rit Oherinr. SATURDAY, JAN. 31ST, 1863 MN gam Asa via Coirerirrvios—.Now Airs Fos. ■tti—Oat •PED illaartLAßLi." THE NEXT GOVERNOR. Many of our Democratic exohanges, now that the election of a United States Senator and State Treasurer has been de ckled, are beginning ID press the claims of their favorite candidates for Governor. The names of a number of gentlemen are mentioned, among the most prominent of whom are Hon. Wm. H. Witte, of Phila delphia, Hon. Geo. W. Woodward, of the Supreme Court, Hon_ Jacob Fry, jr., of Montgomery, Hon. Joe'n Cessna, of Bed ford, Judge Conyngliam, of Luzerne, Hon Wm. Hopkins, of Washington, and Col. Gee. W. Cass, of Allegheny. It, seems to us that, all the other important offices in the gift of the party having been conce ded to the East, some regard to the wish es of the West ought now to be paid in the selection of a candidate for Governor. We have numbers of g and true men —as able, as pure and staunch in their Democracy as can found—and whose nomination would give thousands of votes to the ticket, and perhap3 aid in redeem ing permanently this pa:t of the State from the blight of Abolitionism At all events, we hope the candidate selected will be no mere politician, no professional ofloe-seeker, but a high-toned, consistent and dignifiPd statesman, who, if elected, will take rank by the side of Goy Sey mour in de!ence of the Conuttit,on and the Union. Such a 111.10 can ho found, and sucL a une only should he ~elected MOUE lAL4HHOOD.4 EXPW4hI) The Abolition organs of thia section have found no more fruttlul theme of dict.lssion and abuse than the alleged ' Dern er•ttic outrages"—as they comtantly call them— at Harrisburg and A lbq . Forgetting the desperate . efforts 'nide by some of them at least, to inaugurate mob law, •tt the com mencement of the-rebellion, and the pleasure with which thoy have witnessed the arbitrary arrests of men for simply speaking their opinion- they have very suddenly fallen in love with Free Speech, and abed grievous rear- ~ver what . pey are pleased to term "these efforts to destroy ill" It, mayseeni a little singular to those who remember the p.k.ition of these jour nals until within a lei% weeks, to find them talking of Free Speech now ; but no mat ter, it suits their purrrzel just at present, and as consistency is no part of their---at tainmenta, they of c.uree do not trouble themselves to consider about it. We have taken some pains to find out the real position of affairs at Harrisburg, at the election of I S. Senator, and we are oonvinced that the stories which have obtained general currencey here are to a great extent unfounded. It is true that there was a large crowd of Democrats in the city, but, take than as a class, they were as gentlemanly and orderly a set of men as were ever gathered together. The but proqj of glue, u the face, that notwithstanding Lis meta and the excitement, _Mere were no unu sual diiterdasess, as wejre prepared to show b the Harrisburg pipers of that date. It hats been given out that the delegation from Philadelphia was mainly composed of rowdies and blackguards. We are as stared that the statement to this effect was a base falsehood, originated by the un scrupulous Abolition agen't of the associa ted press at Harrisburg, for ruere political Meet. We have looked over the columns of the Philadelphia Republican papers in tab for any evidence in proof of the as sertion. 111 regard to the mass of citizens who gathered in the Hall of the House, and about the Capitol, during the voting for Senator, we have good authority for saying that it was as largely composed of the Opposition as Democrats. If we are set mistaken, this fact was, admitted by the Harrisburg TelegrapA, the leading Re publican organ in the State. At any rate, we are oo4ineed that the ezottement of the oomaion could not have failed to have drawn outr'as many Republicans as Dem ocrat.. We know too much of the charac ter of Gen. CialltoN'a friends about Har risburg, to believe that they would meekly permit themselves to be brow-beaten by such a class of men, and in such a man. nor as the General's organs, for political effect, represent them to have been.— Scolding the keys of the State Arsenal in their possession,—with a large body of sulked soldiers in the citi, to obey their mandates,—with a majority of the citizens of Harrisburg on their own side—and :lav ing all the opportunity for preparation,— we can only say that if they did, they are the veriest cowards that ever had an ex istenoe—greater than we should have be listed them to be, and than they them selves will admit, when they see the hu miliating position it places them in. The affair at Albs i ny has its two sides, 5.,,ii?.. like the one at Harr urg. The Atlas, of that city, boldly pre unces the charges false that the disorderl roceodinga were caused by the Democrats. We quote from an editorial 'Ai tiiat paper : " In the disorder on the door, the Re publicans have been conspicuous for noise and for threats. The Republican mem bers, refusing a fair settlement, and re- Zztto corruption, prepared to carry It their programme, by stopping discussion. A leading Republican on the floor, who owned that-the nomination of Callioott " was calculated to excite the passions of the Democracy," avowed his readiness for " a free fight upon the loor." On Saturday, he proclaimed, sub elantially, that the roll was to be called through, and the question taken, on "broker, by a resort to physical foroe, and by matting off further discussion without mud to rules. -" This has been the position of the game. The Democrats have offered fair ceco ; the Republicans have re relying upon corruption. The Democrats have insisted upon full discus. doe of the question, and a full exposure of the corruption before an election should be lade. The Republicans have attempt ed to crush out diaoculaion.” Ws ssow not which to despise the Seri --an editor who will prostitute his eoinsans to irresponsible scribblers, for the porpoise of blackening the reputations of Owe whom, either through personal or political motives they may dislike—or the making blackguard, who pens the shin dm, and then skulks behind the editor's atail to shield himself from the streots ll meanness. cxx. KIS "MN 10111116/1. The court martial convened for the pur pose of trying Maj. Gen. Pte. Joan Poem. on charges preferred by ILO, Gomm' POP., have sentenced him tofront the service, and the Primiden=prOT• ed the finding and aentione• in