VolitiaL Iti t M Nl' A XIMING When I Ward Ileeeherdeclaredinthe North • ttbrett that the Constitution of the United I- the "father and fountain of oar lend that it is to he blown tip, •lir mg out bombs and rocks like. the ~; i lea- at Sebastopol," he was applauded t he echo by the rapt throng of litaek I , l ll , lw:ins who had gathered around Inn , . Iwo %Vett&ll Phillips declared in itri.w llall, that the Csonatitution " in4trument," another crowded au , ion of Black Republicana cheered him ,„1, Aholition tirade. When Burling- Massachusetts, one of the leaders iln Rlack Republican party in Congress, I•oisi to his constitutenta that "we must ,s, , till anti-slavery Constitution, an anti - ,‘ cry Bible, and an anti-slavery God," L. % .ont loin back to his seat on the floor the !louse of Representatives by a big vote than lie ever had before. When hn 1-trown invaded Virginia, and took /, I pike' with him, to arouse the negroes to a servile insurrection, the l' ling Black Itepliblicith paper of this itv, said that "eulogies, marble, Mom* , ken t., Itoenis anti processions would eel.' I 1 . .1ie lit , fame, and give his name to pt-m -!erat o a, that of a man and a true friend of ttee." When Abraham Lincoln had that "this government cannot exist half slave and half Anil that slavery must be put upilti iii ultimate extinction, die Black notninittelkhini for the first ,• ~ in the government. When under ore Is their inost thriving lin , - • --. iuel the tiiiithern peovle are lobbed • thousands and hundreds lit thousands • th, n property, the Black Republican . 1 cis glory in it, and brag of it a ',res .:. ~t tin' future. \V hen State after State, „'re the Reput.licann have the rule, nut .% the Constitution, which reluires the . turn of nigitives, and the United State , - ~Ltr hall anti their itssiptiatitA are beaten with bludgeons, or shot with reioli or.. .t the ) vivre Iliad .logs,iu the public :sheet:, Black chuck 11% taut their vipers make light nl it Ana when the-e th;ng, listi r lweti ,oatteretl in their (mu i. 4. 1, all over the timit hern (sotintry. ex uspernt mg to Mildness the lie,t en...tower. of the end eitiint the .late I illicit to in-iirreetion and hlood.fie.l, the viN Mel) who did 1.1 turn around and 0001 they "don't 100.111 anything Oust .110) rut Ile the 'incstittition, - wicked in 1111111,11C:us it is, - the lath. r aml foul ( I tin of out -awl never had :t thou2lii 4,1 interfering with .lai,ery in the .111 Ile•ih •••••111t4.`• • of doing anything inecin -t.utut with the .lot's ul law abiding aunt eitireim. With 'lintel' impudent 0 they not% charge the ?at, ith iiii.representing them to the fie) just .b‘, ' Me no %Limo - .atzaeits, ' l lll the' .11 , 10 , 1 :k1A1111141111 , 4., kut goo.l 1 11 , 1111.• cil the 1:111,l1 Not 11, 4 ,11 It Own. Al.,lltiulii‘i, ;11 , 1 , 1 , "1 Ow 111.tek i„ , t‘..: I it I, I'llll SIIIiIII W. 1.• 11 ,1 1111 , 11.11 t" 1 .1 1.4,111011 4 , 1 111 , l/1114 , 4111er14 fOr 1110 1 , 111 111 , 111. , 11 111 , 11111,:ii,141 I. min on ,„ 1,. k. t %%A i Inns loit .41 lit , 111 , 1111111' 1 1,1 1 11 10 I iito fo,l I 111 1...11. r r tlrnl tt , Ili(' \ vatt-t. th •tli.l W. mien nke It -leo% bolding If. it ~t)lv lot et, nil.l -o not to it 1111;1,1.1.e 1.111ei,:il 1D,,41,-rnte SOH uf It. pill'', 41. -.• •Iro w3ntet.l I r th, t IS. low 1.111.11.-Ati %NO Ita , l : 111 "I_3ll .1 1..11 Lurk 111 ti , I/t iAlii the k r likVil as IV 111 IL. II 111%11 II I It, vn I. 1 , 11 1 \ II •'% 1%110,111g 1 , It• •''tL.• 1. \ .t I 111 , .1111 1•11,, tit,l4! I. It for It.. n.l+l I. 11% , I all/ I %Mho. 11. 111 .111 111. , -.• 11,. 1,1 , 1, 1 iril• •1 611 , 1. 1 111 , tllll.l Alm 01114)111,W 1 ,111 , 11.• .11 , 1 1 4 m 1 1 •":!11 11 , ‘ , M I 1 .111111:11 , 0‘ 1 V. 011111" n, .11..4.11 , 4•1111101 \ 111 161 , Slate Illin 111.• 1.4 I'. l 144,, , 1 lllr Ilt•Vk or:z au/ • 1..11'1 in' .11 rnlttlnnc I.v no ' Cln•v I„•„u.,t 1 i.,1 nholittont-m tit all.l h.• I . ..lluser to: :0 . .• In 14111 l 1 , 11 11..1.1 W . 2. 010 nntlor 111. t., 040 INEEMM=I II AMI I\ %NI. Ifit 111 I' Sr11,11•R 'met. 110'14 Ihni i,ii %,,t,..1 , ? !..k, 11-t Mr. Bro.i.lllead . - 4110 !Ad m., nt VI%311:• of thP \V a of —l2 11.11 :WI, - 1.1 kn./. W/111 . 11 1111 - .1/1 111 % 1011. V„I log, ; Bgitiii4t An .iiiendinent. %%bleb provided that Llie N0r .1% ti g %% ho, iti any of the nio•A iu hi. h tht- country hiL.-.1.,•en engaged, i.or •1 Toed iniht.o ser% iCI . 4 IIigIIMAL Li u pliblie 11.•111%. 0101101 tint reettlArlN. tritthlpied -1 11, the United St:itn• !ho. :tll.l childr.•ti of -tieh ill he entitled to sit tho Iwnetits Of the • t tint' of the l'gninty 1111.1 tet Thhi without hip VolP Yol• 211 1%.-tge tto I fin.l',P.,wee 4 , f the 1.411.1 Nli nlnaie4 ,t 'rho 1.111 w:e. ithotit hi vote ria\ - special - TIM A XIKKICAN %ND 701 LET itEurmor UOOh. Rrrttpet and ihrerfamsr tor nnkuir mold vslnnitM•.lle.liral preparat.na4 in Pr% a 11..• and In/1 . • a plan t dtra•ehuna for m•tinv all mutt piil i nt•ir raj Ccilisiarttro. !loot Hair koot...4lltirm, .o.I&I roll.( A 14 1 ,1.. if J' , .o • "nd..nnit a 0. am elirnnie dirt.►—lf inn wish II • ‘u tiro' completion, a tun• 1.e.! of hem, a Ilusooth taro., • s hit ayiant I. and nr nlollOtaftle--4, if 4." /1141 to knu• anytiamg amt ever - filling in in.• .n•I 'route( rm.., v ii phoul.l, 11 alt at,anz„ ..nu.. ar•opy I 11111 1.. k p.ortlettlyr•g, and a *ample it lir.. ..,rk 1..,,i.d, the pur•llahrr, T P. (114.91011. ft.ll nr.14.1• N•••• Y.OO, KOS. In 'l' N MIN UTP.It3 Itlt V W V E Its moot errtoso and 'speedo rron•Jo ere,. abr....rag/for ode /Ookraret or 'kr ( %OW •ad Loves, t I Ast4- • CSakkamlyttrook, Rrone/kat.. //e4ll,eliel,/. fix* •••• +lt Ortaiiiii!if. TI/Trtak ,I. THimpev. W 0,.• n,..1 iortalli/11).0110 and t sod whoh vrrwrver , if with arronitnif to rit 11.001, nrywr 6.1.1 to rffert a ratti,l awl %splint von. hero hero t0•L0r...1 to yerfort hroilth who Win, • ,r.l other m. Mr.. in VIM To all ria/./.1.1114.1 all rellAtt• tloPy ar. vicitilly a l.l.•arinr and a CUP. none newl • , i.atr, n.• neater how long the diselae tufty have .Olaf .., however for." Pro It may Le, peaThted the orptaale rof tore ot the vital orpao• In not hopeleitaly derare.! -- . r, en. 111ttlicts41 ghoul.' etre them an ontearlial lor reAl INTII • •11 1.1 nue Ari•IIKIIS, Wltflo.n. aft' .r lutli 1101111131r', tiler will in eirll 1 , 11 r•t11 , .•11.141 , . ....verr-tatom••••nal hetarraela: and ttear ygee frw 41s)• will. St all timer, larreage the poaree'raal haility of Ihr r•.lee, greatly auproclayr ita tope, Orrlo - 111.4: , leartseota, for whirr' parr... they are regularly I Pr a ifvugy prof...v."lml Soo...wets 1B la • i•leS, Propritrr, Priew I.• Vor phal« 1., C. at, it .1-1 1 I id trio. rzi - DR VAI.I'EAU"3 Th. I oseo‘..ry of Av! --iwr the natant:yaw... cum of cuatrr w 110 auoutla, Usi oat .tomarli, rraultluir froui , cat Latina or Typlaiu Fevers, ottiorr 11•4 bre U11.1•10`, 4 .l4,rlafyi imnp, hump, • •a of all liosia, oupura larra./.1., Arc. .1. 11w heat I.orlllor Cro the inch .f N." tiling • v.r r,ll t.. I 1.• publte, r., • lol.rs •aol 141.•. r•« •pol • Ilb. hrimb oi.laotly tricorn. Mt tartar, 111.1.51 /11606 r 6.66/640k noir .16r. p, 1.661 1.4160 Übe 1,61.110111. *Mt. and •• t I°4 y trip from all promoooar. eutmi•nr. , , watt erws 6,1111 dintaal with perf.rt a•b•ly. ..• • .41u41.1.• articl• for ot, ry rawly to Wive la lb« •It, I %111 rttlidlt! j 141.1 Std tottremirtiotkrr • wilt warrant it t.. tiyin ant 1•- • a ..yr, reine r;eirta firr Itt I.ICI I •i, I y.t.141-14 .111 I , .P, hr 1 I 11•1, • tn, lin I. 0t....51 •...I 1t... , Qr. H1'1[1111.1.44 TI11{1•1 4 11 I.IINI IKNT. - thts .t.. 1 I iuhurot s vbilt.4 114 Turkish - - - Wlisletlrere rLajtill, W fl tt). ..a•t• I I • Lt•-• 11444111. r it ti.r tint •••• ***** r•• At .r f• (tlfls ri, t. U... entail =ME • . true: ol weevers& eswews•u& •• - , 11•UDIZU1111.1. br 111. anti tottnd t.. wt.." t tuau ant ♦rt,rte ere, alsbeowt , etweettaeg 1 1..4 ith U,. itent4•paa, I purelwa.4l Us. rocipe.aal ' • .."0- 1 4 .ad .I.h/ .1. rith great sent... end 11600.101 w .! L.. u lot at•sutrigh..e v.lose 1 0 ,1 r lthra I ....ILI, '14111111•, ,n lb. Itarit or %mgt., 01.11.1 V '4l hrr Th neat, FYI /lag oir ni ztzulL of•rraute4 to ogre. r 'former dpramsd. 4%0 •fistrr4 **aka •t• , it is The owl rao.Atri.. Iskr.brioc 101 10016. 11110 11 tMK imr.triog folltur.ll t. WOW*. "AV ,rood LYa yomorr *lase perfect %mi./ let o.tel is 0,11. A hire uttaa,ber myrudiestai Ll* O.**. • ' nary. bat rsr« trial aitl aaltay ituottikeynesi II • iwri..elly orik , tab Lak. tutor/41.1 y lu raw* 1 , 1 Cute ..or 1f10.,1.1b10w00l to for silo In ill Itruggints NU kRII.I. CV, rroitri-lors, ht.. lul Nooosts•ot , York 4 01.1 a Knr, by I. 1. R*l4ltwo, No . now.", • • Carlow it Bro., rut Row OpriL2ll--47 1110TILUL13, 1121 LP =la. • fed towing ostnist dorm a balder Irrittsit ba pas tor o • BaptiatChureh to the . Journal and r" lioeinuatt, Ohio, sod speaks volution to 'boor of that sorld-renosurd modteins—iftu. WuraLovr's elm° HI ow, ran Coil...saws Tamura r "We so• is aelmortioeumost in your 00114101111101 Wlm ek.r'a Boothint syrup Now to won said a to far vor of a patrut rovraeloo bairn la our ate, bat we Lvel vorupoliod W say to your learloas, that this Is so, - H 4TV TIMID IT, MID LIMO/ .11T TO SU 44.1.1 Ta *IL— I t ta m itoottably, one ot the most ettootdotal 44 the day, tre•atkar tt In ono of ant boat. And thew sly teed era r ho have babies emit 46 better than to lay " SHUI solvertimuseat to another column. oetd 18-- ly. KrTO CO NSU 1111 1 1 MOB. —The Adirsetiser. has Inc berm restored to health is a to* wake 1 9 I Tory 10 pie ee10.4.1.11111er haring astlasadi soveral year's 1. At a Romero lass allhatioa, 5.4 that dived disimo, Com.utuptiou- is noxious to woke bonus to his SYSow sufferers the lamas el core. To all who desire It, he wUI mod a copy of the Km mript'oo weed (free of charge,) with the dinotione br preparing and ming the mom, which they will led max Cysts roe Ommoorrioa, bluest , Itonsnirrni, An.— The only object of the advertuver, la evading the preacrir tom se to benent the annelid, and 'lnroad informattoo whs.+ lee conceives to be invalisable, and be napee every eenerer will try hie remedy, m it will root them nothing, %a.* may prove • bleseAsg. Panic* wiabtog thepmseription wUI Orme address Nev. RUW AKA/ A. WILASON. Williaambergh, net6.lB--lv "' tinge county, N sir PRINTING INK.— i.tti "emits ws,, ylrane n member that they can tiny the Ise! article of li.t. Iva :v. r ntd , onstinfortured by 8, 11. K. /CLAM k :tut, 11,1 • n, Conn., at the Orrtersee or , itCe, for 22 eta. per i. und, and cheaper than that eves,if there to any other establishment West of Buffato that will furnish iks good an article furless! This Ink In need in printing the Glimmer, Geurtga, Pre. Press and Speet.glar Kris; Record, eunnestdrille: and Jentreal and Meyaskii;sa, Meadville an, I N APLEASANTLY Situata.t 110fTSE Eau to rook., by apply log I,a J. O. Nuri•as , N. liouttollLott cwt.= —4t2l NOTICE TO JIIII.OBA. u liktitS summoned for the lad Monday J "I Notes/60r are hereby awtitie•J that, in ardor . I luu R Brown, Vrostilow 14,11t0., tlim7 toodstoolr4 oat to app.., Ulllll Wo,l000da ) monolog, t • i W of Norouttott , o 1 57.._1 J WSiert/ PIANO TUNIN G. MR. W 1.1.1 AM WI LI.I N4l will prompt ly attgael to all es.ll. For PIANO TrIFINti, lit...cell or through Mr JOHN MR:00103A, se antOlal Kano furter sod Idatent.elorwr from &aril., wi A . Ittay constantly los fOmmel .1 Mr Winill4e. NUM' gin/M.- 11 ! W • 111 lit old honsclf mrponslble for any wort that mgt br` dons by this !trot lowan onely.rle is auspice.. ..ct:J7 ERIE ACADEMY (IN ?t1( OA Y. 4 N "r4IFj Eli • 29111, tl u half or thr p n-aet. t term in the Arttirrut mem, St le,lars rdl he mcworad for lb. trlMlLifteer Of 141.• it rill at half HA 1 union of the it hole r:....0 MK WAGN.h.Ii •ill ..r,opy • room in the A cad v ii, y to hr‘t hilt Grrtuari clAr.rk, awl scholars ran kkrin th e prik. tleco'ol 'dud, log Grnmin kr silk a waive teacher. Na W 111VICICSterUleg I.( t uition f o r a memio n of fa nyr W.. ,k ■ a rr, for i :erruart ao .1 Fryrkrlu, 44 6 0 44nual., 4 00 i:ertnall for ..16olark putsulog Kuillaki aluJirs, 2 00 ....1 'V —2l_ K. W. 11A LK, Pm/01dd. _. INSTRUCTION IN DANCING - AT A It It A Jt A L L! Mii. DELA N ll would reepectfully give notteo to tao eltmons .1.11.7.n0 that be wilt row o Li. :',1141 , 0i Mor the Inntreettun of \ "tint( !Adios, no.l Slut., • n. F AMUR HA 1.1., on NUINMHICtt 316, 1.1•44/. In xin.h n 1••• tanallt the I. t.. 1 wd 111011 t Fxot. Lle 11no frrtu. or To tinn i 4 oft i . rr Thr.luotion. ir .11 be OCttio to lams lteo tenth .4. - moo. 11,an one gehoiar, nor a.. 1 ~ b 11..tirl..!rant lt EVENING SCHOOL for GENTLEXEN Nv , •01t11. lb. Oil lb.. tabor. Kr..,,,n,/ I lOU/nor I,trtt. t lOU 1.. r from 7 t..., tt't Ittek .e. t !riot. r 111 I, x/letittetl Ft.., tuition $.l "Ile Lath It, die I tat nut Ttoloot for 4 , r0ti.0.5. q. $ 4 . 0 0 - etry (ieullettaan otFlocribats- v.ll bot euttl.lxtl tit bent hourr front 7 1.. 17 o'clor► cIUrIDK no! Tenn I ' , O. Itilottuo and pat tit-mit," pt.." Applrlua t.. Nr It , l'arntr 11311 '2 • 111.1‘1, OYSTERS ! OYSTERS It L pi, vr .k If EA I) • "I. tittrfart lu N.—Tile well known ' , gip %S. Ir.. ll... , l.torttirtent znartittyr , liat it I. w. II prrpar..l ior tbr titter tra.ke for tkie itawkwou 311.1 t.I TL. ri tn. Aiwa., lor ("unit •I (Lieu Llwpot tir,wu 11..1n st..l It. e.l Hour., • larigeotock Itall re and twit il•st n in k••ir. xlel eau.. 1,4. front` Ito• katoilolt s ktnittoste I'Vrw/1111. rn U. 1,4 I/60ring low II Pr 1, - 11t, 'kW retell, the f.• the tir•t awl 1. , fre..l/ R. PLATT A I It $lOO REWARD! S3TC:II.aNLN: FRI iNt the Stti of the Subscriber on t'Sn wins evominv, the 14th foot., rrooits amount(og to nu) rilal.tiog In part of Mart and drab bate ant taps, Itauts• No ,h. 1101 dollars is ritterod as a rsa•ril G r the app. f I I, ws•-• at al esecirsr. Of th• propert) LicwlA rest Itth, 'NCO - 21 BANK OF •COMIERO.E. TILE Annual Election for thirteen I. *erre thoo lelesettgei yo.r, will b r . hrid •t the. it.uting Hoar., le kt•t., na tlande. 111. 59th inof a. t, bet wrsbn hoar..•l IU 9 a ... 11 n'elnci. P 11 ISM t -21 CLOAKS & MANTIT -S. J:L-1 YES A iIZDAN %%ill open this ,lav 11••• I AL •t Pails N oroltio• 111 Hh• I. othilAtt ( k h ATLI tress yr. -Intl• ttA. Ng oroo. ,A rd.., (OM ra6.1.1.(r than n•rnlar Printed French Merinos. SMALL Fli, ("RES High re k rt.; . 41, :`. Car lOU, ( *tap, at 1111'1 4 s. I Winter Gloves and Hosiery. LA 1 , 1 h:s Cloth Silk awl :p3.1 311 )(ilk G ilea x•r-rtua ot, 'Joe 'l...my. Al*, 14.11,0, %mi t,ll V .4 , 1 11111 Y erinn !low, ..(rrep yuaßtl . (leap at the BF.F. 211tORF . - - SHAWLS. LA 1)1Es; and Ills:s1.>; Long :srol s4itiaro Vines all `lloloot I. lb ontind orr. elrettw. • .1i opeu this clay as 11ko l'ltoay Dry Good, Non.. of t -16• Milt+ /4: JOitDAN OYSTERS! OYSTERS!! 'RAVI N(; accepteil tbe A geno I" melt 0Y8111:14.3 of Mean. tiR A ' - NIN.A as Co., I am now receiving a "mats, July of the eboueret kind, rboah w, I ho ..1.1 to Dealer. mai 'Akers an Ow moat mammal& tomtit N B --A hhersl .Idie..uat made to the Trade A Wilda Indeparlest Market 11k...N.0e **TIN- -17 uk J, V0'1.1.-.11 1P.44%41 FALL & WINTER GOODS 3(i 3 0( N) 1 k)I la I ' S ! W:ire now in reeeipt of tiirjairtresq •tna .•/qTA Ply G04i11•4 rd • 1 , 41. 0 "4. ST %VIE DRI 0 0 0DS. ; WEI:1 ES, II RI) IN ARE, elti WEEDY, r L kg W 1 R u. goirrs and SlifIES, READY ADE CLOTII1(11, ClE'.' and 110111' (1.(111f and ILUSH lAre, , is),,,h har. baptYp..4., te4 with filtat care. aii.l at the veri , hmerat pawaiale prcP, awl imati* 1.1.1 cimip f.r CO.l IrY or aPpire= VI 'ivies?, 118 cwt.; 1% lin kat% bitirami liti & 12th 1;, 7 1 )J Slk ai C. 44 orsifirjvw. 2 0,/ir e LOCATED AT BUFFAIA), Corner Senect & Miti4 Slreets . V. CITY, "Coopor Institute," Aptor Place PHILADELPHIA, Corner iih Chestnut AL. ALBANY, .10 448 Broadway. CLEVELAND, Cor. Seneca et Superior Streets DETROIT, No. 70 Woodward Menne CH ICAGO,:cor Clark anti Washington fititptg ST LAMAS: Cor. It and Vine t4trecis Stu.lenta astertag any - one of Lbw Colames, lb tb, payment of $4O broom.. entitled to lb. pridlogro tb ratan. "amis." datoptialug Petro tl.w awe tburouab, ptleuelve, couple - Ade and popular RU.inr.rgf•bool, is the world For Catalogues ar] elreola not, all 0 lb. C 011../ Ro.m., or 14.1 rear as above. omit v %per at SI% ‘lll4lll. 11.11NN RUA I. I PIP'OUNIATION. ho r otandar4 of Agnelli/St/ is Oa feNiaPl Sptsanrutn." stinionta ea u oaninotera any Mir. r Marna Inn na , vacations. The Priseipols awl Torebonl of this Maio of Collooo. i 141141. SO oxionobro acquotolosoo is woos Wiw cilia', sod trafa 000dlor It a *ammo to farther they bmit %Waft .1 Woe grades...gm Al.' 21. 1.960-4yAL' _ Election Notice AN Election for President, Directors and Trossoror of sb. err. mod Wattataarg flask hood Comosoy wilt Ix. 60,1 at the "Ilea of Obi lido Osseo , in lb. city of PAU, on tbo Int lioaffaf a Nam** mat, - from tda 4 o'clork, oat P. ARB UCKLIE, Saa'jr. TO B.EIT W'4 A 1111.1, DIEM 114454) rt .OMEN? DRY. GOODS 0A11,81 9 111 AND HOUSE FURN !SUING GuoDs ~~. ' 4 ► WAIL . GRIEPOITOLD - Now 01Sors a MI, largo sod ofiroetivo stook of LAMM MUM j MOUS. PLAIN AND PRINTED NNAINOIOI. musr.iis DE LAIN ES, mw many eitsWe New awl dealrsblo styles of DRESS GOODS! LLING AND SQUARS SHAWLS AMU CLOAIL4 OF liVgille DItiCRIPTION I DRESS TRIM MINOS. rmunoiDERIKA Aso LAM, IPI.ANNICIAN, HcAlrmy AND aLov NA, putiefineD AND Harm N 1311118111108 MID 111113M1108, PRINTS, itc., are. Nei. and beautiful Myles of gaiglicil and American VEI VET ISRUANIVI ANT) WON)). CARPET•.) ANT) On. CLAIITBR. AND IitTEICY DRFICIUPTION OF ROITSE FIIR.NISHIIIO GOODS T. tibia airesay large &ad {nen/ming bualions bas Won wtde4 t►. Illasstaetano of GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING i To Ord or, IT N I 'ER suPEßvisioN 44F Ca . U. KEEN FE. Edam.. I'iIOTIVAL TAYLOR, late of Buffalo, N Y , • per 1,84,41 W °driver" Lave Moon Romplnvo.l for BIANITFACTITRING. NOW IN STORE E= MAR. AND FANCY FRENCH AND RECLEAN VVTIIVIS For Fall and Winter Wear. A LS U, GENTLEMEN'S -;111RT, C()I.LARS, CRA ATA Awl evert thing an the les, .sl Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods ALL GOODS W/MUMTIgD t !MEI SATISFACTION GIVEN! WM. A. URIAVOLb. • (kl.htill, limbic Frost Stre, State !beet, Eli., Pa FALL CAMPAIGN! !w► YOU WANT TO WIN uo TO THE • •`:e ..._ • ti • • igiu. 1 "IlWat __Ag 4 ge-tAceNeT-- 4. Fnlt yi‘llt 1111.1 . GOODS! HAVES & JORDAN 11- Nu I R WWIIS HOTEL lto•-t• but I w luaosurat..l Um Fall Campaign ottb a largo im4 railed othet of French and British Dry Gonda, WlAid, tipsy er.n.iklently raped •111 115dis1,1j, ruaspire with th....tt•ek nI uhr tither hciewr its thls city In tlioir iiII,4)IZEII SILK I;APARTMENT T 18.) otoodAtiotrosisoott, and to BLACK SILKS They pay . pertielular atteutioo, sod the held good. • ail shrus,,tut found la our taro swkortumbal. ru. FRENCH DRESS GOODS TIIRT Fl Art. VHF — it'll MINTED r*Lattiltg, rßirverr PRINITO 114R.1N0, Am) "'tow Nnt.ila•. io Doom Ifkoode is^nifil'm.l &utast/ otv in &Sim and of tbo moot I , tarpons eoloiliag. to ENGLISH GOODS THRY HAVE ciONTZ PRINTS, SCH CUM ?SON IA SCOTCH sad HANCLIOTCH Of NG ANS, en Bu I Mg•ARAIIXTTAR, R WOOL PLAIDS, .. 11.0 1 Z :zin, 4.4 mew Ofire4Fallories is rest variety. r CLOAK AND SHAWL DZPAR P.dLtMts more than ordinary attreetiowv,vabrlmitag gouty R-'""~""""~ qe. mice WOOL RH AMA, I.Mia MAW Lfl, GTRIPtfI WOOL LONG AND RNA RN SHAWLS, BIROCHE LONG AND INVAIU4 With allod up aisil apes maze, STELLA SRAWLII Is a variety of irtylaa, all ontora sad at law imam. la tha HOSIERY DEPART PT Molt Stack I* 0W1,6 MI sod oomph& CIIII.IIIRRN'S. 111:,C4r.r VIMIAWS, MID , corroN, MERINO AND wousneu Hest AND NAL? HOBEt Tboir ■teel u 4 HOUSEKEEPING GOODS IN liinr.Nß, Irtl.9llltlB, RHICICTIIffia, 10.11tUNO. CR 15111 1 2 , ,_ NAPBX.I. II DA ARILS, FLAMM" RIAIWIERTN COUNTERMAN/IN 441111CfAINS„ ie. Invilmi rattail sammilisifee and essepartar 4 prime. BARGAIN SEEKERS lihesbe es% glietY . • lib A BRILLIANT STOCK OF RICH 000Ds 1 Is WI disapperrirs—vlai Ulu trout on s hum imoralay For she &titian of Slix•ort gir Prodder': and Vice Presidetat 401 the thrital Awes. W HICREAS; inMild tv onb bot *1 th e the of Nos olives* outtUed sios ° MIN* r ea Amur at this Osoussmokt' $1 dna ark it la wade the doy all Shod( ad ~ soluaty witbko this l wemmeateb to igivo ride maim of the gooorol elections. sod le snob motto, to wassmado, 1. Tim Wigan to ha elected. thoisitato dot plows at whiab tbo sisetions an to too bald. And nerds; by a aelldwasat a aahl set, pawed Apt' Ilth, 1 It le esteted that : The Marlton of huddled and V. of the U sited Nabob le abs yiihr of our Lord and every berth yew theneillakbe bold on the sort ahem the trot Mosby erne,. nether. ; , • la pumas" etwiekk I.,JOHNIF.IIeLAPIC.Mittibist= IS oft be coutity of Erie, do booby oflata knows, sod give this paha° setts to the electors et the county ot that ork TUESDAY, TER MITE DAY OP NOVEIIIIRR MIXT, ( Wog the . Tawieday attar the but Meade: of the aitita,) a gewral stealth. wM he bald at the new& eieetloo dtatrkta eabalAtithed by law is rai4 meaty, at which thee they will vote by ballot for Twenty-Seven persons for F./et-tors of President The laid elution will he held thruebogst the County u follows : The oho dors of the AM election' dliallet of the city o Me to meet at the soot room of the Komi beim, on Fifth attest. Tito alipetors of the sersord election district of the city of Elio to nowt at the Ore engine holm on State street The *Metals of the-third ideeilon dedriet of the city 4i4 Sri, to meet at C. Illidtparren'a other os Pens street. The *lecture of the hearth election dietrict of the city of lOW to meet at the Fire 4 1116114. hear no Peseh atreet. The etertore of ifillereek township to wag at the Town Hall la Nagle village. The electors of ilarborereelk township to moot at the who& hoses near Walter Orieuwoodu The electors of North East township and borough to import at the, south roes of the school house near the public attar*, in the bora" h of North Curt. The electors of pnro4eld township to meet it the school hours tear R. Eaton's. The electors of Venoms° township to meet at the school house le the vithige of Latent,. The electors of Watlibunr borough to meet It the school house in said belbligh. MiEMMiiiMMIZI The electors of Wayne township to meet at the house of Riklab Carter. The electors of the %Dnepr of Waterford to meet at the hones formerly emu by Joseph I. Coot. The electors of WM« ord tovraship to meet at the Mace now oompied by lo the kw. ongli of Waberford. Thu ebredors of LO Were. tositaidp to meet at the wheel hoes. No. Th. *lector& of Washington township to inset at the hour now onenptod by A. btobinaon, to the borates tit &Unborn. The electors of the borough of bitalleirs to Pant at the school house iu said borough. The electors of !Pranklin township to nieetat the Tuck ers school house. The electors of McKeon township to roost .t the house Dow occupied by The electors of Orem township to asset at the schoo house near Win haerreuce's, on the Lake Pleasant mad The eleet■re of Summit township to meet at the Norris *chord home. Efg=aMaiiil The electors of Fairview township to nieetat theater:Doi house in the village of Fairview. The electors of Girard township to inert at the public school barrio the boroolb of Girard. The electors of the borough of Girard to sweet at the aehool house in said boron - h. The elector. of gamest township to swot at the school horse In Welisten the electors of CooDelint township to moot at this school house near g lialsbary' s. ESMMMMEMEiI el in'fi.4. The electors of the borough of Nin% to most at the Academe to sold borough. The electors la the election district erected n ut o f p ar t s of (limo'. Conneaut and Zikernek townships, at the white school boom in the village of Lockport. I ono make known and give notice, a. In and by the 13th section of the afranosid net, lam throated. that every moon except Justine* of the Peace, who than hold any OSOO or appointment of profit or trust snider the ',merriment ad the Cubed States or of this State, or may city or ineorporateddietriet, whether a conunimioned officer or ritherivnie, a aniewdi alto or arm/ who I; °rattail beempl.ye.t WOW the lisultinapee. judiciary .fir •metative departnerut of this State or I silted ffl - Paum., nr ..f an. fifty or Inemporstrd district, ant/ aim, that eyoy) meatier or Congo* mot the Stele Iserialature, •nil dd ate select ant coin 000000 1.1 o f a., i t ,,,ri.ora .llalrfrt, to by law fweafwblo of bobliny or asrr. at Lit.. elms. time the oar. ar. „t of .01 clerk of any a1y.r11.... 04 this c o nu n ., o ee..ith. *eel that no Inspeetor or judge Of other parer of sins such electiou. s hall Mice then to le , vote.' for Alen, that lu ti.- fourth ...cline of the art of Ammo boy. ewtitled "an a. t reining W etecutinns , Riot for ether pairpome, - approved April t, 1b O, 11 as enacted that the aforesaid 13th section "shall tint be an c”nstrued as to ;annual any Malt is °Meer or borough tracer from n er v i ng &s )Ridge, lasepeor or clerk. at say/tomer*/ or special elec. tien in this Vointainnweallb Alen. that in the 61st section of said art it Is &sleeted that any general or special election shall be opened be- I wee, the hours of 8 and lo in lb. forvsooli, mid shall continue without interruption or a.jjansrt.aurlat until o'clock in the crafting, when the poll shall be rinsed. The yeteepal, special. city, Incorporated district and township eleetiom, sod for eleetnts of Presidrtit and Vim Pr...ablest, of the United Mates, shall it. held Mid eondueted by the inspectors and Judge. elected as aftme said, soot by clerks appoinhoi its beeAnsafter moiriand. foram shall he permitted 1n Tonal any election as aforeeabl, bat white Insemen of the ar, of twenty-sae or more, who .hall have wedded In this PIMP at knit NMI year, nod in the election district whore he aims to rata it lean tea day., ionnedistely preceding inch .tattoo, sad within ten years paid a Slate or County tai,width shall bay. meet ammened at leant ten days before se *tees lien. Rut a eitiaandif the United States who has pre viously been a qualified voter of this State, sad removed and re turoe.l , and vb.. shall haye ridded lel the election district and paid lases aforesaid, shall h. eatitled to vote alter residing In this State ads sondes; provided, That the .hite freetries, eitheos of the Moiled States, between the sac. of twentr-one sod tweedy-two . sand, sod who hare n fisted it the election district no day sslormaid, obeli s othongh thee Ittll hot 1111TP pad taxes 1.;„ pan „, a s h a ll le 'swidled to sole •hoise D ot orphaned in tl.r net ..1 lialutanta fa bed hr th e e ,,, c emissioners unless AI al 1,. prtaiUrea /11 / rteaipt for lit. ;Animal ..11.... 1a... • Pa, • f a Stale/hr County tan %gr.-.aids to the colot lialdtle and give sat isfactory evialertre. Muller to Ida torn nall4l, or affirmation of mother that I. bee paid garb a 44 or ma &flare to produce receipt, shall snake oath of"the payment thereof; ..r .send. If he claim a right IseVote by being en elector Isata.rira the agent t wenty-ope and twenty- two tears, be thall dep• .on oath er I)lffroostiea th a t he h a . rwsidW within the Slate at lomitrone year felon his application, and mike such proof 'of his irehlence in the 'Retrial as is requlrni by the sm. and that he time eerily henry. from the neonate gt. 4 u him that he is of age Moneseid and give such eohnnees ns le required by this Art, whereupon the lornion'edmitted to WOO', shall be Inserted la the al plialeinal int by the Inapeettim, and a outs mad. opposite Owlet° by • ritisK the word "Us," If be shat' be admit ted to rote by reason of bating mid to r , or the word uti," U he shall be admitted to tot by moon of sash age, WWI be called oat in the edarks who shall make like notes la the Int of voters kept by them CA49lVlrip; MEI 01 caws 1411,0 e or the perces elairolog to rats. la found la the list formireed by the emooniereeoem Or aresperrora, or Ida right to veto whether found thereou or not le obreted to he soy qualified einem, it Amid hr the deity of the tWereeterne ter erase/tine arch persoo on oath u to his qualifications, sod 't he claims to lave m ended to the Stets erns year or t 0.,., his oath shall sot be melltelent proof thereof: but Imo shall make proof by at Mast one eompetont witness, who shall he a qualified riarter, that be him resided is the district for more tha n ten days Immediately yrrordiair said el earn, and shalt rice binarlf wear that his booed& reside., io porno noes of his lawful smiling, is Willie the district sod that beetle] not ospreys into salt datriet for the purpose of Tobias thesein. • Brea person qualified as oforemid, and who shall maker the duo proof required, of his miasma and pay ment of tares as aforesaid. tall he admitted to vote Is the township, ward or district in which be shall re side • It env moon abut merest or attempt to prevent 40 officer of ail electino owlet this Act beer larding each ele c tion, and unsex threaten any violomee to sash saw, nr shall (atonal or improperly interiors with him is the emention of hip duty, or "hall block op the 'Andes or the avows* to any window 110444 OM same he holding. or shall riotously disturb the poses of soid olaction, or shall moo or practise any intionidaUsg thrests.fosse or 'Mimeo with design to Indorse" aadaly or overawe any earlier, or to powered him from voting or to restrain the teredem o f c h o i ce , s uch pence ea woorriatiem shall be Owed in any wee ant eomedlog live hundred donates.' Isepriens ed for any those sot lees Mao des eolith or mono than twelve mostles, sad if it shall be shows to the court, when the trial of Nub ollnien Shall be had, that the per se ellmodieg was sot • orbits% of the city, ward, district or township whets the add °foam was ammuitted, and sot 'elided to rota tberoia, thew e.O ranyiessoa he shall be seidanced to pay a lims of sot bee Ikea Doe hurr ies! or more than nos - thosmod dollars, and be !redeem ed tees than dr moths nor more than two years. If any parson of persons shall maim any bet or wager epos the melt of may shretioe within this Comma. wealth or shall eller to wake any snob bet or wawa either by venial proclamation thereof or otherwise, be or they shall &eh& or pay them tiara the amoset so bet or offirred to he bet" • If any person not by law waslitied, shall tnendelseilly vote at any obeetion within this Commoonweeltb, or be ing allorratar qualified shall vote out of his proper due triet, or If soy person enowing the want of such mane. withal shall aid or procure sorb person to vete, peel, me mos or persons .'o offending shall on owevidierm W. Owed sty ost sot est:media two homebred dollars aid be is. for sey Jima eat rneesdisir three menthe. e n 7Mur perm. shall vole at won than one elecUom distriet,or otherwise fraudulently fell and &Harr to the inspect* two Whets together, with the Wawa to HMO. ly rata, or shall vote the same; .r If soy pones doll savior or rear re sootier to do in, he fic they en elbedlae shalt, an 0004444100 be limed SOT MI OM lOW this MI par woe than ire hundred dation, sad be imprisoned for say tune sot in. than three per mere than Untie mo nths." " If soy perms not eaalleird to rote le this Comareo ,.*Fib womb'? to law, Irmo' tie moor of onabbod sews shill appear at soy µnee of elastics bribe of lesoisFr Mosta roof isolineadad the elbow's Il l = to vets, les shall on lade pod pay say mat 004 one wired &Mara Gar Garry arch Mimes, and be lmpri for say Mem sot ereenedlog thwe menthe , " I also oak mown that, °in Frosoldie poems aloe dien hays ',eel the wood highest signaber of rotor' for In.l speetor, s I sot attired so the. day of eleetios, thee the Wawa w shall haw rewired the mend higleset nom. her of votes for ledge at the. seat *hat oblation shall act as bewilder la Ite Owe. Awl he mem tic perms she shall haw* meek., the Were! Dumber of robs for lo gyrator. shall not lettered, the pesos sleeted jedle• 1111110 appoint an leeportor In his plata, and la are the per "koettillalre shall out Instil, thee the Iwspretor mei the highest sormsber of leas shalt appoint lodge Io his pleas. or If any flaw, shall Foollans 1* th e b o a r d for the arse of ma %At seer pie time imd bylaw for Mg of the olootion, the ouslard sob" f the hewusbip ward or disbiet to. whisk said shall bows hien started. present at gm obey of steoltiloa s shall Awe. ems of their inissbre to 11l web nesaiy." • It obeli be the duty of the issmorsl smarms operro =adios* at the Islam of revery general speeded or towareir .belies" &Sag am time said elation 1r kept epee be the ourroom of pirlog i. lunroilee to the lespoetese lee jades, whoa willed In relaties t. lbs not of sy Nuiround by to roes eased' ebedicee or m rasetsee in to the seessomeat of eaten as the said Inalsortnes yer either of them shall Iron 'has to time requher • Pmeasst to the proorisione em raised Is UM tic me list of saw 'bet st....4 o . l helalfraor slooleatl shell respeetivolf lad twine el lb. neftliesie of Wide of Chi ideation is their rermortlre dist** sad prods. them at • beetle( of owe ridge from each district, at the COLIIT HOUSE in Kra, en the thitd dap otter 'Mk- OTTOMAN YgLI.OWS., MUX:UMA,T;O3S. and Lire President of tAt Chatted States Alas, Whig. for sproxitioss le ,oa 9111. day of WO M ims cabal' Way 'old judos*. May that whim, i judge by Alma et talialtdditawdetat as lambi, to stand tiltevala** etpp . ' Asa the aiANWo robin ealboraid add hi charge of !gm a lb. bora 'tors or arks at Oleetiods of sold &AKA. lobo 'boil 'd•aad potions lb* *Mee required of aold Odra enable to attest. Gioia ander soy houall at RAN thin 114 day of Oetetoor, A. O. ono thousand oliyht boadrof sodoftty p sod the Silk roar of the inderodelooe of the lila fed Stator orale] • JOHN W. abed!! Teachers' Notice. THE FALL SESSION for the ittapention of Irewebois for trio County, will b■ bald at lb. fol. lottilwr pieces nod In We follow /q or d.., to wit: Oa 10, 'Co 'Ornenll.4.l. Oct- 21, 'GO " 11, I Toomoto It Amity 1 .1 Wattatnin " “ (gr W Conaisiet, - (Itsestes II Mouse) 12, tif sone, " 24 , " 1311 k Creek, Osi. 13, " IC•opemil, • u . • Psistias. " 111 ... 1141 as .•u .. 11111limik. "'"i lei 0 Ls aumeir,. * 11. '' %mutt: " 11', '" Melrose, her 11, " Green, " Se, " 112 stealer& " 9, " nuallewww4A. " 10. " Waaidestela, " 1, " Nora' lot.' " 20, " Fran Alis, Whore no pubes is maimed for molding tbe &solos It sill beat the easel place lo *sell Martel, sr 'sell othrt glare se the Dlneetore may pesetas The hoar kw esamoeseheireseh Seeelse wlll So 9 e'elor4. A. M. I. W. SAVAGE, Onside Sept ReerlegieldstßeaSs, Rept. 24, 1401-17101. _ . TO HOUSEKEISPERI3I_ CLARK & CAUGHEY'S PURE SALERALTUSI ! TRY IT.. The =ma(vr 144 , f11 of this article, in I BUY IT. TRY IT., l offertag to the tsabller, hare no heel. Br). IT TRY It:titian In mar lug that it is the best artI.IBUY IT. TRY IT. els of Usitalad isaarehretere4. Oise ad BUY IT methe proprietors ham been espied ia thej BUY TRY IT. l manufactrire of )4•Jeratos for sidees!BUY IT. TRY IT. ,which leragnararttee for the part- BUY IT. TRY IT. ;14, aad rualifaotirs nf the article rierr.l BU Y IT. TRY Tr.'ed. All they oak I for housekeepers ! BUY IT. IRY ;Lad others to BUY IT. TRY IT., BUY IT Tay rr. Dui A PAPER AND [RI 1T %Buy ri. TRY IT. ' Lod If It does not prove all It la recoma-[BUY IT TRY rr.l A orideod, the mono, will be arfaarlsel./BUY IT. TRY TIP.! ft to put up la pours! papers, and be BUY IT. TRY IT. for sale by ell respectable erroemors. BUY R. TRY .11'./ UG/IR Y. I BUY IT. TRY IT.' Mtkeshketaters, grip Pa. IBUY IT opptlo.-116 ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL, BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Wlf EN completed, six. years ago, the St Nicholas was sninmaally pronounced the MOS 111/avalikeitt, eoninnient, and thernuchly orpnefeed eaten liabionnt ne this contiosnl. What it wu Woos reenslos to-day, sill sed a rival t• cosnitor in oynastst. stns, no and on asersnanenee e , and In tb• eneral elinsients of t j Tbs F 10614 IMP seconsuindations for 1,0110 Rs Its • chiding ISO ••••fpisq• asks et somo mesa for • lib.. huedred per seem era be monnortably noted at the table. of its three public dialog 10011b11. mod 'bathing that enders art bar doshord for the eardeeinietse and ao elialguitilication of the travelling public boo brim admitted In Ita plan, or is neglected to its practical details. The early reputation of the board at bodes and abroad, tierhrodfror Its Imegniteds, its superb appotatetents, and Its ledae-tike urta mod hisurees, ham beets eubsomed *very year by tits soodurted esertioms of the Proprietors. sag .2t—Easl2 TRILOW gI.L, k CO . _ . AN INSTrx u Tea F°R Erie County will beheld at Edinboro, eoommtele g on INomisy the 30th day of Oet. next newi ountinaing throne' the ogee. The sentiese of Peel Thompson, of the Itrilshom ?Formal Reboot, and other disti Imbed toacher• of the county, have tones secured to the teeektves tispartneeet et the Institute. Distinguished gentlemen from abroad will orompy the sweaters of the emeeen by Lecture■ suited to the a:mann. It is ronfirlently exported that it will be meek s mason of interest and ',Mit to .11 who may attend. It is earnestly desired that all teacher. Sad friends of venation throughout the erruuty. secourage, by their preserver and so nywratinn, the attempt to establish the Institute In Ken cuutity. i.. W. HAVAGX, County Rept priageoldx Ronde, Frpt.. 24, Isee 17 ire. 10.11" .e.•- 5/ SC,NOO :let,. s • tl/41? S A OM lICATIVI TONIC, D lUR ETJC, .46 DYSIPLI)S _ worioune co Ts the Citiseas of New Jersey i teen nth, APotheearies, Driggista.,Groeers and Private }Win. A Orr itticribe of his Ilia . mature , no the 4.0 , 1 . ..1.1.. Ti.. 1...1.e are reepeetrolly in •.lwl In evil canna fnr IL.tuwlrna Far We at SUR AI L by all Aprollierroier an.l iirrelerr. la I harAirlubbi iiiroutne 11. A ;arras, Nag= Otarte4r., !tole A erwt far Phillplkia. amid the roibirrine from tile New Yort Courier: LlMLint., 17 soilless ruk oak haw likaen•x7.— We ars happy o Inform onr I. Ilnw eititent that than in one place in °per city when, the pies/Man. apotbecarY, and country oaer. 1.a..t, ran fro a., purrhaas pore Wine* and Liquor., of yoire a. I wportn.l. and of the beet quality W. do not inter In give an elaborates description of this merchant', ea naive business, although It will well repay any atranger. to Visit ( . 1,01.510 WoLint's oaten• airs warehouse, Nto. 11, 20 said 2.1, Rutter street, and Nos. 11, 10 thud 21, liartetfielel street MP stork of Schnapps, on timid ready for shipment could not haye been keep than thirty thousand rases: the Brandy some ten thecasied eame4 Vintage. of IRV: and IliM; atiZ trek thou nand rases al Sherry and Port tr, tosee, Scotch and Irish Whisk},Panfaiea an.i St. i'rnia Rum, some very old and equal to aim in this country. !Issas° had tbr., large er , ttara, 611*d truth 'tram, r, Wins, he in casks. WHIP, Custom House key, lead, for Lottling. Yr Nl . ..Linea pal,. of Schnapps hilet "'rime anisunts4 I.- one ha niffrit and slag • ty thousand diesso, and se hope In lawn than two years be seuly be equally aussessenl with his Brushes sad Wines. Bin bsealisma merits the patrons's* if "Telly loser of by aporiOa Priints families who wish puns Wham and hoy nom for meet use should mend their ordensdbiset to Mc. WoteL, salt econsey •potasseiiry intim land sale up their minder In di...46rd the poisonous staff from their shelves, and replace it with Wol.7liri ruts WHIM and Legroom. We understand Mr. %Voter. mr the mionmsnoilation of Moan dealers the minute", puts up wonted ease. of Wham and Lhielors. Such a man, and such a merchant, should be innitaiDsA against his Una of thousands of np• ponents In the raked slates, who sell nothing but imita tions, ruinous alike to human health and happiness sept.ll—Mull. ONLY PREPARTION Having Proofs so strong and direct as to EXPEL THE DOUBTS s OF ALL_ Tor gtatoomen. Judges, &Mors, Pbyst.eiana of the old est school► as wolf Dew, give It thole unqualified one tine, and reeornasend It for all HUMP of eruptions, and dinsaars of lbw istsly and bests; but nit win bays wed It units In testifying that it will preservs the h►ir from be: leg ir ray Awl from falling to any ago, as ..11 aa ,Reed the following:— flak Grove, R. C.„ Juno 94th, 2!611. . . "VOL 0. J. Woun, Dear sir:•- l ear 'lair itestorstivip is rapidly vitae( popularity iu thfa eututuenity. I have had sevierimi to lay prodjuiliee aside, sod Kiss your Hair Itostsirativo a isoriset During the year MU, I wee PO asfortnetato la to be thrown from my ontilty morainal a rock near the rhadsidrt from which my bead received a moot ternble Moir; mos lug a great deal of trattation„ "'latch rommunioated to the brain and paternal Imam, of the heed, I rt• m the egrets el which my hair wan finally dratroyed over the entire enr ol the bead. Prom the time I Ord discovered its dropping, however, up to the time of Ito total tibtappearince, eat pleyted everything I could think ng being a prated* al man myself, and. as I thought, naderstood the napera„of the disease, bat wee fluidly drileated In every peenetiption adearand. These and ea othereireumstarove ledured Me to report to your worthy Hair Reaboratise, which 1 have every na me to hohevo, produced a very happy result: twn mouths after lbw first applkatioa, I had as beautiful a head n( young bait as I am saw, for which I certainly owe you my moat damn , Meats. Fleet arisured, dear sir, I &hail ereasmassad your remedy to all ingairors; zuorssover, I shall aso my lafluenea, which I duller myself to say, is not a Ton ran publish this if you thick proper. Yours, rrry sees X. J. W HIGHT, Y . D (Mee of the Jelferscerlan s fTsillp st, Va., Dec. 12th, Dna. Dear 1 4 sr:-.-11 feel It my slaty a• well AS ayiplansure, to date to you the In tewlss einCIIIMULOCN which you may a m as yaw ilaiwk paw., • greadamaa of We plass, (a lawyer,) has beau bald erar clime hisesarlyyouth; as much in, that he was rompetled to wear a wits Ile was Induced to unis a boW. of year Ihmtorstlers," widish be Word very mach; sod altar man Iwo or three honied hie hair POW Oat guile luxuriantly, and Mew. hes a Mud room had of hair. 'Thas gaattemaa'• name sa Bradford, sad ha vary well ideown In oar adjosubsg eountko, many phew. can UMW, IP to the truth a Una stitemienti give thla at the resiseet of Mr. Bradford You ram PPli a grvadvissl sef your Hair I/odometer in tisk and the ael jelide* ementire If you have the proper armlike • Tesurssoks., 111011P140h ...MUM ;If H. DR. Boon, Dear Sic—peemit roe to etpremih• obliga tions I tan wider Inv tbs. ratite reetmmtlea of my hair tw Its or*lnab eels*; Opal the time or my arrival .n the Volta Mates It yaw vapidly becoming gray, hut upon the Bleielliktu of Your "Hair !teetotaller.'" it mum lecureml tt natural hoe. I redivide? year Reetenithse •• a very wooderisi lieveetmes, vitteeiriesriemen ea well i. ecrerebie lb. la toot up in Unities of tbrrir. Aron, Ifs: iimillsna sad nionli; the.nnali !wails Ni • pie, Matto for non prr bottle; the inealliom tw•a per swot. Wilms; pripostlou thars tM awaill„ ratans ter tito dation pr. tasit Wile WARS Buten/ _ 4 'n) PIT must, Nip is prolowtirra; wad vistas Pr Minn *Mori ors battle. O.J. woof) a en., prorirtors, 444 Broadway, N.. Tait, sad 114 Market 'Mint, St. Louts, Va. Aad wild by an o n 1 Druggists sod ?pay tiro& Drat ors. Sign of the Big Shoe 1 1 DJ's:). 18 1113aziptarc• Store. BOOTS, SHOES be FINPINGS, &Admit to - supply lay pima* at pactlas &oaring to pot duo*, lad will plodg• thaossolvot to At Cheaper Mates them any other tetahlishatent in is•itag .k.ruipd to !Sell for Tiorril Providing ovi i nv i • vitli the Deeeminry means Br - rrarG pen e.ELSEE We an pepsin.) to 011 lb, ()Mona (xibetTßY MICR. cridmrs //VD DEJLERN vrith roll Anortummts of Sale We'll of Serener Quehty •t ran Low Kates, sod solicit a call from fluom hoforo going foil hor, and pay ink higher vans. Our I~f~ll Jil II iLi `AIL IJlii T l ~~ IN aloe sdl .ospoltool labole to portissee wl4l do well loot at our ' , Lock 1.-for.. oulehaiing oleos hero a • •I• 0 ',tato the men .en of Mr. Cotter in our Custom Department. W Ern. vll ear wed mpotition f..r 1:4.1. Pi,. 1..44 e , •1111WAl from or , NEW GOODS! H HALL, le new erwen•lngJvw,t teem New Vett' • Ater STfwl: of FALL AID WINTER MILLINERY, and Fancy Goods! consisting pf vELVE ?, SILI , •- and Straw =' A BONICETS, t - • • of Us. Istoot Styko. 11 1 / 4 1 .4.1) SHAKER HOODS' MISSES HATS, RIBBONS AND FLoWERS, and r.r, Whir IN. Cpslx Ken. Oh". erlli ILlief. or the ...times of thr Saul lateeons, tommienl ohorr mime le familiar on rii • of hie eel...brie .tirs So hi. letter to me, rye At;ld I.uQroae , .y.: WWI, my eteo-ime ea a o. la the fit, of New 'vivo •hkh I her* bat ~ ...I.sot qualify, ►ad eats Keery inttM Mite the Cepa, Head Dreams aml acts of yutous dyseripttuns.— Ztsplsy r sad Abetlaad Wools lot knitting , . Hliturtumtett, Hoop Altirts, Muslin Collars., Beads. Y ukre N (Amu*, Ha linty and many other Minna I.K. onmcrous to incittino, • irb will tor mold chenstior l'as , ..r PaY it:KParticular attention paid to ideubtac and tat-m -neels colored an dysttaitts ur Milliner. from the Country otapptiod at Wholetmle et .mall perewatate above New Vortt prsetat, MRS. S. H. UALL. Porch at., shore the Itertt, Frt., Pa CASII DRY GOODS 110 USE! MANY . JOB LOTS fart. il'lgw s,s Lathe: . asal ( Rem NKW RICgT - Patterns FttrniThed BEST an STYII.4:B NRW 1144-.11 P4NR4I-• 411" Uri 1:13:11 sin I. ISF.ST, , 1 , 111.7 `44i. Mo . , Ind Magenta BEST C111,41' i; 11 ;1:4, 1 . :111bfq ill!! 3111 i I Clnth C c r i t: WM. BELL, Jr. >ln. ' I, Exchange, Et Po New Goods! New Goods ! PRIIPARRD for the PALL CAMPAIGN I J I JUSTICE is ow oproiog, at hie 1113.1 itaSay Mb& Clothiag Emporium, No. s, Brown's Rotel, State street, • sew sod superior stook et FALL AND WINTER GOODS! In bla line, which be will auks op to order upon abort no tice, and *arrant to yrs ,tatinfartion or en male. Ysr rou In want of anything In his llon ran depend upon bring fairly dealt with, am he In drhermirwd not to mak• ap nay goods but aseb .a trill ;pre as tirtsetina Hr kiwpn rorndantly on bend a good sanortmont of READY MADE CLOTHING I of Home snake and nurnoteti to be an Ina...scoter' or money refunded, Persona purchasing for CAPIN ■ee invited in call soli snamine my Goods and Prise, as Ism determined to aril champ for (Nish, IMP" MITT, NG done no short notice sad warranted. 0rt,27 —2l JOIN JI'STICK. - - - This Way, Gentlemen! NECM7 fill -': WHITER CLOTIIII6 GENSHEIMER'S I Corner of State and Seventh its., Erie READY MADE CLOTHING, Salami to the %MANION. Comiollbyg of Dress, Frock and Sack Coats o(.vory sty lo and rho, Vont' of all kinds, Cravat., ttitti to Ceder -Shirts; Provers, lialailletrehivet, Untiara, of diforrot oaths. ; la *bort, be keeps every UAW* oswilly kept in a Clothing itatabliabinent. Flu Clothing is innunforturod by biovett, and nomad/4 ono. I to any la the etty hymnals Webby articles to Ws tide will do well to eall and elantino hi. OK A. *a be Woo& ant to be nodentold by say ealtilbillitneent grist of New York. - Clothing awl. to cedar oa short notice, or Datelfergvel the Ore, Gesotrotteres Caraa►, ear ....f Mole roil .Uonain alreoln Kilo. Oat. 27.—itta JOIDI GENF/11E1Y= Flour, Pork, Beef, Salt, Grain, eI,OVRR, TIMOTHY SAWA if-e. Po. 1, ounnercial Buildings, NORTH /UDR MC PARR Bdwee Sl.l• omit Pesch Ws, Feb GRF'AT EXCITEMENT ♦T THE Witere the proprietor* •ro put relativist their Rprioir numbly of ,• to 1611velit Voirlon awl Qemildee ! SELL. TAY NAME QUALM]." OF GOOCH Tills &potion of Country ! CAPI/11 oat lIIKAUV PAS', to enoausunabe our pan an enable ma to seil at UM PIRIVOS TICUI Otro "%toogoom, oho de s bag CREDIT RUSrtilatd, We would indica our friends sod era tamers to CA 11,11. sod We the esperitosat ot tug 2, , r1, fill- 12 Wholesale and Retail! Mil AUCTION PRICES! CM L. A. BIORTAISON, WIIOLVIALIR DIALS' IX DR. P. FILAX4I4.O COUGH REMEDY ol AS been t used idroeri4athoe last raw 7 thowoodo of the wALtionaAj tbs rlseg as= ro pes d t.o T d UN h UG r AND 517te741. s M ohr o A w mp +tr nfribli Noltotor known for coin Laws _CosgAwisto. POO atooof awry allicts4 with dUar of the hihrithe thowtd oso th is ploosist rowdy without IlsioL = votes* will loos with boots ototbsrs M tooomssondiss its Maw to noir slittiod imiglibsts sad ods. afar Use mars AA emedy it eerie Chide. sir Use . Hairs th eyA R entsdy it mires Gis, or Rattles. Mr Use Hall's Cimigh Remedy u ewes Aeet ma or Mlasie. Itir Use Hall's CiedyA Remedy jar Ciderr4. aily- Use Hall's ()sigh Remedy it Strengthens the Langs. Nil Me Hairs ONO Remedy/or itroosisiNg. sir Use Hall's CbtigA Remedy fir Boater nas. s i r Use Hall's Cbwspit Remedy if Atressrehots the Voice. ler Use Hall's Cosi g A ,Relesedy, f or Wh oo pi Aff . Cough. It mill groatly modify t be I' Winne* 4.4 Ws Amor toithoof • tea Its tedious' Goan*, une•balf frosts Its °Nl:teary ests ikon. beware of ernanlawthita *Adios' tasitatios•—ealt At Dr. P Hain Celebrated Cough Ronsedy sad re that his Writ tea algualuss Is opal the wrapper sad iltitedloaa HTlB.ol4di THISTIMORR• We, the undentl citizens of Eris City fted els= hare need Dr. P. Hatz.'s Celebrated Cam gnat mono, In caries dlasesee of thereerit aus mad tale MINIM In .I..milm•adw or its use to the as a y and effectual eauserly, fully worthy of rabbi road James Thnmpooe, Matthew Ranifftee, O. John Ilelborn, Sr J. W. R Itatar " d wws Jobe A. Tracy, Retort Ooehras, J.T. Case. John W. Inane, Daniel Bear, Hub' Hever, John W. Heys, J. Robin/we, C. L itliert, Jobs It. Cothran, W. P. Rtudereocht, J. lkoosey, Jobn R. Deem" P. IL Burton. J. w', Culver. John M. Warren, disuses Sherwood, w..... a . Jobe 8. Brown W. H. Cooper, A. N. 8. 1.. Pont.,,a Joseph Deemer, IL A. J. W. Holt J. Sebbery. Orrier Smi th , I ttmil Gram *. Itull, IL llhaff l. C. Dinners, Thorned Into% J. 1... H O. lint W. II Gallagher. J.Bakasts... Wilson Mug, Chao. W. Raw. Barn. Shwa, Daniel Moor, It, P. lineo, 0.0. Howell, C H. Wright. MOLD W ERIE ONLY, BY P. HALL. mariesctanv and Polo Propoiolor, Bars Mew llaildias. nate St. PRICE sr% CRAW PRA soma. AaRBTB —r. Lorsoos, irgoen; hake. A. Wilibo, w ar• Ely, Girard; L. Broobt, SU:mitosis; L. R. Slearar. Hafts k Sherwood, litandsalk NNW, Ude.; Be , k Ce, Warms, Pa.: Wm. It Proodet, Edinboro. GUI AS A BEILEDLIL AMBIT. Tlnin Ibrlkionno Tonic 1 , 111 IS PEt 'IA LLY designed flr the nee of A 4 Medwal hr ./warn and lee diaosno, hating as per..-1, .1 11,.MR," . Arotuatle - "Cordial." It, •i ,1••1, " ,tannpint." etc, i now ebdOised by all of b• pl., •Iwana, &minds and aonnolanuena as powrawng all of tin,ap icornuae mad Seins/ quidlcaer (teak an.l belnug ,to an OW asd hit* 61 •., l'Ut Up in gout bottt.. awl moldail dratoirtls, ',Deers by At, A. W. 1111iIIMISIK& CO.. 4F-RtAbil.hrol In 1';9I Reis Pserriontors ,nl.ll--18 ly No. IV Brawl litivot„ IC Y. A Novelty in the Art World Photography upon Porcelain. The Americas Photoirph le Portelois Com'py. NO. 781 *seaway, Now Yak, bardnr POVIST , h.tr 004.1 and inenairdis Isreerition A nemaa and aurunean patinalq are fully prepared to az erete all ardent for :4 U K Niniatnre likenesses of persons on Chins, pry...ming all the nttracti re and adrantwous trataree of ordmary pbotorraphs, tla• brthseey sad sni4k of a wit t..--.,her drawling, kW • bitbetto unattained 0410 of dorshality, Dr tieing rendered hpperiettable se tie ostural properties a thearticles upon hatch they ere traveller red tbe patented proms of tbe Company saablea 1111 s• 1141. production of pboWgrapha. nol only on plain mrikem but upon mob as are mond or of any dorm or Irms~ty— portraite can be roptodoeled ittb fanttlens aommnay, and drbrary or dalloratioo. mom prodsla Inoue of Dory doe .rriptio. and ffloorrolloor oral aa Wicks of luxury or of hourettold utility. such o. Urns. Vases. Breakfast Cups, Toilet dr- thereby Reel:ming feltbful portaate and hroiskil• • nal vie sad exqataite style of arqsza•atralea a In &Imamate um In order to farrarab fantlitire for the gretitimition of tie popular mete, end to meet the wants of dour patroaa of the Mao Arts deetroal of !reviler; .port oujaeremeatik e he Company dam imported thoidd rope a ledloa of popover porforalmmoods, manufactured to Mar own or de,r, which they tea at oust pram At the American Company Me owners of the patent right. and c•onwey uently the otily pennons authorised to rm. tbo protest, they hate determined, fw order To afford people in eve* ovation of the Union an opportianity to tonellegill PORTRAITS 011 CIECNA, to wake lb. following prolostitton Residents in Ow County, who *no tumble to VIRIt. perm - many the "nine and Galleries P•erpotka owatbioa a phottarr4o,avabrotytai, or dagger• moot rpo to th. Oro, o( the :COMpany to NeW rOtk, WC" traiod by FIVE 11CiLLARS, A richly ornamented Bteekfast Cup and Ihm °pr. with the peeltratt treualerred therOon By IrtllPMUlllig a ti,ssermotype sod TEN DOLLARS. that will secilliP WHIP mallltr, A handsome French; Vase or Toilet Ar- tide, s Ith the pnrtrall r.l. , ,Atteel by Om patentrtl 'worn. by soilohti g a ( Air tar ItaIVO 11 tar r and FIFTEEN DOLLARS. r diKAr I the% well merit ,• it. re I .11 • Mil A Pair of rich Sevres Vases, the poen'''. cente.l equal to Waist tire Wattles and, to like moo. r , lonrirski4 run he reproduced an for e,luiu war.. or MEID EOM Vases of every quality of finish ranging In prin. from Twenty to One Hundred Dollars the pair N. H.—B. part benlat to 3 writ.tig ll.e Adds...fa, tows cotta ty and glide , /11*linelit All 1.t1.n to 1* I.lllretme.l to oct .•27 - '2 I ,11,0,1,1,-r, A rm•rw,rn I's,,trograpAve Porerlaim tio ' 7:• I Brow-hefty, Kew l'urk• = CHILDREN IT--N--, A n experienced Ninnie and Female 2"ti7sleiatit presents to the attention of mothers, her SOOTHING SYRUP, For Children Teething, which greatly facilitates the proem. of teethin by eon ening the ennui, Nodulous all halsonstior—ogisltay ell p a i n and %payment. a...WM, and la inc. te Ptraal beetle, tkpand ipon it, In. them, It will t in root to yooraotwor mid relief and health to your lorsata. Ire hate pat up and sold this aiti- years, and cap Pay,l ilErle In confidence nod truth of it • Ldit we hasnissomer hero able la say of any jusuirs 1.10.0414.._ Nesdr;las a tsakil is alfroes, I. .pa s a ~ . tr , on IY used. )4."`"'Socithing did we Ss "' is Widmer of dims filiation by any eve who wed it - I SY H P IT „ On the contrary, ill ire delighted ---- with Its copernc tiona, an.l *peak in terms of coniniendallon of Its saligkal tarts aid lo..ttesl virtues We apes* la ibis matter "what we b 00.," after ten years' experieace, wed pl o d ir our reputation for the fulfillment of what ere ben declare I n a i m wt every Instance when the Want le mabrieg tram pain and es halation, relief will be knead in 111... or twenty minutes alter the 'imp Is administered This valuable preparation IR thejsmesription of nue eat Ur most roper ienceelalideldflibi Nuivetie New Ragland, not has men iced with never-billing inomens in thounmele 4.1 resew. It r o wile relieves the children from pain, but invigorates the illt.hiseh nod timele,lsollvcia aniMty and i ikmnsto gives tone awl etwrgy 11. Ulf WlllOlO 0 01.10. I.t Win Id- IDWlltialiaanir gel* to fintflift rin Tult Lilt Wm* Cut le, and nverecornen cootienisiomfi !bleb, if aboolify folsodiert, roil In -------, dindh. IV• be lime it the twat ' For Imaraw...4 reme dy in the !1ain......., is aft owes of Dysentery and i'V airgaipmprz glairbes is tioti droll. Threw , " Timn arinosfirosa troth Ins or ally ptlrar ith i a' arars.W•wookl ----"'" say to Mon soy of litio l f i 7loi ismopiedota—to not hrt year proladiros, nor the sifter* of others, altsad be your nofferiour chi and the mlief that will he sere yes, aboolatoly ailarir T 4is foiloW Wikll gnesiicinia„if timely med. Fail ditroottess ler waling wrigiuminpasnrcied4bot Ile. None gnsis. %minas the facitienile of CURTI* k PeikkriSrg. New Tout. is as the ostaido insirpow. m- • sow in firsgenta throughout Om world. PHsapid 0111 co, No. Ii Cedar tat. New V krt. od es, I.lglilt ONLY 15 VICNTS Mit tats Ilya • SAVE your money.— I otsket BoolN.' Ons,* mad POrt 11100100, cISIKH*II mod Moo assorle to bold Moo ~a.* to ten thousand dollar* Aoki by oct 13-19 CAIRTF.II k BR. UM P/ lin I) ; .) - : 71. 4 rcurptl by lettots patent in tile United nudes, Ragland, France abd Belgium dko., &e rn New; York. MRS. WINSLOW,