The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, October 20, 1860, Image 2

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: 1577!MV1
1 PRIM. A. Szivia, 14 IsA AC Recxxox,
2 Wx. C. PATTrasoLIS Gin U JAcrsoN.
4 J 11. Buoixsa, 17 J B DANNzft,
5 0 W JA.cosT, 18 J R Ci‘wrort,
7 0 P JAxcs, 20 . 1 B
9 4 1.. I.I.O4ITNER, 2:: AXI IL MARS/UAL
lv. EARBICR, 23 WILLIAM 1100 R,
12 S
S. WiNcuicsrEit, 25 11ATLORD CHI 3.'14
13 Joss's LArs.tcu,
The BAssult in Pennsylvania
We acknowlAge that Na ate• ehugrtly<•(l
and mortified at the result of the eleCtion
for governor in this state We s:neerely be.
.lieved that Foster nuld be elected, but
we were much ruts ken No thut the
smoke has somevrhl t cleared away from
the geld of battle, we would fain look
around to .see what has caused the defeat
of the,Democracy in the good old C,,m
monwealth. Pennsylvania has ever before
been the steadfast supporter of correct
principles, and has been the barrier that
has arrested those wave, of fanaticism
which has threatened to engulph our be-
loved country, arid break in pieces the
federal onion. Rut ghe has faltered at
hut, and her hitherto stern patriotism has
been driven before the storm of alxilition
ism as the gale drives the frail bark, and
to-day the true men of the country, the
oonservative Constitutions! States-right
men. stand aghast at the ineflancholy spec
tacle. They see nothing in the future but
agitation and disaster, and lainent thr.t.the
history of a thousand glorious deeds are to
be wiped out, and u dark page inserted in
which to record the triumph- of the negro
race over that of the white man
cessful crusade is being inaugurated against
the constitutional rights of the isouthein
half of our Union. The people of Penn
sylvania, forgetting the past, and reckless
of the future, seem determined to place in
the same chair -which has been occupied
by Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Mon
roe and Jackson, a man who holds to no
doctrine, no opinion, no priciple but that
the white man shall divide his blood-bought
patrimony with the negro, and that a de
cree shall be made, and a contract entered
into, that the white man and the negro
are equal now and forever
In view of the Presidential election soon
to be decided, a great responsibility rests
upon the voters of this country. ' Disguise
it as you may, ignore it as you will, Union
or disunion is the question to be decided
in November This war of the North upon
the South must produce its legitimate re
sults, and can have but one end. "A cause
divided against itself cannot stand," holds
true in the political as in the religious
world. There will come estrangement,
then heated, then open and violent alter
eations, and then the dissolution of the
Federal compact. Let all good men who
deprecate such an end come out and work
with the Democracy in the comingstrug
gle. Let us all unite and adopt any meas
ure that may be presented to secure us a
sectional President. For the sake of union
and freedom let it not he said that we were
so blinded about our choice of men, and
so mad in our foolish differences, and so
divided as to permit the elcction-of a geo-
graphical chief' officer We point our fin
ger and refer you to 'Washington's Farewell
Address, warning you of the danger If
you heed not the voice of the father of
your country, you are lost to all advice.—
Like Ephraim you are joined to your idols.
♦s ►sentinel on the watch -tower, we apprise
you of your danger, and we urge you to
avoid it. It remains with you to decide
this matter As for ourselves, Ise feel that
w• have done our duty, and having done
so, wash our hand* from any participation
in the coming evil.
--..-..1.1i. , ---
Curtin and Railroads
From the returns of the election it is
very certain that the Sunbury aftcl, 4 Xrie,
the Pennsylvania Central, the Great West
ern, and the Lake Shore roads all cent in
strong for Curtin. This distinguished in
dividual had frequent conclaves with the
officers and friends of each before the elec
tion, and it seems has been successful in
obtaining their united aid. Now, what is
it that these roads want' Why, nothing
else ; than legislation ! The sunbury & Erie
must have more help from the State to
complete her line. The Pennsylvania Crin
tral wants to get rid of the tonnage tax.—
The Lake shore roads want to be released
from their obligation to go to the harbor
with their depot. The Great Western wants
• slice from some quarter, and together
awl will occupy the attention of the Leg
islature the whole winter to accomplish
their ends. Curtin is to do it all. Like
St. Paul,he has been "all things to all men "
Some of these roads will slip up—some of
them be awfully cheated, and if Senators
Finney and ISUClure, the confidential
friends of Curtin, are to manage the matter,'
it is plain to prophesy that the Sunbury &
Erie will come out, as it did last winter, at
"the little end of the horn " The people
of this State will never agree that the Penn
sylvania Central shall be released from the
tonnage tax, and that road will prevent
any favors being given to the Sunbury &
Erie independent of this release of tax.—
The lesser sad poorer corporation must
give way to the greater and the richer The
promises made to the Sunbury & Erie road
will never be redeemed—the intere.,t of
the subscriptions made I,v our city and
county to the Sunbury & Erie must, for
years, be paid by assessments upon the la
bor of her citizens. We are friends
to this road from Erie to Philadelphia,
but turn this question which way we
will we cannot see any hope in the future,
nor any sunshine for this great work. Gov.
Packer, a thorough and tried friend of this
road, with all his zeal and influence, could
not, last winter, get the right kind of
legislation for the Sunbury d Irie. Can
Curtin do more? We think not, but are '
willing to wait and see, and hope for the
nest La us all unite, however, without dis
tinction. of party, in demanding of the legisla
ture • complete recognition of our rights in
regard to this greet enterprise If not done
now thoroughly and well by our political op
sensate, who have the power, tka'majority
Will fads away like the mist of the morning.
"14.1. %i••• Lit on .111 , 1fle tn. 14-1
camp • % negro emuslit% 11.4 d
grown unprotitaible." the reprh
hoar,- 1,141 rd I •uOl until the people were
gulle , l into th. I.e',,ef that they were it „,
vf.. the per. altar friends ul protection
In this the% mete bupremely byj eritreal'
All their orators, from And% t 'tiro» don'n
to the Slatille-t 'pouter, t.dke I r tog
iter ur tariff, ii*ldllted thou liattlCulax lota•
tion, and their newspaper, echoed the
same unvarying strain ' In a ha: they
were to give protection to Amenenii inter
est,, no one of them vouched to explain--
that party will have neither the Senate
the House in the next Congre-s, and how
r 6, a e raise the tariff on Import•• we
ettlint—.Vo. the eountry, AS ever. must
I , sik to the Democratic part!, as their real
frieru-Is rhe repohlieans of Pennsylvania
deli) to the South Lereonstitutiunal
and then demand of them protection to
Ler peerileir tit. re is - the\ -teal their
nigger., from them on et eru ocea,ron • and
then send up piteous howl. heeau-e those
outraged estate , - iefuse protection to their
fhe repuhlioan% net
tunl lieu el •r. p is• fuiff law. a- Are
needed in our peo d•• liie,r whole %toek
ut trsofe the . ttlizgel. mud it they glue
4, the protection that they prom..e, tt
wi ll h e t he 1 11 ,• ih. N e% .•r fulfillea
We hat .• proue,l aga.n, that
the Demoeruov of Periii , ultailia have 1.% er
been fitohlid to thi, grolt interest, and
true to the • roteetive p01,..v Let tn, again
repeat. that 1.1n0. , 1n it ,1,-ott,i, %%ill not
glue protection to the in a interest- of
Penn-% Ivan:A No Pie%olent can
etreet ant I a the g,.."1 ~f Ow people
The - Irrepre.s.f.l. o. , nflict - of their doe
trine% 1, the fugue- , ami .)I theli
dom, and it di. , .-dart of their
F. , RNFV 81 - 4•7 i. 1:F111:1
night, .10ot 13: a ninnhei of the young
Detuociats of Ili. , r ite.-ion to
their indignation at the tre.icher ~f .lohn
W. Forney in the late ..tats election. by
burning him in effigy in the centre .quare.
The stuffed figure of a man holding a copy
of Tie Pr ut hi. hand, Iva. placed upon
a pile of Kcxel, and consumed in the pres
ence of a crowd who manifested their .at•
isfacti in with the proceeding. by lowd
groans as the effigy toppled over into the
flames —RA/ /in; I;.: !!,
There net er existed a matt who has
made himself so vile as ForneN ' A traitor
to his friend and patron Buchanan ' a re
vealer of the confidence, of friendship ' a
tool of Forrest in a base attempt to make
Jam is on drunk, and then betray the reve•
lation, of the Cup--and now. while pre
tending friendship for Foster, he betraye.l
him at e% ery step and v‘as the secret frien , l
of Curtin' A republican , lerk of the House
he does their dirty work with a will --in
open warfare he has no force of (freet --it
is only as a friend that he ran gi%e the fa
tal stab No gpvotnlcu the) burn him in
effigy, and no wonder that the people of
BOrks county who know him well exhibit
e4t their disgust and contempt of the man
14 - loud groans to the effigy toppled over
into the flames." This poor devil of a
flirney has done more to injure his friend
uglas than can be undone for awhile
t us Democrats not trust him under any
c curnstance.. Let him go down to that
o livion where no mention of him shall
e er be heard. Just read what this Bene
ct Arnold Forney says about the elev.-
tson .
"The Republican party have just achiev
ed a magnificent triumph, and in the joy
with which they hail this triumph the)
have tike ~ympathy of thousands of honest
Democrats. They cannot afford to stain
their victory with fraud. They cannot af
ford to assist in striking down, by the basest
agents, the men who have stood in the
fore-front opposition to Mr. Buchanan and
his Admini tration, and flu ' whom, in a
large degre:, they are indebted for the re
suit over w ich they are Ow exulting
this city an ,
and thorns,
verene ne%•
been a ‘.eti
them as to
phsh the gr•
dation they
erected cher
ex pendit ure
flap, pules a
without nu
alike with ti
far and wid
The bein•wr
and the le,s
of future be
to knot% trot
of dollar. rep
hurrah Ti
ev furui
who µkwl a
the nec Hui
pay anythin
Walker! 1
from grumb
Lid Sterrett
tw, LL , '(,/ 0 . in
know: she
oral, and th.
had ' Presc
9J. Thi4 lii
bill, which .
We are told
and that bit money flowed like writer for
the Clll - 4(' an i that lie w to
p a y his way to the heal of the republican
column in this county Who knows how
tn., this ' This sanguinary individual
bled, no doubt. during his celebrated visit
to John Bowu ' lie bled while lighting
Sterrett and others for district delegate to
Chicago. lie bled to get-into the state
Convention, Re bled again as a delegate
to Chietgo, having a suit of rooms there at
a gr, expen•••• liebled for his Indian
leader t. ameron. lie We,' for the
Babbitt ! What will they (In for him or
his, now that the battle is won N'othing
literally nothing. lie spoke upon every
stump, as in every meeting. and he opened
his pocket every time he ripened his mouth
The money, howevery, we are inclined to
think, came front the East. lie was the
almoner of has friends elsewhere—but the
comorants here are done with him now,
a nd in the distribution of offices, they will
see that none of his kith, or kin, or friend's
will be remembered. The quiet smiling
chaps, who done nothing and paid noth
ing, will run off with the spoils. "Repub.
ioans 14 ungrateful."
Let Traitors read this !
, 4
o\ or TUE REI4 AN`..—The
of our political opporient in
county way both complete
. Their energy and perie
r flagged, and the result has
v almost a, unexpected to
All minor disputes and die
tire thrown aside R.. a.-eom
f itt re-ult. Thi- was the Emil
and th.• Nuporstructure
4ron was accomplished by
Transpirancie-. ban ners4.
11 , 1procen.ion, were multiplied
141.: at. 1 were
Their sus:,etir. travuled
iacrea.4e L a• tiov wont
,cv e , ):npar oft%
L 1, 1. 1.•,1111.-/ 111.1)
ettt, Vl".• are much ever. ts , ed
when •,e came the thou•antl,
utretd for all tilt- parade an I
Rei,111.1.,- •lenv t hit tn , ,t,
he 1 theta from It
.ref Wh )Ne purees
Wilt) Were the lihoral• of thf.
the linnorable Mr Bal,r , ttt
Very little if Inc ! 1)..I
enough tA, keep in* friend
-111.1 Kelqo Nary red'
of th ri ' Pct hap. about
' kui ' Don't
if McLane w t, •runcw hat lib
, youn , r Lvov' 1041i , 1 all they
t Nfetotlf p. 11.1 !Wont I a- uci
howe‘c:..l,•ll . l foc4 th.
Ust La near
hat if h bolero, blea ft eels.
I'bi• Democratic vote in Erie county
is ' Let ther, patriots and true
friends of the country stand firm !
Let nothing , p revent from going to the
polls on the t4tit day of November, and
cast n g their votes for the -Democratic elec
toral ticket All is not yet lost. An ef
fort twist be made to redeem the past.—
We have been defeated, but not conquer
,.l In the Presidential contest that is still
to ootne off, you will have occasion to try
)our .trength The wiles and stratagems
of ouriopponents are now distinctly seen.
Many 'of them who were friends of Curtin
will now vote against Lincoln ! Now is the
titn& to show your perseverence and deter
uttnatton, and your devotion to correct
principles Let ui give them one more
fire along the lines, and victory, perhaps,
may yet perch upon our banner ! "For
tune favors the brave."
ELLCTOIt•L TICICIT.—In another column
will be lound the proceedings of the State
Central Committee at Reading, Oct. 12,
It will be seen by this that the elec
toral ticket as made at the last State
ention is to be adhered te. This is 118
it •hould he--we have alwa)s resisted any
attempt to change or alter it.
The action of Forney and his particular
h i uds against Foster has been a lesson for
futurk•--no compromises can be made
with such men—they have deserted us,
Breve gone across the river, and now dwell
in the tents of the rkpublizans. They have
•leirnt the bridges and sunk the boats"
ales the Democracy have wisely concluded
io let them remain there, and to incur no
expense and take no trouble in bringing
them back again They want no more
e‘asion—no more I dsehood—let all who
are for us support the electoral ticket as it
t. ut else leave the party. Let us get cleat
01 all these dead branches ••vihose fruit,
like the apples of Sodum, w er e fair to the
-ight, but eruml.led to ashes in the touch,"
and from this time forward the tree of Ns;
tional Democracy will acquire new life and
vigor, and put forth living branches, bear
ing good fruit So may it be.
' , roil.. —The Republicans of Erie seem
heartily to sub , cribe to the doctrine that
•to the victor belong the spoils." It was
thi, one desire that made "hail fellows,
well met" of such men as Lowry, Walker,
Bal,; t,.S'ten elf. Lyun and others,who supped,
and bedded, and speechified together all
over the country Truly it was a strange
mixture of the most incongruous materials.
Now the victory, they think, is won, they
again separate with the old war cries one
against the other, and the cry is the "devil
take the hindmost." They are all hungry,
hut all cannot be led. Babbitt says that as
r, ett has dune up all his dirty work for
him. that A, must have the post office.—
A gain.t this move, all the others will unite,
not caring much who gets it so that the old
fogy of the Gazette does not. Walker will
see that this matter is all right, and young
A. M'D. Lyon, who done the greater part
of the hard work,w ill take good care that the
Congressman he worked so hard for, shall
not prove ungrateful It is a sweet fami
ly fight, and no one can tell how it will
end—perhaps dike the Billkenny Cat Sto
ry Watch and pray.
"The Good Time is Coming."
un our 4treets and highways we hew
the sounds of rejoicing of our negro popu
lation. The election of Curtin has made
their hearts rejoice. They sing aloud,
"Bress de Lord, the good time is coming,
de nagger is gwine to he raised up, the mil
/minium is coming."
We hope our republican friends will live
up to their views as to the Negro ; that
our friends Ball and Teller will see that
bill is introduced into the Legislature giv
ing them the right of suffrage, and make
them eligible to office. By so doing, they
will for once be consistent, thelowill in
crease their majority, and may, perhaps,
hay u a bouncing big, black fellow, sent
with them as a colleague next year. Look
out for the riarkey!
Neat° EQUALITY IN Onio.—The Cleve
land Piamien/ci of Oct. 10 says : "Full
blooded negroQ voted in several of the
wards yesterday. At the Second Ward ne
gross as black as coal peddled tickets. Ne
groes hired carriages and carried white
men to the polls. Negroes were every
where The refrain commencing—
*sharps meat 'a too rood for slam"-
I , an adsurity Here on the Western Re
.erces roast beef is hardly good enough
for them They •it at the first table and
white men are forced to lap up the crumbs
at the second. That's the style here.—
That's what ad- us. We have met the
Alneans and we're tAntir. , ."'
It the Republicans of Pennsylvania
are sincere in their professions, we shall
goon 4ee the same disgusting spectacle in
, tats• A considerable plot of the
black republican majority in Ohio is easily
accounted for. Brinkerhoff is a Judge of
the supreme Court. and was a candidate of
the black republicans for re-election. A
-lion time -ince he made a decision by
which about fourteen thousand negroes
were. invested with the elective franchise.
A more high handed abuse of the judicial
otth•e has never been perpetrated in this
country Negros. in Ohio will here..,:ter
hold the balance of power, and so they will
in even• ‘diver state where they shall be
permitted to vote. To what a condition
of things is black republicanism bringing
u-. The country ruled by negroes !
Tea TRU'. DOCTZINIL—Thus speaks that
distinguished patriot, James W. Gerard,
, of New York, to his old whig friends
who are leaning toward Lincolnism.
•• It is vain for the respectable and con
servative portion of that party to assert
that their policy is to prevent the spread
of slavery into the Territories now tree ;
that may be their view, and they itt.ty sin
cerely think so, hut that is not the limit to
the policy of their leaders (whose dupes
they are) if their own acts and speeches are
to he credited. The secret circulation of
Helper's book in the Southern States was
not necessary to keep slavery out of the
Territories , a conflict between the free la
her of the North and the slave labor of the
south, which they say must be so severe
(irrepressible) that one party or the other
must yield, is not necessary to prevent slay
extended to the Territories.
•• I . therefore, oppose Mr. Lincoln for his
abolition doctrines, declared in his speech
es, that slave labor must conquor free
her, or the reverse , 'that the two areit
compatible in Our country, and both can
not oxist together. Now, as one supposes
that the Southern people will ever make
slaves of us at the North, it follows that the
intention of this party is that Northern
freemen shall leap over the-boundaries of
the Constitution and make free the slaves
of the South."
We pray that Heaven will commend this
-ound advice to the conscience of all Chris
Liana and law revering men
Gus. Forma it Hors.—The Hon. Henry
D. Foster, late Democratic candidate for
Governor, reached his honzein Greensburg.
on Wednesday last, and was met at the
depot by an immense crowd of hip fellow
citizens, with a band of music, and escort
ed to his residence, where he was weloom
ed by Gen. William A. Stokes, in an elo
quent speech. Gen. Foster wan loudly
cheered, and responded briny as follows .
possible for me to express the deep grati
tude which I feel for all your kindness. I
am defeated, but I trust not disgraced. I
come among you *gain to live in peace,
and I hope to show in the future, as in the
past, my allegiance to the Democratic par
ty, and my warm sympathy for my friends.
During the whole contest just ended,
have assailed no man by word or act. I
have neither said or done anything which
I regret, and I hope nothing for which
my friends need blush. Firmly standing
on Democratic truth, I gladly resume my
place in the ranks of the party--ready to
fight the common enemy of the Constitu
tion and the country.
Accept, Gen. Stokes, my heartfelt thanks
for the too flattering terms in which you
have expressed the feelings of our friends.
The Greensburg Democrat says :
No language is adequate to express the
enthusiasm of our people in behalf of our
great citizen and distinguished friend.—
Successful or defeated, Westmoreland will
ever prove true to Henry D. Foster. Ile
returns to us without fear and without re
proach—the Bayard of Pennsylvania poll
t les.
Cot. E. L. Dlazt.—We we .e pleased to
greet, the other day, our friend, Col. Drake
of Crawford county. He I'Vai the Demo
cratic candidate for the. Legislature in that
district. His integrity and competency
was fully endorsed by his own county, he
having run ahead of his ticket. In these
days of black republicanism this was a corn
pliment of which he may well be proud -
Nest year, when the "sober, second tho't "
oomes over the people, we confidently ex
pect to see him elected.
land desires nothing so much as the
Lion of a Republican President, and the
London Chronicle tells us why We
would be very sorry to see Mr Douglas
elected," it says, "because he is in favor ‘.l
the obnoxious institutions as they exist,
and the unity of the States. There is no safe
ty for European monarchial governments
if the progressive spirit of the Democracy
of the United States is allowed to succeed.
Elect Luteoln, and As first blow ru Me ,ep a r u ( um
of the United States is effected !
M. Clay, recently addressed a Republican
meeting at Tiffin, Ohio. In the eourse of
his remarks he said
"They (the Democrats) tell you we are
for liberating the blacks—for ,ietting the
negroes free. SC) WE ARE. We believe,
as you do, that In 1776 "all men were cre
ated free and equal ; endowed with certain
inalienable rights! * • • * *
They meant just what they 'said, and they
repeatedly spoke of n42l E roes as men, and
as persons. THEY ANT THE NE
This is pure, unalloyed Republicanism
wiliiie men of Pennsylvania how do you lik
it 1
Pssrxinvasti.—Nothwithstanding, in
the recent State siection in Pennsylvania, -
the Democracy were defeated by some sev
enteen thousand, we gain largely on the
vote of 1858, when the Republicans carried
the Congressmen 'by an aggregate majority
of about fifty thousand. Pennsylvania is
not stall a reliable State. For twenty years
past it has constantly vibrated between the
two great parties.
In 1840, Harrison carried it over Van
Buren by 349 majority.
In 1844, Polk carried it over clay by
332. Birney polled 3,138 votes.
In 1848, Taylor carried it over ass ley
14,337, Van Buren poUing 11,263 votes.
leaving Taylor's majority 3,074.
In 1862, Pierce beat Scott by 17,3V4-
Hale, Abolitionist, polling 8,525 votes.
In 1856, Buchanan carried this State
over Fremont. by die great pl4ality of
409. But, Fillmore carried 82072 votes
and there were 119 scattering, 'so that Bu
chanan's clear majority over all was only
In 1858, the opposition carried a majori
ty of Congressmen, by votes which showed
the aggregate majority of 50,tkN 1.
In 1859, the Peoples' party ticket vras
elected by 17,000 majority.
Meeting of the Democratic State
Central Committee
The Democratic State Cen tral Committee
in pursuance of the following call met it
Reading yesterday
Rooms, No. 419 WALNUT STAILLT.
Philadelphia, Uct.
A meeting of the Democratic St at. Ex
ecutive Committee will be held at REAL,
IXG, on FRIDAY, October 12, Ititio, at I I
o'clock. A. M. Business; of great import
ance will be laid before the meeting. and
every member is earnestly requebted to he
At a quarter past eleven Mr. Welsh call
ed the Committee to order.
Mr. Frank M. Hutchinson, the :)ecre
tary, called the roll, when thirty nine mem
bers answered to their names, RY follow
Messrs. Stephen D. Anderson, J. Henry
Asking, Vincent L. Bradford, Hugh Barr,
James P. Barr, W. H. Blair, Reuben F.
Brown, H. B. Burnham, Charles W. Carri
gan, James C. Clarke, John W. Clarke,
John Cummings, Alfred Day, Henry L.
Dieffenbach, C. M. Donovan, henry Dun
lap, Peter Ent, J. Lawrence Getz, A. Hie
stand Glatz, Joseph Gleim, H. A. Guernsey,
John Hamilton, Jr., J. H. Hobart, Charles
H. Hunter, F. M. Hutchinson, Robert L.
Johnson, Isaac Leech, F. P. Magee, Robert
McCts_y, Thomas C. McDowell, 0. 11. Mey
ers, Howard L. Miller. William H. Miller,
Robert E. Monaghan, H. H. Muhlenberg,
Joseph W. Parker, R. Bruce Petriken, Ber
nard Reiley, Nelson Weiser, and William
H. Welsh, President..
The roll being called, Mr. Hutchinson
moved that reporters be admitted.
Agreed to unanimously.
Capt. A.l:ied mr, of Philadelphia, otter
ed the following resolution, and called the
previou44 question, which seemed to be sus
tained by commr mutant.
Resolved, That this Com in i Let. ,/,) here
by rescind its action ti Philadelphia, on
the 2d of July, and :tt Cresson, on the 29th
of August last, and that we recommend to
the Democratic party of Pennsylvania to
stand by the Electoral Ticket made by the
Democratic State Convention at Reading,
on the first of March, 1868. Passed unan
Barman ! Barites :—The greatest variety
and the largest stock ever brought into this
market, oaa be Nand at the store of
•a-19 CARTER & BRO.
the u Watt.
Mature:lay, Clatob4ra. 20. 1500
Local, Personal and Nisoilianeous.
FIUITIV AL.—The Ladles of the 'Fourth street
Catholic Church, will hold a Festival, to con
sist of Music, Tableaus,. Refreshment,., tc., in
Farrar Hall, on Thursday, Oct. 26th.
FA lE.—The Fair of the Uwited Boaryelieal
Protestant ChtsreA, la progressing hasty, and
will continue until Saturday night. The draw
ings will take place on the first of nest week.
Let everybody attend on Saturday evening. at
the Reed House.
mar There seem to be well-grounded &ppm
hension4 of scarcity and want in old Ireland
again A London paper says —"lt is now al
most certainjhat the failure of the potato crop
is greater than in any year since 1847, kale
year that preceded the famine ) The root
crops are full of weeds in most cuss, and where
tolerably clean they cannot trow from want
of sun and from excess of moisture."
ghze- The Continued wet weather, Says the
Press, is resulting in a sad destruc
tion of the potato crop by the rot Whole
fields are said to have been abandoned as a
total loss We hear complaints of the rut in
this county also, though the injury does not
seem to be very extensive as yet Early dig
ging: and careful garnering or burying in a
dry place, would doubtless save large quanti
ties o f these excellent esculents which will
otherwise go to destruction.
per An infidel convention was held last
week in the city of New York; and et en the
Tramp.. is compelled to make the fortng
record of its doings • "But the grand staille of
buvine..4 before the convention was blasphemy
so gross, and assertion so. state, and talk so
trivial, that perhaps the only literal report of
infidelity for 181:4 that can be made is the fol
lowing list of officers . President, Horace Sea
ver . 1 rc. Presidents, Ernestine L Ruse, - .kc ,
{app• The grape crop appears to be very
abundant this year, but is more than usually
affected with the mildew. In several cases
within our knowledge, what promised two
months ago to be fine crops have turned out al
most entirely worthless. The mildew of course
is caused by too much wet or dampness —The
great secret of Grape culture," says one. '•ls
to give The roots plenty of air and , nutriment
In all heavy soils, care mast be taken to secure
perfect drainage, so that no water shall stand
about the roots; then make a deep and wide
bed of rich, mellow earth, and well rotted ma
nure, adding some old bones, leached ashes,
snorter, brickbats, etc "
gar The next time the "Wayne Uuards
appear in public, the public will probably be
somewhat astonished at the lofty and imposing
appearance they will present They are about
supplacing the rather ungainly head-ge‘r that
they have heretetore worn by, bear-skin hats,
high and lifted up , wh;cli will have the effect
of making the tall men look like very sons of
Anak, and the short ones like grandsons of the
same distinguished giants Nervous ladies
and timid babies had better stay in the house
the first time the Anakim turn out, for they
will look indeed, like Russian bears, or ••fierce
Hussars - going forth to battle,
sir Now, when we are impatient and cross
it we do not travel at the rate of at least —SO
miles an hour including stoppages," it is curl
out, to read such a paragraph u the following,
taken from the English Quarterly Revtese for
Jlarch, 1820.
-We are not advocates for the visionary pro
jects that interfere with useful establishments.
We scout the idea of a railroad as impractic
able. What ran be more palpably absurd and
ridiculous than the prospects held out of loco
motives traveling twice as fast as stage coach
eq. We should as soon expect the people of
Woolwich tq suffer themselves to be fired off
upon one of Congreve's ricochet rockets, as to
put themselves at the mercy of such a machine,
going at such a rate."
wer Mayor Wool", though nu longer trou-
Med with the reputation of being the model
mayor of the country, may certainly be put
down as the model speech-maker. On the
reception of Baton -Rasrnaw, alas the Prince
of Wales, alias many other titled personages,
in New York, the Mayor delivered himself of
the following discourse
-Your Royal Highness • As Chief Magistrate
of the City, I welcome you here, and believe
hat in so doing I represent the entire popula
tion, without exception.'
The Prince replied :
•'ll affords me very great pleasure to accept
the Welcome, anti have no doubt that it will be
worthy of the great City of New Vork.!'
SW Oil, oily, and still more oleaginous!
The Vaerne states that a company with which
1 9. A.. Bennett, S 11. Kele , / and Z. Rogers, of
this city, are connected, recently struck oil in
great abundance at a point about twelve miles
from Franklin, Venango Co., and that the
present yield is about seventy-five barrels a day!
That at ten dollars a barrel—a moderate
price.—would be only $.750 a day We hope
our lucky tellow-townsmen will allow us to tell
our reader. that they al-c now pumping only
neNeelty-four and a halt barrels a day. But if
they insist, we will make it seventy-five next
week, Another company, constituted in part
of Erie county men, has also, the same author
-been eminently successful, and is
now pumping a large quantity day."
/Or. Mist ••Podgere," the very plidesant
San Frenetic° currespendent of the X. Y
nine' sa.ri of the "females," as he is pleased
to tall the women.l of that city, is not entirely
inapplicable to the same portion of humanity
in this latitude. In the particular mentioned.—
••11•4 ' 11:14., monstrous hot '" says he, Sept. 17th;
-but; for a wondef, I have not seen a fur cape
to the Street. Something new—for you must
knowl that furs are very fashionable here. And
if so, must be worn, regardless of the state of
the t hemometer. There is not. a 'day scarcely
in the year that an Over-cost is required—in
fact, hundreds never think of owning such a
thing--yet there's not a day you don't see
poor,: wretched females 'sweltering and labor
ing under an accumulation of cat skin or musk
rat, (yclept sable,) enough to suffice a Kam.-
ehatkan—perfect martyrs to fashion I have
seen immense for capes in the street with the
thembmeter at 700."
With regard to the use of the tei in
_ft, in
stead of treason, noticed above parentheti,
we may quote appropriately a remark of Mr.
Marsh, in his recent "Lectures on the English
Language." lie says pet phrases of
hack journalists, the euphemism that but late
ly characterized the American newspapers, are
fast giving place to less affected and more ap
priSpriate forms of expression. It is only the
lowest class of dailies that still regard woman
as not an
,honorable or respecful designation
of the sex, and it is in their columns alone,
that, in place of 'well-dressed or handsomi
women,' we read of 'elegantly attired females,'
and of 'beautiful ladies.' "
P 701 l STORXT WIATIIIII. —Putt and
Glass, all sieve - and qualities, by the ]• t or
box. Sold by Et. CARTER a,
Although a thing so greatly abused
and misrepresented by all kinds of remarks by
ever t j . ody *bout it. we cannot avoid saying
semw 'lig regarding the 'multifarious weather
that has as or blessed this communit) for
a few weeks ilea. No two days have been in
any respect alike, and sometimes no two suc
cessive hourti have looked like brothers In
feet, if the nit Kin and all the planets had agreed
together to fiirnieh us with an average speci
men of the bitet and worst weather belonging
to each of them, on successive days, the aggre
gate result could not have been of a much more
varied character than that which has fallen to
our lot since: about the 10th of September
Heat, cold, rain, sunshine, clouds, winds, blue
skies, calms,: thunder, lightning, hail, kr , &c ,
have been promiscuously stirred up together—
making a fusion about as confused as fusions
are generally If •'variety is the spice of life,"
we have certainly been spiced If "confusion
worse confounded i* • poetical expression--
and Milton armed it was—we have surely
been favored with the thing that occa.ions a
poetical expression
Sur;isa say that a hard winter is before us—
the firot of a series of hard winters that will
cumulate in the hardest kind of a hard winter
about Is7o Scientific men, tracing back the
history of winters fur several centuries', Have
reached this conclusion, and announced tpis
period The science of the weather, however,
is quite as uncertain as the weather itself, and
'we would not advise a householder to lay in
mote than twice his usual quantity of wood
and coal, on the announcement even of an evil
inept scientific individual that the cooling
winter was going to he a Lard one
10/W• Gas is a great inatituelun We speak
no* of the carburettekl-hydrogen not of the
metaphorical article so abundant in these po
litical times. We would not say anything le the
world to disparage gas, or. to discountenance
or discourage its use for illuminating purpos
es. We only hope to see the time when we
shall have, in this goodly city of eleven thou
sand inhabitants, councilmen, with minds so
enlightened and judgments no clear as to point
out to them the duty of having our black and
often muddy streets lighted with burning gas,
and that thus not only the night traveler may
be guided on his way, but gas stock made a
paying investment. Nevertheless, it must nut '
be forgotten, that harm and death, as well as
light and profit, sometimes result from the
use, or the misuse, of gas. A certain propor
tion of gas mingled with common air forms an
explosive mixture, which, when ignited, pro
duces an explosion, with sometimes dreadful
consequences Such an accident occurred re
cently in England and though so far away.
the warning should not be unheeded by any
who use this servicahle, obedient; but power
ful agent •Thericliad been an escape of gas
in the house, says the account., valid when:a
candle was lighted on Monday evening, the
explosion took place flie door and the whole
of the windows of the house were blown out,
and three Iverson., %Ir. Finningly. Mien gin
ningly, and John Padget a joiner, who .hiip
pened to he in the room s, she time, were
severely injured. Padget he. , qt the Infirmary
in a prec•rious condition \loral If you
find the gas escaping in your hotole, have the
pipes examinedand repaired immediatel y
Never leave a jet 6t gas burning in your cb t•- , .et
when asleep, unless it iv turned down to s t ,s!
small point Some accident might happen ikt
the gas works, cutting off the pressure fit
moment, ;which has happened several times
here,i and PUtting out your lights, and, the
difficulty having heels removed, the jet would
How out again to suffocate you. or produce an
explosive mixture to blow you up when you
struck a match Be careful I; Is tame.
tractable, obsequious. but don't lei it get the
start of yein Camphene has slain its hundreds
where gee has maimed its ones still it is too
strong and'facile an agent to be trifled with
w ar Here is something worthy of imitation
in this quarter In Springfield. 11l , recently,
a ipellany match took place. in which all Sin
gamon county was invited to participate. The
prise, an Unabridged Pictorial Dictionary, WAS
awarded to a little girl about twelve years 01.1.
she having —stood up the longest Tht•, we
say, is worthy of imitation here, for what the
scholars at the present day are wore deficient
in than in almost anything else, is a .•orrevt
knowledge of the orthography of their native
tongue Some modern, patent teachers even
go so far as to scout the idea of teaching 'pi:-
ray at all, and have thrown the spelling-hook
out of school, Substituting nothing equivalent
In its place. The result is that when their pu
pils lest* school, they are laughed at the rest
of their days because they are unable to spell
even the common words of a business corres
pondence The old-fashioned spelling-schools
were a great institution in their day , and it
would he to the advantage of the rising gener
ation if they were an existing institution. There
is no use in blinking the fact that the acquisi.
tion of the orthography of the English lan
guage require+ time, labor and close attention.
It is hard to wake Ilia. 114:411141t1011, hilt it iv shame
ful and therefore harder still to be destitute of
it School Director+ could not expend a few
dollars of the public funds more usefully than
in providing a N elister Unabridged I. he
awarded annually a- A prize t.i the b.s.t
in each of the pail', .ehouls and the exhibi
tion that would prove by trial who wits hest
Speller, would be gime a+ tat ere.ting anul cer
tainly as useful as the eotnposittons, rehearsals
plays, Ste , that gel:wally make up-the per
torn:lance at the close of a tertu
we- It is a truth-telling label that is upon
De Land S: Salerstus, and it gives us
great pleasure to say that thin brand o f Saler,
stile Is making many friends among the Intel iv
gent housekeepers of this vicinity IN perfect
purity ought to recommend it, certainly It
can be procured from must grocers and store
keepers Manufactured and for sale at whole
sale, at. the Fairport illieruical Works, Fairpert,
Monr . oe , N 1
Quite a number of our Attorneys are
at Pittsburgh this week attending on the Ses
sions of the Supreme Court At the sitting on
Monday, Chief Justice Lowrie was rresent,
with Judges Woodward, Thompson and Strong.
The following items of business we find to one
of the Pittsburgh papers of Tuesday morning •
D. M Forrely, of Crawford county, on mo
tion of John W. Walker, and Pearson Church,
of Crawford county, on motion of llenj
were duly admitted to practice in the Supreme
The list for the counties of Brie• Crawford,
Jefferson and Forrest was caled over
Dunlap's Ada:Cr. ♦e. Loomis Erie. JuAg
meat of non, pros. entered.
Van Winkle vs. Young. Erie Argued by
M'Creary for plaintiff in error. and by Mar
shall, contra
Kennedy et al. vi. Kennedy 'Erie Argued
by Vincent for plaintiff in error, and by Gal
linath contra.
Edinboro Academy v Robbinson. Erie --
Argued by Walker for plaintiff in error, and
by Marshall contra.
• gal. The following specimen of ”fusion 'in
a small way we find recited in the N. t Herald
The town of Leckroy, in Bradford county.
Pa., at the late election gave Curtin 200 and
Foster 2 votes. In 1866 Bechanan had one
vote, sad Fillmore one vote. Understanding
the t t in the rest of the State the Bell men and
democrats had united, these two voters "fused"
and Went for Foster.
Nor Vi'e are glnittO ienrn that Th. I, ...Id,
tf toll, on the Omni during the current •PR •
tare hren con.l4lPt,thly morons.-1 gorpr tiops,
ant rear The tulle sip to the I cd . hof
thin year 111111. aliMpUnt (y 1
To name date la.t year
in 1
Making an increwie .iviir P..0.' "I It 21'0)95
And over 1,459.
It le proltetblr !het the ratio VI
be shout the foliate for thp remainder 1.•
season. Thi. tnrrrn,r.l revenue 14 prin. 1i..1
wUributetbk to the large "f Lake
perinr Irou ore earrntel flown ihp rand
Camas' roan,. ' comn4 Dresmait
Circular and Fine—of Ivory. Sh+.ll. It
ber, Buffalo and ettrlllll , .ti 11.,111
qualities and prices tk, ewt rlc•ryloxl .)
3t -19 t • klt TE
NM. An 16411011th named Murtough oy I
tyti, on Friday afternoon. to murder
faintly of (lemmas, living near int line ,!
Sunbury d. Erie Railroad ,n r t La l.
ship In a fit of davit/es trem•r4, he prt,cure
a butchor knife and rual,..d
the house, who escaped fr..n. hint after
badly cut lie siren attacked a Ali I at, , ,ut
seven yearn old, intitctitg woutithl whrrn t ,,,,
stoned its death lie then turned up , ,tt a
employed in the faunly. lacerating her
.o that her recuvery de.pik,ted
The alarm being given, he was arreltt 1 .1.
brought to town. and iv itow in Jail lip w%•
formerly omployed on the Railroad an , li•
to ben letkperste, reeitlees fellow
There are cootlicting stories relative I
*flair. but we believe the above brief statemet,
comprises the material facts.—Gcuet,,
HAIR Bat •Ints —By the dozen or -togi,
at pries ranging from twenty cent twenty
shillings each. At the aline of
In Oils city, tin the Isth tort , t.y Her Joht,
Prate, Dr. Win H and Miss
C. AYRES, both e of till§ city
Wirh the above ositte the usual comforts
The happy pair have gone, West .n a '
trip IVe wi4h the Doctor and 1119 lII`
bappinesl 1.
In this city c'u the 'Mil inst. NIARI
E LYNCH. aged yearl and 17 dacj The
neral will lake place at 12. cl cL t..tai 'o
On the 6th inst , THI)S H n'11:1s Alt j
aged 14 yearn.nnd s months
Lacing tern r•otnrod to braah ta a few we-a.
by a rerr at 11,1 p rrmr•li aft., hann, •utirry-d a..r•ra
'wall with a aft•er. luwK and that drawl diaea.-
C ,, w•Eampt lOW la WWI I. U• • ..nukr known to his IC., •
tug tb• 21,112311 ni curt
To all who deetre It, !AO VI 'wad a of the pre
r-ipe of rh•re• ~ Mt the thrwellona
prepwriui and using t h....the, w bleb they eta find
•CIP Crick ok °Spit al • Ast/1.11•, RILWICHITIS, 6.
The only object of the adleri leer to mendtag the preacri,,
Lion IS to benefit the edit, t.d s and spread uifortnslith.
wlttrh he enneelves to be Invaluable, sod he hope, .Yet
sufferer will try ht., as it will reef. them nothta
sod may roe. a b•o„ "
Par. look 1r I. Of a., 41111(r.•
%; S RI, A W I I—i"
; ;
King. roan!? S.
I, {-4 rri f. no. x• •
I li k! ° .OrT • •'l4, ; st..! Ft.,•-• 1. •
t” .1.. .••
ELIk.:/ 0 In i'1,1.14 idl I.: I'l,
BM 1 AN'.. 1.110•14 NthLl4.
T4r WWI cert.,. gad vend . , .arcs rn at r - r •
all /hoed.s of tAr Chen snd Le•gs C ..444
Ca.sarneptows. RruarAttes, /.11..t.ra 11..a r ••..•
Br , olArog. •ut t h 7 on:,
TII I Vi %P. KU.. • • ill •
r. and • • r•• s • •. ••t•
a ••
!nett ..tin-r m.. ua ID /•••,,
tutint, are
e.l ot 11.11.11,,
■tru,tur. el
every "I* alliteteit
Vor'LLI,T• i
peculiarly valn.hl
• I al, . • lAI
• irro•S
I. • 1f ir,••••1, dera,..*
tt •••••• .invarlaas
• •// LItA, '1,14. A •1. • •
. 111 oNi I. 11 • •
molt ACTOrt OCT-I.lookt 1.• '
ar•-0.06.0 &I. 114. r
F., a fr., days With at •. 11...nrafa the •
dorthallay o f the ~zr, all) 11111/Oil-Ile '5l rsr.
pan and .r aht h are a
nord by a ru•r,.
Pr ,, pr.ter, Itiwbv.ter, N 1
2.5 ernta per Loa }or •alo • roal,r Ak, s t
Lidld•rtn. jlily .1 -
The. iirrat....t ',err of the Agr ' -
almost inatuntaneoua cure of canker in th,.1....11.
or stornarb, resulting h,.13/ ..rariattna or Tnablu er •
or any other mum : sore nippier., ulcerated gonna t .
lore. of all kind., Impure breath. ac
It a the beet purill•r for the hreath ~f
offered to the public
To whiten and pre eeeee the teeth, apply with • bruhr,
It .111 iustlut.t rem.,e a, tartar to, other torelirn BuL ,
st.heept, sod :ear.. the teeth a white and clear as pear"
It is cot:lt-el, try.. a.I poo.ouous aubetanew, an I ra_
be riven to an infant with perfect %fey
It i. a vall.ahle article for every . family to Ls% s ,n 'L.-
houae, s. it Iv rriaore into row cute awl burns guizk.:
than anything knoau ,4 • .111 warrant it t. one s.c„.
faction in every ca, Price 'l:i Lents par bott,e
J kI 111{11.1. . ...two, 110.: Napa greet,
York. al
ill.: in Erie, c I 1\ n. R ea d f4,., 0 5a •
Carter rt Bro , Park
iThe recipe f .r tusking this celebrated Llntmeh
..ontattued t,.• a esntleman while visiting- the Turkish
Erni lrY e:
, ' w .errs ..n •• While there he witnessed Its
use up,” , ..., A^ ' s , remarkable were the turn. h•
e 4111 1 .11.1..... Ip it t'hlt" . toe recipe ir making it for Ls,
ow Ii oar, if 4shrug more After returning to the coon
5.1 , , Le mule some, and toed It in several rases of SSVIIII
lI,S, the , imatisru bruises, etc, and found it to cure more
speedily t kV" any article ever aiscosered. Becoming n
41.1altalt.: with the gentleman, 1 purchased the recipe, ass.
hay• mails and used it with great success. and found oa.
ha .f hal never been told of Itsar intrihmc value. lor Rh*.
tnatism, Sprsiiiii. hL,it,.ains, Patna in the Hack or Chest,
Crawl" '`wY''^ ,l T0r..., , . Throat, Neuralgia, Tosll,
eche, ur • wellings of ever) bind—i: Is warranted to Syre
ler florin • Sprat uell, t. baled, ti ind-galled, L racked Heels,
etc ,it is the moot valuable medicine to rogue. The pro
pnetur, It...ring fui I cell its merits., will authorise ereie
agent to refund the money where perfect satisfaction , o
not green A ler:, number of certificates could be given
if neeeseary, but one trial will &stuff the Most skoptlimi
It is perfectly sate to tate inwardiy in cue of lolly ~r
Cramp The Liniment is for sale by all Druggist...
.1 HURitil.l. k CO., Propnetots, N. lag Nassau-s:.
New N mt. ...old in Kne, by 1.. I. Baldwin, No 5, Kee.:
fifIUMN VII l'atter ,S Hr. , , ?ark Kole apnl2*--1:
70-!aleo adrertionneuts.
it 4. J. ii iiAl.l. 1 , now reeeting di
sect from Neer York her Stuck of Fall and *Mt..
%thee.) , and Fury firma, of Uslret, Salk and
'ltems Boweeta of the latest at, le., Shaker Hood., mum,
Haas, Rib/pees and Flew, a Caps, Iltud Dread.. and
not. at snows deecriptions. jepto r and Shetland Wool.
for knitting Gilt Ornaniente, lioop Skirts, atos,le C o ;
lan, Banda Yankee Notion., Hosiery and many other
thing. too numentro. to mention, vetch will be 1 , 0111 :heap
for Cash or made pay rir Particular attention paid
to bleaching and pressing Bonnets colored any dottrable
color Siti:len; from the Country supplied at Who:ens
eta annul! percentuec nitre New lora priors.
M S. ff. BALL,
Pesch Sr:above tlas Depot, Erie, I
A 6 , „.,,w (,ualitv of ITHE l'11)ER VI
Ett A Ft, m•y to h•d at the ro•tdowte of th•
sortoor. r.o 4 troot, 3 Jmd It of eampakaim, at I.NAA
MT 0 ALIA IN. of n.rn•pa.aior low ISsurea for l•ri.
T. lit Krf , N
°ail% 14-3 t
ri , RA V ELI N .1 tineaftsortmoffi
at low price*. at the story of
lu the m-•rrr 4.1 the Ketate p In the Ovrphatua Court
of Autlttu I' Heiden, decd (4, the Courtr r (Erie,
No 14, Nat Term,
The uuderucne.l •ppolnted Auditor to mato diatribe
tion m..ney rema•iling in the hand• of the etaIIILIAO
LAW'', II •Iteml to the dittoes of said ■
his omen in Kli*, ou the '-'l'th day ..r I of at the hour ~!
P. 11 J Ku.. Tllolll‘. Auditor
HAYE>i A: .11 IRIIIN trill open this day
Tie Imiteet Pena Norrituts to Neck sod Preto
Cloth amt Reamer, Shaw lett., Mumma, Areha„ Japer r,
he , one third cheaper thio moats, prier.,
Printed French Merinos.
SMALL Ftul H.ES Huth colors, just
tiosa, 3 Cart•tp., ("stop, •t
- -
Winter Gloves and Hosiery.
LADIES Cloth Silk and Liftle, aud
I.l.q q q. Lind Woven, fine mirth mot.
upPitiug. Also Laillea, Nimes atilt Chili no,
loud Merlon Hoes, of every quality, eh*, * the
V itTt/Ht.
LADIES hind HISSES Long and :Seism
Fine ell Wool 'thawls In entirely nee efeeete, .. 1,
open tiu dey ea Gee Cheap Dry Goods Hones of
0rt.13-19 HAM t JORDA2.;
i• 7•4 ir,f; 41
0. , .:471
h haw.
CARTtR d Blto