rit 0 hstrfier. SATURDAY, JAN. 24T1L.:18C to Dim am tsi Comornmos—"Nott ..)/D Fob. 111•111b.-0211 AID blitilllliani. A.TIMIPTID BRIBERY AT lIARatoBURG ...ABM TES RADICALS WERE TRICK RD AT TUJLUI. OWN DAME. Almost every oneof our exchanges from the lower part of the State, which we have received during the past week, ha given us some fresh insight into the Lite election of United States Senator It , now ascertained beyond dispute. th.tt va rious Democratic members of the Legis lature were approached by Gen. i'AmillON and his friends, and sums of money almcst incredible in amount offered them if they would desert their party and their duty, and vote for the ex-Cabinet officer for Nat in the National Senate. The state ments to this effect have been' published, one after another, in the journals of Phil adelphia, Pittsburg and Harrisburg, and neither Gen. Csxr.Rox, nor any of him friends, nor organs, have yet dared to deny them. The story as it is now current is as 161- lows : For a few weeks previous to the Senatorial election, Gen. CAMERON Ira., Un usually bland in his conduct towards the Democratic members. His friends gave numerous entertainments, at which eel taro legislators, supposed by them to be corruptible were invited, and the Genet al never failed to be present himself. At these, all the wiles of shrewd political gamesters were put in play, to endeavor to pin the support of one or two I lowacrats, —at first bribes were proffered, then threats were made, and again offers of place 31.(1 profit. But all were of no avail. The Dem ocrats stood as firm as a rock to their it re efLanoe,and all their efforts .eenae.l 1. Jtue 1 to fail. The Republicans, feeling that there teas no chance of success, determine 1 to po,t pone the election for another yeas. For . this purpose Senator Lon RY inwstlueedi his familiar resolution, alleging th“.. there were great crowds of let, tKs pre, eat to intimidate the Legislature, it was deemed best for the sake of 3 uAtivo and law to delay the election The Republi cans in the Senate all votedfor this :eso lution, on first reading, . while the Demo cratic minority voted against it. rillt it would have passed finally, had not events results& as they did, we ‘l,) not doubt for a moment. The Democrat*, seeing the plan that was going on, resolved to defeat it One of our party friends, a shrewd and faithful man, was induced to profess to yield to the temp tatione that were thrown out t., hint ht eon. CARroos. l'he Republicans held caucus the neat morning, an.] were til-- prittd of the fact. The latter adjourn,.l but I short time before the hour app .11; 1 for the joint convention. The '-enat, -, 1 to• turied to their chambet, and the / *moment was made by the v:1 ,u- I -•\ it He rose and stated, in IniMner, that since offering his t te-olut,.)n to postpone the,elecuon, he hail CI ed that it would be contrary to the in stitution, which made it imperatil Oil I,t; h Reuses to meet together on that ‘ht' . an.i he therefore faked leave to withdr.iir it - The motion was unanimously agreed to, 311 the members who bad voted for it beforei now voting against its further consider t t tion. Meanwhile the 'Republican rue;,l).er had kept it a close secret who had been nominated in their caucus 'To the tre quint inquiries as to their coin it tra hinted that Senator IS ILMOT was the choice of the caucus. This plan, it was supposed, would throw the Democrats off their stiarti,but what particular ol t iect they hoped to Pin by it, it is difficult to cot:- Mice. When the hour for the joint con en tiou arrived, the Senators marched promptly into the Hall of the House, the Republi cans vainly endeavoring to suppress the delight with which they anticipated the result of the day's action. Things went on Well for a time, each one of their par ty friends voting fort en. ( ',tutees . and each tined the Dernocrats supporting Mr. Bociatzw, until dcame to the turn of the member whom they supposed to be with them to vote. When his name was called, he rose and said that as he valued princi ple more *WI he did a Aendred lag", he would cast his ballot for CHARMS R. BUCKALEW I The sur prise and indignation that was caused in the Republican ranks by this unexpected action may better be conceived than de scribed. They hissed and turned pale, bat their disorderly demonstrations were soon drowned by the overwhelming applauze of the other side. When the vote was an nounced, they sneaked off like whipped spegiels,to their respective places of resort, vainly endea► i woring to find consolation in alternate curses and lamentations. In this manner was broken down one of the most desperate tricks of an organiza tion, whose object it has always been to perpetuate power by any act, no matter Low Woo or bow dangerous to the liberty of the country. They were beaten at their own trick, and will feel all the worse for it. Yeah as we dislike anything that smatters of deception, Are cannot fail to think that in thisjse,the scheme was fully justified, by the COeSS with which it re sulted in deflating the artful wickedness of a man whose election would have been a stigma to oar people. We withhold the name of the gentle man who was mainly instrumental in breaking up this bold attempt to defraud the people, veld we shall know that he is himself sot wives to its being published. ilmanthile, we hope the Frees will hot fail to oestiane to comment on the facts con nected with this Senatorial election. There is ea gheadence of food in theta for di s _ maker and warning, and the people should be made saittainted with them as fully as pmealile. Our Legislature will not be trite SO if it does not at once ap point a cominittes to ferret out th e wh o l e truth and giro it to the public in such a assays that all MMUS will have a chance or diagarsing the real character of the bed, rampages um, sad his too wil ling ibilowers, who have brought disgrace to tbg',Quesenrealtii, and aided in the; twin of the Mie. Tann NW armss.--Th• House Terri 101inigallidtielk it is Isiegispbsd, has Weld to t bi km of the admission tM 0/61 , 1440 . .Webrasica into traimo 14496, 4 : - A BOLO ACT DE CORILCPTION. k scene t ,, ok place in the Assembl) of New York, •%t the close of last week, whit Li almost puts to blush the corruption attempted at ltirri,burg, in the election of a United state. aerator. Up to &tar d.:y. the R,spul.!:cani and Democrats of that l,oly Lad continued to vote for can didate- al their own party, there being no choice, on account of a tie. On Friday eyeumg the Republicans held a caucus, at which a Mr. CAti.icorr, from Brooklyn, who II ,s 1 always claimed to be a I )ernocrat, an,l un,tartuly °Led for the Democratie IV9- present, and made a speech. Ile wfo then taken up as the Repuhlicln can.lithtto for Speaker, and on *aturd.u•, it wa, expected, would be elect ed. 'lire bold manner in which Mr. eat,- tit r:•. conduct was denounced by the Democrats. and the universal indignation cleated by hi treachery, thwarted their plans for that day, and the voting was postponAd to Thursday last. Up to the pre .errs ing we have not heard the re sult. flie sudden manner in which Mr. CAI.- worr has changed his course leaves no room tur doubt that he has been purchas ed, rather ii tth money, or by promises of a pi of:table kind. Lie was elected as a Dem cet,it, by a .trcwg Democratic constituen cy, and his recreancy is all the more base because of his professed antipathy against the Republican party and its principles heretofore. His bitterness in this respect has been so marked, that be has frequent iy been denounced as a secessionist by many of tho-e who would have been ready to vote for him on saturclay. The violence of the contest for Speaker ii New Yet k will be understood when it rvinembered that the •present Legisla me ha. a 1 - nited States Senator to elect, fur a , 2 0.11 , from the 4th of March. The li ire a majority in the Sen att., bu: "Le 1 the House. The con stltut:,m iequ:re. tli. senator to be elect eci on a cci tam day, and it is the effort of the D•mocr at- to delay the organization um.l after that tin.le, so that the vacancy )„• I.•tt to be tilled by the next Legis - Lttll , t`, t% filch, there cau be no question, will be largely Democratic. They claim, an..l th good logic, that the people hay ) dee,.led again,t the Republicans, at 111 la.-t election. the latter have no right to 1.1 to,. ,)11 , of their number in the w,ll mi-represent, for six !,eat 3, an immense majority of the voters of the State. We heartiiv trust they may Ire successful +f the intimou& conduct of Mr. tsar- COTT no 12,nausige ran he too strong to speak The whole plot 14 of a character w:th the ‘illainy which was undertaken ai our own s:tate. and shows conclu \ eiy th. ,tenth t wickedness to which t!;- :a 1 cal lea•iers will deiceni in order t their end: 'NE%V l NITLO STAMS NEMATOMS. :le rr ults of the late elee.tion. of Um NLat , • ••e.iatoti in ,Itiferent State I.e g.,btuie •tre iol!cmci -- Maine-- Lot M. Morrill,* fiet.) I.La... , ..l.cliu3eLts—ihrtrle- , Sumner.' Rep I:s.anse . , • 'llc-1.1,,f an .. L t r..ch chandler, • Penn-‘ I‘ acii }3l- huck.aless, I),qn Limo, \V \Vail, 1_1,3m loalasv , tre - 1 Bayard, In l --Thos Iletldrick (lopg term), D Mr rurpie, ( short terml; Dem. M f bog If. Hick..? (ehort term), I) Illtuot - -Wro 1 1:1-h Dem R. - -(.!octe.l and fteven liemoint• t elated 1)f the Republie,l% th:ed are of the most extreme t,}•.• fire Northern States yet to erect Senators, aro California, Vermont, Nc..ry ilampshire. Rhode; Island, Connecti cut, New York, Ith:o and Wisconsin. Senator- are, a:so. to oe chosen from Jlis sow ~ iellnets and the bogus Mate of West k'irgini,3 4 In Ctlifornia several un ,ucce,4ul have been had. The New England 'states and Wisconsin will, of course, v:ect. J:epublicans ; t)hio it in doul a ti. wit`.; the probabilities strongly in favor o! Wade. and New York will hard lv elect any one, unless a compromise should be made on some national man—a very problemat;,•4ll result THE New York Trib , ,n• it dissatisfied with liov. RT:V . 3 ;essage. In a late number we find tlVollowing paragraph; "Tye amendment the Constitution so as to gat) soldiers the right to vote is for cibly urged, and the message closes with a few wo,-ils of praise for the loyalty and spirit of the freemen of Pennsylvania, declaring the purpose of her people to pursue the war, suppress the rebellion and maintain the unity of the country. But Stir. Governor P.:rt, trAolly silent on the great ai Einan..viaton,lat and titers s '101)., n 7,104/7Cd front hit message to s;. , ito Ali 0,,,t eke pram( condition Jtrqggle• The massage r is much m , lo remarkable for its omissi on' consider t !.e national relations and db. , of the Slate th..n for any in its dis cussion of :Literal! affair. tiov. srix is too shrewd a man to be caught in the Emancipation trap. He foresee:, the doom which will soon fall upon all who have taken an active part in endeavoring to overturn the Constitution, and being ambitious of still higher honors, wisely refrains from taking a step that would be brought up in Judgment against him hereafter. /..N VEST' ILL Tl". a,: COMMITTEE. 1 - 11, following resolutions passed the 'louse of lie.pre-ntatives at Harrisburg, on "Puesday le-t. by a vote of 54 ayes to ,37 noes, all the Democrats present voting for them, and all the Republicans against them. We notice that Mr. VINCRIST, of ibis count. was the only member of the House ho spoke against the resolutions: WuLar...s, It 1, of vital importance to the perpetuity of our free institutions and to the citizens of Pennsylvania that the electoral franchise be preserved inviolate And whereas, it has been extensively re ported, and is believed by many, that un lawful means were employed to procure ttie election of a I 'nited States '-'enator on Tuesday last And &went. It is due to those on whom suspicion may fast, as also to the citizens of this great 4 -ommouwealth, that this subject be inre:stigsteci . therefore. Itsitoired, That s committee of five be appointed to examine the facts in the MSC, truh authority to send for persona and Papers. and that they report to this II Mae Tae Buthio tour; 'r gives us the fallow ing capital parsgraph A Cna.ses roe WIDIt Asa:ea.-1s the Washington coma . poatience of the /ter ad it sai I " the President is anxious to engage the service.; of enterpris s active young men to distribute copies of his emancipation prochunatios out the Cotton States. Good wsper alt = givat." Here is an opportunity Mt ail NW prising young Wide Awakes.' . OUR NEW WILLTRD 13 TAT r 6 ORRATOR. The Yo,,r nal itttbrisparree - says of the elec tion of a United States Senator in Pennsyl vania. that "the choice of Mr. Buckalew give, c use for great satisfaction, and on the otli.-r hand it is • melancholy com ma: • •y oa the state or our oortutry to finds large alarty r•ot , . cs-!. I‘.l L., o i .• Ponenti a atanirho meta ander the cen sure of the country fothitilts which ought, unexplained and unrepented, to bar him forever from public trust. But it is to be hoped we are now seeing the last days of this faction,which sacrifices all moral prin ciple, all regard for honesty, all states manship, on the alter of negrophilism." The Philadelphia Aquirer, an able and candid Republican journal,- says: "Mr. Buckalew, although widsay known throughout the State as • leamnf man In his party, is still a young man, being about forty-three years of age. He is a resident of Bloomsburg. in Columbia county, and a member of the bar. Prior to 1857, he had served seven years in the State Sena* and was in his third term when he resigned to accept the appointment of Minister Resi dent to the Arg entine Confederation, which place he held until recalled by President Lincoln. The new Senator is a man of first rate intellectual ability and of strict integrity. He was once happily a.- scribed by a speculator whom he had die appointed, in these words : " I can do nothing with Buckalew ; he's just like one of our mountain streams, cold, pure and clear.' " While it would have been gratifying to the friends of the National Administra tion to have returned from this State a Senator more in accordance with their views, it is a matter for . 00ngratulation that the 'fierce demooracse have made choice of as good a man, personally, as Charles R. Buckalew." NEGRO IMMIGRATION. The Harrisburg Patriot says " a petition from Bradford oounty, asking for the pas sage of a law ' forbidding the entrance of negroes and mulattoes into this State; was presented in the House last week.— We hope such a bill will be introduced at an early day of the session and passed.-- As a measure of protection against the in flux of negroes which threatens us under the Abolition policy, such a law is imper atively demanded. Let the House, which is Democratic, show its aversion to the doctrine of immediate emancipation, by passing a law prohibiting the immigration of negroes into the State, without any un necessary delay. If the Senate refuses to pass it, we will try the issue before the people next fall, and sweep from his seat every Abolitionist, who votes against it, and dares to ask a re-election." A NOTEILIM D!! f?. " Where is our next Army to come from is a question easier propounded than answered. We must not overlook the fact, that in a short time, the period of E. e rvice of nearly two-thirds of the men who now compose our armies will expire. Not lets than thirty-eight regiments from the -it ate of New York, were enlisted for two vrart, and their time is nearly out.— The same is true of some of the other States." It would not surprise us in the least, it, before two months are past, the radical Presses would begin to urge an other draft. thie thing is certaip, that volunteer] cannot be obtained, and draft ing mutt either be resorted to, or the war given up altogether. It will probably rest in the next Congress to decide what shall be done. fee oacass of disunion and of abolition work together in continued harmony.— Both are opposed to Peace and to the Union as it was." Both are anxious for more blood. Toth are determined that the North and South shall never live to- gether as equal members of the same gov ernment. It has been so from the begin ning. Abolitionism and secessionism were allies in bringing on this war, and unless they are cast aside, will continue to wage it till the whole country is engulf ed in one common pit of bankruptcy, death and desolation. It depends upon the honest, common sense people of both sections, to rally in their might, and put down these two wicked factions, and nnite the country on its former basis of prosper ity, happiness, and strength. ' Tux following is an extract from the Richmond correspondence of the London Tana. written about the time General llcelells.n was removed. It shows the fears that were entertained of his military talents by the rebels and their friends "I sh'ould add that in the Confederacy General }4.oClellan's suspension is not for a moment believed in. This opinion, I own, that I do not myself share, but awe Arrr i c o lle a antlederate glees- bat is aware how A, more fonnidable a Federal army is commanded by Gen. Mcasami than V cam nunidtd by any other Federal General, and therefore the Confederates cannot be made to believe that this fact is not equally pa tent to the Federals. my own impression is that the d.. deposes Gen. McClellan puts dukarninte% in A.» pi ac 4 4u e brightest day for the Confederates since tAe inencvnent of tAia wormy struggle." Ma. SPArLDING, the Republican Chair man of the Finance Committee in the National House of Itepresentitires, and whose position makes him good authority on such subjects, delivered a speech week before last, in Thiel he said, "theGovera. ment must have 81,900,000 every day f rom now to July, over and above all the re cetpts from Customs and internal revenue.' He is also of opinion, that no amount of bonds can be sold, and that the main re liance must be upon legal tender notes and interest-bearing treasury notes. A SIGNIFICANT FACT.—The Washington Sart, notes as a significant fact that the most popular song now on the street and in places of amusement, where sol diers "most do congregate," is that enti tled "McClellan again at the head of his men." It says its performance never faits to bring every blue-jacket on his feet with three cheers.and a tiger, by way of ap phume. TIE President has seen fit to give the eonnt7 two letters written by him to Gen. Idretzu.as, while the latter was driving the rebels before him on the Pe ninsula. Now, is it honest for the Presi dent to withhold the General's mph; s We call for the letters of Gen. Mrtlat.l.4s, hi answer to Mr. Ltyrot.s. STAirs Tmoramt.—Williana B. McGrath, of Philadelphia, the regular Democratic nominee, was on Tuesday, elected State Treasurer by the -Legislature. Mr. Mc- Grath is a gentleman of good character and has all the requirements to make e capital officer. ' Tia . 4111 , t7 of Abolitionism • •' fiery a' I Of TOU ire s CUflld tfaiiof." MASAI WAIL 11171101111. The city bee been Mll of runxim, dude, the pest week, of movements and fighting in the neighborhood of Fredericksburg.— On Thursday it weareperted that a Met battle had takes *cis, said Gen. Hooker had bees killed. Up to 10 (Moak on Thursday night. MI esalinaitios of say at these stories bad bees reestrod, and it fighting is really going en, which we doubt, the Government withholds the news. Gov. PA aril, the new Desturcnitio Ex ecutive of New Jenny, was inauiparated at Milton, on Tuesday last, in the pres once of an immense cumaeourse of people. His address takes strong ground is favor of a constitutional prosecution of the war, and in opposition to the mismanage ment of the Administration. A lour tesolutioa was istrodumd into the Legislature, on Monday, providing for amendments to the Constitution, to the effect that no negro or mulatto shall ever be permitted to enter the State to settle, and that time now here shall be colonis ed in some foreign country. NEWS OF THIS Charles Sumner was re-fleeted to the United States Senate on Thursday by the Massachusetts Legislature. —Edson B. Olds just hoot Fort Lafayette, was assorted to his seat in the Ohio Lvis lature, at Columbus, by a promotion two miles long. A Letter from an officer on board the United States steamer Bibb, of Char leston, says Fort Sumter has been plated with railroad iron. New Orleans news includes the Im portant Item ghat Admiral Farraipat has sent eight of his beet ships to re-capture the Harriet Leas. The War Department mks the Com mittee on Military and Naval Akin to recommend an appropriation for a sub marine telegraph cable to New Orleans. A violent anti-proolantation meeting was held a few days ago in President Lin coln's town, Springfield, 111. The senti ments expressed were specially severe against paper wars. Nano SatanAna.—All the nftp.oes in Washington city, it, Is said. Weed to sere nade the President next-sesek in compli ment to the immune* of the entancipatten Rrochunatien. In the Cidiftrida Legislature seven more unsuooessful ballets have been taken for 11. S. Senator. All the parties stand by their candidates, and there is no deuce of yielding on any side. —The Democrats of the Illinois Lep** loo t tare have adopted a resolution denounc ing the emancipation proclamation "as a gipaic usurpation" and tending t 9 a re • volution the consequences of which "can not be contemplated without foreboding" of horror and dismay." The Washington National lidelligencer , 16th, has the following : It is announced that the War Department will home no more passes to the Army of the Potomac at present.. The public, it is further stat ed, will learn the reason of this refusal in a few days." Loss A? Vicsserao.—Gen. Shernesin's official reports _puts our loss at Vicks burg at 11.950 hailed and wounded, besides 400 lost by capture. The Jackson dppeaf of the Gth says that the rebel loss at Vicksburg during the recent Aght, was less than 100 killed, wounded and missing. A companion to the famous "290" has appeared in the shlpe of the rebel schooner Retribution, wluch, on the 4th inst., chased two of our ships into the har bor of St. Thomas, and in the night sent her boats in and took five of the crew of one of them. Theßetribution mounts four gnus and a "long tons" aosideisips. The presence of Secretary Chase in New York does not arrest the advance of gold, and letters just received express the belief that it will rise above Mr. R. T. Walker's mark--sixty per eent.--and after another ,yesr of war, reach the Rich mond rate, about a hundred and twenty five per cent. In the McDowell Court of ln_quir2y a letter from the President to Gen. McClel lan, dated Washington, April 9, 1862, was introduced. This letter contains mocha sive evidence that McDowell's corps was detained from advan ci ng last spring by the express ceder of the Pres Went, for fear of the rebels advancing on Washington via Maiumas. The rebel Gen. Bragg. whom Gen. &seems recently cleffs at Murfrees boro, has been superseded by Gen. Long street in the command of the rebel army in Tennessee. Longstreet's army corps, lately in Virginia, is at Shelbyville, Tenn. A federal fleet, under convoy of gunboats, is on the way to Nashville. The Presidept transmitted a message to Congress Dion that though he had signed the resolution au thorising the issue of $100,000,000 in trea sury notes with which to pay the soldiers, be was opposed to the farther issue of such notes. Ire Also urged upon Congress the adoption of the banking •scheme recom mended in his recent annual message. EX/L=ll'4oloW 1$ hinnOClll.—The * Senate JuJiciary Committee have rejected the House Emancipation to for Missouri and reported the one introduced by Santos Henderson. It aappropriates twenty•five instead of ten ilii ooee.. payable in bonds to the state eighteen months after the Emancipation act is passed abolishing sla very before 1876. The bonds, in a gate, must net exceed more than three hcedred dollars for each slave, not in cluding any smile free by the Conliseation act. Amounts of the late battle at Spring. field, Mo., state that it lasted thlrtarn hours. The enemy numbered 5,000 pick ed men, while our form was but 2.600 strong. sad a motley assomblage at that. The rebels opened fire on the town with out giving a word of warning to the wo men or children, but were severely ed by oar troops. A dispatch boa= Warren, Houston, Texas county, says that the rebels are is full retreat toward Ar kens. Their loss was about 300, killed, wounded and prisoners. Advice. from New Orleans January Bth report that the rebels were encroach in upon theiYnion lines in the vicinity of but no danger was appno headed. Admiral Firsagut had east the Brooklyn, and half •down of his beet ' to recapture the Harriet Lane. end to the rebel gunboats in Bayou Buillikr. At last amounts nothing had been heard from this expedition. Noth ing of General Banks' plans had trans pired ; most of his troops bad gone to Ba ton Rouge. A Liverpool correspondent of the Boston ebetmereial Balkh*, writing under date of Dec. 31, states that there ere now at that port, at Laird's eitablishineat, where the Alabama wee built, three new iron screw steamers, one said to be 3,000 tons, the other two 1,600-toes each ; all finely constrticted and expected to be ibr midable vessel, and of great speed. The Irer vessel is said to be reedy for sea, acd a crew of pleated non is now being shipped. The ship bee received no arma ment, of COW , " but the steamer that tank the puts to the Alabama id in port, mad is likely soon to be employed in a similar service. The other toe semen will not he ready for sea for sense lime. The Bulimia =Lt corroborates the stataasset s togardiai the dogs:taus of a large fleet Osman otoossors with e of food and storm destined for tbo= sir Wiistever ti. priest* say \ ow. Wm is so WM In dame" h.i, *imp. The Seems is &tame& The for of Harper's Pall t .bl Um' &saw ful surrender of °oboe' BLUM, has been mooed for by our capture *Me Post of Arkansas, where we took eight at tan thousand rowtogether with aboadant supplies awl munitiese. We bays ally beief telegrephie bootrants of fbe affair, but it appears to have been one or the beet manesed uatistlabise the war. Tha action was amamamed by i gun boat), which shelled, gnawed and captur ed some earthworks about two miles be low the main fortilestions. 11)41 Poops, under General MaCieriand, when thole landed and marched to the rear of the Past, while Admiral Porter, with his fleet, went up , the river and shelled the rebel works tram the boot. They were then stormed by the troops and /tarried, bat not without considerable resistance. Our loss was about two hundred in killed and wounded, and that of the rebels more than double that number. We not informed m to any other strong defiooas of the rebels on the Arkansas, but it is most probable that at Pine Bluff. and Lit tle Roek. which are high and command ing positions, they have constrneted Uni fications. But having carried the drat and most important defence at the Post of At.- koalas, there ought to be but little dill culty in carrying the others. The river is in fine boating condition. and ihegun boats and transports will have no diSm.l - in ascending It even as high as Fort Smith. We trust that all thus is on the Programme or General Xcelernsed sod Admiral Porter, and that, we may soon bear of its being brilliantly executed. CAPT. 0fT1310113.-By haws from him to a &had in this city, we learn that the Sphere of uselblamis of this eaergetie ofteer, has been clanged from the port of New York, to Albemarle sad Ps.lso Sounds, sad he cos- Altai:ad a , sort of repassed Commodore by the Treasury Departmest, with the comenaad‘ of a squadron, oompriasag throe raceme cutters, sad snaking kis head quarters at Neither', North Carolina. The Cbconociers writes that kis duties are such complicated, sad aspleassat is some recpeets, as task impartial discharge to malty isstaaces, briap him is collision with the military Governor of North Carona* (Stan ley), sad other military authorities. Here tofore, commerce had a frm rim late the ports apse these sounds, all allay beta( of a mil itary character, sad but Huts or no atteatlon paid to revenue law.. Large amounts of &getable goods sad stores are brought to these ports, a parties of which and their way tato rebeldom, sad, to say the least, pay bat little attention to the claims of Kr. Sec • rotary Chase. Capt. 0. is rapidly work lag a ottange for the better. DLIID. la Fairview, *a the Ilth Lea., Mat Ltisaiieth, &Ash er a/ Joo. sod Debars timed, aged 4 yews. $ so's and /4 late. In the city, on *a lath wet, of illithevia. /Filson D, ova of J. X., sad Fasces 11. ioia.lied 7 years, $ soe's and 14 days. Is Ude tit ,on the lath last., of the mate divesee, 13eariseda, diat lgr et the same, arid t poem 2 awake and lo ay. Laker,' PLANTATION BITTIIiS • ?My parity, otiositbas awl It They aloft haaktay "'wefts •7 e» an antidote to show of rotor saddt.t. likey ovezeow sikata of disipillies sad Ws Iron ra. They streastbra the woes sad seam tbri 'Riad Tim, sweet alasmostle mad Isteratlasat %vers. rim parfl7 taw bzestla 404 *slaty of tbe ssaribai Tbq sus toppopits sad Cosslipstioa Thiky care Member, °Won sad Mob= ?My ens* Lim Complatat sad *now They are the best bitters to t►. world. Thai nate the weak slam strata, wet are atkaastef Iseatire'a peat re storer. They are Brie .(parr St. Croix Art, Ilse or* WOW Oshawa Bark mots assillarbe, makers take.. it► the papaws of a beverage. witieet rept: or Wee el thy. Partbealarly oseoseseeiled to pusses reiseirlag a retie stlealset. Saki t b* s li w ireeers, Dray- OM. Tiotsla sag Sikowia. P• It 00 , Jalikea. IMIX X T L TOW*ILAIII4IIIOII. astagbatal &Mali Totprasstratag &aka basatitrag tie lama butt is sista put ep by tie arbyl • asi proptfrier, sad I. ass me* witb the was ests, sad attestiek whist' last .seated tta lawassass sad sa peesedested isle of Olaf ea. stile* bottles basaally It Is MU odd at SI aorta la Isar bottle. Two winltass bat no es amity be said ut • year Ville it le pia tam that the Latbairee Is aet emir Abe sad iietbridtel Asir dreads; is the wee* Its that it eissiset the matt of mart sad Inaba, sites the bar a lively, deb, lustiest garalk,sad prevents It bra twain pay. These see samideestiese week karvisi. The Maoism Its bees tested he over tsarist pan, sad is veasated ea depart bad hay latly who 'eases a biestilhil Mod of bait win use tha Istiairea. it ie inky pselborsk asap sad val uablew it is add by all respetsbis Arden thteagbest the *eel& D. S. LAWS A CO., - New Twit. i 111INTrahli NAM 112110/ILLTIT IT id NOT AMR, bid isolstes pay Ws to he origi- Eel ember. b ispsj the sayliisay tubes whit notelet emseenesee, ingeibei by egs or diger& AU 'solarises yes ass sempesed et Least Cosseis, des thud the 4. taut! sad besot: of the bstromill steed st themelves so dressing. isdambeets labotlioble Ceberhili out idly riebseee bete be Ile .Nerd *yr, b ea Noy peelers, butt ghee libe bar LITXMIALMIP it4 UTt,p+maw tts growth. proweeris Ito tale, of aradlastes Amara; sod &spits bed* odd ploweseiso to the beet it hr steed tlie Met st Use, beim the stiOasi Bair *dories. had is eseeloatly Lassoing id hoes. Used by both smiths-- sad h is mid bp an arporaabir deal see. se Ise be peeved by aim at Ifs eammisralei ovate. D.!. lamas & Co., %2 llevadway, X. T. Tire mimes, MI seats red $1 jeolooll-4•1 WABILILIMIM WTIZUNI TO MIT OM. ILL TOBIAS MIST CONDITION ittleDlSlt • le* oars sad speedy me for Nooks, Cob* bisior Mr. ames, Las Demi, Venn. lkoos, Lase d Watt% Sway, ilo.; he, la Mao sad MM. limy Massie these wogs .at sad astesuble ',somata mhos thus almet meat., sea be maseed to their imam slier sad toe madlsho by ike••• a a r ba tooss St the Mal -10661 logr Tbdif ON* bandiviy mod eau be eta to a mod berme weil sou Mt sae, with sate beast; they Imp %Mr Used ...1, rl. eaml bomb' lease, orsa, to good May sad, ea lie Mole, loprove She Illtleamloo ad all mtralk ais nalliter whit assill• "las they eso Ts/ 141 hod lame they as. tams& eel& If boners, mall is.. • meals atee a Mie sposallsl la Ur* hod, we should Wass base a se may thOMOPIL Ilsold b all dmogletu Depot, N Curtiss& eleset, Wow York. Smale-dt. MOM WM' Alla MIT 1. Pnriessimi Osten be wed ape the hair tor ea porting fa Ma aoliwol as& of Wows eir bare. is CIMIWNIII,II pus in. Itionoslo Ow bed aloft of slier 4troo. ofoorisloo lojf. II may tqfpfbo4. poilorno moot iosomoosopoolp owl 111 polososo, le Us ofoonoe.oomfirt as tNPINISTRABLII 411C11111' ly 1. 011111/001110. It. Astor Nesse, ltN Teat. WI wiser sad Mli by in Mar 410.111 . 10.711. $l,lll. wail U prriss. eassirdiag to lin. 4. 01110111 Oa COMP woe s ref be eileeloesi sod wood Ib6 er oe !WWI lbeeettee learn. toettoble solistme peeeeoeve osiseim peeve ot llheoghig Coe" DI& sag of Illnatibmag, Illsemsem. Selidaes sad 11/Mai a 4 tlionsest. n lessissthe 16,74/ps.asi Minh te be ever epsomite to Oa tub. It le sot •'West etereby. but osoliketilefiik semebtai sae eietype. Ohm be Ulm by the Nigel „ems se Teapot &fie Vet=be by ell dxsielebk et IS eel 111 eta. pet ~ ttie JeeSlll-1, igr a T eMClM lffill " lll 4l lIAJL—; ramie ilismk 1111 alisillre '.--- oras inalMer e ti 1 41..F mt .r. ru Z ba Star 'be Ph a mg. et VW Met umaaha, 1, 11111 This Iletak Wet It ia M a/ • Oink( tad ON•ii• to swag unseat tbate t& lon Ihisiell•lll=Lais .. Itaimar, Iti mattraa Dimaar.ba./a a at WS atm Nos lia mama et miens. alike rill al aistaser mai la a gisis abitip.--14 say abe ma* 0, by at istalse_ ._ A: LAIICIIICIM Da.. sevanais. lessagdat4,l4tag IYa4. K T. 10•110/11111166 1 la adt yew mota pee no oaftstrioi vt Lb* 04.01214 - ot thanes of lb* Di soothe Ogoos. do oat Imßr, but omit at soot t. Ito soot #lio~o arms bilboo. Ito psalm* sal soisit~ ay, Utig iotO me goo. is Sag Wolin stet takeout& Wino pea. tor mkt kg iamb* asi assns of maim at IS esti sr bottto. joido4ll ss-!a y's Aigutistattuts. FARM TO LET. Ow ow wed of the old eye..e.i• summa tp , karma as the RAllelen V MIL Dear tt, " ilrr Painier" Oseiheialn 110 woe ei llDP• t....oire •••••300.. &WI • Warm. Quarry. For elartee on the 05554,019 111,11141 11 DA A HAMMOT ONE DOLLAR REWARD: ?be nabseribla will g ick« Dollar nasal in• lA* Mara of ilia daagblar, Rhoda Ann 1 ou ug. Irba atasomaid from his miaow* on lbw 13th , lay • t Jiritisirry, OSI, mod all wpm are bereby forbid to bur bee or trua thajolAA Rhoda Ana oo aor account, as I .i• pit 4401 arbor amberninumor.' ZO Y DUN 0 - JaA. 14 1563 —IMP TRANARAN it WARDEN, a ► i Fosw•aorsta ANTI CONNIAI/011 MEI. HANTS, ' Usdiaa RUIN Lulu eoaatit icr Pia, by Atlastie at 0 W. K. I. Nabors la Coal, Salt, a, Crude sa4 Ralsol lam. AU Ueda of 8131pplo doo. uu Commission. 140 MI g rja ' . o l R R EVi T & f ir A IFIRIT CLASS WO HTORY BRICK NO HOMM, with G Fixtures, Hydrant Wa• tscomi dulatted basement. • ,• Garden. with 1 toe asiaetto• of Warta' Fruit Trees. Poseessios given the lot of April. Inquire of Ohio, Jan. 21. 11143-tf •LLEN A. CRAIG - _ ERIE 1 . 1 ll' NTY AG RICU LTl' II Al. .4 0 I' 1 E T Y. AS silkeitruird awetins of the stockholders of the Erte County Agricultural ..4oevgy will be held at their rootue la tkiliCeart House, oui if edoesdar, the 4 0 th of Jauo• irT, lett, st 11 4., ciock, A u. A punctual attandaue• ti nitesetikl, ita there is ttnetoess of Importune* to be at tended let. 8 P ItEtCHER, ilat2.6.llaw Secretary thIC t oNFESSIONs & EXPERIF.NCE DT • NICRVOL*3 INVALID. for the benefit and as • caution to Z onug Ewa, and others. alto sofa tress Nervoom Debility, Ur -17 Deasy, and their kindred silemests—espply log the Immo of self-enre. By one who has cured himself after Wag • ebstins of misplaced (*eidetic", in wed wril hum bug sad qsaskeey. By enclosing a poet-paid envelops. ebefie °epees nay be tied cd the ea thor. N•1110111L. - pen, Lig , Radford, Cap Consty, New York. je.Ull. _ - Elt 1 E I T 1300 K 13 1N I) I'. 1,-, Colltifill OF STATE 411111) FIFTH rrs The andiresigured would respeettally raters thusks for the pttoaagaiatatofon extended to bun, and solicits • eoa man of th• music a. ►r notantly made extensive improvements, among width Ye • PAGING IiACLIINE, for ragtag Lank Books, by swam of which be Is enabled to do west of that kind aa but sad u ebeap as it oaa tio do on In Itoado. Huta ( bad an EXPERIENCE OF TWENTY YEARS, 1 Wino I ass appeal for the public patronage with iikaadows la my ability- to give aatidaction. RULING, BINDING AND ALI. KIN DS OF WORK IN MY Loll' Dea• to order." Constantly um haad • lame wi➢l7 01 BLANK BOOK. Rom=lore Use Om*, loath- west censer of, State and nth striate. sootood story, next door to tbe "Casette' sees. E X. COLE. We, Jannary 2,4ttt, 1.86.1.-3af A GEM FOR THE MILLION, •WD • i PLANDID AND APPROPRIATE HOLIDAY PRE NT DEMUR EST'S XXIN, /WITCO M ME $l5 SEWING MACHINE! bdi embodiment ur practical utility, and a mane: of = ty mikes the running stitch eery rapidly and sec • common sowdki, sad will but • life-tiou.— At t h e New York State Fair, ita almpllcaty , elllcieney and puiellesetield utility, iru confirmed by the award of the Trst riveothus. is TUI GIATZIL LCIII TrCe:, RCN CP mum's a., ate, with a stagie or doable thread (Many material adapt ed to the itZllll7O MUM. UN thltmeat, motally the meet &Sean to Mitch by *Una arria machine*, being &owed the meted for ladies' and ehUdxeo'a apparel, and other articles made of light hihritta, It wilt, thendona, be found damn% INTL:xi/az. It Is atmehad to that table like a Dewing and, and hav ing an tsealoa,sed mania/ no lubrication or change of stitds. to always ready for operation, and such a inarre/ of simplicity that a ehild (Watt or eight year' Can razors• pasty lt, and WO it 51 - COSISFCI.I.T. It la not at all liable to get oat of order Bach =chime Is pat up to a neat bow, actorcipuned with fall and septleit direction", and twenty • se needle_. Stet toasty &edema In the tasted States on receipt of as weer, laelosing the aanonnt,or may be zzllected t) Ez press on &livery of the matisiaa. Whoa the 100011 is sent with the 312,7 r tere.l, we gaarsatas Its oh rsosipt and the del ?au the ms alma, anyabere within 2.600 mile*, free of ac; F•-rer • abarresi Tarp liberal arras is for aten,iee See ikrrirr if Faailoas, or for fall puticula:s, an. Of ow tag, etc , send a stamp for return postage Aboiress, MORE:a, 473 Broadway, N Every lady, Monti's . , and .ireas-maker, /WO COO Of 111140 valuable Dewing machines ,a24m I Eoo` 415 . I W I*. A CURE YOUR Ci_i UG 13 FUR 1: 4- L Ni"- THE BEST •SiD kiOUSEIIvt.L.) etErEii • LN Till WORLD • MADAME ZAIAX: PORT ER :S GRE•T COUGH REMEDY! PoirrEs.s laa+. wanlal .rcttni W tar Mtn, la all COlll, jtt, Astima, .Ctios• tk. Lon*. samtr Imo ha eat. 31411e1C12.-111ate Veer Messy 1 . --Do so' be per. eerled to penises articles et 4< to florkleb do Dot coa tis the statue oda 13 cent Dottiest/Waxes Porter's Co ulee Won. the goat .1 meoshatetring which to u pest se that of alum as other ineonda•; sad the eery kee prise et width it is sold , slakes tbe prat to the menet appaegetlt ma. sad espeseipledasalets will sometimes esseemeed other uaddelue oe seta thole profits ore leerges_ . useleso oeoteoeue tuba epee leek( atedasse lheter`o sad sue other. dot kor Madame Poz tor's Cura tes Saki" price 13 eta, sad is tare bottles at Pt eta-. awl Wm me other. if you cosset get it stow more you sae weeder& Er e ' Isla by all Thruggirts sad Mors keepers at 13 SW, sad is ler a tities i r ks pis. Se 137CEEL, Proprietors. N Y .1110. L CAMP.. Ave. Zeirs Des3ol3-11 3 NEW GAS LIGHT! THE OLEO-WATER (AS Pnisated by riot. L. L. Btu, Jib. 77, 111112 - Tbss Gas /sae two Unannaslll, noted by nor of science. and Ins smortis Ism stood Um grentent scentlay. It mai M nonnaninnsii lisf 30 CENTS PER 1,000 CUBIC FEET. is il i Llizieslay free from otheatre insapti, not Battle to .ad .111 sot assdonsin la any tospornrune or It me a body esperior to tie beet Cool Acia sod gibes a nost non ao to odor We an woo to ollar tie Totrolean Ga• Apps• nine le tit obi* nut onotnaily take the plan dell other Gun, owing to tie then ner otth obi& It MB to Its briltiesey of Its plaint simPlicitY gal Us adsplabstity to en eases wino good /felt a to 'Wed. Pot paivois &Penny la city or new,. Stone, nOteit, Thostreo. hanks. Polak Gonne, dos. aM eon Mildly be adopted to Geo Wirt& sow to imposolloo. at very Me -We Ira Mapes, of ZIG= Cane, TO.IAN Coaottee es iNo y tsi ad .f'e'te prior. For further L particulars ~ jai to T. =IL Body, no lOW. 313 Won't Street, Indledleloin, PHILADELPHIA & AERIE R. R. nag greet }Lae tneweesee the Northam sad Illasittwest souther et Pesseylvaala to the city of lb* in Lobs MO. lastad by the Peasireieesee Cass aad t, mag lasstb.got* is betas rapidly tiptoed mew that its swaps Ms sow is oltbt rasastasse art Freight badness int Neeelelbezei to Ewers list (172 oe the Lai/tem elates. Olvidd RS road boa Sikeihmeel to Lae, as the Wooten Dt , tediee) ITS, Mr rAmniman ?luxes ♦r- my 11611 'beta Lssv Delos lids Leiria. S OM ?ilia .--.--...11..... 3111 Assimissestioi tzeie arthia —.6 16 P. it. pie isismities wispaellag Pagisavu hostages sob al Ms LIL came 11th sad Market its Aid for Trikst Wiser el Ike Despairs vista, h.l 11311611 MIX, caw 164 aid Marie Stmts. 1111bildslask. J.lll. sau ' tuas, J. 11- WELL, oval N. C. S. L. ;Baltimore. a. I. 1101111T01iaasest Jh_dight Apia, 11,:16..'4. LltlirlS L. MUTT, Genanil Tido* apse, rbus‘hi, JO& IK PO?N, asestsl Yyspr . Willidiaaspon Alrlols STRAY COW! Botha late sboyinmiese et the be Nuts. Conk et Geo , lisp 2 Cbee—eve polo Ued .11k vblle spot% thew IS tem aid* Wks rape Use es bet boa; Uwe other eta Nee, eltb opob.llyessellt TM ovum is reeverrad to ease br Plertitti. per dome e , Übe Uwe mu iM)vSU be drott meth errervtios mad Leese. U-that/KW NIX C. MUMaI Amax, as Dar GOGIIII. 610.1L..&* tiaal9 Dm& Plaaw„, az- Mt Pont axe ?abbe Icor% ena. Fa. Alta ~_K__ _...- ( , . /e///6 , ii.-J//7/§/ , '..--,, # „,r / 7 , (ir . 7(44i Til k 1111:MMALO MERCANTILE COLLEGE, coKvEK oV WAN .t •"} NECA - TRF ET4 I. as Important !Ink gn the ,ha. 1111100•31111.10J11.4Vilts folio as fate., • W YORK en Y, NROoK I S, TRO) Dr. TKOIT. Plitt kr(11.1•IiIA AI TIAN Y, (LEVY' (Ni , ctiirA4/4, AND ;t NT tot. t 4 A Plebotar.biplaseed !rem Hudak, Co i th e h.,hi er „ ateet..l .Ithe. or as tn. , or an nolmatt•J Owe. TA* Bee Ica et !beer Jdolitlatiesut, to to ,nipar• to youtig men aud :adze., a (61,,,uph, prartirai baos.ts, education Throat l'ellegtes are rotri , se.l s t ,d a ,, u doctad upon a basis whiab must secure to e , ch separate lustitut•uu the lost possible facilittea for tropartlng thorough con, ruerrtal educallou, and render It la • whole, the u..•• eomprabenaire and complete system la thin count:t BooIL-Keeping; il! 'la •Irpartmeuts, Comment. lA.,Commercial Arithmetar sod Penmanship, tantht In the moat ?borough sod practical manner The Spetseerlisai System of reitansetslatp, taught by c.ropetent and experienriu teacher* racholiarshlp, payable In adratice, $4l). Colleg.op,n day and e,.niog racattona it,sutent Principal at Buffalo, J t.. B AAAAA For fdrther inlortnatioo, please tall at the Co,leg. Rooms, 01 rand f'.r C•italovie I Circular torlooth, inter *tamp A. 5.11-0. STRATTON. tairalo. N. Y. TO CONSUMPTIVES Till: Advertiser, having been restorell to h alth in a few seek., by a very simple remedy after having suffered several years with a sewer* lung affieetion, and that dread disease, Consumption—is 11/11• 1 10111.. t. make known to his fellow-sufferers the means or cure. To ail who dewlre it, he •*I:1 Pen S • copy of the pre scription usi d (flee. ~f cf.arge), with the direction' for prepartog and ulu,r4 the same, which they will find • sous Coin for Cov•rsirtiov, •STMIA, Saone/unit, kr. . The only object of the advertiser it, sendiog the Prsiscrip tion is to benefit the afflicted, sod spread information which be conceirea to is lo valuable, and ha Popes every asSeter will try his remedy, sa it will coat them nothing, and may prove • pleasing. Parties wishing the prescription will please address. Ries EDWARD A WILSON. Willlasnalenret, 1 Oct la--3 m King+ County, Neer Toil Jr () II N W E LC Il , DiALIR ♦ID IMPPIX JN FOREIGN it DOMESTIC FRUITS, VSGRT•BLES, kC, ♦llO, DIALER IN OYSTERS, POULTRY AND GAME. lu their SeAA,,us de' No. 2, Tray I Block,aliai Luacr:+ll4, FRrcru ST • - Este, P• Ut.lets !rota either the City or Country hiled Promptly and at lo•eet market rates onett JAY COOKE & CO., Bankers 114 South Thud Street PIIIL•141PUIA, Nov. 1, PAY. uhdersignetl, having I*en appoirr tcd SUBICRIPTION AGENT by the r. ,, tary the Treasury, Is COW preparei to furtneh at ,o,:o the New Twenty Year 8 per ct. Bonds of the 170,tel Staten, dellosat• Tve..ntles," re Jeemable at the pleasure Goverutud-L.l, attar Lee year', and authorized by 4,1 of I .4 r. e, approved Feb miry 25, I 4Cz. The cieg:?( .S 114) , ;1)4 are In rime t $5O, S IW IPOO, SI,OOO The REGL3TEK 11 , ,N1)-t • urn. $4,0, $lOO, St,ov $1,(10U, and f5,00') Interest at b. al.u.W e .ll c•,n..u,e Dee trout date Lt purchalw, al.. • PAYABLE IN GOLD, Penn Annually. uh 3.1, at t'..« prevent premium. on rr•ld, to vo ut i IGHT , I. \T PER AN,.:1711. lanaer•, bi.,7L•D • t, c,roahata, and • whr, hare any CM) t • arirle, Smola- and remain bet that these 3 3 - 0.... ts a. a, In 0. ff..c.t, y• FIRST MORTG AG r: aro , n all Ra::roa - so, stocas and Sear 'flea, an I the ,corntn. , r. , 1,1tt• A • I•h• Manufacture" Ike &z. ,in the co - ....11-.try • •htt th- fs:l and ample ot rf tho iateroot and ItisM au .n .); I n 11,' Pattrs, Ezoife Stamr• tn lots rr.•llt.‘i.LL - •.. • male these bonds th ni -1,114157 AI - AH..031.E AND MO=T POPULAR IN • • . • . . 1 • Nr.i.. ‘nl t . 1., Pl.32lelphis. 4.1t,p-ri bets by IL s „ a ; F t c.ttf ntion, an: eY , ry fak-41.11. .. aft , : t 1 on plitri.c.n IL.••A LI, ' r.. d. alr 1.-..•• • •• " - jt.F t 1.11,..N L.. liOEEOPACHIC f Y SICI &bi 4al - 1 - .4 111. :tri-t)t,4at yr.% en t‘) the cure of I C J CLratoc bo.eam-a, ry I...eany .1 iII.RCTRO YAG SETIC treatment aGJ rem. Fate HoaopatJve mylic.nca, Pt, , Ju bpac.i. Leturs anorairx4 promptly A!' tcnona ,triecr corauentlia On 5 1 11 4 1 , et, Zt... loot. ter.t of Frencta Lam' A SE 11 LL ti E., FOR NECRALWA. SoeStf NEW VALI, GOODS! PORTER'S Ipars4 with ill 01119 Lod skill. 'atlas of the `Ab• reortablw •• Its resew / eft Maid oa taint tlet ber• roar atria le thew' the . • violent wowttiwat,— c6iwg,had of takethy the 741Naileat RECEIVED DAIL\ Wm. P. IkIES A & Co's PORTER'S eq, %mod by rer 1111 year*, i Its pr.weet IMPORTANT . 4 N TO LADIES • •A\ 4 0- ' DR. JOll3l HARVEY, hieing f...r apwards of twenty years devoted ti.ohesional tiro* exclualrely to the treatment of FEMALE DIFFICULTIES Add haying saeneeded In thousands of maks to Lug tie sfilletad to health. has confidence to offering tt • GREAT AKERICAII BEIIEDY, baliog roams+. thit :bo ve then. PoaTtrs i It he the lase. The worth 100 FEMALE PILLS Whin have tamer yet fatted . DI the &Ivo:ions bay. be followed.) In removing d, Wes raisin from OBSTILIIMOT, 011 ITOPPAGZ 0, If MILL Or in restrain the system to perfect health whoa out faring from Spinal Affections, Prolapsma. Uteri, th• Whites, or other weakness of the Uterine Organs. k 1..., in all aura of Debility or Nervous Prostration. Hy. Utica, Palpitations. Ace.. Ave.. the forerunners of ay.,. IlleriOUS Maws. These Pitla are perfectly harmless u• the sonstitntkut and say he taken by the most d.ltrt•v Ammo without distrress ; TIEEBY ACT LIKE A CHARM 1,1 strengthening. b rie, the sys tem to s healthy codabing on the monthly period with regularity, no matter from wbot cause the obstructions intay arise. They should, how• •rer. NOT be take/I'4l3.ring the rut three ..e months PrerismitY. though sae at say other time, .i mistaßlaße would be the result. Each box cootaJas at PUle. Pries, One Dollar. Sold by all Deteggio. DE- HARV'ET'S TREATISE ON DISEASES OF FEMALES. Propsesey, Jfienerriapt, iiksrrennAge. fildinlity. produadion and atnta‘• of Yutu,a, LADIES' MUTATE MEDICAL ADTIzIEi a Pamphlet of 50 pdLTS. "Mt free to any address eats reffutred to par postage. Tbs inns or Book the tent br Era,. prepat4 Wm. from o'sserration, no receipt ..f the o o.y ' r SOT 5tiT , : — .4. 4 " , 1 went, ' r 76 Cedar Jt. . New. Ygrit, ( R01607i gold in rye by Dr. L. STRON4I, THOS. S. SIN CLAIR, and WM. NICK. Dratilista- aal6ly E= MRS. S. H. HALL WINTER MILLINERY Which • .11 to .01s CHEAP FOR CASH. OR REALII - I' kl Ear Partieniar attrntior. laid to 11;•*et-oi, :war, 6 and preonng. Posch 54... •h door stor. toe Krt.. Ps BARLEY! BARLEY! suberril..er t.g, way.. t,, r0t1i1.44 Ikuuk• s iarc~ere of liras Couety, (.1 lb* ttic, Jurioir the past '= t al.: • fiv wriskes to t.., 80,000 BUSLiELS! Ana at all tlm.a r.O 0.4) thit Eiji, it C.•L 4-4 z. A h,•••• (4. 1 . J. hiliatif, •Zia a.l s.c ::au Pa at to null strum cipcsit• tke C as.t) r.= Office of JAY COOKE, St • BSCRIPTION AGENT 112 CT I.` Tb s_ MARK ET AND .•1 itt,Lt.N; I=l I=l Nt) lIEE[UsE 3. BR A', Gernert! Ages!, 141/.4 fait .it rrturoe.l from \r• Vo k , and im no• 6 1 , D. Dz her S T i)C K i)F PALL 11 MEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers