The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, September 01, 1860, Image 2

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B. F. SLOAN, nditot
I Fail). A. Bratvea, ;14 IsAAt• Rat:Know.
W I'. PATTRatioN, 15 GEu. D. JACIK,SoN.
4 J. G. Balm's'', 'l7 J. B. DA.XIIILH,
o G. W. JACOBY, 18 J. R. ClAwroati,
n P JAxics, '2O J B. IIoWiLL,
11) 4 S. BARBiti, 23 WILLIAIt Boon.
11 1' H WAuuta, '24 B. U. HAIILIN,
12 S. tk. WiSeIIEPTER, GATLOrt) CHl:acit
Let us have Union.
The fusion of the Douglas-Bell•Everett
forces in Nevr York is an example that
ought to be imitiated in Pennsylvania.—
There are, in fact, but two parties in this
State, 11.5 in that. the is the Republican
party, under the lead of Lincoln. the other
is the Constitutional Union party, arrayed
in sections, as it were, around the standard
of Breckenridge, Bell, and Douglas. Why
should this longer remain sot Why should
we waste our strength in quarreling with
shadows when a cotutnon enemy is arrayed
in solid column in our frontandln our rear?
We can conquor the foe if united—we ,c,//
lie conquored if not united ! There is a
wonderful amount of s‘isdom in a fable,
/And here is one to the pint:
"Three armed travelers were 'sassing
along in the desert, at some distance from
each other, and apparently having no com
munication together. One from his head
gear seemed a Parsee, the second W 21.9
evidently a Jew, while the third showed
all the marks of a European. Suddenly,
a monstrous serpent was seen, not very far
off, advancing furiously towards them. All
were horrified ; and the Parsee and Jew,
glancing at the costume of one another and
at the third traveler, seemed about mak
ing off in different directions. 'Come,
come,' cried the European—'this will never
do. If you fly thus, he will overtake us
one after another, and when he has de
stroyed us all, will return and devour us at
his leisure. Let us unite our forces. for
getting differences now at least of no con
sequence, in the common danger. I will
fire at him, as he comes within good gun
shot ; you can then fall upon him with
sword and spear I, too, will help with the
butt of my musket, and he will fall an easy
prey.' By this concerted action the three
saved their lives."
By "concerted action," like this, we can
hand down the Constitution to our poster
ity unimpaired, and without taint or blem
ish. It is true, there are those who denounce
even a coalition among Democrat, such as
that effected at Cresson ; but such political
impractioables are of the Forney school,
who would much prefer the, election of'
Linsoln to the triumph of principle, if
such a triumph does not inure to their own
personal benefit. The Republicans, too,
would deprecate it., and ridicule it as im
possible.. Macula, however, is sometimes
nothing but distrust in disguise; and it it
not to-he denied that such a combination
might very reasonably inspire a suspicion,
on the part of the Republicans, that they
had been, perhaps, over-confident in claim
ing the election of Lincoln. As to the
impossibility of such a fusion. it exists only
in the imagination of those who credit pi>.
lineal leaders with the utterance of pro
found convictions in their popular decla
rations, and omit to take into account the
potency of public opinion in controlling
the course or public men and the shape of
public measures. The Douglas-Bell con
vention, in New York, authorised its State
committee to "fill non/ vacancy that may
occur on the electoral or State ticket, by
resignation or otherwise, and take such
measures as it shall deem proper or neces
sary to give a weird err-mien and effect to
the national-eowerratice elements of the State.''
This was done to leave the door wide open
for a oomplete fusion in that State of all
the elentents opposed to Lincoln. And it
was wisely done. And we would act the
the wiser part in Pennsylvania if we would
imitate it. Otir State Committee made a
good courtnencetnent at Cresson by uniting
the Douglas and Breckenridge forces on
one electoral ticket ; and if the door had
only been left open for the Bell-Everett
men to enter, the defeat of Lincoln in the
State, and hence in the Union, would have
been a conceded fact.. Is it too late yet ?
It is conceded, we believe, that the Bell-
Everett men will vote for Henn U. Fos
rza, in October ; after that what is to yre
vent a perfect union in November ? Such
a proeeediire, it is not denied, would he
eminently just and patriotic, and well
adapted to give a "invited expression" to
the "national-conservative element: , of the
State" in the eyes of those who conceive
that "as goes Pennsylvania so goes the
Union," and who look on Lincoln's defeat,
therefor as something far more important
than personal preferences and private ex
But, the next question is, can this local
fraternisation of all,the anti-Lincoln ele
ments in our State accomplished ?We
apprehend that a correct answer might lie
given in the sanative. It may not take
place until after the October election ; for
it is difficult to predict the ultimate move
ments of interested politicians, and the in
tense selfishness oftsome of the would-be
magnates in partizan citiknizations often
carries away their little sense of circum
spection ; but it will occur in spite of would
be leaders, we are confident, or elSe we
much mistake the signs on the political
horizon. The great body of voters oppos
ed to Lincoln in this State are not dispos
ed to waste their aggregate three in seat,
tering assaults upon a united foe out of
compliment to their leaders. If their rep
resentatives hesitate to give "a united ex
pression and effect" to the feeling which
animates the ranks, that feeling, we very
much suspect, will be apt to act fur itself
at iths.polls—stlent#, perhaps, but not the
le potentially. Ohl, at least, ' &ferns to
belle probable course of events, in our
jildpment. Tite Douglas men, a vast meg
prity of thesitj appear to be collecting um
lability enough to unite *in such 'll Union
movement, and the trockeztrklgo Upton are
Wiedy in concede that theft) can 'lse but
ewe effective' arties in this contest. and
they have nowish to be "eounted out."
The Bell men will pot belong behtod them.
They are not willing to let the tight goon,
and, in :ow of the importance of the gen
eral issue, amuse themselves skirmishing
with shadow+ m the distant liackgroquil.
They look on the struggle oitie in which
"t kir Country or I wr , ,elvee is the illustra
tive motto, and they are not ready to hike
the responsibility of letting:it go by definh,
and eonsohng themselves with a devotion
to their own caprices.
Fdr our own part, we rt peat it that we
shall he glastto see Pennsylvania tatrrw
dawn the cclitlict, both State and Presi
dential, to a Single Js.tse--riti issue divest
ed of all "huneolutai" expedient,, all eup
rafulicol appeals to extinct principles, and
appealing on its merits. openly and dis
tinctly. to the general understanding. ft
looks la, if no were about to be indulged
with such an honest combat. and we re
joice at the prospect. Let itbe universal
ly understood that Pennsylvania decides
this contest, and how proud is her posi
tion! how grave her responsibility ! A re
publican organ assures us that. "all the for
tunes of the republican party are staked
on the issue in this State. If Lincoln fails
here, his victories in New England and
the northwest will he nothing but barren
compliments." If 'o, why then let Lis
e„! be the war-cry in the K ey
stone. The whole question, in Wilt case,
resolve itself into this : "Shall Penn.:viva
nut make /,,i.es7” the next Presitletit. or
—and that "somebody elso"
may be the subject of a subsequent selee
tam. Mr. Lincoln will, in that case, sten.
just where his friends have placed hi m .
and hi-, opponent, will stand oppo,,it e . I n
Lineolti's right hand may lA' Bahl die
"( . .11.111palgll alt cumeia N " publisked anti ad
vertised as stieli by the New York Tribune,
including la, we see by the columns of that
journal) the Ifelpet hook, with all its in
('estuary sentiment-. Anil Summer's speech,
with all its pleas in favor of a sanguinary
southern revolution In his left hand may
be grasped Mr. Seward's svowel oft' "high
er law" than theconstituttonalenactments
of his eountrs , and Mr. Lincoln's confes
sion that, if elected, lie will be found "for
life or death, a soldier in the irrepressible
conflict " With these surroundings, de•
literately chosen by himself and his friends,
Mr. Lincoln would occupy, on one side, a
position entitling him to the suffrage of
every citizen in love with the principles he
represented. The other side would be oc
cupied by a representative of the united
"national conservative elements of the
State," holding in Lid right hand a pledge
of unconditional submission to the dictates
of the federal constitution, and in his left
a banner emblazoning the sentiment : "We
forget all sectional strife at the prospect of
danger to our common country." Place
the issue fairly, and in this straightforward
manner, before the people of Pennsyliania
and 'we shall be satiatiot„ If the pp/01*y
then think proper to elect Mr. Lausdn, no
murmur of complaint shall piss 'our pen or
lips. If, on the contrary, ' that, majority .
shall reject him, we shall be prepared to
accept whichercr of the opposers[► of Messrs.
Lincoln and Remiss the House ortiesnito
may conclude to present us with as the Bt.
test to maintain the peace and, prosperity
of the Union.
sir The Gazette calls the Bell and Ever
ett men a "deluded set." Their delusion
consists, in the opinion of their wise men- .
tor, in supposing that either of there ctiii
didates can succeed. According to• this
theory, then, it is a "delusion" tesWitte an
principle ; did the Ga.lettf ever take
pencil in hand and calculate , the ,chances
for Bell and Everett' Doubtfitl ! Let us
look at it a little in the the light cif tortiiii
bilities. ft is not improbable, in, the first
plot; that the I lusion" it:Cl:Cis York may.
wrest that State from Liocoln ! lndeeda
ii looks now to bre thab probable, and how.
ever much the!rank and file of Repnyill-'
cans may hoot at the i le► , the haiileire are
sorely troubled, New York taken / frets
the itepublicanicolumn, the:election goes
to the House. The Gaulle save "as the
"House now stands, 15 States Will vote for
"Lincoln, 13 for Breckenridge, 1 tbr Doug-,
"las, 1 for Bell, and three stand equally di
vided." According to *is classificatioti„
and it ,is correct, the / I:Lowe would not'
elect. It would theta devolve upon the
Senate to choose from one of the two high
est candidates (dr Vice, President ; and
this -deluded set," the Bird and Everett
men, claim with a good 4egreo of plausi
bility that Everett and Itainlin will be the
two flom,Which the Senate will have to
choose, They say the division in the south
among the Democracy between Brecken
ridge and Douglas, will Ore Bell and Ev
erett the electoral votes Of Maryland, Vir
ginia, North Carolina, Tennessee. Ken
tucky, Louisan, and Missouri, anal if the
figures of 19.51; hold good that will be the
probable result. If this result south should
prove correct, and the choice narrows down
to a conservative and a Republican, it
would not take long for a Democratic Sen
ate to rho"-e Everett instead of Hamlin!
in Lln, light of this theory, are they a "de•
luded set" ? I I it. should prove true, "de
luded" or not, the "set" will be wonderful_
ly augmented in numbers even in eitis lo
cality after the 4th of March nest I In
fact we wouldn't be at all surprised to
see our neighbor attempt to crowd him
sett into that "get" and set up the claim of
being "au original Bell-Everett."
s ir SwAN, of the Erie Ofxtertyr is a good
writer, and a shrewkl polleiHaii, bet his
th "wait ed
itorial4 are evidently' Ayr the
wagon" style. He has n heart in this
campaign, and don't car Whether "he
rides" o: not. We rather I, , ness that's the
hest way, forthe Nirtimed Democratic craft
i, pointed up the 4.1in0 river.---( 'enrieetati//e
ilepord. c
There is as old saying "that you'll xtev
eir know who is Governor 'till after elec
tion," which it would be well Ibr the- /N
-eon/ to study. Two months ago we'd bet
an "old hat" that "Abe Lincoln" would be
President ; bet it don't look that way to
day. I r he 4hould "trip up" in New York,
which is now probable, he's a "gone suck
er," certain sure, if }`Dares should carry
Pennsylvania, of which we have no more
doubt than that Andy Curtin soil out the
"Winnebago Cider" af a very cheep kie at .
Chicago, the rote of
_Pennsylvania is more
than probable to, be given. ngt4ust, Lincoln
in November. If* that contingency the
Record's party whe will want a "ride," and
won't haves bless6l pennytO pfty for one.
Afore/-don't crow 'till you are out of the
woods, and don't limite your, mensal , . on
12th of September convention. .:!The one
spoils your paw of mind. if Vete don't get
ont'of the woods; aod the ether indeina
yogi money where it will pay "Awry. Ififl:1"1
igarWe see that the Republicans of "West
liiillereek are still moving," and being
-still," the Hon. Mr. Babbitt was invited to
address them. lie did so, and "carried con
viction to the soul of the bearers." Bevil*
"carried siorefiction" to thataafereceptaele.
the eloquentgentleman, "adverted strong
'•ty to the polic/ of the South, while their
"own Slave Territory is large enough to
"support the entire population of Europe,
"and is not half populated ; yet they wish
"to crowd us back to the lines of 'eternal
"frost,' and not leave us one little sunny
"spot on which we may stand and draw
"around us the halcyon of a free institu
"tion." Bully for West lifillcreek ! They,
won't be "crowded back to the line of eter
nal frost," and they will have "one little
sunny spot" where they may stand and
"draw around them the halcyon of a free
institution," in spite of the naughty South!
Bully for them. we say—let 'em keep
Hamar D. Fosvita.—The prospects for
the election of our gallant candidate for
Governor, are getting brighter every day.
A letter from Old Berks informs us that
that old citadel of Democracy will roll up
at least 7,000 majority for him. In the
Eastern part of the Sate we can look for
stunning Forraa majorities. This is what
Curtin alluded to the other night, when he
appealed to the Republicans of Erie Coun
ty to help save him from the opposition of
the "cotton interest" in Philadelphia. He
knows as the candidate of a sectional par
ty he will be beaten by thousands in Phil
adelphia. in the West, Forme will reduce
the Republican majorities handsomely, his
personal popularity here being great. The
Curtin is about to fall.
tiLrri , ;(; ALARmeo.—The Republican pa
per% all over the State have simultaneous
ly turned their guns against the Bell and
Everett men, trom which we infer that
they are looming up. The Republicans
imagined they had absorbed: or crushed
the conservative element of the Opposition,
and hare suddenly discovered their mis
take—hence this discharge of field pieces
and small arms along the line. The Bell
men are expected to quake in their shoes
at all this thunder, and allow themselves
to be scourged into submission. But they
don't appear to be a bit alarmed. They
continue to bold meetings and recruit
their ranks right in the face of the enrag
ed Republicans. If they oontinue to make
such rapid progress it will be a question
before November whether Lincoln of Bell
will receive the most votes in the State.
,iii- it is stated that a regular fleet of
vessels clear from different ports of the
United States at the same time, and that
distributed among them are stores and wa
ter to fit out two or three of them for slay
ers, and that when the coast is clear they
all combine to aid the selected vessels in
receiving stores and slaves with the geoid
est possible despatch. By these means
seven or eight vessels may be all engaged
in the slave trade, without havingcm board
sufficient slave material to eon / Viet any one
of thew. . These semi& furnish slaves for
the Cuba utarket, and thesilspreake large
ttttttes toi' their tovineriN/ Who are mostly
New Englaild abolitionists !„
Titania° sr Tenen—Presidentili;ehan
en, in his , -ply to the BritiathsoVernnsent, l
.which is urging upon the United States
the neoessiFy of using more active means
for the inspiwenkrn of the slave trade, has
eleverlOttned the tables upon the diplo
matio,*pocrisyaf our British cousins.—
nailer. Uncle, at present, is almost ere
tirelrattpported by the demand for slave
labor Cubo„ a Spanish cotany. Spain,
by heitreidy with Great Britain,
agreed to abolish slavery in Cols for the
sum Orton, rations of dollars. Britain,
therefore, has had Win her power, any time
the plot forty years, to nearly crush out, at
a word, the African slave trade; and yet,
instead of attempting it in this straight
forward manner, and soliciting the human
tarienti of France and the United States to
practise what they preaih, and contribute
to the necessary fund, she has preferred to
expend, and induce us to expend, during
that period, something like thirty millions
of donate, besides wasting over a thousand
litee, in' maintaining nearly useless fleets
upon the pestilential African coast and in
the (lull of Mexico 1 The President sug
grated t' Lord John Russell the existence
of these significant facts, and perhaps Lord
.rohn may discover that it would be as
ehriatian like to first remove the beam
from his own eye, as to commence by re
questing us to extract the mote from ours.
