The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, September 01, 1860, Image 4
P 11"*” ai 0 a i kiktotrk i , .... _ - c 4.119 i • ' ---": V : MR15,1 NMANUFA9'OIII \ .-A/;// ////) 4 - - - - )t .., r / . t nr SATE -Filli.,Clin ,r " 4- os ed'A af BY SUMO OP W I j "-- 1 .4'. .''' WILLIAM-NG ...„-:----_,.. ~ -....- , JIL. , --- =RIM 4: 3PT-MMM - .a. mo ~ T i • LOCATED A BUFFALO, Corner Settles Jr. Main Streets. T HE exrence of =ears, and the' N. Y CITY, "Cooper Institute, - .1 slur, Vita idea t l aphid pawl • , . 1 01IILADELPHIA. Corner 7th ,k Chitin:it St. PIANO AND onEorts ALBANY, No. -1-18 Broadway. In Erie cheaper than I can bur tiara elsewhere. because • rant is cheaper, lumber to cheaper, coal la cheaper, i, LEV ELAN U. Cur. Seneca. A. Superior 61.reetu Iron the rm., Induced me to employ competent DETROIT. Nn 7tt Woodward Arent* and complete, experienced workmen, at,, ~,r 4. 40.• fttan tin Wountetnory them- • i quIrAGO. cur Clark and Washington Streets. me rot =a, 4 who lola mothetr . aktit matt i m ayo w .,„o..! ..11', LOUIS, Cor. 7tl and Vino Streets. sine ck and lam oder prepared to w ramthb m y ...en s ue hi/i.ds A udents ;nterlng any Oil; fif - th.... ‘'..lleg es. !,y tl.e. N payment of $4O, tenant. entitled to the pm tines of-the Pianos and Melodeons : entire "'chain," comprising mere° of Me most thormigh, extensile, complete and porular Minim.** Schools' In the t_ aaperior Tone and finish; and will • %odd. Fur Catalogues •ntl - Cirrulars. ranee the (NM I rag 10,01111•. or address 111.. W.49l..lFt.R..eghaV v r griEtlll7ML ! SA a vANT a , thoriverroN. For etpleaurt ef 5.'1 1 . 0 fri" • Giltaikickisi LMFairiatroM. •It ' ' Fril l a• ETE " 1 " 4" 4 11141111 * 1 .On r standard of Penmanship is the femme . Spriserretn7 lly reputation as s Musician and business man would ,i,,,g, n ,,,,.. ~...., at say (ma, no (ion,. c ries no be lost if these Instruments should not gaud, and I ~,,,t i ,,,,,, u•UMW, th e public that nothing • to bring about :be desired result, wiz Progeemaig a hoe sad siiiisiutial Moe, width will give geed etiletisetlee, gild seer In lane limier time Bel Pismo I knew of. TERMS VERY EASY : PRICES VERY REASONABLE VAS PATRONIZE, Your Own Citizens at Horne ! ORDEpSut WHOLESALE ur RETAIL 101.euted prourpay awl Isirly Proiidea, nrdera ern Stones, old Inatromenta, I,u to bar, and say thing gloat, can Nall again or tiar in nip, , ineas, will be taken hi *tankage for 11ano FOrtPli, Mel., deoria, Dialainaeni and any thing tibial hare in my store. PIANOS TO LET : ..,TPSIIMOL UM% WEI.L r "I's*N C BV II4 -WRF~::r NONE BT TIIE BEST ARTICLES ON HAND I E (KNI7INE UNRIV.ALKI) Chickering & Son's Piano Fortes, •LOATI ow LiAan. Have you ever hoard of a post ChAi:kering Piano .et me know where it is and I will ekehi x are it. WILLING TO EDITORS.—You all retneuitxT the otiv Mt. Herat* !okra et Kew York, has made /or 14"1140111001filikr do little bettor , i you will dynr him with a call, and will runalah you with any Kam you order or their.. (lire toe your °Met. • Wit WILLIV: Erie, /use It, 1869.-2 ONE PRICE STORE ! New Arraugemaid&—New Firm ! P. & J. MiltregleuX*.b.",lf WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS iN GROGERIES i PROVISIONS, Would respectfully return - Webs to tw public for past lima anti ewheit a oontiassawe eif your patronage to the New pica, assuring you that lo r an grail onroelaea o out the pees an sc p no us to oaks ta Oaf be totortenen • Good Sound and. Olean Goods, Which we continue to air ea the °soh and Short Credit, System, which will enthin us ago to buy for Cash greatly to the adrantir es etesopredit Trice' to oar sustainer; as wall to ooze • w* OW hereafter go strictly on the ONE PRICE SYSTEM I Our plairolok K . 341, ran u WU • o g COT.TWL NW b, Auden low es the punsaosld be sold in this a> t, suigeet, however; lbs fibetil rudoetion wipes cold by the quantity or at. whatelein. Innbititionto puerto& we aitaU rood» new sum*. t FROM NEW YORK 'EVERY MONTH ! Cho22/1i ! Was lV r ssotThrtollif Pork Lord, Whito l etoric and all door and lifinutsctorod articles, Woolen Yarn, Abrams Books, Baskets, Baiter ,Tbh sad Park Bub* ha, Tor which wit will psy Tbairatips ly Cult or Oro obis& =ye tut s Erb, H. * J. KIN2aIJ. BIDEV/1M! 41 r Tin, filleetizna ;and toppec.,Ware 1 ejl Li T retti.w R ' b m- ,— ..: ., . . Obeerwer Sham Printing Ogee, op • la Pout Ogee, ~ where b. mar be to • . the .• 4 ., nod: to wait. upon his old Mends and .• . • • • :r . • WWI to earl on the business with • . ,•• • , IN ALL ITS VAItI011: .11ttANCITES ! and solicits • share of public pationage. aprig4--I6 Nvcjz . agYSlaiNe z eTta sod Grant= 414711; • 1.17_ 61114 4 et the Drag Stoi• of WI Cl=ta t BRO. 11 °} 4UltalL E W °,rs t -Plan .7. • : LATED CAKE BASK.ETS—New styles now *pouts' at the Pres* Pere Jamb,/ Store, PLAUGON BUILDING, wear Plea St WEDISUP4rairgICAT en isied sChtfoilifd by * f July 9, 1959. JAMB HANSOM. SYRUP AND MOLASSES. , NN ,i meto.te=tam=lslL3ll., Ur li Golden or thiltsz u tt rop ; New Orleans IL/uses, Jntie EaVorS OROttERY DEPOT. IST Zier-44.71"1 1860_ Goosi ./ .l 4 fe?n fp; tjie *Mimi ! VINCENT, TIBBALS, SHIRK & CO . , ARE now receiving, at their Store, on State, betteteil Riegel:lth end'lrwetetia streets, an entue.e4r Iliclelk fd 26 THOUSAND DOLLARS ! CO WWII NG Op • - D'ry Goods, Groectriell, t • Hard Ware, • Crootory, Glassware, 'tz Cr Y 1 - - idT MON& NOM isaicti /Mat*Aims _ lies' 'Ad boys' LesrAors,:oly. and SoP Wool It , r., Which iviiramed in-Itrunern markets liPer kirgiza t aia4?liii prices, mid will to sold at n le exchange f or n u moan of Cotug Pmodupe, rnr avenved credit. a r 1114.144.1310L11 0.,) 250.rEas- 3 / 4 4 - Wrt t•Lik , different tbsuitioati= Owe ait4 for saki at Whoiamala sad Retail. suimly themselves at • small advance Mk toihipasstaiairs mimm... 11111101 1 1- 4 L mtKCIIAIR. _ 71 1 , , _,— BUG - : : z 1 c - := t =GAWP_ 500 Halfbbls., i bbls. d 0 lb.tbpsfik to bay, at the (4tr rt - ttbe e e u* -- -- -4 ' l - / 1 strGA Rill 4 , ... . ~, 4 og Bbls. Coffee, Crushed, , o» .d ' .1 Art" toniderviAr, ~ , :sir . 4. A1t0744- 1• ON 171 1. Elt4lll 0/ 1 ' L ) ''.I.;xINT3WiCt; iroprietiffr,,' a • . thWriali X6s4, Boos— Noi 4;3=4 took, et, lkiig rpm. mummonous &SD W 1110411144114.11 441* Pitottr; torn lied, NMI Peed, ORM! Off* ° art ' tc • Mak tnnattloors tem gm Vaal Mint 6asaciftesot,l bays constantly an band nom sit Alids of sty ova pluSling, Cora Mast and ktbin rad Starts, Com Oda, he, all at triad% trill to sold at taw I emon =art rates, Strictly for Gnat, and tialtounad free of =atlas City i The Prtheipals and Teachers if this l'hairs nf Coneves hare an extenstre sty isaiiitanc In eeieti Large citieii, end wilsisys ciiusider it a pleasure ti further the beat Interests iir their graduate, Ard LI, 1' o—ly 4 M.k It It lAt Gl' I I )E-B,in gto pm ate ,n.utei,,, for married person.% or those about t.' t o • female in etery thing concerning the pay al• ntiory and relations of our 0n5,,,A1 a, pi... L. 1.o• dui:two or i.rcientation of utioritiK ineiudiny all U.• - tw‘er in hr Vl' al LS. 'hie le r.... 11!. a vaJutho and intereoting it,: It Is written in plain latrua,re inr the general reader, tad in illustrated sloth stanserves KnKra , tors All noun _ tuatried people, or t hose ennteillidat, in...roil:l', idol haring the Issurt Impediment p, 4.4rnird life, 4.'41 ' read this leak It diaereses •10.1• try o ' be should ire lu...instated sat, ; still. It is a b.. l ti; s t must lecfre,l up, and not Ile about the L.ou.e St will lA. ',IA 1, ,, .11r one on the reoetat of terentre..ire reel., in *pries,• or i.o..taee•••airoor Address lilt WV 1., Y tai, , Pkl above 4th, Ply ladelphaa, tr IF } tyf a at ma' tWlcirT /0111 piers yourahlt ari d.•, liar care .4 ”rlie Uult•riOUX or lore, l rn—ab.r adrartme it; tlxia or arty gther paper. gel a copy of roil], Dr Young's 80. to, land read It care fully. It atll means of wing Too many s soar health, and f" rill. tour the. OR ill( Ste 04111 be .-ortnolted . .oo any of Ilh' &Scribed in his publicot at In. • dike, No. 4th Spruce "teeet, alert. Fourth 1144114—v4,s The only INK that will not Corrode If E subscriber to the public a Jet Black Ink, which t s superior to any mu* in . u.a. It has been his study for years to supply a wait which has been always felt ; that of haring an Ink prisaaabog all the qualities of a ,porfoa Writisig Mad. end that °b oa be has fully obtained by the invention of an Ink which Bows smoothly from the pen, is, witaigtf untribi delay a Jet Black when used • ( a pr ia 4,ol,p_ r lea to .tee pen. •, deposits no seal m ga l. - • 0111, yr ires ionmaid ; an Is unchan g eable it color ' p.k 4 4 10 11. Woo* In Ring all these qualities. 4 , l usassit„ For as • by all the Booksellers and Who 0 . MICH AMM G r Mannufactucb* -Jr GILT PORTRAIT FrtAlikg.S.' Gilt Mouldin g ' s Looking Glom* lime Pave lab. ograpbs in Frames, or out, selling eMarp lath* Prestos Dall4ag,' • ' ? arch ILL - - 'T. M. ArISOTI N . _• s X Oe, feb::-38tf Co.Partnership--Netyt,ft*. IffoCARTER &191.14C1904' HAVE [associated wi ;no ith n e Aro ' eery and Provision Wei .: : 11f.itiELLOOIV in %b. Nutmeg; will hereafter be conduct rd lirehtellegelipod styitof IIieCARTER k itIiLLPG42. ItiMo, Jews 11,1130-1 Allem 491Aierty, , , Gaid .m4.o4Maitt . .. '`, . 1 1' ' European ai3 W liliAtiOpes Me carat ciao. ii =lnead 4 himezimsa enredul iifteleen4eveillie jb. ,.. l.l,.. Pepekling Watches and Time Pionesed tad WO Wan an te4kalpill. el $,471 , V fr 7 .= j UT PARS J 1 1Y l Mt( ---. _______r! i t s f_ •• =rela , -sfv ER WA RE -T 'pee* Lull's, Jelly old BeyTrapia.rtret, =Bleneela, Cake cation, =el" as. Verson and Jessw-Lint litsdie, antennstantly en bitediessallernate = Penner Clio. lin. . .4d ,At N. enliSTlll. KAINTS t PAIN 1 writ. Lead , dry find Iq al Haw aad Ballad Llageei4S Vordlaa Ochre, Chrome) seek Flue* .emit a h l rE r ow" thing he the Una at l'Anffilv_ 11.0 it A dud Ira ik Stain). litil4l, - E are now - ti tarnish all wh. of any deaeril pdata than hays ever ber Comity. Our ariortmet ttostodern improved, tonflimi found the ,Banner, Pt Empire, Mad number 0/other Also The justly adebrat saki number of other sloth. Morning 6lor, ViOpen Y ilate, Hall, stoves of en for C.asb, et less figures warrant them to sir sdlshina any thing in MI *WI and you shall Foundry, N. IV, Corner Hit., Ans. 13, 11169.r.1 FARM Ti! E undersigned oilers for., , -,, rea aoaaal. tonna a roan tit'A No ' , ••, to the township of Vensngo, Erie cogirtg. 4 , tii - t throe ' di hall miles from the gond/ling 41 ~ Watts . • . Said farm contains ant tw o * or . t and 1 4 . -..d bottom land, twent y -n VS or lir I. a Mod of improvement ; It has il u ing Sal: 'tog will curd, together with a subatant be %ride eay, and an unexorptil air n47' For forr parUculars enquire of IL 31.4 Sties, sinslourg, or of the subscriber at Waterford, Elio co. !a. Ont. S. 1/31.11--IS.U. P• a. Einpatil. PAINTS! PAINTS! IHAVE on hand and Vriltsell 10 very to pnees, • large sasortmencof PAINTS AND COLORS! ....ioth r , to part, or. ' . - • WH/TE LEAD. t ,S' NOW WHITE zim., PO It( - 1-21.41-LV F.L.N7Sa; ' . terrnme and French Green, dry and 101:641, ?weal Vecketiarn Red, Fire Proof Paint, Obtaive sod Amerman Vermin Inn, boiled and ran Linaeed'bp , Turrtrflne, Put. ty, °Wu, kn. Pereon. intending to paint vielln find it to their advantage to call before loterthael Plllenbere, at the Drug and Paint Ater.. of 4.14; PlietrA IR, wa y y23-51 1_ tamer i•tatt• *vet^ Nts . ~, J *l4 01 \To N k (1) reveadally,aill the u . •t Lentil-a) of .11kallnrs to thaift larwo gout isopsnor stock of •• . GROCERIES, 8A • " AI they rapacious Wei roorana, come; Of 8414, pod Firth Streets, Ene, PL. r to curasiprate with any JOBBER watrat , uf Sq7,Y9Fy. A n EXA MINA 770,1" Or 0 C . 1? ,•Yrtek reopectfuLly solltited from all-who via market for tfir purpoar of baying rood'. hmulr arrange- UtrU t• for ...curing the _ _ BEST BitAIMS_OP FLOUR t dlreet from the headallfileiffnlir niugullf;tire fed cond. damt that Ike Yarlefy_e_tercutb we are now enabled to offer cahoot hat to vatic tft':'Wthterorlifiti illaho fortis' of country. JOIMPoN, lisle, Apnl,1 TRY B. YARD'S, 4.lpc Java, Laguing, Rio, rasaW. Airy Bainarr. wyboeilivgio Cart..e. 8., New Orleans, Sug•rs, seiljniFew 1 4) lihthe . 040 eonrik X gni l ate e q " up Til . ',! . 1...', W th l Ar i tgA l ? l ,M J ,( B ;x A liNt itscow doing business p,utual p/* lt e itr , „ the „kb eared e participation in the fits ht without liabWty &eke upon the Liar* Itigte u n* 'the moat Carntttelanp. T istripat.wlFA7ll/trrally and promptly l'ire risky on merchandias,heThga and other pro as town or boantry,lot a 144,11111 tot* prfpnesittf."' DIMICT.0.11:8. - Joseph H. Real, James C. Hand, ye a Thoophillut Paulding, thin& Ow* Robert Bailout, ..a- . Joka Garrett, Dn. Orsig, Samuel gdwards. Henry Lawrence, Merida. Rassow. e -a. Charlet Kelley, • ', , Rase H. Mr* William Pottroll, ' I William Bay, . n r , 8.1 no ..4 • AR. LA H eston, John Ulm, Jr. Spoon. . ... a George Sornal, John .1. Nowlin,. _ 17.dward J. G. Jo .r= 1"2.16 X 1 L €4 461- .' . •il.t WI i I t &Wei ,trAITU T • 101151111011111 iIIVANI _am I .4,1.;./1 .ti aidrom I NlPPilipplloseto ail bittbaill eab ce sp a ii.,. I Erie, April t, 1867. J. G, jest, o , I C A lerlftrrtieWil JOINERS' TO2I. 4 8. MVO I have recently made large addlthme to my former *tea Carpenterie and Joiners'?oni,t, malitusr it the most complete in the city. March it '6lO .1 C. FIELDEN. H. B. HAVHROICY. F heV//// , •) k r- G ';' 11=1 NM q PLO V M ENT A NEW INK ! GAGGIN'S VANADIC BLAVK INK AErIoVIZM, I"MiitAT6il4. FLOUR Fliiki eI*MLLII ,10l I MIMI': ,O,LD G ......AMirkpiniVoEfew A- NiLdo iiidwriirto Woo :),UL.W.laffe2 . 1 •401.' 4, , ,Ar • S PURI' ill •It RA -AWN : AN GVOIP E ' and after Thursday, April 12, 1860, TRAIN U. PASSENGER .lll LRAMS wA... i45,•.7.", A...dilly, (Sundae exosiel) ar• orityi at Erie at 11.0." A. Al. • • !Ile re , Lit %V It RIRIE, at 3 P. M., after arrival of Lake bbc=tat =&l3striga =PIM. tiiiikay‘ vitasas, a btlai' 7:l;l=7lth Paaseagor Car atlases.* will Lyra Erie for Warren, arriving at 3.00 F. a. Returnin on alternate days , will leave Warren km &As IR 06. P g , and arrive at Dia at 111 h, P. )11, 5A311... A. BLACK, 7. D. „qv, oil* WM. . ' • itiaMS,•••Me k .37 t. 1 ' 4 ' 1 ; 1 re 717'11-Fr'i It witopsi omimmv. O N an a d n u d ne a u ft fu e e l he M r n°ontidewakiifr Apri l 9t a b e , w l Ul rue B6o ; a* 1411 f uwo,v,is,— ht AV Id Q.thi r VILAND. ' 10 00 A 11. Mall Train stops at all Way Stations except Wickliffe. Menem, Perry, Unionviil• and Saybrook, nd arrivetatlllie I 01% 3 ell P Cineittdriti r sporty, Stopping at kinrisville, Ashtabula and Girard, arrives in EA* at 6 32 P. If V2O P M. hisht Expriips Trate stops at Painesville, Ashtabula and Girard. ' , lily, and arrives at Kris Li 47 A. M. '1.1( , I.lllliVii ERIK • • 166 A. M Night Expreas Train stopsat Girard, Ashtabu la and Painesville only, and arrive at Cleveland 6 30, A. M. 1 40 P M Day Ripest; 'topping at Girard, Condnaat, A.htahuia and Painesville, arrives In Cleve land at 6 20 P. M. 10 11. A. II Mail Train slope at all Way Stall y t S/1.) tg..k, Unionville, Perry, Mentor and end eta.. ►t Cleveland at 2 30, P. IL All the through tralnr gang Westward. nomad at Cleveland .4th trans for Toledo, Chicago, Colombo*, Om en:lima, I ndienepolie, tor. kn. Al: the through trains vino F-rustwurri,eonnect at Dun kirk with the tritium of time N. Y t Eris Railroad: and at HOW° with the N Y. neutral and Bu to and N. Y. City Railroad., for New York Albany, Roston, Niagara Falls, H. NOTTINHHAII, Ruparintetident. OrreluvA, April 7. IMO. tali! yrt2ROW at Ogre ioW rim. 14. t.. 16, 1 —l9. 2.8431010: 11 s S 1 3/0/80. BUFFALO & E RIE R. R. nitamimmimeg (IN and after Monday, April 9th, 12130, namoorsr Trains will run on this Road as follow.:. LEAVING ERIE. • 1 eo A. N., Aril /Igor's/4 stopping id WestileidiDwo 'kirk and Sitrst Crook, arrive* at Dunk, sill A. N. 2 GS P. K., Mail, strrpcdos at North Nut, West field, Salem, Dual* 811vorerook, Irving and Ev ans Cowls% anteing at N4Milo, at a flk P. N. 2 40 P Y Claalwasti iSpram, stopping at Westlield, Dun . kirk owl kiiiknot Clod, arrive at Sollaio at 10 OPAL • LEAVING BUFFALO. 4 Is A t ilt, Lyrae Matil, stepping st Ilatabwift, U IUI4 Creek, loans Castro, Irvine, allow Alsolt, Dunkirk, Sams, Porthisid,l4ostleld, Quincy, DUO, Line, North Kart sad 1: artereratik, arrlviasrat Ohio • at 10 60 A. Y. 10 00 A. K., 4 si Ergovsa stopping at Silver Crook, Dun e 1 trPtlf sirita # ILO pot* East, antra, eStEriii •' I , 134, P. K., it Er stopping atailvor Crook, Dun aka and Wambold arriving . : trio at 2 04 A. Y. All of the 0.111 at Dunkirk and Buffalo ',Uhl- 11; fil rg i Ctfais for Terr l irk, Ibta Rail Road tim e about 10 minute, taster than Sri* Woe, EIE 4,4117 thiagia las lima, aid& la warm!' to ak, mai la D 1 as reprivented, or no sale. Is old fried i we i rwrs may ag etting , • Goods *Ma at any o• r store In . CO LIN. Rm, April 4, MO. • ANIS AN D HOMINY. J. HANSOM Is now receiving from Cincinnati a Ice Int of Su Cured H and Kane of the sine ci ir Janet . GR TDR , estbs. ME NOTICE. C/R7 W 7VERe'T. #.t LL s BRITA* S A NTI4-COSTI P'E 'Nadi LIVER POWDER; UC L AISI,...IF . S TOR AtT I 1 , C...IRT 14EMEItI01114448; .IRTM P , ir5F. 1LE..415 ; Co 4 !ITER S COMPOUND jar of SMART wiz.D ti e , R TI: It S G LALALIN WORM C..411Dr , i ra o 1e had of the Druarlats In NORTH EAST, .8110 lel 4 O'f ' I I ?l n, OM o ‘' 1 • WATERFORD PVlrrs BURG, ,Meratopo. HE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR . 'ale • tact el hilidialeao II the "Aida* true lf, Irtic /oar toll., nod of W 111tPifOrd, OTI the trio k Vietertoo# fikvillSWl6t4-'"444,144t about I,ooloactee. thol i t it i - hal .te welt 11:sitemet, and ' iiamiably Okla& *tau 11 0 1. fre , ~ hillelepurteaeret le Lao &hided by usbary A-. arie Railroad. It *lll be mold to a body orimulmgvialod illl tract.. to salt purchasers ."' _. 3 / 8 31.1aUth, July 16 16+54 —6ll AVie 421 in bell.Otattl• * - - liii LI LtItIM IS, . . 1-1 it Rim orvinui a splealid *.portment Ton gig Vastea, blotto Cups and Ifia,cer., Linn LIMO a, and a great variety of i USEFUL 4./VD I.llllW a rilL TfCLES, meltable for the HuNdays: Cake ftaaketa,Taafiata, Metiers, Cup., F Napkin (beau ul pattern a,) and 1411111 Jews ry. Wat and &bey oda .-tall an aqui. irate, Ore. 2d, Ma. ,„,, fireirtsttence Co. ! SiA4rliggla COPP, r P.APitgi AND , , .41324 !. I B, r ittaltiMollii, WO*ND .121-106 - . I l i tbe Coro ot Kerdpslsis and Noirinimiro *ai t u _ a t ". tt s aNag ist nilV. • kt.l4N STON3I2/ 7r 171 UrittP".l4X23"3ll.erdtf • " e/t • ; • , e -,- ! "1 Grse, St•el *sr ids br C. A LLEIOE GOLD MEDAL and Bat — ara Sakitties for *l. at BALDwurs Drag Stoss, • may 26-61. No. 0 Reed BOWS ..A,T COST. 111110 7 1:N0 made arTi lr a . a . M" ! l* t°C° anothir kind ol Dar hunk) 7111 . my my stock 01 Hats &ad - - a by , moil or OST Ily Goods are almost entire , aew, having been per !lamed within the lest NI1:111roto the le manses ' Buffalo Rnbea. that M. SMITH. readying 'L I M. iils- 4 'IP- TIP 11 %41b, -4 elver ow; with Is -.who widow& diLlMead. Valuable Land for Sale. takt cW.u4O4, Guitars oak.. a lltan! Know • Volt" DR. 11,13'NTEli'M MANITAL• • 1 4 ,10 11 "" sod popular Treatise oo 4.251"3".:4 1 1r02id.11.2q, noir Mtoticallt, sad Sista Monte of tri oirtor4.l)logiinoodasku• the •pogy Comb( us inisiolllaat4othloioolloracter, Welds°, to Viev6•lol* . of tbo lowa of Nature sod of Nosives God. PRICK TWENTY-rno CENTS - 7 author tithe above volume Is • L.ll ' flee looloymod horiog devoted a quarter • ere the Study and and treat tagyjelhilis sad kindred disorder* as a .• ty, be ilkellseisonastmeseeed of moat invaluable informidon to osprill tothooenro, and a able to into opal" memoaroyao the very quinseneeefineelical edema be tietcloportast subject; as the read • the oxPorteitm. • la most eminent physician" In Americi is thtra telly doismotootool Lt ble ban hi./ onersooditt pezotrtoo la the treatment of swot dioceses In maarghoellands of pees in the City of Philadelphia one. Simony of.tdtt Prfjosfor of Ob3r , feuds tft Feint. Olargd, PAdiltieltatia. "Dr. Hl7 TOPS IigDICAI.IIANUAL. —The author oi this work, unlike the majority of those a ho stivertme to Mare the disease Of which It treats, Is • etKA toc•Ilt of one of the beet Colleges In the United States It affords me pleasure to recommend him to the t ‘PoßTl`eAtli, or to the victim of nstrnserics, w a 11117ekeSVI'L and tar re attratctv ;onetime/4 le whoee hour. and Integra, they may place the greatest conddenee. JOSF.PII S. LONG/MOBS, 1t n Prom A. Woodward, At. D. ”i University, It gives me pleasure to add nu% t. muttony to the pr.- fee-tonal ability of the A uthor of the `•11 chit AL MAXI AL Names us ours of Diseases of the genital i trona rouse of them of long sosainc. lutes room under my aIItiCALS in which his skill has been manifest in re*torting to perfect health, In aims instances where the patient has Is, o n &Were.] beyond medical aid. In the treatment of Seminal weakness or disarrangement. of the function. prvetuOtti by star-asosit or Ricans of variety, I do not lino* his in•- talloa In the profemion. I bate been aryl/anted • Ith lb. Author some thirty years, and deem it no more than instep to him as well as a kintitwas to the bttlortnoute eletilta of early inclownition, to recommend I int a. one In whose professional skill end Intricrttv they may nafely totaliiii themselves AI•FRKB WintllN ARP. 11 It om copy. Petard] itavoloped. will he for - wanted free of palate to any part of the United mst,/ for It. C,r.t.. or • eopin for $l. Addreiot„ post pnkl, 1 ., 11. - 1111thert„ boo 197. Pl:Model phis sfflr Booksellers, CIIVII.Per. so veot.. piled on the most liberal tering. ,umellkt 1-lil . FIIIINITURE! FURNITURE! JH. RIBLET 11AS 1:1111()VE1) 1115 • splendid Sleek of Vomitore down to ht. S. Building, OA Mats street, one door Soul h of Perry Block, built expreesly for that purpose, yr hen• t, a y r. found a large and well selected sailor tmr ut of mbralidei all kiwis of Calonet Ware usually or °eh tie eutabiliefWeitt. Oa the drst tory may be found ifseemas TLlfer, EZIC•110111 Tables, Pariosed Wash Steads, Caussarni Waal Magas, Leib Staads, result, Collatge and Owitst.n. Wardrobes, Lola, 4 , , 4 , , Manufactured by himself, tog. thee oath a large stock of Of every glade and pities juju& etiatoniers 4 l' —• ad d tU e t j4BTvnv, 'Straw Goods, Shakers, Children's Hata, sus. Tit assis i m ate, hei, Also Plowsrs, Paihosts, Coto, Used Dresses, Coteetts, Poop Mitts Ho , Gloves, Chown's., wistadalls liSakeo jar with sway other Widow la sod drew. Apati mu yigklSAF.A D . 179.,1111CD , 81111 AW BOliird at stews riirs bad sad Pressed In the best IL-11Alloons wippliod at wboh their Doom 0100111 *mow' bo boawbt I PFP ' O- * • • x 4.1 ProdtAxeirk),A4,rl UST RZCErVID mid 143111 be HASH et skeet meat. at JOHN B a, sAbl.a. you want^ nice CAB or CA tier children. p to JOHN SANTORO'S. W aillockerhipoyouroili IndbloOf tbon —.ca to bat pa. Owls& hob 112 75 toss 110 each; also, a floe mond "t °Macy %clots and fine Candies, April 4. G LASS. -A finesesortment of . the best Wade • zed dem tor ode eery thee at RA,LDWIRII DRUG non, me. 5, Ileei Nils& COMBS, --LADIES FANS, PARIS FANS cosi*, aselkets, Hair Mut Sweatais, at an endless variety at the 2i PIR4GOO BVILDI4VG. 'FABLE CUTLERY, Pocket tolotk• of all styles sad qualities, at low prima, by Vet. t 9, 6Y-21 J. C. BELD DIME BRANDIES,—Jdit r •ed • liroogis tb Quatsnt -limes at Eno and f. Apt' XL by CARTYR k B 000 LBS., WHITE LEAD.-1:1 wx• th e fottowinyt brand'. London, ear York. Atlantis, Crystal raison, Niagara, Spring V y, Sid CARTER k A 500 BOX WINDOW GLASS—Co .. - prising as assortment of over fifty Mel, V&A us Mends, French, lNglish end American, for labs low. by 211 ti rARTI‘R k BM) The Season f or P ai n ti n gatg 'Cr AS ARRIVED, sod to meet the d Jl_Lnsands nsualty Made noon OP in t way, we bar supplied ourselves with a large and complete aftenelmene rel rEA air...thingndaYTi wired in the hoe 01 either out or in deur hem WIIITF: L e D. oididereat brands and different prier., and dtfferent qual• itiakeerime rirti, sad some a IJI.LLI a lin.; elm, SNOW WHITS ZINC. PORCSIDAIN WHITE. Paid BOSTON PARLOR FINISH. Omen, bright and deep: French nod A moneask. suitable far Blind and Lattire Painting. French I wriln., Cenitlan Rod. Rolled and Rao Litmeed Oil, Turpentine Varnish. 1 0 19 t• 014 VON: satita Turpentine, to be to Oar keg La taint vrin sat be , Z 1 Jaws )calling at the new white Dm; and Paint Qt"re n 1 Brie, April 1, 11k50. t AktTEl: A BRO, VINE JEW ELRY.—Basutiful LAVA. Coral, Carbuncle, Cameo, and Pearl del* of Breast Ms, Ear Pendants, nracele., for But t. , n•. u,.• kr -- Kew doulgus, splendid Good*. r ol of every dcacriidloa nunk rder mad all k f done; by theloet of ro. orlt men no ohnrl notice 2$ T H A rSTI filtifil., t THE ONE PRICE STORE. 5000 i. 8.,." 4 ...,_hrowns , /gnr. uom-la ?Lug L., /Z lb*. White scogar, 600 " Rios, 14100 ," kkri=l Oolong Test sq i 6 00 lbs. Gold Velar ten to;, - 600 " Babbitts Best Salsratuo, Purs'illhain of Tartan 514 " Soda, ' spe 1 .841•610r Po 60 if lb. (lades* ffilvet Stare". 6000 lbs. Ashtaa's Mary Salt, _ 100 Obis. Commons Halt. 60 % bbls. Wblte nab. ;and all n 1 I goods usually found in *Grammy. NOW is the Time to Buy °Lima sons i t.i. :00 Alm'lstn sall be ton they pt old, and In plata Eniloph .e must sod will have money to buy more, to Insure quick Pales. Oar 9111 and Dec prices will always be found as few sts many N. B— , abrior wanted In exehaire/Boollie and e duce to the O. E PRICE j wro . • Pa. , . P. k J. IBINNIG. • : • ActiliSi . • & CO. • . • "111mmilleaneenee, and Nolen In BOOTS AND SHOES, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION azcßa GIEXATZT RED trosai Nlp arii oinglite Largeat and seat mila* arlbasla Paabtoushle Bouts' amt . Ca aalaaSaa CASH than thssum quail& tjno of &16117atiValttrie= boustit for "" t e '/ • ' At ala 7 • • & • PARTyIc, R .ATTHNTION GIVEN 4 1 :T re. V i a:htf WORBI LAlCh ilt ' aoo,.__P• l l 6 o l aaarsatsea. r east Murk of Part,grtAr. i1t01110146- e from Aultiont ,1 CASE, I I AP" 010 e Gray, Cadet aid Seel =nd Peen and Plaid ases tine for al end 00 sta. • • 111•14 5 . VINOrAT, Tialieldi, II it , raiNisisi 'Oil I. ° L RAMS of Raw ant toilod Lin ... 41 CM, for auk to quantitier to molt purchaser*. roay2B-61. T. 8. SINCLAIR. MRS. WINSIAW, AN . experienced Num, and Female rbokiao, pototolo to tits attootioa of suptiorro be 800T3XX8II ISTILIIP, POR einumsn TErrauf,o which greatly Stellitates the proms or teething, by soft. volitig the gums, reducing all hidasornatAtial—trill allay all peta and spasmodic action, and its woe Se ferules* biesols, Gloprod upon it, on them, it *4ll glee not to yourselves. and rellt4 11114 health to your What& We have pat ap and sold this Brit- eM for over tee years, madman say. Kra. in °peiatrics' truth of it what we bare never bent able to any of any other medicine— Never kw it+.,,,..., ours in a single tar 44 411104 tO al ra airs, whoa time. I Y " 14 ' ..Ter 80 0 t ~ did er• know an inartnnce of waist- hi n s isiaction by any aim who seed it.-- SYRUP. Oa lho nolitfull, all are delighted at o ms, and speak in birmeof commendation of its magical eltecte and medical virtues We speak to this matter .what we know," after ten leers' expetienee ' and pledge son reputation for the fulfillment of what we ben declare. larmat every Instants where the infant is adoring from hE n and exhauntlon, relief will be found in Often or sty minutes after the syrup is administered. This valuable preparation is the preseription of one of the most experienced and skillful harms to New Ragland, and had been used with never-tailing success In thousands of ease*. It not only relieves the children from pain, but Invigoratee the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and Rees t.,.. and e nergy to the whole system. It will al most Instantly reit. ye (lairiso is TIM 'WWII" AID W ISD Cour, and overcomes convulsions, which, if not speedily nenstylled, end in -- death. Wit he lie‘• It the hest sad surist mine- dy In tbs world In all cues of Uy pentery anal uniiiivnisra DbuThces to C4~l ..cry and IV dr "' wheth" it l Teethilisr arleeshorn teeth ing ur any other • I canse.Wewoula •ay to every , • who has child su tiering from any of the foregoing complaints-4o not let row prejudices, nor the prejudices of others, stand be. tween your suffering child and the relief that will be sure. yes, alcolutely core—to follow this medicine, if timely used Full directions for using will accompany each bot tle bione genuine unless dig far-simile of LI . RTIA k PERKINS. New York, is on the outside wrapper ry" Sold by Druggists throughout the 'world Principal Umee, Pao. 111 .Cedar P 34., New 1 ern -I.Y 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE 1y.17 EAGLE. FOUND DP:A(11 titreel, above the B 1. Ys Achoonnk Htnq .on' the •ttentton of Ibr public to tboir, =1 PARLOR, OFFICE AND C.4.lpriplog ■otnr of the moetAil h esohne rna to give th.•n. We w arrant all ou lit nut fully •tpreard an for hit liineey We WIA "nand fir." And It I W n.. Krttles, Steig .oro, Sad Irons and al: 1111111134, "(Cast Joe on hand manulartnred to order PLOWeI 'LOW-POINTA of superior Woks and dun hi: ity It son hand A call and a fair trial of oar art. alLau r ask and as will guarrantes antis:fiction Enr int *2l, latin Arlik:SON & HENRY • - - reat Seneca OirProspects. FARM AND VILLAGE PROPERTY FOR SALE. rrIIE SUBSCRIBER NOW OF'F'ERS FOR fish .E,lOO LOTS, In ekrlo/1 VILLAGE, Erie Co , Also, one farm of 60 acne, wee of 30 alters, and another of 190 acres, all imitable , for inlots or outlots ; two el rellent Water Privileges ; 66 acres of land two mile* from Union. This b at present the best StIiNECA OIL Property in Eris Co., one Well having been slunk 69 feet on this Land, and is atilt programing with oust enemas Wee quantities of oil hating forced dealt - wee the top of the Well. Union is the auseLSourishing village in Erie county, the Sunbury and Eris Railroad passing directly through it, inaldng theflirst point out of Erie of mach importance. The Atlantis & Great Western Railroad now in Prollreoll, paring threergh It abo. fifty-Wee nest Buildigre have been made in Upton the year, the good health of our Inhabitants, the prosperity of oar farmers and tradesmen, all combine to make Union rise PLACIS to Weed your serplas _capital. coati AHD MEN IT. P G STRANAHAN. Union VIPS% Feb. SI, 11100-110311 LLI. l a , AU .. aL .m... a: , a 74 ; PRIVATIC AXD CONTIDINTIAL MEDICAL —AT PRE— ARIPPALO PRIVATE ROOPITAL, Establishod tor Ilk* eurekof Soak&les. Sembilan Irateateese„ fettle Secret bilframiltiee Taal as/ DYSPZPSI.I, MURAL 2 1 :MnirICYSIZ AND 401:114 .. I se NC24k i nher i zirrav h. 4o. 4, warms. orty clift Vcif.D AGE. . "NO KNRCIAItir VMtD. with Wirt for 41,CUILIW' AXOB A- - 8 N, Corner et Kok mei amity steeek BIDIVALO, N. Y., ere the j i l Ptiyielans bi the State who ot tie Royal College of tergeoes, bootee Nay be esalted 6ee Iteleek to the reorelag seta 9at sight. to every Arse wet egiSithete et dimes', The treatment Unity adept Is the mean of uparsrde of thirty years seteeelve practice Yareposall Asserts. Goods. , CHEAP YARD'S, A MOST SCIENTIFIC INVENTION RIAD E ilibtflusestfro, tbik oars etlioatuebst Dalriknbs. mom rawly known u &mina] IFebtaasa, etc. Cab be psresstutly nurse mom Moen Ewe 'to ti swaths by the use of tido instrument, whoa smut conjointly with medicines. YOUNG lINN TALK PARTICULAR NOTICE De, ANON t NON. lake paingare am that tbey have am a most Important Matnusent for the arm et OM as,. It hen bees in fleeted to a tat by tbe most egangst Aransas In Londe., Path Phila. alpha and Woe York I It ha bra deehred tie only Dotal Inotruntest ewer Unigatod hie the gam el Nastita Weakens% orany Casa gamed In the genet habits of youth. Pram bygnell itsplone. N. 11.—De. AO5 lb lIQN In order to gatlity the most dondeal sato the main of Mainstream Ora Nava that in say Ingtanas where It say pion nsestielha tory, atter a fair Slat the mousy will be refunded by ea tuning the latreatent hi good order. COUNTRr INTA.LIDS. Persomi In any part of the world may be se treated by tore arding a gonad detail of Gel , ease, a remittance for molleines., etc. Addis Dr. allOtt SOW, camera liallisaa4 Quay die. Du (f.lO, N. Y. r 47-1 44. PARK HALL CLOTHING STORE. BOOTH EAST Cllieflelt . PlTßLlC SQUAB!, ERIE, PA TOWN GRAHAM turring just rettirtied V frown the Haat with a libelee and eandally 'elected Stock of Cloths, Coalmen and vesting in great variety, ',mold reapeethilly inform him friends generally, and pm trms mirticalarly. that he Is now better prepared than heretofore to attend to their wants and to aid them in resting into oblivion and formithalnes their old imperfec tions. This he proposes to tin by bringing, or rather i , sending them forth under brighter auspice" under the at tractive gloss of his new Clothe, Cannieree, ke. i He has also, and is constantly making up, • very One tuedasottasent of ready made clothing, which be will feed ch pleasure in showing to those who may beer him Ith 'their patronage. Hs makes to order, and keeps on and, all styles and aims of boys clothing, which are die off nn the most reasonable terms.- Boys coots from , points odward, and all things elm in likemanner iportlonately low. He mullet. a share of public pa nag. and proud*n a fair satheactine, as to prime and lability of articles. avel and Military work done to order, and -led to - . N aatiagactir NE THE RIGHT PLACE TO GET IT Ls . at.N. MURPHY'S Old and Eatabliahod Wand, hut Row. between Brown.' Hotel end the Hones. Ma iussortment crmprlra every article In the tin. Okimrifiron and Copps'. Sae—arittannla and Ja mmed ware atom, ke. The celebrated Stewart •Cleekiag .Steve 1 'the gtookest and best In the world is eoppliod at reemonse ble sled Thladoot for general utility and beauty of fist& Is justty odier!l Hr whimpers sire =i7 ted toe re le In II n. b a n, a assortment k and I of the beat mama and .cafe s comps wing a , ae an assort. dead Nom be found city.- Lase ..a ageocy for the w& of the es BRROKINRIDGE4 COAL OIL it LAMPS! the choped. best soded Mph light of tkie age — tio bodeltespees Mend, WO substitute tor gas in edit. eneg.• it you Ind ati Mg la my line ewe sr • eali-1 tfgl strip 14 all as to quatity and price. *d lay 11.111110. N. mann. SASH,. DOORS & BLINDS. 1 HE subscriber having leased the Shop LW) oceopiod b 7 CROOK I Co n would rt. = lir ny inform time *We that to wlll oostiarao to Bra *AVM DOGUS,IIII.IPIDS„ 11T110111.1416 moomeinses, Am, but =aorta 9r - vrmsaiddp owlet bo molted to s. I that SURnCIe. ,L" ING •4 • • • :i • and SCROLL SAWING, at#sldsris to • somas* mow 44i =blai asdl paws se Siesp as tio• asut malt jot•r•••ptkr &SWAM* Shop oa Poach Itt. e • filar door' north at EloptiolCbozob. D0c,17, 185114-28t1 J• 1128 PCROOK. UM For iSIEME rrerpeetrully call rye and complete 11,X /V KS iSeful and durable kinds isfaeti.n to those who use Loves and when satisfoetion the party don not rangy, ral u 0 mai.. It a:I rlght. our pros. crottltal.l« a, bont• mono hie- ADVICE erybody ! DR. T. F. FRANK, 001:7T-AIBT, WITH the expenditure of mucli. labor has finally succeeded in bringing Shat treatment for diseased era, ao much ren ommentled by writers nu Opbt.Wroic medicine, which con sists la the application ref chemical futon and vapor., to a used bearing In big profession. Ocalbtr ,have greatly neglected this only national bastment for want of proper scientific aparalwies, and with the risk of their patients eyes, sub et the vul gar practise of introducing the crude drug directly to the yea ; either in the form of mild caustic, or Irritating salve, or washes. The eurnegnenee is that more eyes are deetenyed by the use of medicine than by disease. Dr. Prank ham overcome this oistacie by the invention of his Ophthalmic Volatilising apparatus, and bee fair a few pears past proved by the great number ru awl under has ders, that his treatment is unparalleled. The patient under it enjoy a the full Inman anticipated from the medicine, without beteg subject to the distress produced by foreign oubetanees used as vehicles for drags, or the Impure inert edlent generally combined with them. Pain and infistninal lon is at once subdued, even in '*s.• of long standing, and ant an Instance is known where opacity of the pupil was produced by Dr Frank's treat. meet ; on ibg c o ntrary, is speedily removed if already in progrees. firanalations of the lids disappear sifter a short treatment of this tied, without the use o. Luna Caust.c— lest lug the eye in a perfectly normal condition, not at • pr....luting that ciunic weakness wbich an initatiror t t aunt is always followed by W.ak 14 es of old people receive strength, and - me of soullinucd A roe a are curet by three lip atiots , several ewers of that description being midis r Frank's treatment 14.0. r, are rapidly icrovering. in ../eration• for cataract and deform roof the eyes, Mir treatment promietta success, in sequence of pre. •entio g undue inflammation. Patient. Preen a distance will On. Is treatment conve nient , they can use the appant • and utedicinte at home, avoiding coneiderable caviare Particular 'lnformation w 1 be given upon ingunt by letter including two letter mpa, or on calling upon Dr. Frank at hill residence, • tween tore hours! of ll A 11. and .1 P. N. i Buffalo, American Hotel, miirch3l-11743 Rooms 4 and . _ Lad' : Furnishing Store. WE • oulfl respectfully call your atten t • . to a choice selection of ii.ndv, conaudlnr. in part ti Bonnets, Flowers, and A ILLINERY CtOODS ! IT WHOLESALE 4AD RET4II. A.lllO, UloVett, Hosiery, Head Dresses, Para sols, kanbroideries, Veils. Choice Ribbons. duOttes, Bloods, Caps, hoop bklrta, And a variety of other things which we would be pleased to show you at any time you may favor us with a call.— Our (Immix are all NE W, and will he sold cheap (Jr CASI.I. MILLINERY IN ALL ITS BRANCIIES Will be carried on ender our pr0 , i4.1 di rection. We would ...licit measly a tall as convenient A choice s e l e cti o n of Ready blade and Trimmed ii•U` constantly kept nn Land. Ear Call and examine our Goon* before purchasing elsewhere and by so doing save 1. th time and money. H. SMITH, march 24-42 Eo,t Shi• wf the I Ark. French el , Erfe HOWARD ANsocIATIo - is, •P2IIII,ADELPIIIA. Itexeroltat /waif shoo oda/dished ti epeeist Eiwieweient fur the rasef of taw Sick and Thatreseed, eillarted with Virulent wad Epidemic Dereasse, sad especially for the Care of Dossers of the Sexual Organs. MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the Acting Sur• goon, to all who apply by letter, with a description of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, kr..„) and in Climes of extreme poverty, Medicine* furnished hes of charge. VALUABLE REPORTS on Spe*atorrkices, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, end on the NEW REME DIES employed in the Dispensary, sent to the sainted in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamp for pastor* will be table. Address, DR. J. PKILLIN HOUGHTON, Aetiog &u -pon Howard Amociatkit4 No. 2 Booth Ninth Start, Phile:delphia, Pa. By order of the Directors. GEO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary. EZRA D. BAA KTWELL, Prendeat. martial —43 This Way, Gentlemen! flll HINTER CLOTHING GENSHEIMER'S 1 Corner of State and Seventh eta., Erie READY "MADE CLONING , • Salted to do MUMMY, Comallathig of Dress, Frock and Sack Coats of style and prier, Vests of all binds. Cravats, Shirts Uadar.BAtrfs. Mayers, HandkerciAM Collars. Eloodory of itilismat qualities : short, be keeps every artiebi ussally MOM& Clotkine Litsbitahmant. His Clothing is mawslisetured by blinestf. sod narrated equal to any la lb* City. homes IMAM/ articles In bat HA will do well I. as I sod Amnia. Ms stock, as be Intends not to ho undersold by soy rtgbiblisheoeat vomit or Net, York MAUR/ MO* to order no abort notice. Er Argo* *see, GotaLiAser's or nor, ar se. if Stekt stad :Moat *vas. Cm, Sept. 24.-1149. JOHN G X,NB I I MIRE. Notice of Co-Partnership. fi EO. F. WEBB has associated DAVID moaLLASTER with him in the ilannteetnre and resding of STONE. WALE la the City of Ere. They will jointly conduct the Wetness under the name end Ana of EBB k WALLASTER, and hope to merit and rlbelliVO a lihaeal petrosege. The borne= will be promouted on a larverecale than heretofore, with a rime topapplylog the locreased demand, 1:60. F. WEBB, marehl7-41 DAVID WALLASTRIL C:o 4l p r edaLielle• J. . IttiII.GESEI 00., 117172Lalleaseale Orrocerss. AFTER APRIL FIRST may be found at Ns. 1, SONNISLL BLOCK, hate street, (fereserip ocarined ii Grey 4 Ferrer.) This abanslateation a ff ords more room and better imosnttles be. , ir bads. Mo il stock of Groceries, Misr astil Proelnions 111 at tat ttmes be offered at the lowan market Mesa. marshal-43 DICIIJRE FRAMES & MOULDINGS. Web Ovals sad Mouldings, good sestortaisat, acre opining 14 the" WU? PARK Jai:mm' 8701.14 MLR PARAGON BUILDING. "OLD FOUNDRY" STILL AHEAD!! SAAR & J 011211111404 ars= ed to furnish at WUlegal* and Retail, Plows of sad non appromrd patterns, and Invite the attantion:o Partners and others to their Stook on hand cessiatingto ,218WORTII, J. LONG, WOLreluxs, wIARD, Ducat& PITTSB CRO, MOUNTAIN KING, kr., ire. tapt .r irlth Cultivators, Corn Motets and other articles pic to be Deep to be properly appreciated. D=ort, " Old Foundry," N. W. Corner State and Elmo% /*Ma, Rile Pa. April 2.1669. BARR k JOHNSON. A SPRING, 1860. jip SYNOPSIS OF fiTer.r.. %coals a. lat-yetzwegis STOCK. Gents.' Drell, t and Soft Hats " Walking & Traveling Cape Boys' Cape end Soft Hats. O hildren's Fancy Hata & Caps, EXQEISITELY TRIMMED, An oodles. vazioty of Mons, sad eltildrotio STRAW and LEOLIORN RATS. A Large Stoat of GENTS. FURNISHING GOODS, KID SILK and DRIVING GLOVES GETS' OF' ALL KINDS A twaatifu I aasorropeut of Tie; Scarfs, Slocka and Collars. or RRIIEMBER ACII IfoTc.. es 1:1-11111111X:1 330171131X11 WFIRT SIDE OF FRONT ENTRANCE, fa* lame stock of Hata, Capp amt Straw tlooda, Palm Loaf Hats at Wholesale. Erie, May t. BRYANT, No. 5, Reett Houle SHOVELS, and Tongs Stands, Blower Btaacts. for isle by 21 J. C. SELDRIST rzi 4''i PURCHASERS will please observe that • tbe Subscriber—an appninted Agent fur GROvn BASICS-and the SINGER'S Machines, THE BEST IN THE WORLD! enntlnuem in Brie, eppoidt• Willing'slinaio Stomas State Street, and Invitee ell penultss desiring to examine or purchase these well known and reliable Stank* Family or Manulketuriag Machines, to Call. livery Machine Warranted and full instructions given free of Charge. Singer's $5O, relueed to W. Work done to order at lowest Casa Priem. FANNY 81LAXDSLEY. J uly2l-41. WOOL ! WOOL ! 1 acoo,croci .11:s '4lol;rama.tect. Fewhich will pay Cash at Outside wee &dog masts for &astern Manufacturers wul onsbla as to pay hal imam& ?rhea. YINCSNT, TIBBALS,, SHIRK k CO, aria, Nay 12,1M0. Mate, bietwwwk 17th k 12th ate Three Weeka from Clanton. 10 HALF CHESTS, 650 Iba. FRESH TOEING IFISON Ohre* weehntrtun Canto's./ at iO ends per pound, rota k VI clouts. at BBALS. SHIRK CO. malt -60 On Sts son Ilth and 12th sta DR. LA OROI3C'S PRIVATE 11EDICAI. fiN THY. YiSiOLOGII'AL 1 . 1,EW (IP NAKI? Af, 250 PAGES ANTII3II ENG RA INI F , Price rwsurt eta r Late of 1,.„ postage to sill parts of the Colon. Iht t • infirn•iti., e 4 youth and mato:Hy, :L. Peer follies of ooth Par or at; ages, causing Jett It t) , a., en sorsa, depr.s.t, r of spirits. palpitation of Ho• heart, I tialni inuurk r a ug , , involuatary imagination., deferilre lnecunr, iadtgestion and lassitude, with s thralls, twat of. Heardisig Scisolol a Cease( hhuietif, a refloat Alfarrud Lady, 4c , . It is a truthful ult.., to tbe married and throw •• plating mamas., • 1., otartain sauce doubt. of if physical consistron, o, w h o , rw cunort oo . of Is. ost hazarded the health, La i near. and ;smiler,. to bids et,' nower bring la al.•• fled. TOLIFai HEN w rare troubled with 'tenant., K.,., ally roared by a • hithit In 40.115, the rEhrt• of •1, an digs/Dent, • • InL, foriettulneas, aomellooes a rnagn a • the ears, we eves., of the be, kwd ~..„ trenuttes, ofo.ton of of so.oss, nth anehol say be cured I, the author . I A ki•• LOS a . TREATNLNt . W ye, for the greater part 0( the v ...f 0. time to VIM:TU..6 THE EIItUYEA‘ IisF:FFTTAi soling ourselves of the kn0..1,1„ . , be inost Walled I'hyIIICULOS and Surg..,n. in Eon $.. and ots the Continent Thom, who ow, o u r can will now Lava the hall beurist , Ito. 0,.0y Nt'st AND IicTTICAc toys R.liEm E.: , .1, ,„. enanrC to Introduce mto our practice, 4.0.1 fl,. pull,. may not Penrod of the SWIM seal , asaidu.:i. • k., fa t y two being paid to their cant s, w h h e , ,„ distinguished WI heretofore, as • LIAR department of prof...sou, • , .e r 71r ,p tiOnd e gears, Yanzen YitissLis lquut.—Laalics • ko sods tor ketlitesna, the sritleacy of which LSO been trete..o thouna so i. n f and never railed to effect speedy Cur.. without an. hei: results, will use nOll, but J I r at rule. The only previa Hon n.e.sesaary eo L. 01.rer.. , 1 Ladies should Dot take thew if they I,.ve 1t.,. they are in esertato rotuattuna , h,ch, w ill b e lonani On U.. wrapper arcintlanyinu •a. h box.) though always oafs nod breathy, le ,u active are they. Yrioe 111 per box. 1 L•J nn le m.11.d In in, or the United State*. TO THE LADIES—Who Deed reet o ll•drattal tue.:Jra. • vfeer with regard to and of thud* intereettn e to which thew delicate orgardsaiion renders thet, are particuls.rly lnvitcd to consult us. Too "Kt.errateflaxmaxic Pmerwrox.' - For ma.; .• ladies whose health Is al not admit, or who has. 0., sire to.incrersee their family, may be obtained .a are,. It Is perfectly safe, and has been extensively and 10 n, the last eight years Price reduced to $lO vir Attendance datly, from % to the morning tt night,and on Sundays from 2 till 5 r ■ Medicines with full directions pant to any part United States or l.'aa►das, by patients conitounicatli their symptoms by letter M oiliness COMITAPOdeDr. stnn ly confidential. igr Dr. L's Office Is still located art established, uud.s the name of DR. LA CROIX. at No SI Maiden Lane, A. bony, N. Y. AN ACT 01 GRATITUDE 20,000 copies of • yedical book of 32 payee, On ("teem, for cresenterre envy/ahem, by • Bc7ntirga who hs. been effectaally cured of nervous debility, laniltngle„ presition of eoitits, drowsiness, pains in the limbs timidity, dtcrinese, chum'r or sight, loo memory Ike_ resulting from early errors, by following IL. Instructions given in this book, considers it his duty, gratitude to the author, end for the benefit of Calmly trys and lrerrafte sufferer:, to publish the rorsod - . B. 1.111 therefore tend free to arty address, on of two 'tamps, copy of lb. work Containing sin, mutton required. Add __-1.1.02 Box 679, , \ FoblB-1137* 6 •BANG-UP" RHYMES! When wife eLd "Groeeriee," the ~then , 111 y Where did I to without delay, And bring a 6tid.bonee on a dray When Tex is wanted, fresh and Tore, And Sugar to &elect with ears, You'r 'brays sure to and them where • Al eaoi• ,.. Who bee lots of thole.* Butter good, And other kinds of wholesome food, Betides some other* understood? Who greets you with a smiling mien, And shows you all that's to be wen, Got up so Matey, nice and clean ? Who keeps the wiriest "Basta-or ris' - The best that's ma& beneath the sky, For which so many long and sigh' Who'. at hie post both early mad late, To wait on all— big, .mall and great, At the !gavots corner of Bth and etlate H. BALDVID Leo, March lif, 1 Site.-10, NEW YORK & ERIE R. IL RNAMI CHANGE OF HOURS, COMMENCIN4i MONDAY, 11AY31 , 180). T nista will lwave IWu►trk at about th• following bouts via: Eastward Bound—Depart. sew York k:apreas. . 3 10 A. M Night Exproia . 420 r. r araomandatira.. . . ..... 601a.a Stark kr; rOOO ..... .......10 80 a. a Cincinnati kaproan... ......... 9 30 P. Fast . .2 36 r. a Way Frright . 8 30 a. a Stork Express, and hot f reigb t Trains ran emery day The neonnunottatiou train renutau over slept at Mar Mantra). Night gsprtua of riaturday• rens only to Itlati• nit, tat maw* its trip at U 43 ra. on Saadays. All other train" run daft) wept ttundaya CHAS MINOT, flea 1 supl NAIU. MARSH, Pitcairn. Dunkirk, Apni 9, tf MISSES HILTON & GOULD, fon:perk I,7l,with SW A. E.Cols haws opened a neer and -_ desirable aaeortm..nt of =vi nery . - ors.. - - ex LOOMIS' BLOCK .• •! • 574 rE STILLI:T, • GP 0TA11111.44 Where the Ladles ars - :pelted to call and exam toe quality and prism trio, April 21, 186 a. C 1.8.1611321( DRY GOODS HOUSE ! Wholesale and Retail ! ! They PRICES at which GOLD DOLLARS At Ninety Cents ! CARPETING No. 5, Exchange Row. aprill4-45 Spring and Summer Goods ! ! y JUSTICE has removed ill, tj, • lonog and Brady Made Clothing Stun., u, So. s, Brown's Hotel, State street Whore he is now reeeiring new it'd superior lava SPRING Ali'D SUMMER GOODS to him line, which he will make up to order upon short a tics, soil warrant to give satiidaction or no oak nous to waLt of anything In Ms lbw can depend up being fairly dealt with, as he Is determined not to up any goods but much as will girt satisfaction. He ken;. constantly on hand a good assortment of BEADY MADE CLOTHING ! of Hume make and farmated to be u erpreematcd looney refunded. Persona purchmatner for Cl4ll are Invi teed to call and emimtne my Gooda mud Pncm, as I am determined to orli cleoplbr UAL posW CUTTLYO doom oo abort notice and warrantcil aprill4--4S JOHN Id iII:STICK New Opening—New Goods ! R. B. HUBBARD WOU LT) respectfully inform his friezpi• mod the public generally, that Mikes controenceo s Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron Business, in all its varieties, at No 1, REED'S BVILD:NG. 14 tate Street, opposite Wright's Block, where can be f v n '. at all times, a geed supply of any and everything taO.' line, together with a large assortment of ' NES! Japanned and Britia-nnia Ware COMM& PARLOR STOVES And House Furnishing Goods generally Jobbing •nd Repairing atilt kinds attendt.l to prom{ ly and thoroughly. Roofing, Gutters and Conductor put up at short notice. To all those In want of anything In m. :in+. say give am • eall, as I am bound not tt , Oetwat to ,abet eltsaposes or quality of goods. Apra, t8,14:A.t. OWE Cana, 1800 yards, Lanea•taearidt-ilamaror 1.1.1 Inema, colon warranted WI as a rock, at I ce ,,, Par yard, reed value. y 5 - VINCENT, VIBEALS, SHIRK k CO PtNE Case, 2,600 yards, Kentucky Jeans and .ai wo.i linen Tweeds, Hesciy Nechanits Cotton Ceuta:wee tonadee and Summer Staffs for men and boy*, r ,, .. 12M eta to 41 eta. (heat biltralits. My 6. VINCENT, TIBRALS, 811186 k 0. ONS Bak. 1700 yards. Deakin' tenon 10 to 12s on* bale, 1650 Yards, striped shirting.. 9 to iv s May b. VINCRNT. TIBRALS, SHIAK & eIkNE Bahr, SOO yds , Vine lista Brow* ilbeetkage,e.. On. bale 730 yds. Hoary Sheeting'', B eta, One bale 510 Id. extra Heavy !beet:Wm. en.. Nay 6. VINCIIST, TIMBALS, SHIRK k cn Thirteen per cent Saved. THE COAL 011, sold by us i s s imo.l without color or oder,-bo tam a tb a clear and stead , name, and will last longer than that of any other Brame in market—there Is 1M mistake is this as a trial wAll *bow. Price ONLY ONE DOLLAR A GALLON Th., Brand wild only by apt2l-46 CARTER A BRO GARDEN RAKES, HOBS, SPADES Shovels, Foils, he., at 44 J. C • SELDSN'S T.. 11 Bau , ri• . IVENiMini New Millinery. they are offered, are h EEO WE. BELL REMOVED ! MIMI H BALbwm Boa.c i