THE ERIE OBSERVER, ~ N 4TATT. 81RICKT, (IPPOSITP: Till i)FYICE, ERIK, IIiNNA r Tv.ln Single Atibecribers, if ~al.l in stipule. $1 6 -I lobe of twecity-nre $26 —Club,' of tifti $l and rate (or lancet Gleba, rgRIIN ()V ADVERTISIN(i • i r nOra or less make a ontn•rwlik* „ r ao,me, one week, $ One wittar.ii . 3 ,n.,otha $3 tw two " 100 one -• 6 aOU thre 115 !Ores " o." 7f. re , line A.ACIEri• s rear, ,Mtnewable at pleasure, $lO. moutl.•, 69, months, s.a. V months eat 11'4 "Jowl, ~• 20 ...oil,* -oar vemr, 170. 6 months, 134, 3 months, $2O. in ',II. Brininess hire, , ory at $4 Pet .„.•. 1 4, .1044 •tioVini 1.., at. Kra, over 11111, and u nder Spec.a' am, 10 teutA a line hut DO t.. n.,11 , 141n0at the Special Nolan. fnr I,ao tit II Our lollat II4IJ Lit;tet 4-stl/11-1.1)4 ,h,nre, t Jr • Lct • h.' .11... two wiu•rri, paper, o sI ,r sd.hto , ual SWIG!, the chary. will proport ton, and the a I tertieementa must be strictly coannrd t tile I,wruras 01 thr advertiser Pay [flea( ,of ”Tt'...tntt . trt. ,wvormi in adebnee,— „,.i ,„.. k rly gdy.rti,n, WM he presented half,earl). rir All ',Minn (11 , at1 , ..1• 1111001.1 be addreseed to v%IIITHAN FIRECIIT . J thiKen• Bi.i'• V111T114% BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 0100 1 ETT. J norr IC) , or THE P (Are oweoLiai Gnu ,•.• 11.. k, M re.nrh brtvreen Flftb soki qi , tb )uakel6 2 131 1.11 1101. 4 IKKE 4 411 RI, itlrrtaburg . , Pa., Gito gnt TO% prietor Tht• old 011tabilialed 11.111... has - I.: ,14.4,g4}kt14444.1s the present PWAS.II, has kande:roue ex s ; , ltero nts. and horn thorouvitly RENOYATIaI tt a ht.} CMAtkia t that tit now and .•d t. an, in the '...t.ate for the comforts Ulla emonctric•- f, . tort. vert•in to a First C 1.,. Hotel fel,l ri MP , • 11 1.11 E .1^1'4%, r. I , Q II ) ‘11.! Itmlwri in Win... .n 1.1.0.. r., raw, Stigara, • r 1 .1., . .4i...t0 Hainan I .14 North pile • • ~ . are, krw, Pa J % 11 IrC.• 11'. ItEl D, ATTORNILT a•I. COCTSILVII• ♦T I.•w, f-it•lng trrum.•d the Fracttr•r .4 Ma prolowalon . , : ,,,t...r..1, •nl 1.. (“und at ht• old I fr,...., on rrasith • r.t . •.'L-raat L,.rner 14 Put b. 514111.11.1 July 6, '6l. (. I MORI{ISI)N :Zeton , l anti ‘larket ea•l L, • Etellang,, Wnrr.n, Pa. -4pt..19-17 01. E, IA or tintir 111 t.e Hook U YAI TUkk“. • ....11‘) •lory itlaa,..eittet hem Howk, 6. tr , Ps %% i\ ( 14' Al . 44 4 10. =MIME to 1 I •I %Nur. Ho rhi , jOIIN IMR, f 4.11 4,i :7 lit. rr I :J7 CIF ell. trosicsr AT i A , •-j, E I, p and other Imam... et:.41.64 Itp with and dispatch It i•k J. 1111)111.1111 4 1. /11,W, UtoOki. Rite,1.14 , 411e1 'sit, ?.et,, h lout &11.1 It 4 ► At VA 11 , ./.11.01.•1.{ GRIM It'll., •ud ...In pat, - lafrty FuAr., tAh, "11, ALL , ALL, , St.. J •u.. 1 4, nffuiidtu.ta, kik!, Pa 4sitAT P • • Alltal•k. KUEAS & 120, WauurptALL IlicALEtts .an / • • 13 1S Atatp Strw%t, Yo lionuril Klock j 1111ln & 'uavaanlall &ad o.lliUllaalon Mabry Flab, and agent f . ,,r a daily liar Id I poor lA.ka Steamers, PubUr linek, Erie, Pa. _ _ .1. %%. 11ai.41.1.1. ATT./MIMI ♦ t 1 4W - O*e. rotaov►.l to it II 4 ttßtP .4 I 1), worth .1.14 of thp , •11,., I. ir Pli •I • P. DOW Pi 11141,41. ATTWILNIIT AT L•lif A •1.J1111T1 , 1 ?Hs ti• Will prlketite in the titeceral Court. County, ' pr,Millt arid raft-Vol att.-olio., to &ll hD.:ions. en to hi. ht..* tither so .11 A ttit,rn., or Ilagistrat. tr - " Me. iu Fwptre Klock, corr..' of 'tat. a,col Vifth r e. hll - - _ ili)KV.f. MAR.F4II, • I t V arrrA r rcKgPc* ,, t qtnars Engluca,Boilerx, ...ark's, Attire u ref londetneata, Railroad Can, Ps .1 !I MORI) (11)., 141 , A WIMP to Gout., Baak Notes, • t, k.c. BlKht excitant(' on the prin• •.1 • rouidantly for sal* 0fiC141,.4. 9 Reed Boum. brie. ~., , % t. il . fit • ...• riry dud I ' .erra'B2yl Dr 11 lIRRkICK & Co, Cbarly,N Y 4 J 67,, 64/..•/e) P771 , :111'R0, Borner of Penn and Sot title A ta TILE Largest Conlrnercial School of' the Untied `ltatet, with a patronage of nearly 3,000 Si midi's( e, In hve seam 1714.44 Us StAT Se, and lbw cooly ons */ Lich a.fforda complete and reliable instruction In all the following branches 'lt AfeLC4/411 L. Afsiesisularres, ILW! /loud and • k Ro.dr Keegan , I.'l it Ml` Pit ICJ! ![kill fin 1.1 OriminentAl Porwrwsti.tiip y log. iug and liAtkiestutticA gerletally. $ 34 • U 0 Pays fur a Coni.uon3 al Course; Stud.rits e and ,thrlev. wt aur tlrne , IDhl.l#r.' s•nrs' tuition at Lail-price For tat s,ogue of ad pages, : 4 poeffueus of laNineas lroauteutal Pounaauohip, .n 4 a beautiful 'tear 01 h ,e 4 uare feet, c.)ntal ping a rest rarhety of Writing, Lot t. rake and Irloitriattum materna 34 *nits to et.aulpe to the trincelpaha. JENKINS k thay3'62.ll. Pit taburx, PAL HARTFORD YIAB INSURANCE CO., 11%ItTr011ita, ('ONVKCTICL T. h`r , 'OIIIPORATAILD Ililit). CAPITAL 1690,000. HI /:\',T4/S, Prost T. C. ALLYN, mew. CM FIRE INSURANOB 0011PANY, II A H.T fro o. ensimuvrietyr. IvcoRPORITEI) IMI. cal PITAL 114iNkso c B. BOW mat. C. C. WA/TE. Secy SFURANCE in the above old and rely 1 Colupat, les elm be obtai sod on appliostkut to marrht:l-42 R. W. RUSSJELL, (root. IZE:= PAIN EXTRACTOR. THE SLY TRUE FAIN EXTRACTOR IN THE WORLD ►t.LtY' FAIN EXTRACTOR grill curs yowl& of fl kinds. ()ALLEY'S PAIN ESTRACTuit will saWur ►llezts:Dal inflammation [JAMAS V'S PAIN li/TRACTiEt a iLI prrort DI And destroy' M..rtidlestion. oALLers PAIN sxriw.,-rop. will curs burns of all iELDEN MA.frtVIN DALLE 'S PAIN KITRAi TuR Lrals