The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, November 17, 1860, Image 2

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B. P. SLOAN, Editor.
TANN* $1 50Nrati YILAS IN .11.-DVANON
SATURDAY, NOV. 17, 1860.
I • • ..4) elf%
Dem. 84
DhrVeleta. . - Lincoln. TiOst. ..ta. Bell.
Erflo-r-lat Dia., 177 108 6 V
4, '2d .. 208 144. 1
•., r; ad 14 216 92
" '4th .. 222 122 10
Millcreek, 419 288
Harborereek, 261 96
North East tp., 226 . 134
North Boat br., 117 21
Greenfield, 128 20
Venango,,... 196 61
Wattaburg, ---- 51 21
Amity, 107 74
Wayne, 191 77
Concord, 189 78
Union, 264 128
Le Bteutf, 166' 100
Waterford tp., 292 76
Waterford br , 116 41
Greene, , 122 100
summit, ; 66 78-
24'liesn, 280 26
Washington, ." 836 76
Edinboro, -75 88
Franklin, 146 21
Etkeweek, 188 911.
Conneaut, 281 '66
Albion, 69' 82
Springfield, 365 'Bl
Girard tp., 268 62
Girard br., 48 '55
Lockport, ,177 87
Fairview, 266 88
- Total
Two weeks previous to the election we
wrote and - publiehed an article depicting
the dangers which threatened the peace of
the Union in the event of Ltscour's elec
tion. Meeting a valued Republican friend
a few days after, he half jokingly, halt stir.
iou-dy remarked that we must have had
an easel.; of indige4tion, or something kin
dred to it when we wrote ' article ; but
now how stands the case. iwo weeks have
hardly passed, and we I fill our paper
twine over with rumo. : n.ts, comments
and speculations upon affairs at the South,
all growing out of the. election of Lincoln,
and all going to show that secession and revo
lution =st take place at no distant day.
Excitement "runs riot" from the Maryland
line to the Gulf of Mexico ; South Caroli
na is preparing her "duds" to leave the
Union at a moment's warning Georgia
has her knapsack slung ; Alabama, Flori
da, Texas, Missi*ppi, and the lord knows
how many more, are enquiring anxiously
for State rooms in the same boat. As the
New York New mostArply says, the great
difficulty with ut at the pnorth is to believe
that any State at the SOuth can honestly
and seriously mean secession when she
threatens it. Wei.see South Carolina on
the very brink of bidding us a final - adieu,
and we smile and shake oui heads, declar
ing she doesn't Mean it ; she is only try
ing to frighten us into the offer of some
concession ; it is but a lover's trick, that
ends, before the door closes, in affection
ate protestations and a return to warmer
embraces than before. These things we
say in our self conceit and complacency,
because we have never been driven by 1160-
tionalidggression into 4 state of unthink
ing, reckless desperation : because, being
vainglorious in our security, we can stop
ito talk of reason and remonstrance, calcu
liting the profit and loss of Union, and im
agining that quiet prosperity is compensa
tion enough' to warrant, interminable for
bearance and never ceasing tubmissiOn.—
But let us change places. Suppose the
South had chosen Mr. Yancey,.whose avow
ed creed was the blessing of slavery ; the
belief that it wag the greatost boon that
could be extended to every part of the
country ; the resolve to so extend it by
every means in his power. Suppose him
elected, with all ( the prospective prestige
of Pcrsielential authority to aid in this ex
tension, from the) moment he should be in
sqgurated. ' What would New York with
its forty thotisand railaplitting majority say
then 1 What should we confidently ex
-1.,t from Massachusetts? Imagine the as
ton6hment and terror ()our Republican
friends when they realiz ed the possibility
of the eloquent Yanoey's theories being
, arrie.l into effect. Would not horrible
-peelers of Sarobo in shackles surround
their couches? Could we have repose in
the day fur their lamentations over the
rowing establiSliment of the dhlaboose be
---nestli their very noses? Dos any one in
g i l l
'hi. senses fan that, they would peaceably
lie down and the dark wave roll over
them 1 Why e big Tribune, and all the
little Tribeeses-,Nrould Soon be so full of gun
powder as to render them unsafe for fire
lighting. lieeetter would turn his pulpit
iuto an arsenal from which to distribute
Sharpe's rifles. Every Wide Awake that
could shoulder a musket would help to
form the nucleus of an army to resist whet
would be called invasion. Ten to one but
instead of gracefully withdrawing from the
Union. because there was something in it
they didn't like, they would try to drive
the South out for differing with them.—
'there is nut a sincere Republican who will
not admit this; .who cannot fully reelluie
the parox) sin of rage and resentment that
would convulse the North, if the South
were to place them in the position they
have placed the South by Lincoln's elec
tion ; n:td, realizing it, tie inu4t credit Car
olina, tie.orgia and at this mo
ment,' eith honorable •,-rity and oon
scieutious resolve, in t ei, eildeavoni toe.-
cede, If they do not un : they should
be Induced to wait till ‘ne cool regection
\ re can give safe play to, comes to them, it
will be only because they are more gener
ous, more simple hearted than we are ; be
eause the impulsive nature that has led
them to their present isolated position of
chivalrous self-assertion (a position that,
under similar surrounding pressure, New
England would soon recede from)may also
lead them to eventually saorafioe their own
feelings to the National welfare. We ar
dently hope that this may be the case. We
cruet, when the first fever of excitement
has abated, that the conservative element
—always sluggish and inert—may tir found
tolpreponderate. Bat it is no use trying to
persuade ourselves into the certainty that
it will. There is no qusstion but that the
Palmetto State has hetfluggage in the lob
by and the door handle of the Union in her
hand. She has good cause she thinks for
separation and divorce ; and, if we, who
have done her injury, are too proud, or
. have noflove enough for her, to malt* her
swab promises and give her mach guarsa-
tees as will induce her, if not to relent, st
least to stay with us for the sake of avoid
ing scandal, we do hot see how the catas
trophe is to be avoided.
MP" -
stir Birtdy, Breckenridge Democrat, who
;was oonvioted off • election returns
in the lain Con district has been
sentenoetilto two and a half years impris
onment in the Penitentiary'. Gov. Reber
in his Proclamation deemed Lehman oleo
ted.—Orawjea Jawed.
It is shout time this sort of political de
ception should end. Whether Birely was,
or was not a "Breekenridge Democrat,"
the paper quoted knows probably as little
as arep journal in the country. The facts,
at all events, are against the supposition
that he was. Lannon, the member elect,
is a Douglas man ; on the morning after
the election, A. selected Brody as his friend
in the meeting of the return judges, and
asked him to see that he was not cheated
out of hie election, as he had heard rumors
that an effort would be,made by the Re
publicans to do so. He little thought the
man he had selected was the very one who
was to do the cheating for the benefit of
the Republican party ; nor is it at all can
did, now that he has been convicted, for
Republican journals to endeavor to impress
upon their readers the idea that their par
ty is blameless in• the transaction, when
-Birruea, for whose behefit the crime was
perpetrated, is • Republican, and altho'
it has been it:Weirdly • determined that he
holds his certificate of election by fraud,
persistently holds on to•it I
B ar There area ter* bright spots, here and
there, to cheer the eyes of Democrats, amid
the thick darkness of their almost total defeat.
Among these, are the detest of Anson Burlin
game, of Massachusetts, one of the extremest
of all the extreme Republicans in the present
Congress ;nar k, of Mr. Speaker Pennington, of
New Jersey, • head and fraiit of the present
Rouse, whose election oast eincli airrotracted
and desperati struggle last winter. Burling
game, it will be remembered, is the author of
the impidus and treasonable declaration : "The
times demand an anti-slavery Constitution, an
anti-slavery Mble, and an anti-slavery God."
Re was so confident of his election that he
wandered off into this State to make stump
speeches for Curtin. He returned to his own
district, too late to save himself. Col. Curtin
very magnanimously made a pilgrimage to
Boston, 'where hi spoke in behalf of Burlin
game ; but it would not do. The fighting man
of the Republican party could not fight his own
way through. He was beaten by William Ap
pleton, the Union candidate, by 267 majority.
Glorious I In the Fifth Dirtrict of New Jersey,
Nehemiah Perry, (Detn.j beats Speaker Pen
nington by 200 majority
531 17
Bir Such of our reallers as see the This
Ameriast will find in i this week an ac
count of a "horrible oultrage," perpetrated
upon a poor Mr. LewisfTappan and sundry
other Abolitionists, by that terrible man
Marshal Rynders of New York, just previ
ous to the election. The cols was careful
ly nursed by the complainatts for several
days prior to the election, in hopes, doubt
less, of making a little political capital, but
-the other day, there being no farther use
for a broken head its politics, when it was
called up in Court, Mr. Tappan's counsel
backed square out of the prosecution and
asked that if might be dismissed. How
fearfully Mr. Tappan must have been pum
meled, and how lacerated must have been
his feelings thus to sneak out of the pros
ecution of a complaint to which he had
sworn with such pathetic and harrowing
minuteness Famous man, that Tappan I
He's almost equal to Sumner
air We ommend the following mad dun
from one of oar exchanges to our delinquent
patrons. We desire, also, that they shall take
it in earns*, not as a joke, for it means every'
mother,' son that owes us. Having been
cleaned out by the Republicans we feel as
though we should Hite to have a little cash to
pay our expenses up sal river, and we want
those indebted to Lb', Oburrer in any way to
oome up to the scratch, and "fork over." But,
here is the model dins---listen :
Friends, Patron& Subscribe» and Advertis
er= Hear us for our debt. and get ready that
hau may pay i trust us, we are in need—and
ve regard for our need, for you have long
been trusted ; acknowledge your indebtedness.
&eddies into your pockets that you may prompt
ly fork over. If there be any among you—
one single patron—that don't owe us something,
then to him we say, step inside—consider
yourself a gentlessaix. If the rest wish to know
why we dun theta, c this is our answer ; Not•
that we care aeagle, ourselves, Out our
creditors do. W , you +tither that we go to
la d
jail and yod go , than that you pay your
debtaiand we all keep moving ? As we have
agreed, we have worked for you—as we have
oontraotal, we have furnished our paper toy o!!
bat as yinedon't pay, we dun you : Here 1- •
agreements for job-work, contracts for sui
scription, promises of long credits, and duns
for deferred payment. Who is there so mean
Mit he don't take a paper? If any he needn't
speak—we don't mean him. Who is there so
green that be don't advertise 1 If any, let him
slide ; be ain't the chap either. Who is there
so bad that be don't pay the printer I If any,
let him shout—for he's the nubs we're after.—
His name is Legion. lie has been owing us
for one, two or three yeasts-4,v enough to
make us poor and himself rich sitour expense.
If the above appeal to his eonscienoe doesn't
awake him to the sense of justice, we shall have
to try the law, and seiewhat virtu* there is in
writs and constables.
Wm. Geccge Brown, the Reform Mayor,
was inahgurated to-day. He closed his in
augural address with strong expressions of
Union sentiments. Reexpressed the unan
imous consent of the people of Baltimore,
the largest of all Southern cities, when he
said that the true policy of Maryland was
to adhere to the Union, so long as she could
do so with honor and safety.
In conclusion he said, no cause has yet
arisen sufficient to justify the overthrow of
the noblest and most beneficial govern
ment ever established b human wisdom ;
and which is consecrate d and endeared to
the hearts of all, not only by the abundant
blessings of the present moment, but by
the sacred memorials of the past, and the
great hopes of the futuree The expedien
cy of asllinga mase meeting of citisene to
sustain the Union, .is much discussed by
our business men.
A Southern gentleman made his appear .
ance on Baltimore street, this morning,
with a blue cockade on his hat. He was
regarded with much curiosity but evident,
ly with but little favor.
thoreaatios, By., N0v.;12.
A large and enthusiastic meeting, irre
spective of party, was held here to-day.—
Ex-Gov. Dixon presided.=ziches
were made by an d
ousi men. Union resolutions we
u y adopted, and secession was
strongly depreoatad. A meeting of the
- 5 1;1 =for
the whole county is called
next, at Louisville.
Pout any Exuma ix is an
ilk wind that blows nobody any good." The
cht:outh in Kansas illustrates this old saw.
4Z g , ia• Wadsworth writes from Clinton,
county, to his brother in Erie
• •ty Ohio, that the drying up of the
• •
of a creek discovered a valuable coal
bitnk on his farm, and hia family had
'lathered 400 pearls, and had clams
enough; on the bank for 300 more. They
inienege over a pearl to sighs clams; most
of them are small, some my brilliant,
sons' e giving out rainbow hues, others of a
biownish oolor. Two sent to a Sandusky
jeweler see pronounced genuine.
BAL.mitots. Nov. 12
The Charlevels Mareary seye t h e sewn
of Lincoln's election at Charlatan Orme reeele.
ed with lnarnontlaned sheering fir a Sena
ern confederacy.
Hlle. Zoysia the equestrians* Fiume ses
was a matter of se Rua dispsta, Me sasses
ad the question by giving her hoed in nesnri
iit&tio Freak Drier, ones Riselseires& anis
and husband will travel with ye great Dar.
- n. Wide Awakes—whet is to beams of
thus, now that the election is overt Tinos
tall ranks men with eased asps sad tie Ma
terna at t h e end of s Mkt, ought to be provid
ed for somehow I
They have s mountain in Owego* which
the settlers believe to Do s Rams of Inver, sad
worth at a low,o66,6oo,ooo,oool
Claims are 100 feet front, sad nta to ow top
of the mountain.
It is said that there an ao less thaw
twenty or twenty-lin applicants for the Ailea
town, Pa, Post Moe, now tilled by a peer
crippled 'widow of a former Whig member of
Congress.: Ain't yon ashamod,rthow4P7 dole:
An Sttoinpt to fore the llepablisan Clubs
of Philadidphia into a poses for the support of
Mr. Lhwfin to the Presidtintlal shair,lutelbees
defeated. The . Continontei Club set Friday
evening, Wad adopted rowilatioss wqmosseing
good-will to all sections.
Paul Drake, a- dwarf well bows about
Columbus, while intoxicated oa Tuesday last,
went into a saloon in that city and was Owed
on top of the counts? for a show. His head be
ing heavier than his body, and his Ins weak
er than usual, he tumbled off, injuring his
skull so much that he died in a few hours.
A young and beautiful girl of Reading,
moving among the "upper tens," recently elop
ed with an old covey more than twice her age.
We presume he will be a •'father" as well as s
"husband" to the tender youth. There's no
accounting for wile, particularly in love af
—J. D. Torry, a minister of long standing
in the Oneida M. B. Conferenoe, has brought
disgrace upon himself and discredit upon his
denomination. Charges made against him that
he has used the church when he officiated as a
place of assignation, have been so hr verthed
that he has been suspended from all
al funotions until the next session of the Con
ference, which will be held in Utica in lie
We invite attention to the following strik
ing practical suggestion of the Nashville Pa
triot : "An exchange gives as account of the
killing of four men in Collinsville, DL, by the
'sudden explosion of a small portable engine?
We have long been of the opinion that if these
small portable engines could be so constructed
as to explode gradually, • large number of val
uable lives might be saved."
The first man who discovered gold in Cal-
ifornia—it now turns oul r in consequence otia
vestigations by the Sea Francisco Society of
Pioneers—was Captain Jedediab 8. Smith, a
chief trader in the employ of the American Fur
Company, who found gold in the valley of the
Sacramento as long ago as ins. On a second
expedition to the gold fields, the following year,
the enterprising pioneer was ,killed by the In
Daniel Woods, of Castle Rock, Wisconsin,
who about six years ago married his brother's
or half brother's widow, left his wife on Mon
day last, and eloped with the daughter of an
other half brother. The lady left a letter in
heir trunk, stating thatshe had left borne and
Mende forevermore. Mr. Woods is about thir
t4-bve years old, and the lady about nisietoen.
They had with them about $BOO in money.
Governor Curtin .passed Easton on the
railroad one day last 'week, on his way home
from the state where white woman marry nig
gers—Massachusetts. A few of his admirers
there—applicants for Whiskey Inspectors, we
presume—paid to have twelve monde *red in
his honor. In twelve months from today Mr.
Curtin can pass Easton a dozen times and the
can non will be undisturbe4
The population of the`• Territory of Kan
sas, as ascertained by the United Bt4tes Census,
just taken, is 109,401. This &axial include
the Pike's -Peak region, ;which has a Z`popula
tion of 75,000 more. Kansas proper has, there
fore, 12,000 more people than would exude
her to elect a member of Congreles at the peee
sent time. There can be no doubt that, skate
most stringent provision of the "Fingliah'',ll4ll
has been complied with, Kansas will be adatit
ted into the Union the coining winter. No rea
al now exist for her rebated
It is reported that over four Attutdred
Mitch Republicans are begging and beseiteli
ing of Mr. Curtin the °thee of Floor Inspect of,
and over Ave hundred, that of Whiskey boys.-
tor, of Philadelphia. This is the way they
grab for the spoils ; what do they care about
principles' Their patriotism is all WrsPl up
in loaves and fishes, and the illegalporquidtse
of inspecting flour and whiskey. Oh, the het
maculate Republican party !
In Detroit, the other day, a young iron
who had been for some Months ileeperitely
enamored of a maiden, to whom he had made
many presents. discovering that she inie about
to desert him, endeavored to get back his gifts
by entering her room and carrying them off.
He was found there by the girl's nether and
arrested for larceny. The legal decision in
this matter will be looked for with interest by
many heretofore generous but now repentant
C. W. McKay, scat of DonaldY , s
prominent shipbuilder of Boston, has binar
rested for a highway robbery, jointly wi.h two
hard characters--the victim being a Roney
broker named 0. H. Downing, and the sum
$2,600. One of the aooomplices„ under pro
w& of desiring to borrow the sum, lured
Downing into the outskirts of the city, where
McKay and the other associate rushed upon
him and robbed hint.
Two attempts were made last weak to de
stroy 4ght express trains on the New York
Centrai Railroad between Syracuse sad Roch
ester.: In one instance a stout oak timber was
left ti)eight In a cattle gnarl, sad an iron her
placed across the rails at a little distant*, be
fore it. The train was going Co swiftly, how
ever, that the bar was hurled off, sad the psis,
of the cow catcher taking the post in t h e OW.
tre dragged it up out of the pit, leaving it, in
the centre of the track, while the care passed
over it. Only slight damage was done, but the
train owed its salvation to itwepeed. In the
other instance a rail was buttoned down on the
track, but this also was simillerly torn of
A short time since in Cincinnati, a young
man in a joke, so he says, iintroduced a bind
to a widow lady of some means. , Ass intistaiy
sprung up between them, which resulted in an
engagement of marriage. The was-to-Degree,
so won on the confidence of his intended as to
borrow from her some sixteen hundred dollars,
with which he soon made himself sears*. The
sequel to the affair is , that the widow has bre't
suit against the man who introduced her to the
deceiver, as a party to the swindling treasas
Iliimianota. IL, Not. 14,1'110—Se A. 11.
B. ti It Ist., P. M.. RA*.
na 4111110 d. *Mika is Radian' Mussy sad
01$ Mon. Ils' AIWA I'll kV e. to lens 7 0 *
out. Amyl - , A. 41111101.11.
Ihrozoornmos li l t 16—v A. M. -
IL P. SLAYS, rig, P.
D--lo 'am; PR Wm to doilt. Prooruro too
post. Lowy asp I molt lappotitt
Gaon ru do it. Oho b 1 the keys.
ilvezeartauts, Nov. 10-94 A. IL
& r../Itooa, Esq.. P. M., Erie.
Net give Ceti % the k. 7. I Babbitt says
be's ea Abeiblealet, sad diet he's promised it
to Sterrett. Head 'es over to "onus Joespit."
rat bear boat se is bail is boar.
BraisaiteLo, Nov. 111--10 A. 14
B. 7. Bums, Nag. P. M., aria.
Doe% give Burma the "Do
ds" wants Is be Lona! Agent, sad Babbitt
thinks it will look batter not to appoint "fath
er and 50.." How weak' Gars take t
Sinitattrasta. Nev. 16--114 A. 111
B:P.SLOAN, Beg.. P. M., Brie.
Oled you think se I do! I like teak* wit.—
That's the sort I deal in I Osrs'• the man
Deliver ever to Mu at owe.
P. f.—There is not a word of truth la the
report that I've promised the Load Armor to
Aathehaidtle Bolded& I've determined oa
"Dda." • A. L.
Mir The p 1 of the immedist, estab
lishment of 1171Linery ht this eity is good
We understand tlmt Ur it Ltos hays
oontraeted fog all the aeosesery mashinary,
and will preerl with the weed's 011ie build
ing at ones. The eapasity of the still Is to be
about thirty kentels per day.
jar TM lice Awiewor assoasoso
Jour B. Goiroz, Gm bosom Tomposow Leo
taw, will spook ion sow thaw la Jaanary.
sir The sew buildiap ea Fifth sad Trete&
streets an dewing towards empletioa. sad
is view of this hot we sail the sweeties et ear
eity authorities to lite propriety et telt* nese
adios whereby property owners oa those streets
shall be owaipelled to provide sone sort of a
pliTlNSiii for the seeitaiaodatioa of those whose
Waimea. *alb then is that part of the love.
So long as thee* building were in program
limy body was willing to sato& to inetatro-
Rime*, bat than can be ao eine* for *Dowel
ing pedestrian* oa nth, peztisalitay, to wads
in the mad all winter. Gentlemen of tho Se
lect and Cows Comma, oaaset soomithinthe
dot* ?
Mr imbeds Meter reser* the parties
lane of a brute* eetrese semaitted ups the
pergola of a girl listed Mary A. Nue= by
resa seated 1311 as Wright, of that village. The
eirmastemese as related by the rietim, if sub
staatiatad, demonstrate it to have been a ease
of remarkable atrocity. It appears ;that
Wright's wife went to the mother of the girl and
requested that, as .tip was childless, andaker
husband was away from home, she might be
allowed to take the girl, who was but twelve
years of age, to live with her, and eh, would
board and shool her In return for her Mbar.—
The 'parents oonesated and the girl west to
Wright's bones. A day or two after Wright
returned from the west, and at night, there
being but numbed in the family, h. girl was
compelled to oeoupy this with thireneed and
his wife. On the moond sdglit the outrage
was eenueitted, the wife of the prisoner moist
*her kneiend is overeetaing the girl's resist
ance. In the morning the girl went home,
sad informed her parents, spun which meas
ures were taken for Wright's arrest. Igo great
was the Indignation developed m the mantis
atiou that the people maid seared, be restrain
ed fro* lynching t h e prisoner. He was eom
mimed for trial, in default of ball.
sir A correspondent of the Gentle urges
upon Gov. Calms the appointment of Col.
NoLass as Adjutant General of illig Stets. As
iksid t dimai
the Colonel is "mum military," an emin
ently deserving member of the par
ty, we wood the loathes. ' e Rao who
devotes so noel time and maser to so mow a
moss es' the Colossi bas to Sopliblianoisin
ought to reedy* some substantial . .
from the pewees-that-bet f - _
A Beard otNauel Monk assenting of
Chief Ispaesra li. P. labanioa. Robt. H.
Loan. Theo. Zeller sad A. C. Seism have
bees ordered by tin ibmestari of thellfavy to
convene to this sity ea Moseley a4t, for the
porpoes, of instituting • series at eiperissents
connected with the Stumm Iliakipa. These
experiments will Mato to tin n06611,89_ pin
of (Wag Moen eapasively, over what la duo
to in use without expeasiest •
Mgr The Gustav gives the lapublieses "a
hies" fiat they are • Minh* at after the
Mosses sad ishes." It says eine of its tente
r's are "%heady elandatiag politica hr the
pinkness they proilige esdoavoriag teetotal."
This, it Wake is wag, aid weasels this to
exhibit •we Nada and sober spirit." Our
ootesperary at the sans tineeaseueess that,
NN in expehrigity to the eiPressed wishes of
unsay friends and his owe private indleatioss,
"is soy apply for a Weis ernes cad solicit
.ciegeateree to • politica thunder. He will,
Meow's., aideaver to so ssstrol his hasp
"as to shoals from meth* autism for it mall
"as lean near On time W. Lintels Is hew
“rated.” The positios mod adaseeitioa of our
onempeasty rounds es of the sissy told of a
worthy derma= who adaniered to the spir
itual wants of a esegre of wreckers is
the Florida sent. Oaellabbfith saran& af
ter a mimeo none, the Worthy dicta wee hold
beg hulk se the ida of ronetlag your
Ws geode" Just es ho has get fidsly
warmed cep with his Oars; a boy via had
bole es. the Ipok-eat, sults main ins the
Ayr* mid sheeted "A. Irma, A vreellom--,
Ivory nee seined his hat sad started for the"
door. .4411t0p t" illesduisi the dish. !cloy
see peand in his light.! "Broth:es," sortie.
end he, as he ;eked th.der,•ead placed him
self at the head of Oe !rakers, "you should
exhibit a sere ositi.a4 !her spirit," "bet,
as you appear Win bengesAis of debug so, let
pe all lake a hir start, Sulam every sea he
himself, and the d--1 14e tie hiadonsost."
lir ?be Grocery Siam of Mr. William um
dal, 'beat seem mike dowi tk. Buffalo Send
la flarbereneek, woo eatiredearly en flatairdoy
morning by two sea namedDenie and alai*
and robbed et nearly all its animas, wakinated
at WO. 'lbw wars anaget w Ms.dsy and
oniandtled to MI. brio= Freeport,
in Pier* East Wend* now tka
&ate Line.
Ti. ihrdliag hem of Mr. I. P. Groat,
amble of ttai sky U.H. oa tbo Babb &ad,
woo brokaa late ea Alailay, dodair the abeam
of ibis Molly at alma, by tot boyo--oso eel
end sod sdker vibe. !bay ma bow
timely detected in the set sailmwesteti, andrxe
ra,lailm ;) ,,.
An octoroon( Wank* to A. C. Stewart, of
L. B d tegineitip, itd oontandag $BOOl In
Swam* aawritrisßermand sundry
Pefefli_* vs* to‘dhaiwtir. win taken from
the dinning of John Cloeiffing, at the foot of
Smelt Street. en Priday morning, by a man
rodnesing to be s miler. Mom Butterfield
followed him to den.neaut, Ohio, and recovered
the eeila with its eententa, letting him go upon
the 'pins that he had exehanged his own Air it
by mittaite.-Gmate.
111 r. There is nothing that oontributep more
to make hand happy, sad smooth the pats of
dontostio life. thisa o,oltoorfal wife. But, bow
sea a woman ho happy read eheerful if! she
spoils her ilhaltiag" for the wog of a pari or
dole of fialwaiins. To itssody this, buy only
that wanufactured. by Cumin & Canons!, Erie,
Pa. It is for sale byall respectable Grocers,
and is warreated. Gel a paper and try it.
Air The Saterdesnknisg Post, the oldest
and best of the weeklies, he. issued its pro
apantutiiii the owning year. In addition to
its stadia which are always of the highest Or
*, the Peel sestaine weekly, as agricultural
department, ehoise receipts, domestic and for
sage newel, the market and beak note list, let
ten from Paris, &a., readerleg it invaluable so
a badly newspaper. The publisher. offer t his
year as it - peassieus. a steel plate engraving of
"A Merry Making is ;the Olden Time." Its
book premiums are Lippincott's Pronouncing
(Misuser, and Webeter's Pictorial Dictionary
The prim of the Pall is $2,00 a year, with
large iaduemsents to clubbing. The engrav
big sad Post together are $6,00 which is the
regales pries of the *mire alone. For $6,00,
the pries of each of the books alone you obtain
iitber of the books and the Post. The works
are furnished as a premium to clubs of not
less then he subscribers to the Post. D. ,n
Peteteoam Philadelphia, are the publishers.
glir The following *saes ars set down for
trial for tie Nomad Monday of December, Tic
John Wightman vs C. Colt, Jr.
Rows k %mast of al vs Johnson At Bro.
,Rays k Lotto vs Moses Hoch it al.
Ezra: Huldekoper is Pomeroy, sxr.-Crane
Swat k Marshall vs Bouillon.
Duncan. use Lowry vs Bad it al, gams. &a
Trustees Edinboro Academy vs Robin an.
Po: I Van Hook vs Rood it al, gams., kit.
Kellaill I Lows vs Struthers.
Sams vs Irvin,.
Johnsen vs Cochran et al
Mho k Carroll vs Prey.
SW*, Barra Ce. vs COOl. Ins. Co
Wallace Ts Oulliford k Evans.
Hinton vs Eris Canal Co,
illoshislamb vs Wllliaras.
Batt vs
Basiumirs le tTalkor.
Ewing vs Lad.
Gerlach vs Mous!".
Wood k Johnson Is Skinner.
vs Walker.
(Oast vo Smith.
kooketill vs Putnam.
The following }re for the third Monday o
Deeember„ vie :
Kennedy n Kennedy.
Berme vs Oliver.
Wtimo & Campbell ve Starr & Payne
Headlines vs Shannon Brother
Compton n Goodell.
Halbert, vs Maas & Wife.
Goren& vs Sbawiarly.
Huber vs thiabora.
Lewis vs Gray.
Willoughby vs Van Dreeer.
Wl:Maary vs_Haybarger.
Ceio s gee M'Cord vs Smedley it al.
Clark vs Gray et al.
Fankkaat, girth= a C. vs Ondwrik
Cora. use of McGinty vs KMpatriek et al.
Bowen, MoNsmes & Co. vs Haventiek et al
I C:4r vs Bryant & wife.
vs Sharp.
F4lllllOll Bank of Milwaukie vs Colwell.
Same vs Bousett.
Wood vs Breen.
&anti & Gray, use Sterrett vs Grin.
Towner vs Marvin.
Liddell & Marsh vs Fiokinger.
Mr 1 friend calla our attention to a fact,
which he facetiously calls a "sip of progress,"
that thirty-three or four- years ago our bor
ough lathers gave Lar►rsrrs a public recep
tion at iika earner of Nate and Third streets.
That wan the coign of attraction, and the
whole country Sorted. there as it would now
to the Public Square an a similar occasion
But the "sign of progress" he says is found in
the fact that after thirty-three years effort of
the people living in that vicinity, they have
succeeded in sectoring the aide walk paved on
oni side et Third street from State to Pesch ;
sad he thinks with thirty-three years more ef
fort they may succeed in getting the other side
paved--providing the traiou is-not dissolved
in the asestatinie-I
`'the &netts says it is "worthy of re
mark that is all the Cabinets thus far . formed
for Mr. Lime's, Senator Seward is placed at
the head Secretary of State." Notwith
staadisg, we vesture to predict that Mr. Sew
ard will eo/ be Secretary of State!
gili" Ws and in the "Engineer," a paper
published in Pkiladelphia, and deioted to me
shank' arts and hmintiolui, the following no
des of a new railroad Frog rotientlY patented
by two at our either, Messrs. BIAOII and
Fenn, of the Sunbury and Erie Railroad :
Anw Itcm.aoao Taoo.—Messrs. Samuel A.
Mak flaperiateadeat, and F. C. Ford, Master
Mechanic of the Waters Division of the Sun
barrsad Brie Railroad, have recently patented
ba by
the so a r
art : sot to: theo rail is
. Is the space ordinarily occupied
and this is so embed upon a pivot. that it may
be tumid into line with either the main or lido
meek. The effect of this movable rail is ex
belly the urns with respect to the main
trait tad (uncut, as that of an ordinary turn
table, in ooasection with the several troche of
as oasis* house. To vibrate this rail as may
be required for.either track, its ends are con. ,
sededtbreaglitbeatlevers with treadles, which,
when the frog is open is either direction, are
depremed by the wheels of the train, and by
whit& depression the vibrating rail is placed
in Its prop# position to dolimpkote the track.--•
IS will mew to many that the movable rail or
beg ad& be esaamited with, and derive its
motion hem, the switch with which it oo
ponds. The motion of the ordinary frog is very
oldestionable at the best. As for crossing
hogs, Mr. J. J. Swift, of the Fitchburg Rail
road, Welly seeds oat, to his own satisfaction
at least, that one Grossing caused as much
wear and tear to rolling stook as ten miles of
read. ji l l i t t e st Sciple of Mesas. Black and
Forts frog is certainly much supe
rior to that o f bream backed reptile, mm
moody martyred at railroad turnouts. Whether
thi tweeds, ender the wheels, or a direct con
amities with the switch lever be preferable,
experience mast determine.
Then.* but nineteen 1).. .ersta in
the bong* of North But, sad we learn from
a Mead that there are only nineteen men in
that rural rilleipt who ar sot proposing to be
applies*, far
. the Post Moe. The °See is
worth three sr four hundred dollars a year, ell
told I
or Now that *Motion is over, sad politics
has had its day--the people have bad their po
&Mal belle, and will want something else to
seamy their mind, we propose to devote wort
et our spire to ether than political topics, and
that mate the 06wrecr a welcome 'visitor to
every !Molly, irreepseti, of their political
-proclivities. We do not wish to be understood
by this that vs shall pay no attention to poli
ties, for we intend to light lib. Republicans to
the Int, sad pour hot shot into their .amp
whenever we And them doing anything wrong.
We take it for gitatills4 old Abe in to he out next
President Old we jugend to keep a \ sharp look
out for the figure. 7. 4 Republican atimintistra
tion will bettomethist new in this ointey and
we weal to lee what it will it, an.l hoe ifs
tend. lo steer the ship of State clear of snags
and and banks. But whilst doing title, we
intend to devote most of our time to the lo
cal interests of our vicinity We haves long
winter before us and -hall have plenty of time
on hand to build railroads (onipaperl cultivate
the fine arts and Docile/ agiettons awl attend to
domestic affair* generally Now is the time to
hand in your names.
Mr The Dect tuber number, the last of the
present, volume of llodey's Lady's Book, is al
ready at hand. We wish all our lady readers
Gould hare the pleasure of examining the eon
tents of the number now before us, for in that
case we feel assured that Mr. Goner wennd he
overrun with orders for the book—a mark of
appreciation which would he fully deserved.
The January number commences the sixty-sec
ond volume Any gentleman wishing to make
an acceptable present to a lady friend, could
not do better than to subscribe for it. We will
Club it with the UGserrer for $8.2.i.
gar" Agat cats. at the Post Office News
Depot, has received the superb Engraving of
"large Jima. reng lirerustr, - offered as the
premium this year by the Cosmopolitan Art
Association. It is a magnificent Steel Engrav
ing, of .the largest size, and worth at least
double the price of subscription. gall and see
it at the Post Office, where subscriptions are
received. Recollect fur $3,00 you 'get one of
these splendid engravings,' a copy of the Art
Journal for one year, a ticket of admission to
the celebrated Dusseldorf Gallery, and a chance
in the annual Distribution of Statuary and
Paintings. So much that is valuable and beau
tiful was never before offered for $3 in this or
any other country.
RAIL ROAD ACCIDILXT to A Foo.—A collision
occurred un the S. h. E. R. It on Thursday
morning, between the mail and niccomodation
trains, owing to the prevalence of a dense fog
on the Leßceuff swamp west of Waterford sta
tion. The latter train _was feeling its way at
four to five miles an hour, the former at about
ten. No one hurt except a alight bruise to one
lady in the train going east. None of the
care were knocked from the track, and but
two wheels on each engine truck. The dam
ages were but slight—not exceeding s2l7..—af
ter a loss of a couple of hour. each engine pro
ceeded with its own train.
We do not learn that any person was spe
cially in fault. Had there been no fog it
could not possibly have occurred. The ac
cident happened on one of the longest straight
lines on the whole road ; but so dense was the
fog that it was impossible to see a i.stanoe of
three hundred feet.
There should be a telegraph line on this
road at once. Considerations of public safety,
to say nothing of convenience, demand it
AtiAIN iVh.: I I%Y, !Ai Land 5: Co s Sal
erstus : if you have any regard for the health
of yourself or family, throw to the dog' the
miserable, impure Stuff which has vo long
ercised your patients, and male your bread,
pastry, Sc , disgusting to look or to tavte De
Land's Chemical Sakrat us is perfectly wire,
and will produce the most satisfactor:, results
when used in preparing fowl It void by most
grocers and storekeei er' Msunfat•'ured at
Fairport, Monroe Co., N. Y
air The "Erie Sewing Nlachine, which
9ootiing the whole West, ie said by those who
hare used it to be a very eteellei,t family ma
chine. Address, for particulars, .1 N It,
G r enensl Agent Erie Sewing Machine Co., Mi
lan, Ohio. See advertisement.
How Lincoln*lection Tranquili
zes the Country.
Several leading Virginians here repre
sent it to be the purpose of their State to
becomo the mediator between the sections
when South Carolina shall have accom
plished secession.
The basis will require that no one be
eleeted.President unless he receives a ma
jority of both sections of the Union. and
that no law be passed except by a majority
of the members epresenting both sections
thus securing a majority of the whole peo
ple in each case.
Hearing of Gov. Wise's movements in
organizitg minute men, Gov. Letcher, it is
said, addressed him a note, hinting that
he (Wise) was no longer Governor of Vir
ginia, but that another had succeeded him.
who wotild take care of the public interest
of the State.
Several Virginia Congressmen are here.
They represent the sentiment of the State
as in favor of submitting to the election of
The Constitution publishes one of the
forms of the Declaration of Independence
that is to be submitted to the South Caro
lina Convention. It embodies a portion
of the American Declaration of Independ
erica, with the list of grievances altered to
suit the present condition of affairs in that
A copy of this, it is understood, was laid
before the President yesterday.
Mitttourvitts. Nov. V.2.—The Military
State Convention met to-day. The attend
ance was large.
Resolutions were passed favoring seces
sion. GQV. Brown made a strong resistance
speech, declaring the right of secession and
the duty of other States to sustain their
He declared that if the Federal troops
attempted coercion. for every Georgian
who fell in the conflict the heads of two
Federal soldiers should atone for the out
rage on State sovereignty.
CottaßlA, S. C., Nov. 13.
Mr. Keitt was serenaded by the people
at 12 o'clOcic, last night. He made an ex
citing speech, urging prompt and decided
action. He said that Mr. Buchanan was
pledged to secession, and would be held
to it. South Carolinia should shatter the
accursed Union. If she could not accom
plish it otherwise, she would throw her
arms around the pillars of the Constitution
and involve all the other States in common
The South Carolina Legislature abiourn
ed this morning. Nothing of interest tran
spired. The members are now en route
to their homes.
JAcssoi, Miss., Nov. 13
Gov. Pettus has issued a proclamation
to the State Legislature to consider the
popriety and necessity of providing surer
and better safeguards for the lives, liber
ties, and property of the people of Missis
sippi, than the late election and past action
of the Northern Government promise.
Ca•st.tsvoN, Nov. 13.
The largest and moat enthusiastic meet
inglever held in Charleston. assembled to
night at Institute Hall, to ratify the call
for a Convention by the Legislature. The
galleries were filled by ladies. Judge Yo-
Grath presided. Speeches were made by
m ". srin" Rhett, Colcock, Connor
When a speaker declared; "this Union
is dissolved," the enthusiasts was perfectly
Outside meeting.' were addhased by lead
ing merchants, all declaring their readi
ness to saerifkr all in maintaining South
Carolina's honor.
There is no longer any doubt that South
Carolina will secede.
Palmetto banners are multiplying.
The Courier Aloe displays the Palmetto
Bag with the words " So uth Carolina has
moveci--other States will follow." On the
reverse is *singlet star, with room for oth
ers as they- come in.
The I,Pgislaturo mourns to-morrow
The Bank of CharleAtoti hat agreed to
t a k e 1 1 .1011.000, and the balance of the
000 loan will be taken by other city bank;
Mr. Hill, member or the House from
Otiorgist low taken p (loch!. d stand for *0
Senator Ilammnrid has resigned.
News hum Is.en rmeived that. the ;Orr!' Is
or of litisisuisipis will call the Legislatur.
together immediately.
The excitement / c%mtinueir intense. Th„
people are determined to send delegate,
to the convention. pledged to get the State
out ofjhe Union at any coat —immediately
VolunCeei corps; including ikelle ( lerman
companies with state ocitors, are . I, rming
A great detnonstirs.tion is projected for
Thursday evening, to welcome hack
delegation representing Charleston in the
Despatclies are continuity coining from
neighboring Stales offering ready equipped
milary organizations, paying all then
own expenses, to aid the State in the °sent
of coercion.
The Banks have not y.•t • u bu t
the opinion prevails that the) will be cum
yelled to do so within a W k A large
amount of northern, paper laid I,over bat
not protested. •
Merchants are perfectly solvent, an ,i
scorn the idea of repudiation A (Tic,
ma y a r r ive some time in fall, hut they are
confident that they !ire able and willing at
a future time to meet liabilities.
- Money market ix very stringent, mud
banks refuse to dismount.
The Washington Light infantry took
charge of the L. S. Arsenal this morning
It is suppeed there is an Understanding .
between Gov. Gist and the President in re
Bard to this matter.
A convention of the cotton states 3up
posed for the purpose of adopting h non
Intervention trade policy with the northern
sta•es, is talked of.
The boot factory at Cheraw is recell in 4
heavy orders for the Southern trade.
There is a disposition to buy such north
ern goods as southern merchants ma) not
have on hand but no new orders wtld tm,
given northern manufacturers, except toy
articles really necessary.
No man will be elected to the cont•on
tiou unless pledged to secession before the
first of January.
Miturnasriti.s. No d • 14
Hon. Alexander Stephens and Herschel
V. Johnson make Union speeches this
The bill appropriating a million dollar.
to be used at the discretion of theGovernot
for putting Georgia in a state of military
defence, has passed the House of Repre
gen tatives unanimously. It is bell ved that
the Convention bill will pass with equa'
Some Union men are making vigorou.
efforts to influence the sending of comum ,
sioners to South Carolina and Georgia, to
induce those states to submit to the action
of a southern conference, inasmuch as the
Legislature is not in session.
The probabillity is that this movemen
will fall to the ground,
Many let ter4 are received here from lead
ing politicians of all parties in the horder
slave states, expressing decisions against
the legality of secession under the Cont,
tution, an• 4 also the expediency.
The monied and mercantile interetita m
aim) making,their voices heard and
unantmou•ly they are for standing t.
Virginia is by nn means favorable tii
precil,ttate act%iii of South Varolina
Mr. Hunter understood to he aglow
the mlvern,Put .
.11►kLE:.ToN. :st
li.ok of ,it and Sa%ann 1.!
return Liari,er , .'we44.l and monthly
heation.. and movement contempl.tte , i
return ail northern 1a..k.un1e..4
:err known to h. sump!.
:•%orne foreign Consul-, are het, istutia. k
for .eee-,miotr. to open;atlonN Tarn
are snot to liar, full authority from ;he.'
The if..iyor, sogent..
northern ' , team-hip liner, that
not. 1.4.1.nn 1-
t the -tigling of 4ceerage pamet:
gerN, 1inte1...4 the Companies guarantt., ,
their maintenance if they he e en l e ,
The , eees.ton rnovement emir. I. 10- :n
creasing, and it is now said that mouth t etr
011113 will not he in the State•
The ( ON error pul.lished a letter , n
It opposes wanting other them
state.. and reeornrnends immediate
$ p CCiat aStitts.
KirTO CO Nat/ hiPTIVES.—TI Aileen,
havaig been r+otored to health am wart..
by a very ample • alter baring .'dared . ,ra
yeary with a s..verr lung affection. and Utak dread 4.. safe.
Consumption—is mallow' to make kaceat to ha• fah‘ , .
sufferer; the meranx of cure.
To all who desire it, be will sem:. • copy of tbo pr.
senptioo used (fro/ eherge,l with the directions
preparing and using the MUM, which they will lied *
aces coes. roe Cossegrr tog, Aronte, Etnowewirve. it.c -
The only object of the adverUser to vadlng the,prefierip
Imo is to two*St the afflicted, and spread infbrafetiou
which he conceives to be invaluable, and he napes eren
sufferer will try his remedy, as it will imat them nothin.
and may pro** a hionsmie
Parties wadding the redemption will please liddrew
Will h,
Core county, N T
act 6 IS--1y
This book contains Receipts and Dweetioes for %oldie,
all the moot valuable Medical preparations in i.e.,. ale.
Receipts and full and explicit directions for unikaug
the most popular and useful Cosmetics, Perfumes, Unice
onto, Hair Restoratives, and all Toilet Articles If
are suffering with any chronic disease—tf you wish s
beautiful complexion, a 4ne bead of hair, a smooth face
a clear skin, a luxuriant beard or meastaelie---or if you
which to know anything and everything in the Neches
and Toilet hoe,you sip&ld, by all means, peruse a copy
of this book . For toil particulars, and a sample of th
work for perusal, (tree,) address the publisher.
Ti 7. CHOrlieit N.
No. 831 Beesdway, Kan Torii
noir 3-3m=
lolriof extract from • letter written by the me
for of • Baptist Church to the "Journal and Nevi/waver
Cincihnoti„ Ohio, mad speaks rolwmee in favor of that
world-renowned medicine—Mac. Wmatcrw's Soon,: NU
STU"! roa Cal wan TZZTELDna
"We see an adAertimment in your columns of Mrs, W io
slow's Soothing Syrup Now we never mut • word in fa
TOT a • patent 'medicine before in our ids, but we Mel
compelled to say to your readers, that thi•la no Mumbeig
—Es Let HUM? I?, •111) [WOW Et TO at • 1.4. IT CLAIMS.—
It probably, one of the moat successful toedSolnesoi the
day, use it is one of the best. And those a your read
ers who have babies can:t do better than to lay in • sup
ply." Sc. adverlumnent in another column.
oct6 111-Iy.
Tlis neer owlet* sad speedy renter ever etiscserred f..•
di Diseases of thr Chat tad Lenge, Graii Clikk,
Ceustaireies t Breachstra, fruhuraw, ilawwww, W
omb Drsetkia d y. Sere Threat, 4c,
111 Kett, W &FMK give the must inetanteneons and
perfect relief and when persevered with according to d,
nations, Dever Bill to eßeet a rapid and lasting cure—
Thousands have,been restored towelled health who bars
tried other made in vain. To all classes and all coast
tutions they are equally a blaming wet • eanr— red
despair, DO matter bow long the disease may have wit
ed or however severe It may be, provided the orgaei ,
structure of the rite; commie ta not hopelessly &cared—
ever, en* afitieted sllould give them as impartial *nal.
To Toestaste asp PIILLIC Elenattaire, these lfakm ore
peculiarly valuable; they will in woe DAT 1411101/0 the
most ewers oreasionel boaneasse; and their regular cow
fora few days will, at All tines, Wanes, the power and
flextallity of the voice,greatly improving its tone, cam
paw and else:Desk lbs. which pa they are regularly
wed by a nuns pleillmtozal vomd
JOB NOSRS, Dole Tropriter, Rochester, N. Y. Price
25 oats per box. For sale by Cower it Bro. and L
Baldwin. July —lOl.
The recipe for making this celebrated Unionist
wasobilained by a gentleman while visiting the Tartish
issolse, a few year• duce. While there be 'Moored its
ca upon horses, and so remarkable were the cares, h.
aoneinded to purchase the recipe for making it for b..
own use, If nothing more. After returning to this ewe
try, he made some, and tried it to ewersl ewes of swell
riga rheumatism. bruises, etc., and found It to ears mote
speedily than wry article ever discovered. Booming ar
quainted with the gentleman, I,pureband the recipe, and
have made and used ft with greet snows, sad Ibund ooh
half had never been told of ihi intrinsic value. For Sher
mattes; Sprmiaa, Chilblaina, Palna In the Back or Cheat,
Cramps. Swilled Face, Sore Throat, Neuralgia, Tooth
eche, or dwellings ot every kind—lt is warranted to cure
For Horses Sprained,Cbafed, Wind-Galled, Crashed Heels,
etc., It la the most valuable inelleine in vogue. The pro
prietor, knowing full well its merits will authorise every
egetil to refund the money where ppeerfect watistbetion I•
sot given. A large number of eertispatw could begireD
If necereary, but one trial will istiey the meet skeptical
It Is perfectly sale to take inwardly in me of Cobs oo
Cramp. The Liniment Is for sale by ell Druggists.
J. BCRBILL t CO., Propri e t i es, N o . 191Nuotit et
Neer-York. Sold to Frith by L. I. Baldwin, No. 6, Reed
Howe, and Carter k Bro., Put Row april2ll-47