,D/L. WM. B. HURD'S DENTAL REMEDIES THE LLt J THE WORLD - --- WILII(G, VINE TEEM t .1 SWIMS? SILEATH, AND CUEING TOCCELCHZ ♦ND laritAL43ll A Do ou teteh to too b:esood telt): and odonr•4 PIARLT y Wa.ra ond Aouod itirTl3 / CM D. MC H. MAWS I.MLIVALLAD "voila ro w • DarTantod fro* troin &ad, AULD, or any lahuiona anonannon ?rink 23 sows per [-oz. fir Beware of tits ordinary sheep Coop Powders, vkiinn'ern.ion oat destroy IN, • .44 to ,e Olftalis that your BR to tki is pore,. •o•I earion,l44) to Itootand or wife, 1,,,yr or trioodoi Ilk. 11% ILD'4 CULMAIILATkD W Arbil 1 na, 87 ;or bottla rei. as , - area at. .• a w the b.dit reflood, ID tlr *6 tut A.l/.111, il•Lo 1..44111, bI.LIDLUO Grits, scca vc• 7 •e r 11111{1.1.!. ENE Auffrr fr..m TOOTHJCHE .1144:11 TOOTHA Cis It r ';fot I/ It I I , 1./ILOP•!.. . r 11CFRAIAIIA? &opt DK. W. J.L43IA rl...hi4TllllllS. TEmb tamed) tn..ln3. Are r , : •• 6. 1(1 KV' • 1:11011tol. i•- TLey - pain ale• ou timely "Wt.,. bat soottio and dam Iracd 37 cacti. Walled Lk, yoo at .• ma of REVTAL RLVEDIVI •tt • ..r el.:111/1,1104 / Get UM• W U. aritil - • Tit KA NV Y, the ateateet •• atost •••••,. • p^cepet that 01, trey.' ear toW. to •.,•A.l I I.t• $. no•lipt of pries. OIL Irl, lt. I. • .. . r. r..ut,st's A•I M 11 It &r. t,O , New York /1..W5k-ECEEPER'B NEW FURNITURE POLISH. •-• •to tb. 0 , t or ‘. 4 ri • I •..c ^ . k . ••• . ...a If I. Murol . s 11 n 11.1 . 0 • t :• • Itt. Ml. .1. 1 1 t. ~ 4w~, w (ilti I L'.4,,k)1:..-_% I`, I'H ILLING INCILSN'F GREAT It LBELLION ; Ihe Heroism of our Soltlon and Nailors. 11111111 MM p ie I_r'.o I~r4'/. rl.^_.• ME . r • r12,1^ , It. prOClCtli , L 1• FP, Ire r• , • rutting aaq *a cptilanty, atl other Lir r.n,o of the VI or • ; , I.• ,t• h. bccr, c .01,u r 1.0C.11.r• II oor IP•IdIPPF A. r I '.. AFL'. WI.. b tic tb.• tliPso of . ,r f ^PIC. F y•atil to MID*. it • t.. r. • .1 r • its •'lllll5 the !br• I!. A. A r • ' I I la. 1 1 . sr, by ...ON,. F (01 . /./1 it 471,1.01 or `erbo Mao 1, 1.1 .! . 'Ls dater , f • I tt.• r7P1..11 'topus IL..F t.t. HrLa o raid. SAO 111. awl act.,:ot t rna,•••l4; nattl.a, with •0gr...111121 112111 - ,o t.• , .• h. iam bbirit and .11 Ls up. , • toi y C. lt,c 104 also bet..' , l 'IP ,•.•.• • to.ty same and-ad ,l“.• •: I r A o. cir, • ..• r, t pers.° eac • I 10 c r t,, =I 11061,111“ tAr , , I',•.it(JITIYA aid C atilN7ll win Ir. .14 a IL n P:t•lilw Cll.', on sp il.ratitak 'c 'n. puL,ll.Mr, 4 Saw - al c UMW Ye tra., !yen i 4 ..letrre durrrta, fa ad 4., N rowia P. hug I ft/ /Id b•Cr Pp( &WU THE HP4IOIII olif AiIitHICAN 31ANUMAC TLHIsn, FkONl ItHIS to MEHL By Ur. J. Li- ANDO.* • ,Ir. V I I flow rawly. Vol. noarly rewly This is probably the .I...geet •nJ tuo•t important woos► Deer la the A tort Imo pros•• We have also ju.t put. uL.d o.- tioi.. «I Lk. hd OtiOf Dierta 1 , 1,11' sr 1 ,, c.k.11 , TUB BCP•IYBltle MA\'n 11.8041, or, or to Save Money, by t oodoctiog Busies se. enrdusir to Lao, a• ex peuildrd by tess Bust sod Latest Aathoritioe 400 pp ,•lo•op Vio• $l. orruaTcsvri Eh' FUR I • LICe*TIL j or • THOUts.tNi) tII CU% Ti) MA Kb. MOPIX . Cloth, Tbt• has been republished in EDgland. Ryon' Tms.oPas wall awl clerk ' Levy thin books. They vtil i•y 'he Lay., • hu0...! ' . Every pareet w ler pry:* We 1re111,91 , 4 1./.. , ,11 Ca. lu I raritpaia.:, slay r.r...k Falco mud a.l Plan3iM Fizi. EL:I3 I. & ( ' 0., Tribune Buildings, N. Y t buy • rlllO9 tb• -Mil &Ott, t 1.• • L • air) owl , t • hao4 - a olp• U.• tt.•••• .) rlia, JOT, COk 6 ( , I xi.< 4•• ti Ls, :S fle yu,k f • 1-AD_)L!I;ON OrTHE.KN AI • I is., rm•a4 rr FITATI •;1 1 V F. +NO r but:ltr.:4 By w•11. • hatTLI, I.t• kolatur W the Datimerwsz fi•re•af .Jty ;• L. iI 00. Octavo bOUP4I .:. • ..r • •orr DU ct 4 1:RIA) I t,'• : J gT, witb so Latru•kielos oy J r• 0 Alo:4 •0 4p• oositataio% an Laos. on t Wolff t. • e'rOquottzooaa has. of 71•••• 1., 0. •,• . 41 1,1.. tkc:.••• .0 Costa. !•:IXilt() c.P.I" L'NJI::4I. pwet, l(tat USLICU Viipetiag to Nev• Lit.. if. .a .J Pania.Llat, UCtiLTO, An) • 1:1 • scut Ly aall , yor typo rare. oU receipt a I 'lt, i\ k KIE. HORTON V CO, NaJimala at ,Now York. jutyL'G7 AZA.t ) 1., 1 A 1. W A I: MAY MAP r _ th . ,ri 4 pA &M I LITA R Y "V.l•ct ' I'AT ES. yrs' w raved Nall Sur• the kaatirWadm, 2, • Li.) War Oapant,,... ~.f. It astbortsid • Ks pc , - -C. 4 1, and dlair , bo!s , ••••liag all tl AND COP/ t 2 Lir lasoorill and Colossi, 4.1, Allay• Al It la THI ONLY/UP tba• It autbortaa4 as Orn . 11 la the oust ilatiob4• &au Aathaotto. atad trout tta largo Me— ira by WS to, hot--shotra at a &owl tba Priate , pol Plaoate and all at* - trat.rta Points. Geattral MoCatilaa haaor.lutowitolguat the great twaseartezoo..el it to hie aloyeaseata. - INIANTIF c 1. 1 . Y COLORED, PRICE, ONT•Y ONE DOL. La*, to entapete arlth interior azapa. la Cloth Came, Ill,au Diammetmd and Mounted oa alualla, VA. illoant ad ma Nunn., wit% Kotler. had Varnimbed, WO Swot Tree by Lill oa nobetpt at Prom. WILE IN P. HASARD, No.?* Cbeirtaut Mr*. t, Aia "very wan .auta 111: HEST Lod ONLY 0rn914.1. KAY, drat§ Can u 341., u.ouvy rapidly by al 7 =2 L KUM. TX BTU AMU °THICK BlIV81111:8. EVSeras bogy CAD be muted in these at b7 waft et lb* gore of J. C4llllll. ; 6 1, ..1 the try Escumm =EI = r If rr u t.r. . • L . • 1 .1:1, L. 4.1 tf •04 L•111.111q . r••• y. Ltd MIES I:MEEM:I • '1 •••kr•i,r 4 • .14.... kit st. Ip' at t . I k etz , .L 4 it trti. tr - IIIIIM!1!1111!1:1 EtIMEI!!!1:Iii:1 \ 1 4. /4.1 }' 4 . it, 4 • NPI 111!tet fr 41 • L • I •,' .• •ti al.: ~or s., 4 •lpt of • u al liug bossaa, at.. • 1.1 pit.. kJ • and pecd o ~,p1 I I,alrishari. vKTil'rt ITS 11002. NEW GOODS 1882 IM3 SPRING TRADE' AT THE BANNER STORE " BLOA3if BOOTH & M'CREARY NO. 1, WAYNE BLOCK, lo.lto Cho *booboo of Rudman,. to tc.vr ...• . Stook of Spirts' and Passoirr everrt Win Id t..• GROCERY & grIPCLIA NL , LER 5" 1 .•• In part, so foklnn• TlC.ft.—Yoga[ Elmo. le- !LOPE.- Vant..4o. , 1 41 4 1• 0 1 . 4 I . ditepowdetr, In , it t, sta .actlet,T. • Saglelete Areas- rt•lre lath, • t bet, AG. "l; CIL Vera, • curt/sr-1g Houair.. rtc Pwat..... ?A 11.—In Er.. at.. • L' l Natio the lett/. Pi'eh. t -sly 1214 eta,perpeard. t ta Pot- l'A P., .I.lrwel "raved, Cnlis •nd I'. r. r r • • A,Lnalse &owl Stowe Iluldtrds, Lend —GOMA 11111 kV as 1r c• a. Marlin Sp kr. f' • pet pealed. Serapes, Cavil k WOOD/EN WA K K.— lets. Imo& AC.. A , Mao end Ceder Tabs, 13111.)+HIP 4 .—raiPt " na, Wash Beettle, Aar Pared liclew. Kap- ilsadl.a. and C. u, r brain Scoops, Butte.r HI US - I - Priuss, Settee Kaleta ;era Tx' ' ' Plna, Fanneta t. 4 4 de, An (' LUTlll '.4'.- WILLOW he A All le. rnt n. - Clothe% Mertet, Rasa. r.•• .4e-bool end Lacly'sTreee. awl b.'. olter Seabees. GRAIN BAGS, ter_4lßY 1011K3, - ' cH I LDRSDPBCH•IR.i, WOODLN 6• , v , L. .' TR/ VS, TvY AIIEEL BAT.- f'riAlt_ A- k r()IAJATE:' , CLIAPIN • Chemical Soap; SPERM. STAR AND TALT,i, f I . Fl EXCELSIOR HARING Patti' ONl==ll 'I 110, iii 114 et CHEWINci r() 11 ^' IN2 t. , r. U Lc'l i[ , fi t. t-if • r • Rill 11. )1,00-• i..‘ frai.t• Ire C3l t t 8.04 •• "S • .• c.arCli el; NEW LEATHER ti i..tv1 . }..L131 1 • r ii et:l-C• sl.(lf sT4ll' Nikr IJ -, - or.otted t 'try LF:kTlikAi ANL , ID u . e •to •t Ltatiy .•11 tut.: •r.., wit,trl t U.*" A• 1:4 11411.-I • t r. •r. • • • c - ro p't-tsro t t ctwrft • lat-erti. slat, I ), lump haad ail k1t,..• f.411011.3 , 11AKt.tP4 , A•D Tl‘Nht 9•'t,l Letittu - f r •t, • • t 70401 Irt, • 1.4.1•: Lr •1tn.,1Z., ' • • Sitio• it •t• If hi Ilrl• i • LT . .4971 , 114 :11 -791 • /?t,,, aprzscrarr-C.,..„...,.. A . '1L..., - • .GET THE BEST Webster's Unabridged Dictionary OEI I= or Pictorial 1.11u4 4-illous of Itaftary earl a at t , .•a. 0,44 Ana 41,60/0 dike r, ptaoessi reprsar•isionant J011a.,,z aartaran, Bastion, . .goon', ' toughs, Caution, r•• 7 Gal •„ „ Csaart,p, !Anat. t., 111,4 it ter, , . rnstoillts, oayslitt, R• 4 I‘n, • ts.r :• nr no 01h.f K111(1 , .t1 ,a- r, • • bas • !oarlt. part ..f MEE= I:ARV T • Ai the k)regoolgoind Abst t. . r - Amster lc« vuuse, • Canister 'lnt. taatotimrtit, ,•. bascuidiv - ommi•,..r. • • 4,, . 4 . • W0rar..4.81:4, ( . 14.1 y. hot( liiun . r 1.1 • S. re 4..10 r.. .r. b., J . & J. B. CARVEE., I=l Leather, Hides, &c., No 7,Petr7 L.ock ( ERIE. PA ftsto 4111... t COCCAL-ly hftbd a LARGE STOCK OF SOLE 110MAX°, I I% ING , \ FRENCH AND ANIEKICAN CALF' SKINS LASTS, PECS, LASTINGS, G A LL00:..4, Also • Y E 'LL ASSORTMENT OF snot: MAKERS T(101.• All of which they ofte.r LOW FOR CAR OR PROMPT PA y . Sept 27. ir2 EOONQMY IS WEALTH ! CURE Vi oUR (201:01.1 FOR 11 (ENT.- The Best and Cheapest Household Rem edy in the World' MADAME ZADUC P(RTEI Great Cough remedy ! ! , t.,•• Caro 7••: f t.l It. •. • newl I•, --'• truso6. _ •.; raritab trf @Tyr, nu. t•-p It r. f. ~co• timely 010 tri • elagle but: e '• Ulm* tta -oat. 310TIR'13.—Mace 1 our Money t evaded to pest:ha... ar•lt•il • at 41 1.4 :J t taco the rixtssa a.. 13 I..eat tiot lout :a^ator - ratty' Milano. the eoat 01 mate.fa. tult. 111 h vest id that of glnyog: ay , ottirl titlhliCi D.. err••: Cow pries at s Lich it ui gaud. soste• the l root to the ie., apparontly mall, and aoprwu p; dee:. re al.ir. we rearannead other nsedieloa. on which their pn :'• AI largear, to/eft the costumers Insist upon hay leg /ladaffie Put:tars and none other. /Lab for Madame Pot te• Seura t:lT* salaam, pries 13 eta., and la Were teitt,es at •23 011 , *ad take so other. U you cannot get it et 00. stor. can another ri r Sold by all Dregigiste and Stott/ ke-pmt/ at 13 Sn., and to larger bestial at *3 eta. LULL At RECK h:L, l'ruptletnta, JNO. R. CARTER, Agent, Erie Naar Yu• • =viral)]. ST. JOSEPH'S ACADEMY, re! Ili TH STREET Tem ci,of the BZNEDICTI..% F. l S k ' aretitil delboal of 0ar..14 tleP• I 1 ..}l tki stile los Rey awl aseered that will be sins t. the aittleatlea of their° at ;h" Ptle. wed that all yeomanry can "11.!":"t'" pramerentas et then health. he pu ll., yearn ad lastraettos nehmen all the sneak] blenches which eametaste a Ontabod ,doesiloo Anal sad Tielbloa„ per scam 00 00 ley Scho'are per easreer, $l4lO. laimmemnii Wok. Drastic he., foram extra eharree For Anew lailleoa apply at the tcadeo3r. 11 ." .—as LlOll7, •tM the ne , e 'tore, on ...imam illvasous, to be boo/ EAghtla etr•qt 'street, Ist door wtl of A FINE LOT OF PLAIN AND FANCY t VI, f•EIONABL E sag 11111IDOMMI toms di ooronntraholt VIN 7 a 1, at -v. mew a., CoViedo omit. LIM A"T"Ert'S Sarsaparilla I CP. PIIr.IFYING TDB BLOOD And I , - . , cam of the 6'We.* .ng tre,p'ed .e. beret •ratl ••rrilnifieln.... ifire• tines•... is. a as T,t nor I lire. . •o•e •• r - t•pt.••..-. Plunpice, i'sastl• ....Os, C. 0.5., Blaine, snit all a....aas Dishabille. 0,5 , ,es, lad.. iltli Intree, W. J r_ Arm t r.. Neut.. • f hid it ay du y tn ace kne,s.ede what your '•orroparflla has pimp. !,,e ...., lierinii I..t.erre I n 0. r .1%.1 , n5e ioLect.un 1 ha'. oullened 'n -, .. , 0 it in a arv...• a zei ler )ears limeretintas It bead to 1.... r. • - .. I.zoel. •:4 arms, owNitianul 8 I „ .1 i„ ltd . , • .•......."1 we at the footmen. TIP* ).... ago . ..._. • - 1 ,, 1 • rtel and co.erea• et so* •,, I will.. ;tit r ...- • e., .... CI was Finial!! sod lintamoo '....7 , . t ~,-..., r t , i t,'.-1 many medicines and mama 1.. . ..• out .. i . ., ut moth rctiel from mar t ie. r, I e .I'-, Jor e,.• Owls.. At 141trh I Wilit hl t i..... en.... I • .. .......1 Meet...glit that you bad an a .,,,„., , - , ,„ nn ,la, I r 1 knew tram raw rimno tv , II ~ .t ..n.• ' .i ... 'au mod. must be ipaid. I and lo C.. .• , A :1811,1.r • ', and moor It till 14.01111 , 11 NIM I On" it, as you ad..., in small ikon. of a wasponsfsi am. • m Lob, and uses nlmoot three bottles. Net anfillidCby ok•ri sum/ !him to bra ander the m.o. width am • oboe fell tea %ly skin is now eksr, and I boxer t ay fee.'nge that the dieeem has ire ( rum 10 J flifina• I Ye. cat, eel, heifers that I (.el • ,n 1 I Phi saylog tbs • ad ye-" that I bold you to is cos •I ! t } ,e Mpollllllll olds sata, a... , ftsba.n ever grstefully. ow.. ALFRED I. TALLIT. St. Anthony's Fire, Rose or_Rzysipe e 'fetter and Salt Rhon i , lleold El Ringworm, Sore Ryek, Dropsy. p 1.. . T7:•,:t U. Prel.'s ontes from Palter, N. 1, 110 Sept . 1 set. i hat he has Tared an loonerabe era of In • r.v, which threatens 1 to terminate fall , br Ms ts, •esering rim of our tiaramaritla, sal alas • Md.:mart Brynptias by large deem of tie IMO i aim he cm - es the COMMOGI JerteptlODS by it 00/~tb.. Drone hotel e, Gloltre or swelled *mkt. Zetn•loo Sloe° r f Prospect, Teem, wi11..: "Three bib tlee of your Sarsaparilla cored use from a Gloilfaese a id& onus swelling nn the neck, eificii I bad nand Rae nest two yenn." . Laneorrhs• or Whites, Owkirilla TiMfati, Uterine Ulceration, Feindno Illimmia•a. Dr. J 1:1 b ChannitiF, of New York City, WTI I"I :n , et cheerfully T,.cooly with 1410 rotented year llePoi le BA% Ing I hat. /01.111.1 your Sarnparilla • taint assalimst nlterati , s In tits ntoueruos complaiata At Mink tit em ploy such a remedy. but especially is Row& Mataso f too 00 r••(,,, , ,us die , I,ee,s. I hare cored many lawatere ire num of Letr..rrifera Ly it, sad ebbilealiessi illa Ma '..nt a. as Caill.cti 1 y ulceration of ON ofeent. The akar .• • .a ,feel I was er..n cured. Nothing Indian ray kaelet • : .' work's it fur these female deraacenpate.' 1 1Y b. 1 S llarr'.•. of Newbury, Ala., braes, " • der germ,. ovarian hum.. on One of the fenallse lii lay balky. ..1., It lits•l dr 1.-i oil the remedlea we *odd toopiey, Ilise et length been cemplelon cured by lost lixtraci el Mir; ..; villa. U.,r physician tieNticht oetklag bat statispa-, •I , ...., i 1.". , ..1 relief but he advfmat . ,llllll lila sf you .... • ..r.,11 es the feu( ter it Istetif !actin', ere ft . • l • tic.. t Ai. Atter tuirlorr your 101.017 GOA seam •.,a .4 .Cif at ...n (I,..ti•be remains.' r. - 1 • Syphilis •.1 Mercurial Dtaimee. s - i. - .. Oittrar., ?lath August, 11W. ' • ' ,7 .1r • - r 1 dive:luny mawly with the re •., • . ' , ...;,., r a 1 rel .rt to yew some ef the eiloots I i f . t.iv lit ~,, !hrs.'s:Ma I - . i with ~, in m% 4,reet,µ4, most of thassam , : t *bah it is tecommeaded, aadBasellocred its .•-. , t•-• 1; tot. in ful la a • curs on/ arc • I. , •st •. On. 4 coy pelican bad SWIM; 11114 a te , tb. ,sr which en t -, nattnilng hal • ; fWA I ' lor Sarsapattla, nautili i tr . .. , t,2 t.., I . eels Another WPs athCie lty ego , ~• s• mptor.i in hi, nose, end the idielbliCia had ~.• en se ay A c .oahlaslis pert of it. es as• Ms .:..- .•, ~,,ul•4 e....-n meth Int brain nal 4„,... - ...„' it r,- .1., 1 il id , adottohtratkla Of your, ..., ' 'i • u. 'on heeled, sad b• la wr•U idlikae clod ' - -,' ' so: ,a dungf,ration to hie face. A Mewl "...-'' - - ... i.e . , c,...!, I for the same disorder bc i rry Wm it -, t' • 1.4 isms in her boon. luid i toilEasse ..I*. •., Me ' , eaten:Pr er.‘ vs tam may ea. or: . .: i,,g i r. la 111 l her jenny sad boon. 4a..:cy by your Oumpatllla la slaw 1 1 ~,,: ~• . of its formula. which mr ape{ ..... Prittartithn front your mod too t • • .n., consev Lat sarprieed -ently, _then on. truly remoukal,ii s. ,tls, sally yotul, 0. T. LA113030. R',. etzmatism, Goat, Live: .111111 ...• INOCll:ranicr, Presto's Co. Ye.. OM Jul . T 7 ' J.C. J. C. AT= • 81r, I has* bent afilinall pig!. , •.': - ".4 amed.tes f o • lung thee. obiob boned Um ... • ~. - , ,w, et I mu. ktoas le RA@ ot ail Ike •-....-. • 1 t eqd,..nt.l I triad your fistiamadilla g ll , • ~ -I ii., 1. ... i . Week* sad nototol . , ',1., ~. ~ ,i,. IS :het I ant far Letter tiaa =III awl .• ' .....g ! 1 '..!...14 gat •L emdertui medkims. J. 'MAY .; s 1' Gottl ell ef it Loon snit." I "I bale bean I Inv ream .Ith as elates* of Sat /ail, blab • , , ~ a . boultlf 1 trued every thin sad may Oise L. ~ • , .. gt,. , and I have Lem a Ilea i .• , rni )1.11 P fruto DO other caaae ULM &re i nT i la 1! • !Ater ) nelored pastor, tbe Rev. Ili r•alfif • • :. • .0 t....r.sparilia, brooms be and nektrow_,yam, r o ~, aide wager...rd. trykul. !if lin Wow -.• • :..',. . i,s cure,' toe, and haa so pulled my bkod „t : : - , 0 , tea non of me I Sol tea. Ms t., at 1.4.:. LAD 0.11 Mild Of Joia, Is mot eamign." . 5, %. trr u a ,Clanc sr Tumors, ( Icer•tlon, Caries and 11 1=Cr i a i tti the Bones. 11Mil =EI .3 ll= fr.c• If Adams Z1114 , (' KT, ft: unto e k• • r It 13..1 • 171, t• 1 r Mg.,: lona, tri Coto 111 Ar 0.1 " , ue La, o 11 hooping eh" ~ 1 kt Thr ,alll./.(1 I,U ni• e 1k1 4 11.T, tift .1111 . ..iii a . •/ 11/1 NMI rtrn. thy • P,nd I , rl • 1 . 41 41.1/11it1l11 •NO • • pot, to 1415.1. • „ • )If *lll , • n f • 101 o tun • It :• out a .0 •„ r•tv•olo, I,:ut oua ••,•=11“:. Waft 11 , 4( 1.k./ cat ‘ l / 4 . GtAgem• 1•• root/ r ,un...• • !aid. Mar• Z Fflal.fun L.a l•-va t... •u : ‘• r • • and'. •.111• I= NFLUENZA, SURE THROAT and all ....war att. cts , ..re, are, relieved vim promptly b Oir I ' 'at..ml.oand 6atraat o 4 aaarl W sod. bole propriety r% 2oio by Lreaseelsia eredandly I IV I, A ,ft,urty of eases hay* bow rapowled I* WAN* 31. f t 1 "-se fonuklable amplaists bum issellid t P,e um, t.f this rriniody, but our owe hairevill art ANN B , tne rf thcrn may 1.9 Load 111 OUT abillidella A', ‘lfor u tips agents below Desid wplwwd r:.121.1 g,:u to a!! allO WI Ibr MI NS. D yore!". la j _litia rt D!**a iiipniew my, n :rimy »mark o,le cares of flies, serfllluge bay. b. tw , wor of thin wtedkiSta. rt itite latt• 011 ‘tt.ll fltuclinus into vigorous action, sad dtas ,hen ' , Nes do. i l«rs whi is would be supposed boresd Ib rta,h. Loch a remedy lam, long boys required by des ugs , re.it f nbd ws are maiden' that this 1111111 1 I r t!,n, that medicioe can do Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Tolt TIRE RAPID CVRZ OP Coughs. C'olds, Infinensa. Illeareesioss, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient COIN sunsption, and for the litellee of Consumptive !attests in adsasseedl Stages of the Disease. Thu lea remedy a 0 tlellakaimaly !mows b surpesi soy miser for the cure of throat and lung cesepleisse, that It wale.. here to publish the 'Same* at Its Timms. Ile .n. • •:Imi excellente for roughs aad colds, and Its tre/y • • cures of pulmonary disease, him leak k • ok n threughm,t the availed MUDD' Of tka 111111* , tate the roninionitme, or eyes somillea, Owe 4I , 1 have not some perm:eat=11‘11111:10 rbe eme me living txorhy In tam: is to limey OM eV 5,1 I's and dangerous Mamie/re timed sad hsalli A.. I know the dreadful fatality thus diserini t ktu.sv, t. • the offsets of this remedy we mai sat d more than to assure them that 11 MO now all tie lire l'..tt it did hare When Making the curet erkkb hiss • c , strongly upon the cuuldesse et issaltiat, et P r °pared by Dr. J. C. AYES ie CO., Lowell, Kass. • • .0 t. 'll3 hr J,, ,n •4 Carter, T. S. Sinclair, Doshor I. ' r.,:17„ Vir Nr!ra ~rt i Doctor ; sad by &Wen • rse!,••• isser2lll3-Iy. Something for t he Times! NLLLSFITY IN LVERt HOUSEHOLD!! JOHNS & CROSLEY'S AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE, Tue itrvegest to the world foe Conisthig t;()/), LEA THER, GLASS, !VOLT [JUNI, NIS 1,1 F, ?tutu:l.4lN ALA.! 4.51711,, NO 1, coR4L,4e, T art,, a the kind CYST PT041101141 WhiCk Wili sI I hcaud water. lACTIt ACTS • r. rh..u.d have • supply of Jolta's f • , Ano r 31 s • 3.130 If I Aar Yore Timm. -it 3 . ....nye. • ht tit t.as. it) tbs. Loo..."—Ant Twit t 'prey, • e mil• r•ady; t: ,•cumuseadalt to every bod,y."-. 1,r4 Inurpenderi tr.-d It, and and it as awful is oar balsam am - if Orr** v; +v e thi row 11:14'1: BOTTLE. r, to IV Aolesale Dealers. •i• 2. - "I21 d 1 C7di..4.32„ u • y al; I,m,:gista ME tpIINB A c.tiosLicY, flanufactunorso 11► %%Miasma garret .EM' youk 1: - 1-0 II 'I S J LOC K, S:' ATE STREET, ERIE, 'FBICN'AL r A 7 e4 o lCle aasortzent ;t'l' lE.-. pRoVISIONS! 110111.-TI4 .% NU 14 ORE' 081 FRUITS, A••• • ; W J$S, STONY 'A . AK; • nLa r.. 1 and sellunir chat ..• ti ttA\Y•KVd Now Oroescry 1E.04. SPRING. ISM ERIE BONNET STORE. Lad 4.J41 Ihnoval .Pan.) S ITH, ASD RETAIL DES 1N MILLINERY GOODL I n•nk or ppliad w tb Gonda at N. Tat Pea& • 'lt, o• tt.tootton 11-4 to ftiwretilag sad Oaaolq 3 Wag rl< Auto t3t. Mk WI. Atlantic & Great Western 8.. R. O" and alter Monday, May 15, 1869, trains wit. Gary Stalloa se k ha t ai k i l th• th al (a e trala, frvaa kat se the } eSd I Kallroad, conav<Ung lOU the N. Y. & WA r• &.1 at 5a,am....2."-a eirat 6. Itehi P. R. l'," ~ar JD ACOOMOODATMII, h. :..,•ntiag. aa.ta.soaaca at /0:04/ go it., sad 0:70 YIN. Lug wt?b Inttlaard trash' us tad P. 6. LILL. J C CALA:IOCA. ea" Good Cider all the year roused. B3ttle of the Neutral Sulphate of ...kn.-, wUI i t wen* ..t.tty Golloos of 'sta. psi inttle. Pr«paroct by J. R. NiChei el a. l • 9.nd sold uy J. P. CARTIR, trio. Oct 1511.. 0460- 4/11kagla& isAr aooDs!! Miami* and MIMI 4 ROCEIT AID PIIIMEM 'IOC. wnfze LID I.looo**. F. it IL mukunksocis, art, now raweiviagat *afraid sued, Amd.ri ebb Nock, Stalmetrimpt, • imp and nnymw,or ei. , AL, of GROCERIpk OHS. W • LIQUOIth, 'WILLOW, WOODSY. Alf 11 STON F WOLIN FNUITS, ATM, la., Ito., together with every Wog toured in a House of this kind, which they will sell as chew as any other establishment in this eity for Cash or most hinds of eonntry produce. ten tt.t. Moe oe end ow of !bo o rt &ad leen MN* eilWeassa Seen • poi br t Son, to oboe We Win eneetioo of tin pe e eell w ea.. ottabt. Atone* to WI Ibis torram ..t obil;lej lieg o i n m e=w;‘ , itot. -.r. oin use Grocery Read Quarters ! AMICILICAN BLi.x.'lE, grATI MMT Jule 11. 1110-811 DE. P. HALL'S CELEBRATED COUGH REMEDY! 11 )STI NUFS to gain public favor and 6ocus4l is oil eseitorro. end aloe th• thorough Si pa loose s,i sit tan lama Ito- foyirurathro ter eiSessry is ter Tare& sae Leo( 4boarara te tally oartsitied.- o beet..., 1.44 oneaudee u owl teirf• it. illartUbey•se taidiallird API rriw..t pepalfirtty sad delmed. Khoo b coon • rented, with may poopio ire ~in leo mow, acasouste God I. kept is their house for rowdy oloi obauffrer resalroit. Au • core for Cough It to sired* soil araiimillettlas raqubiag serf Wes obehri tit On eon • Omagh et nosy weeks rroarting. Far outs% (-rosy It Ira set sinfilia‘ 44 at • remedy tut Mawr it. 4410114. C. oushot be ibiebted. Immo; micro! foamy pot tow te trooftl 414 mule/tow • by term 4 yam allth tht• talbsr•bis dilerio. Yoe fteaoiaills mod ihuourarauara• La rota sod mlieble, %MAI, melevill . rdentlem trim the wawa. sir lel, keeping Conga' boloody tra of groat raleir-Ot preeepay lloraecao frog y and riolerarse 4 the soya, sod .hart... the &Loam see halt trim Its or iloary witom merge. all &areas of tbo lump sue far parses 'hopped upon trrflotlca or tuflesimUca I. Sae aelar; mums membrane sad mouses the ; resent nee a qmproseli medense Le el bit awl: removal Heti ash Reedy .•f, speedily as eel Meat ao Iu oberatime-esininp a to artb mama to ail ogre sod •;,,ris oboe*. Hre y with *Afar of Lae fulloatuz elsmello &bon d sae this ydrasserait toady sot thou woke* ottl .now oda* Mtn AIM* is .o.sr ukoofitag It. merits is 4114141 fraleibare sad Hag' 0:040 41.enset4 it cures LILA 816. car 11;C' Cbmph Be 4 i 1 cq Oro, (.4. &des. NIL Cu /Las anoith Rasa* a cures Astir ma or PlatAisk. Id Cu Hoes CinigA..ading4 far CkaarrA. MM. Use Hait Cintil A Rowdy ti arevAeow Lungs. S. Li. Ada' tinqrA liaadialyfer Cse 11.+i!' a CloweA ,Bona 4 for Hears*. n4aa. MI6 Co Efaira aleph Roast ly it if/trent/gem tAe Voice. IS. Cam lid?, UNA Ronia4 for Whowliv ccnv . It eta postly modify the los Gif tilts diarist alashet issa Its %adieus aim% tram Its tbeessey dam hon. llograr• of oommitelliplis sod bum Ikensitkpar-irai fir Dr P. Hairs CotolstMA Gs 4, sail ••• that Ms ortt too esassuo lo spas Who moms sod db‘mtloss. lITIVOPIGI rater. Roar. IN um, 11 0 6.vo e si l d dames ila ISM Mr sfti Ai= CUM limed Dr P. EhAJWIP Ltilobralloil Is groat socaom, WI comiag QIN•••• sr 111: 11 0122 r m:4lZoossto Hs so• to tits • mid ollooosi cooody. DIU! 1001114 d poblis Jblo Amos s =ock p. rr ..,5...0... com... Joao E. Tire. Won J. IL Polo JOU 11,11Lias, NNW Dow Ovoid Swot. Jobs J. W se M s. J. Wohlooco. C. 5.1121611. AAA 11. W . P. Wistleasooist. J. Joh. R. Demon. P. i.lbootoo. trOlvon, Jobs IL Wows. Alospowiliboroood. Wik. ta .0t IL UFOs W. 1. - Coopor. A. IL S. L F o r k. /oopi Dosow. IL I. J. W. =bet il. Wskisely Orites IL Thoolo a rrla .T. 1 1. 8 . O• w. W. IL Wollogjoor. J. Itolisocc. CWoo. W.liais. Ilholil. Ifsol. Mihoa. 1) , P. c ay_ C. K. wisem. acc ai nl ? 1:131 OXLYV A P. lisoalociont ono Solo PoopOloloor, *Aft tlidras, Aloft IL PIM W TO MAIM rm. awn& AOLNTII MI 011.-4aomo A. Whloc i , D r. at. erl; Ws. li/rOlow ; T.ll. r. Licook Cale Vion - 7rl. 11: 1 4o . r. ti llicoo II Ibsorood. Clow W. O. w i d th w .. colo. Nora' Soot; IL O. Mobs% •a. LUPO*: TO,. Lookport. Sod bp WSW • L. A. XORBISON, WIFOLaoIILLII VIAJISS IN Floor, Pork, Beef, bolt, Groin GLOB s =r i me, ec... TWOS MIST: .+...sva yr/ Sikte Ash, gait4ll rotas CRAWFORD & CAUGHEY, Groceries and Provisions, GREEN, DRIED 1 BELLED PROM Ms% impair he lie* 319111111 - Spoleto& atisiork Shifts *mdse. TosAattlarilairn, sillied Is We loom Na S. Cossissovislei r iz. RORK is 01104100, = a the* Tzr M. tor *pa lltrz eis :p b WO ale% • • es law most r= *war sgra. BOOTS II SHOES 1 1 011. ALIN THE trudersigtred haying again 1411113111- booleaso, orgostlilly Wenn tbepabbv that be b ems g=est to tandob good, la their We Ragtag = ezcilisaosd voidable be Is pre re essesle all own Boots,: Oboes Mid Gaiters ! ROTS' AND 111.4ddi1 WEAR erory style w e d variety. Mavis; reed a large lot at roos ia b: y at u llA ke =sletereslaed sot to be ea- CUSTOM WORK! ww mows omolve _prompt ateserties. sad Withal/ qr. Porieltene `.....esea, titter oarealree Gat so ewe give se 11" .4 = 1 "°D " asid tries. so say at oar rola ft. We respectfully 044 tall at mu elan, Ittsty /t door Wow 7WM Ado. Sept. IT, IL C11A21.101 • Now Medi permea cal Disco ire very, For xlie_geed and t CM OF GO:40BM A, LW, Vain - IUL D - Stens GeWdeasl kuMse,, * sof OW ak Is ei le s b l s e d r , b e ons ITIUMILPI AM D =fi el 11T1 11J110 &WWI& , via* hos bees seed by mordent otim PliTsitniais, la Usk mei*, walk Wire =0•11•60. C 011011. CIPM11•11. boo B.L'S SPEC/TLC PILLS, one egged, la reenll.os• .Mtig• wwM • be eirt. sod *Worn Insaledllftlilli a IS 1,111 1010111 OK . Inlimm V ill jlt ll.ll . sad • eed asessiaa Ihe «Ramp% ilerlieekslll4 bits. saliz •Il nnesom leas inisilled. dewed di nenseseq eels' entailbso. Nor dees LIN& ostler Weeders with Voile m e=lls. Assn-bee insftisids doss Piliati,rdas NIL INELVII Mt ATM ON OMINA& WIAL/tllll 9,20 A. IL ATTIISTION - &mg" Nosertr, AMMO el hy, Piastans, mb, se i val itoth e iDeet ample A %Noon a SO. above deem *I c*f al aolther• ao. WSW le AMOS et Pia. 4;attlr. as. weesigesia=opereveakiel Or PAT 4110/ be the 44111". f eattlikl•= l = ll 4l l l . ren tisi Ltbebr . sely w riL y sevessidel Parties speereppileAboa taieev P.-11Mr is ilia= : r Seto llSSirbesevp lIMOUII .* t r 6 It. lICALLCDSLER mTrr!-F1 : teat, 111 to kb Bob tat E* 11. te graft mime gm Tem ta f , a le se4 .41 enisseed ausitiota 'IIIIIITIII.II, upwrik.aii al. Ws*, 4 Oulain Iran emus) 'sr in Ns es •01=14. 411 trot bow bo kiwi 3samillo, • Plards. Dark, Freateliell....l., 414',.. VT UAL it illiarl4 btVIIIIIW APPI 11*All II WWI of li ll 0 I-JC AL I Izt. 8 , 0r0rpEr.,...n... , ... Ills w.../ • of LUITIJUI TCRXIII.W., rods ale fires, 'Vargo beeitionoin imps aS lamb ed Cauto•oeil Marble rip Claim mu doll ?Wes. brbat P•ii seal no' 44 0 . 410 rs. lbw sow imam aparrigo amid • booboo tioillmeri i eimpolult No tiromileimmo ray la Übe milohmot Ilse is Obi loot style lead obrorlere Tar puller. pieeriiiireip tbo bibs% aim oropoeitalty itmC Malt iar4 ••••••• fanilsorr earl prime% ee l gas 0•1 Ia b• .d... 84 by earlilleiiereot L lb. City or • Oro Ws. 41/ Moe of ••4proems taloa la az - cheerily Farnham J. I =LET, 'Web ,ISN.- 4 . Sale Proprietor. oft siessiowll • large Perot of lifters, wino- tag et drat's/Moe MA plow IVHE DELAWAR E MUTUAL INSI7II - ousts , ,urs us PaIL•DICIIII.4 &la thow t 2 6 l . 4lDese Os the Mutest Out, rein. tie Is nand • thee t • lb, pelts ett the C..mp. uy, Nihon , 4, beyond tue pnatione pa., tete epos t Lease ant Oeftele i snared ett, Ih. toolit ent.rsune 144 an. Lome will be 1 lbeweit j ere ps ~etp t 1 y • b.. 4.4 firtrishe ea annitunane.trattaap sou °taw preprrt , 'Ft town or or - vette, to • ammo! Mon pennant' v Plilieto2B. agave . a. J.M.;B/ Janine. llia4, Joil.o C. Davis, = l t Jill. Jobs aeneett, IN* Or , •, isiajuil Idwstda, raLc wok - Shbvid B. Staevy, W K.oe . Dar* anat. ' . '4Zl, WW..a. Ha., De. 11- - mad. Dr. K. K. asst.', Ask. 1 viz, Jr Spower Maness*, awn. brriva.'Jobs J. Nirertit, litinsed 11.111..n.4. John 53. Peura.., T Q. Jeintnr,, El J‘10.411 Br.. C... Gelanott •lotater, an /I • • tt,ca•aut S. 111 int rassmo. li.ey. ar kitatentina eau S. sad. t.. rt*. April 4, MI. .1 gir.1.1.04...., A ~,„ r. 11.. PLANTATION TOlll , 1 OR OLD EO3IIIIIITEAD TONIC. ./CLICIOUS Morning Beverage and Took; m Itp od der{ every Mater . Flua e wetew sod that Irephs. It Le eapecese) ,pt.- I • tb- Waste of thfeeii rp sad eseeetted to te ter r.-I,lr A:7•1 - mai, elteknotes awl &Wakes Teak hi LC. •. k. boa ibiadestl(ttiantias, beseeleep lc It. • t , l II .1 aid el tale belehha is the hielembeeed ut Aver) o• WSW MI 0. the /Mr et every well•= L at d Flute' PI upr • J C. BC HAIM It CO.. ItheleasJo Aosta, 1 . e PA palyllt—tr J. C. BURGESS & Co., WZOLE&&LE GROCERS, NO 7, BONNELL BLuCK STATE STREET TEM ATTENTION OF IatALEKB EN GRO. MUM 18 It/QUESTED TO THE LARGF AND GEMAL STOCK OF lii E A soy F NAJOD BOUSI 11 DICLUDES NEARLI 'MIRY /JOWLY RNIIIPFI I THP GR() URI TILALZ aAT.I;-24 SPRING TRADE, 1 862 IIFW is the time to BUY STOVES CHEAP -AT BARR & 'JOHNSON'S, OLD FOUNDRY, Shad Ares:, ERIK TWO TXOI7BAND ST oof S ! Os Itattok ICI sai4 at pier TAR MA, 4r any MM NW err rusrwßs. Kg 1„ 4'. - time 14 4 Pal losminset of ILXVATED OVENS. PARLOR, PLATE, Cual.'olll.B immi Mout bus Roguiscok. Alen, a FULL 4113110MULIT OF PLOWS! awes trbtob aro tbe rturworre . right end IN taMeows an dr Brie Ce hullos New. Warren irr CaUITrAIN MOS RAM,. Dm! Irterr to we. rot Ilierroetra is err natisfset tos Atr Orrrattla Its% e legatee. t .0% g, W October, boo. SLEIGH SHOES all Sim. SETTLES from 1 to lZu tiALLUM. TIN WAJLIPw4I 1111ILL,Ar1eioliTi1icriT: DUMDUM CASTI2iGB MADE TO ORDER OIL PITS COPITTANTLT OP 1141%0 arineCOVXINT MODS, !Vint LVxmor, xxisoLgs mingplllll64 mastmaw C ASS i ikatir set idimmi C•Baries. xo cuAitok. lONS Xvi.l-412. Mr/131XIMA A /AMR STOCK OF BOOTS & SHOE 44, AT TEE AMI3ICAN BLOCK! Joseph Eithen & Co., HANTI just received from the &kat, at ewer ow Ihnott. Americas ilea, a sew and arse mestromi BOOTS AND SHOES ! LEATHER, FINDINGS, oadoMullllimeß7Gov.mile &nee sad Listener littom desalt" still be Coned Geo: Moen's French = =lsm* Cowes, Gahm, Ties, Re., La Mos Kid. owl Maws *Ater& et all it es. Mires Cowen, llorocosood hyaena Getters; Child • et, tiers - aloes 4111111•160141•; Win's and Go" •Comee &toots nod Mum. helooei Call sod Lip, and Spa vault. So.. loratbor. liommeoto Liorapt, Bent Iftwo,,, SU,. Lasts sad t'i padillbroorakor's Toom of every variety, ali which tin bon Mitt et lilkolowale or !fetal', very to w $7 Plitlinlit Oblation Aid to Custom 'Work—rte reedeMbeell west werismiled to bosairood sod as etwap MAW be Feereurel IMO or olorrelhoro. Rabbet toots and ocesinn e attripme.lllmeratte sad Boy's Heavy Wear at amen an w AMMO ATTEND?. . JOS. 1117Slii..aVS. C. offal— LitiliulUAOS-4To LUV AND 114Metterews arid axiom tapes d iW ip IM AM Jeys• WANIIOOD, bow lept. bre ; lbe sarts, trerratar MOW sin of taleseriaes, or sarsol Milal IHMAI ; in 41 4 11014 1 , 4411 braid &Aro sad bredreute to =sl. Aisri4l W mi, ' I 'mu" u t i r 4. 1 a e 4%1 Mr?" ELY • ia sh• liA/LliloGit GUDE, , . . litte meat axtraordinary book Ideleistis the deem year person ortempat aa& roe, sr or worn who trims to be i lli rbe i lir elf their olkertag to Uttar cireoniatse• 0.8110. aa4 are isebtastal to youth, iidee ibiantsse, le tally aaplained; partici? WA elniatil be Wier Is tore si , irn. It is tail Si_ rnartist. /a bet, it troloses orerets that ever, M• iftelft kw*: NASD It la• boot that au .t be lotted ag o asti as& Yer Mar tr rase. lt, will be not to '.u . ! eell *a theseettawinty-live ovate, la eppd.• or 1.0. ' DR. WK. 1 OUNG, No. tit Al l M il taarrite Oh. Phllatietrts. Pa Ml/111.110114, AND 171110/ITUN a TE, no most, ay be yrstilseriellate you aittriod an dos ems at leaf of ribeiress tiy. or k the nii.--.11. rierthe is *War say &Um wiper, .et a gefti ol _/ I _, _r• T_twis'o basks Ng ' 4 84 - r , r•—untay. it ~I: li ma armil OF 1$114111:0111 1^•• • a k:oi , • • year bealtlt, Sad Dr ai dig ur 11111111 be eras' ~ t , 7 rt., et Übe diseases eseselleil la lbleiirallestisa, a . el ....*•••• .o. 46 &PUCCI'. Ilestma. shirt Yeayth, Plidbreirls. gem boot /rust ll t• s. ettel. k ..-trett • OWL DESTISTRY , -44•• alb L 4 immess. DU 1010:4111:111031 a 311T313117N, 01/ WUVKLD, X. HAVE evened as Mee in the Rooms Janes.* friregire ty Dr lam IN RUTTY'S SMOCK, SOUR UDR PARS, Ina.** I—U(lV** 1 I ate*** ! : ! Al TES KEYSTONE Woitii. , , CIFT_, TIBBALS. lINIRK & CO. INPECTFTILLY a -I. t I,c .• • e:, t leo of &Levi'''. "nob to pore; t.A. Kt.... • or rtrto.n.,) in lb. , .: • r . • •. ligkposoodl Oita. t• . l. .• t , 0 1. 4 ...IP. + I 41% I - , 1...0l hr We.), liks pre v awl EZIPIIIIIOI Tn. 'Oran. Oak do. V. Meal, !brat, gun RCN 4 rl 111 . Pis vior Nonnes, (.r ,‘ G. , •1 . . , P n eta , . t'ook. (Wrap, Parlor sad ...I.e. t 1 i 1.1. A. ' ,0... ed. r Coal oi,, Ca' .41 tIries., (4.4. 1 .1 . , tuelet r A... A IN ... or 11/1 , 1% . —freopetltino my L 1... Onto the lest t....• be*• tnaacurr a ~. .... Out bow-t of h. , • _ hoop b•'.' t , . . L. - wlll hoop •oou.. h :. • , 1.1(11:7 Pd DIVING FLUE, PARLIoR ( UN)E, OMIT Nr14.21.113 : I. letoMr. ~ , . - .. rrzzsi h 'll i ' . • • . 1 4t 1 tif S u!2 ERIE k_t .1 N :.1!" .1 Ayr): ,‘ , • . ; ti Pruper,• $ , • i t 4, •t.l , T.... 1 • ',Ail., • \I .4... srll L • ' fry. •I. •, ~.• • •••• • •.• Nin ! '' ,• • C V 11 , 44 C•, . r I , 1 Wrll r :. ,ri• , G•org. , • . M. i . 6.:Ct, rp.. . ~. !a. illkt;•1.1.. t "ak. . Cl.. . • • Eri.,l os le, 1360 atetan-cti .;•••, ' ' • of over, ,„ tiG 1,, , „,. tKr; . r of ,s . w . ( AK I • at la rate-a. t unpr • ,• r. the yi.• • •ni et! row; • g • I 111: irrICTO Irr hr I •Ir 4.4 - I / 4 rir II t: ui,- T 1• rL •I 1) ad•c'... irt %Lek!. a IL Irtt,l t • .. 4,-, I t • trail , n• 4. Blurt ' l' "' 1=1:113 CZ= N E \\ A K ' ut::E.KE f it- • .A'eY 8,Kc•I;. —d •••• • • glitz Bred Lai t tr- • • prtetro a Lit. Pr.& • : •!t , Re. kr FRESH FIRE 11'.'! • mottle. .up th .1‘.1••• *.• t • loth Sheet.; Ice Crer '.a Ar•Am I •L. • 4 plrlf:g. r:••• •• r • • l'.‘Ki..-: rte; ! t Ut •b•• •I qu, • t ••• Ttinkru. lor p..t r um. • ham- • • • ti ,, u In th• IL/12,1'. • mat :4_tt 1 1 E( E ORTc r • e - " ja n'i -rld ti it! 0 , ,a n a l t - _ Attu, 4 MIES INVESTE!) I ' j i A B li 0 \\ l, BEI 1111:-..1; L 1 , , .r N N l . ' 1 HI)WE E W And .7003 vp. n •• ; !. 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T offrr all Lin !•I r, 4t r. - ern', Cala*, hr_, at null tt iv .. 1 1: 1 .• r Coantrr Mrreltaab. rate •• • .• I{ • • • r . •• •• • Wore purchasing it•Newbere t •-iin•-• •IN totspll at th*ir bowleg jealle-3 1t ? r, ERIE CITY BAKERY Uri CITY CONFECTIONARY : THE nude:signed ar© Inautifu.turpig ORACKUS asidCA DIES of lin kiwi., ..uet mg °fr!. C 131:11143K5A ken. Thine% No. Mimed' Moak, State Street, between 4th awl Ilth 1116•01 s, wick jt. ~ -.n'.- { =ME .I . ti - ~s, IMMO =WM =I MEI P .1 i F.:. •1 ~ !! 1 ME ii( LEI =MI IM2I 3 v 1 ,! !:1 7 . .); i .1.-. ~.1.~ IN 11 . , ORM , 4 . 7 - . T: ()L I MEI To Iteiipbra (laid Oil ;ilea. f ir % • • . - -s MI I= P'ci.. Y.l - r - - .=~e~ . EMI 1 ~' -- 04 11k.J - -= 1 4.4.13'6x ;•i~'. . tzvPri• 4 \ 6t , , t-t i tA - 1 \ Vtil*i_2-444Pt*-; of lIMMEI li It IRE I= 1 • •••• .L I I. \ .- I= FMI 1;1-:',4, it 'S ti()Tl..l Itz: YORK. • ef_nts rif2r. Day V .. J. A r I. inn It os Beckniar : 7.1..1L T: k 1.. 1.4 e Wo_6 Vint; NM :u. I A .-I 1..\ lii N‘ I N Tk.; \ ! IMMOI =I M A N -~ .~. j l ~ i i'i. How , oar I 1 ~ • . • 4 • 3 IU ..t .1 , - DIED be t".. t e 11 o••• t rt =: INIEZ:1=1 ktholug. 1 I.lllowtere),Nor 'IC: • ,Vr i i IMI ( I WI e .11.t,t, .' . t 4 1 M It , 4 ~1111 , A r'' ' ^love: =CM Sun . • r \ MOTE _ :010.%:\ EMI r.icd9 Bit 1 , 171.40 of 19:13MES =CI I A (MEL EMT 1 .1. t ,1/4..-e Li 011 L. I' I tl? 'red \~ ~i llti~ ;.ire L'ilkADO PUL It LOT, -. S aIIIJ SEEM ;, IN. it eh rt c 3 ~. -94 r•Lt., , ii If EC ME IMIi2I 1 , / Jr: ; lEIM ' ro`TON =IN , I.v• Iliffl I= 1111:K . =II a ..tgo %Li, ,- ^ I. i U I S' ;\ • %, .! lIEZEI 1211211 +)()1►: How hest red oopc ill h , • 1 ietti =MI , so •••1 . . . DP El 1 1 • ; , „td J•ONI. • ~ . _.. f, i~ISW
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers