cicitittr, MELODEM.X4NUFACTORY SAVE T V WEAI'EIt CENT BY BUYING 01 WILLIAM E. • - -Oh 111 f s., T HE experience of tioray yr,irs end the idea that I emild PIANOS AND MELODEONS u Erie cheaper than I can bay Ibsen elsewhere. because rent II cheaper, lumher ebeakr, coal la cheaper, min Lb. same. tn,eMl inc to etripley erimpeteut and complete, experienced workmen, who carried on a 1' factory them. selves tot now wpso esollil me their I entire stock naceentary sack inttrtirnents, xnd I am now prepared to furnish my numerous (newts OEM Pianos and Melodeons au F onior Tone and finiab, and will 11:117.4)...VILMILAL.N r i` PaSIENSIVI. For any langliptf t i krf ina. T.° toTiAVACTIIPS. . i 111 I MUN C and bilPttlrfl. MOM to $4 1,1.0 iniarultrientp 01.11.1 not ',rove v.v.'. •n I I kaaure th• anal, tb•t notblea I+ opera& to bring ah.,ut 'he Jersirw4 n•ou!t, r.. V radaegag a Oar and a obala taloa Plana, in Ida li will site good satlolartfoo, sod alay lu Mite Wager Chou no! Mayo 1 ILIUM 01. TER LS VERY E k4l • • PRICES 11EASONA111.1 csiAlM e r4ruipslZE Your Owe cite at Home ! ()1: ERS al ;rum. or RETAIL Kxrcutrd promptly and fair!! 117 . Produce, oriirra on Stmt.?, old lontrunlenir, Luni i.Tr, awl any liking akar I con aril %Ewa or toksikam, ,ueon..oil la. taken to Tactually for Plano &fort..., Melo leour I.olclmers and any thlue et,. I bay in Ills .1.. r.• I'l \\ll:4 T*l LET : T Av : .m 1384:. gvEltr, \4 'NE BUT THE BEST ABTICI.Es (IN 11 \ THE: UNIUVALF Chickering & Son'e Piano Fortes, ALWAYS o■ 11A11D• Ton r vrr lokard ot a poor Clackering l'isu, I=2MMEMMI V 11ITt 111. .—You all romenilwi orrrr 11r Hurter Wattle of New York, ha. Ina.i • fur ku .eouTpegsali. T atider4ined will i • ule t.rttr r, dynit tafor Vim wtth a nil, ail, II turuihb you with any r 11.0.1 lOU ortirr "r dem, lj,t me V.• 1.1 1. order WM. WII,I.ING 6 tie, June 18.1659 —2 ONE PRICE STORE ! New Arrangements—New Firm ! P. & J. AT the ()hi titantnif P. littittig, Nct. 4 state strtet, i dean stove the Poet Mbee. NRDT.K- 4 tAI.F. ANTI RSTAIT, DKALERS GROGERIES PROVISIONS, Would respectfully return thanks teithe pablfc for p.,it favors and solicit a continuance of your patronaire to the New Virm auguring you that we shall avail unreel% e. our experience In the husinem and spare nn painat.. make this one of the very beet plaoee to purchase goods In E r i e count,. lir ado wiltl4 te keep oe lonia gout Asiortment or Good Sound and Clean GOods, Which we continue to sell on the Cash and Short Credit System, s hteh will enable us also to buy for Cult gristly to the advantage min Credit Prier. to our susessors, sa well an oitreeixea We xball hereafter K o strictly on the ONE PRICE SYSTEM ! Our Goods are all marked in plain Ffeeres, co that there ma be no variation In rice*, as le often the cape where gond/ are SO 11144 d deeltdlpd credit. . Will be tlzei u low to the Gocsis could 1* sold la this market, suttleet, however, to a likerat reduction when sold by the quantity or at wholesale. I o addition to our • lock e abaU receive new au ppli. FROM NEW YORK EVERY MONTH ! Wanted ! Wanted Wanted ! Cheese, Butter, Kgp, Clover and Tinoaliy Seta., Flour, Pork, Lard, W,lsiteSaana, Onions, and all kinds of Pre duce sad Mandel:tuned snide', Woolen Yarn, 111 1 tie oeka, Baskets, Butter Firknike, Flab and Pork Darrel., Sc., for which we will pay Market Price in Caah or Gr. aeries. Please give us • call trio, jan2B-34 REMOVED! Sheetlron and Copper. Ware ! Jl. TAN N ER, Agent, hag removed 111. • stock to the new building directly no, ib of the Übsernee Stenta.Peinting °See, oppodte the Poet Office, where he troy he Mound In the futbsel ready to wilt upon hie old l iftdll find the pnblie. Intends to carry pa the Maoisw with renewed energy, IN ALL ITS VARIOUS BRANCHES! and solicits a abate of public patronage. sprlll4-45 110(ITICE TI) PHYSIC lANS.—The RE moumaand ALKALoina, Solid and Fluted Extract* and Granule. of Tilden & M tAll, a very full assortment at the Drug Stott of 311 CARTER & BRO. R(S44SE NitETS.--14 tete, assorted qualities. cheap by Jan. 7. J p. PLATE,I) CAI E BA:•4K ETS--New styl... 0011 opening at iba West Park Jewelry Store, 26 PAR/ Gott BUILD/fie, near Peach St SEED BUCK NV 11EAT on bawl Lod fur male by JACOB HANSOM July 9, 19159 BRUSHES: BRUS111*;:: BRUS:IIF. :!! Paint, Varnish, Graining striping, irhiteWuh, Waldo., Norse, Sena., Tatman; plain and !Lava Hair and Teeth, a rid metal !apartment of a kusisof 11/II;SRES ..rule by may 21 T. S. SINCLAIR. CHEESEMAN';'s FEMALE for cleat DALDWINT , DRUG STORK, va.ti No. fk, Need iimpae. SYRUP AND Iti( )I,ASSE:;. Very shores, embracing three grades of syrup— & good article he • better and very floe flavored ea ; Stee• art's Goldite or lihtte Byrn ry Ss ; New Orleans Unlashes, the very best kind for Baktug purposes at June ILI HANSON'S GROCERY DEPOT IST MAY 1 1880_ Good News for the Million VINCENT, TIBBALS, SHIRKS CO\ ARE now rereiving, at their Score, on State, between Eleventh and TwelfTh etteete, ao euttrenew stock of 25 THOUSAND DOLLARS ! calqt!amNr: rW Dry Goode, Groceries, Hard Ware, Crockery, Glassware, • Boots & Shoes. 'ft eddy nir.aiide cricorhirks. Are.. and Boys' Leyhorn,:ehip and Soft Wool Hats, rte., 11'iii4 have been purchasell in Eastern markets 13 pereemaleee alas early Marina Priers, and b. cold at eorrespoodingly tow rates, In exchange for all Itiodir of Coot Produce, Lumber, or approviol credit.. LNOINT, T[BBAI.3, SU' itit' t CO. Erie, May 6,1660. 7250 K EGS WHITE LEAD, of different qualities sad brands, la stars sad for IWO at Wbolerral• anal Retail Dealer. eau ompply tharaseiver at • .mall advance an roaraufacto rem pricer may 26-61. 1' 8. SINCLAiR. SUGARS! SUGARS! SUGARS! 50(1 arilf UAL. 1101,1 s. and 1 1 ) lb. pack itgee all psde Henn Facers Nov le t eh • to buy, at the One PAIN Store, above the Pest Othce SUGARS! 26 4615. Coffee, Crushed, (.runulated E. , and ?ordered Bugg" cheaper than el.e.bere, at jtme9-63 luxutass.ert-r At BECKMAN'S ERIE CITY MILLS !! Dr A. RAVERSTICK, Proprietor, Irl . Opposite Lake Shore Rail ,Road Depot; Ware-Room—Do. 6, Donnell Block, State at., Brie, Penna. ill aIIr7.IICTIMI AND WIIOLZIALX ALIT RITA IL DIU LIM lx Flour, Corn Meal, BEM Feed, SHOTS. BRIO*, OATS, CORN, &C., no it va AND PIED STORE, so a. Bourkell Block, 3 doors above the Poet Office. gtateg.treet,l have coastookly ea hood PLOCEt of 4111'104s .of my own grinding, Coro Steal sod Mil P..d, Braes Shorts, Coro, Osta, An., MI 0(44000.14U ho 'old et the lowest market rotor, 3 . 14-tetle f talk, aid del Mewed free of charts to the Oft. J n. B. ELAVERCICK. ICASE, 2,0n0 yards, rHINTS NTs, I porioet 00/oro, latoot mtyl.• of pat torna, •or 10 rto. yard, real rah', 124 ~t, marl. t lifet.ST, TIEitiALS, eHISK k CU. ///;/I ' l / 4 / ////h rt - L nrATED Al 13CF F.-11A ). Corner Seneca 6. Mani Nt rrtt . N. Y. CITY. •• Ooppre luet4iute , A 4 ,ior PIRO. I'NUILADELPII/C . Oirmew .411 & Os! nut fri • .; LB 1N Y. Nu Pn.:tawny !C . / ir k:N . E \ Nll. r Senewa Superioi Ft 1/Ti4)ll', N"‘ 71, ‘‘.,,,deula Lur and ‘t 3:4itilgioti Streets ith ana Vine Stpeels, Z•lat!,1410. fn lentig .meal ll,00• Cc!ltems, I , l' the pa" nicht of S4I. beaotar olotillo4 t. p ! the eopre " chain, etql.iint4blinis•tula titurt for en ton -I ro, rota H et.. and popular T111.til• • •P . .t. \ .old }or l'at..l..gues and . gar!, oa!lar t }ld nit I %NT 6.9: Titl. • iIIiP.NEIL I. 1:N1.01011.TM:4. • I On fiCambed of Pessosawshap u thq sip ors w ipsacerma." egonehetn, at "Loy her, a. tAfv# are no at,ou., T!.« and Teaclmr ..4 t LOA 4.llzala f 4 :101 , 7e ha; PALe•InIv ory.•li.lAtl , .• iu a .en tar/ft an. al.a) r It a i ir:.silre to :tlrtiaCt thr t.. 1 f Lra.tu^4. Apr _I, Irw4,- 4- N.,i,itim;E 1, 1 - 11,11,—Ilk•ing a..... T i .,,,ati. inAlrortAr /or 111LrrtO4 VC,. Of won about to 1, O.Orrit •., !Katt 111.11 , ,:;/ 1 4 11 4g1§0 i, 114 1k Pre , , 5 5 :lig C' 11 , •rtitnt t phyf 1 , 1 1 ..r7 : 1 , MA TrOtt/./o• 4 ,. our . tl/ cola pt. or, Au, Lb/ 'X. - I /11/. 1/, f , • prrootill , 141 , i ~N ll,l. :ti 1,4 di ILIf Y,...1 , Il ij, VI , .51,..,• 11. .., u.. , vr '...1 , r• l‘ rli Si t . F. , ),rfi•h Inr vi11f..,, ).,.: NI M V , I \,,, ti :) t Till, ~ f..,1.. k ..• :061 .• :col 11.1,r/./.., /,g ./ ,-.. I• 1• vkrltlrri 10 1/ 1 ./ 1 / 1 lali4/. o •:r thr ::,•) ..r.4 I rwtill . olo: 1. 1/.••,1,1 Imlth TIVITITTO,II,I /../lerft t/O, 4 A 1 l y..q,.: It.A:r, i.o ~ ,r,:j• Var... ,:utt:), ~,) , :u.l m I.r r 1,.., anti l*viii Wed ittif t 4ippaiLlbeiaL io I it.' 'if., 0.‘...,',1 r 0.4 ibitioni. it dlgth..l :-,y . 'to' o.,.tact bo itellillatoi with : 140 " ~,.., t.• 1••,..1"-•: :.1., awl not lb: ItlK,u) MP n 4, If V 1.1014 U rN,NuaTtli 4V. mrArn -,- 00, 0! Al AM - AO/AU,. -A h., , •rt , •• , in tin. of nnv oth.r ratp.r,ret .D- I , - 1, ILI 11.0!ke, a.: ..trw. It. I. t: ito--tuomi batocifiry on maila 4-011-14 re 1. tr tt. ,t I •.,..t.ievittica' bk.ll, 1 , 11 env ..11 n. 1 14 the .11.0%tweitt derortit,.. to 1-.1 : ott tee , „41.; flauro t, apt-1114 —114.5 . VAN \loll' BLACK INK The only INK that will not Corrode T HE solb-oriber otlen4 to the public a Jet Ink, whleb 1P Ruperit,, to any now In ON. II I a , ....en hfs atU Y (.s• y„,„ to .. u p p l y a 'flint whtoh alleaya , that •.r has Inan Ink pombeasiwa I,lln it 1., 111 . pervert Writing Muhl , and that ob eet ha* tall! .obtaine.l the. Invent,n ..f an Ink a hit LI a... ...11:outhif from the pep, t 111, 11 , 10)011t A MO- Ineuts d.dar, n Jet lilac) s.h, II uu•d .'u I.erreetlY lartns leer te. .4 , 4 pus; deposits nu seillaisent : nett% would : spa a uneLs.nigealde in color. This Ink stand alone lo po.resauot all these yuaLtles F , a/t• by ail the Booksellers and Wholesale Ornuers. FLIaIIARD GACGIN, F. le, rebel-3Stf Vann bixin rinir Cheualat GI I.'l' Pt tl{ 1 1: \ 1 l' PI; A aue F rr UV AO, 10 F ramew, ur oat, Ml6oy d.eap •r l'araw.n Rf Odit.a. 11 A I !,T1 Lan-L 1- CARTE R & KELLOGG. IHAVE its.soci4led with me is the tiro. eery I.uvineee y H KF Id it.. bu•mer.• a l.l berenner I. cemlu , t.• .I Ili,- Mall.. snit vtyte IicCARTER k KELLASI/1. Erin, Jutll. 11, 1459-1 JOSP.PH Idet2ARTFT. t Gold and Silver Watches. 1: European anti Auiericau maker*, is tinting and Op, n Fine Carat Cam.* G DIA Railroad Tune Keerera, warranted t.. keep accurate Time Particular and careful attention Siren to ICepatring Watch., and Time Pieces et every dcecrlid iou, and tiro Warr a nted, Ilia PAIIK JEWELRY SToltle., near Peach , . SI IN Eli WA kt E.---11:ableAnd TeaSixDon. , ,, orka, I.adler, .1. 11. cud Berry o, Pie Knivev, flrnidle 4thoveiv, %alms, Naptvit he.— Haunt Vernon and JOalill 1. PlkilOrn. 511 , 41 SWAMI Had and eilnatantly no liatdl agat.lattlers W Fibs Sriew Pft/1 as Cu,.. :X. T H At'STIN pAIN Ts ! l' -11 ! ! !! ! white Len . dry snit iu o, I. Ame rwan and Pnvneh Zinc, Ka w avid R.fled fillaswed OH, erretsan R„ d, French °elf+, Child., and I . VFMC II (been 4110 an inner every thing u, the 'inc PAI kik .4 l f0rA.1! „.. 1. *ft SI m • May 12 T. S . ..CI.AIR _ Stoves ! Stoves ! ! Stoves ! ! ! WE are now yr.•pared to !menial! all who an. In want,( STOVES, of any devertylloo, at inner „ .1 erica.* than have ever been *old in Kt ri ""'". County Our anaortunent eiwrinrimw all the modern Imprt,r.l, aautbrkg wlr ICU may be foutua 41. P. &.1. /.11N,11( Banner, Plymouth Rock, Eclipse, Empire, BrillMud, ileraid,, And riutnlA, of iii lit, deli/411w wiiii,bh ipt p_ip,43o 0,,,„, Ala.. the ja ptly ... I. liratml Mayflower , riMrer, &Met V lata and • number of ”11.1..- pattern. of Lo. Ovell •Stores.— Aloto the Morning Wort, cottage rulor, Model rarleir, and . a lf larg . e as a l / Ii •x, Mat, Fear, ()Mr., :.... it.s,t, &tor, ant other 11011 %to,' 0 of au perior qualities shad, we will sell fir Cash, Lumber, Beef, Grain, or barter in general, at Ir.s lip urea than any bow in the L.ity, and wamitat IL. ni to rtre Pntirp platfolkeition To persona wixtabot any th , eg in the it.l.iN ii line we would en. Give no • Call and coo ~.hall not lie disappointed. At til. , ilk! Foundry, r hi' i 0r..., id Mate and llth ate. Erie, A itz 13, 1849- IU If BARR it .101INSIIN. - - - - • --- - - • -- - - FARM FORS THE undersi g ned (Are.' • for .sa on tea sonahlt. tem.!. a Antr,:i Lot saluah:e :to, In the t u wo.i j ip of 1, !sang., Lrle • nuo t. , Rt uatli I..ut lb me and • bail ul le. from the dpandlisig ce Watts bury. Said farm e.otaius arty arr.* of 40.1 Ant and secoml le ttom land, taPtiti 1., Of • 1.1, t 5 t• In a good state of Impel., emont it bas a 7 . t m g and rroorior or chard, upgrther orttb a sta , ..tatlt...l !Aim, The to.ennt will be made rarer, and an Ont rri,ta,nahle title men. For farther parttehlarr. a ngtllrr it Mt lane Wattaburg, of the anhaerlber at Waierfoeti, krle Co. 146 0.1. $ r rrftweirm. _ _ PAINTS! PAINTS! T HAVE on hand and will -'II :it Ivry low prices, a large assortment bf PAINTS AND COLORS! ;•4b r ontar sn , t F rrnrL Groan, dr, and lu tol,Fr.tirli neh,, Veg.. time Ft.-d. Vitt. Proof Paint, Chinos,. an•l Amerman Vrrotillo,o, and raw Luaare.l ULi , Turia.utuay, Put. ty, Glass, aie Pt.ra, , no latoadfnir to Pettit all find it to their ad, antage to call 114(Ory letin tra.lua e the 'mug an 1 faint T. \ I may:o-31 Our., Stair w.d --4,1.11.(11,1R .11 )11ND )N cfc (O. rP.peetfully t this stt..u4., of ...herrn to ill. If 141 , ,:r it..! 1.11p01 . 1 , .1" stock of UROCERIES ET(' . At their sime,,Ait corner of and F,fth 44treoets, Erie, Pa tin , mei-mm.l (senile, to, In itptupete sill, at.) J , IIIHER a eet or Se,. Vlirk f 11% An E.1".1.1//A'AT/f)21" (ii' fit"l! S7'() ('K is r.P•tw , trk ,ll , tt."-..m all whio tAtt tl,i. nmrlorl the purpflos. ~f bu •MU U• • ••:• Having load.. arrange , . moats for ••-curit,•, tin BEST BRANDS OF FLOVR ! 411 , eet 1,..w or the n, 1:ot, w• &PI Moll d#ot that Ern.4l.• ore sr.• now onsbio ‘ i to offer cannot fan t.. mvot tiSc.ants of tLI. 1•114,1 e section of country. JORERB /OR • boR, OR% I LLX J 141104011, A. R. X ILLXR Erie, April I VO _ _ T"' YA D'S !ill 61,I) _ Java. I.ftru.rn, Rio, r .acted snc! grout,' CogIENe4 Tr, Banvartra crushed, gruuu'oi.t.4l, pulr. rir.<4l, ('01!«+ A. sod (7141 . ., U., NOW trims, 11 useurrade *and Pnirto Itato g as, , rristE lou a. BA l'Antrl4 .3 II h'l-. P. 11 , N. 1 1 .. (whet and Mus , Rl'ii A RS. rsrtvag lo Prier from 74 routs up KINDERSPCHT P. BEIKRAN TU E f)EI,A WA RE MLTTCAt, 1 Ns 1 7 j. A SCF. CUMPAN Y. or DEITLATELPHIA. A.11,1E non doing bad railta on the ItlAqual plan, siting the in pored a partielpatian In Ole proftt. nr the eornpa it., with , tit ttaitility beyond the pretniutn paid. Rub, upon the Lake. and CIMAIN Ineured on the 1t.0.c c.enennie tutu. latexes wilt be 11114/11111 mod pro:aptly adjusted. I. ire risk. on merrnaudi.g budding. 1111.1 ( - Alter propert in tonic • country, lot. a WW1...! term yerlasiltntly IRRCTO R- . Jaw.* C John L. Davin, John liarrptt, glinine I Eilwarnp., David 11 Stacey, leas. It Davie, IVllltatto Dr R. W ITnirtnn, Sponsor klell rano, John J. John li. Penrnar, B. imex. brook, Etlmtdttl Alnuder, n. to" Itlen.txp at I' Applicatieni can be numb. to rie, April 4, IN:7 J. li E 1.1.0116, t, Erw. H r. Theophilus Robert Burton, Hugb l'ratg, IleupJ Lawrone., Charley Kelley, Wllliata!well. Dr 51.1nourao,, Jobe Teller, Jr. George Sorrell, Rdw%rd Darliotoo, J G 1014/1.••n. CAIt P ENT E ILS' N pHs' 'r) ) &VP ewer:ell, made Larry. a.tollti,,tie , mer .1,44 A I. LEN '8 ;) 11.1) M and Babbit's of Carpenter. •sl .1. .• .1 T.o. 1...1,i, .1 tt.« ,air at BALDWIN'S Deng Stara, eomplete in lb. car llartla 12 'be .1 C. SELnk.N ' Ittal S 1 No. 0 Rood Hour DMHiI t•. 11 P 1.111 31 Y.\ l' 711 n • k t ...wt•tor•• 0.01. ItH MEE ANEW Iliii,4 , IBTI=3EL PZLIV la. Co , Partnership - New Irinzi conaisting, in part. 01 Winn'. LEO I ) , ,N,V() 11' Winn . 7/.VI PaIiCELALV 17XLS11, FL( Lli IEIII :A LT, 213:1 12111 /A( ~~ ON and after Monday,April 9th, 1860, a n d until curth.r notle. hnsenfor hsins Tat run S. follow., •fs.:— LEAVE CLEVELAND 10 :an A 1. Sail Train atop: at .11 way Stat . except WicklMP, Mentor, Perry, Utdoortlle and Saybrook, and arti•••• at EH.: 130 I': )I. 1.1) ctat•tnnati KAproaa, .topping at hint... Alla, Aabtabula an.! Girard, ^rrives iu Erie at b T. 2 A U. Night I:ll..rva Tram Mops at Palacretlla. Axatabula aa.4 lilraid, ~nly. and arrivals at Re: 47 A.A. LEAVE ERIE. 1'55 A .l} Night FaiireleeTrlllllstopsat Girard, l—a ia Painesville only, and arrive at ClaveLlind 4 M. 1 40 P It 11.1. Enpreas, stopping at Girard, Conneaut, Allitahula and arrives in Clete- land at L :ho P. M. 1,0 AM. Mail Train atop, at all Wty Fltatlonioneept Ayl.rook, l usonytli., I'.rry, llontur and Wickliffe, arid armee at Cleveland at 230, P M. All this thtogogki traliiro going Westward, coosioct et Cleveland with traits% kw Toledo, Okieago,CeAseatioa, Indkanaluolo,, kr. kc All the through trainp otnu Filltßar4,6oooKi at DUO kirk with the trains of the N. Y k grim Railroad and at Buffalo with N Y Ventral sand Buffalo and N Y City RailroadA, rot seas York, A !homy, Boston, Nuagarn Ae ,kr It . NiITTIN(tIIAM , Supenntendent Cleveland, April T. IIM3O. HATS & CAPS AT COST ltlil: • ICI AliPI NG made X I arrangements toe, into another kind of bus . A// - loess, will *ell my 0n '..04y * * . `" P iVii•""e 'lock Hata and Ca by the Dom or r - - atngle, at COST My - • i. " - 'h• Goals are almost robee lv new, tutv log hewn par ehrum‘l sothiu the last A TRX 1,114 and from the - " twat Pagitionable nooses to New York. I have a large clock of Bollalo Rohm, that will ho sold at unusual low prices SIIITH Oct. 15, 1859 —l9. 1,43043 1 . 1 117FFALO & ERIE R. R. 0 N .r 2r after w lt iu on ru cl a ax, th A is pril 9t Road .h,f2111460..,, Mager77 I.F:AVING ERIE. 1 00 A. 50., ?VIM ilmareaa, Mopping at Wratll.l.l, Don• klrkar.l , ilvet Creek, arrives at Burial° at 110 A. 11. 2 05 P : If., A 1..!, stopping at North East. Quincy, West- IMEI 6.14, Salem, Dunkirk-, Stiverereck, Irving and F.v &SU r•-otar, arrknogat Buffalo, at 6 26 P. M. 40 P. M Csarinargi Express, stopping at Weinfeld, Sao kirk and i4 vrr Creek, arrive at Buffalo at 10 40 P.ll LEA VINO, I3U FFALU. 6 it A M . Evros Mau, stopping at Riunburgb, 16 litle Creek, Kraus Contrs, Ining, Sliver Omsk, Dunkirk. Salem, Portland, Weatfield, Quinn', State at 10 50 A. M. 10 00 A. 11., Day Express stopping at Silver Creek, Dan kirk, Westfield 16,..1 North R►►; ►rrivrm ►t Brie ►t 1 4 P. M. 1 0 30. P. NedilleliZrpousiotapplaig ABU sty Creek, Dus k rig aod Wattle/1 a:M*lg Zrii at 03 ste *- all of the above Trains going 144/6 ecushevt at Dunkirk laid Buffalo with ExpreasTraina for New York, Roston, &c. RAH Road time is ~bout 10 salwatesfaxter than Brie time. april 9.1860.-24 Q. N. BROWN, Supt. Ulla OHM 1;111. Col.Bi n : ua re hi tur d ne . h d is sincere r t re . : thanks to his nanar.. tiotsv instill taking the Low Pitmen Newness! VOLBY DOw propOlien an notAnilibline nnitiCtion in the prior of all the higherpriced Antbrotypes ! COLBY knows you have henitufois raid fikte benaPio Mira PI Pictures as pee eugke. Colby 4 detehninedtri beteg the price of AnibrotypeTictures (and really atm only pictures worth baring,) within the Reach of the Masora Colby is really the people's benefactor, and may at all UMW be found in The itosinawann Bunn, Me, Ps., Brat door west of Rank of ChWnineres. 21st Great Attiustion for the Holidays I West Park JENITELRYSTOBA PARAGON TIMUNNG. NLY PRWM Pedisir TH E Proprietor of this esksighthment is now reeeivlogi= e rtna New York. City, a Arty of ekgant , lr a a SiL, P T SD A TAROT GOODS, Ss preset, awieeted Iby the Semen wide& the pitons are reepeetfally iadhad beatekem„ eimethiseg way be found sullte the Luber t 151 11 ,7 ow% with la dueetoenta la the waver Low MGM to make punaktaitaa Having the Goode I d facibittee to supply any dieesad, a abase of patrooaae is np•s44. Dee. T. M. ADMIX NEW BIM & SHOE STO-ff. tier at the Store one door Leloe , Sterrett's Grocery, on FleorliStreet_ valeta be am prepared to eel' no ae reseal:in- Irk terror nanny other dealer in Erie. He &Iwo Manufactures to Order es ery thing In Ida line, whichAe warrant, to lit, and to be a• reprwented, or no sale. liu old ft-tend/land roma:nen, may rely Upon gettlng good (.00de and CHICAVER t ban they eau be bad at any other store in thia city P. COEVAI.Dr. Erin, Apnl 8, IS HAMS AND 1111311 - N V. .1 11AN1a(11c I• now recoirlog (mat Cieetuoub r bole* lot Of Slow Cured llama, and •omo of the few wove Witte kiln! Hominy. Call at the Juoel 1, IsOtt -1, GHOCIERY DEPOT, CREPSIDS. NOTICE. CAR ITA % .NERI4.7 PILLS reRTE K A NTraLsTIVE cid LIVER POWDER CART? R.S FEMALESI.STORATI I'P. CARTER S INWARD STR NOTHEMNO BITTERS CARTERS HALM OF uiLEAD . CARTER c cOMPOUND £XT. o f SMART WEED ( {ITEM.% GERMAN WORM CANDY; Valuable Land for Sale pIIE I:\INEIt-SIGNED ERRS _L •ale • tract al land known as the "Riddle tract' iy ttrQ (bur woe, wait of Waterford, on the Me& M'atorford pal& rcatt, :ad containing about 1,000 terse, 7 hot land la WI/41 ti.nberal. and admirably adopted. when cleared, rev e.rmtng porpoma—it ta also dirtileti by the Aonbu ry ,gll4. ftaiirotot. It will be eol.l in • body or subdt• hied in tract, to suit tarcbmiarr• -Italy le IRL9 - ell G l,utl NI I s Di THIS PAT OPENLYU a ailliottlid a.morturiewl of r h It China Tames, motto en,. and Sadcer., Mutra, Candlestick% ail a great variety of USEFUL AND OILY.ISIERTAL ARTICLES, mutable forth. holiday. Klegant Cake liaaketa,Taa Bata, Ditchers ttilvar Cup., Fork., ripoosui,, Ladles, Napkin itinga, (beautifulpatterna,)2red lobe of rich Jewelry, Wat einm and Fancy Good..—Call and re 18. En.% 10.. e. 25, HARTFORD Fire Insur nce Co. of HARTPOB, Cams. CAPITAL AND AVETs X 936,70900 H. W. RUSSELL, Agent. 13-11; M w. e CURRY'S Office WEAVE ICS SY It 1:1'—'11 ) 43 genuine ar tiri. tho Cum of gryripola k iuni other disorders at o.loe from all Htpurt , state of the Stood, for male by fehlN CARTER k RHO. GRiNI) ST/ IN F'-`4 10 Tune Berea Ilrina Stowe and Crilol fltes• I for male by 1ey111541. J C. 1411.11.1/EN. CI L'i IVA Tt IK TE ETll.—()ne and Two Hone. Cultiestor teeth, for pale by april2l-46 .1. C. BELDEN. D(111K, Munn, Shoulders, Dried Beef, Kgps Dotter, Lard,' Cod Fide, Mitcham', Apples Po tato.. and Viletahlei mortally, et SANYARIM - - AFI N E Stock of Fancy Brands of Cl i; ARS and TtUSACWO. Call sad exmantao-tbem at , (*odo drlirerril to Any port of thi city. SANTAREM - •rr I R inindred Sacks Fresh Ground ROCK SAVT for calf by liEn=111121:1111:11: cic)L.3:3 - wz - CHEAP! Neil and Durable Tits suloserilver u. no opening a very supe rior stock of BOOTS & Sii()M of all kinds and gull be had of the Druggists in NORTH EA STI IR EJIW, WA TERFORte, W A TTS BURG, EDINBORO. JAMK MILES, Aug' In fact, Girard L. A. MORRISON, Nn 1, Compere!al Bulkling "Xark! KimmOlikreeiL" D R.: fe7:B: MEDICAI4:MANTTAL: being iareeighial umarspalsir treatise on .A1+17:11 11170ZELA—N, Their Pirlity, Twietiorta i , and Squid Menders of every k sever f ell* flort ea l=if Cum° , of ideate amt dents% Mnd __t to the yholittet? of the Law of Nato.» and of Mayn't God 'PRICE •TWENTY:FIVE CENTS Ms patine of the above volume Is • Degraduate. sod having det okra slimier Of a century to the Andy and and treat .. abent Of SY P4itiblaild _kiadrid dleorden as • speciality. be has become tatit of most Invaluable information is reamed to the sane, mod Is slits to compoloso Into rade menus cowrie OS very quintessence (*rowdies] scheme on this important subject; as the result of the as cues of the most eadand phyoniana is Europe and Am ea is thoroughly demonstrated la Ids eon highly successful practrfre to the treatment of secret diseases in many tbousuids of MO In the City of Philadelphia alone. notim,my of the PreAtpor Rf.ol.4dries ns sylvania rollfge, 'Phtlorb.l),Aia. "Dr. HUNTER'S itEXHCAL MANUA L. 4 —Tho author ol tilt* work, walnut lb* awlttOty of now who adverts** to curet he Mamie of obicti fiesta, u a cot*lntAnt of one of the boat College. u the rioted Ntal.a. It 'Sonia me plerounr to rontantriond him to h• t XPORTretAllt, or to the VICTIM of ItALSILICINCO. as a lIICCVMS4ITI. and KIPII• practioner in whoa. honor and intrpil) they My *we the greatest ennidence. J 056711 S. LON(SHORF., 31. It From :1. 1r,4-4,curti, .11. 1). niirersity, Philadrirhirr. It glees use pleasure to odd my testimony to the gro fes•ional ability of the Author of the "Vainest. MA.1..1 I " h omen us cues of Dbummes of the libteital Organs, stone of them of long 'Wlin', lime rogue under my notice, in whirl" hls skill ling been toward In reetorlog to porleet health * in acme instances where the patient Itta • ;teeth I 0113 sedered beyond nvedos I Md. In the treatment of rtmolnal Miaktran or .Itwirnsogesoents of Oct. RUPP' an.* ItraLtala-PPI by 111111JP•All'IM or steers* of .morn, 140 not know but Pt' riutiok In the profeseloo. ha... hem. aerinamted alth the Author some thinly yew", and demon it tin more than lustioe to him as well no a. It IltaittPl4l tat the It btortianate victim ol early Ind seret ion, to .commend him as one in profemional amitegnty they slay safely confide thetneelvm. A 1.1 , RP.11 WOO fIW A Rh, V B. On. CofrYt erensely enveloped, 'rill be ferwartled free of poets'. to any part ~ f the rid! PA Flats,. for 'll (^eret s, or 41 coots% for Sl. Address", post pad, COSBIEN k CO. rub hither", box 197, Philedelphla. yr Booksellers, 'Conversers and Book Agents, sup plied on the meet literal terms. june9,l - 17. FURNITURE FURNITURE! T. 11. RIBLET lIAS IiPJIOVEI Ills 4,10 is . splendid Stuck of Furniture down to but New Building, on Atate sine;, Into doorSoulh of Perry Block, built •spresady for that purorse, where may he found large and well selected assortment of F URNITURE, mbrzeing all hinds of Cabloot 'Wars usnaily kopt in neh an establishment On 01. fl rat door may hf. soun d Bareaas Taigas, Erionsooo Wick Eaeloo.4 /Vomit Mass* Cowmen Wad Stoma's, La Maud,. Preads, Cottage am! Commatmlicolstesolo, w.rist.4.4 ey >liana fam u rod by 'M tors une torn of with lirtko of • 01 - I .2 5 A- IR S., • I /f every grade and prier to sent rustosnern. Th• second door is full uf F:A,TERN such as Solite, Tete-frietos, Large Rockers ! Gentlemen's Easy Chairs, and alt kiwis of Cu.htolo,l Chun, Marble Top Centre and card Tables, W hat \ on. and ',lulu tette :stand• The third floor contains materials and s large number of workmen, competent 10 Diann (set ti re say Sr , tele in t he esbittel line herbs best style and shortest ware. The public., particularly the It...lies, are respectfully in cited to call and countess furniture sod pekes, as 1 am Not to be o adlersold by any establishment in the UV or else* hers. All kinds of lumber and prlsluis taken in ex • change for furniture. J H 4, Ede!, March 19, 1N59.-41 Nolo Proprietor. N: B.—Jest neehred a large steak of Minima cashew . idig all q aallUes sod pri,44.., I IIILUIIY it MSS GINS. joirtitraw Goods, Shak Ors, Children's Huts, Bloomers, Stow Aloo Flavors, Ribbons, Cap, Hord Iltressies, filorsetts,lieoptlkirts story, Glorea—Cheollies, laatedals for gigibmi&ry, to gether with =ay ether articles, for Ladies and Children. A tali Int pply of SILX. CRAPE 411 , 11 TR/AIMED STRAW DOMBILTS aoristantir on hand. Ey- STRAIT Nob' Nwrs sad CHILDRI \ Blesehod iond Peered in the best manner. N. R.-111Wasni supplt...l at iirtioleral. with 4 , 1 ,•04.1a in their limb tow as can he bonghl elsewhere for cash trierapvti %ISE& MRS. N. t ' Freak Arrival oi l New Goods. JUST RECEIVED and selling ('H EA P for CASK or short cr+St. at 4011 N BA NTATIrrEz. A mit 7, MO. No. 3, Wright', Mork $ ,nice — ii 4 . ). CA ftHTAi44: IF - t " eibridreg go" 'l4i JOHSI BANYABIrS, :O. 3,, W Bleek s when ) op wilt end lota Mlle= IA prima is salt yoa. d ay S. B $ 1 70 to $8 00 each: also, .), tine ~.4 , ,,r t —..., Ilesiits end fine Candle* A pri I 4 • , GZASS.-A One assoittnent of the best broads sad able for sale wiry dose at BALDW IN'S DRUG STORY., 38 No. S, Reed /louse. Caw LADIES FANS, PA RISFA NS Combs, Baskets, Bair Pins, Brindles, of an endless variety at tin 96 peRAGoN nut Lin G. TABLE CUTLERY, Pocket Kniee. of all stylas said qualities, at lose priors, by Oct. 26;66-21 J. V. sittriEyi. PURE BRANDI received /trough the Custom House at Frit, and fn. lads April 30. CAlrrnt RWI. 5 000 LBS., WI! E LEA 1).-- tlf a the followinK brand,. New York, Atlantic, eryetal Palace, Nitakcara, Spring *Uri, 24tt k 11110. 500 BOXES WI N DOW ( L A SS--Cutn ;Asia/ in weerment of veer fifty atzea, • snot. brawler, French, Itzglish and Amerman, fur rale low ler 24t1 CARTICIt dRI, ThiSeason for Painting HAS ARRIVED, and to meet the de- Inatids usually 'nude upon us in this war, we have supplied ourselves with a large and rornpleto sugeortnrott of everything required in the line of either out or in door Painting .: We have WHITE LEAD, of different brands and different prime, and .Ittlerfnt q ual Mies, pore erns, and some a LITLLX liar! , aim. SNOW WHITE ZINc, PIHiCELAIN ICH ITE. unkl BOSTI►N PARLOR VISISII Green brigkitand deep; French and A tinn Lean, •uitaMe for Blind mad lattice Painting. Freneh or 'Hire, A wnstiart Red, Boded asid Haw Linowed Oil, Turpniolne, Va rn om, Glair, Putty, ks., ks, .t fair price,. and on rowayinable tenni, Lad every article watTunted to be equal to our rot. remintations. Tlinor Int•oding to Vidal a ill not to th« loom by callin g at tile new white Drug and Paint Store u( Erie, April ~ 1460. CARTNIt m ilitii, - . FaINEJEWELRY.--licaticiful LAVA. ra Col, Carbuncle, Cameo, and Pearl Seto of Snow tt, Mar Pendauta, Itranelema, Cuff Cutbino, t. tilde, ,i, New designs, oplemlid GOOIIII Jewelry of every doeicripflon to ord., and all ktml• of repairing done by Ow bor.! a ”.,r l / 4 m..,, ~n rho, t iintin• M. T 13" Aneriti..l . .mrnn Vt•tli.ting. THE ONE PRICE STOW , 500() bow I. White Sugar, bOCI Mon, )000 " Hyena and Oolong T..... 1/4 6 lb. eadien Tenn. Eroo 11... Gold Medal ...Salerstus. tOo " Babbitt's Beet saleral °my, 11111 " Pure Cream of Tartar, a. o " Soda, /,110 " Superior Purl Star r h. S lb. Wales ill Tar Mau Stan^b LOOO lbs. Ashton's Diary Rich, 100 bbls. CotllllooO 144111 t, 60 g ballot White F. an. 1 111 of Ivor /lewda oßoally found to a Grocery. Now is the Time to Buy ! There Gouda tire not Old and tin r Ann i. to oat beton" they get old, and In plain 1..0,h and will bays tawny to buy more, to Inouye Our prices Will aliens be Nun.' MI lie u ese ra i ne - Call and ere. N B —Product always wanted in exelleuge and Cash+ Erin along yonrPrainein to the ONE PRICK ETOEE, above the Posit Wan., Erie. PA july7-4. k J. MINNIi: R. 11. HENRY. 1, 11. 1161 llt I). R. H. HENRY 8s CO., atradart twin, ellll DrlLler• ho BOO r yS ANT) SHOES, lIF EVERY I)l.7.Sl'it I i'lluS PRICES GREATLY REDUCED! WE are nr,%v opening tile I,nrgeAt l and 02011 i Aogortment or Vaahlousialo Boob, •• rat. for Om. the .toe ./ualtt ol y .vor Irrforip b•Poo ~014. Woluvito tho mitten ty,,o of lb. Public to oar eboboo sid mel.ottl Rork Lentil far whloh we &r doteratitiod to -ell for READY-PAY ! At • V•l7 N 114.1 114•1611eP. PA ItT1( 1:1,1 le .1 TTE N 'NON GI ITN TO r I sTO.II WORK! All our Work rot warrtuted and perfoet tits gwantorml. First door West of Bank of Commorm, fronting the Park. Kriu., juneao-4. R. H. HENRY k Co. Goods from Auction! 1 CASE, 1,000 yam's, Sheep's Gray. Cadet. and Steel %flied. Plait sad Plaid Biglnett. from mom We for 311 sad 60 tents rot rird, real rain Wk. its May b. VINCENT, TIBBALS. SHIRK h Zvi. Linseed Oil ! 1 0 BARRELS of 16w and Boiled Lin, for sale to quantities to mull perchaarri miles- bl. T. S. SINCLAIR. .• :, ll :1. • • a tir e = ..-.0. ,t ' • AN ex , • -need Nem mild Female Illyslutan i , ti to the attention of mothers bee r : ING inratry, , ctimmers which vastly the peelllllll , 110 i. by molt ening Ilmrsma, ming ail I allay an ie , l end . action, and Mame to Moises limmil, *pen ft, others, it will . mid to yeenatess. me - rreitsl sad 1341 th to your ts. We have pat op and fold this arta• . de far over tam 7gre. it...oakum...a La:A:what la have never Wen side to My of any clun ether aididne— Newer aiwnitii a led ' in a emir:. ew steam, hi a cora, when Woo ly used. ever a ~,. ,„ 45.4 .. .. did we Immo in Instants of direst- "u"b " a " Ili isfaction by any one oho used it.- all are delighted with it. opera. bows, and speak in terms of onannendation of its magical elide mrd medical virtues We speak In this matter 'what w• know, ' " *net ten yeare a t or and pledge our reputation for tbefniSibmist of what we igen, deem's.. In ailment every instance where the initial is endertag from pain and exhaustion, relief will be found In fifteen or twenty minutes after the imp is administered. This valuable preparation ie the piesmiption of one of the most ea pet lroc.l and skillful Nunes lo New England, and has been mud with never-teilingselyeassin thousands Omsk. It not only relieves the children from pain, but invigondes the otousach end - bowels, corrects acidity. and glees tone and energy to the whole system. It will al. mod instantly rots. •P GRIPING IS TiIIWIWI, AID Waco 1. COLN . sed overcomes eouvulsions, wil l _ if not epeedily rerninAriL rod is -- tent. We be- Isnen at the beet For and surest reme dy In the world to all mem of Dysentery an di CHILDREN Diarrhoea iu chit then, whethertt I T eet h - aristufrom teeth log or anyoth or " eases. We would who has • child e nn a t z ri n t K o in er an y ;—____ of the foregoleg complaints— to not let your prlptdtrest n o r the prejudicee of others, stand be tween your sullewlue child and the Misr that will be sure. ye*. aleolu tidy sure—to follnw this trseilleine, tr tin.• ly well. Full direct..3o for using will acipumprine eaela L. 1 tie EOM' rbainG unleer, the foe-04one OIA Htlri h PEIUUNS, New York, is on the snail. wrapper lar •iolit by lirnevsta throughout be world O I's Inelpal nfre, No. 13 ti l'edar 1.. New 1 rk• ucti 1•ItICE ONLY 23 ciorrs l'E PIOTI.I. ly 17 EAGLE FOUNDRY. ijf:A(.ll street, above the. Buffalo Road, j: Erie. Aetomon k Itrtay would relapertfullv esti tor Atten t io n of the public to tho4r Istriro and entrkpletio &smart taro. of PARLuit, lA. lit. F. AND CtioK izTlit Corapriafair , ii•mr• of Ow twirl usairul arid iluratile !mile white gaunt fall iuKir« to these who than We warrant all ..ur and' •latiu satiaractiou tw nut fully eaprimiwil soil Uri-patty dor.* n.,t recrige slur tor hue money We will make It all right. Oar plasua ••Maud " and prove crttlitatale as mantlfar lure*. Kettles, Sleigh %hoes, tad Irons and 4i, um.. tit r nv. on band r LlOALltallGiVred t.. order •an Pww•Poi.vra of •operior make and darn lot] tty alway• no hand. A rail and a fur trial 01 nor art, , all we ask and as a.II 'warranter Erie, ir ':1,18.5t1 ACEIES‘Iii k Great Seneca Oil Prospects. FA It M AN II V I LLAG E l'ItGrEliTY H ilt S.‘ LE. HEsl' ItSi TIBER Ni )\‘' i IF r ERS F'1)11 SALE, lOU LOTS, in UN IQ," t. ILLAiiii, Erie Co . Pa. dt an, nor Ca-u. of no mere., .M of 30 arre4, sod another Ti of 110 term all imitable for taints Of sauna ; two ei. erlient Water rfifilogom . in acre. of 1 . 1•174 1.,, .111.0 rrOln rilinn Thu/ is at present the hest ItiLYILICA OIL Propert7 in Era Po., one Weil baring beet. souk b) feet on tI,Ls Land, and is atill progressing width great sae is, large quantities of ell hewing foreeil awl! rf er the lop of the Well. Unloo is the roost tionnableg village in Erie county, the Sunbury soil Erie Hatlr.ed peering dueetly through It, making It the brat point out oh gni, of much Importance. The Atlantic k Great Western Railroad now In progress, passing through it ohio. i , ally-tbree peinia nett( nu g • have been wade In I. tilon the past. % . sr, the good health of our inhabitants, the inrosisrrity i.i eur farmers and tradesmen, all combine to mkt. Union TOO f6AIOI to liarrit tour surplus capital. COME AND 411.3 e, IT. I' it 'TiItiVAIIAN Union Mills. Frt. Y 5, 10160.-fanali MRS. M. CLRTIS. rereicirg I!ZEIM MILLINERY tfi. i%toloNeihi.‘7llit MEI)ICAL _ADVICE A S D Panty Goods, Fm►neicle every ratie ty nt 11;RNOMEM nrspik p%).. die..vEß ALbiesiLlTl, t k. I Lae 4.‘1) Series/a, CU (lbws DI/sip/las, Great lops. t, of 'oh itaeast, Paapiar, Put.'" detkw ,r, lattrwatt OUT!!, 12WPIRMITIF.:S 01 , ' YOUTH, 01.11 Agri; ET, TA A M I) s & (,) N, Corner Ajof Maio sod Qlsay •tee•t, RC fire N , as. tia• ouly Phyetetane in the tttots wbn are MOMINPIIII 4,1 tlo• College of Someone, London N e t be nom...dint from !I o'elreek in the mornin g eootzi 9 NC ,„ oit ht, e y.ry Alige tat ey mptiui of dioniew‘ Th• tmatotetit /Joy adopt I. the moult of opened' of thirty ) , LIT OW tank. &char in Romp.. and Amerita. Ao Instrument for the core of Nocturnal Fluissoma, more property known as Seminal Wenkoaeo, etc. Can be permanently cured from 011... n days to two mouths by the use of this kudzu...4li, when mod ouoyolotly with medicine.. YOUNG MEN TAKE PANTICULAII NOTICE. DP AMOS k NON take Memory in emnoinocing that they hare iu rented a most important instrommit for the Core of the above dirwooteie It has been enhpeeted to a teat hr the moat eminent phi Memo, In London, Paris. Phila delphia and New York , at has been declared the only awful instrument ever invent/el for the cure of Seminal Weakness, or any dim*. mooed in the secret habt4 ..I youth. Price $lO by toad or re pi em. N. 13.—Dr. AMIIK A si.N in order to imlisfy the most iikeptiesl as t o the merits of this instrument, pledge *ANT% that in any inedanee re here ii may pr.e osimitisfeic tory, alter a fair trial, the money will hr reluolied hy to turtling the ihstrotewnt in agald order Penaio• in ant tiart.of the 'world toa, ha sitieeeatifolly treated I,v hirwartiintr a enrreet detail of their cue, attb a renilttaore for nie.fiefnes. etc Ackirtsx Dr. A Mt ):4 k SON, corner u r lam and Quay otok , finfT*l“. Y. I r april7--h 14. PARK HALL CLOTHING STORE. SOUTII E. TCuRNER 11:13I,IC St.ll ARK, ERIK, PA J1)11N (;ItA lIAM having just returned from thr Rata with a choirs and carefully orlgetrd titrica of Cloths, Casirowrrs and letting in great variety, would revretfully inform Lila friendo morally, and pa trams' part,ularly, that he la now better prepared than horatrif.rr to attend to their r ants and to aid them in emoting Into oblivion and forgetfultor their old imprrfm— lion.. Thar he propo•ro to do by bringing, or rather aemtiog them forth under brighter auspicrs under the at glom of his new Clutha, Caalmoroit, kg. He has alto, and IP Conotantly making up, a Tory tine assortment of mady made clothunr. which be will feel sour's pl.•uurr in show tug to 11i...r ebb may favor him with tllcit patronage. lie make. to order, and keep. on band, all sty Im end ann. of bore clothing, which art• di.- po.od oft on the most reasonable forma. lin.' moats from fifty-cents udward, and all things else in litemanner proportionately lose. Hr solid■ s .ham of public ly e trona,„, and proms... a fair astrafactiost, as to pries.. Nod durability of artscle... Naval and Military work done to order, and warranted to gwe satisfaction "One of the most successful Fire Insurance Companies oethis or any other countr7."—Saperim , mhnt Inter. an, I)Tortm.nt, Slate of New lorA ..... . '6' I ` . • \ , s i t '°\, :::. l ' - • , V.. /.. Ile 4 Is t , x 0 F AVIV t'l ,_ _ _. :: .:. , • CASH CAPITAL, - $1,500,000 SURPLUS OVEP., - 600,000 APP Iit:ATV/NS Solicited, 1114 Policies waned on as (arca-able tennr an any company of reaponothstaty, and all losa...mnaediately adjuated and pall by the onderliztnNl, the duly authored went. A p Ya-47 J. b InYWNINti. Tin Wdre for EVerybody! Pitt N. MU ILPIIV'B ( 4,1 :ind Establkhed land, l'ark Ron, between Brown's Hotel and the head Iloina. lis. a..ortrneut e. rupri.e. ell' attic!. ILI the Tin. Sheet Iron and Copper line---Brittannta and Ja panned ware, Stoves, he. The celebrated Stewart Cooking Stove ! the greatest and beet In the acrid I. etippliod at rnabana ble pries". This alnee for emus! utility and beauty id tnsah is jeatly railed "Eseelid..r •• 11. ...keepers are earueally invited to eximino it In • •• I hero general assortment of Cook and .rfo, of the heat patterns and enanatietury, rump. •iiir assert. mint as ears be found In the city. I has. agency for the sale of the eelebsated BRECKINRIDGE COAL. OIL 4 LAMPS' the cheapest, beat and most safe light of the ago ---the honaskeepre. friend, and best euhatitote fur gas In eaLet eltre. llyou want earthing In 10 • lane fr.. me • esti r an as to quality And prim. - Erfr, Hay 6, 1600. N. Wt'RPRY. SASH, DOORS & BLINDS. T HE subscriber having leased the Shop lately assuple4 by CROOK k Co, would re spectfully ldrorm the public that he will militias to rnan• 'dictum !IASI!. DOORS, BLINDS. STICKING MOULDINGS. ate.. of the best mil mod in a style of waramaa.b., that cannot be_stsetteil la this city. SURFACE PLANING- Rn d scR4 ,LL SAWINti pr“ntptly 'Mewled tit and *seeming In • importer man- Der. II work warranted, an 4 primal RP abosp as tb. chratopp.t. Repairing and moan jai promptly attended to Stint as nsch PA,' law doors nortb or Baptimt Church, Ette, Dee, 11, 1116*-211t1 JAM P, CROOK NEW TREATMENT. --AT MS-- In: YIP LO ?HIV IT6 MOW/ TAI a.. .lALiuxl444.l for lb* our. or NO NIVICCURY 1`.4K0. A fIOST KXTur iNvgliTios Col Ant INVAUDS I'HE RIO lIT PLACE 1 . 11 (;El' 11 D 4. T: F. FRANK, eaoa 'KY s rr , WITH the expenditure of mash istryr has finally succeeded in brines& that tawatmersa for diseased eyes, eo murk roc osamindedig writers on Qpiithainale ....lieu... • hien eon - slate in the application of chemical fume. awl wepolo, to nrnahalheasing in hie proknelon ' oepilW have gnarly neglected this only rational tresdatent for want of proper scientific aptratuarte, and with the rise of Owl, patients eyes, imistltuted the mil. gar practice of introducing the crude drug directly to the yea: either In the form of solid caustic, or irritating gave* or washes. The conseyuctice is that more rim are deetro_yed by the use of medicine than by disease DT.Fraok has overcome this obstacle by the levenUou Of Ma Ophthalmic Volatilising apparatus, and bee fur a, few year. peat proved by the great number under his' we, that his treatment le unparalleled. The patient under It enjoys the full benerdt antleipated from the medicine. without being abject to the distress produced by Inneignsithetances used im vehicles for drugs, or the impure ingredient generally combined with them. Fan and inflammation is atones subdued, even in 'ago of long standing, Ind not an instance is known where opacity of OA pupil was pmduard by lir Prank's knoll ment ; on the contrary, is speedily removed if already in progress. Oranulatium of the lids disappear after a short treatment of this kind, without the ume of innel'aust.e— list tog the eye in a perfectly normal condition, not at all producing that croak weakness which an Irritating treat isieut Is a ways followed ty Weak e, e. of Lad people ovine strength, and ro e ., o f Collbruool 'mourns s ale eared by titers applicant.. several ca. , . of that do•oription being under Ile F rank's treatment now, are rapidly recovering In operetionsl for cataract and deformities of the eyes, this treatment promises success, In Oloneetioruee of pre. venting undue inflammation. Patient. from a distance will dud this treatment conve nient ; they can use the apparatus and meurinert at home, avoiding conolderilkble Si peon. rarticuler hafonuation will be given upon retivered by letter's:winding two letter stamps. or on milling up..o Ire. Frank at bin RVldlirt,.., Letsieeii tb• hour. r a k If , and 3 P. W. Maul., American Rotel, march3l —l, 43 Poems 4 tel f, Ladies' Furnishing Store. WE would r.•-pectlully cull your atteas -11"n (.. c belese-twu ..f r.,nstatm, in [Aft nt Bonnets, Flowers, and MILLINERY GOODS ! W MPLE-s .41. E. AND RLT.III Alm% Ulovew, Honiery, Head Drosses, Para sole, Ets}broldertee, Vesta Chou:* Habbeus, Ruches, Blonds, Cape, troop Awl a rasitly tornitsnr "Wore which on would bn plosion , '" tall *kW., r At ►nr dmr you may fai or um aMA • 1./Li I 0•11G00 , 11 at, ILI 1r F aDfi +l,ll kw mold chomp for CAM..i. MILLINER) I ALL IT: , IiRANCHEs Will Canted no un.10.1111, spr. lal W. ratli • wall vai ronvvolvlit A clawcr toeleetpm l4,l4 , 1,1 Hat •,nll.Ol. Or Li I 1n1331 eattautue Lee...og viy3e33. herr 113.1 1.• •.. .1. , 111V fVS I.• , th loose old ~,,, oey. E . 11, bjld I 'l'll, zuarele.:4 d 9 Enat :-Ide of th' htrk, I renal pl, 11()Vt . Ait I -ISN N'l ATI( IN, Pill LA DELPHI %. A Brairndoleal /” estahlukedl, 'renal kitiforment )er tie rats/ . ty the ..Sia and Diaireacid, afflicted orsa rsel Epidesiu /Xmases, sad rape riallv J.•e lA. Core of Lnareues ae Serval r letani MbIIICAI. Al , ‘ 112 F. wen trutut, br I 11.• Ar flu, Sur who apply 1i biter, • ,I.....criptton tbrzr couttitit.l4, 4,l ,UPatinn. hnl,t. •Of in MN. pot rl t), 11,1Lcitleet rtirno I rye 41 ". • VALL'ABI,h P.k.11l PRI:. ..n :•lperturtorrhu.a, mot other lileasaes 61 thr Sexual (Deena, and on the NEW RRiIR DIES employed in the Darienrtary, .ent to the aißietet.l In reeled letter VllWeltp•l4 free ehtrge Two or three Stamp. tot voetage will be are...o4We Address, DR. J SKII.I IN 1101 t;IITttN, tettu: Sur geon, Ilunnril, No. 11 :south Ninth street, Philadelphoa Pa Hy order n( the Mr...tore ttIKO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary F.IIIA II 11F.ARTWF1.1. Py-tydeut tunrcinll 13 This Way, Gentlemen ! I\73EVC7 Hlt WINTER CLOTHING GENSHEIMER'S I Corner of State and Seventh sta., Erie READY MADE CLOTHING, Stilted to the !et< l'oontsitink el Dress, Frock and Back Coats n( every sly lo ao.i !me.. t .sa • ..1 ail CraTatsa, r‘birta Under-Shirts. Itra•ora, I tantlkorrh wta, Collatn. lloofaer, of thlremot you.te-• an ah , rt, Lr trepa rye," article tarlatan: 1.4.. pt in a Clothing I. •tablo&lAmont Hint Inthing it nratinfartnr,d hon•tlf. lint a ~ranted .guar to any in tiro rtty Poranna yrtahlre art. It a an 1.11 , atra. sail ay atoll to ,all and •,•aaalt, nt.a taa ante aant to• tw Unatersalal 1,, •ta . • • 1 •••-aa 1.41..- - Clothing mad.. to order ..:1 , rr bowl brrter the pir.• I •••0.,, COI net of Stilt rt..' 14 qr. rip -•p*. --/SO9 )1.111.4 NEW FIRM ! Notice of Co-Partnership 2. El I. F. \V I.llll', 11:1- ~Kstwiskt..:.l lIAV I I X_S ituALLA'STEK itio hi.. It. th. Ihnnfartur. wending ist9TOl4lC W4/.ls: n, thrbettY Th., yrs. issibtly !sect the Isussorst.... under 11, name 111.1 fir m• WF33O R 111 AIi—ASTER, sts,•l t,. r sit rind rtssrolvn 111reral pattutsns,.. rh.1.•11.•. a ,ll Isr , s•rnrwrsitosl on lazgrer.acal. than 13.r.thh,r., a Oh a rwa to mpplsing th incr....41 demand ? tuarchl7-41 1.4\ 11l IN'ALIASTVR. YL.MAT-CNT-ifL3L.•. 7. C. BURGESS & TlifirkacalimoseLle, f3rircicoa-as. AFTER A PRI I. Fl may ho f o und a No. 7. IiONNY.I.II. KLOCK, r4isair *meet foroter/y ofessyntd by Irr✓v h tarn ar Thin awn,. uf husatiun alfuru. ~.rt. mom aml better lacilltlea fur 11 , (Irll,-..ri.... F lut.r and Proeisiou. r.1!1 tl 3,1 tirlit, L. at tlu. luwe•ot Market prices 131( .. 1 . 1‘1{ FIZ.k N1(11 - 1.1)1NiiS. Ruh thala ant 11..1114,1v, 'rood aaan rtmeot, near opening at the NV E•T PARK .11. WIKI.AV STORK, 26 tf PARA(ION "OLD t'ut" N 1)1{1 - STILL AHEAD!! HARR Az JOHNPYILIM are prepar ed to furnish at W and Plum• .if the best are, wont approved patterns, and invite the attention Farmer" and ethers to their :tort on hand criardatitio:o IaeRWORTH, J I IN( Vi 01,V F:RINP, buTcH RR, Etfl, MOUNTAIN NINA: BIEN together in Oh Cu Iti rotors, t orn I'lantrn and other article, neeeaeary to I, seen to t, properly appreciate.l Drin't turret, Old I. outotrv, ' W Corner State and Eleventh Strerta, I. April 2. IP , SAJ BARR k JOHNSON A SPRIN(;, 154;4). 31111 p TAZ 14:3 inB. 31212'3rearit'es s To(' h. Gents.' Dress and Soft Hats. " Walking & Traveling Caps Boys' Caps and Soft Hats. hildren's Fancy Hats & Caps, },Ngt-I,ITELy TR] InfEi, Au en.11••••A, lien. 11., • I. I (I .1 Irvn ATH,AW ni I .; 11uKN II Ur, A ST.Z ' 1.1 ItNL-:11! SILK ...11w1:1 (; ENT, • 1111,11. .\LI. Ki\hs A brantkful 111 T --Cl\ IC., 51.1C011.1, Eli 1: I•TREED XX C:10 t 7 MI! WP4l' 01 , ' FRONT riTIIASC}, L • Large k .4 lint., ('apn 4..1 Straw 1;,..5. f`i It 1,111 flats at IV Frt., May n lac VAN't 1(.1. Ifoopo S)'V ELS. and Tongs Stir I-, Bro‘%er kostaank for .ale J I hEN SEWING MACHINES! Reif ASERS will please ob , errv,. tlcit the Aubweriher au appoittl4Bl A O -no rut i io it h H BAKIKk and the SINGER'S ilachlorA, TI IF. 11 RA'T I N 7'll A' • Still ronttuues to Erie, eppopite %Ming e State etrtet, ImA We1t...111 periouk deptring or puretow thee. well kuowu and raubl.. BLutik or Illaouttrturing Mitchinvp, lo I RII F n•ry Marbles Warran4d Ind full tuvtruetlon. given freeof tlarirr Siag•r • re811..e.1 to }lO N ork.;oue ~rd,a t lowest Cant freer', tS!.. V. paly'..B4 $ WOOL ! WOOL ! ! 800,000 u,. - vim winch we will pa} Ca It :it Nor.. tieing ftgrotro tor Eastern 1ta1.." tart,. oustAto us to %11 market prioro. TNC'gliT, MBA'S. SHIRK At Etta, May 12, TU. state, betsrelro 11th 6 121.1 J sir Three Weeks from Clanton. - II) HALF NISTS, 6,111 lb". 1.• it H VOt:NCI 111%.44 ON TEA, (theme wideke from canto., at 60 ment• per pound, reel ralor 76 emote, •t VINCENT,TIBBAIt,PRINK It CI may/7-60 tto State, between 11th and Jeth sta. J3R. LA CROIX'S I . µIVATEIf.DWAI. Tiff:ATM. W.. TAIL ' pll J'S/ 0 /.(fijii . L I . lEl l l' OF MAII/1'1.11,1% 250 l'Al ;ES AN 1::11 ENG liA lit , , pr.. • r•I3 ?WIMP, PITS 0110fTil pc...AN!, to all part...) 11,. 1 ut. on th. 'oath awl maturity, 111,11 . 1. MID it :la. /0 1/141 Of ant, aeara of all afr., Sudsy drha, pnaM 4 or .ptnta palpttallaa for bosirt,, folIoluotar) t MAKi, 1 Iturtifsg., lodlirestiou and la.altwu rah of 1,47i1f,. , ,„ s•s•a • it••••h•g •••••4 Also. • o•a•ge • room.. Alarmed Lmfu, /lre. It to a truthful sari., W ills arid Th , toot.mplating Marriage. at,. .1,. 0 0. of Q 11147 "guided cou4“.. .h„are wue~ to hsturdad Um health, bap" M 5.4111141 pi I tlott. t. • to 11,10/ t- , wry humus. tied. ia , UNG WEN ••• trot.Lic.l with ally taunkeal by a taw habit In you 412‘1b. Kleet• • , Lee draameva, Non., forrotholswie,7l.thothno rl. t 4 , the 111.11 ZIP, ••••k takck • enutunp.o 101 l • anclikuly, way Iw eh"-, I,: the:battier, I. Kw LONDON TIEKATNKN I. W. bay*, for the greater part pa•t 1 elLu, lour r time in VNITINik ha/MAN H./bil'eti: availing onelhelle• of the knovri.4k. sad trwellrri es . the moat akilta.: .ad Surreou• is I or, ne the 4 ontkovut. 414.41. Our MR .1)1 now bare the full hetkett IlLal/1 \ 111 AND ILIVICACIOL Li Ile to Introdue• Into our prattle., and th e pot, usaar..l of the .one real, aaautnity..rLi,Y.LLl u „ n h...ka,,lptict to their canes. w 1 eh t as v. distawratai...4l heretoh•re, a.. I•.. , • LIAR spar treat of ••• tareuhressyuers Yleisen Caeu Ls - , • . b , the .iyhu.ey . htch bee been b • and nevi! , I. effect •.l..(4111 1 1 / 1 1.1 will use ...or but Ur al PULL The only jfeheaU ton ', • , 111141stis amt. 61 4,4 t•kr. them ".• • `.•••• Ivry. they ate In c• rte. ,Ithelv.h. • I which will be !now ri th e ,er.pp.,, a, arena , 1.01,1 though altrar war , 10 , attn. art they Prte• Dot 1 hes. an tor tr• • • .„ TI , ho , viaer wilt, regard to auk of those int, n•• .• to which Ingo , delicate organ] rnti,, n re are particularly itiviteol to ronatilt ui Tug .F.LRITRo4/At.r•ifir PtOTWTI‘ i I t ,o, Wile* show titialtb will not or aho t t , airs t,r ILICreII.ISO tb, It family, may It a perfectly •afx, suit has been the !mat right )earn Price reduced t.. Slu rir A day, frl•m h io IL. morn s. /OA 411 , 10 u SundA) II from 2 till 3 r x 110.1witica alth Yuri Alrrrtlnr. •ant t.. %In 14, , • Mtatrit nr l'anadap, by pattrr.t• thrlr rr mpt.•mr 1,) ortter Hu AMP./ rorrrsprme...t ~ Iy rapolidbrultal ral" l rr I. ( lo still located u rotal, the nun.• DR 1.% •st X', 31 Id, ban \ AN .1(1' Ole ro viva Of a lied feat Look n( pager., o. •pe • a terries, for qrW refues crrrio/fa•ost, by a SCri..ll A • 10..3 • IT. t co tad of narrow debility, lab,: • prevaion of *null., .trovrainelul, fatal In the I int • ttninttly., , ttatinena,, daunt...n of atirkit. pimp, •, Incnutry, &c , reault.tmg front early errors, by ftillon ' intnructittrin girrn in tlibit bitt.n, downier* it hi. dolt ratit od• to the amain, an•l for U.* Gown s !Orr .Nerroaa .uflene”, to publiab the meals* we • H. wII IL...derma, ',ono free In any aablre.., on (Li . of IWu rftaintA, a tope of the work CO{lllllllr.g matinn rtiiititi ed. At.lilten. P , , Vc&l4-- It 3Vii - - 6 B AN 4 - P " ill'M 1.1.•• ' larn sire ..d W:r.r+.j 'tb. oth. V. herr and 1 gn without ..I.4ay, And t.rng a 1 , .4.1 hour. on a drat' %quoit Tea la wanted, !meta nod rare. Atoi Sugar to 14.11” Ci nab care, Your alwa.r .u r. to Clod them wirers. R • h.• hits Ind, of •-• Buttor And nther kiOM of whnl►ugma fond, licntith..lntnn nth," underotond Who irowtAlth a orniltioc 11$1.I1 An .1 010% r you all that. to b. •••••r, not op an. urine!, Me. tn.! clean Rho keep. tile. orseistai "r1.4.:.51-Cr v‘t thaCti wade toen*Cla For a II Ich •0 maul Inue at... 1 PIIOI R ' h.•a L u 1.0.0 h ...1;y m 7,1 IRtr To watt tto all - rm.!' sot! froat. At th. atrwetta lttlt ao.l `tat. H B A ! ov ato to. March VC. later to, NEW YORK & ERIE R. R . aim NIP! ci RS, ( ' qor M EN( I • Trait, .d 1 Inarr. I ..1.1 , 14 wt, "oil ti, Eastward Bound- Depart 1.11; t :41.10 , 4rr , ...."...4a , • t• EA, l'illeihnati EN I• rsg Vo.kt French, Frprr-• hap r Nicht }•„•, •• t,t rt, loy 11. N.ATII I Dui • irl ‘itrAl A. I • -.I if New Millinery. 1..\ A ~i.t MEM Millinery GOODS oi s ri • TRI'1"1 ".T.t1H.... H 1,. r. tl I . 1.,1111 • .10 and vial III.• ~ 11.•41 • XI/.1 pricer, Krle, April 21, DORI. CASH DRY GOODS HOUSE ! Wholesale and Retail ! ! I( E."; •it %%Inch 1313:81 (;OI,I) f)()1,1„-tHS At Ninety Cents ! CARPET ING OIL CLOTHS, Bzci No. 5, Exchange Row. Trill I l'i Spring and Summer Goods ! Nt .1 I "ST ILLS removed h , kt. 1 Ready Stmt. Clothtn g Store, N State -tit,' V. he., boa rerelllgh4 o,•W and •uperioi •PRINt.. AM) .31311. R 4001, , h• w hi, 1.1., i...: oink.. up t. , •• Upull•t. •u‘l warrant to give 1U1t14.41i4.11 11/11 I:I ',Lt of itltrthing in his line nttii , riv .1. al with... thitettalted not t any en...lp 1../. 1 / 6 A *tilivr• ...01..factni.n k • ••..ukntiv nn '.1.1).1 A coo.' a... M e -mint or READY MADE CLOTHING ' or Hum,- mftho• and vt r rnn be I to 1.0. I. • money refon.iod porrhao.logr r r sit or. 111• ILA Ito • ragtram.• nii Pr.,, rulthrd t rit agitt 7 / 7 Nr, so•t iruntot. optlll4 U New Opening—New Goods II 1' B li A It 11 rospectfulk Ltiforru hi, trot, an•l the public ip•nmrally that be tuts common! Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron BUSillecs In All tl No I, BEEPS State Strr..t.utpumbr ri,cht',. Nock, c•n LA. 1.1 , supply of any and everythin, r with Isroe I Iv, ~ I 1 , 1 13/ - 111.1 Illitol 11..11 COOK/N6& PARLOR STOVES Flirni.11111): I..tbt it., ..:1•1 I:. I.r. • all ►,n•l.•tt..n•u i• I , I. And II ••r , hiv Rooting. trlitlrt. Amd L II •I !... *ant "f autft,u., 111. ,All. au I Rill 411\11.0 11 , I I. I* I ttt otr yaaltly 41,11, ()SF a^e, 1•01 , rtrkl., rm. r 1:1...kt0. 1. , :or. . 'nom , . la• • 1 • .0 1. • per Mt ()NY- rve r., Y. Iran. ! " 11,t, I enttnna.l.-• and uu, nn r I'r men anal I.nv ip I 12E11 ( ) , ;F: sok. I)entato (r,u W to 1:f. •rdn. Ftripeqt .birttert, t , ter - 1 clip %;1'.1181141- 4 , 7 , 111111: -411 k, )N 11. i•, 406 ota Fin. I kght lir“lrn hreti ( (Joe tutle , 710 r•lo , Hoary_ :•heetiug., lets , bale +to I.:vtra Heal r Sh,tie4, ct. Ma. S. 1 INcYNT, TIHIi ...IMO, A Thirteen per cent Saved TilEcilkl -01.1 I.v ..r, 1 , 1111i4 14 ti Mune. lo,.! 1611: 11..11 01,t ui in, ket tlarre • .14..• /Tit, ONI Y oVE . DUI A f:%1.1..S okpl'2l .11k I • I:11 It A /IA RDEN I.h Shnula, Potts, ke., at 4o .1 C CAI lr =II MINT IMPiiNAPNg -N d o 0 ;„ DIEM lUMEMENIIIIIIIIIII =II =MEM EMI llkeN are otlered. ai ME WM. BELL REMOVSD ! \ rsiANT, I -lIIR6 t.•• 11%. 1. N . 1%1110:11. 4 . 'llll{K ET