The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, September 08, 1860, Image 2
ESE) THE OBSERVER. B. N. 61.A.M.N. Ectstur. Tza XS: I/ 60 PAR XMAS 111 A.DV •DIC 16 SATURDAY, *E'T..ti, Ibtk DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION , KG,R GOVERNOR, HENRY D. FOSTER, OP WESTMORELAND Co PRESIMINTIAL ELECTORS ICLECToIicA AT t at:lt RICHARD VAVX IMATR I, T CLIVToIt.4 1 FILICI , A STIR Rit, 14 IA tit( IlLeKnom C '2. WM 1' PATTERII4II. 1 - ) (Ira 1, JAK.t.t. 1 Jo+LPII eIIOCKETT. lei .1 A int, 4 J (1 Blimce:m, 17 J B )visrm. 5 G A JACOBI', 18 .1 •It es4wroat., O (:11A11.LIM EtI.LX Y . 19 11 N Icy. 7 IP I" 3Ateirs, :.%) .1 13 /lon na.i., s 1.1 , ,1 ii. SCHALL, ...P Isi P. FITTRIAMAS, 9 ..1 L Licialtulte, '22 8A)11( xi MAitmiltlLL I() s : 4 BARBIE. 23 WILLIAM 804,11, 11 T 11 A, 21 B. I.) 11• mos, l' S $ Wiwi. , ..'0) (in% Lunt, 1 . 111 BAH 1:1 JC, , E1.11 LAI BM:11, Democratic County Convention .1 he Denman-Bev of Erie County are ri.-- q ui•-teil ta meet at the a-nal plaeool l ing electivii- in the ,everal borough- anii t4aVii.iiip , on Saturday, Sept., 8, 1860, at 2 P. M. t .4 7 mid Hi,p,)int two tiPleg te- c ad' to meet in County t 'onvention as.tetnble Hi the elt‘ tit Erie on the Coll g Woine, . St•lot.. 12 at 2 P. M.. In e action at reittliott to 1101111114 ting it I 'ounty ttek et, t'atiulatt— fur CottgreA , awl Judge, rapt t.uolt 001,1. liu•oneA- 3.4 11111 y legitilllatel) ...onto I,OC it •• the I '.mvent tow. l'he I temocraey of the city of t•;rte %%11l meet at the Common and Select Council Room, to W'right' Block, at 7 o'clock P , the aunt> day, and elect two delegate, trom each ward, to attend the saute By order of the Corn mince, B. F. SiLil AN. Cti Llllllll Erie. Aug. Z, !mitt. Unfurling Their True Colors Notwithstanding the attempt made at Chicago to engraft a semblance of conserva tism upon the Republican creed, by them corporation of a resolution declaring. in substance, "that while the people of a Slave State may agitate the Subfevt or abolish slavery, any attempt on the part of others to interfere with them is a crime against the Union," we find, if we scan careful ly events as they transpire about us, that this resolution is a mere trick, calculated to mislead the conservative vote, and 'in veigle conservative men into the support of Lincoln. Look at the campaign docu ments advertised by the li-dnoie--I - telpet's Book, Sumner's speech, and others equal ly as radical, all proclaiming unyielding hostility to the 'peculiar institution" of the South, and urging a crusade against it wherever found, matt as well as terri tory. Listen to Republican orators, from the highest to the lowest, from Sumner to Coffey, and denunciation of slaVery and of slave holders is the theme with which they is discussed t, by them—no co l lier theme deemed worthy of their cloquehce. Is this conservatism ? is this the "feast" to which the men who supported Henry Clay, are invited when Lincoln is elected ! But, to drop general facts, and come down to par ticulars. Last Saturday evening a flag was presented to the "Wide Awakes," in this city, and the man selected to perform the ceremony and make the speech was—who ? A conservative I—a man who had learnt his political A. B. C. in the school of Clay, and Webster, and the political teachers of the old Whig party,—a party which car ried the flag and kept step to the music of the Union from Maine to Lee/isms? By no means! No such man was selected, al though there are hundreds in Erie county who now support Lincoln, having been se duced into his sectional party because they had,. no where else to go. No such politi cian, we repeat, was selected—on the con trary, the person chosen was the only man in the State who sympathised with John Brown's crusade in Virginia to the extent of inducing him to leave his business, his family, and his home, to make a pilgrimage of hundreds of miles to visit him iu his cell, and extend to him and his cause his countenance and sympathy. Is this the conservatism so boastingly proclaimed in the Chicago platform. They make lio war upon the institutions of the South in their platform, but wherever a radical and an ineenthary is found be is their chosen lead er their honored ‘pokastrian! Nor is the instance we have alluded tea solitary one, The other day the Republicans of Massa husetts nominated a candidate for poi ernor in the person of Mr. •liilin A. An drews, who is now stumping the State of Maine for Lincoln suit Hamlin. Mr. An drews presided at a .John Brown +vinvit meeting, held in Boston on the path t N. euther last, and 111 a speech mad,. ou Ili a occasion used the following language - "We are to-night in the presence 01 3 great and an awful sorrow, winch ha, tat len like a pall upon many families w borne tkearte, fail, whose affections are lacerate.!, and w hose hdpes are crushed no sympa thy for the it !wog and children of the mur dered men df Harper's Ferry )—all of hope left on earth deNt royeil by an event,i Judi under the Providence of 430,1, I pray will be overruled tor that good which wa.+ r,,,,- ~,iptateri as, iniendrdhe dehit !Inge,' ',nod, • • * I pause not to consider, beeit - use it i. wholly outside of tibe4luty or the thoitidit ut this assembly to-night, whether the en terprise of Sohn Brow n and his a.-i.eiat.-+ in Virginia, was wise or foolish, right or wrong, I only know that whether the en terprise itself was one or the other, HIOWN utusittor vi As HIGHT." "1 sympathize with the man. I s, tare thize with the idea, because 1 sympathi/e with and believe in the eternal light." Massachusetts Republicanism, in State contention assembled, has endorsed tlii'.e atrocious senuments:—it has openly 1.10- claimed that war. rapine and murder are true arguments against darn?, en the N'latr , , and sends its John Brown candidate for ttovernor to stump other States for Lib- coin and Hamlin. Erie county Repul.ll - endorses the same thing, in , wlecting as its orator the Tily man among them who tpecame a pilgrim to the cell of the "sal nt • " /What has Erie county conservatives —the men who voted fur Clay, and Taylor, and Scott, to say to this? Does our once con servative-neighbor, the Ga.:rue, any that "John Brown was right 7" Do the mer chants and business men, capitalists and property owners of Pennsylvania believe th4t ".John Brown binLelf was right," whet) be murdered unoffeuding citizen at night at II I vii\ t•N 1111111 M, • tli I ttII It ol in, o 11.1 ni..l i ..1 1 to tin in .. 1,1 IN II hi. It • ,:i I lin I 3 vat eign Mato pr.), Linn IL- -lljolooott to t ...Al l and rebellion " EN en t otegiven/if° Lt ectln and Hamlin lii l'ettn , *.Lilia .13.1nr...,•1,1,•nt 111.1311 enoouracement 01 Ili.. (;:trri-otti..ll dootriitt..--, of ti'. Nt1..,...3e1ni,,t1t4 soic,ol .0 lie' tol.lican t•in F.% el y tot eh 1.11 , it 1,14u.c , in such a etuse, it , t ittl..lllo of 'a ar and r.l pine : CoLatervaleifea all'Agiesaa)ft- Vatlifl, (1,/ toll I.IIV that •• .loltu Itrtta a him wt- right '•' Whigs. I ktruoc rat.. .1 aka icaff , , snen of tll partioN. what Fay VOL! :411111 1,1 , ,tlll` N I•Plit't in ,Ilell ttll kith' . ! •••• oFli 11 KF:111 for 1111 1),.11•,,.- A month ;ig,), the If arrisbita,:: I rar,t. almopt ever) Iwo-son \•a.l) to the election of Lin coln rho nt the Demoeratic par ty timnpot tidy pat •tl).:ed tine csiergio-, an d -lepre-- - ed the Lope' of the conservat t ti era of OR; cumin v Nit there lent been a great react The union turn etnenk throughout the e. , uittt) 11.110-1. COI lel iVed th it t h e 0:1% nou wears it fire front %lilt it di( in the and ,oftein Th.. Lti .1,1 to the a,stiralico that 1..i.t..1ti • /.. ••• , 1 .t. - I.lcn the Roptildiew , hay.. Int the I thhing 1 • 011t1 , 11'Llee lb. - ) telt. and Lcgnl t,. hoot. .It-Jecte4 1 .."-peet tit • 1 .11.• of the denunei the iiiliettle the irgiimeritg. the threat+, the N..•‘‘ iiie ovpouents of ltopialti ealti-rn in th tt -mite tiro about pertectinv L Ls...anion n hi, It w llf -,,iiredly sweep the State iu N..‘etuLei nest, if partie• 1.11) lath The Itepublican party IM in a L tear iii:ijority in only a fee of Ow Stated. and the only prospect of carrying enough elee total yot,•• t-. etc, is lit the diyis, toil of /11 livti lilt Chum W.:-, the proniwyt- ()I l.tltenlu tleclutt.: and it ...le , al.l...nring. rapidly. The ple set 1.1 111. 14.iltorrar) of Pennsylvania of ninon for the sake of the Unlon t. Mach lug other Nt:t1.4.,, the lolly of diviaion and the neeessitv of en operation to , att. the country from the terrible ennse quences that would tolloir the election of Lincoln The innet 11,,pettil are constrain ed to admit that Ule inauguration of Re publicanism at Washington in the person of one nt it' most extreme disciples,,wonld subject the Union to a fearful shook ; while many sagacious and thinking men unhesitatingly alllrm that it would pro duce immediate disruption, Couservitive I men of all parties see the danger, and are ready to forget for the time minor differ ence,' of opinion and unite against the foe to our domestic peace. This feeling has produced an ahnost ',effect union of the Democrats of Pennsylvania upon a com mon electoral ticket, and a thorough union upon the candi.late for Governor. The Election of Henry 1). Foster will seal the fate of Lincoln in Pennsylvania and secure the electoral rote against him.— Conservative voters of all partied appreci ate this truth, and intend to act upon it. The clouds are breaking away. nulninuT doers not like our calling it a " parasite of Forney's," and indulges in several very refined and gentle allusions to us personally therefor. It says the eliarge is not true. Now it is not generally necessary to prove a self-evi dent fact, and this is one. One of the defi nitions of parasite, according to Webster, is "a bird which seizes upon the nest of another bird for its habitation." Forney has made his "nest " outside the Demo cratic organisation, by proclaiming his hostility to the Reading electoral ticket, and the Senthiti has seized upon the same " nest," and is therefore to all -intents and purposes a rani.eite of the lerk of the House. The feet is proved. according to Webster—not David! or When the 6'./7,-th• says Curtins tragic orator, Coffey, did not "start out for Buchanan in 18(4," it ig nine,' MlS taken as though it had lot a part of its linen. I n 1:-56, Mr. Coffey come to Cincin ati as one of the otheets of the Keystone Club, huzzad. got drunk, and made a splurge generally for "I old Buck :"lietheri went home, and in due time. "came out" for Fremont, and the Republieatt papers made a grand pow w(sW over the con versiOn Oran officer of that famoti , club. to we only .4ate common reports-14d the events of we were personally cognt- LAM or a 1.101 of th,111! - Art. the Lrot horn sausti.4 I " bar' NVo hate further intortnittion front 6,41. Walker and 111. 1.1t1.( ol The , .1. . ‘)Ior, 1134 lit Nt.t 11t lr:m l u l tt.etsn, tvith.lifty to,ai out 6443 , 1, to the ;tut of alt 111.1 \VAlker. The lilltho4ter t , till At 1 •lorltljeng 111- :in tilt' k from tiu traiol.l een tin night nl tl.. lilt, vial' The iitil i l , it II t Wei , le ivinQ: in laro. nuts 1,0 , yr, lot Itt: v..: v rnnrh Irtiftit,nogi tL 1.14. t ,r 1 h froul Wall.. r .111 1 , )1,11} .1.11.11 i, .1 it. Xt.* . 1,. 111, co,in t.. Net% 1 oak p.wer. 11141 tia.• Palliate 01 \Vaticµ haul ha , h n. out. mail the Ikaripti..aalti the I. k 4 -horn f (ma the tiend ~t the inn roN3It. .t 111 , 411 I.lloe ilit• Lielltt Der II Ow :11- ti, le in our 1-su, of the till (hat ‘‘t , I ,Aterdod el., 11.111 of Litli, , lll, itaN wit, an enti-trua tion Itpott our tli tt That l.rt-a 15...M1.4f.. 4 , 1 I , OIIIZII ayii led by the people. we W.. nut prepar ed to -11 1.111 It 1101- not therefore that Lincoln a ill lie un th e , ou t rar y, 1 . % Are nail:Tiling daily ktoifig, to show the met imhle defeat of the Republican esiiilidste Ito liepla.llo:til Vitt!. Ili the North test. • tr.oliger in 1" . ..0G, Ittlzl.ll It to day f;,..iii•as then -bleeding," carry - ing wtill it the si tap:dines of the people. No such •tate of affairs exists now, anti the only hop, of Il.eputilicans i• iu our ions. Those di% ibinos cal,d, and will exist dousudieient to dile:it a I ) tuovilat befii= provir kilt "itch it stale of at fairs biffi• the consereatiye men of all parties to the neces•ity ~m,thing to enact the defeat' of Liueoln tience the union in Ni , ar York, and the de termination of the conservative Ilion of Peniklaylvania, to elect Fria in this State, thus taking away the pretitage of liepubli• can strength, We have wateiteml the poli tical chances i•et years, and we twstire Our cotetUporssrl he roust preliisrs• to hat e the cup he hail almost to hi- lip- ila.slird trom tutu - the itiu.l Writ 1111 1 on 111 0 1% ill Curtin i% doomed, and ro olil 40.