bilster■ fiat of pain or mark. PAIN RXTRACTUR orstraillars all Poisons infused by Animals, insects or Reptiles. °ALLA:I - S PALV LITRACToit wiII rare brukeu Brna•ta, Sore Nipples, Pilleedte. DALLxrs, ?Aix EXTRACTOR will rare Salt Rheum, Set au's, Scald Hest ()ALLEY'S PAIN EXTRACTOR will rune ebspiA4 bawds, chill Llama, dm. II A L14:1"S PAIN RITRACTOK irLU cute Corns carbon el.a. Clears, Warta. Hoila, ke. No Hoenehoover aboul4 ever to without f box Ilan dy lor use. The timely cue L,f a Illogla box may prove of more value than 100 time, its root. Parests:---lf you haven so 111 tho Army. send him • lioa of Ltaitoro Pala Extrsotor. It may be the Loam of sartog hut life, or the lib of a comrade; for It *lll ;airs oun , la ~t .11 klrolo without. pain. Try the. If h• •foes Dot VOW it, it will cost you bet litho. ieliatere!--Lf you Lave a dear Brother u 5 the Amy, send him • Box Dalley's Pain Extrachir Mr it bill ease ;rounds of all kinds, and it may be th,• means of ore. lei your brother'■ life. Detnerbterel.—iiave you a loved one in the Army, to dearer to you than life lh.elf , 9sod him a Boa of 'ain Extractor. It will curs wine& of all Medi, and prevent inflammation, LOCI may be the means t f w ing his life. Bender you ha re a friend to the Army, send him a Box of Valley'■ Magical Pain Extractor I limy be the means of saving a lile. If )on have no convenience for sending it, send it be mail It will coat you hut 9 omits portage for a 25 et Box, any] in like proportion for in at. and 91,00 Boa. The largo boxes contain more for the money than the 25 et. twit.," . _ —That DALLEY'S .1( ADICAL PA LN EXTRAC TOR will do allow! erect more than we claim it will, we refer to Dr. VAI.K.STLN E murr, mad hundred:3 of other emtueut Physicians and Surgeons, besides millions people all over the land, who have amid the Extractor w %Li/ never tatting ammoa for the past 'IA years. For sale by all Vrogigiats, and _by , !ISLE is htVOIEHL, Agouti% 2111 Greenwich Steint, New Y ort, Who wlll send a Box of etthst me,Postage pold,, to um addiests to th e Uutted States, on rceipt, lo money or to Postage Stamps, of 25 eta. for the mall Me, or b cents ant S 1,00 for toe nudists sad large slaw mitrohtreil-is A FACT OMRALLY KNOWN, TILAT the variety of new style 8ed 0...14 of oetki., Cottage, Congress, Roand Cor orr, Camp Rots, Jenny Lind and other patkerna, with serpentine and strait front, bandeaus'', researed B [titanium, Diuieg, Breakfast. Centre lemi other Whatnots, quaker Stands, Carpet and Damsel Loran e, Sofa Rods, Hair and Sea Grass Mattnaneo, reatheg Ude and Pointers with whet noun hold furniture, St, ell manufactured from well weamaed lumbar ' materials, by repo-ierieid workman° and not tis'Ales tad.. Pot style, qualety sad low prig*. I wili dory orin t•ol.riov %Waite. to undersell ine Feather - Nought and ,•,1 are seat, Parlor, thrdnioni, Patti.'" Nuns and other Chairs, of Eastern and W facture, are hickory and Oval, soak as strong as any other part of the chair, where o bete made and sold are only nailed, and by no losers durable. Woad teindeor, Rocking, filewisg and Norm, are chairs of hare, wood rounds clinched through the swot and 'hied. war raiited to Mind. liandsuniely tainted, and can't Le bea ten tot atreugth, price and finish Spring Beiis I have o'il over J9u and have the highest tertemontsle with a flit of .prites of all goods weat ua egybcatbuer. Vatting and shipping free. After five years experience an I contending with so ptineepeled two pries dealers, 1 MI Ortirailli•• l (0 NI/ oar proe to al/, give worth fur your pay, and do justice 1. all who tr•dw with Ihr I unitier, Lath, :ALI inglea, Live Stott, Crude and fief nag 1 , 11, Store Pay, Predate, Le, taken al tilt market miss pa. Keineasher the pla ce, nett corner of sth street r. `abate, Rite, Pa. o W. gLLSEY. Waeatact's and Cammisen talesman. ) YORKTOWN (not) TAKEN I EFF. HANTS (oUGHT To BE) RUNG! I=l WOULD RESPECTFULLY in lona lake old haeads and custonoora that b.. Is still In bls old stand, CORNER, OF STATE Sr. FIFTH STS., a' lat.', tie lot 'tee thews to call and ossorstos hie goods. 011 styes 11 se tory sod nslectad Yam, hi Erie, mad las4inonotospC., out,t. be ottdoranid. Ile has In rodstrou Ms Wet stock_ol SPRI:4 I 3 AND SUMMER gotiDert brought to Eris. Me 'AMID lathe loot ifiradli isleit asks. pithaothd Ohl• hollows. Nam& To ..oit irkat aro Tivrimigtor AV r 14111•44. (it: Weld.. CIA 11/Nllll. BMWS, J. H. Elrta., Warren, Warm Co.ja Omplil Stacipolle• sag 7 10 . . TIC N; ERIE 4 OBSERVER. P. ARBUCKLE, u• e.,4 r to CLARK It NeCORD, A LARGE AND coMPLETE STOCK IN ALL VARIETIES, DEED LI IW EST NETT PRICES sTucK .1T No. H f. N l' 1 t . K 's USE DALLEY'S MAGICAL MOSES KOCH the tric elrecklm Oburccr. _ --- ERIE, PA., SATURDAY. FEB. 7, 1863 "WH ERN ARS WS C.APID 11 HERS DRIFT. Under the above caption the Albany Journal two week. -ago contained a lead ing article from the pen of Thurlow Weed, which merits rbirked attention. The po sition of the writer 34 a partis in and sup porter of the adminettration—as the con fidential intimate and adviser of the Sec retary of State—as a Republican leader who knows all the ins and outs and the complete history of government porcy and action trom the inauguration of Presi dent Lincoln flown to the ',resent time— render ~, ; (, r (l., of truth and warning :54,7:11ti01ut and suggestive. Mr Weed fiist allu les to his anticipation of the tebellion and hw apPeal to Um Repub licans to rise above pat ly . in !AGO, when only distant muttering; of rebellion were hoard, we were among the few who recogtozed, in those the certainty of war; and who, In a melt/l ure, comprehended both its magnitude and its horrors. ft is dwiys art offence, in an individual, to foreit-0 evifa, and Ps reeiftily so to attempt to avert, or even to l,e prepared for them For article then written, asking the Preattfent, tion• great, and our readers, to raise thew eye and thought. . the Aorr:oa (.1 Party, and contempla t e LI Whitch rroilid tax the energlea oi I Ur. Pc•Opk, RIR] te.-t. the sttetigth of our ti(IVPI 111UNII I , a, ,ntun e l ddn. ~cpttioa (n. rash 3 d the t, kw ern e of P//,./ u/ //a ntplitielJPe )1,0, ttal, --1, • , :i6, He next olveit, the action ot the Itepu mid Peace Commis %toners to rejecting propositions' which would certainly have retained Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Kenturk) anal Nflosouti in the rnion Subsequently, when lieLellion was tam pant in the extreme Southern States. a question w (her -Vurth and Tcnnee see should ,rnsittri LAC UrtiOft, (it yo uhl W a arose. We all relnember'• the '•Border State l'ropuat ion , " upon ti.e a Lptioa e r which, ur Ghngre.‘.l, Rebel/mm./'l.on, the Masa a,ppi, In the .eltlant&c, woad have been bound,d ty th, n loses 4/ Testheesee and .. I ;urt/i tort/iota. NN'itli a modification which the Border State Representatives °tiered to accept we advocated that "Compromise." And for this also, we were severely denoun ced. lu the ' Peace Congre4s," where the Legn-litture honored us with a seat which we resigned iu favor of it distinguished citixeu, the '•it•lrder State Proposition" was again rejected , ,N,Le-p4ent.' 2 i, two Stat‘s, a ma j ority eiti,:ens yearned ti) reina,n tn the I e lost. With North Carolina awl Tennessee in the Union, Vir ginia would not have gone out of it. We rArreture, instead of am-staring hundreds tA, ntonds at Livia mai hundreds a, yf ere.] sure m .Vursh Carolina, l'iryinia, Ten nessee, owl lieribuky, hare reAerved those a nd Owe er •asure eria4 out ReGrllion in eft Cato., States. Having shown how the tobellion,4 it could not have been averted, might have been shorn of IN teat tut dlncensions, 'Mr. Weed briefly reviews its progress and the degeneration of the Union cause into an abolition crusade in the hand. of Destruc- Lives wt o have at one and the same time labored successfully to consolidate and cement the people of the South while dividing those M the North The rebellion—as wanton and wicked as any that stains the pages of hietors—thus retbrcieiny more Statm than was itecessag—has been rly two years in progress, with what in ure of success, and with what pro eof a termination, we can judge, one as well as another. Its lessons tttach us that it required all the strength of a united North to preserve the Union and uphold the Government. We /Lad at Out commenoentost et Our war a unwed No, ti,. The culmination of treason, in its attack on Fort Sumter, kindled a blaze of indignant patriotism over the whole North, East and West. All merely partisan feeling was merged in higher and nobler impalsee.— All good and true men, in imitation of their ancestors at Concord and Lexington, in 1776, rushed to arms or contributed money. Then, we were in the language of Mr. Jefferson, "all Republicans—all Fetlerais," or in other language "all Re publicend—all Democtats." For the first year the war had, with few exceptions, the hearty support of Loth and all political parti. s. It was prosecuted earnestly, but with indifferent success—with more heart than head—more zeal than knowledge.— We had gallanpiroops,commanded by in capable genera , made 0, probably, by newspaper and other interference At any rate, the ill-success of our armies caused popular impatience, of which those ultra anti slavery views enabled the seces sion leaders to mass the sentiments of the Cotton States, availed them elves to Im part an Abolition character to the war. The evidence before us—in the rivers of blood shed, and the millions of treasure expended—that the preservation of our Union and Government demand the best and united energies and efferts of the whole People, is valueless. What all, united, have so far tailed to accomplish, the Abolition Chiefs and Journals insist upon undertaking as a Party. They de mand that the War shall be' prosecuted under their auspice*, and for their purpos es. They object to co-operation, except upon their own terms. Men's opinions, on the Slavery queeta.n. Willi, be length ened or shortened, in a,cocrtlance with Procrustean example. . 'l'neae impracticable, 0110.1 I a Lecturers and Journalists, aided by the unfortunate "On to Richmond" military I lisastrill, have already withdrawn New fork, Nets JeN..ey, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois fromtq, the politi cal support of the Administration. Still the masses of the Democracy. and most of their prominent men, are truly devoted to the Union, and remain willing to contribute Weir money and peril their lives to su stain the government. But in this there is nn merit, unless they adopt the .mats :Rtaveit Platform and secept the dogma , of the 4, w York Teitylw • 0. •I • rA 1 i Inn :ti , l."'ll tii his old Whig Iranian io array themselves against the "concerted efforts to narrow this mighty struggle for the National ex istence down to an sdaplit ion crusade," and asks finally a question which says substan tially theft antes effectual counteraction takes place the Rebellion cannot be crush ed and the Union /enact be saved : Wall those of our old Whig friends, now so im p a ti e nt with, and differing so widely from us, turn their minds a few years backwards, sod remember what they then thought of Abolition ; and what its course sad action. WSJ ? Was it not narrow, per verse; and mischievous , Dist it not exert e t vicious and maliga political fattens*? 1/44 1 it DS, for twenty years, at our etec-. tioas,State and National, ever play iota the hands of Pro-Slavery Democrats ? While we were laboring for the right—, ERIE, PA, SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 7,1863 I 1 4 . la f" .1 ling a ll w e could for the Union and the tmint - ry—were we not embarrassed and thwarted by the factious, lmprabticable - Third Party ?" Who were Its leaders then ? Messrs. Garrison, rtililips, sem. ner, Gerrit Smith, tc., &c. -bid we trust to their judgment.,‘or follow p reir lead, or vote with them, then Are not the same men, with Mr. Greeley, fully developed, as a disciple, the Abolition leaders now Have they grown wiser, or to your own intellect dwarfed, or hex_Your common sense collapsed" If the North _rejected Abolition as a merely plititiel reek 'will it be accepted when the lived 'of our sons and brothers, and the presiertation of our 4tountry are involved ? If we ratified to follow 'tone idea men" whes'lt only cost us votes, shall we commit alt &et is sacred i and precious to their leadership:7 We ask these questions utile% view of the conoerted eff art to narrow this 'Mighty struggle for National existence down to as Abolition Crusade. We ask 'them in the hope of arresting a popular delusion which is drawing tens of thousands of pa triotic. devot e d men into a vortex which bodes inevitable ruin and destruction to themselves anal their Country. We ask them at this moment, i t viewed' the stud ied attempt to classify all whodo law, work up t a their st in Lard, an enemies. And finally, we ask earnestly, whether the ex perience of the first year and a half of the ar, with all parties heartily engaged in it, justifies the hope that the Rebellion can be crushed and the Union preserved, with a L'airEta Sour!' and a DIrIDSD ORTII ? " Colored Affairs " Down South Things are working in a very curious -way at several of the plat-es where colored people congregate within our lines, as teprese meal by correspondents. letter to the Philadelphia faquirer, a Repnblican plper?tiated Port Royal, S. , 10th ult , speaks of contrabands es 1.m,- ing in large onmbers since the Ist of' itinusry, in spite of the efforts of the prttypst gnsrd to detain them. The II kght.ll Xlelie. Volunteers. Who are guarding the plantations, ere having their hands full, and a •set Joel of tronbile ex ists on the near) question It is also stated that tioneral Saxton, tired and weary of negro brigades and regiments, and Revortesti General French's sway, has applied to he silieseit frost the Department A let tar from lllRoca Head, saw con• brine this statement, as tottowsi "The negro brigade ii agal, ineolasnl in trouble—the negroes are desalting, ernotiog aside the scarlet trowiers, gau;t ur astkosits sad glittering Li ta111.144111 them free. and their interpretation" 4 /sworn; i. to.rh. qtany Lnd. Hence tOity do.oot do. sire to exert their muscles in tL *mom 10. bor performed by white mitaiii A nava soldier was shot 1444 t week for iittoropting to force the guard. A - hruther" Le obtor Arid the fatal ball This sot has put, an 6.4 to 141: enlistments in this enlightened body of aolorid people." • • ' .Inother letter. dared Norfolk', • 19th inst., has the fullowing, the welteltiltliattlY trying to make the best of the Omits. prawn ted : •- "The cot:aeon:ol'H Tiegrueaesditea the day on which they believe they received their free door, has generally been good In some in stances, however, they have sunk down into indolence: in others, they have become very impudent to white people, especially those whom they know to be rebels: sad in others. they have gone to work very Industriously at stealing. That, however, is an accomplishment which they possessed whale slavev. The mere. fact of bJng tree wall not at once change the nature of a mast. lie that was lazy wall be lazy still ; he that awls before wail probably steal the more now ; while he that was industrious as at slave wall he mare imlultriums a. a free man." Free Negroes and Mulattoes• the following resolutions, proposing an amewlme it to the Constitution, to prohibit Negroes and Mulattoes from settling in Penn sylvania, was offered by Mr. Rex, in the House of Representatives, on Monday of last week : "Sic. 1. No negro or mulatto shall be per mita"d to come into or settle in the State, tin der any pretence whatever, after the adoption of this amendment to the Constitution. "Sac. 2. All contracts made with any negro or mulatto coming into this State contrary to the prevision& of the foregoing section, shall be void ; and any person who shall bring into the State such negro or mulatto, or shall har bor, employ, or otherwise encourage such per son of color to remain in the State, shall be fined in any stint not less than $lOO Aor wore than ,Vitsl, and snob additional penalty as the Legislature may by law direct. "Ste. 3. All fines which may be collected for a violation of the provisions of the preced tug section+, or of any law which may hereaf ter be pastel for the purpose of carrying the same into effeot, shall be set apart and .erru• priated for the aotoniatuioU or sudtt negroes and mulattoes, and fir the removal and 0010. nisatioii of all negroes and mulattoes who have come into the State previous to the adoption of this amendment, and since the commence ment of the rebellion, unless it shall be proven that they are fugitive slaves, whose masters are not ec'ively engaged in the rebellion, when they shall be returned to their masters, who shall, upon the return of such fugitives, pay all costs and expenses attending the acme. "Sac. 4. The General Assembly shall have power, and is hereby directed to pass slaw to carry out the provisions of this article at the nest session after its adoption, and to provide for the removal and coloni:at ion of all negroes and mulattoes who nifty be willing to emi grate." Watunre ant, Nlcascats.—For the infor mation of our farmers, we publish the follow ing standard of weights and measures By cutting it out or preserving the paper, they will always have the means at hand of ascer taining the proper quantity of anything they may have to sell or buy , LBS. PEI IV-lIIEL. LBS. FEB BUSHEL Wheat, -'u Cloverseed, 62 Rye, tit/ Timothyseed, 45 Barley. 48 Flaxseed. seo Oats, 30 Hempseed, 42 Corn, 5G Hungarian grass, 50 Corn in ear, 70 I Blue grass wed, 14 Potatoes, 60 1 Beans, GO Onions, 64 I Hominy, 00 25 I Bran, ".0 Onion set Millet, 50 I Canary seed, r,O Dried pesehes, 88 I Dried apples, 26 Wk. ft is stated that thousands of dollar's worth of home ere stolen in Washington weekly, and the polies are confident that there is en understanding *swag those engaged in the business which residers it almost impossi ble to ferret oat the guilty. Now and then ms arrest is made, but there is seldom a con viction. 6 Is IT NOT TULA lb Drop Mgsterient, and Think ea Ankfer €A4 Country, and ite WAite Tax-Payero The Ron. Robert J. Walker, be a resent publiamion on finance sad Ctuntasy. says r "Our ustioaslibutnees are isvelved is *V trews peril. Oar reblie debt sassed& $720,. 000,000 and is *summed by the Seeretarq af the Treasury, ea She lat.ef 3.j s aut. Ai $/o 1211.297.403, sad oa the let alias, 11364. se 61.7444136. When we relies that We ia row* Iy one-half the debt of Pe le ad. sad almost double the rate of L. it 1 7 i=r that we are epproaeltiali a fatal catastrophe.° Apia : "That the danger is inunisest. ii a tratii which aunt sot be disguised. Roe Wm aria great peril of the Gowan:eat. It le the a/arab; increase of the puddle debt sad el penditurea, sad the still more appal/deg di- prileistios of the national curresey." "•ladeed, should the war lutetium., sad there be no other alternative than additional trea sury notes, they will, before the close of Lim neat Saul year, NI to command forty tuna on the dollar in gold, and our .lebt ezeoed eee-. eral billions of dollars " Anti again : "We an upon the verge of ruts. We**. hanging ever the gulf of aa irredeemable pill , per system,anti its spectral shade repeastlod, is seen dimly in the desk abyss. peeeeat Congress oaf save us • but what of the text? Would they, if they co ld ? Who can auswee Can they, if they would ? No !no ! It will then he too late." I■ a speech of lir. Spaulding, a posymbasitt Republican member of Congress, sad* a few days ago, be said : ..We would sot shut our *yam to the vast/um of the volume of DEBT thit was open b*fore us. It was very roan mad* apparent that oar national debt would, at an sar4 dv, reach TWO THOUSAND MILLIONS 01 DULLA3B equal to half th• debt of Great Britain." If (says the N. Y. World) Mr. Spaulding had perceived the fell algid's:awe of this 0011- pariton to the enormous public, debt of great Britain--a debt which has so Was bosh tai finanoisi weeder of the worts—.he would have added that, in the permute of the besdee. ear debt would be net half eysid, but/slip *pea to that of England, inasmuch as the Utter/don our: is at twice as AlgA • rate And this atag gerbil resalt.will be ruched b 7 the sad of the Anal year for 'which it is the duty of Oestrus et this widen to provide; that le to gay, oat the 3Otlt t el June, 1884 Tke fdliowiag brief paragraph from Mr. 1 t t it idiag's speech embodies etatemesita on • cry eallectiaLman in the soden wi ll do_ o ponder: time bee arrived whoa our Inanees no tame the earnest sad united attendee of ail loyal represeatatives. We were la great t Lest year, but our dangers are now two what they were then. It was very diflimdt fast par to provide the money to meet the tiletappropriations made for the support of 1147 spa navy. 41 will be etill more dif -leifit, the salaried renaleemeats Of the intilliftt and the next fiscal year? • The tunny bill Itintie appropriates over $781,000,000, wit add ed to the estimates of all o ther . :- for the EICILI year *alas Jena 80. 8' ilfi -- ansennt•te the enormous sum of $1,096,- 481.188 58, to which must be added she exit PSI ired for appropriation@ 1bw...,. q of tbef" per cieditileJamsoliklifillit. am* .7 1 . according to the tepee( of the , • . , the Treasury, amounted cm the lot of Decem ber to the sum of $664,221,131 6s. Maki/4 the whole aggregate required to meet appro priations during the next eighteen wake, $1,1340,684,815 16." Dividing this enormous stun, whit& the Gov eminent must raise within the ensuing eight een months, by the twenty millloas of la habitants on whom the burden will fall. gives something more than eighty-two dollars foe each Individual of the population. The •ir nificance of thin result will not be adeeptately perceived unless we consider that only a true Lion of the population either own property or earn wages We will assume that tee aver age type of our population is a tonally made up of the two parents and three children ; that. is, of one persoi who earns money to every five consumers. This estimate of the ratio of non-producers is doubtless tea low ; every town has a large number of aged and decrepit people, spinsters, coafirmed invalids, students, and young professional men who have not acquired a business sulllsient for their maintenance, to say nothing of paupers, the inmates of asylums sad other public in stitutions, transient foreigners in oar large cities, and the soldiers that make up our brave armies. Skit taking the low estimate we have adopted, which makes the average type of our population a family of Ave per sons, of which ou) , the bead own* property or earns money, tin' - share of each such indi vidual in the expenses of the next eighteen months is $4lO. If every snob head of a small family were notified to-morrow that he must give to the Government within that period the 5 0... a ft4lo, there would be sad t...tes at auk frugal family dinner. To furnish such a sum-would be felt to be entirely im possible. If-it fell only on one such family in ten, or 'one suet' family in five, by diet of scraping together and borrowing, the requiki- Lion might be met. But when every frugal faintly in the land is under as equal neoessuy of borrowing, selling superfluous articles, or, appealing to the lenity of creditors,. a man cannot depend on his neighbors to help him through, as he would in an emergeriel which fell on hint alone. It may be said that the Government does not ask him to pay that much, only to lend it ; but it really amounts to the same thing. Pay it he ultimately must, together with the iaterest on it, unless the nation disgraces itself by repudiation ; and if procured ct a loci, sutadoody mast lend it. Those who neither pay nor lend are in the condition of a man who has gives his note, which is a mortgage on his income or his earnings until it is paid, the obligation of whiCh he can no more evade than he ma that of a note of band. Such, then, is the share .f ... th man in average circumstances of the ii ~ expenses of the next eighteen months, vii h a great debt already asentaulated, and a depressing future, certain to bring its own burdens, stretching beyond. Such linastnee stuns as those exhibited in the authentie figures of Mr. Spaulding merely awaken a vague feeling of astonishment, anal they are separated into fragments and each sasn's past of the burden brought home and laid at his own door. poi, The world wiU probably be girdled by the electric telegraph buttei the present year. Collionsiestioe has already takea pleas between Landon sad Turbos, he Siberia, a distance of four thousead sad thirty-aim miles. The wires will be Wooded to the Pacific in limitary, nod telegraphic masstuti (metal between London and Now York, by way of Siberia sad Wilma* will be *as et the mart& of 1363: WO IF NOT PAID UNTIL TEL ENV OP m YEAR. Sr At dui Istl battle war IdArtriosbara ths Winds lest 1,474 Med, 6,874 Tenaded, sad 2,000 prisesara. SW Edam 8. Olds, mend, at Port Lagny sus, is a samber in full oomanuilon of Methodist Bpiscopsl March at Lancaster, Oblo. Mulatto Domoorsts is dm term low applied is Now Jesse, to %boos Democrats wko ore Wafted to be Wader towards the adislaistsatko pollay. gli. Attar General lisClellan led been ret uned tapas the ailegatias that be did net MOTO rapidly enengit, the AM inatmodo Di his suesesser had from Washingto n wenn, 4. net 4 44 is .60.. " Or- The Lawroswortli Cloosorootioi proffer. tbo foUotriag obooriag proopoot to tbo sow Slat* Dams of Llano : •1 When the UM am* ollears wive at Topeka, thoy will lad sow 7 awe olapty aad the Row drawer M. Biros Rotboblid's espouses for Ike breakfast at Foniosea, to Logi/ Napolaon, wore ow* wallow and a half of (maim—SBoo,- 000. Wage wridlogao L bearap style, bat it was ".stoop" for a two hours' oatartain- MOW is. ParMutat la shoat to disease the subject of the Prime of Wales' pocket; mosey. He bag already as luome of $260,000 per annum, but hie mother thinks be ought to have 11$00,000 more, or am mask u the Prin cess Charlotte mud her lumbasd had. Tho Clung* *Arras, Radical, Is lag of of *menials; as aspire is dm Ott .4 tliat shall &alma* over all otkor fraction or nom repaints." Vlsesiirs loyalty for you. Greeley advocates raol/atlos ; las aaasoasko, toe mien. for Goa. Rooker ls the seventh comman der of the May of the }Weems. First, Goa. Scott, wb via bikini by. X*Dowal, who vu la tetra followed by iieCnollart ; the Otter gave way to Pope—who established his howl quarters la the saddle, afteit whisk he was socoreded by the Geweral whoa he ousted the first pleas. Thee ogees llunslde, • now Hooker. • :' al. The rebels saver `lose' as opportunity to slaughter the poor sentrabeads. In the recent capture2Of three (Taloa vessels on the Cumberland several salvoes • were fend 'on board. The rebels took six from one steamer sad two from another, " leot them out on the bank, ad shot dim all ; slid one poor fellow who was found clinging to the water-wheel of the PaOhatia." Wendell PtottUps, who bas been "cor dially" received by the Rreebboat, earls& 0/1 Abe a "turtle" repeatedly la ow of his pub lic addresses, sad intimated in several *Mem that he WWI little better lima a feel nom in his lase tirade in Cooper hesitate, be called fa ques Mr. Liseels's beimaty, sad spelt? tlheatieers of veto isitstre tam mai that showed contempt for hie mental perms. Wier m IT t—Whilst the Desumoratis prom of the sentry an almost weekly exposing the swindlers of the tioverameat, the limpub lima press are as quiet as lain, never men tioning net the bet of the people being swindled, muck leas expose the villiaas them selves ? It is said, "there is honor amongst thieves"—they sever expoes each other. sir She Chimp Mims says that detain tieas to ,the amuse of about $BOO,OOO have been disibromi is the Maristokltatik of that *iv. They data bask to this yearit 1860 sad 1860, sad the parties in deilakatioa are said to be the cashier, Caner, for $617,000, the assistant cashier, iipiak, for $84,000, sad am of the tellers for $12,000. The ages to which the abstracted moneys were pat are lot folly known. air Ws nodes that seversl New Ragland manufacturing establishments declared divi dends for the past six mouths of thirty, some dfty, and some °as hundred per Deal No treader New Englund does not that the war &topped. No woad*: New Ragland has not furnished itd quota for the war. No wonder _the reads have not swarmed with tie multi tude whom it was premised New England would pour out, in ease the President should issue an enumeipation proclantation. New England and her sons are making too ninon money at home. Mill. A Missouri letter is the Dubuque raw says tobacco is used smug the natives in the run t l, Aistriets, indiscriminately by butt seats, children as weU se adults, both for chewing mid staokiag. A foraging party near Hartsville recently called at a Louse, where they found a woman and thirteen chil dren, the three eldest being girls, and "chewing" $ •power" of tobaeoo. One of ab. party restarted that she was the first woos* he ever saw showing tobacco, when the old woman exclaimed : &fr a u, now, trim was you brought up? Neter • women chew 'burr Gnus you lavist any Isdiss where you was rand!" sir Hon. Bury J. Raymond, of the N. T. rums, lied a brother In one of du New York regiments, and went in pursuit of that bro ther's remains. The cirmunstaace is very funny. Buena days ego Mr. Raymond sr solved the following telegram: " Your brother's corpse is at Belle Plain." He hastened to the army u quick u steam could carry him, to perform the last oseee of affection. Arriving at Belle Plain, he was a good deal astonished to dad his brother not only alive, but in vigorous koala'. The orig inal message had been " iroor limber's corps Is at Belle Plain." ay, •' Toe must how that among the nano of the farmer town et Hampton, Vs., there are now living Noah JOO to 4,000 a.• gas tannin" At the rettress there is as nanny more likewise. At Norfolk—et lamp ton. Akey have built 'WM wooden cables. which they plea against the remiss of a ehlaney, sad there they live like besets sad rue wad—a state whisk they sail freak's. I walked over to Hempen% day bolbre Testa dafe mid mastiff a Notta• I theeght I would ask him a few treestiesa N lad eat what Mau dig had. if shr. Anew tends; to him a few missies, sat lading that his idea of freedom was is doing nothing, I said t Bat ion owl ate ei to this wag ell the WIC 1/oew do yea &VOW to Me or pt say clothing to wear ?' Looking *A tea ea if sash • ones tioa wee osporibou, he odd, We Is "'titbit" for our Pooddost I. =oho woothor proslosob. delo—onot tolLoo whet to do; ettnati that.' "—lktramlims an 41110)41 NUMBER sa BRIEF P /URI& Crlt A.IPErfiL Lame as Two aselilteee Mere by *as iota et kW metier, Be lees.. Abeaka* deers es kiwis bit lie lag eftio see till Se bele el the elide. len, *we is Me es lapis iff .a fre: 414. • MIL EDMilL—Dee, ,Irr ::11011* beiag 'boost fro* the Add for 110111044.10 "draim, 0. as of Adams, I use mpla -Mir gelibit doing datila tlds asiii, videklik mad by ides& Out. illodbeissy; s -stapise-onemy adieu, ma I Wilk ha *ilia 4 1 raks11114il ea ow that I email sire the dike * arintlima to, sot owing tau there le sou. ftor / de o Ml presume that I have met am ales. Thiakisg, Perhaps, your tuay readers might w i lplOo kiln' somata( of this convaleseent Alm, whisk is Slled with aeldloll frost mr7 se* ley alma in the Zaitod Wit* Ser i fitk I will try sad give yeas plait dessfilitidik an far as I have elservet We hue Mn aktrilts pelmet time over sight theesami sobliguyietlll• isspr preportioa are * diasharga.' ~I wee informed by Dr. --, aussiatag unpin, that hi has dieeharged oultuadre4arid 141FlY soldiers to-day, oat of one hundred an4:4 that had bees Were him, many from w ethers from diesel's' of long standing. TE"re are soldiers here that have not done a day's duty for tune Mosaic If there bi istione autoaget your readers that is sot eoaviiteek'of the horrors of this par, let him visa" dim snip sod