DR. Witt B. KURD'S DENWAL REMEDIES TAR BET 1J TER WORLD. nonmixa: . NOB TISTIII & • 111 W 112 T MEM% y I calico loom= Ma 1101111401 A. r. # ' • aziphe gland 'UM. ;:mml :aildosa for Warn sad. Vas w ßol. TIMM Pow. ieraa or any lAtitrlogui".. '`.o;' JI , W" B•war• et Up origami strap Tooth Powders, Walk whites but isstroy. Do ion wish to instals that row PATH Istaboal or wile, jaw az rDII6 CIZIABIL&TIED 111 MIR. oasts pat betas. Tbio lettingen 1 oroah Is also the Mot rowdy Is Us weed for Coma, 800 Bela, Mamma Ovits, Sons Nerris, ota It bar eared koodrotho §l4 et tlir ra hr td 43.l3 ,4 l oWßlMl Prim, lamb per bottir.: , aro Inv agezzOod kN A ft.t.tra Hai; 111. MAIM PEW 4 -S.. ideoUrt gemod7 ?lig do re: - nor blister, bat seethe sad charm Pita.rogri• ' wrier / 4 ' •a. late, le sad IT assts. Mather aa neeija • Do yea v amet of DOTAL MOM sad • Taiustal Ow Mamma, ?brat Got DM. W. D. DAL INULLMIVILY the mated mad mom ralsabb prima% tad Itm? ma make to Gleam% Prise, $l. &Miry Softie receipt ot • for rl.. •r alt lbw hrst 'taros timaegliont lb* country VI CACTIO there are dealer. who take advantage of war advertssecnents to inapoes up .n their etuttomere tn• War preparative", it ta neettesery to !Bahl upon having Ltwilritir hill lbr, and ) ou will Ceatsarr,thorough , and prepared by an expezieneed and sets/Aida tist, Treasurer tithe New Tort State Dentist's Amo eba:lon, and Vice-Preeldect of the Nev York City Natal batty. Addvpie VIM. B. SURD & 00., Now York. Ds. Haw's Ditortal ItamitulAs ♦ax 701 BA/./1 UN nue PLACI iT Mutowors. THE HOUSEKEKPRWS NEW FURNITURE POLISH. iaIIMIPARED from an improved recipe by the proprlw tor of the" Recnuma Jthraniut Pottsa." la certified the leading New Volk Furniture Dealers and Forte Makers to be the bast in the world for lto• swung- Satitehes, Werke, and Ulrt, and restoring • high and luting glass to all kinds of Varnished work, kom Parnitaroto Leather. It le cheaper and better than Varnish, dries immiktiately, and is easily applied. With a piece of Canton Flannel and • bottle or two of this Now lEcatalizas kotaan, a lionathoopor eon work magic in the furniture of a house and keep It looking like new. Now to the time to " shine up" your Tables, Chairs, IDeake, Piano*, Picture 711.11201. Oberfaille. eta, and make Own) look 60 rcr rent. better. This he troy economy. Fet .ale by 1 - animate Dealers and Store keepers generally. Price, tta and 60 ants a bottle Depot No. I Spruce Street, New York. Brita At. /Lame Wakein. ADDILIIIIII, Box 1914 Ncw Yonz P. O. The notaaLISPNVII SrktllYlthrittiLlt P 01.13111 is for sale Mee at the Stoma. GREAT BOOKS IN PRESS. Plip:efkfteAcliCtoppi) - Idoliz GREAT REBELLION ; ?do leroisra of our Soldien and Sailors LLIUSTRAVID l vol., large 12emo. Price, $1,25 The critics arid the public ire Sp* to predkaing that tab mid surpass, to graphic narrative, escittsg Interest, sod extensive popularity, all oast histories of the War for the C ohm. Its theses will be the tarok Whig, pa fiat endering, and hair-breadth of opr ed3dfors sod sailors, sod its incliipiste trUi Mu est theme of souvereation at innunimsble freebies for years to come. h will oostaio..la .sdithiria Jo it* of detail", lb* rbilooophialfigolliffide tolf WM Chums of the War, by Jost Lorin°, lionav, L. L. D y author of "Me Lao of the Dutch Republic." eta., the data of all the im portant events from the John Brown raid, sad en scour ste amd nvvtood seeottnt of the principal battle; with Ons-thlrd the proceeds of aU Subscriptions sent direct to las will be 111•1111 for the Relief of Libled Soldier; sad all parsons who vial" a copy of the work, and also to benefit the soldiers, should send tbdr nano and ad dress at Duos. Also any adieu, at pivots, or puma in slay mottos of the country blast.' knowledge of bonne set or stirring incident, will oblige as by sending al an &Goons* of It. 100Re . ,Politstantim aud C,Axva.ssUro AwurrS mei bo hertelseset with ItsberripUou Prospectus, on sr pliastion to the publiahers A iliseal amagisoiss ta &Alien Atari', to ad as womb to teAspe THE !LIFTOFF OF AMBRICAN FAXOFAC- Foams, FILOF INtl t this. By Dr. J. Le mma Ilmor. ; vela, Ike. VoL I. sow mady, VoL IL eel ready.- ?Me i h rebtft the Lespet sad most ksportest work New ea ises prom We !me else trot pebilelied lam .0111tione-of Os fol. Wang efeellei end perdu beaks/ -- • wasMEMMSMS MAWS LMISAL AMIITSIMI er, amp Solve -, by Centupling Sultassa u. urdlu Sor. el Um upsuded Ivy du $l. Sul sod Lama As gyp .. ap. Pliat orroatiquimits NON lIIIDUOTILTAIy, • THOUSAND MANGO* TO KUM MONEY. Oloth, $l. Miles bssa repabliabod to lbesed. livery Walser mask sad dark shock' have these books. Tim will pe, the bum a hundred fold. ltvet7 parent iikoskiset - atiiskt saw AU taws Osaka ere ireUed, peelpaki.. se reesipt at poke. Wejley pletiastal Mematen to waning boon. astoteßy. Asit will swam sad* of pebte send ivy hole anywhere. pa meired Avittole. MM E irisEal/DZIECIr k CAP., Tribune Buildinits, S. Y. PIAMOOr-Pinisse liras wish to inkr Plows at the Mb makes will be "ban bow law es twee s bowl ines sad t tho_pagebeee_ U boy address Pump, ogre pt. co, a Co, Pulableser Aiwa% Nee Tett P. O. ANTI•ABOLITION WORKS S outwits wi,ALTH AND Aal= MOMS. NADszhadted U AND OfilllAL. FIGURDL M lL glihtin Urn". late Satter of the DeemenifisJleoliw. Compiele la sae Octavo Totem, Its" la 4 1 1 i 0 e liketso alt ImPet ets. Dl= EZOTT DECLSION. Gibbose Obletamthis tunic, Id% = tatrodasttiop I/ Dr. &Mires Bnia. daismosa ArldiUr miess hille =" 1 "...18 pp, Osiim. Pr flikesse, Dt - LAVERY NOT t IINJQBT. i lliNWlllWVa a rrn a Passpat i a lit Octrro, ar i triMilimpe *eft will be sIiqTINA per ""`" 4 lllnrmim . nom* o xtrams /tams llama 5t..10, Yml &utr. IFFIbIAL WAR MAP. RAfl AD; & MILITARY MAP M2HISMTURN STATES: Ittia the mail satbollimmares, sad lb* Oast au top, 410/111.el Ils Ibillimirkftle of Map Sada& a t 11711- tr a llmt 41.111 -1 7 - _ _ Cl= 1862. NEW GOODS I MOIL FOR SPRING TRA"DE! AT I*IBANATER $T RE ! • • SLOAN, _ BOOTH is XMILIWIPX, NO. 1, WAT?4k BLOC, Lytle the attention of Purebaionto their oilinthe Stock of Sprint and Simardle o 4 16 eretryWNg GROCERY S.. SHIP •. _ In put, as lbllowns _ ' • A • , Tit A.