INZLO.F7'.A.T"S - LIFE PILLS PIIOIISIIX . 11ITT11114. rf .I.IED I CI NF,S hay° now been be th, p pbe fora period of THIRTY YEARS, .ur toot Uwe hare tuaintaload a tack eharseter IL , r.r ) part of the Globe. fur their eztrmordissry .uo.o power of reatortitig perfect braith toytar: sour. 1r0.1 ,, t •r heart, Gran , kisd of dloodd to illl ll l, the I.Lot frame La liable. TL.: .i...r Los are moon( tb• distteeetag Villiety Of he- MOM aura.l.. to which the V Eti STABLE LIFE MEDICINES .0 J. tell known to be Infallible. D V r‘P M r 1.1 A, by thoroschly cleansing the first sad st..thaeha, sad cravat nit a Sew aware, juralthr bits, Instead of toe .tale sail acrid Mad,' VLATULANCY. teal or Arrai,ea , HaakTsC 101, Has toadill, Rairll4llll. Naas, ILL-nitro'. AYII.TT , L•aGcoa sadller.wraor, T. which are the gsoerai symptoms 04 Dyspepsia, will este , 1 O. lin s se tor .1 cosies ureic* Oran Cure 1.'0%1114 time by cleansing the whale tenth of the tuteattre s with a solewat proems, and withoat ele knee, r Lotent purges leave the bowels meters wit Ads two day a. YE* Eit•l of all ktuda, by restoring the Wood to a rer • ler rt reu tat los, through the process of respir•tio• issue mese, au.: the thorough so/Litton of all istardasi obstear ass to others The Lira Meow!, rb have been known to cure SHIM. tt AT irt tl persaaaeutly to three weeks, and 61OUT in and 64et time, by remoeiog local indamtnatloa from doe maul's no.. itganwats oh the points lI ItOPNI Ka of all kinds, by freeing and strengthen •og the kidneys odd tilnalder, they operate most &Debi t ully n o theme Inapurteot organs, and hence have ever hese hound a c•rtain riemedytor the vomit:seeped Oita VIM.. at. WORNINI, hy dislodging (rem the turnings of the bowels the gamy matter to which these crestures ad kers. mCUltir V, rt.cintig. sod IWYSVSWAIrg BORES, he th• perfect purity which these Uri 1110- IC IN i".,t sire to lb• 040011, and all the hewers. Kt' 012 BVTIt; Iglit; PT& ONO and BAD CO lIPLICL el thetr alterative effect upon the Bahia that Bed the and the morbid state of which occasions ell eruptive coespiainta, sallow, cloudy, and other dbefree• able comph.ziona. Th. use of thew. Pill. Inc s very short time will Abet au tour. cure of SALT ti BALI t, wd a striking_ im peoreo,ent in the clearness of the skin. COMIBEOPI CO 1.D.• sod re V IXIS will always be cured by one dace, er two In the wont canes Pt LE.l.—Tbe original proprietor of these IledielseK was cured of hies, of 3'6 'este standing by the use of the Kl•lelhiti alone FtitilittANl. , A 16/11 P..—Vorthisecotirge of the West ern e..untry. tbeee Medicine% wilt be found ask, speedy, sod certain remedy. Otter motilcines lease the system subject to • return of the diseass—• curs by these Medi- eine. in p.. , m4Cooint—TßY THEY, BE SATISFIED, AND BE UK'S!) Bll.tolS Flf.V BAL.+ AND LIVICR COWL I'l. t • ree 4 t. I)lo.:Lirt, Loss or arrwrirs, „ hr. MedliCili•k have been ^ r .tot. • n cases of this desertio n 4 ,. •• , , • „ , Os. ....wet loran, , • • • ••••• ' • • , , /I f rent Iteltabie AT:I t 'rut M . 2 141.111 ITV NitzfOrli ,ii r eL•inFTY I A.. ILI `AlA•' ' ll'Pli•i moo UP vol HXxItT, t's 1%1,4 he' COLN- .n• .p• • all, cu red. U.. 91-4. %.661166.—eirsoul whose coo , t.uttttn• h ter q.-entreehe the tuAlietoUS see kT end these Melo-mew a perfect CUM XX r fc, Irrfki then • , .. 413, all the effects r 111 , 01 th• must powerful rrrttarrd at,d ...Id to B MOVE tT, ft BROAD"' xT, Nww YORK. - I • it's IiftCGOISTS. L A TH °UGH TICKET to CALIFORNIA! r rrt. • r PV.1,14' • • S. COL BE R T OT) Fifth Grand Quarterly Distribution or I.kl o oon \Volt I - 11 0 SW, A u. h o.lli 000 add for sloo.o o o, to toe purchaser of our 13 , \ PENA AT :10 , 'T. PER BOX nor Golden Poo is r,. b e et ever used. an ; is wan anted not to carrot:o is ant tot r.v.ry tototooso sow and (amity oh uhl use .uo Prof The f ,Ltoo log lief 4 .no 00') or",sh.. nu' be,but.4 01.41.,nq ,i runs at 8 eneh mod tle.l not los paid tor oil ur Pan I , orno purchaser et , htch of the following arts.' .r Sr Will sell blot for $l.OO and th..o it to *tonal Whethrt he send. the DUI. t. t Ift and takes the t. uU On or oot. c.•it at n r riven*. within ton an,e s li er the ',mhos,. re, Ir. t•• 1 horn, tulme they ar• satfafsetui,) f an.: the tr. hey w,ll be retuudint Lut of 1 . led id the Distri6untyn. I'tt 0 , 1;c614 tignttne 1.. d 11 a:cr,, Gold Wattles, Si:r.r Wa tales. uar• -•t & Cn‘t.lain llama Carnet , Brooebra, Vlo.a‘c and Jet tiro°. bee, I sea and ri, ,entine Brooches Coral. e.tnera.l, and coal Broocbea, rattle , Eli Drops, bhantr and .1.• 1..• r I,ropa, Lava O and .. i n , n t,ne Ear Ornp,, , k;ar F.roeraid and pal E.r Dropa, I-Land...ow Itlnee %moon.: and rumen Knee 'eta, Gents BrekFtpltr*. ti*•:eh K.. 0, M on sod 11.1.. bun Judea. Seta or Hoaom -.nog Buttons, lola, B ang , Rin z . J..relrv, Canton Crape haet It , Jolgoutt...e ne le Loran-• t lollies, Frew h and .IZlOF tetot Lawua. Feenett • 11111Colee, and other Dm,. l• ,n .rest I •rtrtv , together with Head Drrae.o., Cah•F, Vane, ann, an Ito tact &linnet every de oertptivu u+nally :olinfl in lint etas. Dry Gouda `lnfra • PLAN OF DISTRIBUTION. titestest Pretotutu 1100 late. ert Preauhrm The arUcle•are ourno-red, and Lertincatea Pitting what WO will sell ea,ll per ,, u .:. , haT ►re plaod to ••a , ed Envelopes, with a Decimal arrangement Yretm ame •n that in Each Nuuilred i-ertiticatas them kg nag, rt.( • G<)1 -j 1) WATCH, Awl then irtfl ale' , No opleathd Premium la each tea ertctleatei 1.1 ,. .tri, if scca cleatre a fitirahliw l , or Dreg& or a trer.rl . l'll art.elwrci Jewelry. ererloaa ae 30 w arra f G len Pena, •ncl .ar .111 send you a •r;cl . cate Kl.rch may enable vccl.l I. prcw ore it for $1 Oa ,re-‘ul c 1 1 ,1 eutY rro w,ll aro4 1111111k00 1101 of Oaf Gold rur Pet., a.1).1 ' , tale , 4 c•f w• wttl ' ,l $ l . tr TRY cr ..Cl PRI( •F_-; TA A AA ;EN N, PO:AiT rll. • .t r, 4 .rrtil,..tes Au 9 4.0 1 toll . ~f 1 W 1.. {ea rrtrerit tb. ,o of tut , h ~.ferantemi to r.! `I! ATC/I rex...rig Machine, voU an Rote to re , r r• • .• • c .111.311W:4: Ihe order for g aeleOdtd SI i\t tA -eh- a number of other very ve . deb.* p et. Certinentr krlit gratin. upon air r 1 trod-ing to act ye Afoot, whirb •, ; r.,1/ re 91011• Lie p TeMlUin opou the oimen. of 8 , , Music, Books, urht and :eold on C4lllO/124- 111../11 An% 1, 1 :r will he netyi to • :le f ountry at the Low. eat WI, e a itti toe of 5 per tent Coro niteeton fo• f .rwe oti or B.—.lersitS weeledie /rare tow. CArrafere seal on appleottadre. •dureee al I 1 ofontuotcatiorfa to • *. t 01-FIEILT 11.7 CO., bent* it General Agents, fllli South Iroertn nrwt, below Chestnut. Plellodolphia. rir For vur Int,onty eon .4'1,1.3 to Ibl6l our engage ments, we teeg to rrfrr you to the following well known gra tlr men 1.04 Hu Excellency .1 A' f.earl - , Fs Go.'. ganged., West; inomlend, Pa . Palmer. Hichardeon te to Jewell l'htladelphiot F. A VfEa , Jewe lJller, Plilladelp ; Mho A tiny, Kip ,tier, I ; r Hem r k Moore. Wst , Of be ow Arch, Ileum& Pratt k Reath, Fifth sod alerket "Ineete. Phila., J C. Fuller, FN., Jeweller, Mole *. I' Ward, F.q, Publ',oor of t ono 14 PLIla ,H Id Iloroo,Cataaauntla Bonk; Roo. I M. Burson Koreas, eept.4—lyl4 11EAD QUARTERS Groceries and Provisions, VINES AND LIQUORS 1, 1 4 Id LA DA KE It are now • -rt.ePtvnig tii4m- "1,1 stand, American rept I. Ittrge and superior r•tock, of CrHOCE R I , NV I N E 4, 1. 141: (..) RS, W lIL LOW, WOODEN, AND STONE ; WA RE, FRE' OS, UTS. he . he., I ? together with everything found in a House of this kind, whu•h they wilt sell as cheap as An y other estahlishment in this city for Cash or moat kinds oi country produce. (Jr ( as and see he—A nimble sixpence a better (bast A Ong. •Li'll4, e..nsoqueht:• Leah erft will find great barruna by lior at the Grocery Head Quarters! AMERICAN BLACK, STATE STREET June 2, 1460 —S2 NEW GROCERIES ! FRESH FROM NEW YORHII A large STOCK of SUGARS, SYRUPS, TEAS, ek) F FEES. SPITE, BROOMS, PAILS. VARIETY & FANCY GOODS! Selected tpecaally for the 1 ,1 ATsL T - 11 ADE! Please call and see them. You will And a good assortment, and PRICES as low as any In Erie, as the ONE PRICE STORE Stsite street. five doors above the Post Office. e F F , &J. MIN'NIG. sept.2B--17 THE JUBILEE SINGING BOOK, to tier with #..ry other kind of made books; for w. WILLING'S. PIANO Ftta%Dia NEW YORE 4 ERIE R. R. _ - aIIiiiIMINNIONFIAP . .. . . MELODEON M; T ' . ;• , i ORy OH ANGF (F 'PAIRS. 002411:1 - V'''Nti It, sto DAY, MtY zi, Du*. —.....r0._,: re., ~-I IT . : tar , .• 01 les .. I , ooltirk innitoort lb. tell,Aglush..ent , Skirl TWENTY 7 " . wr awn* .r . _ Eastivßrd Doane P( rt • . N.. ~k 1r.% WILLIAM • '," ILLING vgh1,:.1.7, - -, . • .... r. a. . . . ... 6 Ols. n. , Mili. ~-, 11311, - ' • ' AVAIL. Iltnet Fit ...ea _lO 30 a. a Ctusednuttl Kinross 6 30 r. r ON! A. '-, ' wad ' • . i p,' ... , , ' • .' — "Cce . ..• . . Fast Irreittit.... .... Irrehht 670 al. stock tot press, and Fast Freight/F nets nni2 Ss r. a dAy. TM Acnonnowlattou train ream. a over night at Blur baton Night ES rmaa ..1 'aturdr!s r ins nal, tel ibid. T" evenence 0 , .: . ,iit . l l i ftwo . "'*" , and the rs, but mamas.* tta trip at II 11.1 r a on Souders. AU other nun. run Metly.sampt Sundays. Idea that I . i ••.: CHAS MINOT. Gaul Beet. PIANOS - ' e MELODEONS ~ , , i Atli SI AMR, Iteart,sr. Dunkirk. April 0. 114411-11 tf la Dia alaaapar than I eas, Mu tnoln Mao. Mee, Wawa.* rest Is theapar, limbo' Is isbaaprr. coal I. cheaper, lass tb , saw. irdlaced me to strompetent lad Mork* aspediecil law carried or a Mao Ilse ry Swim. Meer for five years, and who *old ma their satire stock to reak• each inittruinenta, mid lan now prepared to farrah my nom.ruus friend. VITII FOR V te II SC ti LAU BALM AND Pianos and Melodeons ( avitrior Tow* wad &dab, and will VIVIII-115111114162101r Will:1111:114 I Por .nj linietb of time, to riv• COM PIAVE iniA 71 FA CTION rerstation aa a Idneiciais and business wan would best if these Isntranwinn gonad sot poWegiallud t down the public that nothing is spared to shout •lie desired malt, via : Prodamoog a Soo nod aubstawdal Pb... orklok wllll sure good seaskit i eelles. sad was woe Wager awn any Plano I know ad, TERMS VERY EASY PRICES VERY REASONABLE 1 soli PATRONIZE Your Own Citizens at Home 1 ORDERS at WHOLESALE or RETAIL famutod promptly ood fairly . Er Produce., orders era Stores, old Instrwmanta Lain Mr, &a any thing Mae 1 ean will airide or MN to my will ►. taloa La 'unwise (or Piano Porte% Melo deons, Dakdiners and airy Van abe I have in my Mara. PIANOS TO LET TETNISO DONE WELL ! NEW MUSIC EVERY WEEK ! NONE BU; THE BEST ARTICLES ON HAND THE Gurrixr. CHRIVALF.D Chickering & Son's Plano Fortes, E Mar. F.l a ,, t heard of a poor Chickadee Mann Litt ma kn. w whoa* it la mod I rill audosage it 11111 WILT:INV EDITORS.—You All remember the offer lir Horse* Waters of New York, has made for surertisto g to your papers The undersi g ned witl do a nttlr n•ett.`r if you will favor tilm.Soltb a call, and will lurri,oh lon with any Piano T ee order or desire Give I, , ur OM*, wY WII.I lNli I rTie, NI, lA. MO REMOVED! Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware ! 1. TANNER, Agent, had remo-K1 bas J. mock to the new building directly no, .b of the Otwarree Steam Pnotlng Odlaa opposite the Poet Otßee, where be may be friend le the haters ready to welt upon hie old trios& and the public. Heil:donde to carry on the hominess with renewed eoergy, IN ALL ITS VARIOUS BRANCHES' and solicits a share of pnpllt patronage aprlll4 lb TOTICE TO PHYSICIANS.—The Rs -o.olnits anti ALKALOIDS. 2ohd and 216 id it:tract* man Granule. of Tilden k 6 very full Lee .rtment lit the Ilrue Storer of IA CARUR k BRO. HORSE BLANKETS.-100 Horse Blan bete, assneted qualm.* cheap by 7. .1 CF. I.IIF N IFILATEDt'AKE BASKETS—New Diy /eh DOW ope aloe at the Wert Perk Jeseiry Slam 26 PARPION BUILDING, near reach St SEED BUCKWHEAT on hand and f"r sale by July 9. lOC J MXIB ifitOil4,N B RUSHES BRUSHES!! BRUSHES!!! Vi•r#l4B, 44n•laaug, fltripfor White WWI, yk Horse., ekrloh, TBroora, plate' fiod &Rey Hair sod Teeth, • od roo•ral wort most of al/ Aruba BRUSH Of olLis t y may 2 . 1 T 8- SINCLAIR. SYRUP AND MOLASSES. Very eb.flee, @taus in( three crudes of Syrup— s good artsele b . better and very flue Savored& ; Stew. errs fioldeu or White•fyrup Se : Nee origami Nolaseest, the very beet alas! for Baking purports at Judd 11.1 HANSON'S GROCERY DEPOT PAINTS! PAINTS! T HAVE on hand and will sell at ver low prices, a large aawortakant of PAINTS AND COLORS consulting, to part, of WHITE LEAD. SNO W WHITE ZING, PORCELAIN FINISH, Shrotue and Pret-hareem, dry and Is oil, Treseb Venettito Red. Fire. Proof Paint, Chinese awl memo Vermillion, boiled and raw I inneed Gil, Turpentine, Put. ty, ke Persona intruding to Paint will find it to their advantaite to all before purehamor elne•ber, at the Drug and "mot Store of T S SINCLAIR, may2S-31 Corner Mate and S.,.nth 'at.. .2 50 KEGS WHITE LEAD, of different gnaw:Ne and brands, In atom and for sale at Wholesale and itetAti. healers can supply thmusieltes at a email advance i.o manufacturers priers may' 61. T S AiNri.AIR, SUGARS ! SUGARS! SUGARS! 500 bble., f We. and 10 lb. pack age. all /ride Brown anwsrs. Now le the thee to buy, et the One Prins store, above the Poet Office ERIE CITY KILLS!! Tr B. LIAVERSTICK, Proprietor, ia• Opposite Lake Shore Rail Road Depot; Ware-Room—No. 6, Bonnell Block, State st., Erie, Penna. CP‘CTVILMI AND WINOILJ2A3.I•ND RICT•IL DMALIIII IX lour, Corn Meal, Mill Feed, SHORTS, BRAN, OATS, CORN, &C., FLOUR AND FEED STORE, No. 6. Boanell Block, 6 doors above ti.. Post Oates, State Street,' have constentiv on hand ?LOUR of all kiwis of my awn goading, Corn Heel and MI I Fred, Brim end Shorts, Corn, Osta, sta.. all of which will be 'old st the loWrst market rate., Strialy few CeaA, mid delivered free of theme in Lb. City. wrO—Sr. H. B. BAVENTICH. *WOO wo Pr st',. --- 675SC , A ktAteS cAi\ O 4 A lIMALATWIL TONIC,DIURETIC 4 at ic•O' 'r I DYSPE" CI \__ • _ _.,•AO made CORDIAL to the Citizens of kw Jersey k Palsylulls, Apothecaries, Drugghits, Grocers and Private Families. Wellies Pare Vaginae Orland,* WoWO§ tan llladed", Morn , amid Pon Whom WeKee Piro Jansisa ant M. Croix Kam Webb Pare ISeetell skad Irti Wbimkei. ALL II BOTTLBS. I be leave to call the atteotioa of the oftlstme of lb. United states to the abet wit.. sad Loomis, Imported tr. Vorstrwo Wows, of /New Turk, whose wane kturtilk, In 'roily part or rhea awsalry for the purity of his celebra ted 4 mm/i eantorra Kr. 'case. le Me letter to ens, *taker of tie parity Olds Wlllll sad Lepensa, airs: 11 wlll dohs m, roputatios es • man, soy stew_ s 9 its • teroelseat of thkty peace nredoess la tha City of Hs. Tort, that all the %toxin and Wows whkh I bare bot tied are par* as Imported, and of the beet quaint", sad no be flied by emery purchaser. " Seery bottle brus ass* *a the we:, sad • fae dolls of his At- Daum on the sordiata. Ti. public are nopectielly in cited to cell and easweee for thesaselrea. For sale at Hoe. by all Apotheascies and Grown In ndlatelphla. Wausau H. morrow,3lo. a t CI2 tf Market Phila. deb Airw Heed tie tolleatasi been *lobate Tart Coot-tor: Lawarlows Brareuna roe oar Nita Toes thneraerr We are happy to Worm our fallow whines that then is or play hi . oar eat, whore the phydrese. apothecary, and °oust/ iserchact, sea go sad pounbass pews Wises and Liquors. sa pone es tutpartat. sad of the bestqusitty. We do not Woad to glee an *taboret. desatiptios of this nanisat't caleasive lowtows. althq•sh will well repay ors abasaw se dais b rislt ibelhpace WOIJIVII MAID- Mr* earthmen, Moro 11= t rea Kowww StMet. sad Kos. IT, lt and IT . Hie steel of Mt=as head essdy fee alapswat could sothave been thirty U 141•111104 ewes_ ; the "reedy, some tea tipcsmad atisfletmlllllll sad Me; sad ten lion • said weasel we Pot Weis, liestele sad Leh* Wileity.=wriA7ol6 - 6404a ltswe i nwo owl sad sad equal klasy is r ell atNaht• thews baps eseans. ifiged with . to mire wader Malawi' Bow/kV. Ma: . Walsers saes We Sample WI year awnowqt sadolgte W. thousand doses. sad es , two yaw be ay to squally sessesslet set bia 'readies sad gnosis. HU bedew* merits the patronage of .ashy War of hi *ass. Priests halal= who wish pews Lacs lad L 9• sips for medical see shoulthoudibedr whew dieetto r. Inn" meth wiry Apatheareptstbolestradto • mints to dlimard the polooseesolalfdisst am. aid roptatee it with Woartre pure Wi_c sail - asisertand Pr. Mous. for the • doe el await dialers la the osastry, puts up " awes et Wises sod Liquors. Such a was, sad s nosiest, shbuld Ee sesteined meted his to.. thousand, of op pleats is the Coital Stases, who " DOWD; bat Wets- Was, mimes alike to human sad lapydnees. HATS & CAPS AT COST: T_T AV 'NCI made \\.;.: . s: ::p: ; ; . ~...." ..... iii itir, ljl to 10/% ." 1 tber witt klail n 1 :01 , 1". 11119 - ... Hs yA `ii %'•• ...! •,* " .. Vag, -.., Cape by the Deese or .4 idol* et COST. my. - :--7- '-'. - • , Goode are shoed eellfre ._ • ----.;; IF ' •. ' iks .-- I„! err, t uning two pur chased liable the hist _7l • ..? a - Tee DATII sad hem the -.....!!"' most Phableeebie Poem, '' to New York I bays a huge olpik of Basisio adisAlbat will be will at unum/al low prteee. B. Mimi. grip, “ei IS, 11159 —IV. CC)3LOW'Z' 1111130 OF *al 11 11. rOL131" returns his sincere thanks to his rtendercl the ptrora w far past Ite p o i ri. i Patoso COLBY now perms as astoalehtieg nodeirelift Is the price of the higher priced Asthirctrpm I COURT Mines you have heretofore paid three Ono as ulna fee Prattwew es pee feed Colby Is deeerwtioed to Wei the prise ef Arohrotype Pictures (sad really the only pkter.e worth having.) within the Roach of the Eames. Colby la really tbs people's twwwdeetor, and may at all thews b. Owed In the Itoitueserare 344.014 tri.l Pa., Orin door vela of Beak of Commerce. 2411 Great Attraction for the ii*iaya 1 Went Park JEWELRY STORE, PARAGON B r 11.1 M Va, NEL R PZAC B MEV. MM.X2EI, P'.A... TIIE Proprietor of this establishment is ow reraet.thg sad opening from Now crte, a _ soon ostensin n rhety rleg•ut - GOLD, BILVICR, PLAIN D AND FANCY 0001 M, Expressly oonuni fur tire Season Trim* wlitch the pinata aro roopoetfolit fantod to innistiost. hoping sonothing may be found gutted to the tuns of awry oyes. with IMP dunortoote in the war of Lots hitless to Ink* pavanes. Inotog the Go4Kle and lacilitios to supply any dentand, a shun. nt patr ,, n•ge a repeated 14, 3, 145. NEW BOOT & SHOE STORE am at tb.. one d0..1 below 2 , terrett's Grocery, oo Freoeh reel. which he ir repo re.l to well no a. reekortria• lA. term. Realty other dealer tu Eris. He alb Manufactures to Order every tht ID hot hoe, w holt he warrant' to At, and to be as reprewented, or DO 'Alf Ilia old frtendm Rod enotomen may rely up o n r ui ng g o od Goods and t BE PRH than they .an be bad at any other loon in thi•cl'y F. COPGHLIN. grip, Apnl K, timiu Valuable Land for Sale THE UN N.:Hsu; ED OFFERS FOR sal, a tract t land known as the *ROW., treat' 1y• &as four mil east of Waterford, on the Brisk Waterford pisek vim, wad reatalping about 1,000 neras • This Lead Is well ilea/pm:l,mm! admirably adopted, whets awed, purpoara—it is also divided by the elestbery • arie Railroad It .111 to sold Ina body or subdivided In tract, to Suit porebarer, July 16 16bfb —6.1 A Novelty in the Art World Photography upon Porcelain. Peru red lir letters patent in the United States, England. France and Belgium. The Imerieu Photogrphie Porcelain Com'p NO. 781 Broadway, New York, haring secured their o ing•Diclui Isveottoo by Amen , au and Fnr.pene, patent., A, folly propelled to ex mute gill ~rtler* Miniature likenesses of persons on China, presenting all the attractive and advantageous features of ordinary photograph*. tit.. brilisocy and finish Oa ea ter-color ,:raw tug. aunt a littlirrto unattained quality of durability. t,ng rrn , tere.l imperishableaa the natural propertir. of 11, art irlr. *bleb they ar . r. 41 thv oatent.,l prors.s of the Company enables tims rt. producuoa c.f pholocraph•, not outs on plain ' ,f n .. , b ut upon omen a. &rot and or of any degree or innularity— portrails eau be ,prvatucted we th faultless accuracy, sad dirliesty- Itrwatl..n up•n pororlain warn of any dia scr,r ti - nn dlinrriPlor , • used no article of luxury or at household-utility, such as Urns, Vases, Breakfast Cups, Toilet Ar- tides. &e., &a. thereby securiug fat•liful portraits sad furbishing a unl• quo soil exquisite style of oraucientstio• of arthilso fa domestic use la order to furntah I&C./ thee for the gratification of the popular taste, and to meet the 'mots of dime patiofts of the 1.10. A rt• deelreus of haying portraitistsa, the Company hare imported from Lampe • co=of superior porcelain goads, manufactured to their own tom der, o hieh they .. I at cost prices AP tam Aotta : icen Company aro ownen al tbe pataot right, and ennvenuently the nuke Persona witheri p d to noe the proeree, they have determined, it Order To allbrd people in every section of the Union ass opportunity to posse= PORTRAITS ON CHINA, to mat• the fnllnw , rl prnpsolltino to Reeidenta in the Country, who are =ebbs to visit personally the A teller and Galleries in New York Person. randine oho•ograpb, ionbrotype, or deiser Mint) pe In the office of the Colopooy Int New York. &t -eem pooled by FM DOLLARS, re , sive tc r.turn by express, tree of charge A rieh/y ornamented Breakfast Chap and lea nor, with the portrait transferred thereon. By tranarrattting a deruerreetyps and TEN DOLLARS, that .111 eerare In hte manner, A handsome French Vase or Toilet Ar- tints, vrithiho pnrtrall mprodne..l by lb* patrube4 prawns. By sending ■ pair a .Iftiurnrotypea •ad FIFTEEN DOLLARS. they will people, to return A Pair of rich Semi Vues, with the portraits executed equal to rolniat are paininetai and, to like manner, portraits' ran be repecithmed on por celain wares or Vases of every quality of finish ranging in prkv from Twenty to One Hundred Dollars the psi?. B B. pgrtienlnr to writing thonddroso, town man ty sod Stat. .tiott3ttetiy . All let mn to b sddre...4 to 'Manager. American PinkagrvittePareejam 1,0.' 7S I Broadway, New York MEM NEW GOODS! Uri A H HALL, iv now ' , Kelvin( &vet Itein New Ye* list *rout of PALL AND WINTER KELLIRM. and Fancy Goods! Consisting of YELtET, SILL and Straw BONNETS, of the Lsto.t St) leo. SOAKER HooDs: Ilitflagß HATS, RIBBOI Oafs. Head Drew.* and mots of rations doserlpfloos.— Zoplayt owl Sboiloold W• 01. &or koistuag. AliOniaosoota, Hoop Marta. *soda Cinamilogids. YougholtotlioN4 HO' eery and tnatly other things too tumorous to Sasutter plebl43 to aohl Oksupfor laratt.ifakkiir and Al Titre* Weeks from Orates. 10 HALF CHESTS, 660 lb. FRESH TIMM RY ONTRI , (Iblistosolletbriseastea) at 50 mots per pousut, vaililt 9 Oen* at VINCENT, 11111413, min 1 CO. istayr; Ott State, between 13th sod nth rte. MEDICAL M AtNII AIA bolas as oulugbal awl popular 'l' roatta• oa 2uIKJLN AND WOMAN, Moir lhomotiloo, 604 tkosoal Disorture ut ovary MA, Remedios loiluFlp Cora ofdlintalMealll4.knaut• ladultrat to tits lion al nl• La MCI TWENTY-FIVE CENTS u n a,....asita of ae on i s usss is a Otte 1 . 27 - 1111ty the atellTastal beet. otf7phU uM 4=la , s.= bhrbooms =41.2 . soot to lo ae tt Luta Tads Emma to aelasol ea th is rildeet• lie Mao er am f mo a meioses of oriel e laths la Zaretaat AINII4OI IS to Mt Goo =ll6lpeastrk• tea trwatlrmat at semi am= 11baraaaads et owes is the City of PhlUdelphill =3 Tegiraore, of As Profeaor of Obasetriea rnlrl -By/omit Wive, ilitladeiplita. "Dr. HUNTEXB lILDICAL * Alt 17 A L."—The tether of Ws work sane the i ne j o rtei of those sbo advertme to olio the 001Mge of ir bicb it treats, la a USAIR ATI of owe ottlloborteouogoolut tims Vetted Malec It affords me pleesare reeoustmead him to the cxpoirmirri, et is am. vomit of IiaLIIIMMICIA. MIL SVOClrillArel hod Den atimoim preetiomar, to Owe" lamer aad Wept," they Mel plies the greaten eenredemm. JOMllltt 14. Llialliti881:114 M. D Atm A. Ti r pociscdrrd, M. D. of Poway/amnia Maid" r . 64, PitiladeOphico. it Awes use pleasure to sikl p teettemay to the pro log-wail ability of thy Author Of the "Itediteet, tilmeemise ems. of Diemen of the Geoltal Orgasm, woe of thaw aloe, staudisy, have some ander Isity whisk Me eltill has bore eisolleat fn resturhig to =la A 01110111011•141•11 oboroPtooottoot hustlers eoe beyond wa•diesi aid. la ftitaleitlient of Seminal wesherres or diearraneemeets of the faaettons predated SILF-y.SCAK or 1110010 or yeasty, I du sot keel. We so riitoa lb. urofeintehilyi=== sub the Author thirty ikon tostiot to hiss am with as • tinders,* to the • aterteeate elellturet out, lodeerettos, to rommilmead bla ao oar to shoes prelhestorial Mill and lategrity the, Nos NM* eisalloks tbrommetv“ ALrßini WoOD WARD. V. D. One Copy, serearely enivelopod will be forwarded free of P. 4 9 99 t• PAW 79111 Virl664 8ti466...r 26 Cents, or • eo# ,, fos St Address, pest pik& ,D 621 & CO. ree -1 boa 197. Philadelphia. Elookeeliera, Coovaeorre ea* Book Aro* sap pi oil the most term& • 1-41. JT H. RIBLET HAS REMOVED HIS , ari•sed 111t4 4rusum a ra ft l b N " Hellas& es Stateretnet, ••• door at Rory Lee, bean expressly for that pampa'., where may be feud a hate mad well @sleeted assewtessat se FURNITURE, tobtsekte ell kis& el Gekteet Wert wally kept la eel ea setebilehaest. Om the het ism le tweed Perraes 'MIA" BeWoes Thal* - MEM Stoma Cowls Irma lL i d t stkr, jrm ll C w A ld rit Pl.!' 4 41 .A 41 .• li ff r blaaelkstured by ore! 1 wm , IT* %r e el ili4C.l-1.A.1.11.13, 1313ZIEZI Of every grade and prime to mit esatoasers. Tie* wood lour is fait WITIIIIII TOIDIITtritt, earl ae Pules. TeteverT•taa. Largo 1111oasak Eestasmaa's Easy Malts, sad all Lineal Clasilimal Maio. Ma* Twotra lied Card Tables, What blots aad Quartette CHEAP! Atilt and Datable Tb• third Sow esstaiss materials sad • Issas slumber et wolitscups, eosspetant to smairbstansmer Laths eabizel !a lb* best style sad abortset notle•. Tlio subeeriber Is now opening a very supe rior stock of The public, particularly the ladies, are rorprotrally Ise riled to call arid bassittare libi ptiesii, ail I eat not to be undone, by pr dlitilibliablitatilitaltiab eir siw►bsn. ♦ll lila& of lumber sod prodnwlakosiaott ehanq for furniture. J. 11 RIBLET, Erli, North 19, iiiio.-41 Sol* Proprietor. N. .—Just received a large stook of Mirror% imbrue lug all sizes, qualities and pries& ROUTS' & SHOES cf all a irdm and a us I Fresh Arrival of New Ckmds. jrsT RECEIVED and selling CHEAP for CASH or ikon credit. at JOHN DANT aRDII, No 3, Weigini ►pock. April 7, 1140 IF you w/u2t a nice CAB or CA • RIA for your shildres, go to JOHN SANTA/UM No. 1 , Wright 4 lila*, whore you will lad iota of thou at psi'''. to suit ma ta=Mom slite to ill 411> aka; aim, 6 GM @Maori abisy Bashoto aad 1.. Claudio& April 4. ORK, Huns, Shoulders, Dried Beef, sus, Butter, Lard. Cod nab, Mackerel, apples Po tea and V ergsblee geserally, at EIANTARDIL COMBS, LADIES FANS, PARIS FANS Combo, BMh*ta, Hsu N. Brootwoo, of so sadism varlet, it Ow 26 PARAGON BUILDING. JAAIKS MILM, A tty' In Let, Girard rrABLE CUTLERY, Pocket Knives of & ""T ies*" '11'11169'4" tow ULM. OeL IS, es—sl PUKE BRANDIES,—Just reoeived hrough the Custom Haus, at Ina, and fat yak 30. by CAI3IIUt /3 BRO. 5000LIM, WHITE LEAD.- Of Um following brands Lmiden, New Tort, Atlantic, Cr7stal Palate, Niagara , Spring Tat A INKS CAW= lc DUO a 500 BOXES WINDOW GLASS—Co..- prislog au sasortment of over fifty WON various besuds, Preneb, kaglish aad Americas, for Ws low. by fad CS RTUR St BRO. Gold and Silver Watches. r I F European and American makers, in IL/donneatig i e 6 4 .= Opern Pine Carat Cease. Good Railroad 2 / ' Time watTeranid to keep ulcerate Time. w4Particular careful attention given to Repairing Watebee aad Tine Pieces of every description, arid warranted, at the WEST PARK JEWELRY STARR, Pumice' lieildirig, agar Peach Fit. CM SILVER WARD—Table and Tea Spoons, Forks, Ladles, Jolly and Barry Spoons, Pie anises Griddle above's, Wm Cations SWils Rap, &a, an.— Mount Vernon and Jenny Lind hharaa. Silver PW•01 Wads, and eon/saintly on hand s rmid setiel• of Floe New Pups ea Ono. W. T AUSTIN. PAINTS ! PAINTS ! ! PAINTS !! ! White Lead. dry and in eil,Aneerieen and Froneb Zino, Raw lied &Med Llsaimed Oti. Venetian Red French Ochre, Chrome and French Omen, and is abr.- every *bi g in the lino of rAirms, for pleat the Seoul tlar 2 T. 8. SINCLAIIL VINE JEWELRY.—Beoutiful LAVA, Coral, Grasse's, Cameo, and Petri Seta et brew P !fez findentak spina& Ersitakes, ban listlonabiltada, tea— New &sigma, Geed& Jewelry ofrnry oratoition made to order sad all Made of repairing dose by the boot of ~bear ma abort Botts.9ll. ? 1f AMIN, Porticos ileitilet R. H. HENRY. T. M. IIeCORD. BOOTS AND SHOES, PRICES GREATLY REDUCED WE are now opening the Largest and most Causphrts AssortWWl of Iraibisaotile BOOM sod Stumm at Wise retailer CASH than the same quilt of °Gore \sirs *vs, before be.. sold. Illatavits the atlas doll of th• Pobhe to our M. bad srell soloatad stock Wight for Cash, whisk Ira aro dirtsrishoed to OW for READY-PAT I At s very small Names, • PARTICULAR ATTENTION GIVEN TO CUSTOM WORK! All ear Weqk to wrested mot perfect eta pearecterl. Tint door west of Bank at Commerce, Itouttee Use Pasit. juiall-4. R. H. HY.NRY at CO Goods from Auction! 1 CASE, I,oooyards, Sheep's Gm, Cadet sad BUsil Phis sad Plaid Satinstts hem sue ties for Al sad 20 emits pot lied, rsal seise 22)4 eta. Ws, I VINCINT, Tifilial.2, SHIRK k Co. Linseed Oil I 1 0 BARRELS of Raw and Boiled Lin seed OU, Sir sale to qsaatltiss te wit pendussano. slayis—ei. T. S. SINCLAIR. CHANGE! CHANGE!! Asothrrehuirs hi the Picristonhip eau Reed House Drug Store !! CIARTER L BRO. lucre purchased Mr. '.l I. heaseroto Meeker 4 PLUITS,9I‘IIII, DY11411:1111,sta., z Awl aseoetabed with tam ae Cartaer .A. LANDON, kr gram tke ismisp... will la tehl teadeetod seder Yrs awes sad drso te O. A. & CO. It le Übe to. Willem of th. ?rarities" te sad reptsehb the preerst ailltre== se or event to stake Oda be of theseelts== the beet thaS r .l ant % l ag " thus r tir prbor P Z eat prove / to oil newerldio ifereimese. They feel that the Whit eitotmerr of Ude Besse will I • ender the pelmet arraagrew, fillatieht brim:omen • oestioe• their &le se herehrerre: aed that a lane • of th. Peldle will be Waged before auk: th is Ws lb* glee Ude geese • • all, and *WM= tiodetalolot esa beet be ted at Ile. I, owe. O. A. WPM 6 cir, 'LIME MU 'STY larrtrAt' }lNsUß arac marANY.. Incorporeal iat 459--Ciyartsr Arpetua 11 1 rppmaarai i im ir by Firs herr Tr.. i : _= t j.,.. • Pollefas lassal apse lb. Up...a sirromem Asses. ea =spays's& et the west its@ . la Neat' UN WAIN/ * tit 1 II /Wilk Plul ellthitutnimitia. Use nit atiorrat Imo t Composs. ils = Kart fattattle tisk aillto. , lattAisa:r, - ft o tigarett C. 111.1Thhals, D. IL i trit.T.lhmktspiet, J. ZwaserAr. Ws. L innra, Nary A. illiot, /*Soda Great, Jesse asarse. 1.11. hues, • .01 ng e CANTER k Illt JAL C. liatisau.s.lrrl Jonas asumeses. Sea Int assommer, boa • , la Swops. Ousalses I•CoseWs Ms C 1644 Pa. " e r: ll liase IS, Mb ow Tli eIL" "Mui! DR. HUNTER'S i2tM!==l ki 0.0 74111 au !I ;I R. H. HENRY & CO., iiimmensuors. S Dealers la OF EVERY DESCRIPTION *A ,. omati& EAGLE FOUNDRY. PEACH Street, above tielluialb Head, MN N. 'Mien Story would nompectillly eU the attmitios of the haltile to %sir *is sad evevuo sisorlaaikat of OTele Aida coal' STorm Ceeeprieles ermatake set=ea LP blade which eaaset ad almobrOa awrin. R. 'retreat et ta r stereo sad Were mat , ..w.tros h asf bah .xprsermi sad lid pßrty dikalm Taw* ble mem we will 'wake n dlmot. ear stove§ striae Sr." sad will prove ereditable ea Immo macrelede• turn. /2.11.106, ilwigh-aboos, 11•4 Irons rod all ossawor of east *Who ME or wshiswirstrows2 to *Mos Piss's Aso ribw-POTliwil of soporior solos owl thaw Witty always on loud. AWM sod ok fair trial of oat sail olowisraltwo talk wool low itios trt., Dot. 21 101. ACSIVIION 111 11117111'. NEW TatAttinirwr. !I/TAT, AMP 00111f/DENTLAL M EDICA I, ADVICE —AT VIE— KUM VA 1.0 PItIIATj iteisrvirju, Established for tits ears of Sypeitss. Seuresal Rills ellit h Z Sderf 4 itirsalw Tirt~irPtPsia. wourjulaNtissalT,Emtk Alti) AQUA sgrehlia. Laisrg. Dfrili~kvirs haperfly of ism!, Rim" "tar& higqiiat MOVILIUT/if 01 91 M 4 OLD 404 £D MY almnimatv wimp. DR."os I SUN Claw.' Main and Bbang'Ned. 11171 , 7A1.0, Y. an lb. pa) fisysician• In the 1 41i eta/ ars na.arawra of 11.- ilcyal Collor at durisera. Loodos. empalted from 8 n'eleet to labla wasesiag nutil Y at niebt. to evyn.l stare and nymph,. 4 tleamp. ismtammt tb.. . la kb. resell a upward' of thirty roars watao , l , . Drartiro and Anaiirim • 1110tIT Senorriric ouvEicritos •• instrunseet tor the ern 0/ liostursal wprever, hoes giepshostirthketes, an b. uieestly Owed to two moeths by ths use oft his histruisiesti. when I=4 obsioinnY . 1 " sedietbes. - - Doom KEN TAX( PARTICULAR NfrTICE Dr. AMOS k 8014 taliaplereare in announcing Out %bey bars invented armest hikpoeteed inetrareent B,r toe ear* of the abrevidiertassa. It Meteor sateirotod to s tent = moot eminent plumb:tans in London, Paris, PhDs.- Ned Nee Yorit ; It has been declared the only awful inotrasneol ever tarried teethe erre of Seminal Maskamea or any diaaeos sassed in tke ascot habits of pied". Price $lO by mall or empreas. N. R.—Dr. AWOS lk SON la aedr . fs mitlafy the most shoptteial am to the ensile olkisatikam' mhos that la any.lllosetliikre It may prove measat. tory, afters kilt tea; the mom, will be refunded by re tarots' ta•leigmorrat to road prdar. COUN'YIIt 13/4,11308. Peewee liasay part rd the to& wry e m irm.sfolly treated by doravea a tirWia.r Gar, eitb reasitbaure for Addy Dr. AMOS of Idat a mad Quay 11485i0,, N. Y. " One of the most Fire Insurance Companie s or any other conntry."—Superesetendent of hurl, owe Deparesswed, Stale of New Tork CASH CAPITAL, - 51,500,000 SURPLUS OVER, - 600,000 4 PPLICATIUNS Soliciti.d. and Pn!ivies leased op as lavonbida tom. as say company of reeposaitility, sad all lease Imeiedtately adjust...l sad paidby the undarabras d . the dale Authorised agent Ap 'lll-47 J. V DOWNING Tin Ware for Everybody! THE RIGHT PLACE TU GET 11 IS at N. 1471: RP.lll' 'S Old and Established Shad, Part Roe, between Brown'■ Hotel and the Rand Roam His assorturpos C. raptures ..err article to ties Tin.„Blnent Iron anti Copper lins--11rIttanota and it paan•d war% Stoves, ke. The swienrst.,l Stewart. Cooking Stove ! the greatest and bast In the world 11. ROpplit d at Iromous blo prices. Thu stove for general lalilll and beauty of Isiah is jaitly called "Excelmeor " Houftelteepenr are orarietly Invited to examine It In additioo, I hae• 100• 1111 11 111,0 rUpt4lt of Cook end Yarl ,, r ..torew of be be.. potterer and meadelbetere, erreprining as huge are assort • meet as can be found In the eft, I nave the artier I. r ter ale of the celebrated BRECKINRIDGE C 0.41, OIL 4 - LAMPS the cheapest, bast sod meat sate light of the age—the housekeeper's friend, and best subsetttutt for gee In etiot Bose. U you want anything Is my line gin ow a call-1 will eta* an se to quality sad prim. Eris, Nay 6, 1860 SASH, DOORS & BLINDS. T HE subscriber having leased the Shop lately occupied b., 110 K Co, 000ld re =lT ialorm tato palate that he trill coatique to moo DASH, DOORS'' at.IND,,, wri , akirot; movimiNGoi, of the beet osatsrials, Lod in • style of workmanship that sweet be stalled le this city. SURFACE PLANING and SCROLL SA WINO promptly attended to and eseceted in.& superior TD.D - Der. All work warranted, tied priors ma ehrap as the cheapest. Repairing and small Jobs promptly attended bop on Peach Pt., a few door' north of Baptist Church Dec,l7, 1114%-211t1 JAME- P CR.KIK THE GROCERY DEPOT ON CEIEAPSIDE, IN constantly 611ia g np with all Leading Li-tines in the. GROMILY LINE ! Also, mai l thing. in the PROVISION LINE. Thome CieeineinnaM SUGAR crimp HAMS &wet b. beat. Tb. MIND BUY aad 81101ItD TONOr. kry, rimy Dim_ MACKEREL No l',, WHIMIE FISH, CODFISH he. There I. a4o at Ws bitAbilidinbast .IPrZLIZZ'Z" ..A.FILIIII6 st ormsl .►M.s Idol*. sod . 6,1 10 4 variety of STONE WARE, WOODEN and WILLOW WARE, BIRD CAGES in Abundance, 'And, in abort, the beet wooded STOCR--and au CH F.AT, tee—es ma be found In my Storm of the kind In Fri/ Can and See. JACOB HANSON. onet./1-14. ROBERT S. DAVIS, (Soccomoo To JOUR S. DAviooT.) BOOKSELLER AID STATIONS:It, 53 Wtied Corner of Diamond Alin!. iirraavAtai 4 ra. AcDONSTANTLY on -hand, a gepai.alobi- Beeomit or STAN DASD, TIigOLOGICAt i Inc 11001 - JITVICHILIL BOOLS, AT WHOLESALE 8c,./CETAIL Webster's tad Wereester i s Diettostries, Hantlitlit'S WARILY BULBS; NELSON'S POCKET BIBLaA, without dups. I-E3r2WIN $3043.1r43 / unuoaw.. P Cuniberisad Presbyterian, liletbodiA, Rap- , U.( Wherein it Gemsa itsforniod Mambos. - In every Style of Binding. PSALMS OF- DAVID, Comprehensive Commentary, lat CAFIC3IZ By Boott, Hoag] TA.I3. , gaits, Ramos, al Mr, lambus, Oven soothers Books Mailed any Agana. toitAaai Extra (bet. ALLBERAL DISCOUNT Inn Publish maratano out a/linos to all eonakiernbie bum*, as well/440 Clungpoiwn, iitnikata i nwrewriwe nod est' Nye, C tuun. BLANK BOORS. STATIONARY: & PAPER. Lodi" Ds Seeks, Joitreakt, Cash Hooks, Rooordir and Deekoht; *room, ilayseud and Pinged', and other Celebrated how liwridoprok. PlP**, Faber'. Pee d* &Ann, nitwit s Inblestiffi g nehool Copy Rooks, ke. epeoial attention givin to &nday &hoot Books septi—lhalt rl • la TUIS DAT opN t splendid I~llllpost SttM3 Out China % 5 Cups and 4110 . 1 10 111 111116 calliellintkils. and ► Lieu tY of GUAM 4,11 D 01/Witi/rhiL /It ICLX46 sailabislioetis rib WieratCalui Baskets,l% SDK MOW% WNW GNI" Parka, Spoons, Laia Napkin Map, Ormittllal = 5 24 lob of rich .17, 11 at - eitzgoi now Das-111.1•41 sad ma. A NEW INK I %WOMB VANADIC BLACK INIL TheV= at that will not Corrode a. , lestimis. reeubstriber ofibra to the public *Jet ak Ilk. labia is amparior to Mt aim to via - tw its t has bon bits sto/y lb, to ripply a want ebk W Mon alwaya. • a/ baatafg aa lak pasesadag ail tat qualifies . teg Thatd. aad that tar Me bao a. l Sell/ limatioa of au hilt *WI Saw swasibtr beta mi. lit, *Moat *Taw downs iiie aralitamiat, a Jot Malt trialtalsol is podia* frit lam Ile Masi rim so ! tri/1 umraW 1 , siftsagair 411 .WI kik at);7 1 1- atom la paorm rap aaha by ail iha all ' 1 / 1 41aNab /Wean. GAGGIX, Soo, Iltaal—Sett Cltualat- DR. '1'...-F.• FRANK, I , DR. LA MINX% nivel* IIRDICAL TRILATIig ON TIM c - egzisT, . PHIBIOLOGICAL VIKW Or NARRIAO k W ITH the exßenditure of tnuoh ., i 250" G" AND 130 ENGRAVINIIM labor km OE4 weesedied In betegis that trulatimum by t i, tt ni tabilellsvi onoo e t r a t ia r aaad egeb a Z .- I 1 .,...4 5 eis tu l a . • s i S l a p ' aa ti l l y .l 7 ll7: b t P i S ilio r ti.. "a l errni /o tie .' i llaat namai r ew t...,,;; dads' thesppiGtios spr oboturottoewo obd form., to s ' th arid matt*. fly, the twcret faille. of both assist g table prefeeli•ft . seer a h ji ape, csoeingdebarty.neresrusaitam.illerwm,,, have goodly eeglestad this only nstiwnal • "4) 4 "c P•i•M•tw• " 1 the ,Mmow„ staMitel iswigiabio, Bt amt tit he of proper .ter &pentane*, and tmoilesiore me .r iostmer. I III•O10 , defective menbory with eliGi of their path/has wpm, imbetitnted the mil. t•Millt•9 o .,„*”• hmattude , anti si ggsi v , a .• 01 4 4, gar pr illie Sr Introducing the erode drag directly to the lereld gf • smralliff ff,oftwei Mitt, • larGegya Samilml, are a eye*: tln for form of solid mastic, or irritating , • Ymme . Meru/ toff, frc , 4.4 It la * trittiftil %detain salves Mash. The coo...wiener is that more et, m .r. to the married sod thud. mot dewassiyed by the um of medudne than by disease entertain sest e t •eutix. . • Th.:7= o = r :L• ai h . Igor root 1,,,,„ ~,,.„,,,,,,„. t hi s o be rte ie by the i u , su o,, u who am 11.10111.01, la is s I log heihetled the health, haps of bis Ophlbaltanr I oiatiiming apparatus, snit has fora t Orts .yd .. o 7 .l : , i n pr im illi .s es . .. h. t... r. wh i i r eb „. .l3 6l.. .r l y . b. l 7 .i. , bigo....g Is few yo•rs past prod eel by the greatimailem eti i -1 ender LIP ears, that 'his treatment sa unparalleled. The patient under it anyot a the full heneal anticipated ally mooed til a bad 10 )..alb, the elects of which trout abe medletete, without beteg dishy's' to the distress •^ dos , ••••• f•da•s IleitteolfeleeseotormUmese ringti a ng oixtbod bp romiwribtonbm" said is vehick . k ,,,g mui. 1 the was, weak p.m, weeklies@ of the beck and lower ex or the impair tharodtent f mildly combisod with Item. thlst , ol'uflast••• of WM , . loam 01 01•11/017, with wet IF paw imp josurnmatinn b bt babb bbbibedrorm. i ........ )7, may be cured hy them:thee. NIS* PAW? AAD a k:4 W bisa sub di e o o l. p a o n: .. " i : rnd t eod h il t aae " bi tw l. r ews w . k .. w" ' " troot _ "14 2S e D° La ili t i e n i , l k,r A t " lie E ir ls iiik.4 part of the peat tsar, a e 0,4 4 mint ;OD the iniutra,y, ia .peedlly removed it alreildy nn . tali , time TIMM.: a KritOPEAN illeitYlTafat, ' pragmes. Granulation , of the lids disappear after • ,brirt *ailing °timely.* of the kutrirAedge ai .4 D ,,, ooroba s at trestaseet el this kind. without the use of Lens 4 sort.. -- the most skt•l. , l Ph) manna and awrgrolis I. lump ar,s Swing ibe ~... to a perteel IT normal &.pedittoo, cut at ~I on the Lontinent Ili.••••• who place themselrm wog s , products lb.! :runic •talto•. whirl, an irritating ton.l our are will now bare the lull beneet of the may like WOW 0. • es • • r..110pre.11.) ANL , Pl. k ll'AI Ili , i6111...D11Li which ter se e ...m oo Week I.e. ••• id people rem ie.. •trrogth, and roar. • I t..ll ,l, odtte. s lot" .., Preelece, mod the Nita, may ma entibroi.••l motion,' • art cured to Three applacatiou. ...weft " 1 the •um anal, allddwitY. MG hICT and attes. Mellitni camset that deecriptissa biting under It. Frank'. tine beteg paid to their cue.. • hich ha. wi miceufalb distingaish.l an heretofor., as • ?hygienist is our Pall." tieletoreu I boo, are TOplttly recovering. 10 operalLoto Ins estaraeland 4wrorsoutm or tea eyes, t.fAH &Tarim. of of professional Keeps, far Me pew thi treatment pirmintain suermas, in consequence of pm. famMillk•lrwro yentlyis endue maaaomatinn. Flaw= IMI •Lin I'ILL/1.--14katea 1, liko • lab for 14,1 1 ,,, y Patient. from* dogmatics will and this treatamet roam- the 411101, 1 "I .bleb ha* byes tretod in LACtuAgada o f ' Bleat : they min use Gee apparatus and me,icines at home, sod Dryer failed to effect speedy CUT. •ftboal any bad seoldiag coasiderNA,lr expense. repo Ita, will use noise but DT. Del..inee, r •TOILIP Pfriodt Particular information 'MI be eves °pun mined by .1 nit s . The only precaution etteeseary t o b s ,g oorood r letteetaidadtag two letter 'tamps, or on rolling open Dr. ladles Ml" 014 1 :'"t t•If• them if they bate m i .,. to ,2` . )'rank at his reemdeace, letweien am hours of 9 A N , and bee* lb./ sr. . 0 "rt 4 t" altuatintill (the p arttootor r os 3 P. if Butilo, AnieriCan flote . /, .blob ill he Joule! on the • rapper itecompasyhtf rich mareh3l--1,4.1 Roods 4 and 6 tom.) though always safe and healthy, en gentle, yet OP &PAM are they • - P. ji yesll.l I 11.ey can be mailed to any part Ladies ' Furnishing Store. the United mates. 'IIU TIIE LA litlif..s-Wbo need • cesijitsatsal medley 14 WI. WOUI4I ro-pectfullv cid' your titian- wilier with regard to any .4 those interest coin ~,,, to . shire eeleetinn wit fi•ods, evmsistMil• m to which their oeimate orgainsatien readers them P ti a all t . ... part of air particularly Invited to consult aa. • Bonnets, Flowers, and sus .V.t.o-ritief.•l.••• lc Paoracefes.."-For Warm. Ladies *bows health toll out admit, or who ham on at MILLINERYGOODS ! sire to memo.. It° ir (molly, may be obtained ea shoe. - It is perfectly sole, and has teen extensively teed dunes 47 WNOLESALIC AND RZTAIL. tha er la" Al a te b n l dan y ' Tv dad r ; l 7fro mi ex u rin d th lo s il eaci l %nieg all to at eight, and oe Sunday s Irmo 2 till 5 r. B. Ayer, Gloves Hosiery, Head Dresses, para. Roby, EmbrOkleriera, Veils. Choice itioosaa, ituaboa, Blonds, Cagle, Hoop Bklrta, ii.4l.oae• with full directions slant to any part of V,. Aod • variety ad other things which we would be pleased U nited 81" " °f (2 "'i t by Patten" mummttlicattn• to .too. y. m., as. yo. imp fiLear as with a can. _ 1 Mptimui by letter mamma correspondence strict UM. our Gooda •rw all N'ir fr. and Yoll be field chvap for CAGII. . 7 Eir . Dr 1. .. ~,,,, , o . ' is still 10rALtd as established, sod., bIILLINERI IN ALI. ITS BRANCHES the flume of DR. I.• CHAJIX„ at No. 31 liaidoe Leas, Al 1 - Will be carried no under nor .pees( direction We would buoy, N. solicit as early • call as enter...tent A choice saltation it( Rea..• blade, and Trinitned llats e•motantly kept on band t r. WI sod issagatne our Good* betray purchasing elsewhere and by so doing same both time and money. E. H. SMITH. marri:24-42 Nast tilde of the Park, Fremb et., Erie H OWARI) AS , 4 ATI()N-, PHILADILLPHIA. Sesseedelesa batiffitiou eitailuaed bigwig! ieedincemelel fiee the relief of the Sick end Dtattessed, ifreled with Viredeng lad Epitome lisesages,_ eq.:way/or as Cure of Dureutro of the drivel divine In/ill-AL AD% li`F. given gratin by the Aeon' Sur• goon, to all who apply by letter, with a description of their cond.lion, off, patton, hehibi n( life, he...) and in capes of extreme poverty. Redkin.' furvitiaved free of charge VALVAIII F REPORTS on Spernistorrhirn, end other Dion.. of the Sexual Organs, and on the NEW RENE . DIRS employed in the Dippeneary, sent to the &filleted In waled letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Statnpe for postage will be acceptable. Artdreen, OK J HOUGHTON, Attalla/ . Stir glrOtl , Howard Amocietioe, No 2 `math Ninth Street, IphtaJsAn I's By order of the Directors. VA 10{1'1111.1), AollretailT Kilt 4 r , IigAt.TWELL. Preadina 1!!!!!1E=:11!1 Notice of Co-Partnership. ri EO. F. W EBB liar. associate./ DAVID NJ! Yc A LLASTER with bin- In the Manufacture and Mending ;ATONE wArA in the Cite of Erie. They .111 -4 iointl7 conduct the bustiwee ender the name and grin of WEBB * WA LI.ASTER, and b.f.e to ment nod ramie* a t`st l4 " l .lf. The be prosecuted on a l•rpror ...ale than hetwtofilo, Irtfh I..eupp/,in g the d.tosii.;l I. VI Kl4ll tuarchl7- 41 1.0;11 , IeALLASTFR. pirry RE FRANI: , A M(11"1.1)1Nlis. R;ch 11% Ala an, 11.. u, t,nl.. a... •I hor opening at ttt, V. PA Rh W I HY 40 , ,It PAR 11.0 111,1\ir. FALL MILLINERY A VI) IN FANCY cefIDS! M t , n . L! , t ll , l r o t t `e of Moat mad Wlnser Millinery and Fancy 4:oodn, ronsutiog o! BONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, Hr.! 1 , 1 , •••••• , 11,11 :••• .n• V , 1•1• Glit, , vnt! .1•*) 1 1, 712,101) . .. Zoph , r. • 'I. tiqz 1',4. Cro.•hl.t Nireo:it•ok, tobtpth., • lil t a Tyn. • ~f 1 1 .3:11 - Cr ...3.11:1' C T. 7614. /PA %T IC at, %la 1.• Int \ coualant., on Wang %/ta , I 1 , u a data . 11alt•rtl. Ail oui.ra protnithy elattnll,l 111ffittnara an plaited at .6. I. via, CR" KERY ANII6LAsS WARE N NURPIII LA PS FOR BURNING COAL OIL No 12 Empire Block. by IICEMI!E=1:1111111!! SoVEI,S, and Tongs Stands, Blower 4 tanda n,. hT 21 J C. SF.I.DEN Erie City Railing Works GORR & ALTHOF, Wrought and Cast Iron Fences, LaLcoNiEs. VERANDAS, BRACKETS. WINDOW sASII, WINDOW GUARDS, BANK VAULTS, DOORS, SHUTTERS, GRATING, AWNING FRAMES. botweem Miele eic Vresch EHe. rr An W•rk Warranted to suit th. purehaaers. end Flirts to suit the time* 7-6mS - /0//4 t-k„„ of.lazzik"gai L UC A "I' EI) A'l BUFFALO, Corner Senses, s: Main Streets N. Y CITY. —Cooper Institute, ' Astor Place PHILADELPHIA. Corner 7th A. Chestnut St. ALBANY. No. 4.18 Broadway. CLEVELAND. ('or ,'•tences, S. Superior Street- DETROIT, No. Ti) Woodward Avenue CHICAGO, eor Clark and Washington bt reel!. ST LOUIS, Cor. 7th and Vine Streets. Stodelata entenng any on. or the,. Colleges. by {he paymeators4o, become entitled to the privileges of the eotlrs "ciain, - compel/hag wrap of the moat thorough extenetete, complete aad popsior Bostaelo Schools In the world. Tor Ostaiognna and Circulars, call at the Collet Rooms, or addlellw as above. BRYANT & sTRATTON. GUNIZRAL INFORMATION Oat staadard efhwasaskap . ? .kproesnall." Students eaa estoosace at say assn, al tber. lure DO Mentions - TDe Prick/1441a and Towbar* of thin Chou of Collate. hare an eitataniro acquaintance in .even huge cab.% and &lamp. enagidorft a plaaau re to further the best latororta of then grailoafra April I. (fSITN7 GIN AS A REMEDIAL AGENT. Ti. Doi*Mao Tillie mtitioalatig, SPECIALLY desighed for she use of .2.4 the itiedecol Pre/emu end the inalip. baring an peammied the ers•called "ulna," 'Aromatic," .Cerdel," 'Medicated," **Schnapps." eta. is now endorsed by in of IS. prominent physicians, chemist* and moonbeam, u passonehep all of thhoosee intrinsic medicinal qualities (tonic Med all? litilt) Which belong to as Ohl and Pure Nis, Pat op in quart betties aid sold b ail drogriatn, gr,eeirs ate A. It BIM ?MEWk en, otr_blished to ) Sole Proprietors. ltkly lie. 19 Broad Street, N.Y. CosPirtainhip—New Yin". 3100.4.1LTER & KELLOGG. I HAVE associated with me in the Gro 444iii===rltatesistazieusiiiisiat..tfriLiooe, liiiscisicass* jaw. n, 1110-1"1"M&SIPR NEW FIRM ! M RTI, STORE, I; lIENNETT = EMPLOVMENT •N ACT OF UKATITCDE 20,000 topirp of • Mothral book of .41. pages, on Symms tonna for frameless esraelotini, by a strinnoma who be be effectually mind of usreou• t btlity, lusitiade, de pennon of swan, towsumma, pawn to the Mite Abe back, toldny, dtatunpro diatom. of sight. phonons, ion of memory, Am, manta' from early anon, by Aglowiag the loetrtottiont peva ts thir book, eonsaders it kisdaty, to gratitude to Ow anther, sod for tha beftedt of Comong hew sad Nurses moaners, to gonna the mesas aitso.- He will therefore k r.d.frrr to say address, oa this noselpl of two startmo, soppy of the work containing every hear motion orquirod addren Boa 679, I', 0., Albany, If Y Febtfl-1,31 6 6 6 BANG-UP " }ill 'I'M ! When wta said "Groceries," the other lay, did l ro without delay, And bring a load home on a dray H B.uArars When Tea is mewled, freehand rare, AL,O &ups to select with ears, Your always sure to awl tLessi where' Al H•LIJ•11. Who has I.ts of shot,. Hitter mod, •1341 other kinds of wholeenree food, kiessdee fume ethers understood B•Llo•J Who gr....t0 you with it Smiling Mien, And %town you all that's to he seen, Got up so Lantuy, messed rlynn • H BOADI, Who keep. the °n/seal .11..550 rr Th. hest thst's made beneath the shy, Yoe utile)) munl 'Fair 111/1. oosis • HOIACt Who'r al hot post In , lll .nd Into, Tu le•;1 on all— log, .malt and grnat, A t,thr oonaptgrasrner of otb and State B. bALDWIt 'Am V., h 12 IMg —4O. . New Millinery. 1111:1'11N A (;01:I.D, fmnerh, Dr.L.,te W. i F Cf,l. kinvp op..nei a no-wr delirstola urortment •••1 Millinery GOODS. 141 OCK 5 FATE: ‘7RFET. I V ••T%l ks. 't% are •14'11t1.1.,,t , 1 IP! 1.14•1 , ‘ tla 1.1 . 1r . 011 Ni . ENI !M.' • A I t N ERS' N-1 I bill, • • • '• I • Tonner r•• o/ rare.- • •. e• • •. • • n.a.. ,t - vt• '• • • • %Ia •I. ? r cELDEN New Opening---New Goods' R. fi it 1' li BA It 1) tLit :Ili hi- friends V It nn Veit . . • 0,11 I.akl. , mnaelaci.6 • Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron Business, •ct • I Lts • 101,1 A. Ai A. I 1•11. r: : 4 tall DING. 4 ,1 • , ch . • I:1 .1. lthare tan ho• at a:I ..... •Ili 4•,. • t,p , +t,o ,••f, th,n, hoe, totretb., A •••, rtm-nt 1.1 , Japvin.,l .r•. I lint/annul Barr COOKING & PARLOR STOVES And Ifou.e Furni+Mng Goods generally Jobbing and H.pairtra..,fal' kinds attetuir-1 t pt"tut t ly and th^r , ,zl.l• ltuttera and C..u.:u.•,r, put up at 01,1 Doric« a I t'loao .antanything In • Itno, I Woof ; say nu , a mt.l as lam talund tut tu n oittiat ebeapnvaa Jor y ua g. , m7a. April, %Jab° REMOVED. T" F: unde.r.igned has removed his Boot and !kilo. , t, , re to !to 2, 1t0.e.1 li.tuot, rot irtroqi stree., nearl. .N... 0, hi. old itatod, where be will kiapp LI. •,,d In.cdi and all la want or •arthta, lu hu l ine jun.-M-2 R CAUGHLIN PLAN'T'ATION TODDY, fIR OLD HODIMEITEAD TONIC. A1 , 1.. . Morning Beverage and T almost every Platter, flomeitearl and Hanrn n 11.1 e Tropic •. It is eapeetally adapted to •i• ellortto f lb, country nod concrded t o t o tn e m os t , f r c , nal • loa;c•omc and delacioue Tonle an the world }rev from an•ovicat nr qualltiea, it is heirsoleaa in its adolitina and •noulat tw round on the Sideboard of every faadly as it, %sat the Bard every well regulated Rotel DRAKE k CO. ?ropes J a' Ftl:Rr;N.:• l k CO., Wholesale Agents, Erue, Pa Jul., 14 —•l7 • 11Fil.k 1 5 61 . 1 I , E-- Beinli pr,iate instruct., for monied persona,ep r or .e about to he married, both male sad female, in mery thing coneeroine the and relation. of our sexual syntein, sad the pro d o m o in or pr., •ntati o n of Othlillrig Mclodiog•II the on• diero‘orie• er before gl,.n in the English lancONl., by WII M t 5 Ibis is really a trainable toil lot.reanng •orL It le written in plain language for the aenemil reader, •n• 1 i. I.!ustrated with numerous Zara ,tree A.l mar; inn prop... or those eantempiatioc marriage, and I.n , Mg the least impediment to warn. , , should read thin book. It tharlonee secrete that el cry one should be artiumntod 54th obi, it in • book that must be locked up. sod not :le about the boom. It at be rut V one the receipt of twenty-five rent.. , r, nperie or pootaire-startip*. Addles' DR- So 416 CS: St., above 4th, Philadelphia. Pa rjr A) I , LICTED AN li UNFORTCNATE—No matter what may be your disease. before you place yourself no ter the care of WI) one of the notorious Quads—nature or foreign—who advert lae 111 th,. or any other paper. get • opy of either of llr Young's Rooks, and read It MU. full, It will be the mean. of wring ton many a dollar, r. .or heal th, and 100.11 Ir your lite DK YOI Nil ran Is. conoulted on any of the dif .. ." describe.; in hi. publiratoms at his Utica, No. 416 tip., •itret.t. al. re Furth spnlll—lei.. HARTFORD Fire Insurance Co. Of HARTFORD, Omni. CAPITAL AND ASSETS X 936,70900. R. W. RUSSELL, Agent. 1.121 -ly4t.; At W C. CURRY'S Office L. B. PLATT & Co., confectioners, Bakers sod Frillier'. l'ark ho.. tictareeri Brocra'n Hotel and R. 1•11 Hon.. ALNsouNCE to the public that they keep ennataally on band, aad arepreand POP •rory article In their line at prime tha t I)EFY COMPETITION! Their arras moots for famishing roof euoaen.a haq Calie% lee Lraem. Pyramids, Party Orsalitesta, sad eireiTthiug else to be fornisbell in a FIRST CLASS CONFECTIOIXELY, la onssrpeseefl by am flours trost of itoNilo. note mint of Piss Works, Fonts trod.", Toys. fle Tropics Fruits, Choice Verstsbiss, Clams, Lobsters, Oysters, to .1 any other of the mitts* the Amon can be ocoasteoll , supplied to ord.r ro bettsr e.issetage tbet &sky Ohs , establlshurot fo tb• efts% flawing made arraogrm• oti for the summer', essopeq , we an...erring the 'mobile daily .it It a ay./Re artki. Ice Cream, of darn•► Fruit% Cal e ., ke„. sad be , lug a eaperior Sod. rnoobefin %h. b••erage MD be pr , • cured at all hours of the day or wreniag. J B, Poriuus 1. our suponntrodoodlog manufacture: sod sill alaiya be fbond 41 the eatabliAment, to sa•. . to the wants of ble Ad friends and eastossers. rir Orlon Prom a dioloom wißbo promptly 611..1 SWEET CIDER all the year round cau bulk be bed by üblept lbe sulaptiete-.-peepared sodrr it =oiro the dthretioo of P It iiolarolliD, and I.oollblorod ed by the Mew Hared Sorirry. II tsootholy free hose svery thing miens or implores% awl as iisip. tak.s place la the eider after It Is addet. aadbyd.!.Li Olt 00-13-19
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers