The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, February 07, 1863, Image 2
,yo. Ifto - Nwo. , c - epr.r,r . ,14p4,,..., ,v,i..,, drit Obserber. SATVRDAY. FEB. 7TH. Ibt.4. Tiot Zoos airD ray Cannsvnast—"Ni4 s Yost. L ' -.4f In A eetreentation recently held in Boi len, Sea. WC Wien is reported to 1) ft re said that he was preparing a bi.tory ggf the Penitugular campa4m, whirl] will N.- capt a large hire of hia time for -.lmp• 'sok,. The public will look for it with a peat deal of interest. Tai Leigialatere of New York, on Tue.i day, elected Ex.Uov. Morgan United States Senator for six years from the 4th of 'Martsh next. The Democrat. F arpor t id Mr. Brutus "Corning, nt pre.ent member of the Howie of Ili retantativee from the Albany cliQtrict. - Mr. Morgan is said to be a ni;),lerite Re publican, and his election etriumph of the Wee,l ant Of the party, over are r.t,11,-114 under the lead of Greeley and Fields. SOCUTARY ST•NTON ha. appointed to is prominent clerkship in his departmetit Robert Dale Owen, of Indiana, t wall known infidel and cornmtinist Wh•r will our political parsons itftw. to I.7ty to this? It is a fact no less carious tlitn tree, that almost every mtifito his dis tinguished himself as an advocate of Ab olitionists, has in some way or other ex pressed his contempt for the practl,,e of Christianity. W'm. Lloyd Woo dall Phillips and Geo. WriL • 'la torious proofs of tlii. t,tn, . tt.‘ meant action of 31r. Swucon 1.)1..- he was • isympatbizer vvitla them 111 - -,, n tigiso L , The 06server *mild know Chit Ileneral Beenside'ties pugliely dt'nied any insert.-- mew by the Government so tar a. t l. a WWI* of FreierickAiurg is cam-e. 4 1 slug h i s has assumed the P ntit,l tinily of that titsa.ster.—G,l.-/-L. The Gazer "sh )al. I Icn.,‘" ,• • .• COUPS given by Gen. 13,iiii.11.? r hi• r•- lactation is the very tiling Ivo rninpl4:ll4 , l of--that he was c,natinu dl} fond with by the authorities ::t ton 1,--aal that, althouila he way La‘ e bad kis own way in the o ptr:icular case at Fredericksburg, it is a - ;ell l‘tiowv. fact thet in nearly all others La much easeyed and hampered by orders from the ?resident and Wdr Depsruuent as to snake hie position poiiuvely unbearable. Wi could q note pare graph after persgral.h flan the Mbeas, Tin and Rut—ali sled Republican authority—to prove every wont we have tread in this connection Bat the Gaisits says further "Gen. Burnside failed. not because of issatorrassunants thrown ul his way t. , ) tue President, or any one wan ec Led with to Eikwernment at Washington, but beeaty.e cis wantrof faithfultiegs on the p•irt of of- Seers hr usi ermy." • Gen: - de's ofrigeri were the .A 111 4 3, who, under (}en. It'etellan, haq won the' . battles of Williamsburg.. of Hanover. of Pair Oaks, of Elbarpsbtirg, and the tteeiht7 glorious one of Antietani. Could it be posilble that such officers would ever be recreant to their duty They hare poov at their '• loyalty" by exposing their lives In defence of the country, and the tongue thet. oink/ accuse them of a want of &Witt:Linen should palsy in the m. , nth of its owner. We are ashamed to kuov that tbortiare persons in this community who hate so little regard for the rive MEM who have given up home, r7iends, comforts, to battle for the Crl ai, as to accuse them of a lack of devotion to that mass for the sake of which they have al. read suffered so many hardship MR IMMO SOLDltili HILL rvim4Eo Afters long and animated discu - zion the 4ilettle on Monday, passed Thai. S'.eretu% novo soldier bill with but fifty-three votes aphid Messrs. Kellogg. of i no;.:, Granger, of Michigan, and Ussosehnsotu, were the only Rei who did not rote for it. The p.L.• oda/lows no reerut tins in the tattlt3 or districts exempted by the late proi,liata tion of the President, and eonse•inently not so distasteittl to the border ztate men. Tie bill also Fuolubits sll ocantisoned novo (Alcor& ConsidariLie douLt as to its being conaideced in the sea ate. as osotiuma twelve and thirteen of the mil itia tot approved dune.; July of last •eol , sista are believed' 6, many senator. to co,' the entire ground of the pro,tht ' ♦ ettaxarct. instance o 1 :Le foitt: at,. and mask tof indopeatieuce tie mos of this State, is seen u that without an except..)n :h'r un take to defend Simon Canaerou azl.ll-t the &imaging charges of corrui tion against him by Pr. Boyer. Thero may Lee been some point, in the Dr. Boyer to which we cannot g:ve cur er ?coral, but that hLs :et:tient 1; en t.rel y merest, we have not a particle of kl:)ubt.— Itio szoonnt of deception can =vice people of Pectosylvaaiii believe Cast , ;?n CINIMPron is an hoses: MAIL 1.1 the Slur nab that suseain !um will only z.nk tnein oaken to his own degraded :are; . Ir arrasss from the Frei lent% orier. No. 2), that General, Bdrnsl,l-? an 1 sum for were relieved •t theiz ow n re , it y,,,, t sad that Gen. Franklin was not In II: , doing farewell remarks to hi- (Iran Di dion, Franklin asks his ca:vr:, at! .4 , 7, tiers not to believe that he parted ( -2 , :n i=svolnntarily in the lase of th; T m. a pod officer, a Pe:hoe:at, uni mem frieed 11.4;(.4e11azi 'I, t e h.. 1 boo selected by Lhe I taia4. as as next victim. Tin Anneal Report of U. i ce;, Melo" the Treasporb a ti on sod Talt t ..—saph Depirtteent ozeies that the defies et taw important caraab hire been pedorebed astiefaceority aad e-e , e013 2 - iomli7. we are well salusAnLeii k. ist► and haw* tau to be as wed Vi fbr the palatial he holtia, as any twin , timik mad be band. litirgutatiat.-134m. Wadi., the inan who thilimml fon the floot of the Seaate. that 1111 a 'WWI spoke of the astitatioa pt. ma* trailer, hat been titb-eleeted to 1111, United &ales seam* by th; d boiition imiristere et Ohio. . . Ma Elvrersunsibt is taklng steps 14), Ur ANEW& lie mime of thi , taralt offersa es" a s*likvitszola4 6 disellecya =Lii stem nd deissa l ii butt e esot EiMI 11111 riNOI9IIER A DMINISTICATION Orrn.ACIK— A N UDITOR AnttEgTECP: a te Admi n i s t r af l oh, through ,t, mat -3 'try officer: , at Phila •' - .1 6 • Lien Rutty' of tal outr tge *: -Lf t h i i qulty and laws of this "'tat'' • , .eh I mak • e...i y true I'tin,yl *.• 'a 11 1 11,:11,n i 'ft lift ' • leg, itrar ' BOILZAV, editor of the F..ww4g J...1..r.,...4.', Cue only Democratic paper published in l'itil ftdelphia, Altai arrested. by order of Gen. ' . ...tti.aiat.etiastnatider of the fort-t.- in that -isety:----Tice-ssonasit• soak.plissitsakiassisasg,l4 in Xr.4tQltial '4 isuuse.„ and he w 4., int rncdiately hurried off, by special train, to Fort McHenry, at TtAltimore. The °Nee. hot:table article was one contained in the it.i.rp,-t: of that date, instituting a corn• parison between the Administrations of Frc:i....ult I.txcoLs not Jzre. "Dxvis, and l ietkinz in terms of laudation of the 4.i.i'ut..4.-:= of the latter . -it spylte highly of Jeff Iliacis's tutellee tu .1 ali.i.ty, which John Quincy A•lams pre. •licte•l soil :•lecrotary **ward dilated apes to I.r ICu•-, 11, , I the London row. It quotes fern ihe Ne 1% ‘ i•I k Loam the stlatissiou that !,..- recast s peecties a t the Southwest were orii,huagly truthful. it. q uotes with an in- Lirattatut the to:lowing passage which is a !.1. t 11/ ,: !11 ,. r,,,z.2,4, daily asserts and rq,iiiices ,ter. 'The vets. which in its inception Rae watt*`] for forcing us back into the baton, having failed to accomplish that. purpose, into a second stage, in which it was atteral tea to i-onAtter and rule these states as iu lepeudent pros Laces. Defeated in this se eond design our enemies have evidently en tered upon another, which can hare no other purpose than revenge and thirst for blood, and plunder of private propert." ' '• The article then credits J eff. Davie with truthfalness in raying that the rebel armies are larger. better disciplined and equipped than uver before. It asserts that the present tJ rat 1 , incapable of preserving hon e r.•'‘'' ' .1P or winning victim in the tiefd It qs-er irlutt is notoriously true, tutu Jed: tattle eta. right when he said of the l'ructulttan that it was an in t A!• S'Arth that they must prepare t , t , epar.,'un. and that in the North th,sce .4 a insionty whose kuinasnity re- CO WI trom t participation in the atrocities %%Melt tcat pro.:..ituatiou practically invites." lu ni the next day, the la, e er wis 0.1-4) alter two• ot a., editio.l 'irtd Lean worked off, a.iti fir. t..;aFts, another of its editors, ar e ,red. l'he unnautiotursaut ut these pna ceediams cause , i great excitement through t e city, .uid a meeting of Democrats was, n t Weduesisy, at which the .'m Suit Veit s`CUENCI n s denounced in the severest terms. Resolutions of dis apprt -,on were also 'lamed by the City i_nuncils, and others of similar import were introduced into the State• turf 111 Immediately on hearing of the arrest, Sedge Lt -, who was holding a Court in the city, cAlle,l the ''rind .lury ther, and rot.tiod them that zuch pro• c,vaings woro and eonM n.l: be t qerated. Ito 41racted them to make in ,Lairy int ) the :natter, an 4 if they found tie i rov_wed, t t4ke Tilt , l3l.lre 4 for making the arrelt 111 , on th' o •:atkul rl iii t , ;‘, : ad .'t slither column ,1-ue rtr::ni TUrN r )1 Lug, . be , zi awl -. 1 t LAIL1113.114; t4'. '/, - ..,u. iiippa.ired in emart `with s that the D.s.triist Ittochey ~110411 Laive k ; en. .S.O EN k It., and ithe odiesra canoe.: tit:d ts.r h him, in I le/ e.l, I and made t sutler in .t peusities o: their 1 crime. We do not wish to tie utnle.xstood as en dorsing to any ex: mt tee article which I is given out as the e-mse ~C iiie.,,,e I:raooed- I tags Undoubc dly it was an i l um:Lei f :4s I and badly. , sonsidi red product:eon. sr.3 I althotigh expre.s.ihe F arab truths, should have been omitted. hut we cannot, as a 8 lets-lovine citizen ot the ewe, allow ' soda conduct on the pert ot the National I authorities to go hy without expressing :lir determined thsapproval. There is no I excuse for undertakmg to passaah any 8 perimms in thi- mate by any other than 1 the regular etsurtie of law. The poorest have their rights here as welt as the high ( est. and we will stand up in the defense of ono. ;vs =trendy as for the;s3ther. c 3 I Tong :,,s ',Le r)urts are unobstructed. and 1:1,..:- m .v , oil :n their regular channel,' t . ,,, ,-,-... 1: :. t, ;1.,-tr tile r In•titut:on should i to cart;:•:.;.;. r• ;t; 1.. , ,i, and he who violet. s i Lae:-..a, 1. ,, - .....: a Ilrtzr. I:er-Cieneral or a , i ',Law: -, ,:e.tetary, :- a.: iutity of :rime as the w.e.5.,-desi trsitoi that goes LI uaung. Az. has atece. Leen rele-ased, i t wtitaug anti signing a letter, which ia+ eaks 1.".)ott) for its uclepeudence of char toter and honts4:. ot spirit. dial he i stcodlXil mantutly tvr his rights he would I have coot:slued tile syLapathy i f all right trunking tieople, cut iip• humiliating I method Will cu he ii is taken to secure his :a•1 ion 1.... at a great •i&.l of that 114 ' 4 % he 'rotai otherwi.-e have faund. ttr.. 4 , : h, the principle nt hip 1 ari•-••••••!. an,l .thould oprig.inue to thrb• th vegh he was it..., verit"St erlTi r. tn! ou the fa' of the • fns New 'iork Tnolo.• of few .lays seo aa..t a row - tricsiole edttortal, aulgeft log rcsnt pLais for the prosecution of the wlr. vpvinz views of the n ;he campaun nkote-1 ocia.iu,..te.i. Mr GREELEY conclude- ,c. t 4 the :,):krorin.: 41cr.ificant piragrapii . "If ,- IOrY 014111eSt Lighting *hail not a...4-v* LI make a serious :mtprea- Non on tia , 3 re,o;---it the Nati of that term 1 allj. u ~ 0 :Luther advanced than its Ins`..gnant Fate has •ierreed that I.le R:.lod and treasure of the Nstion shsil e,N4- squandered in fruit ' le, .lons---iet us &N.: t oar dZtle" y q't azat : inn .; 2 , 1 4.4 4, a +44sl#'d Jf givng only ton o: hundred thousand .1. provided they Are /teed weaty years. Ine amend alt-nt —l7, . - '44 li ber*te the shires wttlim a year, and gtve twenty in.:llclis :or leant :notepad of ten The next step, donbtle s, wall hr to h orate them out right. The Senate has just as much right trader the 4 .)onotinstion and to equ.ty to do chit so what it l‘ropaiee to do. A si.scut Washington dispatch to the Neu York Traiwt- says Liam I Teo. k:airnt•- ran ;nil soon resign tits melon to NUB la. The same dispatch anocamoss that a g eter al t...thervit tencient4 Iva sexy ices t the War Departmaest on Toasliay to lcui a I,ni sd .1e" ms pew iist • tits :wart of t;.r reeib If the' 'general can only succeed to reviliatf lizeinnoond: and were get hirlkuel on the ittorealerate" Treasury. the rebel cause will be 'gene np," TILL kreeddini Las appoinuwi fifty las)°, sad Idepdietieberahit is 'zone of the tr.r..lber actor:zed by THE HIGHT-, Or Tali. LTLZEN rh. tallowm r ti • I.ritllow to , 11.• (Iran I ' Ir , a, ;, , i. i di j o r i.,..., ,„,..,t ~ IEL ) jioi!eso,' ~ eliier Ito' )0, 't NV . OOI rilti ;41 4 r Nia %mi.' thr LIIII t - 9 , 4; .- chg A ,Cl, • 'et ' : IL 11 ,, i C...L.3 i; ' • . ~rU in the Vast twenty-four ..• ~/ .11 this Commlnweslth and of 11.tis 1,44013 sudden ly arrested at his resi , lence in this city. ;Ind ha, been t0ti...1.1y c-arried, A.,wit e i r jusi will, be) on. I Ili.. limit. ot this tat e anrifilrritritaNtrin rd this Court. Suzh events, have here tofoi e taken place: but, as we have bead atIXI3LI3 to support the United States Government in every way compatible with a proper discharge of our duty. we wore not inclined to believe that tho s e in authority would Attempt to exercise a power under all circumstances questionable and delioate.when temporary excitement bad given way to reason. and a patriotic and, I believe, an honest desire to do a great Public duty had resolved itself into a settled purpose to discharge that duty according to law, and with at lea't a decent respect for the laws of this Commonwealth and for the cotedituted authorities of' the State. rile time lta.-; arrived wltt.n we can no loetter hold our peace, when the obliga ions imposed upon us by our oaths of office compel us, at every hazard, to direct the Grand Jury to inquire into and determine by whose order and t.y what persons this arra has been made ; and if, after an im part4al examination, it shall appear that any -citizen has i•ecn forcibly abducted from till county, to inform the Grand Ju ry that it is their duty to present the facts in the case to the Court, where bills of indictment may be framed and the accused persons, if they have committed a crime, be tried, and if guilty, be punished for what, in that event, may become a crimi nal act, By the Constitution of the quite.[ States, Art. vt. of the amendments; 6 1n all crimi nal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial Jur ! . 1 , 011 Dist r i c t wherein the crime shall have been com mitted, which distti,:t shall be previous ly a.certaiLed by law and to be informed of the natute and (2.,tie of the accusation, to be confronted with the witnesses against him, to hare cOmpulsornaeocess to obtain witne_ in his favor, add to have the as s:atomic of counsel for his defence." The Constitut.:3n of this commonwealth contains the sante provision, Sec. Ix, of the Declaration of Rights, with this addition : "Nor can he be deprived of his life, liberty or property, unless by the judgment of his peon: or the low of the had." These iuesurnable rights are thus guar anteed to every eitIZPII by the Constitution not only of Pennsylvania 1. , .1 al4-o by the (...iwistatakm qf ad United &aut. You shall see, gentlemen, that the Fed eral and State Governments provided for the trill of those charged with having com mitted offences arainitt either, but the framers of these Constitutions intended that the citizen ihould not be arrested iLhout having an opportunity to defend Lin:welt It may be supposed by some that the odence of treason cannot be punished un der tae Constitution of the United States excno. I v 14,.. k r.tce.r. Such, bovrever, is not the, and that man is not only ietiorant of the law, but must be intentionally so. for the Constitution of the United States erprehly declares t Ar- Lcie tit. -;ection 3, that "Treason against the United States shall consist only in levy ing is-ir szainst them or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and com fort ,qo person shall be convicted - -of trea son unless on the testimony of two wit nesees to the same orert act, or on confes sion in open Court." And many acts of Congress, now in fore, declare before what tribunal, and in what manner such eases shall be tried. fhe 1-e fi lature of Pennsylvania has also prowl a law which declares it to be a high misdemeanor far any citizen to aid or as sot “any enemy to open war against this State or the United States" in the manner mentione.l in the act ; the otlence. if com mitted, may moreover be punished "by solitary ins.i./Is. - Inmetit in the penitentiary, as hard ia'./er, for a term not exceeding ten s an -1 LW:iced to a .1111 not exceeding lays li14)1.1• i •1.-I:ars, or l ata, at the dis cretion or the ('curt."--pct of ISth April, l‘Al, P. 1.. pnee .11 ) • , . You wilt thus observe that, under the Cow:autiou and laws of the Unite./ estates arnica ti tat e,14 . 6 r Lila 4, in point of Ltiv a • or who a. lo tri ru aerial way :ht• urzly, may b' t in.-'...1. and that with severity, and he caz . ..l thus to sutler. Laws then exist winch protect the govern -tent of the State and of the nation aga.n.t the efforts ut those who at tempt to de-troy either. These laws are amply sutTi,lent t t•o•.mt our natian and State. unlee4 it may be within the limits and in the immediate vicinity of our army upon the field. and alvanelng. or about to advauce, against a hosille :occe and in an enemy's c3.intry . tamer.. r.n I in that ex treme ease. n•-e. - --itv thi• rare - of wellAPfined kw, .in I the will of the commander becom e s the ruk of action,. As laws then do extet—ss the tr.bisnals of the 1'014.‘1 states g)vernment .:nd of the State are open—a- Illaglsl rates: abound at any c_orn-t- of tho'stre , t , . an I :Are known to be loyal men-- reigns in this county, arld d Inger deqtroys the authority ut law as duly Administered by the State t'.)tir, an aq power in the , lu-t—}.y ttli st nett led right can th. , th:q arrest justify it' t' , rt t!nt 121.-)n the gr3un,i of necessity, for no Iteeess.ty exists : and certainly not upon I pretended executive power. tor it »LI mast be—admit ted that that pow4r can only exist when the law i= silent, an I w• - . it,tv e distinctly shown that by th.. Con=tittition of the Unite 1 states, and the kw of this State, the government is already secured, at least IQ this Caurt, ag,a,tist th_ (.I,igns of those who may 1 y Letlit:i to de stroy it. But, the Constitution of the United State s declares, article x of the amendment,. U. tt - the powers not de;usiatd the Con .stitutlou not ito the States, \' - - - pc.„- =NEI Mil The zsupremP _hart tia.s taw h .ve decided, Li. that Coastitu2:on must receive c3n-trus.-t..)11. and, viewing this tit's laLt , I ask, did the peop:e of thi- Clmtnonwealtia, when they entere-i into the Union. ever agree to des- - ,lre upon either the Presi des; of the Unites za;:ttes, Congress or the Judiciury. afi ~s.uablned, the porrrr to sa,pend the pr.y:lege of the writ of n S:Z.If , or district when the "p•IV: nr:•ty at" Trne, at may be the duty of sortie department of the government to judge of the name luty, and to su-penz: the privilege in n giYen ca., but public sentiment demands that, in aty erect. tae sri - rit of the Con stitution shell le compile! with and when the Rawer It claimed ty a ainzle ,n -disulatal, the people have at least the right to kn.: ., w who uts,de the arrest, by what authority it was mai". or what charge was. or 7,0 r; ia, pref-rred against the accused. It, in the case soon to be examined by you, you diacorer that the arrest was ordered b, authority of the laws of the 1 - nitel State.- sal commonly (*lied the "milittry - " 1.3 distinguiste,i from Lae martia: ,aw - you will aute tat fact, bec..swe it may that gress has enacted such lowa as they may by virtu^ of the Conr.ttu :son ;e i rany meek and which. se thug affect the gov ernment of the army of the United States, wi t y j : - .r, and legal when applied to those trb-, are aLnenable to that pattx-ttter code of iswg. ' Gestimenen : I have alone taken the reepottalnlity of addramin g you today. It has not been done lc - about serious re ftwtion. From the commencement of the rebellion I hare endeavored. in evvry pos. sible legal method, to support the consti tuted authorities. Time and again qua `lions of ono delicacy, and which seemed t threatenbetween the r u it e d Mates anthoilt a sad this court, have I.een disposed of is segib a way as not to , -(l2burises the NNW OPrerainent, while • .ie rights off the gathans s e ry been pro o , .nd. We have milk tc , notice the fact °facially th at arrests have been made in this county. because, as we have before intimated. we hazi hoped that they would milt. That hope has been destroyed. A leg-il and moral necessity urges us to this step, not to countenances any aet committed by any man against the author ity of the General Government, but to sustain a right as clear as the noon day sun, as vital as life giving breath, without the existenoe of which the Government itself is a stupendous deception, and which if firmly maintained now and here will go far to mule a people of immense resources, and which power can yet be wielded as a unit when, and as soon as the constitu tional right of each citizen shall be res pected and enforced. I have now discharged a great public duty, with no desire to do otherwise than to support the United States government, and I sincerely believe that the result will be to strenfthen and not to weaken that Union which ought _to be perpetu ated to the latest generation. I request you at once to suspend all other business before you at present, and instruct the District Attorney of this county to send for tieneial Montgomery and the Provost Marshal, together with all other persons who have any knowledge of this transaction, and alter you shall have heard them, your duty will be simply to present the facts to the court. TkillitlLOW WEEIrS NOTE OF WARNING. Thurlow Weed publishes a long letter in the Albany Jourryll, of Saturday, in which he states his position. He claims that in all the ways and means in his power, he has sustained the Adaunistra tion, and that his relations with the Presi dent and every member of his Cabinet are cordial. He then utters the following warning against Horace Greeley and the malignants - I have referred frequently to the in cendiary principles of the New York Tribune, because that journal, by its vast circulation, exerts a malign influence throughout the whole North. I again ad monish my countrymen to slake of tAu incubus, to emancipate tAemselva from their mental thraldom, - before all is lost. Mr. Greeley, the infatuated victim of the wildest Ambition, will soon, amid the "crash of worlds and the wreck of matter," be seized with a "Itixoxas Tali 0011111 TOO LATS." I speak not idly. This "Architect of Ruin' has much to answer for." Tug Cassaos Bansur Casa.—The New York Pad, the most influential and res pectable of paper!. speaks thus of Dr. Boiler's charges : " Mr. Cameron, we believe. holds still the office of Minister to Russia. In jus tice to the country, the Senate, by whose advice and consent foreign ministers are appointed, and which would seem there fore to be responsible to a certain extent, for their character, should at once inves tigate these charges. If it can be proved that Mr. Cameron sought to bribe a mem ber of that body, his appointment should be revoked, and the case handed over to the legal tribunals. If innocent, he should be acquitted at once ; for it is disgraceful to the nation that such charges should hang over the head of one of our most conspicuous office-holders. It is impor tant to our future integrity, moreover, that our legislative bodies should not be degraded by practices which, though long common in the elections to the British Parliament, are a novelty amongst us." " AT rats very hour," says the Joursa: o Commerce, "the leading r&lical papers to the country are teaching treason mots rank and dangerous than was over seen in the columns of any suppressed anti- Administration paper in the country.— They advocate foreign intervention, coun sel abandoning the war and dissolving the Union this spring ; they rush from one extreme of treason to another." Tat administration has decided to have in its twrrice none but firm supporters of its policy. A number of clerks were dis mined on Saturday last for expressing sentiments antagonistic to the oourse whisk is being pursued by the adminis tration. More removals will take place within a short time. Mt DIC IXX FOll CONTRA BA N DS. —The House of Representatives, at Washington, on Monday, made an appropriation of $52,0:0 for medical attendance and medi cines for the contrabands now in the hands of the Government. The amount caused much surprise. NWAVt4 OF THE NVIEIE:U. Lie li.chmon.l papers are all half Sheets itn.l delivered to subscribers at twenty-five oents a week. BRIBM.—The World says the paper manufacturers of New York have bridal Congress to prevent • repeal of the tariff. The litchmoad DukticA anticipates an early reaewal of the fight at Vicksburg, and sets the strength of the Union forces there at N3,1X..11 men. A \Cashineton dispatch states that Gen. Butler and Col. Hamilton. of Texas, had a consultation, Saturday. with the exe cutive authorities. There are now four Confederate pri vateers abroad, preying upoa our etas merce--the Alabama, (Z)0.) the Florida, ,Oreto,) the Retribution, and the Dixie. Reports from Tennessee announce a brilliant victory at Fort Donelson. The enemy's loss is said to be 135 killed and 500 wounded and taken prisoner. A multitude of petitions are going up to the Legislactre from various soutions of this State, praying for a law to prohibit negroes and mulattoes from coming here. Horse:* Greeley in the Tri.Lis denies emphatically that there is any truth in the report that he solicited intervention by France in our National affairs. The Ja&chivy Committee of the House. of Representatives, Washington, voted on Tuesday to postpone indefinitely the confirmation of the President's eman cipation proclamation. The Providence Pas sa73 Flu John Porter has fought more battles, won numb victories, and possesses more brains and patriotism than every inami of the Court which tried him, and the hounds who se. sailed him." Han. J. J. Crittenden has written a letter to GOV. Robinson, of Kentucky, Alin g moderation. He says: "riot the Proclamation with resolutions, sad the rebels inth 14yonets." A sec,:.. : ty - consisting of nee bundre4 at, a .-ty men. under ocinunand of Lieut. C3lonel Steward, recently dashed into Van Buren. on the Arkansan river, and captured a steamer ar i three hund red passengers The Weehi ngtop r If-tvurit, even, die gusted with Lunen and uselessness of the contrabands supported by Uncle Sens, is that cit suggests that they be pot cleaning' the filthy streets and et forced to work. Gen. McClellan was record because he was "too Wow." The Premien& .doper hopes the Ilecogrese" since hes bees anis factory to the authors of his removal ; we may safely my it has been to nobody don ,Csririte or PKIZILL—As a happy set-off to the loss of our gunboat an the Stono River, vfe have to chronicle the capture of a rich prize belonging Ite oar dear Eng lish friends.. This is the 'British steam propeller Prisons Royal, which was l'eaught on 1$ wsw into Charleston harbor on Thursday of last week. The cargo of the Princess Kara was most valuable, em bracing among other things eight Whit worth guns, four steam engines for gun boats, a large stock of rises and powder and a party of English workmen skilled in the manufacture of projectiles. The particulars of the capture 'of the. English ship Anions on. the 6th ult, which have just come to hand, are equal*phsaa ing. The Astons was laden with st- com plete battery of braes field-pieoes, a lot of quinine, opium, several thousand pairs of shoes, numerous boxes of tea. about are hundred kegs of powder: Estaidd tides, triedicines, clothing. ko., &c. One more instance showing treach et) the headquarters of Gen. Burnside. A letter from the army dated the 27th says : "The' morning that Gen. Burnside's order ;v.'s real to the troops. announcing that the auspicious moment had arrived when we were again about to meet the enemy the rebel pickets re•id all of the 'nnior across the river, to our pickets, our men that getting knowledge of the order for the first. And now every day our men ire litiled by the rebels to know if the "auspicious moment has arrived ?'— Truly does the writer say, "it is about time some of these traitori in the army and in WAshington were shot, if only fur the example." Intelligence is received from Fortress Monroe of an engagement on Friday, near the Blackwater, between the rebels under Gen. Pryor and a portion of ten Peck's command. Gen. Pryor's forces gevenoed across the river and made a demonstra tion with artillery on Gen. Peck's advanc ed brigades, but were repulsed, and re crossing the river, retreatod in the direc- tion of Franklin. The fighting appears to have been quite brisk, resulting in a loss to us of about one hundred in killed and wounded. The rebel loss is unknown. but a number of "prisoners were taken. Corooran's brigade was in the engagement, and fought gallantly. The drafted regiments of Pennsylva nia troops mustered into service are offi cered as follows : 15841, Col. D. B. Mc- Kibben ; 165th, Col. Charles 11. Buehler 166th, Col. Andrew J. Fulton ; 187th, Col. Charles J. Knodern ; 168th. Col. Joseph Jack ; 169th, Col. L. W. Smith ; 171st, Col. Eiward Beirer ; 172 J, Col. Charles Cleckner ;172d, Col. D. Nagel ; 174th, Col. John Nioto; 175th, Col. Samuel A. Dyer ; 176th, Col. A. A. Lechler ; 177th Colonel George B. Wiestling 178th", Col. James Job nson. —At the meeting of the book publish ers in New York, to protest west the speculative combination of the paper manufacturers, it was stated that a num ber of new books, all stereotyped and ready to be printed, are being kept back because the publishers must either issue them at an immediate loss, or kill their sales with unusual prices. Intercepted dispa,tched show that Gea. Ilindman's rebel army in Arkansas are almost destitute. The rebels, however, are wonderfully recuperative. We have had them naked and starved half a dozen times, and nevertheless have always found them on hand, ragged and saucy, if not fat, when a battle was to be fought. We don't altogether put faith in "intercepted dispatches." Gen. Franklin, having heard that allegations of tardiness and inefficiency bad been made against him to the Gov ernment, has demanded a court martial, which it is said will be simnel. The stuns providence that protected Daniel in the lion's den, and the three holy men of Israel in Nebnchadneuer's fiery furnace, may save Franklin, if he goes before • Lincoln and Statton court martial, but nothing else can. Among the prisoners captured at Arkansas Post were one general, ten col onels, ten lieutenant colonels, ten majors, one hundred captains, nearly two hundred lieutenants, and a lot of . adjutants, quar termasters, surgeons and staff officers.— Jeff. Davis will probably now be willing to exchange, instead of putting in force the threats containvxi in his proclamation. —On Friday last, at Pittsburg, Pa, a charge of seduction was heard before a magistrate, and the report says that all parties appeared to be satisfied. As the man accused was leaving the office, the girl deliberately shot him, watched him until he was dead, and then gave herself up to the officers. The U. S. bark Arthur, accompanied by a boat expedition from the U.S. steam er Sachem. meetly attacked a rebel schooner filled with armed men engaged in sounding digs Pam of Corpus Christi.— The rebels getting the, worst of it, ran their schooner ashore e ,7 deserted her. and taking refuge behind a hill, poured in a heavy fire upon um- men, killing and wounding several. It is now thought that Jeff. Davis's order, turning Federal. prisoners over _Po the State Governors of the Confederacy, will be disapproved of by the rebel Con greet'. In case retaliation is practiced, the rebels will be the greatest sufferers, as we have more of their officers then they` have of ours. General Foster sailed from Hatteras Inlet on the '_'4th, with three guabosts and a number of transports, supposed for Wilmington. Another expedition was fitting out with great dispatch and would soon leave. probably for the same destin ation. This expedition is said to com prise the whole command of General Na gle!. . The Surgeon-General's office , has given notice that certificates of discharge are furnished only by surgeons in charge of general hospitals and camps, and that the obtrusive efforts of persons claiming to be special agents retard instead of hastening the preparation of discharge Dispatches from North Caro in dicate that the great expedition will 100 U sail for its destination. The outfit is omit pleted, and it is stated that the work has been performed in ap admirable manner. The army is said to be in fie* 000dition, and the men eonSidestt of the 'awes' ,of their mission. Gen. Wessell is left in command at Newham. The appointment of Carl Shun, as Major General, over such 7.3diers as Stahl) and Steam*lir, -naitd German soldiers, who have faithfully served their adopted country, creates I s cyst deal' of indignation. Shun is no soldier. and says so himself. Three of the Brigadiers who est on the court gaartial that convicted sad sen tenced to dismileal Gen. Fits John Porter, have since been nominated by the Presi dent as Major Generals. What speedos that we make no progress_in subduing re bellion, when we are net only Med by imbecility, but sticking with corruption. The Riolumped E.vvArster of irituru publishes a telegram from Charleston • - mg that the federal gunboat J. P. Smith, =1 eleven gams and ZIO men. sur to the :obeli as Friday alter a sharp engagement on Stow river. The federal km sr, of course, mid to have been heavy. Gen. YeClellan is on a visit to Bea ton. He leR New York very quietly. hat the report got start of him, so fiat at or eg=g plum Ito was mat by womb and friends. welcoming bin with speeches and borpitalit3r. —Mime are straw Mond' 111 coming from Beaded,. S. C., that the oontramted North for oontrabearde e = to them at high prima. ilio•Rtirdeadtere' these, male and lemale. aim not peplum with the army. A report from Port Rural dittinctly denies that the Montauk boat, was compelled to h4'1,1.41 rlgtr•tte it • tete bombardment of Forj., M4•AV.tater, the mouth of the 4 igeciive r (ia Warden lay under the ••.), hie t.., four hours to try be. ve..el t 1,• fell upon i$ SA it they had he. -•!. t .11-- The rebels thernaelve4 341111 C ' a• ' ii,” r solid shot broke- in pit-1..., .1... LI bor aidP. AD attempt having been made t., sist the arrest of dexerters in Morgan county, Indians. a *quad of cavalry sent thither on Saturday, who 'ired the mob, and cuiptureol the de rters and six prisoners • Nwral Battle at Charleston The news of Wednesday aiti of n *fut.-- ling and unexpected nature. If we. may credit the rebel accountF. the C'onfe,l,•ra tee did a good ,lay's wotk on the alert ult. On the morning of thit day ham witn two of their gun-boat. attack. and aurprised the Fe leral block-iding fleet of Charleston. C . and after sinkit.g two of our gun-I olts and burning or d,-- abling an ind# finite number of other TP-- t , Pls, returned to receive tbecongratult tions of the citizen' and ,le,•iare the I,l.l'k lute of Charleston formally at an end The number of the blockading fleet at the time of the attack I, said to _lave teen thirteen.. On the following dtv u%eiity blockaders were reported as oil th'• We shall wait with impatience nil the other side of this affair is male public. MARRIED Ock the 20th nlt., at the vesidethee of the ,ri ie'l f4C6er, Ia Rorti Rae; by Key. fly Ratbaura, B ATKINS to Rule &RYA 1.. L.r/w KM * all of N. rtL East la (Taloa, oa the 21st ult , Rev G W es, Yr. G. A CaI:ROLL to ht.*. :1 .4 RARNi EA, all Union. Ia title eity, oa Owe qr loot, by . Rev. by. Lion, flu R0815..405. of Craangu tp., to Wiu HANSII:I N. DAVIS, at itarboregook to this ed.,, on the 27th alt., by the *saw, U r r HCR h AN to II iss SAR AH DIED lo !Lase county, 111, at the residence of her sou tl.• alt., Mrs ILATMAJIIII IL MULLIN, ',Mow of likawa noillirs, We of Ifsseogo, is this etmety, de:vveei Mot Tl&lips ass wail and intimately knovn to this sousty. Sbs Ins born Up Lancaster county, Po., in the year 1775, wince oh* lived until IS27,whan she moved to this esiostig, and lived bore until after the death of her lowland, sad Is 1160 moved to her son In 111 21b* 1164 toes • losmoW is fall standing of the 14 Z. Church over TO year; and is low dolly walk manissetoil a close so the haft Or shat she professed, a.d passed boss death wale lit. is the full enjoy meat of hliemg done het watt well. Mee was t sister to the mother of tie lots oeishestoil Doctor John Ebtrly of Ciscionatti ilmocaster &ad documents papers solseue loopy • DRAXIC'd itUNTATION BITTIERS They verify, grongthen and forigoiate. They create • bealtby appetite They ariha sat!dote to shwa of water Lod thet. They ovansose eff•ats of disupation ead Lau hours rbey etreugthea the meters sad eatiren the irund They prersat rolaantatie and interuateist freers They punt. cue hreetb and acidity of the stomach IL., cure Dyspepsia and Conetipsuoa They ooze DiarThat.., Cboleen and Cholera .I.l.arba.s net ears Liver Complaint sad Borrow Headache They are the beet bitters fa the world. The: snake the weak soca etrisag, and are ItittiMattai nature'■ great re etenar. They are nes '• of pare St. emu Rum, Ole vele bested Calltiya Bart, roots and Lane, and ate.taten • ILL the plourare of a beverage, without regard Way or tiro* el day. Particalarty Tee...amended to delicate pers—as 'squiring • gentle stimulant. Said by sal Grocers, Dr a g g IA; Betels sad Seio.ret PS. DRAKE .1 CO. Paine. sn Bros:tray, Y Y B RAN DIUCTIIVO PILLS. THEY CURE DTSPEPz/A, ReDI: 71. LIMO sliir larTL Tit ritretria of DtstaAst Da. Toomaa R. Elas.Laz, of Portsmouth, Rhode lant, • , male "1 .t twenty-Moen years' respettenee tni, bleu kiss, molinsa the Witt that I. very bre taste moan: Thystalan's suratom b. reqmired if Brandreth's PI promptly ruled to the early stages of Minas* ' J.. PVC palish/it of the baimer, at Bear.uar. , ,,o, t't :—"Bnimirrth's Pta. sand Dyspepsia Lt-2 every Mbar maw bast fatted, scd l was antaally g: tett .; by my pityaciaas ao4 trusoda." The mom Motraway Memo be X. RUC+. etil knows anima of Wit:Jam...burs and thousands of others Rottbalr merits are 1141 Irbova; to fa:l Bow there Is no nem purgative; ea smaller oats they set as i ger.•.e ottarolos. amiag emrtm.ams and pant, Lo 4 the Tam &roomy day eastag taaamiads who aro deemed ln earabile main tais biereed medicine .114 natl. Pr". ;J.. Ma% 124 CASAL. STREET, N.. York. Paid by Dr L. braos,t, Erse, 21.: bf elf reepect•!..t dea lers to toediette ;01-:w PIIILIAX POETLLY. e t CLbef Was boast ad...LA um Irv, And 111110:m1a ton* their so,portigaitaz. A swbter them* my heart it 471 e Io prat** of lissiati's =ext.:rag Pi..a Their caret &ne !pat.!. is e , ery 'MA Itiuma'i moos •—+LaC A.trte Mau Tletr volbetross work, —the papers LI, Prodsad atickics's matchless PHU Dose disease silllct pea I do not doubt This dissaiisig eassessaad will soareh it t,6. Sod health solo your 'pawls 611, If rim Of at saes to alias= s Ptlls They're see !or all—both cad &23 , 1)0uaa null anuses are on every ways*: Dusese cliaarmed—eo lemerr Snag we are blessed vita Haaasra's ar• Pat up with Eaglba,Spaelati, Getman f —r. - dirsetioas. envie 23 vents per box Neer coat.l advertisement on turd page. For sale by all dry gg ,v ta la Erie. 1=•=:1 LYON'S K A Tait RAM. This delightful article f.r preserru.i, and beautifying the human bur Ls again pat op by the enc. sal proprietor, and La sow male with the masa care. sa.:' sad stitsetsea width first ersatad its uousenzte and az parallelled sales of seer one million bottles au easuly It ss still sold at 111 MIDI* is la - ge SOtties. hrt • ties was early be sold to a rear whoa It Ls agate trays that the Lathatron is not only the sweet delightful hair sirsesiag to the world, bot that It eloanaes the scalp of scarf sad dandruff, gives the hair a LI eely, nch, luxanaat growth ,aad paresruts it treat tarsier grey. mop are ectaidsrattene worth tams Lag. The Lathairepe has hem treed *sr ewer tenrhee years, and is warranted as descri hal. any lady • iss calwee a heaa•—.al bead at hair will Wig Lbe Katlasires. I t a. Leg.; y perfumed, cheap ling ral tahk It is wad by all respectable dealers throw gleout the **rid. I) 9 BaltXESt C 3., H ILI ANT R It IrrS INIMITABLE lIA.IE RESTOMATIV E IT 13 :TOT .4 PIE, toot motorise gray heir to 11.4 aid toier, Dr ems Ore; Ohs cs+4lar7 tz.bea a:tb zatcrs: eustseassee„bizpeLred by ars or disease. •11 mean/ rose ase empeeed el Lamar Guitar., doestroytag the vi• tatty eel tweet, of Use hair, I,Dd ad , rd of tzezzer:rse ee dseestet. Heiesetreet's Issiesatabte Colorise not ou v testaseeeltals to sts salami color. by az esay process, bct erae tie heir a L CICALA. , T BiA TT. prolzkates its growth. pretests Its Wan of. eret =toe daz zff„ az lawns health sad Ssaisateses t., ,t 1.4 head It has steed Chi test of tine, betas the Eau Cc.o r.z.‘ and Is iseey tecreseisir to taros, rep( by te,tb gss sod Wilke. It to ...Id by all re4pectebir teal. sons s es sea be meowed b time of the eaccosso•cia: eget% D.E. Bum kCo , 972 Revolve', N. T Teo gm, SO Gusto and $l. As e. 44 3-40 F I:MT CoL &AM. Om* t°: 't - llll44leti - Wow to comoseettwo with Q. Itsto7 the Immo* didtacrtestoot, owttbed fa the TA112.1%. I is Milk sad baa Wow* grestly ditptiagniabort it htaatar, teoppw, Cruder tad roe*. is os :auerre-air with Com. Cam. as the ottossoew et the tor y be Owed is Ws, that SWIM years sum, wlulo tho booliko bo hood ettowerevrod am imam** rock of pare erroltol, *roast whit* the rate wont re-e, to: with oe do pionowwwwwoo of tbor soot osoignawest motor.., birt tSM k. hood Not the plows. tai hod WPMr tea. lo .• to otwlltasepowor it hipoodticeof Grep-wwo aiszere wo re , v p to ilissorinsi is LW min a "ay dro l goot or Us:err soploilaw.totff prisiterdir ars Dyigerpouo Llooe C.tooflotzt, Leo et ippitise. b, mud wilt Litwin rertc-e to Use 014 an lbw dew of Omer yostidwl *vs 'a3l-1= reSAFIVIr WA 11111OrT : epormioo tastes& be mod apes the :.e..r t.: tr.,- ridialr se it a ostmoi abode et bows or iioci, J CIUBTADOROI BAIB DYE. It ao awes %abed lima at elm , drek zu , s - '.12.41 tin boar, la assity arplarel. perforvegs is. vr->ric tortaameacommi ir , tire eiderwr, ranauso az. IMPILICITI•BLE eL:RET 3116•Ahltenhil by J CILIBTADOIO, N. i Haw", Sour Tad- 1414 eivarrihem s sad an:W. by 46,1 Hr r Amass. Psis% $l4 111,,5t, iia.: IS pet Dos, aziasedxs4 t, .u. jouill•lni OR c Or6HII ame iir allill ' i r s C pryer% agy I* sahrrialiad as-: aired le Oa Inv sit Illseveme Live Tamp e r Comte. Lima. air impanel& aseitia* ;wrests tie nanwid*lnq pewit a Nimes; Wk•eyeei 04mitia. eat et lieethies, iseenrisk Reamer, mart R elies el the Mmes. It lessees the rum" sad ei be fogad Ur k eeL7 egmeelbe Is la • lifte. hie age a eiaisat remedy biet mol.ent--wano, tage tn . b Lague ty to 4. Lest t , • ,egit•., . •11 . 