The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, December 15, 1860, Image 1

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    Zhc Exit ObotFyn. 1
i ft T.vr+ Amite subecrthors, if mad t. Weww
Cele... will b. went 1.. oar eddews for Se. and
wine. rate tor iaripor clubs
.iutiocrihwr (ailing to pay withis OA year, ties
, r,ii dlorontineed arr.! lbe if,COODi4IIII6 8,1
•d year, and 1.41 with a proper one., for
ee" r .neen hues ur lesa male • bytarn.llll
, • , sre. Out .e•k. S 76 0116 Nunre 3 months $2 00
• 100 One "a 600
three " 1 25 One "0 " V7B
lut P. W. • year, Chal:1011110 st plievers,, $lO.
$ 6 . 6 months. $8; 0 mouths,
S y r eat $lO
It ) o•iu•ro.. - year, 660,E month.,
• .rd. itiaortwi to the Business Directory et $3 yet
ri Imes ••1 owlord for I Card, °Vet la; 111:04 under
E,10.,ri0l outlet*, 10 tempts a ilne ; but no
toornoul will be inserted boo■` the Special Notice.
than one dollar
r Memel:mote and others requiring tregaeat Leuge.
I foq vet raiment* will be allowed two Names, paper,
.nt, fur ;l6 For additional apace, the charge. led'
proportiou, arid the dvertieemeote mast be strictlY
c.l to the legitimate business of the advertiser Pay
r for traasieut advertlatorneatA required to adreuee
a tor yeerl) advertlelog will be presented half 1.1111
.z.zsoc stwiLo;v4
k LLB . %
JITITICI or htico-01110.
0 . 1
I,wri corset of Peach Strout sad th, Pubdte &purr, Ern.
11. fi1f.1.3111:31.
lima Lax to Boots and fiholta at Whole
mot Retail at No 13, Cadorell'a Bloetitat• attest.
t.X.11814,1, (2.1111.'1.4/11EY & CO.,
WHOLIMALI Gaocu.s, and Dealers Is
..,•ttr sad lisportwi Wipes sod Liquors, also
.........., Frsat, Fish, Utl, sad /cents for litoests R=
os 1 wad 2 CommarclW Rulldluta, North sae o
..., ~,, squats, Krts, Pa.
) A. I.CI 4 iDON d: C'..
Wholesale lead Retail Dragglete
eelere 1. Ohs, Paints, Glum, bye Stutl. , kE , kc ,No 6
Rooms, truettug the Puhlic !Nears, Krlll Pe.
to 184—ly
(..”rpor ::..ron4 amt Yartet Street—uue akivars out 41
Kzettanv*, Nu rep, P., 29 110
1) k. iwirß P W o A rt r aTtu PAIN .C 14.11 ILLIJ SO 164.0
Ob fioor Pur.,zon Wook. Reattiouou, Broyles Hiatt
toter hours 12 to 2 o,clook, F. Id juno0u1:1--63
44. 1.. VT,
Rll/11111111" 1 / 1 1T Is?
•0101 rod lhowlltug In moutA Park /tow,
.r•t Olock eamt of gri• Knoll buildit,gu
ne, July 10, 1‘...s
I , R.,c RIw ORR, Bun Boos AIM FACit Kim
„ &wood ' , tor" of itiodoreeelkt's Block, feria, P.
Ivor, Wrfiliftri.
II WI A 1•11.1111110Llo, JUtker, And Retail
io every deoenytloo of Forotyra and Donorvottc Dry
• Carpeting", Oil Clotho, ke
ATTOVANT At Cut tositt.t.utt LA•. EH.
.0 Stat. strr.t, the Park to the Aoterieao
I, ascend atm.". a 11e builds►,r, oceupia , cl by F t l4,
~,audAaa IL• 111 always De touch in bta °Oleo, Loa
bcI.III3VIU , pulaatually attended t.
',I• NIALTI, Wtifis •ND 1.144101115,
Fron,h Brandies, lila; he, Champatorn*.
Kt,,nr (9nr,'t, `therre, Port,aod aA We&
• 11,,i,o•atle Wiuos, ale.. manufacturer of r.etilkki
(IJ Rye, V„nnngahela, Sr, • Reed Flown, oa
• • rich '•re.l, Fr.,
( IKOHUF: H. (1 TI.HK.
VII4)II4ST •T i.A.11, thratd. hat.. “nuti,
r. I t Ei ea,d other !.uoloror at tobolni 1.. with
.nd dlopatett
_ _
It J. 111()6FON•
Fo as A It nllati and Contnalwasoa Illarakuut,
• ...61“ D•ak Fri, .lea,!or /I r n• 1 , it It , Fudi, Flour and
• •t,
--—-- - - -
( ; 11 1 air VA IddliA it .
KaIi•SAL. mud desk. In
India Oamaii; Powdot, aua, :lately 1 , al.*.
Clean. rig h. 'III. R. N.,•• 14n41 4, tow
„,r, LAI Building*, Fri*, Pa
I v KM a ' j wt illt oL l L A .7.l; k HUT kIL (Itll 110.1 tu Fame
, t +tapit. (Iry Gocolo., 1 •rpots. Wattmci, 14l flotb.s, kc ,
Hrow o'4 Illork, Eno, l'n
.I . Hiriti; 4S. ( ' (l..
811111 K, II A llta
Yo. Lw•Y itstr :4tr.rt, Co 7 Bouciell Bl.wk
uH' wiVI;KXII%
. 131 , TIIIk omit, Office. la Swami'.
1(10, ui •tsirs, Fri., ht
toilN 1111 K \RN Ar
.1 w•ir" mud et.wintasCod M.rcbsuU,
4'. I • .1 , .al, rtnh, and sKrnt fora dailv Ito. od
r 1,.4 ~ t s.atorra, h.,11. VA., Pa
• V$lE.
Hr moss sad Illanufbetuna of :-,1+4.L
ihAervjural Blf ode, Poieh et ,lu tlo 'bop report, on-uph4+4
+ Hine+ Jowl ,
- - - -
I 011 N VI . % Vitals. _
ttorrr.rrc kirk, Wholesale sod Retell
in all souls of Farley, Pravehig Room, Roektss
°thee and Nevus Chaim, N 0.4 Key %toss Block, Erie, Ps
tt . 1.101 . 1:L.4e4,
ATTOIUrIT .t LAW —flake retnored to
uildiot wrst of State Strrot,oti thr north aide ..fth.
rarr, F.rto fsa
foli• IV. %V tI.KER,
*,ll gi•e prompt attemtinu to the locating of I and
*stew, ta and the payment et Tax*. in the glate...f
vori •nd lowa. will al.o 1111 .11 urdere for the purcha..
,t .. , ..amp Land, A..
. -
WIIOLF.1.11.1.•od Itetati dealer in • II Ueda
et Liagliah,riertnsus and Allll.-Icao Hardware, Anvils., Vlore,
Iron, Nall., Stied, Ate Saddlery and Carnage Tnmtolata,
Machine Beltifir and Paeltang Fret:lett Rivet, opposite the
Read Home.. Fete, Pa ,
ATTuSOIFT •T • ••LA it lirTivl or Tli
e l
• Wlll prattles tit th• several Courts of arts County,
five prowl)* and faithful atteatioa mall Wearies*
ton outher as attorney or Magistrate
Ofies !6Empire Meek, earner of State and Fifth
tt v.rtv, P•
I , k. ..I.IOItIfiISION,
Wholesale Dealer Is Flour, Pork, Res',, .te ,
§ - 47 1, Corasuirtisl thatikhafre, Erie, Ye 38
I I___ DI/RILL, lik :11A Reiff .
W • mr r•rsr Illt ka la( S w Itean utc Lark Etta wra.
If f i l i.eariarg, aricaltural hapleznoots, Ealltorid Can,
.e Fries, Pa
j - W.
liaarrracirt. Oat at Who/naelc and KALI/
4•••hltr to Well and Cistern Pumps of auperior qualit r, air
.c.caprat and bard DOw 1.1/W shop OD Tir•ltt6 street
Peaett, Eria,
duct for oar) log water for faintly, taro of
canal:C Aqueo b:al porpoese tar sale leap ,
if SA N FORD &
.4•Yi Dirat.inu 111 GOLD, :Myer, Blink Note*,
grtleeato• of Depoiat, Meld esclaanyo on th• prio
I onto. conotaolay for Nile. 011eoNo D Reed Roue.
routs tquaro, Krt. _
W Not.1411:1-11 d Retail detalcni tit GI ucattes,
ltroTtskaA, Ship Charadlory, Wo..d Loa W tllo • •lirs
tc ,S • Street, Kris, Penu
assficturer and Whalesel• u d Itatell Dealer
111111ue , Hostery, Zephyr %Dawn, and V•rakee Vu
zi,r4o Together sith s general sionrtesset ,d Ladle*
tioswis Pesch street, 4th shos• [.pot )en :!1 11.3 t
Feenioseeta Desalt Yilee, and Akeol
r N dealer t Wlleorer Roving lite&lutee, Rooms to
limed. filo& k►et Vert, krte, Pa. Cr •Slttrborer
.1:1( doom to Order .4.j Fee!, ttttt rreerred ror•othty ,
_ _ _
Wilot-iliaLt AWL , nr? IL t:ltoctla, IA
in F lour, Pork, HID, Salt, W.
.4"lijoa Warn, Nails SIM Gas gt No W right'.
P • dlc
J. vivetica,
,b Groceries, Provisions, Pro
'oco, Pork, Fish, Salt, Gralo, Flour, Prune, Nuts, Olsas,
Nisas, Brooms, Pails, Wooden, Willow and Peon* Wore,
sr Terms Coati Prices lo• No 441'1101's Mort,
+tato fittest. 4 doors oboes tw Post Oases, Dii, Ps
R OG 1f.R.1.11 ffit110111111",
noLasak e • /CT Ratan Dolalora la Hard
acc, Crockery, Olareacare and Saddlery. No. 11 and 12
c wore Block, corner of Fifth and State !Anoka, arie l / 2 Ya
100/11A, I • Baal ItT?
ti wpoSr okm
1. Arrow, •T 1..• %pa.. U 4 Cbestout
rpet, ideaAville, Pa.
Fob 26, 1869 —lola
#.TTOIMUT AT I AT , ---Odloo 10 real ra.l
Work, over Nvotiorsor A Hailer's (lolling More Itia
t rs.,ee oa State Simot
In &II knule, S•ll,ll.ter. /lour
ke., he. Put.i, Dock,
1 1 1 •
M. t %TIN.
Di•Lill k W•tetere, Yu. Jay
e re, .411•• r 4 )...0rk5, Plated Wan, Lookine tikaaara, Oat
lloakdiaaa, Cutlery and Fancy Goods, Pampa Bulithat,
aorta Buds Woe Park Dear Poach at
. _
'II V. YIM/•1,►111.,
Voiyesso, ro 4inearri 4 Jolter/4.4rd
•Yu Kat•,l pat..“,(at, t eraser of .Mtafe and
'Oa sta,lNsalar to Ptlnts,l , lts, lore ottalts,ttissa,Casisplaousi
ruing VI utd, Brushes. ►r
\ ,,, v 11. 1.1 111
rTnItliZT •31•Colliall.L.o• •T Lam
Ott, ok-tuo•r.l i carver rotAtn. of RosetoWricill
:strryl and th. 4 . l ,barp, Fri., a.
W I ItTaly'll 18 • •••
lock north •hie of Publit "(guar*, fortnerfr °comp' . 7
ltArlll )11 Co All wort wArrantolk:
ATTOilursT .fl Ali --0/101110,16th•tr'e'llt.
' •• ,, i) , PP . ./ 1 0 . the Ct.urt Hour., Eno, Y.
-- - .
UT .
K. 116,1011.1., Ar --
t)111 - tIsT, Mlle. le Korpir "Cia•••
• ....., . Ht...r...k, n..rth .1.1....1 *b. Picrii, Kra*, Ps.
• .110 , 1t4 k
kirrohtNar4 a cur;vEi.i.uicd AT a err
FI fi Paru►oa Ph/A . near Vnllll
VoIJ'MI 31
A New PIO for Selling Goods
owl, lardattatlow ollbo kind Is lb. world
Price of GUTS, 26 eta.; 80 ete•, & il,OO.
piqTRrNRNTR. lrc , he
Positively the best CHANCE known
to Make Money.
V..-, person ordering Anti hoso this luetitotiou wit/
vet volusble gifts MA* logy beet quality, wortb
ho® the anuent investor! lo 01.000
I VI'S sent on daily to our patrons tree
tra..poraut.. ,har g es Groat Inducement. to
berg Nob To I wo is a slab of 40, at 60 cis mach. ire
will glee a lisatGii eased Lager Sneer Walob, and fogy
60 eta and upwards worth of good• to sub of the others
la the club. To cou in a dub el 60 at $l,OO *ash we wit/
gin a beautiful penis roataialag • Ten Dollor Gold plot%
To stouthet to the sans club, ws wUI Ova • Superb Silver
Watch, and warrant 11 to heap tine for ow year Cod to
all °throw la the slob ws will give OM. dollar and up
wards worth of goods. POl7OOll acting so agents In get
tit.; up oleo and sendlot angle orders can deduct 26
F or coat oci all moneys eollectird. l'iromeoliciting orders
for the Atuerican Oltt Interpriaa, win plume mak. a re
port u often u once • 'auk Pancras anisette tutu sad
trot beta( satisfied oa arrival of the rondo. no bon their
inonrcy by reinrolno Use Gifts io good order Woad mou.
• Y by ev pre. • boo cool... Mug for awed carefully by wool
AMU shipped to 411 boor. situ Ow order ia
Address all orders to
1 h Col-L.11 , k, btu
upt 10 1600 deu
J. C. BUIt(iESS & f
PORK, &0.,
AT 11'110LESAI.E.
No 7 kionnell Block, State Street
Vale, Oct 11, III&
Wines, Brandies, Gins, &c.
11 , , ‘Valnko Ntreet, sud NU II tiratiltv :it
+larch 9, 1669
J. 0. BURGESS & 00.,
V, 7, 11uark-11 RiocA,
8, 1149
"flyers,. Nesters sad Hop Dealers.
Ay 1 NG pureintseti tile entire interreit
.e aeunda x SLTH. le lb* old iind well-Itoooo
Point Brewery, Pittsburg,
weir pppar....l to riarnisitto th• numorolul MIAOW
orn, .•th firth!..,( X, XX, Leabott
Ittlidttt Ale*, that t IRev‘cell.4 ant, estabilith•
flout Ita litu et tto,t,
tO. 111. s .urw. 340.10.1 w unr cnnlunnets In MI. 111.•
1. 0 11, .r• bare si,poinlo4l Megan& Csuirbey kb Ina, Wbol
• Ale , •144Cyr, or VrIO Oor 0. In Inn•uta for I.lko, t trinity,
frbln -11'37 e1.K111 4 1.4 Hitt , *
IRI r iiif CI -
Magazines, Paper, Stationery,
Z.% I• n
Fits. all 1\...., ...b... It IL etttitel, .. • • ile• t •
vp.ia till. day to Ga l , ..• • t
net 13- IV 1101. 4 a JuKU
3 on FIRE 1.. OA I Y kW I'
Yr tits wz&ted
14 _2 1 INC{ • r, tun, t t.S , -itiKK •
BED DA: Sti ES with 5t414(.., 4uit
able to et ery ilitoarliteeprr, Hottita..r tidier., s 1
redu, e.. 1 priers, by. t.. W ELL`F.Y
WANTED AT PAR in Exchange 1 . 01
usy whole Esr•Rußnmiewr will b. *tad for lowt. Mob*
—Mon, Manutsetrorr, balldtairs, Lot sat all.
44,1 VI Int WI! I,ls,
Park Hall Clothing Store!!
HAS received a. New and Pastnontable
Stock FALL and WINTER GO , Dt4, mosiottoi of
(Mute tug - we/ate Gooda,"Hen and Hort' Hata and Cape
sod la r‘amtantly making up a +or) fine assortment at
Et oacly ThilLaicle•
ni - 1 h tir •11l feel inset, plemmem In shaming to atess
eh. war favor Mrs with their patronage Ho maker t.
and keeps on nand ad styles nod fusee et
Web are disposed of un th• most resausaide Wring
Buys costs train ility-eent• upwards, and .11 things else
to like manner pcoportiooateiy tow He solirits • share
of pull •c patronage n$ promises a tali list's's...tiro, II
to pile.. and durability of articles
Naval sad 11.1114r7 work done to order. and
warranted to give &admiration
..10111- bl _ _ _
I v. Fiala IS 11,40). Prfir fof V1 . k"..1 . ( 41 1 uIZ 'i i
Keystone Stove Emporium,
had porehtioe owe of the
New Diving Flue or Elevated Oven Cosi
Cooking stoves list out."
They are put the thing that au appriciabog pithi c
have asked for. will care half the wet of required f
wood stove", sad always ready for mos, and obviate t n
saioartity of paying embargo priors for wood. Stavin • d
iparchaive of TINCZNT, 1198•1.8, SHIRK kCO 4
Wwpstow•Stor• works, ;
d u d d 6 Bedwoes 14th sod 12th Mal
kOtil* to Fonrarders and Boatmen.
„J, be slow! from °deluding tiie on the 3d day of
"'Tutu !4harririll• to War 011 . 0 vet lb. Canal •ill Le
kept apes satil dosed by this lit
poanterideot • Mies W tupt
" Rai*, Nov. 19, 1969. $
MR DELA NI ) would re•pectfully give
out t too citstros of Eric dal b. pill coin
moue* lac Setio...l kir lb. hictrictitio• of Young/ lcittlik,
Illacce acid Whisfors al PARRAIA PIAI-1., on
itor4u4v me v *Smits
In *bid •111 Co Wight am LAW' sad 111941111 FaablusaaLle
it•rut. T., o.'o jil,un yew ic-bolor Ilednatioric Iry
NAAS* to Wallies wading snare timeworn Soliolaz, our Jr.l
- rock. Hoare of lientricetioo hem 2 to k o'clock, P.
MIXING SQROOL for 0111T14 111113
VI lit folluttleliOW on tlir cbov• leccolcorg
two for Cho knit Loccoona, basil lc 4 o'clock linch Goo
t Erwin • id in &Paned ckiir WIWI" se 0•0 Lady U. U. Do."
nod F cccitow 4b..01 TISItIOU Griellocarsi
—IP Tory Genii/ran subscriber .4) os ecitlihril to
all Reuel boors from to 12 o'clock aortae the 1:**1 1,
Pri•atri Irrsuo. au4 art.. Lan, pion ks kfllaol[
r tame 1411 21.6,
a ucessair. I. KL I 4- ( ARROLL
Ph 11 i►dolplii n.
1:ICI:MS=MMI:13:1::1 tas fca a
U. Y. h:41,04.7t,
830, 0 0 0
East Side Public Square,
- AT -
NEW 110414 K &MUM. R. R.
. -.- . 4 .. -..
(num/R.OF 11011118, COMYENCINO
NJ MONDAY, NOY . 26, I*lo
T rola, will liars Dtsakirt •t about the , fallow tag boon
Zastward Dolutd—Dspazt.
Ae• Yuri, Ragman „ $ 2$ •
Milli% iiiproie 446 v. .
tial . TOl •
Opel 14 egos . ._.lll 10 •
• •
Hai . .. • - 4 00 r
Fast Freight. .. . 1 lb r
Way Freight. .. ...... 4 00 •.
. .
Steel itirpiess, mid Vaal 0 tailibt Fialaa rain every day
11.• Nall . *rata raosaina over sights' Si teglimatiss
CH.Asi 111,1 M, Sao" 'Ol.O
NA T ILI MARSH, kleaelver.
Dunkirk, Nov II 11$10--11 tl.:
)~N and after Thursday, Nov 29, 1860, a
.r um!. arm! PASSIMBIR MAIN will LE
.11 KRIM, el hie. A. Ai, 4fl (ssadst •zeopt
v.s .rivisi &t Ctio ist 1143, A. M.
1.4 V 8 hILI B. at SA. P. 184_611str arravai of Lit*
►on. Roads , arrive at warn.° at 7.11. ri 81.
icy- A Proisat and acaonaniodation Train will run
arab way daily, ( 4 anday eteeptadi leaalas trio sad War
Ns noalarctivel) at SAO, ♦ tl., owl 1.14, P. V ; arriving
at F ria al a 44,P 111 and at War 1,1412.16, P
BAWL A. MACY, Snot W. D.
Supt a 01liaa W lo Brio, Moyle 11104.-1111
31.800. 1.111313.1 L.
/IN anti attar Monday, Nov. 261.11, ISW,
k." anti
Trues sill , usk Oda burl &I (0110111
A L , NO/ EAramortapplair at !forth that, W..
head, Dasigiall had Wyss Cm*, arrlvaaal Ilhafialn at
P M , ASsog, lkillypibg at North Root, ',Moo', Woo
Sold, Maim, Dsukirt, Nil vorersek, Irnag sod M.
as Coster, arriving at Buirsio, at d Od P Ilt
A atoppusg at all station, and
arm "kg at lialtale at 14 tO •. .14
I 1 Int A IM. tsprosa UNA allopplaig at Potharga, IS
W ISO Crank, X ram Contra, Irvine, t rank
lu Odra., Salem, Portluad, MMH.fd, ttatilley, SULU
lAna, N Wald and arruiliga4 Pis
at a JO A /l.
4 al Y W deenroadairms 41440 ad al all statluaa, sr
rs•an •I Pia at P. M.
I Jo , P Y Might Lapdog, %topping •t Plleq eras!, Dun
knit, llVintdald and North pat arrivkag at Pin at
3 3U • 31
AII uf tb• above Troia. going Last *outset at Buskirk
aod Buffalo *ilk Ea prow Noses (or Now York, Boston,
Br Rail Road time a about II 'Wooten issesr Ibis tree
u0v24,11050 25
Cleveland and Erie Railroad.
awl after Monday, Nov. 26t.h. 1860,
kJ Sad %OW 'u rtDet u..t.w. romMttig.. nwk,
a. fulloirs, tit •
I vPix
Y Ma
rt 1,444•111• avidsay
avid &Priv... I krie 1 P
I'. Y. Atght 6apro. Thu& atop. &I ralairsirtl*,
4,htahul. nod I 4 »rd. • Li 1 , awl ►rrl vv. .1 Hrl.
IS 43 A. Y.
14.: A Vl4 14 /LI H.
3 .1u 34 2.. tOtt 6apw. Trala *lmps at aitraatt, Coaassat
itatttabula an:l t-Illilaearlll. I,alv , and emir., at
cler•laud 7 16, A. Y.
1 Su I' Y MA) Trani mope at .11 WajoMatrons except
Saybrook, Colovrttle, Perry, Ilsotrir sod Wteltlles,
sled strum, at CletrleAo at 6 66, P. M.
.tl.l the through traitor going Westward, moose( at
(•1......5 0 rl with truly for Toireles,Cllrstro,Oollumburs
•totuU,lodtanspolu, kr ke
All the through !maw gain* Esatwarlooaaaok at boa
lurk nth the froins of the A. Y k gri• Railroad sad at
balfalo .Ith tb., N Y oeatral aad Relplo sad N. Y. City
Roolro,d., 6.r \.w Y.krt, Albway, &I ts*, Niagara rail;
kr , If Me - 44r -
clopwriast4, Nor ZS, HIED.
(We (_
4/ • a 4., ssa V I
,f Throes,
, -1 so Owit
(.Peer are aware ut th• . i.
oruzeon Col 1' se to Graf sars; that which to tibia
toryttaoaof •ould yield to • wild nrsoody.B eseiteetessi, moon
attack. te.• lungs "Brooms 's Broadisof Tressilet,“ oc
Salving demsilmset farredloote, allay Polosoosme sod
Bronchial /I-risottos,
BRI isX "That trouble le toy Threet. tlor • hirb
she "Troeslios" area ecocide) lusoleg wed.
lII.r lor often won ilibtol4,l.l.
'IrHIH H for
"Har• yn.rr.f eltrolurt, et 1,1,61.6 1..1
MH It . vur 11,CNRPII "
TIiUR lit" ..u.
I 1,•.• v.. ell 111,11 . ber.ll,put tor
uHV * ••• N V. 110, 1 ,1%, I OUOl5_.
I' It ilk tl
"b.o•G. ICI 'ben .../pollor4 to speak suf.
11101 W Ne% ' &Hug from CuLt. "
• •1 i/147C AL. In reITIO wing Herron:ter
ith.,ml eh.' lertLatltth of the ntte .1, e.•mtu•m
La Orange, lie
fifloWN'S Trochee' of Musk., Soothers
F.oool. Cones*.
TIVIff 'lf Kol a.ot bosiolt whom taboo holoro sod al-
tar pr.aelxiat, as they prevent Hootomeolt.
ki .W • Fr, , m %bolr pug( .Sett, I thiok tb•v go 11l No
”fp•tritanoot advaidago to to. "
en.oldoet of Athens Coarto, Tao
Igo% 000 :gold by all Itrucygot• at TICK \TY
TM/CUR" , oboe o
The Best, Cheapest and Most Popular 1
M001316.1:1 btUHAL Nib W- V ObLILLkt, the
Leading Led Larreat Circulated, as it Is soanded to
W the beet sad bloat Loam/ MOAXI7I7I/IL4lkloarscrazo•
aaL, Li ND FAMILY tb• Apt, •11l
enter opoo to TuaLrry FOLOIII to January, Uhl
Tux ULM I 1..• th. must popular Aualeturuaa.t. sad
tioaricvt.tra.“. sathopity of tb• day,
and ooabinrs media& atoosat &DO vari.
ty •,t Heading for (hr Family Circle
that .t has brousre • frororlte to both
f.,eo and Country
Tell kir hi N t l 1.. eletiosal, aye, t ontinentsi ',h.tlt,
lion,' being Wes, mad and admired
throogboot the America Cabo, Hrd•
tab Peoelamo, are, Wow* It wisits to
promote the Baid habrrests and naPil
HONIONIMII of all easing.
TIM bit 1 11. tL is pommeled, by b oth Prisms and ?IM-
O*, itos lad p d Agericsitviel, Lit
erary mei Thessfy Ansissearr
and highly soisemed by teas thou
mods for Its isdepsedenee sod visiting
marl t.
LOAM is an min:wale of Industry, Skill, Pro- -
stem Imprormaist,
t ion, sad wbataver Ueda to %timbal and
enisobis Bummed, —a J oereal es yeessfy
/ateaded for the kneads of a Props*
sire People
TNr ItUhtAl, tit superier la Style, illsoinitiose,
employe the beet Taleat— sod to taboo
by haste of ladle liesames, Flordeal
taiallota, ha., la Caaatty,
sad City, from Canada to Osfi
111 kA I. Is the Llisapeat losirsal y its ( 1.. s to
Chradesehwe—thr tetrad club rate bare
ly swearing tbe beery es Its peb
licatioa lavolvlag a Itugier outlay than
any of sas celiempossibm.
Tubl It 11. se—fistally and irsaumerily - HW-
Y Lirli WiltlLLY,lbi varies& dr
watamits of Agtlealtare, flortiesituris,
Ladies' Resiting, Make Ifiseellissy,
Saboistb Beim taaras/, The
Traveler, Ile leriewer, Osifiii
Y oast itamadet,Sfesey
aud last not least, Mesas* 24 11 =
!timbal lisposis, rasievileg M .lkvelleer
the wart 101111011010 immilionairsims, Ler-
V OMANI X 1 I , PIM 110.1.
Will lo isporlor la AVM sad Cualrets t at,hat N lb
• lib Nr• Ty pa sod other hoprovomooto
tt• wott,„ "'acetone'," ood (*pet.. '4 .o nrro aid Pa'
prootoroi, lOU M owellsoled b both imam amid Maii
e'er, r.toletoog ? t worthy • Istimly inewourd Wational
t in:station
t ar Next to your local pope'', the Roue. Nat Yulta
au it lb. ow for your tooory It pro good 0,14r0r10
ibl ilkillAL Noe- rOll6/011001:rille• "We. lOW -
to, Pagel, 140 columns ) le 1 Tltle Ile:, kites
Itlit timt
se tbe etre* of mob Velem% ire
TEIRms, ot Atr•WCI.--.144/1 rail; 3 01.11060( ; 4 fr. , '
$lO. 10 for slb. 20 for L. Irr u Nuir soo mg ot To
so Rowniss Asp roar Ct. tam literal induce
moots to Mil. Aro Mal 'et olereed Sirselereo
Numbers, Show lktla, to, tic , mad fret to ell
appfirmoto Al tere
deel-0.1. D. IN
1 711410111, 114011111611141, N. Y.
_ _ _ . --
100 Born. of Hoofod's Prepara
tion for .r•erlryloir elder Jolt nu:wired toy
auv3 - V 1 Astra It BIM
~.t.ll mr...
• 1 rip.a.ouutead 10 1111. L.,
14.k\ ttfl. .1' V'
• 11tn.oat lu• ant Yriel 'h. •11.1reaatt.,
1 1.0.1 Atvellhing r t.. A.T.). •
') 1
a•i• thfne Iniut I
II .4,0.1, bent..
'•A sinaple .04 Of a. , I",
.1 oils
,•.. ,
Ct Loess
Doves by tho breaklag twang tat 'toed
[lgoe tbe cooky Awe ;
VW bravo "sou arblogold courage,
♦sd bed Ht► bioodly roar
me taints! word,. tbat told the tale
Unit oat toll boßDra
Wed. It Irtth the reheats./ gift
love, soy ur• •tbe tokoted
wad It brie yoke, or pew Oar wave -
Pot *oath, I scarce sty fises•-
*was taassiarias molt, et Imte unmet salty
rh.t .11.1.*4 to *sooty , "tee "
A 6.4 Om; l happy Wooer No,
l eiaap'd be( fait ..s kukad„
4.4 iwag wg stood then, emviwwWl
Intik o'er lb. &Awning lasi
Tbollassell sod %be WO./ boat
Nor. suliai groat th 4 straw*
It sewns oot mays go—
Lilt* yeatierday,--eetoors,
duos Ries co stood, sky loco wadi
Upon the rocky Shefe
BatT ass four Rod twilit) tie.,
Amasser roe tbety4oar
Th•ly head U this/set oes,
Lad la her sonny hair
see enowsl)very llama, sod so
Herr brew wow Uses of care;
Iptsc, 4.P/skied brow, or Wirwr Iwoka
*bee not wow wbit lows har
Tho Wag boat* • some of yaws
Go Naiad from UN. stroo4
Tbr mimeos eau a aeon of yews
Nis o'er the diutessi lead.
Awl bon Ur- Weld .peu U.. cM*
We're Amodio' head 4a head
lay darling, thorn's oar oldest
Roma as Mao mato below;
What's Bsaal7 doing b 7 her ride• . •
My wi , e says, "Toe should know
Eir's lanai bar waist you told too
♦ woes at yams sogo."
45Iwite Zittratut.
Some years ago I was appointed agent
for an extensive firm in the city of New
York, and was obliged by t 64 duties of my
of to travel frequently in the Western
Swim. In those days the moans of com
munication between different its otthe
country were much less ex than at
present, and in consequen vary otter.
performed long journeys on back, con
cealing commonly large s of money
about my person. For the tter security
of lite and property, which e notseldom
endangered in the less po districts,
I Invariably made it my oe to go arm
ed, and being naturally of &fearless turn,
nutter enjoyed than otherwirie thesense of
danger of which I was never wholly free.
One of my adventures—and I met many
well worth narrating—involved circumstan
ces which at the time seemed to border on
the supernatural, and which although sub
sequently explained in part, have always
been in great measure mystiSonsly Inez
•theatilP N• of 'choice hr
verse alone the western part of the State
of Ohio, and 1 made the journey, as usual
on horseback. This butte, DOW one of the
most lustrous stars in the federal ooruitel
lawn, was at that time eclipsed in glory
Icy many a .ester luminary which has since
grown dim Lesidt- u. The greater pert of
my route lay tliieugh a thinly peopled re
oimi, in which Elio leasaes were 'like sup/
visits, few and far bet een: and in which
I was fiequently obliged to put up with ac
eommodauons of the t erg plainest descrip
tion. One wet, raw, win.l) 'lay, in October
I hau ridden tui 'Lei than common on a
wretched loud, which hint greatly taxed
the powers ut toy w tlltug horse, aunt as the
afternoon *ore away. and atilt no sign of a
house appeaued, I began to feel anxious no
lere on Lis account than on my own. Just
before evening closed in, however, I was
overjoyed by the distatit prospect of a
house, rudel) built indeed, but as welcome
to my eyes as the low-lying s hores of Guart
&haul to the straine...l vision cif Columbus
and his comrades.
Patting the neck of my jaded steed, and
speakiug encouraging words whim, I push
ed on to the haven which promised us rest
after the toil and weariness of the day's
exertioos. Through the uncurtained win
anws of the lower story streamed out into
the increasing darkness a cheerful light,
whose wavering brightness indicated an
open fireplace. As I drew Hear the house
1 could partially discern through the gloom
the shapes of irregular sheds and out build
ings attached to the main structure , but
I only cursorily glanced at there, but being
mote intent-on reaching the inside than
scrutinizing the outside of the edifice. The
sound of my horse's hoofs attracted the
inmates, and a man issued from the out
building, bearing a dark lantern, which en
tirely concealed his own figure. while it
plainly revealed mine.
"Can you take care of my horse, and give
me food and lodgings fur the night?" I in
quired. "We are both exhausted, and ran
hardly go further before to-morrow "
-Yes," was the laconic reply.
I dismounted and followed the mats as
he led my hone into the barn, and having
seen him well provided for, we went with
out an additional syllable into the house.
My companion all the while whether acci
dentally or designedly , kept the bright side
of the lantern constantly turned towards
me, and it was not until we entered the
apartment containing the fire that I could
fairly obtain a sight of him. I involuntar
ily turned my gaze upon him before even
glancing at the room into which I now en
tered, impelled by an irresistible curiosity
for which I was at lose to account. He was
a man of more than the average stature,
with a breadth across the shoulders I have
never but once seen equalled , indeed so
athletic was his appearance that I saw in
stantly I was but a babe in comparison of
physical strength, although at least two
inches his superior in stature. •
His features were not ill shaped ; if it
had not been for a low forehead - he might
have been called almost good looking ; his
complexion, however, was dark, and a pro
fusion of bushy beard rendered the expres
sion of his month hardly visible. I war
just. turning my eyes, from his face to ob
serve the aspect of my new quarters, when
for a second his glance met mine; it. was
instantaneously averted, but a thrill of hor
' fame like an *mortising electrical shock. I
It was a rather small black eye (the other I
being sightless and nearly shut) which bail
thus powerfully affected me ; in its glitter
seemed to lurk the concentrated quitter
rence of devilish malignity No words can
describe the convulsive recoil with which
I shrank been that glimpse into the depths
of his soul', it was as if the earth had yawn
ed beneath.tßy feet, and in the blackness
of the gloom)/ abyss I had half descried the
deeper bleakness, vast and pi defined, of
the prinee df evil.
With en immense etket of will, however,
I shook of the influence of the man, and
01/10C a Wask
directed my attention to the objects that
surrounded me. The room was not large,
and was roughly plastered, although dingy
and dirty. At one end was a rude attempt
fit a bar, formed out of unplaned boards,
and behind this sat a woman of about . hir•
ty, with a wild expression ot despair on
-tar face—not impulsive and ungoverna
ble, but graven in sharp lines on every
feature, as if it were the sculptured coon •
tenance of a condemned criminal. On one
side of the fireplace sat a man with his legs
upwinat the side ot the room, looking
moo4hly into the tire, and smoking a clay
pipe, black as the aniline) back , he did
not raise his eyes once to use On the oth
er side sat a dog on hi: hind legs, a rough,
non-descript looking animal with a sullen
yet honest star„ his eye as Le surveyed
me, IVOWiilif, low all the while. The turns
lure of the room was of the rudest kind,
consisting of a few chairs and a table, on
which lay a large jack knite. and a piece
of plug tobacco : one tallow candle stood
by with a long smoky wick
I took a chair and sat down by the tire
and asked it they could give me any sup
per. The woman arose, and without say
ing a word on to the table from behind
the bar, a half eaten leg of ham, a loaf of
bread and jug of milk, and then resumed
her seat in silence My conductor sat
down near the tire wuli his face halt turn
ed away from tne, and lighting a pip*,
puffed away. likewi4e in milence My
nerves are none of the most susceptible,
but by this time the gloom of the party had
thoroughly infected me, and try feelings I
were not envied, as I heartily wr-ibed the
morrow were come The one eyed man
roe() at last and went to the bar.
Well 1" said the woman coldly
••Brandy," was the reply.
-You've had enough already,"
totted bitterly.
"Yon lie," he answered with a tierce
oath. ••I've got to stick the hog early
in the morning, and I want borne inure."
"You had rather stick the hog than kill
a chicken any day," exclaimed the woman
passionately. "I hate you, you brute."
"You do, do your he sneered . "(live
me the bottle, or I'll break It over your
like it," groaned she, leaving
that bar "1 wish you were dead. and me
'The man took the bottle and drank a
long draught from i t. t.‘ casting at, the -,ame
time a menacing 100 wards the woman,
and shaking his head a erthreateningly.
The woman shuddered and covered her
faA.e with her hands. I could not stand it
any longer, and abruptly ask i-d to he ,1 40 0 i i
to my chamber. ....----"-
Tile man, taking up the ...oldie, motion
ed me to follow II ITU. w hen the dog, which
bad been quiet before, evinced signs o f
great uneasiness, and after trying to arrest
my notice by a series of hybrid noises, half
way between a Lark and a whine, seized
bold or my p.intaloons and held me fast,
"Curse the dog," muttered the nISUI with
an awful oath, under his breath, and ad,l
ing, "don't mind the cur," he dealt the
poor aritinalsuch a kick with his heavy
boot as sent him a flying across the rosnu
with a yelp of pain.
Without further delay he conducted me
--row dtght of stairs into a 1"00111/
Ag a tolerably decent Led, a wash
table and a couple of chairs. Set,.
cad *low n. he left the room and
•ii stair... No sooner had the door
land him than I noiselessly bolt
placed all the available furniture
/ agat.o.l/4,ItICLI operations
alt unessibeia
my mind. As I turned towards the fable
to examine coy pistols, I was ,tartled at
.eemg. In a che , ap looking glass which res+t
rtl the wall, the retlection of the
end of my money belt, Just visible between
my waistcoat and pantaloons. I total
ly wore it next my body, but on thin inOrii
ire I hall accidently forgotten it till near
ly dressed. awl had therel.ire .irepie. , l it
around 1 had little ludo to
I recollected with no small ,lniitietude
the opportunity of ()Li-erring this which
hail been afforded by the dark lAntern :
and the enigmatical retuarls of the women,
the diabolical look Of nly klut4i the
suspicious behavior of the 11 4 4, nit/L1 Wait ,
recurieil to ni) Inind. and contrilnit
ed greatly to mitres:it• dial d Isola tude.-
My first iinpul-e was not to ;.:*, to Iced at,
all ; but tit} second wastoaposttoploAe
myself under the title 01 •internal
and following the line of conduct implied,
although hardly expressed in the remark,
I tiwok oft my clot hr, Alia plunged into
The will moaning, ot the wind kept, me
listening for a white to then gusty mu
sic. and enhanced the teeltng line which
I strove in vain to banish trOtti 111% breast. Attet an hour or two. however. a e a .. 1 y.
thing seemed perfectly stall, the fatigue of
my journey gained the mastiii) at
anxiety and 1 tell into a state akin to sleep,
but. distinguished Irian it by my astauung
I.X.OI.IONOUSIJOM of Whet e 1 was, mid haw 1
was circumstanced I was liowerless to
move or act, but I -retied gaited with al
most a supernatural si•u'eness mental
activity, by which I took cognizance of the
least noise or distUrbance In this abnor
mal condition I appeared tore/nein tranquil
for a long tune, seeing and hearing alto
gether itidepetident/y of physical org i rn s
of :whs... when I beCallit, aw are in nay dream
--- fait it wit. auiy tin un usual kind rat
Liretial -al a scratching noise just outside
of my chamber window. which was near
the heed of the bed This grew louder
and louder, Wall. WI attiag the spell of
action which bad hitherto bound we hand
and loot, I Yal LO leap up :Wit rush
to the v. lielow All nithout was bidden
in inky blackneas, Itu,l the c a ndle I h a d
left burning on the table was flickering in
Its socket, evidently about to ez ptre. With
a great effort I 'lung up the casement and
peered eagerly tutu the gloom, but I could
discern nothing, and as 1 ts tits Ull the point
of closing the window again, (or the wind
was high and sent a shiver all over my
frame, a large object brushed against any
hands and leaped into the room - I started
book, and giving a hurtled glance round
the chamber, saw, by the latest flicker of
the dying candle, the form o f th e stran g e .
looking dog I had seen down stairs, sitting
en the bed bolt upright and staring at me.
The nest instant I was in utter darkness.
For some momenta, I hardly knew how
long, I stood motionless, while a crowd of
COollicting emotions swept across any mind;
but soon recovering myself, I luckily re
membered there was plenty of matches in
my cigar case ; towards my coat pocket,
therefore, I groped my way, and securing
them, struck one of them. What was nay
joy to see, standing on the wooden mantle
piece, a second candle, half burned, but
still able to give light for a ample of hours
at least' This was speedily kindled, and
then uirning towards the dog, I approach
ed the bed. The manual seemed to have
uo ill-natured designs, but as I drew near
er, turned his nose upward and gave a low
growl, and finding I .lid not heed his pan
famine. but stretched out my hands to
I seize him, he repeated the action, and took
I every possible means to direct my attention
to the ceiling. Without understanding
his feriae at the time. I involuntarily
glad e ,sl upward, and conceive my horror
at seeing directly over the beid of my bed
16i taint outlines of a large trap doom.
Uy frozen blood had hardly begun to
tingle along my reins once more, when my
eyes. firmly rivated on this mysterious ob-
ject, plainly perceived it tremble and oom•
mance slowly to open. The dog observed
this likewise, and uttering a. loud howl,
sprung from the bed and out of the still
open window, The door. nevertheless,
ascended gradually„and just as a furious
gust of wind swept by, and with one of ita
eddiesextinguished the candle, a tug s ,
heavy something fell with a crash upon
the bed. With a gasp and a cry of suffo
cation I started, and openin? my eyes dis
covered I had been dreaming , and the
sense of bewilderment aecompaniang my
waking did not prevent a feeling of intense
At first I could not recollect e trete 1
was, and fancied I must be at home but
few seconds suffieed to dispel the ilhision.
Casting my eyes around in an off wt to iden
tify myself sad ascertain my position, I
saw the candle on the table tl iring up
every now ante then in a ile.spelate strue,
gle for existence [tastily glancing it the
mantle, I saw another candle, half burned,
which I had noticed when I went to bed.
I was now thorougly aroused, and with I ,
foreboding apprehensions looked up at the
ceiling, aiul, U heaven, in thu of
the light I saw the regular figure of a rect
angle traced upon the plastering directly
above me. Erery muncle of my whole
beefy was pantie-zed by this discovery, and
a weight seemed to lie with crushing force
upon my chest ; and with .1 spirit now
completely overceure with superstitious
terror, I lay attempting te summon sufti
client resolution to arise and overnine the
chamber more closely, when—hark, could
it be ?—yese-no--- yea, theie was unmistak
ably a taint sound outside iny e matey. re•
sembling the noise of a dog'-s l a ws a g li n s t
the wall. It grew more and more distinct,
accompanied at interval , . with a low whin
ing and an occasions horn, sharp elp.—
No sooner had I Ilee*to convinced that
this was really the case than my self pos
session returned , I got up, put on my
clothes, took one pistol in my hand. leav•
ing the other under my pillow, and walked
resolutely teiverila the window,
Div candle had become extinguished by
this, time, and as l looked out into the
black abyss the night l_saw that the
clouds dashes], here and there with spots of
silver, were breaking up, and that before
long the moon would appear I threw
open the window, and at once. as ii borne
by the gust of wind which rushed into the
apartment. in leaped the black dog which
seemed so mysteriously connected with this
adventure of mine. 31 was now completely
my own roaster , by a vigorous effort of the
will I quelled the shadowy fears which be
seiged my heart, and looked out with
straining eyes to discern, if possible, the
means by which the dog could thus make
his appearance outside a second stnry win
dow. A transient moonbeam showed m e
one of the numerous out-buildines before
mentioned, at right angles with the wall of
the house, and from the eavee of. this all
along the side of the house extended a
narrow plank, 'shout five inches wide A
thick cloud obscurine the moon Resin pre
elteied-further observation. and I turned
from the window.
she , r .
1 felt confident that at) Cigar ca..r W:ts
empty of inatclie- , , but, to t. -nt the rievorli
ey of my dream, I felt Ga It, opened It and
tliaeovere4 at least twent:, I .truck
light, and a* I expected. there MLA the dog
upon the. tm,/ in the yet y at tttude of the
ViSIOU. All doubt n ow t 1 ,1, 0 1 hunt wy
mnid that. L had been warned
Ili intended tool pbi) •.edie natur, and
1 a min:nom re,eliing 111 lily iffind
the best cour , e of n4llOll •111.. I mpoedtly
13,9}044 up to the dog, 1 ear
resod hiss. pad wan on the point of carry
ing hun to the window, when—to utake
In) dream there t- wt a pr.tplieey --lie
turned ht, nose toward the ,‘eiling and
commenced whining very low I ingtatit
i v apize.l hint and hurled him out of the
mildew with ',owe ltulc couipunction-4 at
the, tieating my only friend in the :went-,
ed bowie. but I could make no delay.
Laying some clothes on the tad in the
form of a man as nearly as possible, and
extinguishin;:. the I retired to t h e
farthest cornet of the risom. mud sitting
down in one of the chairs I had placed
against the door, with my revolve' ii my
hand, deleimined to await the issue Lit
events. For half an hour I sat perfectly
still, Itstening to every whistle anti *lgli Lit
ills wiu.l, a ui-h blew intermittently thru
the window I had left open, and straining
eyes wheneser there ails a gleam ofr
iig4t to discern wheat het there was any
'movement in the trap-door AI last is hen
a momentary My shone ill 1 saw it partly
open, and miss I anxiously shell iu SI ,
lenee and darkness the next development
of Oils awful mystery Pt tly I heard
a lose creaking, as of ropes, then a tremen
dous clash, the report of a poitul, the sound
of hems beet rwernead, and the tall of
some dull, )ieldiug ls.dy outside the wan'
dew The pence which folloaed these al.
most simultaneous noises was broken by
low groans ot pain the ground beneath
my window and th.- general 'umlaut of
great dist um bailee in the loss,' part ut tier
house I ha-t 11) 't-ht the candle, and ito
trig to the bed found i -time had been
ilropped upon the pillow where my head
hail previous') loin iu.ldeuh renirinhei
ing the pistol I had left beneath iu,s
with tn.- limped siietigth I moor.' th e
m ass , e and toond the pistol ohs
lustaully the truth 11.eilied avltir.,, Lily
Mind. I rushed to the window, and look
ing down saw the woman and the man I
hail noticed in the hartoom the night tie
fore, bet i ding with torithes in there hands
over the prostrate bod? of us) Lost, who
was evidently in the aft, ones set death ft,
ruttiali Lad been waiting outside the window
until the accomplice had ptilformeil his hel
lish work, m order to rob my mangles'
corpse of the money be knew I had in my
possession; and the piatol being tescaloitess,
ly discharged by the fall of the stone, the
ball had pi..reed his bffain, entering thro'
the evil eye which hall given me ...i t ch a
thritkot horror.
At the discovery of his ludeoLi plot and
itslia fat retribution, tlay senses threatened
to decent me; but reflecting that iii Lich a
house I could be hardly safe, no sooner
had they carried the dying man within
'than I clambered down outside, took my
horse from the stable and mounted him
As I liassed the house, however, and
looked hack at the rerun I had so recently
occupied, and which had so nearly been
the scene of a far dillerent targedy, I saw
lights in the window;. The sound of my
horse's hoofs drew the attention of the man
within, who had ascended to see what had
bexinse of me and ascertain the cause of
his comrades deatle, and instantly level
hag a rifle at me, he fired. As I was look
ing at him the very moment, I anticipated
his action by clapping spurs to my horse,
thereby - somewhat disconcerting his aim
and in all probability saving my own lite.
for the ball grated my shoulder, cairong
scar which remains to this day Ten long
miles had ru good horse lo gallop -before
I reached the nearest justree of the ! wave.
and returning as speedily as possible we
found our birds flown and the house halt
burned to the ground.
No information in regard to them could
be obtained, except that they bad lived in
this habitation about two years ,and had
been shunned and feared . 1 / 2 the settlers
of the neighboring country. The condo.-
gratiun of the house was arrested, but
nothing was discovered throwing any light
oil the matter. The body of the lotted
The Boston Joiirsaf, whow party has
been one of the 'principal causes of the fi
nancial trouble that now begins to pinch
business ana laboring men, proposes. says
the Boston PEA that the North should not
send to buy any more cotton of the South.
but,wait for the cotton to come to them
It thinks that this will operate upon the
South, who will be troubled if they can't
sell their cotton to New England mastufao
But how about the New England opens-
Cat who have followed their blind lmiders
in this war on the South; The Jaerealad
mite that manufacturing will be less profit
able this isern ter, so that of course the mill.
must run slow, or stop, and the laborint
men are to be the mourners to go &about
the streets dying glory to the politicians
who got thei'votes under false pretences,
and have brought this destitution upon
them and their wives and children. Divi
dends, in the meantime, must be reduced
or cut off, and those who depend on this
aid are to be cramped if not rendered des
titute of ordinary comforts.
And this is the beginning of the end of
this wretched agitation about Southern
slavery, which has resulted in forming that
geographical party which Washington, in
Ida Farewell Address, forewarned posterity
would, whenever it prevailed, be the grave
of the t'nion. But what is the wisdom of
Washington and Webster to the sagacity
of Sumner% and Wilsons and Lincoln., who
have seduced the people of the North into
their own ruin, and theta their country,
lir preaching • up (his " red animosity"
of hatred to the South ! They have been
permitted to sow the wind'. and their fol
lowers are reaping the whirlwind. They
have raised the storm which they have no
c apa c ity to govern nor allay, and the only
hope of the country and of the very men
who have elected a sectional President is,
that, after all, Mr. Lincoln will not turn
out to lie a Black Republican ; that he will
heli' liis professions of in "irrepressible
conflict." and admit that he was ch os en
under false pretences by turning his back
upon the very men whose appeals to the
deluded consciences of slave-hating men
and ,omen have made him President ?
And then ag;iin. how feeble in thisfinan
,•;3l ..ieselty of - the Boston Journal anti its
woeinhp-. who Pitney they can coerce the
South by not buying their cotton? Why,
statistics show that fir* sevenths of the cot
ton that run. the thirty millions of apind
les i n rem Britain, and feeds five millions
of her population, is the slave cotton of
the South. And she has added eight mil
ions of spindles to her manufactures with
in three veers. The whole North consumes
but one-fifth of the cotton crop of the slave
States, and his one fifth England and
France need for their new machinery.—
W hile the consumption is increasing there,
every week, and nowhere in the world is
there any increase of the growth of cotton
except in the slave States, and that only
in proportion to the natural increaset ere
of slave labor. whit these wiae men the
vol i vie
Fast have c" long Merest to deetro
And now. after the mischief has n
done. the value of property and labor re
duced everywhere at• the North. a hard
winter at hand, and hank and mill suspen
sion staring everybody in the face, we are
told that the grand remedy is to send after
no more cotton, but wait for cotton to oome
to 1)4.
Why not go one step further and do the
the true thing, the only honest thing, if
there is any truth in Republican politics
and morals • and that is, stop all cotton
mills. sell no-, wear no, cotton cloth, and
see it they can stop slave labor by no lon
ger encouraging and supporting it as they
have done and are doing.
What a spectacle in this monstrous hy
pocrisy of the North ! Railing at the am
of the South in keeping and working slave•
while the North lives upon:manufacturing
the produce of slave labor, and Massachu -
setts alone works 200,000 slaves to keep
her cotton mills going ! And now whet,
the supply of the staple and the market,
of the South are basely interrupted by thi.i
"battle of the States," which the Abolition
ists have raised up with their war cries of
• five headed barbarism" and "sacred au .
mosity" and "heels on the neck of th,
sla v e power," everybody is wondering and
fearing and doubting whether we shall b..
able to get through all this without a gen
eral and financial crash and break up.
What has mainly produced this bu:
this mad war of the North on the South
culminating in the first election ever made
hi a geographical party, of a sectional Prr•a
mardetrer was,:takest,"ohmmd lad ma*
recognisable, form the ashes of his dwel
ling, where heihad.apperently i been
1\ 1" )11 I,.nciatie qtdckestr mocle ih *
,i4l ) lu g ium. Having "amerteinectithe
futility of rurther don, at least for
the present,we rode away,andpmaia . g thro'
an. adjacent wood, the dog had play
ed so strange a part in this most strange
drama made his appearance suddealy m
our left and kllowedour horses to the ril•
lage of R In gratitude for his sif
forts to preserreme from distraction,
henceforward shared my home with iv
unwelcome monitor.
The Wise Men of tie last on Cotton.
What is the .remedy ? Not this ni isms •
hie little laubterfugs of waiting for cottf.r,
to come North. which can better be sold
by the South to England and France, and
in the meantime pinching laboring to, r.
and the failing of men of business. Not d i
all. The remedy is in an entire change.
the Northern aspect of hatred to the also .•
holding States The perple of the Sort',
must shake off t his incubu+ of sectionalism
They must turn their backs on the mc. ,
who have deceived them : they must re
bre op to their ermstitsitannal odtigation
nd let slavery alone in everything exeert
turning it to the best account for the beii
.fit of mankind.
This is the remedy ;"and the great gut
tton of the, Uli
day, nion or,alf a dozen Re
pric.perity or national ruin, du
pends upon the sense Wand justice of th.•
people of the North to stop this aggression
upon the South, and change this whole
policy of an irrepressible conflict into a full
recognition of the equal rights of the States.
And the •trict observance of the duties be
tw ,,, t , the states, enjoined by the Const
tu t inn
KI: , •1101 AME, AND NEWVIPER4.--Tl‹
Pacific Adrocine •ays --In hts address to
the o,inforence, just before reading out
the appointments, Bishop Attlee alluded
to the various methods by which an ttinei-N
ant preacher might render hlihself useful.
and among others he spoke of circulating
newspapers as an important means of good
doing Li his first circuit, some thirty
years ago. he had been very active in this
direction, and he said he used to say to his
members, as a reason that they should tsike
newspapers. that he had had experience as
a school teacher, that it was his deliberate
opinion that two dollars spent for a good
newspaper was of more value as an edueseo
tor in the family than , ten dollars paid to •
school master for tuition. ."And," re
marked the Bishop, "thirty years observe-
Lion has hut confirmed that opinion "
Bernus, a spruce young man from
the city, was riding out into the country a
few days since with his "gal," and as aka
sun was hot, he stopped under the shade
of a tree to let his horse breathe. The
-skeeter , " were very thick sill large, and
R em u s , thinking to have a little fun, call
ed out to a farmer at work in the field :
•'Hallo. sir, what do you feed your mos
quitoes on ?"
"We feed 'cm on little city feller-, anii
lienitin whipped up
/Or An 0141 etergyatan one Sunday. at
the apse of the sermon, g a ve notlce to the
congregation that in the cour•ie of a week.
he expected to go on a mission to the hea
then. At this, one of the deacons, in a giant
agitation, etc-lamed: ••Wi t y, m y a el ,,
you hat c never told tP4 one wor d o f 0,,
before Wttat -.hall we do" • , broth
er. ad the parson. "I don't expe,t to go
out of town "