El he trit ffttklm ebotrver HIE PA.. SATURDAY, J AN. 10 1563 IMPORTANT NOTICE D urin g the last week we have sent lulls h w x r n umber of our subscriber+ who are ta e t" We would not -dun - our pstruu, o re we not absolutely compelled to du so. It 'eral oases the accounts may be Incurred' I 8080 ire co escept by &cc:kir:lt, an I in al tnscaoces, we will take pleasure a .hting them, when the fxcts are brought :, it k nowledge. 11, trust that these wh, lew themselves to be indebted will respont romptly We shall, to justice to uursel•es,b, tatpelled to strike the names of all subscriber the het who do not respoutl to these bale be re the Ith of January No WWII:4111.-k i 4 said that President Liu Ids hair i• rapidly turning gre) __— - - C ITI SCIAP —The total amount of city bcri far isbueJ is about slb,ooao The wh"l ount printed, we believe, was i3u,i.kix) LIIBIIII4L —The ball given at National Dlnestlay evening, for the benefit of Mrs 'watts, realized a profit of $ll7 ,i)t) Jeer sl, tpense3. It was managed by ('opts 'sp, M Magill, and A Kincaid, three an whose hearts are in the, right place THII SUNDAY SCHOOL TrACHER 3 MINIAIL F L URI ALSO ALNI.LXAC FOE 1z."63 111101 Sad beautiful little Annua. i• seal isa to any Superintendent or Teacher in clic tilted States, oa receipt of It stamp to pre ty tbs . Oster. It is something new, uQi•ful 14 attractive ; and no teacher should bc Ithout it. Send for a copy to J (' Garrigues Co., 14h S 4th Street, Philadelphia, Peuna C0.11111.1 1 14-ATIONS —We wish it dytt LIU mood that the columns of the 06ser. er ar open co correspondence from persons of rt ,r7 O of politieal opinion. In doing co, we of , de net hold ourselves responsible foc hoeiows that may be expressed in their cone laminations. Tin Rainiest Bustaxas.—As an evidence u ks growing importance of the petroleum busi• teas, the Oil City Register states that there are or in operation in the Venangu oil diatrlci 11 refineries. Thee* refineries pay a weekly tevernment tax of $20,004) It is estimate,' tat the annual tax to be paid by the refine of Allegheny county will amount ;2,000,000. NATIUMO2II4I.—We notice by our exchange 4 our old friend J C Hull, formerly of mnia, was married at Attie* on the te'lldiss Juvenilia Tinker the relehrat eingstress, who Os well and (*curably MI to live music loving folks aims C,tinty iee has been agent for two or three years and ie expected he would keep Tura ing till lit nix the BrLL lithowt:.—Dunklr,l L'amn A 1 0. W. R. R.—A dispatch from Mead• idle, under date of June announceJ that the Atlantic and Great Western RAllway is completed to Warren and Ravenna, Ohio. IS connection was made on Saturday An leersion train will leave Meadville on We 1- 'y morning, with the Directors and a ly of friends from Cleveland ' eTIIIIXO Timis.—We live in sttrriag imeA, vats sufficient for a lifetime crowd fast up.o \ other's heels. and each week produce' eats of sufficient pith and moment to grace so Now, while we have almost daily itlas,squal to the bloody field- of Waterloo or Marathon, and frequent moves of state, UT of which would mark an entire admin• .in, let us not forget that the best and ►e cheapest groceries are to be purchased at 'store of Jas A 1311317 corner of 9th and streets. birnitillA --It arty not be a geuetzilly Amn tact that Carter's Extract of Smart We'd it one of the most successful reutedieQ 1r tits ternble disease known, —ln fa, the loaly one to which many persons have conh- Ince The proprietor is daily receiving cri alma to this effect, and the testimony uu the point dist has been furnished us @Uprising as it is reliable We would advise Isaibes afflicted with the Dipthetra t,, try Carter's Extract of Smart. Weed. ROW f lilt SounEls Love HIM.—As an tuct- Iset of the soldiers' admiration for McClellan Itis portrait was put up on Christmas day at aft of the large hospitals in Washington, or amatated with evergreens, and red, white and Mu triaged papers. As visitors came they 'Mrs led to tee portrait and told, “There is Kr General, and at our head as he ought to es." On one side of hir7: wa+ a portr.it ut Gila. Scott, sod on the other a lilo.•rres4 .iit President Li,colo Gen McClellati too,l th esutre-piece, alike in the heart! or the 5,.1- &ars and is their outward admiration or Lin II a brave sad faithful officer —Ezchange ENTRIFFIIIIIING Fla one .1 the most enterprising and popular firms to this city, is that of Messrs J C Burgess Ce Costing here a couple years ago• with no acquaintance whatever, by their courteoum mowers and business capacity and integrity% day have built up a trade that is not sur papmmi by of the older houses in this city. rimy sirs the only wholesale grocers in Erie who Mein to appreciate the benefits of even die advertising, and their success is nu draitit Rauch owing to the likmr.lity with which they have tattle use of printer's ink hatAz HALL, Saturday treruny, Jar, 1110, —Mr. H. Melville Fay and wife, the cele bratedtherlaediums, who have appeared before the most eminent scientific personl of the age, will giv• a public exhibition, at Farrar tall, on Saturday evening, Jan. ]n Mr Fay skalleagas the most rigid investigation, and Wee the closest scrutiny of skeptical coil, - slates. The phenomena embracer the play ing upon musical instruments—the exhibition el:spirit hands in the light—the ringing of bells in the atmosphere—the tying and wor m% of the mediums in a box, and a committee el two allowed to enter the box with him. Doers open at seven o'clock : commence at ball-pest. Tickets for sale at I,Joit mores, and at the door. OUR believe that nu )iper is the Union has a better list of sub- i scribers thaw. the Observer. Notwithstanding the blot we have added fifty cents to our Sloe et subscription, they pay it as cheerfully es they did the previous rates, and if anything wok so. •We espectad to lose some subacriti 'teat account of the advanced price, but in *eking over our books, we find that instead of losing, we have, actually gained thatylour sew news save as first of January We tel liars Limo ever encouraged by the manly coll atest of mu. friends. They have responded to env reessities in a spirit that is truly honor-, able, and we wire theta that their confidence as tare ll not a miapiaced. The resoles of oar year's connection with the ObastLer has proved, what we never doubted, that a st raigh t hrlinet, and independent course will be sus tained by the people. A HA?! A li•r —Do you, pas, lush s IM Gut possesses beauty, durability, sod tentility ? Go to the fashionable store of E. Sol* Slats grist, Sri*. tin I ECIr F).A.R AGFRAPI-1111 aait - Ur li S Berry, of this city, has been t• 2 . ed .k,,istatit Clerk of the State Senate. 1 liei e were s ou disasters to lake •e•- ~ 1• I t emit more thau to 1861 A li ce Iu H tr risburg lately a woman wu ar re—r,l for e—otulting and besting her husband. !argei lumber of buelneas change , . tti 1.16. t. place iu this city oa the MIN k au 0141 ineeLtug of our Co.in•y kgircul, itttl Society will be fouud ita culutuni. catts— The rebels and the Abclam:n.l . . 9 agree in .ne thing uW, and only one—in calling all i ru. t. uton men "Int&tor.) A kVasti.lig,t,,n letter say-e "Forney is Lop Ili: it wti.i , :1414 the Boston Pox( — 111••• ..F re \‘ II ~,tur I'..nyrtssuaan tm.mortalize „It bt runt ing I 'alr the tat olf news. I Iti .•r• io.d" it.. Di fuirt,Ler *,1 1 cowwentle I • I .eI“.A 0 ,1 .4 1 .1 .1 ni it , Upon - ilizu,..l„ 1.1 11-rn tune, kesiiv.l t,. er gs% en by the I. H e , ~t it.c it 1 1 .31 reet Catholic churt 1., we xrr itil,,t awl been poitponed to Titwns- =EMI seer- will owe t y the advertise went id' the & Erie Railroad, riuuliier change has been made In Ihe 11.11 e I C.O Lear I tufl, tlii, Rill tke pi tr, w ILe residence of Las Lather, un Pc:1,•11 11.1, Frpiay i afternu.ri, al *.! tiurl 1 t .re di Other t.ustners lu uur oLi.ges us iv I,,),Apour Fad of the proce,tings of the Eric county Teachers' j it 'lb" ut .01 reader, hair rap uti hand winch they desire to tell, we would ad vise them to dispose of them at once, as the prn e hiking; rapidly p a r The Democrats of Albion &hi vicinity celelirated the anniversary of Jackson's •ic.o ey a t New ii r l eau ., On the 'lth , by a pub lic meeting !or .1, part is out.— It ou,nsist. of documents and narratives v.:ctn. month of May, and is prefaced by purtrtitr of tienern:s Wad4wortli and lii,,xton Bragg bze which said of the hat.le dt Fredericksburg that —the more we the learn of it, the more we like it, i• in raptures over ti.e proclamation of ireedom to the uegroes imia. Ihe Rev T. W Higginson, of Worces ter, , ha, accepted the appointment cif Colunel'ut a negro regiment uu the coast of South C iroitua —ErrAarig, There s no acco luting tor tastes e unit Itand that 'Jr. J L Cook, of Raterlorl. h rented the Reed House, and will-take charge of it about the Ist of April- Mr Guild, the 1 resent =Lager, has been more succes+ful with the flou+e than any one of his predece+surs. mak., The Gazelle siugular +tory, baser upon autue information given to Capt. Wm. Hinton, to the effect that the a:Am-ions rebel guerram, Gen John Morgan, is u less a per son than —Timothy of in thi+ county sge,. W e understand that His ExceHaug, (he Goverour, and the Massachusetts Secreta ry of date, lined with a culured friend in S...ohac zirrer,on Thanksgiving Day, and was suluptuousli awl elegantly entertaineki.—Bos tc,4 It eutue vt our titlar*ls had shown One (1/11.1 the Lell to defeat the enemy that they Lave to hunting down and interfering with their Ltother officers, it is our 6rm con that ihis rehellion would be nearer its N o ill than it I.+ at present ttel. The cavalry company raised by Capt. Thui Letiuun, to this city, is 0041 connected will/ the Penn a cavalry regiment, as Cu yin tiregg. furmerly recruiting oticei Lei i• i.et.tr elected Colouel ut the gkri,‘ nt e e dui triend A J San derson, of the Lancaster Intelligenccf, on his election as one of the Transcribing Clerks of tl.e State flow, ut Representative%. A truer Democrat, a better hearted man, does not live in Penn,;ylvania jam- We are I leased to learn that Mr :\J Clark Its , gone into business agtkin in our cit , hat.ng become a partner with Mr Arbuckle, to th , • and shoe triness, pit his old tlo , l %It. Clark• is one of our shrewdest and Eu4ine-. inen fif t al - 1 w h00...-I;oeper. to rel.. ut 1. , the of the 11.,u..e.1101.1, 41% turret rr.• utke oocastou to say Lb a F nut Ity or II trr John..lon the plue th the city I. buy Sto•ev In L. I before. 41 the vortettes - UrnaCe 3. &c way here Le gs 4),„, Dr J. L. Stewart, of this city, is now Superintendent of the Nlansion House Hospi tal, ‘lexandrin, V.l The patients is the hos plat acre all treated to a Christhaas dinner, got up tinder the superintendence of the Doo tor. which the -Nets, of that city, speaks of as R Hi ig..iitic,ent affair 10.1. The 13uffalo Courier appeared on New I eat day in a beautiful new dress, making Itoilt as clean and neat as a girl when she expe,t+ to meet her beau We know of no p.tirtiul In thecountry that is more deserving ut 1110. .1111,P+.1 which this impro•enieut is e•i- denre loll_t apt Benjamin Bidwell, of Buffalo, one 01 the oldest ship builders on the lake., died in Buffalo on Sunday last, aged S years. He nide.] in building Perry's fleet at this city, and was one of the builders of the steamer ..‘l3lk-in•the-Water, ' the first steam vessel that ever sailed upon Lake Erie. me The seventh lecture of the course will by B. F Taylor, Est/ , one of the eweetelt poet.' in the nation His subject will be .Engli-h Words, their Use, Abuse and 112:011y. Mr Tudor's lecture will be given in arrar Tuesdi,y evening nest, instead of edur , 4 ty evening as before announced.' sel„,, The term tit Wm. U Bleck, Esq., as Treasurer, expired on Wednesday, and the new Treasurer, E D. Hulbert, Esq., took his place on the came day. It it only just to Mr, black, to to) that he has made a compe tyit and gentlemanly officer, and will carry with him into retirement the respect of even his polii text foes WI. Well, it is tin z over a week since the Emancipation Noelsmation was issued, and will %tune of our Abolition friends be kind enough to tell us huw many negro insurrec tions have occurred in the South, how many colored regiments have been raised, and bow much nearer we are to a restoration of the Inion' We are anxious fur information I my. An exchange estimates that tie `wslue of the oil thus far obtained from the Venoms° oil region :s $4,000,000, yet the producing territory is but some eight mules long, with an average width of lees than forty rods. Mao present daily yieltPfef the Vowing° oil wails is about 4,000 bbls .This is exolnalve of tie daily product of the Oil Creek refineries, spite 8u in number, of capacities ranging from Lb to SOO Ws. per day " oft. What...the wee of gettioceied st, at abusing your neighbor. just beesue be differs with you in political opinion ! He has just as much right to his views as you have, and le probably as sincere in his convictions, and as patriotic in his (attentions. Strong DIUIIOOIIII. as we are, we enoeld be aahtutte4 of Ourself tf we Closet( our political feelings to carry ns to such an extent as to quarrel with our sequoia to.nces, solely because they do not Letups to the same party with 114 We go in fur giving every wan the right to think for himsclf--if he agrees with us well and good; If not, we think none the less of him personal y for it. UFA. The Entemesprtiun Proclomauen.tell a. 4 fist on this oommunity as anything could po.ootily have done. Not a flag was raised in "honor" of tl.e event, nor any other public demonstration shown by the Mesas of the measure. The leading Republicans of this city know very well that the whole thing is but mere clap-trap, tv satisfy the incessant clamors of the Abolitionists, sod they bad no heat t.. t epics over on act that they cannot nut to believe will do the cause as good, while it may do it much halm. &sr "Hallo, Mac, ' said a friend of ours meeting a prominent friend of the Emaneipa twit Pro,:laruation, the day after Kew Year's, "I L ire ja..t heard that there has been a great or the negross, eU over the South."- -Gyn.', glorious ; just what I expected," was the jutAliint. reply , "when did it commence?" "Well as nesr as I can understand, between nve and seven clock in the morning." Mac lucked puzzled a moment, then caught the ilea coo walked away good naturedly, with the tew 01, alai It would he his ,"turn tier' time Francis train is generally#egar ded as A •specimen brick" of "Young Ameri ca, but it he tells the truth about himself he is fur from being a perfect one. In his lecture at Cleveland, he gave en impressive admoni tion to the young men of this fast age, cm the subject of strung drinks, tobacco and pro fanity. He stated that in traveling all over the world he had never tasted eves winos or tobaccu and that in returning to his metre laud, he tm amazed at the fashionably froytera uv station - - Cottle, hike a drink '' piste The trains on the Eastern division of the Philadelphia 5, Erie Railroad now run to pleop railed Grove Flat, one hundred and sixteen wiles west of Sunbury, and about half way lo.ohts city On the Western divisien, trains are now running to Sheffield,. sixteen wiles East of Warren, leaving only about sixty miles of track to be laid. MS. At the Hedding Methodist church in Jersey City, on Sunday week, a belligerent youtig lady rose from her seed in the middle of the service, approached the pew of a prowl neut member of the society and began . eowi hidiug him. The cause of this singular out. break on the part of the maiden is not stated LETT.-IL FROM CAP7'. MILIW CO. HEADQUASIZILIi 14i, PA. CAVAL&T COXPAXT, CAM' BCNOONALII, LlAti CRIITOIII7II, DCO4II/11ber 2641, 1462. Ala EDITOR :-1 have delayed writing to you fur the want of something of interest to write about, sad have waited in vain. Yes terday was Christmas, and through the influ ence of the oohimissioned officers of Co. 1, (may their shadows grow leu) the most of us were permitted to visit the Antietam battle field. Our worthy Oaptain being offi cer of the day, the men weal Us charge of Lieut. Warren, a whole-cooled fellow. The boys had a good time generally, with few ex ceptions One wan was thrown from his horse and had his arm dislocated at the elbow. He was taken to a farm house and the bone set again The kind hostess provided refresh ments for the injured man and his attendants, and tefused all compensation in the way of money. Dilly asking our protection le ease of a rebel raid, which we assured her we should be happy to grant Taking an affectionate farewell, we moved on to Sharpeborg. After partaking of meat and hard tackle (the name given by the soldiers for the bread furnished fur die army) we proceeded with our exami nation of the battle field. The iron messen gers of death lay scattered in all directions— buildings, fences, trees, all bear marks of the terrible storm of leaden hail that swopt over this particular locality, and last, though not least, the many new made graves of northern toddie.e who fell, bravely defending 'the stars and stripes Their comrades is arias (be It said to their praise) have barbed them 'decent ly, compared with those of the rebels. The Union graves are neatly marked, have head boards givlatthe alum, age, Co. and Rot% while the rebels are piled into trenches by the 30L.a—lioads,legs, and arms are left protrud ing from (he ground. I saw several of the pits with the iuscription: -Seventy-four dead rebels,•" another "A rebel raid of assn ran into the ground," at another, '•Thirteen dead heads but enough of this. The reports are conflicting, some say we have marching or. den, and are - going to Baltimore ; other■ say to North Mountain. for the purpose of hinds( Guestallas Our regiment is fully equipped; we have our horses. Our arms consist of swords, revolvers, and four companies have tiornaitle's carbine rifles; campus, I is one of these. Dinner is ready and I will sloes. /dr Henry Ward Beecher, in his moat fraternity leatgre in Boston, said—"Ws need more martyrs% we used more bloodshed.— Blemished is the wine of the nations. God feeds them on blood." ; Now (says the New buryport Nereid, s republican parer,) why does not, this man make a martyr Othistse(f f why does he not shed allUlo of his ow* blood in no way oould ke do hie *canto mom ace- rice, for his utterances for years have tended to bring us to our present position. Geodes,. doer he take to keep himself out of danger, while be talks so bravely—ao devilishly-4a the Plymouth Church and the Tremont Tem ple. Ask the wife who lost her husband sad parents who ,mourn sons, end they timusot talk so flippantly of blood any this mMisam of lies "meek and lowly ✓aw." if Ais God is cas who feeds the nations with blood," it ex plains mach of his preaching. ell. The Supreme Court of the Slate of New York have issued a peirpetenl lajusettios against gAt on and Jen kma for esseterfoitieg Ayrr'.. I' It hart le holdisi them respould• hle fur the cruel imposition LC whet dm hems done and restraining &haat from further like injury to the public. If any class of verb pl. mentlatibst anotkett . iiMede Ike into of tali lb shield them from imposture, the sick and wafering, who are unable se protect themselves. A monody sootaieeresilrempleyeg as &fees Pills, by all classes, Wilt to Cute and prevent diseases should; as it does, have stray secant:, the law can affer4 it, frem counterfeit anti Intilitilta--Cabistrf• ikawaschv. dy. PARSON BROVIILOW4I Chl l 6lo. —Pinot Brownlowaim it as hisdeoldwi *skis that we can't figlit satil beide ie s vicin ity of Washington. "Cosseolang gespvciKve ho sap. in &lOW aitll !Ka ' toe.* "ere We Owned se yisid tbsinseivel i• the guidance of iluf WNW ad nitre, aerie a see of son who ftri istAhlngabont witOtearief. fairs. Politicalabarbrimos idiw bolas pitch in and ory "on to Riehmone3hae swifts* thousands in the field who bring their lives as an offering to their country." MEW JEIRKEY REQUALIWTKLI TO MEDIATIC A ineetinr was hind in New York, Wedneoday evening - lase at wide& a speech ea. made by June& Brooks. of the Ex prim.", who introduced the firlieeringresolu tions, which were adopted Re..olved, Tint the State of New Jer sey thrikikh her State govervaietit. tie re speotlully requeeted t,, interpusweiu order to arrest (lett war. 1. By invitlog the non-slaveholding States and the loy,ll slsvetwiding States—. Del Aware, Mari lau 1. Kentucky sod Ills souri—to [beet In eon vention In Louisville, Kentucky, on Ine--4Lay ut February next. 2. By reque.titid the permission of Ow Pre -Aria id the Uni.te , l Slates to send comtnt-siiitiers to Virgims, North South (2.ii dint tiet.l,:lt Alabama Fi" 1 " 19 0 kfUrgalA, Texat., and Tennessee .1 u n nite them 11160 to na4Net in like nitwit J ivtiventioti. And— t IL twiner resolved. That the Presi dent be requemed by the ..,tote Govern ment t.t Now J. Ise% 1,) declare, en armee. tice with for nigh State or States as may accept this call for a National Con vention. At the resident.* of the Bride', father, nn the evening piths 'fUlt teat, by the Bee. Mr Hollister, Mr. WILLIAM WORDIIII to Mae 9ARAtI , eldest daughter of Perry O. Strtsoihist, Coq , all of ['nine Mills Our 'pang friend., to the mikist of their happiesaa, did Sot forget the Fisher. That they may hers a lon life of good health, p-os,.erit ) and uninterrupted eopytneot Ls our eirnest wish De the Tth tuft, at the Montage il , mas, le Fakraleir, br P. P. Mawr, Zeq, lilr. C ilit RUCS REED, to Vim Unita RICF, daughter "(Co!. Dau Rice, all of Girard. PACTS about BIANDRETH'S PILLS Nrw CArrta, Wreirerzwrint Co., N Y., Oet 28,11N4. Ur Ter 6 TCIC &Eupora, Diet* . r Siy Sear aIpII464CIIIL Dear dire—l would state that I was induced to ase FIR4NDRRTR'S PIt.L O thmagh the me mosendation of Jots Jll, Swift. of Croton, Westchester County, who was eatirely restored to health by their nes. He was. sick for some two years, very costive and dyspeptic, and he tried everything bat sea nut relieved. neatly, he took oae Itraadrethle Pill every day for a week, sad a dons of sly Pills every day for three aa, s, and then took one Pill every day, with oecaskosal doom of its. fa one month be wee able to go to work, sad la three mouth was well, gaining 4k/ pounds to weight. Yours truly, F. I) 4 41411 11 i4IIY WainruitisTaa CorWTT, as Ldwaxd !hardy befog Aulv owners', eay. that he re hire is the tows of Kew Castle , that some ears ago be was verb 'kw with a onrs ou Lte lei, which had bees rattating for over eve vipers that he wits Ow. nturh doetrewood tor e pals Is his china, and teondtv ; we • er. dyap•ptie . that after tr , lug rano,. arnl Wan, phyakillOa, nr.tt, , lfe , i, • Pill , 1,1 to eight three tit... • ewes, to • at oos wee th the sore In his lew healed, anal at the end ot two months he Was 1.1113,181 r cured • f .1, apep.tn sod p a te, Lod has tWeltalord well ever moon. ROW ARD PrIADY .i.ore to b.tur. mr, thix Pith day of f . rtober, DIA2. S. Illa LCt ILIII Sid Ira. J natio* of the Poaoa uolb•Im Sold by all tb. Druggists In fat.. PRIZJIS POISTKI • Let Chte'tains ho pt a deeds In war, And Ithestrela tune their sweet guitee, 4 nobler ammo my kart it fina— ls:l prole* of fixestics's matcbleq pleb Their eines are foetid to every laod— YW moo•r—ao.l Atne'• semi Their woedroes works —disperse SU, Predated by fimmmii:Ve esatehlow Pills. Dom diocesan sin.ct yous J do not doubt Tile dimming compound viii march It out, ♦sd hada again pm/. system 101, U re Sy dlidelea4o killiAlOX 8 PULL They're safe for all—both old and Yong The praises are on eery Dorm dlaarskr4—ao Wenn kills, Aar we are blessed withlßunaica's Pala. cr. Put up with Eanthob,Spanish, Gentian and Frost& dinsetless. Price 25 rents pr ans. Safer eennsi Sea adritetlasnastst ea third park Par We by d 1 davegista la Eris. ' Jarslist• WAILIANTILD morsalloga TO ANY P. TO al ea' DERBY CONDITION PU*DILBS; a aallossie soli speed/ ear* ter Comilla, Colds, Meets. per, Bessie, Bide bound, worms, Beta, Lose et appetite, gesnry. he., he., lo horses sad settle. an animals whom worn set end miserable appesseoes =hem them almost worthless, csiu be restored to their former vigor sod awe eeeditioe by a very few dowses of thee* 'oral reerflers. They are peasetlyimelleleek and cd.• Ds given to abetted berm as well as a sick one, with wars benefit, they keep their blood cool, akin esdtootrels loose, misery corium is good order, sod, as the whets, Improve the 'epeeists", of all animals no matter whet condi tine they are la For igh fed honer they at. lovsl sable If horsemen would once a toast!' give a table spoonful In their feed, we should rides beer of so many stet Lome tiokl by ell firfitvui4 - Cortleodt street, New Tort. janlo-4t frill( it A.IIbO4T _VS Li /SKIT ! Preleastlee tinges be seed u pee the ia.t. for Im parting to it • emelfersi shads of brown or Meek, is CRISTAD4IIIIO'B BAIR DYE. 11 Lt. tracts the had street/ of otb.r dyes, nom isles the hak,fe Onellp applied, pert,noot Its meek earl emelsoe fest sa aad Its presence, to the observe r, remains as IMPENETRABLE dECRET. Ilamatietated by J CRISTADORO, Mo. I JAW down, New Yort Sold everywbere, awl applied by all Bair Dreamt.. . Prier. SI, SIP, and VI per box, ausonllog to 'lir ~.to-bn TUC coriresssoms AND EXPEiti- BMUS OSP A AVOW TOUSCiI MAII.—A !Dorman harts' been eared of tbe results ot early er ror and dimes% will, from motives of bessvubtaak rod tbooe *lto upset it, • only of the abeirebbleresting narrative, published by htmaell. This little book 1. de elicited as a warning sad caution to young men sad throe who ease Man it wrong Disturr, Unit as' 1111011 a Pllllll46rraiWS. we, supplying se Ann ti me Ube MOM of . Rinale copies will be seat sods see.l is • plain without sharge,—ta. say wbs request it. by Uldressiog tb• intbor, GILA:A. A LAMBERT. EMI, _ Green point, Logic N Y. nolrSMobi - r IOC ILA *TIN AT 1 N. Why put. ellryoar care? If yea ars sollbriag with the Dyspepsia, Laver Complaint, or Wsukitess or the DI! 'restive Organs, do not delay, but resort at awn to the us of Neejlanirs Demme Befiers. Ws positively sad unhesitatingly say, they .111 eare pea, as tbey hays 600111 with thousaads before you. For sale by all druggiais and dealers In medicines It 7t cads per botte. janlo St a o-gl AO Adrotistmtuto. ERIE COUNTY AGRICULTP RA z. SOCYIET emelt bo blere of the Vie Co. wefts ye :11l be held at their rooms to The 11.1111USi me I , ... ri erostee, oo Iredoedolay, the lath day of Jaaoas7, INS, for the eheettos of officers for the goosing ?oar. A pooettil attendant* Ie requieteel. 3.010.1. 3 P BRCCHLR, SEItiIEANT NEW OAS LIGHT! THE OLEO-WATER GAS! Patented Ly Prot. L. Lejlitd, Jane 17, VIC nos gasbag bora tbasseighly bided by neva of stalmags, sad Its merits have stood the greatest scrutiny. It cao be manufactured tor 50 CENTS PER 1,000 OtTEIC -FEET. It h•• from oQ/a•lr• emelt sot liable to • oa sad will sot •oaten• In say t•sparatar• or etiolate. It be. • body imparter to tee-bast Hog Gm sad gives mods mere brilliant It . • • - We me sow toiler the tiltrelsem Waii Appa ratus t. Ito Poldis, eldei oast evuebeaUpteira tarspises el all ether glom outs, tit tbs slumps= wttharbisti it ems be =ado, its Whammy et Hike, its wrens aglggieug sad tle~ateNty aU vier eters good light Is me gibed. M private shrolltsgs is efts or. oagavvy. Chorales, Hotels, Thestr.a. Factorise, Public Geadellst• ko., be, and lua *sally be adapted to Use Works we is eventide", at very little expease• We will dispose el RIGHTS for Cities, Toms; C,oeaties or ittatekat moderate priors. ter farther parties dare NO/ to T 8. TUTTLIL, Sae Nal $l3 Widest Street, biluk•lpille, PR Philadelphia & Erie. Rafiroue . . MAME OF TIME. Oawl titer Yowl:1y, Jan. tth, IR(".. ill„„" owl nail Wass, not •• , Testa, on this Road w roe as follows • • LEA VE• ERI E. s sea. Ilktissibeilsioden Troia, affidavit MIR ~ i at e OD__ SI. 11., leashi s Was tile slobs& bf Woo Woo Roosloi) ass 4 snivels at Won's at t le r. LEAVE WARREg. eN A. W., Wall Than, wrlvArgWw• IA NA. N. IA WI A. W Acciainsocatettea a• arrlvtait at Ma I 14 F. Y. Mail This Weil naaspets at CO", gall; Atlantic k Gnat Anowsoditiol reld•LIK. ancaninniiittan saab.OM wait Wiateniatmatt slaw"' with babe mar Alisstic k *eat !!.teen Oft Conk 141,1482‘.• • wt. A. 114.101W1t.' ABA 68010111se. W. V.. trisa WAKE UP, BUILDERS! PRiarDOALS la Poi~llo tiorlebool I:Practors afalsobta'Ap pr zgra mat =alliel Itobroary writ, foe bantling a NW to. s rks aad oprailloationo 'oar ao nos at Um basso, A. Says, moor Gotland Corpora. Bless era is bad anti& PO rode of till alto at_tl,oo_per coed Y. A. HA UA Samson. Dee- no iga• — gw. Solo CiMi93llll MARRIZD. I=l THE E tY PHISIO DEGENERACI AIBRICAN PEOPLE, 11!ST PrBUSHED BY 1)R A ST( iNI, Physician to the Troy Lung and Hy gienic Institute. Tromp., on toe 4 4u0.• of truly P 11911.0111 INK:.Lie. id llooricuo hroplo : the raus. of [).bill y. Lot. satuptlon Manua:lda. nu work is ofaa w kagl orri4i•• '• " "a• per Urn (hag lac t, mid appeals directly to t cousartuassare a( ALL Pd REA T.s wad Guard... •• • ••ra wily, d"agale acze•tylk arid reliable MI/ if.4l/M, h On. ll Will I J UJAIi • •• t EM!!!!! la this book. Y °WIC 113•1/ •/ 0011 , 1 ~ 1 to 4 t ge.t thin I.ok r- I.aalms ! 1"0 t.w 51..0l . I ,r nt is ',D.A. of !..olleims, l on•elipuilou. A 41, lee tu line who will Reflect. A li•ut , nt tuala.lies prevall 1 0 a fio•rful tent ist rommituity, dooming at leas DA, ou •••• es aisaually, to an earls grave Th... are 'tope, fectly understood Tb•ar .rte , u.l bia.i 01 Nery o u• Ile Lit., et •‘s oat au.. 1.1U1111•141 . . 1 1111iranlal u wa•tiug. a.l C 4•1.1.4 11101 o • 4••••111141.4 l l w whiblt• br.l. . • .1 oriai II 114 orhue root bineatt.itsit oo Inwood.a a toil..' tlia hod atatra, ii rest pal pita lon u( the II•art; 4.u.na lion, h.: • Thrurat, waking of the Na. 114 •{..1 f.. 10. COL t r and 1, bd.,. as or I , ..t .4 • 1u41.t., Weill Orr, ot Ne r „ in ~noesFps...re. lit the toe., t „r Imo 0n0...ag0, apeosia ~ T rte .c the ti , ranzett aeeretion• of t•le ci other als er ay of the hole, Leneorrbrea or f tei.r I.lk, wise 14 liyateria and Nerenu a •••0,,, • Now, in oinety•nine cases out of veer. at.. 10.10 , ..1. I. all the above nomad duiorerro, &al a b..: of outer. not named. as oo...emotion of the Lune , and that moat to sit:Hans and wily form of Conturn, tine of Ole S(1110.1 N• 1. VOA, k [wire as Tam. itor.atea, and robe. bilenaeoteri. ea, hare their teat and Origin to titana.ea of the l'ol, le Viscera. iieoce the want of auci_ess ou ILs lout school practice in treating symptom, 001 v Dr. Andrew igtonc r Physician to lb. ung and Hygienic icietltu tion te now engaged . n I: I,i in.: tit.. of modern maladies with them it .uceefia The treatment *dented be it,o lurtitution a new tt I. Lased upon orlientifie twin .11,1 w, with, new kdaeovered r•woolles without nstorroi, or poLoins. 1 I..l'llles of manatee audit, that patieuts maw b.. cured at 11.-lf r 111111,., to ace part of the country, Ir•iltl oc•orste dearriptions of their ease, by lettari an.l Lave the tned rt...• vat t y matt or r tomes Printed litierrogatorien .01 i.. f o rward e d on applicotion. Consumption, Catarr!, and do.easva of the Throat eared LP wall at the hoer* of lb. 4.11 at the Inatttut.on, by acted's, the Cotfl Medicated I •fial,f3l.: R•LSA I , V - rOas, with In tillerssod ampor citreet,oto, 1., tapir nee, aid duvet corveYpondence. Patient' applying for Intern eto,,ea or a 1 : ICe, must opal)** return atanyill to meet attention The MU/siding pbyscian will be found a t the I Damn . Hon for oommitateon, from 9 a m to V p m, .ash day Sunday in time femme Adder..., Hi( ANnßtw :-YriN Physician to tin% ippy Lung and Hygienic fortnoto, and Phrokian for Mortara of the Heart, Thro•t and Loop, 9tl Fittb Street Troy,-?.. Y. Jar,3 Gay! MORE TIIAN TEN TII o SAN I) BOTTLE:4 of this sr ,, el• have Levy sold lo the vicialty of Its preparation, MOce It. glirMitletlON and the memos St11.1%,i1111( it has been very remarkable. There is seerooly as Ili that ueeun in families, but what its timely nee iblia either cured or relieved. ebundutt evi dence bus been shown that it le very iticeetsfol in caring all Wise of SORE THROAT, DIPTII ERIA, SCARLETINA, &C, At_ -IT CURES Ministers' and Lawyers' Sore Throat IT CURES—BRONCHITIS. IT CURES—SALT RHEUM IT CURES--SICK HEAI ACHE. IT CURES—BURNS, CHAFES, C. IT CURER—CHoLICs, CRAMPS, &C IT CURES—PAIN IN THE BACK. IT CURE:—RHEUMATISM. IT CURES--CHILL BLAINs. Gives prompt relief in Asthma PIITHISIC, AND ('ROE'!' 1,. very valuable, in OR %VIM DROPSY, AND IC IDNEI AFFECTIONS uaaarpa•...l a• • LINIMENT AND PAIN KILLER, In Bottles at 25 and 50 Cts. `told 1 all Tee Portable nrugatat , .Eui DeOen% to tlic United tat., W WARD C1.1) , 1t. h I :l l .,Yra. 1.% wilt! ISU 1111%in -4 »•t. New Vat*, Wholoakiw Agouti., by %horn will bo pr.lcuptll Proyar....l and 0..: JOHN CANTt.k. }.nr. P. Also sole proprietor of CARTER'S SVGAJI Ct , ATED NERV E AND NICWA CiERMAN it ORR CASPT J.u.3 63—ir ' ERIE RAILWAY C 11 \1 4 H A IE7:J I N HOURS. OF Ol i. lt t i. Ct )N1 NI ENCINt, ?rano will leave Dunkirk litaboat Lib*. followinkt h. ,r' sil • - . Eastward Bound--Depart. Meta ignforasa ..... .. .., .. ..110 r. w Stoei 1,1. k. roma . ...... . . .. 94n •. a Vast "'might-- . . . .... 11: btl r a Way rronaht . . ... . . b3o A ii. Througb height . . . . .t• o:, r a "sat Fmight sad Through "'might ran . day , Tl, Mail train runs , undays but not flonday • Tim Night Rare*" of latardsr a t',..ni New York, ran. through t.. ,JuUal., but duos nut run to Ilunaira I HAN. MINOT. 41.. n -.1 , g I NOTICE. the 1.. t ( - I,ty of April no-•t I will r-- UMOW from my present location to NO. 2 WRIGHT'S BLOCK, (TWO DOOR.: NORTH OF FIFTH •4TREET,/ which room is now being fitted op for ln my ro,s losatiou, with v..rr greatly lacteal... , far.oties business, sod with a rseentiy purchassd, easefully selected and domolete ot DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, &c., Arc , I trust to meet all my utd friends. Irlitife the. 14 ill, barvtofore, find it to their advantage to purehatie inartltt. T o 'INCA Alit. 01011.01 i REDO. W EBBS KFI LOttlt, .Successers to Webb 4 kelleegif, 111N1 FACTERER9 OF EVERY DE,CRIVTION STONE WARE! tND IN FIRE- BRICK, ANTI FIRE - CLAY, Between 24 aqd ad Sta., on the Cu,nO 12.-e 27. 61--tt NOTICE IIiEREBY Eire N'ottee to the Stock- Holders of the Red. it North East Railroad Cn , teat the •nousl meeting for the selection of ofileers, et II he held at their odlos, to thew). of Kale, on Tuesdsy. t ho 13th day of January next, between the hours of 10 sod 12 o'clock A Si .1011 N W WAI. K. Mice it t ti E. R. EtS6, rhre .:,IM. der !Ow 4 Notice of Dissolution. Ten•partaershlp herstof,re isieseen 1 suhserthent, ender the hrui bans. and style of .i ',ht. Hatch 11111 1 eery, k Renner. sod dealers In hi.s st Trio. Pa..) is thits diy dusi.olved by mutual consent, Ur Porry booing said his intsos , t to Hiroo Ft Person., and rot tro.ti ?sees the nun. Tits trustees" of the late Arm srllbe settled by Y. Au• mine Perry. solsdy. who Is hereby authorized to use the mune of tie soul late arm for that purpose Dated •t Ride, Pa-, Us& 111, Lott ALLRN WRIGHT, IRA G. HATCH, I.AUBCBTUt PE:KRT. Dor 1:3-67-3sos. ':j F '‘V FIRM.—TERRY OIL Wi iliKS,' ...1 ,Sttlf, PA. The subscribers have formedia et,-part- k'REVENTIt.)N IS 1.7 . I ..N. I'HAN CURE 1 - ship adder the dm and mono of Wright, patch, and V.A.00; and will niatinoe the ba•inews sit Refloiog sod T" Lati:es of (loli .:0 health or impaireil I wiling In Oils, de., at the uld stand, foot of Tenth...O., . organization. or to 1., •e oy abort, au merman o! Kris, Pc Older' solicited Dated Knit), Dee. 10, lift/ tun n y IP trop am Itv•Adon 1•1., tl..t.ttt , , t ••• o o d er . tg o a d AI.t.KN WRtfl HT, would oder a proscription a ~irtt is I e/fectly IrrliAttio •.44 Ida 0 HATCH, safe, and which lota te•rt, ort•••ribil in ration+ part. 0( Dec. VI, Ri-3ros RYIR.IN R. PSKSONS. the old world for the Fret ....Au ry. Although tit art _ la eery cheep and simple, yet it hag been put up lilts Ilemething New ! Dyeing Made Easy ! pint bullies, and tiro •1 v,•ry «it, 1,..,•:. a• t,o awfston of PARNERB' WIVEI', 1.(()K HERE. pneere o c f i pIPe per hot• a i r s , the no I , •ten-d p• ug• pert,t sale the TH E finest Shades, viz: Blue, Black, wh'eh evert la it ran •opror I,prfat lull tell sou it is eull , i. 4 , a .) dr" , • `t"r'• ttiltn , • A •e•ti•fliil• , an he BMW. Green, Red, Yellow, Orange, Purple, Pick. ....par ri, tea ti r , L A sn u i r , p...hi a l .- -- ..e ent to any part of tbe world on i Drab, Mate, .to., pot op In packcgew • t IS or 24 twat" ine noel, with particular dirretione for tieing to produce soy r r - r „,,„,,,,, „ re . - Mr"' Dr. J. C. IYE:RAU', I desinsii44l eolor. On hand am.l for sale by • receipt P l ' p 11. Pot. Nu 'add. SeW hiaven, c Dna. soell"L JMO.d. CaKTILR, 4 Lzebange Row. isee ' RAWLK da TILIINANT, ' OVOOSSIONS 100 N. MIND ANDO:n[IPM AY DRY ' tl2 : i')RI rr : : COVIIIK6IoN mutt:HA:4u ...emboli. —III TINT C %TA RIM I% YOVIt EIKADI, Wholesale Dealers In Bnootfleld, ormategro 4l ." . 41 . I Pittsburg and Res , er Coals, Lake tar. , liiiiich y”u ,An .1.. bi tmoz Dr. Wl' lirwortit's celebrated Pig I kewl'e Donk, Kos p. , .1, H. TENN ANT. 1 ?moth called "I.RI UP." '. Ws k I lie.. when tastlstally NI< Q RWT RAWLS _ -------- I Herat tiaA tiewor 1.M.0 II known to fail to offesting a Cent of * 4 . LC ['OLEN ! thiq dtstreastng and discus , ' ing •41.-v.kion. PH". one nok- STR A Y E,L) • - ...._ )1. _ Low • Bottle. gold In Krie fluty .1.. y ....i ieribie. oa wit about th e 26tIkef wabotr ! deaf/Mit Irteggali gad Wee yam 144 bay Kan molt. by atria I --- We feet. ally one !stunting the eolt or giving 'afar- ' (- Layman Holism, Kelton elm whereabouts, will be libelee/1y ewarded. i 1,..) 3 It. Uri Columbus. PL, 15K.13-It. P. IL snutoCQBA General StageOlflos. SPEER'S SADIBUCI WINE! •r. *RA uLb, ()F 111.11 I . 1: Fltlil T, For Female.. Weakly Persons aid EERIE 441.10 =I EMI 1D4 , . • i . VI , 4 cy I6 ' .n. • • . rti B..ea . Coutninor nun • . , r Pr I ,r,,u0r. , , and I• rtriln r 1 b r - • • • . ;-1 .1, I r Tft , “ , n tt a' pl►:tun A f, » •11« A Get, A T . I 4 • .r 11 - .1 . am WI 1R I . • • •I I T• :r I: . , 1 f. V. A it tf . , t .1 I T . ,:, it r • i.Pt 1 ' , J.... I :•.lICn It.—and a • 4.1' ;IP 'll 014. 4 -!{.l, " MA . R. • \VA ItI.) ASSOCIATION, new ~* the .st , is. , -•t•at 1. agrated rot t rtrultlet unti•ic '1•e41• , .. .1.4 d rq.c,.ally for Ott rot, Ler sr, J (4, k, EvicAL VI , g vc.i !t at i 4, the z ,e• N •I U NULL m. • r Seminal Mei.. , ' • • - - • h 4 ,1.1%1 i.rerinr, and on the N! . .NV fir *IL 01 r.• 1t...D1/V.o6*r%* rent to the . . t. 1,•• m; -,e ^b4r;,:s. • ; 01 b./ ac.eept .tltht .rrsok ;1 -hll ;.1; 4c , inr ur rs• :• Wll la, I - t , r.11H14 letLl in thi, 6.0 3 0. ennnt,e., 10 h1 , 4'.1', •pprn‘ed for It% FI F I.IViII , FIFA' THF AND NI:TRITIOt•- te.AIIIIE-i 111. Pr IC , : 9.3! METE 121MZI IMl=l 11111 1% 4 . • =ElIn ME I I: 1. id. to t. 11.1. roportgr tar t, wpn 81111=111 I On'er , r,LI v• (••• •••• Br k mean. BUFFALO & ERIE R. R. a Et VI Xr` . &;1 1 .7: WoZE IN and alto'. Mond. y. 17th, ' ,-• •‘., INIZEMIII =III I • 2 If. ORE II (• tt, \ \ • EISIIMII=IIMII r,- n' I 4 :CI A 1f , Ifni' t Fvnr ~ I'„i t U P , I= 1~,t.•, A M ClOveland and Erie Railroad gr. fit N and after Noy. 17th. 1 , 62 r. . env 1 • as fotlovr., r i 1.1%.1% 1•1.1.\" 10 46 I', 11 •t 1Y11:o.l.' • 1'410,4. t. • Uttatlt An. 1 l..l^ArG, ar rio,o nt 1 1. 3 20 t. cc, C ; )11. k 0, r ....•ht I - A.StAnu I, II I• ERN?. Pk_ Aertr'ari 3 o k $ 1I N - tia .t :.11111% .t, run% ! :• 1••••11'.r ) ,4111 .rnt ro ^,l 6 A ‘l , 0,, ( . 1•41 . 1. it .1, s'..ppag It wll tl.• taut . • Ar ,• . I,llLti Yt IU 0:i Sl. 1 1 ny t ktug-r. • a Cterrian 1 •t All the thi.,u 4 ll '.watt ,, Clervls.od wan tr.k.u• wnnati, .Lt• d . At: the ttxrna..... ram. , I: -!* 4 , 1% at Dan. kirk with t \ and at Bufhnlo with th. r..• • .1t an . and N. Ra t irvit s , f. r • 4114111 tto• N - lagata . kn. it, ',IT:INC:HAI' Aupern.....endent. 7. 1101'1 =V =I ~_~ ~,., A • - MEM= =SIM 1:1=11 I. Lie, Ihulrt.e u. .nt -Iclll3o, I rt. bY wane of a ; a, It .1 11.!•!EIM=11:13 =9 LAGER BEER! 1•••• BREWERY, ' • • • t Fl•. 0 r I=l SANO COFFEE "MILES' ) ' } • •• \ I s A ‘RACAI P, 0... \ U IZ'• . kb& , r . .• r• mad M.pzent ; =NM l'1• VP:t; Flt;! ; • ;r• r Tin r • It. 1 A O'l I =ME= Ui •iri,. et 3 . : .1 \ thin Krie time 4 a :tOtV N, Hoyt Tni In, it .1 , 11 a t at 750P. N r • • •tops at .110111 Vii • .al.. •ud arrives •• Er•• • I, EitlE . • Woo connect at . • • o',.ttubug,eut Warreo„ Warta Co., Pa, sag 7 *I ‘1. 1 1)1101,1c PREPARATION II DOCTOR HOOFLAND'S GER MAN BITFERS, To, M 1 .1 , 'K-41N, PHILAD'A, PA i I 1 t.MI'I .1 I 'l', DYSPEPSIA, t. WALD, tour Ft uctottoos, Sinking Of • •••.i” a• '1 , •• pit the Stomach, Swint . rAttleult Breathing, .• t l'• •••.. I.,,kkni or Sofia:stinging'- , 1.. . I , ltuDeal of V Caton, Dots • ••b• t , 1-7 1.0 -,;•1•.•, trer .od Pain is the . t l er,pitatku, Yellourneal of 1.. _tin Yalu to the Slde, Bach, . •.t., • t }lushes of t , r • , . ,V I •L..' 11. , . 71/ i i.Ll.t ALC,OH.OI, OR BAD WHISICEY Ut .1 I ti 0111 . 1 I, .11 111• I e• 110 111. e.. •• a;!. I ill Ji I+ (.! I:MAN BITTERS! n • I r••• k• ' ' e•:n le, but haws stood Ur • I L • % , •1 • • y :Le American y 0.0114; mad rtralled by soy sladlss OM= - t. , 1.L., • I.otters Itoin thouscift CJIPJ,YMEN tv s!:: on • e:TPetil fin! mk SoMETHINt, To STRENGTHEN IOC! o'.orve 1... par!tcuiar /, psrt lep Ti Brli II I' P lilt R CONSTITUTION t • , e F uttlng nn Ik/mar sr irle, 1. , e111114., '4 .. (4!, - 1 . 1 , 11. 11F Inn 111,-noit. =SIM ..•,! 1 w ..• w z.uv:S.'qn A I'•%NK ‘.ii Vlt ;CIROr:` FEELING JOGS. !:‘ ,, 1F.11N1..- I:ERMAN BITTERS r , b I.dttur of lA, Creepage ', ~~ H. .~r~'r•.t Attttough but t. -pew. t. f.tsor or rectotomend Pates* NI; .I.L• , h otstrust of tbetr Ism ", • Kr .1 .".• I • n. , pan:cleat reason wag 1 Ltd mAt ip‘t t..thl • tworot he b.lfreee !Llama r. • IV • l 'T. p r prrpokrettea4 Is the ; ,t H .• ntr thr benefit of tt 'JP fl• 4 ,r• '1 in floodasit's Gen man:hitters. bre; Ire , . %I i•etl.oo, of thi s s tt y. 0.4 I woe brepluire.i .1,.. •t " 111 h 'r mow Tears; tt.« , y wens thielly an &1000haball • , • d;.,.r. ar) I it- nil 'Seibert ehoesoislist, f ; ;re b, oki t.• Ir, 11,, 111, when sciffertsig front vat wail leng routine...l twlity The besot also. si t s. ;I.w of tbepe hitter., hi , l j l nn ing f the protest year, • t . b , el-Wet; ',let stel reatoranoo to aM ir, 14111111 , tkt =9= =ill ..•.t• • •%Iv I let Nit 1 • hl/ /I I had oot lilt tot 11.11.0 II: .41 .1. of m rwi w air I' ' -141 for dizectlog tair • I, ..•t• mt..irzt., , r 'tot tr s, !+• •'e L. no. `• • •r• At Flit, ; It-at .., 1.. j, I. —I 14.0 beta froquently • . . t w . ... , ..•••adatlaa• • 41 , f but rewarding the priellii• f 0, , •11'...e, l naTII ill 01111 WI ti•tt• J . tth a el. at prrtot it "ortolan Instances, hoof .I•'tl ,- ‘3.7tt.y in • i) ow n lain y,..1 the Usefulness of Dr 1 -1 ,,,r15L.1 r 4 ,tt , a, I lur One. WOWS WI U-‘l4ll etara., to rci rr.n my f.,J cnoriction that, %Epee ttr,tl del lat!, • 11..• at •t a n d eloteotoiiir for LJyrr 1... , rn plaint, It - a .1.,!• and rnluetle preperstioa. ^AP. / treat t 10, tut OW , liv I doabt not, it Will be nor, r tit t.. 11,t••• autl.l 111 the aboeloestatuts. r•-r) rewin.C . :ll:/, J ItNNARD. •t. Phi. a, Ili,. 24th. I r.,,,, 11. , n.', o 1 I i I'F R %U.\ II ("MIER , G en ". (011,1 I; r N lir A WI OWN, Jrxi 1E41611. ric C )1 JaCatt.ol —Slit —1: trove na Met phPadellal two ) earl ago, to gave you . certificate, teattlytat whss tt.e German hitters li.d done fcr me. lam now praise. I) cared 01 all t1r......11.e..es , nc medietoe j.rotsamm to ens., v.z Dy epel•sia. t_ II r.. 1.• le An ' Nervous Detilikr.dir ....,, ,111,- is ~I ...., A.. (h. du I influence It upon nerVnui pn.etrative I.• 4 :.41 I barony= trequeoll) is leer. in, .. • to, aod sr ithott Mee it..tt so, have ree..uirnende I • 'above eotopLIDOO. and In every Illeat.ce It ' .11Iy cored. Toes n,,-.:1 , :,.. ~• . gro a t r•• r, • 't --Ma Wows, mad lo 0.. •old in •,, Ty I , t 1 • cost of the Gi qh.•ei here I an) o• • , ...ha what I se= %heal cont. 1.. ~ ..run .t' - . .IDro , e to thielpw . . ._ ~...._. •rr,crut aL Isr.c , ion COM:CEI=I %hitt .t., "C . M. .1 ACICSON," slt l r PRINCIPAL OFFICE & MAN r&C"TOn t NO. 631 ARCH ST . . (Soccesserito C 1 JAMS" it CO) neoranprom. cr fuL, AL.:. 4 Di 444{1U szo/ DealersarsiribM jnadirill4r. J A C ARTKR TRAVELING DAWN POR LAEIEIL FRObi twf DIo to six A -1J dollars_ each, at as store o L Gana t N'EgiETABLE I I'T . RE TONIC YtnICIXE CELEBRATED RE1'11{11) B I'FFEcTI'.I . LLY &URIC Diaerwa t, ,•. ,••• • Lh.va.tei ariaotgfrofn , Stoma,- A TM =I a• lion, lotratri- Kee, I Lese or Blood to the Head, A. t of the Stott, urn,Diaguit ' . +,..• , •r Weight to th• = r k lekb, Coo a• :notirntstant) ‘ , l •••1/. :;rent "t• MEI %1 Y PRKVZNT v, FL*, !AL, EILLIt,US FEVER, IC ,111.1 14 , N I AIN NI) QUM enitrfsal pepialority , eiretable,,) bomb / .1. Ls tiveutlitilita, haw tne 6eocl-eetee of 14 06- .I.r, ,ilely eqmpoes4•4ll 1 r •r.r-rrr.d Torriol, B,lmarshies =UM IS= e 4.( Alcoholic envy's. keg., *heat the •• 010 ..Inch ir.strad of codas, h•• 1 tt, ot•appottitediaihr- =EN LAIVYEitz, PHYSICIANS, !ES nai luruiriedge, to the bow Irtu.s of those litlora YOC %%ANT I'.•t WANT A i,( , 1)1_, AIPEIITEr No 14 , V WANT Do \(L WANT F' FEEL WELL! Du Yur WANT NERVUUSNEN 1 , () 1 t'l. WAXT I-- N R Vor WANT - I. I: E L L .1') fut.' WANT r .1' DO, CSF. • ' REOWN ,1 . / 1 /1 kEY.V.IRD, Piwitar IV 44 lenth In_thitork =RE MCI ARE OF cOrN"rERFELTS 1 See tl.st 11,. il ;nature of is on the wiurrsu of each bottle. J2NICEI 6 /MANS. CITIZENS, - u'V h.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers