The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, November 03, 1860, Image 2

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13. t-'. Edittlr.
MS: in 60 VCR I2i ADV &NUE
RAT • AY, NOV. 3, lbw.
pazalDzirriAL HLECTORS,
I Earn. A. Bein-ux, 114 ISAAC P
i." 3/. C. PArrizioir,ll6 Chao. • -1"111"'
J.iliPM CIOCKM - TT, Jr . J
I J (I. Mimes, rl/ Aiii "
JACOBY, ip B. Wallin'.
'; KILLIITp 1 CZAW"li' '
IU P JAM'S, 11. N. Lig,
,20 J. B. Bownia.,
!, le trio Boum..
21 P. Frrrzaxsx,
.1 L. LIOMM/ll'
1 1 ma . Al. 1 22 SAMUILLM•RARRLI.,
1. H. WA. 23 WILLIAM Boor.,
;24 It 1). FiAan.ui,
"" 1. - fl I.AlliArn
Examine Your Tickets
"1"1:- only Democratic Ticket in the 6e1 , 1
that published at the head of tins paper.
!AA ory voter before easling his ballot,
• - •7 p ire his ticket with thus we publish awl
but it is correct. Thereare spurious
in the field, and u kiiexne arid
• Democrats are tlctine all in their
I, r t 4, deceive the i.eople. tlit•
I't nioeralie ticket witleiut murk
adtv 411011
Democrats, to the Polls!
Cl o .I.probenci 4t rtNittireq fin 10 1 . 1 1 by
a.p. al tAI the I.)v.tunocratn of Erie rain
•r •••• —limp them to r.. 1.011.1 to Ow e;ill 01
r , • 11.1 enter their Prot. -t through the
• 1 \ on tuesday next apkitirt the
1 , 1:t. .1 d dogma.. of the !kiwi.liean party.
It I,eeti well aaitl by a4l,a.tingoodied or
th'it "'Phi,. Union 0311 tover ht• kept
ter eiecr hy free. No stall eonhl
idea The only e..rd,
it, are the cord. of love
these fail. its vital and essential m
i.-at-11-m fails." What In the spPetnele pre-
I: , 1 to ,}ay by the , fanatics, un.ler the
d Lincoln on the one sale, and
:-..uth on the other, fighting ft h. the
putitical existence, and the rights guar-
...ztet.l by the articles of confederation.—
"Mhz' ih the love, which the orator allud
ed to ho eloquently says can alone hold
ttilz union together. Is it found in the
"Irrepre-sible conflict" preached by Sew-
aril and Lincoln ? Is it seen in the mad
krusade of Carl Schurz upon the memory
of the filbert of the Republic?, Do we
bedr• it in the township harrangue.: o f
politicians„pr the more ambitiou,
flights of Wilson, Sumner, and the other
neer( clitml orators of Republicrihistn ?--
"Pr.:, trate the , slave oligarchy," says Sum
ner, .n a recent speech at a Republican
meeting in New York, "and the door will
•'be opened to all generous principles
•Tro•trate the slave oligarchy,- and liberty
"w.!: become, in fact as in law, the normal
"condition of all the national Territories.
Pro-trate the slave oligarchy, and the Na-
T.onal Government will be at length di
"vorced from slavery, and the national
"policy will be changed 'from slavery to
- frtedora. Prostrate the slave oligarchy,
- and the North will be admitted to its just
- share in the trusts and honor of the Re
-public I Prostrate the slave oligarchy,
•'and a mighty victory of peace will be
"won, whose influence on the future of our
'country and of mankind no imagination
"can paint:" And yet, with this language
of menace of one of their accredited ors
tors, Ire are told the Republican party in
-.endb no crusade upon the institutions of
the South, and that when the South rebels
a: such language and declares her deter.
xrAnation to maintain her rights of proper
ty, these same orators try to pacify their
ici.owerA by preaching peace I They tell
them there is no danger— that if the South attempt secession, the North will
fcreu her into submission ! Force her into
submission ! Can this Union be main
tained by force? The first arm raised, or South, to force one part to sub
m.t to the other destroys it ! The first
movement towards dissolution, and what
'teomes of the manufacturers, the mer
caant, the banks, and the business of this
J antry l One simple statement of facts
will answer. Our total foreign ex
;art- last year was $316,120,610—0f this
was the product of the North
st:n at , exclusively-496,i' , 26,299 of free
yn ..hive Staten combined—and 8214,32.2,-
S•J s.vai. the exclusive products of slave 11-
But in addition lathe two hundred
and fourteen millions of dollars furnished
!'ilt• mouth, to keep up the foreign trade,
Le. empire what has been done for do.
it •lc umrnerce. According to the col
%Qr. clop ,latement, made up to the first
of -Neptesuber last, there were taken
En. none nse, by the North, about i.isyssi
tial , to lfwm) enasting-eargoes, and
.-1 of forty pythons of dollar,. Sow.-
..! +I eaatward by way ut the Nil.-
hvor, sr , well as mono. of he 1. - ,0,015,
„h..- ~r , worth ti-n mil:ien
r. , I ri .11 ~r it went to make up (role,
al. an exchang►ablu value at tlu•
I mm tloa cotton a lirgo >,nu►tint
o: :r.:11,1 0, 101nnt:KI goods were made up for
oak • thu • Mere/wing the foi eign t
• the is,hey of the Kepubliettn
ty 1 , ,, %Al —ha the "slave oligerelly,
Siatitnrr call. it, be put gown, and we have
taler to our .pleution in regent t.) the
fate t -, t the mercantile arta manufacturing
‘nte-e-ts of the North. In thirty (lays nqr
tank , - would be ruined--in ninety dayi.
z:ttie. of Ro.ton, New York, Phil tilt!.
.id Pittsburg, would_ wither up like At
"at:< of paper hetore a blase; Alta the Op
re't, the working men, who, tinder the
sit miter and Seward are preparing
their y r otos for I.incoln, and thuti
tte the policy of lima liepuhlic,an
party, and. according tcrtiumyter. "putting
lawn the Aare oligarchy," would tint I limit
the .rreprestible conflict" fuiruisLetl neith
er their families with bread, nor the negro4
their freedom 1 It is quite right, nay. a *tit
er tc :rive the negrnes, but we cannot see thait
we ought to love them better than
nal ve.,
At.i now, Democrats of Erie County, 4
is fat you on Tu4sday next to enter yOui
solemn protest against this policy of th
Repti:Aican party, the results of which w
have poinwl out. When the Republicana
ten you that there is no danger, tell the
that .at ounce of preventative is worth rr
pound of cure 1 This only ark of/safety ini
the Democratic perky ! In the language oil
Ger, PIERCr., it knows do North, noSonth,!
no East, no West : but carfles upon its flagi
the mottoof one country, one constitution,'
ono destiny 1 1
A Weirwor Wsitstsd.--;1 1 1111
trues sends forth this word of warning,
which we commend to the Democrats of
this county. It says : "Notwithstanding
that the Douglas State Committee have
formally Witldrawn the likralghtout Doug
las eilb(tonil ticket,certaiit fatitious teen in
LI/P . .. State, who are using the game of Doug
las as a cloak for their rltl villainy, are en
gaged in circulating thp Straightout Doug
las ticket. In order to produce the im
pression that 'this comae meets with the
approval of Judge Douglas these tickets
are distributed in envelopes endorsed with
his frank. A friend in this county has en
closed to us one of these spurious electoral
tickets, which he says are being generally
circulated throulhout the count y a no
torious disc), gaut ter, resid ingot 13erMcoun
ty, who is well known ss a eniwideutl of
John W. Forney. No dottlit these tickets
Lre being sent to all parts of the State by
he same set of men. and we anion Dem
. is to he on the look-out or them.—
hey are w.-11 caletilnt, , ,l to lecei~•e the
insuspeeting, because they e fain twelve
atm, vrioelt are on the regohir Del-operat
e electoral tieket We aro well pentioalefl
hat this 'secret tnovernent to injure the
14.3.1'1 4 : Prwtor.t.l tieket is (sallied on with
nut Ihr ktiovi ledge or concurrence of liir
1 5 01101. State Ctmimittec, !mil that it will
meet kith the most emphatic entvletima
et .•rN iu. ri•stipik.rter. of Mr.
I:, lib the
I INF Or TII V AP. T! - .14DHS 01VODE,
niettil...r of l'on.zre from the Westmore
land di-triet nn, of the ainitstles t.f the
Hel . l.lteat. 1411 VV. 11414 the 111:111 Seli`etP.l
in the Iltni.t• het hvnit r to blacken the
I.•:-a• tet of the ttolnunintration If the
trig 1, true . . intl there no doubt of
it. 'he ettim. ; ntiv . 1 .1.111fi441 for the post.
k few d as,ltio he in itle ..pel•ell at Kit
tatinint!. hi+ friend,
11r I That he, ro
voile, 1,4,1 tdiririled with writing let
-1,1 to I;iTtildtran- prior to the primary
election, their nid in necuring his
nommation. 11 an-1% er to thi%4 CI Wade .4)-
tenthly rat , e(l hie I rehl hatitl, 111(1
— 4l) 111 = 1,1' ME 1 4 wvol' to
pr . /1 , • 1:1111 111011. 1 :1/ #0 ay,-,re
had scarcely uttered
Llu irniautt. path, when A.. 1 Elliott, E 44.
4110111 y .1(.1 Itt al At tnomng, t‘lin was
standing in the Irrow.h rose and prononr•-
ed the as,ertion of covcbde falso, stating
that he (Ciwodtl had written to him (El
liott ) to aid in • uring his nomination.—
Mr. Elliott 4ul quetitly produeed the let
ter itself, in . e', owh hand writing,
and made Aid. it that die letter was sent
by Covode to hi
covering a pass
vention. Mr. Ell
ing in Armstro,
eitizonA of that
4tatements are
1)044 ii. : 14ows l .—lt is curious to notice,
says the New York 11.-raid, the decline in
the stocks of Western Railroads over which
Senator Seward traveled. Ire told the
people bordering them that they were free
and also rich. They had made a large crop
which would do great things for their rail
roads, and that all they lacked, and which
would soon be accomplished, was to inau
gurate "the higher law" and the "irrepres
sible conflit" by the election of Lincoln,
which would put down slavery and the
South together. Ile thus traveled over
and spoke to the people along the Michi
gant4 Central, and i stock has gone down
7+ per cent. He lid the same over the
Galena and Chiciagio, and it hail fallen hi
per cent. He ilidlthe same over the Chi
cago, Burlington and Quincy, and it has
declined 9 per ceht. un his return he
traveled over the Southern Michigan, and
it has fallen tit per cent. To reach his
home he had to travel over the New York
Central, and it haf, fallen 7+ per cent. He
afterwards traveled over the Ellie, and at
has gone down liq. It il4 arhusing to wit
ness the convuli.iye throes of the Republi
can organ, to cast the blame on somebody
else than their own party. It is the ad
ministration, or Southern agitators, they
say, who have brought all ttis about. This
r us e i s like the conduct of an incendiary,
who, after firing his neighbor's house, runs
round and tells everybody that the man
fired his own building, and had nobody to
blame but himself.
Btatis; Dow,' Autrsnv.—The prospect
or the election of Luc( (11, ' ‘i it causing the
Republican party'do "back down" from the
high h orse " 4 has been riding on the ne
gro quebtion, even before the result is defi
nitely known. We have heard a great deal
about -1..,ek hone. - I.tugh Faye, - tie.,
lint • I, tok 4 , ue," it appear., 1. about
1$ ••+earee a ciittimMity with flip H 1141141.
mut imrty many other For exatnple, the
w.„l t i m r t ," enrri-ipimilout ref the /braid,
r:ty "lota ,n% i it t% I it to o ft it•tvi here
11 ,, FUrIng 111111 that ovorytJujug will mime
.nit 110 say% it I.lfleolo f•lectal he
till IMP of t tn. mo-n congtrvatirt,
that the White (louse
in it lir trill thniw toryt•thixtril Sew
-1131, ,rut, take. into hig
t , i110 , 11- thr tipist ca w. nnil high
-10/91 In th,,iitin fry , Nii+f nnd South.
It is 1,11,‘,i1 het, 0,31 Ctirifrin speaks by
thi• rapt. 141t1 ft V lAit to
" Wben !tale
. 31 , th r o w n m r ls.)nrd, ~ lr Let-Come,
the IttpitlAitno party !
rfet„, Tho ',yet J'a/rtorri snggrAtig the
;Y . I ; . T. B 1.1.4 1 ul
1.14 t Il1•Xt `'pe.tiste of Lite
I,eg.i+lat tire. A- there must
can elected, we hop the gi
IN• :toted on 11 that party
•:•IN < "There are few men
well (40alifitml for the speak
fiktz . ilehaq had large ex
ha.. the reputation of being
tartan of the first order. Si
eandninto for Speaket: we
would receive the notrtinatk!
.pod the honor would be co
Worthy and campeten t man
Mr. TALI. has served k nger
than any other member, an
as well a.4,qualilmiions, is
uoyen o w PAGERS has
lamation roc ospneatliag the
Thursday, t.) 2lah eI Nev
'general Tb ankniting . 1111 the
Cr°° "" n w' told'. It otrilitie
bite been quite as well if tic
waited r ,ntil after election,
whether . we had say muse' left
i ulxitit the first of May,
o go to the Chicago eon
lot t a man of high stand
g, and sev.•ral prominent
county tf-4tify that hi 4
worthy of implicit confi-
looms In i our
Lie a lietinhlr
ggP.tion :will
The Pixtri,d
n the Stain so
rship as ! Mr.
• rience. !and
a parlia4inn•
ould he he a
loubt ncl hA
of his luirty
erred upfon a
We believe
the Hue
by locallion,
titled to the
Boned w Oro°-
. liserrano• of
, as • 41s of
..pie of 'this
that it irOul,d
PACKS* had
geistrat Stijl.
Thirty thousand Africans have barn land
ed in Cuba Within • year.
John leousgbask 1. getting PO g nig* at
tile hotartvi noels. Lawton.
pia 10 prevailing to an alarming
ellen( In New Jertoy %
There are 381 pa cowponies in the
Union, with a capital of nearly $50,0010,000.
Reliable aisiinties show that 200,000 out.
of Stets)ooo in New York city go to ehureh on
- -Tn the whole - United States, than are
nearly pia times as many journals as in Great
The citizens of New : Albany, Indiana, pro
pose to erect a monument in Lover of Gov.
The Island of Cuba, in spite of iiipostitit
miqrule, is one of the most prosperous portions
of the earth.
Mrs. Oov. Morgan is the recipient of a
beautiful diamond necklace, a present from the
Prince of Wales. It was sent from Boston by
ex press
A slave in Charleston, 13. C. has mused
brover-work, in the last live years, $8,600,
hut refuses to bay his liberty, preferring to live
in bondage.
The meanest thief yet heard of, has just
got a year's imprisonment in Paris. On pre
tence of getting change for a half-franc piece,
he got nine sons from a blind beggar in ex
change for a button.
A mum ind woman camping out near M
eat urTille, Tenn., built a fire near a dead tree,
which, burning off while they were asleep, fell
over across them, killing the man and breaking
both the woman's legs.
The following is an exact copy of a print
ed notice which is at present posted in a Jer
sey stage . "Lost—a calf red. He had •
white one of his behind legs. He was a she
calf. I give three dollars everybody whet
will Ming him home."
A young lady in Bt. Paul, Minn., .roee
from her heel a few nights since to make an'ap
plication of camphor to her throbbing temples.
By mistake she got hold of a bottle of indelli
hle ink, and thought the next morning she
had made a very unpleasant mistake.
William Blue, in jail at Layfayette. Ind.,
for counterfeiting, has made up his mind to die
of starvation, and eats so food, although his
wife and friends are assiduous in their atten
tions to him. He is probably dead by this
It often happens that one vote decides
elections. Governors have been elected by
one vote, and in minor offices one vote bas fre
quently decided it. At the recent election, the
Republican candidate for Clerk of the Sessions
in Schuylkill county, John B. Reed was defeat
ed by one vote. Charles A. Rahn, Democrat,
ie the happy victor by one
The census of Michigan is now complete.
It foots up 750,000. In 1860 the population
was hut 897,000. It has nearly doubled in the
last decade. If 125,000 is established as the
ratio for a member of Congress, Michigan wiU
have six. members and eight electoral votes,
which will be s gain of two on the present ap
The several committees of the two sec
tions of the Democratic party and the Mika'
Constitutional party ia New Jersey, met Fri
day night at the Astor House, in New York,
and agreed upon the followin4electoral ticket:
Ritter D. Groom, John S. Darcey, Brecken
ridge ; Edmund Brewer, Silas Contact, Union;
Win. Cook, Joel Parker, Theodore RualFol4
A desperate fellow seined Mark Galbraith
induced three young unmarried women' to de
part with him from Chatham, Canada, to Kimsas,
and they had minds all their preparations for
the journey. Some neighbors, however, per
that Galbraith was s disreputable per
broke into his house, severely beat,..tutd
tarred and feathered him, and warned him oat
of the town. Before submitting to his punish
ment he defended himself valiantly with •
bowie knife, cutting three or four men severely
and wounding one, it is supposed totally.
The Kutztown, Pa., Geist der Zed states
that a rich bed of Manganese has recently
been discovered upon the land of Mr. John
Kohler, near that borough. It has been leas
ed by Messrs. C. d. IL Bast, who are working
it with rood results. Manganese, as our read
ers doubtless know, is a very haid whitish
metal, useful for many purposes to which the
other and more abundant toetabrare not so well
A writer in the Norwalk (0.) Reflector
describe• a visit which he paid last month to a
lady at Toledo, Ohio, who takes six live
frogs as s remedy for consumption. She was
recommended it by an Englishman, who said
he was cured in that way In six weeks this
singular medicine has restored her from a state
of great weakness to strength. The visitor
saw Ihe lady take a live frog from a jar and
swallow httn whole, without chewing. Her
Laughter also did the same. '
Louis Napoleon is said to be somebody
sloe than himself, by a correspondent of the
Edinburgh Chronicle, who claims to have ob
tained some information from a woman named
Merceir, who knew the genuine Louis, during
bin exile in Amierics. Her *bunted story is
to the effect that the real son of Queen Hor
tense died in Mercier's house, and that the
present Emperor of the French is a person
mane.' Bowen, who was a steadlist companion
of the real Simon Pure, and bore a striking re
semblance to him ! The imposture is alleged
to have been concocted in order to prevent an
inquiry into the circumstances under which
the prince died.
The potato errp of lows for the year 1860
is truly astonishing. The yield in some in
stances comes up to 400 and 500 bushels to
the acre, and the general average is not much
less than 200. The quality of the potatoes is
bolter titan usual, and far 02001Kie the best
raised in any country we have ever visited. It
is not uncommon to and them weighing a
pound each, and some that we hare seen weigh
three, four and even five pounds. Not • sign
of rot. or imperfection has been discovered.—
So plenty and cheap are they that for the past
week many loads have sold at ten cents per
Lethal. No danger of starving is lowa at these
fi go res . —[ Exchange. ]
—A Memphis correspondent of the St. Louis
Republican says, under date, of October 21st :
"Since the news of the late election reached
the South, every branch of trade has becalm
stagnant. The Missourhins who have shipped
horses, mules end negroes to the Southern mar
kets are at a dead stand. They Cannot sell at
any price. Credit offered by the tradesman,
however long It may be, is no limbiesmeM to
those who have heretofore - hem purobasera.—
In the panic 0r57, planters would buy on timo,
but now, In anticipation of Lincoln's olsotion,
they won't buy at all. . Money 'sharps' asks
their heads at every note that is offered.—
Universal distrust pervades the whole oolamit
nity. The signatures*, all Main street aunt
now induce a money looser to , shelf ont.'—
Bverybody isfor himself, and the 'devil take
the hindmost,' lithe universal cry."
*or All4zipilL—
; gr• "rfr,-&-4-ew
Wlll4l ""
KJ am
sir. alba ,
lUDs know sos Mr a Liocololl—
Tbs roguish little sit
Low that I istre4 my putty Ws—
, Lan thaa I did hilrlif;
Boilio 1614 no I might par her
. .. V/ WM Nalterwilhe Alit. •
Meld I lose as t rif
Available am le
Ceabil I Web 0(
elm I ateriessiaarbe War
No' Ega4--"flosifir tit U
So I tau; ibe pnared kles.
Mr The Lake Pore Road has out a new
time table to lake titreot November 19th.
Court convenes In thiscity next Wednes
day—instead of Monday as usual gee notice
I If you want to get good bargains, trade
with dealers who are not afraid to tell the pub
lic they have goods to .ell.
siir Thanksgiving Thursday, Nov. 29th in
Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York Look out
fur the fat Wrap!.
air The world mores! Proof—Nlenthille
rejoices in a dray, a fact which is duly record
ed in the papers of that centre of
mar Mee here girls—prepare yourselves
with your beet "bib and tneker," the time hnq
come when apple butter "oiling" commences
lam• Our farmer" are having a "high old
time" now•a days husking corn. The crop
is large, the corn good, and the farmers nre
Sir The past year heeling been one of ex
titsordiaary prosperity to the limners, they can
well afford to make a display of their .mall
change and pay the printer.
!sir The season fur making Krout is at
hand, and many of our German fellow-citizens
are now engaged in putting up that delightful
winter luxury. Four Krone and Spec is non
sidered "some" among the people of Pennsyl
vania, and all who have ever tasted it, will
admit,that is not bad to take—especially it one
has been properly "edicated."
NI. Some of our sporting men have a gay
time of it now. Ducks have made their ap
pearance in abundance on our Bay, and many
of them are killed daily. Duck feed iq not bad
to take at any time, but as we have not time
to go, a pair of them would .not be unaccept
MM. The Wayne Guards," of this oily,
have received from the Hon. Storer Bmt
cnorr, a copy otitis History of the United States,
in eight volumes, bound in Turkey Morocco.
It is a splendid edition, and will be highly prized
by the company, individually and collectively.
The present was accompanied by an autograph
letter from the author to Capt. WL•zra.
Mr The Gazette feels very bail because &
"set of mean scamps in Lancaster and Reading"
burnt John W. Forney in effigy some lime
since. Per contra--the Gazette didn't feel bad
when a "set of mean scamps" burnt Judge
Devow in effigy in Chicago a few years since.
air CABSOM GRAJIAM, Esq., a Life-long Dem
ocrat of La Crosse, Wisconsin, and formerly i
citizen of this place, has declared for Lincoln
and Hamlin.— Gazelle.
Four years ago the Gazette said the same
Wag, about the same man; hence, if it told
the truth then, the conversion is almost as old
as the Republican party !
Sir The new Methodist Episcopal Cintreh,
comer of 7th and Sassafras streets, will be
dedicated by Bishop Simpson on Wednesday,
the 144 h Inst., at 10 o'clock, A. M. Other em
inent ministers are expected to be present and
take part in the exercises which will be contin
ued during the day and evening.
ilk` If it would be any news to our read
ers, we would tell them that we have had a
week of the finest Autumn weather we ever
saw. As it will not, because they have all
seen, felt, sad appreciated it, we will only say
that the farmer who has neglected to avail
himself of it, by getting in his fall crop, ought
to lose.
Ear The Republicans had a Barbecue at
Springlieki on Friday last. The "of' roasted
for the occasion was presented by our friend
Ws. Cuss, Esq., which, considering the fact
that the Republican pearly •roasted" him a
year or so ago when • candidate for County
Commissioner, ism exceedingly liberal on his
part, to my the least of it. "When thy enemy
smite thee upon one cheek, turn thou the other
..A Waterfbi-d Republican" writes a
letter to the Gazette denying that tbe resolu
tion, noticed by us last week, was intended as
ea Insult to the gentlemen named in it.. The
question has cane down, then, to this simple
prepatitost—the Waterford resolution writers,
together with the menthes' of the dub which
passed theta, are such consummate dolts and
blackguards that they don't know" when they
insult gentlemen and when they don't. They
eau paste!
sir We are indebted to Mr. W. WA Law Doe
of the National Hotel, of this oily, for a sample
of the oil found at Mecca, Ohio. Mr. W has
a well there which is yielding in paying quan
tities. The sample sent us is much thicker
than that found in the Oil Creek region—being
about the consistently of molasses—wnd for
lubriestiag purposes is undoubtedly preferable
to any mineral oil yet discovered.
s ir Boys, next Tuesday is election, and we
have just one word of advice to give to Wide
Awakes, Fast Asieeps. and Bell men ! Keep
sober! Keep a stiff upper-lip, also, no matter
which party sweeeeds„ If you are of the sue
cessibl party, don't make a fool of yourself!
If you ire among the defeated, don't ' , cry over
spilt milk I" It will do no good I Whatever is
to be will be, aad you can't kelp it ! That's our
philosophy !
sir good mot is told on two of our Kim
rods, who went out to Warren county a few
days sines on a hunting expedition. Among
the "creature comfort*" which they took with
them was a bottle of prime old Jatizawt Rum,the
preeent of a Mead who knew the taste of "ye
yahoo hunters." Arriving at a certain .
cery, not liar from Garland, which they had
selected as the point from whenot,they would
svadiate" in the pursuit of game, they con
ebaded, at the saggestion of the 'Colonel," and
truth empsiis us to may, spinet the joint re
mcustranee allot "Major," to try the quality
of the Jamaica. Elovinibitard from others, or
may be rmat lit boillts. that lima was s prime
article from which to comma II beverage called
..Blacketrap," limy approached the worthy ,
Testes who kept the grocery with the inqitiry
ithe had any "molasses." That worthy, plum
knoiledge of Sneak was rather limited, re
plied "Taw." .Then, said the Major, in .the
bed Dula he Omsk' eostmead, drove some in a
couple of tumblers. The ceder was obeyed
eiiiriellaieeartie'ltitilise vise ed, re
them, the trio indulged in sundry • • •
t remarks upon their luck in finding so ine
an article of "syrup" with wideh to mix the.
Jerneen• Quinker than we can tell it the
—ftlsokid#p" Ns Mliset, and the !Colonel's"
tumbler th hir Owe ; UM, with his lime turned
towsrds the sentents of the tumbler
dhappensliti (good Blackstrap ought
to go." As soon as it had performed its jour
ney, the "Colonel" turned his face toward the
"Major," and cooking one eye, said as plain as
looks could lay li.--"that's bully !" Then and
thereupon the "Major" responded by empty
ing his tumbler into a similar aperture. But
he had hardly brought his eyes to a level with
his companion -In-arms before that talent of
ficer bed , tedl t! the deer. *here he as sud
denly threw tip, not only the "blackstrap,"
but everything else under his vest, down to
his bouts. In a beim:id more the "Major" fol
lowed his superior officer, and fired at the same
mark over his shoulder. This proceeding
rather astonished the worthy Teuton who had
dealt our the molasses, sad suggested to him
the propriety of examining into the cause,
when be soon discovered that instead of draw
ing from the molasses barrel for his customer',,
he had filled their tumblers from a barrel of ele
phant oil, How the Colonel and Major alter
nately swore and fired at the same mark, and
how the frightened Teuton apologised in the
highest kind of Dutch, we need not record ; we
only draw a moral from the incident, and that
is—never sweeten your Jameca with elephant
oil, as it some times spoils even the hest
ges- We paid a short visit, the other day,
to the Foundry of Messrs. BARR & Joanne'',
in this city, and was touch pleased to learn
Chit, in all departments, it was being drove to
its full capacity, and yet could hardly keep
pace with its orders. Any one who doubts
that business in this city is increasing at a
ratio hardly anticipated a year ago, should
visit this, or any other of our manufacturing
establishments, and he will come stray no longer
doubting. hi this establishment Oil Pipe, Oil
Tools, and fitov_es are the principal features.
In the Stove line we noticed several new pat•
terns, both for coal and wood One in partic
ular, called the Johnson Stove, named after
one of the Arm, struck ns as being admirably
well calculated for offices, school houses,churFh
est, or any other edifice where a large amount
of heat is required. IA is manufactured with
a cast iron base, and a Russia-iron top, with a
cast iron hollow tube passed through the cen
tre, from the floor to the top of the stove,
around which the Are is built. By this ar
rangement a constant Current of cold air is
passed up through the stove, and warms the
atmosphere above; or, If desirable, by extend
ing • pips from the top of the stove to the
chamber above, two roomsean be readily heat
ed boon the same stove. In other words, this
stove is constructed upon precisely the same
principle of a Pomace, by which hot air is con
ducted in pipes all over a house For this
reason it strikes us as • most valuable improve
ment, and one which will make a very „materi
al saving in fuel. But we need not enlarge
—the "Johnson Stove - must be.seen to be ap
preciated ; and once seen we are satisfied they
will supercede all others for similar purposes
in market.
isir We published, several weeks since, an
account of a murder and robbery., perpetrated
in Clarion county by two men calling them
selves Logue and Davis. The murderers es
caped, and although a large reward was offered
for their apprehension, no trace of theta was
found until &short time since. Officer HAGUE,
of Pittsburgh, by some means ascertained that
the one calling himself Logue, was named
Bhotwell, and that he bad a brother-in-law
living near Engler'lle, Asthabnia county.—
Furnished with this clue he got upon his track,
and followed him through Ohio and Michigan,
to La Porte, la., where he treed his "bird,"
arrested him, and in a few hours safely lodged
him in jail at Pittsburgh. The Post says Shot
well does not seem alarmed at his present sit
uation. He sets in his cell calmly smoking
his clew, as though the charge against him
was of an ordinary chantiter. He dogs not
deny his participation in the crime for which
ho was arrested lie has a brother, Theodore,
in our penitentiary, sent from Erie fur horse
stealing, and another, Warren, in the Michigan
penitentiary, sent there fbr a similar offence.
The father is the only one of the family now at
pir Great Britain and this country have
misunderstoottesch otheremisinterpreted each
otber's views, and misrepresented each other's
nature, for a long time. The constant inter
' communications brought about by steam has
gradually removed much of the consequent
prejudices which once obtained on both sides
of the Atlantic. The intimate relationships of
trade have removed still more The visits of
enligtened - Englishmen to the United States,
and that of American to Great Britain, will do
the rem. Mr. Train, the dashing, flippant,
bold, but shrewd and original Yankee mer
chant, who has just completed a street railway
in Birkenhead, opposite Liverpool, is one of
those Americans abroad who are not likely to
let the fareign world die in ignorance of his
countrfliine.ellenee , At a bite pittilfaildinaer
he asserted (which is really true) that they
-speak bolter English here than theMato in Eng
land Re said :
"Order your dinner in every from
&wo o to California, and they wigee pd
you for 1f.,000 miles ; but go 6011 inilegrOpSsa
Aberdeen to Dover, and you can Up ifspaidS
ik a Babel of tongues. - Remember, ieedeimen,
IR American don't speak Gaelic, eft *Mx, or
Celtic, or Welsh ; and I assure you, upon my
honor, Yorkshire and Lancephire Is aN teingba
in our common schools ; and lam iistomed, on
good authority, that there are no professor* of
Irish or Scotch in our academies. Lindley
Murray, Lord Lyndhurst and Nash Webster
were all Americans, Our written language
will slaws be Rugliaie: our spoken language
is Americans"
Mr. Timis his said- s great many smart
things, but he arr uttered a more profound
fact than this, tbongh he did array it in jocose
—The wife otos man named Collins died re
cently in New Orleans; and, as he was poor,
his neighbors oontributedfor her funeral. He
took the money and went on a spree, and it was
a week before they diseoriered that the body
was not buried.
Bar A New York boy • ispet rii• nds the
manufacture of orange w 4 •I t. .icks in
Chili, South America, which ~,. rhittled
by the children, and the age,l and de
crepit, and he sends them to his mother in
New York, whosells large numbers of them
at twenty cents" a thousand. The Astor.
House buyseight or ten barrels at a)time,
and popular restaurants consume about a
thousand a week.
j ar The Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Wide-
Awakes got into trouble the other night,
fbr parading a banner with a device rep
senting Erastus Brooks smashing Bp re-
Hughes with au axe. The Catholics gath
ered in fore*, and a general row ensued.—
The banner was withdrawn,.and quiet re
soir Two young gentlemen of St. Mar
tinsville, La., ones Deputy Sheriff named
Boavernil, and the other agentleman
named Fournet, reoenUy fought a duel
near flailsea. Each of "die consUtinta
went upon the field armed with two revel
vent ands bowie knife: they were stationed
twenty paces apart, with instructions, at the
word; to fire and advance at will—the tight
and vaith the des of one or both of the
:es. At t aecoied fire Mr. Fournet.
.g bees stru i l staggered , and not
with , ltetaieing strength and cour
age'. h to fire tyke more upon his ad
variety, .t without effect. He died ini
ST. Lo_ ms."9ctober 30.—Senator Critten
den addressed a large audience, composed
of allparties, at the court house last night.
lie eulogised Douglas 'as a national man
and a statesman, and his course in opposi
tion to Lecompton. lie urged the Union
men of all poldiftrto vote for Bell. as the
43ee1ycanditlate whose success would give
to the country. He could see no
remedy whatever for dissqlving the Union.
Although the liepublicasi party may elect
the President, we can qutvote them and
prevent harm from being done. The South
can find constitutional safety in the Union,
and preserve that greatest blessing for this
country. He ooncludedLby Raying. "It
will be my prayer that this • llnion may
last beyond any calculation."
NIL. When Judge Douglas was in Chi
cago recently a clergyman called to see
him, and taking him by the hand mid :
'Judge Douglas I have wronged you, I
have preached against you. My pulpit has
been the forum wherein I have denounc
ed you, all of which I did honestly but ig
norantly. lam now satisfied you were
right, and 1, in common with my brethern
in the ministry was wrong, and, for my
self, hope you will pardon this error of the
head, not of the head." Mr. Douglas re
plied :—"Certainly, my friend, I never har
bored and unkind feeling toward those
who arrayed themselves against me, choos
ing to leave it to time, the best arbiter, to
settle that question."
At Allony, on Tuesday, the 16th, as the
Prince of Wales was passing inthe proces
sion, by the museum Building, some one
pointed out to him the Benicia Boy, who was
standing on the steps. The bold John rais
ed his hat respectfully to the young king
ling, and Albert Edward, with equal polite
ness, touched his own. The parties re
spectively "smiled a smile" and each went
on his way rejoicing.
- -
Wit" The New Orleans Picayinie states
that the emigration of free colored people
from Louisiana to Hayti, since the estab
lishment of President tietlard's govern
ment has assumed such an importance that
at regular steamer has been placed for the
first time on the line between New trleans
and Hayti.
A colored woman in Chicago receiv
ed a package by mail from her runaway
husband-the other day, containing a live
adder. Ile requested that she would kiss
it for his sake, but she didn't, for she drop
ped it on the post office floor anal screamed
murder. The snake was ca l ,.
turgid, and now has the evelii-iv,' use of a
bottle of alcohol in the Audubon club
Ike . [low often is your patience trie.l on
coming to the tea-table and:there being obliged
to punish yourself by eating yellow, spotted,
unwholesome biscuits• cake. e You at once
say to yourself,• what poor salerat us • why will
people longer purchase •itch In inferior aritek,
when they can at the Quine price. ion chase lt
B. De Land Co 'a pure. healthful '"iiicr•ti us
You can get it o 1 your grocer It 1. •.1 sale
by the principal grocers at wholesale, awl is
manufacture.' by D It Ite Land , at the
Fairport Chetnical R orks, Fairport. %louroe
Co , N. 1"
sike- A good-looking friend of ours. iTho is
on this side of forty, though somewhat hoary
headed., while absent from the city a few days,
used Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative, and on
his return called to tee his lady-love, but was
amused to find she did not recognize him, and
immediately determined to pass for a cousin of
himself, but, was evidently chagrined to find
he was supplanting his former self in the affec
tions of the lady, which caused him to make
himself known , but the lady still says that
she likes the counterfeit better than the origi
nal, and insist , that he continue (if necessaly I
to use the Hair Restorative be had of he
druggists.—St. Louse Morning Herald. i
Sold by all good Druggists.
a i l
St.tiv.riess Ntonrs —The anguish of m
which parents experience whilst witnessing li,
sufferings of their children during the - try
period of teething, is nothing in compariso t
the lose of rest to which they are necese ly
subjected. How many, in consequence of he b.
" 7:llo w y b o le am h a
t t l e w th g e ris E L L' a 4.g.:.`;.°;',..'::.
fretfulness of their little sufferers, are compel ed r n ATN
ow I NT . CHI . E m i t T:IN IRON 13E 1 .111, B th: Lrest lira: ,
to pass entire nights without obtaining an theritta ti bu ae rgh 4. , ,utta10 Klocioetreertoe,J.cLonong,RA.:
hour's rest. But. where Man. IV la
Imo STIR e for children teething is at han
relief is inevitable.
It may well he termed a Soothing Syrup,
it gives almost instant relief to the little .
ferers. It affords not only rest, but vigor an
health It also cares wind-colic, dysentery
diarrhea, and is sure to regulate t thc bowels'
On the llith inst., by Rev. J. H. Press y,
Mr. THOS. PATTON, of Fairview, to Miss
MARTHA DUN CAN, of West Millereek.
In Wattqburg, on the I:,lth ult , by Re• O.
S. Hill, Mr. J. U. BRADLEY, to Mies OLIfE
In North East, on the 21st tilt , of typhc,
fever. Mr A$A SPENCER, in the 'ts year ;0
his age.
In Lockport, on the 16th lilt., Mrs. MAO
wife of Wu). Aldrich, in her 51. t year
On the 10th tilt , in ronneant township. F.I.
LEM' L. and on the 20th CORNELIA
children of Watson Porter.
- - -
In Shakopee, Min., on the Nth ult , of Scar
let Fever. aEoRt..IE, only child of Irvin mid
Mary thuds, aged three years.
On the 25th nit , in Girard tp., of a ilisetoe
of rho heart, after a brief illness, JOHN it
fiNlllll, aged about 1;5 years.
At the residence of her son, in ansird tp., on
the 4th ult., yrs. JANE DTMPSEY, in the
year of her age.
Zo-gag'o Adrtrtionututo.
Theo ottentiguell baying tried lb* credit system to our
haro ennelo.l.4l to
and "Ai nant.ries hereafter ettEdrlttt than the CUICAP
MST for
All of v" vbo sr* nodulous mad .11spampd to derbt, nil
►od we for yourself whether what we may hi
You who believe and Wee the RIADY e ea at sod pt the
(be w, PLEDQZ oorsehres to BeIIOOODS our floe
ALL those having unsettled accounts
with in will *an nil sad hawk wp without deny
we our Woks saw doped wed NV T Huh/.
int.3—rl. • 0110iBY t NOM.
- •
Hsi* tar nes.—By the down or mingl e _
St prices ranging 6114111 twenty Calla to twentl,
shillings each. At the store of
BILVSHIO Barsusa ! —The greaten, rum )
and the largo* stook ever brought into it,,.
market, can be found at the 'gore or
. 81-19 CARTER & [Situ
Great Fall in Prices.
Nov th. ti m e to edrilANIP from ft.- Larp-.1 •a,/ ( L.•;
est Stook .ver often! to 'to, pail„ In th ~.,,,y,,,
T//ERE IS NO I'SE ,TA 1.14'1 VI,
11l numwrou•etuitomeru and no. public mi.t anq ~,,,
Cicssameo ClPiaco, Clodzinie. ALII :
Alm; 10.4 B1.1"E awl WHITE BLA,NIZIKTS,
4 tyl• and Fmt. l , at I nR MCI.. at
PAR/4(10V 1:1' "
0 , ., J It:
OLD FO 'ND!? V. State Street, E I-
On hand, arbaell t.r sold at pricer FAR BFI.OI tr..
former thrurva, HRRF. or F.I.SKWHIPRY In it,.
Uteri 14 a Full a.torttnent of
Coal, 01lee and chart Iron Reamlatota ♦I.o,
Dutcher, ke
kr., taken in esehanko at the hughrst marks* rates. unsis
in NO AMCC refused. Call and ens. « NO CHATCf
Zl.r/3d:XJIDIESICIN 3PF1.31r1111:
lino, N or 3-22
Importrr. anti Wholesale Dealers in •
Brandies, Wines, Gins, & Boors,
heir lease to tall the attention ottlie utvwns of the Unite I
States tlis their Pun. Winos and lagoon, put up oroici
their olio euprrrition, for Family and Ideoleinal
caries sitiorted to atilt customers. Clubs, Military snr
other public Bodice, who moire to purchase in large
small quantities, In ranks 0 s both.., will b. 19...,.1 1 ,
dealt with. Pries List pent on Ippheation
I) A,) (a) 4 :(alsj: $ : :1:
Ilecononvenikid by the first physicians as the best rem.
dy bonen for Dyspepsia, indwestion, sad mil
herronsi Diseases. As a beverage, it Is pure, •holesonw,
and delirtuus to the taste. 501 a by .11 Drusrststs.
Wll A bliiitENOt k CO., Prop'rs
4 3 k 5 Exchange Place,
Jersey City, N. J
P 5,...-iThe subscribers wish to engage • few active men,
ea Locale/Ad Travetiag Agents for their Dunes, to wh o .,
liberal inducements will be offered. For particullue, ail
dress a above. nuvl-1.1:
Eltrnmo ! Stoves ! Stoves !! !
ynrearr, MEALS. SHIRK & CO
ItESP EC'T Ft' I. L Y ask the attention 0 t
all who wish to partham Stoves, (at W I
or Itetailid to their splendid amlortment of
likrratird Owe. (diving 0n,.) COOK orrovu, •
Coal or Wa nd.
loisroved kottsion Tap, 'with sonvoir
Forest Oak do
Wises, Sheaf, Sus Seem do, for Coal or Woo.l
!turbot Sr,um for Wood or Coal, In great nn.“
Comae Parise mod ethos Iron do.
Solestsmodor Coal do, for SUMO and oaoe.
800 Stoves, for Churches, School RllOlll/1, ofie , 10 Ms t
variety, lee, Re_
We cordially Melia comparisons as to style and pet t e rn.
—Competition we da(y par Stow are ensoulacto red
from Ombra of Stott Ma Aenarkaa iron, =ousted to the
beet manner, mid 11•11117 Stove warrantedyerlisrt. We do
not haat of having 2,000 Stoves on hand, for re can't
keep bait this number in &arum" of our orders, but ire
VIII keep enough to supply all reasonable denzawla.
nov.3-22. ou Stair, between I Ith and 12th Street.
THE Erie County Agricultural mit t
hereby gives sones that by Reeniction passed N•
the menhir meeting of the Managers, its Anneal Ira.. •
wUI loutstlsr be held no the Oral Wednesday, ?bands.
and Mao waseeedlag the 14th day of September of
fiery_mo, which rill heir` the neat atonal Fa is
the Illth,l9lb and 20th days of September, Nal
'ziov.3-4•Cf. A. A. CRAIG, Sise'y
100 BCYTI'LES of fiomforti'e Pre par
tioo for itraorrriug eldor. Just received h
writ-21 CARTER BR°
IS not a 'Secret Medicine, but k carefu 11.
perparrd composed of IPECACCANHA, BRl.l.efu)
NA and CANNABIS INDICA ; tamable to the .fir,
Pleasant to the lute, Bah In operation, mild is Dialect,
.tniellly mud.. sod allays the vicieseir mid peretnall•
aboetene the duration of this terribly distressing ema
plena. Put op setty, with dinetiose for ' , trial; it, gad
oteid at SW t ints • bo t tle, by the Proprietor's
sov3-11$ CARINA k BRu.
-0 V -
Puretaxed sine* the
bM aupplassl at lees, at the Neer Storr, roan .
•ay other Eitablinhaost to thir rit r
sod take. no. look •t m, fltwir of
-= • d r il '4-111
Latest Stylel “t
Sint 11 I lit. 111111• 1