he au use it In * tra0.411 14 - Soldiers arrive daily from the bid, whir* they have bun in regimental Uspitale c pitil .fey !Noose abnostotieless to the servinios - Sell as to themselves; others depart for t ! ipsir friends and homes, where they us once Ann have the es joy meet of UAL )ivy, 4i Pre have visitors from diferent pacts of the Aril, who are trying to get their Meade itseht so that they may accompany them host, r al they sou dad that they ceaset 'usi " their money hers to get men out of the writ* nor eau they get them along nay faster than their turn cameo ; if a man is not It for the eekvioe he will get his discharge u soon as kir tarn comes, and no sooner, if sot be will to sent to his minuet. The map is locatetubout three mites Cum Weakiagtea oily, and sours about Pity aim of grouted, sad it 1114 *aired by three large springs. The pouted is sowed with small pine trees, whisk an Mattly trimmed. Is the summer time it will be us of the most beautiful spots on the mod soil. The government is making some very rotten siie improvements. In the way of bonsai— they are some Gay it number, and nearly dabbed ; each building will soeurroodenteone hundred mss. Through the metre bf the grounds are the allure quarter*. The bar racks are neatly white Imbed, sad took more like a village than * soldiers' oneamp ment. I have been told that dal' camp was intended for a 'tura* army ; ow My eiti tea carpenters are employed, betides i two hundred soldiers that are detailed autmepen tore to work oil the baildings. Anse* my self to bs a judge, I wotakl say thanks fifty chasm will do double the work MO thil two hundred soldiers do. " dead** will you work ?" " Pio :" (Mad be heard frill every quarter. lip oh! friend. &piss lionises, feet fist oats, has been hers for several dityniiiid is now stopping with ine. It Ls good the sore eyes to see a citizen frees Wane tioanty down hers. The lignire Skinks this sip s little shad Of tits lintonts dpalits Lip is 7 opinion, if the and has septitisg4" krwith is, tile spot is 44oripar Win all OP aa rilla of sestkireWers Pcsasyleanis. .1 All betels sddrimed a.Conweltmen4SalliP• sear Alezetwiria, Vs." win be " 0 44 1111 4* th e soldiers tut ere h er .. ramaYsix." - sei Dar Pet *WAX' - War. Thia Is the sus which, it is said, %pot 'sentient pays out &AL to lopP?",t,r"" away norm, called Quatro/ends; no w__ thizr our lines. These creatures, .11totund o > beies employed is amend sad profitable labik:in the plantations of their minters, are its*?s•end. lag their Use idliaess, Nitta fitrpen the charity of the gotrantmeat. tie w e hlti men cad 'roma of she ?kW' are tanekteaupport these now worthisas creatures. At t he rate of $50,000 per day, the sum total fti nibs year will be $14250,000 r saa art bitty, MLitt of the Abolition policy which hie anti ruined the country. The deal result of *jelly will be, cot the freedom of the black 'Dr, bat the enalavemeat of the while 'lnbirU t s man ! He will be enslaved by the immense' titiation which the Abolition policy has brottglit - upon the country. It is tazatioa which; crushes and enslaves the laboring =sees of &te" and binds them head and foot to the ear - et mon archy sad oristoeraey,by which mei **ruled. Abolidenista, in Its bliad and eras" Moils to set free a Om millioas of African sieves, better oir here is the of sieves thee la their native country, boo brought the terrible Gala. mity of ..betaattatollsrery epos themtaases of our laboring.irldte .sitea and imae< every successive year will demonstrate the tenth of what we say. Think of this, white men of the North, sad redeem yourselves arthe ballot bax if possible, from the utter min 'which im pends over yourselves. your wires en id child. ren. N - SICCLIILLAS LS OM, •LI . AVitel. —The &swat, of Tuesdaf, has the fottoiiing meu flock of the passage of Gin. IloClejliirairough clot City " The rumor that Gen. IdoCiarlan 'wee on the Szpross train from New Turk, tie morn ing, filled 44 depot with smith a crowd of citizens as Ii seldom seen. The toidialesioent soldiers from the hospital hatriAttred a drum and th, and with oases antrerutches, Infantry, *raillery and tonere., trebbled to the station to oatch a glimpse of theliiavorite " Little Mee." Neva have we witnessed nob enthusbum, save on ti.- of Andrew Jackson to ibis 04. ".1. ;t 4 5.3 When the train came into the -41.; S citiodli, cheers greeted its arrival— Tki alseast suffocating. Like pt .4p r vidently preferred a quiet trit the • tsaltitade would not let him. k t ,• ti tamers, he mime upon the . 'an,lthands with the oonvelesetmt *Mien and' who Gould get within resok. The traletras fol lowed as long as Its speed woall i pillialt, by numbers who' were enalowel.teMititsblite hand et the greet Thivillogneakiere hin ny with a modest digatti4,t,laellnstad all beam." Or Strom Mario err tickfWtherp W. Brills, the "eat last k Vie,, re. esatly dammed. It Is aid thet.he would take s barrel of dour eadw earfiyerst sad walk woes the stress will i i bad or break e crow bar. at.serait.bpagekliersiy by theirreachpt bts heads, se eaautry sea would snap a plpelite, kiihMe berrol of older sad &fah *OA - OA. (knoll* erlieeseria's MA owl erkeee bued ere* eline•Oli ben Ma toe4y by • memo bell, '41•0464•1r7 devout obrialkia. Os Abe Wet. ,Olftber Lot be vats the odium ,erire la t!for !ark POO% 40 "irk *Ai or -'-f MOW " II 0