Oa the let inst., by Re,. J. B. Pressley, Mr. i f D OLDS, of Mißeres*, to Miss HANNAH fi)EINSO.N. of Summit. In Waterford, on the lath inst., by the Rea. T T Bradford, Mr. SAMUEL REA, Jr., of Springfield, to Mimi PHEBE M. daughter of William Vincent, Esq., of Waterford. On the 9th inst., its Union, by Rev. R. F. Keeler, Mr. SAMUEL J. FARGO, of Fairview, Aire CHRISTINA MOSIER, of Millcreek. on the 29th ult.,by Rev. A. Dunn, Mr. JAS. t. 81..088 to Miu ELIZA WHITE, both of OF Irani DZATHEI. on the 12th inst., LIZZIE, infant daughter ot L B. and Julia E. Chevalier, aged R weeks nJ 2 - days In Girard, Sth unit., Mrs. URANIA, wife of Roswell Dewey, agid 34 years and b months In Milloreek, on the 20th ult., at the reel .] once of her father S. B. 1 5 . Zack-, Mrs. t.l.k R AH ANN, wife of John M. Ahlatrand, of this city, aged 22 years 3 months and 3 days, o-gam'o ?utvtribitattuto. TWO OR THRE OUNO MEN AN be accommodated with day boa rd C In a Print* Family by applying to A. P. Eirrrov, at this Alm Location nutria. Nov 17 WEtiT PARK JEWELRY STORE!! Now receiving , • Lino assortmoot of • I oCKa, WATCHES.BILXICR AND PLITICD WARE LADIES' PANS, COMES, iIETICCLID3, AND !FANCY ARTICLES OgNERALLY A rplrudid Stock of diralrable Gonda for thir Holliday trais Jewelry and Silver Spoons manufactured, and Watches "'pained as aaual la the best name[, u J . C. BURGESS & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, NO. 7, BONNELL BLOCK. .VTATE ,STREET, THE ATTENTION OF DEALERS IN (IRO_ CERIES IS REQUESTED TO THE LARUE AND GENERAL STOCK OF THE ABOVE NAMED HOUsE IT INCLUDES NEARLI EVERY ARTICLE REQUIRED IS THE ORO CERT TRADE nov 17-21 To Persons out of Panployment. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL THE Sill SE.IIIO MACISIXS —Ws Will alts a Coonsis. non, of wages at kora $l4 to $6O per month, and expenses pun ?big le a new Stischioe, and so simple in lts con .traction that a child 01 10 years an learn to operate It by halt an b.ur'. Instruction. It is equal to ant Family Sewing Machine in use, and the prise is but Fifteen Dol We. Persona wtaLing an agency will address • J N BOY LAN, Secretary trio Sewing Machin* Company, nue 11-41w24. MILAN, OHII) MONEY ! MONEY! Tsome Person who w ishes Edo 1,10) went fur the wititer, a most extrsortisary chance te Dow offered. The party would be required to can vass on. o r two counties with articles, some of which every family to 'he land make use uf. This is positively the most extra ordinsiry.oller. Poor health is the only reason for the swentics. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. 0N E valuable road or fait in II ors P, light Democrat Wagon, s ith Pe.lltnC Korea and r..p, a nearly new cons horse harness and buffalo robe or ritlirr the above, cash or angenotinned iterivite wiil dirposeil of by the .oth nr 23th lust Addrrft% I/ E. N au..4 K R 1, , Erie, Pa , with name, &Admit*, and •tatapet., repay answer , 1% 1 —'lei HEAD QUARTERte; MEI tali` 000.65. HAYES & JORDAN, AT Tfik VA lljr V 6, 01 P • - 441 N : • • . ' OI I ir w --- _ • ~_ , • ....... 15 .... dr:5.,1(.401r1:1-r.S-•' W0''.....: ''.....: • :`, f. • r , : IL: i• - *" 0... , . • --;.. - No 1, Brown's Hotel rpening, this day, at retail CLOTH & BEAVER CLOAKS, LATEST MA KB STY LICS rvm n twat Carter ..n.l Tra•o Baby. to thr Lewd pnr. HEAVY CASTOR BRAVKR CLOTHS, Flr CLOAKS, from 'LSO to $6,00 Fine Heavy Black Cloths, For CLOAKS, ►ll qualities ►od CUAI WOOL LONG AND SQUARE SH AW ror Luton sad Mimes, from ON* to VI \ K Dollars Pne•, ia bnautltul coloring sad eancta 10,000 Yards Lakst Styles Dm% Goods !!! Soroe Entity.ly Nvw Nelms FROM YIVE To TWENTY FIVE CENTS REDUCTIoN, Elairast Plain ao4 Paris Printed oaf Flgurr4 Ottaooao Velours, Kept Parts Printed Iteriooes, Ftieb Coloring and tbo latiot Two Cases Hamilton DeLaines, (7051 FINED • STY LES HIGH COLORS, AT 12% CENTS PER YARD Dress 181113._ (PROM 25gr..1'10141.) Five to Twenty-Pt,. Cents • yltrd deduction 2 Cases of Dark Madder Prints! Colors Warrantad Fiat. at O a Cents per rar CASES WAMSUTTA BLE/CH'D MUSLINS At 11,g Gents per y r rd, worth 17 Coots. ISW WIRLES NUMMI WORX. LINEN, CLIMRIC sad MUSLIN 81113, COLLARS, to Evory conansakda style and law of Ladies' and Misses' Glove. and Hosiery, foryiater Wear ! tuu DOZ LADIES' ♦ND LISSES' WORSTED Bl)S jam' Ire would Nay to oar Meade semi the Coati Trade oserally t hat every ankle found la our stock will be .141 erne lowest pease to be lowed la ills city, ead we have very malty Job and Auction punted's must wider 'titular price. n0v.17-24. HAYLS Ar. JORDAN Methodist Episcopal Church is Erie, SALE OP PEWS. , NIPICE is hereby given to the friends of the Church awl the pattliiinemer. ally, that the Peva or Feats of the Noto aura ittiator, tnal{" at the south met ember of Seventh and tlaaeahaa idreeM Vie, belonging to the Society abour named, Tell! o. offered for sale at poblit madam, Da the Prilgiuleate're. .aid, On Monday November lab, 1040, eommemelne at 10 o'clock. 4. TERMS OF gait —Afaeorditeg to the pm/tapes of the Charter of Interpolation of eshigoeiety. seed will be &Eh rou nand at Um* WA place of sale aforreaakel. ff R.—Prompt attendant, .ID the pat of all alarcuall requested. by order of the Tratateoa J. RAI4BON. see, Dovxr—m. J B. Joassom, &ticker G2B. DR. W. V. ReBLIGHTON • Bolo:tie Phi skijan it Otatimbnio elarge",. WOULD respectfully inform this oinsens of Eris lIISII ha annreaading asantrl s that be Imo taboo up his reeldown is this wily, for 60 1 torpoos of practicing hi. proton:inn . N.. 111 bold Mort! is mmillowe to muter Wall coils is voila! practice, and at the male_ _UM. win_ pto ellisdal attention to th• treatment of the IrTM sad .a.Ait. Ile condom Mama strictly to the Mobil: l Z/ rejoating.Mereury in all it . farm; Amnia. Af ofilasa on Ittoodhouog. as haat/slugs sad assohmtillo Fps has earnestly sought to *Wiry hhomilf to era the Ey. and bar the beat sad swot saiostille tiost sow In ties bands of the probssios. to which end he has as qoainted biased with tha West matte. of both the Old and N.. School wittota dpos the ifriaad fat. M l = area Watson.% onnahrta la lii 1 apgatio• of Vapors, introduced* the ewdstaitt %Wait anrgoosa A. Turabail, of LosAiills nod Pradie..lZri twilit In pars! toisti Mumma, in enrittritstula of Winding s b and aser, the use of W Miordrielty. lad the la inlaintratica of or sapporting No The swoon which am ovarywher• Saxe swatinest apanius in naatatatabla 11.0.111 a . . as superior to arty other now - • ; Die it is claig (donna, on patients wb• had ed of relief, are sadielent imamate* to the mot:Moog and patronage M now solleita, oughly eogogintrd with this branch of the AU an spiritist! invited to call at Ms o ,ialltioeit, trier .Cases* Co. .. mires, with taw positive assanaiwas that • meat will In •est that liaanotbs fully at too may alas ho oausaltad at the followitig GIRARD, i'sat Girard Riesse, CONNRAUT,'O,. Tr...mom Rouse, AfiIIiTABULA, it , Houge t .... pAIN K 8 'ILL 0 HMSO,. _ _ At aU othsr Woof h. insy he oossalied Kele, Pa. Those desiring to consult him so by enelostrig • Wmp and dimwits; to DR. W. V. It BLIGLIVOR. Rria, I.r It would subjoin the testimony of ► few penions who have stated their oorshdetios la hint In the following bnef artists. We toe undersigded most heartilyl'add our testi mony recommending Dr. Blighhen to th• sainted, ay one In whom expereance has taught ha they may place Ills as confidence, as being on Ophthalmic and Aural Sur geon of superior MAU, and •hose opinion may he regard !..ed'ea candid and Ws by all who may desire to remelt him A. W. SIKAWILft. quinsy. N.:Y. S. R. TINKER. WeetSaid. • A. BRADLEY, " K RICK, ' " R. P. IDORRION, ** n0r.17--1724 T. M. A reITTN Tlf ES E delicious and far-lamed Bitten are reemnmonded by the Arse Mord°lasi of taw comatry, ~ n account of *bolt rvarry AND GMAT MEDICAL IRTVIL They are pleasant as !wets, to the taste, and are pro nounced the OW Tofu . AND STtyrL•NT Mitt 4klrtilar , TO THE ?CUM ERIE. PA Their &Avatars were in ease, of GEN REAL DLBILI TV, LOSS OF APPETITE. CteNST/PATION, etc, ant nn• pa:M1*44,4,8.nd as a gwarentee that we feel wazrautod LO claiming .bat we do. no he; leave to state that ore lia seettoMi ar. endorsed he Prof. MILI IM AN, of Yale Ciao... Prof. HA of Illaosrbasetto. sod tinoereefe of othere Fee Sate by CARTKR k RR°, and by drawee. Wine Merchants, and Drogitets generally. ao• 17-1.24 Printed French Merinos. SMALL FIGURD; High Colors, just re veived, 3 Tartoni, Cheap, al HAM) k JORDAN'S ——-- - - - SUNBURY &ERIERA/LWAY. alto gpstiamtimm CHANGE OF TIME ! ON and after Monday, Nov. I'2. 1r tio, a NAIL aad PA-4.410.61,k TI1A114; LEAVIE WAltll.lO4 tat KAM, A. M., dolly, (Sunday except ed) areiving at Roe at 11.13, A. Si. I. XIV IS F. RIK, at 3.20 P. M.. ither arrivat Lake Shure Reads ; & I at Warren at 6.311, Pt M. (r A Freight and areenintodation Train ntll tun ea-h way daily. ( 4 unday except... ) leaving Erie and War. ren rosperovely •t 8 45, A X, •ed 1 2n, P V ; arriving at Erie at 8 LO, P M and at Warren 260, P fl A. Riau K, Sant W 1) Supt.'s oaks, W 11 Erie, *WIO, MO. -.49 . - WANTED. F'' CABINET FURNITURE ILA rash pas ww•ILIs W ELLSEY SNU LI NGE:4 nn C 4 43:111.113- L,n tit it KW each r.y r W ELLSEY._ BED LOUNGES with Spring S:wats, suit sta.- t , . il"usek.oper, •T I ....I 01.'i ',new*, b. 1. . W SPR I N(i BEDS, a Fresh Supply, ,iu,t ar ri,el 61 the late. 4 Immo, meta 14 ►named or ro turnato;e, rinellttiK all oth. re to the market and .el, test ed h- over 100 our own ~h[.o. ',tang from $5.0 earl. by the only authorised areal limb • 14 r g ...ktoek of pare. nett •Lea G.... tisttraera at sl,nn eat h. rash bu l ran he suppled wt wtroleante at P not•rn prices CHAIRS!! CHAIRS!" AT W 111 )1. E.••AI.E PRICES. Rocking t'Aarn„t tan. tavat Chain at 50 errata, r,pl on r..turnimal... G W F.LI.Agy CA BI N El' \V Ai E, Pttict. Futtttturt• total lion .bold Forulturr, BPdatorada, it.. kr , of rood 1111.tert•I 411.1 ih../11111%.1/Ip, at low I r ma., for Ca.a r . m a ” Pat, I tirttilwr, 1 4th sod Loth, trill., by I. W 14. 1 1.1 w o (Irteerl nu 44tate I•trrrt, north .•I 4 .th rtrrrt. Enr. M.. nor I♦—LB. ORDINANCE 011 Frwtch Stre,r fr,•rr. Ihe :stll Jar FittA Street lo lA. S"rth std. ,p• Sypiiire WII Eli E. all tho roWnerr. I.i re a l e , renrh street het een .ht , otb aide .ii Fifth .tre.t snot the nor! b 111,4 e Of the Public square to the city of kris.. have la areortiaara wit the pro...tn. Of the pith section qt the Ast of 19th Werth, IL* entitled supplement to en art to incorporate the rit r of Frie," petition"! the I'f.llllClll , 41%0 1:1,1", to bar. said street paved between the pointli aAaepasJ swath rettiele peva ment. et the ...le rip ,, "11 awl reel the Is. riot t. to bye tat inipoee , l on loud property 1 r the h,..t attke .1 , 1 Ptneet.-4.- Thentiore, SKr I Be it ordained and ....tad 1,, lb.. iL s tor. Oct •nd Comenvin Couneita of the city of t r e, and it is hereby ordain.. and enacted by the isothon• .4 the .amt. That all that portion of French stele. between the soutb stile of Fifth street and the north side of the Pub is be improved by paving the acme with a ventral mode pa...moot, of tee Beene hind and quaint. any Intl in the same meaner as that lately laid on the the t h irty f dr feet In the metro of State street between Fourth add Eighth streets Weald eillf,•ith a curved ,totter ,i t eatiii side ~r mid street, the curbing to he of amine from th to four inch.. In thickness. Irmo eightern to teeMt ocher ID width. and of ronvenattit length f r has i dlitt, the whole width of said parecooni from cart.-amt. eerh atone to be thirty-six feet, the stone to be 4.1 theb4st quality of payitog atone, ranging in 1.120 from tiro to bear mottos in thulioess, Nen four to MI mehee in width, acrd • eight inches loug, met upon rod, the coorws of the Maori to run at right angles with the Ilse of the street, the whole to be laid in• hid of gravel and coarse sand of suit- Mile depth and tralehmesa,... Sic. 2. That the seeond Wetion of the ordinance for paving State street from Pourth.to Eighth street, approll-', ed Jely 26. 16bb , baud the eanidlia hereby ni-masted sod . , ordained as a part of this ordloaace with the same foetid and 'fleet as tf the same were apsetally .1 forth at length herein. Bac. 3 ttrttaloottl and exacted this ern kitty ot kloseto4 ber, A. D. IMO. Fl. 8111TH , flavor Attest, J. F Dooms°, Clerk of Select Cottoett Wu. Tiourroß, • • conmon ooe.lo-23. . Co.Partnanau CARTER New Firm. M° Sr lI:ELLO4G IHAVE associated with me in the (}I:Y may and Provision businees P Y 1iCK1.1.04141, in the business Rtil besmear be onennetett tn the name stile gt 11/CARTER k KELLOGG. Ir.rio, June 11,1116a-1 JOSEPH IIeCARTER SUGARS! Bbls. Coffee, Crushed. Granulated and Powdored Baru , ebessor Utast elseirberoort ,Inne9--ta luximthikcAT a sacKnars. CLOAKS & MANTILLAS. HAYED k. JORDAN will open this day The Latins Paris Novelties in Blatt •nd Drat. Cloth and Baer, Shaeletta, annioers, Arabs, Jantaltero. /Ike., one third cheaper than regular piens, HAMS AND HOMINY. J. RAXSON tI sow rearm trap Curaneeto • chole► let of Roger Cured Rene, aid as e Ol the caw WIPP Fkat Floaday. Call et the Jane 11, 180-1. GROCERY DEPOT. CRRPRIDIL Painting, Paper Hanging, Glaz ing, &0., L... TH E Subscriber begs leave to inform the powr that he bar purshased the bedews of the late lino /WORST b Bairns, sad is prepared to execute all Jobe of Painting. Paper Flariging, ac id Glazing with •tticb lb. public way furor hire In sore.. neunier and at each priors as reastot hal to please. tie also destive to return thanks for the very liberal paps image szteeded to the lateen:l2 and respectfully eolieitaa 000111DIWBOO of the saws Sal the boot accounts and !emir/eine the bit' Gra will be settled by the undersigned. anclll-11 tnWkRD GRIMM I CASE, 2,000 yards, 1 2HINTS PRINTS, poetise colon, ladoa Idyls of pitiartii, for 10 eta. per yard, rood rale* 124"; Cl. may& VIXeItNT. 11BRALS, MURK St CO OYSTERS ! OYSTERS ! Liß. PLATT It CV., AHEAD _ e •OF COMPETITIO lir,—The well known O . titles of this house is eaffiebeat guarantee '‘..... that it to well prepared ~ Aor the Oyster trade for the seams nrild and ill- There rag always beamed at their Depot between Brown's Elo.„el and It• id Houma, a largeutoek of the celebrated Baltimore and Fair Hama Oysters. is ker. and cum, fresh , from the bode. Families, Salamis sad Parties supplied_ Persons la neighboring woos or dering. will receive the goods by the drat express, and they will be !nowt MAI sad fresh. ihepthk— L . R. PLAIT k CID. THE Erin County Agricultural Sority hereby gime notice that by Reffelstfan gamed at the regular aneettng of tb• Managers, Re annual Yam Ida hereafter lee held ou the first • Wednesday, Ttureday and Friday emmeeding the I,4th day of September of each and event- year, abieb Hll brit g the next manual Fair es the latb,littb &IMMO' dawdle( September, ted•. mow 11-4.22. A. A CRAIG, Seey. 1 . (X) BOTTLES of Hosford's Prepars den for preserving dder. hid received by esev&-112 CARTZRA OLD SACHEM BITTERS EEEI WIGWAM TONIC II OT/ell NEW - STQ'E .A331131.14JD FALL AND WINTER GOOD! FursWNW dims Om Great Pall in Prima. No. is Um; darts iskselosslini* 110 tas‘eit mid Obey est Btoek over M.d M 'the *WAS, 1. Yds soissty Air twit limit . fwbe• in Comma sea for thaw onosarygo- Dr. and pLo• THERE IS NO USE TALKING!!! N *v. St. lily anamerous easterners set ea Maas moot mad shin bi mappliatat Irk ai Go Xi awry Vas si soy otbr rinsbilaliaistia ads fey. comas Otiara, CicozziA. AL= I sod eats ado loot at my Poet of RICH DRESS GOODE% SESELAECEII, BROCADE, BLACK, PLAIN, PAL DE BE IM AI.D vsslisse IPSylas el MOURNING BILKS, I j atest sate. of CLOAKS & MANTILLAS, CLOTHS, CASSDIERES, A. FLANNELS, IRISH LINEN, DAMASKS, IRRIKAO AID 0100000 PRITIIk ZEPHYR, %ORSTED, BOSSY, DOMESTIC GOODS I Alan, 10-4 BLUE sod wmm ISLAMISM, of Good Atria and Finish at Low Priam at " R. S. MORRISON'S, PA 11 A OtoN BLOCK, no' 3-22. FALL TRADE, 1860. BUY EITOVICS lAIRILP ! -AT- I3ARR & JOHN RCS, OLD FOUNDRY, State Street, ERIE. VAVO TIUMIABID STOVES!! hano" stitch wttl be sold at prises FAR DILLOW say "Illarr ssitris.. BARN or ILSILWARIItr Is Mt Rtodt tbere as a Fan Assorttoset o LEVATED OVENS. DIVING FLUB, iI'ARLOR • PLATE, Coal. °like and Sheet Iron Regulators. •1.0, FULL ASSORTMENT OF PLOWS !! Amotur whtett are the ELLSWORTH, right and left hand. known am the Eris Co. Fresno= Flow, Warren . ' PATltter CHIEFTAIN IKON BEAN, tbs Lightest Draft Flow tu um% sod Warranted to give Satunfaction A 1.., thollttaburgh °unbar King,W olwaribe,.l Dutcher, be. SLEIGH SHOES an Sisal KETTLES from 1 to 120 GALLONd TIN W A UN-...A FULL A1k4411 lig TNI UNT BUILDING CASTINGS ILiDk: TO ORDER OIL PIPE CONSTAIFTLT OR lI.A.VD rir COUNTRY PRODUON. LUMBER, BRINGL" takea io or:chants at tb•blirbaot matte( Naas. CABN a NO CASK 'Wooed. Call and am Er NO CRAYON YDR SRO WING 600D$ .A..2:171/MOSISZCOST 311M11111111111 a Frio, N ONLY PREPARTION Having Proofs so strong and direct as to EXPEL THE DOUBTS OF .A.L.T... Tor Statesmen, hid iis„ Umbers, Physicians od the *M eet schools am nen se Deo, she it their nasinaGSed mac Mon, and roommnieekd it Me MI awe d ornptions. sad &imams of the scalp ead Male; bet MI who have need it snit* in testifying that it will mmerve Ue hair bum be. log gray, and bons hillims to may mia, ea well as notooe 'Road the folloviter Oak Grove, It C.. Jana bdtb, 2160. Poor. 0..1. Woos, Dear Sir —Your Hair Restorative nipsdly gels*, popularity la tbls onsamealtry. I You bad occasion to lay mnfiladles aaida. and give your Heir Autorattee • perfeetat. Dairies tie year 1 I was eo safortesians as to be t brown from my sulky against • rook war tbe roulnies, from obtelt my bead reesturi a mut terrible titom; maw tok a great deal of beitakismi vblsti wassiosoitotad to Rio break sag mental surface of rite kore4, from tbe ellietteof whisk my lair was Really dostrarwl over Ow astir" sor ollbo bean. Runs the time I fast dlowerrorwl Ih thopplog, however, up to tie slue of its totaldiaappouslisa, env ploy ad rrrorythlog 1 **ski Walt sc betaig • probed* al mac, Woolf. sad, as I tao , lo4woWlwatood the sotoro..ot the disease, bet was holly ROOM be every pnesriptbse advanced. Then inn so other oirsesmitasime twisted as to resort to your worthy flair Restoriales, width I ham owswy los now to believe, printemid a very _loopy molt: two swoutbs alter ties first appltuttlow,l hod as boauStfol a Mad if young hair as I ever saw, ter wide! I assitabay oweyes my most damp, thanks. Rost amend, Sou Dlr. I shall riementiond year nasty to all laquirws; morswole. I lion am my Infloorom, white I flatus nyotiflo say, is not a 11 Yoe eon *Ask Udell thioll o rr tor. Tears,Tears,Mlmo ; 1111 fill Sr, IL D. Ofleo of the Jolersariers. MOO* Vbe Bili 6 l,9A__/s o * Dear t-1 feel it ay ditty ea sell as wi tch ni , state to you dm folio orisg dreemetesee, yos sa l uss or yon thisk proper. • peewits sett& sleek lairyer,) has tees bold sear doom hie earlym DO N. tibia he was asospellad to wear a gip Se wee ak; Weald to we • bottle of year ilbar Iterientiot," kip liked very mach; sad after eves tore or three iostries his hair grew oat quite brzerisally, oar be sow hiis a head. BOUM head of hair. The gemitiossal seam is brattorr, &oaths is my sell lotorala ear sdielabur amistiss, may Persons ate test* to Is the um* of this firalsort; vim We at tbo soot of Kr. Illesdord You sae bell • rreeS duel of your Plostarative ible sod the ad jamas rooottor lir you have theeroser siyestea 'roars, he., 111W84711611*01t. Ds. Wool), Dow Strr-Pratt se to 'Apron Hot Wigs tions I us oodles tor tiss mars sembsystioa of sty tisk to Its original color; about tits time or ay &Myst la tie United Motes itlois afar!lootsfasii rob bet epos tho appiisstion a your "Hair Hoolsoninve It gal its Iota& luso. I 000sbier you Hostorottos as • woo woods:lW la ~Wm. quitosaisidoos as troll as sotoolibic THALAMI. The Restorative is put up In batiks et titres sisee, rig WV, medium sod smali; Qs moll bobliaJd retells for Dee dollar per bottle; tits umidleal kale ttsew ty pus met. more Fs_ preporties Uwe rseell, retells ter two dollar;per botle: the lame beide • vase forty per tent. more to proportion, sod retells for three per bottle. 0. 1. WOOD & CO., Proprietor*, 444 Broadway, ?ire Yort, sad lid Motet desist, St. Aed sold by ill good Druggist' sad Vasty Deeds Deal ars. sepal—blearly. MR. WILLIAM WILLINGi ly attend to el gills Ibr PiA.llO TQiflll6, eltber himself or through Illr JOHN !ZXW*GA, ma weft &lobed Moo Tuner and Weiiitaiteier Ms hib. Ale may enestsetly be toned et lam. Walker's Meek Stem Wr. W. will boid Weisel!' reepoesible Mr soy work that rosy be dose by dila reatbreilie seder bie emplem. Three Weeks from Guam. 10 RALF CHEM 650 lbe. FRESH TottNO OVISON TEA, (Ltres wombats.* Cantos) at so oats pet poaad, rag vales tit _ ITBIALB, MM.I CO. losill-60 Oa litatik, bortiteas lithaad Mb M. ; -OV SHAWLS & IIARENOEB, EtER,DED FIGUIR, CHEATS, PAMAIII CLOTH & ILVICINS, Noir is tiffs . iinedi le PARLOR COOK, PIANO TVNENG. DRY GOOFS CARPIITIr ANto HotrSZ TIIRRIBRING GOODS TOR PALL TILAIDIBI WIL A. GRISWOLD lam Nis a Tot lariosolliMilaskirsatrlt . Liss/ mum ; POPLINS. 74"- PLAN AXO MUM* . 1111711 LIN DE LAINII4 And:liory saw BM mai ikeirakie offlre a DRESS GOODS! LO% 4111 D SQUIJUL smoinus ♦nn CILOALII Ol liTialr 1111002WrION t I) ; 4 :►r_l = 11111BROIDUIES MID Lois, munimus, NOSSIST AND GLOM, ELBACHICD ANTI 111110Ws 1111113111:1611 AND 1111112nNO, PRINTS, IC., IC New aid Isastnal Stylise of owl amatins VICLVNT. MONUMA AND WOOL ammmms AID •FD tram DISCIIIUTION ON Itollll/1 PIIRIIIIIEtie GOODS To %Ma absedy Ism, sad laensolag bulkier has bait added the Ihiaaisetere of ti DIZil w1 1 1:4. I DQtr:KIJ Oil 11; i sZfei To Cordless, UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF G. U. ACNE, Nag" TACTICAL TAYLOR, law of Buffalo, N. Y., Emperhield Worimus have ban risployed firr ILNITIF.A.CTUTUNG. NOW IN STORE PLAJX //OD ►iIICY For Fall and Winter Wear. ERIE. ES SHIRTS, COLLARS, CRA VAS, ♦nd r►erl Oda( le the way of Genthuman's nuaiiiiiiiig Goods. GOODS WARRANTED 1 AATISFACTION GIVEN! W ♦ GRISWOLD, e, IL Warble Frost Store, Pato !beet, line, Pa GROCERIES FOR CASH 1 The voilersiiped heeleog tried the credit epees to their ENTIRE SATISFACTION ! ! TURN OVER A NEW LEAF! and sell fircreeries hereafter CHIRAPICA than tb•Cflit Alf- CASH or READY PAY! All of yeds wbo.r. oredslova &ad .11.1).4,4 to dambc eel! sad IMP• bi? tenant IrbOher what no ay la TROTH OR NUMMI Yee who believe sod have the RgADY, ems and g the RELL WORTH 0? YOUR ZOIZT I tot we PLXDOC oatoolvoo to 101 l GOODS to our Rao CHEAPHR THAN ANY orHAR ESTAB- LISHMIINT IN THIS CITY so, 3-11 NOTICE. ALL those having unsettled accounts with es will Orr sad Mei ip wilikoat delay ail oar boolts tus aiarwi sad MOST It •08.13-2 t. - cants /y a Boom WWI= IPAXELY LIQUOR". WM. B. MOREHOUSE & CO, laworturs sad Wltoissolo Nairn la Brandies, lirlass t etes, lb Sega" toreMisvo to con the otteattssaftho Alma etas Vaasa UAW to talk Port Moot sad Liqtamm pat op tram tie* olio sorairialta, lbw Poiskr sad noillottal 1100. la moos agoortod to fait wilAssmo. Calla Law? s ad other polite Boa* wbo *raw to Welton to largo or ratan qatatitioa, la auks at Wan. Ira Ulosoolly dish vita. him Laa .at a il apallostioa. s) Aej ' 347 (qv 4:1 # iiii*Tl Illoomoomboll by tar Inll plikyoloisas tbo boot row =w o o Per Dyffpqrsa, liberootfoia, Debility. sod all Distolos. Asa bomo, it a t mth, wliolosoma, sad &Maim So *be looto. WK. A. 110111:10011Z k i r; Progera. Szoboaga Moo, Jassy City, N.J. r aubocribora wish to owes a Oro setkoio ooro„ so Local mod Ilsoelboir _awaits for Glair boom, to mob= Mara lodoomorato 1.111 to .Is d. Tor portkpalara,_•4- dream as abspiro. • . bed—s !. Stoves ! Stove. ! ! Stoves 1 I I AT THE KEYSTONE WORICE, VIIODT, Trl 3 / I .LL • OEM CO., RESPECTFULLY ask the attention of atl who wish to posahsas *alma Ilrbeambio or MAIN to their opined samortmort et Slasvased Owes, Omn( Ow) OoleaL 'MOM tos Coal we Wood lopravvil talaslea Tap. 'IQ roam* Pram Oak dia alasal, Nam Pam go, Is Coal or Wood. ht /a ha. Ward se C41.0a1. la pad /04 Parise Clata4PMar sad lbw Iran P. ralawassese Pal aa.. kr Mass sad Olkaa Pa Sway be Claualma l esidal Fiat vastoty. ha, ha Ws eardially lairttwoistowisoas so testylosard= I=tidos wo doCr Our. _ atom as aia boa Pa* saa Amoebas troaoseastod la the bad maim. and every Stew iransated Ire do asd bard of saooles ass bald*, uss Nam ea tee in met beep holt tlds oases" la Mosso of our cadets, bat we t all rsammasbla dassawls. 111 Cf, TIORALS, 981111 X I CO, savi—al. as Mats betwoma lltk and 111th Sawa. BRAWLS. LADIES and MISSY lons and Square rase eta weei sale& N sethoit our oateto, will open this day of **Clime Der Goode Room of ..t 13-411. HAM t JORDAN. Atikik I AI FARRAR HALL! MR. DELANO would respectfully g ive Reties to ta. Misses of tele that be sill PPM mopes Ms School lor tbi Isetreedes Toon Lades, bbeesesad Kireen at IARBAR Lute.. nommir itiovitassa aa, 1818116 . IN whisk will be tight tM latestast pert fieblosable Noes& l'omw Whitton 211.211w0r. scholar. DoDoselowt Imo walk to Dowilose eeadlas son Dos ase Sollotar, ono &I. to Nob. Hound loanwittes Mewl fto i Vigo* P. W. Man SCHOOL for 911111,11NEIt Will towtotosai es Woo &ow ivoutog. Boon allsotroo. Dos tor tholihrot Losooso, *owl to 11 - thiloot. root Pow. Worm will to allow of tuition r two lAdy to thstDay sod rowan Woltool. IPwitissr tor Dowilonow at" X. H —2very ilootlosia tatotweitor will to eittltkol to ill Dead town from T top Weis& dart og tb lint. hivate sad portioalono shoo i ty wi V i liAto t. D., Tornot Hall. OIL CLOTHS. A bit 8 Ow* of meson AND lINGLJag MOTIN. CABSIVCRS vggrrwas, ALSO, 123 AND bave coedited to EMU OiWISPY & BOOTH =I Pp, P OD4 11 4e * S1 3111 44 11 4“ ) : e 111 , 4111111M1 MINIM GLCIT. I SPALDINVIS 7UVA tom suit SAPS VIII MOM IMIXI W Y 4 *emu re taw Item Jill j 1 4. deekkeis Uwe nee 0111-tireiefeilfeemaiss It Is very ibosinsbie le - Lave ewes Ai* reavrelret weir tar repoirtag Airsihsee, TWesereolien, eV antonurs entrAarti - mow ail mob kiwi we 'lleem.holhe out "toed to hit wtthwat ft Le etlerve nuedp.aud up to the ettrit 416.PsiPt- UMW* is es lefe .arty tor Ibriplng eeerni, spnatered veseore, hwtea done. wad bteere It Upset lbs ankle for wee. &W. and WO*. unempotal weeks* popular with the Wise et relaemeur sea ark. I "bli a iNd=oar ma Wit .'" e t tro li wo= eftbe Gber. II Zig b. Med 1616 pleas sotilog7 omolloso. babe natty pore ad- Wee. - MINIM TS LIMIT HOWL" P. 14-4 lltreekeeemerealev we bottle. Primal* eta Waolioftio:a aster. N.. SO Purr at, Now Toe. Mime MST O. WPALDDIG • CO, Poi X.. SAO& Mew Destere la Ce;i7reetaislagfeegoilbb, rued besatteet latbevapb Show-Clirt mom otliroi.W.WOßS OLCS i taLballeihOiL ssainm esdl 111~Ireemk, end abbey Gessea mervinettedoeeld mibeseete etIMM, maw= ULUL elope wakisig up the% Tall lit. It win Agit any aorta. SP•LDINS d tilltr•llßD SOS CISIWUL tx Mgt MAW. arAumars raimassa SOLD DT rreriona& sPALoiscrs rirsPAZZD GUM SOLD ST OPM.I:UMni lIPSPAISD PLUM. BOLA BY RAILDWARS DICALICKS tlem.Dixaii PRSJIJUID aLvg, SOLD SY noun rusonsaure STOIULS sraiDniois PRZPARED OLCI, SOLD IT rusatirogs, DRALSAS APAIJNXOII PIMPAJLED GLUZ. O&M it ralmaoong bums. SPALDDIGII PIiSPARED GLUT, SOLD HY GitOCICRS wAlt.trisses raarkzieD OLUZ. BOLD BY COUNTRY 11,ERCHANYS GENERALLY Naas&stand by -- SEDGY C. SPALDING G CO., AAldrosi Tod-011es, Box itio. 3,600. Aomori b as Alplakbottool List of Artielos vbieb, If =may bo Tootonpd to their orlsiool strewth awl 0 by SPALDING'S PREPARED GLIIII • Xis& Aaoolun-Books • B Meads 8U1116114 C moods Cradled D ands Dells • Nude Masers' K ✓ Moods Foos G anew Graters G B Weir Hans I /Wan Iniard Work 1 • Meade Jars K Meads Knob' L Meads L•sterr Work X hawk 211srue-teseb•• N 111•1114• Newei Pews U Meads Grtossaus 0 1' 1,4•04• Piano-Porter. Q Mood. 014-Frames • N•sta Nockles-Her••• 8 21•• S• .3.415 a • Needs V Newt. f ig rre-5111eIrr • litesci• V•see W *moo Weft-Bosom Ne Moo& eds Va 1,11111114/YGs Works rrheelees Z Nimes Zephyr Wood-Work In areal esioa, SPALDING' e. PREP ARK') Gl.l' P. I. earful Is Llborries awl Selioolo 1 8 Yes Sofas 2 P ars 4, Fleury. P 8 A kends Accordeoos A 3 4 I. Mends Lettar Sealing I. 4 5 1) Mends Dasusrrentype Cu..s D S 6 1 Winds lames -- 1 6 7 N Meads New Breakages N 7 3 0 Mends OUP Stock. 1 1 8 9 13 Moods School Books S 9 14 P Mends Parasols P 10 11 11. Kends RIII4III k 11 is is Meads Elsetrical Machines E 12 13 P Meads Paper Hasucings P 13 14 A -Mamas Ann-Chant 4 14 16 k Meads /ticket; Furniture Fl. 15 la B Meads kisser Handle. K In 17 U Meads beaks 11 17 IS t; Mends Globes ii pi 19 1. Meads L. 10001.11141 / ,At VC. I. :u 0 C Meads Upholstered 4 um' ton C •,,,v J h Meads Vurs-Beaters E 21 - Mends Acorn Work 12 Meads Chess Bawds 23 34 Mends Fiddles Si 'A Mends Shell work yo MI Mends Fillet Work 26 27 Mends Hobby Horses 27 23 Minds Kaleidoscopes 28 29 Meads Hooey }loses29 , Meads Picture Frames ati .• 1 Mends ,centuries 3/ Meads V amen as I'4 Meads School Vuraiten 23 Mends Paster Mach. 34 36 14,,u,d, i w ard, obi • 86 36 Mends Partin liartil•sa , kends Criss 81 Mend. Baby Jumper. 33 .• • Mends Ivory Work 761 40 Meads Match Wee 40 41 Meads Pictures 41 42 Meads Quill Wheel. 42 43 Mead. Towel Baas 4$ 44 Meads Wash Staads 44 44 Moods itaisteads 66 1600 Drums 60 47 Mewls Chessama 47 411 Meads Balle3 Moses . 48 19 Meads Matiariaas 6s 60 Maeda ilaaltion Boards 60 44 Maeda Baal 41 611 Meads Black Boards 42 43 Mande Belo Viols 63 " Meads Bilkarti Tabls. 31 66 Maeda itilibud Cale 66 ss Meads Bird Ceps 64 47 kends Broomsticks 07 M liamis Boot Came /18 M slaws Boot Crimps 49 60 Mends Brush Efaixliss Au SI Meads Brushes 01 88 Minds Cabinets . 62 46 Meads Churns 63 46 Meads Clock-Caihe 64 06 Meade Crunches 66 Mends C 4114.1•11112 66 N Meals Curtains 67 . 79 Meads Cardoss 66 TO Meads Caddies 69 71 Mends Camera. 70 72 bleeds Chairs 71 73 Meads Charts 72 74 Meads Clothes-Promos 73 74 Meads Cord-Cases 74 76 Meads Cheats 76 77 Meads Diaries 76 8$ Meade Worit-dbeads 77 N Mrs& Deseaeht-Boarde 73 N Meads Dishes 79 ipp t Maids Divans Mends Dies-Boase SO 81 N Mends DoorsB2 R N 6 ~ - Meade Dohins 84 83 lonian o Memais }lnboards Mead/ Flame • 85 $8 limida Ballastars m $7 Meade Gin/aerate 87 Moods Maudlin - NI 1111 II Wads Gatti Pemba Wane a $0 Mob Nita. 90 111 Meads TMopeod DI *I Moods Oren' N ll2 d( al/ a M Mor eads Saving Machine Stands 114 011 11110411 Nash 96 lg i . Meade Pasteboard•Wor 96 Meads Patters, in NI Moods Sideboard. MI CA Maads Woeoden-Ware Meade Willow Warms 99 109 IIZALDINIII PSIPARICD stem, SOLO BY STATIONERS ItPtLDDIGI/ PKIIPARID GLUT, SOLD HT DRVOGDSTE stALDING'S PIMP4RtD GLITZ, SOLD Bf GROCICRS SPALDUIGS mPAIItD ULCR sow 8i GiaDVARE MASS. • '-ar*Luarsra PRWARSD Gut. aoLD ST MISX VIIIIIIIIOIINO STORSA • SPALDOWS PIZPARSD GLIM :dOLD DT FANCY GOODS DSALS.Ds FIN L.Diara•s rasPAIRD OLEIC, WIZ BT COUNTRY MILIICHANTSOZNERALLT RIMY C. OPACI WIG t CO., Na SO PLATT STRUT. Saw York Post Oiled, Bo: K. 8,600. rat.} la coon ematalatog either roar. ?who Doses efieb— elleempsaying Met' Package Moo*ly. OMITS= ! OYSTERS!! AV MG aocepteei the Agency "r a , to mil OYST2IIB et lteeen.7BßAlt a co., I am aoer neeteieg • merstm e 4 She Awoken it'd, erbteh will be dto pd sedl others ea the meet neseemble terms. X. B.—A Moral diammat made to the Trade. • WM; pes s en t Mutat Chespeide. sopill6-47•1. J. WELSH. 30 PLATT erazirr, New Teak Itlibt, or A besstliful Lithograph Sbma Card 1 1 0 in GREAT RIWTLittiM7 J,:_stif 4141 ,• 4 - • 'Afingir". $ j AS Sign of the 131 g Shof. Arco. ,7,411 Whale the are jug flossiviog their Sodom mpply of BOOTS, BEOEB Frietsititas Is orrat l'az4eity aINI gaatltha f SalWm, is suOy any pasts ar p leratios Smiciag is *t abor, asd tilialras BILL TSB GAME QtrAZAPIr or 000ni At Cbsopet Bodo %AA say *titer Estab(lithos:it In Thin Section of Country 1 Ravioli clipaile4 to Noll fer CASS OR. ROAD Y PAY, Thereby providing eo'orl'r title tb. noesunry .Mn to eiramossate oar pas as oosbtr air to tell at Liam MICAS T 2 .42, Wow smaanoso, who de • long CREDIT BUSINICM, w• woahil seliett our binds maid cur toasts to CALL &ad tooko not ospattaloot of rt'xzrG w-es.easn We are prepared to Oil the Ordered COUNTRY MER CHANTS AND DEALERS with NIL Aosertmeate of Said Week ef Senna. Qsehey a eery Lime Rates, Mid solicit a call from them Wore Bois( fortbereand paying higher rate. OCT Ili it mituarilmn. well supplied. Persona artablog to Forebode .111 do wall to look at our ittock before purchasing elaralitra. Ws also retaini tha aerricom of Ir. Cotter in our Custom Department, Innen well earned reputation for GOOD FITS needs no etionient from ni Aug. 25, S. IT. KELSEY NEW GOODS! Mn k H. HALL, uk now receiving 41 , 1 , ect.toom - livw York In.r gTOCIE of FALL AND WINTNE 1114.INilY, and Fancy Goode! l'ormiAting of oe-- - >t VELVET, glioi and Straw BONNETS, of lb. lat.t :MAKER HOODS! MISSES HATS. EIBBONS AND FLOWERS, ea; a, Head Dreamland owls 01 o ulnas deserlptiens.- 7erphyr and S belland Wools for 'natio". GU"( ta, Hoop :Marts. Huibin Collar. Beads, rank.e a jlo- Mere and tnanc other things too numerous to mention, I. Joh will be "old climpfor Leah or ready pal. or Particular attention lei 1 to blotching and preen me Moamar ouluriei an. den" al,le color. 13r twainex. from Ht* Gelmarv. au ppilri at Wbolawil• at • mnaliipermotagyaMer• Now York prbilla. MRS. S. H. 11_1•1414 j , Peach St., ahoy. the Depot, Lets, Pa. CASII DRY GOODS HOUSE! Wholesale and Retail t • MANY JOB LOTS -AT AUCTION PRIOE113! 81/YwrirLlVl- J Cloak awl Cloth. ! agBg.,TT.- ARK 1 east sn't.ns, Patterns Furtanibetl. sesT COM f3TYLF. 4 ARM Ho 4 - 1, Skirt% sr y is. , . CHEAP. Si i..% • ''' O H I P; -6. 'CHEAP: STYLP.S. - . CHEAP. HESE. . -4 14NCHE AP. HE+T Aalfetindi. iiatiltagen ' CHEAP. UHT HE tl" Stn. Carpetidarnj CH eArF AP i cit Wift dr. U. 5, ExchAsiet Er eieVa. New atiO — dgq - NO* lii;ods ! PRlEPAktbfortiaMlnAltPAlGN ! J. IL ;Mr= la Dog ap+4ol Olittitietine and Reedy Mode Mathis( r.oparSo:h r No. 8, Brown's Hotel, State street, oew luta alpa l ior Mock al TALL AND WINTER GOODS! . in bib Has, which ha will mall op to order uprat Aunt no tice, and Warrant to lira gatli6etlon or DO mat Per. wont In watt of any Mar to heswaa *mod upon Wog MAI &all .4th, .5 Iberia doberwkland not to sake up any wocwie bat seek ow wail/ Ora la tiasetlea He keeps aostatantlr on band a good etwortsnont of READY MADE cLci4rralNa of Hume omits and warranted to beat reilsomostod or mosey refunded. ?mom purchasing for CAHN are isrited to esti and mein* my Goods and Riot% as l am drimustnod to son eloop tor CUT77ITO dose em abort notice and warranted. opt-TT—TT JOHN IC JUSTICE. This Way, Gentlemen! scrisruir FILL ENTER cioulliG GENSH .and 1 Corner of State Seventh eta., Erie REA I)Y MADE CLOTH Ili G, alielkedi se dee dka.11 1 00:41, Dress, Frock .nd Back Coats of every et. le sod pries, VeSts stall Ulu* &roma., o , birto Utodsr-. 4 hiitv, Dissent, Caws. Bowery at differentqualitio. hon. **Pi a rti c le usually \opt Clotblag mat lib Clothing saSsstsetssed b Woman. sadvarraalbd equal to day the air. NIMBI wilivalt articles la his ass will do well to esti sad examine Ids stock as 6s hdeads Doll to M asiteroold by say ialiebbabaseat raid of Ned Trak.— CorNude to order .a *hurl nodes. Owl flop I Os plOll4 Gleesbessege's drew, OOP ear de Sias sad ,ftssala *sea Ina Oat 117.--V14.1. 10Eld CARTER'S ROOTING CO l / 4 111 BM? Is no(s Seeret Meeitacine, buts carefully peepare4 composed of IPICCACOADINUA., BRI.LADO -1., A sod CANN Allis IleflbcA o~oto totb. om ploaaaat to the tutu, ssb o operaitota mad la iteelfeete; gokody srrriMu and allays the violence sod .!.stash) shorter,. ttroOuratioa of Me leetible 4tollit east. rut op neatly, with dhoetloao far gtotas ] t, sod sold at `hi mato a bottle, by the Peopshotots. aooll-32 CARVIR. k BRO. WAN Iff aiILAJC,4I4.IIIII _MOW • REMEDY t pg used diiritte ri tii amp AVIZ IM Z eV_ alea::l74 - 11/* IMO teetai-- 1 31= 1 171/ i ar k NW' tr d • g A ND • II • • l attill= AMMO' 01Z et iebVill 1601 V** 4.0 = 7" yoke, IWO Mae ' diary parr aeleraltai.brat odlHasa R i ft* J. NIP. Vas Hales avrA Aim* elm p br Betel. ,- air Um Ma Cbsot Saw* if aim+ nor MON& • Me Hare CbmgAAametti,qlr ar Mike Hallo Cbr i ph Aga** it Mrse • CiewA awr orr Hart Cb.g Raw* Memer 1144. NIP Ihms..ll.X• Cbotgi . Amid, likiiivains thirroier • rie IT :7 CltagA initissay lir 11Plompiqr k V frk grartirrearttly rtatintat ef damage and Oar. e ta tatlLOat litarir,l)o~ fro. ire ~dl l a n k 11Prorst• at . 11, • 4 ..aat0 sadism s'stit err Dr. P. ItalPs OalsWda — OanD Ow that WINN, illkibiter•aMa Um yvaprir sad airadataa. ST4 DO . TiNTIMIODY. Ws, the saaassartrita Mora GM* Cray arid Wri= i , kevormia Dr. P. Mauls Ottriaarad grearasmaimr, la smug disaarat aft3= lll :a e al eg adathi Imam u atasatartmadias Ira err to tbir re a .ad allistara earrear. marldtp al faille FM Junes Thompson, Webers. Join A. Ihnap. Asia W. WiAnt, Jib 11 L. . c = Jain Jobe R. Dninus. %row kin e. Brown /11. L, l w4n, J. MAW!. • Orden smith, C. Dews. K. (Liao t, Mims Lao Daniel Illire•r, O. B. WOOL Ilattboo ilawaSsa. J. W. NO" Melon Coshoso, J. T D .l e lisiOnsok C. L o& doit, amid IMA gum; W. E. .1. 1101001 W• P. E. asisso. J. W. Wow. .alkoosos flaymooll. W.. W; is. . W. Cooper. A.ll. Amok Domes Z. 411. MLOwoot i , labia r uzr, S. Roll, Moms WILso, J. 1.. aslioase. J. 11.611.11„ Cass. W. Ulm. Masi. Mak, P. C. G. Boomidl. 11014 11 ft ua WI LT. n P. ILAX.I.a. Easslaeauer sod Solotroodollso Itsille Now fie. State St. meg tax clams res soma Aosinr—r. idassoni. 111 . 14•11; Jams Ilrlialt i rs• W Ely, M* BCPC/114 S. eimplar, tetford: Haim a Elboroood. Rsodall IceS;el=lls tont*, Co.„ Worms. 146; Ina. s.Pripad" A 'Drafty is the Art World t 'hotography uponoroelain. Secured by lettere patent the i t l / 4 2 5"1111L llketes. England, Preece sad Belem. The /marina Pkeiegrphie Portelab Daly. 80.781 Broadway, Jew 'York, bowleg ~and tbeiz mid inersbies levatielt by Mamie= sad Europrospalmt‘ifire preysasi seats all ordore for Xiniature likenesses ofpersans on Mae, reip-ntingrpll tb•attintstlyesed offoomajoroollmotoros of rmitnary 004.irrapbe, lin* Ora US t.r-enl.wr dirairlat, owl a Whom, ofootiolued looktfy of floPoNteloy, by loin, 'valeta! impork hYbM 111. Wood prupert se* ofa.. arlicles upon *Me i they aas linmellw red r. lb* i.neretrd Premier of the fternqoasy asalliaa 1M or pro.iurtieo apholoosapbs, net wlp es pink bell uod or a any ammo or imam portrai , a out br eeprodueted with fanlidisenereeney, and of tin r_a t Opola "Oneida • .area of ay dr sad dinutoorloaa vied as artiekoof Inzary K rd liotwhold atllity , ma as Urns, Vases, Breakfast Caps. Toilet Ar- dto., &a. Thereby , rielular faithful portraits and tars a soi gne aisi ass visite style el ossiormsatios of is domesl le ems. In order iko famish tasUltios be the gestiesidos at So Peroutar toot, and to emit th• woos of those pobe. of the Floe Artie desirous of Swing oo Nesslsly the Company hove imported boo • to of superior panostaisto their ow* or der, *bleb they silreTro . st prima Ar the American Company am 0.11411 of the palest ritat, mid osotty the poly se thereto d to nee tho pra ng,hey hove deter= red, to older To effttrd bon& tit every ...lion of the Union .triertso:tt, to poem. PORTZ/MO ON CEIIA, to auks the *Mewing ptarmigan to Reekiente in, the Country. Into ere unable to rtait personally the Atelier and Gambles Persons sending a pbonsgrapb,aosbrotype, or rouotype to the oak* of the Company In sew Ir= coops/tied by FIVE DOLLABIS, ready* to return by express, free of charge A richly ornamented Breakfast Oup and Mew oar, with the portrait treuelerieel thereon. By traamltlag a dagasarraatc par and TS,2I DOLLARS, that will wenn ka like Runner, A handsome French Vue or Toilet Ar ticle, with the portrait prprodmed h 7 the patented promo. By wading a pair or dairamotypat and they tillnesely, ts Mara A Pair of rich Sevres Tues, with the portraits mooted "goal to mtatatare pabdark; itati„ la jilt" roaitaer, portrait' eaa be reproduced oft per. reiete .arms or Vases of every quality of finish ranging In prim from Twenty to One Hundred Dollars the pair N. 8.-84 particular In writing the addiress, tetra ami ty sod State dlathietiy. £ll letters to to widowed to 'Manager. American Nolo/rap/tie Pbreetaitt to.' 781 Broadway, Nero York oett.lll—.Bia Ciiir.DREW ELTI NCB MRS. WINSLOW, MD An IdtPerieneed Nurse and Vernal° Plordedan. presents to the attention of mothers. bar CH EA! CHEAP SOOTHING SYRUP, For Children Teething, which greatly facilitate* the proems of both ooh try soft ening the gums, ;educing all Intlainmation--will allay all pt. and spasawsik action. and its sore is esgothats Mask, Depend upon It. to them it will give met to younsiens. and vetiel nod health to your infants. We howl pet up and so/d this sett- --, es for ssy r toe years. and eau any, Mrs. is coalidasalard truth of it what webare sews, bola .1 ; 4 t o a n y of any ELIE other moilkthos— Presto Iwo st hula ha •• sloes is. Moore, to did • awe, whoa Woo ly Nerer 0 ,.. o thin did we know as 'emblem of diesel- w ~ lalactiou by soy one wb. used it.— SYRUP. ou the coatrary, all are delighted nom, and speak in terms of commendation of its used *Meets and medical virtue* We speak M ads as.s .-what we know," after ten years' experiosea, sad Mohr our reputation for thafailllent of what we hare daMars. In almost every instance when the Mhos la alleaft7 tram pato and exhaustion, relief will be totted la Mao sr twenty MAP nue after the syrup is adadahamed. , MO valuable preparation Is the _pitmerlrfaa of sas of the moat experienced and skillful NUMBS ta New ItosiamS, and hoe bees used with myearSaillag susamtia tbsomads of coma. It sot only renews tho childno treat pada . bat lavivtates tbastonmeh and bowels, animals addlty, sad tins toes Sadentlfre to the whole system It will 81- mistribotiotty reit. re Giumaa Is wita DawriohAND Wpm COLIC. and overcomes convulsion*, which. if set ski remedied, end In , thatk. Wa neve It thebest For sad soma nom dy irF the world ia all Gros et Dy.obery as 4CILILDIUM Dripb.shiClul dress, whetherit big or • other Teething 1" 4 " . " 6 " . "" th mum We waylaid IT t o •••••••••• who liesand en s I llerbor from any of the foregoing oningskihms...to set let your prefudieva, nor the periodic*, of others, stood her team your ..(wing Mad and the Met that will be mum yea, absolutely ealla—so lslbw MU malidas. if timely need. Full directions for thing will ansompeay week bot- Wo Nebe irmitea swish, the %reboil. ci 01111 TIS h lairr Tort, is as the oatalhaerampo. Sold bY taragaists throughou the worl aloe, Wm 13 emit t 11a. Now d. York* °nth PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS MR B I ,fitTLJI. 17.11 0ct.27-2I GRIND sTo . sts I ‘lO Tu.,. Berea Cried Skarn sad arbri lbw Minim: Aur male by loyl/Lil. J. C. ULM. isoo. 1800. FALL & WINTER GOODS! 30,000 Dollars!! ITE are now in receipt of the Wiest r' •hoek d ortAPLIK GOODS to this clip cooditims STAPLE DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BARD WARE, 'CROCRIERY, OLASS WARE, BOOTS sod SHOES, BEADY MADE CLOTRINEs MESS' and BOYS' CLOW( sad PLUSH CAPS, Ike., ite., Re. WM& liroteek sowesse sink m u OIVII asol at tbo lawyot boodblo 064, sad .111 I. sold asap Ow calk, cesakj rodeo, or soprow•O credit Yrtctert. ?I BOA LS, 611111 RX eeti..46 Oa Pude, towrope Mb Mina Winter Gloves and Hoidery. •LADIES Cloth Silk and Lisla bud all Pitt nape. Labia ologmm, fte assoullami. Nor oa. Alto Ladles, Maim' sad Mama, a Wad wed Merin. Hoes, of every vtality, Qom et thi in New York. 7~~ :}: ~~
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