2 . • et. pre 11X2113 1111 f f , Eforo.11,1•••• IV) I 11•101. Ertl 1 lIY 1 1 room irot MAN_ =snort h•yln, f,.V fYP4,.I aka fonfl.r. of mr r 44./ •r... to roorvrt• • to Lb.., o o ergo.'.; It A rot r of Inv offoirilotk,ot.a( on.."ottf a. o 71.0 lit' le boot,. signed so o owl I. young awn trot ty,.. grOo *oft.* fr ., to !..1 rksot r bk.. L. rte, Logs or 111 1 ,, Pitio.rru. I '.ear. tcl., Ke. •••;1.:)it.4 st fl.. tA , T. tity. It. , OW*Oll o: , 1.1( SiLlitte c ,pie. fill t. asp; aab .o eor , osni..- • r.thoot ,Largo,— •, tan,' .1 ••..' ~• •. Mat. I.oug Isabot. , ! \ 7 I=l VISNETIAIN 1.11,1131ENT. Dlet. T 01131. 10 A re , ta.o cure for pairia and &ch.* lac warranted superior to auy other Croup it poutiveu cure, relief a absolutely sure ininiedlataly after used. Mothers tercet:ober thit, •nd prai younielret is% a bot le IntLkuut .lets). Croup i.iewarme which g DO notice, frequently attaeking the Bd lll Ili- deal ey e of night; twfure a ph : Aldan ran be sownnoned tt may too lure Remember, th• Vecootill/ 1.1111[D•al DO,Or ts" 4 Pr..e 2/4 and RI eel's, a h•oti.•. Sold by ad Dragnet. _ OSi.v - \ ee Yori a2l r . zo-pau'r, .I,drcrimmttits, ►r 1. 'l'. T.n Lastm on French street f-.--t 1t.1.V• I .; GAGGIN, Alt. rr (I L E F. Two t rc.rl .stn raw and Threw vibes ato Kurt, n.war State. 4tp7.4t Jai. P. aviqrlr, A ; L AN - I* CALL All resells in4.t.t,01 to WM. A. Onsvo, by no or Acroon t, out pay op boLute Nett-. IR a co•t- .1.1 Le made J /di Y. GACIC.O., Agect OTICE. The int..ll.lteeetlng time En* Coan , 4 octety, wilt tot teeL. ,n the Unttel Prowbytartu Clturcit, 1 Wr Ltaittb itrewt, Da yew atr.. Wednesday of I. et, , -eretal genU•snen have pr fr 111M1111.1 W illtew• ths toe-eta.; TLe public it• wrdjstn Tber• w tee • Ja.,utti. ..I.alg it 3 &doer p febT-It 3.3. SPENCER .fflee', 4 IN ISTR A TOli'S of Administration baring ra Ltd to the u.tdersigne4 upon the NM& of J B. 1,, L , s. n, te, dr eased tate of Lrmi c ity, E. Co , P•c h noU . e is Lerety iv, en to all haring clittins agaioet stud estate to present them on or truss Saturday. 11th day of Fetruary,l 4 63, and those knowing thertael, toden'etl to the siine are requested to Maki 1.1%11114K1J.. settlement Dr. M. J. JOHNEON, am J. B. JOH L 5, adnnes of Stanek Irk, F.O. C., 1.343-61. BRA I)LEY'S CELEBRATED UOOP SKIRT! A cousplete saw-talent jut received, at I' H t YES 8 REED HOr Contesting of the TIP TOP, 1.41M19r48LE. DocaLi WIDE) QUAKER GORE, BIILAVOItAL, EXTII4 SIZE, AND PRIDE OF THE WORL: Liao. YounOt r aitaa'. Wane? and Ckuldreara. ', ad:a Suter skirt. Th-vp era conceded to be A. Wet, in every ticniar, .on Ltaatta paw ket. hitt , B tNNEIt toTOILE. No. 1 WIYNE at,ncg. 8, ,3 „i c , , ; I t% To 13 k lj ♦ YOC I R .E. F .. . a i -INSTITCT:ON.- B osToN C RACK E TRW. OIRVIST. ARTICLE. WORT ntowt THE "CITY OT NOV , ALWAYS ON RAND AT rag B B . c.;.1.7.•Ri THE Gt.—M. \E 0. H.. WM'. Ti r: Nv. liIRT EXTRACT' uriL.V:i r) rki)AP. TOGIKTREE R e A OTH ER lU/AIR:AL AOAY:A, AL% rift i• 4, LK AT THE -HA.SHER. - SLOAN k HTILEAI' BEST (It 7qE1 4 .1-r b•-•'Di CN; ARS, n ,c,A-•, •Ii A D, - "OLD HI h. •3v VOItrGIT," ALW•Ii • Fvf.YL. •T Tl3ll "B...• 31111 !"1 , 4.1 . of a IrCREii A.. 11 Lhi t* 1 N t. 4 la, X TIIBAICO. -TH • Aw r isk AN h+ , ...6` •..wc, -3. A \ A ) o .toamp ,r trT Tocteco •11 rr sy isCIVI :V Tl:4 Of 13T 0111114 1,• ... ~.• , f 1.1 rut - sp Ai. ~ .0 17 8 I) i A :l(nl7.. • - -t. , p+N t x ,1.,.. HE P. 1.: l HEIMh G , It 10-siT DAM/. • • 1..Y.2. (..Cer`rr ' ...r : ,:•._• •Mt•• . Tid•T It•A" - : ~" - ; •-.- - ./TELk .? aLlira•• , I . I a I X f4 , ,L...11 0-1. • 3:.• hlrl A./. AT risa - iv - . I e • •-• 7 1414-t! • ti ti •AN A II •i.i.a t~ `/~-~ 101=3 ♦fq, TII.LOTRY CYWT*T. ,- ATLI • Isvevrrizyw, ..n aat dirperi. • call. eat al Lem ts' Esada, ELLS etacr.s, in Nee , Ybrig. 11,itkor1 3 mad Yller ; • sera .. ........ • A. ,, t.7TATt `T rrs, .n Kontsdry, • Y -4 V. :erNey, NPir York, Breot ys, • -1. J prowr, • , ;.• Ha.:• . 'vrd k Hs. rm. c• River, aad Baotos k W ltyr, , - , rrroo . FT, yy nr i.•NriortTcrr, Tolopenort Loom Ca:r•-anate•:•.-i. 153:21 1.1E 4 14 &MI! ", • !:".. T •:". Yy /.4:1,004 (Ct .!• 1.1 T., Hm.tfori.... Jas 1. 1 4 ra. ) Yrr gesiort•-fa 1.1 - tO 7.• (eo'-16. I 4.413 PHILADELPHIA i ERIE R. R tuo Treat :sae t.•astrses Lb* mad Nonso , est enso:...* P f rons,:tamio to tbo E n •., e Luke It h.:* b...est ~id by U.. Pea:ass/cosla isaros. pear', ; t 4•17 lIIKLIKPICCI L belaie Rya.. throoressat Its en tut omarti It is .ow to sat :or I researr sod {min HyTtitocurg to Grows V 517.2 116 , e8) C.A • rivls.on, and trots r•b<16....: to Eale, se t.s. . Elsa !C.. York Ml= Mai. Tru.n Lta , es izeoinnwerseaosi Tram. 7:ra...n A • . ..... • ' ex.a.-- Tr.t_n Arr., ey Fs: le rmit Pameng--' at t.S. 1144 taste t taalneam Lao (4....pany's 'rata. D K 1• G...4T0N, wrist: .1 , 1-1• • Ilitledoe, 044. J. W RETSISI2 I S, Erie. J Y DRILL, Lyn: C & IL, H H RocATIA. General Preigte. Afer.t, EwlsL SLR: PT, gieterni Isaac *gee:. J D Desn.ra: Manager, r ati 4 ( 7 j&// 1,4/4/ UNNTI MERCANTILE CO CURSIE C./F k la as tarpoli..a.v. Asa twit -rat e- , 111/22CA.373.1 031441{4.. *ls • •it W C:77. B EL a.a.s • ti.r ..) •N" T P. Y - - 11 !be/labial44lr We se-41 Irss Fula elarzildas tta ZY -..e? 14 .. • - for as !. The Design *1 tits* Lasoiruttitoo to Feting *ma a taw. t i r I 7- ,- sitiambia. Tibese Co'34•Ess :gar. d • taa•-• • t •-: pc. . Lae Test pots-U. !cr . =emu- mtao • az.: 7.1•6.1 go I • ' assprek.o--1:•^• i. -Amr.plue• str we Lt. •1 r - Damiu-Keeiplag -u Car-zeir..•=4. a.rl•l..sortk. .s tut sost Izopecoacii V-1 - Tin figimarrkia ISTearst /if rrc leWstry e•mpetrukt aist4 aziormws—m , pkrabi.. C i o.lipre eyes dal a'id B ••••,:24 bmilest Ansa utta...a. Fort td eac • pew • ' Roma, of ossAi f : AU-th i po leturs atom", •-•!..131.4 =EMI =1 ItIL LtOC9ll. 1 R. er••• *•. - •r. 1.6- . 4 . agapollet. =I !;L: , ..S t ICCEUR 1 tri J. N & 3CCP.UIt .- t 7 G iiiii JAM:A 1 P ~. :1 i . T ‘ v EMI 083 =I COO IBS MIS