he grit ifttklg Obstrrer. I,lr. PA., SATURDAY, JAN. 24. Igo ?roue SALE BILLkI, In Ei,gliElt and German, print e d at this of e re%sonible terms as they can hi. 4 ,e AI Any other establishment. , N r Cl KTI N.—This famous' camp of in uoion At Harrisburg, fora long time the dr rAllyin; p3int of our own and the ocher Steteq, the Harrisburg Tel ,ty•, vantaius At present soaroely .h.O one rew,-.7.t.thle, 41/. , ),1 company appe:trance of the place con ..irongly with ite former semi of hunt .iivity and warlike preparai jou -- R LEN rON A DICHIKRTF.I. ) Ctrl.—There are .1 treaty ladies at present firing in Charles s t' 'fhe city is almost deserted, the roe:. eini.ty and uue half of thew in blank rul.,s, since the great fire. The spec k is tle.4Cribed a: a sad and terrible one— eless and funeteal—s fit sequel 4o the great tale of rebellion. In the loyal oily of Brie tsiness is prosperous and the4treets are .)aded daily by Mies and gentlemen, many grbout purchase their groceries at the cheap ore 01 JAS. A Bliss, at tile corner of State I Eighth streets \ K HAIL ILoAD —The J.ttnestowu iN. Y.) ~,,,•,-at is informed that there is a prospect it, ea!) . eutnibldlon of the Erie and New It ta,l, to ran from Erie, and con with the Atkotic and Great Western. f„pe this news is true, though we have „I n 'slung of it before. Erie will then, IL , (hoe of next sty:Diner, be the Lake woo - of three important railroads—the ~,s•Hplita and Erie, the Erie and Pitts %Di tne Atlantic and Lireat Western. lir: Oh I'RORS.—The following is the list jrau•t Jurors fur the Court of Quarter cimmence on the let Monday in ..I.l:try Wm. E. Marion, foreman ; Jno. M. B. Mills, Homan Robinson, 8. S. Isaac Wolf, North Esst ; E. D. Gun • u, Henry Schneider, Win L. Scott, Erie; it Caldwell, Robt. 8. Davison, Millcreek ; Ley Miller, Mathew M. Moore, Anson B. In, Springfield; Calvin Bateman, Elk , e ic . Wm. Brschen, Le Boeuff ; Jno. B. .0 .r. Girard ; Edward Dalton, Concord; Earl, Union ; David McLelland, Wash" ~t 1 Francis Bpath, Summit ; David Stan , NleKean ; Ebenezer Woodward, Harbor- fultriric (TIONS TO BE BUILT —The follow paragraph we clip from tha editorial quills of the Pittsburg Pto3l, of Wednesday. s...re not aware before that the Govern- I A 10.4 finally determined On eree.;ng for vials along the Lakes . • Alij)r A. Montgomery, U. S. A., who has stationed here for inure thin a year past ho capacity of Quartermaster, has, we un .tancl, been ordered to Erie, to establish a ,z for the supply of the fortifications about •re , .ted along the State line. Major M. tduurably ,iiilified for this work by long pet lence. while his incorruptible intetgity At!, him invaluable to the government. We :Itt the loss of Nlajor M , but hope he may ' ,telly useful in Li new location " , Pori-Lae REMEDY —ln passing by Mr. s Drug Store, we were attracted by an Jule pile of empty toles standing on the -meet in front of it. Ott inquiry, we Were -tiled 'Wit they were used for sending off Extract of Smfrt Weed, the immense that medicine requiring a very Lumber of them in the course of ..• This foot of itself is sufficient I to, of the virtue of the medicine. With Iverti3iug, and none• of the urdi , puffing . used geuevall, to get up a re• for such nitaiclets, the Ettract of •r: heed hasrwt.Ved its way into the ...a contideneimore effectually than any melizine eh this 3eetion We con . its Mr tarter on the success that has I 14,- efforts IME=II ►\r LL roux.—The next lecture of tho was expected, would be delivered her. Wru It Milburn, the blind preacher, I tau gentleman having, from some unto• uutsble reason. failed to reply to any of the :ers addressed Io him, with• the exception 11,e first. when he accepted the invitation 131 - our e.ty, the Committee have eon -44.'1 to substitute Rev. ler. Pitkin, of New in his place. The latter gentleman has td several lectures iu Buffalo, which unusually well receive‘.l. ibe remaining lectures of the cour.c wl{l lairprol as follows: a) 10, John 13 (lough Suhjeet —.• Elo a,:e ►od Onuors le, Park I:- •itibject—•• The Poem •') 24, lion. baniei S I.lte4in3on. Sub The CouaLry. ' ILTII " —We are in we •kly receipt of °rig • piree4 of rhyme, some of which are gem . .. 'ne:r sun. Most of them are sent in an tßmons manner, the authors erldently be. , itzhstned of their own productions, in elk.aowever, we d ) not Clam° them. As •Pt_etmen brick of the whole number, we A mend,' copy the following verse from a e page .1 Poem (!) on Lake Erie:" green ar' thy waters, green as hot tle-glass, tthold 'em atrecht (bar: touskalongea and Oawego biaa °Wit katched thar. Lite red Ingin once took his delight s, ittn, tit and bled ; Jr Lomat of the inhabitants is *blies, rpl nary red !" ere now if any one will deny *tot reading iii*? we /we. a poet amongst ne, be can •, Dv appreciation of the "divine art." I= w ttattaosn —Tho Buffalo Colo./crows: Atlantic and great Western Railroad *tag been completed through to Akron, a distance of 200 wiles from Salamanca, • point from whence it radiates from the or York & Erie, the project of completing Erie & New York City Road through from vnestown to Erie is again being discussed. pluton of the grading on the line was done .aae eight years ago, and, if completed, wotild nine an important route, tapping the Lake ti,m o at just the right point to catch freight diking down that road for New York. The latto.-e from Jamestown to Erie is about for tve kr We were gratified to receive a viAit, Mon,lty afternoon, from B F. Taylor, -•1 the Poet and Lecturer. He was on his ‘T I, ,WArren, where he delivered a lecture ruvvl4 ) evening We found him a Wan ' P ry pleasin g manners, tine conversational ,rer g , 41,1 &soil:assuming :Ls lie is able and • ',lora,. The common impression that Mr. syi..r 14 stall editor of the Chicago Aurae! = l loorreet. lie has retired treat both edi 7, el 404 p , Aiii ee a life , and now devote. hint .: cot.rely to literature. • o :ir We hare never had4cwinier in tbM —a. perha,ps, when there VIA So I much • tqt.e. s a. during the present one. The 1r.,„nr.1 complaints ere diptheria, colds sad , •ni--1 he former being the Most dangerous. a tl ILL , a of one horse in which throe children were lying deaf st one time, stricken down Li this mystenont disease- If the snob& costisces changeable and open, we may az- MI to hot still more sickness. El Et Jr= 11. PAX4A.C*II.A.i**II6. .1-31 - SL Valentine's day comes se the 14th of the next month. isa. At this writing as far as at eye can at retch, Lake Erie is entirely free from ice. seir The Catholic missionaries who were here last winter will return on Sunday next a week, k r Gov. Curtin will please sooept our ihnaka for 1 rapy of his menage In pamphlet form. The popult‘tion of Erie in 1860 was 11,114 ; of Buffslo, 90,000; of Dunkirk, 10,- oho; and of Clevelcul, 43,5450. ' -.1 1 1r• The eighth lecture of the r.usrzte was delivered by Dr. J. 1.1. Holland, ou Thursday 0 yenta g .*;ts'• The regular tertu of Court will cow .nruce on Monday afternoon next, at two o'clock. X„, Quite a number of horse de Jere are now travelling through this section, Purchas ,o„. animals for Government. foe prospect, for getting a supply of ice iu iliii vicinity, for summer use, in ratifier gloomy. ne„, Our new advertisement column C6ll - a number of Important notices, he. We trsll especial attention to it. ger The total army of the United States, in August, 1862, as given in the Tribune Almanac, was 1,136,416 officers and privates, of whom 1,(1.42 402 are classed as volunteers. efi).,. The Girard Union says the fire de partment of that place consists of 4 • seven men with wooden pails." Erie's is not much better. net„,,-"The »nil Erie R. R. Cu 's telegraph will be completed to Warren within two weeks. The office in this city will be at the depot of the road. mg. The total amount assessed upon our billiard, drinking and eating saloon keepers, for he support of a polies force, is between $7OO and $BOO. Ma n , Some 'unscrupulous rascal, says a Conneautville paper, has been doing au ex tensive business at counteleitiug the scrip in that section. ger There are two classes of disappointed lovers ; those who are disappointed before marriage, and those 'more unhappy who are disappointed after it. U. The late Capt. Wood, of the 145th regiment, was, until the time of his entering the government service, a leader in the Pres byterian Sabbath School at West Greenville. Bar Our neighbor, Geo. Who, has opened an eating saloon in connection with his bar ber shop, and is now ready to supply oyster stews and oysters raw, as well as shaves and el.ampoons. Our city Falba+ promise us an effi cient police force in a short time ( We hope they will not delay so necessary an act any longer then is necessary to get the right sort of men. ger One of the latest Yankee ideas is s patent milking machine. It is worked with handles, like a pair of pincers, and draws the milk three thaem more rapidly than by the ordinary method. lei - The " spiritual" addresses announced to be given4L,Mr. Fay, in the Universalist Church, last ebath, failed to come off ac cording to promise, the Trasteerof the church having refused to give it up for the purpose. *IL, Mr. Isaac Moorhead, of this city, has' I presented to the Buffalo Historical Society, a, piece of a silk flag, which was captured byt the Ainerican army from the British at the . ' battle of Trenton, N. J., during the Revolution. Chaplain Williams, of the 111th regt., pronounces the statement that Major Walker has been promoted to the Coloneloy incorrect, and says Lieut. Col. 'Cobham is still in com mand, mgt.. Rev Dr. Forrester will commence, next Sunday evening, a series of lectures on eminent men in the religions world—Calvin, Luther, Cranmer, Hildebrand, and the apos tolic father Tertullion. flelj„, We are informed that B. F. Taylor, Esti , will probably be engaged to deliver another lecture, after the regular course has ended In such a else, we doubt not, he will be welcomed by a full house. Dar Amongst the missing soldiers is Wil liam Allen, of Uo. A., 'eh Pa. Reserves. He was formerly a journey wan in the office of the C'wittitution, in this city, and was afterwards a partner with Me. R. Lyle White, in the publication of the Daily Bulletin. - This his , been one of the must extra ordinary winters known since the first settle- Meet of the country. The weather has been mild-tfrom Maine to Oregon, and our cotern• poraries in all portions of the Union are re marking about it. "Col." Deal, " Marshal of the Ro tunda," at Hari isburg, is a "brick." He claims that be,sheei more blood in the war of 1812' than any other man, and the assertion is probably true. He was a "butcher"—of c*ttle le. The political skies in this section are looking brightly. From all parts of the county; not even excepting fanatical Spring field, we hear of men forsaking the errors of their Republican ways, and coming over to the side of the Constitution and truth. mgt. There will be f.mr Eclipses in 1868 ; 11,3 of theLsow-tlnd two of the moos. A par tial eclipse of the sun, May 17th, and an annular, eclipse Nov. 11th. There will be a total eclipse of the moon June let, and apar dal eclipse Nov. 25th. OS. Old Dr. Beecher once prayed : " 0 Lord, we pray Thee that we may not despise our rulers ; and, 0 Lord, we further pray that they may not behave so that we cannot help it!" There is great need of this prayer in these times. emir 11 Mrs. itranahan and Warden have entered into the forwarding and commission business at Uaioi, by wskf of the A. & G. W. R. It They are enterprising gentlemen, and will attend faithfully to all business entrusted to them. NIL. A conversation between two negroes on the sheet yesterday, was overheard by a gentlemau, to this effect : Welt, John. we are all free now." , " Ah '. Bill, that 'pencil more on Gen- Lee than Mr. Lincoln." Sensible negro that. I pa,„, Who that has ever been to any of the large cities, and witnessed the airs put on by persons who have made enormous fortunes of the Government, hoists., had brought vividly to his mind the familiar old couplet ••• rts.rows to rob a beasoest et a hes : set steams lug* Tram as esetterase." no., Nearly every town and township in , the county has some persons in it who have deserted frail 'lather MO 83d, 111th, or 146th Miami/. We lava that directions lava boes given to the deputy provost marshals is arrest .I of IN* close that they can dad, and send them back I. their mimes**. ger Capt. Johiateww, of the Nth Ohio, the son of the flutiou'lehir Brown, It is said, Is one of the diem •dietilmed ;from the sor tie* for bass &mot ifilkliktelvavc "Olive noels Is will 410* in tbs.& parts, and there 'axe - semi , . plutind enough to say that thole* erlde inlilahlioareer is wlistilifftelymied; • • I Ws &swat that AhmOesamittee will ba llet opal' it that permayttrpo Woad the lows tares in Nye *mak! preset before the hour for the speaker to commence, half-pant seven o'clock. There, Is no excuse for being later than that, and .reepeet for the comfort of both lecturer audwildrenee • should induce people to eludes"! to w tu usi t attendance before the lecturer amain 'rids remarks. It might be. rather a hareh'iWttod. bat we be lieve the greeter portion of our lecture-going community would sustain the Ooneutittee iu doing it, if the door* of-the Hall were promptly bolted. when the speaker begin+, end no person allowed to enter afterwards during the evening. Or A correspondent says he has lately been in a dispute with s icentiontan who con tended that Mr. ,LineolWitads majority of all the votes in the United**, and he asks us to decide the question between them. The best answer that. we can give, is to cite the figures- themselves, as we finli , them In the Tribune Abitonae for the present year. The vote as there reerded is as follows" Lincoln, 1,866,452 ; Douglas, 1,37§,157 ; Brecken ridge, 847,9511; Bell, 590,681. Any one wit* can add end substrsot will ascertain in a minute that Mr. Lincoln is • minority Presi dent by only a few less than a million votes. Ml' Some of our city boys have a very singular propensity for tearing down hand bills and posters. In the beginning of the week, we noticed two men putting up some large and costly hills. They had scarcely finished the work five minutes, until some youngsters came along, and tore them down. Boys may not be aware that there is a heaiy penalty f‘tr nets like this If a few of the most mischievous rogues were punished for the set, it would put an end to this sort of work, for a while at lewd sifr- At the commencement of the war, we heard a prominent Republican business man in this city, hotly arguing with a leader in his party, against any net of hostipy to the Constitution, alleging, as wsr that treason to the Constitution Is a crithe equally as great as treason to the Union. The same individual discontinued his subscription to the Observer last week, solely because we stand to day, where both he and us stood, and President Lincoln and almost the entire Republican party, at the opening of the re bellion ger The eon of a prominent Abolitionist, living not a thodsand miles from this city, returnedbiome a few weeks ago, having de serted froni the army. The father, instead of sending him back, and lecturing him upon the disgrace of deserting, as he lli would have done had he been es anxious for the success of the war as he professes to be, at once discovered that he had important busi ness fur him in Canada, and giving him money, told hint to •• skedaddle" sy fait as railroad ears could take him. kir We are pleased to learn of the appoint ment of P. (.1 Stranahan, Esy , as ticket nod freight agent for the A. S G. W. R. R at Union lie k a gentlemen well calculated to give ssuisfartien --active, enterprising and ; good natured. We congratulate the company on their success, in getting the services of so capable an officer Mr. Stranahen is also agent for the United States Express Co NI. The soldiers who' return from the bat tle field, crippled, diseased, and unfit for lougerrvicei, should be kindly dealt with by our sp ale. Take them by the hand. Wel come them to their homes. Encourage them .y cheerful words. Help them to good situ ations. Show by.lour sets that yon truly ap • predate their patriotism. We fear that there is too much neglect on this subject by our citizens. par Congress has performed one sensible sot at lesst.,:ln ehanging the low in regard to revenue stamps, so thit each article lased no longer needs a special sort of stamp. Any kind of stamp can now be used, on any arti cle, provided the denoMination is of the right kind. This m the plan that we have urged from the first. L.twx TRADE —We Iltre indebted to H. F. Oaggin, 'Esq., the gentlemanly Assistant Col lector at this port, for the following tables, exhibiting the commerce of Erie for 'the six months ending on the I ot:43eceniber, 1/44'.! : • ilk. Talmage. Crew Vtitarls emitted eaaateuse, :70 11 4 ,912 1,075 Vesi.ela frail frtsigft oonattiass 91 14,0.11 6:11, Total resarl4artived, 666 146,906 5,336 Yeasts elsarod coastwise, 560 128,317 4,580 {'reels furfurolits eonntrieq, 94 10,113 639 Totll revyt , li rlcturd O:I2ECED . Anthracite Coal, 281 Mitt lryt. Atuffs, bags; Pig Iron, 146 toss ; Limestone, 351 cords ; Sati, 15,197 bbla Salt in sacks, 10,000 Ibs : Core, 21,860 bushels; Lumber 145,182 feet ; SuiphurieAcid. s,o44erboys ; Ale, 11l bbfit. CiPliiiFrah, 761 bbls. ; Barrels, 3,436 ; Wheelbarrows, 249; Sugar, :!08 hhds. ; Mar ble, 21 toes; Shovels, 360 i n Cbsate. 1 barrel ; Chains, bundles ; Tribe; 1 1*; Paring Stone, 1118 cords; Powder, 887 kegs Iron (lee, 25,- 289 tons; Flour, 1,322 bbls. ; Gams, 72 bales ; Gypsum, 195 teas; 111164, 2,100 bush.; Pickets, 8,000 feet ; Hoop, 2$ tons ; Laths, 50,000 ; Slate 10 tans ; Spikes, 57 kegs; Steam Eieavator, 1; Groceries. 41 packages ; Furniture, 39 boxes ; Water Lime, 750 bble. ; Pumps, 89; Tea, 26 chests ; Raisins, 8 boxes; Soap, 12 boxes; Iron Kettles, 200 ; Bu t gist. 1 ; Firewood, 8 cords ; Hams 12 tierce : Cedar Poets, 500 ; Caustic Hods, 18 casks; Wagon boxes, 128; Hides, 840; Flinn. 2,200 lbs. , Whiskey, 52 bbls.; Feathers, 18 lbs. ; Shingles, 2,000. lixPoiers. Bituminous Coal, 05,732 tons ; Lumber, 1,687,819 leet; 8tate42,1523,780; Bark, 2,061 cords ; OS, 90,520 gallons ; Powder, 820 hap; Staves,l4,77o shooks ; Brick, 16,000 ; Hoe Handles, 11,400; Nails, 1,0578-,kegs; Petrole um, (crude) 111,080 gallons ; noops. 2,000 ; Fawn, 48 bundles ; Fruit, 180 barrels ; Ma clattery, 23 bones; Scrap Iron, 60 tons; Stores, 205 tons; Rakes, 5 tons; Wooden Pumps, 608 ; aM Pipes, 21 bundles ; Wagon Rims, 866 bundles ; . Wagon shafts, 16 bundles ;= Sulphuric acid, 112 carboys ; Glass Ware, 48 boxes ; Cheele, 3,284 lbs.; Fish, 850 lbs. ; Po tatoes, 53 bbls.; Bungi 2 Wt. ; Pig Iron, 2 loos; Hair, 14 sacks ; Steam Snipes, 2;— Household effects, 18 boxes. LII 00 Writ N'r N4llllOlll. EtioAaoatt 4nd, OW. Ma. EDITOR— Dear tr . you pienes mammas is-ths local oslasgas 7 . ll your nut *nts, that "the Ladieslldaiulety" win have of hand next Wednesday, a -tarp supply of thuntel shifts W be nattle, i oloopsant for socks, Web itisidialtrabTe,'llMiltd . lks finished lllll oediately. The members and friends of tits Sadie, AT, .!Mikgkr WOO ft!' aall and Pro cure material for tits sumo. kf . ollotteetapco is also solicited, is impo t tial !Mtshissif is to come before the . Socisty,;:**lte tho action of all latOrtqlei * ll 4 Tflifff•• By.catiaa of the Sollildr, . )41, saw!, 4401eTta!: IWy. • ' WittlitiNt .7, .4, PRIP. I .44oo4Prl nisik 3MMISMOY- Margistasi ' x•ifi SNOthaltr MOONS( 10 BOORMIPILi!g11~01111411.01iiiiffel • or • • Jollia IL—BarA of CA4O4. 111 eating" restored to Iseahb by tbeir was iL de mew two yeark very eddliwitillit. • wad he tried 'myth*, bet MY sot 1 301.214414511, 1 M took onelleasamb' s arervirlirror 4 1 ot eh M s every day Ibrffitwd AdY4 4,04 14 " t 4" Ptb every day, with smooth be wad able go to rift, wee wed, gandesr4o possikurrarte Yews trilby - .:• ,,, /111 1 111111 AVILDT. Widmann& Corm, - &loud Phedg beteg duly swam sap that he us-Ida in the tows of It.. CasiM t 011aggetihifildlAru t' very aka with a sore oa his leg. for ever Goa yowl; that ha was aim 111111414 Adijatta qty a pats to his cheat, sad beehive was vary with* and dyspeptic ; that attn. trying 11111101111 reamaillaa sad ammas: kis..ienios, he eotameoord asiaintithea ptltti at; to might throe time sod .-.-a7 mouth the sore la his leg healed , 44:61 tiro month. he was eating, toted of mom& tiplosiada and pato, and has rootaioed welt aver Ansa. nur. r nis tot 41-rlittli eld,mdsme • Thei film - •.r Disessio iirmet—Do Shies wit its Willa' 4rATt HlTaides Pat up with s ailhis i tachira.,,,a L td illnetioss. Mat tIS 4sti likpr advortimussot oa third,pae• Freikis ATV A Mtlita In Eric l. O s - 51W1 o the Ist day of Apra next , .se • nal •-. , game tram promat location t. • , • NO. 2 WRIGHT'S BLOCIC, (TWO DOORS NORTH OT PUTS STRUT,) which nom is pow bolas Wad sp for oi. IS, 6111 loestiaa. very paddy isersassd doing bisftise, sad vitk a reseatkumaluseed. esiedulv said etessiets Met of DRUGS, PANTS, OILS,- **DOW GLASS, &a, Ala; ' I trust to moot 111 my okt Moodootborwiltoy willow borotofoto, 1.4 It to theft advantage to rumba& tasielta T. 8. 111$01 AIR D RY UP! DRY UP! TIIAT CATARRH IN YOUR BEAD' Which you an do by ming Dr. Wadsworth`, nobody oaDod "DAY UP. - Thta irrtkla, wb.n mod, boa never Won known to hat in eMeethng a Ow of tbL distmeatag ask dlaguatingaffontinn. Prim ono dol• law a Sakti*. Bold In trio only by dootredlf. 3. 8. CARTER. SANO COFFEE. astide Wilma inclomively ardltts Ibis wadi other iseentrima. awl la Wi ll y apptoma_ FLA TOR, lIZAIMIIII% APID I,WMOTI/0 This Codes empires iiivotabki with, sad la bit pi ef.rlnd to Rio and Java, and la SOLD AT ABOUT HALF THE It 4 around and pat up la Tia Fan paper ia Is', orldt labels that ma ell Ii" " =MP to tha cent t Oba 4l, rala i .1 which La bidpi iy as . . eat of ■ I►J holding • tot /e• pot. n, Lslots •r• rwl, 'tress •ad t tr •ud arll C , rights.] , :1)3 0 CU F.FEE.7 It is pee., tir. ee.:9 wood boxes of Ad lbs. eack; - Aso fa bulk t.l ,to acct coma'. Moo oa hoiwt. WILES' OL (111? BANMENT, J VA, _MARACAIBO. NZ LOLLING°, RI. i AND MYR COMM Gf supertor iseilq, in Tie Toll pipsos and bosom ; MOW for to Sono Dealers WU mod for Menhirs sad Lift at Orders by mail or Exprete prootetty aseested. L. F. HOLMAN. 43 noniron ti„, • Soli Agee, br the United litotes. New UWA OF COUNTICKFaII . ! WNW. LAGER BEER I . " THE undersigned is mewed to supply: diaiors with tb• best weaft et Ow shays issimll iissslient beversefliem his BRENITEI.I7, Mud* at the writer of D. 1. Road and Parade Strait, near Or South Orlira pasitti tkit city of Sri.. Ear delivered to dty tadmatare—.M for *aim outride es eity-4a4 at ether of the railroad t i Za. HOERLIti Something; Kew I Dyeing Made butyl FARMERS' WIVE:I, LOOK mats! • THE finest Shades, viz: Blue, Black, Gam, Rad. Yellow. Orange. Purple. Pink Drab, Slats, eta., pat op in packers it 15 as 25 puts Pah, with particular directions for wising to produce as; desirable color. Oa hand sza for sale 11 u0e2541. JNO. 8. CARTER, 4 Melange Row. -1111,itARIIMEWIM, ti C AN NOVR" F N H OVIT. II AL CIMIMENC4I4" b Trains will lam Dankirit at 'Deal tiLaraibatarlenar. Eastward Boutul-Dppart. gishi gsprras .4 30 r Malt - ...... . 6 46 a. a .4tock get rdea. load ?MAL . . . ~,12 inp ,d Way IP4elebt . s3l k X Faat Freight - •-•rra day rei, runs every day (met ;Amor, o-si r,Ft Philadelphia 85 Erie lialiroadi CHANGE OF 11/11E. ON and after Monday. Jan: StiC 4/163j sod until farther rasirtice. trains of this Road will ma as follows • LEAVE ERIE. 8 40 A. 11., Ascoainvodatloo ?raki, atSbrlll4o' at 5 00 P. W. • 330 P. 11, Vail ?gala, (anor tbe ateivahr of Lake Mises itoe4a,) sad stem at Warms s t 10 P. !IL LEAVE WARREN. • 110 A L. Mail Waft. arriving at lit* at 11 Id 4. 111 S 6 A. N Aceoestoodation Tea% arriviag trio at • 616 E o. • E;% lien Tashi West eeeseets at Coil* with Inman 11 Grass Weseere 0. Acteassiodatisa Ibigaillm. am& heeomeodattea Tsetse INA sad Weiljeineeeket qon. with 'nibs ea the Atteatte h greet Wldes am mu. - - -- - - 6115 180.110 6,114 Creek Rail Reads. WM. A. BALDIRX,JIO,I.43I. oSeu W. W.. Sr* Jew. 6. / 4 4 4 - • . OYSTERS, OYSTERS. lIWBALTIMOIia °Tana& 11); 01 1 . Received Daily Aissis e. baud le 6ll=o la with producer. ere as that I . 7 geed. la Rep sad Nut bay. dined tree gbe Fee • sad they are eanwpeently always frisk lad atilheliair quality. Olden true any point ea the railroad awl W. pew routeslee. lent of Iris trUl aidielypee with ell the Wiped* poseilde. Th. prime will Wipe keretcdote the nab, as In eastern eines and vary to" esk-i with the brand. - - e Deed a o sir of atale 40 4 Frll4Thaumil YOBXTOWN `(not) TAXER' 1 JEFF. DAVIS (0130111' TO '11111,401 MOSES ICOOII Woul Lm e i r.:III23P hMa di ECIILLLY in- • ' M is still to Ms Sid stied, CORNS". OrSTATIL & FIFTH BTB,. Hisses he tress Ulm to toll sod oasis. goods. His its* Is is brie sod SM ssioMist aur I.WIN sad be Is dissnslord sot Ss is stolesoderiold. Hs has just tsadval lb* bard • . st . SPRING AND - BUMMER GOODIalt• Est: . brseibt to au. Ria motto b the lasi of quick aim owe prise. sod stoat dot lam .. If m oat tt mist Hoy us storssistsd UMW birktirliale do Ma. „ . 1,2 x C rilla inisin: *Bl "-*MllO4 * • EDWARD PURDY. Room to babe, m►, ffits 1 8th 4 47 or e a9tober* 1869 - 8. lIIALIMM SMITH. laotteo of U. Peso. sol6-Im ball the Droggioilkflo-RA, •-• ' ' PK(ZI rUICTRY. Lalghieftelee Ovid_ sedised . 2m 7 I. • ' • A tid litalltrell“li. UMW il -, 4 nobler tlretstpoy,balli4W-r • •- • .• In wales of liesueosee auttaidociPflbe. :: .• 1 I . ?bob cures aro esuad tae laidz." • ' ••• 'Mid itssaida's esowe—ebad s deed • . ?bolt woodresss works —the 1111,, by fl • , Produced uduscu's cou Milk. • ... ' r 4, • .. --•••P Mt : • Does dims" alliet per 7 .. de . "ll IWO* •r• . . ... , This shaislag eoasioesd vlll tree it wt, Alsul health sole mrseeisk Iron Ily al alai \CT 5 :,-;• QUALITIRA ERIE RAILWAY nompi : b 1110.11: *II: i ta i o • , 3 usy PUB SHED BY DR. A. STONE. . - Piys* : ti tiserleillgimitilr magu t rate Update. . *O l / 4 ' CI iiise id WV roopia : So Mope of Ilty. Coo salll4loo amid Noiromna. This lowri d. Me if sAir‘ wow do* Milne folditask re thrighoe saw*" ood amok illiialle is thin moors! • emea.......ocau. "Awn Sod ersenikdoo *AP* Vitalise icSiall i titist ralebtriiitlissai k ers ... „ . ti sad tAardloas ! roil tot wsobl maid". bbitak ,You roman Sot&oot to seed sad pt tigolook. Chain' Too to. sktotsl4 at Ofsde 111tClIfft A copy el to l lpimes, II& AWo ofl.ll=l. Climiliesliese Advise Aib 1 them orbs "MI Riellan. A clad* of nubladlonprevall to a losofol ontoM in.lio eoulasualty, demobs at !.sat 160,000 youths - s 1 bath on • PI anotolly, toga fiasty gram Thom are ter, hope:6oy modoninood. noir *skins, lanoilroottilisor or ornytouns e don No Niplauithe LanatianOissorsoo or narking and oonnumptios 4010 thrash, afar►sAibal• bobs. shmussitirt w its 4, riod brollidna _lmung a MU or /Mot =inn tho4lOorti Aolloon.:11rooettltis amars= ad Air Mao& sad ijime ; ta !mei- A l S' fin stein 454 ,,gh; orry. liplirwirt die Nara, 1111•= k p a ja k ai pi parts alt as body ; rstwhe up* armb s , r ii=sl.l or Imiliaatbsn, lersokieskr Chi. airootioot of lb* Iddoe” and other' r , • Irow, la • • Ont oVettA Ag o g= alatt*. ' ' ' 64 -I bals 'et Otis* Limp as 4 GM soot is. sad _et _essomptiee of the..llplarl • - *MI Tebee..Asesatird lulimarii at Os /Yds aa filitri.l4llllll6l L ai l= The I 'MU* ea., 'Oil Wait wed &maw If.s. laribeirairl sad a . - Aws sisal • • Alatells.6lollts. .voms.psilellr Eq. ra f J. C. 111111,4118$ WH.-0 LE SALE GROCZIttgp CRACKERS AND CANDY PROPRIETORS OP TEE Erie City Steam Bakery, In • - • —IL 'lrAnuutiare soma . Olt CCRIES, PROVISIONS, • ; t ad A. 41. 4 1,,, 0 L A4S 8, ... 1 9ti if to ROPE, " I V it} 0 VE - N ir AII E, IFISIC„IA'A,LT, W AT ER LIME, ',' . A.11-,13.1a1 . 14. OIL, _ W 1;41 E'fil .4 4 , N b . LIQUORS. ars puttinvii ss iVertersq•- tisis, to rs semble the goosiss9Asio. as ~as Ito Iss stradts. SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEE, , • RPICIT, FRUITS, NUTS, TOBACCO AND CIGAR 8, s - BUTTER, CP A tws WATER, '4 SODA BISCUIT, .I"rgEgur" BAKERY m A Fauk'Crrr-STEA CANDY! - commoN FANCY CANDIES A 'MARE OF TIADI IS souarno. J. C. IBURGEI39 & CO., waft State Stra•t, tint ftsr• *bon Port Oalos. fig-TEIAN- TEN THOULLN D lIIMPLBS WOO alllda lbws lam asallia llha qty of Its slaw Its iittroda4 k•aulais II Wien tarnamliallft ? . eeky as 1114 ha *an la basing% bit amino elfbiaaalled at , detect boa bee* above taaato Ila . 011112, aU tarmil of • . Pr. , SORE TIIROAT, Dill/BM , SCAR A ,, ;Fa; &o.- .> • - -i-it tufts-, .. . ~ litinistereiiiiiti*Wyere Sore Throat CURWfiettftHITIE. LIT CURES—EALT RHEUM. 1 IT CURES—SICK HEADACHL IT CUHEE—HUREE, CIIA,EB, AC. 1 T CURES—CH9I.ICB, CLAMPS, &C. IT CURES—PAW ft THE BACK. TT CiiiMds , --REEHiIitTEIL - • - ' 1 IT CURES—CHILL BLAIN& • - p Gives CURES—CHILL reliet in Aiit t inna ~ PRIAMAit, Mr bitiilP. 1: ver, vakitabla la GRAVEL • DROPSY, AND KIDNIY A P FICTIONS. G meserpaeardl ail 4 alitilriiNT AND' liAlifiSILL.llB; In Bottittiiit 25 and - tler - CIL • w it git reapirOAL Druggiottpaid Dation la W Imini,AßD 01404 Or CO, Kim UN mbil 8A 'FON . . alrfr !Om Tl Velgie Arra. ti 7 whop "plonk Wiri l "Z a salotby • JOHN a. darrika*rs. • Alas ads` jpoprimlst ef tors suatAn dorm NMI Mirk • nunnr - = NUN WOIIN CANDY. Atevitseerb to Pi** reMira NVITII4II or zrm Mei ONE WAR E! oeneff". 11_1 Lb elilgeALl Azi4o PK* CIZ , LY A siowenter ess.aieb,•: a• comie Ittie.rl6.llol , , _ • tc.l; - • - " L ,l o l Wfiitwt g. • . ..00 ta 14;,tra IMIOAteIMIOIIIIIIIIII -OF - L ' AND ILLNETACTUREIS Or OUR STOCH OF TS, LARGE /t o PI C) m M 0 al OUGAR, ._ pw-Nic, BOSTON, K., elliLMß3e; . waLose, mums sAitßucn WINE! rifiikaus roes mils ow, OF C 1 10147 R OPO,RTO FRUIT, FOR PHYSICIANS* USN, P3r Felnalees WOkitly Persons and ii . P a a 44v k. ,, . - tx ZINN! , • 44 . la Sarepte WINN, . rts amtdlehtsl sad beaelleisl • intl. 8 • 11 •111s14. ?oak, Mantle sad illghlzeteated iftft 4s t p h ys id ass , use d Ids" th•Pildlle, sad 6p some of the Snit " 44 th retype sad Muerte". • AS •vosno. hr ts ..alhscals mat as smut* ep WO alt. W eat agraly • pare wine g, awed gni h - - AS • warm, itiawies • bealthy action to the Glashbi end Lid ewe, lidoety wpm, very beneficial is Drop" Gest, sad Itheenudie toixnre or inane= article , but purely Awe Ms. of the /Singel •Beinbinas Grapes, mitt- Vlsd la New Jersey s ',cannonaded by Chemins and Ml= se posiondiag mensal properties superior to aay Wines in us, and en excellent unen for dl taertt and.kibiltlnlid penes lad the aged sad issaillag the appetite and benefit ling Lain and child A ',oar WDIA illeeenee It wilt sot into:tests as other win.., as it lrintanure et spite or other liquors, and la te ter Its deb, piteelbsr !hirer, and nutritive lanerthig healthy tam to 14e digestive or OA a blooming. soft and healthy able and eon. • WI MIR TO a valikamsra gentlemen end *yeti:bun, she bare tclei • %a s— een. OSA U.H.A. Dr. Winn, 11th et., N. Y. Stash ID/. Wald, Newark, N. J. lit, • ii_CTR Y.Ctly DJ. Doegberty Noel. - skY Olty. !Dr. Parish, Pau. nod Nicholl s own; W. J. ' • A None ui re hakes k the signature of .ALPRED N. J." ever the cart of each bottle. • ONE TRIAL OF Tit s$ WINE. ;M. by J. B. CARITII, HA LL h W I=4 Apeats also fbr MU'S Celebrated flambee:l Sandy of Oporto, a pun old wads. A. 1117 Zit, Pnorarrrou, VINEYARD, Pasenia, New Jenny. 1.. a. rev. r 21,01.11011 Inesdass. lies Yana ~ :LirVior Asa( IS Tress sad Genaasy. DRY GOODS** FOR THE HOLIDAYS In Store and Receiving-Daily, FINE DRESS GOODS! Epress Cloths, 1.1 Aar • 44-.1",_ French Merinos, all shades, SO FINE JIIDDLZW/LX BRAWLS 1 Received this Day. 100 Fe and Medium Quality IN STORE CLOAKS ! CLOAKS ! Fine Doe Skin and Beaver CLOAKS! Medium and Low Pt iced CLOAKS! All the Newest Styles SEAVER AID DOE KIN CLOTS, FOR WINTER MANTLES! Hoods, Sontags, Nubias, Ladies and Childrens' WORSTED HOSE &. GLOVES, -' 3I. JUEIT IN. 50 BALMORAL SKIRTS! Jprovateiwa and on the Way. Real Lace Collars„ , 21 j t and Embroideries, A P ! • WX. P. HATZB & CO., 8 REED 1101188.. Oasts Cleveland and Eris Railroad - i tl at ie Nov. 17th, 1862, u folbous. IJLAVE CLEVELAND. vumi r IL L ltaltaps at Inllasiti&A ratan i*Trat=ll. alaa ainld ' at &la .1 4 WU awl Ate.akailaties tea, Mops at al 0, P. as mins at Tama Ms at 7 alt. IL t Imam dap at 111111 1 . N MOW& . obi abut. oar. tad artiturtt car . .uravri ERIE. 3 OS' au& Mika Sapesial_'iltiasam at' onamat, Om adman& and Paiorfas sudin sad s n iv el sh Clavelasa 1144.. L. 411lt0 ic-4141611 sad Aaaapamaasidss ?W aliwlN star? at all alio alatessa sad maim at Clinn4 1 a IL tr ie rmailemateirard,EldpeiagfaLlAtaaasan Aaktabals sad Pairsornia, anima at WV& tams theaseit. USW_ ~rattuvard, aosaaat at Claraisaoladastolsalse Am Sta. • realiziabaa,Cta• asasaidskrikairadolia, , 1111 thallismaddtbrabe peas Eastaard,aosaact at Der villiiialobirat 11. Ilenteatb aad as ilikkiliMAPlX Monad lad I Mho Lek Viirltiam,fildima ck =k • 111 , IL • • &NI, ram& and Pittsburg H. B. , sustuzu AIIIIANOZKENT - 10 :rzions o acidor. May gilt ?Was 9 9.1 - 4 GS 114rir York lONIA. ; f••••• TAS Parairm r. a ; 0113 Is. it. N. Jl , l6llmilelpilils ea F. a. I 1 6 isri. ei T umn ad-.0.1i4 DM P 414 WI a. a; s.idea. . J L. IM I 15, . T. Amt Sapsdatosolui. ER73 zmuratgiv• Nod.. - - - to - the stook - Saws des tris_ tan& Isst r esearst swag wyeallsolinf beirlistibele•llool alidirillges• mervieneant msystima f• N. ~ AM. ilWri. ii X. LI. / e' ,- : Iltdo, DOM 1- WWI. . 1 • . - notaxot.tho Not* bit r CriVta i r , 41. (16y. 4214' •• I e . rille*Vr. A „ • ;i s • lir .1 I -IN Valours, Poplins, Silks, &c., Stc ALS() Ftiu 1.1,N 16 41 Nu 'A LeOtIOLIOr 1111*.titATIOW t I ♦ ?VIZ TOlld DOCTOR HOOD MAI CBLIBBATPD GERMAN BITTERS, Tun= BY DR e. M. JACBSOI4, PHTLAD'A, PA. WILL EFFECTUALLY CURE LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, Jaundice, Must 1r Nerwlia - .0460, Diseases of the Aidnett,dod all /*oases arisksempt dI I 4116 dl a a Liver or Sitemach, 4". - . J as Coastioa , og ir r ,ttoolOuratd riliassait Jihad le as Esse. AMU/ at Um Slur b ash i Naassa, For reek PallassaK Wsigbt la die Sesssesb. PIM 14pk.tletryIlisideir nattering at the iiNk se am 11,110, miss se the IleadjlardalsadeSsaitl, Inatteriag st Um Burt, CUM"' *e ealsasitageta %tapas elm ins Wag postare. Pima. af boos " webs Was Ups Medi Wm sad Den Ada teas Row, Delallaw at • TaLlennem at tils Ma sad iiss, ti* Balk Liasbe, des, Sadden Illasbas at Bess, Buda( la Vas Thells, Cast- Atask . stoat IssiOssilsa at /MS. sad grastDspres. -atom of *Mts. AND WILL POEVIVILLY PIIIVIINT YELLOW FEVER, BILLIOUS FEVER, EC THEY CONTAIN NO ALCOHOL ' OR BAD WELSH= ! They was °vas the above diseases in Musty-alai ewes out of hunched. 1 nduced by the esteanive gale ead saiversal of lioadlaad's Osman Bitters, (pupa, ~e~riaaiy heat of ignorant QUM** GM unscrupulous adventures% have opened upon r ~se hansaalty the ginnivatus eif jigs• trams in the shape of poor witMesy, Ably ssespeetuirl with tejurious drags, and christened Teaks, Ilessoschice and Beware of the enionexabie env el Ails awawa nese is partnesteleenies and btp leMed keg% moils time modest appellation of Bitters; • bldi tutted el auto& only swan* dinsee, sod lase the desppelneedanlie• et in despair. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS 1 Are eat • mew sad untried &Haas, WS Iwo deed the teat of Nam years trial by the lanterfara pailka sail their niretatioa and rats / are not Mailed 17 ow mow preparation. The errepetors have *omen& of Lol*ere from theme! LERiitYIiEN, LAWYERS, PHYSICIANS, Toot*Los, of their own sal bafrivisollp h tho racial effects aati ad virtue of lbw Moro. DO TOL' WAST SOMETHING TO STRENGTHEN lOn L:i TO WANT A GOOD APPETITE? DO YOU WAN? TO BUILD UP YOVR OONSTrrul lON 1 DO YOU WAX? TO FEEL WELL/ DO YOU WAIN TO GET RID OF NERVM!MaI I' DO TOII WANT ENEBG - Y? DO TOO WANT TO SLEEP WELL? DO 'UM INUIT A BRISK AND VIGOROUS FUZING IT YOU DO, Oat HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. Frew J. Naiads Snow% D. D, /dew 41 Os tarrikr podia of astigiess Rim&Oan Although sot to Sine Mt amelaeN Palma Medicines Is throissit disbud ef their kips& eau end e ; I yet keow of so widest ranee • man nay sot tottUfy to tie boss& be believes token receivod from say shook poportloo, to the hops tbst be may tbets eestftets le the Masa or taboo I 4oalhili the noes teed( fy Is regard to Ifoo Our. man Bitters, propozod by Dr. C. IL Asouors, of alio my, tocausi I woo potguitood them for artr soar, the Improoloa that they aid* ea zy= marten. lam Widow to lay Mood Robert ihnomogor, Log., tor thy renewal a Otis Sertions• piper MIN sod for esetisitst thses. whoa stillbeist hem egg Imos wa timog dringy. The moor their boll • lea igibmor at the Wain tthrproongroor, followed is sod roliaL looftyst Os • al. fra me s of bodily sad assort .hoer I bad sot Mt Si six meth' bolbesiod bog rogobirgt Utoothiro 'hook God sod my trisad di rrlroothig MO UM Si Vow Pgu.AWA, Aron tIUSL J. NUM( 111110 WW. Prom tad Arc JOSEP ib i sEXIIIWID. elk Meld Cierch Da. Jacessie—Deom Sas bate n ttmet=er =to eseseope name Id* Ids& el IA seraffee penotht as eat of op / iferefti ell elm 4to Anal; bet TIO s deer le WINNE 11111.111111.1y11111 la my ems se the udder. De. =Germs te b llttlo depart foe sees Irsio seed wank te etym. my fan eiel w etemelsttee * tbeldoe= oral ilellUhar 01 the woes ee, Ceeepl lt ebt. II WI Nib obi pettes. Is sate may WI, bet usesny I aeon met. It vinbe very Is them wlte raise hes the Mereeriess Tems tesi moteeirk 113111114111. Curti, Went Cedes it, All's. Dee. MIL hes the WV* W ILIXICRIWI VU111:4411. Cameo isms. Alaalll, Da. C. N. Jussall-132 MR. lj rararrgra i=as il Uil ive lrar l ial i sso am "Si suod-rol *WS dim= apDaras vls aid lita mea a l tlk• *- =ta. Thal tallaasis spa aserees pastratlas bp arm. 1 Dore assullil I=stly is ir aYaae i e n i m m i ass o z;tras. as& walker Dab mills OM, laslasar : • 1:4117 i mei. Tarr medlars* bar a past mt • y - ' le sisr mold Is s way Dis rag st.• - a IM I la most K rapes bus. It aary ono postlosirbst tams setts too Gensoustasa, ; *Wpm* elo imeastkon, dot Ow Bsst - •ma k NB Akar' WPM rasa west/ agar, „ 'Narver tla" Oki WM. • • —di Atm". Maio al, Mani T.L't ~,n ass GM x. .T4caeozr,” W.aftsmmnolidadlWWft PIUNCIPIt onici a itiUMACTOW lei AND CITIZENS,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers