The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, December 01, 1860, Image 2

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F.' LO Edam:
SATURDAY, DEC. 1, 1801.)
Has Got what it Wanted.
The Sew York Tribuar, which is the or
acle of Republicanism, some weeks since
expressed a deep anxiety that the country
should be Messed with a panic—or, NI itelsse
ly expressed it, "a high old panic," one
that would smash up things generally, and
put a stop to European importations.—
Well, the wishes of the Tnbithe are now
gratified to the top of its bent. We have
a panic. and a genuine one, in which there
can be no mistake : !li it differs from all
others that have ever preceded it. Hither
to panic , have owed their existence to fi
nancial eau,e+ alone, but this panic is ow
ing to political causes solely, and has a
deeia-r, broader and wider foundation than
any of its illustrious predecessors. It is
owing to the success of a fanatical political
experiment by which one section of the
count! v has triumphed oter another sec-
I'M. 1// , on a sectiorril, political question.—
Au .•Nporitrient which, in its progress,
the -pirit of the compromises of the
iit defiance the laws of
;11, z re-s, refu.ed to acknowledge the rights
of olio half of the confederacy, and the
Ulf" Matey. and which, in its
till/mph, ha, dissevered the bonds that
tr, in. i. , otiwe held u, together as one
1 ..• i '•• of feeling,
, 011 IVO 1..11 and IMO COW'
111..11 An .•xpe•ronent wineh has
led u. I,leiiking up the foundations
to .• nll.l poIitICIII to each
.".• itid ,i.••••trO ptibliet.olli
fi I. 1,, .• n, it i tt Wilily anti perpetuity of
tan in-dltiltion
I 1••• 11..%5" ti fixed
t.,.•1 W.• I,44 3 iia'a and faithivlß foretold
th. 01 lathlto opinion ,tint the
.1 trl , lllll. -411.1 t %. ,, ul.l result
th.•l t o.toet NVf•t•k altet •el. %Nt• gave ut•
oi,” to mit warnto-yt pt , dicted the
th tt is non' upin us our appeph, wore
unheeded . our warning:- were not listened
to They carte scorned b) the Republi
can•, and %yore jeered at hy the Republi
c,ui press. Such paper- as the Trsb,,,,,
r",„3 and, then eehoes to this iicinity, as
vured the peoplettliat Lincoln's election
would alone calm the troubled waters and
restore husints. contidenee to the country,
and peace and con.•or,l in the Vnion
['hey were believed—we were not. Now
we have the evidence of who were right.
Will the Republican pres44itill continue
,t , work of dissimulation ad deception?
\\ in It continuo its ren song, assuring
Ili, people that there is no danger, and
tli it the storm r only apparent, not real?
\l Ow), now that they see the pitiable
of their poliQ and teachings, state
i,..T0,t1y aril truly the condition of the
• , tititrt " While they contemplate "the
iiiiiiph of i ejuhhcant.m thus far" in the
.1. _uurucu a n d desolatitin -of Northern
•itttn.rue and Northern industry; will
t bey with in the tort to allay this
exettement le effort to restore
ont - olence in the Noitb and confidence in
the --omit, he tlenatiailing the repeal of
Ncttiorn milliticati4 law., and that as
.llr.inces be given to,..tfuir f-'sluthern friends
th tt all the compromloes and guarantees
ot the in-titution shall be hereafter faith
lull maintained, and the equality of the
-hall never more, by act or word, be
ina.le a west ion .! or. will they continue in
tilt :r present Jinning Mr Lincoln
t.intrratulating and others upon
tlie ••triumplit of Republicanism thus far,"
until out deceivcil anil betrayed working
wAlv. 1 to tuaillies, by the icy chill
of -tern %tinter upon their hearthstones,
and the famished cry of their loved ones,
'hall crowd the •treet, of our great manu
facturing and commercial towns with the
demand for bread
•er A Wl•ashington letter writer states,
that utter the formal though mild censure
it (.en. liarney by the Secretary of War,
the gallant 4 ieneral WAS invited to dine en
tatfulle with the President, Among the
guests ‘%ere Gov - Hoy] and Col. John P.
!Cu!, lor, the brother of "Old Zack,"
and an old friend and brother officer of
liArney to the day following the dinner
Uen. Ilarne) was toI4l at the War Depart-
went that he could take his choice of three
things—a veal '• furlough. the Department
of C.iliforni.i or the Department •of the
Wr.t The recent decease of Mrs. Harney,
who was ind.ced ••mor.; than ordinarily an
adveiser. c,wu'•ellor and companion." left
no desire on his part to visit Paris. He
has, therefore. written for the - return
home ot his three children. has assumed
command ot the %Ve.t, headquarters at
St Louis, in which city and "additions"
himself and Addy. n have it property in
right ot bunented Life (nee Mulanphy,)
be as ••tenant by the courtesy: of some-
thing in the neighborhood of five millions
of dollars. •'lii- present infirm health"
will somewhat -urprise those who have
recently seen Irhn, for this iron man who
never, m ft long .erviee, .'vras on the sick
list or pie:n.l(4l Irnir.position of any sort,
was never in better mental or bodily con
•Ltion Geller:II Harney Lands fourth on
the army lAA, General 3 Scott; Wool and
Twiggs being his ranking officers. He is,
, too, young in years, though old in service,
being now hut ■lightly turned of fifty.—
Born near the Hermitage, he was always a
protegee of tienerul Andrew Jackson.
jairrat banks of Philadelphia, says the
Ledger, on Thursday, before suspettsion b
paid out about half a million dollar* in
coin. The Farmer+ and Mechar.ies' lost
about $99,000 , the Bank of North Amer
ica, $60,000, the Girard Bank, some $30,-
(IGO, and all of them more or leas, to the
amount of &hot/ t $54/1 1 .01.10. The large
amount pai4 out by the Farmers and Me
chanics' was not in
. consequence of any
greater press for specie at its oouter than
at the other banks, for the crowd was
greater at the bank of North America.
but because the paying teller at the former
was more prompt iq meeting the demand
—he wasted no time in unnecessary exam
ination and counting, as was done at some
~they banks. Notwithstanding heavy pay
ments on Thursday. the banks are still
Hush, as et proved yesterday at the Gi
rard Bank. the payment, in gold, of a
draft of the State for A'7O,OVI. This was a
heaft slim. but it was promptly met, as was
a draft for by the Farmers sad Me
chanicie Bank, on a draft from the source.
I Hon. A. . Stthens, a few days
since, made a affeech at ; Anklet*, •
agSineie the seoe4im ria4weenent. a
bold, calm, and very &e oe
against the schemes of hut. ChM 'ff
dans who are acting upon itr."Yaneey's
programme, and seeking to plunge the
ocaktn States, by some redden movement,
into revolution. Yr. advocates
the meeting of a State ',intim, chosen
by the people,—and sittelaipt 11 the
ordinary methods of remonstrance and
negotiation, to more a istwiress of grievances,
bed& seeking a remedy in revolution. He
was constantly interrupted by Mr. Toombs,
to whose suggestions he re lied in excel
lent temper, and with good sense.
Ei g ht of the "Free"' States, Penn
sylvania included, have endeavored to nul- '
lify the Constitution and laws of Congress.
by the passage of "personal liberty
intended to prevent the execution of the
fugitive slave act. Do we hear any censure
from the Republicans for this Northern
Wullification? Is it not,on the tiontrary,justi
lied? If the North can with impunity thus
contravene the plain requirements or obli
gations of the Constitution, have not the
South an equal right to adopt countervail
ing legislation ?
ow Marion Bitner, • little boy tour
years old, was so badly scalded in Philadel
phia on Saturday last, by falling head first:
into a large kettle of boiling water, that
he lived but it few hours. He was com
paratively easy after his wounds were dress
ed, skid during the last hoar of existence,
as ha lay in bed, sang the hymnal taught
him in the infant school—the last being
the beautiful one commencing with the
words, "I have a Father in the Promised
Land "
t , to
! H 4
A dams,
° 4,
. i:~
4, 70 4,094
7,800 6,803
3394 2,402
1,1.77 691
8,356 2,646 -
Mifflin, I "01 1,189 83
Monroe, 844 1,262 291
]Mont g omery, 5,826 6,590 609
Montour, 1,048 786 811
Northampton, 3,839 4,697 115
Northumberland, 2,422 2,806 97
Perry, 2,871 1,748 is
Philadelphia, 89,223 21,619 9,274
Pike, 381 881 --
Potter, 1,646 621 --
Schuylkill, 7,668 4,968 422
Snyder, 1,678 910 60
Somerset, 8,218 1,176 1
Sti • 429 497 - -
Susquehanna, 4,470 2,548 2
Tiogs, 4,754 1,277 11
Union, 1,824 812 :11
V enango, 2,680 1,982 6
Warren, 2,284 1,087 4
Washington, 4,724 8,976 8
Wayne, 2,867 2,618 --
Westmoreland, 4,887 4,796 13
Wyoming, 1,286 1,287
York, 6,128 6,497 662
snow 173,171 16,577 MOOG
Lincoln over Reading Ticket, 89,159
Lincoln over all, 59,673
Total vote of the State, 476,387.
1W A secular contemporary, in an arti
cle on "Preaching pad Hearing," has this
paragraph: "A lady recently, in giving
eevis of the preaching of a mimister
to whom she hod listened several times,
said : '1 thought it was the business of the
minister to feed the sheep. This man
does not feed us. He throws only clubs
and stones at us and sends us bleating and
hungry home.' Many a one might gather
a useful hint from this as to the proper
mode of dealing with his flock. Harsh
ness. severity, and fault finding accomplish
but little good in the family, in the Church,
or the world."
sir A Wins Awas Osrr►xu His DlVl
lAND.—Yeaterclay a Wide Awake went into
the office of one of our broker's and wanted
some western money exchanged. It un
fortunately happened to be bills of some
of the refused Illinois Banks, and the bro
ker told him he would take it ,at 30 per
cent. discount. This demand appeared
very ezhorbitant, and he demurred in
rather stong language. The broker then
asked him tf he wasn't one of the fellows
he had seem around only a few n4hts ago,
with a black cape and torch. The Wide
Awake said be was, and wanted to know
what that had got to do With his money.
Oh, nothing, replied the broker, only you
gettil4 ma
are your dividend on your invest
ment in n. Th e man left the of
fice sw g that, be would go home and
break his torch over the first Republican's
bead that ever asked him to turn out
again. If this was the first fruits of a
change, he would like to know what the
end was going to he 2 He, like thousands
of othen, begin to see their error.—Bafalo
14013L•111r1 WlT.—While Tom Corwin
was a member of the General Assembly of
the State of Ohio, he brought in a bill for
the abolition ofputtirnisbotent at the
whipping post. He a speech there
on, to which an skier member replied as
'The gentleman isot as old as I am,
and has not seen so much of the practical
operation of the system of pumahtuent,
which he dourest° abolish. When I lived
in Connecticut, if a fellow stole a horse, or
cut up any other maths, we used to tie
him right up and give him a real good
thrombin'; and be always cimeed right out,
and we never saw him aittinces. It's the
the best way of getting rid of rogues that
ever was tried, and without any expense
to the &ate." -
Corwin rose and replied :
" Yr. Speaker, I here often been pussled
toaooount for the fast emigration boa' Con
necticut to the West ; but the gentleman
last up has explained it to my entire sat
The bill was passel without further dia.
The Legislature ha. just - read for the
ftst tines halo mm the State and, to
s.4)(1.000 fir that ptisloo.e. les.d.
4 ai.l frogs other *tea enstinue• to come
t•..• Ijp%•erbOf mud so Ktiong ant..
ffer.”‘t W the feeding. l hat the ne. u, Ihe
cnumuind It ~ , l at
soldiers within liw io it uoussoarie. irons
the mountains to the sea, will come for
ward to the defence of South' Carolina,
and they all would sooner the ut ,re the
State a subjugated province than passively
submit to a continuance of northern en
croachments on her rights.
The Governor will send in his maissaie
at one o'clock to-morrow.
He will recommend that the Legisla
ture should, to some extent, encourage
and rooter direct trade with Europe and
the continent, by taking upon itself apart
of the looses which might flow from the
establishment of direct trade, and to this
end a proposition of some citisens of
Charleston to establish a line of steamers
between that port and Liverpool, is favor
ably thought of.
In the event of traitors arising in the
state after she shall have asserted her
sovereignty, it is probable that he will ad
vise some legislation more particularly
defining treason to the state, and settling
the punishment for that offence. It be
lieved that he-will recommend that a law
be passed punishing summarily and sev
erely and heavily, perhaps with death,
any person valio circulates incendiary doc
uments, avows himself an abolitionist, or
in any way endeavors to incite the slaves
to insurrection or insubordination, and
that South Carolina shall bind herself to
take $50,000 worth of arms annual!] for
four years tome Maj. Ripley, in accordance
frith the proposition of that gentleman.
knd that negotiations be entered into be
tween South Carolina, Georgia and Ala
bama, to fix upon a site for the armory.
He probably will recommend what the
Legislature has already anticipated him in,
that is, to arm the state at the earliest
parcticable period, so as to prepare for the
first overt act of the federal government.
liOV. Uist, in his message devotes many
pages to local and State affairs. He says
the view of secession becomes doubly im
portant. We will have direct trade with
Europe, and advises the State to foster en
terprise for such purposes by guarantees
of 5 per cent. Referring to postal mat
ter he says, he is authorized by the Post
master at Charleston to say, that as soon
as the State secedes he will sever his con
nection with the Federal Government, and
obey the call of the State. This, together
with the resignation of Postmasters gener
ally, would enable the State to establish
her postal arrangements herself unembar
i 1
2,1 U
lie suggests as a teraporaiy expedient to
use Adams' Express. He further suggests
that probably arrangements will be made
between South Carolina and the federal
authorities for a given time, until other
States secede, and a southern confederacy
is formed. If the government insists on
considering South Carolina in. the Union
after the ordinance of secession, the pre
sent postal arrangement must cease, and
another under state authority must be sub
The Governor advises the prohibition of
the introduction of slaves from States not
members of the Southern Confederacy, and
particularly border States. He says let
them keep the slave property in our bor
der, &nil the only alternative left them is
emancipation by their own act or action of
these confederates. He hopes, however,
that all the slave States will unite in a
Southern confederacy.
It is too late now to receive proposi
tions for a conference, and South Carolina
would be wanting in self respect to enter
tain propositions looking to the continu
ance of the present Union.
The Governor entertains no reasonable
doubt that Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi,
Florida, Texas and Arkansas, will imme
diately follow, and other Southern States
will eventually complete the galaxy. Ile
says it is gratifying to know that if a resort
to arms is necessary we have a tender of
volunteers from all the southern aid some
northern States, who will Hock promptly
to her standard and share her fortunes.
He concluded thus: 1 cannot permit my
self to believe that in madness or passion
an attempt will be made by the present or
next Administration to coercecSouth Car
olina, after secession, by refusing to sur
render the harbor defences or interfering
with imports or exports, but if I am mis
taken, we must accept the issue and meet
it as becomes men and freemen, who infi
nitely prefer annihilation to disgrace.
He advises the passage of a most ample
and stringent law against abolition incen
diaries, to supercede Lynching and deter
The Governor, in referring to the action
of South Carolina in sending Mr Mem
minger to Virginia, and the failure to ob
tain the co-operation of the Southern confer
ence.; except Mississippi and Alabama,
says all hopes of a concerted action of the
South are lost , but one course is left to
South Carolina—to act consistently with
honor, interest and safety, and that looks
neither to the right nor to the left, but to
go straight forward to the consummation
of her purpose,
T 2
16 1
10 1
146 1
7 131
a ir No black republican paper indulged
in more ridicule, prior to the election, dr
apprehensions of disunion as the result of
the election of Lincoln that the N. Y.
&puny Post. It is now calling lustily
upon the President to garrison the several
forts near Charleston, S. C., on account. of
the disunion movements in that quarter.
Mr A woman was arrested last week in
Philadelphia,for in human treatment other
child. in a flt of passion she tore the hair
from one side of its head, dashed it apon the
ground, and so beat the little sufferer that
there was not upon its enbire body a single
inch without a bruise. The child was
only four years old. The mother is
drinking woman.
Anustnu Pars.—We learn that a bet was
made between Messrs. Hunter and Show
alter, o' this borough, before the Presiden
tial election, the result of which is to cre
ate considerable fun here next Saturday.
The bet was made on the vote of Phasnix
ville. The terms being that the looser
throw the
the winner in a barrow t the
streets. This operation is to be perfu med
on Saturday of next week. Mr. Showalter
to convey Mr. II unter in a wheelbarrow,
from the Mansion House, near the Depot,
and proceeding up Bridge street as fax as
the Fountain Inn. It is said that she
Pim:emir Brass Band will lead the proces
A similar bet was made by Clayton Phi
llips, and Charles Malone, of East White
land. The former a Linoohtite, and the
latter for Breckenridge. Mr. Phillips
agreed, if his candidate should be unsuc
cessful, to wheel a load of lime from the
Green Tree, in Willistown, to West Ches
ter, a distance of ten miles. The other
party to the bet agreed to perform the
same feat in case of the defeat of his can
didate. We understand this feat was du
ly performed on Thursday. A Band of
music and a concourse of men and boys
enjoying the fun hugely.—[PhtethkrMa
The ,States of Georgia and Alehouse have
given a manufactory in Hartford, Coon.,
large orders for Shape's patent carbines.—
One house in New York has just filled or
ders for 5,000 stand of muskets of the (W
-00l States pattern, while Mears. Cooper!
Pond, according to the Journalo i (4bealisno,
are receiving from twenty to ordeal
daily from South Carolina, Alabama sod
Georgia. These orders are moody for ri
fles and Navy revolvers. The Aimee' Man
ufacturing Company is abbots/rely
in filling orders for arms for venous
ern States.
I kn,l' PSI A, S. C., Nov. .14;
CoLuitau, S. C., Nov. V
-- Dal 4 1 •1 04 7 60 , 1 1 satire of New York, is
said to be tie wealtkikeet marsh aat of AMA
Gimes, benibis iteemeted a feetrise et
A grassikoppst tosesibi to this
country from Rases, sigia,
sad os•-lhalt imam is issgth• 1d ibis tow
One of the seta passed b the \stratisis
Loghasture of 1860, is emitted ''Ait s to pm
vest carried pompous from deeertisg esesiemodt-
Lenore and reports hem all parts of Cet.-
sootiest speak of a goner), saepaisioa of Ws
ilium se eons, or coining. The carriage Rae
ufastisren of Neer Heusi have little or nothing
to de, sad 'slut discharge their heads.
The wife of Mr Ales. Reed, of Paris. C.
W., a patleman formerly tionnentsid with tls
Lake Huron Railway, got up one bight last
wash, hi her sleep, and walked into the Motors,
tke top of which was elms, when she was
found drowsed the nest morning. fibe was
subject to fits of somnambulism.
Henry Ward Bossier says: think
there is sat one man in tea thousand that bit
to-hear more than one minnow a day, or that ia
fit for anything else if ha has heard more Aim
The Washington eorrespostleot alike New
York Express writes Wet Oslo. Wilma aspires
to be secretary of war wider Liwools. He
would be able to put the may ow a good foot
lag—cobbler, you kaew.
One of the goer managers of tie Lincoln
and Kaolin ball, in Norwich, Com, last
Thursdeutight, left the hall about 12 o'skiek
to neeesspeay his wife hone. He wee expect
ed to return, bat didi'L acmes why : per
son applied for bowl—Tuft persea—wide
awake—nine pounds—gay boy. Great enthu
siasm in the fenny. All well.
The ooneermitive sea of Commotion& are
corning to their senses. Oa Inca, last at the
Charter election in Norwalk, George R. Chol
well, Req., Democrat, was sleeted Mayor by 47
majority. At the Presidential election hold oa
the 6th inst., the Republicans eanied Ole town
by over 100 majority. We bear that in may
localities in Connecticut ai equally marked
change is taking place, and that at the next
trial the Demooreey will sweep the Beate.
It is stated that a Dr. Beek,
.of Dents*,
has discovered an antidote for the poison of al
oohol—e kind of dog eat dog—the elects of
the liquor being destroyed by the counter irri
tant. It is a mineral paste, which he meioses
within as olive, and which, once absorbed,
destroys not only the effects, but also the eon
emainsees, of druakeaneis. All an old toper
has to de, horodlor, be to pot in the are water
until drunk mates, then swallow his olive, and
up and at it again.
Further developments an being made re
lative to the postulations and forgeries of Wm.
C. (hey, the broker who committed suicide at
St. Paul, Minnesota. Forged paper to a very
extensive amount is being daily discovered,
and Ais thought that Enemy worthy farmers
near St. Paul will be ruined, having purchas
ed toe considerabla extent coupons and bonds
which now prove entirely worthless.
The royal squadron, bearing the Prince
of Wales and the party that accompanied him
to America, sailed from Portland on the 20th
of Ootobeo. Up to the 14th of November, which
in the latest date from England, its arrival had
not been announced. Twenty-five days from
Portland, Mains, to Portsmouth' Englead, is •
very long passage, even supposing that the ves
sels of the squadron went under sail alone, as
is said to have been the intention. Of course
this long passage excites some little anxiety
in England, for the safety of the heir presump
tive of the crown. But as there were three Lae
steamers in the squadron, any one of which
could assist the others in distress, and as it
is most improbable that all three should have
been disabled, the Wag voyage is to be attribut
ed to the head winds and bad weather that us
ually prevail at this season.
The Newburyport Herald annonaces that
the Hoc. Caleb Cushing will address the citi
zens of that vicinity on Saturday and Mandag
evenings nest, on the State of the country.—
The views of • statesman so sagacious sad Ar
seeing as General Cushing, will be looked fbr
with interest by all who desire to see the ooua
try emerge from her present peril with honor
and a full recognition of the rights of every
The immortal Mamba, whose weaderbil
testa in dams:wary in crossing esisrans sad
'peas's; frightful Ammo on almost "airy
notliimp," have won for him s world wide re
putation, is about to visit London is Apnl
A Mr. Talbot, the keeper os a hotel at
Bardstown, Ky., was shot sad killed by)t young
man named T. Hine Slaughter, about • you.
*go. Slaughter got • change of vomit from
Nelson to Balla' *aunty, aud recently was ad
mitted to bail, the jury failing to agree upon
a verdict. On the 13th inst., Ur. Talbot, a son
of the murdered mma, shot sad killed Slaugh
ter in the streets of Bardstown as an act of re
nap for the death of lb father.
Wester. eurreasey is sot inappropriately
called Limole mosey st the Pest, is view of
the that that his election sow regatztos its saw
bit value The people of this State lad it ra
ther sa expensive luxury ; for the past week
they have paid tea cents oa the dollar, and
for the sake of the repabliesa triumph.
It is stated that two teeepoesdals et
powdord elarecal, draisk is half a tumbler
of water, will, is leas this Mesa =buttes,
gigs relief to the risk beadaelte, wits* amostd,
as is most sans it is, by a saperalitiadaaee of
acid oa ta. stoma. Try it, those who are
The Mono Times says that same tasty
seeress of that sit? espimised • saillimly
company midst nassesesProodem lihmorda."
Om et the o4joets st &sir orisaisatimi is to
resets fugitives from dm beads of geminamit
Mims, whams, my sash aka be °optima,.
• lady bei; mend the plass et lins na
tivity, replied, "I am so onfartname so to bars
no native plisse. I ani tb danistor of a me
*Wm elsorgyinam"
Tbe till of irshatts, Columbia ssuady,
was the sow of a• t•asstal ezeitaind, se
Thursday sight last. sto essedo• of this was
Übe tarring sad eradardu. •E • sea sassed
"ha L. asepie•s, Idle hod rewura bateau
abao:ie•s by the publiaados of as obsess.
The Mies itaniiiiesa (Deciteent) one
there le a pidgin cinabatiag amen; the le
publican is that vionity, amide( the forth
eosins 'Legislature of )iliehign to repeal their
pannical lib erg bilis.
The lik;atoa Merin soy. OW Seen en
some meaty uempapere la lliaseseineene, ad
conduit the repeal of the Anneal liberty
Enid ftass.
.- 4 ,,
ar The . 4 . 11 .. 0i..p...,„,
to corm of hila Sp
Union, 'or itige ititho ottforfit*
'of Yo ko: • , ' 0 i
or Darin the week eadlag oa Saturday
last, tk. receipts at Basle from pore on the
lakes &sweated to 1,809;118 baskets of grata
sad lbw.
Or ml lim7sklrk tfisimewas ti us to "se
ttee" that its mass "I. dm thimwm wad ■ot the
Prate." Well, as Artaamas Ward would ..y, let
Sr police'
jar ••Browss bud Smith" etehtbeipe-.4bey es
caped Crete the Mardi& jet ,Wfideekst biome
thew Every bidy 1W era pt away from
opts up sail int op
SO. A dance of I ism *AU iweed on
tie Raitromis on ailosky, 11 lister. lite
arrival aad ii•partsoof Moils spo - oissageti to
00 - rroorposid. Illogothote another
IXiT itatipi~iirros. West Omen
sills, is deerO os • genius who infests every
town—we emeht th• man who,juat ea you ipti to
cross a street, skips his teem ea the alroaarig.
and furtive you to 4 \woode is" to get rotlo.l hitt.
We street with tbeniti/sw that mush chaps ought
to go by the mune of Nhluggias ; they are a
right up and down Quisitece, and ought
sir A salsa named DAVID HITSTiII CAMP 10
his death from a very singular cause lest Nioti
day I. West Greenville. While haikiling a bar
rel of salt he hurt his finger slightlys,,, pi( fr,au
some poisonous substance in the aail,'his
ger began rapidly to swell, sad finally termi
nated in lock jaw . tansies his death.
sir Carl &hays, asta of Ile distinguished ,
riatioassa who aided la bringing on Um pres
sat deplorable state of affairs, has taken time
by tits forelock, sad gone to Waabiagtati. It
is sot known whether he west on to hurry up
those homes for ths howitileas, or whether he is
after kis book pay and passim' money
Look out for the bills of the Bank of
Bradford, Canada, which bare heretofore been
redeemed at per oent. discount by the City
Beak of Buffalo. They Were thrown out on
Tuesday, sad are not saleable at any price.—
The Mai Oats Wooten Bank of Canada, lo
*Wad at 1111100ossioa Bridge, are no longer
bought by our brokers in Buffalo.
Mr- An organised gang of incendiaries has
been discovered st Manchester, Ohio, whose
purpose Is to Min the Cleveland and Pittsburgh
Railroad Oconpany by burning its buildings at
various points. Several fires have occurred
which have been distinctly traoed to those par
ties. George Moore, Ales:ander McConnell and
Jamas Rooney, formerly employees of the com
pany, have been arrested and are now dawned
at Clovelna&
ser The Dunkirk //mon says a gentleman
remarked M that village the other day that he
had just paid $lO towards Lit*ln's election.
Oa being eaked for an explanation he sisid that
a day or two before he had received a sum of
money and had that morning deposited it in the
beak to be sent off, but a little too late to go
that day. The banker kiwi just been tn to re
turn a ten dollar bill on a bank which that day
closed its doors oo account of the pa4c. Su
it goes.
ice' Godey's Lady's Book says—and we en.
done it—stick to your home newspaper No
matter if you are poor, none are so poor as the
ignorant except it be the depraved, and they
too often go together Keep your home paper
though it may not be so large or so imposing
as some city weekly, but remember it is the
advertiser of your neighbornood and daily
buggies., and teas you what is going on around
you, instead of a thousand miles away.
lOW rho past week has been one of unusual
..verity—some of the time the weather would
have dame no discredit to January Sunday,
in pardeular, was such a day. Snow drifts,
together with a cutting wind, were not calcu'
lated to invite people oat to (thumb,
.or impress
one favorably with prosittades for pleasure or
health. It is to be hoped that winter will not
set is thus esaly in earnest If so, we shall
have a leas one, and, unquestionably the wail
of hard those will make It a severe one on the
1111 r A few years since a beardless face was
ooasidered absolutely essential to godliness
but now the beard and moustache appear t o be
gaining ground even among the clergy The
Boston Reread states that on one occasion, of
late, there were Arse full-bearded ministers in
the pulpit of Park Street Church. It was a
goodly sight, having a truly apostolic look.—
Military ardor also begins to show itself among
those who have usually been debarred, by
their cloth, from warlike occupations, although
chaplains, in revolutionary times, occasionally
wielded the sword or musket. It is stated that
the Wilkes Guard, a military company in
Washington, Ga., have elected the Rev. G.
Norman, of the Methodist Church, captain, in
in "lees of their late eaptain. Hon. I. T Irvin.
iper "It never rains but it pours" is a trite
old maxim, which is true in more senses than
one. Par a long time every body said—and
of teem what everybody said was true—what
a capital plailf is Brie for an Oil Refinery.
There is a "Minh of mosey in it," said gossip;
why don't some capitalist go into it, said won
der ; if had the sash I'd try it on, said epee
abition; and so on to the end of the chapter.
Well, at last the "toe was broke," and we au
aesuleid that two companies had commenced
preparing to go into this "tine spoeulatios,"
and now we record a third, which is to be in
operation Is two or throe weeks. The works
are situated on the Canal, near the 4th street
Whigs, and are being pat up wader the super
iateadease of Mr. enamel; B. Routes, of Boo
tee, a practical chemist, sad young gentleman
of enterprise sat ability. The stock holders
of this eateriebes, we learn, are all ladies, for
which, if for as other reason, we hope it will
be a mitiesseral oats.
mar “Da Lamm! oa.'s illesirdwis forever,"
shouted Lugs, so shoran ap stsirr♦, followed by
&Ora 'Mks freshly-baked pan: of biscuit in
her Lads. “Da Lases, flo/evates f,,, rer."--
They wort imbed tempting, laid 1. wonder
that Lk* gbh were delighted with I.e‘r hot
ozporiessat with this &Torii* of housekeepers.
This Salemins is porbetly pork healthful, re
liable, and it saihmalsolity. llianbehared
mid he eels at wholomslo by D. B. Do Land I
•airport, Meares Co., N. T. Bold also by
all dosion.
MI6, "A peony salmi is a raaay earaad,"
said Praairlia, or somebody squally so wise,
ter Is is a wimps, Wilesiwalaid it. Time, mos
sy, Wiper and 4rrery dew else ems be awed
la a laassliald by ilia( Osamu& Crammer'.
pare It la asaasitietared frees tte
met apposed imatatials, Dy ese beets" bad
sixties years experiesee i. the besisies sad
is warranted pare. Get s paper sad try it. •
sir- The "Young Men's Christian Amseria.
lion" b re engaged Prof. li. L. I'ot:some's. of
New Y tk.110441 1 0,4 lectutii. More them
nett wk. the no he gist on Weduea
i ii
day ev ning t tlie , hilt- at !rat 1141, on
the "C emiary o e illignheatu? the second
on Th treys g, en tlth, iljal 'ir ill he eii h
er • tinuation of the same suidect. or his
bran t and popular lecture. the "Masquer
ade of the - Elements " We cannot better eat
forth the character of these lectures, and Mr.
V.'s power and ability a. a speaker and think
er, than by the following extract from tit
Cleveland lisesuo .
•Looking *ems the lectures of the past sea
son, the two dislivered by Professor Youman's
stand high abovethem aIL Sapid isle
enthusiastic ip manner, sparkling wit wit,
butter and quaint ideas, the lecturer held the
most superbeihl and ins* tent' ye of the audience
spell-bound h r time magic of hits eloquence, and
taught them In spite of themselves. The hear
ers were hurried breathlessly forward by the
eager and lucid 4ente.nees of the Aect urer, sad
the sudden tortnisation of the rapid flow of his
words au•l was like the awakening from
a pleasant It e tot Those who did not hear
these nursed the riches( Intel heel wit
treat of the season
1.411.1 l ITC/44, -'she propeller Poctdoh, Copt
CllOO.l, wear :141161re in the gale on Satunlay
night helow Sturgeon. Paint, And all on hoard
periskusil It 14 supposed she struck oil Sauter
ils) night at u Sh• was first discov
ered on surelay noirning by a Mr liennett,
opposite his house. one wile alum, Sturgeon
%t a o'cleeL the night,hiefore Mr and
Mre lletinett and their sun heard. amidst the
bowling of the tentpett, II voice ut •owe one
httlloing. •ppareutly to th,ettrees They sent
out and searched in vain for AOMP one for •n
hour The next morning, Mrs Gannett was
au cobi inced that bhe heard some one helloing
to thstrevs (rum the beach, that bho sent her
son to look, and he boon found the wreck.—
The vessel apparently broke up outside, by
striking a reef, as one half of the entire bottom
wee landed high and dry on the beach—all
perfect The debris of the wreck and the car
go are strewn miles along the beach The
bodies ut three men were found. Two of them
has been identified as Bartholomew Meerut
ma, deck baud, and Edward Kennedy, watch
man The other luau could not be identified
The life-boat is on the beach, nearly perfect
It may be that come one reached the shore
alive in her. and perished before reaching the
dwelling some portions of the wreck are
hanging otf tit the like, apparently hung by
the machinery and anchors It was a sad
sight to see those bodies. sated—froze stark
and stiff with the red color of life still in their
cheeks Poor sailors' their last work isjlotie
Goo help the pour bereaved ones left behind.
---The barque Torrent, frotu'Zrie, bound
for bet (MI loaded with coal, apple eider and
pumps, went ashore un Saturday five miles
below Barcelona, having parted from an
chors The Capt and crew stayed on the
wreck until Monday morning, having a severe
nine and narrowly escaping death from freez
ing Several brave attempts were wade by t he
fishermen li% tug near to board her during the
tame with their rkiffs, but in each case they
were swamped and caul I Di.? aticeeel The
•easel a button, 11 trialed as ~ u t I her - -
The propeller Watt ',at/. talky went ashore nn
Lake NlitAtittan. and (lap R(thinaon of the
Marine Insurance company. who viatt,l I
report.) that t hat P. , two going to t n 01.4,
and will undoubtedly he a total low. The
*chooser Lod, 11 , 11. t• a•httre at the eatue
place high and dry, and 1, uninjured
The pr"peller J rs• y Clevelsnd with
a cargo of Hour knit pork, is a t..ikl wreck, two
miles fn,w L a,K P-unt
and tqle hg,r ore lint
Capt Munroe, two firemen. one wheekonati
and one paaveriger named Randall Two tap'
ie., were piekeA up Tho-e rayed report that
nearly all reached -lore. I.w pert-died in the
enow .00rm The oapnult an 1 ppiaenger had
their panda badly fr Let The two engineer.;
were Loutd frozen to death, three hundred
. yarde ft .n,_the light hon... locked in each oth
era ttrpp , arg, t± -Crewed along the
head' t‘sr —The aehooner
at audio! wide! Long Poi!!! dragged 1, , r an
hor• and got afoul ,•I the Stilllhift•
In g can±elet ,4.1 e damage to Lodi %e4Nel, , The
Kenosha had her jib boom and all her hewd
gear carried away_ together with her billwarki
and •tanchione Slhe left her big anchor. and
wade her way to, Grand River. Canada, where
the arrived m satete
Zo-f gkdrtrtiormtuto
WANTED AT PAR in Exchange fin.
PIANO FORTF.'4, lIIELODEONA, or if miluirsd.
my sr bolo LSTARLISH KENT will be sold for such money
—Stone, Manufsictnry, 1411,111'0, Lot and all.
Park Hall Clothing Store!
East Side Public Square.
Dr AS recet% et] a New anti
Xj. Stock of FA LI. and Srla TKR 0 ,„„"t,., o r
Gents' Furniakung hoods, Men and Bob r' Hato and Caps:
and to constantly making up a eery tine ansoliment of
Nt. odic:ly MS ezcie• Cll lams.
Which ho foot much pleasure la showing to thew
who asay-la•or hue with patronage Ho make. to
Dodos, and keeps oa hoed all styles and pito, of
Wltiela are diapoeed of on the moot reasonable tarsus.—
Boys coati from fifty-mots upward., and all things else
in like manner proportionately low lie whet to a share
of p.m'. r . and promoter • fair eattakartiort,
price. and durability of articles
Naval and 1111litai7 work done to order, and
Coeeptaa4 ~t" ThEA Po,, of it '; , ,ati! Cal' at the
Keystone Stove Emporium,
nod purchase one of the
Sew Diving Flue or Elevated Oven Coal
Cooking stoves list out."
They aro just the thing that au tappet - Mating public
hams ailed for; will soya half ti, cost of fpel requiried tor
wood atom, and sloop manly for use, and obviate the
neassosity of paying embargo prime for wood. Step to and
purehees of V INCKNT, T 1 Ban I.s, :44111111 k Co.,
Keystone Stowe Work.,
Betweeit 14th pied 12th Sta.
At least Oae Watch 4 Guaran.
teed to every twelve( books.
Thew inducenioute are cased the
suriouc Excnatiez 'muff,
37 Park Row, New ork.
To MOST 12181111•11 AND rt. MOOT Lt L Girt Co..
Clas tN itenewesca. ESTABLISH Dra ISM
or MEND WOK it CAVA 'a. „43
Thome who have pestrealeed other OM ere per-
Walled requested to acquaint tboineelree with our term,
Oar taduaeuMate are eneiralled, sad pet fill *thole se the
English Loser Gold Wistebse, Rennes NOM
Patent Lever " '• r -
LaMar Lever " •• Ores Face
Detached Liver Silver Watches, Heath:spit:awe
GiVeSliver W rteieti Open Fees
Leslutte, werioas Slava
Leaks' sad Geese Gold Ostia; Vanessa Illtytea
Ladies' sod Geste (Enid Shove Settees sad Stade, all
Geste' Bose. nu, New end Rid Styles.
lioid Aeneas sad Pees
Wise sod Grote' Gold
Sabi 'stub I,sti al and
A rest UMW Jewelry, Pine owl Lae- Dr o p%
Ali ts. 'Arles emir were, sect se Cameo, M.
oeid diallt
au Llig ic riolielatva Ss, Sae SI&
The Lister Seale awasebee • great tienetamt of steed
and welter lovr•7 desieurtmeas el iliseselemes, /ate/genet
to the pmeiremelleet De ant tall to shad lee • estelosue.
Oitalessie Ilesitid bee is say addree• Ai*, to
111 Part Sow New Tort City.
Rt~tecb de..6 Gas., no wmatagosa mom
COILJSIUS. Thot *Won et ago eh
' mate ars MUMPS al Puttatoraar alunaapa,
rI iP6 AII.I7IIIIO Asrmitasta. lanorteoto haw* ►
agtair'rensedit ie ll
should at Dame be had to amianra Dr Trod*"
elf Iwonniroi. NO the Cold, Ceara. or Irritation Otto
Throat to anon so Otibt, ma by Chia proesattaa a awry ok
Atm. attach nay •Baotaally wardot of. Prima,
sod Amon will dad awn elhatuarrot dear
in‘ and straallthraint ttot roks .. advartlannont
St teen her crew
1 he 410 ed are.
l inti N ni E
T esias •111 leave 1)•okirlt it about Ow fnitom int haw.
Eastward band—Depart.
111•14 York Uprose 3 25 •
telt Hipinpos .4 41. p
I 01 •
Moen .. 10 34 •
Fed 1 16 r
Way .
Std. 4 Expres., and Fg•at ; might Train• rue every 44,
The Nall train remains dime aiglatat Hiagkasatou.
CHAS. WINOT, Goal Sep - 1
BATH MARSH. Raciolinir.
Dwakut, Nov. MI tf
N and aftev Thursday, \r, \ 2‘,.
,„ LILA% k ,, 1.4;,, a
KRIM, at SAM, A. 1 1... daliv ~ 1..4 • • ..te.p.
•.I. arriving •t le.n.. at 11.1., A. 111.
1.6 %VS EMIR, gat 3.40 P. M.. alter arrn.l •,: Loa,
Shore Hoods : •rne* .t Warren at 7.10, P: 1111, •
ur A Freight and arndontottais.,l, train •
r -14 Way daily, • 1.1 nrta y roe 1411.1, irarlog Erie aol M ar ro
Ira nepertirely at It 4.5, A Y , and 1 16, P 0 arr. , la,
at En• at 0 46,P 11. and at Warren 160. P
Supt's r relrw , W t Erie, Nov * (NO —2l/
1/3430. 11361.
r i N and after Monday, Nov 26th, ImktiO
14„," Miadwngrr Trains will ruu on Ws Road nut follow.
nat A la., :heal Exprsae,atopethig at North Last,
Bald, Dauaktrt nod Nll,l Creek, arrrrea•t Hultialo at
4 34 A.
Itto P Y, Ma 4 stopping at North but, Quincy,
Sold, Salem, Dunkirk, nilvaretnek, Into` and E.
sus Cooler, arriving at aniTalo, it e 06 P
T 90 A 11 Actounsesisinissa, stopping at all statiooi .o/ at Rattan:. at II d 0 A Y.
II (A) A lA Jerprers Afita, stopping at Ramburgb, IS
NU. Creel, Evan Crotre, Irving, Silver t rest,
litankirt, Salvia s Portland, WestAeld, Quincy. Stab
Line, North bast and I arboretum*, arriving., Kn..
at 3 00 A
4 00 I' Y , Acensmaretatava, stoppg rig •t sit stationa,
rives at Erie At 930 Y 11
11. DO, t' Y &ea Elprese,Attipping At Sliver Creek, Lo r.
tit k, Wviettleiti and Nola' gait arrivit,„ 7 01 Er, .7
3 30 A. 11.
All of tya ono.. Trains going Bast oonnei-1
and litilialo Ripreon Trains for Nevi York, Koston,
Sc. Hail Hasid Lima is about 10 minute, faster tban Cris
uor36, 1860.-35 IL BIWWN, ion/
Cleveland and Erie Railroad.
ON and artor Monday, Nov. '26th, I poi/
sod until further suttee Pseswo4.4 I two. .161
as folio .e, ray—
964 A M ' rem tt le all Wa• tqattliote were
Wick litl, Men to, niourill- and Say Woo. ,
and arree....t Fete t 3tl Y. 91
vu Y M %telt E.pre•ot Tram stops at Pataaavale,
A•btabol• and tt.rard. •oly, sod arcane at grit
12 43 A. M.
3 TO A'Behr I..arreas Train ;Anneal Girard, Conneaut
A•ntabul• and P.m...ti11. iaty , and arrl.oo at
Cieceland A.. M.
64,/ Y. M. Mail Train atop% at all Way .'Stationasseept
Saybrook, Catoontlle , Perry, Mento rr and W Watt.,
sod &marital Cle•elacr at A 46, P. 14.
All the through trim. emus Westward, connect at
terrionof Irlth tram. fr, Toledo, ellicago,Columbos,Cia
loAr•p.lo , Ac Rc
AI: the th °ugh tram. ',otos F.Aatward, connect at Dun
\lrk atth th.i of the Y Y k Erte flathead: amulet
Hods:. e.ti the \ 1 • etttral and Fistful° and N. Y City
t %ea )".•tk, Albany, Bottum, Niagara Fall.
Ket, ac H HTTINH H AM, Superintenclaut
in/ P.flin
I .r, ‘,.. t 4 told. hh.ertksoesa, ..41.•
_4' ; it
... . a t t, Ir.litts.... for .loreXte• of the
C4:7 J . Tlrt.tat. Rehr rt Ike H.-knee I 'Me
BRONCHIAL -//l1 i ~.Icrogpt..... firmkata. A•f4
wa/1 ux i utarrh, i lea, d
7. '' C ) yII t .trt s .. 4 .th to the rt.tirr ,e .
??0c , , , ,,5 , 1'1111.1( ^ ...Y11.: 11 it M. it ..
and ..kINII:E111..
F. or, It 0•1 . .. ..1 tn. al% • 'tsp... v ~ ......klf.y a I I/bi I
rum., r I.•t.:."1+1 In Ltch In the
Ili ng 16..111' s 1 ,,• n
At'. k• I U 1... /;,•44 DlO(At 11, Int.
NlT. , narT 11111
... 1 hrt.aa, A tos . htch
.Jr•. .{.nnr. ti•Nog U 11.414.
TittiCii ES t0r,.(,.,*• .Lo.pett,
ro• 111116 , teelt 11-. }
1:i. V F H CH
r , •-k! -‘l,tuvis •
it. 0,1•1•••
TlZtit HEN
11E% II F F:1 WARD
twoant relief to the thstresEnt
labor f rs lopettlisr to, Act ,N A
'plum nr anAthtne in ,
• I , lt A H AYE..
Chersat 110.,
.11.1. , 21..f0 1 1 Itaikand rogai
ut nnik,
BR. 11 ♦ ,
Ftro• 11. ml FI ,, NCTI !TIP "
reoc•li K•
*. I I.a,r V... 1 Pt! [Lem eics/leot
BROW W t•.• ( 4.11
when co mpel Ir k i to pp eL k ,
BROWN'A trri 'turn COLL. -
•••• J P ANDER: 4 ON.
.r Loom
T Ito( ' HI t:P.
n i . •rt‘Tl s. r•no.,ving 116nrae1,,,•
and Irrturtl.n of lb• Thro.t, ao comm,
~r/.asaa and
Pr. • 11l :STACY JOEINSi.N.
Latfirsare, bu
Teacber of Mamie, motto:
F*lnal. College.
.I;neat benefit *lea taken Melon and at
BRoWN .4
ter preaching, as they prevent Hoarsen's.
FIROWN , I From their past effect, I thaok thee will L
a pet manent ailmintage to toe"
President of Athens College, Tenn
II Rom N.,: Aold nil IlruggiMa at TWENTI
TRot h E
The Best, Cheapest and Mort Popular '
Leading sod l.►rreat Circulated, u it la roncede.l t
De the Root and Yost Useful adau - rLecart., How, rt
LITKX A%D FAXILT klFitrAPll2 ale A l t.. ■t.
enter upon Its In - 111.rTn 1 ouUK In JnOnary, 1%•I
most popular Aoiticattra, atol
HORTICCLTI NUL authority of the day
soil combines such an amount and .a:
sty of lieu:hog fur the Family I irr,
that II b.* breorn• • far °vitt, bol
Town and Country.
TH K RURAL la a National, are, Continental 'inatito
lino,' being taken, read and admired
throughout the Acnencan Union, Ltr,l
lab Province*, he , lereative It reek. t_
promote OA Best Interests and H..
Hammen of all claws,
TUE RURAL ia pronounced, by both Pre...Pseud Poo
ple, the twat conferred difescritreral.
teary sad F sway NtEvriper pahlnekea
—and Mehl, r.t....n.41 by two* of thou
nn./.. for tto trl4l..pirtatieucr, and sterling
TUN lIVILAL uan advocate of industry, Skill Prw
tress, Intorvivemeut, Morality, r.duee
two, and whatever tends to sdvanee sad
ennoble Hu Man lir —a Journal express',
Intended for the irtreside of s Proves
sire People.
THE at L&L 1/1 superior in Style, Illestratlons,
employs the Best Talent—and is taken
by - hosts of leading Partners, Mortice!
tutalists, Mechanics. kr to Csuntry.
Village &lAA l ity, from Canada to Cal
TH 1 AURAL is the Cheapest Jeereed. ./ do (loop .1
fliwrinn.dowi—t be lowest elan rate bere
I y emierios tb• heavy exposer., Its pub
hcaUnn involving • Wirer outlay tn.r
any of its cotemporstiew.
THE' RURAL la— ally and suressatily— THF. 11 ,
PLIr HARR WEEKLY, its tamer dr
ikir . ots of Agriculture, liortwuituo -,
" d . iT. Reading, Cbours 1it...11an..
Sabbath Mustafa, Rdocational, The
Traveler, The Reviewer, C.efnl 'th , ‘
Young Ruralist, Story Teller, Enigmas.
mid LW not West, its ample News sod
blartiL i ßeports, rendering it altogetha ,
the complete •OILICT Lll KAI., I :I
Man Aso Fa all I. T Ns estaal
VOLIUMIIO 111, PAM that.
WJI he superior in 540 e sad Contents to either of its
redecessore--wlth Not T I pll. d other Improvements.
Its motto, "slesertsser," end °Sputa, ••Prerress de( f•
pnusensent, - 0 , 11 be mm 4 011 . .4,41 in Wilt Natter and Men
Der, reastering It 'meth, • tamely increased National
rjr Neat to your local paper. the Kt Loa Nirw-Y
ER is the tote for your money—lt parr. good DeiSends
Tux Ni'. • Tolman compriurs Lett Double qua,
to Pages, ,rtioatos I Au Index, Title Pace, pre..
et the of each Vol Me, complete for blnding.
rum, Ii AD.Axvii:—.l2• t car. 3 copies for $5; if to ,
010; 10 Oar SIC *for SSI. IeW Nor la rug TOgg
Stuffing' ..) , D Polui CUB* The moot liberal lettuce
raeate to Club Agents—tb• beet yet offered flperimea
Numbers, r•hos BUM, hithiesenents, to , mat /red in a.
eppAlmeem Address
411C1-16 0. U.T.314110111iy RUCS SIT 111, N. 1
LADIES and MISSES Long and Sium,
res. *II Wnol Qb•who In *slimly Dow effects. •
upon We <My of ta. Chimp Dry Goods Noun of
act 11-111' HAYBe k JURDA
- _
MR wasted_by
bR G r Bfi;F,l ~%
Bost .•