The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, December 01, 1860, Image 1

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0 Mi.
0 the.
Apfr IF
M rate
rir too , alum* a year, changeable at plumate, 110.
• ineetbk $6: Isestio, womelba,
si SU.
or 10 mrsarya—oae year, ISO; 6 raoathe,
134; 3 1 0.,ftlha, $ll.
•,* Canis inserted In the Business Directory at $3 per
uto via Imes allowed fora Card, over dn, sod under
6 5 •
...p.etal and Editorial raotkaa, 10 oasts 6 lino ; bat no
.1-two vent ,W be Wonted among the Speeimil Neueee
1.-8 thee one dollar.
r it seaborne end oilier. requiring trequent clung.*
• heir dye* dements will lee allowed two square*. inner,
• : cent. for $l6. For additional space, the -simile.% will
• propertioa, and the drertiormento oust lo strictly
~nlued to the timato beetroot et ill.. advertiser. rny •
• for iron covdred dheinee-.
for yearly adeertisang Ile presennedimilf-reari)
11:111=J 11 : 1 - -{,i0)11
‘ 11.1.101 A. CsAld.
lonic% or rim PrAos—ollo. io Ns.
.rk corner of Paul street and the Public Squat., grip
Imai.Jui in Boot and Shoos at
.c.d. Ratan. at No. 13, Ciodorotrs Bloat State slyest.
i,E,11004, CAUGHEY ilk CO.,
WHOLAINIALI Onootait, amid Dealers in
~..tat and Impartod Wises and Liquors, also Safari,
Fruit, I , inh, Oil. cod Apulia for MAMA Buffalo
, . .11. 1 and 2 Comonprrial tioildlop, North aide o
Erik Pa.
) 1. LANDON ilk Co.
Wholesale and Retail Druggists ► n d
-s ie oils, Paints. Olass, Dye atolls, kr, ate.,No. 6
4,- House, fronting the Public Fiquare, Reis Pa.
”rner of Second and Market Street—one square east of
I,.bncon'm Itictoincc, Warren, P. Sept. 29-17.
r ,.. J. L. STIKWAKT
PRACIICIIIO PITIIIC1•11/ /10.1 81710000
Wee 2d door Pass/eon Block. Roandaneo, Brown's Rotel
.they bonne 12 In 2 n.clocA. P. Di
IT L 0.
K R L ic iL' sil l U ir '
erie Perrin.
•9+.a and Duelling 10 south Park Ron, deg
r.t Mock seat of Erie Rank buildings. *sea
July 10, 1852
1 4 1 tli• COLIkt •
• Boo[ Eit BL•NII. Boot /I ANT . PACITTUIII,
, to Secoael Story of itioderneebt'• Blot 4, Eris, Pa.
Wis. A. GRISWOLD, Jobber, and Retell
41. r deaceiption of Voreiirn and Domestic D 7
~„.„.in. CarpSilDrs, nil Cloths. he.
C. WI 1.140,1,
ATTORNXT k CorvuttLoit AT LAW, Erie Pt
I Met on Stain Street, near the Part. In the American
Octet, setmoti stnry of the huilditg, occupant! he P k W
.nblandelter Ff.. will .Dare be found In his Milos, and
ail bustinstes punctually 'attended tit. •
A. Dt TROV•113) ATOM AND Llgrolll,
geot Broads of Poach Brandt,*, Mort, k Chompoldree,
Rhine ClAttet,gadellitt, Waage, Qlterre, Portatod kind*
or Onmeetle Blvd: oleo itukordsetneer of rectified Wlne•
tr, Old R. On urbon. Monongahela., kr , Reed !loom on
eeseh gfreet. Eros
4irrolvtirr AT LAW, Girard, Erir Countc,
oa Collections itad Pther ba•lonaso atterivko) t" with
-nmptners mud disigitch.
G ltoool J. MORTON.
Foul" •RDIYIGI sad Comm ...ton Ilprthant.
tc Dock, grit', &slow In Coal. Rah. nth. r an.'
1 r GitoritnA, and dealers to
,tt India goods Prowdor, Shot, raps, Sairty Fuse.
'''.P.C.4%, Maim Ptah, nii„ key ke., Nos S sad 4, Corn
...mi.,' Buildings, Refs,
I tYlelgi az JOkDAN,,
Wwouraste k li:resit Duties iR franc,
.tsplrery anode. Carpets. Meetings, Oil Clothes, ke.,
krowtell kiosk, Heir, Pa. ,
MCI & CO..
roes, State Street, Nn T Rowlett Meek.
r oil Ni tilArgelli V.
II Anglo, or rigs Paws, mw ilitte•
op-stabs, Kris, Pa.
TWIN fIitARN & CO.. •
r 1 VOZWARDIIKI and COlOalilligoo
iealers fa Cord. Flour, nib. and want for a datl
• poet Lake Etteornars. Public bock, Itrin. Pa
Bcrtr-nsa and • Wanallete re r nt Sant"
ra and 1111nda, Poach it, in the shop &molly neanpied
• B unik Jones. _ .
__ ___ _
1 01...4 W. A V RES.
r vr ',terrain", WholeaslP s.n.l Rethil
oes Pr in kindr of Fatle•. rirwortng Room, Rocking
rh a i rk 4 Kr, •t.,ne 111.ek. Erie, Pa
Al - 14,101fT AT LAIV - , Ifir* rrnmsrd lo
•» otld‘rilf %Mit of .4 tAIA. 64 t root, on fh. narth nd. I tb•
F.rlr Pa
1 011 N W. WALKER,
ATTWL•II - AT I.llr, Lovic .MO
4",11 nee prnmi,t attent,n t., the Ine•tm¢ of
4 •rran IS And the parmrn' Ts aea i n the :+t.trea m..-
- nn anti lows. +FM att. fill •11. nr.lere lot th• put-eh/ow
• le.nun Si.ramp land, kr
.1 , it'. .411CI.DF.N,
wl4l/11.•1 ketbl II .1/Mier i n k u!
Enelah,Gennan and arnerwan Yard. art., t nv , la.
n•n &e. Saddl.ry and I trriage Tnmrning..
Nu h In« Betting and Park tog Franell atraat nppnalte tjaa
need Ilona., grit.. Pa
arroaxer .► I.s •Vil. JUISTIt k. ne TNI
14 Will prsctir. in thy trv.r►t rot, rta of Erle
.1,1 give pent:4ra and fauthfiil attrution In all butantasen
ttunttml to his hands, tither ■a an Attorney or Magistrate
(Ate in Empire Bloch, corner of State and Fifth
Te. Pa
11. Wholesale Dealer to Flour, Port, Beef, halt, ke ,
NI, 1. Commercial DuHaloes. RIIN Pa.
lit • NrerexTc ILK ke nt `4.4111 Rao nss,Rollers,
51,11 Csantig, Agricultural irop:orro.ots, Railroad Cars.
t- Ps.
I N'. oLum,
4• MAxrraerritui ar. Wholesale and Retail
leak, in Well and Cistern Pumps of eaperior, onalltr, the
..berkpeat and beat now in nee Shop on Twelfth street
near Peach, Erie, Pa.
Aqueduct for carrying water tnr hastily, farm or
.neehantrsl perporwe (or mile rheas
vg - SAN FOR
. 1 1 • I D llatita t il l itt " rent.n,, Bank Note.,
ertideatee of tleprwit, &e. $t ht .xchanp no the prin
,pal althea constantly for sale. 011iceNo 9 Reed lion.
ruhlic Roosts, Ene. _
Wnoussx.a and Retasi dialers In Groceries,
Provision., Ship Chandlery, Wood Aid Willow ware Sr..,
Age stet. Stmt, Rrio, Pomo.
Manufacturer and Whnlesale and Retail Dealer
to Millinery, Roster!, Zephyr Knittittg, and Yankee No•
trona. Together with 11 general sesorttorrot of Ladles
" 0444 Prach street, 4th store• Depot. jan.2l --$.l t
NI I " E• F R Ae ll e Cil l 1)".
DazllsMaiia, bud . gei Ot
f. %Chewier k Wilann's Sewing Bacidoes. ilowang ra
Seebee Block, But Park, Xll., Pa. Eir Stitching done
ng down in (*du. Tub ions mgaired monthly
_ _ _
W La aaD HatalL GlLorlim, and
dralete la near, Pork, Fish. Ran, Seeds. N 004.1 sod
'Now Ware, Nails sad Maas, at No 2 W richer Bloek
,rio, Pa.
13 az J. Mime.
Dseuniesu Groceries, Prorisions, Pro
uc.., Pork, Fisl Salt, Gnat', now, Prate., Nuts, shift,
AWL,? rows" rang, wooden, Waive and Stone Ware,
kr. erns CAA. Priam low. No. 4Writhre Bleak.
•tsta Street. 4 doon above the Poet 0114 n, Eris, Pa
) WENS Alk sinnriorr,
viouidiAls Aya, RrrAIL Deafen, le Bard
Crockery, Glaaawara arad %Misty, Nadi. n and 12
m pine Block, corner of nab and Stale streets, Erie, Pa
160611.1 A T. •
-1 . ATTOILTAT AT LAw.-01111e• r•
%root, lhardville, Pa.
K., 2S, 11159.-1001.
• . trrougsr it is elated
.ek, over Neuberger & Baker's Clothing Ron: toe )
-a , re na Rate Strait
( !err A:lkt Pi.
Dear. in all Irloda of Coal, Bolt, Master. Flour,
tuk,ka,ka e Dock, Tic
• . SCOTT. J 11•11111
- -
T M. *IMAM ill •
DeLetzie In Clocks, Watches. Ping Jew
,:rr, Royer fineries, Rated Were, Looting Gibleemi. Gilt
ngs, Cotter, and Panay esoie, IPureloe Building
°anti ride Weld Part ow Plinth 4
T Ps. 4INCL A I la,
Seehoserr Sogalakd
I .
Rocssuct aro /WAIL DICDOW" CM., SPibe send
tt) r 4 , 4,1., in pasta, Oils, Dr•-gtolts, Maio. Cliaiketip
11%.,,,g Fluid, Brush**. kr.
A.ll/1 Coiniatt.LOlL AT LA 11
.lhat mokoved to comer rooms of Rneeseweifee Bloch,
ornor Slat. Street and the Public Amara. Itrte• ra•
Ptarrni tt
vr. H. LITIS•
Ogee is booty' aI,
wort north M.% of Potakaquare. lll ProllodY •
vfleit A(o ..,, vrorrooto4l.
W M' A.
l A 4A rrow• l'lli mr . Leve—Ofee be IWO/wt.
...arty opposite the Coort i geoge. Eno, Yu.
i .
W . MA
" % LI" 011ies Is Room- ..... •
•lor'm Rio* unrth Ado of the hot, Idie, Pb
OFFICE, Paragon Block, near, North
N." West Cornet o f the Perbite Square, Itria.Alt
A New Pisa tor selling Goods.
The any tssOt■tto. pith% Med In th• world.'
Price of 01718, $5 sta.; 50 eta, k $l.OO.
lerOr 110XXT, GOLD AND SLIXgil IV Amur.
n' 000 m, BOOKS, ,MIVISIJIT. !MICA].
Positively the beet (MANOR known
to hake honey.
Xvorr perms endowing Gate beak this lastitatioa will
tut valuable etta of the very beat quality, worth '
from elva mount imported is $1.060.
GIFTS sent on daily to our patrons free
of tninsportstkm ekmarges. Great bralsoninents to
form dubs. To or lo a club of 40, at 60 elm each, we
will give a Routine camel Lower Myer Wadell4 and fully
60 eta. and upwards *arils of goods to Nett of the others
in GM *Sub To one in a club of 60 at 61,00 eneb we will
give a beentillsl pores oestansing • Teo GolLarGoid piece.
To another a the use club, w' will give a superi. Silver
Watch, and warrant it to !imp time for one year. And to
all others to tbs dab we will give one dollar and up
wards worth of goods. Persons actfogaa agent' to get
*stun clubs and sendlog single, orders eaa bedsit 25
per tent on all moneys collected. Thom 'allotting orders
for the Aweless Gift Euterprise, will *fee male • re.
port as often as once a week. Persons orderag Gifts and
not being stlisfied on arrival of The goods, can have their
money by redwrolne tb• Gifts in good order. Pend mon
ey by 'spree* who. convenient or Dead carefully by mail
Gifu shipped to 46 boost deer the order is ~Meet
Address s4I orders to
.pt 10.101..--6.
No 7 13onnoll Block,
Erie, Oct 4, 1449
J. N. KLINE & CO.,
Wines, Brandies, Gins, &c.
N u Ili, Walnut Street, and Nu 11 Granite $i
March 3, littdi
J. 0. BURGESS & 00.,
thrt %. 1444
(4.IORGE W. SMMi.);
ers, Holsters And Hop Dealers.
ING purehali#l the entire intereht
11.7 r (;EttitGg tht old and wMi 15nowti
Point Brewery, Pittsburg,
, 1,141. t to t thr humprnue es Ntenn.
~f .1 }l,, Ith an artleir of X. XX.
an•flnr,..t to, b% ^Lk% wint•hlt.h
rant to th •
thaw au,nut.....nalt.,n 01 o,r cite', wet •in t
Wm, iire have appointed M•notraiemerbry W
•a:e , • , fleera. of ne. "nr agent* far thug rt. mite
B I K .+4
Magazines, -Paper, Stationery
(41100.1:1114 . ! GROCERIP>
pi! sulKerthers tlatvt, no% on La n d tin
lare•t 111.,•t •arivd 't .<4. • t
vv•r in thi• whkh wr oner to
a, low "for Cult' or Short Cvwd:t" an an, [4,IAA. I/. :41
city Oter um a call and examine
Anc4--621 Nio 2 Wnaitt's Flhart 1.:h., I.
H EIKiE . HEAR :s, I'runtug
BeAdter, at J C AIELDEN'.4
Wll A'l' leaks rnore_zo En forta e in tt'i+l
tar than a bright and Alain( stove : Tlwo mar
fil‘nn's Pollid, It oyes • far brightPr and morr
bunting Inatro, with half tba labor, of say other artirl
o lot ,that purpnar. Bold by
o-t 13-19 CARTER k 11110.
$l,OO. ONE DOLLAR. 11,00.
boa r bt for $1 at J. C. SELDOM'S.
S (:ALF ! SCA !
I am prepared to forstsb Itealee of any kind or
use at much to.. prima than ever before sold in Thu city.
Alm. ID. J. C..lial.ftEN.
at No. It, WOW. Block.
April 9, 1949. HxCK AN. ICKNOIII ke.m.
Later. Styli... L.—just opettod at Out
Cst Park Attir•try li rro. • T. M . Arn
Ppb 26,
TRY 13 ANY ARDS Y. R. Tea for arie Riper paned-
Importal Yea Re. de to de re pound
Gunpowder Tea for fhi per posed.
. Oolong sad Sfungsoult es to la prlb
arran to Ore eatiodeetion or refunded
_ _
3 3 ;It
1:I :2/lE=
then • full wortmeut uf 'Amid,
Demotic end Foresgs Fruits,
Moe, Wood 'ad Stele Wen, Vegetables, he., awe
role es brad awl ganef recepot
April 2S. JO 5.01T1110K1 Yes Grocery.
riIUTTER BUTTER ! !—We will pay
mall for Butter is Miss or leis viantity, during
enalisi onions
mikao MOM?, ?MAINS, SHIM k
S./ Bbls. Coffee, Crushed, Gran laird
**4l Pimagesd flisisti•__alesep•r *an • hem tt
jusil-261 2111D/0111100117 sN's
c 11434411 4
_ b AyEs imRDAN own this day
tima ,Latagt ItarSC Isaverues ewes and Drab
0110•••• Arabs,
ow thinkohativis Ape rqrsiar pekes,
J. HANSOW maw noracftg low Ciampasti
• caollosistAst Omni ami. opi eons •(
UM lIPAISSiStiII • OA St abil
4,10E01i, Wie-1. THIPOT, CROSCO4
MR. DELANO would mespeetfully give
iboup to too deem et se. ant bee sill oar
weed hie School fOr th e latitreattlaa Tomo Ladle%
Wenn sad Waster. at Italt4l2 HALL, as
;MONDAY itle..llMl6
lo which will lw forgAt the Lateotturil most ihriblentale
Toner artailloo $4.00 per ertilit&L podotetweil en be
wool , to tai esedees awe ummaosallaiwtlar.ftroo bF
lar emit. B.w of leauleseloo 4e e **T. I •
sirsanre scam . tor ellilniatinr
oral ermagans . } lane rarY
Veit ter the fart Lostoaa, beam lie o e ikao4 l7
tteteerfAi i i
i ro ~rad Or tali b e er. no
bite Maw& 'tattoo ler floatbstraa
Iteutlearea adetattiart
ati will be esti to
nuodorlidtlto awn Ito sew.* earbee umb form
Private less* as& partintars Own t u raeg
K. D.. Farm
J. V COLLIER, 4 Co., WA Ohio
State Strt , et.
'arritwor. tu KI.IVE 4. C4RROL!
.6*.seozi. tar far
` 4 .Skate Nbteet
fi~n.o 11
H. P. yrnr,rl..ret
F 4 kRILA R 11 A LLI
.otift A 0,
9/A. Betin,e t & C o
Nos. U and 111 111113315001,
HAVE a large and war §eleeted Otos*
Ames' Shovels end Spades !
In fact almost every Wog, 41 the Old Steed,
P.Z.VPIRM BLOCK. Nol 11 and 12.
rotate pa.
AF AI L, 1860. ar
Gents.' Droste. and Soft Hata
" Walking a Traveling Oapa.
Boys' Caps ~n 4 SoitAsits.
0 hildren's Fancy Ilata\ki Oapa,
Ar go St i; E N • FrintlfliiTNll worm, RID
"U.K ion DitIVING t. 1.0% gi
A beau ti fu I sal., rtsnr t ntTh4 , Starts, ftoekssied Ostisro.
10 large ^t , wk that, Caw and Thu Goo& Pala
Lemf Hata at Whole/is)*
Erie. Nl.v 10. BRTANT, No Used Boum.
E ~.,, . 1,,, g 6 ,00 OMR% oo the Mutual plan, gluing
~. •,.. ...,rr : • ' , at ttct pat too to the pinata of the Coaapor
~i..ttotot oatobta toyood Um pertlani paid.
4. kx 01..3 the Lake. and Camila Insured oo lb* moat
,obrubl. forma Lows will be IOWSUIP am 4 prommikr
.41 “.u.A.
F 1,,,. ~,,L. 4.‘, m.retuattse.butlatteissumfmtlierr
o awn or country. for • Italtomi Wm piutly.
i J omi-pli H . 1 .. J. Jaen C. Hand,
I rhporbilata haubllog • Jolla 0.. Pp*
' IRobert Barton. Jolla Garmrtt,
nog+ Craig. Basaael Zdaarda.
Huai laia re. ...?s, David 8. Stacey.
i 'balk , ' ICI•1111, true R. NMI,
Willits,. Inhibit, Or a
Or. S. 1 antams, Drlj.lrll4.luirtot,
John Trtyr, Jr Spam. 111011 mis.
• 4.orge 14•111014, Joho J. Noon*
Ect.mrd logo B. ?Porous,
.1. 4 Jobosso, 11. /roue Brooke.
lidissurpi Aloud.,
VW. 11441 , lop
RICILIOLD 8. Newsookodimy.
er Apollo:Mimi ate be made to
, Aprll t 114167. J.ILRLIAN44. 4 41 41. 16 .
LARK & CAUailkt'S
IT. the wa.a...sturers of thl. setkis, I. .
TT nnering i• to the 114bIle. binersegettilialriX •
IT. talks Is reyblr fibil bibs big sib- bIIT rt.
IT ele of the Mod muteelloared. 011. Sin er.'
IT. Mr pmprilibre ire art ,
,aorawbetaki of bklarstks
• 11. poirk.bieb is Ireantatsio Sir be lu e NIT^
rf. , ity, gni gobedskkgraf tbrbrUdk iscrr
IT. ed. All they ark bbr IseskilweHSTTlV
TT •seel others to • . BUT IT.
t T
n. suir ?Ant An m ITliter
IT..tued Y It don ant parsatllt M nomma-BUT IT.
IT. wended, the money will be Wanda& BUY fP.
hla pot %pits pored pepuredio4l BST g.,ler sale by r IrCY rt.
ffTTr MUNI f i V 4ll 4#ollllllnr Ile
Minatilliebtapee. Brio BUT IT
wifotssua Otiaair o '• • •
Flour, Pork, Beef, Salt, Oralsti•
CLOVER, 2711 1 11717 SERB; 9b t
1, oudneratet Buildtagt,
Norm- Sine itnt Pala, *"
Beheta, !leek vie Pftsfa
AFINE Stock of Fanct - Ilkotkai df
G atsB and TAB ACC(MteBB red essoise tima at
Gomp 4miversditevsaribrt.itst• larA 8 - 01 r a tal
TRY RA.NYARDII-1101:111A, QUO, 0
j a ws
• Tr BiLayardVeresbed,
Ludy , Leeds**
Coes* 8., Now Or Mem awl
S ug ars, wellin g by at B
.1 I. Ili kat Firm at the steep
net 13-19 emeresarams.
(worry RS 01,821112 a tt
R ()
sass* MOM st
HIM •CO, I sae way iseeivisir •
supply till ol the (bolas( bid. . .b , 10
N. 8.-1 d tissiSses
A "WA liplipsobssfailsbAdlibelplik
FW' ."WTLItiIItIVWI. • . ,
' Ara.blibd Ipti . --.. $ . l. , ' •
OF 1411 ,0 11. Wr % -
1111serVesor • •
~ rartath=
M,* this imitimippagame . llll.
1 oesx —IL.
* V Sonia OF
To done siskiiimosi
Calm Si" look Leto alai lib
lONA boobs as *MK
%Aral IllsossellA,lbisas apt -
Thal sow spa se sof a
Ur Ay thy }sad mask sty ask, -6111 1 x.
Aid kelp it WM is 0014, -411 1+1 •
its svemellid tra Was it Wee
Waal shams bi Siam to !WU.
To ire It Vore no ultroollte
UMW. I War •
WM* woo* alma*
Asd VOW la or amit ;
Or it thijorielby
troolop UR" outho. rt
Saboothod all my botiomad out ass* •
As podeet ss • Walla's,
111 / W I •APAIDIMIAgAidtAi oar bi t. .
As aorta worm :
Its Mart, meals( to limpit,
Loops «s tog •11141
Asd *We shout ay tube I •
(0 0 411 #44blAt.
1 amid Iraseli omit. eldlitiviiab = '
Ilpaa lb. atisiat.
0. Wok., oleo bog Itt lago tio
With orris/WO tornoot boom,
Who traced *Mb too dart Mit allolt i or
Irbollesibm vstammor ; „
ditmeresia. by Um P•Por 0 4 , 11 4
To sumo to logro's men:
Nib. ow to podlret lubookooor, to
Or limbo 4018 slot oli I ILI
Odturt .
--_ - _ ___ . 4.
Vries biasimood'a likapit, t,
W bat, was it ? A - tallow candle, th be
sere. The gas wouldn't burn, the isotopia*
strangled me with its noxious odor, the
thud sputtered, burned blue, and wentiont.
I am afraid of the dark ; that ghastly Mick
des' which makes one's eyes ache with: its
want of light ; that palpable gloom which
seems to beat like a roomful of paliit
of the heart around you, above ycal
yea, everywhere that visible
whit& holds the tables, the chairs, therm.
traits you are familiar with, yet hidesthont
in its 'black veil from your view i that
empty fulness through which you ague&
out your groping a-ms, then shrink,
oppressed with a presence you can n et
hear, see, nor feel.
"Kitty," I said to my little maid ttrue
somewhere and get me a light."
She ran to the grocer's wife, and *me
bak with a penny dip in a brass ,Nle
As she placed icon my table, went outraad
shut the door, the little boy in bronala on
my mantle raised his hammer and tek
the fi gure of time twelve rinising bin up
nn the heart. It wan midnight. - -
The candle burned clearly. I ressinied
the old volume of tierman legenda,k t .was
reading, and as l testi my linger a
graph. and paused to powder.
hilt ty of spirtts returning to earth to wreak
vengeance I,n foci, or work weal to friends,
I heard a deep sigh at my elbow
turned and beheld the ghost of nay
knew hei from her resemblance to her
portrait. She wore the saute white r.Lp
with it. wet, t..rdar plated round her fa,e
—the same prim drewi with which i had
grown familiar in the picture.
She died twenty years ago. I was named
I. .1. her.
drew up the roeking ,eltair tot the
ghost She sat down in it A pillow
not have sank there more noiselessly than
one did :•4het kept her hands in the same
position on her breast that somebody tietti
them twenty years ago.
she fixed her keen black eyes upon me
-beautiful eyes, which t had always ad
mired in the pormtit. None of her 4Le
ocendents 'Wad anon eyes.
"I ooull not come," she said, iu deep
sephulehral tones, "in gas-light. Ghosts
and gas-light are at war always. As for
kerosene oil, we groan in dpirtt at ita , use.
How mortal noses east, night after night,
inhale the odor it emili, is & wonder. It
is wane than brimstone. We have put
our cold lips under your chimneys, and
blown our ghostly breaths into the flame.
We-have seen the chi blacken with
smoke, mini apartments fill with disgusting
fragrance. People only said the lamp ts
in a draught. They moved it and bare
with IL We shall have to yield.• Kerosene
is I Modern discovery. Ghosts are old
tasitioned. To be out of date is to be out
of titled. Your tallow candle pleases me.
We ghosts like the light of other days
around us. We always, in the body, burn
ed tallow candles"
The fine eyes of my grandmother guest
at my penny dip steadfastly for • moment..
She seemed to se•e visions and dream
"XI dear," she sal& “you are the first of
theAmily that has estuvordltie essdkee
'Wee the innovation at pp: You ate in
debted to your dip for try pOillaape• Rot
Polka! I would have looked under a chem
. er-116* btreilesa; hovirwhtte lAwlt is
1 think 1 am lankly% very - vtatural, Aar
not 1 0 •
She glanced up at her portrait, and wait
ed my reply.
"A little pale, grandmother," I said ;
'bite tell tie, dear Ifyour pursuits
in the other Workt are of such a ostaare
theatheyaidesit.of your returning to this
stony time P'
rity 11,9 means. lam permitted in appear
t his sphere but selddrit: •Isfinewee•
I Insholit4 etteses. a l harm nahheen
hedenroinsniny goat lid wata.g#
jambe do. Atell you ihere,arnse a in
PaLdemonium. I looked in to lee Whew**
It mute. I found the great amebae sit•
signed in the littleeheldrom and whisk-is
shiwyeaftsil wide mem of all sites and
,apra Aso amps Ise* cappiotacnk. In
feetiemerati 14)09 wean ; th ree
ymtr i edi wftelettering oat &the
war."' '
mitt t 4 hortritastllY Audi wimp
arid all'lltem wore'alistesting expromitim
A. mall wise was saying, ,
'l„k win no Lank or that brought
4.e. here. I, who ern' now brit Ore rate
nAgtst Itoretireid Id be fifty. Ihmano. I
unfortunately, gave me a ass physical die
rttlenesseehie My. ,ettfr was roi t urd and
kny akin clem, my laths finely 'ilitould
gk. y birthplace in a oold elimate.
My tender mother4rond of her °Spring,
Wood tri tseek cednirmain the ehiK
temawhear haw ivihes and Mow wuwe.
pushed in wa rmerum, and thoroughly
protected front every blest. I wasiroughf
down to be viewed by company, and et
pitrial+to sol - want
frismenan osropmas... anntber l r%
inset. veluist Au, ad, mwifortablk
tattier so.
uk Id. - t - Nwifts a pold-tiouble Is
LIM bones. My beeuty. 1 limps*
• fr menthdeastooth, and. a t list,
U Arek•riestl „ 04, of Axiom My
toollwe cried over My llfAe wen.
death; cried a mime
`speaker sat down.
expreedy •to take
Cameos& este thatl should
'-cise. Her .days sand
lisolitall Me Viol!
Coen; doenAktway.'
norm's knees
poor little body, one
ortny enineoldreb moors. My
.edditeardbett mills mamma up "he—s. .
If_ eeisii,llkvinr betted; if I screamed, I
was trottairflrl wee still, I wee trotted—
beemtellaltebetter theon•hutain, anus,
Ibtkii *ANA Mo:buttee had been taken and
Ilbsoestar milk left Maedien. My Weiss
.turned tceleuises my-b they lood to Woo. my
en shier almo pierced
tir rew teeswhielvtiosied them. A st s
I begin
'tit cut teeth, toy tongue was constaa*
joltiterbetweeti my jaws, and in danger of
slog hilts* off, "tiered not whine,
for I
know *lmpunity: I began et last to eel
, eplide he* loci the torture amid possibly,
Mid' tines. - Warm weather was main on,
and i thought imam the other of us Inns"
soap give up the ghost sad m nV ntuse's
exer dons were almost superhunion, L im
agined that perhaps 1 might outlast her.
One u&aoky day, however, my
entering the room unexpectedly, 1=
at her. Thad never done so before.
"The darling," cried my parent, "sae, it
knows me."
'Poor thing, rather," said the nurse, "it
wind s k it ita sionista!"
-4 . 'Vegthwilks she proceeded to trot it out.
Evecy thuntp'of liter Rot on the floor was,
I {glory' nsupin tiny coffin. I felt! should
eery. nine vain. ley faithful nurse con
tinued her shorts, and I was trotted out
of existence upon the poor old woman's
"As the speaker ceased, one of the older
occupants of the room descried me," said
my grandmother. "He at once made room
for me to enter, and begged me to remain
awhile and bear the remarks. I consented,
sad took a scat near the entrance. -
" 'l,' said a little fellow, rising from hia
seat with his blue eves all bloodshot, and
his curls matted together, 'died of deliri
um tremens. At the age of six months
was a confirmed drunkard. I had not
been a very quiet baby, and every time I
was uneasy a little liquor was administered
to do me good. 1 did not want wine. but
water. T was naturally a very thirsty
child, and every thig that was put between
tpy speechless lips increased my thirst.—
illy mother's !milk was sweet, the pettish'
given me was sweet. and if now and then
was blessed with a draught of .goat or
cow's milk. it was warmed and sweetened
first, to make Wes much like nay mother's
se possible 'I used to cry. No other way
do we poor babies have of expressing our
feelings, and the ehanoes are ten to one
that we will he misunderstood. To stop
my crying, I was put to the breast ; this, at
such times, I would indignantly refuse.
Then there would be a commotion.—
"Smile," my mother would say, "what
shall we do with him! The nurse was a
stout, hearty old woman. who always made
a practice of tasting whatever was provided
for her charge. Her sovereign remedy
vvatb liquor. = I was taken, and a spoonful
administered at a time. At first I rebelled
—1 strangled, kicked and enugbed. The
firm hand held the spoon to my little
tongue, and down went Its contents in spue
of me. Little by little. the dose was in
t:tautest, .1 sopa- liked tt~ Ist, my thirsty
momenta I crier( flo it. ft was giteri me
readily. for after a few moments of wild
glee, I fell into a drunken stupor. which
gave my attendants many opportunities
of enj..)ing thenisel% es, a- in% w i t
sure to be long and sound.
•At length gym./ )xPi lIASIt I Ime
During any whole life no one had ever
thu't of giving me R shill. StslOtliUi or the
water t hail craved—the cooling, cheering,
refresh limpid' water Now, I no longer
eare.l for it In my wildest fronoesi I wits
accused of having the colic ; down. as usw
id went the fiery drink. until finally I was
literally burnt out. I was nothing but
(under within, a shell without. Ay stom
ach wax cooked to a crisp, my intestines
were shrivelled—my lungs. no lone'
filled with pure air, la.lch4 if forth only the
fiery fumes that had consumed rue,
died. I wait good for nothing. l hopd
whatever form my dust is destined tot ake
on earth, it will not be watered, as when
inhabited it, with slooliol.'
"As this speaker °eased, there arose a
wad of sympathy, such as had first attract
sal me to the pandetnoniac chamber; as it
subsided, another little figure had taken
the stand—
"'My legs," he said -brought me out of
the world. My mother labored under the
strange delusion that her child was 1 'urn a
Highland kiddie of Amer.can parents and
in A.tneraca. I was dressed, or left undres
sed rather, in short plaid stockings, reaeh
ing to the calf of my leg, and ati elegant
kilt reaching just to the knee. My li b
were moulded in cherubic form,,
~and w en
exposed to the nursery were pretty.t ut
the nursery was too narrow a field in w 'eh
to display my beauty. 'On bitter cold ye
I was walked out over the icy streets, the
keen wind chapping my flesh and chilling
my blood till my knees looked like twin
nutmeg graters painted purple. I used to
look at my mother's long comfortable
skirts and thick leg.gine drawn up Over
t i n
warm hose, and wondered if she could ur
rive a fashion such as I wore if ado, by
herself. I becatneafilieted with mil e/
tory rheumatism, and unable to ends the
pain, gave up the ghost.'
•"I felt,' said my grandmother, Altai
this victim was a macrafice to a ion
stalked sindemy day. I know that our
father was never dressed in such a rt icu
lout style when a little boy, for with my
• a- bends I knit his warm 'rookie stook-
Mgt, andiaaw that his comfortable little
trousers came well over the instep or his
little parkin shoes‘ I
"The next speaker was a dream faced
:little girl, who trembled as she rose and
raid : • / '
"rf inn arr opium eater. My death-war
ner' WlLVlliittee en the label of the first
kettle tif Clodfrey's Cordial brought Into
4nY anther's house. A few drops at bat
t te tt Cod to hush my feeble cries. Then
'a Oordial Would not do. A few
1 dthis of pure laudanum was administered.
Satin I could net go to sleep without it.—
'Men my nurse weald give men small °pi
nning Warty parted& Of course I was
bld little trilreble, I was a deep shseper;
Mit "my digestion became impound ; too
newt 'sleep weakened' me, and I knew no
unbind * h er. My eyes became like
theme ors sleep walker, fun of dreams
when wide' awake. I lost my appetite •
my herf grew fall of pain ; my baby hear t
wits alert,' aching. I closed-lay eyes one
thy Resent. on the hems where I felt I
could be little loved, when my low wait"
were never mowed• -et appeal to those
around Steolkatt were hushed at ones:
• wine ap..titivie,eyee ware scarcely everper
indeed b *oak around in the world in
widish Aber had been opened, and where, in
•steadof, ewe and food and exervise,
the pdi tad easervatingoordial were
dl thetweraolsred ale. There are many
periods w Ito seem to think children " must
paw their childhood 'out of the way, , and
only goLia the way when they bare, be
eonaikhrepitt of *deed& Of til-trudf,
uesdal wslienementid members of
I Wtheocikild was still speaking," sal , my
1 . ..
~ l Fv
M ig tl lisr' tot.kovonook o 'Mott
to those W,t . t4t . At . V .-.
absorber, • , tl/00
theurill . tar longlir. •.•, ; - . . 4 ,, .! ;,-,,
I fek nipallid4o relieir
LA no Lioht arilid ,14 4i gn
Toy unul your . _ wm "V
us.- -
"Xy dear, remember wrist i .t 4 e tot*
you. dome of these day* yob.; he a
mother. Boomers liar , -eareilsi Gish* se4
&liras eli w iThim.k. for
-V4l l - h M e kir. thous:. AR 7.7"4. 141 ,
cares sink rhsor ioto u ittiriAers, ,
or give theta over tb ti mime. upon
you hut* fllifibHilivese.-inw greet
their boirpiwurt, loth bare sad beer eafter-L
I beg you will gOte—"
Jae& st =Ube cock. crew loud
ly. They at' my l elbow was still. I
inoiroul the vbekingehalv was ernir
tY, the had vardabbi.
Cattinut's Droont+ALSJAgolar Story.
the followinqw published several
=ago, and we ' eve coeeetied °rig
ht= the pen , aWashington let-
Ow limiter: We rori it on account of its
amen' and oositueed it to
the atteatioa of tlio : leoton Mercury:
The other murnin , at therbfeatfist ta
We, our friend, the on. John Cahoon.
'seamed very nine% troubled and out of
spirits. Youhnow he is altogether a ven
erable man, with a, hard, stern, Scotch
'nib litee,softened in its expression around
the mouth by a sort 'of sad smile, which
wins the hearts of all who converse with
hint. His hair is snow white. He is tall,
thin and ampler. Heraminds you very
Wirth of Old Hickory. That he is honest,
no one doubts ; be has sacrificed to his fa
talism his brightest hopes of political ad
vanoement—haa offered upon the shrine
of that necessity which he worships, all
that can excite ambition—even the l'reei,
limey of the United States.
But to my story The other morolog
at the breakfast-table, where I, an uleii,
served spectator, happened to he ph4rrit.
Calhoun was observed to gaze freituintb
at his right hand, and brush it with hi,
left in a hurried and nervous manner. II
did this so often that it. excited at tentioi I.
At-length one of the persons composing
the breakfast party—his name, 1 think. is
Toombs, anti he ls ft member of Oingretim
from Georgia—took upon him.. 11 1,, a-k
the oecitanon of Mr. Calbotufa 1..
"Does your hand pain you ?" 11.•
- To this Mr. alhoun replied IN ralti.-1
tharr.sed manner--" Pshaw ! lt ,• ii.,l 1, u, !
Only a dream which I had la-it wiat, und
which makes me Beo perpt•t/13/1
,black spot—like an ink-blotch- thy
.bank of my right hand. An 4 , i.tteal illu•
!salon, I suppose."
Of course these words excited t!"• cur•i
oeity of the company, but no oue v,•ntured
to beg the details of this sitigu I Lr .Irn•aul,
until Toombs asked quietly—
" What was your dreaut like• I'm 'Lot
very superstitious about dreams , I.ut
times they have a good deal ..f truth lit
"But this was such a peculiarlt
dream." said Mr. 1 ' 111h1:11111, 11g11111
the back of his right hand : ••11,va,-ver, if
it does not too tuhch intrude
u l seu th e
time of our triends,l will relate a to ).iu
lelcoursee the company were pioilise in
ther expr-sions of anxiety to know all
about, the dream. in los singulat ly -weet
voice; Mr. Calhoun relsetod it
"At a tat-e hour heat night, a- I I%a- sit
tine in my row]] engaged en writing, I was
aatonished by the entrame of a visitor,
who entered and without, a %t r' t. a a
seat opposite tne at tn tahli -tit:-
prised me, 1/A I had given porta ular 01 , 1. is
to the %en .int that I should on iiii
dimturiKA. 'rbe manner in %%hi, It the
intruder entered, so perteeth
eel. taking hit seat opposite iue, a tilt a
word, as though my an.l .ill N‘ hi II
it belonged to him, excited in me as ntuel;
surprise as indignation A- .1 nit
head to look into his teatures, et the top
of my sloidealantp: I , liheo‘..l - , a that I,
VMS wrapped en it thin cloak, whieli tieel.
lastly concealed bib face and te.dttre- front
my view. And as 1 raised my
What are you writing, v'nrtt„r 11,m
South Carolina''
I dad not thank of hisa itnp-rt 111V11 ,. ..
!init., but answered him dolma:tray :
" I am writing c.plan for the ,11-4ilittion
of the American Union (you know gentle
men, that I am expected to produce a
plan of dissolution in the event of epriain
eon t ingelwieg
• To this the intruder replied'.
coolest manner possible :
" Senator from South Carolina, will you
allow me to look as yourhan4l.—vourrialo
handvile r
rnse, the cloak fell, and-1 lieltetd
his face, gentlemen. the sight at that face
struck rib , like a thunder-cap It was the
face of a Brad anti, cahoot extraordinary .
events had called hark re life. The lea
tures were those of General Osorge Wash
ington: yea, gentlernien. the intruder was
none other than George Washington. 'lie
was dressed in Rerolutionary costum.•.
such us you see preserved in the Patent
I Alice."
Here Mr. rilhoun paused, appairoth
much agitated, His agitation, I need not
tell pan, was shared by the eompany.-
Toontha at length broke the embarrassing
pause, "Well, w-e-1-1, what WaA the
this scene Mr. Calhoun resumed
"This intruder, as I have said. rose and t
asked to look at my right hand. A" tho' 1
1 had not the power to pekoe, I extended I
it. The truth is, I .felt a strange thrill 1
pervade tne at hilt touch ; he grasped it
1 and held it nesir the light, thus- affording 1
me full time to examine every feature of
his face. It was the 'face of 'Washington.
Gentlemen. I shuddered as I beheld the
I horribly dead alive look of that visage. M-
I ter holding my hand' fors moment, he
looked at me steadily and said inn quiet
" a !
"'And frith this light band, Senator
from Carolina. ou would sign your name
to a paper declaring the num' &waived?"
" I answered in the affirmative. Yes:
said I. 'if a ariaix contingency arises. I
will sign my name to the Dechwatiott of
Dissolution.' But st that mothent *black
blotch Appeared on the back of my hand,
an inky blotch; which 1 seem to see even
now. .'What is that r said I, alarmed,
knew not why, at the blotch 'oh my hand.
" 'That' said he, dropping my hand. is
the mark by which Benedict Arnold is
known in thie next world.'
'tile said no more, gentlemen, but drew
from beneath hisclosk an object which he
laid upon, the tahle--144 it upon the very'
piper slam liitich„l was writing. That 451).
,sect, gentlemen, was a siceleten.
" ' There,' said he, 'there are the Vines
inaellaYsev's who els lititititi Chitties
tog by She British. lib eve hls life in
order to ii44llsh the lTnieti, When you
.put low name to; a Utsl.lotl ofDissolu
tion, why_you. may at , well hare the bones
of 7 ne. lsoilese joc
erskyn_u. B; he waitt here it South
w ha et Was
it VII bane
" WALAhsee word. e. lititider telt the
Mugs I started blip& *sue ike 'contact
with the dead mans bones
Worn out by labor, Ihad figlln sileep mid
been dreaming. We s it hc4 a singular
AU the OOPPIIII enstreved In the Oft
alive, asul Toombs mut}exisd, "Statute!,
very singular." at the same time looking
- ~.t,
la I
si: o nR• ,
rr at the [beck at, Istcrigiat 4E4
while'llr.: Calbetut lima be-
&hawk t. (
. • two justhense.ofhif POI=
with his own charaift A .
w -o>E Inconceivable' taps tiriduriio
4 efirieinainiug rues pf When
• devialre -- from Artist
71 77 r . inent he should ask=
ord llth?Affikfivednrchir
on Misr'
4 I of sunning worth to a year% man to
been R pure'ntind t for this is the fonada
lisivbfa character. The
o inis44.• ‘ . is tor,
s e empioroa in
f thimt, ich
A .vh
ebeiteed, laud'elevethig. Then
'• • tAllid 'het in nitwit power the mien ,
• . itaithenseeofareditaticm.,, Ifyrollth
ly .kpew how durable and how
is the injury produced, by the indulgence
o thoughts—if they only yeah
iwfrightful were the moral deravi
tlea which a sharisheethabit of loose melt
tion produces on the soul.-,they would
than them as the Utte of a serpent. The
?owe% of books to excite the Imagination
as al' 'did element of moral death when
employed eyed in the service of vice.
w cultivation of an wish* elevated,
and glowing heart, alive to an the beauties
of nature and all the sublimites of truth.
invigorates the inteneet, gives to the will
inchipendence of baser passions, and' to
the affections that power of adhesion to
whatever is pure, end good, and grand,
which is adapted to lead out the whole ea
turn of man into these scenes election and
impression by which its energies
most appropriately employed, wade., by
which its high (leativatinn may be most
effectually reached.
.Z.n ,
The opportunities of writing these f
Oka in benevolent and self-denying ef
forts for the welfare of our fellow-me:l, are
so many and great that it is really worth
while to live. The heart that is truly
evangelically benevolent, may ltrxnrate in
an age like tin-. The promises of God are
Mexpressibly rich, the main tendencies of
things so manifestly is accordance with
them, the extent of ruoral influence is so
great, and the effects of ifs employment so
visible, that iyhoever expires after benevo
lent action and reaches lorth for things
that remain for us, to the true dignity 'of
his nature, can find free -colas for his in
tellect, spit :d1 inspiring theinc+ for the
heal t.
1..11,1.xa. , .!—A gentleman 13
not tu. t,i) . ,Nou acquainted with eat
.A. 1.1 • tikittette- of life. ear, and
~, eietv, able to ,k and
nvw.• In the 'world without. awk
wartiuess ati.l ti..o trout habits. winch arts
vithlAt. Kilo L.te. A gentleman i 3
some. h 1... v oul this : that which
ho. to
I. .7 , L i e.t.e and ts.tinement,
?opt , p.,wer 14easing, is the same
To :, A I the rn',t. 01 every Chris
tiAn he th..tightful desire of
, Loin: .• It tvtubl that
r• : him Ilels constant
leo ni.l.e l how he may give
p ...,,t/r1• to t , liit•r:, 14 , 1' t 111. I.' sense of
h l'Apeet fur
others he iii void hurting their
feelina- 11 licit -..piety he seru
puloo-ly 14cert on- the iseotfop and rela
tion evert cne , tt ith N 130111 I 1 , . brought
into o‘ottat t, than he I,tpy gi%e t. each his
due honor. hi. 10-ition t lie stud
ies how he iii.l .IN opi touching in eonver
sation •i i l, l i rt 111 need
lessly hurt their feelings. how he übiy ab
stain from am alio-ion which io.iy call up
a disragri 4-r otl.•tisi‘e association. A
iilloilc- to, net er even
appear. vori.ei ,, tt. ”f any 1,1... anal defect,
bodily defortultt. uurl, m ty of talent, of
of reiiiibit mil n, tile I.n.r,outts whoa
:newt) lie I.l.iii. lie never assumes
any Ntiperi,.t , : . . 1.. :ills-. :r -never ridi
enlisiii. nevcr . net .•r boasts never,
make. a ilisplat ol hi- own power, or rank
er a- I- implied in ridi
cule or Fall'.l-.1,11. ‘4l" -- a. he never in
dulges in tr or inclinations
which nutv (me fi;•tp.iVe to others.
_ .
Tim Comic Slot or Lrrs. • .•.. •
certstatly tio• groutt•st. "institution" that
outi, 11... Will AS
It.; \ 1. 11.• 11 , 1 WC' 4ont,tim,...t find the
eothio n i cpq strangely
lruPl ni Ilan 1 1',.51.1.• air oft en m ak ie to
laugh t+hru th \ 4 -1111 Wt.elo, Th..
I.lltl .K.ll tft •111 , 1i11) to us most inop.
Plllllll4 I'. • •10,11111. , (1):Me1
Übe It, it c•ii I tire tlnemoot
:tutpint n nt tin , work!. They
ne‘er log:int laugh
; 7111' I entertain a
pr , f , .un I e , nternin lur humor
,tnif , in., Inn , anernoon, when
the 1101.1 m• %%ere uncommonly
M. till. , I. hi- nett into the gal
lon. nue, ahonginal -whoo
crop." 3121 i•t“.11 11 .-- e•orrie hon'eitie (hit.)
lord wouldn't tit\ or tiii with a thw)
eutuit hung.
ho rt t II N....(l tutp.hire. a
few year. • 'hoe. nn ut.hrt•td,,l borrowed a
trQl. 6 ilVol' W 0011 ! , .1 WORT' :It fu
hersh Ile had !,.t been acco-totned to ear•
ryiligta watch lavi mad. , a rAtlter absurd, dis
1. 1 .5‘ ot the t During
the Inn,-ral thf- fuller
tnoto nor. ex , I t , shuig out the
wit , 11 , :e every few -mo
ments, 11,1 . Nu:01)
ext, 11-IN tt t...• I ,t , • he took
t ilret . \\ 11 , 11 %k
Y „ , tt le It
A • I —'('he
u,,r,l• r • i 1.., .1 . . 11 , 6 ollf e find
in the l'oilla, .11 :1,, ' No. 141)3. Free
in.‘ll 1,11,,,it, v.s, Eliza A
1%•at,r6..11-.• .11i "Let' —cause
rI , Vl , ll'ne , in theesse
it appenred thnt t nit -exalted
inizly pious - tc.vlllalt. alt,l that %Lie left. hem
husband On ~ t 1,1- profanity.—
Judge Appleton -a el -boob' show her
piety in :1 I , ecotning rwinner li Y returning
to her hu-hand—that had no excuse
for leaving him snit that if she continued
to desert him alter this, nothipe could be
recovered of I,tw for her !tulip:wt. The cir
cUtust.ttice. 111 Ow viuw ct (9. , not sufficient,
in his mind. to warrant him in decreeing
a divorce. Ltt.el dismissed.
ociecessisc Bosoms AND 01IMILV TUAT £
"FRIIIINERAL."—WiIist a remarkable man
is fir. A ris.‘n Burlingame about barest:
His orator) is ale ays runnincrn . bosersts!
A long tbiw ago he told his compan
ions that he had put his hand into the 6v
son . o f hiasecichusetts and found how her
heart beat on account of the colored peo
ple. Then he got tired and he told the peo
ple that whenever he was weary. he went
end laid his hem' on the ;seem of the North
End." Just before the election he promis
ed all the con•cerv.itive: that Abraham Lin -
coln, if elected Pre pleat, would lay his
hand upon the palpitating heart of the
South and soothe her into peace Of
course Abraham moat put his hand into her
Gwent to get down to her, heart.
And novr we have the crowning Goaeraing
of Mr. ll'erlingitine in his very last speech
on Friday night at the Music Hall, where
senator Wilson, in the character of Mark
Antony, made his luiwral oration over the
dead dody rrf Anon. and Anson himself,
with u modesty peculiar to the "moat elo
quent champion," as Mr, Wilson calls
him. "returned lira heartfelt gratitude to
his friends of the Fifth Diatriet for having
given him an opportunity of returning
the blow when a hand "smote the roAite 60 ,
scot of Massachnsetts !" This is the first
time Mr. Burlingame has desingnated the
complexion of the lady, and we are oblig
ed to him, for apt calling it the colored bo-
ISOM I.—BO/tem P(44
• learHon. H. R. Strong, of Philedelpoa.
died at the St. Lawrence Hotel Wednes
day afternoon last.
. 1, - volep
I•.‘, peel
-- I 7. , r /and