—young 1101 4: 4A" rep petrish lash " Oolong , S , English lltisk• WAS. fase. lb^ • COVERE.—ldneluk, Ista.l • • . EIll ill!t ,' `•. Santos, Laguaits t RISITMIie4II • and Nationat--thobittor Pillkill s only 12% cu. 's! . po Pow- CA Spin • A „,..... VOAIL-Orsanlated, mnr 440. d, crushed, cottel tos sad • ..,„ ' 1 - ; A weeaffee B.,and Rs° Beillingie •' ` •-•00111 as low as pats. Mulls ' _ " ' B ari per pound. , . .." 4 " .- II& WOODEN IV Alt 113.-1 lets. l''''' Pine and Cedar Tutia,, B leek • Pails, Wash Boards, Aie While wad Helves, Mop Handles, and as grain Ponape, Rutter 'BIND C2A4lllll—is Mr Prints, Batter E n fret, lea varieNtom IS*. Rolling Pitill, Pau pets,' to St. ke , tte. 'CLOTHES LIPOIIIIR.. W W V. A It E.— cotton and lisuo. Did Clothes, Market, Hand,Ned; g w i as . mai sa d School and LadesTrar.' and ONO Lines, bk. altos Baaketa. kn. GRAIN BAGS, HOBBY HORSES, CABS, BILLOW WAISONS. NIAIM CFIILDREN'S Cll./JR-I, WOODEN BOWLS AND TRAYS, TOY WULEL liAllitOßS, CHAIRS, he. jam, E'S, CUAPIN'S & °ALLAY'S Chemical Soap; SPERM. STAR AND TALLOW CANDLE. 1; l' V VA 1, 4 I EXCELSIOR BAKING POWDZR, IZ'JlitlE=ll r k r. 01 ta) IN TWB 1141111121. C1.A.R.10-, 1.. I's 6.vLU ItEDAL ALUMBAnii. ra+• , C FIANR&B,CHaa'ea O.IX, a\.ARIL Utzr CHEWING TOBACCO r, , \‘ isi TUUR CYLRBRATZD 23E3 ".1. 8.," CONCIJA, PRINCIPE, IND CHEROOT CIGARS in •hort.e 7 or.` til , t.., arttal IUCI Hawser deft t• ••11, L N0t1,..n," to toe (nand is s i.nt 4n . Liuniliery asid =ZI fipaldtrol, Ship Oweites and Ultip Peop.a with &mai purl...sand sziessive wants, are invit. , l to in.prct the STOCE sad MUM; sol the "RAN ER T , 'RE," before purist miring •Issistsars. naardtetr.Ll 0 k i DWI LEATHER STORE ! KETTELBEROER & CO, BLOCK, PITATK STILES% Wonld respe,:h.' II inform the public that timbal* opened a New LEATHER AND FINDING STORE, in tho oho., n , ,n,«ef glare, s hero timsniill Irsoplets tatintl) on hand LeAther of every description sad color, ,wbren that ea: re(; at the Lowest posslbl• prima Tb,7 hope by suit at t. nti , t 'a their tyninness. and odder. sdnation to • `eau tr. - vhodr who deals with U 144110111 Sfertt a lit, rul s: 4 , e f In.; he &trot'. go. They oho terp ou baud all kick:-of ISHOENAKFRS' ANL TA NNEffir TOOL So Leett, - f r rp and Manors' 013. sni"Ciudi will iwia•t for Skis*. Its• Mtn YdShe, 81drix. f; t J IL YLVELIIIIRtiII t ock. triz-3774%„ r"-"1-771-7 voirtair ..taco 'GET THE BEST." Webster's Unabridged Dictionary. NEW PI ?t),::. -ti. Elllllo*. cr .- Pictorial I lluatrationa of Military Timm witiaws hamar! cur. ct Is tacos, wad Ma 011111011‘ *Ogre, pictorial rep - Whin/ tuna njtht jakrai awmaus. Kari:menu, .in•A.,sivatt, rbot, Cannon, C,. r!,,n do, Chain shot, amiTaa.Viia• friao. CAI , 1.1(11)1,.. M.11:TIP1, Ila riffle Towor, Marta; POrt00) r• I 11l Lad u . ,iar P rta, /co- No other h DIL ' wavy r ub' libe4l In tkia intiaortry has a fourt h pal o: tLeve. o a'otu i•at D FRINITIONS 0 MILITARY TWILLS. „..t As the torero mg, and A attic, •mbulasers,Axabages4 A in d a , itikr.. 1 111,.... P. Touan, Cthlllool. Chmalber, Canister .hOL ntunuient, ( &pouters, 01.184 Chain- the t, hawed e i (Amami/wary. Ca IMI ONO. terse in, chef ite tat, 1•1,•r, Cul dr , sae, Dahlersta Am.. Ate •:1 Pr•l .• J. & J. B. CARVER, wiIGLIYALZ l AnT.LIL DIIALUX IX_ Leather, Hides, &c., No.l, tr r . etry. 81..-k ERIE PA. State S et, • con. , ontly on hand a LARLiE STOCK OF SOLE LEATHER, MOROCCO, LININGS, BINDINGS 4 _ FRENCH AND AMERICAN OALF SIMS KIPS, I. PPER AND SPLITS, LASTS, PEGS, LASTINGS, GALLOONS, &C., Also a TOLL ASSORTMENT OF SHOE KAKI= TOOLS h i All et wlucli tkoy oat. LOW FOR. CA3I3 OR PROM?? PAT l Sept 27.62. ECOTOMY Is WEALTH I CURE YOUR COUGH FOR 13 CINTBI A The Best and Cheapest Household Raw edy in the Worldl m A DAILE ZADOC PORTERS Great Cough Re II .= itsdasil • • r Curative tea If Reed imemilag directioaa, te ion im 1111 eases, Close! Colds, A'boopisig siad CI the ?bras! liars Zal/001 1 0112112111 Balsam Is Ire! A awe r efts boa a Wit geniem the Viiiialba. , ii qullllat Ma Oa As poser Is Mist illa blab. Ow sad Aim. slimalsi" ties of ths WWI Use dill Iwo.. It it sallsel =4r. bai nemdit" i. teethe; sin 10 min t oldest pampa or child. Uri 1116011 stßbaasd sa m Ms sdal v T i l M ts O sad.lb, flar m taaiwm • adillsine ' Meads as/ suns. ...—ltsd's lIADOCI POIMIIIS rites vb!sle bellies lb is the It COW. - - - arch of ivein oce M keop a cony, Shat Man The Veil use of • slag% bottle will prim to M web lIM then Its wet. _ _ MOTICAL—Save Your Mono, !../As nee tro pew waded to knirehase articles et 4e. be I.Mrldetlinikteiti• %Ali the strums of a 18 east bottled Mrairetin. nth* Balms, the wet of manalotnitv whit greet me that plateaus% any other Al= bow prior at winch It wakes*, he analtißei7 nullr=ciPhd reeestasent sear es nth* Hair pilaf am Airier anisestbe customers blot Apse bridal' _akin Portrie= none other. Ask lllabibelnirlaraesam dye oet_ op_ • 13 stn., an* ta m inge lettlit*llll sad Olken* Apr. -H yoa moot gothaaaaaiiimysay oaa abotbar. pr- maw an Dra gg iaaa sad Itanaliqpita 114 ti eta., sad la lure bola* at SW HALL MINIMn ;NO. 4ABTER, Agee; Ma. iTaftlt. Amanidnr,: 'LAtti AND 7? 1 1 1 A'rER'S Sarsaparilla Bump - •• I way An of the followlog emplobib: Ow4l ..... l=mas serew .Alltionao.sio:li se rtitlibomMlotlania all s tu n .5 = t kO s e t g led, Jaw, lINk. J. CI. stl i a ri rt lid X 111 eel ID 60 has yest lenipartila hht hoe hr sift e Sem/Wm 1 Wit llwell en • ft whir rep he Ileeiethem It beat eel Is View OK _ W NM; ISNIMOINS terra Wald di.is ised me et the etansik. Two /emu. It Who oet eafitz hied end ettreeed he n= art mold* ego Wm *OM mai geisha end biped •dientplim bled regrpedhbee mil emend mob roof bum es/ Ude* d ie give traria. •theilh 1 tee he tea la dr Ilespet taiimm e rtY c tva i ma Wu". siteatire hi I knew 'heir Am MS any yes midi act Iw. I oat is apdamilanine inn or i zatorei es. I ten M I is yes bins, Is null a tenoning s mil mei onset tee lin mei belay leg moos bops Is Item ins, the ask nee Oa a ad, 31 Aft le aim deer, and I anew br spir genene ent Om non is en Me men wee Illes tts vdl him erg I in nee I me meg *Ma 111 pay ten ger ion yes to lee are st A Zatise den en ewes M o ir as a wawa at. *Miners Il l gisi ga lten atWM Vetter awl OM • 1 4.15Weellie see. lire i rn a bleingt. go Jr. llama M. war fr Wm. it. ft w ile. thee lee hen obi* eared ea tekeeleado are et lemalmed ternierMo MS= =lllltee gar Sosaedis, sad alma BrpOpilii Vy bap dem at Ibe NM; elft Y mei time ea tesee Negates by It camiesitky. 211.111811100010, Osten .r Serena* Make Salim ant d beep% Tam t *lbws bra Suet year Imeuradft send se fres a Stiat...• bid. ma walked ealbe only erldell bed adbrel lam ewe twe root iseseemdlam ae Thee, Ovairiset Ituteseso 1111evelea Meaptedema. Female DiSeo4o/1k e. I OWD et fir! ak Clay, velem I ant eheatelky Idaeemed et leer= :=ltese yaw Iseemealtle mit he the amereee nr =bile Or mai* we earemei bet le Nora Alums lletiters kneeled may WISP sMtwdLaar.lsabißzedsawalws Ohs saw Medal tees eared by Namable et the rim. The idler aka lOW swam med. lielars uidis :mg Mod - *tunnel: it hr Uwe Smelt Ilkorse, et lissitat i l=6, • A aMb• gem ~do Meer ea meet in Smite le my Met& eat& bed died ell the rewrites vs amid eirelam, ins i n eZe laus semplekle awed by your lateast at Ile. Our *aides thee& eabbay bet *ether Iles areal 'And /MK bet be althea the Mel se year abe lea neat beam est** mai = llll 4lheteel. Altee tale= realty eight weeks MI symptom et the disarm Ilyydellis semi liereselet Disease. NNW Onsatute, Uth August, 1110. rd. J. O. MU; MO ihesebUi ecopl7 do le rise oryo OM =we the Ante I boo yoked iddi no , Ilan awed with It, in uty puttee, met of du new phhtte for tilmith 11 it reownewidsi, wad Moe *wad IN illiite truly *NUM la the ow II Piero, owl Air- Illriali Aware. One of ay patients bed OrplMUJe shin k Ws thaw, yid& woreeal=l: .. ,..ad the lep of lib south. Tarr Won. owed Ida Is trek yeas. Another wee liebs ow litaba efistr o isa m e. moo soil be oraa lod Nolo pow kap ON best, On dberdur illi Zald moos rend kir brain and kW •-• ant U 1 / 01 . 16 1 1101114111 " a ligegAniffelLt solos dioloporatios to his Stow A winos vim hot boos trusai tbr some dionisr by woo oillsoiss from Lido pin to boo boom. Th ey booms so ow raw to tie 'radios that os s d.. day OM ralbroi asp ono:log=sa Is her joists aod loses. Me, too, was mod try yo ftrimorao is •kg gooks / boos fres Wds. 'rid& you spat we so, tint tido Prows** /ran your laboratory ass to • oast =t =thooo st4 truly rosmortablo molts Protersorly your; G. T. LAMM 3Cb. lithrousatisas t Omit, Lim Ossoplatoo‘ Immense*, Prawn Ca, Ts., aDAO, UK Da. J. Sir, I ham lsee oaken eon. tel &rook ibewatem bra keg time, whin Wild the Mill or ph3ratelass, mid doelt to me mete of ell the modes I could dad, MU tried yen limpedlio. bottle cured me I. two weds, mid remorse am pseud liositb so tpet thst I am hr bather dm bean I ine attodied. I thin it a woodutol medielau J.IIIAIL Joho Y. Getehell, of at. Louis, writes *I hoe ben akin he mem with as *Mt of the Zia" shin my Iseoltk. I Uhl weary Dft& s at do thin t hel r r i Mime me; that I lime ben a breistedows he some yearn tram 0 01. Cann nee doresitera As law. My Wein puler, die Iter. Mr. bff, me to try your lemss Memo he mkt Imilmew yes , on soy sing you mode sus womb Dyne. Ds the bier its of God it bes mod me, sad bes perlisd my bind *sip make aanme or ms. I tat was. The beat that me l»mid or you is aot esmon." Do=sturVe Tuatero nn sad 1 11=CZrk the )Mann. A gnat twisty of am hem ben repotted to us nun eon td them ibruddable emphdets have risullid true Die met this remedy, but oar moo lunellt sot admit thm One .of them amy be hued ht oar Asides Alma% gr t in to all w ho can th em mots below min ate pined to tuniehrler ta, Dram , Heart Meese*, Pita, Hpldelo. Helenelikely, N0wa1.126. May amockdtie ewes ef Awe elleethale have dem made Its the damn,* newer et tide atedielac it Wm,. fates ale vital tanetkati Into rost Mho. cad am ~Mir dhordeoe wbboh maid be esppood beyond Ile nub. Ma& a tomady has kali been revived by the at acitiel at the people, sad we aye coo ideal that thh wild 6o he dim all that inedidne con 110. Ayers Cherry hetwili 101 131 LiklED CVOS OP Cintigke t Colas, Isautessii, ROOSISOIS*II6, Croup, Prisaebitis t Cea• sia,Vzi es a, awl fir the Relief eampthre lostbrists to advassiml Magee of tm asoasio. MI is • Mott ustrineny Mews a wpm sip, ether he the c' et Owes sal hoes eoeepiebtl. tint U Is emirs ben to pelbileh doe 'Mow of its venom Its usrheihd eseelishee mesa wed aderktima Iniff ercodsehd eerie et peheenery diem % boo hole is haws tkleugheat 11 . te . delitied spas! at Us sort. few w►o, some NW' El L.. __ = • 7 ' A NIXMISTIT I Mini' sousuoun JOHNS B!.. 6 = ounit yll All =Mosinokoioismi'le lb* 140110 i. arA i d " l wikkt at ieramme korsotkospte s6piaMl bast a yob et Joists it Amortise en Gism.S-Aso brit Alm. st e I ni Vat sottemiest to Yoe la tbi bsese."