The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, October 13, 1860, Image 2

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B. F. SLOAN. Editor
SATURDAY. OCT. 13, Imo()
;Pi TAO)
51L101033 at LAII4I
otrriucr u.strraxste""'N
1 Faro. L. Brava:, 14 IsAA,c RICKHOW,
W. 0. Parnasor,,l6 Oro. D JACKSON.
s Jossirs CROOLZTT, ,16 J. A. Aut.,
• J O. BLarpLa, 17 J. B. DANNER,
tl CrArLas Kra.i.ll, 19 H Lcz,
0 P Jarss , 2n J. B
t$ DAVID Bcawu., •21 N P Frrrzamme.
lU S S. . •.!.3 WILLIAM Boor,
T. 11. WALtra, 24 B
12 B. EL Wrscusirrts,'2A GAYI.i/SID
13 Joszte Lartracui,
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The Reedit, State and County
A* hare not deemed it worth while to hurt h
eu our coluanut with' dewing Of lost Tuesda:.
aura It is euffieient to state that the Repub-
~can majority in this county is tinprecedeni
odly large, way about 3,000, and that the same
ratio will hold good throughout the State
Hence CoL Cratis is Governor ley a majority
variously estimated, from ten to twenty thou
sand. Whether it is one or the other the re
auk is the same, and the disaster to the Demo
cracy quite as effectual' . While we t'snfess we
had strong hopes of a ttifferent result, we are
Dot disposed to picture!the !inure in gloomy
colors or Max one iota of our devotion to the
cause of political truth The State, in all its
departments, will be in the hands of the Re
publican party'y, and if November tells the
same story—and it will, unless New York
throws herself into the breach—the Nation al
so That party will have to shoulder the re
sponsibilities of Government, and prove to the
world the truth or falsehood of the pledges it
has beguiled the people with We hare no
fears of the result. A hrief season of trial
will convinoe the people that a party made up
as the 'Republican party is, of all the factions
and isms, and fag ends of the country, with
nothing to bind it together but the -cohesive
power of public plunder," cannot administer this
government- Such • party it, some times power
ful to pull down, but it cannot build up It
may, and has shown strength as a miniority,
but it will prove as weak as it is corrupt and
venal when placed in power For example, in
Pennsylvania it stands pledged to tho peo
ple to give them a Protective Tariff One of
the speakers, on Wednesday evening, proclaim
ed thieldedge ; but mark the prediction—the
Republican party will never give to Pennsyl
vania interests a higher tariff than the pre
sent' It stands pledged to the Abolitionists,
who constitute so vast a majority of its popu
lar strength, to drive from the county those
•owin relied of barbarism, polygamy and slav
ery " But mark the prediction—if God in his
infinite wisdom shall curse the country with •
Republican - triumph in November, the leaders
will betray the Abolitionists, and become as
Narvik "dough faces" as they say Millard Fill
is ! It stands pledged to an economical
• titration of the Government, and to re
buke corruption in high places , but if Abra
ham Lincoln takes possession the White
House on the 4th of March next, the same hour
will witness the transfer of the Albany and
Harrisburg lobby to the National Capitol, and
for Your years thereafter there will be a public
carnival of corruption and public robbery'
In regard to our county, we have the satis
faction of knowing that the party did its duty
as well as it could under the circumstances,
and the vote when officially rendered will
prose it. That the Republican majority is so
much larger than usual is owing to the increa'e
of the vote alone. The Democratic vote is
quite as large as ever With a more perfect
organisation, and -material aid" to carry on
the canvass , a much better show could be wade
but neither "material aid" nor organisation
can be procnred in a minority county like
be" The Republicans are very much
elated over their victory ! And they haie
a right to be, for it was quite as unexpect
ed to many of them as to the Democrats.--
Still, it seems to us their rejoicing savors
more of a vindictive personal triumph
than patriotic exultation over the success
of dean cherished principles They go
about pt streets, taking their cue perhaps
groin the (;assue, jeering at this Democrat,
denouncing that one, and impugning the
motives of all who opposed them This
kind of conduct is not calculated to im
press one very favorably with their ability
to " gown* themselves," much less the
state and nation' They appear to forget,
while anxious for " free homes," " free
aiggans," and " tree territories," that Their
party stands pledged also to " free speech,"
and that Democrats have gust the same
right to address the people justthe same
right to parade with torches—as " Widc
Awakes," They forget, also, that gentle
mos, successful in any way, are never :seta,:
Stir The Gasses in its jubilation over the
result, says that in those districts whore there
was a "Wide Awake" organisation, "an unu
sually lap vote has been polled." The lathe
was true of those districts in which there was
• Know Nothing organisation in 18+54: What
• wonderful coincidence : And the coincidence
is still more striking when we reflect that the
loaders of the "Wide Awakes" were the leaders
of the "Lwow Nottsixsp."
VIP The Democrats of the city of Erie
polled, on Tuesday, about 500 votes. The
tits hundred Democrats who stood by their
candidates and principles under the pres
mire of the misrepresentation of the Re
publicans, may be relied on, we think, on
all occasions.
—Carl &hum, the pet orator of the Black
Republicans, speaks of God, i.e •that ►deal
gentleman beyond the stars '
(lac •i•len lei -isatuei t otitusuOtt •ii ths. . lai, wlah•la outs a .41, 4.4^ +. 1
1511, I.LIIIO L.' lat VA! I ott -U1.4.1' etne. St I
now he nututs wit
•tt .1 h th....,thistis ti
: 1
were. silt at,.- burned A sell ti Sainclaskr.
but, fortun atilt u., list, have been lost
We publish below lull particular- of the '
disaster . and few readers of it wlli fed tt •
be struck with the allot,. oliwiti.oturti
escape of every passenger on bnerd fo••
captain did lies tiuty,autid teniaturd b) the
'chap to the last Mn; M. Wlditell 01 IS; PVC
Yolk. a passenger in the Conn:tut/lit (urn
isliesa N V paper the foll..witt i t ,t.ttelllent
.1, t.) the loss of thttt tine steamship :
Wnile heading westerly. the nand blow
ing a northerly gale, the -lop be : ., , to roll
to the larboard, with a suagular motion.
going tar down and keeping that was at
Lug nine, is filch roust ti *Mitt alarm -
Mearititnis. the eaptudi was heard giving,
order, 31, a-teertnat lamming. the intuits.
,1., Firemen under the lea ot tug h path le
boi. Wt‘ft. oh-ervea a, hisie•ring. and there
w e re ot het man I its/station, that 'omen ti g
wa- not rtsht. 1 'onsaterable wit tei 'was oh
,revel tlttoti,:it the I.,,•- I lac engine
-oon alter -Loppa•ti fol a whale. Allen
.tlettuotio s sortion- ha cipt. I,,, a cei t a nd
art w the •ttip ail:l,lra .and the wheel-com
ment-et' turmo il . alter I.le 1 tssengers 1,-
tianat , In" t.• oompose t t lie s. i was rough
Ow taiml I 1 awing ti liAl s.,110r14.:111 Lila "nit
liar). lull gale Iliset of the pareseime•r
tui noti • n t• it pi .4..1 .t rcst leas inglit
Sunda% { A NI. . tat• ship begeso to rod
%gain mutt ::11.1 -.1, lyt:n 11s(Ittl.n, sanitao to
t.hc evaditti pnerloil-. 'riot Captain tint
cr t•w could tenth, r tat k nor wear the sh,is
Soon atter ill t , none •i , ,peal, 1111 , / -le an
could not he t.a.cti is the. boilers 1.1,
11111. rolll.l tncaltul:i to the larboard. and
tile pump, art re to otiasl and gangs ot men
commenced lactiiin.! a ath buckets. Al IV
o'clock it to 4 rep. tacit that thee waster was
not glintng, but on tale ••ontrary, that the
putnps And boatels Vt*,.le gaming on the
leak, an•i at the ,t lel would stiffen ate
a oubtrr..tch Net. it I h it night,
But these lidiet- wetr soon change./ to
extreme ter' tat as lien the. word was pabsecl
around in It tat tone- The -liip la on lite: '
U.CC01111.1.111i&I I_l' di , ,ttO.II ot burning wool.
The tire ..ppeared hetaffen the det•ka, -
Guard , it a•re tintio-tost •I!, lortnett at ith
pump , and ocket: t(1,
extiuguish the
flames, taking the watt r trout the 1•011 and
passing It in ituck.ets, :is the fire gained the
batters lte,an to slacken work , all eyes
straining around the Lorixon in how* to
see some means ot safety. Several
reports of a vossei in sight were inside, butt
at last we discovered a sail to the north
ward, and soon after another to the west
ward, but both very low down ; but it be
came plain at 1 o'clock that both were
nearing us, and the vessel steezing north
had three masts and the one west only two.
We soon found out that the latter was
passing, while the other still neared with
out showing any sign , that she noticed us,
which kept us in extreme anxiety and
doubt unul she bore directly for us. evi
dently showing that she observed our
steamer's 13...1gs of distrestr, which had
been hoisted since midday ; We then com
menced to steer away and launch boats,
which was a very difficult job, the ship ly
ing almost on her side in a trough of the
sea. By this tame the fire had cut off all
communication with the saloons. The
first qu trter boat lowered was struck by
the counter and lost, which caused hesita
tion about launching the others But the
worst of our fears wits that, supposing the
boats should ride the sea, which then
showed signs of moderating, and• that we
could safely launch and fill them with
passengers. there era, no chance of remain
but a short tame on board, the fire making
such progress The flames were moment
arily expected to burst out and sweep the
decks, the fire garr } , having given up all
hopes of extri,guishing them brit continu
ing to aitpl wet blankets. tie The side
of the step was. then so hot that when she
rolled at would lust and make steam of the
sea water Ihe gallant little Yankee brig
sailed alongside anal hove to, seeing our
deplorable condition, and show ;cc every
sign of anxiety for its , but we began to
think at would be impossible to i tow all our
nuniTers on board. stir looked so small.--
We have once aseertainesi that -he was
only 1 ( . 1 , tons burden
F14.11k It
Capt Leitch made all haste to get us in
to the boats, which was exiretnels di cult,
being loweied one by one with ropes.—
(apt. Leitch , tissl by all the time, com
mencing with the women and children,
but with all the exertions that could be
made. %%ben the un went down only about,
200 hail l'e- got on board the brig. 'apt.
Wilson. of the brig, i-aid • -This is a horn
ble affair to see the stun going down, and
so ninny people yet nn board the wreck,
settling down and burning up I will do
all in my power to save them " -several of
the host's crews, on reaching the brig, re
fused to return. when Capt Wilson said,
-I will go almo,t : dim s side and take a
hawsqr from on board, and then you will
be in 'little or no danger I must get every
one from the wreck "
This he did, n Inch had the etlect of giv
ing confidence and by great exertions all
were got un board the brig by 11 o'clock
P. M. CApt. Leitch and his first officer re•
mained on board until almost surrounded
with flames, and until every soul Iva.ssaved.
Capt. l A'ilson then went along side to beg
him to comeaway The flames , were shoot
ing up the masts, throwing n trone and
melanohol\ light o‘er the .elt 1 . .ipt Leitch
rear-Ilea the brig itio. at midnight scarce
ly a parcel of baggage was saved, the ;ranks
and el, en moio y of the cabot parsengers
being loft below during the eontusion and
the alarm which called them on devk in
the morning. after winch communiention
was cut rift t y rh. watn.l and flarm..
Theunvert ‘itik attet, , lingtt.tvo I! y iter.
whether bv qcest. talse,t ti‘ er has I.(•,•vine
painfully to Yn it... 1 WI th.n the Lunt fow years.
Who that t eruQP- the 1194 t hi- k,nd or
which tlu 4latly turni4he.
wrll enry t Ire 1(0, if t ra% e l, r
strength and solidity in ships Are Oot Hoot
against .10,trlio. , rn the (rinnauyht elms.
troplie t.,tifie• !t time that di-le:1 , 111)g
nations ot tbe i.l
some move toward the pro ,011 human
life on shipl , oard Owners will do it.
They AL.! I 1 .1 equip them
elegantly, I.u: here the:, Itt):,ors stop 'to
long as the 4. JULI rite Imj. ndtng
danger, ill , inereliant 14 4%1 1,6,.11. 11, s
craft is in...tire,l :an! MI , or !rat. he: value
can count,l uu _:loin sue), eon
t.ngencies as tire being pievaled again , t,
in mint- iimanees boats .uffieieut to hold
half the pacsengers are not 'put nn hoard
tisese megnifikent tranvort, Measure;
should be put in force to compel owners
to provide eertain apparatus for the most
effectual and efficacious method of exting
uishing fire on their 'hip'.. At present the
old hose which in nine 'loses out of ten
serves as (look washer, and is often stowed
away wherroit cannot be found. is the only
precaution to put out a sudden burst 0:
dame. These things slayald he seen to --
A place for everything and even - thing in
its proper place •hould be the first motto
observed in the government of a steamer.
There n9 7 itto safety in going on hoard a ves
sel where a perfect system fur preventing
disasters is not in force The sooner the
public, merchants. captain, and ettery one
in any way interested. learn this fact the i
bet ter
MARIVt DIPASTCR. Iv 811171112214.—Tbe
number of American ses-going vessels
which were totally lost last September, or
reported during the month, amounted to
thirty-five of all classes, viz: Eight ships,
three barks, two brigs, and twenty-two
schooners. Of these twenty-one were
wrecked, four foundered, thresabendoned,
tl%o capsized, two burnt, and three were
run down. The total value of the above,
exclugive of their cargoes, may be estimat
ed at 8:570.000. The loss of life attending
the wreck - of the ship R, H. Disey was see.
ere, numbering sprteen souls. Three per.
ALBA.NI, (.4 t It , e 'sonA were also lost with the =sta.
The Democratic County Convention to- ; worth. Seven were also drowned the
day nominated Erastus Corning, for Con- ; brig Mary Pierce, which capable& en her
grass, by acclamation, and Tboniat Kearney ' ; plumage from Bangor to New Raven, and
for County Treasurer. I was subsequently towed into Batton.
h.. TNI 1 - 11. , 1 Tilt 14 tITEIA - - - - In 107 (len
. . i n sr,. , inemb, I of 1114' legislature. front 1
k \ 4`:.1 in orohn.l comity Lilco moat Democratic
.”‘.41014191, atril italibedieuips to 410 Willipill CMS ,
t.srty Olen,* atWe, 4 voted devilinsi that
bill filk , the sole the MOO Lb* of our Pu b - .
ii !o
lie ilbrovetplin to the Penniylvasdo Central
Railroad Cothredy Vet, according to Ulnae
rote, and the Republican lying orators, Henry
D. fouler RA4 the attorney of the Pennsylva
nia Central Railroad ' Allscheed to that bill,
or intimately connected with it., was &bother
remoieling thesis elute the Mahe -Line was sold,
a portion of the proceeds should be given or
loaned to the Sunbury end Erie. Oen Poor**,
as II consistent opponent of the male of the
\lain Ltue, toted against this bill also. The
Matti Ltue bill passed with the vote of the
weathers of Erie County iu the affirmative, and
was signed by tear. l'ottook„, but the bill for
the koniptit of the Ressbury and Erie was moth
. ,net in the Senate because Dos. POLLOCK gave
oul ilini il it 1 , 4441141 he would not sign it. We
1 ell rorolleet itOw such sublime patriots, and nor
I Curl io men. as Lowry, denounced one G. J.
1 1141.1. brealise he allowed the Main Line bill
1 t I pa.* the House before the Sunbury wee pro
-1 N
lard for . we all recollect how these sane
own, sho lam week went round the county de
noutteing Henry D. Foster as the enemy of our
1 per , tltar interests on the strength of his votes
on the attenfrted legislation of '37, those de
' u.‘uneel Cilarix, Pollock's Secretary, with
equal pelienience ' Ile wee not then thepecethor
metal of the Sunbury anti Erie, in the opinion
of these gentlemen. Bat this is not the point.
In 1668, another hilt was introduced for the
benefit of the Sunbury It passed and was sign
- I by Liov PACKER, a Democrat , fortunately
i'o!loca and Curtin had no power to smother
it %%ell, the attempted legislation of '67 bad
e..,•sped the minds of the people ; it was cover
ed up, a“ it were, by the successful legislation
of , awl being so, it afforded the "thimble
riggers of Republicanism of Erie county •
capital opportunity for deception. And they
embraced it They Mint up from some musty
corner a copy of the proceedings of the'llouse
of 1r1:.; aunt ,how the people that FOSTER
voted againut u iSunbury bill. The people,
honest themselves, suspect no fraud; forget
ing dates -forgetting, in fact, that there ever
wa• such attempted legislation as 1867—and
supposing of course that it was the bill of '6B,
when he wat out in the legislation, that he
voted anima, swallow the deception, and
honee vote against Farm So effectually
was this fraud practiced, that honest but saki
led republicans were offering to bet that Poe
ran was in the legislature last winter and voted
against the bill for the relief of the Sunbury,
which Pinney, Nl'Clure & Co. smothered I But
it is useless to "mourn ever spilt milk," or
denounce successful rascality—the battle has
been fought, the victory won, but the fruitier*
yet to grow and be gathered ; and although
we are neither a prophet, nor the son of one,
we venture to predict that when tie fruit has
matured, and been gathered, it will turn to
ashes on the lips of some of ,those who have
planted this tree!
gicr The Ciazette rejoices exceedingly
over the 254 Republican majority in the
city If the num who attempted to break
into Ciriswold's store the other night, had
succeeded, and carried off a pile of booty,
he would have doubtless . rejoiced over his
ill-gotten gams too. The various polls in
the city were in the hands of the "Wide
Awakes" inside and out, and every impedi
ment, legal as well as illegal, was thrown
in the way of Democrats polling their
AM nothing of the kind had Ws
graced our city for years, the Democrats
were not prepared for it, hence the won
der is we were not. worse "used up."
far The objects of the "Wide Awake"
association are being developed. At Port
land, Maine, it appears that a Mr. Charles
Simpson, a member of that order, was de
tected in putting six votes into the ballot
box We have no doubt the Republican
majority in that State was considerably
swollen by illegal votes that were not de
DS— A. Parsian genius has just invented
a musical petticoat :—Exchange.
All a rui,take , the "musical petticoat"
was invented by the devil in the garden of
Eden, and its music so charmed our first
parent that:he stumbled and—"fell," That's
cur theology
Latest reports from Columbus estimate
the Republican majority on the State tick
et at over 20.000. The Congressmen prob
ably stand k Democrats and CS Retmbli
Th•• Demoerittb itain a Congreimman in
the 9th, 1•;th and 1, th L►istricts.
Ret u rn= from twenty counties show large
R.-publican ping.
The Republican State tick©t is undoubt
edly elt-cted by from 8,000 to 10,000 Mik
jorit. Fight or ten Republican Congress
tarn ate elected, and the Legislature is
probably Republican.
A ()RAND Jrao■ Covramr.D.—Josiah R.
RteKar 1, n grand juror, of New London,
4 ' On n , IV ftS assaulted in Bank street, in
that city, on Tuesday afternoon, sad oow.
hided by a woman named Lucretia Smith.
Miss Smith, it appears, was an inmate of a
notorious establishment known as the
Weyhosset House, in the vicinity of New
London, and undertook the punishment
of Steward for interfering with the affairs
of the house m Ins capacity as grand juror.
wa. arrested and fined *7 and enst•.
Paitartstrnts. Oa. 10.
eriloon's Bulletin (Republican)
clatm4 a majority for Curtin, in the State,
of tram 20,1100 to 25,000. eighteen out of
twenty-five Congressmen, end both branch
es of the Legislature.
The following are the Members of Con:
gross elected
Lehman, Dem.; Morris, Rep.; Veree,
Rep.: Kelley, Rep.; Davis, Bep.; Hickman,
Rep.; Cooper, Dem.; Ancona, Dem.; Ste
vens, Peoples, Killinger, Rep.; Campbell,
Rep.. ScrentoN e ßep.; Johnson, Dem.;—
Grow, Rep.: hale, Rep.; Junkin, Re p .;
McPherson, Rep.; Blair, Rep.; Cove,
Rep.; Laseer, Dam.; Moorhead. Rep.; Mo-
Knight, Rep.: Wallace, Rep.; Kerr, Dem.,
t probable ;) and Babbitt, Rep. licK inty.
Dem.; is elected for the abort term in the
I ‘t h C.,ngressional District.
fhe election for city officers took place
tn-day. The Reformers have swept every
thing. Mayor, City Council. .to., not a soli
tary American candidate being elected.
—A lucky Clerk 44101, iu
Som., recently ANNIImAIIMOISSIIIII . ' rem of en
amnia volume of mentdollaA of E°11 116 "
* netc;%tlated idis, toy AV* • .49?
CtrritAxp, Oct. 10
6entral ftwo.
Mrs. Burden neikidildimarit • was "1144114
but a few weeks sines, in California, and her
new husband, , it is said, has already left her
—lt is notcsirsars that gvetett to aliout to
marry a alaveholding lady. We hare all
known for months that he was after a Southern
—A noted pugilist in England. known as
"Undaunted Dick." because he was never
beaten, has turned preacher, and is creating
quits a sensation by his _sermons to ohy work
ing classes
A Milwaukee quill driver kas stepped out
of the editorial traces, and heel:lines conductor
on a horse railroad lt is presumed that the
reason was thlt he wanted to handle mane?' a
According to the law of Massachusetts,
and the estimation of the Republican party, a
*ride maw is Just osselevrth as good as a s•S'e. :
OSSA is, if he behaves himself
—Blackberry wine is now exported from
Connecticut to farther India, and its gsod ef
fect in cases of chronic dysentery has caused
a demand, which cannot be supplied for some
—A man named Fagan ,st Northampton
county, Pa . has been found dead with hie
neck between two picket% of it fence, over
which, it iss supposed, he attempted to climb
while its a state of intoxication
-*Charles Hudson, a cermet ‘,l Mecklen
burg county, Vs., sixty-seven year. ohl,
been oonvicted of the murder of one 01 his fe
male slaves, by whipping her au as to vatise
detail, and sentenced to IS y e ar. om pr i g o n
—The flussoes of Virginia ere in a good
condition On the let instant, the beginning
of the fiscal year, there was hi thefittUe Tress
%try $254,307,
—A boy, *►site year of age, railed upon
tie Prince of Wiles, in Cincinnati, with docu
ments to prove himself a descendant of the
Duke of York fhe Princi listened, but was
sot conrinced.
—Charles S. Mathews, of the Wastchesser
House, has sued John C Heenan for sl9tl 68,
a board. bill of his reputed wife, Adah Isaacs
Minkin. It is alleged in the complaint that
the bill was made at the instant:* and request
of the Benicia Boy.
—Bad habits kr* Yard to cure. There is a
scandalous story about the Prince of Wales
ball in New Perk, that sense of the members
of the General Committee s to whom tickets
were allotted, have sold them at an advance,
sad put the proceeds in their pockets
—The Nashville Patriot says that a young
man from that city, named Frank Macey, a
cadet, has resigned ha scholarahip 'at West
Point, sad gone to join the forces of the great
—A young mau, mused Patrick U Donnell,
was bitten in the hand by a rabid dog, one day
last week, at Detroit; hydrophobia ensued, and
up to the moment of his death, which occurred
a few days after being bitten, his sufferings
.were of the most agonising character
—Work on the Artesian well kt,Columbus.
Ohio, has been brought to a close, the ;mount
($8,000) appropriated by the State Legislature
hating been all expanded. The well has been
ascertained by actual meanurement to be 2,75 n
feet deep. Water has not been reached.
—The Brighton (illxig.) Guardian records the
death of a clerk tamed Bellringer, in that
town, from sucking his pen. A slight wound
in his Up being open. the ink produced erysip.
elas and death.
—A Ur. Richardson in Ireland, wan recently
fined two pounds sterling for attempting to get
off the cars of the Aublin and Kingston Rail
way while the train was in motion. The pros
ecution was made by the railway company as
a warning to others
—The Philadelphia Evemsly Joiirne of
Thursday. says: Our readent will read with
regret the announcement or the death of the
venerable artist, Rembrandt Peale He was
almost the last connecting link between out
own and Revolutionary times. Since the death
of Oilbert Stuart he was the only artiet who
had painted • portrait of Washington froth
life, sad up to the last month he has been
re-producing copies of his famous and t ovalua-
Ms work.
—A lunatic of superior cultivation and re
markably prepossessing appEaranoe, escaped
from the Indiana State As) lum a :don time
ago, borrowed money for a new suit of clothe i,
married a wealthy young widow at Laporte.
and immediately after, conceiving himself to
la a sheep, ezpootsl his lunacy for the brat
time. The stricken•hearted widow wis on the
petal of returniag him to Indianapolis when
be ran off, and has now been arrested after
negotiating for the purchase of a 'dock of
buildings at Syracuse '
-- The Rochester
says that
James A. Henry was arrested near Lockport,
on Saturday last, by Rochester dete•ttvee. on
the charge of horse Stealing. officer Harris is
said to have identified him tot being the noto
rious Townsend, who made his e-cape trum
Toronto, while awaiting trial upon an indict-,
went fcir nitirder, several yeas ago Ile was
pursued throughout the North, and adiertised
SS having turned up in California, Subse
quently I man named Wl:Leary was arrested
in Cleveland on suspicion of identity; was ta
ken to Toronto, tried and acquitted •Town
send-' was never re-arrested
The brightest boy of the whole (dams late
ly examined for admission to the Naval Acade
my at Annapolis, was a little fellow from Te:
as, fifteen years of age, who had been three
years setting type in a newspaper .office, and
bad studied mathematics and arithmetic with
a dip treadle, in the garret of a log cabin, at
night. H. was poorly clad, and had worked
at type setting in New Orleans and other points,
to pay the expenses of his journey. if not ad
roit I. he ♦xpeetad to work hi+, way home
—On Thursday evening last, a couple of
young folks called on Esquire F , and, after
considerable hesitation, reqnested to be united
in the "holy bends of matrimony" which re
f quest the Esquire at once proceeded to comply
with. The bride, from the 'stoners of the hour
' and tie pecaliar :maitre of the call, thought
Come el piAusal/.4a necantary, and so very inno
cently remarlteci "We came from Columbia
county to litter t the fair, but, finding the tav
erns all full, no place for Alex. to sleep, we
concluded to get mar-r . . 0, Quid sleep with
*se :" Such a it taint 111 worth having."
8o says the Madison, Wisconsin, Argot
A woman was soddenly taken ill on the
Rochester and Niagara Falls &direst' last week.
she had no ticket. and urged the conductor to
let her ride to her journey's end, as she was
very sick. Rut be, fearing n trick, insisted
that she must pay or get off. and before the
train had reached the Palls she had entirely for
gotten her illness.
lli 1., boenttr.
elLmkA , llper‘.,llB, 111101... ,
711 -
LOCali oa f tat •
lg. The Deal; sari a bairn inArd
township, near the Fairview li ne, Delon gto
Mr. Desist), was struck by lightning early on
Monda.!, motning and destroyed with all its
5e.,,, A Fair will be held in room Ito. 8,
Reed House Block, nest TllMaity, for the ben
efit of the United Evangelical fit. Paul's
Chore *al" 11. file prserrodit, we lests,
are to beapiphaartetir eitti2o46llllllll of the
debt. incurred by the Church for repairs, made
necessary by till sorsa about a year ago, which
blew off the rdof of that edifice.
gel. A Young Mena' Christian Association
has been formed in this city with A McD.
1..10x far Pteeident: Eowaso F. Taos, Vine
President . A lf. Coroner, Corresponding
Secretary , T. S. 8LA,141.1., Recording Secre
tary , and C E Orseisoir, Treasurer It is
proposed to estaitlish a Library and reading
Room, and have a swum of lectures during
the Winter
Thei"Witie Awakes - celebrated their
victory on Wednesday evening by a torch
light proeession, firing a few guns, itri , l speech
es from John ii. Walker and M. B Lower '.-
-The lion and the lamb shall lie down togeth
er, and •' , .ld Abe - shall feed 'es---per..
hap, '
liar Au attempt was wide to brook into the
Dry Goods House of W. A. Orisw3l,l in this
city. during the *oral last Sunday night The
burglar succeeded breaking the glass in one of
the trout windows, but becoming alarmed
shandrined the attempt
Oa.. S. M. Sutra, of this city• s Ito
publicn, knowing s ihe deception being practic
ed by his party in Novi to Sunbury matters
in order to secure votes for Curtin, had the in
dependence to come out and denounce at to
several Democratic meetings last week For
ta tt y, the dignified Gazette, published by
.an ez-judge, sad-edited by a newspaper rhea_
terfield, alludes to him as s w smith, esq."
if that is the way ex-judges and newspaper
Chesterfields show their spite we hope fortune
will never make us either one or the other.
j October, the nut-brown maid, in her
dreiii of russet sad green, is here loaded with
gifts, which, as usual, she distributes with a
Isaiah and unsparing hand. Sim is not proud:
not she, but visits all alike: the rich and the
poor, the queen on her throne and beggar in
hie garret, all share her smiles mid her frowns
equally, and to each she has 'whispered word
of special private import. The young maid
sn'ircheek she crowns with roseate blusher,
tho matron's face she (spreads with a look of
busy anxiety To some she brings hope, to
some joy. to some sorrow To the proud and
haughty she brings the downfall of long cher
ished dreams; to patient and trusting the fru
ition of Britt-eel) , cherished hopes; to all she
brings a reminder of departing glories sail a
warming to prepare for the dark days to conic
Jur We here been furnished ti) the Censor
Mirshals the returns for the following town
ships and borough•
Waterford borough,
North East, do
North East tp
H arborereek
Ls Bata,
TILL Fllltat MILITARY COMP %NT 131 Ellll.--A
gentleman in Medina county, Ohio, who wit
nessed the fineappearanee of the Wayne Guards
at Cleveland on the 10th, hasillent to Captain
M' a copy of the muster roll of the first
Military Company ever formed in Erie The
date was 1S0t; . the name, -The Erie Light In
fantry ;" and the following are the names of
the officers and privates .
Captain, Thomas Foster,
Lieutenant, Thomas Rees.
Ensign, Thomas Stewart,
Orderly Sergeant, Thomas V. ilktcs
2nd Sergeant, John Hoy.
Fifer, Rufus Glough,
Drummer, J Glazier
John Teel, Jacob Kermack,
Archibald MeSparren, William Henderson
Simeon Dunn, Robert Irwin,
Adam Arbuckle. , Ebenezer Dwinnel
George Kelley. John Bell,
John Sloan, Robert MeDonnel
Murre) Samuel Hays.
Jonas Duncan, Thomas Laird,
John Woodside, Thomas Hughes.
William Duncan, Robert Brown.
George Stough, John Morris.
John &lens, George Buehler,
Benjamin Eakens, William Lattimore
George Rue 1. James Herron.
died in 1813.] Stephen Wolverton
John E. Lapsley. Francis Scott.
Peter tirawatz, Thomas Vance.
Out of thisentire list, we think there are but
two—Mr. John Teel and Simeon Duna—who
servive; all the rest have been detailed for ser
vice in !leaven :
- gar During the retur = n of the ••raYI A sleeps •
tow Waterfiird nn the Suably, and Erie Rail
-004 hist. Saturday evening,' a truly painful
casualty to - Opened, resulting , * tbet-' death of
Thounse D. Stuart, sonediteharler W. Stuart
of Hip , rity While the films slowly mov
ing at Itell Valley Stationt nectdently
fell het ween the ears and injuries of
e' f o aerioul a character that'll disCin about
three hours.. Of course thew:omm* east a
sudden gloom upon the whole pasty, compris
ing the (Cher of the yotimi ala killed. Ills
remains were interred in the ementer on Wed
nesday afternoon, followed by a large con
course of citizens To the distressed parents
we extend our sincere sympathies,--Gesette
sir The election is o!er. ;haat goodness,
and witieiweer way it has gone, whether for
Fore= or Owls, we feel like philosophising
a little for the basalt of enthn shuttle , •ii•
Awakes," sad overamelident "Subterranean.* "
We came home the other night, somewhere to
the "small hours,” tired, sleepy and excited
Hantikereltlef smelt of .400al oil," cloy', dit
to ; boots cowered with mud, coat ■ litlle the
worse fbr the lamp we had "tested *bout the
streets" on our shoulder, l •ke: .pty of
chants, and our amiable temper t hat the
worse on amount of it. Got up in ,be morn
ing with a headache, besides being "out of
torts" generally Swallowed a cup ofcoffee,
and proposed to go to the office and attend to
baldness; 0, by the by, says the "lady we lire
with,' as we went to p out, we want some
coal to-day, and while you are about it, leave
me some money to buy the children shoes, new
dresses, ke., /to., "Can't afford it," said we,
and then slammed the door with a jerk. Went
to the office, and set down to think. There
ar e a great many men, in "Wide Awake" pro
cessions, that felt just as we did. They •can't
afford" so much money for processions, leath
er capes, towhee, cigars, lager and bad whis
ky They cannot afford oyster suppers, chain
pages, and political speeches They cannot
afford headaches, soda water, inability in at.
tend to business, anew pab of boots ot..ry
two weeks, a clean shirt twtee a day, pocket
handkerchiefs and gloves by the score, the
tattler away, amyl* taystliously dt.appettr
ed.) snikpontilloo ef ls, coats.lests, Sc , 101:111111
°ratite.% "Budin is else - anti no wonder;
dire ogle to *fiend I , It is probably
i s
Julia as hoe thistWiten the a leeway the ap
prentices sad jours will play, as it used to be,
when the esit's away the take will play." Will
Llheoln, or Douglas, or Breckenridge. or Lane.
or Bell and Everett care a straw if you and your
wills and ehildrest sod boaimpaa go to am dogs.
'while you are running-ronnd town, spending
time and mosey, wsatinglungs and shoe leath
er, awl altogether making ti - donkey of your
miff for those Tit lio•vron't appreciate the seers
see • It won't wake any great difference to ylou i
who's elected President. You think it w/11, 1
but it won t. I oil shouted yourself hoarse, /id
'Unmet ruined yourself, trying to get in Feeintint;
but you routrived le pick upend live, and area
thrive under James Buchanan, and au you will
under any l'eedetit, If you will only attrnd to
your ~.rn P”saillres and let theirs dour It will
not make so mach difference to the country,
either, as you think it will. It is only a mat
ter of whether Tom Brown or Seth ;lone.; shall
live at the public ex pinee ; • and though your
prejudices are io favor of Tout Brown. yet
there is no reason why you should destroy
yourself, and the comfort and happiness of
those who depend upon you. to stirply him
with free board and lodging It does not pay.
You may think it does, but it don't t tinsult
your wife- -y ou hark: always awl have found her
sensible—and see what she says She will ie. l
you as we do, that "we can't afford it .
SW Here i- an item for the ladies Rib
hone and silks may he watthed without ~oap
by grating a little raw potatoe into eat water
and allowing them to soak fire minute.. to it
after which rinse thorougly
We admire 21.0 k \ of ilia Este (Adel Lee
He bas got grit, and a way of saying what he
thinks. But somehow or other things poltttcal
don t wort right When the Democracy broke
things generally at.Charteston, and couldn't
mend them at Baltimore, `LOAN was despond
ent—" Old Abe" loomed up and dimmed the
political horizon Fusion was the order, and
Foster was going to be elected sure, but the
"Little Giant - comes along, knock fusion itrto
contusion, and ungenerously set the ~Breckenr
idge wing outside the party. The fact es,
SLoAs, there is no resting place for such polit
ical sinners as you but in "Abraham's bosom."
Come in. here iv our I".--Conacosstritie Re
Not by a d—euced sight It -old Abe's"
bosom isn t warmed up until our hat head rests
in it. it will go cold till that hot place, to which
all Republican sinners are sure to go freeres
over thick enough for Democrats to skate on :
gar They had ire half an inch 'Meth. near
Boston last week It had forrued the Dlght
before John From, Esq is therefore on his
travels south. as well as the Baron Renfrew.
John la a popular artist. tart not an ardent one
lie studied under the celebrated Winter We
suppose that —lst-lily Fati' 'Tufa
his being a poet, also, but h.. 14a t ~ nly
an inspirer of poetr,
ll EIIH NICIDIT\TIIA% Trau.lated
from the Latin, by Rev. W In KBr
Published. by t Kurt/ tall.•
lie% JOHN" 01.1111ALD 9/11.S A
divine of the 1-whemon I hi‘n.??, at, I an.l
wrote in eternian, ahr.itt d hundred veers after
the time of the great Relormer Ile h.?: been
celled “ilie light an.l pillar of the inn Ile
public, the firer' The ~ 1,, izian ho+ agt ror
twenty one year% 11.‘ the of The,,l
-ogy in the Univer.tity 11e flied when
scarcely past the prune ot Itte, —lament&
the whole evangelical church.' Ilia —Ssuered
Meditation?, puhiLhe.l v.i,en tI. vu bur
hut twenty-tour years old. lean now 1.. t the tir-t
tune been put in an attraetoe pub,
by Per Mr tint 1 tbi,. ri•c Ii
1 V. 30
1. b4B
would not liehoo% e ti. t.. expres. an opiniol, of
the book R 4 a religion• work but we ran .ay.
from a cursory glance through it, that tile ver
sion, eu tar from being a heavy, litei al
lag of the st ttf, mediaval Lat.n of the or , i nn
has been effeettl in the translator •triost lively
and forcible style It forms a neat and attract
ive little volume of pages, printed in clear,
plain type. and contain=. be.;des the %fedita•
tions, a well written and intere.ring •keteh it
the life and character of the author For sale
at the various hook stores of the err\
:some country people when they ciiiae
to town have a practice—and a cery bad one
It is—of hitching their horses toile shade trees
along our atreets Cases of thl4l•itt occur
most daily. resulting in incur) t- tret•: that
are highly valued by their owners, and which,
when destroyed. are Mini to replace This
is ay right The trees which ttdurn our city
were not intended for hitching paste end when
made such arc •uutt ruined Let ever) •ot.e heed
the-follow ing %ado*. of ••\e p.n. snd nAcn I
DO wore
- liorarthau. .parr .tot• tre.e
ns ant a hatetilaq poot
I h , •ugh In 11,
AO .hAde * I
ttxn Apve, Lit, apart, th.k• In.
I or It , 1.111er.1 It there,
Leant apt that 6t stkould 4.
Br trust cf thin. gcutw.l far
l A N►I'ARA ioliSToltNlT
GLiwt+all .ier. b . t r
hos :•;01 , 1 'At C ARTER !IRO
D a r Atter all the pains and labor taken by
L. 11 DeLand ,s: Co to produce a pure
ttia. we aro rejoiced to find that the public gen
erally appreciate. and are gener.tily pattutttt
iag this celebrated manufactory DeLand
Co a lialernius has a world-wide reputation
perfect pnri.y, and there is no lons. t any
resiionOile ecense for obliging people to est
disgusting and unwholesome bread.
pastry, Sc , wade an b) impure :sal, t tt itm
D. Deland St el ti Nlanufactor;‘ ts , 1 , 111p...rt.
Moose Co., N I where the Salet at... , ern be
Procured at whole- d' It 14 at whole
sal eby the prinetpal groeeri in large tunu•,
an 41 s t:retait n ti gt, wee. sn 1 *tere:eepers ery
Ala fiat sul ti - the dozett
at prtet-+ ran\ tt t , 111 VIC ) en' v
shillings each ti the Pt ,, re
Ou the 4th inst.. by Rev L P.. Prosser. 'dr
WM. KELLEY to Miss JAN E MURRA`t . All of
On Tuesday the 9th Inv , by Re► Dr. Lyou,
LOOMIS, both of this city.
On the 10th inst., in Weft Millcreek. by Res
J. R Hamilton, Mr. FR INE HENRY of Her
borereek to Miss MARTHA LtiNti, of the
former place
In this city on the sth inst . Miss JANE L
WILSON, daughter of the late Thomas 1l ilson.
aged 61 years
In this city on the tit► of the residence
of Mrs. S. Jackson, Miss HELLEN X 1 JOHN
SON aged 17 years.
Remelts." Magus, '—The greatest ram 1 , .
and the largest stock ever brought iuto chi.
snorkel, can be found at the store of
(•own• was ' Court. florr..inv
Circular an , l Fine—of Ivory, Mhell . Ind Rah
her, Buffalo arid comtnori Honk. 9uantpip,
pialitioq and prig. to suit e•ery1011 ttlinuit
11 --Pi CARTER t BRO
41 0 pecial
!AirTO GOh bU MPTIV EB.—The Atiatotwot
hat•toti boas motored to health 14 4 1%.11/ wse>V
by a Very at Or remedy aft, bayng , sußarsql serest
yatita with a moto.• i4 , . a ad. dupla, aad that dread dtassao
Con•utartfutt —la .r•a....• to 4.444 itnow4 1.41 by 4110.
anfrarers the saw. 441 Mfg.
Tn MI win derire it, he ern easel ► copy et it• pre
scriptien cued (free of eturro wale the dime:Lone In,
revering and using the mune, •hicti they
.rue rpm' Poll Coin.rigrrinr. AATIMA., HSOICIIITII, tr.
Tb e o mly obieet the edveHlwer m secelleg th e preserip
lien is to hetuell t the sankt.d. forenatl,
which be eonr.iree to to In ve,uable, and he hopes over,
enfierer will try hie, as it wid root there noth,..
kntl way prow• ► blees.r.,
wishloi Ibe pry... optpu • ,:: ylfuee
Item t. 1.1% Mill A
Wildanolrgri t h .
Ming. TT , h
4.•tdi Ili— I y
ear NOTREILI3. HELD TEL - In. w.
lowie4 toot from • )alter written t y tL. pa.
tor 01 • Saptiat I.:trim& to ito '`Journal and 11••••• p•
Cisettioatt, auto, soda speak' volumes tai faro, 4,f ins;
trorld-ronowe•d 12110d1C1111.— bi M . 1/1111.0 .r • S , ,T
rat r von 1./rico/tax
"We Ma en 64.Latilietliellt in Jour
slur a , 00ttkipg Syrup Nu. we never 2.01 a ur. h t 1 0 1.
~,r 01 ► patent mr•dietus Irefun to our Ids, b u t ~ 4 w ,
0131711414 i to say .0 jttur rrutirnt. tt,st 11,,s •• ,„
—WI pore Titian IT, ,T A 1..: -
It owe uf tut moot so. tu04,e, 00 , eh.
beanie It a 'De ul the beat 04: :It se 1) our rata
era who hare babies can't 40 tr.tter 'hen tr, tar 14 a
ply .• rte. advert...mat le oka,ltber • ~t,ir
0016 14 —1)
WK Kit At'lliOktlLKlJ TO AN
Bound , 51LA:1 I TELL • t i no,
/ n DENT Landidate fot f:evist.r •ad
to the vote of ti.or peor..
vw.isTp„As w•i. ,:,,,..n matat,rr that they can o ‘,, ,i,„
brit artteh, of Nair. Ink' ever used, unonfactared br 8
H gm L.o. &:,,s. N.,. fißv.n, Conn, at the Ofenerare e.
Ore, toc ..::: eta. per te and, and cheaper than that even, :•
there uteny raises eeteldishnneot Weet eflitufsio that le,
farotab as good arsartrele for feu'
This Ink is used in prlnteing the 6ixterver, (resew, ire,
Prep and bpierfefer. LH*. Retard, I (.11)?14.3.1t•ti1.. so!
Arneson( and Reps agree*, Aug 4 - o
BIBJAhIEBCLA.E.K.E•B eelebrateet
P , , , Bred (rtes . presertptise e'f Sir J. ()wee, If I.
leystetan tea, la tas Visesn.
Thin invaleatAllfinediessie is uncial:kg la the curt i.. 1 s.
those pai an I and lanreruue t Ineaers to 7atlet:H.l/e (eras •
constitu i ion h. auh j e r t It rtkoch.ratea all-eseess and re
YD.Prefi at otkotrnetlogog, sod a V cure may b• 11.1 ,, e4
It le pe:ollarly rutted It will, to a abort I/me.
the monthly period with regularity
Each bottle, porn Oae bears the (lovas:mama
Stamp of Great liritalu, to prevent counterfeits
Ttirs< Pals sAiev.l4 set k fake by females donee lA.
FIR:I THREE .VIA 7 IFS Progsaary, j tio!, fir •
tome to knot ow hirearrsags, bat at any oar* Met :14 , ),
are safe.
In all noses of Norton,. nod Spinal Affeet.ot., fCD sAI
the Back and Liza" Fatigue on Pagots
lino of the Heart, Il.mterica and Whites, these Pil l
effect a cum when alt other means hate falied, and
though a powerful remedy, do not contain trou,nnotcw.
&oilman', or anything hurtful to the ootistitut.-o
Full directions in the pamphlet stood each patk..4e
whieb should he maretukly premiered.
Sole Agent for the United Maths and Canada,
JOB )10.315, (Late 1. C. Baldwin h l ~
8.--$l,OO and 6 postage stumps enclosed to any as
thorned Agent, wi.l fla/tlre a bottle, contemning to pus
by return mall.
For-sale by Carter A Bm , end 1.. I Bhldwiti, Ems, P.
KrDR. VAeLY).I6.I.I'S CAN Kr.j.111%
The Grwancet I , sscotery of the Age
11/ OW/a tnetantane.,ua < Ore of eao►•r i n the mouth, thrust
or stomach, ressiting from ocarlation or Typhus revers
Or any other cane. "re mipple% oieerated gums, burn,
sore. 4,1 all alode, in.po re breath, to
ft is the beet punner ..'r th• breath any:Lang e..
odereel qn tae
T., • 1.'0.0 •n•I a
tt will instant,' rru.. ir tar's, ar.d otue, foreign aut.
t.••• *ha. and ! as pria.•
t• - •••• nutAtauces. and
ttr i ri•et, to an infant with pee fret nattily.
It • ritlnniill• articlii for tviity fatuity to bate In Lt.-
• 1: into from sat • sad Duras ..4111 , 4e.
let , It to give
• e eeisl• per both.'.
". n. I
s• r•rty,
J (1: ",. t
Itl+ I tAk
latt , r 1! • ,
iSt I. It I, f 'll'.ll , fri , I -.11 1,014Nt11111
aw .•
• „ ,
1....j0S ••• .. • •
It 1.. e, I . sst ) wii•l•knit
It i• •A'.. • . t .t.•.iy a-i
tamp 111 i. Iti writ .0 fi4 a, •'n
I 111 ILI Ai l Prioprieti•.ll., `•• ••••
\ I . in to, L I \
1 , 1 ` .t•.' C , 1 art
70-Daleg ;Idrertiscutest6.
Election Notice
AN Llectl.,n toi P:!,, ~,:•
Treasurer V,t the line nod st•shu;g I at. t
oll3pSlty t.. 1 ed at the !been( the Ette
the city of k rte. • on the hrst Ilvochns ' •
:rnm 1 to 4 o clock, I' 34
n e t 13-1 0 A1:111 ,
10 luus 4.:r ~1 St..hes and !
kizog.rtK for Ale, t,e 1:13 ,Ei.,
THA V Nt, •
tin. , I-. ”•,• .„
at !...• p• - t •• • t,.. .•
".i kllTEli .• ut
Wll.ll U l.• conitortAtil.. in 1...1.
ter than. tr. IIIV Pl .nlng •14. U 6
011ocCilnlove Pro, L. 12, • • tar trtanter
.a.t•ng inAtr....,•l. 1.1:f • .n• - $ r. Sc' ,
uPt..l Id.f anal ••• .!!
•• • I ARTEH k ~i;
1,7 "ft 13-11 t k 1.171.111
\\'I:•• '.111 . : 1 ;II open tin-
Ili* 1 at , ...1 ••••• • •,.1.1 In Riot, !
I lota au,l ha, let•,,, liutroz•,
, 1(4( •1; r •!•31;rtr,.sr
Printed French Merinos.
QMALL FII;URES High .)1,-r-
II • -
Winter Gloves and Hosiery.
lA A I 0 11.1`... loth Silk awl ,I I
I'lt•••e••• t.lnwl 431••,,, toe a,••••••;1•. ,
4 , 1••••o).1,;. A',44 •.14;xer. tad Chtittretio,
',11 , 111••••,11.• }lna, a ...cry yn•ittt, l'74eap, at the
an I t ! I.orig
to« a,l N,•,,, in ..ntintly n•IF ell, • . '
•,1 thia Os, 3) Olt. I b.., Or, Goocift
-14 1114 F.i k JotiV.%
AlkTEl : l , S , PtaLent
.but 'Trope an 1 .arrant Jute.., kr !or bale by
ost .1 C. qklynitY
SNV EET lOM all the Nl•ar Numl cm!
rattle be had by two; Ilse salpitair—repaxod
In. din lion of ela ra_Yaok Homayolo, and tllenturnen
ell by Iho Mao. liorto.oltoral Snciot y It I. ynatub yo
tr. rn oyert!il ‘1 .! or‘ol.• rInp:11•41.11t, •od no !lab;
tato. , pla o rt rstn added. iald by
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QA VI: our to , ttlev -t racket
toror... and I!I o it• Qn•lltlra and Ear. u m ,
urn II thoo.nd dollar' not.. to
CARTER 3 fin
A ) Ot I'I:RE \ 1\
EL; AR, t..y be, had •t the .e•tdesoe • e• •
••tt , th treet.l toots west of f•fuotatras ,
;•er 11 el Li , V, .‘r ott rorre•le.tellui :ew figure. f• ' It tv
quAtol.l.••• t, f .' L. •
jNG E 4 I%
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This Delicious Toole Stksisisaut,
"IPF.CIALLI' zic.l for the u.,
j'rofes.ivn ati : tb. road; t
Lbw s.• .•I r.i • • ,
"111,!toate.1,- 1.1. rtt n..• , r.dor•v • I
tb, pmintnent pbt•kotalo , . rti.tuost• and .• •
pu0........t0br AU t twee van-tarot tner!il Ins,! qn•lltt , •
and :lur•to-) • web belong to an Old mad l'u re s
hat up to , t wat Oottles and *old Sr all dragyntr, sr
etc A. W. ILININWER /a Co,
tLatallbetted 1:78 r Solo Propneto •
oct.6-15.1 No IV Broad Stria;
Li 0 e • I.
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