t Obserber. .-ATURDAY, JAN. 31+, lsGo fax L 119 01 AND re■ ('oxtnrrtiox—'Z.r A.AD rOt. Si/Mr-WIZ •wo LIE IMPORTANT NOTICE I.)nr,ag the Ism week we hare sent bills to large iluinl . ter of oar subscribers wno are in arrears. We woull not Jun' our patrons Were we tha ribs , Iritely cumpelied to Jo su In revers. i • •,•• to • L e,.aut4 roe.) - be incorrect, bat nun- ,J.L.cept by accident, and in all loch ::t3fane,.s, we tettl take pleasure tq righttng them, when the leet• are brought to our know!, Ige We trust that_ those who know thel,i.. •to I.e to lebted w,ll rchpond promrtty 11, •halt,..itt juitice to oureeltres,be compelle4 . 'tr,it , the netnei of all Subscribers , ff the 11-t whr, do net respon , t to those 1•e• fere .he 1 f January- Tub •rnocnits adhere to the old !tag of "red, and blue." The Abolitionists 1:10W tllripu., into it— 01 black li uut u little curious tliaL uoth Pres ident Lincoln and Jederson Dew:, are na tives of Kentucky The former was born you v and the latter in load ouuty.. A .orriiroatair la oftte impression that there web really no troublelin the Cabinet at all mut that the professed difficulty in that body i, only a , tort' got up under the management of '4evrard, the Fox, to draw attoot.on !L. 1/.1 the blunder . s which laid BO in•n!, ..1 iirtt r 4.)1411t•T. , 0.,1,1 in death n the ultiln n. wr I redericlodlurg. A Is of nen the Atiolitlimiat,. Imagined tip , ' ha i ^ ir< tr i the destruo- 1 1 . wr.crAtie I. &rt . !, loit to their tiou great oiku. 1..11 Neu lore strong rid gilt c%er Ibe result vertfie. It the t.tron'ge , t luanuel air truth •f the I..)et a Cleat 1 , r l• • ..Ir aruima•:.l writhe. .. her w .r-!upl..t 1111 "The it,ofit,in Pre— , litut arid eiasperste.l the whole I,eople of the South P, tt• for tlin , perpetual stimulus the rebel chiefs would have been , leserted by tikeir t)ow levotP I followers " Tll Thurlow 1Ve.,1, under .late of Wahhington, L. 1, in 3 Ltter :uteri sled wdeten‘l Mr •-• :rnr , l against the al Meeks of the rftd rvi ,e,t , ter, in the Sen az- c - dmitr e : •:hltti.o of glob -tatt,ltitz ,t!t..:11.- the as.ertim will not.--be repar 1t..1 tes trealoctable."— Lit N% hat t 111 4 " Ahofiti , n Press that eu .rl , rual ouTitiloq •' to the e b,i ' it h it v‘l.llCll, 11€4:01"- ,ling to Mr. \1e,..1, tlats have• been ,tesort 14 by tht .r no o' tloyoteti followers ?" not :nl three-I , ,tirtivt nt of the jourou',3 ~mit:.); the I:opub heap organizati.pi,, at, t would not such I,tivr- 't. I: which t h t . • ; ( re•. , ,mn1 , •u,10 , { to thy of tt- ..1. I-, t:,f , 1'4111.,10 ! it.cLi I Zia elta u& 1 , #441 I y C t t hti ";it EZIE ANOTLIILK FOR 110E181141: TIIIK TUE ►mil a' 1.1 in hinted by of uur nas not yet I•eelafteniNl by aoy opt the 1,1 mi 114 ,Lbat paper IS grixout. U h ;tut Leaufurt, .-,. L., on a lat g. ,2:414e 1 u 3heet 1 , to be of the 51A4. 01 the New 1 'lt K wilt be tir,OtPri to tbi -hv,ry onu-e. The I,l,l.lte a t-, type, toil of ptimer e havready art ive.t, 441.14 w larr. 'toe ("I in,ier palls is to iv. sent out It 1- ill,' th%t the whole t taii i t.. he at the ex ',env,. 01 the I intnent, an I th it the papers, II they Ldculate at a nom inal price will be 14,vf.t: away." The es tabliahasent of 4 plper, be it ever so ably raite , l, ear, hay e 11 , 1 goo 1 elliket ;vhat evrr. It i. null known our army at Beaufort cannot penetiste into South Carolina more lawn ten mile- ,At the far there-4 trom the c0.,..t atel who ter papers are to be ‘‘reulated %mot - n.. 4, unless it is the soldier, an i w •rtlikos negroes at that post, we etnnot :rnsg,.l.• MK. SEWALL!) AND THE. GA ZETTii. in reterence to m r , •-sari, it may truly be said t hat, dipluultaut., he bao had great pucce-03 ant F eu many enootuiumis from f.uroi itic. Ilia treat ment of inter Uati it, ti I.ltious which hay* arisen, hag been Adna.tALle, and the vol umes of cot ret.i.ondence Le La, ,ut,mitteci to Congress will e , )n-titute a lasting monu ment to his indo,try 1 5 6 la ) sad sagacity. —Er,t a ac'te Our cotemporai) uavaig alas hLghly endorsed Mr. z-ewsrd, we pre•url it will not of !eat to endorping also the follvwmg opinion. v.zpressed Ly hint in one of ht dispatches to Mr Adamit, our Minister to England • "Loyal iietut,crata ,n cons,derable num her retaining the name of I ietuocracy trona habit, and not : r because thv) oppose the rnion, are clasattfied by ti.e other party as "opposition." it is not necessary for the information ()Lour representatives abroad that I shou] , l descend Into any examina tion of the relative pr:neiples or politics of the two parties to say• that whit ; 0,77 plat, 1 , ti,r, dot et , t../d . fut potazcat iutJ dom an •r: • p und, and while there may be .i.thort•tp.,.- .zl , ll,ion between the two parties as the Ile4sUres feat sled to preset ve the l'n.on and restore its authority, et it is ro: t. l.s ilferrt , i that ether party, - .n.iisfer/I'..portisn if (4(pr/op/eV tke dw , nseil t • (li-ceps dis , vuon un der ‘l , l r-. up , ,ri. an!, t, rvo. It is rather to understood that the people have become an confident of the stability of the Union that partisan combinations are resuming their sway here, as they do in such cases in all free countries. in this country, espesially, it not only en brstp cunsistent Leith tAr Ghastitutsin, but even essential to its stability, to regard the ad ministration at any time existing as dis tinct and separate from the government itself, and canvass the prof vaings of the one without t4c t4ouyla of disloyalty to the other." The "detest" of Oen. Burnside, a, it is milled by the "croakers" and "sympath isers," is one of the most extrsoidinary in all history. The man. u k 4, 40 o f it th e bakr we hte it.—PlacaddpAw Pn.l4. So no doubt do the Richmond rebels.— Tor onoe at least the President's dog and the secession whelps cry in one pack. In the meanwhile the nwro the northern peo ple hear of this shocking disa.ter the /64: Obey like it. sir Tito :Superior Court el New £ork MS dectidid that when s hatband notifies a Atis4eennia that he will not he reeponntble for ~ ile wile's purchases, the opus or proving that ttse go•Alafterittkrde quid Act lier were aeon. tMV sad etatalde to her oelmilijawia Lite, Petite 11,,409.11/64' Prom th . N.. vo,k World w .. Ripipom•!PALlC 1111111. tilt xitiv k i n " Mk Mel K h e what° investi;: toe tbo U•Vit and fix Os! resup,nt.iLtlity of the %pilling rever ,- at Frolerick.berg merely 'eut.tudi t e a the naked testimony taken Esters them without any attempt to discus. its character. Thu omission renders it more necessary for the press to exhibit in d tail the bearing 4)1 the evidence ou ibe capital point of responaibility, , of which was the main purpo-e of tn veatigation. With such a body bv testimony, covering the 'a( /le us, we are fortunately under no 11,, of going back to the unofficial sourc,a of Mfdimation on which we were previously depen lent. When a great 'rime startles and shucks the whole c,•riiii..l:l , l has been c:oininitteu, the public leitea ou tie accounts given by persons near the scene of the outrage until hard testitied under oath at the trial, aa,. which the judgment both of the 03,411• au , I the community must be guidi- I ent.i eiy by such swofi testimony The evidenee given before the senatorial committee locates the respon,ibility the Fredericksburg disaster Fo inconteeti hly at Washington, it lays it so undenial ly at the doors of the general-in-chief, as to make it the clear affil imperstive duty of the President to remove that ntbcet .it once The disaster at Fredericksbuig was due to the non-arrial of the pon toons, which would have enabled tifeneral Brit/taws to cross the Rappahanno('s and seize the heights before the eneiny could have confronted him with any con siderable fork e Che testimony of all the generals concur on thin point . is gi‘..n with a positiveness and em) basis which evitiee the deep issiprewoon wale on IL, it naiads by that costly and fatal nehlr. t Pray, mark the earnestness with alp( h Gen 1...x.14.1.1i. ,it-livers lt+3LiUlolll this point would like to impress as finely upoi , the committee as it is impressed Upon wy mind, the feet that this whole disaster ha resulted from the delay in the arrival of the pontoo n bridges. Whoeee-r 14 0.11 ~ disasters te/iavi lye followed. We were rat her astonished when we came (lown here to find that Sumner had been here for 9.) Intl days, and had not received the pontoon bridges: 1 think that is the main cause for this disaster EMI This opinion, given with An new, which betokens the utmost streagill of conviction, is corroborated by the runny of Generals Flues/sins, St•sess. , Houses. General Si - lists testified as lows . 4. Do you know any reason v.iiy tee pontoon bridges did not arrive earlier A. I do not. A. I do not, I expecial, a. 4 i mutter cr course, (~ rot thorn Acre %viten / •am, or V. soon tiler , Jr,. Q. If you had iound ttrrtu here, no you expected, what would, in your ovinl-.11, have been the result A 3i 4(41 /,1 e tan,. I *: I,ol ° tn. ot Not. considering Fretlericksburg rte, I ...al: , 01 any coni•quetice i•xce l ,t at , {Ming on th e road to Eichtnuoil. I should li.tve through the t twt, And takett po, e,siun -1 the crest. =II Ali i .04. 1 it I .;en hi.0.K11%, .n reply to Intim tomes by tur• conarnitte. - ., the fol lowing statvmeuts in tk. hl ready quoted Q. Do you know what the PXppctat., war sus to the pontoon+ being here ! n the arrival of the Pir+t .trtny Corps th would get here, wda it expected that the pontoons would he here A. Certainly, it r ! , It I. %.f here. 4.4 You know nothing on that suluect f W bat waa•thist corps , pontoons had ilel.ll In A That corps was to have rrintise‘l at Once and taken pos.emaion nt the height? 7144.1 tl A , "A l• ••/. tit 1 In the light of this testimony it is !ear that evoti if the assault on the Frederic Ls burg heights at the late day when it was made had been a success instead .d a failure, there would have been even then a terrible responsibility, resting some , vhere, for an utterly needless sacrifice of li Gen. IlAttr.cs, with the blood of ten thoi sand soldiers, shod by his neglect of dot ) , upon his hands. would, even if the tardy battle had been successful, have deserved removal not lees than 13 , 11 V. The Lloyd of these brave men cries from the ground against him, for a general woo eaus.-s needless slaughter of his men by his ne.! lect of an obvious duty. to whieli ho at tention has been urgertly by a 'id ordinate, is guilty of a wholesale homicide If Gen. Ilai.t.scs.'s military pereeptionr are so blunt that he did not appreciate the importance of the peetoons, he lb Wholly unfit for his place If tie swollea with insolent self-importance that lasi will not attend to the most vital thing in the most Important campaign in the war, because, forsooth. he classes it as "detail, - and tl_inks it does net befit his dignity to soil his official tingers with the management cf details, he is a disgrace not merely to the militiry profession. hut to human nature. What, in the name ol sense, is a generalin-chief for, if not to secure the necessary concert of artlon among his subordinates, to quicken their diligence, and to see that no detriment re sults from their i .attention to the separate operations e‘ii which the success ntta combined movement depends! If there is any particular point on whieli succe.s essentially hinges, it is his clear duty to direct his supervision to that point, awl to be entirely certain that it is mceivizig prompt and proper attention. If he has taken a matter of that kind off the hands of the officer who woull otherwise attend to it, he is under still greater obligation to make it his especial business. But if, as in the present case, the danger of' delay is presented to his notice, and he peremp torily refuses to give an order which would have averted the peril, what vengeance can be too swift to overtake. so ce,lossal and heartless a crime ? W last a portrait is this which (len. HAL LS( It draws of himself u his testimony be fore the committee I He paints himself as a general-in-thief without either head to devise a plan, or patient* to see to its execution. He represents himself as a fifth wheel in the military coach. He ditr. claims having rendered any amistance to, or incurred any responsibility for, the most important campaign of our, army, operating in the immediate ricinisy of the national capital 1 This nondiesciipt general-in-chief maintains that eniEnr Ittrinsinn is wholly responstisin,,for Fredericksburg slaughter, inasamollins he, the general-in-chief, never lifted ,* finger oither to Itol or obstruct any part liapvtticies!, fi f i fill, pre c r n , in, 'ftbse4ulit net er imq. 10 1 the nQthlrit: to I t it,,t, r t IDS Ineitr.44-tica lightaq a ti f I I , rot e,........416J ai• suddenly Jig ved pet' him prudently abstaining. as a gener.a• in-chief should, from any other co-opera tion than passive and supereilliens sequins -4.,-uce, and by this original aid *genial's i•rivrehre of gresfunill trocu any retposaminikty Roe th• tAilute ' T • '•• it roroPmbered, is itle portrait wt,,i". (I drawls of leinnialf 1 4411 0.16+ 40u poistiga R l i woor. Mai lie re. ( ion . tK4. iIINDi Do nitsistanoe in •te 1 ,, ni..+1,11 of 'Mil plan, ntill . did troth- It, 1 .1 , ,iu As execution, almost true. • ' 11%4 oaterpose to 011Oittad and o& struct he afterwards flatly rehired to lift .1 lin gi•r to erred the coneequences or .k IQ I / 4 1). the ilk:setae!. The teetimony of 1;k isikur .Ikowii how entirely re ,n tie!, if AiLecr. to fatflll thee:Lima t kt, r l h o Lai mused respecting tllOs pow un I. how fatally 664: Bwassins tic krk , l • 1,1 you understand was ter 4i ,on.ib! e for the forwarding of the pock tot,- to Falmouth ? I understand that t seri. liattaoasona to ;v .n the order+, and than the othoers Vf t.11(Illid receive the orders were the /meg re, l onsible for the pontoons oonting her I eould have carried out that part of my plan through officers of my own ; tait tviviug Just taken command of an army Pettit which i wll++ but little acquaint , I, .1 ivris evident that it was as much as could attend to, with-the eastriaams of all otv oflicer4, to titange t)orition from Warrenton to Fredericksburg : rind I felt —indeed lex pected —that, the parts the plan which were to us executed to We-hingtott would be att./Pawl to by the olltcar, of that place, under the direction the ditl•rent departments to which t „,,.• pnrt4 ot the plan appertained. Did ion, ur not, naderstand that iv re to lie responsible for seeing that ti,•••t• ,rlerit were carried out A 1 do not. I never imagined for , 1.11.11J1 1 'tint I bad to carry nut any {king that required W toe done et Weshinstos• k.euel Al Mete• told me disueetly several lwy Ago. in ‘Nashingion, that be never snw my plan of operewou until I showed st b.lll day. ‘S , ho produced this impression on the mini nf ir. , . liCRN511)11, but Hitititx him ' it then, after neglecting—nay, meet tho expectation he had thin : after tailing even to notify ern I tiN , lr , E that he must atteed to the poi 16,11- hitu,i•if, after positively refus gudo an order which would have tivertivi the t. rrtble oonsequences of the 'lel a art...r thus not merely coldly and puke any al lowatit•ii Lit (Jet/. klitititstus's newness to counuand, but deceiving him yawing- false expectations which n..pwingly dinappointA, Gen. If 4t.t.tcx L., the att.A..lOUl, the indesctibsble wean s. sew:inapt to cart the whole blame nir t h.• failure on been. BRUMMI II MVPS OF !'UK IKON-01W UIP4 1 t . LV. U of the nine iron : tieds of the Xtuuttor i.atteru are now cotziplated and %%,d V e read), for active operations by the einse of the present week. The Monitor, I'.t--air , and Montauk &re now doing duty 601110Wheliti along the coast the Wee hawken, Patapsco, and Nelms& have had th..ir trial trips, and the Ostakill is nearly re.i.ly to have hers The Lehigh and which complete the list, are not yet finished. Including the ironsidas nn l the tialen t, the Nairy Department n .w nine iron-clad vessels, armed tuo-t tremendous guns known to modern warfare, at its disposal. blow and unentervrisine as Secretary Welles has •bown hirn.elf to twe,.it is pot possible that this fuinn.lol.le ti e ,,t, w ill l ong bo ia ps, t horleston, 6svannah, and Mobile, are yet to be taken, and each of these cities prom ter•t‘ the scene of a leverete and nu navel conflict, We can' form Bomar tle,t of a fight between iroeselade by the Merrimac arid. lioninaradscoaster, but th. talus of iron-ehris and 15-inch guns ,g,,r tp t -tone f is stilt a Matter of ex p. I,Ln,nt. Put not only will the. south ern hart) rs be defended by forts, but by irntl rind ve-sels and floating batteries, -urns oC,ahuh ,vii unJoubtedfy be very tortuid-Ue.' 'llse taking of these harbors not, we appreisend, be so easy a task qotne -Anguine people have supposed.— t 1 1 ,1.. v.'ry little doubt of the final r, -"It. V 1 War 1 SIR RUALL POCX H k the ht , Ad "A Poiknight !Lance t " di.. Cho:ago TrtLuA, (radical) of the 19th . a glowing prospect to be nab evl in on Now 'ear's day throuib the tr.al influence of 31r. Lincoln's precis mat:on ike 44% erY • 'us/awn —the ...4.3 a s o oh uutold evailu the Nand--cisee heath the horizon down intO the sea, of the lutterneis-of which it was born.— The Preaulout's proclamation, giving lib. erty ,o nearly lour millions of hums souls,l‘hose enfoiced ignosenoe and btu- NelU at once the danger of their ownurn itu , i the opprobrium of the nation, hush the wrangling 4444 allay the y which our politics kite been atrite , l We shall have peace that will he etitiur,Tig—uot peak* built 911 a boon ‘istion ul :•and—ast.l iu winch our people, long di,tract.ed, will have leisure and op portunity to uenvw and perfect all of that glorious structure that the i:: er., without a thought of the portentous sillueroions that slavery would l , uilt and vomeuted with their blood." W,. put the T'fli,une's prophecy onreconi for future. rrtneuibrauce. foolish, and enthubtastte as it s, there is no geestion Oita ln-tliirkli of the Ropublieseis believe all that it promise`. Livirota A? TUB ISOVIIII. 'rho reparto of persons who have been at Richmond and in other cities in Um, rebel State', show some of the effects of the war and the blockade very forcibly.— hotel fare at Richmond is now five dollars .Liy, and the living is very poor even at that price. Eggs are quoted at $1 par dozen ; chickens, $1.501014 • Owls ; lasiP ter. P 9 to n,r , () per potted. MI other ob. tn:11 , 6 of food are equally high. Seep sod salt can malarcely be obtatiaaed et way price. At Murfreesboro„ Tennessee, which hes long been omtrpfed hy. the rebels, boob sell at $4,5 ft pair;" jeep trouser, ; drbe mat*, $80; needles, Oventj•five polo asigi; inS, seventy-&1e oasts apaper r amed other th in IlieiNNM4ol2.—PAilcidelp4aa AWOL "OIL . The GOelh laketa to les i s.toaoe-alibleti jinn* 1 .-:s i tcoa'seitisitoA L VAl4 4=7 , PaAii ' PO"0 1- 041614444.P.EVA *it 11111110111M01141 111111710000111541 aimal some opposition to otir Ws op ~" :i 21:^3 Fru ark aresieg rees arassl ass 1 r sues. It is ael i olies of fifteen huiningkiwr 1111/1 "1" te in wbt tatpedattan left t day to day as Will tug put iata different blerbOretodie treas. One of them, the Steamer Thames, wee towed into Port Royal last week, ut *Or disabled, and wee condemned after She had on board the 114th Regiment of New York Volunteers The Niageze, an old lake steamer, entirely uoseaworthy,lwit into Philadelphia yes terday ja a leaky condition, and the sol diers who inept her afloat ivy active primp ing discovered that her timber., were rot ten She had on board five hundred Wen Of the sUth iisestschasetts lA:4lwatt t. a third rowel of the expedition, the quip cy, carrying the 42d . :•.!:azontohusett* Regi ment, and ono hundred moo of the :Ir4th Connecticut, is reported at Port Royal with defective boilex.s. The heartless speculators who palmed off them rotten tube upon the Government deserve instant and were punishment. It is enough that out brave soldiers give their lives to their country in honorable warfare. It is too much that they should be ingloriously moaned to the cupidity of soulless contractors who fatten upon the muifortruser of the nation. l'be men who own the .liirigara and the Thames kncw the condition of these vessels before they chartered them to the governuent. The, kuerr that ►t was perilous to trust trail end worn-out wafts at sea. They kuew that they would not have permit- ed the wetuberz of their own fatathee to take a pleasure trip on board of either.— o one but a fool omits to ascertain the exact condition of his individual property —and these ship-owners are not fools.— They are knaves, who swindle the govern ment and regard our soldiers as no better than castle. ix fluter of the great damage that the privateer ♦labame is doing to our ship ping, we oPonklsuggest to the President whether it would not be advisable for him to issue a Proclamation declaring that the Alabama no longer belongs to the South• ern Umsfewlersey, sad preventing it from committing tnrciaor depredations. Drina Wasps or • Basra Max.-Captaia Gibson. Third United States artillery, in a letter to a relative, in York, Pa., publish ed in the Press of that borough, gloss the fol lowing interesting but mournful particulars of the last momenta of (lea. Bayard: "On Yriday, when the fog lifted, our troops became exposed to view, and my battery was in a warm place fot an hour or so. The next day the enemy continued the shelling and I was nearer to death than I had ever been be fore. I had boas talking to Franklin and turned away to ask Gen. Bayard to go saki get some beach. He answered with a smile, •.Well I believe I witl"—when I telt a shock across my back which stunned me for an in stant. I turned and poor Ba y ard lay pros trate at my foot. I stepped to las assistance, sad in liftig him found that he was mortally wounded—his abdomen and thigh shot away. The shot went through my overcoat sad car ried away my sabre, cutting the slings and waist belts. "I watt up with Oen. Bayard all night He died at noon yesterday the (14th.) Poor fel low I hawse eo have bees married to-morrow. He dictated throe letters, one to •• • sad to ***and one to Col. •• • He said in it— "GIVE MY LOVE TO hI'CLELLAN AND TELL HIM THAT MY ONLY REGRET lit THAT I DID NOT DIE UNDER HIS COM )(AND." "Dining the short time I we. with him, I cam* much attached to him He was a true representative of his name, •vows poor et tam ?troche." Fast vita 146rn Ban tussv.—Tke following is • copy of • private letter written by Ira B. Jackson, of Cep'. Oliver's Co., 146th regi ment, immediately after the battle of Frede ricksburg Faausakazaiusa, VA„ SUNDAY Nooa, Deo. 14, 1862. Dam Perm& said Fronads et Ilows• leg that you will be very anxious to beer from me soon as possible, after the first day of the great battle of Fredericksburg, I write to you, and can inform you that I pared thro' the eagagemeat of yesterday without evdti a Derma. We entered the fiedd of bottle about 10 A. M. Brigade after brigade had been cut down before we commenced taking part in the fight. Our regiment forms the left wing of Oen. Oaldwell's brigade, and our company left of the 1411th The rolltle had s grand posi tion, with their pus bearing down upon us fur over half a mile before we could come in to position to Ire. Therefore we bad to march that distance exposed to one of the most rat ios cud deadly tires that ever as army went through. I will compare their position to some one shooting at the ground covered with pigeons , be being on the top of a bill with pod shot pm, raking them along down the side of it. You can Imagine bow think the dead pigeons would be, exposed to this ire for fully fifties admits. Two shells struck our regiment about the some time, killing sad woasiding s good many. Ocs struck our coo/- away on the third tlo from me. Four of out boys iraPtaiiii ea* blood tying all over as This frightened out boys, no. t felt my cour age come ap, and attar that did net even goo * . I could not thel that I was in dosser, but threw my blanket, rubber coat sad haversack to the wind. My politica is in the rest or that company, and my orders were to keep every man before me. Therefore I urged them on, and kept the most of them from falling book, but we became somewhat scattered before we got upon the advanced line. our company lost several killed and a good many wounded before getting there. About 25 of us went is safe. The air seemed as if a swarm of bees were oontlaually over ear heads, so thick did the ekot sad shell from the rebels fly. Our position wait jest behind a ridge, within less than 100 yards of the sneaky. We loaded hassling sad would rise and lire. The most of ear regiment, swoop ettaapany B, retreated Within IMO dela lb stissier. What was left of it stood their pronnd nobly. We were soon reinforced by other topmasts, but Weenie much soottarod, mew of as In one regiment and same la another, bat we trod ten times the number of rounds of any other company in the regimes( 1 stayed on the field so long as my pm would ire. Come to look for our company I amid not Gad a men. Bo I made my way book to ear old position in the city, the stet sad shell flying all wend me. Os my way back 1 *keel up $ haversack sad blanket. I same et of the field about ball room two sad found shoat 100 men of our reg. lest rained around sew lags. Ose of them was oat Is tiro by 6 &all, and both show the WNW of Ike battle. Capt. Reynolds took oraego of via• 064 shwas Josh we taimiall late lies asilliseked our vac Cook molar as ly 11 men Is our seispasy, of which I took oeilaissd, Wag the oa>wy Arm present. Sees oiler dark, bemoan Capt. Oliver sad Wats aniotaiim ist milk, II owe wiea. Tbdp flared weibe limit boils salii after bet, mom is Mane sad all is soh plow WINN it Why Is their peskielbss 111 Ski ,asst. IN 'KWH OF' THE, wicEr.ii. - Gen. Beaks &Loved at N. trrleauz, ou the 14th and arsumed command of Department of the Gulf, General Butler being relieved therefrom The latter oat ek.r issued a farewell address to hie troops, sod Gen. Banks Issued a proclamation, announcing in general terms, the line of policy be intended to adopt. lie also promulgated a number of orders, rescind ing, temporarily at least, some of those previously issued by Gen. Butler. A por tion of- the vessels and troops attached to Gan Banits's expedition proceeded' imme diately up the Mississippi and recaptured Baton Moog.; severe engagement is exp e tads; Port Hudson, but no apprehensions were felt for the issue After taking this point the force will proceed up the river. even as far as Vicksburg, wainst which en attack will probably be made in con nection with Admiral Futter's treet and Gen. Sherman's expedition. Thus the movement for opening the Mississippi 14 fairly inaugurated. TUE liteims AL.AIN tN MAkci LAM, The Weabingtoa '4, ~, se/0 kat+ a special diapatca from Frederick, bid., believed to be rah able, as follows Lien. .1 F. B. Stuart crossed the Potomac at the Point of Kock last night (Tuesday) with 1,500 rebel cav alry and a battery of living artillery, and is now in the doutte of Maryland Ile 1, believed to be moviag on Frederick with the intention of destroying the bridge over the Monooacy river. Plans are complet. , l for the capture of the whole rebel hire. It is raisin; heavy and it is hoped thst th• river will rise so se to preveut escape. Labor dupatchos cuutradict the al , •)+, story entirely. Carsasi or ♦ itiTSAMER iLe l'Eitil. Ines's*, Ariel, while no her outward pa-sage to Aaptawall, was captured by iLe rrl,el pr. 'steer Alabama The privateer made ber sp pearonce off the eastern point of CO a, it, the Ariel vainly endeavored Lu fr.u. her. After detaining her a prisoner f,,r days, with as armed price crew of .:11 thPti ~n board, Captain Semmes released her, having first received bowls amounting to s26t),ulio a ransom for her, to be paid , six months after the recognition of the Southern Confeders4 y by the lotted States.' The pirates took s'.,- 600 from the Ariel, in green back*, and w•!• having a sharp look-out for her curisort, tire Champion, which they expected wool I Lss.• large amount of treasare on bowl. Jeff. Lavishes issued v. proctainati.ai dated Richmond, December 2 the following points FiNt rcrn, Butirr and his otlicert, if captured 1 rimer, are to be hung, in ret..laitr)u tor the hanging ot Wuu li toltluatorki t•NS Orleans. Second. - The privilei under ti.v command, not being free agents, ere to t. e caroled according to the usage., ot %vs' That all slaves captured in al ru shall be delivered to the authmitie, of the , states to which they belong, to he dealt with according to law. Fourth A hke course shall be takes with all conitn.4,ione , l officers found serving with slave. , (ien. Grant is retracing his ?dep. the Southwest. He has already fallen ha, k to the north side of the Tallahatchie, and it is thought that be will make Memphis his base of supplies. A report is to ciicu latiou in this latter city to the effect that a large Union force has ast.:entied the Mi. siseippi, the naval portion being under command of Admiral Farragut ; that fort Hudson has been taken, awl that the fleet is within twelie miles of Vicksburg the report is confirmed by a Vicksburg paler - ity the arrival of the Etna we have four days' later news from Europe. I'n-- 'dent Lincoln's Message is the ehiif American topic of discussion to the jour nals. His schstmee of_ emancipation are deemed impriptticahle. The rth , 4 calls them the dread of a very weak meta. Übe Message is generally regarded as a bet for peace. It is reported that Nlidell has had another interview with Napoleon, and that the ministers of the latter favor the —A body of rebel cavalry, Apo. , , tiong provided with artillery, has socceedel in circumventing Gen. Buriibile'it arm). Anti since Friday night, has flown over the country frem Dumfries to Bull itue. foe expedition was notsuccesstul usual! The rebels were clos followed up by our troope,beaten in a small engagement, and only carried off as spoils empty wagon,, ten full ones and -to prisoner. John Morgan. tb• guerrilla, enter.- 1 iilas Ky., on Wednesday, with twoi) cavalry, and forced the few federal,tnxips there to retire to Mumforlaville. Ihe next day the rebels advanced to Bear Wal low, near Cane City, but were driven hack by our troops. To a late request of Major (leneral Hooker, asking that Gen. Stone might be given a command in the division of the 'slimy under Hooker, Secretary Stanton re turned for answer, endorsed on the a t ti,_ cation—"Nol granted." CONVENOULDIS AND INICZ OW A PUCK YODIND NIAN•—• Ere Wiz! leen eared of the resulte of early or ror sofidlowess, from motives of benevolence, AMI 34 to theolo Irby tpwet It. a ropy of the abo•• interesting wristlet, pabileled by bkinaelf This little book is do irl Aka warning sod caution to young' rasa and those ainallsr from Mumma Dawatry, Loos ..r Wantatroso DaeaT,le, Ac, impplytag at the same tube the wens of pelf fort Single copies will to e,ut under seal la • Fiala envelope, - without etiarpo, -t.• aoy rLe request it, by addrreitui the author, tiAg A. LANNERT, "E.. 1 • bowie' Cud, Greempoint, Long I.IaoJ, . 010.11U1 W EBB A KELI.4 ki(l, Orcuraew Witht. q Kilisig, 11•111UFacrtigas or gym orakcitiliON STONE AND PSALIRS IN FIRE- ERICK, AND FIRE - Botireen KJ sad Sd Sts, o the C.•. 1, 117, -tt ERIK, r• ME= NOTICE IHEIiEkIY give Notice to the .- ) t o ck- Hoklars of LE. Ens. ft North East Railroad C., , rasa Ow plums! mooting for the .I.l•ettoal of pacers, w , II M haw at their once, to the cit., ~ EH*. nn Taseday I" lath day of Jammu, was., ast•aeo the boors of 10 at 1 12 o'clock A. M. JOHN M W•LI0.111.. *sot r its Z. R co.,tiec,t4 , EH*, Da, 17, M i t dec2ol.4. Notice of Dissolution Tag CO PlllAlD•rettip heretofore •iirtio,r ber..., o th a eabeertbers, ostler the OTIO D&Ms and sir 10 .. 1 ... .1( Lt. Leh sad Perry, (RelLoars an,l Jester . . to Oil. ti, .1 Zit% PS.,) Is WS 1%1111 i • N ‘, A i, 1 1 1 11-'. II , A I I ‘‘ ( .1 I: V (11 ( 1 (; A , •- ( I l',l , Earl , : CI n 111- %u 13 % 1 OYSTERS, OYS I tBALTISIi 'it E 01 ;:ii It S • R, ceive , i 1)411) 1111 I Always an baud la isablitheh 1..hu0 1,,,.'1 tate, Parties, nasally.. Saloon. and 14 J. r. NY arirsimpenerate 1/ Ith produaar. aro •t,...1, , h. ighy goo.* In see and Laos dally, th aw ,' • „ aid illig at• tionsequeatty alas 1• f . kl, .. ' lig•Ut, . 074111111 hO4ll as poi ut•• It 1,, • '311.1. pima reads' kasha( out of Itt .. will P.. htlh.: h With alba. dispatch 1701 1 111lble • MO tatt,s bendelfeno as Mail OS at eastern cud.i and ti idoattilt the beaad. D•pot ti taeser of State aid Fifth Mit, bOtt. /1. F I. Dlt I G00I) :; 111 ll_ I' (i (11)1 %,iO.ll i I_ - :•-dh I:\ ',-, i I I I; I ( I. U 1 h Meitilint ,i;iii 1,,, ( • I 0 XII N. •• NI \ !P', h ) I t , ~ I 111 , Lilhi,[k.i. c It 1., 1 1' ' WM. Y. HAYES & 1. i',i , 11.1 r The L' e • ' I.I‘.!tTELVTiI 1 t V L fi r ICEIMIII 13M1 I fl; I ,1“.4 i t Z•t J. C BURGESS & CO INL.) Aid'' , I FALRBANK'S SCALE IV 1 .!'s •• • ' , F1,1'11:4 , t I, \ I t F.ll' t II 11.1 I', Wau.4 a"tn! CANDY! CIIMMI)V k\ I. V 4 \ A KIIAHK ur THAI/ K. I 61. J , I ). i, I 111 ,1 1 lit .i El -kll =ll 1 =II COM MEE 1I , t =I I' l',l !,