—lba Iwo '! i r k sitisirs *is esserm6Ottt to ewer bedo.L. 11114 ties oink; in est bear as ustsitlw 1111011 . 26 oparrslaißmi4 Vefy Mai! adiedou to .ihatrids oraziosis rZ el. weshi b 7 an thilllilitip C 1 1=iPers Pew' t lb. "RatI LEM3 6 0106IST. Ihmitstemenj (Cu..., .4 wort' lattertj MI" I I A Jutrgo- Lit 111 WRIORVS BLOCK, 11741,,TX STRUT; ERIN. MEWL sboissamostimANO GROCERIES, PEON SIGNS! 102111141 1 10 sosUra WILLOW 'AND DU RAU. WONT NW% vanriviSlJa. es.. are dints JO ea hind AAA milk' akar e_t jelitt NI NANYANIDS Now whom r). UM. 0 PaiNG. , UM ERIE BONNET STORE. E. (Lela H. 4lllpiel s 3smisdit i T agi l WHOLEBAnI MD RETAIL MAZE Or ZILLIN . ,IIBY GOOD& si mmar i.s 41 . 11 , 1 1 . et am=v2=4. maxim llo.lllllsibsif Orals o lMsiollt. arkyllilL ' iltaantielklireit Western IL IL • # N and - after Moncha w ita4B6ll, . tram will kiln se se Illie . ' el die Was laid* so tbi al , 11.11reedl, essessUmg ,t a de I . Y. it la NM at Illasemis s Amp hatiossismairisk.—.—..4,lll A. is. it ioste laissessea at PM A. IL, am OM P. Irsok ~ward War se 11s• . Pb. L ILL i. ~... ; t : , .1. C. 11414K1011. ibet ' 4tl " 1 C' ' t 1 1 . 1 Vr ! delil I I , HEAD ta 1 ARMS -tusk. C 'HEAP Go'uns!! Witcdteimb and Mill MOUT AID INATIVOITORE. wui AND ufatreSt. P. 1 IL SainaIIUDEQICER,. us non toeshiblat android stand, Amer l. soa Block Stab streot,a tarp and superior stook, of OROCERIIII, PROVISIONS, ‘13 11 13 / 4 111‘ LLOW, WOODEN, AND BTONE WARN, 1 1 213TIlit, itlttra, , sirw Wag bond an a House = bur ls kind, 'Web tbey will sell as cheap as any other establishment in.this silty for Orb or most kinds of country produce. llow Iwo srs SR Mod et es Wiest mad Islet lei oVhbooso out Sipes overboOt to Erie, to i hr_hthsttAt thssAlsolies of the Wohe. all sod No oo•-• silebie Ashesee is better than Oath buyers rig Asd met WON kahliMlA=l4 °roomy Head Quarters! ANZIRICAN BLOCK, STATE STRSET Jam S. 311111.1111. F. li IL SORLAUDAKICR. DR. P. HALL'S CELEBRATED COUGH REMEDY! 20eNTINVEt3 to gain public favor and Ward k all ostlsas, Wad sibs the thorough ea st Aden Tan, td regatsbas for Micky Is eadat 'trek mut Lassdimastes te finis suotsluol.— =lthis nesiffiths meet kenos Us meets hakes. ke ffinthat maks* amithisaad. lt has be =l,4rsa woe yak many grogle for skirt" i ikd . 1 is kept in their houses tor pyre Amore for Cough it to nal nicsitiagsore toss °mkt amtpt•s• • 00 0 011 • 110 7 +mit - ststedtwg. Fermata; hisahnss sad Ma rem= Akin= its ellsteilq mast b. itid e hart% kW W - M@ be Walk sites sekrieg a laws term et years with this miksailbdissem Yin kreetitad Ltoemeasee It hash sad it ni n ky nnewida i hritattes from the Rowd Is arre erorsairtly lesesail =piney and y violist* of of kid sad diakeas Oa dloems* olpe WI from Its or dinary kri seem in t i lltues at the heap sad air pampa depend upon es the Wets/ mums membrane lase! = ui lies imiml MlNg r =eLetr ar Lae to ef y ass , Is Its hunting--le adapted to loth same. to all Itspesoleessittatiass. tvet y perms *Meted with Aker Oka bikinis enema should use this pleasant tomil, sad Oak yokes tin sooa saute with others In sisksimirising 11 merits to ~Pa neleibers and Sleek am, Use Halle Cavil Rowdytf cures (bids. MIL Ms Hairs CinofA Remedy t cures Croup or Batiks. Nik.. Use Mars Ciassh Remedy it cures Asth ma sr Adak 1111_16.fas Halls Cimgh Rim* for Catarrh. Half's Cough Ran- sofy it Strengthens MI6 Use Ifal s Chttget Ressedxfou Bronchitis. 3616 Use Halls CbsgA /imam for Hoarse ness. MIL The Hall's Cbugh Bawdy it Elfrengtheris the ram ipsca . lv Malian Cough Remedy for Whooping- A. Itwaipastiyasegylb Witga —% e(thie ammo andatior. ha Da betas mans. 6/11~ haw Use:dhoti 'kw l'.l=et amiolll4ll6llllllblllllatistiess—cal for Dr. Osisbustsdi °seek Illurs47 aid so that his,wett- Ma Amebae le ilea tee manna and Creations. IMAM TZNIPPIMON V. V. Us* undunig g ettinst et Me City sad wielolty, sass asodDr. P. 'a Cdobrated Comb Remedy with Wgrestansom. be diseame ottbe Throat and Lanes, ishe in nmenemendbsite se to the Y a and olkoheni remody, laiV worthy of piths Asia Thusgues Ilatthew ilamiliou, D. Jabs Welhousi, WA ' J. W. Winn. illeit s hook JillisS. Tam. febeet Osiris. J. T. Cass, Jahn 11. 0 S z Denial Inir, Doubt Bayer, V. Jets J. Kalimrs C. K. Met, Ms& W. Z.Dar P. Illademoht. ' J. J. W llooney, Jabs& Dump% P. tis, I. Coln', his*. We Abases Oberwood, Ws. Was : Jobs& ism W. IL Osser. Al. X. & le Ptiallik Jonspb Disaser, Z.J.. Banoti. ti.Tedib. . J. Bulobary. A. X. 116 2 _ tar= ...... J. 1.. . . SWIMS". J. BeridwaTa3d. Zing. Ohs. VMS., 1111esil. Duni* Mos D. C.D. Kowell. C. Z. Wed. 11 101.1 1 1 t. I= fil( If, IT P. lbsdranfor semi Bole Preadobre Bare Nee Building, Stab Xt. wte marks r a n soma. aeastu nli dal GOL-4eineff A. White, Dr. Ey , (a. Nil; Wisbibil&_ Talisles; T. X. Cornea l Itpdagiaid• Ws. Illeonallill. iliseei l. Linos X SAW; Z. 11. bNlrit= Rau ilk lesewood, Colon , W. B. i IL T. Jame, Worth But; B. 0. Pitaboo. Zawetibl J. B. Viewer; UMW -- Tyler, lebelpeel. and by tor. goserally. L. A. NORR/SON, W 11.01141111.11 DIM AS IX Plour, Park, Beef, Salt, Grain CLOYS, TIMOTHY SEED, ke. No. $, Worm Block, rigließ STRZWT, Neva P AY sod aktk as, SALM, Pa an ITN pRAWFORD & CAUGHEY, MUM IN Groceries and Provisions, Gam, DRIED 4 SEALED FRUITS. Alm sipoldkr IWO sad bar' Sport's& MO; & Blasting Powder. akihihe Mg Mids. of . TOMO% OXUS lk 8/1771, .Soot in lids nallost. No. 11, Conassoroiskiiisildingo. NUR ROOM is we door West of that no Nil se ihs Lt ad AWL Bovine s dos MM. WAGON Mow me pssW e r ng goods to any • Mao lath awl wi11,.. ssod supply their eno. milli lir ben aillsios so tin mood raosseable sotfid—trid. SOOTS IL MORS FOR ALL rraili trudenigued having again mum. 41, al it esipmeNlear Whew the pails that be it New itesilltdic=d workmen be Ne le their thee at the u == Boots, Shoos and Gaiters wry *$D MUM 111tAR I la Olt giaa mak lla=re a ct e l t a o lraer se st . 1 11 7 0 C II II it K siMm'sosibiumpuut sumuon. p iso r 4 u o itiosua. rime elasthee Oat can gife as geed es Is week and West aa ea, et oar amerenr ieh aelistt s mill at oar stony State sheet, M drat eerwest etch kit It. It MUSLIM MUM New Mani Diaoovery, 1 MU OF 1 01alliatl . LIK I I I IVITRAL DM , , ( Ssokisol W ilirisiv Itsiosiotio, ill; 1.1 i a onto, Sid and 4 ' . 0 0111 1"41 1 1 1NRE 1 61Pai tiNTY8 .... . • • AND IIiJIDDINI -`• _dill" if/01m rid W ' soda of ONE wine DM P H YSICI A NS, Oak W4=6 Wiz, awes, soperoodtair . or sal eolopoosd Mato IV I LL'EI SPECIFIC PILLS,: MI wag Ohiseol.oolB. alliothors eon his for 4ays. mil wino II mob MINIM 0 in persoaad. They aro cpoosillooo Torillabb osboolis Oat aro bamboo on ookoltowl WNW 1111111101046 WI litallibek or Wpm roodit ; 101 l Wog sozoostod. all mom blob itoolioL So dry" or lo sootoom Thiblt lloilitionl. Ikle asoo Moir mass Isteofino witk bsii 01111=1. Nosh lez «sista. 21: done Pula. hies Ose S. NUM TXXAI2II OX anntai. mamas wiz MOM ODINXIMIXt,OI.III7. Sta, a o s trer ti rloi whim to too DR, BILLS GRIV a tra" "1 " . = l3l , ak lerkot i ras t =llir d p er ' • AdliglAlo. - 161 th sit The Pas aelholo nla t l M "AL isiitte bum Mourniim sit ask 016 as theos sy- / la r 4ill, st llesio* at at 7 sos Asa‘ o SW Might= 17 . , ATTZIMON SOLDIERS! . i .. Boutatr ziya ii of -1 1 ,Kt, .. 4110.. 40.. ~ Ile moot tinitb 'Oar s 01 11 41 41 sem of ths 'heirs dies II I. ~ Sr w O ank es W - irt Ur - PAY. MIT!. a —, , ,' • . _ ,__ . • vspositilisil tai 412111113111 i 1 4 .4.... ....„. . NWT ammaiasaaaalag Infill i r io t 4, T lMir , .: - 11. selliba Mgt Ye , gisistellimanation 110 11 9 1 111 68 . 00 la am • ZP. 0111111 . 111. b itisiPai:. 4. WIN 10 lastlMMagise..47 murr HAS I:Xoraill3l3 ty • spleestld bled! of Tereitstie Jews Was Nov silditig, OR Siete Week oM ARRlllißthierW7 111046 1 Win expresslT 6nT that' parposs, idiom may to AMA a tame Rea well astactedsandmit el . IIIIINITIFILZ, sobnehts at !dach a[ OWN* Woe aelatly WO ht cab an tidal ligament. Oa the kit few be base Bureau 'I abbe. legagsa rag . .teetto, C ;safe Mat illatib b ken" 1 MAC' . owl Para 1 * '''' Prike *iv • abatare4 19y151M termer erne aCR W itr 0 l'T. Ak. IR 8, L Of every trade l aZiee to gait saidaard. rho oefooDd toad of LAMM 110101ITURI, ends se /Idea, Tete-e- Larva GraUmamed Keay (lairs, end kinds at Cadlilawd Top Centre dad Card Table. Aida and Ott. Thor thud Boor ono toitio milt mod • top _inombor of workmen, co m p e t en t linwereigiberere laths enui oet line In eh' boot olyto sad oltaittot MUM. - The public, porticialatis tiektdtatiatatoo witc,l to call and .wadi. imitate astd ill =ll of cot to tot undersold . ) 6 a* miabikigmooti la the City if r aro lora, All WHIG of Ittolort palm takes la tts • a „. f r tar lit rattan. .f. 11. RIMS?, r rte. s in Tell 19,1!89,•--41 Sole Proprietor. s received a Ipork of Mirrors, exabrae -1..V and 'l l ll E U KLAW ARE MUTUAL iNSUIt -1 tts 1 Is. CI M YOF PaILADELPIII.t. tt .!nfrg Meiners es the Mutest Om, tirtit eurt•te Nutielpatloak is the relit. el the Cowme n! • , 11“ , .. Leyosid OMB prombuit pad. . - • 4 1 t thv Lakes said Omagh loilarad oa the mom I Nem will be liberally and promptly • • r .s. .• I 41.1ebandisie.INAHrigs aad ochwor EreDerit . • • -• rs for a Ilaatta4 tact ponsaamou/ Y. DIRROTOILS. Jame O. Hamad, e.l •t, !.. tied, Jobe C. Dsvla, :t, bar: • Jaw SWIM, Oti.f• ( Samuel lEdwarde. itet7e) - DeMA B. Stamm, Chet 1.. base B. Davis. VC Mir ,l• ••• Wllltset Hay, Or. ' •r• Dr. P. B. klestoe. 1..!,,. 'poser Ilellvaaa, .k.erae • Aka J. Newlin, • r.t .t. Jobs B. Pouroort, J Jr.: 3o H. ham Brooke, L.tlwood elemier t the rep HAPti. S. hairaoras., ter A i pliestiota. can to suede to Prie, Ant L DM. J. 1CHLL0643,, A roil, Er se. PLANTA T lON TODI ) Y OR OLD BOXEIBTEAD TONIC. A T4:l. ICIOUS Morning Beverage and Tuute; need by almost ovary Planter, ilunieatead and Ranch ib the 'ropiest it la anynelally aliptrd to the animate ni this coontry aged oanookai to 14 the most eiki r boleNocce LEO &Woke Task in the world. Free frogs intw,traf fag qualities, it in bankink in its adoption stet ahoul4 be Lund on the likkkosrd' of est.'" tatally as nn +, tiro. Iter °(every tell isi Vtodlintel El g k -Propea. • .1. I'. HU Hi; P7):11 k Co,llllho Arida, glie. Pa j 14,-411. J.''. BURGESS 6c CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, Ni►. 7, RONNELL BLO('K, STA TA' STREET, THE ATTENTION OF DEALERS IN filto CERIES 18 REQUESTED TO THE LARGE AND GENERAL STOCK OF THE ABOVE NAMED HOUSE IT INCLUDES NEARLY EVERY 4RTICLF RTQUIPED IN THE GRo n(s.l7-24 SPRING TRADE, 1862 gow is the tine to BUY STOVES-CHEAP BARR & 'JOHNSON'S, OLD FOVNILRY, blare &reel, ERIE. TWO TROTTSABI'D STOVES Os him], which will bo sokhi_ at prises I'AR BELOW any brewer Rgurer, ow =MUM& In tho hboch fw • aseortirst of ELEVATED OVENS, PARLOR, P LATE, Coalofice sad Sheet hes logalators. aft, a PULL ASSORTIMT OP PLOWS Amoai which an the ELLSWORTH , right sad let head. basalt se the - Iris Cs. Pteadaie Plash Warns* PATH NIP CRIENTAIN IRON REAM, the Lightest Drat Plow in use, sad Wasreated WAIT. SatidseUes. alms the Pittsburgh etoustala IlagMsolvering, J. Loag„Wiard Dutcher, he. SLEIGH SHOES all Simi. . KETTLES tnno 1 to 120 GALLONS TIN WAKE—,A rem. MOOD UTMENT : BUILDING CASTINGS MADE TO ORDER. OIL PIPE CONSTAITLY WI KAMP CrCOUNTRY MOODS. LIMNS, SEINOLIM taketi endow at Os WOW mutat Men CASH in NO CA2 ream& Cali rd- or NO CHARGE SON SHOWING GOODS. • 31 0 3RUICUSI Nov.ll-21. JUST ILZOBIVEI!, A UWE iTOCK OP BOOTS & SHOES4I46, AT THE - AMERICAN BLOCK I Joseph Eiohenlattb ds Co., HAVE just remised from the East, at Owl: Old Stead, Amodemal Mack. a &owllad up sirortmeit of BOOTS AND SNOBS I LEATHER, FINDINGS, had every thing tufasUy fbaadla Saes tied Leather Store Law k ns ef in sad Yapr Stock atill Is head deatarraa's interbb -Calfs am Osesgr of nes, disis Kid, l'rusaßa sad Wareala Oaten of all dr ea; Wines Congress, Morocco ead Palladia Osillont; Children*. W ham sad Shoes of all vatiaths; Meal sad Ito) *Coarse Boots sad Shoes, las& daft aid tip, sad Sri is Sole Leather, Nomad add Lialags, loot Trees, Mon !Sole sad Pegs, and Shfdia~a Weis et i S si tsd" an a arbieh will bit sold at Witahrala de werilow , CI" Particular attendee sad, I. werk—dts gwarsateod. dll fresh feadiliaM tit basageoadasdas elms mesa be promintli hare or eiseldialrb. /balm &NFU sad r nth rerlomaktdind dad we. limy Wear at A?TIWDID TO. JOS. MOSUL/IUB. O. ICNOLLIIABT. aert2l.44 MsA btillAol6-1111 LONNA ANN isi o sE*, morrows mailan i tc . ingrate sad Joym kat. bow rostaird; the eaten. ttnetelestand *Mee sore of 4ortstrelaailaereamthal weakmaa; it volnataity eadasionly WoUftinntail sad ismemmeate t;to nu d ge miss it iv i d aerummeme, wpm= e mental sad ph lagaiiiiar k le_11_401(:__ Lit ADOSE--ars y explained! ia ItillowtAGN GLUM i ll WI. TOMO, 11. It Ilia meat estreowliaary book Uloold be la the hastief swag yams woos eentempla. Nag marrhia% sad mety. maa woman who desires to Math then W 1111 title ~Ng le their eirowilitas. cm Every dhows es* mho hiebleitai to youth, =Amity end WE prytalty emplehed; sway peartlete of knowledge that aLoald be Mews la hare gives. It de 1141 of engraving& What. It &delis womb that= rhosue ili bum It la /.beak; AM /.beak that mast be a% and net Us about Ulm lama. tt be seat aay one ea the reselpt _se tlawilit4:. stalhillgtelo pow- NW=Mamie AL rvose. No. US abet" Pa. " AIILICTZD AND NAM as seatair what max be your itheme. MOM leelomat( tut. der th e care of limy et the aseasimas ilaha...aouva er tarefga—wbo advertise to Slim erg mast pew. get a copy of Dr. Young's beek,aail reed dt ausAllia win Witte mesas Omaha yea - marry leper. year health. YO AA ItiMmealted ea say o t the Misses described ta bispeldissiiisq,abbi seek te.4llllllll=ll Meet, obese /oar*, . "Ice Imam from Iltol=ll. MITE= l I a• a a. isiumito • Winn. DBB. TEO II 4 ft 811. 0 031 MW; cis*imeinna, i Av eMhl the Boos Oaa tritTTl"l3 BLOCK, 'NORTH • SIDS PARK, I.Sket are re* le 411 GAMOW bribe= oeur • • - TN* igmenicis : Illborruile o Ivelsaalle bli agehr'se 11. strsl portlii l/a 411 . 11 4 P.1%1rl ?IMP"' PM ERIE, PA CERT TRADE -AT DIVING FLUE, PARLOR COOK invintrl o-• - Stoves Staves 1 Stoves 1! ! AT THE-KEYSTONE WORKS, VII MT, EMIRS CO., lit L;I2ECTFITLLY ask the attention of alibi) "lob porabsko Inowook (la Whotioalo ctlia.) to their olundid ooaorttocot /km/fled Odea 7 , ilvioz olio.) V.)014 wrov M, P.T Go; or Wool. eztrolua Top; Irooroot Oak do. V , beak, biota!, roan Hearn do, for ( oat or %%..'.,t patent dames, for W0r..1 or Coal, in irrrl.l rat , tot., rear Ceek, *. tilieelese Pe eller and hitseet Irma do. •eot......kgmeamtee Coal da.., for to sad (Moos. P.m", ailaTeh for Glitirenee, School Room,ka., Is grwat i seziete. ke., kc. We , coolisily invite VAL) partaoas as to u} le end patterns ..-4Ceeerpeiiiloo we gitflt ,nr Stoves are mannfretar•d tram the beet Seutri. ~.•J %mutate trou t , mounted in •ha tm le best ner, sr.! ,-..t , t•-• - •! worrantedtserfect. W.. do sot for baelne t: a , 4 St o re. ne hew O m w we ei kw" f this ionmi” T• • - %ace. of our uedeni, bat we 'Mk ea0a,71.1 to .4,1) ie.II roacooat.l. detrlaw.h. 1 t‘t'FINT,TILIDAI. , ', .FIIRK k CO., nor. - 2.1 /top , ' •r. `.,..4 sr. en I I tls and 12111 ?kerb • 1 *10ut...41k -EIR)E (kai..vry Asir„ • • - N• Inet4orate • i • '•')-- ( hinter Perpetual f • Property %mato.' beey b) Fire ter ear Tea 6. u. i exceeding Fire Veers. Policia. IP, 14.. I. • •:. p .sit of Premises Notre, at upon dm p., • • • • •• ! , tork Hates In Money without IL., • .e.t.a. Not«. Losses paid w i t h. ut , «fit, hmiertr .mpe bronchi aglitc..t tint , I .3e Lefffeere•y ewttr./1 free from debi, a.J u d gaff ivelitartitn. •I " , (.I{:4 WWI. B. ISA, r.. 1.9. M. yterett w`i•«.-,n. t Hittobitt, Wm ), klmien,««. ' /,•Af•••11. oVra. li. llnferts. George A Fliu.t 11 , 1.,,,iti.Inff;r3.nt Jacob Baotou, J. W. Jfibtleflo, I , Fi. 'hR- J.a. 111 a PAHA' 1., •'rCR. Jo" a • m h os, 14.0 Vifi F KiNuit-sreliT„Tnea• Hair. in N. • , ' Law Olio* Chea mid-, Erie, 1.. c 16,1,60 •fl•ectionarics. Fruits, Nuts. &c. '•)ULQ ) lolly call the attention ;.t 1.a1:41.; W sub taro i .Lch of t trtt - it: C date* . di' n . inVseture, sod in addl. Ikon to slilch 1 • from time eastern iltiss f . \Ty N EL`TION PRY. ate., of Orrery rarletr koAl dtecriptiom 1 Late aloe added to soy setabliehment H•t , , f L. , ioX purchared that of Geo. W. Goodrich and km tow prepared to rungs►lt 81WA.% CAltif.ll, - . ‘,( trrst , 14ality lad description at *a fair t.t4 sa. %. tLr In toutsetto ry In the city. By inaproteourut r rt , r, room, I ato •aotte.4 to offer tie puha): ri ;so-IAI a un , f ' ' :.:'(1'I. eutaiiri•ing Ow sal SlOilS it.. •lu that tine. Shith I Wier at privA, fa.l • iiiitiafantion. (Awe nit. a c • t. ' torkr and 800 if I asonot sell as cli.ap : "them in say line, Ar)Ams, (... .1 . Pk • l'vf I> 1' Vf:S PI I -u t fully .ena (free of rhar. .,,,, • , it, the copy of a tincrti knurt by that twat disease Coe. turupti,,a Su2rreris %et" ter AirrOXA, Bri,O3CSITI Or eny lee ? .•:,, , • • r•:.•. r. hap.* 161 I tt7 this wr ratitiied I tip, they will peeler, tw i n is with the , for hie owe eottipLete restora tion, hr I. at. - =t, • ta the heeds of every mallet*: the stae h ne r • tr kitting the recipe with Ail! dixtetkti 4, t - • .:1 nn or eddreei ja t.ri Shirt Idanufaotaring. TUnderni,c,. •. L .• ..,kena Foote, over Siettes A sh 4.• F.., $ . n rt, arbors bo Is prepared t o mak e ^s ~ io to the above Hits, of abort suttee. Orders fr , m 1. a fd. -t and the publla nmprettally sone- ted. B. S. HURTLE. NEW BAKERY! fIODSEIEEFEItS will please notice that F. t..v.sma has reanouNl }MEAD AND yODY BAKIN,;, at:qi I. prepared to tarnish fasalliaa Atli Stand ra.al ClLr. bl every deneription at reduced prioes. WM:e ft ad. P onu Bread, G ?Ahem Bread, Fresh RwAs, r akes„ /i&LttlY.oll.ll, Mines, Jazz blest, are., k, FRMI BREAD EVERT DAY. ►tmtlk+ aupolird at their hours. A luso asaartsmat Array to to, fonnal at th. Store, corner of Sato And Fifth Stmt.. Ice Cream. ADAMS' lee Cram Room.; eill to opened as tisusl this Spring, and the pn tol M will be served with CREAM, CAKES: CONFECTIONERY, &c., Of firrt qualot). FamilleoPopplied at short notice. Thankful for pant liberal p tronagn, he oaks a cantina awes of the Ittu , , 1 . 11!l7 determined to keep op his repute tinn in tke ITIVI}fICtn 7. of lee Cream, Cain', &e. may'362tf I [INVESTED IN I , - ImPROVEItIN 1662 MA NU FACTURED A. B. HOWE, BROTHER 01 ELIAS HOWE, JR. THE (inIGINAL INV EN Tol: AND PATENTEE IH.' THE HOWE SEWING MACHINE, And .rnm which apt other Sewing Machines deers Otitis Titality. JOSEPH JITSI ICE, - AGENT, mayBll32lf. JOSEPH. JUSTICE, SUCCESSOR TO S. BRYANT, No. 5 Reed Room, 3 A S WOULD again call the attention of the Witte to bid lare and Splendid asoortosat of HATA. CA I'3 & OENTB' FORND3IIING GOODS! cottaisung of HATS, CAPS. CT TAW E. T I Es, 110 SE. And in fact etor3 thing onl anything to please MU OW ialOton. Call and see for yonreelven. ur Don't forget the place, No. b Peed bone*. JOB. Juantqt.. HATS AND OAPS FOlt TUE MILLION, SMITH'S! DURING my recent visit to New York and Philadelphia, I made aryanireassilla with th• and most fashionable manufacturers for a constant supply et pods in my lino, and bate now on hind • largo stock of the best HATS, CAPS, ETC., MOP brought to %hi market. I /VIA on 13.11141 two hun dred damn PALU LEAF HATS, sad fifty dozen of HOnDS, ree.ived direct from the mast odhatayeat, which a M be meld by the deem et liew Ye* Jobber's prices. I bare Wye rrerired Beet*** Spring Publee in 811 k Rata? 8. SMITH. eprl762tt 1 21. RAD, CRACKERS, AND SODA BISCUIT CONFECTION ER I ES, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. HE subscriber is now manufsicturinb all kinds of CANDIES of Om boot qaaUty_ _aa4 ter all Mth oof CRACICILKS, SODA P ClTlrr iL ltE t ke.. at such low prices than!!'" Oolistry Ilforeitants to eomi. In Krt. and emir boars parehludog alsowhore. Private PAW * *dr b 01111•11. W111:3 1, lassaS-3 Nearly oppnai 4' ERIE OIT ; AKERY ! 11111112 CITY MARY! ! frith - uncle ed are manuteetiezing ii CRACK :4: • CANDIES of Ma% me at/. J C BUNICIbt.*OO. oat% • . Taoanoll Block, State Stmt. between 46 ant • • _ • womb dr/. P7OWARD ASSOCIATION, rllitADELlillA . :' lorlitlistittf of the INek aril Digingami, NO nrVi s = ae ro;f r pg: si =" ont and far Us VerttICIAL 'ADVICE given OM". by Oa Maths lar k killON:lker* 4/11 Booms . air floadaill as W trait Hof lbw nil sad :01" - i=rpireSttter eimilevia. nem of "TO lip *IA ta m kw posternisillbi moo. OW Ali a 9ttf,IOILLIWI4OOOWTON. AsStag Per. iftwitzisestanoi. PAN k a ' f l ib 41-101174' vklidittiMPFA uk ti l iz t art ammo is saatiloott to ad! tbi Sties 01l Dionr.L] 3. IL I:sr. WV. S. ALLEN, .i John Street, New York NA ‘-k SEWING' ittiQis No. 5 REED HOUSE LINEN SHIRTS, MERINO SHIRTS, COLLARS, SOCKS, (i v = o ttle g _ seik To Refiners and Oil Men! i! rrlrE NILES WORKS" of Cincinnatk, L are prepared to &tallith erery deeertpttes APPARATUS FOR REFINING OIL, Such as Stitte. Chemical sw Store Tanks. Wong*, Nato, Engines sod Boilers, no the skorleat aottot, Gowen prim ea ket searkengesker Parties withfor env of above, are is•lted to oxandse the work tarnished ior the awry at the math of Mill Creek, In They 14iil also furnish stem alegtneet boiler* sod aL of the arbuis searpkue, Wf Tidos 12 horse power at 75 1%4 Oman, as dem. and welching 7400 lbs., th4twerod no the ears at grirr tbr 1.. SCAT Afoot waurehl4l. '4l —4 1 EAGLE FOUNDRY. PEACH street, above the Buffalo Road, Eri., Pa. Aabeeon k Hoary would rtspectlany the attention of the publis to their large and complete assortment of PARLOR, OFFICE AM) COOK STOVES. Comprising some of the mast useful and durable kinds which ramie Odl to rive eetteßeetioe to there vim ism theca. Ws wartaat all oar atoms and when satisfaction ts not hilly expressed and the party doer not receive masa for hi• money we will make it all right. Oar stem ...teed ti.' and will prove en.ditehle se Lome matmdio totem Mettles, Sleigh. shoos, Sod loop' and all constiber of Calle tap on hand or mannibetarod to order. PLows utn Poo . ..POMO' d,saperior , wlin AAA Auer bility always on hand. AWI sad a fair trial of oar W Mesta all we salt sad we win glearrantee eatudaelsaa. grip, “ert. St, •afe. acuarlosi a HENRY THESE delicious and far-filmed Bitten JIL are recommended by the Orel Phydetase et the estuary, on sessant et Mate PURITY AND GSM M ED ICA L VIRTUE. Thep are pleasant as nectar to the testa, and 'repro Bounced the sear TONIO.AXD STUCVLANT 11 1 / 1 12 VI M& 11121111 muds. Their curative powers in cases of OESERAL OULU TY , LOSS OF OPPICTITI, OOPisTIPATION, etc., are= paralleled, and as a guarantee that we feel warranted lo claiming what we do, we beg Imre to state that our se airtime are endorsed Pref. 1411.1 MAN. of Tale College. Pref. UJI YE$, of Illomeortineeits. and barmaids of others. Fir Sale a l SLOAN, BOOTH k it'CREARY, TER k BRO, sad by Groom, Wine Reireti Druggists generally. as nov.l7 !AIL MERCANTILE HOTEL , 166, 168 & ITO, Duane Street, NEVI' YORK. Pleasantly situated, fronting Duane park two blocks vent of Broadway, and ooutirmaua steamboat sod railroad landinp. A point son.saisst for worebaata, alawafachanra, and business men pion ally WARD SLAB FDIC DA T. Parlors and choir* rooms for ladies, and for gwatbasea win. their families. feb ,3-ata:Wi. D. K. RZADK. PAINTS! PAINTS! IHAVE on hand and will sell at very tow prieedi, a large attoortmant PAINTS AND COLORS eendMiall WHITE SNOW 11111411', raneELAIA di t 11„ . Shrosoa and Preach Grate, dry a lip a, French lachau. Vaseline Red, Fire Proof Yowl, ,ee and kowtow Vennillkm, Lolled and raw I.toweed Oil, ToryeDsl s, NA- V, Glass, to Persons Introdina to I :int will QDd It hi their advantage to call Fefeie pureheaing eleeshee, et the Drug and "atm diem of T. d. isay26-51. Goner scats and ge L FRENCH'S HOTEL ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN, CITY OF FLEW YORX. Single Rooms Fifty Cents per Day, at y butt Mums e, corner of Fs isisidiert (Opposite City Hall.) Reels, as they may to ordered, in the spar-to as Relbste ry. There la s Barber's Shop and bath Koons 'MAW to the Hotel. N. 11.--Bsoses or Renew And RACIEXCI Tho. 7 1 1 * are roll ituEricli, • Proprietor. Rindeniecht & Beclanan, CORNER OF STH AND STATE' STS., ERIE. PA. riIHOSE desiring anything in the 6710. CERT LINT, e j illbakd us prepared to supply iNal wants at, WBOl -rA c I _ OR RETAIL on as fair lanai al say desist as • Ws invite Ware to tall sad amnia, our stook of HARDWARE, CRC/QUAY, GLASSWARE, SADDLERY, PORK, RAMS, SHOULDERS, LARD &C., SEEDS„ &C 0. B. PALMER RETURNS his sinopre thanks for the gory liberal titrottore heretofore extooded to n 4 surd inhume hie wriar= • that his business braving so much cc to aegeeettavtbe ear ployerrot of more Delp, be Ma &gradated with WNW MR. A. SINCLAIR,. an Artist of twills* „sears standing. and recently hen Rociteeter, N. Y., the badness will therefore be sender ted odder the DUDS et PALMER I SINCLAIR, whom. prepared to wriest, PHOTOGELARILIO Fos- TRAITS or evemdeeselpedus te a eV% equal to anytbin to WWI is NEW YORK OR ROSTON PHOTOGR, PRA—Plain or Colored, in Water or Oil Caititzt DE ildirrt—By • new and troprorrd pre wool. •IMHRO?TPES—OfaI the knoll% style,. ChUdroa's pictures takes la the bieredibly abort specs of HALF A SECOND! SOLAR PBOTOGRAPHS boa Cabinet to Lib elm. Complete loatruetten V say or errry department, tt moderato charm, tad gttarisiteed. ma331112t1. 1862. • FALL AND % T 11 A % 7 VINCENT, s: . .o:, SHIRK st , On Stag, be • lath and ISth Streets, Have in 'kn., an „ daily neeniving, h large and mite easel or STA • E DRY GOODS! A • Shelf liandware, Crockey t Zote sad Sb • as and 111 Ca sa. Solt C hip aad hhtn Ss Mahe CILOWX& Vut Ware, he, he., w :changed foe ontatel prodaee of approved credit, at 111 low prime as say tatablisluoino in this elk/. asp 104111 e APPLE PARER& 10 D1 '6 7 ' 11113 711 4 4 :atO n til li ri firers , b Dames Aulasi& Apply Part rh To sale by r sigLARN augette/tL t j W. WIMIORIII, Artesian as Law. la Wallis , ' Ot 011arreatb street, bk. Pa. 7 412 -,\\ i MAN HOOD • -- ;:i. , _- 1 How Loot I Bow Itestosoi - 1 - cra Published in I Sealed, Envelop* es Radical I eta. A Lecture oa the Naha*, Treating awl Radical Cars of Spermatorrb us or flemlael Womb' mos haTchatM_SleSeeieas, &mad Seh il ity, sad foe ham* to ly. Nervouroeee, Co ties, EpilepTa7r lerreistal and Physical frea4 peueltist from Si tAblise, k BOST. T ( C V WIC t., K. D., Author of the Orem Boo! Ire weild-reastraed author, la Ws admirato. Leen prove, hone lie ova inporlenen tint, lb' elm swirl of SeltAboree Isar be rattail , ' rrio.rad at leektehte. and without deoirerone Wenn! C Itialiob boogies. toetreiseate, dap or eardielr, ris— oat made at IWO ti eau Onftle and rift etyma, WY ;, _ PIVIT, ffillibiref. so manor vAst his candltioa NW me tease Mama olotoply. intraterly, and ndundib leatura orill prosolloos tothousands and Wasiak - t soder soh, la a *As sovelooo, to lay addossiii j ak Ads Inalkee too pniskit• stam_K b r - Ds. COO. J. C. iLra _., . 1111P r i ll Urt lirweemlifew York. Poet 011ce **kw"' 1862, N TE R
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers