"
I take the QUAILTBK, bomb mete Hut,
And say : "Kole RCS!, hist germ gut !"
This makes me feel erstanalich weld ;
Bin emus Lobes Ills my soul;
For Christmas now ist sir eta Freud',
l too bare CASH, wie enders Leut !
OIL Ctvy.—Three years since and what is
now styled Oil City, located at the mouth of
Oil Creek, may have been truatally described
as containing a tavern, store and smith shop.
But the oil developments have wrought a
wonderful ohaage, as our readers may sup
pose, when we state that, under the Internal
Revenue Law of Congress, one hundred and
five licenses have been granted there for _con
ducting business of various kinds. An equal
number of licenses have been granted in
Coraplanter township, oat of. which Oil City
was *amid. sad which runs up both sides of
Oil Creek, to within a few miles of Titusville.
—Seething Republican.
Tits Convaasaaus.—The poor °natures
come Into cramp, steal provisions, Inc., are
kicked and 'need about by all hands, and at
times most tusinereifully pounded by some
soldiers who will not stand their "sass." The
only Idea alsety-In of every hundred of
slaves have of freedom is ease, freedom from
labor, theft, and lust.—Army Leiter.
Cirr ficair.—The amount of City Scrip
issued in January wu $20,816, u follows :
60 eta scrip $8,211 ; 26 of scrip $8,199,60;
?A et scrip $2,472 ; 10 of scrip $4,617 ; 5 of
scrip $2,816,60. The amount redeemed by
the Treasurer, was $441,16.
Twit CAST'S Zousva Taeora.—Tbits favor -
lie Troupe will give two of their popular
eatertalameats, at Farrar Hall, oa Monday
said Tuesday evenings, Feb. 23d end 24th.
Let CliistWas tort of dee& in wee,
And alnistrel a twee their sweet goiter,
A wailer Usensrmy lisert It 814—
I. praise of Huissca'a matebled• Pills
Moir caman found is •very land—
YW Ituseta:s ouowo--wad Mrics mad
near woadroes works -tle pipers 1111,
Produced by RIMAICII . II mealier; Mlle
Dom amino Millet pm" / do out doubt
Me charming compound .W match It oat,
dud braltb coin parr system all,
it pea Sy di rem to litaawa • Ms
W‘alb ler tall old aud f 08 a1
pralses are Oa every ton=
Disease dlearsied—so
to Ire are blessed witTrisiscre Ms.
alp Put up with gairliskilpialsk, Gennep and French
etiutisau. him SI eisib per box. iltuip•r case& ties
edterthisseest NB third pegs. ler Nile by all &unlit§
Is Iris. j•211112y 1
I 880—X .
They putty, strengthen and invigorate.
Miry musks a bssitity appetite
They an so itardsts to asap of 'rater sad dl.t.
They woman Whets of dbripstios sad Ist* boars.
They strosilltbss the wawa sod salfys. the wiled
They provost misissstis sad latesialtiast fowl.
?boy partly the balsa sad oddity of th. stomach
They ware Drlpegola sad Oonsttpatlos.
They Is,. Diarelmr. Clioleas sad Cholera )(MN's
They can Lime Complaint and Nervosa Headache.
They it. the best bitters Is the woetd. They limbo thy
vest masa stress, sad an minmeted o attire's treat re
.tors. They an mate .[pare St Croix Bum, the ado
boiled Wiwi Bork, mots and herbs, sad are lakes • lth
the plearntre or • bereragu, without mord to age or time
of day Partleulaciy rorourinersied to delicate pereon•
requiring • gestic stbsslast. Sold by ad Grocers. Drug
gist% Hotels sad Saloom. P. H. MAIM Is 00 ,
)slime. 1101 Broadway, N. I"
LIMMI AND LEPEL MI ranictsna op DI ii.
Da. ?mottos IL HALAILD, of Portsmobtly Rhode Island,
says "That breatreevea years' ezpateso• with tide med.
Was, entree the belief that la very few eases would tb.
Physirdaa's sorrier be maired if Braadreth's Ptil. were
promptly used la the early stages of dlausse."
J J Com publisher of lb* laarver, at Neaulagtem, Vt.„
says I—"lirsadreth's Pins eared me of Dyspepsia whoa
every ether mesas bad RANA sod I was esdually given op
by my physitiaas sad friends."
The sat temtiseray r rhea by N. Bunt, Zaq, the well
Mows eitisme of trilliamisbarg, sad thosaamds of others.
Rat their imerite are well knows; la fun doom there is
so ecru purgative; to smaller OWN they set so a gentle
stiataima easing 'atheism amd rtrifyiag the blood.
T wry are every day earls( thee/sada who are deemed ha
gamble edit this blamed atettlehie was used. Priaelpal
Ogee. Illd CANAL lITIZZT, Now York.
laid by Dr. L. Moue, Iris, sad by all nopectabl• dea
ler" la atedisiae.
This delistithal artiste tot preserving sad
besetitying the Inman hair is agate pet up by the origi
nal proprietor, sad is now wade with the same cane, SIM
sad atteaties, which Ant weaned its inuesisse sal us
preeedeeted sates of ever awl Within bottles annesilp I It
Is still sold MIS thole Is large bottles. Two sillies hot
tles eta easily be sold to a year whim It is egat• kolas
that the fatbalroe is sot only the meet delfslittal ,bads
dremieg Is the woe* but that it slimness the meals of
mut and deadrell, pees the hair a lively, MN llawitowt
growth olad preriate It &ea tenths pep. USN lif•
aonsbieratheee worth heavies. The lathairew lam bees
tested ler aver twelve years, and is warranted as diaeri
bed. Lay lady who rabies • beautiful bead of hair will
ass the Niithaina. It is deely purtamed. amp 1.. 4 """
t au& It ii i i 9 014 by an raaaaah.lak• smooth throughout
tha world. D. S. BAViU & CO.,
poem& 1 New Tort.
17181107 ' 411 TX, bat restore. gray heir to Its origt
nil motor, by @applying the eapi4lary tubes vie& astaral
nest es. Impaired by ego or disease, all laidessowe
dyes are ostepossd of Lamar Cattalo. deatrayieg the TI.
Wily and twenty of tap hair , sad eiseil d jbanassives
so dreseteg. Elehastreers lalnittable Coberiag sot only
restores heir to Its eaterel 'odor, by an easy prawns, bat
shoe tbe lair • LOXIMART !LA UM, peonsobse Its
growth, prevents Its &Alai ed, .radials isadatill, sod
Imparts health and pleasaatoon to the hood. It baa
stood tap test of Nato, Wag the original NW Coloring.
mad is essietantly inertia/in In barer. Used by belts
gentlemen and ladies. It Is sold by all reepesiable deal.
are, or can be powered by them 4 the oemesiodel
agents. MU llonase & Co., $O3 broadoey. N. Y. Two
slue, 60 elate mad {I. jeall66ll-411m
O.L Balder, the proprietor a " Tort
Bridget," se &num 1. ociesectles with the history of
the lenses disteuitassese, waled la the vicinity of Boat
law to 1S sad has slate greatly distiagetelied !amnia,
.sheets, tripper. trader and gads. la an laterrie•
with 11... v. Cownsing. on the &dosses of the &nay to Utah,
be shard to ilia. that seem years same, while parsolog
the bale* be had dlosoroired sa asaisieso rock of pare
crystal. Weep k which the sae's rays were rebated with
al the giorgesamesa of the most mad reigibow,
bet that be had teat the plase, and had nom boos ahlo
to twdialower it Boodbeele Gomm" Idler,, which ese
be dfiesavomed la the store el any dew:gist or boater ia
sedlolas, will poaltiody cars Ikrepepda. Line Complaint,
Lau of appetite, ha., and will almost mama to tho old
A ea vigor of thole yeatlefal day. !alll-Im.
However nevem may be alleviated end cured
by Ow ter of Madame Woe Porter's Cuipitive Balsam.
This Intrelnebie naediinee poowesee extrcordleary
power ef relieving isimeedligtmly Wii ,, mujimig Cough, DOl
nap N imentiteg, Reenesese, Hutton" amid Tickling
N tie Throat. It leeessa the Pbl.y amid TM to felted
to be very ecemenie to • taste. It la sot a violimet
remedy, kat emeothoma, seirebieg acid diet 1 N.
Can be bikes toy Os Wed panes, or 'mogul Add
lee iris loy all draggles, M 1$ sad SS its. pee bottk.
Or AND moue-
ad Amor,
Zoos fend of Do malts of aid,
from mottoes of bosorsifoo*
I* lbw *be 11. * eon al abooelstoroollag
.ateltrlM, Mk IMO book fo do-
rew~sue I warming sod mottos to 'own moo sod Moor
who wader from INsairovo QaaIL7TT, 1.01111 w Illemoar,
Peorwarvete ChlwAt,ho., ler-4 wapplytog It the moo thee
um mane of mlf ram Sloe* copies •111 be awl soder
sad la a plain morolope r -without aborgo,—k. say •ho
weipmet ler She Mattroe
. A LAWRIRT. Seq.,
noviaehmi. Gromepshet,Loss Woad, N. Y.
gm l
Physician to =and Hy-
A Trestles op the Oman el BodyElltylionl .: Mamef
Americas P e op le : the sum of UOIKU 1/. C0..t0
sum piles sad Illiosmoi.
'nub reek to ..he er kir k W m., aria oo is. d 0 NAL
pa thrtitify , &nu* foflao awe/
amoassmois e Ia NLTP4ToWood illmrampagpisi
.l4, iletaltor seieoeflic sad oil" oidiowillroololier
It will be seat by man IMMO illeedj9 ei two (s) sent
Parents an Seeddleirel ISA nit le mod en ob
tarthis boob.
tIELI ouog meal Pail est nessidased gin this ben.
Linnet Tin Ma main at ourfaiNa• MI ROpy-of
A Word et 8•14•040 Ado,. to
A clees of inaleSse prevail — Z:7ZZ -
,jek tax emenentuatty, demon( at least leiliallelfea sea
es annually, be ma sub grave. These diegligill lees
npertestly indmall Their Sinned
es co symptoms, me Neneras Neil*, Ls
Inmates ; liarseestis etnetts( lead neness of the
nines of the Teen 1 eliortansefhems ger har
ried biematilag ennaMadfaa a kill or Slight of stairs; great
=I los of the Heart; Asthma. Broachitis and eon
; @habit g of the Heads and Limbo; &venom to
eadety and te Maness or study •, dimness of eye sight,
lose of Ittatory, dbdases of the Head, Neersigia, Pain is
la various parts of the body; Palos in the ton or limbs,
Limmtsgo, Dv Is or Indigesn, irregularit of the
bowels, d seormitierse ft t h ee Kidaeys a nd other
steads of the body, Louconiems er Floor Albin, be. Like
wise Ilidespn, Systoria and Nervous Spasms.
Now, la alasty-sins sales out of every - one huadred,
all the above named &murders, and a host of other, not
earned, as Consumption of the Laags sad that most in
'Woes and wily lone of Consumption of the Elpiamil
Nerves, known as tabs* Donnas, and Tabs hissamateri.
ea, have their mat sad origin la disemes of the Potato
Visenza. Hence the wept of sommes on in part of old
school pewees In treating symptoms only.
Dr. Andrew Stone, Physician to the Troy Lang and
Hygiene Institution is now eagsged la tinting this class
of models maladies with the most astoolshing sumac
The boatmen adopted by the Institution is Sew • It io
based apart seleaelle principles, with new discovered
remedies, without minerals or poisons. The facilities of
mire are such, that patients ma be cured at their noses,
la any part of the country, from accurate deocriptioas of
ant ease, by lettere and have the inediela• seat by mall
or express Printed laterrogatoriu will be forwarded on
14 =7 .
tioa, CM/Mil and diseases of the Throat cared
ea well at the home of the patients ea at the Institution,
by sendlng tin Cold Medicated lettataxo BALSANIO VA
PORS, with Inhaler and ample dilutions toe their Übe, and
direct emerrespondenos.
Patients applying for Wien...witless or advice, must
omen return stamps to most attention.
The sanding Musician will be Mend at the institu
tion for eoiseultatioa, from 9 a. In. to 9 p. ra., each day.
Salida, in the foreuoon. Address,
Physician to the Troy Luce and Hygienic Institute,
and Physician for Diseases of th e Heart, Throat and
Lungs, ii• Fifth Street, Troy, N. Y. }sandy 1.
J. C. BURGESS 4k . : CO.,
♦ND liANurAcruksas OP
Erie City Steam Bakery,
-• BUTTER, o ~...,
• J
44 i.-
p%e. PIC NIC, C)
0 BOSTON, tll
C.) SUGAR, ._
Manufactured ►t the
jaunt!. State Street, Met Store above Poet One..
E subscriber will cheerfully send (free
of charge) to all alio desire it, the copy of a /Couch
el. by which be wan hued tithe& stn disease Con
Salem. with Constrarrnosr, Asesau Duermai
any lung affection, be sincerely hope s will try this
Intl eaUrded if tbsi do co they will bemoan than
with the twat. Thanklal Aar his own complete ..tort
eon, he is anxious to place in the hands allevery saillner
the memo of outs. Those wishing the recipe with full
directions, ha, will plasm call on or address
junel--11. Rarv. WY. S. ALLICN,
No. 11411 John Street. New York.
-- - --i- --- -_ _
Patented ty Prof. 1.. L. BILL, Jape It, 1142.
Thu Gee has been thoroughly tested bj men of ecieum,
NW its merits have stood the greatest scrathay. It eau
be issisaisataresi tor
It hip. fn. hose melt, Oct liable to
in „ k w,,,,, .....1 heft not condone. in any temperature or
It has a body superior to the beet Coal On. and gives a
mesh more brilliant light.
We are now prepared to offer the Petrologic' Os. Appa
ratus to the Public, which must eventually take the place
clan other Game, owing to the cheepoese with which it
stn be ads, its brilliancy of light, Its perfect simplicity
sad its adapliatality In all eases whore good light is re
Tor private dwellings in city or oouutry, Stores,
Churches, Hotels, Theatre., Factories, Public Gardens,
he., he., and eau easily be adapted to the Works now in
operation, at very little expense.
We will dimple* of RIGHTS for Citim, TOM" Counties
or States, at moderato prime. /for further particulars
aPPIy to T. H. TUTTLZ, Ise h
jaa 10ual. 311 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, s.
Tbe embodiment of practical utility, and a marvel .
:gpetity ; makes the rangy ebb& very rapidly and
use a mounvon need'., and will last a bie.thne.—
At the New York State nil., Ifs idmplielty,elbeivory and
m at i creid utility, ou conermed by the award ul the
It will °stoma soma, as lat coca, two or lIIIIADTION
eta., with a stogie or doable thread oo say material adopt
ed to Use acinitios immix. the Wettest, email, the most
dilleult to stitch by other eyeing loaf-blues, being sewed
the easiest. Pot ladles' aid children's apparel, and other
articles mad, of light labricit, it will, timeshare, be found
almost le•••ce
It is attached to the table like • rewing bird, and bar
log o teuMenotad raqnbing holnitrioatfan or thane of
11, la always nmady . * egeratie— a, and sack a marvel
•oplicity that &dad efriarredglitrrarseas Miaow
D it, and use It 000emeinet.r.T.
it to aot at, all liable to net out of order.
Each rntebine la put up in • nest box. accompanied
with fall and explicit dtmetionv,asd twenty. eve needles.
Sent to any addrm to the Vatted States oa receipt Of
as omor, footnote( tho ansoest,or okay be eolleeteJ by Ex
press coo delivery of the vosehlae.
when the worry Is seat with tbeerder and registered,
we guarantee Its net. receipt and the davivery of the aue
chine, aeration leftists 3.. 00 silos, fete of any Express
Very Very liberal arra* is for agenda..
:lee Ilfirror of JbMsas, or for foss particulars, Peed
see awe - lag, etc. , wed a sta m m i gur return postage.
Address, r NORM,
473 Broadway, N. Y.
livery lady, Mother, Milliner and draw-maker, should
have ow of these valuable sew*/ siaebbses.
K. 1 11 AU La NEN IC9FH, M. D.,
orn0; AiINMAN mum, MIMI ST, own wiiisquei
eterirure won : (Pssitvimme) mil, Ira.
tECIAL attention given to the CUTS of
Cbrsak Diana% bj mow et SLltCrito *AG.
N trestorel sod rameake. Pere Itereepetlias
Glebales, reedieises. ea tarsi. Lenora awned
ay. AU eeseol tM wes rwelliseUel.—
ea itl Street, Si deer Wert et heft* Street.
• NIT cum rba nvaalau. x.,su.
CONTINUES to gain public favor and
demand to all eactioas, and after the thorough ex
whines of sixteen yaws, Ito reputation for *Scary in
oaring Throat sod Loag diseases is fully sustlined.—
Wherever this medicine is most known Its merits harem
tabliabed the greatest popularity and demand It has be
come • otaudard remedy with many prop!. for coring
Palasonary oomplisints and is kept so their boasts for
ready ass wharievarrequired. Ae a rare for Cough it , g
rand reliable—aeldlow requiring more. Immo °mg.(
to sure mire • Cough of many weeks staoding. roc curing
...Croup it is not excelled, and as a remedy fur itatlitha its
elkeeacy can uot hr 4,,uhte.t, haviac restored many per.
some to Lomita after •rikring is long lens of y'ro oitb
thly sulserabi e disease. For ittonoliitie and kinagfroese It
is ma& and r rile llr., t strut ,Ing,lise trritatom r fon t he
air paseages ng r •.ugh Heimetlj ..; .rut
hip-•1t promptly leseous Use Ursquessey sad violence of
this sough. and shortens the disease one half from Its or
dinary tedious sourer.
All dteeilismis of the lunge eel air pewees depend upon
irritation or inliammatuin In the Hula' mucus membrane
and requires the prompt uw of thorough medicine to of
fist their rrmorsl. Hall's Cough Remedy is safe, speedy
In operation—is adapted to both sexes,
to all siros and Remy person afflicted with
either of the following diseases should use this pleasant
imedy and their cokes will soon mingle with others in
twasretending Its merits to afflicted neighbors and
aft. (/ se Hall's OugA Remedy it cures ('olds.
lift. Lie Hall's thugii Remedy it cures throw)
or Rattles.
mes.. ( 'ae Hall's Cough Remedy a corr.: d.,eh
nta Phdtanc
11411. Use Hall's (bugla Remedy for Catarrit.
lie, Lie Halts Cough Remedy u iSkrtmytAens
the Lungs.
Use Hairs "'VA Rentociyfor Bronciiitts.
111111. Use Hall's Gough Kemeny for H earse .
NI. Use Halts Cbugit _Remedy u Serene/tens
the Voice.
RIO— Use Halts Cough Remedy for Whooping
It will greatly modify lb. Wane. of this diadem and atter.
lon It. tedious douses, coomiut from its orduiary dura
Beware of counterfeits and base Imitatinne—eal: for Dr
P. Hall's Celebrated Cough Remedy and see that hie wr,t
ten signature is a pon the wrapper and directions.
ISTKONG TIS/51`13110N1.
We, the undersigned citizens of Erie City and vicinity.
nave used Dr P flitiri Celebrated Cough, Remedy with
groat SUCOIIIIII, In corms diseases of the Throat and Lunge,
and take leasure in rebomo
ioen.ling Its use to the afflicted
as • speed y and earetnal remedy, fully worthy 01 public
cool nos
James Thompson,
Matthew Hasittl ton, 1 , . SLark,
John Welborn, rir I W Ryan, Richard R..-e,
John A. Tmt:), Hobert Cochran, J T Caro.,
John W. M'Lans, Daniel Bear. Daniel Duvet,
John W, Haya, .1 Kohtneon, I K Hatoet,
John R. Cochran, 14 . 1. Ruiderowtht, J Mooney,
John 8.. Dumas, P E Burton, J W. Culver,
John M. Warren, A lariaon Sherwood, Wm. 11. Mar,
John S. Drown W. H. Cooper, A. M. Tarbeil,
R. L Forster, I oseph Deemer, E. A. Bennett,
J. W. Hull, lien,' Grant, J. Salsbury,
Orrice SisdUk, Ludas A. Hull. M. Mayer,
C. Duman, Thomas SEKee, J 1.. Long,
M. O. Root, W. M. Gallagher, J Hohmann, lb%
Wilson Ring, Chas. W. Lelso, Silas H. Finch,
Daniel Minor, D, P. Ensign, t' G. Howell,
C. B. Wnght 501.1) IN ERIE ONLY, BY
I'. 11A.1.1,.
Bannfacturer and Sole PropriPtor, 11‘11's N... !Intl.:lug,
State St. PRICK 26 TO ;6 ClihTS PER BOTTLE.
rare; Wm. Belknap, lrairTiew; T. 8. Cowles, Springfield•
W. &Ronda; Edinboro; F. Lamson, Sl'Kean, E. B.
Sleeper, Waterford; Home k Sherwood, 1 . 11/611. W. B.
Wattaburgli: 0. T. Jewett, North East, H 0
Frisbee, Edenvilie; J G. Flowers, Albion, - 1 tier,
Lockport, awl by wants toro,rolly
Bort,LE:4 tin* art clw tare I,en *old in to..
vicinity of itekamparatioo, Plate!. its introduction, at.d
the rocesse attending it hem been eery remarkable. There
scarcely an ill that occurs in' families, bat • bat itk
timely use has either cured or !obeyed. kboodant evi
dence has been •hnwra that It I, very ' , accrue-II to curing
all forma of
—IT cI:111:
Ministers' and Lawyers' Sore Throat
Gistps prompt relief in Asthma
IN very valnalile in
Is cum rpassvai as a
In Bottles at 25 and "50 Cts.
Sold by all respectable Druggists and Pettier" In the
United States.
K. WARD CLOSE - k CO. Nc I .ad 130 Wlll l / 1 .111
&riot, Aiew York, Wbokmale Agputp, by whom nrd•rs
will be promptly filled.
Prepared and sold by JOHN .9 CARTER, Erie, Pa.
Also sole proprietor of
Jul 3'63-0
The undersigned would reepectfully return thanks for
the patronage heretofore extended to Lisp, &AA! molidla ►
continuance of the sumo.
He has recently made r ttenrive mung
which are i
for paging Blank Hooka, by men nA of whif eh he la en abled
to do work-of that kind as seat and aa cheap
CAI)• r d.. ne in R. 1.0 .,
Having had an
Nike... I r.o •p, tp . t l ,e pettromtz,- w.t.l
full conli.lerace In WY y t,, give .atiNflteq_n
Pone to der. r nn,t_trstl on 1,1 n.! rye p
BL ASK IS t l 11 1i
Remember thy place, 6.lth-tweet c xruer - tat* i n
Fifth xtreutx, second slaty, next xt , Jr to tV,e •+ te
°Me.. COi .
Kno, January, 1683.-3 w . _
The number for January, 164;1, Ix etas rho
From the comm•nraiturint. In 1537, the If/wow has
rapidly Increased in mrenlation an : it mix lose the :art.
sat dale of readers SVUY l't i.i...A111 E.vo A'A
prosperity steadily •ugruents, and it routioues. zi:
the Rut:Rua:4one and dangers if.cotent to our national vi
als, to rain ground in the estimation of the to.•.'. A t a
time so pregnant with events ii luck bite, h t:io :utare ales
times of America in every vital p rticalsr. the Pub:l'll-is
and Paton do not deem it necessary to promise that it,
pages will never swerve irom the honest path, of toys'
patriotism and universal ftredom Its opintoce have al.
ways been on the ide 01, Progress and Right,
sod tine course It drat adopted In its early career, si..l
ever be faithfully maintained
THE STAFF UP WRITERA, regularly eantributtog to
the /agnate Mentaliy, embraces meal of the beat known
authors to American literature, .muut warrants the publish
ers in promisine to Its readers the test the best
Stories, the best Poems American talent ran tnrt:-
In PIIoNII and Porrar the "Allantir" tttlfe of Writete Is
nnequalled. The Illlowtog author* till SZTI' , D; the
regular eoutributora • James Rowell 1.0W.11, henry W.
Loa/fallow, Loma A gwalt, Ralph Waldo %Torreon. Se
thalami Hawthorne, T W. Main no, Author t'llurertet
Howth," Ithrt r W Holmes, Jo 11 Whittler, E I'
Whipple. Hayartl Taylor. le•otite m" 11 II
Stowe, 'The Coootr, Perenu," 4 T.l-13,* Harriet h.
Flreallott' "be dtliotta - li•
many 01. the loading N rr 4i,ir Iva
Ttnya The to 1, , r 'lle by all Pe , k and eri
wheal de....en.. I rice L'S cent. a abscriptlnt
fur the year, $8 MI, pottage A•J 1 -1; r tt:t•tri, si,he
reeet•e4, or stag.e nutobtra supplwd by nor ,ies:er or by
the publisher. ,
, p ,i ttp ,„, bum p er . se pt ;;R A T. , • ~o •7p tattoo to the
INDUEICNINTS FoR -:rrtrit•pr•t - Litt of premium. etc.,
turot,b, . un applicatios t • the publishers.
TIekESOR & FIELD • Pueli.liers,
t 35 W.hin;ton St., Boston. Mum.
74e outwelner her/ leave to return his thanks to the
Penner, tiros County, for the Barley they have
5.1.1 t. L.ta dur.u i c the vast ~ ears He now
wishes to buy
80,000 'BUSHELS!
And at all Utiles will pay the highest market price
In Cash.
Kt* xi. 4-1
A J.llllll/14
Arrows As LAW, Banishing Pa.
W all a Mad street, opposita the County Jail.
Promptly Exented
State Street,
Opposite the Post Office,
E Advertiser, having been restored
to h alth few week., by a very sitropie remedy
atter harlair ea red oeveral poetry with a Mere /IMO
9e t and that draati dtaraes, Consumption—Lana
ion. to mak. know ft to 1.1,p fellow-out/iron the mown of
h. ILI , u L.) it, Le will send • copy of the pee
, rptll.ll 11114,1 (free of rhergeh with the directions for
preparing and owing the same, which they will Ind a
sgnT. Coot for CONSCIPT 10; AIIINN• 81101011211. ic.
Th e nulr °tea of the advertiser ill wading the Prescrip
n to tterytlt the afflicted, and spread information
16.'1 hi, rrthrelies to he in minable, and he hopes every
soifer.r wit• try his remedy, 11.14 it 11111 cost them nothing,
t,.1 ma, prnee a bleaelng.
wimtrag the prescx2Aton will please addrika.
Kings County, New York.
-.; m
••<,, ' , SALMI IX
OYSTER', POCLTR' GAMIC, in their /5111W1 DJ
sogr No. 2, Tracy's Block,
Carer-81nm, Fzertoz Br., • • Eau, PA.
Orden from either the City or Cottatry filled Promptly
sad at lowest market rats.. "wet(
Office of JAY COOKE,
JAY COOKE & CO., Bankers,
114 South Third Street.
Pir.ansirsia„ Nov. 1, la t.
TIIE undersioned,having been 'lppon:i
-tod SUBSCRIPTION AGENTby the &mammy
Treasury, la now prepared to furnish at ones the
Now Twenty Year 6 per at. Bonds
of the Crated States, designated se p er re
deemable at the pleasure of the Government, after 0.4.
years, and authorised by Act of ,Congrees, approved Ifdr.
rue ry 25,1862.
The COUPON BONDS are Issued In rams of $5O, $lOO,
WO, $l,OOO.
The REGISTER BONDS In tarns of $5O, $lOO, $5OO
$l,OOO, and sb,ooo.
Interest at Six tent. eer annum will commence from
date of purchase, and la
Sen.i•Annually, which is equal, at the present premium
os gold, to about EIGHT PER CENT. PER AIWOM.
Farmers, Merchants, Mechanics, Capitalist% sad all
.ho have any money to invest, should know sad remem
ber that these Bonds are, in 'Sect, a FIRST MORTG
AGE upon all Railroads, Cana s, Bank Stocks sad Secur
ities, and the immense products of all the Menufbetaress,,
Sc , Ac., In the country ; and that the fall sad as**
provision made for the payment of the interest and NM&
atinn of principal, by Customs Duties. Excise Stamps
and Internal Revenue, serves to maks- these bonds the
Subficriptious received at PLR in Legal Tender Notes,
or notes and alerts of banks at par in Philadelphia,-
Subscribers by mail receive prompt artantroa, sad
every facility and explanation will be afforded ow sp
pile/1430n at ails offloe.
A full supply of Boods will be kept on band for Ismer
Mate delivery
NovBta3. JAY cOOIEE, Subscription Agent.
RS. a
Which will be sold
rir Prxticular atteriUon paid to bleaching. coloring
and prersing.
I each it., 4tb door above the Depot, Erie, Pa.
T OLadies of delicate health or impaired
organisation, or to those by whom an ineresse elf
family Is from say raison obooticasaidt, the undersigned
would oiler • prescription which la perfectly reliable end
sate, end which has been pmeribed in various parts of
the obi world for the cast century. Although the article
Is very cheap and simple, yet It his been pat up In bait
No: Dot ties sod sold eery extensively at the eshorbitant
Ince of $.5 per bottle. the undersigned proposes to fund&
the Tsar for the small tam of $l, by the possession of
every lady can supply herself with • purled sake
Kurd, at soy drag Mum, for the trilling sun of 96 mate
v er .ear any physician orwill tell you it Is
perfectly bannhas , and thou s of tortlaroulah eau be
procurer! of Its efacecy. Sent to any part of the world on
receipt of $l, by addressing
sualsllllg9 Dr. J. C. DIVIRA
P H. Box. No. 211611, New Saves,
~L w
I p
tl itl‘CC)\l o"
For the Speedy end Permanent
, Core of
Gonorrhea. Meet. Urethral Dillallarfell,
Weaknua, Nwhily Knolsotonn,lnangekumeno
p c pwity. and Irrilabildty, Grawa.
Stneture and
Affections of the Kidneys sad Medic %
"latch h. %men need by upwards et
la their private prgetie, With entire means, Illopercel•
lof Cobeb.t Copelos, Capful" er Soy 00184111C211 htti-
are prepared treat Vogei—heradso
on the . rim. and cover _
or im
pregnate the breath; sad betas sidpreosted_ a. air
aeons taste to avoided. No change of diet ts
while using them. Nor doss doer adios
business pursuits. I.ash Boa ceetaias dislia
Pries, use dollar, and odd by all Dininkta, •
Dr. Bell's Treatise on &Wag inakINSII
80.2- &88, GOOILIWZA, GLUT. dra, a
Ist of 60 U
eon N tahnag hnipidellt sid*rat ili t
meted —Bl NT 7W- UU esatsin
Do SIPWALSILWIIi nzir4 : air
4041 - Tre , "" On 00,04.0 •
YPEULLIS, an tho
with DT Preseitionissu ta bun* ptel
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