The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, February 14, 1863, Image 3

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    ht etit artskil Oboavtt.
CI F.. PA., SATURDAY, TVS. 14. 11143
rti MILIO KA 1./I 'S&L S.
iu bugltrh sad &raw. r i n s e d id k id s o r,
t e on se ressosable tow ea they Mil be
utic %A any Wier solabibilaanii.
ule•Tros or • CAII4OIBO Clier•On —The
tcslion of at. Biralikoes °mitotic rhorah,
Greene #witel4, (Beach Woode,) will take
lsco on T r iteeday morning next. Dines ierr
• will colPienee M Velocik a. q. Ample
.0m hu been prandial for all netters, amd
lenty of icconemotiatlon for hones at John
•hciell:s All are forbad
iTTOIPTIP erfol6ll —The atiazioteei tsar
erer, llsniel attompeng to commit
liciJe. en Staturtnty night. —by ousting his
;Oil arm open in !era places—as A. wr i st. w e d
st below the ehoultier—with ttra old eases
ilia he had used the Jay previous in atiaritais
e was unconscious when fi.nnd, hevtag l e t e d
rufusgely, ep I nearly dead A physician was
MIR/WO, who devise,' his woutai. e n d he
tll rr.bably recover."
rLircross.—The eounty Coo t rai t isi u n
r 4 hare toads the following appointopenis of
Ar collectors for the present year: Brie.
%%ttrti, L Nioineyer ; West Ward, Chas
liner Nlill Creek, Win H Juries; North PAW.
A V. Pierce , North East bor , J I.
rerb 9reenfleld, Bela Jones : Vensago,
a , K. Black Wuttaburg, Timothy Read ;
ii :y. U S Rouse : Wayoe, Barley Bei.e.licr:
.1,. Samuel lisniniond , Union, toot so! -
I•,t Le Bteutf, Jno L.' Vialerliotple • e
rt,rd t.p . Benjamin Skinner, Waterford bor ,
Vincent, Greene, Samuel Hilt:tore; Sum.
J ti 31orey , McKean. Uri,ll Skinner ,
i I ileboro, Henry Winkle ; W asking-ton,
. rn Campbell ; Edinboro, J W Campbell ;
rontlut. Alonzo Alden , Elk Creek, C Joelle
It ion, Peter Parsols ; Conneaut, A. M.
ay ;- Springfield, S Rhenium% ;- tiirard
Sanford Slater, Girard bor, , Levi Love
-Ige ; Fairview, Geo. W. Luther ; harbor
reek, Thou Elliott.
PIILLA. & Eat■ IL i,—The report of J.
'gar Thompson, Esq., President of the Penn
leant* It. K. Company. is a doeument that
ill be read with pride by every true-hearted
linen of our State. It details the operations
f the company for the past year, and shows
at its total earnings ware $10,804,290, and
s expenses $5,431,072, leaving a croft of
,873,218. We doubt whether Lay other road
the oountry can show so favorable an ea
ibit. Speaking of the Phils it Erie IL It.
e report uses the following language :
It will be gratifying to the shereholderel
learn - that, notertthstaaditrit the unfinished
nclitioa of the work, this romping has not
tfered any pecuniary loss In oonsequenoe of
,e responsibilities assumed under this leas
he progress made towards ocimpleting the
hole line, though not as great as we oould
sve wished, owing to she difficulty is p ro _
tiring labor, has been such as to lead us to
~.nflently expect that it may be opened for
se throughout its length, daring the ensuing
11111M0 "
rile amount realized from the road Z i g
e e was $413,447. The Penna. co
purchased $600,000 of the honde t of
t,,:a s. Erin road, and have paid slB'llB as
terret on bonds, and asp wf kfreping up
e ,rg Lnizatiou of the latter company.
ul FIT Paociftntsios,—The fallowing pro
rungs took place in Court last week, In
.I;tion to the ones previously reported by us :
Bernard Reilly, selling pros.
piyme'e, of ousts. Reilly net being the
a who sold the liquor, on aoonant of wkloh
suable made return
Loin,el Crimmens was !wawa pithy of !emi
r la the 2d degree,arld seateaoad to 11 years
:t months it th• Posttestbuy
;‘,ll Henry Gossiti, surety of the pestoe,
complaint of his ,vlf*, seatomeed to pay
A L Rouse, ,forging the nouseof hie mother
tote, potty ; sentenced to pay half
e sod David Stow, the prosecutor, io
y the other hay
Joe Brown and Henry &lova, timaanit aid
tiery, thecharged, n44rosecater eppearing
Reb. Henry Geesitt, forshation end bastar
1. guilty , feed $1 to be paid le the Com ,
10 to prosecute:, and $25 per year for sop
the child
ileary Seelinger, fornloatina and baste.rdy
I tried, frooftuns Intim no ben
Raton and Milo Burke, lemony
. t■ A* wiry '
A L Rouse, forging name of David litorer
a not., not guilty • prositontsr, David
orer, to pay oosts
',ter Atilt Ekberg, obtaining signature to a
ite by raise pretences, settled by the peruse,
kel pros. entered. , 7ilNG OAS —"Laugh and Vow fat, '
itls a familiar proverb, but in these times of
Ittession it often appears as though some
cling extraordinary were relinired_to carry
Ali even the first part of the injunotiots. But
challenge the most strait-1ac...1, iober
ted member of the oommunity to attend
e .f be. Lillie's exhibition's without yield
: is the most delightful oonvelsicits of
ieh the human fringe is susceptible.. His
triments with the Laughing Gas afford - the
pleasing novelty imaginable, The gas
administered only to gentlemen, who volnn
for the occasion, and the entertainment
haraoterised by the utmost propriety, with
ung to offend the most fastidious The
'ion of inhaling the gas is by no means
Anal Its effects are of few moment's
'ton, and leave no feeling of debility or
sustion. Besides ibis exciting exhibition,
Lillie will present certain experiments of
chemical and philosophical nature, which
111 in themselves fully repay the spectator's
lemon See adverteeement m ides paper. *
, og talked of wedding between Gen. Tom
'lab and Miss Lavinia Warren, took place,
New York, on Monday, creating a sense
in such as Gotham has not experienced for
any mouths. The little eouple intend taking
trip across the ocean, and visiting the prin-
Lod countries of Europe, after which they
rill return to their native land, and settle
town into the comforts of housekeeping. If
hey would permit ns to give them a piece of
"At we should reeonunead them to buy
/sir groceries and crookeryware at the eheap
'tore of Jas. A. Bliss, comer of State and
Eighth streets.
ST VALIIIITIVI DAY.-Of those pestle
hillets called Vilestloss, May, at the Peet
Vice, Ems the most superb lot ever offend for
e►le la this city, comprising every variety.
Also, a few more of those splendid Prize
P►ckets • together with all varieties of paper,
easelopea, ink. pens, penholders, lead Pen
elle, drawing pencils, Arnold's ink in quart
~vtties, Moore's writing fluid sad eopying
t ' l4 Also, Blanks of all deseriptions, snob as
4 , 44. leases, mortgages, tight notes, etc •
SOT " Why is it that E. U. Smith's Mil
linery more is each a favorite resort for the
hither' " Why, dear bless us, don't you
kaJlt, —its because he has the oieest stock et
6 "uvit, ribbons, and other Millinery goods
to tilt city, and sells them at swipi reasonable
pric es too Oh, my, I'm astonished that, you
h*Tev't heard of It before" " Well, I must
P) • see for myself." " you'll be
pleased—l know you will."
OIL Few workmen attain the skill that
bee been reached by Chandler, In Rafts'.
hookoore. He does his work se wall se it
would be done in the largest cities.
— Address O. W. Crowell & Co., No. 211 Supe
rior Street, Clevelead, Otao. hbll-616.
Its The so,niee of missies sessiess bold in
reirieit's i,"hurek Mowed en Tuesday *wan
etly- A 'elution of Court for the trial of
eagea will ipoiam•ae• ea Ileaday nowt, as
two o'clock
jam" Park Beajarant will reek* • poen
upon tke war, to Farrar Bali, ou Tuesday
evening Dezt
qtr Tl,,re is some earl lb. Union,
of erecting an Lpiscopal Church to 1111rsrd,
De II SellirMer
frir R.v Jibe. F. Reid, a olergyeuts well
k..tru to this tray, hes takes charge •f the
I'rr•fryterilut opegreistion at UniVt.
par W• learn trout the Diepekii that tee
atu•uut wt b.utity poid to volunteers by oar
. 4F I I/ 1 / 1 11114110.Re17 h' 148,760
MO, ( hit lee dealers hwve •or+awed haul
iht I Loir nupyltel of Lieu article, bet 14 Is not
„f as good quslit,", as they usually obtain
*L. %Taut hats beeow• of tb••t for
r.:Mint n police fort•. Lhat WOW elitekled
, poa 1... y the Commll4, sow. woeks ago •
en. Nur S itor.e. the In•e Ant of
telotrraph, we see by the New York meta,
ntir 4 the moat active Demoorata in t hat
121 E
air Rev. .S. ti Dobbs, of Tittivvllle. who
en effeetneJly expoeed the "spirituslist - Fay,
has been invited to visit Ibis eity. end give en
NW The members of the libth regiment
have sent home for distribution to their fami
lies some $1,20e, 'Which has been depo.ite4 in
th e banking office of M. Sanford & Co
bur A donation visit is to he given to Rev.
T. T Bradford, in Waterford, oa Tuesday of
terwoon and evening, Feb 17th, to which a
general invitation Is given.
pair We publish in another column the an
neal statement of the receipts and espendt
tures •f the statist' , This is a document that
intereete nearly all oar citizens.
OS. The Conneaut dtrporter says of the
lute J B. Johnson, Esq,, that he formerly re
sided in that village, and had spent every
ooneeciative 4th of July for 11 fears there
.1.. Mr. M. L. Woodworth, of Warren Co.,
has been appointed P. 0. Bente Agent on the
A. A G. W. R. R. On Monday of last week
the first wail was carried on the route.
apt. Shirk, formerly of the gunboat
Lexington, has been appointed to the com
mand of the Ttisectmbia, now building at New
Albany, mud la now thee" superintending the
$O. The gallant Dees ieetsoy of our neigh
borineeenaly of Orawford are apparently
wide awako,to Its crisis. They are estab
lishing clubs, and bolding meetings in every
part of the county.
Mr The birrotore of the Canal hope to
open it al an earlier period this spring than
usual. The Cif*ol, of this will probably be to
reduce the price of coal,—•• • consummation
devoutly to be wished "
gar IS W Lary, Esq., of Wo ff rea, de
livered a lector* in Fairview, on Thursday
evening of last week A correspondent says
he treated his subject , I ntemperatice in a
style at once forcible and eloquent."
Mgr- Erie and Crawford counties were bah
eatablished on the 12th of March, 1800, hie
lug funned previously a part of Allegheny.
Warren was created at the same time, etit of
parts of Allegheny and Lyeetning oountiee.
101,. The statamedt In the Gesditi, some
weeks ago, that Timothy Fuller, formerly of
this consty, was- the oelebrated rebel thief,
John Morphia, tarns eat se have been ineor
met. The former individual is living and
doing business at liacine, Wis.
ugh. Myr. Dr. Forrester of this city, seems
to be oils el the most popular lecturers this
winter He has visited nearly every tetra of
any cansiderable else, within a radius of
seventy miles from (MI city, in that coapatilly,
during the present 110111411.
gar Our oitizent WI form some idea of
the benefits that will be attained by Os com
pletion I
of the Pluto. and Brie B ft., whop we
inform them that coal Is retailed at the nAties
&Jomi! the line of the read, at the hew rate of
$2,20 a ton
ler At the last session of Court, • petition
woe presented by the people of Craton, salting
to be incorporaupd Into • borough. The mat
ter was referred to the Grand Jary, who repor
ted upon it favorably, and It has been pod--
posed to tits Ilay eeastesa, IN required by set
of A ssembly.
Least. Stanza —air Jao A May, at the
Post Oflimi, has far sale • enperior lot of
blanks, int:attains/Amos! every variety in corn
moo old, to which he invitee the attention of
the community Mr. May is • deserving man,
and shoull receive a liberal patronage.
NI. A boll in oommemoration of Waahiag
ton's birth-day is to be given at the public
hails* of A. ilohinson, in gdinisoro, on Friday
evening, Feb. 2Uth. From the well-known
character of the managers, we have no doubt
that it will be a well attended and highly sue
easeful eatartilainent.
NIL The opening of the A. A 0. W. R. R.
to Warren, Ohie, has started a movement
amongst the business men of Pittsburg, to
secure some of the trade of the counties In
this State lylag upon the line of that road.
Our wholesale dealers timid be on the alert, or
they will Atli s vel serious competition,
Der . With the dvantsges that Erie pos
sesses for fhat business, it is a little strange
that eapitalists as not turn their *Mention to
the erection of iron forum:tee, foundries,
rolling mills, Ac., at this point. We are as
sured by gentlemen well acquainted with the
haziness that there is no place in the country
better situated for such establishments.
Air The condition qf the roads in this
county, during meet of. The past winter, has
been awful. The farmers And it difficult to
haul even half the usual loads. and many of
them do not venture out with their team at
all. The eonseqnenoe of this has been to
make trade dull in Me city, and raise the
price of every kind of country produce.
s ir Mr. Knox, of Pittsburg, and Mr. Fey,
of Portland, N. have proved the Concord
Grape to be one of the largest, finest, most
luscious sad healthy, the most hardy prodae
tire Grape /proem. Being two weeks earlier
than the Isabella random it the most profit.
able market grape yet tested. Concords have
sold the pest season at 2$ eta. per lb. whose
only 10 eta. per lb. could be had for Isabella.
Do you want Geaeord Vines--the extra White
Dutch Currant for wine making, or large sited
apple trees, cheap Bend to Littoots PAY, of
Portland, Chant. County, N. Y. am
ger Capt. John Dunlap left this city on
Monday afternoon, to swept of a pasiti/in on
one of the Western gunboat'. PPOVIOUII to
his departure a Ism number of his friends
met at his residence, and tendered him a very
flattaring testimonial of Aar esteem. Elo
quent speeches were made by ROIL Alfred
King, Col. J. Bass Tisompsoa, Copt Thos. M.
Diddle, Col. Prat* Wheeler, and others.
After these frerentonits were eencludod, the
company prisms escorted the gallant espial"
to the eses, pneedef 6 7 ikid s . baltd-4 ,
whole stair 'wee ready Ilattaring to Oaptaln
Dunlap, and as sheers es it was pleasant.
Our vesoroblo follow-eltisen, Cape Jim**
Dunlap, hire eves UM beet pro"f of his devo
tion to th. emery, by midi* two of bin
eon fhb IM serdoe,
- I dir•aTsiltito licitooL Dim:trans.—The at
tention of school directors It this oily sad
000nly is invited to the following section orate
common sehool law passed last wintilf in re-
Mos to their duties :
"That it dual be the duty of the board of
&motors In each school dOtriot to publish an
*usual statement of the amount of money re
eniviad and upended and the amount due from
collectors, and setting forth all the /nand&
operations of the district in not less that ten
written er printed Land bille, to be put up
in the most public places in the district "
The notice sbeuld be signed by the l resi
dent of the school b.lar.l acid attested by the
secretary. It is the custom in most district,'
to publish the statement I. the county t.4pers,
wkicJl onswers the same purpose, and is Lie
M.:ie.:III the most convenient plan.
Two Masons Co4l. Tames.—Not many years
age, says due Pittsburg Pvii, the first boatload
of octal was bent from the Olarksville coal
bank. !dareer , to Erie, eud site 4 Imo the
MI, demand for au! artiole !here Theo, that
was sold c iii Nur the trade hae
unearned, such niiignitu le that during the
months of October so I N9veitiber the ship
ments from the &farce: (20:11 mines to Erie,
exceeded 35,000 ton. The completion of the
Erie •nd PittAlmrg Railroe.i will, it is be
dreatly inereo.e the trade
PlilLA tt ERIE If R.—The annual election
for managers ut this road hoe resulted in the
choicest the follow ing gt trine!' : Wm., G.
Moorties 1, Ellis Lewis, ((eery Duhring, D. le.
Jackman, B Wright, Edward F. Gay, D.
Whethatn, F M Drexel, I'. Metcalf, Jno S.
Brown Mr. !Moorhead has agairAieen melee
led President,: Mr Gay Vice President, and
Mr, John Lindsay Secretary and Treasurer.
It will be seen that three directors are conced,d
to Erie, instead of two, ae before
Rebel eorrebpondenee from Fred
ericksburg state that the Yankee army is
likely to be annihilated any time by a
sudden dash of the rebels.
OItDIUD BACK. -All recruiting officers
and' men detached from the regiments
now in the hid from this State have been
ordered to join their regiments imme
The rebel force at Vicksburg is now
represented to be 60,000 strong, and it is
thought that it cannot be increased.—
Quite large enough we think to make an
attack upon et a bloody business.
Proper/Wows were in progress for an
attack on Charleston, under the direction
of nets. FoSteik who is said to be well ac
queitited with the adjacent country and
The Princess Royal was one of the
finest prises yet captured by our tars.
nor cargo must have been worth over a
quarter 01'41 VE•B4€l doubtless
A notemporary notices the singular
fact that neither Mr. Cameron nor his
friends have yet denied the statement of
Representative Boyer of the Pennsylvania
Legislature, as to the 320,04 k) bribe—was
it true
In Kentucky, the guerrilla Morgan
£3 getting rip a diversion in the rear, by
making rani- lob, that State, and refugees
are flocking into Cl' tint! once more, to
e s cap e hi., approach An adequate caval
ry force, uu doubt, will be dispatched to
look after him.
The marriage of Mr. Chas. Stratton
of Blidgeport (lien. Tom Thumb) to Miss
Lavinia Warren was solemnized in Grace
Church. New York, ou Friday. There
has been no snob excitement since the ad
vent of the Prince of Wales.
At Christianburg, Virginia, on the
lgth ult., two negroes a man and girl,
were sold for the round sum of $5,690.
The man brought $3,150, the girl $2,540.
These are the highest prices ever obtained
in this or any other country.
Reinforoementa for Rosecrans are
oonstaintly going up the Cumberland
River, and it is now intimated that he has
asonmulatad a sufficient quantity of stores
at Nashville to make a forward movement
possible. Itivill probably be commenced,
at a very early day.
A dispatch from Nashville bringi
news that the l'uion forces at Lebanon,
Tenn., on the Stli in3t., captured 600
rebels, most of them of Morgan's guer
rilla command—tmong them the noted
Secessioniet, Paul Anderson.
The C S. ship-of-war Tioga has cap
tured Anil brought safely into Key West
the British s hun side wheel ste.smer Pearl,
engaged in the contraband business. The
S ship Sonora brought in, at the same
titue, the rebel stesnier Virginia , as a
Col Lindsay made a charge upon six
oornpanieo of retmls at Bloomfield, Itfis
souri, un the 27th ultimo, defeating them
awl capturing 1•2 prisoners, 7u bead of
horses and 100 stand of arms. tiol. L.'s
forces consisted of 140 men and two
pieces of artillery.
- A Jackson, Mies., dispatch of the
4th, states, that the federal ram which
passed Vieksburg on the 2d, was off Nat
°hes on the same evening, where she dis
persed a party of rebels. The rebels
state that she then steamed down the
river, destroying every thing in her way.
The batteries had no effect upon her
TOCRI.OW WELD SENT rot.—The Albany
correspondent of the New York E rpren
says that President Lincoln has gent for
Thurlow Weed, and quotes the following
from a private Washington letter :
"Seward's star is again rising. So long
obscured, it will again shine, unless " Old
Abe" takes another notion, and spoils the
prospect.. The radicals are making a des
perate fight, but Weed is cheek-m a ting
them. Look out for good news."
that Mr. A. T. Stewart, the great dry
goods merchant of New York, has refused
to sell cotton goods at any price, and that
he has been engaged in buy iug up all the
goods he could purchase—:hat empty
stores have been taken, warehouses rented
and filled to the rafters with goods, and
this done that be closed sales, and waits
for coming events.
