tiAtIMDAY„ FEB. 2113 T, 1863. ?Me Pam am Omemsinse--"New as les. iim-Os as bisersamme WS MALL endeavor to . publish, next weekthO reportlof the Committee ap pointer tie Nitional Senate to inves- Vats the frauds in fitting out the Banks modifies, a brief recount of which is OM on our first pais. It display* a state of oorruption, and want of patriotism in high stations, that Wipes everything • - gar. preeasted to the public, involving one of ds• Assistant Secretaries of War. oswaral prominint military officers, and Toecap other intensely " men. Te p lOgiithigimposiest item appears in thrt* alieswesplenee bf several of Gip_ librolfairic dailies tiitaltheisikped wife - Ideated the of lliaittM!llificili members es, A pri the vate end Mesa weliximea them in the Nest Boom. e President and hewers} Tiguo fined in onsversation nom libbloijapbablir ta the war." Tom's vim on Ai M a war must be re * vaiimado. MANG TO INIII UNION. The bedhlo Indy ram "If there is snort pattilimalspos which the Demossas erthe Idsdif are-a unit, it is that " tassesios mast Od shall be pre served, with the 1104' all the States wainpono.” Div .h.a no desire for pease upon tie basis of imps:l/Lion, nor any sympathy witkuwwar which is con ducted so as to Allah. Idisunion inevi table." Tan Message of 4:fpv. Cfravut, whi . ch we print on ear first pep, We curious docu ment. The Governor, if, is understood. intends being a candidate for re-election next fall, and this Message is probably a tat for Conservative support. The cool ness with which it has been received by the ,Governor's party OVUM, however, f aladire . 41sa l t It will be pf no benefit to him in the aipnblican ranks, while it, comes at too late a day to gain him any respect from Democrats. We are glad, though, to have the Governor on record as endor. ming the very views that we have advoca ted from the commencement of the re bellion. Gen. has.beee repudiated by the Boston Board of Aldermen, who vo ted down a resolution to extend to him the hospitalities of the city.—Ex.e/uinge. It wee a Boston Board of Aldermen who 000 e refund Dunn. Wearrea the use of Ponied Hall, to mat his friends in, after his stiooessfttl efforts to prevent the disso hition of the Union in 1850. Wzasree's noway lives, embalmed in the grateful Warts of his countrymen, while the very names of his enemies on that occasion are forgotten ; and so the cats of Gen. Mc =may be the glory of our nation, tory shall have loaded those who are his leading :aseallants with its bitter est execestlotte.- Ws runn last week that WIMDZI.L !smuts, in company with Senator Wa men, of Xsessaimset4s, had made a call on the Presiding, and been respectfullytre caved. This Name man, ra/LLIPS, in a speech in: New York, last fall, made use of the following language in regard to Mr. Lams: " When in Chnev I asked Illinois law yers, moss MU= President Lincoln had cestise4 i l t hat kind of a man was he ? •.—" He has no backbone. &the American people asked for the mm above all others, least fitted to lead, they could not have got • man better suited than Abraham Lincoln. No man ever beard him say no. Mow, who can doubt that if Mr. PHlL ups had been a Den - oerat, instead of be ing cordially reoel • - the President he w ould today most be living out a miserable existence ' ne of Secretary Sraerox's Resales/ 'lk A ELL introducal7bylk, r. Lower, ins sinning our fienat=questing our Representatives in "to urge the pomp of laws deed* and punishing oilmen of • treasonable nature not amounting to high treason, and affording pongee as charged a speedy trial by an impartial jury," pained the State Senate on Monday, by a vote of 18 to 12. Iff.r. Clank of Barks, offered an amend meat to "Wert after the word 'laws,' the words, 'in aceordanes with the Constitu tion of the United States and the Conti- Anion of the State of Pennsylvania' Also, to insert otter the words 'speedy tri - el,' the words 'ln the district where the alleged mimes have been committed, pro vided the district is not in rebellion against the General Government." These lair sad necessary provisions, which it is dilikrah to understand bow any one ma kiss claim to patriotism could oppose, were weed whist uniohnously by the itseatorisl ffinkyheada, and of course de bited. IMO ATTACK ON VICUSIBUNG. The latest indlostions are, that a more sweeping and less hazardous process is to be attempted than the laiaing of troops in front of the city of Vicksburg—eome thhig Of the elitist* of the onse de „quart at Wood Zia Q. M'Arrnoz's division is reported to .have moved up from the zahtlt of the Yam to Lake Providence, Le, a hundred miles further North.— Here it apposes the Mississippi is - not far removed teem two streams, the Bayou limos and the Bayou Tenses, which, at high water, are newly joined to the pa rent stream at their sources. Thence they contuse down in a tortuous path until ' thiff Nl* the Red river near its mouth, some twenty-be miles above Bayou Sara awl fifty above Port Hudson. It is deemed possible at the present high stage of the Mississippi. by • auk excavation and okaying, to hpn so much of the river lo b this new dismal es to make a naviga bin gimp of the Tomas or Mason, leav ing viekskom some hundred miles to the MIL &WI tide sebum succeed, we alight upset loam half of war army ad vancing in a less tiliAnuiiiipwta to moist per. Ulm at Port Hodsme, preparatory lw the greedshisek en Vicksburg by the ommbined orgies. baron et A Fieestor Wm—s ena t or *Mow& dimwit di, %rob War qua. Vas into ale abets' bet Tnamillay, on the bill t o oodigifj taw Pratlint to Uwe Won at nierini and repin . ' anede aisrot that Evian** wee "six ihould es inosiiviat if'ar ttja ATOP. Power. INVit mum the followincoostunctalw lion in accordance with our well known rule of, giving a hearing to all persons, no matter / what political creed they en tertain, who wish to express their opinions on pal)lic affairs through , thn oolan*i of the °anima. Its author Ms lived* the South for a number of years, ohs there at the breaking oukof the rebil- lionY and on account of his Union eenti- meets wu unable to make his escape. Be was finally drafted into the rebel service, but finding that his health would not permit him to perform the hard duties of a der, the authorities oonsented to his , release, and being in the neighborhood of the Union troop., he took advantage of it to reach the North. The article is ably and candidly written, and though the closing paragraphs may be unjustly se vere, we cannot doubt that they were die .tated by an honest desire for the success of the Union cause. We need scarcely add, that if there any who wish to con tradict the positions taken by our corres pondent, or any other statement made in this paper, they shall find as hearty a wel come to our columns as it is possible for 1 us to give : Tag POLICY OF TUN ADNINIRTYJATION PINI NIMECTS ON ?U SOUTH. One great error of the people of the two sections of the Union at the commence ment of the present war, was, that each party underrated the other, not only their military resources, ability and courage, but the strength of their opinions and demo• tion to their principles. And though two years of bloody and devastating war have, in' a great measure, convinced, both sides of their error, yet the public ,;hind, both North and South, is being constantly de luded with accounts of disaffection and discouragement of the opposite party, which are in reality no greater in the one section than in the other, and have no ex- istence in either While we may allow the followers of the Davis government to discover their mis take as to Northern sentiment as best they may, duty to ourselves and to the cause of the Union, requires that all loyal citizens should look the foe fairly in the face, and keep before them the evils that are to be encountered, in all their strength and magnitude. Circumstances recently threw the writer in close proximity to the seat of the re bellion, and his observations led him to somewhat different conclusions as to the present state of Southern opinion, than those most generally entertained in the oyal States. In order that we may well understand the present sentiment of the Southern people, it is necessary to look back to the beginning of the struggle, and see the feeling with which Southerners entered into the war, and from that trace the changes which have occurred during its progress, and their cause. Secession as a Constitutional right, was always regarded by the mass of the peo ple as an absurdity ; and at the Lime of the Presidential election, parties were divided in the Riese holding States into, first, a comparatively small faction led by Davis, Toombs and Yancey, who were Secession ists per se, and had long been the open ad vocates of a separate Confederation of the slave States. In superior numbers to these were the Constitutional Secessionists, who, sensible of the advantages and blessings which a Union of the States had conferred for so many-fears, were to favor of separation only when the last hope of obtaining Con stitutional rights had fled, and there was left no prospect of their retaining that in stitution which they believed to be right, and that the laws of the land recognized. But it will be safe to say that by far the greater number of the people were opposed to secession under any circumstances, and these were the Union men of the South. But while they were se firmly in favor of maintaining the Union of the States, it does not follow that they were either emancipationists, or:in any way in &Mills tion with Northern Abolitionism. On the contrary, they did not differ upon this subject, or in their ideas of what were Southern Rights, in the least from other parties, but only in their views as to how those rights should be enforced. These were for appealing to the conservative and Constitutional sentiment of the North by every available means ; they wished to see a Convention of all the States meet for the final adjustment of all difficulties; and they hoped for the adoption of what are known as the " Crittenden Resolutions ;" but in the event of a refusal on the part of the dominant Northern party to recog nise, guarantee and perpetuate the Con stitutional rights of the South, they were then for taking up arms if need be, not in rebellion, but as the Constitutional and law abiding party, to crush nullification and. rebellion in the North. These were the three divisions of par ties in the South in the years 1860-61, and • comprised all who adhered to any organi sation or were earnest in their opinions. But it may be well to state here that any hope of the disaffection through prejudice of the non-slaveholders, front the cause of the rebellion, must prove futile. Educa ted in the atmosphere of slavery, they have all the peculiar ideas concerning the negro held by the owners,of hundreds of slaves. Constantly rising from the condi tion of non-slaveholders to that of masters in their humble cabins, they look forward to the time when they or their children shall be the lords of broad plantations cul tivated by their own bondman. Treated always by the more wealthy citi zens as their equals, they entertain no more dislike towards them than always exists between the different classes of soci ety. Respectability and intellectual sup 6. riority, are as much the passports to favor and distinction, as in any other portion of our country. We have yeeu, that while the South at the time of the Presidential election of 18GO, had a majority of its people who reverenced the Union, gloried, in our Na tional greatness, and were unconditionally opposed to the severance of a tie which had resulted in our constant prosperity, they were yet firm in their devotion to the Constitution, firm in their determination to preserve every right guaranteed to them by it, and utterly opposed to the encroach ments of abolitsoniam. But while the people were thus loyal to the government of their forefathers. Lad while the moat earnest efforts were being amide even by many now prominent in the Nationality from destruction, the fiery spirit of South Carolina burst forth, the boom of the tirst fratricidal gun reverber- &fanglike a knekl through the land, Iva, it folkisiwi 14 tkli Pr .* ntii calif* Lis° andlik .. iter !Pith al, i s hoorah wa Iv. 1 1±1 inert sod ,,,,, Dusiniontiti c e fuitoii 'lath,. zoltement, aid in the general commotion, men of all partied accepting secession as a method of revobaiolt, rushed to arms. But even while the dna& beet and the bugle sounded, love for the old, flag whion,ltitd fokt so long waved its starry folds over the whole country, and rOverenoe for the Unioli which had made the American people famous througgi3ut the whole world, were not dead. Sorrow ing and thoughtful eyes looked far into the stormy future, and turned with yearn lag to their Northern brethren for one ray of light, one look of friendship or concil iation. In the meantime the extremists spared no efforts to excite the popular mind and increase the strength of their party They boldly proclaimed tha t the desire - cof the North was now acoomplished ; that aboli tionism was triumphant, and that the *ar was to be prosecuted, not for the Union, but for emancipation of the slaves and plunder of the masters. Loth were the Union-loving masses to believe that the people of the North were so lost to honor, and so forgetful of the principles of our government, as to plunge a continent in bldod in an insane crusade against an institution which had caused them 1243 ingiry, and for which they were not responsible ; and loth to believe that they would stand tamely by while the reins of power were seized by a violent and unprincipled faction, without raising a hand to stay the impending ruin, or making a single proposition looking to the adjustment of differences. Need it be said that they looked in vain for a hopeful sign ? Confiscation was fol lowed by emancipatiOn ; States older than the Constitution were dismembered; while military tyrants ruled with iron rods those districts surrendered to the federal autho rity. Their towns and habitations were burnt ; peaceful citizens imprisoned and their proyerty plundered—their slaves freed ;—those who had waited and hoped despaired, and even the most loyal shrank from giving in their allegiance to a gov ernment which sanctioned the most fla grant violations of all those rights which they had been taught to consider as be yond the reach of danger; and boasts were made, that even amid the fierce surges of revolution, the Southern people, wet a provisional government, had witnessed fewer violations of fundamental law, than were daily perpetrated by an administra tion regularly established, in a nation with the prestige of a name, and boasting the devotion of its people. If these violations of Constitutional provisions ; disregard of the time-honored rights of citizens ; tyranny, injustice and harshness have united a people once divi ded among themselves, in hostility to the government,—united them in suffering, privation and hardship, as never people were united 1 efore,—if these measures have turned reverence into contempt, love into bate, loyalty into hostility, will their continuance mitigate the evil ? Or will mildness, conciliation, justice and a re turn to the principles upon which the government is founded—principles of mu tual forbearance and concession—be most likely to accomplish the re-union of these States t There can be but one answer.— Common intelligence points to the latter course, Humanity pleads for it, Justice demands it, and the wisdom of the people will adopt it. * * ABGROICS AS SaLDIBRS. The Kinkyhead papers have been mak ing a great ado about the pretended gal lantry of the negro soldiers in Florida, but the army oorrespondent of the Hartford, Tuna, writing from Hilton Head, under date of Feb. 2, tells quite a different story. This is what he says : "The negro expedition from St. Mary's had just returned. It was composed of four companies of the negro regiments.— They were after negro recruits and lum ber. They got together a lot of negroes, but they refused to come away, and were left behind. They Aid not succeed in get ting any lumber. ; The' expedition suc ceeded in bringing off you* non-combatants. The town of St. Mary's was burned by the negroes. The negroes landed and en camped at SL Mary's. During the night twenty rebels on horseback made a dash into their camp, when the negroes fired in every direction, and then stampeded to the tram ports, throwing away their guns. They rushed pelt well on board, and created the great est confusion." Which of these statements i■ the more correct, we have no means of knowing but the truth is probably between the two. The attempt to magnify black valor at the expense of white is worse than ridiculous —it is disgraceful. Tas Mtmouex Sazteroasnip.—The joint oonventiiiti of the two houses of the Mis souri Legislature, after some weeks of in effectual balloting for a United States Sen ator, to succeed Ron. Robert Wilson, has at length adjourned until the 12th of next November. The contest has been between the moderate and radical Emancipation ists, who could not agree upon one candi date, and the members of other parties holding the balance of power, prevented any one from getting a majority of the whole number of votes. Stele/STAB V SX WARD. The Washington National Ink.lligencer learns that still another "demonstration" is proposed to be made on the ?resi dent by a portion of his political friends in favor of the removal of Mr. SEWARD. It is intimated that some of the radicals in Congress have gone sa far as to threat en Mr. Liscote with their determined opposition hereafter, in case he refuses oomplianoe with their wishes. THAI OOLDISIIIO TO MATE NO ravens. An order has been issued prohibiting the circulation of all newspapers in the Army of the Potomac until further no tice. The Administration hopes by this means to prevent a knowledge of the growing discontent amongst the people, with its management of the war, from reaching the soldiers. Tim New York Express says there is little doubt that the Lettialatures of Kentucky, Indiana and Illinois will meet In conven tion in Yana next, through commis sioners, and that Ohio, Penowylvania, New Jersey sod New York will be invited to owoperste. The daily papers of Friday cont tined 1 the letter from the French (forernment, proposing to . ;. , between our eov ernSeent and the ' .. • . .Z!„,.";•—•lew to rosily" e peace to the con ,ie ; 7fr .. .,.'The pro -1) -41 by Frame, of ilk •., :. -.. : Confer -4 ..___,,_ ems" between raikpilt : • .. antr"the authorities w leh may' represent the States of the South," is made by M. Dreuyr de Lhuys in a note to M Mercier, and this was presented i _personal in. .terview by M. Mercier t e Seeretary of State. "fteciproeal - complainteletys the French Minister, "weak' be examined in to at tr..is meeting." The North and the South would "seek out by those deliber i- Lions whether the intereqta of the twh section are definitively incurable, whether serration its an extreme whion can no longer be avoided," or whether the tie. and memories that have united them arc "not more powerful than theesuses which have placed arms in the hands of the two populations." Or, in other w. , rds, accord ing to Mr. Dayton's under,tandiug, of the proposition, the Conarnioners appoint• ed were "to treat with the South for peace and for the Union if p 3-.sible; if not pos• Bible, for such terms of separation as way eventually be agreed upon." Ildr.S'eivord replies at length in a dispatch to Mr. Day- I ton, dated the 6th lust. lie enters at length upon a discussion of th: , p ro po,i. lion, and consideting it in the light iu which it is represented by Mr. Dayton, rejects it on the ground that thni i fovern ment can entertain no proposition fur a dissolution of the Union, which he holds would be indignantly rejected by the peo ple, that the insurgent chiefs would re ject any offer of peace or any other terms, that with such chiefs we are bound to hold no conference, and that filially in the United States Congress there exists already a constitutional ferumfox dehati t s between the alienated parties, 14) mg ad vantages over any other that could he or ganized." GOING TO RLSEIA.—Major lieneral Cas sius M. Clay, who was so thirsty to blood, slew months ago, it is said, is going to re turn to Russia, and will at once relieve Bayard Taylor, who kiss been Acting Min ister since Mr. Cameron's departure. Mr. Taylor will not remain as Secretary o Legation after Mr. Clay's arrival. Tax Detnocrats of Connecticut lt.tvt nominated Ex-Gor. Tnoz. If Sin mot oneof the ablest men in the :L their eandi , l-tte „O ern,„ I.ETTER PROM ti NTI I'h CAMP NYAR FR.1%1:10141, K 1 Feb. 11th, Ikea i DEAR 01.19E1n : Sitting in my tent iu day. —reflecting on the pant an.l rot ure." I thought I could nut improve the time allure advantageously than by writing pm a short letter, although there is very little of interest transpiring here to communicate I am an old friend of the (As-rre , , Mr Elitor. nv von are undoubtedly well aware. I.eing fit one time one of its " typos." We have been encampe I near thi+ place (Frankfort) five weeks, (baring which tlme we have demolished a reasonable share of " I.7n ele Sam's" fat pork and hard bread Although we have been in Kentucky nearly five months, we have not yet had an opportunity of "smel ling powder," (much to my gratifieation) nor seeing a rebel, with the exception of a few prisoners who paused through here a short time ago. There is one brigade staiioned here, con sisting of the 44th, lotbh, lti:.l, commanded by the gallant rind intreifid Jack Catietnenil and the 19th Ohio Battery, commanded by J. C. Shields, a well known railroad man. This battery was recruited in Cleveland, and is composed of tint class younk men from that place and vicinity Your linmble ser vant, by the way, is •i meuib:•r in good standing" of the latter The infantry composing this brigade, I un• derstand, are about tai be inJunted, for the purpose of "trapping," if possible, the guer rilla Morgan, who is supposed to be in the State somewhere. The people of this State are very fearful of this rascal, fin I well they might be. Wherever he visits, everything disappears " like chaff before the wind." "lie fights, - in the language of a Kentuckian, "for neither honor nor country, but for plun der," and shows no partiality to either Union or "Secesla." Our "boys" have just received a new out 11 of clothing, and in the pooket of t. pair o pantaloons was the following "note." Ou comrade says he is "hound to answer it,' and I presume he will: Ile ye white or be ye black i sit down too rite yJu a little note i expect you are a 'Jokier or If you are not you ar getting a pair of qui jers pants i hope they will ware well as I hope they will ware well as i made thew as well as i could i very Patrictic and aw a Friend to all the Soljers i would not hay the impertence to write a note to a Person i never saw if you was not a Solder i hope you will excuse me i would like the war was over as i hay a gran many !rends there that i would like to see safe at hom the Old Year Las passed away and many of our bray solders hay also passed to there Long /Tomes with it and I hop before another new year cams around that the war will be over Pittsburgh Jan 2 140:1 LIZLI,JE ELLIOTT The State Legislature is in scission here. We have had snow here nearly twu feet deep, and the weather has been extremely cold. Frankfort bears a business aspect: its popu lation is about 5,000 It is situated en the Lexington & Louisville Railroad, 25 miles from the former, and about from the latter. I have just been informed timt the Paymas ter has armed, and upon my word I am fery proud of it, for he has been nearly an entire stranger to as. Mr. 'Paymaster, I am, indeed, very happy to gee your " ugly !dug" once more. Whenever anything of interest occurs will let you know. Jim DEMOCUATIC 3IEETING. A Democratic meeting'Was bold at' Redder's Comers, on the 14th day of February, 1563, for the purpose of organising . , , a Democratic Club in Conneaut township, Erie Co., Pa. On motion, J. Sullivan, Esq , of Albion, was cho sen President, and Wm. Spicer, of Conneaut, Secretary. The following_ committee was 'ap pointed to droll : Wl3l. Kedder, of Conneaut , ;I Paul, Conneaut , C. . Wheeler, Co:mew., , 1 r .1 S. Skeilds, Albion ; Li. D. Richardson, Springfield : Wells Ames, Springfield. The committee reported • 'flowing reso lutions, which were adoptcd : Resolved, Thal we sir willing to sustain the President to the best of our means, In all Con. atitulional sots and Constitutional statute*. Rewired, That while we remain loyal and law-abiding people, giving all the men and messy that is required of us by government, we deprecate is the severest terms the 'act of placing us nada: martial law, and taking from us the great foundation of our liberties, the writ of haLeai corpus. Friend IR ojer inn 2 I Pfl3 • • ; 11111k:wittsoorn awl ooa tempt updtt the ants of arbitrary arrest, as subiterting our indrAtlual rights. Rei,l rd, That the Demosratic party stands unwaveringly ,pledged to the- support of the ronst it u4ion ,and tits Laws as the only hope of our sect in setscrew INST. L' e.oloed, at we depresmte and eoudemn anything in Om policy of the Administration that is oontr*y Thereto, as subversive of our mist it iit itkns. and highly dangerous to the liber ty of our people. h'oJk.l ved, That we pledge ourselves anew to Ibe 4uppurt of the old Constitution and the righi.."o the States, and the people under it, se our only hope fur the restoration and per p..ttlatit n of onr institutions in their purity. A committee of intelligence, consisting of ta..1v,.. 14'14 ft p pOi drea de follows: A. Pomeroy, Conneaut; P. Smith, Con n• urt : Samuel H. Yowl, Conneaut ; William hi•hter r'o,,a,•aut; Andrew Bentley, Con neaut; eltarlen Cross,Conneaut ; C. It' Lincoln. Alrnnu . Ralph Bowman, Conneaut tp.; Wells Arne's. Sigaingfield ; Gilbert Hurd, Springfield; 11. 1). Itielt.tidsuu, Springfield ; Wm. Sherman, Elikereek The meeting Was then addressed by Dr. tqo•ilik. Sainui•l II Pau:, and J Sullivan, Ee,l the I,o,fton, meeting adjourned to moot in at the same place, at two o'clock, I. All in favor of "the Union u it was, at, l ronetitwi , ,n nv it t , ," are invited to J ti L.II AV , Prent. WM Spidel., See. r0t...1 NEWS FROM ALL QUARTERS. - tie 1.ellligl:111 , iluir bill will undoubted already pameci • St , nate New York Hesse of Assembly, 3 rote of 95 to 4, has passed the nt olutioti4 inviting lien. McClellan to visit tlat. Capitol 04 the guest of the State. l'eac“ re,olations passed the Illinois House of Repre.,entatives, on Thursday by a vote of 52. to 28. Gen. Fremont, it is said, is to be as signe‘l to a command in Texas. His friends aßsert th.it this will involve the return of Gen Butler to New Orleans. '1'114• figures of the War Department show that we are now discharging from our aitniew in the field disabled soldiers at eii,. rate of a thousand a week. The Constitutional Convention of We..t., Virginia has unanimously ratified the clause known as the Willey Amend ment to the Admission act. It provides for gradual Emancipation a to begin on the 4th of next July. —Discipline, that has been bound asleep for months, appears to be waking up.— The Adjutant General gazettes a hundred or so of officers, Nom Colonel down, as dismissed from service for absenteeism wit hou. pass. We are glad to learn from Washing ton that there is generally a more hope ful feeling with regard to military and naval (operations than has prevailed for b.ime I - non/Cs past, arising from favorable aecount4 is said to be recived from all quer ter4. -- Oen. Wucks hag insuc . d an order to dintrict provost - ma is and judges, re quiring them to other *fair and legal induce ments to thenegroes with each district to rctorn to their families andtheplantations tl.l 1,, long for one year, the alternative be ing liability to be arrested as vagrants. From Vicksbuit - the news is meagre The flood in the Mississippi is abating, but l the crevasses cut by Gen. Grant are doing much damage to.thii plantatipna. Turstow Wssi).—This gentleman lett Washington on Thursday last. The public are still ignorant •. the uitliire of his visit or its results. It is only known that the President sent for him. —The Frankfort Commonw'th says that the Cumberland Gap, the great gate lead ing to and from Esatern Kentucky, is wide open. The rebels cam come in or go out just as they see proper. We stand on the very apex of a volcanos at a point where a crater ; . of fire may be opened at any moment.-,-Peoria Mail. Then why the deuce don't you come down.—Chicago Post. The 14th Wisocensin and 11th Illi nois regiments were attacked near Lake Providence Tuesday by three rebel regi ments. The latter were repulsed, and a number taken prisoners—one report says an entire Mississippi regiment. A letter to Gen. Davidson. from a person who accompanied a recent scout to Batesville, says the rebel Gen. Hindman's army is utterly demoralized and totally inefficient. Three hundred of his troops (were frozen to death during their retreat from, Van Buren. Hindman was once or dered to Vicksburg, but his men refused to go. Maj. Gen. Fremont bias, for the second time we believe, urged the Gov ernment to give him something to do— some active service. Two expeditions from the army of the Potomac have succeeded in break ing up the contraband traffic between rebels in Maryland and Virginia, across the peninsula, and stopping tfie rebel con scription recently ordered to take place on the neck. Several vessels, a large quantity of provisions, and a number of, horses, mules, &c., intended for the ene my, were seized. The chief of the army police at Nashville, through hist detectives, has captured and turned over to the govern ment amthorities contraband property to the amtunt of about $300,000, of which $11),00orwortli was quinine. Brigham Young, in his Message to the Legislature of Deseret, complains that his State has not been admitted or recog n,ized by Congress. Its population during the plst season has-been increased by sev eral thousand immigrants, its southern settlements strengthened, cotton is to be grown, machinery leas been imported es pecially for manufacturing wool, and there is every reason for encouragement as to future prospects. Mr. Wilson's conscription bill was taken up as the special order, in the U. S. Senate, on Monday, and Mr. Wilson, of Massachusetts, spoke in favor of its pas sage. An amendment exempting mem bers of Congreas from the provisions of the bill was rejected by a vote of thirteen to twenty-four. An amendment exclud ing the governors and judiciary of the sev eral states was adopted. The debate on the bill was resumed in the evening, and at 12 o'clock the bill was passed. Tut EXPSDITIOF AGAINST CRANIA/PITON.-- lir is now said "on authotity" that there has been no disagreement and no quarrel between Gen. Hunter aud G en; Foster, and Gen. Foster's brief absence from his troops' was not the result of any hitch whatever in the affairs of the expedition, which is proceeding with its work as rapidly as has been intended by Vse government. Gen. Roseeranz dates in a letter to e relative that the rebels are building strong fortifications at TuJkshonatuind at Dacha lie thinks that they mearto m ke 1. iterate stand there, to protect; Chat! 11-ooga. -ooga. The general is sanguine as to tut>. cuss, and his men are said to be erring for a fight. THE FRENCH Issantxpoviow.—The news by the Asia, indicates pretty clearly that the French wedlatlon and intervention scheme has boen fully matured. The subbtance of M" Drouyn De l'lluys' letter to Mr. Seward was known throughout Europe, about the time of its presentation to our Cabinet ; this fact, alone, proves that, as French diplomacy "Inv far too diseieetly in prevent' any hilt creet revelations, it is manifest that the Emperor of France divulged the contents of the dispatch, with a view to Europe for French recognition of the fed. ,in case of th e absolute rejection which eeratary Seward has given. -Tale was C large attendance of news paper proprietors and book publisher' be fore the Massachusetts Legislative Com mittee on Federal Relations ou Monday, to urge the importance of memoralizing Congress for rel apt net the paper makers monopoly. It win shown that the stmt of school books, alone, wasfive million dol lars annually, and that this combination of paper manufacturers added thereto full 20 per cent., which was a serious tax on the majmity of parents; also, that nearly all publications, weekly newspapers and books, heretofore published for the peo ple would be obliged to suspend entirely or be greatly restricted in their usefulness. The daily papers would also be compelled to advance further their prices. Lieut. R. C. Blake, late commander of the U. S. steamer Hatteras, has sent to the Navy Department q report of the de atruotion of that vessel by the Alabama on the 11th of January, off the coast 'Ol Texas. The Hatteras foug it the pirate until she was set on fire in two places and was sinking, when Lieut. Blake accepted the otter of assistance from the latter and every man was p.sfely transferred to the Alabama. The Illtteras then went down with her pe ant flying, and so quickly that the enemy did not obtain a single weapon from•Jier. The Alabama then sailed for Kingston,- Jamaica, with her prisoners, at which place Lieut. Blake's report is dated. Admiral Dupont has transmitted to the N ,vy Department a statement or Cat - tain Tuner, of the new Ironside, accom partied by ajoint statement of the offi cers of the blockading squadron oil Cherie , - -ton, denying in foto the .dlegations set forth in the proclamation of B,.aurektrii 'and Ingraham that the blockade of Charleston had been broken and the port was open to the world. A gentleman recently from Charles ton, who esc,ped through the rebel lines, states that large numbers of troops have been collected there to defend the city, and that the citizens generally left—in anticipation of an attack from the nation al troops. The means of defence are very formidable and he thinks the city cannot be captured without a severe struggle.— The city is strongly fortified on all sides, but west, and supplied with iron clads to defend the harbor. Reports from the interior of Ken- Lucky indicate that Morgan, at the head of a large force, is again making an at tempt to reach the Ohio river. The peo ple of Frankfort think he will be succeee ful, as there are but few Uniou troops in the §tat i e. Gen. Granger thinks, however, that Dfdrgan will find his match. "/.1:4:4031 In Lottavllla, on the 18th of Jaa., Mr. L. ♦. ?SAMS of Grand Meadow, Minn , to Miss S. S. BAKER, of Spar ta, Pa. DIED. At the regileace of ber Juo C Graham, In Summit tp., on the 11th of January, Mrs NU 03A ...NA COOK, aged 74 years and 5 months. rift Pi AFENT ANL) BEST Preparation that easi , be used upon the hair im parting to it a natural shade of brown or black, 11 CRISTADORO'S HAIR Dll3. It corrects the bad effects of other d) es, nourishes tbi Bair, ill earilly applied, performs Its Mork 1/11/iillifletoll//10 and Its pressmen', to the observer, nemalus an lIIPENKTRAIILE dh;CRET. Naoutaetared by J. CRISTADORO, No 6 Amtor Boone, New York. Sold erealwbere, and applied by all Liao Dreamer. Price, $1,11,10, and 13 uos, according to size jazilo-1m Oristadoro's Hair Premarvative, le invaluable with biz Dye, se it imparts the otmoot soft nese, the most beautiful glore, end gr.A tits , ity to th Hair. Price 60 seats, $1 sad $2 per bottle, seeordisg to Art suirlb62-ly H ULMBOLIPs EXTILteT BUCIII', THE GREAT DIURETI HYLKBoLDI IXTRACT BUCRU, THE GREAT DICRETIC HEI.IO3OLDI3 EXTRACT BUCK:, THY GREAT DIURETIC HEIABOLD'S LETRACT DE/CHU, THE GREAT DIURETIC And a Pointlre and Specific Remedy fur Diestanes of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Organic Weak DellA, And all diseases of the Urinary Organs. Bee A.lvertiaement In another column Cut it out, and send for the Madtaine at mute. BEWARE OF COV.YTERFF:ITs feb2l-2m. D R. TOBI %PP VENETIAN HOW SE LINIM IIiNT, la plat brAtles for 5.0 cents cares liumeets, oats, galls, colic, /lc Rood the following Da. Toutas:—We have used for the past year your Hone liniment for lameness, kicks, bruises, colie t sod Cuts, sad it' every instance found it the best article I ever tried in this circus company. 111141110 send six dozen, as ills the only liniment we use now We hare 101 horses, some very valuable, sad do not want to leave town with out It. HYATT FROST, Manager Yen Amburgh k Co 'a Meoagerie. Sold by all Druggists. Office, 28 Conrtlandt St., New York. feb2l--4w . le-gJam'o Aduttliormtuto N U T IC_E, We take groat pleasure in informing the Pahlie, and our numerous Patron, An particular, that we here flu resuree4 MANUFACTIIIINO STOVES INCREASED FA CI LITIES And aro prepared to till all orders fur COoKIN(4 AND lIEATINo sTovEs WITH PROMPTNESS Having purchased • Large Sloe t of Iron, previons to being burnt out, gives us a decided advantage, (In price of Stoves,) ov..r Manula:turers who have bought Iron at present high prices. Tbanticlul for past favors, we hope, by strict attention to the wants of Customers, to continue to merit fbvlr Wtronage. feb2l'63tf. VINCENT, TIBBA LS, SHIRK k CO PRIVATE AND PUBLIC PAR?lltfl (nrolshed oa short notice, with every description of Table Orna ment; Cakes, Pyramids, Ice Creams, Jellies, Fruits, Con fectionaries, kc., Ice.„ by making application to feb2.ltL JOHN WILSII, Cheapside, Erie, Pa. A DMINISTRATOR'S N(ITICE. Letters of Administration having been ranted to the undersigned upon the estate of J S. John son, Esq., dammed, late of Erie eity, Kris Co , Pena& ; notice is hereby given to ail having elitism against the said estate to primal them en or before Saturday, the 26th day of art* 1663, and those knowing themselves indebted to the same are requested to make immediate settlement• Dr. H. J. JOHNSON, Mn. J. B. JOll NitlON, Foie, Feb. 6, 1843-Ow. Admr's of dr essard. FOR RENT. A two .tory Dwelling House, ..t.a anted on &mond Street, between Peach and Ptsto Streets, now woospied by Joiner O. Pay DIE Want. 'ED WIN J. 111C1J30. D ISSOLUTION NOTICE. Th. arm of A M. Cafvon k Co. hi this day dissolved by mutual coosetit. The ►xounts of the trio remain to the hands of A. M. Carson, who is author ised to eolket the same and who will pay all indebtedness of the erm CM presentation. A. M. CARSON, Waterford, feu. i , 11111S—fb14-3t H. L. WRITE. STRAY HORSE. Cats to the randeace of the subscriber, in NW Creek tp , North of the BMW° Raid, ad,iololog the rah. Ground, s Bay hare, with a small white mark oa the side of her neck skarpahoil, pad about ten yea s of age. The owner is requested to use forward. prose property, pay charges sad take her away, other, hie she will be dealt with wording to law. fobl4-31* t - RIIDERIO SHAPIJ dial MANHOOD; Row Lott ! Row Restored JUST Published in a Sealed Envelope Met 6 eta. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Radical Curt mot' wr itsintoo MlN na, Sexual Debility, and 'moo ditnesta toiayslua imminally. N Consimap -1L1144144, rue; Nontal and Phy la•apacitc, tilmg frosaastf-Airnae. he.-Ry DONT.? CULVID , ot Cho Orem Book 4.c. sosid-mill awl anther, to this admirable Lecture, clearly prossiine. bla owa skaperieent that the atrial aoasequesese atlielf-Alreas may be sdrottnatlY renewed without Bosom sa d with o ut deasesous surgica p r l *fa saw. t s . fie or cordial'. ainin oat a mode rif earl at one* osrlain sad Eth etas., by g width everysaita e , so value shat his condition may auty..eare ntinsaltabsaply. privately, and radically.— This menus eat peeve bora to Omura& and thousands Beat soder sate, In a plain etnekree, to say address, of the rsealpt stab earl; ea two ileesare sessal!, to/ 11 6 411=1„.4_ Da. MM. J. C. IC.L.LNK, cry flowery, hit Ogles Peet Ogles Boa, lISN. em:=o Bosrox, July 7, 1660 Eam B imini spoil.. N. I v.y.....Knt. e TFIP PLACE T 1) BUY YOUR PAWILY B. al 6Ro(gRIE. 4 1:4 AT THE *Wilt )(Am .Ivirrtrrnom... B omoroPil CILAICIAKIA.C. THE GENUINE ARTICLE, r RIGHT TROY TUE "CITY' OF NOTIORA,- B. b e ALWAYS ON HAND 4? Tile BANNS{ STORE TrUM IliKkilll'illt 0. M. PiUAP. Tilt OILILUIN IC DIRT ['TRACTOR. 'll.!Cil nlc .04 p. TOOKTHLR WITH . •} A , ( 1 1 ) .1 a . ii ,. / T 4 r i lik A l r o r if i fl o: lC .. A ß LAO N Arr e.. A LWAyg 0 SLOAN k W'CRITARY BID4T 1.1111H.5. THE HEAT REAND4 or maims, H. 1. 0. I HCCH •Al • "H A. D " "066 76," "A •Xt. -VAN. 1101111 Y, ALWAYS To gi POrlrb AT 111111 "HAM= HITtaL" AL4)AN a IrCiEART A MEXICAN EAGLE TOBACCO. "Vile AIIRICAN EAGLE" airo"BANNZIr Baum OF Flxo CVT TONAOCO TON HUT [LOWS 171 TWA Oa ANT oTiala NAILETT, j 13AND CAN ONLI Ha FoUND AT NO 1 IF•FAR is Es 1-001 a• SLOAN WCIMARY ! CII it WOO C 111811044 G OLOVSIVB CHEISIr i Tiffs see" DAMN IX ERIN COONITF. AND ' I Dec i Man Y • BRAD OF TILT MAJOFFACTTIND t . el y "AN T 01 . 11111 V AN," ALWAYS ON •AA D 9 9J W aoljui ALI ANDRwrAn., Air trim"BAJllitig • 1 F. rip, t eb. 7. 1882-W BLO AN k ItTRZAXY ASSETT?3, JANUARY, DAR. CASH, TIARA WRY No r te k Ciistrituffen or leuxerenress, on hand and depod t, on call, and in agents' bands, $408,1011 41 , BANK STOCKS, in New York. Hartle Boston, St. Louis, Philadelphia and other places MA/ 00 C. S •sto STAT. STOCIOI, In 'tactful& New York, New Jersey, Ohio, II • gnu and Indiana, ..... • • irr Holr Da, New York, Brooklyn, Bart / ord, Rochester, Jersey, Mileratikwe,„.. RA I La 0•D STOCKS, Hartford k New Ha ven, Connecticut River, and Boston k Worcester, 1190186 00 kipwro•oe Rom ...... no,as 00 STAYS or CosilitcrieCT, Vemaorary Loan 180,000. 00 Rest. Le , ITniocumtered, IBMS II GRoss. -1.-- ----- I. MSS LIA B I LITIBtI. Louis, Unadjusted Lad not due, $17% 77 JANC•RY DIVIDIUND, Paid, 150,000 I GO *MOW 77 Doty nwosx To, . --- Hartford, Jaa. 1, Ihe3 Raw, tiftlekle• 1 1 7 Respectfully reilicit, and will take &aware iwattesidlat to your insuraoo• wants. I. P. DOWNING, feb7-lm. , Apia 1/exLrhaiiozi :// ' T HE 8UFF.11.4 - ) MERCANTILE COLLEGE, OASES OF MAIN &SENECA STRUTS. Ie an important. link to the great ebaia of BIATIoNri,.• x lute ANTILit cOLLEGitaI located in the &llamas Cities, •in YORK CITY, BROOKLYN, TROY, DE TROTV PHILAi)LLPHIA, ALBANY, CLEVELAND, CHICAGO SAINT LOUIS AND TORONTO. A Parbolanbip boomed frost 8.1.11 ea Ciallegge, entitle. the holder to attend either or all the Colleges tot an unlimited time. The Design of these lasittutters, is to impart to young turn ant ad.', • thorough, prat:tun/ brantaw tiductatow Thew. I 'alleges are r rsanised aod.ondasted apes a 11s0.11 , which must secure toe eh se perste Institution the teat pownble fah alluvia for ngsparting • thorough com mercial education, and render ft as a whole, the meet comprehensive and complete, system to this coantry. Book-K 'repine in all Ita departments, Comments! Law, Caainanernal At athmetk and Penmanship, are taught to the moat theroogh and practical manner Tim aproceelm, 1.)/tem MI remota/bap, 16 ught I.y e•mpetent and experieneeu - tethebiera. meholaraltip, payable in advanee.l4o. Celleg- open da y and evening .-to rag:01100a. • Iboldet.t Fr.ncii.al at buffalo. .1 L. BRTAXT. For further lolorniation, Owe* call at the College Rooms, ..1 rend f-r Catalogue awl CtreabLz twelve* letter rtainp. Addrvas MEI B R A II L E Y LECI.NORATED HOOP OIKURTS a complete amortmeut Alt received. at W M. I'. HAVES s: Co., NO. $ REED HOUSE, Consisting of the TIP TOP, I 31.tf V.IBLE, DOUBLE EXTRA WINE., (QUAKER GORE, BILMORAL, EXTRA SIZE, AND PRIDE OF THE WORLD: Young Ladies', Misses' and Children's. Young Ladies' dkatmg Skirt. These ' roods are conceded to be the beet, in erear denier, 000 in the market. T" I. E Two goal Stores sad Mae Mail Snow on Fifth ntreet, near State. (..b7-2t JAS. P. OAOGU(, Act. k s'l' k.* AL L . ias All perac isktitgOd to W.. A. artareold otle or book account, mut pay up Deka* Marsh Ist, rt§ will b. made. JAIL P. GAGGER, feb7-1m Agent. Notice of Dissolution. en•partnership heretofore existing beewsen tha J.intbecribers, under the firm name and style of Wight, Hatch and Perry, (Renner. and dean* to Oils, fro., at Erie, Pa.,) is this day dissolved lity Masai calmest, Mr Perry having sold his interest to 'Byron B. Pentim and retired from the firm. the Mildness of the late arm will be settled by Y. Au gustus Perry, solely, who la hereby authorised to use the name of the said late arm for that, purpose. Dated at Erie, Ne 10, 1b62 ALLEN WRIGEIT, IRA G. HATCH, 11. A UGUSTUS PERRY. 20-82-3mox NENV FIRM.—'PERRY OIL WORM,' 68111, PA. The subseriberw have formed a es-paril tiiit, nership under th e drm and name of Weigh Natal, and Persona, and will ^motion e th e business et sod Dealing in Oils, &e., at the old stanfiliqe l i Ene, Ps. Older' solicited. Dated Dow 10, 1501. ALLEN W HT, IRA G. HATCH, Dee. 30, 62-3.moe BYRON B. PERSONS. D „,;orkv. . tire lab a by t t:e u n u tta rs t i theshlp here afore est ing was df► solved on the ISth-4 nuaty,lBB3, by iiii;:; - ia, llemral of H. W. Booth from th flrmi Thebesmien will be watts. nod, as usual, by the =tidin g partners, to triton the Notes, Books and A eta 'of the late ern have bees trassfsrred for eetthernent, and by whew all tie liabilities will be liquidated. B. F. SLOAN, H. W. BOOTH, J. C. hicCRIARY.,, ja3l-3w TO NERVOUS SI7 FE REftS OF BOTH SEIKS"—A REVERIND GINTLKMAK having been restored to health in a few dart, after undue going all the usual routine and oxponsiveinirdee of treatment without success, cos don it hie ascred 4Pty kk ate. to common irate t o a abated fellow matures the areas' of cure. Howie.= u -receipt of an addrunod envelope, tie will send (free ) a-copy ofthe_ preaMption med. Di rect to Dr Joan M. DAGIALL.IB6 Fulton Street, Brook lyn, Now York ja24-ly NEW JER.'4EY LANDS FOR SALE, •Lscb, GARDEN OR FRUIT PA wettable for Drapes, Pssok• ea, Pears, Ftropberries, Strawberrise, B Car mots, ke., of 1,31 i, 5, 10, or 110 sena e=ilow' iny prices lor the present, els: 90 scree for VIM 11 semi for $llO, 5 acres (or 00, Sri acres for SW, I sere for $2 O Payable by $1 a week. Also, good Cranberry lands, and Tillage kite La CHET WCKM, 25 by 100 feet, at $lO each, parable by one dollar a week. The above land and lama ate etheOed at Chet. wood, Washington Township, Darlington Coast', New Jersey. For further Information, appiy_ _with a P. Stamp, for a circular, to B. PRA NEUR CLAM. Pant 1. No. 00 Cedar Strwea, New York, N Y L 862. PHILADELPHIA &. ERIE H R. This greaellse traverses thOlorthera tied Northwest counties of Penns} Irani& to the city of Erie, on Lake Erie. It has been lewd by the Psintrytertaile Raerwitil M' pomp, anti under their auspices le being rapidly opsord throughout its (mune length It Is now In use for l'as.erivr and Freight business from Harrisburg loam,. I , Ist ( mike) on the Utters Division, and from Shit:N.l,llo Erie, on the Wsstera vision, i7B TIMM OF riAMZUGRIR TUAIXS AT MX Mail Train Leevre_ Accommodation nein 1 ea.., Mad Train Armes Accoranirmiation 'Lam Amara For inliorntation manacling Passenger Waimea appl7 at theft. K. corner 11th aeoi Market .ta e sad for Frilekt bustriess of the Company's /puta. J. B KINGSTON, JR , corner 13th and Market Streets. Philadelphia J. W. REYNOI.oB, Erie. J M. DRILL, soot N. C R. K.. l3lllll MNort , ' H. H HOUSTON, Gemmel Freight Amt., LEWIS 1.. ROCPT, Gemara! Ticket Agent, Phili.J . e, JOS D. POTN, General Manager, Williamsport Paraut _ T oL ET. L. Two Lar ge Stamens Preach street. _ Dow...GAWK Slew MEI illin PIC'S choie• Brilliants. SOO yanls,eotteesed won all ted 4"-gooiest 12M ends. woe a till MI S Sr. OW% St Vi ott• A C/6‘ SLOAN ! ITRZART ftl,o 11 N k WCRIKARY. rt . • >a/1.4 I 647,06 00 SR .100 00 st,essyt to mo BRY . it STRAITON, Ralfaio. N. Y 5 ...3 SO r ■ 8 410 • x - ..11 32 . X ....b lb r ■