The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, January 03, 1863, Image 3

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    Iht grit ifttlitg Obotatt.
06E, PA.. SATURDAY, JAN. 3, 1863
4 .undo for Old atm, a►o Imo sods ap his aua.ll
1. ,i.dd to t►. pressure that crowds him bolds&
ILni tu sld Ulla Nallgoaata la aplitUag t►. EMMA,
Hu tarasd Ihts mandate of Itakalialpatloa
CI salads or J.ku Breve awl Hear, W W Ihrecluer,
u, Martyr ud Saint, had the "Sharp's Sae" preacher,
ho to fi►asas would ettr up a frightful 4•16/101/011
tritula spill tor:merest blood by the mash
steads for LLaptst, and Choosy* aud Chip,
And Shin Piaster Lhasa--a .It 'Matt, MTh,
toi thud' the beet WOODS the ireebellion to 'heck
Fun.. Imagias all Democrats up by the soak
U stand. for Fred liouglasa, che 0 lack agitator
iod I..ctis,a, tun, ti. spostaVo sad traltor
th0..6 darftraig ► triti• lu color and sant*,
rug oud lLat tley &au at, at least, is tkvs Suss
k To y gorworta, •ItelsitW tiky cause
Jt, ( . 4•otrf—tAty Liberty, Charter and Lew
T. iamb et*: sacred his mannery shall h♦,
... the tint of the taartyr. to Freedom and time
,isri4o 'or Proslost. of sho Wassails of leas,
b. boCoght mutts is arroyo nthort say iooira,
waited his tin* In a prissily display,
%Mtn to IN ow:dims:l six wallow' of troasa» sway
t. ttau i• tur thrruKin, and sage Horace Greatey,
~ , ,urnily flogged by shareholder' tenbeetly,
anlch, they wall, with the pen and the mouth,
perstni and thing that belongs to the south
ts blends Li great lialleck, the General-tit-Chief,
I.J .0 eagerly tendered McClellan relief,
tae tarns orals conquests should plan on his hro•
0. i snrels and Bays cowards easy Ithst now
► stands wr the tannest the people mutt pay
va the Giiincrais of treasure.being squandered arty,
~• plaudend by harpies that bang round the thepoe,
cd ea.( Lti the newly they dual, their sea
J steels (...r the Jedgre •hoes wisest decisive
IL. R.Jicaa treat with contempt sad derision
rnd.l‘ , lficd id tows saes the war poewu bona
To trample down law and the freedom of maa
hi o&a4s fur t►a liCsavoi around irsehlairtua `at►arad,
'Gael' Rest snugly mad* and ablandaatil 4ntbatyd,
♦ad *tat, Gir Croat glutted, t►q asterly slatalk
Crary ruvel of gold that their mod" kande tioa►
L statode for Liberty, Demi, Orttrayod
By th. PIM is Power, sad at ;MOS 10.1, laid;
For the war power preyalle, sod the civil power Met,
•/ati the froorlom of speech had the prose proeinte low
It brawl/ for Mosey, or what been the MUM, .
ikiled oat from the prose /Ike the *mhos of lete,
Hat welsh proves to be debts for the people to pay,
ur ourthen the gotta try forever, some wy
N swede for th• Nation, s Ili soh two year( edo
Bwrionied the Lase on t►s aorth, oa the south Meals.°
iist now avver.4 14, I liiil2 by meddlesome preachers--
rue Chapias, tb• Cti•••lstS, the Grealeys sad Reschers
IP qtallal tut Oplawns coucorutag our MU*,
That Mel ens sot board to 'shout to Ow ISMS,
rilat " r tau" ' rats 'tacit horde Illigotry p re
Tibet tett* tb. hot, while it loompao the 'ter*
sthaili tot the Prialtil W4O la potitica
_iv:lung Mt fury sad bate ut th•
1 / 1 116.1Ulag th• mind with laaatiail rigor,
• o crwati down th• gazou, sad build tip th• 1111ftwit
K raises the yoestloa—"Ott : UhlID Win it be
rhat the tielf savage Negro shell will to be free
Will he 4. , 0r to wise, to assert We OWS right,
Or see his way clear ear., by other lours light •
K itsuds fur itsligioo, poreerted sad spunted,—
P rogn th• worship of Christ, tato polities to rued
'AI aatatiter. Low, ao the tros Saviour trosru,
Aa4 w3rs4lp lastswi "Oasswatemile Bruno.
st.ud. for Chul. liamoor, malkinant an any,
Mir L. CIA !i Jby nue, /Irwin, for an Impudent many
Maki agate States with trannleal
t►am wit► t►e mach bolovoki Nigger -
[ t rrosnams who has vsows•d t►. &webs,
ss stood at sloe - two so Bally and stassob:—.
AL .r..r. c. Ss ot, boa be soagist oat soma shots,
6a,..-Tral cora act] Trassoo an board u( un goon •
th• CcLioa, the this( Iry Worn
< [Abs.( ar 11• vUI the to relitare
C, rird‘rat• Ott", • %. th• 0100 plau•
tt.• 1.:t....rt.r sad lial"ri ~•11 die to o gimp
1 slai.,lA :ur \ ►arty, Such as w• et*
It. tt. , akitca, party, otuirovor It bo
Ii errw i yagt everywhere Ewa,
A. lA. :L•v lu...popullild •II that le knows
I+ for 1 i0...12,4rUiL, the frost Provost ilosahsJ,
T. m.L. µsr iatlons pro vorbUkt I y pdortuil;
ozoo4 for Boarthog Hoag, kooploig, mit so octooD Owed,
Nocroos oa ho•-eako LOW hog -ammt ar• to 4
atsuls fur Isatigirs, a 1.1“110041 old sooM,
ri'su _f Radical Sway Isas cot a Ana hold
Kti taut-And sad (nimbi's% every one,
s' a 6,1 that ti doing, and 151111 M is done
V .14hds for the Young lieu, wwr Cuesitry s stal,
here for its glory is warlike array
grated the Watts's deep din, sect the canhois c loud roar
The L wog end Laws, and sweet Peace to reetor•
n' arm my brave Bove, thrust robeilloo seats,
W•tt, a Zusl chat becomes yeu, the cood/et abide
and oaring socunr,l your Web duottolom wok/.
l'roud Inutory Tour deeds of true valor WWI toll
ru (nit ...a it‘ciu assim.---ocus•sa lair
are reluctantly obliged t 3 announce that
to euortu , )us advance in the price . of pnaung
21ltenals has compelled us to 6/1110 . 11.11 $ 4 1L116011
LIILy p_ir cent to our rates of subscription
rnis course is not taken without careful con
sideration Wa supposed when we issued oor
Last number, that we would be able to boar up
under the crisis, at our old pnce , but th• dlr.
nchlty we nod in collecting Ju r hack accounts
awl the disooursgiug prospect fur an early re,
Suction in the cost of white paper, ink, and
other materials used in our bueiaess, forces us,
w 0.12 great relectauce, to adopt this course
In d'iNag se we unit' f,olivw the example of
aleeitentbs of the leading papers to the coua-
IL Alt of whow adra.aced Lbw rases a month
two ag
frog; ati.l after this twit. therefore, the rag
.4.loacriptioci price of the OC.ser.v will be
1.1 .5..) a year, whoa paid 21:1 &Jeanne, and .$l,OO
yrnen not paid until the end of the year
F,r the accommodation of those who do not
t-.t themselves able to pay wore we shall al.
s, issue e iollar edition of the ()Garr. tr, half
the, CIO of the pressent sheet, :and tont4aining
is" moon or nearly ►s much residing matter as
the larger edition This D4,114ir Utserter writ
cv },r,nted kin the same day as the regular one,
dud sFnt to subscribers in the same packages
t , r tile present, we •6ul cvntioue to send
4,,ual rditiOU the paper to *tar subsori
ter., th4ite wkit, prefer the other will
r ass. ri....tify us at the earliest opportunity
Al he au ithatitute impossibility for us
and ths larger sized paper,at the old rata",
nod we trust that no sins, attar being informed
the facts, will sik tt
there are any who rail, feel titeposed to
•.ttarkw thba patronage, on account of ;the
.o , rease,i pro..e, we ark ttieui to take tato 0011-
a ratwa the trying polltlOn 111 which in lase
teen prttred luring the Is4t year—the reckless
ppveiu .0 wr vur pvluwal euttnios, and the
Jaetehey with which we have taaitiLauto4 our
t , riketplt.o whoa 'VCR vile °Wit party leaders
Te+t Gulq.ltle It w0i41,1 Le lugraLitutle, such
%A Ile 4, rot believe the D 4141041110.4 a Brio
/gay to be capable wf , if they would dieort
we, how that we stand more than ever in need
,r their support Ttany should remember, too.
Ltlei while we have oall ' aciveacad our ratios
/AI per 4ent , the whit* taper alone whisk
we SM. c. et . la two hundred par Want more
Ihet3 II I't N. month ur ato ago, while everything
star hay g , Ls up 10 pruportio4 Under thews
utrouutstasice. we appeal confidently to our
i 4l ": l4 .trod we are greatly mistaken to them
it they it Out cwittaue Cu enttegme Lba seeps
lifterous daspusttioa to IBS shay bate always
chows 1k the pest
Etna, Lot 47th, 1164
tiorriagooble young ladles are protti
ly called waiting amid..
air It ie ilifortatiale fora aouittry when
its mos of priaciple are i►ot its principal
BIB• The Boston Tray*ll, 7 reports that-hir.
Everett is fast recovenng from a prolonged
but not dangerous illness.
_ Dr. Franklin, in speaking of education
rays "if a wan empties his purse into his
hand, no nue can Salto it from him.'
Ng. At ilentithia, bar-keepers have lu I•,ke
an oath of allegiance before they are kllewekl
lc Aspens, winches, cobblers, julep. lc
Her C W 33 Anderson, of Waterford bas
been appointed Mercantile Appraiser fur this
war The members of the 4th •trees i_atho•
lic church will give an eatertalauleat is Farrar
Hall, on the 13th lust
s ir For a New Year • Present buy your
wife one of those splendid bonnets for sale at
E H Smith's liddlinety Store. on State st •
air We are gratified to learn that Colonel
Brown s wounds are improving rapidly He
appears In good spirit., and as fatless with
the desire of returning to the regiment
gyelr Most of the journals published in this
section have suspended publication during the
present week, in order to give iheir workmen
an opportunity of enjoying the holidays
s ir The oldest piece of furniture to the
multiplication 'table ' It was constructed
more than two thousand years ago. and is as
good as new
sir If Secretary could tiurr4w
brains 41 easily as he borrows inouey, what
splendid tin►nciering the country might wit
nese —Boston Pei ' :
air The overage value of form load i■ the
neighboring county of Chautateque, N V , se
fixed by the State Board of Valuatioo, Is s2t)
an acre In Cattorsugus it is $ll
Stets the removal of M'Clelion, the
Army of the Potomac has moved, according to
tie Vowing° Spectator, on an average, about
twisty-two inches and a ball per week
They bat • very !leavy shock, ill
through New York, New Jersey and Hiatus
on the 4th of November It knocked the breath
clean out of the Abolitionists
_ The Washington RepoAlums says that
between that city and Philadelphia we hare a
hundred thousand Idea and officers doing nosh •
lag, and rendering the country no service
sir A new paper t.) be called the Course,
LS contemplated in Yew Orleans Its projste
tors premise to "tan the hides of all traitors
without mercy " Their paper ought to be call.
*4 TAe Timmer and Courier —Louisville Journal
a ir Burneide's opinion of . fc•C'lellan, the
opinion of all tadependent, loyal men, vtt
"He hai the soundest head and the clearest
telliutry peroeptton of nay man in the United
Stales "
. We are a i rstilled to learn that Mr. I)
P Ensign has been *sleeted as Principal of
the East Ward school.' He is admitted by all
to be well tatted for the position, and will, we
are certain, make a took) and popular officer
awir• The next sessioa of the civil Court
commences oa the 4th Monday of the present
month We shall endeavor to publish the list
of Jurors sad causes set down fok trial, next
sir teen. Butterfield hat irrittan a letter to
Secretary Stanton, asking the appointment of
C4l Strong Vincent to a Brigadier Genera)-
ship, and desiring hirn to be assigned to duty
in kis division.
1141., The editor has been too busy, during
the present week, tusking out accounts, and
sending pathetic epistles to delinquent ['strums
to bestow his customary attention uu the local
columns of the paper
sa. Army Contractors had girls ant WO
luso in New York so poor that they are com
pelled to work for them from sunrise till sun
set, for about ten cents—making haversacks
at one and a quarter cent sub.
sir Gov. Andrew's "s
-warms ' are moving ;
Over twelve hundred soldiers bare deserted
from seven Massachusetts regiments such u§
the announcement of the Prov.At Crenorsi of
the Staf.e
f or lieu Jim Lane, of Kausac, wt re , te
for "bliSiing out the rebels with lightning,
kiss taken tits earliest opportituity bt fault
from his saddle Into his place in the Senate
sad its $3 OW per annum —I esying the • blast
ing to be doue by somebody else
siiir -The Trossut j Department has tect.l
led that the measure •f a ton. to making as
sessments fur the internal re•enue, shall ue
two thousand mu hundred and forty pounds.
in all cases under the eicise law unleil the
contrary is spoeified
Saloon keepers will he ,nteresied in
looming that a new brewery has been opened
at Edinboro, by George Mantel He is an en
terprising young Man, and will supply ail
orders left with him promptly, and at as rea
sonable prices as any other establishment
1.116. The city Councils have authorized the
establishment of a police force, and appointed
as sessoner to fix the amount required of
Billiard, Drinking and Oyster Saloon keepers
for itesupport--according to an amendment to
the city charter
is . We barn that the less of 'the 8.5 d reg•
went in the battle at Fredericksburg was 73
all. out of not more than 500 It the most
It is very singular that no one in the regiment
should send a list of the killed. wounded. and
toissiug - GOaee, to allay public anxiety
air A letter from one of the conscripts &aye
they are now in the neighborhood of Fortress
Monroe, and that a large body of rebels are in
their ♦sanity The men are discontented, and
the writer ezpreises it is Dia opinion that
many of them would rather sender to tit,
rebels than fight.
or The members •f the 4th street Clotho
he church are building a large Lad tasty
building on 4ch strati', in which they intend
to establish au educational establishment un
der the name of St Joseph's Academy The
building it a credit t thivoicy end i„ the d e .
nominstion that ie erecting it
aft. The Legislature of this Stale conveooll
at Harrisburg on Tuesday next, the t,th inst
The political *Complexion of the Senate is,Dem
ocrats 15 , Republicans 20, of the Roue*,
Democrats S 4 , Republicans 4& ,—total,Decio
crate 61 , Kaput,Doane tier—giving a conserva
tive majority of I only,
elk. A series of Daily Union Prayer Sleet-
tap, to last a week, and be under the auspiees
of the Young blen's Christian Association, trill
cognisance on Monday nest, in the lecture 10.1111
of the Park church The meetings will be
held between the hours of and lu o'cLock
New Test ftssotlns.—Limost everybody
ha s some pet plea of conduct for the
New Year. Some promises themselves
that they will be more moral, that they will
work harder and speed look or that they will
do something la the way of helping themselves
along in the treat Wale of life. clue o f the
best resolveia that we oaa reaosesamod to our
readers is to procure their moves hereafter, at
the establishment of Aims. Darr h /*halos,
who keep on load oaa eftThe sweat assortzuents
of these articles that can he found outside of
tieW York.
Thelliossitiar.ets surrespesdesk of the
Joe“..! „f Ossaistrea satuateatutg au the ru
m o red change of lie Cabinet, suggests Ibe
fOliuWlng aLti 01111 that would suit the radical• .
Secretary. of kitat.a, Charkto ilutnuer,
Secretary of the Treasury. J. W. Furuey.
Secretary of War. Horace Greeley.
Secretary of the Navy. Chita. W. Dounteori
Secretary of the , Intertor, Oren Letrepl
Foattuttoter lb:laical, Went!ell rliillip
Attoratr General, Fred Douglas
Army rhapLus —M) youug r•titaraq
friend, eau
. tott read
Contraband .—Y e 4. sal&
Anuy ehaplAtiti -tila , l w her It I
Rive you a riper
Ceetralood.„--Siataiti. nian•a, it 5 uti Ipinat.t.
Aruiy Chaplain -Very What paprr
would you An gle , now
iThotratimitl.-11elt, inward, if y w i:licwa,
111 take a p ",rl.l
Juk. A lit:— tbr papnlir grocer. at
the ctirher ~t and etl, et, Lae received
a large t it -I.:, mackerel,
, embracing the finest t , rought to
this market for roaoy a day Ile invites the
public to give him * call, and we ad V Itle our
reader to accept of the invitation Mr. Bliss
keeps an unusually well Wert.• i assortment 01
woods, and manages na store to a manlier that
eatitlelt hut tv great credit..
As giving pre.ruti Ali the go, at
tLta seasoti why w0,.1 lu t it be a pod Idea tJr
tLe Deutovrstic laito—.l this ,sty to g/.1 to
gether and make ur ,/ t.t-ty American tiag
with al/ the +tars t/p4,11 t,te pr.•soltativn to
the Democratw Chit, N. tner/.1/ throw “ut
the suggestion. be:icy/lig that it only heeds
at/we one _tart 1D tas tuai let tU it..iL it it u e
* s r The Ltilehi LPN beeu frequrutly dtr
eul.led of lair ku eouue.o ci Kith var pre
ki uen e 1 aational •lehi, ait, bi 411,1 ok.artitute. 14
he, ”Aecor.liag to the Preach meti.od of aital
entuoth In use, uti the foot meat of Litr , pa Ind
&a the t'nfted Starts, a thhuaatot unili,,as, or
NIL Rev. Mr. SteuLtt:Ateri Jeliverei
sermon itt the Ittt Presbyterian ehur.•h. LA,
Sunday evening i t-i 1/1. J , 1 /*Di
WULIII , It'd of tier 1 iLtti trgiwr•nt Tta. mud!.
en. r was ...ii !Le t•N r g in
Erie, many having co stand, a,. I tt.1.1
Lang Lhgrd t,. ro‘tru t., th..r
want of room
ow- Guv id.pie. of 1i4.•.1.411_ tetr,t4ry
itttes litnt the a veto, h, t. tu,rm.
to .:11thors,t4 nnJ 1). "Ito, I r,. Jr), >< h a,t
fall 41tult
trace et.trit,t, .it o,•ta, eu fort
I,"" rtvU.7
ALererombie nod tbe 11 ,rtLern low&
diats.nce of 200 miles
CAU,ILY. e va%RI -\lr hrt.t the at
tention of our realer. i , the aileoritaetneut
Oats excelleut wed. ote 6/.1 Le f u 1 in
auvairr c,iluu,ll N.. Le ty that lot
laver Leen tntrodn(•e I Into t -
*tilt such astwol,tilug t fIU F
of Stuart: WeL.A. prvprieioe t.tti) le
set nith °Tier! from 4.1 . , juir the eoutltry
and hudl t,, t au 1.111 --
This p pulartty Las I}een gri,t, I , w ith,,ut
the usuhl put -, hu l l utile;
vines 'are intro hired fu ihi pu...a. Mr, 1.:.“
ter, the tu.suAll ;klr. 'l4 ..ur
citizens in t -f ilarAL •
ter, and the met,. voarietta ,u of bit- name wail
the tnediLlac. vr,, , ,f • ;1, .t is is a il
for whioli it iq re , imalcn 1r 1
H.. 1 1 :t Pitt
Be not hasty in opinion:
St..wly Judge four fellow-Twin •
Lia.te rusty h , le the .1 7
A Is ft hy have mat an
What if tie hms t , !,en
vre stilt
Gentle a s
An I stir t. t stubb9rn w,,
‘S at hi. I. • •,: I if inner,
• In doing gnr..l be in.trurnental
it) tellang hits to buy his gr ,CNTIeS,
at Ja-. - .1, ti. - .1.., rtit , r t
and state tit 9
PILLTII C111.)Uli Reed,' /1./..kiDg,
•d cupo WliA brought tutu 6444. Hill
ooe ntgltt a , t lng vg,.. I , no of ottr
uftit•H-4, ,t, laarge of heittg druals 'lto
Ju-ta 1,. I f,..0 1 .n
for the .pert ,f the ththrt th 1 r.• her tta
nrraiirne4 het"re, IA . - , who told th- I , i- n
er, It he 14,,,,1,./ W4/ii. AI 4IA
!Ire I h.-I/ ,z ,- • Liu
The prtuuner. with murk ditheu.d 1 , , t
••, -u lc ,1 1
and 4tendying, hirose:f eyee
dtreetinua Lut the rig,,t utie, vole,
k if , I ' ll which ht 4 Iriok wn. rr, ,10
he exutari, , A, ,;•1171 ready Judge, 1 1,1 r •,, tp
re',A :U v. 01 • flek
—b.,n l -A ./ xi
t , • rriff.' , ..; T 11 an
delivered a eurcoeset“l .t.tire at Tr a
Friday 0r:,,t4.4r Ara ,t,g .'to t .7 1 p Iran
noted h 3 the Titt•r ,I 4 ul- goi% i re H.Sinecq
men In re lati:in to the t.n- I -ing
He did i not believe in etiaied toltrerti•ing..ri
the mere in.ertion ( a notice ,n the p ipera
ones iu .111 'months hill he did belier, ILA
constant, reyerrWUUe ati,l I, It lama
wen attract the uitel,„Jr, ,r :I,C 1,.• fie
cited hie owri c eas An ruat , inc- t.(• -
CPll$ that attend+ the art of adverts ins
A GESTLE*AN —The rsrortsrs of th. , '•sw
England Society dinner, ciesoribluir au lilt r
ruption, use the expreaeiwa a gaullemaz, in
terrupted, "'Le was a d-4 traitor'" This
is • militias No geyrinrnsn uPe3 uroinne
language at a dinner. Several intern/010u'
w speechel tvorp rnal: by pera , nv wit tot,/
probably uge.l m ire tittle th IL trb With
New Englau I livt,l . - and repurt,r, a - ,th
tut) tuu-tt loniency i,.•Ltlerncri
, SAYIL , BY A BIBEt r) King L.
145th regiment,-4o l'hapbtin Stoukuul,t,rg
writem to —had ba. ,741$r I
bible in e. pocket uvir hiy bif•trt, Thu ball
penetrated the bible for Rime diatanco, tut
did bun no injury liilierl %ere tt• m
Ly t L r rnntaen,, liiier4aoks
it ,
n.i blanket.
InsAbriuss rur L k Lel —ll4e DorLd td.
ertutrpuLllihr-1 7. Lot rd - the di+a•ler4 iu thr
hikes fur IPOI2, wo , h the tollow,ug 1, 44 r,
Total riumt.or of tiea•dcre f I
I ke '_
ti.,1111 A F'.T ;-11e aro slit I learn
of tLe oppotutuleut. , f Capt.. Jou, W. 1% tikes.
of tlit I rogin, Pitymogtorootp to
the,), Mr 11 oll.rr 1 4 s 9 vt Lot•
busioess and bo ia .4 will , a and will tuoice o
first el:iss ofit.,..r I. I.iptioisir.ri ,t 1 wo•
so successful guar .01) In it y 11 p4puillltla t f we
tliould Wive ttnihinr to nnmidoin of
1V u• 1 CAME k.) f TILL I.:uoN4Cri
Governor liocktnithatn, iu his iusesa t r to the
Legislature, sums up Otto results of thttwiro
draft* is Connecticut as (*.kn o wn
Whole uultamr drafted, 4,L12
Of the. there were rausteireti tu,
And substitutes,
/Jut of these there ilessrs e d,
Lewis; a net result of, 16;
MUM' Saiirusta.—The will: Wiwi of ~ 1 , r
paper has eonatently inoreemel —Free? 'ion
8o has vice and diAkormity generally cdt
taratigua RepUblocina
.at. Ott uatiows.—On Saturday evening
last, two surgeons (rem Philadetphia armed
in this city, baring far — ebargo as insane gen,
tietuan nosed W*. Schott' The hitter had
only been out of hlirnotii, for MN aid weeks,
and supposing that a change at air wools/ be
of benefit to hint, he was (whets 'on an excur
stou over the Pennsylvania Railroad to Pitts
burg, thence le Cleraisurt, Irma iibere to this
city, and then on to Mestilski, the intention
being to return to Philadelphia by way of
ISt/fiat., Albany and New York,' Wheu they
rea L, .1 Westfield the mean. man becatue stub
born. and declared he irould•gwbo further
Attir vainly endeavoring tuitoduce but to al.
tor lits deterinination, the party e.aiclittled to
return t., (hi. ,21t . , where they bad ectiolunts
am ev The) , tecoravolity t o ok It iartere to
Brown s Hotel and a guard Was kept over the
luto,th. hot h) .time weans, be nianaged to
escape on Sunday atternoun Or evening .4
large body of men was sent out to capture
him, who kept up theft efforts to a late hour,
without success
tto Monday morning, the engineer of a
freight train going vita, 4.jUCed aman walk
ing along by the side of his train, but such
occurrences being trequent, he did not pay
close attention to hts manner. Whom they
reached the neighborhood of the Praia s Erie
R. R crossing, the man JeEthers ely threw
himself down alongside of the track, and
thrust his head between the moving wheels .
1114 hew I was about half cut off, and he died
instantly Ile surgeons heard of the occur
rence shortly after, and hastening to the spot
discovered the Ludy to b 3 that-of the lunatic
who bad been in their thiirgir Their dejection
at the wicurrerice was &rents
:4chati was a resident of Philadelphia, where
he leaves a highly respectable family. He is
said co have been Very wealthy, hid yearly In ;
curus being reported by different persons al
from ten to fifty thousand dollars.
orricitas ELIcoTED —The Democratic Clul,
of this city, held a mesung or Toastlay even
ing. Jas. Lytle, Loy., wassailed to the chair,
and 11. 11 Todd selected as temporary gecre•
tary The Oonstitution °Atte Club was then
then read, and those present invited to step
forward, and sign their names An election
fur officers was held, with the following re
President -lieu Seidel/ Mervin
Vice Presidents —eel M SailaudegLer
hi , tilt I I) Krius
Tiesburer—Johli %I • Kuhn
Ite.vrdkug Secretary —E E StuxtueciLle
Ibe UPLItlt re,t,
C,..areq,oli Jul Secrttary--,Benjawin Whit
The Treasurer reported that the amount
sub.. rited fdr the support of the Club au I
reading room wits over $.:4.4), of which more
than half Lad been paid vote of thanks
was unanimously given to Mr. J M. K.ulin,tor
ht. acute efforts to organizing the Club, pre
paring the room, obtaining the contributions,
It web resolved that the reading room be
kept open train 25 a. tn., to ltf p. m., and that
a general be given ttis men of all Ito
littpal creeds to partake of its benefits The
Constitution of the Club was directed to be
kept constantly open, so that persons wishing
t•, zigu it. would have the privilege at any
uote that Ja convenient. The Club then ad
journed, to meet at the call of the President
II hi s Met
The Democrats and other conservative rill
:et/1i of Erie have openeJ • Free Reading
Room, 111 the Sd story of Rosenswey's Block,
oppeistte Brown's Rotel.) to widen they d , .
reel. the attention of the public. The mom
be kept open between the hours of 8 n
la sad lU p lu ,to all who wit , ll to avail
themselves of its advantagek, ivithou't diFtinc-
I ion ,f party No fee whatever he rt -
, 4 w ee i t the boom being eaiit ll tily supported by
t he voluntary euntributiutni utlibetal citizens
r twenty or tilt , leading daily sad %Telt
ly I,•urit4lA the tuuntry will be found ua hle
in the r..ota, clether with ept•et.hee,
L. legplattce au , l cJllgre*.slotini otyellta,
wt4lltug co refer to pa..t evcuta"
tiut.l the tiles iu the roues altvayl open iu
.L , ;r t.o.e
1L1V11.411.30 Ip Kll vii I,IC
, J I -LI
a, • ..14•1 Si Tit --- „ , i; L I 'I Z r-
Will . . 111101 poetry "Nk,,r•
I` , •nty
Way Bilcaust• brains are wanting at IN it4h•
tughti -1E61( IntlintAinct the 'lay" hecatot ii
hi. Brum at the Nevi. Cana.44,4 I tr l'-••.,
EDITuII —Please atsnonnce to tu•n,or
rktit 9 ucterter that the RSV. Ma. SIP. ILF.N
rrit , , will deliver a leatuee on next Tuesday
evening. probably, for the benefit of the
Lathes Soldiers' Aid Society In this city The
subject txtli relate his etpelience as Chip -
kin of the 14'th Regiment in the Army ktf the
1' •Ivma, By order of
item Tee greatest pleasure la life is love
the greatest treasure is• cottteottneot the
greatest luxury to health.; the greatest couitort
1.1 4,leep the best ntecitedoe . ts exercise and
the t e 4( place t hive your watetitt or jewelry
reotre W . Chatontir's. in Etosicn's
hook store.
Ik, the 86th t ,at the Raed Roue, LIIII, by Ree W
M Rleabunt, Mr. PHILIP VAN CAM? to Idles MATILDA
Ri'ASItl.L, both otGirerd, Pi,
tLc 26th ult., at the residence of the brole'e GlLer
he Rev W Ii 1 eflrfde, Yr If%WRY RUCH 6. FR, of ►hfl
i reek tp , tnd lltw HANS/LA k SHORICAN, of Fu Sr
nn I), 30th, br Row J V flpataldlor ••r
at Psurii Chtail... S. ♦ DOl3/.0117, gag , Mi.. N •Lit .14ught.or nolL Jolla
of 'Etta city
'OO4 dismiss afflict yea J do got doubt
This charming compound will mach tt ou t,
Aud health again goer pats= All,
El own dy at 44:11 to ii . asmica s
They 'ri cafe lot all—bulk old and t ouud
Their prulextd are oa ST, -r tougUte,
t mesdip dfeeneeed=eo lowa kllla,
" 1 i evil ye ate blessed wi Lb Einuacicha is
Er Put up with English, Spanish, German wed ?ranch
.!. re hoar Prum 241 rents ger Isua Ssighr coaled Sea
..i..sttiss.unsat oil third page For safe try all druggists
to krbr. jeld'ay I
Nrw C JAILS, NI sarcio UTill 0o.; N Y, Oct 23, 1 1362.
II rI Ercc ."11LRI I,oj, Dili 111 V Sing Sing Repreasc•ln
Ifolll4 'Late that I nit Intjurit4 to u.
sit A :A' Itftgrfra PILLS throttil; the ree.enomoodation o f
lobo R Q. ft, of Croton, Ireidoheater Cosoty, who area
re et,,re,l to bytklth 11 their sae. Ho was sick
fur ww. two yearn, very sadly* and dyspeptic., sad be
tried everytbt•R bat sea sot r•lbeed. Floailf, he took
Itraadrefh'e PHI *very day for • week, sod a do*.
of out Pill. every day for throe diys, end Onto took no.
I'lll eVfry day, WWI occsato•al doses of sii 10 .111/
nt•roth lie wea stile to fru to wort, sod in three toooths
was well, Wolin 4) pelted. to osight.
TTT aa ezu Cut sr!, u
C.:ward Purdybeize .4417 unto. Bap that h. mid•s
1 , ,LbwiNer
Why, 14 , wthenen, why •
Lr3s than half maArtsto iL 1..)
Whr, ltritrthnown, why '
Kith the eturtly Iron u ;1
ht•• the pluck, the tha -I, 11
ttil the bko Bunke, Hill,—
Why, \• , rthtnen, why •
Eta, Jan. 2, lsra
Mk. 1 W ii NKT l'ree t
PaiLK rosirttif
CLutfuLtni boast of duds to war,
And Minstrais tuns their sweat guitar
A uoblvt theme Any ksert It ells—
{u paise of se.ziek's matchless Pi
1..0 cures an found ovvrr laza-
RUBlia . l snows—tad /larks @sad
Their woodrooe work* -the paper' bll,
f',,tlbee4 by lit/mover mate-Wale Pills
Yours t:,sly
n/ til , t•.11I 0 I.f N... lastly. that ilkuo3o. pmrs ego-he woe MIMS SABlBtrel Wring!
vet. ) •ack with a Sof. "LA Iti• ami., la tal• '• had boon running
rem AND FOT:g YLARzt OLD, Olt
for ~ret.gre yggirki,Aluni 1164.10 Wan notch (tertjorre 4 by
a For Females, Weakly persons and
' itsts via
a had.* d
lc 4
i hrifiretair4anoes norkilimi and datty ruet l'HYdletAIK Cif,
P r ionenosegeond using Pineaireth's PUIA, eta
iPlitk t Oar* thorn a ere*. and at the end of one month Invalids.
the eons Itl hie Mg healed. and at the end of two months
he was aruttzeiy earn" d'oetelinnirsa, d!spep a / a .nd pain, x
and hi/1 r•tisslaa 4 welt ewer idome. u.
Sworn b b•Gaso was. tOl. Itth day of Oetetbor. lOW
AUXILM SMITH, J watt* of the Peace
uolL ILA gold by ill tbe. liruggietb to Kn. -
Wyou WILL myricti IN UI It CUL.-
I. met so advettlieweat o f Or. Tint! A 51, 111 o 643 f 04.
Couttlewit .troet, witted • ecuweepood,ot Mil or.abei
t , h e notice of. W. do not matt prattle... 4 yo(' tiE
by, but to ttos 10 , ,ttlett may est.:ll the .1'
teir brie* men who are going L. 4 right our battle.. Tide;• .
Lingeniat tO De to every one'. bee te, sod peril cu• y
led. in thv k a .oldiwr it is f.• w i t:J..
1; . .
bnitowes. %pram... %a i .1...0v ..•h 1 , ,r • VI. Uteri aad War.
rher• for thr two Ise., % N.. I, Ip. in • glass ~1 *vet 4 , F. 6 .5
• ,Il i pso 10.11:13r Late r• tar t 1... me v. esFormi it time 74-t : -
~,,,,. 00, 0 fey c..rti•wit •t‘ • rt, \. • 't vtli "..1•1 by u<
nrnitgiAt. Jicl3w3 • • xi.
t .-1.11
SrCll.l.4TAD(llitl's EXCL.' I...iffit USA!. 77
a unrivnlivi in the 11 la (I 1. 10 •tla.., Dye Du ‘ j... 4
been aknil)v.c l S,,e.ther !ht. produro , &Jai tauithim
colon. Nu of .r D. cat. iw .rap::ls
other Dye to se laming in its ellect. older Dre ten
prove• the texture of the hstr It hes tr•en ANAL YZED
RI UR. CUR LYON, rt,a, at t tou Croton Water
Board of Nita 1 uri., and car• tued by him to be as harm•
less is Crotou Water His certtheste slily be .eors at the
•tiblYhwOt 01 tue prupcLetor
Woutfactund by J CRLITA DORu, 6 Astor Hours, New
Turk. goid sweryw bete, And spotted by lisle Dressers
Prise, SI, $4 O sad 3.3 per box, rtevorttiaz to s'u.
io-fam'o thlertigtuttito.
PRof'ollx LIS will be received by Ilk- gebool
Dirbetots of Summit tp., nab I the girth day of February
next, for building s SToS F. aCIIDOL said tp
Pia. and /Declamation , may be alma at the house of Y. A.
}lava near Gal land Corner. Sthoe ,au be had wtthin
40 rude of the site at $l.OO per e r 1 MAHAN'S,
Snonent. Dec Ze,161141..—1iw. Aee y of Board.
SA 1' FA) fuLEN
.abeenber, on or about the '.:Ath or November,
a me.nuto surd titres year ofd by mare colt, bag three
white feet Any one returoiair the colt or pains infor
ina nt her wheYeabouta, will be liberally rewarded.
PV1:1.1• 4 11F111 BY DIL A SD INL
Physician to the Troy Lang and Hy
gienic Institute.
A estt-e t,,e l'suses ”f Rsrly Physkcal
A.nerl. en People the cause of
snmptiun an‘t liansensus.
one of pelk moral total, written sit diaate,
yet tignlisse la.rraee, and appeals Sweetly l• the moral
co*Jetoll of ALL PAREANT.s wad (Jsard.eas urgn
ally, delimit.: toeicatat and relsabla auto oat treatate•t for
It inn be 11.0 I.V mill r o lino re,e.rot of two I 0001
f tErParrot. and nut to itetni and °L.
its bona.
Young mon a.. t semi and get Uta book.
Ladles' You too *howl nt secure a copy of
A Word of muletun. l 00111CleatiOtle *.d•ic• io
♦ clitAn 01 tualadt... prooall to • tearfu. attest ta the
outtuttuutty,..tooming at ,ex•t . 0 .1 'I be of troth
rll anouall t. to an earl; 7L•-. are jar]
Itapeffeatil understAi •ir ettarnal iriawfeatatlon,
611Iyaaptousa, are NYI Vl,l. kelatation and liC
liauatton. Ifaraoutui east lag ant consumption of the
thanes c o^tnou of breathing or bar
rhod•tiroatt.inwo ..wer 14111 nr lightof stalty , gnat
palpitc ion of the Heart Asthma, iirouthitte and owe
Throat; abakinif of the Hand. and Ltssine. awerolota to
society and to business nr •to_ty, ktitnowks of eif, tight,
toot ol Memory, thulotts• of the Head, Neuralitta, l'ath in
la tart.u• c.a. , . of tto •o t rains to the teirdr. or Inaba,
Lottlago, Itvorpr I. or at .Itee.tintu, irrecuParkty of the
bowels.. denutigtd e.t.rt.t tf.,^ fi:o.loPya and ether
gland, of the bo.1•, I -nJenrrhcrit. or llemtlKllibita,.to Like
trt•wo gid.oi a), If 'tat , .a 111. '1,011,1
Now, In nin.l,•lllill4. ruse Out of ever• one huodrel,
all the above nauted and a h ,•: here not
named, ILE CousuluptioL I the Lune and that wood la-
WA/Lona 41.13 , 1 oily forth t •,t, of the Spinal
Pharvee, known as Tabee Dorsals% and Tahoe }tense uteri
ca, have th• tr seat and o•igin In dtertaes of the Pal. lit:
Viscera Henre the want of streets on the fart of Vol
school practice in treating symptoms
Dr Andrew Stone. Physicuin In 1..0 11, ind
Hygienic luoiLltuttuti now enzaz, , t in tr. Vlt4 Calli
of modern maladies with the hi is sa!oui.Ulug coerce.
The treatment scleotsd be the lo,ntot ~r 1 10 new it Is
based up. , l/,1;••• • r.
reCtiv Apo. wi Wout minerals ur Thu fart,lttea of
ears are such. that patients Clare.' at tilt ir b002..A.
fa •ne part of the country, (ruin accurate doecnptluns of
their rase, by letter. sou hare the shedtrine okont h• mall
or. I pr.... Print. t in , ..-r 4 .• .• ca . .-forwarded 00
irptielai 4l •
4,131q1111V16. a• .r• I. arid i11,3•••0 Zit the Throat cured
as well at the hem.- of the paiien:y ar at the
br ~ndipx '.10.111e1 . 4.: 35/1.4L/NI, ltusu , ta
}•qt.S, with Inhaler /..A.l . .rap e
direct • "rue.: •,r,.1• •
Praire:lU appt: ng i•tt tut It .
....cit.**. return -tatty- t I •rt at,
Th- itttendtrtir Trtr‘rnelitu • ,*; • !.. j . llltu
Writ far enr4.44 I rattan, (ram .4 a in t p i , 0.4 i 5
ULI•ilLy r • 1d.3,01.
Phroirmn to the Tr , I• .
sad Pbvlntemn 1%, •
-11 t11t.,1"
MI \ I I' II N 11
itirrri Ks • '6n .:• • it /GP
I lei Of Cal pr. parall, u, u.
the 1mm0... attsiniiing it Li, ,t • riwataritabl• Thar.
to scarcely a.i I,t that u •an .hat It.
timely ult. LA.. 01.•! .1 , 3
d e ne ß toetq l ti
Ministers' and Lawyers' Sore Throat
T )s;cii
T ILT 1:111:l 11 -
I 111
T LCRES-111:Wv• i; \,
r ts
rUitt.N-1' W, !lit, i‘
I I I-%!
G 1 1743 8 prompt relief io Asthma
- H
V wird
I WAtilk t
w.II M 1 r t
l'rep.arid At.:
NVIl‘ t'l7
kNIO ‘.i 'A\iY
k j Yrs.„, kY, Ni)Y 17. 1582
Path , ; Niro DIU/kirk at Abuut tualow Kt hour,
Eastward Bound --Depart.
)11 1 1at Itcppror . 1.) r r
, 111 a 2
Stock . 4'l • X
I. sat rr,4,1,t :I_ 12 S.) r
War rrerltkt
_ -4(
Through }'might c (.4 r r
Fut Freight and Throu.l'k f r,::t.t iau rserr day 1 . 11
!Wt train rue• 4 Licuifiny • 1. , l riv,t ft,Abday•
The Might lexpreaa ont . Caw iThrt, run
through to Buffalo, hut d 0... not rru to I runkirk
ON the 14t (list• of April nt•<t I will re
w"," tr"fli mr Pr""nt locatton to
which i. uou - twin. fitted up f..r . mu It my Dew
Itwatimu, w ith vvr ,:reet iv inerenno • fitrilltipp
I..tug I with MOlll PLITCL•I4,
es,mluth t.lote-stoa
GLASS, &c., &c ,
Fri% Akio Pt'Rrof
I trust W U:lmet sat uly .Icl trion.his, •bers IL 41., .ill, as
lisnotofone, had a to Quit advantage to puelasa•
mAtZttf. T. S. SINC AIR.
!hose who will U.etlect
u. 11,1,1!11.r.
I !, H I ..rat aud
Tror, S
_ _
If . r,.v•u' in CO: 41
-IT t I, Z.
ail kitNn
kF'El:''l ' \-
I. "I''' 'l.A•lied ...
lu Bottles at 25 and 50 CUL
• . I_" 41, :
• - • y tv r•
I\ • • ‘'.TRY F P•
(.. t ,
c.. i
, ra
E•K7 lgalilf. •t this mown should ORO the
gAidisra WINE,
C•ablated in Europe for Its medicinal and bemeacial
qualities at , s gentle StlEnuis e t, Took, Diuretic sad
Sudorific, kupn:y entoemed t,r *mama plipticlans, OMNI
to Earoposn and American Hasidim* az ,j by p o se s D i the
first families Europe and 411133111ri
Laa no equal, mining an appetite az , l bwidi L ,i op
tha syateoi, being entirely spary vine f a court eta.
nabi• fruit
It hpparts a healthy setlmi to the Ohisids and Cid-
Deis, and Urtnary organs, very tenencial in Dropsy,
Gout, and Rheumatic allscLons.
Is 1,4 • mixture or meant irtured article, but {rarely
from the
,ibice or the Portugal Bamboo's Grapes, culti
vated in New Jereey, recommended by Cheausts and
Physicians as possentias medical properties an nor to
&DJ .tier in nes, sad as /mart/eta &nicht for
Teak and &Mittated persons sod the aced and warm,
improving the apprtits sod Leos fitting ladies and child
Because it wilt of tut. , xicste ss otter wiser, se It
cantatas 00 mutate of spirits or ,other liquors, sad La
as admired for its rich, peculiar novo/, sad nutritive
properties, Imparting s bealtb• tone to rite digesties or
gum, sad s bleoinlfig, soft to bealtLy Am sod cam•
A IS. w•llkuuwa teadempu and td.jssataus, Why Gar•
tn•d the Wise
Gen Winfield ?col, C 9.1 Dr. Wilson, 11th 0 , N I
GO 1r Norgan, N I• Stat.. Ur Wald, Nuwarli, N
hr J R. Chilton, N Y City lit Dc•atrharty, New k, N J
Ur Parker, N Y Ctty Dr Panah,
Dr' Davy and Nleboll,
Neevrk, J
rir Non* p [mine unless the eigt.ature 4 A Lk'RED
PEER, Passaic. NJ " over the cork of each bottle.
or aithr in Erie, J C ARTik, HA wmt
rer.t., •onte also fur SPEER'S C•;eta.tokt
)p' tO, old &Mole
A. erlCitt, r•orairroy,
VINEYARD, Paseale, Neer Jersey.
I OFFICE., 20S Broadway, New Yo
JkriiN LA 4 QV, k•vata,
(Lc 4•le Agent for FratiCe sod Germany
T LIE undersigned ,1 prepared to supply
des.ers witb tbp best gicality of the above Mead
excellent beverage from bls
Situate at the corner Buffalo Road a:Ara/ado Street,
near the South Eastern part of the city of Eric Bear
driivered to city custom:term—and tot thous otttatde the
city -sad at either of the railroad depots.
aut3l—tl C as. Etaitti.ll
*Noe of Out Jock ga Dootressed, olactsd agaA
Virelesi sad Dkr folic /Awes, sad itopocusily Jer cM
curt of Dtsooso. ^f to SITISaI Or f&KO
MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, Ly
the Acting If urgeon.
V A LCARLE REPORI on Sperunstorthees or MAMMAL
Wealgoess, and other Duseames of the Sesnal Oriente, aad
.0 the NEW REMEDIES employed la the Dispensary,
lent to the atilicted to sealed letter save/o free ,f
char°. Teo or threw Stamps for postage v:II 'ne 'incept-
Address Dr. J. SKILLTIN ROICDtITON, Acting Sur
teou, Howard •stioetation; go 2 Suctu Ninth street,
Philadelphia, Pa I y
IHIA article Lae been •rt•aulply used to tt.,Ls sad
other c ,, ,tatrava. cad to highly approved for ft•
This Cote* compares favorably witb; - and I. by many
preferred to We ►nd lar►. &wit.
Stu ground awl put up in To: Fitt paper to I.t &Atka
attb labels that road—
t, tb.• cruti•
«I .t...•h ta
.1 of a lad)
LAAJ.I.4 11, cut
(.-0 y.t Tb.
at , ei• lie 11,-J
drain and 1 I u"
and at. ex j
It ta wood boxes a 1.0
it, Wilk iss I 1a abd barrels A 14 ., Otl
I,Jaalts(o,}l.l sNU RYE COFFEES,
tonA -- la T.Ft pavers and boxes
, .1 r IThr,ular• ab..l Lia't
rbial r I r •Craplly
). , 111 %, 4.3 Ilarri•on
c•te! •twt,. New York
COUNTEra ' r. • I.,Mizi
fIN and after .".Nov 17th, 1.Q.,
Paaseater Tram. Irt‘;l run on tb.• Ftt,ati '4llono
E O.) Mu! wed 4 ru.m, atpppinF a' Harbor toe k
• ,rtil r.aa "tett«
6•••ctou. fluck,rk, , v. -creek, mo t { at.d Angola.,
rtttig at t$ a.h lit t I 1 , - , A
'2 15 I' M , Day Erred'', at.,l
a•, k , N r •, t , a,,kl J.s, And
sr:AN - 114 at ft..t 1 a •. n. .1' 1 , 1
11 4 A II , otop i lu t g at WaittlaPld,
14,1qa.tflt ar , l ` 1 1:f .< t, A-rirro et Buffalo at
.1 tt6 A. 111
The Day tepree.; k 136.11•10,X
tLe ..taht Fzpre.. •t ,r 1 V •h t ~rese trains
f,r - \•er 1.••, ~
11 krt., A 11., Day Expr e ss, at Angola, Skiver
t:Rrt, Jug t.rk, Werstl4,3 au s ;.rth glut, arriving
at £.rie . 4t , P
4 I.r AY, Meal 4-. ,rs ,•I. , •rytti4 at 1141.,bargb,North
Evan+, t, ire eer tYwk, Dunkirk, lime.
tom, Portland, Vre,trie.3, qui/any, State 1.1r.e, North
East and 1 arbor . r.,., •rriTirta al Erie at A 05
11 30 P ,Nigh( Erpessa,; at Silver Creek.
Dunkirk and t'• • et:.e..1., arriving at Rile at 315
taw_ t. t.o atos 4.4.tet than Ene time
Soy 17 144.: IC N. DROWN, Slant
Cleveland and Erie Railroad
ON and after Monday, Nov. 17th 1 , 62,
and mob I further 13 ot*c., Tnslo. W %Li nazi
I so
lu , Day liprsas, steps at Willougllty t'attiea
tieepva, tabula, Com.. so r axed
row at Vats at 136
rY , Lail sod arcontinoclat,on Train, stops at aii
stations, and arrives at Erie at. P
Su, P.M Night hz press Train atop. at Patonsville,
Aahtsbula 16+,1 t.inard, Daly, and spans. at frt. at
11 St) P
3 u 5 A 11 Night tspreaaTraln stops at t. uuheaut, GI
rard, Ashtabula and Patuerrtlls only, and arrives
at Cleveland 0 345, A.
n u• 1 A. M., Wail and Accosumudatiou Tnfn , st..pping at
all the stations and arrives at Cleval►od at 10 U
Day I x rass, stops at Oirai d, Spnairbold,Couusaut,
hiagaslila, Ashtabula and Pail:mast/lb, arr re. at
Cleveland at 0 lb P
1111111 TIMES
All the through trains going Westward. coau, , vi at
Cleveland with trains for Toledo, Chicago, Columba*, Ctn.
, n oat!, indutespotie, he. Arc.
All the thrr ugh tr woe going Basturanl,eouneet at Dun
kirk with the traln• of the N Y & Ertel Ballroom! and et
Buffalo with the N. Y Central and Ruihlo mut N. Y City
,i 1 road's, for New York, Albenr 80. on. Megan' Valhi,
t' . e. NoTTINIIB..aIr Suportatsedent
Cleveland, Nor 17, 11182.
PRE:N'ENTION IS Bi 'TERi THAN CURET. Ladle , of delicate health or unpaired
organisation, or Cu th. , es by whom an incresee of
tamlly ie trout &ay reason objectionable, the uodereigned
or,,ubl utter s prescription which is perfectly reliable and
eats, and which has been prescribed in various parts of
itie old world fur the past century Although thesiticle
Is very cheap and simple, yet it has teem put up In half
pint bottle• sod sold very eateneively at the • tiorbitant
price of $6 per bottle, the undereicLed propome to turniah
the recipe for the small sum of 21, by the poaesssion vat
wh'eh every lady can supply herself with a perfect sate
guard, at any drug store, fur the trilling own of 26 mate
per year buy physician or druggist will tell you It la
perfectly harmless, and thousands of testimonials ass be
p ,cured of its efficacy gent to any part of the world oe
receipt of 61, by iddressukg
&ogre/Sig Dr, J crwriourx,
V. H. Doz. No 2263, New I.lavan, Cosa
Which you can do by using Dr Wadsworth'•
reined► calved "URI C Y " Title article, when fkithitilly
lived., has never been known to WI to elfei.ting a are of
this distr...•tog and di/trusting affection Price ,ins dol
lar a .13.141 a. Bold in Erie only by
iiiiottrBStt. J S CARTIIL
J. H. 1118. L„ Worts, Warren Co, Pa.
fiesoaril StairsOMPL itog 101
Jwidace, Chronic or Nervous Debilay, Diseases
of flu Kidneys, and all Diseases among/Tom
• • disordered Live. or fitoonocA,
ao Conottpa
tion, /award Moo,
Fa/low or Mood to the
Mad, Acidity of*, atom
oath Nottoota Boartaaro,BlOpost
ka hod, lailainst or Weight to tlas
Stomach, Soar gractatioaa, Sinking or
Flattering at the pit of the Stonnach. Swim
sang of Will oad,Barsiod and dilloalf Broatadag.
lion/mini at Lao Boort, Clioldrop or BISSW/B/Idattn
,64ions • lies to a lying poatare,DtauwittlDole
of Webill Wont awl litpkt, nova sod Dolltain la Um
ills ay poioisiber of Tosapiration. Tolimbos@ of
tno Waged apes, Pain In *n a 1 i.m,
Choy tinadh bee, fa44Me Illtudies of
Boot, laras.a la um nosh.
Loado-oa of ETU,
and deastDopsoa.
aloe of
They WILL cuma the above disease ta ninety-moo came
out of a hundred
I odeted by the Weedy, sale acid ualrenuil pcaartty
of 800 ands tiartosm Bitten, Wordy bogie
of ignoreat Quacks sod soserapaltree adrastruese, have
epoxied epos eadertaa heoesaity the 100411116116 el Noe
triune is the asp. of boor _ Say
Tasi,f tosifsausi 4 "
stab Warless drags. sad otersomaeousahe, Stassattilee
goitre of the eats term d Alcalisais yews-
Mow hi plethoriehottlee, ea& Wg bellied Yip, vadat the
modest a ppellation of latent; INA lashed of midi,
sal, aggravate dieseee, sad tom tie dleappothledeaDer
er la Utilifilf.
Ars not • ass sad antriatt artak, bet limo Alood les
test of lift•su yam trinl by tits dioarkaa palkat
their revatation sad as* ars not rivalled by say iimi
nio proprietors hove thcousaske of Lotter, fro* the most
Testilylos, of UMW' 0 1 / 1 1 - nal knoviodge, to tho toot
eddal elfiNeta rad ...r. rtrtstos of them BMus.
noon's L.•
bil pernerlar-
ly sa partial'
we putting up
all Kronor sr-
tide, to te-
.embi• Lb.
g e . fit 8 at 5 AAO
'ultras $4 tb.
law permit.
A MUSK ANl► V 1601101 3 .8 FEELINie
FYou J Neighs, Brame, D D., Eau, qf the L'eceay
palish of Abetirseee Kasuriwkre
Although not dimposmd to favor or reowneend Patent
yodicipik. to geneses , thrOllgh distrust et the: ingredi
ents sad eitects; I yist_ksiow of no ealleleat rearion eh
• awl, may not testify to the toned: he beteree
to bare recessed from any simple preF iv t d :on, la the
hole that he may tans contribute to the tat °them
AO this the more readily in regard to oettaad's Ger
man Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. IL Jackson, or this city,
because I ens prejediosd ersiamt these for many years,
under the thlireinion that they were Wetly an alcaboilc
solitaire. lam indebted to my Mooed Robert thoemeker,
gag., tor the removal at this waistline by proper testa
and (or ammaragethent to try them, when imetlering (rem
great and long continued delltlity The um of three ka
t ,imo of it.. illttera at the intioningat the present year,
was yellowed by e vid ent miler, sod rftorsidue tu a de
gree of bodily sod immatai rigor which l u tout felt Ili
sir menthe betore.eed had almost drape t regainang
therefor* thank God sod m) wend for d tins me
the nee of them.
From tag Sty JO SETA! It AX.V.Y.4IID, Posivr. al '6.s
Mal Avast Chord.
Da. Jscsnon—nisi eta a.-41 have been frequently /e
-quated to consist tar mum vtla easamenebsusra s o
datereat kinds of bledlanes het, regarding the pectic&
as out of urp appropriate apMo. , 1 batmen all eases de
ellue..l, but witha sleet proof la moms 'satsuma, sad
partiouhtli la al owe fessnli, al the usefulness of Dr
oodaatre aensaa Intim I depart. tor oboe train as
visual course, to express lay full conviction that, for
era! tishUlty of thst velem. sod tospiscsiaj for Lim
Comptstat, it is a saA sad Talsabls paiparalloa. In some
eases It my tall, but usaslly I doubt nod lt will Ist rest
teposicial to those whoa aar from the above causes
Tours eery rsopsotraDy,
Lighti L , below coats. it, Dec 24th.
Prom lA' Wye of ILUiM/ICA.N llfiMait, Genus'
GitiXartOwir, /own Ist, ISal
DR. e M At/zoos-4m •—it raw mo groat Owl*
two years Ku, to give you a cosrcato testifying what
the elorman Milton had dons kir ow lam DOW perfect,
iy eared et all shoos dinsoass 'oar saritchne
_professes to
Mir*. rh )--Dyspopaira Chicano and Morrows Debility, dl,.
toms of Mos Kidneys, Am TM potruidal inastass assorts'
upon powwow prostration to ournotolag. 1 Yon asownitod
frequently la raformos to lJour lltiona asol without boo-
Ration, hairs twotaaea4.4 tt or tb• abort complaints,
and in every instance It heel .•!..1.....tua11y eared. Your
his a Foot rogosta4: i la Gertaialown, sad I.
now DOW I /1 .miry Dracirtax, to Mogi *Ms firowary
storm hors. U rimy ono shoo: I wenn= what I too, tot
than eosins to Gorranatown, uj i salprovo to their sot.
infootton, that thso itittrrs ..v, -ard la this •tetaity
coon than twenty memo a t •
8 AU ; itt WUNogx
Maui at., above Plittont• .nurtornaja
"C. M. JACKtiON,"
PR INCIPiL OFFICE a •ipanyvAgrosT,
kilutossionSo C. I. JACIL&Obi 4 Oa.)
re TOR SALE lry Driffirti wi Delidtswierrimes.
raAVIWI 1111160
F lir trim
ROM two to ois
din of ( 110 tr an 41.
DO Yer lir ..L.VT
E N 16 R li Y
D 4 , YOr WANT 4
Soo tlast the Stan of
Is eathe waArnor of seek bottle