- . ila kl)ric ifeektit Obotrrer, 1.1 Alt' VEli 1543 SALE BILLK, 'l-13 14.3 t;OrlItAll, printed et 9`. reastitirable term+ IL w y ,un 1,, I • other estshlishtneu , • II t h. /AL K.• ,, U, co. r e quu e ,, mpany, tor tliv psv ".tir„tout I YOU. VT%MI all. itirly ezpoh , . Al 4 tho tnlereit • tro 1t kyr t (bet +arplus 111 10 . 11 .1i 4 c tptl.:o of $l3 1:1,3 escre el r,•etwr,ied itin‘;s ril!witt!- 4) it / . . , 0/1 7 % . • - 1 1'r , vc J.... 1 e .,,4a th e mem w .••• , ine .event At.* I:. '1! of wino , ' we Nis- • • , ~• u r . w i.t s.,t , tit. to ti, with fun t n I'. ,ir_ our 31,1:.4 tk , give ,:atisficii =I Lotojvy i.t4) , .1-rtAktr. t a .t. ,r. of llr Coz, nt• - the latter lE==9 f. ?r •‘ .0 Ptl r "111t1 Lerl• OS It. .4 vvrC 2 . .1k...1< tae 114 ,1311 :i.1011( CI .11 bkt A I• tu.s, 1 roa;l1 h& :re'•t little Will via.thr..NL.L.sr S.:11)01 Dare y w'l mr , • t In the Court on t h e la Nloutty t %1.,. nex t, fir Clloooll2lg A gviltletllAL. to fill thi3 Alice \lr Sas' tge Ole present _; ,iflA er•”. -n lent, w• u j':l, 1, e*n li Sr t. aft %vv. !We the • 11 Di. R. kruti:r..ng. ka•.t n, Witet tvri . is i J . 'Orr- Ediuhor,), meu:lont i iu c-nneellon OM os Iscoxar.—lt nl.iy nut be known to moat of our readers that l•sedNinentd incomes that shin have eie , rl 4 six hundred I..dlars in the year 1862 will re 1at..% on the Ist of May next. It is lite and ruyable 04 aad before the 30th of Jute, and a penalty is im. pried if it remains itilpia/%1 thirty days after hat The tax id titres per cent. on incomes r six hundred dellars, and five per eent. on :..ues over tea thouslnd tiallars Thus, a `rs u wh 'se itio4tne in 1.62 wrT a thods.ind must ply a tat ): ivrt:ve lays after the irst of \lay next tet Jse. lk - st.‘r —lfe are gratitiel to .e* e that our friaal. Cipt J3hu D.talap, has reze:Tasi 11.11 appavattuttv.,):..sue of the Western g..aboats He lertvi , s ~t t MonL►y next for *ire an 1 It is; pr . o.p)sed by Lis friends to token' tleir esteem bafare his Alalto w e COT% grl.':ll4lAe the Captain hiagoo..l fortune. we mazt say that there are many persons ~., , 1 1.1ba better spared from ,ar g,ner_7.stry I, the poor. nn geuialkty 4.7.4 wa:m:a of friead• titre made Lica a geutri.: G.Torite. and „.• w. bd m•ss..l ern ) GIIOF r.:m In tt • - nly VIII au tmusortsll.y f , ry 1111 re 1 life tai souu3 ,s our siazere. 'flea I=l ~dCAar An , tay c o the N 1 Ho- 3::iss:ritlov•raor e7iu Sr has reeeireNl same thirteen dislinct • > r ,ciff• ci.trv; stains: Sherd!' (*hal-4s 111 1131 i 31: .24 tele pr.)nt,nent t:2; =MEI charge ths: awn hare IN.e:rci 'arrested . as ;her ;ar: to sae c tetr, fr.)-a • al f •ei t ect:lsc err+ that h•Lsi •rraafri 9 h•• •f.2IT 4:' , 111111. rt:2•. - z r 2. 421 c. 24 , .2.. 4 . ;14zi 23 e 3 e ”•ervi h ..:r h spneAr f)r tr.a2 -Ltt LIM y prep%;-* IEnEI TJA TA: •t. -rh. to :r E. the Lerca nem"t: :13! \lo2•lty , o f tre IMEESIEII3 T. 11. r re . r• %• J. , h34 .13 A. ‘1.•11-..e s 11r, S•el. lea . F. 6.1 ever c• - • Nio re • 'las VI Wr.gh• ti Ts W. I , w an I firm 4:1! r•tr)...q... Ha:: c 4 Ff.-clew • L.m•ey . Ain:. Cairy Neiler . 4 Mir K ni. s. Bvrl• s t : 114' 'I Jscobi r• l'e; e t sl Br, t• Lls.van 8..a,.tm.z. C.. ,- )prr Rarr N St.me . F.na S.e‘r-al Dgicsat r C lo• I I..•irr..r F az 1V it r• ,t , , —we *.•.za• >zrplf 1 are z.st..zg • 77.e.:...7t ~m- ',r ',r Itxrestewr. v. 1.1 ti F.. =EI V.As LT . :l:e 3 .ih i?Z.. i"lr I.l'l e f ? 9• 1111'1 Vpets .11.1111 Vt. a-a from a rellatslt w r .nameactNi esey :a the I.rtni. sat roar :Nasky persecute-1 t. ,r.. , hapieu3a A letter, os•Linf+hal, ■as Czh.b.:ti from raos A. Seem Esq, V...ee Pre* lea? of :he ?ear.ey'vh- Cehtu-hi KALlr.: , ..va. hal h.:so of the Ph.:*- .ielra.s sa i Ere a er hn-wn r - Dart as.: Er e I.l4.arari.e. W 3 r`ti wit • , aeects:a w.m.4 f4r•tici at. ;au _.t.ctig. elder to lry.ne 'Karnes •,:uaty, or to R-14•Y*7 r::1 tiori^r Ic;iwrccrs At li4il/7T - ► •aaetang of tae I. , :a.:itti.)...ters ae..l thtir .n.ms, SS tat C.),27. 11.›.3,e Jeattsryh the wat t who're Ls/ minaret* grere electel I:te ett,,#;a:24 Pre , ltzt. G W I atrtortr*ek. V.:* P cs Ira J. 1% P Gates.. Er.*: rra;smitag 7..z.*cr* - -ary. Irc.a \:astp. Erie elrizag ....I*cre.ary Saz.t. P Eivaz!zer. 11.11- ..s•tic ti Hear. Er e Treas.:re- Br.* Vsnacv-, H Jarecti.. w )144i L Gt.) w 1 , Arr. E. \lama. Er•t Jxts. PATO., Tracy, Hear? GlairtetL.J.Aa 11 B..troa. S.abdr. Erias. Ml.:creek • J M Nia.T.ri. Norta Eay. David U.:Coon. tkala Isrir.ev. B \ T t Green Graham A 0 tb.ll*. J L S,l Jdrie ai, ,14..nes C.4.aveovrs. H La**, P. D Bryant, Vrit.erlori lea G.rtri —D.sirszci ki:tt / siekier Lie S.• 11 f' a. - v eTert iay teN:Vir.3.; 1 , 4,2 e 12.11 . 1 r Let KEE he v.r.aed of :all p4ixf...ar remriy 1a.4.14. ene-S-C. It Li Eke csir 31 Air ••• • CSC TM -. {rum& w C 041 . 1 t3'• R -M • "". 't•At. ,( wiko vas fve • %Z. re•tun i g psis in se y 1• He u-401 11'4.4 ::_m•outo • Ap. 'soar of, Intimoot t , caolt. artai ors., isaLy imoi:asoci to 7 ••- z.z.3lart Wert A few appla,:uisno of e. re-1-Pe d Rica jai ke unproved se roptily 'lst la Are* iv, sttec Ae ocaora trytag 11.41 *Lams ou.trely left tots. re oxierocsa.i. is oag :1 4 Z.W.4 over i_f4 Asa tilpaktart. ead '.." 94 I m+ ka/v `Ara lave aJ ioubt of cza-tv Nagaiiitty. to att win int,lll - pun.% of say Lai. we wiP 4l3 I *" mizreivi 2.* Scutt r re.l it kW* irlin7- man that is Gifted far it. tur `:z :Sarbes OBE .w.ng t -5.. -c- :net' tag L vs." is COM Carte Psoonionros--Tia•Geart a:Quanta. Asssions um on Monday aAsoracon.si 2 o'clock. Jutl t t• Juhnion presiding, sad Associate Jtitlg. re*r .6[1.1 I. rOllB being present. A conel.l. vurti•da .1 tb.. after...in eff OA spent in ,tt nu general importance, when the tirAnd Jury Illa 4 JUdIP Johnson then ,ittlivAr,ti the usual chrrer, vin shvisrivel d rivf vouch vie give below : LI 414511 TO Tat 'mow Jrav tp• Johntoitt, in delivering his charge, referral to the important position of a °mad Juror. .itt.t to the strict oath they kati taken. required of them to perform their o,trt , to 1111 entirety impartial cialaser, per:octal motives to control their eon hon. and endeavoring to screen no one from ju•liCo of the law It was their duty to Lke a thorough investigation of the eases th cane before them, and also of the con t the county officers. If they knew any of ilte latter, who failed to perform what t•te lee relit/rat of them, it was their duty to report them. They were to examine the jail. „.,,rt house sad other public buildinge, and tecertstu if they were kept in proper con.ii• MA< It was slso their place to keep a gutted ov/r the 11.,r ti condition of the community, and t•iiug ,o punishment the authors of crimes. They were not to be confined to mere indict. tuents handed in by the Justices of the Reacte sod District Attorney,' but if any member of the jury knew of any crimes in his vicinity, or ad reason to suspect that they were com mittal. he should bring the rase to the sties. 'Liu of his fellow members, and endeavor to have an investigation of IL The members of the Jury were sworn to keep their action invi olsbly secret, and should bear that feet in mind. The Judge referred to the vice of gam bling at c,lnsidershle length. Ile had reason to suspect that it was vastly on the increase, especially among the young men of our city. Ile would call the partten'ex attention of the Jurors t, this crime, which is one of the most !e-ictie in the calendar. There could be no confidence in the character , of a an m who would gamble, whether old or young. The person who would take the property of *nether in this way, was as bad is a robber, for he gets that which does not belong to him, without a fair equivalent. If the Jurors know of a place where gambling is committed, they must make report of it at once, and not welt for an indict merit. So, too, in regard to violations of the leer for the sale of ardent liquors. The clase of mu who are injured by these *rime' are usually the last who will stake complaint. It was, therefore, more especially the duty of the Grand Jury to investigate all such cases, and he authorised them to seed for witnesses, or to do any necessary set that will bring the ga:lty to justice, Although certalia persons are licensed to sell tt tagot to be supposed that they are not also liable to commit misdemeanors The lsw expressly pr3hitotts them from selling to minors, or to persona of intemperate habits, or to insane persons, or to anintoxicated man. or on the Sabbath day In all such moos the Cirsual Jury have Jurisdiction and need not wait Lr a regular indictment, to make report of them. It is the especial doty of eonstables t 3 ferret out these violttions of law, sad be fearea that some ..f them were too negligent. When they felled to perform the requirements of their Aces, they become personally re spoostb4, and the Jury haws the authority Is report them to the Court. No can be correctly reported unless it is sIgnNI by twelve of their number. Whim that many cannot agree to do no, the indica. men' must be returned as not a true bill. In al: ease of misdemeanors the Jury have the right to say upon whom the costs shall be lead. whether the prosecutor or the county It was not always to be supposed whets a p-oseou'or faile4 to prove di toil that he tuveght it from improper motives. Often it was Loapossible to obtain witnesses. The Jury must take ear?. to ease faithfully on tab sotippel In e ••nc:ustoo, he said that any what they needed any information from the Court, it w.u:l be cheerfully given f ..e f :'osring is the M.". important bast a,..-vs transacted up prrtol gt .ar going -cc. :'.r whiat we are indebted to the t tulatss ot a young legit friend. we having been too attett.i to the matter ,n per- l~J:: t • —nit IHen.lant 1/ I wh ) aired city He married • tribe rah a autskaor about 14 roan of After soar perio4 had *lapsed Ito coonsueseed haring improper coatieetios itd• t , r, ant she not long q gut birtit w •eh 411 Na si Tariou, timoo&ireoitoiat,l to kill kilo rife and lsofkur if itio l lif•coseJ as kiss. Ike pir::::ulars of Ike c.tve win too mottle' for * z , n general see long Messrs. Galbraith k S pt. a 'VI W Ore ilk.fit 1 plea for the Alafesos, sad Dialm itt4n.key Davetaport far tho prweett• cos, rt. Milton sad Milo &lA.—This was a cute vf Ismail, to 'thick tLe defoadaats twit brattier,' wore ebtargoi with basing step. 1•11, • pair of overshoes sad amnia other small art.teles, from pumas is North Loss. Chao of the ioteadttats plead guilty sad the miter vas provel guilty rosy stated slat %bey formoriy hyrsi is 1.1t1.143 , tams their wows wily Joe& sal that they ems* to North East to got es ;.o7tßaat bat (*Hod is obtain say. ?boy wore rather teitollageot looking boys of oboes IT !tars of aim Loam for defeset. Disport fir prosecution. I= t: , :m •s Datifel Criataimm.—.Tar trial of us cam cosameaml Walassity auwaiag sad ass coa4oete.l at seasidlerablo leas*. exastiosiea of ',Swats ea the part 44 the Cetaa *swot:lth cloud oa waiatadq st tee o'cl:alt Margaret Chiliadal. the daagbssa le thip titteeetsat. a lisle girl tea years of age, vas ,no.-s--ale being tbso only eye visaed* at f the %mania visa resalbet is her asether's le :h. Her testis:nay au eagectist to by dm for the defeats, ea the resold that *lie 3,d *et limos ths obligations of as ea& bat being examined it mud is this. h the C,l*.Lrt. she ea:vend promptly bad Unionists. ly. saj the eosin ilesithesi that *be was seeps , teat. Is her testimeay she gave a straight • fsrarard sal ayparsaly impartial. etataiassi e( Us beg al eastrAssr of ler ehasise. is a um ; aer sat sit\ & Urns of int:stripers that few growl versos, °said hate doss. Catiaseas ie ea Ingham stems 40 years el ago, sad a sea SC very aattmaparaca Wilts. aril if LW testi . %asp- be tree. shish tee haw as 1111.141 t• Saabs. a greater brae is hams* tars are* lied. He wryer was mbar rhea bolsi urea ey smesagb to be otharviae. SEG t Ismeassa ter elehace : Dessoqurt 3 Yarshsii fair peasies- The tinted Jet 7 hese Tetersed the Mel lag use Lars : cum. vs. Every ltwilara. withasit licrese by bows et Oust *eV 'net Amos's , sawed sea . pea ea the im agist et core by Esillemiri Cow vs. Boars I' at liirser; gemameoi 'la re 7 a Am et Sill and esulL Cada is. la.. Crerser-rralse livser pisse - seri limed West astir. Com. ye. limakr-.olBig saL prus. mixes/ as pigment folt wets. CIIIL R Miliss Illartser-enitin Slaw Geo. vs. 116401 DosID--Olimi Cam. vs. Patrick PaaAlejna*--malin; liy r. Coat. rt. J. A. Millar —malicious mama of cola va „I' I IlLogors—oittlial liquor Good tweatplive dollars. Co VII Al Rowe--forgery. Coat vie Jive sad Hoary Brown —a alat A ii f in j battery.. • Coin vs Joseph Seelinger —.obstructing Ms highwisy. Com vs J U Bellows—sdultecy Cos VS Wm Cooper—lereeny. 04iii vs Joseph Cross—*tting liquor Com re 8 Smith- -milling liquor. Cots vsJ ti Chambers --sellisig lit l i t tier I $45 sari gooses. Thos Fh bier -- . tiue.l thirty-live dollars Coin ire C B kit loon .1 tliii I A Hill- -eruhenleateat. 11121 - ECIP P'.ALIIFI4•4Ii A P 91174 sir d lwily wail is now being fin uler the 011 Creek R. IL or The fatatliar peri4d, know u si •• Omuta Hug ty, , ace arrel uu ‘lutt,lay last. ply' The drafted men truw tutr euuuty, is thought, ps.rticoptiosi iu the lea./ tight at lidackwater, Vs --1111_ We call attention to the card of Dr. W. R. Magill, dentist. lie is a gentleman of atperionee and atittity is his profession. pa- The 'session of the Supreme Court fur this county wilt he held to Philrelelphus. commenmag the 4tl of Marcia. giglr' Trains are now running •Ittly on the Atlantic & (West Western Railroad from Sole mama to Meadville, a distance of 101 calico. liir Call on Chandler tf your watch is out of order, or you want jewelry repaired. He well do the work up neatly, reasonably and as welt u it could be done in New York * per The ire ktber durtng the pa.... wee; has been culler th►n ere hate had Itef.re L.t3 winter, and there are prospetsn,w of a sital ice crop. ear There's no peace f..r the--.loge in By a borough otsliaaneo they must submit to one of two thing—ba muzzled or shot. Mr The next lecture in Farrar Hall will be delivered on. Tuesday evening. Feb. 10th, by Jobe D (*nigh, Es/ , his subject being " &ovals°, and Orators. , • gig- Mr. James E. Murdock is tiring a series of dramatic retains in the principal cities of the Earn, for the belted' of the sick and wounded soldiers sad their families. Oor lady renders will Sod it to their advantne to prams* their Millinery Goods it the store of E. H. Smith. His stock is one of the loess to be (mod. t. id his prices Ls reasonable u could be asked. • OW Mani srtio . wera usable to hear awe. Dr. Forrester's lsoturon \Lenin Luther, last Sunday 'settle'. on,Otftonat of the storm, Save requested hint tYI repeat tt, and be bas ooluisattei to do se next Sabbath evening GooD Coots..4ieed4 3. if you would be knows as good *Oaks, and would sr )td chi Inostibeation of having poor bisect:: for tea whet you keys es:map:nay, use D. B. De Lead & Co.'s Citestswal Saleransa, sad that only. • ger .t sense of very interstting services key, been bell in the !mirth street Colt')lie church, daring the lest week. Toe church 14e been crowded wi• it people. veiny of whom be long to other denominations //ig7' The ter tans of the Erie sad pats burg EL It st this car will toe -se tie neigh borhood of the " Big Cserie," where the company intend witting extensive docks, sad other coaresieseee for the supply el coal. tor Ws are in( meted tkuit 'aa titan ts to 174 mole to lave Rev. 6 B Ckifrpin. Bet. Etsary Ward Beecher. sal Goa W Car is, Esq.. lectors to tkis city, after the .lore of the mom eons* Mr The series of 3.trui.4y eventa4 lertares being deliver:4 hf Reg re. ,te r. lialielet Men to the nthgto‘ta rvn.l, sr* reJ ',arch lattsring Tv4 ott Cutler. Isst Sabbath, prutwaiwea ,tle ;.1.- brte-c Tyr,iactioas ever detiverri If ,),11. ,:rv. air on Tbur44ity f,reuvun vtke tur severest storms passea over that ckt:; that vre have bad to t.tea) 3 etre We have a yet Lear of say .tataage twins .lear, but fear Ibl4 , shall Th., truce on nearly ali the ratlrosat w•rt deiaye•l sir Moor 4144 061 Olt, •- IN sr on itirt•tal43 fletitug 1434, pre4oot J •..'. ch4al4 for it'.2.*si, maul rise 41.1 uses. of thmi plate, at. a ..A11,1% af• p on far i 4, •u -tter• rre•iered 14 Ow pdriroletua trite 1.4 • by paptr sir Gen kitatertivid. vier his* ••••-u ay pelatea chief of ties- Hookers steal. lisrly knows to oar respites lle trta a Long time cAnotso.ler of the BrigoJe or vhteet our gallsat 53.1 teeniest forum , ' s pan. sad vas held is \let store* by his solasers. Mi. ?be 11.t/St. ICI of t.sish's propsr.y so tkis eoanty, for the year 1861. w 104.175.•-;: the tax Sh.94SSIM for State pIarpEMPINI 11 . 300 : the sliitiosol half ssiU tu per sot of lisy 16, Is4l, 311. - :1 7 , St ; the rp@:-m l 4a- t4z 3 rd big to the assess of lisW. 42.697. sal the somber of tassbles 11 t; wy, we regret to tetra thst Wlr Keys. We editor of the Circleville Ira -ivals, am from his late persica:inns sa4 coaileemest u as Masses bassi* become s esviag atssisc, 131 is at prassat in the Lila sac Asylum of this` 417. This ie s god &fair for b,. w,fer 0. t Cns stk. The following table is marl t ;as Erie k North East K. K. may be of ittr.rest cj some of oar reader. • Capital Stark end bladed debt il s tlial.ooo &rainy for the year 1E42 Ltpasees 'sot isediediag tat nest sad theidiweeki 169.704 Tense paid (MI) 3,000 elownewaiay wee psi seri.e* we4e*l. day, by the aaaoaseasear. that J. E. Jahasaa. Esq.. was of the somber@ of oar bar, lad diod this t sraial.at ids mafiosos es SOLI sarlsos. Jaaaos was probably as of rho soar widely kaowa aistasso of tits assay. Ho bad bold mimeo paildisas of piddle trust, sad Mod abaft all eritb slaty asmil identy to ►is oosolitsoala. sla ace was 46 yaws. SW" illfby ?odd tt sot be a pod i des the ear petroleums dealers ee estabatit se Oil Az- Amaze Ls Lis eisy I The dealers et Pim beers Sew T Jet. sews. esE IsSisbietpkie. Mee alreetly Lae* as. sad weeiii We se asay sileeesaiges. cyst in are este* - Mei It has bet hog sce twee egiepeed Is is really a Lusk elagsler a aide* the aLiseet essire amain It welissinese Tease lasi taken Flee* ea akis slay, sad oat emir Ism ass a 4 ewer $b 11011M117. Ws ate ass belerre obas lad -a-lases seta Sums bons issensizsA p Slid toe Iry orp•ssLs Oaf read esa esaa johiss fee seasasetwas as se W. ewes et skis' . - Tire petters is ?ailed eipaia bore bees se ~Sea is &keit Jimmies to tie booms* this sal sad asecies, des vex people lbeabi bear times ia reused tiftaabrairm. We test is tbe Swamy itstiebei sad ?sass's Z. S. Atillitu The aitaimaacts dsv har bor. sal the isweresace et ebsibeisig toad eessiesies trial it, ha" etesetastli bee& bort Wore the parte et Philooisfritis tby those tee stoic jessasts, awl ua their 4hrts ______ is oohs; a lone Ass, et thu isistost is the peeves, el the Plots 1t Brit IL IL Yt rthe fours pertibs sf thor State_ Inseso tilt "Ma the spremskity is foss& war ciliates oral set iil t. Os evidloace i ckeir agginisiaiums of A* alarm at tie itait kali mad Avis,.. IS. We avers. Able to -i•tie, on Ipparently the - most re l iable authority. that movements are on foot for the completion ut the Little Volley ti which the wole go kge traek of the Erie Railway will be extereie,l to "Y• The ramie wa. survayel a matt... of 'tiara ago, anti it is sari to be- a very ligLt graiie. By thi4 extension of their ro.ttl (Le Erte Oompany wilt make a saving in diet wee, on goods for and from the West, of ue.trly fitly mile- by rail, going and returning. and nettrl:s one Iturtarted by I.4k*. Hi lif +du to tor :AA- ♦rnt*p' cot gel tin% Pi VW! ler by-t uu su.t .itreci eout%evt‘ott with a-trten.tly C•tcuptiuy Sle -peek quite confidently when we gay abet a w,ll no , be long witit uew link, IN the rtttir.)tt.l ry wtll be unties ht•tiaw.ty Pir The tiro( titi Luber 01 • • /J. „ r rwikstole. it German paper, edited I,y Seibert...Esq., publiAe4 in the second awry of the f ..orr , bull ltng, appeared on Siturday last. ;1 13 Very heal in appearauce, and pi iatd to teu r 111..1 wait t ineuslerttble *bility. S.-th,Ltr: .q" the. ,11.4 , ‘ per severiQg ana in ) It.; • eNer met, and •leier. r • •ac .r 44 it er .t• .0 La IL no other. we- It cu:sy ft, 1 ,, i t -1,,r I , IY rec , .lle,trJ that Gen Flu Jrln Ihitto the ,erc.e,. Irmo a wnta ier of the , • ; I reZ.111. , 11; 11":11 att a ch e d. We Bice -.town .r , frr lot ters from oflL:ers a, 1 privAtes is tLe ••• denouncing in totTere term*, the treatment t.f Gen. Porter A SPIR.I n'A lAA? IN I TIGHT ?LICE - HOW US W. 1 ,4 EN.I'V.LED. Titusci'le is great ).'.tee. and 1111.,,,zh lr oil fever is t..e pr,..l.mtiln tut r itaevere are not entire y negle.:tr-1 f,e .) ern of 4pirittts L4ni n nrtny tirE4 rk4;- 'err r i there, In,' n, lttt'e excltr..t , nt N 5...- clue - es' by the sti pest-toe , lit twee', - curer. from aimed Fsy, wt. z.iso shy private elhttitt...)cit. etoltag s' Lw , 'ui tic ones, on watch °enlist ort Cri I ^ 1! i was thronged with believers and unbc..rtets Re was enersor.ced in a smell apartment. par titioned off from the rest of the -tzr rounded with hells, violin, tantb.tritiv. , bung o the wall, some ha4' a d.nea ler. 1.3 taut, while he was pinioned to a ch.ir, h.s hands and arms fastened w-4 a an,' his body fastened to the &lair w.:h • s:r.ng rice— under the tupersisi , ti of 1 eim.n Et e svp 'tre ed for that purpose When al. things wets ready, the door of his apartment was ci)sed. the lights were slieertel -te rat out,.t:l - in I moment the be.is, tetb rine. s-td her mu sical instruments were se, in f t of course, the work of spt:lis, operating through Mr. fay( as a meilltim.--and to tea.. no doubt of this, on opening the door, Mr. F. vii found pinioned just as the cornm.ttee had left him. The performance was repeated much to the satisfaction of belteve f, at d to the no little astonishment of •Ite here lc.. S. 3 much was the faith of 'he former c): 6 .1-m. I that one of them. an induen•tal place, made a sh,r: ed lest t:.e occt•i n, expressing the be.telf tisst t day would come when spirt ualtam wa.. d farm at, Ina p• - . , 71 tt t branch o!o.lueci in Well, Ur Foy. vre• F--eke••. 'etc to give similar *tiL.•.ita NI .eft ttui mantis, 71 1. •.. Fe shoullert of 11(T ---11 • • • 1-. e Church, wa i‘saei s SA - 4::syr moraine. ta'artning :Le psod pvit , ',enf It as Tills that he wont! give an essibitaoa of i tuallsoa that treaty; TELe c rue, n. 01.1 Mr. D. was grce.e4 wI•.L. .1 rge one part feeling apli tea it ri•CeiVits: 1.3 able i convert, an I .he ether w nider:ag as t o cite nudity of his cotiversion. A strailar aparizner.: had been preporesi—Mr D en:ere .he 'sue tam—took me seat in the en Ir. was pini,-ssi after the manner of his predecessor—tot rve taseetted round his ta.rly an t tied down ts a commit all things being ready, the door was dosed, thelights orierrd tint—when, to: quick as thought the miss:cal instruments "track cip. leaving no le•nist on the believers that the sptrits were at w tga a. voile outsiders acknowle....rei tVist tviere -rte otnething at least rays:en:a:lt irc,ng All things were got readLy i ter farmanee. Caen Mr. D. ttif-rtile I 'he salience :hat this t ime :he door of Ists apartment De :eft sal :Le 1 giv.i 'kept Ct 1.1.1 feu 'ara of L.. Laa.t., e,rl. - rr:4t• w , ra attpprl •It• T. tin I pc , {.ra. t f.r at.m g a gal • ti:._ card put la terf.)nneack• t.r..uea; dAwm 61 4 l:ta Cr.t:exa irp :t t: a IGi t te-b, •. 11-err vr4s '4`..t‹ v.l la brief. t..)5b- vs. .4e If itle nwtee t • less:ace F2y. tze Lnet, peatliirl a e...)./p4e of Jays. -an t r., p.vei ,sut a public • • fer TL)sans; ?Leuktoritle aditiotial partici:Lori —On Monday lost. learning that 114, gm, act ezlibtatan 3.11 re _wren. Int: cretiesg chartered as extra train and 'proceeded lints "the hos" to Warren, where they - were lira{.- pointed. as he was tt• t there TLey .o n oertained that he was in Joiner on! =tie. so delay to proceeding thrt. litre title' Mr. D. exposed him to a crow Lie-i h.,41.4t ter the elpasition the fold Fay ocknowletlsed that Mr D dad 'he LS he had dome It, 144 that the arta 'e reTzt.- rad , a lion- . 1 He also eck.a o w :ed geti that tke., eeLe 6 .t et el Devespors nasdinnos were no=buit REV. A S DORM the eredtt ie ltie .tne aessfally exposing one of the create-. tsai t•or that wirer stalked oar land la .7,34.alssesaca sze st L .issisasaasi L.A., 3f stkls c M i.! f trar of the esty ass-. 1 cou:..ty orts .lel4 a' ,e• Court jjxiie 3 , 3 tar I v 2.‘ - ter the 4j saroweat Iwo*. Cm& Esk7 ch iarzruk , •e. rtr-r s-y ....awe, the Ca atr appokete.: Ars t• Welker . sea 4.24 . %1: , fl 2 r • rt, resoluT2ons empretste• t • a.f. theltags at the - .sec is; .2 Tager ••: 01 Lima or Provielet e• by reason of eh rt v eobriehei The co-sm.:tee. rep•r: , •l t.lre • teshoas fothhiru4 : ifluaus. God. is his rumba. hu zerzirh 113 alai* ibs 'obtain lesson to.ot too twist die, as 3 towed 34 13 assembte az,ier etroustotshoes of orlciess to shyir acs respo: for a* sasoeistia mamba of vals hoes *riches doers to the prime of 2*. ss also to siren ea: ryzeiptuty to ha bereast..., Simony umerefore. ifoolood, That tII toe Seth of 1 ahs B a-met Jokaosa„ the ateco'.'Sts of th. 3 I.;u. b.l7e PLS.. Wood tat lost of I =to. who. loctis lever peommoogi scrag payomil toros•zitirlov, was ft.lbr.l by Were w-th • oigerms --coach oytapsithLeo--4144. & ral#lll24 hew.— Ito rtaeoroly Latent b.is titatit, 5. vti'zit se kas bear est old In the prism of Ds are, *at hew" earzeti f4e c_eoe oppiNoszula a tozoo anti rivratiort soqoAL asp CAeqata..: yeT oral sehoesesioe jests Isasafa.ly col sa - ,1.f.t disehazzol the. ,tosies estrostol a t.Lek esxmat.w.:4 t too .i40.0;,- tad ono* of RsPeleses. of istsysoy:rsois. 3.sakited. That we respect•Tely pre-s.est oar sysrpasksss to kis afraerad Sad will is s berty attest Sus fasersi. itaseiovoi. flat s eery at Aare rwselaitixias be seat ta the fa-a: y doused-rs_.ed-..Elif sstee toe i :past tier ntaates cf ikt. CO*" asel a.-44 rib:Tatra is tke t spert -t slit easy. Afte r see rss .ice r , * -I ,),att rz..+ at tended nressuricr were , esiia 'A et Clot siopciaa by lir J>aa k r. and saes twat restart. by Ites,r-. Ls tc J. C. Mareits4. tistbrava. ea Ia /so rilliartt &sea :t- waists tastisrissy to lz.e pr , ..ve-sA,an Lr \tr. Jobsses LIM* imetleeteal prwtrs La l ac gairesststa tlast mak kits tarty is He oast et mart setae; los pretwowiesal bvetarts_ sad esabled hiss sit.a +Est.:action sal v.: tie rags lisettioa of bit tcastitseets to reipretest hit ass ia the Same sad AseembLy of % Nee% said We to she peemerire said make. , r er, It Te•irTICI) rrlat the keadritie Perat4tcau.i a r •pi 1 4 . , .. w M=llil lit ETING or TOO Btt li.ln A geberotin nO , l kiladllebi ui heart, that endeared hint to his trisada, sad res.le his 1ir..., to his ono household irrei sr& le. re,,lutt 4., a.. reported b Llte eistunw - tee were e ittlJ tamoitte.usky slopteti. and thew, .11 the meeting -.64jogreed to meet 41 th, i.•ue pllee ou SWUMIay aßae n•:.,a, at 2 o clues. .k ELLIOT r..rui.. 1 4 Z ., IIC:CkfICE. Seereittry lyr•artar Eveati.—lt abamerte4 that the ;ear Itotht wilt he l% very eventful one it, tier, Wrliden Who gers two-rte,' rhtougheut the wh ,le coor , e of !he year, whenever the moon work.•; she utltht• t.sects.. dark Whoever fells iu love 'tits year will 'hint but sweetheart an angel—suit stitoever gets married will hd eut whet her it i., true or out He that hoes his htir this yeir will 1.0 bald—an•l he that loses hl3 wife will Leriaiuly be a widower All Who wet cheap groceries will buy them et the yore of Jo. , 1 Bliss, eoetter State and Eighth VIE EARLY 'PHYSICAL IbEtniNEßAry AMERICAN PEOPLE, Pt' BI3SII ED BY Int. A. STON Physician to the Troy Lung am ay. gienio Institute, ir...1 . 0.^ea ttsw ra4see of KAN' , Phtbfitat Ch..t.i t, ilof Mn. t.eas, tho , our. of Dobility, COG staiuytioo •Lal Ilaroorwoo. = yet thrithoir learns /N., P aid eppooks *recap to Flo moral ceigel.ayetA4 A 1 .1 .. .I REA TS dadd Goordiatem arra ,lt:la , deals's*. actertele sod &hake aide sewt Ireabasot fir lore. it wit; 1,4 foot on tht tooptpt of t 413 Cr) Nat (;,t,r,to,r, • FAR and oh ttin Vonnit mon' F %it nut t 4 mon.: and rat this book. Ladies ' Too too .boal.t et nor: aerate • eopy thM , k Word of Solemn. C•ooeloothire• *Ark* t• tissue was wW Ys/ref. Aat►Ldiaeper•uito a tearful 114414 %Lt. -. , [1:1M1 it' ,tt..masi at toast lOU, dV Yo•tbs 01 both ...I -" to an eatv grave. Ttoro d.roafiles en V er • rtf. , :i‘ na..rxt. ir , , • vi,ols. ‘111r4) , C.• 1..1ty, • etowpcop /ad E ~, %tar...max or flistlOg 11. d COOSOO3IIItInO of the :6* I O• :otoO 4 /yr.. fs, ng 0 7 i,. r = I, .1, of tO• gist?; Asti:mu. iito..Tc ptl,a rad sort r • •• of t4os Nand• and limas. aterriori t • •c•.-1-f ••••1 t-• k• - ••••••• Or 11 - 9 IF , dtrotre-. of ey. nita 4 .. r - ",t1.81.••• :•• Pala t , •-1 p‘g • I toe Pima La to• toot% et afro's. I.:^ •or g ,44,44.ta05. ir-egulorts, a lb.. -n.r.t.r-4 • -rp.tr.tt. of lb* Itdoe3a awl °tire.. .‘• L- 4.x,,Ttla-a or F.tur Alba; it. Lae or If, F • 1 Nerroo. -peso U tt ato.sy oat of emery 05.4 boodsod. re 11,••)/ 'er - 11., !trot of orbs-. sot. , oa-ned. -y 4 * ...ami.t.i..r. of the ! vets Lod that moat ise .1 W. Fiat!, 1410 ,, Grant, J. Salynary, aelims aod wt:. f 'vas of ~.nnicro..t on of , he eptalai Omani :smith, Lacing A. Huai, 9L Bayer, v;,.-, , yy, t 11.ra as '"at , laorsalea. sod Tables Itensonteri- C. Damara num:. ir Ult. J. 1.. Long, ea. hue :heir -eat sod angle' to tam-ft of ties Pelvic H. 0. hoot, W. I,L tiallasker, J. Botaiiiion..24. t"..ityr... Hence the less , of cooans on , he part of old Wilma Kind, Chas. IV. Eel" Sties H. Vlach. ash , . practace to Cretin; a, captains only _ ,Daniai Btu 4. D, P gaingie, . C. G. Elos , •11, Dr. AO-+ , rl/ 4 tonit. Physician to the hay Lan and .:. B. rtight. BOtD L iftia. ONLY, BY Hy s Attic Institution is non yngaited in hiatus this Class P. 11 ALL. of so ,, dern au %dor. with qv , mat astsint•bliag snacasa.e- Trumetigrairee red B o y awe * o w boa:an. The tmatount violated by the In..titatioti to bey; B .0 state St. Yftlc rto 7b clx+3 PER iitoTTLY. tt%..tt Upon o.6 a tite Pri4cipha, W*b li" eile . " l " 4 bOgliTS of KRIS ce.-4ambse A. White, Dr EST, Gt. remit tee otae - at coinoral. or polio*. The fivinnen of ? arc Wm. Be'knap, FairsuraF; T. o. Coat.., 4 1bibil 0 .-4 C. - , are such that patients au tar vitriol at QAT home.. Sip, &Primal, &diatom; r Lamont, WiLeast, L B : a aa. pa.: ..f ta. or tantry. Irvin wire* diecellptklas of ah o per, Waterford. Huns it Sherwood, Cams, W. B l'‘YL , ' ~u , . t , setts:, 11 ,1 'divr• Ito tiardiettas neat tj coat: -cnith. War atearaD. G. T. Jewett, North Fiat; H. 0 r • a. - •.a ?rails-. !ntorroitatorsion 41:1 hs forwards! on imager. 1,4,,i0rra0; JQ. ntersra, Albion; -- 'Ty ter, aria.osausy, Lastpact. t-onstoeptioe, Catarrh 404 tiserVholltrest elltrod • tad by Avarua glesteetals ..., as we;7 at Gas borne of tb. patuain sr at the Tasitttotion, , ~. •4114.1:::: LI. Cn .1 H.....icata4=.:20 8.A.U14.110 TA • . , rafts. wit. locales. and amp., ' oakum their ass, sir: 1 titre.: so :esp. ,r.detre.l - i ,-,,,,,•,, .p..,..14 or I.l2efrr intliii or adrial. air , .e - : , .•e •^'t r a • t......= r. t 3 SO,.' attention. I - t . •• , , t : r. - . , • fur. Vt:: to %UGd al ttoll p.t.% - . 1. i i ...., f.. ~.,-., - -a , ac.tr ..7, 9 a c.. to 9 p... In „ saTa. day i rPt. ANDREW sr" •:t• tt t•I tb. - r ..¢74 •M 4. Aiyipestl Infrit-o, t 3 ft La* Haut, Iliarn•t std ! Lacz• 94 Fat% N. Y. jaalltly • 3. C. BUEGESS & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND V QC CT 4.47171. ra Or CRACKERS AND CANDY ; Erie City Steam Bakery, AN IN ASENTS FOR VrORF THAN TEN THOUSAND AIII2,ANIE'S 8 CAL E . • tbis .rt.efs have %era in d in t.t. of • u proper. , a oilier tte , artrodie 4.1.4 'or . - reeerg attnidiav tuis Iwo remprevesaddibm. Theft okaLrerty I/ goat .erior• ita Ilisallhes, tigt .bat RocEßrEs. .o novisioN s . rx=" T ti s• b : s s :I t r= seist ALf i t uri t rr. tag • ' Amos ot L SORE THROAT, DIPTHERIA, : 7.'1 : R ETI LC. CUBES-- IV ATER LIM c. Ministers' and Liiiwyers' Sot. Tnroat IT CC RES —D lION CH niS. :T CURES--SALT aunt IT ccitEs--srcc. ELEAt.+ACRE.. IT CURES—at:IMS. cuAns. AC . cuar_s__caoual, CRAMPS. at. Cr. K C ES—PAMIN THE BA('K • IT CURES. —CR EritATISIt GoFFEE.'IT CC RES-421114 BUM'S. 1 4 !! 1 j L .1 , '.1490N vr: I 7 ...^: .:. =ME 1, A 7!I - t t.. t: a' ag KUM ERIE CI.TY, .11\1 ,, \ t . 4 3 t. 31 07 TBtlg IS Sot-It:ITC.? IEI2II TIIE ATLANTIC MONTHLY giki• CNI,G Vi A Si. ir C NE 4( 1' 4- r 5 ", • z.O ,hz Ja..2 t • • N ., 1 " • 1" - ' s $ , poen 624 ;* - .1 :547. /s ort -sia acs 'AMA ...6" as 1. 22. • • • lA aara aX. CEEMII =MUM .. ".... , :f ..1, . • - .9i .7 Z. :v.. 1•• • ...r 4 , : I . * ..- • •441 cora . .. 44:4 Z C .. .ott" , 2gre. st., : •-. .... e.r -:.• 1,4Z0• .•d -4 CS 4 -CI 7•41 tr. Z. 7 u ... :-.. C - .- •.•,. ...7.., (- ...L .1 : - ••1, z .1 , -- ' , . t 41, I ,:. ' %) .- ''t i L. E.." ,-...0 „0„......, .. •...'a • Z., : 4.ca : -I, 1! 1.• ..-10- •t ta pw•• • ‘ '•,• • - ...1." -- • w.... 4 or 5... .• le ' we. • f ..6 , 7- - % -A •• 4: .I.b.- , 1.. t....: ',... -a a. 4- a .•• t. -,&_& It • :te.r...: fteTwoh. Al's .4 10.8 i . ..~.••••.. .../.‘1,1 , 440 t. 2.:.. yal„zi• .4, .., 4 1:1 • SUN. - 7.J T A.,,X. AAA :". t....tC, SI - CZ 1..4 : .4444 ... 2.11 • f - . . jsri-laa, A.: •'D gY i COririi.t. • -•.^ - - T. 1 . -. • ts •• Z .. ..r•&••• ) 47.4 4, 1per . t.t 11-2.f.: - .i. bi I'la r«. pm rem sal sear : stse r c 1 - ''• "I * • ' - ' -01 waft L. ! 4•Z '...• . 4 1a. W. '-- .- ". : S ' "'- ...4 t-1, - 4, ..I'-: :-.. 1 1..r. .ui • Deaires eitt 6;1•..a mat Ur rkresNa& tad Lan, ad ai•or to •50... f. . , a.. 1 01/%21110 fly Nig 41Ir all4l~ll pirIPOS+4I *ZADOW:O4.. . 3 i: •7.• • :ti 'a- •a . r-ts...a.r - ,7 4 st. vaitsiv se , i.... V. > 4 0 , ...11431". 4.1 aarr•••& lit., sh. drahmeat .10•••4•41, .4, 4ve..• 'daub. 04 to Imir ta.• .1i : hap Aagoat /bar dm. Cato( laaataia Yes 'fort. *sta.. , 1, • sawataa .... , •aratafa. aro yarrow& •.:.& pavallst..- ti. "4 AXE, iif Cot: CTl.Jartrrt : &Om :SUL to .& 174.umssog 1,3 I:a motors LWa b•er,.: Sawal. =AP *at . .tivaig. Lae lea heat. grOdiejl 4111WielL11 Welt IP ALM. 112 t. I Notice of Dissolution. Lt=' Ar traci....s co:lmaiirross. 1 es• - vostorrOrs ifilemed s•• sessistur lirmas VII :1 P.a444 I ' ;1 N e rallY la. .. AL-4111C4r 41.1 44 1 r r t e ."' 4 ! r ig arbeeraMerk %NNW Übe tivs mow mist ay ft• •4 5 ,sit ..... t,.pe0... rt_ II: t —ea - 44 aatSoca aro - aa. Aar tso t Exam taa sad 'Wry. friseNais sad dahooss Ns A & be.. et 1. ,, ,, &us. - em&S.anstors r. :yaw !tooth . .. dear.lr. s c m . ri,,,, lifts d.• eipenuid, try 16 - 5."412. 41INMISt. is. L_EO , 4s L.V.-• . O. IO UL 3-146. if . ilmralaa- Y 1 .... Nair. Itart.at vo'd tui . .,:raraot 2:4 Sy tea II Pesisosa. sad tau r. -Ts. 6., rt.. T 1 4..wavaaa.:AVAAie Millarracat ambila boa. asaa Novi. U , 0 , 7- . 1. : ‘ tsar vi iiasaita. ;eau 4 lia btxbjea ii,, ? ! 7 .. 0 ways.. at t.bt 1a,,,u tray an be asor„:o,4 by IL La 4. „ • 94 L l. is-4 Ts• '...e. 41.-641, '- Ftulaind. MN B. B rams, NM.. 2414. .3tis . 2 VriVElVrirebw - alli lb Si* WI !et, ..., -' Ts - P.-5a..' 4 Derv,' filar-ust j- i waft. et ago and mu Ira byr OM Nstd as r r-4...• • :. "_ it Z2 l '7 1 :z. . 4 0.4.114 dr , Plitl4l St 11-eeri.i. I :AA e. ELiTtfi, Dam Ifrat.absatsm. Y. • T. I SC3n3 !MT. I:=M3 iiiiiiiiEN =I .X• . . 7" orr . & I , lalr .a far sue !V tE Do2A std -at , crt ..-a. 1•••• ts -taro IA twat- a seder. tabor-L.-ass. 1 1k , ' Ew Fiay i .--pEaRT OIL WuRES; 1 s, . - ,•. a Ila. rise . amt. V.w. aasocr t „ d om e . A l Vile- Pa Tar erialftrtileta Urea britett • re-pirt- - - .•4. - __"" i i • 1•••• "" • 627 ` 45 " 1 I* al* dibt-** * localvp zsder la* tra ISA snit ie wsiors, luso-Ewa - --,-....-- ...._ ' s ' s , and 1,- +m ass* doe 1••••-•• mo ••• gad.thz ifst —tr.+ aa-s..r•r• rat saara ea -ant7Stiettia ta ims 1 . sa, ties. Am. ," t i k . a dd „ 1. ,. d. 16. 4 0 y„,,,, „... • -Ir. , Um, Orals indateed. r Apd Ira . Der. .0, nilii 1•-elsszrt• 0•••• 'mot Wm. tar 44 prsossisa . . 446, I AL /7.-N WORT, : . -sr, as Nrwocat-S•a t . tame paS stow* 1 nth G A tYr. EL IW-‘3604 a 1P011.4K Peailiabara. Doe_ 31., Ilnollmos Tr.; 2.• 3 loM Ilropimart-2 ft.- Deimos. *Am VID i DIA43I•MION. D; END NOTI CE. wiz,. *ma. r m. saitws ty. Iftroarroh, Er=t It SOWS Lan lit a r- Co, lt, 1 k•oo•tlirre qrsordai latlateu litt atollaimpr4.. vas Or tsca. Ira.,, has. M. Nat ./ i inky*. ow Ur lithk 3i Swisary, ..M. Iry tia• • able.rsaso st he Orsclas! Ina pat 1100 Atatalralitbera as sit• ht Aar f fill. 11., Ise* f• - ••• dint Ink rioiliestroso ot-: to goal:ba st' ret•-zar , au. • stag somas: !Mist di.' 2••• ;or twat I pc s e y og a. k? the ern p ,...,,,,.. 1 ., ~ tmig thi. -.- gr. P1".41 G.1.V1121111111114 data-ot do Caw st Ito Oosio- x„,e,,. •„,..L. ~.,d owm.s..t. •-• ..1-.. ..co L-o ism Imo a+, at vs*"Zsalssai Depot V. S 11 - 901 ir '''g• 1 -romoila-not lir ountooport, am•f. , z• • %act ao :Ss titArifligim ,ori-to. ..:1-for.car v..; to ..4. 4 ..,. I ' 4 ' L. , )11.31., F.! w erowilli. 4 c. lielltitatlr. . E DOLLAR . 'REWARD i jr4l-3w Tior Oalwerwat wf.3 atm Meg Or tar f Sw Ow prom at kiaamebtaa. Orsda awl Twos%i N ERVOLS at F ER M - OF sant „,.. ~mew* rPoia Oa wartime* ea Ow WS tar a ' r r 4/XL: -•1. ILLTTILC , 1 4tSTLX:I4‘ las - 5..?? Ida, abd 44 pumas MR tarsi" Swat 1 . tit= t *maw ram rartmerd la /with is a 5 w ..iark 4 fsri. antlak. .....a t.a.t sib...ad lOwtsk AIM as am arearat, ar I rttroc ea eat awww . =awl - kit/pond ortawata. tosesaataralwr par ,w Ora at taw clarmitrwa. ALA. , .I3D f *MPG- 1 0 ~.....,,,,,,,a 4 in ,„ * „. ~........ 4 u i. mip , 4 .. 11 - a•kt - • . W.= two Itagt—twas 1 ak akawwwk rata t,. laralLahatrZ a r c-w.api-w• that maw at .ata "'aims. as tha asotakk Of as oftlii.ol6, • St 7111.121 d HAN lb It altiM% ) lir "na "'of -Lich see” 4JP ' -a Ise. rt re5,,,,,,, As , , wirtue ,„ i mam .„.. t , rat V. Dr 111147 L. 9.8168.444.. pa r ekiat. ilkaps i araila VS*. )As erraas. h.*" &Osaka aalt w t 4 24 '''. T"'4ll- IL .A4lO,- illt L Li-a.... bb C8.1.,:t0n. Chair _- Didebbd P.a.. i i lots= dt. bit& at Ailiyasiosemera- 24,1 - . FARM TO LET. F ow ads wog et ais eict s pipi.:ll s Bl takia Ap., I rail t" . 11111111111, wik barra as Ow NM sop r Imo. mow as - rte 111*.sueras Ots. Colille, CaOCIMMIS. IMalliar' Chit el s e em a iffertipliming. am a i casino. BMW." IlU r thr i Zret. we- arit *me 9owirr. IPwr yrs atailb ausitaull Pa. liiii,l4 zwes4o3 liralallea PROPRIETORZ OF THE , R OPE, 771)011EN WAkE • IQCng. ME SPI•'E' SUT: 4 . AND CIGAR *4 LARGE. biii it , , \ 1: 1 r Xs zw.: abo 1 , A SANO COFFEE. STEAbt BAKERYC SO.II C(.1*11.1111111f 11.1104 id it:A iad -Ow vaismork. BA4 21017 iippziff.P.lfo: vi, 4: ThfC A.N, CANDY! 41.1T1E 4 CQ,Zur rava pare* Isvaneor:, ANI O FA NeY GA-S DI LS. i' a ` L r md US R " hra ' aa s ti AT A 1.0r7 a g. Dna pe. Tc,..a 7 , 11 pa. intik It:. pry4,- " Mitat" J r. BtRGES ..t. CO r. LNG. • r...; BEI I=EZI DR. P. HiLL'S CELEBRA COUGH RE LED' C t )N Fl N Di to gain public favor and aft all Sections, sod maim that:baron} .1- P•n"e"' nl s, ati.n /ran reputatLau far .llkbey atrial Throat and Lung dismars LS kW) ADILIDiD 4.4 . - " W kormst this ruedietnr V maid known ItS torn!. base's. tabloarrd iko , :r.a.mt popularity soot dooLand. It has br roms • standard r•uordir With soul maple kor wartaa Pulmonary e. a•fdalats and Is kept i n that. boosts lot toady or • tictii•Ter requir.d. A. • out. fur t.drugh It .1 and ,ottaata—midold reciudiug molt lii•D4o.6ot 11. to run • Cone!. of 'zany treek• stscatoe. yor corms it in Litot aateiie.l, atiti as a rushed) , lot •rntbala at* caw.pdh br coat Larrovr natkonsd mow friar sour. to ora:C.. Lf.rr ilod.rio l g • lung tam d leans walk !Las r ..braroamir Par Broortutinand dtuuoetess lt t , a . .os an..- y imitation Irmo 'b pareage• la iff imams; to' teal this hasedy le lama valse—lt promptly lemma t c ho Emu/ow sad Ashore at Lb. 01+4101. Lod Morten* tliik dam* am halt boss la et do4arj 111 limmairs4ltlD• Watts and ids manacan arise apes in - Itattoo or Ingasarmatiou in the • mills tutees iseetarsoo r•quira toot footoptme of tau/oast' tootielse to 111 fret Idea :.moral. r Cough Remedy LS sate, speedy an *beam! as his operation-6 adapted to pail ism% to all Nguema toolaitattoes. Cr*, y p•rifol Allitted vita 'War of List totlawdur dowsows arould use tab platual moldy and lath 'oats will woo tame., Z i t t r w thote to w aroma/ eta orit,„ to •01.t.tod /11 sad tea • 166 .! & e. Haiti (,;,11 . 01 &MAIN rl corm Golds. DRS. Car Hall's Cough Rerudy it cures Croup or 14411 AR. 1161. 1 at Hales C , ,vit liemtdy it cure AstA n..l ~r PhtAisic. 11016- Cse Hall's o:uyA 8ew:444 for La' tarrA. lee. Car Halts rbusrA fieftedy U .ItroigiA",l h. Lava. sli,„ (:se Hal?* (Avail . RernedyforßrancAuss, silo . Use Hall's OZgh Remiciv7 for Hars-se !WU. oft. Co Hall's C;Atgok Remedy et ?Orenltinu ae Voice. IL 1.::e Halts Gau t ih i(rmtdy for Whooputp e"tviL. It wtl: greatly modify the halwaere atlas :,sense ee..l attar era as tedious count. , Iliewraell fry= its ortheary darn fiow&r• of eettelseirrile fiad bus teortatwees—cal ter Dr 11.1. a C./4 bested Lough &m'.:, sad tee that au w..te tee sigwatere is epee the wrapper mid 4/111f-Lloca »T it T Nre,to tindeniiirtmrd etairos t,tty and , rietr.a. u... 1 trt P 311 . A.L.I. Coagb Seeordy ;Tint att , tte.a. to cunag diteare , LIV Ibrwa aect LUCIr oC t.t. r.-C. , 11111.-CCI.IIf th.• tWitto . _ acK6 edeetaiii neasee3, 'Mil...en:ay o, ;Atgl =EMI arc-. Tc. mi,••• T. . . _ ...tub ble.t.nrra, zit. J W }cyan, 11.3..d.5ard Wet. ,Jhu A -Trac!, rt,,b.r, ..o.t.t.rsa, - J T trnee, i •ho ti Irtane, fta.0..., Bear, ; lucre. , toes. ‘,Lr. , r, .14.5, j :4. ,batecz. C K R.b.rt, ;oho K. t_or.hrsit, W. I , stanneraecbt.„ J Mooney, John K. Ihrso.ra, P. K. Bartow ' J. W. Cadets, loon M Warren, Alsuuon Sherwood, H. H. Mal, lobo S grown R. H. cooper. A.. Y. Tarbah, rt. L. Forster, Joseph Deem er , E A. Sennett, . . . . Gives prompt relief m Aet bmw PHTEllfile., AND CROCP la 'wry valssile I3RAVEL, DROPSY. AND KIDNEY AFFECTIONS. Li saatrosseed lip (1 LININNNT AND PAIN =JAB: In Bottles at 26 and 60 Cta. . So.d bf aU tvspartaAda PI-twist' sad Derlsse• .a tae """`,.. tailed !saw. AL II'AJW Cl.oii: t Cu- Nis 121s-tenet...Asa N.. Tea, Tlasl,sa.• A r ay, t y Preitily pr.sortly Clod , I'mpazyd a=1".112 Sy wtio , A.SO KN j CARSX:ri srclaC ATLI , S.,E.B.VE ?ILL • 1 AV:" naril GEMIAN *4:411 CA.::DT S CG A K t it do %volt. ' ct ♦bid A a C.: t .4 • .. 1,4,1..."-41 •C. 4sra *.,.. .e 4 IMMEI -. i ...-~ 5,1% - •Lorlt a. '''.7 Ei-.. :I-At Pa.. IRE as.! la 2 , Emmy So. row - ttrawler ,„ 1 , 1141 pular. MIMMEI ERIE CITY trrwlYr•mitp l V terElt or STMT= 4110 sir?, sta. The voleeedi=eallieatin the tronage *pedal pa o/wee of the maw ' as has metal, wade ealealass tapeorennertn =wag erhieh an a PAGING MA.CIIINE, (v, pa g in g Blank Booka.kg MOM, at whisk in la anabiaa to do walk of Una kW •asst sad as ebesp ea it atak Allo as In Illaßdia Swims ►N es EXPERIENCE OF TWENTY YEARS, I belleve I ten swat hot the i iiitte a rrorge with fall antedesee Slaf a ere RULING, BINDING AID ALL KINDS OF from a itr Dow, to order. Coddledly ele Mad large tepiply ,B L A N BOOES.• Ilbeelk•mher the plaids reerd* edoesedidd Jt. sa / s ift' ee streloe. seemed steer, mint de* 4110- 4 41/////1/10e og. FaSe., Junsmr, ush, Wit -leo A . GEM FUR TAE MILLION, 4.1 a, • • arLZVDIU An. A 111 , 01.1i1AR HOLIDAY PRESINT MME. DEMUREST'S • um= Arm= 15 b B4 . ITINO Ty. .at t pisstical oWttf, and a marvel of tinpitatty ; ate ta• 'naming antra very, ninvit lad meet. ear a sommor vostiie, sod via. • At 41W N. Tont SW, Asir. tist groilivinimpead tatal wadi avallesia4,7 the vivoldolitio• prat bePrevitual. It will carne. sirrna, soma. bwwilt.fwW t 7 BILVADVVIL, ere, with • shag* or dwahas Wool cosy withlit od to thw arstame eritag. tb. thlowill. dealt to stilitti by odor 'twist sosalwow, the sweat For Wks( surd rbUrawris append, srtieles wads of light Ishii" it will. 'hardly" to bard almost 15TALE•11,4- It to attachod to The tablo no a waft blodond !ar ta( no tonsisia, and rogstriog v ofdm* of *hub, is Only* toady far oroostlint, aN sadr $- e.l of stospitesty that a child of six or Welt years as 13136111- rr it, Lod or it sewirsossiwat.4. It is sot at an liable to gist oat ad trim macides Jo pot op la • asst WV. siiitlod with fall sod trephott dtrootkookaadtvialytitta aorodAlta. Soot to soy address la tbo [laded Stator On reosipt of sn :infer. lodowiog lb. auttattat„or way Iv eolloota4 by Ls • pms• ow Colistiry of the wiaehtost ones tii• wow/ lo mot Ilia Me fader sad siestan4 isw guano** it• Pais receipt sad ths Wren ot 1147 .61 14, raise soy w bent Walla 2. 00 see& trio a soy tr • o ).rs l , I , ollB.lMomits for attrldloa. • !furor y Fissiseask or for tali parttealart, sped owl .1 o* lag, etc , scud p stamp for Mars pee tag*. 112110. 473 ilrow4way, N. Y. Every Lodi, Mother. 11111ia.r sod Arotto-ohator, 4044 fume on• of thesis valuable wortog resistoos. NEW GAS LIGHT THE OLEO-WATER GAS: ?stinted t y Prof. L L. MIL, Jam 17. MR Thu Gas has two thcrroorghly Wiled by ass of scisoas. sad its merits h►n stood taw grosisot foratiur. It aux to atom abort° rod for 50 CENTS PER 1.000 CCBIC FEET MaZMZ=Z - It has a WO tararloz to the 6MlCoal ilaa mad Wes s mach mon brt...asit We are now prepared to offer the hitrolomm Oa Aiwa ratua to the Poblie, which mad ervostaany take die p _boos all other Glass, amiaag to tbo mbar* with ntiteb tt can be made. its briltmory of light, period lamplblity *ad (to adoptakatty tai ail cease dleara pet 4* le re. jetted. ' '• Per priest. dmolllege is oity isaistry, Stern, Mambos, Hauls, jrhastros, lastaftift. kr-, sr-, sad asa *MT ailoptael to lbw Illastamoir operation, at eery oapomm. We wilt &armed ItIGIM br ettke, loarwm,glaaaittea or natoa. el 'boom , * prima. for basso ptiadatslaus &PO/ to B.2=pts,7is.. jlll3 1,531 VI Widest Ptroot. ozifo 0 tiL,I TBE Advertiser, having' been niittlred ji„ is s sus is • kir v sap, kg • ran Sim* gads anis basis, ssilkesii wirers! yssas wig" ihasser• base OSINCOMO. sod Ass &god &sous, Cssissaupassi— is sas- WO& to arty taws to kis kikripsuillisins Ors eras at eans. To ad who daeue ime will send •slew pre ocrptlea seed Wee of chine), with ties ler ire ens' wad tutu' the muse, whbai They will dad scsi Cras for Carrst - zrrros ISentithist, sc. I se trail oKy.ct of the advertiser to seedlsg the Prescrtp woe w to Imrsetti the siilebed, wad spread bides • tu..:h a. easatelei to be La galas/Me. sad Ira hoer *very enterer oil try his 'remedy, es it will etili thew iretkiag„ *ad =an prays irdelewerag. Parties waists' the— T. presereptutee will plum addres. gib WARD viuorr, Lop ik il L Tl te f ore. r.ct 11-4 is j uII 2f WELCH, t Vaal= ASP =era mr FOREIGN & vointenc /RUM, VtGiTAbLES, IC , AL" "WAS Eli Or~LF.T.t, Ufa' A-Ni itaXt. &t %bar Semoss gar No. 2, Tracy's Ble•ck,,ig ma-. 301, natiKS it, • • Zia, r.b. :-r_ ritAmtr Oa City at Cogistry Wed Preesotly aa4 14vost swim :stow watt JAY COOKE & CO., Bankers, U 4 South Thud Street. l'ott.aelitsto, Sec F r E under•igued, harrim a bea Appouk i. tAd *CELOCIWITOS MOW' the. tiestreta..-7 INorattl7. soy prra to eisoos the New Twenty Tear 6 per et:lP:reds of tbm riut.i alma" dettirseard as•qtre-Tosettbea," re teeesolate at the plooeure et the liteveremest. after too years, earl eatheetord by ad it Coeopftsa .e '..4 Fiar man. 'IS. UM The =O, soxns too fermi is nom ell" $lO4. WO, Tie ittGIVIIR BONDS to rano et 04 $lll4 sad PAW la :trona at eta amt. ,tar seams era otemenee fres ,iite paztiutaa, wet te PAYABLE 111 43101411 .....4. move! a &Ma Is told, to ft...at 'MR? P carr tirTi . Farman, lig evesaata. ldwassaies. Capetaillals. sad sa atra Irmo say noes/ as tarresksissaill ballospad rearras- St: t... 1 / 4 11 F. ilaidls sea. la asks, • 111=111 *QM. AGS spso all Itsdi-ossia.Csasds. /3sak Stacks sad !sear .t.M. sad Use aturmas prestacts a al Use Illaisafactsrers, ast_. tt..4 espastri ass *tat Ur tall Ned assiOs pr.:. floss wads for the pa• swat litho imams sad imiaid alissa of prllaiipal. bp Cosmos Shako, Sys *tsars 11114 'summit Olgrassisa, mama to nig AM 'acrAta tba BEST, KW? ATAII.4ItL2 E3lB VW? 14111K1 Awit Ia 1 - 1.11/11ENT 1% TIES LUISA 5.161•=-4. - :att mewed lit ?dot ti Lava twin Notes, or seen sad Mods of WIN 0-pir allaglApiLLa.- 4 41 p! sad alit romarlea Jul waif" radii, gaol ea; aorta** .1:1 M Olsintait N sp plicaDimi this aka A fell supply ad beads vfal /TWO at )11.0jos Imam duce 6...triart coocz.siusaiske Arai- HOXEOPATare pirriterax AND SURGEuN„,. TP7,CIII. AMMIXaII 1112ACIS. WWI 4111111SheA1141Mr eurrirme gram trust airrv• N ;.Ittvgirg. • t rairn-ar‘r. SPD-1.1 L eaten:boo %area to the core of • 'vac.* D-sobss. imaa• eatm.reti .s.d. morale& IV* , lesp‘ti.a 1..3 =re. - ea 'sea'.. Letwe as. *wild 0.C...4 t.. X/11.sealetows Taal as Ail 41-•"' oold - sir PY IIO4I ""w- CV A %,„ W .Cu MIS glaiLfaUlp,-L X. 4,04- I=M!!M 4 .. ..11111, • . .II S = 1. s permute. BARLEY! BARLEY! The sebeergier bop 1.....• le slats iii thesie Is lie Pleases et f.s•Ommer. llor She ale tbilf hem soil le bib lisses• Or osseAS solsemanomme esslees to bow , , -m 4 4 80,000 BITS LB! tad at IQ twee ele SW el. Moto Oselie peke is Chik. • - ... . 4 4 1. 4.11.1[111L, Assess's *saes/ism Pe ale: be Wei ANA essessia lir peals, PILIMLITIOS IS .• - , • ; 1 MIL met, ark a*, 20 Z: 11 °" AV5 1 . 1 "" - alb 1.11111‘40 .114 a Oleo of JAY COOS. orooootrowl .Geri rer3
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