gar In Virginia if fme negroes tjo not
pay their State and.lo.aM taxes, they are
liable to be farmed out at ten cents per
day, until the taxes are paid. fn Peters
burg some 1,100 tree negroea are advertis
ed to he sold of farmed out, unless their
State and local taxes werepaid. Theirtax
es in some.cases amounting to $25 and $3O.
And this is the class of people the Aboli
tionists are so anxious to invest with the in-
Cigna of freemen. Comment is unnoceess
M• ;so. A. tbrrnr, the great tragic or.
ator of Cartin's troupe, has been "out in
the cold" some time ! In 1848, he cast his
tremendous influence for Cass! Cass was
defeated ! In 1852, be east it for Scott !
Sport was defeated ! In 1856, be started
out-for Buchanan, but changed to Fre
inont ! Fremont was defeated I In 1860,
he is in for Cartin, and Curtin will be de.
fipted I George will have to "paw sad bel
low" awhile longer to keep watm I, Poor
;mega I
N or There is a Republican down in CfllW
fiud in pursuit of knowledge under diffi•
cuttlem. Anxious to emulate that "Pester
wan than Washington," John Bro*n, he
wroato to a gentleman of this city to know
what put of " Hardy's Tactics" the drifi s of
the Wide Awakeipoould be fonstil.
Jos. hale good linos hum NO York.
The mcrchonta, meclumica end Viers
aro to be heard , on the 10th at September,
in favor of the Union, the Constitution,
and thenniiiicettiont pf the . lairs. We Logi
diot.thet It will be the greatest gathering
ever witnessed in the city of New York,._.
On that occasion men of all parties will
Witte in e Pledge againstsectionalism, had
for theovecthrow of 4.brahanz Lincoln and
Rentaibai Hamlin: The preliminary tam
ittOrbfeh was held oh Friday night, Was
rell attended.
General Scuts.
They who idne ,, -t; can nev
er look "spruce" la old 41 '
The loss ofsooteaadssoagis often times
no loss ; if you had/stot lost *ln, they might
perhaps hays lost you.
It is proposed to erect a monument to the
memory of Joseph Gales, late editor of the Na
tional Intelligences.
—The population of gaited States is
supposed to amount to upwards of thirty two
millions, according to the census now in pro
Mr. A. V. Holley, of eartington, Vt., has
received information that an estate of $200,000.
in England, has fallen to him through his wife,
who is an heir to the property•
The steam grist mill at McGregor, lowa,
blew up a few days ago, killing the tiretunu,
Peter &hat, instantly, and seriously prenbling
the engineer, Lewitt Stoch.
—. It is rumored that Solomon G. Haven will
be the Democratic and Union candidate for
Congress from the Buffalo District, and Wm.
Duer in the Oswego District.
Mr. Stedman, who wrote the poem shoot
the Diamond Wedding, which so excited the
ire of Lieut. Bartlett, has taken charge of the
evening edition of the New York World.
The deaths in Chicago in July reached
288, of which 214 were children under fire
years old, and 102 of these under one year.--
This is a terrible "slaughter of innocents•"
A negro convict in the Eastern Peniten
tiary, Pa., is something of a scholar lie has
acquired a stock of Latin and Greek which
would do honor to many a freshman
Alfred Hobbs, the fatuoua luck manufac•
tame and picker of other people's lock.' has
disposed off his establishment to a company,
and will return to Boatels with his laurels and
his gold in the autumn.
The sales of Bibles ineonatantinople dur
ing the year 1859 amounted to 2.5,13 i; co pi es ,
being more than double those of the preceding
year, the increase being prioipatly in the Bul
garian Scriptures.
A man named Patrick HenneAy died from
excessive joy, at Johnstown, Pe., on „int or
day. The father of the deceased suddenly ar
rived at Johnston from Ireland, and ht' son
was 80 overcome by the intelligence that, ere
he met his parent, he fell downnntl expired.
Tbematter of the late &niter Broderick 's
will had been up in the kttobate Court,:San
Francisco, and an esperViritness had testified
that the document 7 .forgery. This witness
was corroborated by Users.
Information as been received at Wash
ington that sucyhmerican me i :bents as are
desirous of settling in Russia ti engaging in
mercantile transactions tan now enter the
trade guilds on the same terms lite natives.
There *pitmen to be no doitbt but Great
Britain will needs large quantity ofgrain from
mythis fall ; the British harvostis are about •
Month later than usual, and It is doubtful
whether the fSnest possible weather can bring
them up to an average.
T. B. Aldrieh, the graceful young poet of
The Nome Journal and Atlantic Monthly, has
in preparation a colltldfOii at tales and essays
strung together, aftar lbs iissaier of the Ma
shie. Nights, bra thread of humorous and en
tertaining naerntiye. ••••• ,•
Th.srly 14,100fIllhia Walken, that M
ember afflllegidelle, - Idotagain turned up in
satemersa Himitaran He had cap
tured the ismaidteenillo, idillagtwebni Span
birdie and ' , mined* eighteen. He remains
h(pcom!prioi, having allied himself to Me
foeunate of Cabanas.
The immense demand in England for
American sewing Machines is suiting wonders.
It is estimated that, no less than 20,000 A.meri
eaumachhtes will be sold in Great Britain the
coming year. Oae American factory turns out
every week nearly I,ooomschines. An English
paper has no doubt that American manufactur
ers will be prepared to . supply 200,000 sewing
machines during the year 1861.
John B. Gough, the temperance advocate,
who has been leetnring for three years in Eng
land and Scotland, was to have left Liverpool
on the I lth inst., for this country. Ills admir
ers in London were to give him a grand fare
well demonstration st Exeter Hall, to which
the price of stimissien was to be one chilling,
or half a crown for reserved seats.
A Portland paper says that Gen Tom
Thumb Is to take a wife from that city, not
only "one of Portland's fairest daughter," but
"the handsome and apeomplished daughter of
one of our oldest and most esteemed citizens."
She is said to be very "pretty, below the ordin
ary height, and heiress to quite a large es
A man named Allen, from New York, has
'been convicted in Paris of aiding in robbing a
jeweler in that city of $50,000 worth of dia
monds. lie has been sentenced to ten years'
hard labor. A woman who lived for many
years in New York was acquitted for want of
evidence. Two men who have been arrested
in Londdn for attempting a similar robbery.
are thought tobelong to the same gang None
of the diamonds have been recovered.
The Troy Arena modifies the otatewent
that John Morrissey recently lost $10,001) at a
biro tattle in . Baralogs. When first told the
story was true; but on Saturday night he won
$4,800, and on Monday night $11,70 1 0, so that
he is now only $1,500 ?tn. of pocket. The Are
na says that Morrisse3( has a faro bank of his
own at thirstego, and that an institution in
that city in which he owned a quarter interest
recently clam' $BO,OOO in sixty days. Be
sides he large partner in four or fire simi
lar establfahmenhi, elsewhere
A gentleman, who went to Pike's'Peak to
make his fortune, has given his experience to
the public, Leaving out many items of per
sonal hardship and adventure, the net result
of some eight- or ten months time, including
the Preparation, Mart, journey. arrival at "the
Peak," Ste., be found hitnself out some $ll,OOO,
Which ito hind inert tehl in twu..different trains
--ox tumuli lgegoeuk i sSici s missellazieous col
lection of niememiries suitable for a new coun
try. Prent the-Mines to the nearest 'city"
everything hist toile packed on mules or drawn
10 oxen eight hundred miles over a road com
pred with which (we.s/sould judge from his
demtription) that one leading to "Jordan" is
an Witted plane, in good repair. nod easy of
trnrd- tilt *baking himself about one morn
ing tit sl,witnt care i tinposure, and hard work'
bad left him—after the Indians had "squeez
ed?' hist.—ie Amid ha was down to his consti
tution.; dtkip of ilaperience; a eopper cent ; •
MA 1411 of ggshange. tt jack knife ; wife and
child ; some eriletes of clothing a any quanta
-131 of a Ape iambi comb, revolver, gismi a
benne that if kedidali pull stakes and take
the "beak trail" as qtdbit as his mocassined
feet could stakelhne, lie wouldn't save even
hi. coustilOon or his trite. He reeptiunends
PAW* Peak 4) every discontented
pan g mem who , dout't leant to work at home
for a fair re of *bo has some capi
tal and wishes td,ttinke ; it the ;test egg for a
Imp crop of wisdom,
MIL The Ghicego papers are making
groat ado over the fact that the people of
that city have been permitted to see the
planet Venus by daylight: Is it any new
thing for the folks up there to see stars in
the day time'? • • -
How it. WAS DoNx.—The Conneoueville
Cbtirier does not like the way _ "tire thing
was done" in the Republican Judicial Cau
cus, at Waterford last week. It exposes the
moans operandi, thull :
"After a few ineffectual ballots the Con
vention adjourned till Friday morning,
when voting was again resumed, but the
Conferees strongly adhered to their own
county candidates (except one substituted
conferee from Crawford, G. W. lixcxxx,
who invariably voted against Judge Der
rickson,) until some thirty -or forty were
had, when Warren gave three votes, for
Derrickson, which with the five from Craw
ford would have nominated him, had not
one proved recreant, and cast his vote as
before for Johnson. ImmediateJy another
Wr.rren member, by:permission, changed
his vote from Johnson to Derrickson, thus
fairly nominating him. But before the See-i,
retary had time to declare the result, Erie
county changed her votes from Vincent to
.Johnson. The Warren delegates thinking
there was possibly a chance-for their own
candidate; and tot,test the faith of Erie, with
drew their votes from Derriekson and cart
them for Johnson, and no more changes
occurripg, S. P. Jonxsox, Esq., of Warren
was declared the nominee.
