pi: I GOODS' \ E T A t's Ii E I. I P. N I II I Nt; (H)t) FOR 1.. ALL TRADE! WM. A. GRISWOLD -t , • . ,•'r 141 f.• ion al Irseti r. et", Y ,•1 eill'i i'..., I=l gIISLIN DE,LAINES, ~.., „tt, , be* .od 4«.s,Sbile Olio, *a OR ESS 6 00 DS! ...qt 016 .14 VA Ll 4 1,134 K-. F%F:1(1 I,E:A tN 1)1{1.:14PA I \•ci- Ito4rp.tv ,Cl , t)1••\ •. tit AN(' HM.IVO SIIIIICTINGS AND SHIRTINO, PRIM'. It' It ••~nf•1I I iingllab wA /“ .-p•I. kNI.) WI) CLuTtiS ASP EN FRN INg 4 eßlllll l 's ur IioUTE FURNISHING GOODS , -,t. large •nd ilicretittalig 1..u5it1e.... hitt t+,l4 . the II analacture ..f trt..NTI.MAN'S CLOTHING To Order, s I 'EI FliE st'PERV Isl 4 iiF U. U. IiVIENIF.I. ht L TAYLHE Isle t Huffnio. *.,litts.. ha•. !.t MANUFA.CTURING. NOW IN STORE 1!E=1111 •Nru 0 . A.N1 I kRi.Nt ►VOLT+N =NEM For Fall and Winter Wear % I. S 0 GENTLEMEN'S t'IIL LA AVAI '4 tud elm. thing In Mt . Unal.lemon's Furnishing Goode OM GOODS WARRANTED ! I= - I i's! .;l:11 4 IN I.IFL\ 1!==111111M1 14. l• 1 t ',tale FALL AMPAI(iN' 1.1 I y.. 1 \V NI 1., \\7l‘, IMEMIM 0,101 jr .4kl "^ • ;;44211= (EINE DRY (1001)S! HAYFS AuRDA =I .“%urftle..l tiff. I.u'; Carol f,,,0 •od warlord .fLocif of French and British Dry Goods • L.•L the, I. r wl (st, , r./.' L Le •I. 1 • f atis In MI.. elt. 1,, .k.• /11 1 110'1 , ' 4 11.K I)EPAR'I MFNI Tl.es slat,: I aut.' BLACK SILKS It, 1.61 )matitlllar kttAni4..ll, .0.1 tin I .In • s f..,t w s.u , tor. s .nrtm I, FRF:NCH DRESS' GOODS 11133EZIE war a I •11.1s:14,1) V it, '4l H PHINTYD ' 4 0..1 ~,,, , t , r cwwl •f. lan enttrele nem In dewnro and ..f the anal p•rceeme na/aelag EN (I} L I SII ct~ _ ►i►l►• MIMI= T/ 4rwh , AHlt PRINT.I, , cIITCI4 1.1.1 11.0_HL.-Ilii C0f11.11418. ACOTCH WOOL PLAIIPi. kr AI ud a.- I.lrted Yahrics .n grind %vie CLOAK AND SHAWL DEPARTMENT b • WLII. 4•••11 liabtiordllbtry attrach• , u • ttsib , ll/ , . 111, deel4. d nn.o:tl.s, 11 14 - 1,,0L SH I.ONU I.ii ,- 411/PEI° 4, 01. LONG AND Q4l' A Rl' 'A RI!. HROCHE LA/Ni. AB U ' With filled up •tht orutnr,, a.ai ql A 1111,..4 In v•netv evir lirc ...1...• aald at tot price. In thr HOSIERY DEPARTMENT 11 •a• , ,13,11301•1• d.4.DKI\ IMMO DIME! V Lit. , .. , AND ir,,R.,TV./D HUSE AND HALF HOSE' T 6.1 ,4 HOUSEKEEPING UOODS LINV`O,, UC-11%-• CR •taRF. 4 1 , 1 It I 111 Vq(4. I'l F? +, 1 "Ili (Ai `• .• • tt • ~/ Alt.•li. I sr ,. 'llirtr,sseryl PLANS •• % ' BARGAIN SEEKERS r•II rul), Ire till. BRILLIANT zir,u it OF 111( . 11 (10 L* , last dtsappiparios--sostig like tr.,..t iktl a Jtatie Inorsilug 115100. uson. FALL & WINTER GOODS! WE are no in recelid (If the large,t 144,e1i of !MAPLE GOOD.I Io th • ens romNling ~f STAPLE DRY 000DS, GROCERIES, &RD WARE, RoCKERI, GIASS WARE. HOOl3 and SHOES , READY MADE CLOTHING, MENS' auAl BOYS' ("LOTH and PLUSH CAPS. SLF.,Ac.. Sto. hieb base tsecu selected with great owe 'mod at Lbw sere low.st possible prb+s, •nd will be 8 , 41 ehrep for eo.intry prothses nr Illpprorwd credit rINCISNT. TIRSAI,S I , t HtKg k Cal CENZEI 1913E1 U. A. LONDON ,dc Cs. h it and Drueglati. dwl+n et, ails, Paints, Mass, b... AttiflA. •c. tc • , Nu 6, R..d House, II on I log th. 1•1•1,11 e z...ouita, kris PA. 616 I 3-I,y M }IT'LL MORRISON 114)('S :4M111:1d mid Market Street— o • square n.t of lastanct . . txtbsuaire, Marren. I. Sept 211-17 LIGHTE & BRADBURYS' Patent Insulated Fil!I Iron Frame Nrw Scale Grand and FT:Litre Piano Fortes. Till: 1 o sulat e , l hot trame ~.a the original tone the a 1E11 , 1.MA:101A 114 a't r r pUr j e -ail, ity, st,curing it a!t Woe egtinet that in oil diangre•shle tiuu. ,Jal 11 ut too, turatiahly found In all other loot, frame ; Oorte• It greatly etrentythene the C. 1.140 (t.i I the Ptikr, h oft. twirl, !nee, In tune. 11 girt. tt, atrument a tuueb hillier richer and areeter ttm. It “lapto the haw. to allelimatee and to all ehamte.of•ttenaphera and la all reepeeta It le prorionorad by ,our 6011 the ereateet improvement of the age to It itio-r , rte eon •t ruction i.r...111, log an luetPunw of seknoteledzed to he au too , for to all °thers mate la thie cow,. r ot ire teatuareteis ht regard to t& ealoriorav or• Vert Scale Paella I,4waloia rains Fart., tI•A tit.. 1 4 1. n ; I.IIIP tto ,- ^ rv . e with ent, pottn.f.te , n 1 ktin.r not thet tL• •ay other. better, either in nut ton u coan , rs Wherl , —TVIR LOWII.II As..• fn rowitrno.m, riehruirso ' 01 •14.1114..‘, plastlcit• of Lour h, audliur rapraL,Li L.:loll. I I,L L.. plAy.d upon their equiLA —II.A . 1,1..t0m. rt , hoess, eVenll.ol • and purity , F.P, and In delleary of I.•taL IttL.. L et - 1)0n'. 11111 Ass:Mit/NI sTSICIrIy tinalltl •O denrald. ,rt I..und "—Wm IdAbox • h Del., 1.14,r.1 a 1440 tieL at. l,r.e . i . ..qu•Lre Plano Fort... -A. iUC't • ..0 L.t,.1,,•h0.. and 1..1t,:.•1- , 1 t L IL , Vey .. te..114. Iron Frant.l , ano Fungi. rustle hr ‘..0 Tbere taut luturylor li•skii•O Pi tn.. IThets. ROOT "1 har• ‘,..."14 • 3Dr Hu' "..? courtlier ti t er. sr '•• rI. Lower, („i,turrn n . • t agrwaiNi.... 14.1.1 a t.m. - 11, .4FIIII ✓notro t iter'..ti to n^ I'lv/ or inn l• tot, " k• MIL 'A X, pnwer quantity And eti twat, o( 1. , ..e. the. orttat• ••e.4 white for thst pt. , altar rich sua slogiug tp.r an ,•.•! RPan • , ••••misanimetil to tha • ice, liar i n , • I toot their "--1' 111Py Moto tb• minirtraaent• tot • a..y eL , " / rvtati , rl t.f tw.th rlastatral an 4 mo.toru °lnto ' lriazortft areroom, 421 Broome Street, a tew uok.4 East of Broadway, New York si c ir ,(74-y (;,•ARANfinr. OF% -1610 Oct eowly =EI it)...RIV TEETHIN - C I MRS: - WIN SLOW, extrarionkeri N urFe and l'enirile MIMEO pre.ent- to the attention vfmotht•rl4. her SOOTHING SYRUP, For Children Teething, hith Kreilt.l :1 • ••• rare.. or ?king. /.1 otkfl rp,tie the •. - wt I I. •14111todlt ' 4.4,4 j .4 sure wriv.i.t, brre the It utll g.e.• rest , ,• , uree'r. eellel 1,.1 h. alth 1. , our ‘ofallts W. and .0.1 tiilp n,tl 11n.1 ft./ n *NT, 0 Mrs. to 'fltioo.:•.o....ohnil ,t n•a ny• 0 , • Inn. n J. 1.111. AST an • , cistois I ," to - - Nrser a I.a. la ' Mane, I. ilea • rare ‘‘ •I , rTr• I S ooth n I • ,••• m,- at /0 /1 0 Lb. • • 1 g 1 i• 1 , ././01 1.% •••• • I ari t. • • .1 • a. I L ~61,iptp!•• :•r• ,al/011 . I - •rrn , n L. 1,..! • 1., • '.,1 ♦.••• • \ • , f 1444••• It .lii.tirrn I• in pan , Sri •vi !•••• , r.. I St. tint S' A, C.. ..rig ,„ ,•••• toilet: .1 en• • '••• '••• 11 1 1:' n/ lii .r••••,1 .• 4:k4,4•444 fill I •011s,,ASI. ;it I. •I 4., •• a ..1 I. Is 1.0 ~•• or, For • •,,tt.•,. f 1 CHILDREN' ,Irtl, f, llf Teething. Irk••••:••.1114,... g• •,.. d , t „ —_----- 11%. a elil.ll •Ir ,Da ILTIV oef th. C.,revoinyt.in,,‘Lt,,t. ~r 101 , 11. 1V,.....1 .1., , .41 ME ,1,. ,11.-1% ro• 1., ow thlll 11*.t.^"., 11 moil I•• 111,4•11.414 1.1•114: VI a • , i• I. ..ft V the fat•• 10.1.• I r , PAY. ..tspper r?" `,• 1 , Wx , .t• Urt - ttu,bo , t . 0 , Priuripul Unice. Na. 11 1 rdwr Sottv. 1•1 . l'hl. r \ . I • A Novelty in the Art Wurld Photography upou rorcolain The Utrriran Photu!rphir Poreriniu I uttcp) NO. 781 Broadway, New York. 11:E1 ttirri , ala nt.d se t• • I === Ifiniature lilcenesst sot persutts on China. •ito,..ett•rttvw• r.ets.•,..nu• f. Orel. 0' I hot, I • 'to .I I .1. • ♦ n4 tin qt. ,t - ar. tot Nth, dr•tt,',,,,. go.: a lattlYer o t.nattaloo, ..o. I, to. .1 rotWoro,l ,aufmort•i,,ataf •th •atl , ~f rt o o f • opal, the a • .1 in•:, •P thy pato ot.a , •rem. ‘llll.c ••111../. , - t that Of h• Ik., rkki.bo, not ckoktk , kk bkarfbc.b., bk. kk. an • 1.0.1 k.r k•I sok .kc rt. „ftk port calk • calk tkt lett • k c o„ upon wirc-kakkk unit, I. . tk k 1.4/ •21.1.1111......1“.. v20t,.. • r I. • 0,111 , 1 It 01 P. Urns, Vases, Breakfast Cups Toilet Ai tides. &c &c. hr ; At. ar,4l•.quiw.v Pt ”r ltrez) •Ie oi orpneittie a... rmlor oplor t.i iner• .1.• the klr. Arts ilaistrOul ing piartr.i . • Ito 1 “mi.Al3, 'rt.p. —t sorer, r force's:. goods. utistlttlai k. f. r, -.o'l i t rnot 1. the An..., at,' •II •iri• •i.• • .I'. "T14)11 0. 'IL 1 iIkA ... . _ _ rlgtit, en.' r, to• ten i the only te ri•O• • ski li it .1 '• I ~ . i nt . • •••,....Anie lire hundred iinlitra and Imptii.nii oat tho priiia .• 11,1 h., 'tit, oar iei., iri i lee bin one month ..r torn. then shall he shower to the court, To afford roople trrov.•ry Ma... Ittll .•1 tti.• l •,,i •r. I .., " ;...,. * :; r :rh " : n,,,c.,..die,7 it an{ 1, , ttiiiiiti t pi ••••4 h•• •.he to e! , r •iu-h oio•ii ,,, 'hull i• had, that the per- PORTRAITS ON CHINA, •, . 0f f.. „ 4,„, .. n••' . re• dent of the rite, ward, I•' „ . or , „,, whip o 1, e ee tbe raid offence.. entnreittrd, to t enet. the 1011 , . , nr prop iaii 101 l to 1 and not enittled t.. rota therein, then oat erierirtlf a he Min , in the L'entn try, who arm utilbia to I Ore *h"' l I* 'ente".....l to P 4 ' a ant ar r."1"0 than one bun !redor ten, then one tilt:it:omnd dollars. And ba 1mm0...10g.4;A g . 4;A giersionally the Attriier mil Ciallitrie. i .... than s. I—4 1 . - e moll,s nor more toots two rears." in New 1 oil.. • !f •o. rereen or perenn" shall make tiny bet eraracer ! ~,,..n •he mutt of an,' ete.inn within this Common Pero,. tending • ph.ph. tiri".••. ,, pr, a tuner I „.eith ne ahall offer to make any nigh bet or wen." • ott to • to the , rise ial li rl ( .•liii an t , i. an i• • 1 ill ni , f, f 1,. ., , ~0 . 0 prne.. - t) ... rit 1 hereof or others is., he or ton t,n111..1 1 vi they shall f ‘rfeit or pay three time, the amount weth or FIVE DOLLARS , , Tered to be bet" e If nay proton not hi Jaw unlined, shall fro tithe...elle it 1 1 t• .•.nri ra41.111414 Papilla% fro* lit '''.• .... , t.. al stir eieetten irtehin *hi.. Commonswalth , nr M- A richly ornamented EirealcDrst Cup 9 1. , t 13. u - I , ntsreesewe qoalided shell rots out of his proper •lisi ,•er, With the portriat trilinetforroY • pod, ne if any pemon li stowing the want of aneb 10,4101- 1 thilliediOn.., esiton 01011 aid or procure 'vat person to vote, aneh M-• aoli or tv , .....na an offending shall on conviction be tined 111 t -..,,etottting a dagasrettety pot sad ' her POT rl..t.Ple...titig two ha-deed dollars, And to len- Ting DOLL/MS. ~...nteeti for an• time net •TeewllnK three months. - If any peter" ithi'l inie at wore than one election then e d / fowlers la like aerie, 1 ,n.triea . or oftmeel." fruadohently fatal and deliver to the A handsome French Vase or Toilet Ar - 1 11. '"e'l ^ r two twit:eta together, with the intent to illegal tide. i I , Tote, mat shalt ,one the elm. or If any parson mho!' I ~t,t,,e nr procure another to do so, hoar they an affeading with l b. r„,,e.„err„,yhe,e4 by the 1, .. te ,,,,! ~,,..., B, i 0101 nn concet.oo be load any gam not less titan Mt, lay.lisi f f • pair of limo rrrot v piot arid, nor more than flee hondrerl dollar.. and he Impilanned FIFTEEN DOLLARS. t f i r In, tam not It. than three nor more than twelve ..-.i,.,- ~ ~,.., .1.1 tr•criv.• in talent a if any tot ton oil q manned to vote in this Comsnen- A Pair of rich Sevres Vases. , ereelfit eereeshi• to law, !wend the aces of qualified chi . r •r , 1.111/1 Art.tr at any/plaint of electioo for the ponlowe nab the portrait. etecuted Ptillal to 1•11.1111■111. piLlaliv... , f %inning fi ,k. f . . f .f t, doeti e nn the e , t ... b . gnim ... l ADC in like costa rser, portraits can to reprocincod on par ' to rote he shall on coorletioa forfeit and pay sae Mal t_lllllo wives Or t not exceeding ono hundred dollars for evert path offenew, Yalta , of every quality of finish , 111+ , 1 be impro.onert for soy term ant eamoding thee. months" _, hartgialr in pit. from I ~Igo ,• i al, t n,orn that, in rage the parsers 11/11.1 .ball t Twenty to One Hundred Dollars the pair. - 1 rare rotei• • " ' il • ..cord hierbeet unable of tot,. for in. ~, " ...,,.. ~..,,ek..,,,, In ... flint the nthtiete, town .... ni, , epeeter •$ all not attend en the day of elecHon. then the t ,....„,.., n h., shall parr reorived the aceond Itleheet nein, ey and Attie lotto,. tl r . 1..., „r v 01.... for ) .dine •.t the next "prior election 'boll All letters to be addree.. , to . eet to 11.reet... iti hi*. t le. • And in (we the triton who ' 11,, nag - r. . 4 ni ,, •,•••,, , Piolrl"prefl•ill Pr, -.1 'Si, i ' 01,1'1 h., or , ~ it.l the highest number of vote. for In -7 ~„1 Br, t r,i,r ~ V r l'ato 4 ' Ni . I ,— , - hits'! not attend. tht• person elected Judge abaft •marint Pat loppoYittf to itta pie,. eel in met The wren, eetn Isl--3in, er .t.y ~,i," el.eil Dot rotea.l, then the lowoctor who DISSOLUTION OF COPA.RTNE.RSHIP. ~,.,,.... lite li'f'iratt hollite't el t ot•• Phan aplaatilt 11 ~,,f ~ i i hi• Op, or If any ~aster aliall continue In NI IT ICE 19 it@releV givrn that tilt' part, , the board for the aro , of one hour oiler the tiro@ dead ner•hip lately Put.suni tot...en .1 t Leine rand %r law fir nr.nyhlit of ow olostissi, the'Ranked voter" ~,„,„,, ~,,b,4. wee diw..l ie, on the yggai An' i.f.teotember. I the township ward or district for which maid ofieve 1960, t.' menu? morment An debt• n• use 1 • end nem are %hal base been elee'vd. pretend at libelling@ of election, to Ye loud *war, th,rt, date, - a•ter whreh the i,• v.., . I ,•t' el., r 'lnc. of their nimbi., to ell inch 'settee@ " • oh , the hand. , fI. „Turne of tile PPI“.., nnarP I the alt shall he the duty of the several wasesa,nes reaper dilleutdo on die ....1 lira .. to hit fin •ertt•t f .r. 4 tot mine t,..11 to attend at Ch. place of balding every amend .. o „ ikl 1 ( tiro. jr •• A ur,44 , , election. epeeist for to* c hip •Lreticra, during the tone .0pt..../ 1 l I AMP n 111 k I. , said eieeLiosi if kept open for the Fanwood. of rising in . • komatiou to the frotreeetors end Judy. whet. called en. OYSTERS! OIitSTERS!: . ' , —niation t •, the right of she person saviewied he them, H. .o•lN(incoopt.dthe kg ..„,„, ..... s. i t , / r ote at *art, .4.rtioon et Poch otter witten. in relation "'• ',, ep to the A....emont of voter. as the said Insoectore or t o ,. ii tiY.ll'lo- 4 0".1•••re GRAN- • ' eltlier of them shall from time to time require." si,,z. e l .1.. I en. no. I YKill 1.1 f a I.4rfi Iltf .. Turenant to the provialoa. contained in theyth see .„pp!, day l' 1 , 1 .h. ChM... , 16 I na. whteh will bit P" .I to ' lion of the act sformisica, the kolemi eif aforesaid districts Li....6,re nevi otovrw or. the most reasonable terms ' ghat, respectively take escapers of the reettlinate of return S A —A liberal dlacount !node to the Trade i of the election in their reapectiv• districts. and produce A Wilda Independent Market Chenpettl• I thaw at a meetine of one Judge front each district. at septllit--I:w9 J WirA4fri I the coy Err norsg, In Erie, on the Oiled 44 sticr e 4•• ES IMO IMIZEI lESIM 30,000 Dollars !! On Rtate, Delve Poo 11 t lr Ittb +tol. 121'1' ut thr tram, It• I pMr. ..f Tn•i t iernt ‘C . y. at. IIJ ti..o P . her• , ler.arr• •iuf trr frtor) 1.1 ' • r arA "" 11.-tar .. .6.1. = lEEE h • r yrastdie t, • PROCLAMATION. • uou, stag lor the preeeut root, , bu Friday. the Oth day of November next, thee and thereto perfeem the duties te r, 74 efretiox qf latotiors qf .Prommatent aftit warm bj of said Adger'. Al" dot whom killvhle . et, Pr en, ni the Civil,' ,9a/e.s 'by Adenoma or miareirlaide ambient le weal& to Weed the oupetlog of judge% thee the mythicist' or return W ER E As , and th:,..ms ac t o f th e eforseald shall be talon charge of by T si who u of thehme i • «rei A. ir e Moe or clerks .d the election of meld d do mil perform the ditties required of wild judges amide wal l ow, entitled an •' A ehtettone of , tilt& Coonnoo wealth: daY tts inky, A. D. IWW, to atten d uvier av hood 44 Eds. this 'a oct . b ., it to mails the duty of the Aterigr argny eennty within A I) on* tmeiedglet inawired eo4 iditAzt thks Cwata"."4/ttt to the the Pubk no"t* l b ° It ra.rli Itb year of lloe independence of the misted elections, and la iamb vino to sonotenite. eete—te) "JOHN W. WeLAWS,llbwrie 1. The officers to be eleeteal. algoete the Owe, at which llieeleetomo an to he held. al TrAnwea, by • eapplomost to mid eiti o omeord Atoll II th, PA% It is ••••1•4 that The Electore of President and Vice Pre., feat Use 1. Envoi Slates, daft , to the ear 4 our Lord lova. and *eery (earth year thereafter. I« held on the inesday nest after the Ant Mouth') of No r OLOtt. La pursueotteel whlet4l,lollll W. 311cLA N lirb hew tS oft.he carat, of hoes de bomb) make to..wn, and eive apt ',abbe entice to the iplerAoes .1 the e..unty Cr-,1 vat' r - laloA V. 2112 612.213 DAT 01 NOV 211 R Mt/ I. (I,IOE tlr. Needs, after the Ant Monday of the t000ll,) a teaerel eleetiou wUI be held at the severe/ eleathpti dietriete eplablisbed by las Is tab, county, at wbloh tune they will TULA!, by for Theenty-Seren persora for Rieder' of Pres:tient and rice President q( die Conned Stales. VPOPII,VTOT The ea,d eleettou will be bold tbronobfut the County C. fellow. The 4vrt..t• ••i the Arta electing illstilet et lbs city n itrte tn of MP Reed bon., us Fifth 'Met T 1... a•congl r ct iou Ict tki. ett, r.”. %,, ,t the me engib• LAWN It. iftte strorrt The •n4•s • .1 the tht!,l • onion tiortetet or the cute 01 EHO 1 • .6,1 11.1 . . Meths:notes °doe Qt Phalri arrest. the et...;..r...f the ho4rth e.ectlon district of th. city of Rre to cure: at tio. Fire tontine hour* on Pesch streot. It, .lot ore of kl./creek township to most at the 'lowa trail to bagie %taw. The eh f tots of harboreteok township to soot at the .. I homy ueer %alter I:rprohpearg tl ! I ert or% of North loot township ut , l looreta4it to nt 1 et I.' it. tooth rOora of • the sahero bourn owe, the 1 dr. .• ~,r, 11l 11.. e borollg I, or North g.a..t 1,- ~ t..r, r•f tireeallehl township to moot at the, ... h.... 1 I um• tom t. Slates's. I • e,eeto, . f \ rtiaLlgo 40•Dtliip t.. ~...ot a t lb.. t , , 1 1., 0 eo. in tbe village of Lowettie 'ft e • loci , r.. .-f Irattflburg borough r.. moot at lb. fh • 1 i• nll/14. )II eskl borough, IL. .I...ttnro rd Amity logrnattly k wool ott the .ttoul t„ I e ,I•rtor+ or tr..cutLti, to MO! t the b..* JI I ill ratter Tt, • • ' ..1 11 lei,o‘d to meet at oo•• f fl .1 . 11 , 1 0 .. 4 upptrdM Joreph I. C.. ► • , ho•nahip to meat at the bowie no.. oeenpted h. lho bor. oh gli of )4 . at, 10 It• r,l of I I. /*rut) &o halp ir, Ino•I 01 lik• SCLOoI boa.* No Tbe , t.k{P A,l a•Litt,t .0 tow totbip to Nert •, th. t t oor w ovird A Robinaon, to th.• D .roults of r dkoto,tn. Tn. rivenrs a et. bornln t h nt M.4lintworn 14, moot •1 t/se •4-1.4.n1 bowl* In said hnron g h. I I, eb.rtnrs of rninklis t...rmaalri)o meet u the Tuck 1) ...bo! I.,nse k t,t,-,,p 114.1 i. as tow ustilp to me*, at Abe Gouty , . r... •..r• township to tweet at the Khoo L• tole near Wot I everenee a, on the t-alio Pirranutt roa.t 1 h ;eel. r• of Summit towsishlp to meet at lbw:ion-is s •tol Tbe r•ors Concord towinhip to met at thistrchool battle i• ••• it Heath's r •,,etors • 'mew to•roahip to meat at the a. hoot tot se to the illia t te of Fairview Tine e',,-tors of (vinyl township to meet at tn. puha,. .4 t.. LOU. , to the tron ugh of Girard I I, 'rector. of the borough of Girard to mitret at this h0..1 l.use to laid iorougb The to, 1...ker5...1t township to meet at the school In la. in Wrrl•be II ~:..- 4 .r. of honuwaht tow neulp to meet •• the , school hone* Whir Stehisury'i. Th • erectors rprlngtield tool:MI.1p to labral et the school Loose near John itrott's. Th• electors of L oton township to nowt et the school honer at L nom The electors or the borough of Albion to meet ft the 4 , s•lerr,r to raid borough r to the election district erected out of parts of g. load. f'..oataut and lelitcreret townetups. at the...hit* the tillage of Lockport. I aWo cute know n and glee notice, as in and by the Lau e, r otgno of the aforesaid art. I ate directed, •• that c eeept Jostleea of the Pewee, who shall h an , wILCr n, appointment of profit or trust antler i t r gos. rolornt .0 for rutted State* or of thus State, or mr,lorl . ...l4latriCt,vbrthia • eocumimaiowed 1 ..r oti.rwit in.., A sabordthateofbeer ores:cot who la, I et •losii and... the 1..061104.c, irdictary or is , co it d r .•rtaiwnt of this State .r Vetted States, or of , eit • ..r tor•lrporatrd diirtrirt, mud siva, that even • l'orkat•al end the I•tate lAindatOre, and a i ‘.. exact and ...nici"ci any city, tollairgalfoO rf ..4 a 1, .r diatrich is 1.7 law incapable of rlel,l•ln,e , at the same linty the olio, or att. I „,,t of )aArw, inspector or clerk of any election of ' hi . wraith, sod that no inepector or judge or th, O r • no oti h .lee' /Orl, .ball etigi/de to any Office,:,lhrn s ;or too., thi,t to ',lv fourth arillula of the set of Assent e , i a. I rrleing to eTprtiriol2•, and for other oso-a at rrotri tpnl 6, IMO, %Ire enartsCl , that the , -I• rtaalri Pettlon "shall riot be sr. ron•trued 18 to .t mn. l. la °Meer or borough , filmy from semag a . i . • 4., in t or r.rrt_ At an If general or special tire AI • 1.1111. 1 i • I • ; • “nitn-rorrill lbw 6lat socrirn of said act It nunzl • I sI low gootrAler rrweit • olectfoo thrill tor aprord the boors of ft bona IS in tior tftrritoon, sod Rim!' -•o'cirorietbout in lorrolotira or iiiGoimusortit until cl. 'Alas The rnoni ns. Ass poll shall WI 0100.. t. 71 ,,„ /Hy issurporistett district and t•• • mails •lerticti•, feed.re of Presider a• •• Pree•den• r •1., t .hat ht held i n .2 r . by t on, 41.14 J'Nig. • elected at nib, ot•itl,n•,'•by r'rtissoiciinti..l l 4 hertuisher "worlds& per••wr .hallo ta .•44 , at stay , • livr it n f the ayof t.rn ty.one • mete, •nn .ha , l bane rionniird in Ilit•Stlllts at )•+lllllt nr• the peony* district .I..te be offers es • l•rtet_two •tar., ro) etasuoo, • •! within two year, pohl $ of GOMA, tai, "hi c k, ' • . ' en ittloaat fen its, s litfuro the slec •rlin ht. pr. !wenn ..untlf.e.: ...tow of this et •k, and rrto••wed a. 41 111tV , 1.1114 hit. r••14....1 the .1rr11. , 0 Iltglr•••' nlld [Ai 1 1an.... afOrrlntli, •bnll 1.. , „ , .„ • Let in th • ~t n••• otx ; r •rt r ..t vrhil.• ft,tn.• n• I vet, tb• I t•••• n.••• 41 (*•..“ •u 4 lien? , to, ••• • lin ba•• el•cts.n , ;1•1.-1,1 ;I •Or re...• 14 otts'! , It•tt tioa3 , 1,1 t 4,•• Ir MI 3 • I •h• I :ertgoCe..: t. r .ntralttat4 tat 'tat ;4 'ILNI •r i t aatr. 1.., .t • tho • 41 . 4.1 - -; .ear• ,:a.. '.• hatrritiaa• a re1:114 • t - •• /hit: • “r.r. • ; I , • r • • ‘,0•••40 , tr• th.• rot •lith'it•r, atati atirr • - • •• •• t: • • 1..1:4. at• n.th nt affirm, 14 II it, •4tr. •• •, • • • • 1, ." t •13A111 of 111. pt,n, ~'A-rot f • If A••••tnt • ~ 0 N 11 . ',lt. .1 an .4 . 11. o j e 1.1..11 t. , •nr sod to. tt-t.„ • ••11 • th. , l bus • t ... At 1... at To•ttr , I.• 151. •1 , p1 4, 11... ,. . • 1 k• .11 , 1 1 • ( • 4 ~ I • • f 0 nt , • ARA t t •• . r al* ON), ilk lu•L N.. s sac!, cer , .sr I. . • 1.1 oh. rweer... rorrolt.cro-r .• .• sot., kkb• ) l )« n•crt. , rhr. • G•,.re hi It, it v., ar, .11 ante ITACkni.p.mito rase-ern I.r se-r• to„r tt. v rtri "L. If he stall' be a - tmlt. t,. • IMO 1.. ha. le „ o sort r•s, or t. a e.l rf h-oh.sll M slt .111.$1 to lot ht retool,' of •e ell . • • • tt t.s erko. ale, -hall make Ilk. r. .•• ~.te-• kept L e to • , sere, ol the tlikerTACl claliatlng 1.. . ‘• 6 4 . $l. the 11•1 (•rrritrarrel he •he .0113)11kIkkki01:10r• kkr. ....re, Gr i.e. rvht l•• .ple whether found threann $.,.. l• .I)l,kriokl 41'•r mar s,,talifleel eitmeh, It shall be • *$ In•perelorr to es 'MID.. pitch Leona on Ito a. ts. h le, an' 1 h.• elalrrte to hat , . G.. • c thr.rdte i.e" r 131. $4Oll attotll pot - -011 , 4 r rnra thereof, tout he ehail make prs,of hr pot • dt rrtr.em, ph.' .ball ha a qualtfird etertnr, that i.e 1144 1 . ..1.6.1 in the .ltstriet t -r more than t„ preeeltne nail etee•ton, and ea.:; a ..... e ttAt bl• h.-trattoria r...t.l*nr.• in puns. %• 1 , .• .1,4 , I , 'Whin the district and that ,‘• r. • r• t.• • $,.1 .11.tnr t.t the lott*. ..•14r., there ,11 PM Pr. - WM . O . 1 kr, It." lino pr. , . Irr 00,4, a hut s.drn4e a.v•l , k•• • an .I'. 41/I.fl a.I 1. , v.. 1.• „ , ~• I , 1.. •,‘ 1. „,, .1.•. I prrv•ro. • r or, ..tall 0.11 , 11.41 under ti or t AIL •//^h ^Tn., .P .I$lAl I lotP,ltpt or ;improper':. Inierferr qt. hint in thr .IJ-• •1•••-li • ti v wind.... o! .lutt• or .14411 bl.• nt , tt e *venue..., so• window wheie the Sam, he holdlot. .hell 4'..torh the peak, of .14 el. ell/41, or shall p• 1 /41 40 r , • to timidettttrtbmt4 tore.. nr riolonrs , 1,, intl,eore untied.. or overs.• woe elector, • 1.. , • t .n, t sotto,: 0.• to restrtin the f•vedorn on enevietion 414'1 he tine.% in EM =I Teachers' Notice. TE FALL SESSION for the inspection xof reaction. rm. County, win M h. 4 at the h 4. lowing 04444 lM la the following order. to •It: I,t Ingtl.4 t Gtrird, 112:11=21 I Brown's House) It, " Wisps*, S o k Cn..&. Oct 11. " Concord, Vintwiew, 16, " Untwit, 111111werb " 16, " u Barof. maaunit Onto, " 11, " Waterford, '• 9, liattoorcrodi, " 19, '* Washington, North East. 9D , " Franklin. a " Where no plan.. named for noldialt W.i.Won It will beat the usual pines in each District, or suck other place as the Directors nay provide The hour for cornrow:mine . •rl. Session •111 b. 9 o'clock A tt L. W. SAVAGE, County Sept S togbelkik ittAda, swpt :S. 1460-17w1. TO HOUSEKEEDSR43I CLARK & CAUGHEY'S PURE SALERATUSII Tkt 1 IT The nmounketnrere of this article, lh' BUY IT THY IT. offering l• to the panne. have no heel- 111E,Y IT TRY IT tats ,n in leaving lltst It Is the bmit B Y IT TRY IT. els of the kind manufactnred. Otte of BITY.,IT TIV IT the proprtetors has ton sinned In the , BU IT TRY IT. manufacture nt Salenstrui Rut robe* BUT IT THY IT. years,whicti is it guarantee fur the port- BUY IT TRY IT y , and reughtenees nrtheArdele BUY IT. TKY IT. ed All they ask Is for baneekeeperei BUY IT RY IT. and others to BUY IT TRY RY T IT . DU s, A PIPER AND TIT IT! g BUY ry I T. THY IT. and If It does sot proves!! it to moon- BUY IT. TRY IT. mended, the money will be refatided. ,BU Y It TRY I r It is put up ro pound papers, slid I. BUY IT TRY IT. fur male by ult respectable mimes 'BUY IT TRY IT CLARK. dc CIIVI3IIICY, BUY IT TRY IT itsprifeeturert, grte BUY IT sept2S—le _ _ NEW STORE! ON TIMM. 000D8 were never Prettier or Cheaper NEW FALL STYLES! A nil Erie never boasted of so large • Stock of STAPLE & FANCY Dry Goods, Lace Goods, 1 LOAKS ' EIrIRLICISIMiI AND 01.00416.11 V., 'RR 'MIXINGS A 1....44 ), . ==l saAND•cov . EOMESTIC 000DS1i R. S. MOPLIZISON'I3, Prices Astonishing LOW! STi Ein Varakron !Mock sept ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL, W 11 EN cotiir•leteri. -ix yeens nip), the St wss Jnive.sally prormars4 tbe m.n c.v. thorn'.n nA ll... Mustily or}aautd enlnlr 144.1210141 11.,• Vk hot it was tipt n t• n•m•1•., r 0.4, Mutt, a intrepilil...o o t 6. Y.t..nl Opulent, of I ItMfOrt MP! 11111)0,111* of 11,1 tor 1,000 nr In. 0 , 141'7; 100 roam Weir ;sults got apes unruly' On faw• II I.IX lau•d red pet was I 04 ott.t..ttably Pealed st the tab -a a ilk d..mi t tend walkups that tnr4ler II art ha• , t ot th e , e ,,, Ne k esee sa d (al eraridearten • t the travel long pub!le logo bees omitted In i t. I . lan.. n. .z..tta.l In Is pra.etteal details 1,1 of ale 141 abn ad Oerlie /•• ttx.perh al.r.initu..utek. tt• how. Ilk. resaraib awl husru• has been esbosel..l FC.., 'ear'. 11, t1f,.."f1./.41 -I t.• n• .•t . I.r jo/ 11.1 - k AN INSTItru Tt Cl= ESTI 1. 4 1 1)ii U 111 held t n I • It. . del I 4.t IMO d ,4 orts Ir• • 1' F'rrrl T., .n, • f Th. r r ..•••,.• • • 1 I. 11114 Otbrn I • 4 •••rn inrrnnnd `tr. I. 41 , 7.11.. oven' •.' ll.* Inotir rt... ,froml•lll..elrnr, Ihr ..•••• n , M . •.• it...! to alp orrialllol2 pr....t.'1 no Inn, • o.4..prnit t. AM I ' 1 r" n MAI likttend • 1,1 ~f .rnr. • sad 1r...510 of . lor.U.m IT - v.I F of tt r•ortql ..111 .rneourazr, nto•••11.• RI, • Th. , t .n), I In ...moil ,'lr In •. gr W ?'l"\•: R. ( n.. nll grlpt ME OYSTERS ! OYSTERS ! L l ny onwprrnj.• —The well Ituwer• • • . NATI' 111. AHEAD fs,iliti" of 111.1 k• 4.1/... a. iMrrnt froaranta., that it 1...e1l pro. the (Pt aler trade foe the mans, of Wand fir Tiler. ran straw. I. hvadd at th„,i, between Reown'• 110'0 and It. ed How., • larKnortuelt of the peletrrated ftaihroo.a. and lair 111,01,1 0 11110114 in k•,. tn.! P , . -h fro', INIICH•1111 1.134 t 1'e.•..n0. to aeighbortog lowa. or -4,111,!, will r.r,try Inn the Inr•t etre..., and P. and 'vein tad treab. I. it PI aTT Or .104R40 WO n Lire,f) V.:JO Oe‘ 4 TONIC, DIURETI C ,q 711 _DYS_PE,I% INYURNINC. CORDIAL To the Citizens ef New Jersey.' ?essayhula, Apothecaries, Droggisti, Grool 2 / 2 and Private Families. Vh site'. Pere Coaaae Breed?. • Ifere Pure Itaderta, Skewer sad Part lilac. V. elle'. Pare J smote* and lit. Crain Kam W %Dee Pair Scotch sad Irish Whisker. ALL 1N BOTTI.ZI4. I beg brave to call the attention of the enigmas of Una Untied Sunte• to the above W :ass and lope nn., imported h I it 'unto N acts, of New York, whoa, nacos la Comilla'. In ...iv part of this country for the !utty of btaloslalbra. trd Stmisoori -cavorts Mr in'his letter to nit, speaking of the polity of bi. Wises sad LIQI7OIIII, soya: • I *lll stake my reputation as a mau, tor staa"ing as a merchant of thirty years' madame in the Olty of Neer York that all the likllIDT and Mists which I have hot. Ued are pure a• Importal, and of the beat qualify, aad Elia Ire er'tcol spoo i.y •‘.ery porellater." Every bottle bas the proprietor's name on the wax, and a fse stash. of hia de nature on the certificate. The public are respectful* , ba rked to mil and turnip* for theenmlees. For male eh Rrriiidhy all A patinas:fee and Ormosers ts Groans H. Arurros, No 11112 Market st , Ph la. Sole direst jar Philadelphia. Read the following from the New Tort Ciiiirher: PiOILIIIK'S RC/MIMS POI WIN New Yin* IlithellAST.— We are happy to Senna oar fellow daturas that there le one place in our city whore the physhidan, apothecary, sad country triercbs..t, can go sad parebeas pare Wises and liquors, as pure as Imported, sad of the heatqualfty. We do not intend to giro an elaborate thiseripttea of this merchant's extensive business, although It will seen repay any eraser or citizen. to visit UOOLPIIO WOLFS', 'stea dy,. oaerboom, Noe In., 20 and St. Bahr .test, sad Nos. IT, le and 21, Illarliettiold street Ills sleet of fichaapps on band ready for ebiroseet °Geld not have boas less than thirty thousand came; the Broady, some tea thot used cases—V integre oflarland 1118111 mid tea tbou stnd caw ref Sherry sad Port Wise, Smith sad 1,4 b W hisky, Jamaica and gt. Croix Rum, lowa amp old qpd equal to any to till, coo ntry Ho also had them biro callara filled with [dram'., Wine, be _ Is meta , .o" Caatom Roam key, lead; for bottling. ' Mr Wours's mks of Schimmel hut year amounted to one ha sdned and elate- I• thousand down, and no hope in less than two years he may be equal , miccessfel with his [treadles and Wines. His business' merits the psi onager of fret, Joon, of We spo - lea Private families who wish part Where awl I. s tore for nadirsl nor should mod theft ordersdirset to Mr. WoLea, anti. every Apothecary In lb. Mad shahs is=r web* to tliateeol rate paperer's...tuff from their end replsn tr with Wot.fre pure W urns era 1.11/tVali. noderstarel Mr Viotti for the aecesonsadatica of small dealers in the country, puts up smutted esteem of Wine. eeS I ignore. fineti a man, sad such a smnreareel, should t eostalned spinal his team of thopesede of op poor') re Is the Voltefletatee. who Mil pottage , Set Matte- U..ne., ruinous erne to Inman health mid happlasea. I'RY BANYARD'S IMCIIA, OLD Ii Java, Locales, Rio, mooted sod gratis(' Cadres Itscirard's e, oohed. immolated, polvintid. 0111111pe A. l o u t-0011a m., Mow °Amos. Muscovado 424 heft Rico Sugars, selling low at Wart WWI. Oct- Hi, •00 Oforoffeld. Ott. •13. 'DO • Vrakort k Amity at W attabarg mizratm than the Whits Goods, Hosiery! SHAWLS! A. CA N El IUND. BR' LthW,VY NEW YORK A SIMPt lILATIK " tl. . . _4,. 60, 6, " GEFAT EXCITEMENT Sign of the Big Shoe I ! 13aco. 18 Nlrs3.l,llre. IBltaareo. Whet, tto p...pneter• nr• 'net nearing Limit Spring supply 10 BOOTS, SHOES ea PINDINI3B, Is Great V arSis) mid Ilawalittra doltdost to ouppiy oast parson or wire. Jottriai to par thus, mol will plodro theatoolvto to Illf.LL TUE 16.1701/1 QUALITI OF 000 - ♦t C►aayat %am time try oilw EAtablultamat iti This Section of Oountry ! toir dreiwied W hrr ..rreitilly 11. ••• eluag ve..l. eith the t communal:LAN ow mu w esabls wI. sell at LISP PIUSI to Jon ,111111111110/14, 1/110 do • beg CRIWIT 111.:SINIC4$, W 1/90.14 Wilelt 14111 MtoA• sad owe tows to CA LL sod mai. tho saporsatout of 131:71r1Xt4 YOB. CASH 1114 are prepared te Z:1 the order, of (Dump" AIRA CALINTS 41W 0241/XiS eta (ILL Assortment" of Isle Win gr Pte! 41 eery Low Rates, sod "offal mil from them bstem rest furtbos, mid Paying higher Mow Orr LIM Ll➢ INES MIME ia ales well e ithtuf parches. will do well to look at mar k before purchasing elsewhere. 4% • also retain the eervlnee. Ur. Cotter to our Custom Department, Whno• well ourwrd rurutstirm for tiono riTil wed. so reeetwut front u. I.lg 'l5, 6to !CHI K, 1V• PROF. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL BLOOD REKOVATOB. :It precisely. .tat IL. tame illdlostes. tow. while' .pleaosot to in- t..(.., st 14 nrvtatfyleer, ellbtliar atina. Lod sti.ustb.nitis t., thy vital rimers, It p W.. Ir. As ifis .. . 1.444. tat.• mt..: move. Lb« t. 1.. . -01 nt all tta ort,in•l purity. nevi 'auu moot..rta and lot.d.ra thr. . .tom itivoln.e.td. to at tari• 4.1 11.4 rat It Is Ihr 1.140 pr. pat-0441,4 e t ,./...ifer.4 0 1., tho ...I'M Ix a Irani, tiorut ma* tole al' hitt the r.arn 44.11 ...I.rantral/tr •nd akitifull 4 4:-.4n...1.-4.1 as :" he Ilea meat rem...rut V. 431.-, and H 3., in n.r1.4-tl. sdaptml as test mperfa