-•. ....06- 111...= 1.••11 ..1 Penn Curtin and Coffey at Meadville 4 . •",,.„.... tflbe Obwrrov. , 9. %IL V ILLE,ttept. 4 . I: alz N. 'l.O % , i: 'ou hat) eark ol) ri •e4l 1 our p 1 li/an ilk Ors a cat for . a . Ma,. Meeting '" l in this place, at whic theireandidate for tftwernor, Col. Curtin, a Mr t 'offey, and other notables. were to be pre.ent Well, the affair came °iron last Satunlay, anti I propose posting your remit-it-3, briefly - , es LS the result. Some days previous, a largo pine pole was brought on to the Public! Square-- soma after a hole was dug for its reception, and but little further progress was made towards its erection until near noon of Saturday, when it was finally raised, after much tribulation, to a perpendicular.— Somehow, things iliil'ist work right." There wa, a li, A somewhere. but not be ing '• behind the (5,11;,,," 1 couldint exact !) say %here it was. About noon t'ul. Curtin arrived in town, (-At-meted by a motley retinue of his ad mirers. It reminded us of Falstaff's com lettly somewhat. it is true the only evi dence of a ultimo y spirit WAN a cracked fife and wheezy drum or two, and a small corpse of the latter in the tams of a tew sallow looking women, who had 001110 to.tew n to - aft the elephant "- and one of whom wa , performing the maternal aM4 of furnishing lacteal nnuriqhment to 11.0! young' Republican ! All things, how ever, muAt have an end, and the end of ihi , proce.teiort Noon occurred. Atter dintrer the meeting was organised on the Public, and soon after Col. :urtiu made his speech. I beard hut a part of it, and I have only to say, it it met the expectation- of his friends, they are rail) please 1, Some feeling of this sort mint hay. , Iwen elitertiiitteil by the Col onel who made his standing apol ogy. for his bad cold," tits principal objection to l're4ident lirca.vv•N seemed be, that he " slept alone!" and on this point he dwelt some thine. lam told the speaker was interrogated as to his old Know Nothing proclivities, but declined to answer any questions on the subject in public. Note word, lam informed, was said in regard to his policy, if elect"lOot , - ernor —it WII4 the " everlasting rawer, - first and last. His friend Coffey followed in a. short speech—the beverage was weak and washy and did not amount to much. No other speakers were brought forward. The spec tators were evidently weary and an ad journment took place. without any resolu tions being offered. Take the affair all in All, I really con sider it fell far short of what was antici pated--certainly it was not what the dem ocrats expected to see. From the blowing and bragging of their papers, I expected to see something flr better than was real ired. A large number of Democrats were present, attracted by curiosity. Upon these no impression was made, except to confirm them in their intention of voting for 1 irn. Foster. Of course our unscrupulous press will give a " high-fainting " itccoluit of this letters, and a goodly sprinkling of exclamation points. The Josrnal of this place, far instance, has given a highly colored account of the proceedings and the credulous public abroad will be deceived into the belief that it was-an immense and enthusiastic outpouring of the people. But its account is laughed at as absurd exaggeration of the facts, put together for effect abroad. Its account is flatly contradicted by one of its own party—by the editor of the Conneaut, ville Ceurier. The Journal says: "At 2 oclock; a von multitude, numbering not kw than FIVE THUIL7SA N 11, assem bled," &c. Per contra, the (hurler says : " We held the attention of his au dience of over rwo THOGSAND persons," &c. Here is a difference in the estimate of these two editors of some three Again ; the Journal, speaking of the escort, says " the procession was A Nits LONG!" and was " preeeeded by a band of music and a company of mounted men is impaired in number." The Gime? says: "He was preceeded by some fifty horsemen, and fol.: lowed by a line of vehicles a full este am& in length !" But enough. The Courier is much nearest the mark full high, but quite reasonable under the circumstances. I refer to the discrepancy to prove my ctfitemeet. The doi.nml'a account is what was ‘l, nn,l by it. 4 friends—the (;•Nrier gave the fact.. as tl,iy were. I will close by saying. that although the 1 femocracy are divided on the Presidential piestion, all are united, as one man, on l'osvta. for Governor. I will not i.rediet what will occur in t fctober, because no one can hut I will say, confident ly, that we will much better here in Crawford than in 1' , ;11;. A beller feeling ht growing up among our friends. The compruniise propo., e d by the state central 'onunitive is approved by the great ma juriis of our .t , reflecting voter- , and, if is hoped, will ) tit see the propriety of giving of Oleo adhesion to so fail it plan to I..itt the (-mlllllOll enemy. k i r The Repuhlican paper., with the help of the New York have discov• ered a plot of the Democracy to buy up Penn•olrania. and elect FOSTER t.;overnor. The -tory i. that senator ItiGL.RR ha, been user to New York, among the " merchant princes " of that emporium, and raised fltst,oist for the purpose. What the wealthy New Yorkers, who have so much money they don' know what to do with it, want hosts tiovernor for is not stated.— But that is of no consequence ; the story remind , us of a little anecdote related of Col. Cuter! a, by Wuu, of the Albany a'. while in Chicago after the defeat of Saw a an. and whet, he felt very bitter over the defeat of his favorite by the vote and in ! tluence of the Pennsylvania delegation under the lead of et RUN. Weed said last 91,1 ing, when the Mayor's election in Phil adelphia we.. pending, RTIN came over to New York and told the friends of Mr. Sas 41U that it was absolutely necessary t o laise illo,ooo to carry that election—that they thought the sum NSA rather "steep," but an consideration of the Important bearing a SEWARD vieftsry in the commer cial emporium of Pennsylvania would have upon Mr. Saw ARD'S prospects, his friends raised $6,000, and sent Andy on his way rejoicing. And, continued Weed, the first man we found in Chicago, claiming that he could'nt be elected if thtwasto was flood noted, was this same Andy ('urtin. Now, we tell this story *twits told to us, and we beliese it to he a fact. We know the reward men were very totter against the delegstion from this state. oue of them re ntilkedia tpt after the isialtittatialt 'that 1 ti t wli delegation could -1 Itra * been Wight r $lO,OOO, but that " tho old my"— eed—did'ut think it neOcietary. where fs_ ('ovate and his-committee t Iff!)... The Republicans of West Mil'creek have stopped "moving," and commeneed "dropping." So we see by the (Ix-, That's a Oar sign ; bat whether they "drop" corn, or blood, or barley, or beer, or something else, we cannot say, except as we are enabled to infer from the resolu tions adopted when they "droitped." The first declares that West Millereek "disre "gar& the threats of civil war, blo o dshed, "anarchy and revolution made by the dis "unionists, and being pledged to favor lib -erty by ouraneestors, they will perish in "opposing the spread of human bondage." I That indicates that the writer had taken a "drop" too much; it i. only when the "drop" IT in, that people talk about -per ishing" in these days. The next one .le (-hues that West Millereek nothing "by force---it does not propose to t alse "armies, nor levyitaxes, norcrush States-- "nor tread down any man's liberty"- -all of which thn.,e "States" t hat fear bein a "crush ed" by IN'est Millereek a ill be lutist plaguy glad to hear, tie expect- next dee lures that the "Republican party is the guardian of the liberties of the people," which is de cidedly kind w the "republican purly ," the people can now -.Trop" burin. - ,.' of gnarling their own --libet ties '• And thus having contributed t -drop" to the ,th-, West Millet-eel: ropped" the subieet ho' the pi esent. the 'I,4W ( A (loon Sun.--We notice in ford /*macre , an address to the leineeriev of that 4 'ounty, signet! ta aor three him tired of the party, VAI It i•11 , / , n-ink the ('re-se n t Compromise. mud pledging themselves to sup's,' t the R.-Admit Elec toral ticket. Among the name. , tie revog nite Many friend, of Doti g, l as, awl ai- doubt not a unuority are such. This is a good sign, and indicates that the ettiirts of For ney, and a few others, totransfer the State to Lincoln under the gui.' of peculiar friendship for Judge liouglt. will not win in this section of the State. ate. There is a great deal of distress in the West, occasiassed by the drought and failure of crops in the country \Vest orthe Mississippi. There is much :-utlering in Kansas, and we learn of a movement to ob tain relief from the East The rhociaw tribe of Indians are also about to call on the General Government for assistance to procure provisions for the people of the Nation, as their crops have almost entrely be+in destroyed by the drought. We learn from good authority that there will not be corn enough raised in the whole Nation to last them until Christmas and as the ap propriation of the money due to the Nation failed in Congress last session, they are going to appeal to the Government for as sistance in some shape. ilft,_ The thiwie says Mr. Coffey is a "thorn in the side of tho Democracy." .. I .....oiengLosquito said when stung the elephant ! Mr Senator eattexcle has been recently on a visit to Sengttor Seward at Auburn.— Report says that; Seward is to take the State Department, and Cameron the Treas ury Departmtnt under Lincoln, if he should be elected. Would'ut that be a fine arrangement? Cameron in the Trea.4- ury department-4-he'd " take" it, in ever• sense of the word, and keep it, too! 1.8. At Adrian, Michigan, a man lost a tea cupful of brains Isttely from an injury received from a threshing Machine, and it is the opinion of the physicians that he will recover.—&- eh waste If some of the politicians we have heard of this year would lose that amount of brains they would have none left. Atiosv or SUSIIINsa.—The Lincoln pa pets and political expoctants are in agony of suspense, over the proposed cooperation of conservative men in New York. They are sure somebody will he cheated in the ar rangement, and they feel sorely for the victim in advance. We do not know how it may be about the cheating, but. we have the best evidence that the Itepublituttis will be terribly disappointed, if the union is consummated. Won't the emiservative men of the State contrive to quarrel just to please the Lincolnites It nouhl t, cruel to beat them in New York. :mil the sweet morsel of power which they now, with open mouth; are waiting to receive.— lountalel linntheree. OF A Simstrivr. Vot TII. ‘l. town, N. .1., it young man n uned Ifu lnn killed himself because the principal of : boarding slit -x(1 riinn.l it lor•-leitAT :tat 1 ress ed to bun by one or ttie rentale : a n read it aloud. A b•tter -Os • : "The young twin, it M 441 lA,. it a fancy to, and Mel I» ,•n caltionally with a )..ling Lett u. or ii.• itlairito% ti. Elie principal ..I hat tug found ihr. Lade the correspondein et en tt tote himself to the young Lel), lici to bend the )oung loan am more hate! She, howet er, continued to tt 1t..., it happened. a day Or tWO 6444,r, eurreil...., that the plum! man kneed I,i drop one of her letter-,, which letter tt i+ found atol isrneei 1.0 Johnson I mlead of returning the letter to the Noway. man, with much a.I nlMntion. wit good judgment ought to - have sugge-ted. he it publicly trad Lefore the n hi. h wrought upon the young titan's nontl. Ili it he at once tleteruntied to put ate t.. own existence The Attune. a. lie thought it, of such public expo. tire, n a., mlt. tIA he was able to hoar.- ( ' l::• , ..- , I.: NV AG4 ) t.tve of delphia, has declared for hell a n d Evert•tt. Mr. Henry is too honee4 a wan to stay mu the Republican party : an.l since they bat e declared their hostility to the Cow-mutton . and the LIMB of our country, he cannot congeientiously co-operate with them. AN EIPENSITS HALF Daniel ('nl kin•t has been convicted in the l' S.Court at Auburn, N. V. • of paming a counterte•tt half dime upon a fruit dralet sentenc ed to three yearA imp? p.oniiient in the State Oh the lei iom by L. M Voi.l. EA, I . Mr BETAL.nI \ AWRY to olt.l AEI:EN /kith) ,Il of Elk Creek. Oil the evening of the 27th ult., in Fairview, Mrs. N %NCI - ' , IItER:4ON, wife of Saninel An derson, Emil , junto tilst year of her age. In this city, on Friday the 31st ult., Mrs ANNA WALKER, relict of the bite John S. Walker of the United @sates Navy, and daugh ter of Robert Dray, of Canada, aged 24 years At the residence of her son-in-law, David W. Brown. in Bunnnit township. og the evening of the Ist inst., Mrs. MARGARET BUIS, con sort of Harry Bays, aged 74 years, l a Milloreek, an the 2 let inst., of consump tion, Mr HORATIO A SPRAGUE aged 4 , ) y ear , l• menthe. MARRIAGES DILS.THS .Jr - 6entral fttvo. -1 1 .- _- - ,c The grand4l gitilln to Lb. Prince let Wales in Mon et:MS.4O,OK ... skS The potato r has todolts Opearnnct in Nur(hern Nei Jersey. - The fruit crop in Massachusetts this year, will be the largest ever gathered A Bell-Everett ticket was noiainsted in lowasio Friday. About half the State was rep .. reliented Fortune knocks once at least at every man's door If she ever knocked at ours it WAN when we were out llon A It Stephens spoke at Augwtta, (leo.. on Saturday to a very large crowd. lle took ground in favor of Douglna. The Bell and Everett men of Lancaster had a torchlight proression in that city on Tuesday eventng of last week. - The ren.otm of the rity 91' Dubuque, lowa, rhowA a ,lerrea4e in population of 4,000 within three pears Three years ago the popto,4o Was 17,000, now It 19 13,000 - The President has iesued a prUClalllllll. , ll fur the .ale of uue and a quarter tuilltuu reresi of pulite land..., in the Ft Dodge and Shiux duttricie, ill IN uvruther,ll4.!ll Some dirty water left by the Pttie e ot Waits tu a basin to bis apartments at Quebec, was buttl•l Had .iold at four shillings a vial lu some 011114 toadying admirers. Ent!hall paper maym that Jaw , . t•n„p er, who wam enaeltinen and general atteutlaut of the ttr•l Nt.ipoleia In 1 4 1 Helena, of yet alive, and, in eightieth Sear, 11 riling at NUM OPII,I - - A Sew 1 urk capitalist of distinction he. purchased the salt meadows of Bergen cu . N .1 . and will fatten frogs for the market un :la erien.iN e , ii. It is said to he a great specu lation Colonel Siohkins says that out to ludiana, where he keeps tavern, the hoosiers drink au murk new corn whiskey, that ••taa+et9 grow put through the crown.' of , heir'hata. and the hangs through the-button hole , ' of their tro w tiers. (ov Sprague of Rhode Island, with his aids, will accompany the Providence Light . in fautry to Cleveland, 11 , where the Perry Mon ument is to be dedicated Commodore Perry was a native of Rhode Island, and the city of Providence has donated $4,000 for the expens- A gentleamst of careful observation and judgement, who has been traveling in the in terior of Pennsylvania, reports the e rust ence, to his surprise, of a very stroneßell and Ev erett feeling, with indication that there is a political combination by which that clement will Rapport Foster for Governor The radical abolitionists of New York held a convention at Syracuse on Wednesday, and nominated Gerritt Smith for President, and Samuel McFarland, of Pennsylvania for Vice President At the same time, ,Fred Douglass (Black man) and Charles Hammond (White) were nominated for Electors at Large. The census marshals report that seventy two white females were startled to negro§ in the State of Massachusetts last yew?. This looks as though things weregettingiaixedilconsid srakily. Ike nagroes are a prolific race, and is may be reasonably anticipated that a strong tisrucrom or --wtcso 0w...4"n b in prospect at I/0 instant day. Mr. James T. Beady WI ,sceepied the nomination Orr Governor of New York, tender ed by the Breckenridge State Convention which met at Syracuse on the ith of August. Me. Brady, however. deems the defeat of the Republican Presidential candidate of infinite ly greater inportance than any other issue of the approaching canvas's, and counsels a union of the entire Democracy of New York to effect that result. —ln New York, on Thursday, a young fel low named Connell; was arrested for assault ing his mother. When arraigned he escaped from OM officer, and rushing at the old lady, felled her senseless to the Boor, and while she lay prostrate before him, he called her all the rile and disgusting names he could think of.— He threatened that if his mother had him sent to prison for the assault, he would on being re leased, murder her. He said to her, "Het your coffin simile, and buy a rope for me, for I will certainly kill you if I hang for it." Cottsiderable excitement exists in Han cock county. 111., relative to a rumor that the Mortuons intend returning and settling atNeu van, under the lead of Joe Smith, Jr. A mass meeting of the citizens was held at Carthage on the '2l; who protested against the Mormons returning, and declared that they would not al low them to do •o The Alormuns have like wise been titling up their old temple at Kirt land, ti lately, and rumors are afloat in that region, that a company was expected to return from the West and commence operation. there again ffiptcial PRINTING INK.- PHI STF Rat wito plan renlatula, llnkt 010, eau la.. th Mat art. la n( Xewx I Ilk arra uta•d, usanatactun,l l, la II h... 1.101, taut, ?Sew Hann, et the Obliesper alt Mee, L•r fild. par p•uud: and b.grr than that arra, t the, I. MI, nthar a.tabltabnwut Waal nt Buffalo that tuam./, a• tun.! an &rile& tar L•,..,, MI% hi% t. uowtl w printkoK t 4.• Pre.. 01.1 %pro tea*, R..urd, ..uur•ut ►u4 Jirarmal mud Iliertiohrnot, nog 1 11 %%'frC AKE JIIPTIIIIKIZEILI TO %N. •••urt.. SILAS K. TKF.L, Fair, a. JILI K •uk\l'. ...haste Int R.l eter oa.l Ktt of d.r, •uLj«t to the ~.te of the p+•o p Xlll+. WINnI.OW, uurs 4nd &male phyractata, bait a t 4 tutthinti nip fu thittirtn tor Welt Krvatlr 6ellltate. tto. prttcrttx ctootottq In gotta 1.111,/ the R1...v. rt-tluelne ..illauunattou ~II anti) ►ll patu and is 'Orr ta, reguim- the troy eh, - ttelletri 111,011 It, &oration, It boll K i,. test 1.1 totUrrelves a04.«n.1 ao.l health It& 'oar &blasts Vert...ell, salt. to II . 5..• re ad I eft.4ll4old Iu atiothel 4,110,111 A 111: lIIVNIKIILL'IN 1,1141.1111C1iT. The recipe for making Una md.1•1•14.1 LW...east ...obtained by a gentlemen elide r otttAog for Turkisb Kin pi re, a few leas.mace, while t lore h. w 'teemed .t. Um •ii.n homely and no remarkable were the owns, ho com-liolni to purchase tlut recipe for making it fur bin osi a tree, auditing more After nturuaug to Oita et.uu try, he . , and tried it in several m.o. of 'well rigs, rheumatism, bruise., etc, and found it to cerement speedily than any article ever discovered Becoming at • gualated with the gentleman, 1 purchased the recipe, and have made and used it with gnat success, and rogation. half had Dever bees told of eta tatnaeie Yalu, tor Mee realism, Spreicie, Ptlni in the Back or Chest, Cramps, swelled Face, :tors Throat, Neuralgia, Tooth ache, or Swellings el ever) kind—it is warranted to cure. For }I ontesdpreined,Cbaled, W Ind-Oallect, Cracked Heels, eta., it ie the roost valastragUedletue In vogue. The pro ptietor, knot/Mg full well Its merit., will authorise every &put w refund the money when perfect nitilthet.lon to not gl roe A large camber of eertilitete. enalit=ren If necessary, but one trial will ristl.:y the moat It is perfectly pare to tali la enmity in ea e of Cola. or Cramp. The Lige:limit is for *ab by sit J. IIf:RRILL It CO , Propn. • • New-York. Sold in Erie, by L. 1 Bald Reed House, and Carter It Bro., Park how tpro2*-47 RELIEF In TEN MIDI I.IT - E8 HU Y A ?IV P11.3.7/01WIC W APRIL* I Srri certain sad *piney rontedV roar d&roiroroi for oil Doorooso y as alrot sad Leogs, Loa. ma, Ones itooorkilso. Hadraroess, D,,- vvh Brest of, Sore Throot, 4-r, tr. Tilltsiet WAVERS five the nitwit iustantaasous and perfect relief amd when persevered with secordiog to di - rectioos, never fail to egret &Ask! sad lastlag care Thousands have been neatened to perfect health who have tried other WWII to vets., To all classes sad all cousti tutioua they are squally* Waning end • core—none need despair, no matter how' tong the disease may have feint ed or however .evert ft may ha, provided the organic •tructiale of Um vital organs is sot hopelessly &rayed— every ons afflicted should give them an impartial 'rod To Vocative Asa Psalm Beluga/ea, thee" Wailers are peculiarly rateable; they will in 0511 oat remove the most *ever* occasional hoarsest's; sad their moguls: a.. for • few day • tilt. et all tines, lama.* the power sod tte s herlay of the voles, greatly improving its tone, tom paceami clew-nem, for which par they are regularly lased by a many profassioual • late Jolt ltOtlitt, Solo Propriter, Rochootor, N. T. Prim 2.: relit. per box For Dais by Comer k Bro. sad I. I Baldwin yuly 7111-Iys DR. VALPEAU% 4.! A N KEW' N E. - The Greatrit liooroo•ry col tko. 41,! ' tto a aße i rnatoiatatteloua rule 1.1 canilP, iMe tabus la, 1L...µ or •toorooh ihndeltiog from zwilrlat Ina gik Tii,ll.- or any toliwr oil.. rot.. ml. oktat•••1 -moo. soror of oil k mkt, btonoth, kr. It a the teraftoriatev,loq qe I,reat or 441 •111 offered to the public To whitoo aid phr.orr. tko 1. rtlt. swill. 0111, t., It will lostantly reto.ita uit toortat utetrlitto u out. statmee, brad Issr. Clot 16.-tbo .bite 110 , 1 I .• It Is eatitely free m•st• ..ce- ,o' • •••n be given tofu. aorkut slit, {A•tterl oaf. It lea valuable au te 1.. lot •••,•••,' limit, to 10 1, ' bootee, ea it will Mans. peso Imes rote atuJ k 1.4 rt.. y.u. L, shoo ackytblog kat,vr n Mr will warrant it ie faction la every roue hire 25 1,0, bottle J. BURRII.I Y 11. , l'r.prtetors, lot.t t, .'o York. it _ . . - • Hold fn Blip, by 1. 1 Floletwhv, No 6, 11.4 'Wow", 5.4 Cortor k Bro , Pork Roo 'o-Ilat(s :Ikdrertiotments. GRAND CONCERT ! By Dodivorth's Celebrated Cornet Band, Fitt N YI IRK, 11 . N•49.73-14-4131...191. 331C.A.LX4. TI .:Erricliiikst I 111, Tic32x..otis CBCP Cltisc... F n v:•• n•ryn'•, Arbor-1,0 N rllsny • Fiol Yarr►i • A lit.te.lll,...ntwr rd T.-krls will hp‘t rwrrT rPi reii rip •u Its 111 g Virat t. 4.. t. fi., !, ute.:er pAr.. , f age Lad at lbu oiept 1- 14 ERIE COUNTY PEI ALE SEMINARY. Fri is i will Iwi irganized ,in Mon.lay, the 1711 ttiat..ftt 111.• ,• •of Yr, liatnot, euruer .4t4t, and F root It.. d .. 40 1 " 1... f Mily will bo two tlrav4.n. joef t.. ••••• L. •1. I, ..••• 4titting of 111,0 la.rteni,r,ioreiscoo. I.Viar.l and Ft, i U... in all benortkra, 1 , . , 1 PAlrltlng.l..., 10. SUM , pot 16 Kobe • Slay I'lipll% 14,4ic14... per gnarl, L. in :„Ity " Primo, on lot tali 1 -114 1 / I .ill A1',1.1. 11..1 Agricultural Notice. P II Isill 1 , .• 3 'fleeting 'k4 - 11.i • I 111.• .• l'otiOty A,11.•.111,11111 ~, al their itonns,. tiaitarthy th. t..-t, 1.! n' t, 1' 11 A pail.ol. It alit...ll"We of all Vas ,z. 1,41 Al 14 A. A ftll,e, .apt • 11 . ..oert t lArt UNION AORICIJLTIIILILL SOCIETY. rrH E Filth A tutill-ti F: (if filo• taro oltitral t . t sill lake Ilv. to trtrartl , TO nod F odor, Sept 12th. 1-11, and 14th. rstril Ih. I'los Ili, Mat. h ,),to••• tot %,...Inevtti., the ttrvt de) of the air Ito, the e• rout •Iv, Prot C•vor will mote so a riot or, ..ostou to hi. llkrp. and spletlt.l Mali.., the ft..a.l tII, f th e -t o ebot,'• I, ronotl• IL« Iferrotstum .111 Goo ws,l•, f etnent. for the Iriti•ti4ll oI Ili. i:11.-..0 Or. 1111.11 lit Mad.' Mr p,ll.onally toltat,{ same. Frnot our trereottal knowledge of tier F`rofeeeoe,w• hers u.. Isasittwer in itredreting for it a grand afl•it Sr ratitrumebta have heel camp!. tett • tat th. G var.' 1.‘,./ i. Fine hide C pair), the 1., Cl.114•111Wes .of V a l rt , for • Grand Ullitary Eurairopatoost and a -haul 1-'4l4t. A Spirto4hl Bras. Ban,( will Is in atletulanee also, thartne lb* /air to vnlitra the whole, and lethl ouch tottor•ot to the aoeorr A rreagetneute lir ill al., be r,th the Reit t., COD , Of JIMLIOMOrtIII filar; CMS Auction Sale. M. IirTIIEB.FORD would repeettul u ly inform the citizens of Ens City and County that be lima owned eo &Wit...a and COMI.I3.IAPIOD Store eu the &eat rade of State street. atinre Serenth, where be will be kiippy to Nee all of his [lien& and the imbibe in w. Lor al, on Saitanla•, Bth, when he will ofler for ••lir • 11•11{, Int of Reidy Yute ClA:ailing, Dry Goods, Hoots, Shoes, Cigar", Baskets, Brooms, rubs, Washboard", Yr. wade, Jrwelry, iureiture, Gana, Putted', ('rotten, Turn hien, "fin Ware,gerrors, and &number n f other articles toe numerous to mention. Eteanuota, the owth of .tept., •t Ruthrtiortf. ,►uel.uu and C0n100a..04/ I.tota, On S tat.. stroet. •bove s•arnlh, Ea•t aide J U RUTHERFoRD, /kept % I I CASH DRY GOON HOUSE! Wholesale & Retail ! ! IRREPRESSIRLK CONJ. Lice. Low Prices Inaugurated' ! Ladies' Cloaks and Cloths, REST and CH P EST' RICH AND RARE ! CA RPI4; T N MEI 011 C:110tIlais cfbcs. Rept --- . 2rn 14 THE. ROC ERY I►KPO'F ON CHEA PSI Dri:, 1, vonstantly up with all Le:tiling Artiee.4 in the GROCERY LINE ! ‘lany ltnn In th. PRI , N 1.410 N I INF Tb 4.• eh:Riot-a:tali SUGAR CI - RF.II HAMS't Fre twat Tb DRILL) 8E1.7.1. aal : 4 1.101,6.11T0N111 In. ery ur.r. /111.11(21(01.14:1, So 7. WilfTl.: 1.1 4 11, . 4 1.11q1i .ten., r slino listablishtural 3PZUCTXT arBR.llll, t4n41.4, tad a , •11,1 , sr..t) .$1 S'rl l NE WARE, NV( 14 , EN tin.l \v II It IN% WAIiE, BI N') I AIIE" , in Al.nn.l inco. Andou .4tort,lll. loqt ••1..r1.4,1 • 4 T4.4 I. - 1.1x.l 111 11' too- am van tic foun.l an any - 1 1.. r.• I iL« Land an 1. Call and •44.4. Jll ..11 it septh- 14. Rare& Valuable Real Estate for Bale at Orphans' Court Sale sirtue •01'.4 11 (.I.ler tn.tli the t ou 14.1! domed, I •100 l sr. to le at V ,/ oid I t • ou Sat unlay. lb.. .1 day of burenitiot uo v c• . Y, •t the oun HOW., I o the rits • • • deserii..l Yry Estate, borouging to • ~ ~ w ..„ I..ddru I ti, ..r Saminiallriviinaliip, dery A 11,41 sat certain piece a .11 , 1 •11 I t3llllo um Mit 10.11110thlp. bOtlladf.d as . ILiginuing•t t•. u \. rib West corner at a post' thence by tract \ North 44 deg Fast, perches to a cu. owl., tn. Ti,- ore by tract No NI, South 26 deg East los N.fra,r, t is p thence by the resodue al tract hi. do.f, • •iouth 64 dog %t at 167 perches to a beech lb lid then , r t trio t al. North 26 dog. W••• 1(91 perch,. to the plus , of beginning 1011 acres, of whirl, about so rye improved and allowance, and having etected thereon , * Food Ursine bons« and barn Also, The following dowelbed Real Estate in the city ni Rein, hem ( part of In 1”t lefet and the whOlY of In - lot No. 1:167, 6onadod on the North br part of in-lot No 1400 and in lot No 1199. on the gnat by 10-lot No. later: on the ttouth by sth Nrri4 and on the Mist hr "rats• street, bro.. It.! fr.! ti inches on State >trrat and li...foet on 6th 't rout The above described property will be nut, diyi est 1.. suit purchasers, intone.. part. or Nub diiisiomi to no to give a front of &boot 26 feet on Stoke street, rz tissuUng back WO feet to an alley 12 feel wols In lot No 1327 will he divided into two mitts, if divided by the put chaser", of fret front on t4th street and lc. fret deep Al'., This following sub illvialessi of out bet No 279, adjoining lbw tint seetiou of th•Tu•o of Erne, mad, b r said James Liddell deed, and ',corded in lived Rook \, met 661, to wit• sutodiviaioom Nos 2. 4, 4,14.10, ill. '4, 32. 11% 2& 30 and 3':, and Ihe South half of tub divisions of Nod 1;3 and Tarim Of 661• —One fourth in band on confirmation of th• sale, and the Imlatle• In throw equal &lianal los'al- MOWS, with monad internat on the whole sum unpaid, to be encored by tudgemet bond and mortgage on the prom ises R P KEPLER, kdsu r of Estate of James Liddell, de, I rept6-- 14 - •F:1.1.k I M i; V \ ~'rrolcnr. i I I/I Nft.M.l.l.Olts 1..%s ylilt '...t 1110Wein * , 0 4 1( . 3: - I aH - • ( -- 3,... t 4 Fu Ihr 141 m Jrrity d Prnn<<lisiiin Apothecaries, Druggists, Grocers g and Private Parodies. ‘% purr Cej so n r Brend a. Wolfe •rare Iletdo.ria, %herr, nl/4 port %% Wolfe'. Pure Jimmies sad MI. 1 roll II tar. IA eu r II•d I rkil .4 hilokr• %LI. IN 114/TTI.E... I 4las yr Is. c.. 1) I t.. ~,,, 4.1 t o ' C•ft ~ I Do. vim W .11 11.. 1.., 1•u.... II .TOTI pun' ..I 11. -• . mill , lot It 1.611 It • !. .1 fl.arla •: , 1 4 ..cumb...i. ~, ,I vv.* I 1 , 11r 1 u I . 0. b/. !.t: t . ~. ik lug uf 11z. purtl• uf la.; W.sza J 1.1%.1.../k, ..." I 1. ,:t •tat• .u• ...1.,(4'1. n •• s tits 1., , u, .t.u .a.. s- . u.... hsut .., tu,nt v VP." , r•••i•or• on tb. l. C. r , . I nrit, that •i; th. BM 4 N 'I aro* %* s.c., whir-1, 1 tuo.• t , h..' ~,. ' , 0r .... ~.i.orte•!. nud ‘.l Mo. I.•Piot ,1114111 V. SW i • .. ...! tio•ai P.% •••• • r• punt law, I w.r, I. 111* h...., . tut ~. 1.., s u•Ille flil ti, , wa .. I.lld a W. *male .•I h.,: 15•141 , .. "II tl.• roriyo at. I • it... 1 11 , kaki ilk II h. ra).. 1. 0 ik I t• 111 Itro • 4/1 I I. • bli•Airipi• ••, N., Id•rket et , Phi rprot 1.. t SO' 81 41, "It( 11%, %11l louts lilititct!••t N. as. hallo t., otOortn our. Lllll4 .111,etla 111.1 Lhrn .• at, Wu.. in out cltt w Leto 1t,,. Itlt)•trtact, itio , tattrar. and country tncrt.l., •. •in 31. II o, Isaac vitro it - arnl I t ,1 1-troo• 0 1 ... fte d r no of lbw boat yial,t. ti..l Intend In Lelaborat. deperiptlnn ~ 1 11.• In,n haul r V. nu, hlt will 1.401 rcpt.. has •tcutt,ott nr onto., to • tt 1 14,t.clitt WairlWel cttlt, •owtt uttrrhourte, No.. I', 1 Z.% Bearer *treat, Nu.l 17, I', and 21, karlictticld strect BLA .tort n s 5. n*l4. 011 load ...114• fn. , lalinlint.tlt , 1,11.1 ant bare torten tt •• than tLtr't llotuttutnt • Brano aonit• tr,„,onM'.l tlitu,:t t . • I I% tn And 1,4:A, and Inn thou sand ~t anti Port Win.. 7 4.,,a ‘ h nit Iri•lt b Ltod.r, J awake , an I t Huu,, •ttuutc • •nd ctittsl to any in tin... ountrr 11. lan las 4 rv-Ilar., ti11...1 a otb, 14 an, fir,, Its ranks, uu . Custom (10n.. kr), 1,4.1) Mr Wol • - of ricluuppw lant 1 .,r • LW...IW. 1 to KnEldll4./ an It llintman.l.loltriD. Sad 110 hop.' la Ivo% than ,a • • MAT irt• ell/ally 441[4:11.11411.11 .11li lA. HIT 041.1.• 1111 . 1 H. human. tri. rsl- I I.• pal r..itacv I I ...II ,', • .pear. Priv*lv , lalltillle, wllf, •I.h wire Win. ii ~ 110 TO for mesh al u. I.nd their order, d, rent Ti I Wt.L t e, unfit er. ry Apni h.,-art &nth.. land make up In. d. to dterard the pots stud (row their •belt 0..1 rept/tee It with W.. 1 tire pure Mirth Lod Lowt r. Mt aaderatairt Mr Moue', for the areomutotuttod, YaaL dash ul in the c"itutry. puts up warted Withal 111.1 r'ilrh a marl, and au/ h ► wereh.,o should be PO•tainr4 hi, tens of th4.umaado eat nl poneot• to the United States, who nothing but Two, tioue, ruinous alit. human health and llappine.• 1W0.% -60314. ( PROM, ra' A THROUGH TICKET to CALIFORNIA! Fifth Grand Quarterly Distribution 4)t limygmi RTI , I F \V“HTII 53 1141 , 01141 , Which will hr v I 1 f..r lOtorter, 1.. the purebteer of our (ir ooLitem PENS kT 30Cre PER HO o ur o n id, u , the beet ever need. Antie e•rrAnted not to corrode In Selcy ink r rrrr tm•.to rnau st i fain& pboold no.) the Gold's. Pan The fon.a.u t z 1.4 .1 liq,uq articles will be distributed among our pontos at 11{1,011 wae►, and anti not be paid for until we Inform the purchaser which of the falknrine article we will well ►lr for 11,00 and then' It la on dismal wr►et►erbe rends t►e INJILLAM. take* t►e GOODS ear ant. 113121:11 firr" All goo& 4n I.e returned at oar expense within ten data after the joirrha-er receives them, iulesv th. are satis(acto4) sod the imovey will be reftioded riant.a, t:011.1 A atchea, (told Watch.... Ladicc . soh., R it, he., Guar.., Veal k I hatelaan Caine. M. , .•1e lid Jet trnuebe.. lama and 1.1. rout.IFF. 1.•- I ral. Emer-.1.1, and opal 8r00ch..., Cain... Ear and ict Ear Drop., Lama and 10.. p•, Emerald/Lad Ear Utellate and Caniro &lel. Ise, a, Fab and Rititant - ct• 0i sta..., Buttons, Plain Ring% elabo. Jrviviry, Canton Crap. Ito I. 1.111,1er,l Lalltea, Iran. b and r r:•1.1 I.A. LP It' t.,:• } rpneta 1 al.coos, and otb. Ladle.: 1 or. .... .1 s t..o.tbot loth ... 1111.1. e., Ahl., AO- 1., Ile{ al na....1 r . I ~,,, „I 1;111414 11-clan, • •110,1 br..t It, / • I / latttof I'l,olloin I 1,10 f.a rat l'resisious Tio.. • .1, 0..! atatinv • h ill wi I p.of • dui tar are plar"l .1 .1 I. u% •h 1 . •1... .e.isl arraltimmeut of Prem. otos' I. thatlit Iya. It rtt‘tyrlkt.., th.r, 1. 00. Hoop Skirts, 4od awre v• of ••i••• t. .pl. redid Preintimat mrarh wrtineato I. 3rtino a tin* J hawl , or Io• • • t'attorn, or a h.•aulJul artolo uI Jww • ,l / 7., e p c i 0 .,. Lento for • not of liol•lon Prow, and ow will tarot! y•••• • Crrlibrote winch may onablw vou to procure it for II .•• mewipt u reut. 14 will Peliti von Ho% of 0411 . 1 m. I en Pwtia, awl a'•.ale.l uot we of for artielw which vr.• sell for 11 (W'I'RY IMES_ JO piticE:: .441EN'N, ISTPAIII mum N. B. —With each Package of lOU is .r awe prea«nt t , purchaser 1(10 Certificate*. nne of which Le guarwoiced contain one order for a Ft N F. W or Sewing Macho, , or by "niering 541 ten... in one package you We our.. 1•••11.11 - 0.10LICOrttnenle.11 , 14t4111114, one tinier for II 1.1,1.4. I SILVER R Al'lll, 111:c• hut:ll6er other vtaus.bin pr«. 116 sent gratis, upon 1, Ittlent lon of suit person de•111.11( to act MI Agent, • kWh Ina) f.l.l.bit• him I 1.1 . ..enve • valuable ',remain Upon 11. veator,,. I ti , l. el 1114 Machine. , ko chi and .4 01 , / n • °Mull anon A r art, -le will be w tit to U... ~,antr , a t il l ,. L.,. cot Wholt.inle Peter.. '., •e 1.1 :111.. ot rent 1111..... a Oa I .r.artinz WIN. BELL. appet( ato4. of A.l Irrto nlll . olOolLllOll..ona to ( . .. I 01.HEIKT & l'U., ' e.,..," -, , I. ,1111 t• A. 1 0-iiernl Al4rul , . I•. , "...Li f i lo I..kurth • ,, trret, 1,..1. , w ( 11.01.,0, Ptills„.lelph. irx - ,„r , ilito,l 11 1,131.111 v ... 1.1151 our otli:&,• tikentA, urf 1,, 1, r. for sou 1 , 1 1 0. 1o1:ou Inc rr•II kr,. . o-nt I. In ti ...I 1.11 ,1 11. -- I. 1., Hit F i rilesi t I N 1 1..1r%, I , ( ~ . h.5t....11..., N• • • usurel 111 , / . 1.1 . I'lloier, 1t„ last , !., II A. 1.1 Jewell.,- 1%41..1, 1 .I,,it I: % N m 1,.. 1....., , .1, 0..11.1, l'lttit.Flelplitt INtrl k . ,e, F- , le a. 1,... I t,. t I. -•r• Kentmelei .t 1.1,60,..i N ikter ••• t. '. e Ar , L. l' 11.-1.• Pral I•• 1:•3111, I , itHi tii i 1 4 Ill...! -.1,..t•, Hulls .1 i' Ililler. V..., . I. .-,1.1% Nat a '. 1. Wili-il, F—, , l'.iiiii.le i 1 tJil,, •1 l ,l',ult II Fl II •!•i , ,i st t•1•1111./a Rank. i.• I 11 it.ll•*. LI I ~r. 1.. (. tl, rl.. t wept --lell Painting, Paper Hanging, Glaz ing, &c. 4 &C. ti uL IL.t L, 1•• k‘•• t ht..rtil th la. p..' •' ,• , t rvpart.,t ~, t II 111.1.1... r 1 ;h131011( • 1%1,, h he' ti) , ll. 4111 •, t. tuAnstfit ttta4 4 t, I .• • 1„ ••••• 11. Sir .ta tL u,.. r r.• •,,t t, rt,‘ ,r lit, lire. tit I I..dt .111111.11.1,MM It . •11.••• 4110, ''L.ll. 1.4 tb.• lat.( eII to )., 1111• It I •tn, I.• n,. . 1..4 I• I r We l •r. I /g I A ALAI% i.t • t • • -1.11•Mr1/1 ,111.11 tt• I. I .• I, a.. ‘..•, . 11 rllllll G , l -to- • •• • :11 , I,n• 1. I. ~..,-twill rntner, the A, 11,01.1.0 • ‘ ,.11 , 11,1it. .1. 1,•••1 nu n,l , an , l toile irrall •t, .-1.• •r.. •1•1•1 ••• • t••• ••••,tit, mud ..r. 114 till. •11 S' M. • at..l • tial4 tl.• 1••• ••• 11, 11, 1 4 . 1. ..,•:•• • .• • -.4111..1 al • ••• t. Min{ • •••,...• 1 t t•••••• t. to. ••• 1.1. t • n Instil•se ! • , it, •• .• .11 I It. I,t `i“ Alfro• • , t „ oni, AG I 1.% 1 I. h,..t•• ••. I.llle la. w0rtu ,, 01n., , 0. 11.. • 1 .1.. ,i.• , a them Itat t• ala.ut Iu tnu.e IVA Xl 1.. li,. M.... 1, inel I/. 1 rno , Slll. It 1 1 . 01111/oe. ta,a z actin advt., ti, P.II. I .•atur.ti t.• W.. a twenty r•,..• • lan. 9h. t. •.1. •a. I • • • th• att. rt.••••ai and ono at 'tor. slit In than I.all ats 1.••• at aftrt 1) iga Jowl. •• 1... a , •Pe 01..1, night, mad Drat a ten a f••ally •...F•tn..l, 1••• th to intad and hod. In,• •.t•• .• • . to r •• ,• anti 47.. tia • ...,101111it U... sks. I /S• II V 42.11.111,: .trYllOll/10/1 iml r rort•ini, rrzat.l it a. . •••••t•lual• ••- IL•at a.• Ile•141 I'sl/. a It,. rein l'alr,•ad, "Mal 1 I•V 11.1(14 as.l n•• s I t•lrt her an•l art.lll. la.n. • . ••• gratc•on ; I..••• •1. %h • ha.. I.r.ett sib IS r‘m.l.ltota Cs•La 11111) .11.1.-r01..5.1. I • pi r••• •••1.0 sn4 sit 'flo , FF tr. rat. •t r • tit r•••• IrEt.rtiti a Ins\ I thy... /%110. .1 it ITHRY N..ltltt ta.t. tl. 1 . 0.511 I 10. • 1 1 ••• 1 IS l'unfertionrr‘. linker. and Fruiters,, I.„, k it,. II t. ot.l 11..- ANNr,o :cl. d„r ptiftlie tit th ph ,rttr, ti ,t prier. that lIF 1.1 I (011'1. FITIII!!.' • Copt •ury rm , "•/••• P.ri‘ Ottiamet.. eVerythw I. g elm .' • I.I! 01%110 4i 1.1 FIRST CLASS CONFECTIONERY, 1 , . Is.. *Mt .. rant Work*, Fain - , Art4cloke, •, Fruit*.ege .,Clam•, I nl•tet. k. any rd to ., ! lb« ehn he ehrort uppl.ed or. rto le-tter ;Sal 19 at,, e•talit”:••• tin ttoo city. Ila, int rh.s.le ' , tangelo. 111.• 1.1 lire I,t ...... r • re arc.. 1% Inc the publie &it, null.l chew.; ar tide ire I'matn, anon.. otv , and last a .niperlar gods Fountain thua bert.r.,* can te eunhl at all hour. et the dal r J N Perkins 1••• Ur tuanufactut. and • 111 alwa,• I.e (oh rhl-si the e•tablnaiturnt,. to am, to the w•nt.. ot 01, eu..lotorr. ..r ler. It , tu A • h-tau, e ;II !IL ; A su►l IILATIIft. TON IC, D lUR ETIC, 4 Nri D EP III° 7 -_ YSP __-•-) ' - AND -- INVICDRATINC, CORN' IMIMI:EIIIE=11111! I.• 1..11.... ow tr..,'h. Pi rir V..rk I . lll.l:Ltur.kci)':: L iii / I~iernL••r•„ PLAN OF DISTRIBUTION GOLD W_A_'l"ol-1, Ito% t* •11.11 4 Coortidiextm to do io io '24 do do d., do lOU H.. 4yrnl• want..l sea err low• ( areiol.Sef •el To whom it may Concern. lTl• 1, 1.1 14 1 • 1.1.1 11; 1“01 .V,re Op. • .4 • • • ',1...1 1 phy1.1,..r, t.. got ■bout aquo,..b I f..sts "0..4 t, t i ~tlialtt".. 44,1 a.... L. B. PLATT & CO., =I