Mr. ioliipum is said to be at able lawyer
well qualified for the office, and as the nom
inee of the party, he will no doubt receive
the full Republican vote of the li:trice ,
still we do insist that it was unfair of Erie
county to go over to .lobnson, after hi%
own delegates had made another nomina
tion, thus compelling them to return to
hie ,upport. lir if, as some claim, it is a. a
"shard -trick" of Nrarren county to get
Erie to support Johnson. then as u triend
of Judge It , wb ohjeet to having their
."tricks" played upon us. We have Aiwa),
held that holiest) and fairness, were coin
mendable irtues, even in politic-,
A Noes tPFlT.—Prentice, of ihe Louts
vine , I, has latel) turned his attention
to writing the biographies ot .onus of his
'old political -associates. The folios ins
graphic extract k from that of Hnr:o•e
ti roeley •
(treeley its, torn in t)regoii,
near the conflux ot - the Astoria. During
his infancy he subsisted entirely upon roots
and herbs, and was remarkable for wearing
a copper stock - about his neck, He sailed
to this country in a Galway steamer. He
got employment as a gardener, but in at
tempting to root out a large treed, tore his
linen. His employer, one Seward, forget
ting to pay him his wages, he left the weed
and invented reeley Corn Slave.' lie dis
covered the Slievegarnmon fund ; was
elected a member of Congress, and immo•
diately .after requested his friends not to
call him honorable. Retiring ou his mile
age. was presented with the title lialvan
ized Squash' by Japanese ii. Bennett, Pro
fessor of Heraldry. He has since gone
into thelence-rail business upon a limited
B i r On Sunday afternoon, John Crum
ming, reeiding at Rondout, Ulster c 0. ,, cut
the throat of his wife, and then drew a ru
aor acmes his own. They had beep mar
ried about a year only, and a trifling mis
understanding had fatten in consequence
of the wife having related somoof her hus
band's Smite before strangers. On the oc
osaistof the tragedy, Crummipg entered
thellift where hie wife was sitting, and
with a word of weaning. cut a fearful
gash in her, Ahroai. She ran out of the
e 4.411
limo, folio ed by her husband, towards
the redden of her parents ; after proceed
ing a abort oe Crimmins drew the
razor auras his irn throat, but not deep
enough to immediate - death. The
wounds w dressed, but little hopes-are
entertain . that either will recover.
The various Democratic Nominating
Conventions have been in session to-dal,
and there has been considerable excite
John Broadhead, President of the Cam
den and Atlantic Railroad. was nominated
for Congress by the Second District Con
vention ; John Kline, a Douglas man, was
nominated in the Third District ; and Wm.
Morgan, Douglasite. in the Fourth Dis
trict ; and Wm. E. Lehman, Douglasite, in
the First District. Tom Florence was his
chief oompet itor.
There has been no division in the First
District, as was supposed would result from
the defeat of Mr. Florence.
Mir The friends of Mr. Curtin, are be
coming alarmed_in the centre and Eastern
part of the State, because the Bell and Er •
erect men are going to vote for Gen, Mis
ter, for Governor. They Lane become
wearied and disgusted with the action of
Republicans, and are now determined to
leave them to their fate. The poor Curtin
will drop most certainly in I Ictobet to re
main down in ob4ourity.
WOlitklNC W.E 1. lie ford Uazette,
tmot.her straight out Douglas paper, accepts
the plan adopted by the State Central Com
mittee at Cresson, and plead. , strongly for
a united. Democracy. The Pittsburgh h
:etre and other Republican journal 4 are very
much enraged at the fact that their coad
jutor Forney is not able to loment discord
in the party. It IN evident that the masses
of the party all over the Matte will go for
the Reeding Electoral Ticket with unanim
ity, and a feeling in favor of conciliation
exists, which must result in the triumph of
the ticket.
The-hell and Everett turn will take from
the litepublicans front s,iiilo to 100,nno
votes. and to a united and a vigorous De
mocracy the triumph will be au easy one.
It becornem every Democrat then, to he at
work doing all an- his power for the good
Ma- It is suited on'gocal authority that
upwards of . fifteen thousand tames have
been sol i d (moth the counties , inuneduite/y
surrounding flarper's Fern•. •inee the John
Brown crusade.
lOW "I appear upon the ground here at
this time on/V for the purpose otseeing you
v,Dd "a ba ng y o u Insrr !" —l,,nroin's Spiny
tirld .Sreeeh.
lf half tho stories shout Lincoln's ugly
pith are true, hitt , +uditors had decidedly
the hest of the bargain, and were well re
paid for traveling any required tlettatns‘ to
ate the-show.
Sptcial itoticts.
PRINTERS will plates remember that they rate bey the
best article of Noire Ira ever isaii4, Nnanufacteved I, S.
R. EM' it Sae, New Reel* Coon, at the. of
deo. for eta. per "quad; avid cheaper than that teas, if
there Sew other edabllaboneet Reid of ROW," that will
hirolah aa good an article for I-vvl
fhb Intl wed b petattog Oev. • atuitte, Free
l'red sal leader. Erie; . aotvtlle; and
Jteeteal cod Espeobbleeo, Ne•drdle. tug fr—it.
norms BTUS A LTIEL, of RAO, Juan
T Ckurdlkute for Regloter end Recorder, subject
to tier tole of the people.
Ow sheet of whieb it Is odd wlll kill • goer,
id at a Pr-primer a Owe by
SW:OPUIPPL/a. !IMAMS—Won odaptod tar
Tarookaes use, • omit .looirabie moortmoot
mg Store of CARTER k BRO.
/gi11... INDIGO I RAIIINIII--Biebionsatir and Prus
sia,' of Po Sugar of Laml e Cilium arld ail
&alleles Orel to gol the ye fire tvuilltr, to be
ma Mr Drag Stan of R k RR()
gr3lllB. WINSLOW, au experkneed Oars
aad (male phyoicaus, ban • SootalugSyrop Se
teetblag, which greatly laellttatu Um preens 0
**4WD& by 00Abbiolf Übe gutusredetaing all lallassoustato
—will allay altpala and hi aunt la mutate the bowala—'
feetwaid upon it, asealuen. It will ,ire rest toy arssivel
famtrelier an laraltb to year Whelp.. ruttlietlY ugh in
11 Aar& See khorliseuemet la &moths:. miaow. 417.
Oirs 111711111LLt1i ?MILS L I NIMILIter.
The recipe for making tilts celebrated Liniment
wasobtaineel by a K..olitensan 1,1111. rialUng Ihr luril.h
ltmplre, a few ycar• since. While there. be to
1111111aputt hones, and as, remarkable were the curroi, he
ocinclaired to purchase the recipe for making it for bie
orris cue, If nothing more After returning to arts roan
WY, WI marls motor, and tried It In we...nil ram. irr•ll-
•p, theumattarn, bruises, rte., and found it to cure more
speedily than any arttele ever dlaaurerir.l ltecomiug
yostalsal with the gentleman, I purclooeni the recipe, and
have made 1•1 owed It with great surcem, and found one
half bad nereetem Sold of itilintrthsic value For Itheu-
Mathillifie spats., chindatos. ?sins in the Back or Cheat,
Cramp", Swelled Pace, Sore Throat, NI Un l / I ,IA. Tooth.
oche, or Swellings of every ktiel— lt a warranted to cure.
For Homo Spral ned,Chated, II Ind Cracked
eta. it is this most valuable median.. In !POP. The pro
prietor, knowing folk well its merits, will authorize. every
scud to refund the money where perfret satinfaction is
not Oreln. A large number of certificates rould be given
if nem/mazy, but one trial will motley the moat akeptiruil
It ka perfectly rate to take a nwar.i.y to ems of Colic or
Cramp. The Liniment is for POP by ail Druggists.
J. HCRNILL A Cri., Yroprietors, No. lIM Narseau.4,
New-York. Soli: to Erie, by L 1 Baldwin, No. e , Need
Houmi, a,nt easier A. ?ark Roe April:7l-17
The (~.steel Disarmer, of the Ae, ! For the
moat inetantaneou• cure of canker In the mouth. throat
Or *Womack., reen/Ung from scarlatina or Typhon F ,
'or no* other canes : sore nipple., ulcerated ,;unla, buru•,
sorry of all kind., impure breath, kr.
It tie 1p -t pumice for tier breath of anythins ever
olleoe• 1 tee the public
To 1,,•-.e noel prrser to (Leo tet,tl/, apply Ith a brio. h
It sell.i..taohy remove nil turtor and "the' foreign sob-
Rhine. send leers the ten th as w hits and clear an pearl.
It t• eut.e. i. !rye Inca; all pooo.uoun sulentanees, and can
be no en luau tofaut with perfect safety.
It 11 , a valuable arab in for every family to beer lu the
house, sett will reclin e pain from ruts and burn• quicker
;ban any nun,: known. We will warrant it tee tore ratty
faction in every name. l'nc'- D eenta per bottle,
k , Proprtetorw, Itr.Sstaittot street, New
York. apnlat--47
Sold it Erie, by I. I Balilw in, Ko 6, Reed Il..urre, nod
Carter k Biro„ Park Row.
FirTHE - 4411.15 AT WISINII,II4II 111;31,4u v.
SIR J AJil A.R ll E 8 CLKE' Celebrated
mahe Pills. I'IttrYECTILb LkiTklial SY itos•i. I . •TrsT.
prepared frogs • preseriptsos of ..r J. ( lurk., .11 L.,
Phirueson E•tr•ordiaar• I. tha Que..
This locahothio oiedicoor is uotaitiug in the curs of all
thowp pmoro I nod danorou• d 1... e. to whit h the krthsle
constllutiou is suhr.4l It itiotisrisl.. s',l see,. and fr all otootructio".., and a .i.w...1v CU, WA) Le relied
TO 11 %RBI ED 1..% 01 IN
tt Ia vrenitarly pullet It will, to a short time, bon¢ nn
the monthly perieml will. regularity.
kart. bottle, pare ttae Ihtllar, heart the Gee, 1111 l rut
`lsto p of Great Britain, In prevent counterfeit.
7At•t Pstin should' not be t.kew by frtnales donne tA•
P THI11.11: .W11:11'11.s of firgataisey, u Ike, arc
sure to ow Al.•earrtage, bat at Au, stAer take r th e y
art oaf,
In all rases of \emus and Spinal A ilectiono, Pain in
tlis Bark and LsmtM, Yatigue ou •light etertiou, Palpita
tion i.t the Heart, Hy ~term and W nava, Uwe.. Villa 14 ill
effect a cure alien all tither moan. !late failed and al
tbough a ie.werlul remedy, do not coulain
antimony. or anything hurtful to the coliatitiatu.a
Pell atreetiona in the pamphlet anind eseh package,
rhirl 4 should be earefiiily prt•aerrr.l
Alivejit for tt.w l•ntt. kt 4 tatro
Mn llllßt.N , !Ate I I 1341.1,, in & C.,
H 11.00 wail 6 pootwge etawp. enclosed to say so•
thorned •Itynt, will [tour.. • tiottly, cootaitotiq pill'
Lr rroturo
For sale be Carter b 11ro •nd I. I 11.1.1 s in, Erse, Vs
stag 4 49.
zo-gag'o Adtertiormeitts.