STuct re ran Mon.—A Washington
letter writer says that the Army of the
Potomac has been in winter quarters since
the middle of Noveuiber. Hooker has
tire, impetuosity, courage and ambition.
He would move it if it were possible, but
it. is not possible. He would drill his men
if that were possible, but it is not.—
" Stuck in the mud," is the record plito
arded all along the South bank of the
Rappahannock by the Rebels, and they
have added in derision the words of the
President's Proclamation, posted in big
black letters ou sign boards.
1,„.. "v.-, have a report from Vicks
burg that The steam ram
Queen of the West ran the blockade on
M on d a y last, and we presume she was but
the forerunner of others of the fleet. At
least one hundred heavy siege guns open
ed on her, and a rebel steamer also at
tacked her. The Queen replied to the
steamer, crippling her, and proceeded on
her way, apparently unhurt, after having
been under fire for three quarters of an
Ravaztor.—Somesizicen months
since, says the World, Simon Cameron,
then g e o re tary of War, arrested without
cause, illegally and arbitrarily, James W .
Wall, of New Jersey. This same Cameron
has jut been ridected as a candidate for
Senator in the State of Pennsylvania, and
the man whom he so cruelly wronged is
the Senator In the ;Twat Congress from
the,State of New Jersey. The arrest was
the sot of the administration of Mr. Lin
coln ; the *O W 601214011 and ocenpense.
ten W4WO t e act of the American people.
Two more 11.. S. vessels have been
owtured by the' . rebels. The Hudson
(Texas) IWageaph, of January Md, gives
an scooting of the att i pttare, offikkiienPass,
of the U. B. brig /lea Light, 8 32-
Pounders and one h undredand twenty
men, and a schooner, name not given.
carrying tour gnus. The rebel remelt en
pod were the Josiah Bell and Uncle
Ben, the former armed with a 84-pounder
and the latter with two Is-pounders, the
crews of both numbering 300 men. The
expedition was commanded by Major 0.
II Watkins, who telegraphs to Acting Ad
jutant General Capt. Turner, that be has
captured the vessels, thirteen guns, one
hundred and nine prisoners, and $1,000,-
fitifl worth of property. The Federal ves
sel, were nine miles off the Pass when dis
covered, and were chased several miles be
fore they were brought into action,. after
which they were soon captured.
The story is that Uen i Burnside has
made some remarkable ilischksures before
the Committee on the Conduct -of the
War. The difficulties that be has had
thrown in his way since his taking com
mand, from the day the pontoons were not
forthcoming, as per agreement with Dens.
Halleek and Meigs, to the day he re
signed, were of all kinds. Imbecility,
cowardice, apathy and treason 'met him
at every turn. His orders were not. al
ways obeyed just when they should be;
officers from whom more should have
been expected shirked their duty ; tree - -
son in our own camps exposed his plans
to the enemy as rapidly as they were
formed, and jealous officers succeeded in
more than once preventing a forward
movement at the opportune moment.
G&M. Hooray —Does At drink P—Says the
Waabinglon oorreepondant of the Spring
field Republican :
The question oftenest asked of - C(eneral
Hooker is this, " Does he drink Eid ?"
The frequency with which men near the
gen. tat are plied with questions of this
character satudies me that there is a wide
spread belief that Geo. Hooker drinks Um
much to have charge of such an arm!.
Now it is a fact that he drinks--perhaps
it may be said that he drinks hard—but
he is never in the slightest degree affected
by what he drinks. He is one of those
men who can endure a large amount of
drink without affecting the gait or his in
It is denied at Washington tbat
there has been any interruption of the
blockade of Charleston. Whatever mis
chief the rebel iron-clads may have done
was only to a few of the smaller wooden
vessels. There is a very strong Union
fleet off the harbor now, the iron-clads,
among which l the splendid. heavy armed
man-of-war New Ironsides, lying inside
the wooden ships; in the offing. An attack
uteharleston and Savannah, if neo
alreadyin progress, will soon be made.
A PeA Royal letter. et the 3d, mart
"The Montauk hes been engaged eevevel
days In attacking an iron-clad battery on
the Ogeechee river. The rebels have got
much heavier guns thin ever used before,
and also use steel pointed solid shot. But
although the turret has been struck six
teen times. they have all glanced off.—
Capt. Worden had nearly demolished
most of the rebel parapet. and expects
soon to capture the battery. b-hind which
lies the steamer Nashville "
Col. Stokes' regiment of Tennessee
cavalry, and a regiment of Kentucky vol
unteers, dashed upon a camp of rebels at
Middleton, fifteen mules west of Murfrees
boro', on the 2d inst. One rebel was
killed, and a hundred taken prisoners.
Our cavalry made a sabre charge and took
them by surprise, capturing all their camp
equippago, horses, wagons, &c. itiajoitt
Douglass, of Douglass' rebel battalion,
and all his officers, were taken prisoners.
A letter received from the vicinity of
Vicksburg, says the enemy are fortifying
all the points commanding the river be
low the city, but they do not seem to have
guns for all their works. The canal dug
last summer was but a mere ditch nine
feet. wide at. the top, and sloping to no
thing. This has been doubled in width,
and' water was on the 29th of January
running through. The digging of another
canal was to be commenced the next day.
♦ vessel hai arrived at San Franoisoo
from China with seven hundred bales of
drillings and aheetinga, and with advices
that, hereafter, California might look to
China for its cotton Several ships have
left Japanese ports laden with cotton for
English porta.
Gen. Magruder has personally an
nounced that the blockade of Galveston
was raised, but Commodore Bell iiistied a
counter-proclamatian ordering all foreign
vowels not to attempt to enter the port,
under the penalty of capture.
Admiral Farragut's fleet has become
so reduced by thewithdrawal and breaking
down of his vessels that it is now bare] y
sufficient for blockading purposes. All
present attempts , against Port -Hudson,
either by the army or navy; are out of
SM.-18 6 O-X
I Itatisot from ••r on the Battle P•l4 )
• • • • • •
This battle (Antietam) has been the most
sanguinary of the war, and the only one
fought with visible design and upon military
principles. The arrangement of odr corps—
the overlooking position of the commanding
General—the sending into action the right
and the left divisions—the closing up of the
centre, carries the mind to the great fields
of Austerlitz and Wagram, fought by Napo
leon. Of all this have I spoken. The Aeart's
history of such a conflict, pwrohaned by the
life and blood of twenty thousand men, most
be found in the hospitals. War has its glo
ries—but it has its ten thoniss..4 demons
in these b um .. tortures, that make the eye
baths ache—the heart bleed--the lips palsy,
aid the brain reel. The sight is al first posi
tively unendurable. The life-Mood of some
is still trickling away in silent calmness—
while the disavowed limbs and maniac brain of
others give rise to sounds God grant I may
not again witness.
But ye mothers who here seek a son—or
wives a husband--erAliters a brother or sons
a father—know sod be consoled that even here
the hand of mercy is watchful, and better care
is bestowed upon your loved one than might
at first seem possible. Itas p the hospital,
were rested the gallant Hooker, that 1 learn
ed the history of those mythical words, so
often seen and so little understood, '•8. T.-
1860—X." Anything alleviating the suffer
ings sad saving the lives of our soldiers, Is a
national blessing. I witnessed some astonish
ing results from this article.
It is well• known the effect of burnt gun
and excitement is thirst, which added
to the loss of blood in the wounded, crates
the necessity of a reviving stimulant. In this
particular hospital, the physinians were al
lowing their patients to drink Plantation
Bitters, otherwisvalled 8. T.-1860—X, and
although the wounded are most numerous
here—this division having opened the fight at
5 in the morning—the men were mostly com
posed. and there was very little fainting. The
article acts upon the stomach sad nerves in a
most incomprehensible manner, superior to
brandy, sad without subsequent Stupefying
reaction. It originated hi the West Indies,
compoMd of the oelebrated Cansaya Bark,
Roots Herbs Sc. ; all preserved in Bt. Croix
Bum—the 8. T.-1860—X beings secret in
gredient, not yet revealed to the public. •It is
principally recommended for want of appetite,
disordered liver, intermittent fevers, stoma
chic diflaulties, ko. I understand it was some
vent . known In the Southern States previous
to the Wu, sa4 it sppeari ea agent of Jef
ferson linv. rielently appiled to the proprlster;
for lb, t privilege to maim U for hospital
purpose's during the war, to whieh they made
the following reply ;
Now Yost, Jan, 16th, 1862
Aseemet of; etc
DRAB Eita:—ln reply to your communica
tion, offering us "Fifty thousand &Alai* fo•
the roe*" and right to make the Plantar ion
Bitters for your hospital purposes during the
war," we beg to say, your price is 4 liberal
one, oonsidetiag is would coot its nothing to
oomply, and that othaWiso we can derive no
revenue from the Southern States; but, sir, our
duties to our Governinnat and our Meat of
consistency would net illew Ise to entertain
it, although it might plume se to mew the
sufferings of your misguided &Bowen.
We rearms,
Very lesmentfully yours,
goa l', U . DRA KE
of a CO.
Ingre Bente f their allied* for over two hun
dred years hewing that 'through all changes
of the medical probates mad Its Fervltivaery
strength, composure and ebeerfelbees We
been derived from these sources Dr. Wood,
in the Washington Hospitslis, inbreed me
that one patient was feet slaking and crazy,
and had not slept en hour for two weeks, un
til the Plantation Bitters came to his know
ledge, when ona day's trial gave him a night's
rest, and he was now, fast recovering. Icm
surprised oar Government has not equalled
Jefferson Davis in energy, and adopted this
Invaluable article iu all our hospitals. The
weak soldiers cling to it like a brother. As
a lay member, I can bear witoess it is "good
to take," and affords more energy and life.
than anything I ever tried. Success to the
Plantation Bitters.
But I have digressed. In lay next I shall
speak of gathering in the , wounded, burying
the dead, AK( Cfar) NICODEMUB.
Physician to the Troy Lung and Hy
gienic Institute.
A To•stioi ea the Cause of early Pt, d ial Decline of
Urbanist' People ; the cum of De belly. Co..
Tim speri is sat st , kairA swat tams, arias* is
pig taritbar lameseige, mid ammeals directly Ss Ma=
oparciausitse e( JLL PA RENTS sad Claarddsas arsei
slip, Mather winery* ant retie/is tads sad tristsand fir
It Elf be seat by mall °DAM receipt of tiro (3) omit
St Btaul
remote sad asesdituatt ! MI set to mod sad ob •
t beta.
Teems ems t Viet see M sendl sad roll lib to
Ladies I Yes tee ebegal4 st ease enure a espy of
• Word S
d =its" . (l=destibess Adilea tip
A dale ef les%dim prevail to • - Meal Netball to lie
teenenalthdeoesteg at beet IMAGO rootlet Oboes rex
re atonally, to an early pars. These diemte en very
imperfectly understood. Their entered alielheithoe •
or symptoms. are Nervous Deiditty, Nelazatimi
Imuition; Mammas or wasflogjeud ooofAlta
Obeem of the whole body; shortness of =WIMP
riltAl breathier on amending a bill or tight of stain; great
potpie' ion of the Neon; Asthma, Bronchitis sod sere
Throat; et, eking of the Honda sad Limbs; aviness to
emlety and ['ulnae' or study; dimmest, of aye sight,
1 9 .. 01 Memory, diamissas of the Head, Neeralgia, Pain in
In various parts of the body; Paint to the Emit or limbs,
Lumbago, D. mops's or indigeetion, irtetalarity of the
bowels. deranged seerstiena of the Kidney" and otter
elands of the body, lames, them or /leer Alba% tr. Like
wise RI Ile 4/. Hysteria and liorrous Spasees. , -
Now, in seem Oat of ms/7 see
all the oboes coined dieoreenr, WI a beet • al et= ll4 4
named. es Consamptlon of the. temp and lima twat is,
sklion• sod wily form ot.Conesleptiee ef the Spigot
Nerves, known as Tubes Donalea, sad Tales lisosesteet. ,
ea, have their rest sod otitis in dimmer of the Mole
Vtacera. fleece the oast of gems.. the part et odd
*shool practice le treating symptoms cob/.
Dr Andrew *tome, PhyMMao to the Trey Leas sad
Hygienic Institution is now engaged la trtiiting this clam
of modern msladiei with the moot asiorsishleg simosea.—
/be treatment adopted by the Institution la new • It Li
based upon eciontille pr i nciples, with new disernmeed
remedies, without nrinemilt or polemic. The hillities of
cure are such, that patients ma be eared at theirhome s,
in any part of the country, Item arearate deeerip=i of
Omit can% letteri sad have kb* Median* •eat by mail
or empress,. Printed Interrogatories will be forwarded on
Consumption, Catarrh and disease of the Throat cured
as well at the home of the patients as at the lertitation,
by eroding the Hold efodicated IMILLLIJKI DoLatirto VA -
roali, with inkater and ample directions tor their use, and
dirmt correspondent's.
Patients applying for Interr.;gatleie or advice, toast
pollees return stamp to meet attention..
The attending physician will be (Goad at the lostito •
Non for ersortaltations, from 9a. m. toe p. in., sari day.
Hawley la the fereooon. Address,
Physician to the Troy Lang and Hygionlo Institute,
sod Ph ) siotan for Diseases of tn. Heort, ?bloat and
Longs, Pt Fifth Street; Troy, N. Y. Pialfedyl.
J. C. BURGESS & 00.,
Erie City Steam Bakery,
JROCE ft lES, P RoV isroNs,
• nUTTER, Ii -1
l. J A.•
C 4 PIC-NIC, 0
0 ! ROSTON, tt
" 14 g - VI
ig OD
0 SUGAR, ....,
, Ilassfecteted at UN,
Janina.. Slots Stelet. Pint Store 11110“ Poet Moe
mug & ?tom Lan R. R. Co.;
Zati, Pa, Jas. 11,110.
The Conroy will pap Da itteelhoidwrs ea the SI
of ror tag sett,. mat amaael abridged of Awe per eta
- ft... rem Georroment tax—et the 01.1111 of till Comps
n • t be 'Railroad Depot. W. 8. !MOW N,
Is I I. - :Trosatusr.
Woes Olt Matt? TAXAN seidatie Itieflrers e hack
ie. Pears Itatapberrito. Stra~fies SisakerAar.
_mate, be , oil, tki, /I, le, or 111 aeree stek. at tare Mow
in geese for tar prearat, Tim SO aerie ler MOO" wee
fo P r $llO. I lam (. 4 Pk *Caen* fbr WO este for $3O
a.=l •
pd Oreeberry londe, aad village lett Is MO
WOOD, 41 by 100 bet. at $10..* WIN, by
_see Sena ,
• week. ?be above hod lead lame ere attested at Cbell•
ood. Wsrldagtea Teweelite, Iteillegase Owdety. Sew
Jae*. Per &Aker lefessatile, apply. eta a P. O.
Ramp, for • etreelor, IS S. FIWIKLIII CAM
WMI. Ito. 90 Cedar Street, Wow WAS. T.
XII& subscriber will cheerfully sesiu (free
_to all who dostro it. the oewol a llama
try by villa bo woo mord of that s
i r ts l imoo cog.
111121001 M
Seams uttat
with tr ige loltipkti roolOrr
lo maxims tdobso tit• lima KM=
ormas OUR Then
NU Multi, 1 / 1 . SOP:
&, rsll ¢ fir WNW
di rant • lac at.s.Aum _r,
Ito. el left $
te*. low TIM
corm uEs to n' üblic favor 11 , 1,1
dorasaill lip al/ • •
11 4 014 X0N1 0 41-
11 4 1 , 11P50 of slates* years, I rs reputation rol . islffosoy IP
swift Throat sad Load • • ta l'any atrataiood.
Wltormer thl. toedlalnip a oat loosso44a Inst.
tailishisd the iirefttellt pop ty and iiismsod It has ha.
Oulu. a 04+11044.1 rrusphkr Iriati auaf orple lea curing
Pulploami) , : tonstplibln le at.l 0010 tV tbsfi' holliime for
2ums • how.. er motto& Ms • cure fur Cough it
and r 01.116— lildon4 riviln.otposors t , unt.4.1.-
te *ere a Cat4ol of many =arks PeaDdie9l. Fur rung
Croup It Is VW; 1 ,, 1a=14 MA WU : I . M AAUSSAS
odleasocr eatUtot Jrikatlis nod loamy pot
oats to 'after sort, Ing • lnag taro a year* curb
161. toissrobt. s Alnpetil faid.ROILM/Ilwais it
I/ lab and y um/admits( trthisthito from lb.
air pemraz. t. 1., 'VI. I this Remedy Is ofireat
pt.psptljt is , ,dsuus Los troqassiey and •iplese• of
1 1 11 004 11 oPtaiaa ter dioloa one lgalthos Its pp.
Stboar ti" ; Bl blotis "emits@
d)/«W.«. J tt.. WOOr sir prAnarn depend upon
tattoo ur tutinurruation laths' itatiorslSSES soombrous
t maims tbo prompt use of tlioroissh modletuo to of
foci thou 140110 i al iintre C.Angb kt.Lento,t sae. speedy
eftrotual mu Its oporstihn—lea&Oad ho .bothassom.
(4 sal sires sod aorustatn lion& tfr.. tporron nMichril with
'lnksr of tbs. folloootof thoomoro should moo this plosault
*unity and Ltwir roieau will roan Meer with others in
• .11-1.6nd.0.; Its merits 1.• IT and
..te Halle Cough R. niely it fres l ifblds.
MM. Use Cbug/i Remedy it cures Oroup
or Rattles.
1111§.. I.i" Hall' , fiyugh Remedy it cures ityth
uta or Pia Au. 4 - 0 -.
IMB., Use Hall's tAnwli Rem, f r lbiarrA.
111§.. Cse ()ugh Remedy it Sire-n. 04,14
du Lungs.
Use Half. (1414,914 Re ms ayf u r lirtmchis)is
rse Hairs Unigh Remedy fof Bairn-
NIL Use Hall's Cbugh Jima/go u htrei t itliens
at Voice.
NI. Vie !fall's Gough Remedy for W/tooptug
caw .
It will greatly soodirs lbs lisiusse• pintas Mama sod sioor
too its tedious amiss„ saMhatf (roan its ordloory aura
Bowe of aewslaellolle spa balsoiesltations—all kw Dr.
P. Ball's Wats=lea Camelailamsdi aild see that Ida writ
ten shomatare is upon Use trapper asuidlrealluaa.
We, the tindendgned Olsen./ of Erle City and riela i %
mese need Dr. P. lIALL'e Celobretted Gough Romody
moat rumens, in emisg; dimes.** etlbe Threat and Luna,
sad take pleasure to meonninsnalag Its use to the alffieiod
as • speedy and effectual remedy, lially worthy of public
Jame. Thompson, Matthew Banithon, D. Stark,
Joh. Melborn, fir .1. W. Ryan, ~ Mohan' Reed,
Joh* A. Tracy, Robert Cochraii, .1. T. Cane/
Joh. W. IPLano, Darnel Bear, • Mandel Hunk,
Joao W. Hay% J. Reblueou, C. K. &blot,
Joh. R. Cochran, W. V. Mluderoecht, J. Mooney,
Joh. R. Dumont, I' K. [tattoo, J. W. Culver,
Jobs M. Wanes., Alamos& nbarwood, Wm. H. May,
Jobs S. Drown W. H. Cooper, A. IL Tarbell,
8. L. Forster, Joeepli Deemer, X. A. Bennett,
J. W. Mull,J. italsbar7,
°twice Smith, Mimi. Grant,
Lucius A. Mull, IL Mayer,
ms% iltommeJeNtsa,Lang,
FLO. Da Root, W. 15. lialberber, J. Rotduson,sd,
Wilson King, Chas. W. Kelso, Rilaa H. Finch,
Denial Minor, D, P.C.O. Howell,
EP. 1F1A.1.1...
Xonnlinsturor and Solo Propfrie ,tor Malts New Building,
AGENTS TN nix M.—Jarmo A. Whits, Dr. SIJ, 61.
word; WM Sanaa Fairview; T. & Coot's, apringeoki ,
INN loawaso. 11.
• Haas as:wood s Unsola . W. B•
t G. T. Joanna._ North tad; 14 0.
Friabaa, l = 4 .l. 0. rowans, alt -- Teter,
Lockport, a.4s wrests geseratly.
BOTTLES of this article have been sold to the
vicinity of its preparation, Niece its introduction, and
the seems, annulling It has been very rertuaritabla There
Is mutely an lii that octant in families, but what its
timely use has either eared or relieved. Abundant evi
dence has been shown that It L very successful iLI curing
all forms of
Ministers' and Lawyers' Sore Throat
Gives prompt relief, in Asthma
la very valunbie in
le ❑nrarpaaed an
In Bottles at-25 and 50 Cte.
Sold by all m.pectablo Druggiata sod Dealers to tbt
United Staten.
N. WARD CLOSE k CO., Sl.. 121 and 1.20
:street, Now York, Wboleoldo Agents, by who erten
will be promptly dlled.
Stowed and sold by
JOHN r RTIKR, trio, P I.
Also sole pmprfetnr . t
an 3 63—tf
- BANG ' I:3OFA-11--
Xartiefit her been erterisfrely used fel ads and
ether countries. and is highly approved forlts
g VOIR, Hitai.Tß/CL AID fitTRI77OC3
This Coffee empares favorably 'with, ani is I;yeimany
plishinvd to Rio and Java and ts
It maw! wn•Lpat np in Tin FLO ;•n•per In llb peeks
gem, with I.b l• thAt riwia—
In the 0111111117
or *bleb 4 •
cut •.f • lady
b0i1.1.13g A Mr
Gee pot. Tire
kbels are 1 P 4
gma and I la,
and arr c
:z 1.
It la pac , ' , lln - tba tact; also
- .
In bulb F gourd loarrolia Also on hand.
Of suporku quatP.J, Tie rod papas and Ooze' ; stink
laz to Bann.
Dealers wild ple•se send for Circulars aoJ List of
Orders by *all or Express prutirly executed.
L. F. 1,101 Harrison St,
Sole avid for the raft...a States. Now York.
Notice of Dissolution.
?lain Do-partnership heretofore existing beeneeu the
subscribers, under the Arm naiad. and style of W ight,
Hatch and Perry, (Renner' and dealers in Oils, kn., at
Itrhe, PL.) Is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Ur
Perry Irving sold his intermit to Byron B. Parsons, and
retired Iron the Amu.
The huolorre of the late tine will be settled by IL Au
gustus Parry, Brialy, who is hereby sathorfard to one the
name of the said late Are for that purpose. Dated at
Br* Po., Deal% IlNf r ' ALLAN WRIGHT,
nu G. HATCH,
Dee.lo4ll-41utes. hi. AUGUSTUS 'PERRY.
atm PA. The irabearibers have formed a eeirst
p soder the Om sad mai of WrlghtiZadeb, sad
Peewee, sad will "outlaw) the bedew et Reeahaa Wel
Dealt,' la 0114, ft., at the ad abad i t io it of Tuals-111.,
trts, Pa. Os den eoWted. Dated Dee. 10, lIRIL
IRA O. 01.103,
Dee. 10. e22--3mos
Notice is hereby given that the partnership
Wore existiug between the undersigned, was dis
solved on the 16th of January, 1868, by the withdrawal of
H. W. Booth km the arm. The business will be contin
ued, as anal„ by thiseessahllng part:sem to whom the
Notes, Books and Accounts of the tats firm have bees
transferred for ustilmseni, sad by whom all the liabilities
wßlbe liquidated. B. T. SLOAN,
C. :=ll.
havhethent metered to health ilkallrythten, stmt. ander.
gulag all the areal melee and Irrewafar expensive modes
of treatment without in noneldan it hit mewed duty
toeemmeeleatetohisaele Moreateree the moans
dears. Renee, on the recei
d eddreased gavel°
he will een4Aftie)rmmomet . Oh e. m vied.
rad to Dr. Mat IS Paola • ten Skeet, Brook
lye', Fit/ Yost. - jet*-1).
Om sib Wee Tot the eltimilie, to bomb to,
ken ek gle !WINO? TAM, war the " Thre
TetaIaTOSIIMMENir 110 ease hi haproveaseat, sad
goad Wee Quarry. Tot embanks, levet» ea Ile
Teris, of Deabi.llC9 11ABAKDA A. SLUM
: _ rAn .11. D MITI M.
. ustir reto v e i rappiflfilar_ motors awn Att
the psis* szakoded to Ma. sad WW. •
esothaosoco of tissi Mime.
He hoe mostly mods ethosolvo bolownsusolo, MOO(
which aro
for paging Bleak Booko.hy was of whit& ha le ambled
to do work of that Mad se aid sad at Wear
a. It ma too dose la )s do.
Swift had aa
bait.,. I ooa Weal for lb. Pebliessui=oMei
fail tooth:loom IS my Matey to gimp
Or WOE" 15 atr. Lure
Dons to order. Coustantly en hand a Lam supply of
Rommabor tit* *at, mattriteet goyim of ad Fifth
to, wood dory, milt door to the *.folanie
oak,. Z. N. COLE.
Jittoary 2:th, 111471.4 in
- -
The embodltoeot of emetic:ll atiltty •od • rkeelVel of
alcuplbuty ; makes ihe mashes stitchvarr
uses 4214=11
porieet, • common needle, and w ill last a lib
At the New York dtate Fair, Ito shaplialty,silkteaey aad
treat practical utility, was coefilreied by the award of the
Frst Premium.
It will OATIIte. arms, 1111/1111, allt sarsa.
e t c., with a deals or doable thread sa say sistasial adapt
ed to the mus=k aims. the lidaaast, essaily t 14, emelt
Melee It to stitch by other Mwtat armetase, Wm. sewed
the easiest. /or heave sad 's apparel. and other
articles made of light blotter. It will, therein% O r • fowad
almost 117 AIXASII4.
It is &steeled to the table Uhejt seeriag Inni s sad bor.
ins no teseioa, sad sequising so habriesitSon - or ellessse et
stitch, is &raja may ibr epeattlea, amid ouch a nosed a simplicity Wit • child alert or eight years sea imam.
*Tenn It, sad use it WOMINITULLY.
It ts cot at all liable to set oat of order.
Fab meals' Is pot ap is a asat bow, aewapaalOd
with hill sad explicit sad tweety-tre assolles.
teat to us address to the ma States on osesipt of
to ordor, the areoant.or may be collected by La
mm ositlidhery of the arshiss.
Whim this moss/ is seat with theorder and resfri,
we coarante• Its Ode reessyt and the Onleecy of the nee
chine, wake!, within USN Whoa. tree of say itxpenes
Very liberal arre.he tor assaeles.
dee Ilinwr if I' or for tall partleakma, speci
men or see las, it. , send a stemmilbs :stare peaces&
Adams D 1111011.1117.
473 lirowirey, N. T.
eery lady, Mother, Miner sad dress-solar, sheald
hare one of these valashie ends, machines.
Patented by Prof. 1.. 1.. Thu., June H lelli
Thu Geo bee beta thoroughly tested by moo of odesee r
sad its merits here stood the greatest earuthey. It eta
be maauLeetured for
It is porrectly free Dom ollbselte ousell, sot llable to
eclxplo imat i&o sod will sot oradeose is say tempsistsse or
It bas body en parkor to the beet Coal Gam sad gse a
mach more brilltaat 11 .
Wo sits sow *
oar the Potreteem Geo Zo
mbie to tit* whieh Ems events*, take the
of an other Gabe.. owlag to the ehespasue with it
eau be Made, its beilhasei of Ugh; its peeled stataiiiitr
sad its adeptutialltr Ia all cease where geed ltsht le ego.
Por private dwelliags = l ts mush% Norsk
Clhondas, Hebei; Thal Piddle Clardeas,
ex., dra.„ ead eau sadly be to as Weskit saw is
operation, at very lIWS weemee.
We will dispose of MGM far Crnat, Tessa. Cwt."
or Ptak*, at moderato priors. Per Wear pirtieelen
apply to Ti=l 4o6. lary.
jso Mal. 313 Wilmot Sheet, Pa.
PRE Advertiser, having been restored
to to alth la tow maks, by .very dm* neeedly
attar having mdlered amoral year& with a .seen has
.section, and that dread dlenak, ComamMiaa—le am
ions to make knows to hie illenr-mlbrers the mama of
To all who desire It. he will semi • ot tie pee
seription used Ores of charge), with the dheetlw ear
preparing and 'snag the wee, width they will Sad •
Kim Conn for Conarnirrion, Arrisas, ithesansms,
The only object
_of the advertiser la see lag the Preessig
non is to benc h tie sainted, sad erased indernetien
which he cone:elves to be invaluable, sad be hopes may
sneererwill try his remedy , as it will oast then nothing,
and may prove • blessing.
Parties wishing the ties will phase edam&
Map Coil nt7, list
Oct IL-2 m
j'oliN WELCH,
DLit= LID 1111DPIIIS 111
.vsasTsstss, sc.,
OYSTERS, POULTRY AND GANZ, la their &rooms
Wor No. 2, Trary's Bkrek,'Ve
CanAP-Stata, Twat Sc. . • sate, Pa.
Orden, from 'Mbar the City or Cogatry Clad F=t l 7
aad at loran market rater
- - -
JAY COOKE & CO., Bankers,
114 Routh Third Street.
Patkuectrsta„ Noe. 1, JILL
THE undeptigned, having been appoin
te&SUBSCRIPTION AGENT by the Granitary
the Treastu7, la now prepared to Cot al& at *seethe
New Twenty Year a per ot. Bonds
of the CotlikStatee, deataulatell aa .Fire-Twenties,' re
deemable arthe pleasure of the Goverment, after eve
years. and authorised by Act of Cowes*, approved Feb
ruary 28,1661.
The COUPON BONDS are lamed is ems of $6O, $lOO,
$3OO, 000.
The B 11,
LOWER BONDS la sum of $6O, $lOO, 1600
$lOOO, and $3,000.
Interest at st: cent per salaam will commute from
date of purchase, and (a
Semi-Annually, which is equal, at the prommt ptemisim
ou gold, to about ZIORT PER CENT. TER AliMUlf.
Tanners, Morehasts, Ilectuintes, Ockfdtallatt, sad all
who hare any money to torset,tdmald knew sad remormi
ber that the.. Bonds aro, in Mb,* a FIRST MORTG
AGE upon all Railroads, Camas, Bank Stocks and Beam
hies, and the immense products of all the Idanallicturns,
ke., le., In the country ; and that the full tied
i m i t
p. Won made for Um pay meat of the hi Meat sad
stlon of principal, by Customs Duties, Excise Stamps
ano Internal &mums, serves to make Uwe bond the
Subscriptions received at PAX in Legal racier notes.
or notes aad cheeks of banks at par fa Mils&lpkia.
&decries's by maid a - 111 receive prompt atteetioa, aad
every facility and explaaatiottivrel w oflostotl on ap
plication at this ones.
♦ fall supply of Bonds will Ise kept on land tar i•a..
dist' drlirory
Hargis& JAY COOXX,Substaiptioe Aped.
SPECIAL attention given to the cure of
Chronic Dinesaeo, by moms of !LACTIC/ lAA
LTIO treatment end risoodloo. Pero Hoomspotklio
Globules, medicines, etc, so band. Letters &amend
promptly. A/1 constileßUons odriotly ecooddooldst..-
Resides** on eth &root, 2d door mot Frooolk Stool&
tra particular
!), as parties
%repotting up
An interferer.
to n•
et%111,54 3 AXO,
law twarrolta
The aebseibee bets ism to iota!" hi. Genie to lia
Yeses st Rite Neab far the Barley We/ ban
said tg dads, the pea Sit years. die wow
wishes to buy
80,000 BUSHELS!
And at au ammo irtu
r y u• Idebest ambit prim
A. =Mir
Kris, ost. 442
A J.lllgilit,
AT/01131111 . At LAW , Iliult6 l ll4 I&
Oil 10: Is Third siniol, mai*** Oesstr AIL
To Ladies of delicate health or impaired
arts ems ltr wino aa lawsaw
tamer 4 1=sesses eiklillirabis 14* wWimodpell
asmi oar
AMA' Ada lovsW NW* ma
sat% nd lmlosso powweedl la imbue peek et
the di wadi! he tfi poi watay.
i..ap imp sad dm" yet ti pd
pt IMUss irsey we V i st tlw
who et $1 perbettlo.fte
W. neaps 6w A. •••11 .1 bp IM at
Web owforl bray ass of lass • wad a*
gaud, at oar =VW lbs INVNlaffiNi it IS ens
p o pi r =
trio WI gen It Is
Awl dosui ad ImiliveOvi WIP be
pmeand oats aisq. aetlM Wl
ahiffissin J.
R :
• Cr Oil
Zooruk to sow an to tottarnaW
NM ot - ragr.ll
1 , t111•19 flit 4 CIP
Moo of JAY COO=
L A' szasciarnom AWI?