th• follow ing order : "The foregoing promedinp, and sentence in the foseigoing case fi lf i C jor General Fits John Porter. are Wm"- ed and oonfirmed, and it is ordered that the said Fits John Porter be, and he is hereby cashiered and dismissed hula that service of the United States as a maim general of volunteers, and as colonel and brevet brigadier-General in the regular service of the United State., and forever disqualified from holding ant dice of trust or profit under the Government of the United States." ~. The assertion, says the Harrisburg Pe triot, that the finding was unenieleas we do not believe. We could not believe it with out believing also that every number of the court was actuated by improper mo tives ; for it is very certain that he was not convicted on the *rams, unless the testimony of General Pon himself, who is almost universally considered a hab ual ,i r simi, liar, was permitted to outweigh ii ;, nine-tenths of the wits tlemen of unquestioned veracity unimpeach ed honor. We inoline to * **Lake most generally received at 'W • gton that the finding and sentence w carried by a bare majority, and were result of mili tary jealousy, political abimeslty, and a (lairs to gratify the administration, by whom, it is supposed, they were selected and convened for that *special purpose. The result, so entirely uakooked for by those who had closely followed the testi mony. and only apprehended by a few sa gacious minds that had narrowly scanned the decisions of the court on ens or two iniporViiit questions that arose in the course of the trial, is not in the least dis paraging to the gallant otHoer, while it ',- fleets enduring ignominy upon all con cerned in the Infamous plot to disgrace and destroy him. The blow was intended as much, or more, for M'Clellan as it was for his friend and trusted subordinate ; buc the blow will eventually fall with fear ful effect upon the heads of those who aimed it. , iv is stated in the, elegvaphic despatch- Pa that Gens. Franklin and Sumner, two of the bravest and beet of the °Seers in the Army of the Potomac, have been re loved of their commands. What could have caused such action to be taken in regard to Gen. Stunner it is diflicult to understand, as he has always been regar ded as an especial favorite of Mr. Lin coln's, but the reason of Gen. Franklin's removal is probably given in the follow ing extract from the New York Pesfs Washington correspondence, dated Janu ary the 25th: " It were idle longer to conceal the fact that reason of disalfesting, or at least discontent, In the army are very plentiful here new. it is charged that Gen. 'Franklin's troops clamor for Ws- Clellan, Franklin being, as is well known, one of the so called ' XeClellan generals,' that is, 0114 of Ms who hare slimily othwwwi tiwg • Meadlog. i-These rumors have assumed such a shape that they have received the attention of the President ." CONSIDZIABLI discussion and bad feel ing have been caused by rumors of a seri ous difficulty between Gov. Seymour and Gen. Wool, in regard to certain alleged assumptions of authority by the latter in relation to the organised militia of New York. We are glad to learn, however, that they are without foundation. The Albany Argus, the presumed official paper of Gov. Seymour's Administration, on Monday, had the following editorial allusion to the matter : "Gen . Wool, on saatuning_the oornmand of the Department of the Haat, inatituted some inquiries for the more racient or ganization of the forces in the Depart. meet. But he has received no ordere Washington, which create any conflict of militaryjurisdiction with the State author ities. T rite understanding between him and Goy. Seymour in regard to the limits of military command, is perfeet, and in all respects cordial." An ugly and most portentious look2ng cloud has thus safely blown ova, nye the Buffalo Courter. NEW DEMOCRA TIC DAIL E. the Constitutional Union, DWI published in Philadelphia, by Thos. B. Florence • Qr, is to be removed to Washington City, where a daily Democratic paper is to be started in connection with the weekly en terprise. The want of a first olass metro. Politan Demoesetio Journal at Woolen.- ton has long been is and we are ague, fed that Col. FLOUNCS tlit•tf t an of all others best qualified for the work. my, ing experience, industry, ability, and a wide acquaintance with public men and political affairs, he will be in a position to render the new paper one of the very best in the country. The Colonel is recom mended in his enterprise by the whole Democratic delegation in Congress. The price of the Daily, which is to be issued on the 22.4.1 of February next, will be $8 per year, and of the weekly SR per year. WE son none of our readers will WI to read the graphic statement of Dr. Boyer, published on oar first page. It is the most important politiesl develop ment that has appeared within the past year, and demolishes forever the claims of Simon Cameron to the support and confidence of the people of Pennsylvania. The Harrisburg Patriot Baia " What Dr. Boyer has published he will testify to nn 'ler oath ; and other unizepaseheeie wit nesses will confirm, at least in part, what he has asserted. There is not the least doubt that the attempt to bribe will be enbetan tiated." Ir is a curious fact, strongly sigadlicant of the injustice of the Adogn'marathon, that the gallant Major Soma, Tito 4- fended Fort Pickens, at the ommanoneek• meat of the rebellioo, and asurnd it from falling into the hands of the rebels, still remains only an °Sow of laillOr grade, While such miserable political tools as Canna M. Cur, Cam. Scams, Ihcs 14 me, and donna of Ohms no hotter, hays risen to the dignity of K4or and Delp. dier-Generals. CALLtoorr, the renegade Deemanne who has just been elected Speaker et , the New York ABowl*. mod be a met Iniiinous and unblushing seoundrid. Oa taking the chair, be said hortisinied to be a Dow oast SO, and than tennesstfitekr the profession by voting ter sit tiok* publican candidates 171/ the Amu* Avg bodr, WIWITLVANILA; AND TIII WAR. The report of Hon. A. L. Russell, A.lju tantreenersl of this State, shows that that now intgertent 14eparmant ot our Mai& 'OoveasOal had' , been rty Ship sdoiin to serf the Wirt i irmea a detliiled and • intetheA acomitit Of the part pel 'cm. • L by Pinnifyliranistiii t‘.e sac for the L woo A musbaref the facts were mentioned in the Governor's message, but there are others that may be stated here. We find that the number of troops furnished tb do fished Obatee,;by Piessitytrazda, since the war began, Is 200,336, as follows: Three months *amps*, 20,979 =drugs Reeerres, 15,866 under eall for 600,000 men. 98,759 800,000 40,888 16,100 9,269 Drafted saes, ReamUs to regiments in service, Inlistmeate is other Stases sod in Rog tiler srmy estimated. Ecm Besides these, about 60,000 men volun teered under the Governor's call for the militia, when the State was threatened with invasion last September. Of course it has not been possible to state the losses In the Pennsylvania regiments, but we And in the notes the names of no less than sixteen Colonels who were killed in battle, and of two who died in camp. It is probable that this represents the pro portion of the total losses, making the number of men from Pennsylvania regi ments, who have perished in the war, by battle or disease, thirty-six. thousand.— What State has sacrificed more, in the great cause of the Union, than Pennsyl vania ?—Phila. Bulletin. Sou enthusiastic friend of Joint co votu'a—chairman of the famous smelling (and lying) committee—having made him a present of a gold-hilted sword, the World thus appropriately comments on the fact "On the whole, though. Corode pre ferred to regard the gift not as a sword but as a symbol. So do we. And a very pretty symbol it was. The sword of Co rode was a gold-hilted sword. Could anyy thina be mote approprise ? To Cored. mid Cameron. and the rest of them. wvorr word drawn in this war has a handy of gold. A►nd if the handle will only come of in their hand, we don't believe they will much care what becomes of the blade." TAKING' the tariff tax and the excise tax together, the West is fast becoming unin habitable. In some parts, now, it takes ten or a dozen bushels of corn to buy a pound of tea, and from seventy to eighty to get a common coat. If this war shall continue another year, and the financial and military management of affairs shall remain in radical hands, the people of the Wert will have to buy the privilege of Working for nothing and boarding them. selves. Tii telegraph informs us that Was- DILL PIILL/111 Mr. Lamour, oal Monday, at the White Home, and was inuoadand to him by - Senator Wu.,on. Itebic JACVIOII was President, and a dis unionist of twenty years' standing, as Kr. PIIILLITS boasts himself to he, should call upon him, the old hero would show him the door, and help him to end it, with the point of his boot. Rox. B. F. Weans, of Ohio, is repro , seated to have made me of the following language a short time ago. We doubt whether it could be matched by anything in Fernando Wood's or Vallandigham's speeches: " I do 110( wonder that pap& dove to Jsjr. Davis, as A. shows Arabs, ; / way desert sw at:v.,' Wit Eva it from good authority that the opposition are organizing secret Leagues throughout this State, for the purpose or controlling the election of Governor next year. Something of this sort, it will be recollected, was tried, pre vious to the last election, and being ex posed before it hai made much headway, turned out to be a most ludicrous failure. As ws expected, Hr. CALLIOOTT was en Monday. elected Speaker of the N. Y. Nomad Bapreientatives. A few days be fore he was nominated. the Abolitionists called him a mecessimiist, and yet they voted for him as their candidate for Speaker: f hen the Philadleiphis Ilkelletia• ] Tsui rut-LMWELPHIA The progress making in the peat railroad luta that is to connect Philadelphia with Lake Me is moot gratifying. Sine it has been hand to the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, the work upon the unfinished portions has bean puked on steadily, and now we have the gratifying anntaa....4at that it is ex pected that ears wilt run through from Phil adelphia to Sri* in the month of Jaly next. Trains run now on the Eastirn division from Elasbory to a station called Grove Plat, a dis tance from Sunbury of one hundred and six teen miles. On the WHIM division they run from Erie to Sheffield. thirteen miles east of the borough of Warren. Track-laying on the intermediate unfinished sections will be re sumed as early in the Spring as the weather permit, and it will be pushed forward rapidly to completion. Thus we are, unless unforeseen difieulues occur, within six months of accomplishing what has so long been needed for the prosperity of Philadelphia and of the whole StaCe i , a direct railroad commu nication with the city of Erie, where we may come in for our share of the commerce of the Lakes. If it were only with reference to the ben*. its It will bring to the business of Philadel phia, that we rejoice over the approaching completion of this great line of improvement, this community might be regarded u simply selfish. But there will be baulks arising from it to the country in general, and espe cially to Northwestern Peaasylvania, and its aid city, Eric Every new Use of railroad to the. Northwest benefits the farmers and awahasu of the whole lake region. The better and shorter line benefits them moat, so it reduces the expenses of freight on pre date Nat eastward sad goods seat westward. it gives them easier and cheaper access to the wig Lusk the oil wells sad the manufec- Series of Transylvania, on all of which they ws, to a oertatin extra, dependent. That one of the oem*echig lines of comannicatioa gikilk *Pt .1 1 0 b the Eimstoft !vitiation at 4111,054111 4 freight, mint be the most bean. Staiel sad via favorite wag all the liner 'DM 111 00 414 Phif& and Foie reed will afoot al* Mg oily of Iris has sepiewity tire Moot mho* bcbor is bs bead la tb pout &skis. Bat she /as boa) dwitictrod at Om gt it ham Ls ting Alto dirso ptl +sO *MS conisposits4 with hon. In Ted IA halm has ihmse everythim it wild to OAP' pis km, so as to bald up Santo and Dun kirk. The seasssasass is that Zito has lan- Suishod, wham stye lika silda!, saes favor•ii 3' the polley of their soopootivo States, hare 'grown rapids hi pippelelbsk and Wealth. At .at Ess Is ides to bort s fair ohm* along with her Sister cities of the Lakes. Penseyl •aais capital is shoat latching a road which will pat her in direct communication with the 00111041011.1 metropolis of the Stole. She will beam* a mart for the coal, the iron, the oil, the hushes amidst/ma prodnets of the hoarier of the State, whisk its noodled by the citizens of the West. She will become, also, a depot for the wheat, the hour, the corn and the provielons produced at the West, which will be sent by railroad to Philadelphia for con - sumptisa or for exportation. Industry and capital will flow in there, and it may be ex• pected that real estate will rise, that improve meats will be nadertakea, sad that in time Erie will take rank with Cleveland and De troit, if not with Chicago and Buffalo. The counties lying between Lycoming and Erie posse's great mineral and other resources that have hitherto been undeveloped, simply because of the dinculty of access to a mar ket. The vast forests are alone of incalcu lable value ; but the lumber produced was worthless, except when freshets in the West Branch of the Buequeltanas and the Alle gheny afforded opportunities of floating it down to Williamsport or to Pittsburg The cleared land is generally good for growing wheat. In some distrion bittuntuous coal, of the best quality and inexhaustible in quan tity, is fond. In others the mineral oil that has proved so profitable already exists in abundance. It will be the office of the Phil adelphia and Erie Railroad to make all these treasures available, to bring population snd labor into the sparsely settled counties, to build up towns in what Is now a wilderness, and to carry wealth, enterprise and intelli gence into a long weaned region. In view of all these prospeotive advantages, to the farmer and mercluutt of the 'West, to the business interests of Philadelphia, toile city of Erie, and to the vast thinly settled region which is to be treversed by the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad, we art fully justified in offering congratulation upon the prespeet of Its early completion. 5,000 200,U6 C. L. Vallandisham announces him- Self a candidate for the Democratic nom ination for Governor of Ohio. The Legislature of Wisconsin have re-elected Ron. J. R. Doolittle, Abolition, to the United States Salute. The Washington correspondent of a Western paper describes the licentious ness in the Capital of the nation as per fectly awful. When General Wadsworth reported there was not a gun on wheels for the de fence of Washington, there Were one hun dred and nine artillery Ocoee in order for action ! The proposed leloveasset of the Air my of the Toilsome seems to have been entirely abandoned for the present, on so. count. principally, of the impassable oondi• tion of the roads. In oonseqnsnos of the impossibility Ldreurina l printing psper st a reason s publishers have postponed for eC k44 present the publication of " Hsi cru's.liotorial History of the Great Rebel- —lt was rumored in Washington on thend, that in consequence of the army letter published in the New York Thus, from which we made eat:sots last wee several correspondents had been arrested and imprisoned. The rebel Generals Forrest, Sterns, and Wheeler, with 6,000 cavalry, were, at last accounts, at Franklin, Tenn. Friday the rebels attacked the bridge guards on the Chattanooga road, about ten miles from Nashville, but were repulsed with a loss of two killed and several wounded." The 11. S. steamer Columbia, com mander Coutohney, seven guns,_krounded off Masonboro Sound, N. C., on Wednes day the 14th, and was captured by the rebels, and her crew takedprisoners. She is an Iron boat, 'it in England as a blockade runner, d was recently cap tured by the on her first trip. The Democrats of Philadelphia elect. (al their Delegates to the next State Con vention last week. We learn from the Reading aurae, that of the whole num ber chosen (twenty-one,)) 8 are in favor of the nomination of the Hon. William H. Witte for Governor, and the semaining thirteen are not committed. On Sunday Wheekit's rebel cavalry made a dash at • train of card on the rail road between Nashville and Franklin, and moosedod in destroying two cars. Rebel cavalry continue to hover about OW army in Tennant', weighing our communion. Um. Intesoepted rebel Wens show that the enemy in the West is receiving rein forcements. 11111 11111111 WAIL- Xajor-General Burnside has at last resigned the command of the Army of the Potomac, and it has been gives to Goner , . al Hooker. General Bernside issued as address to the army asking them to give to General Hooker their cordial support. or-Generals Sumner and Franklin haVe also been relieved of their commands of the right and left grand divisions. Admiral Porter's has aoutinued its way up the White river and coPortssi lit- chyle*, Arkansas coun ty, and Duval's Bluff and Dee Aro. both in Prairie county. At Duval's Bluff there were captured two S-inch suns, two hun dred rifles, and three platform cars, and at Des Aro thirty-nine prisoners and a quantity of arms and ammunition. Crain .utto Potro•ity.—The Committee on Territories in the House of Represen tatives is about to report a bill for the ad mission of Utah into the Union as a State. The bill, it is mid, will provide fix the abolition of polygamy, and unless the del egate from the Territory gives his assent to this provision, the bill will not be re ported. .... Gen. Hooker was in Washington Tuesday in oonsultation with the Pea. dent and Secretary of War. He has is sued an address to the Army of the Poto mac. Den. Burnside and staff were also at the Capital. The General is reported to have tendered his resignation as Gen eral in the army, but the President refus ed to receive it. By wiy of Havana important advioes ere receive d from Mexico.- The French are reported to have been repulsed In their attack on Puebla, and their van guard 4,- 000 strong. surprised by eight hundred Mexican cavalry. Several French officers were lamed and dra off. It 4 also said that the French Nves at Orizaba are eat off Item aserasoaleation with Vera Cam ♦ aegronamed Ca/lender is &minim trial in Berkshire county, Massachusetts, for ravishing a respectable married item. ski named Otis, and then murdering bar and her two esoliiren. Another :two named Joint trdtica, sod haft breiber of Otis other wretch, hasjust been sinimed, in the same ocsanty, to the State Prison for life, for ravishing a m-rried woman named Peados 1 nog be positively stated that Gen. Butler will ramose commend of the De =eaf the Gulf. His headquarters l " first be at Row Orleans, eel soon at i de spoint on the Itiesisodppi. This in regard to bins see ar rived at immediately attar his departure freaa Wa e hln for the North. It was result of hie oonforeneeir heeds Of depart. k. 2 L a A There is some r coolusios in the pub lic mind as to the `iecietit senatorial *leo. lion in Indiana. The Gem shields as fol ioed : When Mr.BriAht was sepolled the Governor appointed Joseph A. Wright le his miens . This appointee's& held oa k __ till the meeting of be legislippere. This body et ones chose Mr. Tur_ of White county. to fill the place Wi&t for the remainder of the term, that is to say until the 4th of March next ; and then chose Thomas Hendricks, Commissioner of the Land Office under Mr. Buchanan's ad ministration, to succeed Mr. Turpio. The other senator. Mr. Lace, BeipaAilioanjtelds over till 1867. The sinking of the United 'States trensport Ifatteraa, off (ialvastusi, was probably effected by the rebel steamer Oreto. and not the Alabama. es was sur mised. The , Oreto ran the blockade of Mobile on the 13th inst., notwithstanding there were nine United States vessels of' irsr stationed off the bar,. and with full lama u iota that she was meditating an escape. The steamers Cuyler end Oneida chased the Oreto. the latter of which bad returned to the fleet off Mobile. It is supposed that the Cuyler followed the Unto to Havana to which place it was thought that she would go. The Secretary of War, in reply to a resolution of the House for a full list of the men actually in service, declines com pliance on the ground that it would in volve the examination of a dozen different muster rolls of about a thousand regiment", and the publication would not be ounpati hie with the public interest. That is, in plain forms, he don't like hardwork and, besides, some of the particular friends of the administration would be cut off from the receipt of a few millions of dollars which are now drawn for men of straw, not in the service. Lite advises from Galveston, Texas, state that on the 17 inst., the U. 8 trans- port Hatteras hailed a strange vessel near that port, and received for a reply that it was her majesty's sloop-of-war Spitfire.— Just as the transport was about sending a boat to the stranger, the latter opeUed fire and sunk the Hatteras. 'The U. S. sloop of-war Brooklyn started in pursuit of the vessel, but night coming on she lost sight of her. It is supposed that the strange steamer was none other than the Greta. On the Bth of December the Legislature of Utah met at Great Salt Lake City, and on the 10th, Hon. Stephen S. Eluding. Governor of the Territory, sent in his mes sage. It is remarkable for containing a king, elaborate and earniest argument against polygamy. Tne Legislature lis tened to it in sullen silence. Afterwards it was resolved to print one thousand copies of the message ; but ten days had elapsed, when the last mail left, and it had not been printed. YARII.IIII3. At Looirport, ea the biltb by Enos, Iraq., ACOCATt'S C. KILLS* to KW !WILY EA bet\ of Girard towpahlp. DOM. la tbla eity_. ZIA 11th tad, ELLEN' L. *wilder it Capt Thos. E. Stavana, U.ll. X and Zama W. daavana, aged 17 yr pan. S—T-111410—X. WWI Q's PLANTATION LITTEIL3. nay parity. strsegtdos sad Lavtiorsts. Tar, wads a beadilysos Tilley me as saddens to oqs of allay sad dist. They ~moo Santo of diripailisa sad late Doors. Tboy streastboa tits aystora sad eaves the dad. Thy provost 'damsels sad latsmittast trews- They purify the beset& sad agility of roe alloarask. Thy ears Dyspepsia sad Orssatilatios. They ears Dismiss, Moises sad Clsolors Noting Tbsy eon Liver Complalat sad Nervous Essascbs. Thy areas lust bitters to the void. nay fake take via& rasa stroll, sad sz• salsasted salsas's groat fa storey. They as ma is of wilt, Croix Ran, 60 solo. bested Callasys Dart, roots sad barbs, sad are taloa • IQ Ihs Osamu, of a boyars" wittiest mold to ago or tbs. of day. Pullasilarty reesmasadad to doissft psalms rapstrlag a palls stlaralsat. Sold , by as grosors, Dray ests. Naas& sad Ilakoesa. P. H. DRAM: &CO , 303 Broadway, N. Y. WAN MUMPS PILLS. MIT CURE DYSPIIIIIA, MCC: LAWN 4WD MIL TU raupoina imam • Ds. Ilimus IL /WARD, of Pennant'', node What nye "Tint tweet/-enee Tent modems Tab tide and- Ida% eseinas the belle( that la 'en lew eama held the Thssidea's asnkee be rete4W if Bandrea's PItL wen promptly toed la tits early Awes of sliaras." J. J Coos, irliblirber el the Ism, at Ikea lapt•a, says r—"Briadestik's Pins awed sae of Dyspepsia whoa *very otbse mass had failed, sad I actually gives up by lay physidaas sad Meads.•' The raw teetboosy is ens by N. Bum. lap, the well kaowa stuns of 1111llsiasbarg, sad tiolasads at others. Bat their awaits sis sell knows; la toll bears theirs Is ao Barer pargstiyo; la smaller sass ldisy ad as • patio Manias. Gulag asatlvsasis sad rultylai tie Wood-- Tail are sway day sluing tboaasads she ars dewed ta mable tell Ms blamed issdlsiao else used. hlacipsl Oa" NSGANAL lITUrf, New Yak. • 110,14 by Dr. L.. allissaa, trio, sad by al mm 7,816016 dea lers is nadislas. lail-ls. T TOMS Mil/11110/1. evilightfal article few presentee ea 4 beeutifytaithe Imam Mu Is who pt .p by the alp. sal prepiebar, aeol Is now tomde with the mem me, WWI sad enmities, which am nested Its femme aad se pmeedeated Mee Omer ese millkoa betties aamally 1 It Le MW wad at SI mete la large betake. Tire million het tin am amity be aeldis a yeas when tt b spla hem that the lathalroa le set wily the met dellibthil halt dreaolap I. the mild, bat Maki* 'lmam the map of mart bei Aiming, gins the hair a limay;rieb, lambs' pairth i mil promote It Erma tazahri pay. Them an esordollualue smooth kamovrtsg. Th. Lathsnes bon bees tested In env tuhe rms e mod Is vanasted as den* bed. hay lady she valor a beesaltal heed et hair will a.. the 'tenantry.. It Is de* perenaed, *map aid vol uble. It ill sold by all ?audible dealers thressitest the 'mold. Co. H. LIAM & CO., ja 24 id. Mon Yon . H ilitiTll.lllll4l INIMITABLE HAIR asfrosAiic ir. rr is MOD I DTA bat roetages pay bats tg 4 lei origi nal color, by pep airbag Oho *spidery taboo .its natural sestessais,shod by ago or d 1...... AU lastiaboas dyes arm eampoied of Lamar Cantle, destroyieg lb* ri. tality and beauty of the hair, and aged of tkoeselose ao dressing. Heisestrest's lelaltable Calories sot only reseesse hair to its eaters! solo, bras esi7 risme, het gins ts. hair • L =MU/ND It 4 U??, peonotes Ito growth, pioneta its hilliest o 4 eraineates nedriaig, sad intesta heelth and pleassalasee to the bend. It has stood the test of One, being the original nal: Coloring, sod la enstantly inenesing ia favor. Used by both potions an ladles. It to sold by an !ignitable dial og, or cia be preened by %ea of the anneersial avats, D. t. Daaxas 61 Co.. Ski Itroodwo" it. T. Two dm, 64 emits and SI. jaahlegkess WHOOrInI6I COUGH OR CROW iltrimme msee.miky be alteetetelt eat eared b tie we el liaiatirs Woe Teurtees Cs ni% Re/ma leveleebie steinehme rearms the eittßi rrT power of MU,* inatediateiy Inge*. Cough. Dia salty of arebOaag, Beersesers. Haehisio UAW. el the Threat. It !seaman* Phhips i bill ufl be biesd to be my egreeehle to the bele. It le est a wieleat remedy. bet 0111110/1011.1bin, •111111010111 F Mid Illbseve. Ow be takes try tbe oldest passe. or yeeepet Otte palarby all draggle% at IS sell $ll de. pletronle. ,te52,411-4 Tlll OONFIONNIONII AN. 11111. WOK Or A N/0111 TOOMMA/11.-.41 bids. boo aural of lir MI AS of sooty or roe sad emu% .111, from toottvoo of boomob= s zo t. %on TA, memos It. • oory of the Alike asmtiee, pslogillwil by liWai This littao boob is 410. Awed am • ~Nog aril soouo• to mar an vi l= trio wire Ileou lfsavo.• iii% 2.4. , .pirgp Pratoms rjrs.,lo 6 Att g ob ; Not 81101106, roonarallilifi lay Willi wel Iby got_ __ .osihoe L LANOCII2 r f 01.,, soiriNOSoL Gliforibt•Lool iskap.l4. v D i. TOMMYMIMI(1.1111111INT. • serials cm beand saws. sod warranted emptier te say Woe. Camp It relate* ease; isabedllitasily sake It Is vase. *taus reember Vib e veil elm yeersebree with •WM villa* *ft. Croy be e dime vibe Vet se poke leeteeelbr wrideldeg lb* eerie be Ilerdeed beer deter; Wine erpireelliee see be ipme It say be lie hie lbeeember. are %mem fAmeneeseenerlelle PON NI mad *ante a beige. Solid elf Dragibili... Otis% SleOseribeedelt" See Teel. Jsa-Se r ate Ost, Illaara, las pirspdeata d ' 0 Mai lifolgaz." is hum la sammallas VI tile Way tie illamosa dlelatleass, Wad* ea Isla Law la WA aaa has dam pair alellagaillai Mundt as laaaa. teigase, teatipeia4 pies, ma killinfin w$ &v. Oaamolooks• ibs Minas, Ikt mow fe Otek I. Va. ikaanes Pon Alm. AO gailabe %atom% h• W dlompama ealimma sat dome ar m ao - w in k w bidi u s o u t opireardliiplitift OMNI 110/01•060.1.1 of Ow most imagalloset rainbow, bee tart be 100( kmo lie alas., and had swror Wen ...I. milisouver tt.iiimeras whlch c.o M diaommeed la the:store Al say Arugelst ..r y sp. psi a, 1A.., C.,mplikint, , sa4:1111 al.saoot nat.,. t, U. old 1110. 1 / 1 4 OP , 411 heir yodhle days rptig u r n ♦AA SINT : A ►tarewt{M Wt Ira be aid a ppm the Emir f.r WWI lb Lib artswel duds of brows or biarl. la 01.1112ADORO'8 HAIR DYE. It oartoots tl. MA olio to of ottar dyes, a& wishes U hats, Is easily alpiplioct, p.rforuss It 4, wort Lostaluosooooto , as 4 its proointio, to tb. ol•werver.routabia ai blasulastared by J CRIATADC.oiko, au. t►wc Huuse t N.. Yost. Solid *Typal wb.re, ►bd a pp1...,4 by .71 H.jt Norm.. TD. Cotaimuy adi pay U. Stnebhold-r• oo to. US day of /*brew, Bait. ■ .emr manual dirl , kod of 6ve pit cent —trio from U •••roomat tas—at ilia 00ies of lb. COlarill ay. at t►. Railroad ii•F...t. W. 8 DROWN. mal-.2m. Tr•••unir _____ M Intssittsm•sa.s Aso' -:t Primo, 111,111,40, •nd II I pi* .01, •toordlq to mu• jiLB/11-hil go-gav'o A.drertistmentr). yrieE. D IVIDEND N( fitia k Soars KA•T it 4 o, Mom PA, isu 22, I •O•S sow* la hereby area that L. Nattier...hip h e retofore existing between the aoder•urneu, was dis mayed on the lbth of Jammu', 118.1, by toe el tb.ita en of B. W. Booth froo the tiro The bansseneill b.. i ••otio tied. u anual, by the remaining partner., to eti..in the Note., Books and Actuante of the late tlron have bees. transferred for settletaent, •11.1 be .hoa. all the liabilities will be liquidated B F 4 1,(14 -3w ) .31 J. C. 11oCREARY T " N VI WS SIT FIKR FRS OF BOTH 4Exx24 —A REVEttai•lt IiENTLESIA% bowleg hose restored to health to a f. at days, &Per und.r. gain all the usual routine and irregular r Will I e mode' of treatment without soeceea, cotat•iiirs it Li • sac...! dot, to columuolcate to hie afflicted tallow creatures tte mean. or cars. Bocce, on the receipt of an addriesati eurviuke, be sip mead (free) a copy of the prescription seed. Di rect to Dr Jogs 11. I.4osALL. 164 b'ulton Street, Brook• lya, Nee York Jsit-(y. N OTICE To S. TLX PAYE.B.S! Au penons in Erie County, who are liable to tar by casesenbent under the "(kited Smug in ternal Kenichi" or "Liebe Law," opproled July 1, 1802, are hereby notified that each taxes or duties her • become den sad mobile, and that 1 -will stiend to r.-celve the sawn at the followlag times and ple.ces to said county, to Tor all tel yayen residing la the city t Erie and the townships s( Kittenish, Wore* and lineissit, at the Into.- sal Moreau Ones, la the Poet-Wks Bulldlag, in the silty of trio, on the 12th, 13th Lod lath days of Feb. 1661. For all tas payer. naLliattn the borough or Girard and ins the townships of Girard, Fauview 1111,4 : 4 pringlield, at the Kota/ of A. Mortis, le the borough of Girard, on the 11th dv of Feb , 11163 Foe all tax payers residing in the borough of Albion and in the township. of Conneaut anthlk Creek, at the hotel of A. telly, in the borough of Albion. on the 14th days( Feb.; MA For all tan payers manilag to the baroaglis of Biliuboro and Middleboro, and in the townships of Woahlogton, McLean and Franklin, and that portion of Waterford towliably lying West of Erie and it a wrford Turripile, at the hotel of A. holaineare. la the borough of Ld/aboro,un the loth day of Feb., Ida For all tax psychs living in the borough of Waterford and to the to • aattip of Leitioulf, and that portion of Wa terford township lying haat of the iris and Waterford Turnpike at the hotel of Wilsos Moore, Is the borough of Waterford, en the lath day of Feb., 1113. For all tax payers li•ing in the borate' of Union kWh sad is the township of Culort, at the Poirolount Boon in the borough of Luton Mills, on the 19th day of Feb.„1993. Fossall tan payers i•,og In the townships of Wayne aad oserd, at the boon of .1. b oruala i attkirry, on the nth day of Felt, 11111 For all tan payees Living is the borough of Matthews sad is the loweahipt of Ifesaingo and Amity, at the hotel of L k ysiera Babinerra, Ls the borough of Wattebnrg, os the 16th day of Feb., 1161 i. For all tea mart Lilac la the bareagh of North east lad la WI toiettehipe of of berth Laic /darter Greek and airaeldlehl, et On hotel it Sabi. 1411, f. the borough or North grit, on the Kith day of Feb, 11103. And all persons who stroll aeglent to pay the duties awl tune 00 NI oforesilidareessod apart than to the Collector. within the thee epeeified, shall be liable to pay tee per csof additional upon the amorist thereof, roller tions tow lee& by attired'''. mu Depot applies to all perms' natl. to take out la eerie as well as te ether lawn tads said !seise RAWL ell liars, Coal Oil Mailers. Brewers sad Mum. Bolersekaro boreby remind to etas their tit-sweaty aid soutiwy reports and pay say as that way be duo *balm to as, at tae forego Wg times and player. all Diattikes and Brews/sat that:Wed receiving that/ Llaseass, will be regaled to enter Into a Bond tm doubly is sawaat of belt probable inflow, tax, with two ..05- dead sazotlas. boadltlouat for a Willful compliance el L. said AA of Cowen ofhsly hi, lcdY. AU p Imelda mast be assits-,4n totted Stales fea4a— Coiree Melee. Tiesesove apipietmeta beta to.. wade with a 'tee to in00111110•Se the Sas payers sonata u posslbW, and as unatreesst assts that a paseleal ,espouse viii asett,. thoeses. J. W Col/ester of Isel Bovessa, Ills =.4l's Eris, Jam. li, IM$-it. THE ATLArgIONTELY. wAintwlrowm nll asasbar for Jasearv. 1103, bee= the LLMVSSITI TOLL'ILIC Or THE ATLANTIC MONTS L . Shwa the oesmwesseent, In let?, the Attleatte bee lany Lagressed to 4:frontons's', sad l has the lam sed does et maws Mow Its Weaning. dos years ago, its pree steadily sagwats, sad It watienea. mid all the lisMeas sad dangers hieident to oar saldeasi eft s* to eata greased Is the estiaostioe of the ;melte. At • Use eo pregaaat with wrests which tooth the tutors des- Males el Amoeba in way Cull p attantate. Uwe Putglohers and niters do sot dews it sweseary to present that its pages will serer serene poen the i 1411014 paths of 103.1 yatriotten sad universal hoodoos. Its peafowl have ways bola ea the Ide of Misty, Progress and Sight, W the warn It Ant saleptod to its early weer, will "Mr be hitalully ensiatelned. TOE SWF ur Wl4/111M4, regalsrty watatbating to tit* sithatlis 111041 4. timbreetit wail el the best Wows anthers la Moortiass Uterstare, bad moralists Use peallah ea to prosaleing to Its realm the best Essays. We beet Stories, the bast roams which American taloa t ees fora. Lk. LIST OF RIIOULAR CONTRIBUTORS Ia Pion sad Pooosir tbo "Atlantis" Staff of Whims Is iimagaalled. T s tollowiag senora are stW sawn' the ropier eoattibatoro Ramoll Lowey, Usury IV =ow, Loads Spam* Ralph Waldo Ittaorsoa , No. Hawthorne, T. Hlvritosoa. author ' , Margo/ et Eleortii" Oliver W Holmes John Whittler, P P Whlpplo ar rard Ta . ylor, Norge Es. Rthard. Wro H. B Slosee Omastry Pa tios." Wove Terry," flutist etas t. The itfolOc's OW of Coutriblitors includes ■say of do lemilair Writers of Mourica. Y22llll.—Th• 441aelar to for afar by all Stook wad , ool ongs& Eirelsm Moe 26 east' • eurobar. aribrerislosa he t: 16 , 6 :410, poster peed. Yearly aribierletioso eseet et flees barobers aapplied by say deraer or by the rearbbers wt eluata is applleatiolt to the broocatteres NM floimitstou. LAM of prima yam •tc tataititti es sp,tkistio& to tie pabilsbors, TILKNOR & rucuw, Pubna.r., lit Wastaingte& St. Bottom. Mw FARM TO LET. OW West of the tag O :iw. so MAW thi., at los= HAIISLOT LI.M near the •Me Mater Cootaladoit SO asses of improvement, sad good atom Quarry. For portlentars, Inquire on the nosy of Dasibl.3t o ] 1-I.A.NDA A. HAXMOT. ONE DOLLAR REWARD! Tbe astisertatr will give One Dotter reword for the art= of lib daughter. Rhoda Ana Yeas'. who elaeoadod from hi. reekkaite ea the 13th day. of Jon .111113. sad all peewee are hereby forbid to bar bor or trait tiro said Rhoda Ana ou sly aceousl., so I will pay no ditto OW contracting. A 1,02420 YOUNG Anity, Jou. VI, )113 —SUP TILIPIJIIISAPI WAIRDZA, d praißwAsrmio 4111 00111139111011 MMUICIVANTS, Q.M. Mk, Die touati m ,P a., by kilantse kG. W. R. IL Nabors to OW, kilt, a, Crude sad Rokned P•tro. kw& AU Ma& of db Irvin dose es COMIX111111•13. NIL NIO R - It E N 1' : A liaiT CLASS rwo STORY BkICK !LUNG ROCS & Itk Gas Fixtures, Hydrant Wa ter. aad Iladabed banana. Abo, a Garden, with a dna ae=?l bowling „Prat bra gives Want of*pea. ronotre of Irk), Jas. 22, 1963-tf ALL , . S A. CRAIG 11=3 PHILADELPHIA h. ERIE R. it. Thu great line traverses the Northern Yid Nerthweet emeattre et twearglreada to the city of Me, ea Lake Erie. It Itosisis hand by the Peneepleataie Reareerl Ger end ander their =ors is being reptdip open fhrM~Mtat Iteeathe It Is atm to sae for Paassager and Freight basin. he Ikea Ilanieberg to Grote Flat (11111 manse) as the Eastern end hoar kbellehl to tete, WI tie If warn Di ttoes. millea.) TIM or tYIIIII3BII TRAM a? ItNIZ. 11611 Troia Lamle 3 30 r. ulna This ..... 40 a. s. 111411 Tram arrives. 11 XI a m. Assmardatios Tries Arrive, ..... 13 r. F Istonmatten nopiretiaPlummer lissigissa apply ail Vie LX. anew 1110 sail alb , aad far Prefab t badness et the damps." airesta. O. 113s011011, Jo" sorrow Miami Ms*.s Saw* 11V 1 4NOLOS, Me. J. 11. MIA. I wont X. O. EL 111., Z. IL SOVITO3I4 Goompoi aoriL Raw's. LIMB L. ROOM Ounisol Then Amt Mote, JOL D. TOM\ GOMM' likimaim 11111Usimpogs. *Mkt. STRAY 00W Woks tote lb* proodooo ot =Ar a : 860 r e ft = B" 4 " i w rip* Illsi vtilk ok' Oast 15 rim old, 11 . 9 .4:= "In Mid; *Ober art op,* set Tbi mut Is 'squalid lb moo MIK ire" pity oillarros sad tab/ iltorstroy, ~MON IRQ 11111 to bolt with treadle/ to tow. AV'S . WM. CODPIOI. MINIM F. IMIL WICRB & EVLLOGO, Cloarepers Ns WPM 4 Kaikor., 11101rVraerV11701 Or MIT DOCRIPTI*OI4 STONE WARE! AND =WM LN FIRE • BRICK, AND FIRE - 014 Y simpers Si eid Si iiswor goial. D... 0111.41 ' 9111111. PA ■fl-]m Et=l a. X. lICLLOCIO OF M ERIE CITY BOOK BINE)ERy COXIti.II OF 3 r/1L 4!D rirTN JTi The n0d•r.10.04.1 ...u.4 ft.r" 3 " ll , 1111.1 " t 4 44.1.1 ja, thepetr.rn~twhwrotafore ettiondocl to biz, and •outlaturm• or the Pate*. EGEMiMi=I PaulNu NIACIIINE, for odor tilos' Boots, by soo•-ss 4.1 wbi•ii Ibil Lac to clo work of toot kind • wt sari of tom. L. it can do no In kagloto. Ida nag korl se EXPERLENCE uF TWENTY YE. I bolirvo I • 4.111 appeal for tbo poNN pstrobaire econli , ionN, In m' a..11.1ti to (ivy zatifit.stios. IitLING, BINDING AND ALL K. OF WORK IN mr LINZ Dam to order. Coostantlf oe head a WIMP eoppll, 6 BLANK BOOKS. litstopmlwr the p.s•N., *oath-y.lot COMO, of Males'. Fifth strPerte, t+►eno' story, !wilt ioor to ibis 'Oasseir 1173 Erie, hoonary I.th, 160114.•2m A OEM FOR THE MILLION, .xn ..PLIAIALN ANL AYYKUYMIATC Hui-War ratans.: DEIJOR EST'S' livrworo s T mos $5 SEWING lII‘ACHI NI! Th. ambdratrot a practical utaity, &ad • marts, simpleity . m.les the rasping stltai vary rapidly p"rheet tulistlVlO acw.i'w, and wtll last • ltio Um At lb. a• 1 . .)e: - ;t•te ►ai . ..TA aillpilaitY.olllo4aMel great pracucal utility. was caciermed by tb• award of lorst Premium M If E . . _ I r +lll arm a. arm.a, mama. rem, arra •' e., w Ai a siewla or doable thrrid OD any memorial . rd to th. 11 , Irlo IX* *TITCII. tiro thlare•t, Uaall the ditlkort to Mite!' by other sawing nisclataim Mtn the ISMIPOL For ladies' and children's apparel, am' artlclot mad• at het fabric., it will, themfora, r I.llllolllt TALCAJILS It to attached to the table !lb. a erwiteg bird, aad to ao tension , and requiring eo labricetlea ee *he Oita., le alwate reedy for operation, sad sash aeleipilette that a child of els or eight years eft at• • u it, and me It ArCZii4Ft'LLT. It I• !tot •t all liable to get oat of order Fitch machine put at. in • treat boa. with fall and explicit directione.aedtwenty - .. gent teeny address in tee Calted States ea _ an order, iodating the asartant,or 'may be oeliettea pms on del irery of the rrhohine. W hen the money to mat with the order sad t _ we guarantee Its sale receipt and the deliver, antis la chine, soy where within 2. 00 01i1011, flee 0i lay gip* charlea. gal liberal arraatemeata for aettClaa. dad Mirror 41 ladshorms, at for fall lallltidati&W 'pip men ,4 pe , tog, etc , seed a stam t r t re at rxnszT _tur o addreat, 4y3 . liroadway, N. y terry lady, Mother, lit Miner sad drees-ssalar, base owl of these velcutble peortag coselsisbeee 1•34141. NEW GAS LIGHT' THE OLEO-WATER GAS Patecard t 7 Prol. L. 1.. HILL, NT WM 17, tea This Usa baa been thoroughly tested by mem of t,..ii and Ito merits hers stoat the molest oaristtuy. f It be ossaabtetorod tor Su CENT,i PER 1,000 CUBIC FEET. It u porloctly fr..• from offonaly• osooli, Dot Labia explosion and will not condemn la say timpanist:, enmity IttiLiab elr superior to the beet (. r oil Gal Yid libei much lama brllhasit light. Wears Iwo prepared to offer qui Petrolotte 001 rains to ol,lch must ersotoally ths of all other Gasps. cwt.' to the cheapness with w a can br made, its bnlltaocy cf Its periset alaapliatr had IL adapt ability la all eases whore good light la retired. For pivot, dwellings la city or cottony, BUM Churches, Hotels, Ihno res. Antoine, habits narcissi dm, £O-, and eau e.silr be adapted to Gas Worts raw a operatics, at Tery little ripen,* We will dispose of KjUHTy for Mk* Tonna, Ow* or elan*, at moderato prime. Foe further partioan apply to T B. TUTTLS, SOO% jic 10m1 313 Wain at Strut. Plandaplila, TO CONSUMPTIVES. THE Advertiser, having been mato - nK A. to h alth in a few week., by a eery gag& Mod; attar having differed several years with a same PR affection. and that dread dtaeadb, Conaldayiede—le ee lona to make known to hut tcliow-eufferers tat mad cure. To all who tt-etre it, wtil sea seription yard (five of rbarr), wt preparing ■nd using the same, vOlk Stms CCIM for Cossrxreioe, Amnia The only object of the mtrertiaer la see Lion to to benefit the 'Meted, lord I which be conceives to be lb valuable, I 'utterer Oil' tr . . , hut remedy, aeU will and may prone a Lleallag. Psi ties *lablng the preset lion Itrw. snwA m j()IINWELCH VIAI.IIII L. 1 ,1) .01V FOREIGN & DOUEBT VEGETABLE OTATEILQ, POL:LTkY AND GAY itbr No. 2, Tracy '• CalAr-Swa, FRE.IICB Order* tr.ma either the ('it, or C sod •t low woe ...oriel Office of JAY SCO' JAY COOKE &C 1 114 South Third. Pa.oomulezo. TF .d E undersigned, hst.eh i l ted SU B3 CB.IIIION AGetir the Treasury, ts now rowed to *ow Twenty Year 6 ectlisrliraltiol Slaw, dostignited as thiemoble at tho pleasant of tho 00 , years, and authorised hy Sot of Cor mil 26. 11161. The COUPON BONDS aro !ICU,' $6OO. $l,OOO. Tb• 11E01.1TER auND la torso sl,ooo,and 414.900. Interest at SI: sant. ,Iliglarnsuas dots of purchase, and is PAYABLE IR gecul-A 'blab to squat, uu gold, to about EIGHT LEE CENT tAR AlfNCll. Farmers, Remnant*, ileclasalcii, Capitalists. sod t+ ho hare any money t.. intsolt, gbould kno*Pgid bar that thee. Bonds are, to etreot, • 7IR8? YOB ADE upon all Railroads, Canala, Rank Stalskisuid Weft, •nit the tmm.use product, A all the Maaataetliat kc , kr In the country and that the fun sad_ die pros made for the pa rment of the Intimmitand tori Mo. atlon reptinetplal, by Customs Duties, Lid.. nor fad tate pal 14•1 4 00110, WM. to auto now IKON IP BF - 4 T, 110qT At AILABLE AND mon portmg* t% =MEM rinbecripUoni received at PAR in Legal Tinder ilela or notes and awoke of banks sit par is PlaindipdpW- Setreeribere by mail will receive prompt iirtilindliNbiAbi every readily •od erplanAttoo will be afforded OR ef pliewitioa at tido oak.. A full supply of Bondi! wilt be kept Da band tar Imp &at* dipiivery. Nocsoia. JAY COOKS, SubeerlPU" Ar#ll. R. FAULICNIER; X. D.. HONEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND 541 - RGEON, Of t IC L. atl "RIC BLOCE. SI-. °VIM Watilltl OlAttillXo Wt 0112., -01103 IT ma. IPA. SP ECI AI. attention given to the cure a: Chrome lbseasse, ty meow' of ELECTRA STIC tr..atmest and rewodies. Paso Moaarpatik Globalda, modictneo, et., oa hand. Litters tam* rnptly. oonaultations stradly oonadoadiaL— Rename* on Sth Stesst„ 2d door west et Frisch litoott. rir A NISW pmts/FOR N ZURALGIA. Nioaa. MB& S. EL HALL Hu jest rotarsad tror Year Yo•t, and Ls Do• or Wog Ma It Web will be sold eIIEAP FOR CASH, OR READ'.PAI Ur Portionlar attootioa paid to tdeaellize, colonel an pressing. Nadi Ot., 411 door above the Depot, kr* Ps. BARLEY! BARLEY: The rabeertber begs leave to Mom w Oulu OD Forotoro of Leto Colmar, for tb. Bogioy they CO scael to him Aottno The put 12 roars. - lie toodi lobos to buf 80,000 BUSHEL And at all flown will pay Um higbeat market IY Cash. raw, oct 4-4: 4 : .11X11111, Artuasay at Low, Barri/bort. io Tkkit strosi, opposite Ow County Alt asaiti PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CCRE TO Ladies of delicate health or im . A o li =a a t u to t a ,or to thccol oc - t tl 11 ' 11 Z 11 4 1 . 11 .1 118111 1 " 11112 Or a Prearliptloo rlsaoo l i t Ice le ppesigey illieele axle, an which has hooti prepertbal let_ tQ te Po l l the old world for Lbe jest seatary. Altl~ la' II rely sbeap sad Maple,. yet It has Moe pt al la pint bottles mot told very eateastretyall the L • price of $e per botthe, the aaderaletweel Wowed* , te tbe twerp* for the email stria of lg. by the powwow • 'Leah *ivory lady am iaippky Wulf with a perfect witty drat dove, Ibr tb• trignir sue of II of Alikr Opelika we ti mid will tell yes PI binallmilk rice ilheasemli at tsetlawallab aes of Its elbow. Seat to any part of the" Alli mope of SI by iddreastag _ eairrelblift. Dr, J. U. Davi:Bat as. P. R. Boa. r.. tries. itsw limo. =Volt iIOPM • -,eiseasew u. Boss, Wanes, WWII OP? E. W COLS mg s TOCK oF FALL AND lILLINERI