OFFICE, Paragon Bk)ek . near N )ttli
w..t Comer o rm. Yu4La : , ,ionre, Ero.,
BocIETY hare tb. Painainta eant.imp f the Reg
Mario= of UM lairs Fair npady for distritrathia
-holders and persons Interested, cmi call for %hem os it
einComp, Wilson King, A. A Craig, Sega.
All persona desirous of subscribing to the capitai
stock of the es:misty, will please mill on Wilson Klu4
Treasurer, or awry of the managera of the Society ; and
all subseribees me hereby notified that the Certificate of
Stock. are is the bands of for Treasurer, Wilson Slog,
ready kir delivery, and 'prompt payment is called br •on
the Ist day of September, to meet the esproditore nabs
Society, for the Fair Grounds sod their improvement
iris, Sept., tat IMO. -.13
To whom it may Concern.
Ekdkntabont to leer.. with toy family. for the Wet, I
dean it.• duty tu mbar* to task* the following statement
the main facts of *loch are well known to many of my
old neighbors :
MOW 1.17111 yew, ago my wife had a long and semi=
of sickness, for which she was treated by a ph,
sad although she recovered so as to get about again, she
has emir sinew wanalised in a weakly condition, and so e -
eeedingly nervous aa to be in constant misery. She was
faiquentlyAniie nighty In bee wind, and quite irrational.
She awes ever slept over half the night, and very fre
quently would - lie awake the entire night, and would then
be so Wit/ and so easily startled at every trifling occur
rence that the whole fatally were kept in trouble. I Lad
*dries:sand medicine from several physicians, but they
only 'tinkled their slight temporary relief. I beard of
CARTERS' NERVE PILLS, but having so little filth in
advertised medicines I declined trying them. But being
about to move away to the West, and her condition br
imming still more distreasing, and being again admired to
try the Nerve Pals, I ventured to take a twenty-bee cent
box She took inse Pal in the afternoon and one at bed
time, and in less than half en hour after :tine down she
was asleep and reeled well the whole night, and next day
felt greatly Improved, both In mind and body. I
balm since had two twirl Loxes and she has continued to
nee them, and Is steadily gaining in strength and improv
ing le every reenact. We certainly regard it as a
lortunate circumstance that we got bold of these lilts, as
the relief already obtained by using them, is ee re great,
and the certainty we fed of further and enduring ben. xt
is wort gratifying. Those only who bare teen in like
condition can fully understand or appreciate our feelings,
and to all such we meet earnestly rw.ornineod a trial of
thews Pills. J. It PERRY.
North FAA., Erie County, Pa., Aug., lA, 1116 u.— 13
iC.1 . 111.401 TO .1 . 011• S. n.ii - TOON,I
AS Wood NirN,s,
Corner of Pool. 14010,
04iNSTANTLY on hand, a general a.-
ebster's and Wormier's Dictionarics.
With ;lid withnut clupo
E-X. WC 1•7" BOOKS
Pritlttn terlact, ettraberknd Presby tent..., 119
t ,At, k German Reformed l'ltnrchen,
ia ergot" H7le of Illtuttui4-
1 . 8.11. MS OF II %VII).
Comprehensive Commentary,
€01111121:1V1 1 AIL E
ftr Feint, Henry, Clarke, Runty, lit tall ~r,
()won •n 4 "ther%
ere prices will rre gi•en to sII ennelderalile bnyrrN
as well as to Meer/men, •tudestr, %to...times aid Col
leges, rut( C• 1111.
11 , ” look., J urnkl., Cask I onkr, It.eants
*is, A rooK A , Mk. okrtl and 40.1 other
Colobekteal Ink , .Rareloom 4.010 ti • f'”ua, 11141 • l'eo
est% kcebto.4 lotata.ll,la, echuol Copy Hook.. di,
.' , Uf ar r` t„ 5•510,,, r\ • • • 1,,:l s
German School, Perry Block.
THE new .gehool year in this Institution
COrOmmees on the third of September Tio• iier
man and Latin Latiguarr, n ill tio taught thyrony Ir
The nehool year, of 44 nuts, la dtvided i to quart•eli
terms of I t woe).
For German and Latin, i.,00 per quarter
Far German or Latin akone, attendance during the
w holm day 13,40 inr attendant. half a day $4,64.
School hoer+ frtan 9 to 1:!, A %I , and tram 1 to 4, P A.—inn Lilt 15 WAGNER.
Wll EN omnpleted. air. years ago, t he
N Ishohra Raavaevaally prolimageti the ume
wain+ ttieen t, enfant, and thoroughly °FRscam] petab
Hall aunt on ch.) cntinent.
W list It was thrus it IrMilittil In day, w.A•not a twat Ha
ea N!s, to saaaptaaawaras, and is the generai earateata of
oomforf and etdirement.
Tbs gotsl tuts amumusodations for 4600 Y weave. in
cluding MI eieueli4ehe salt. tit agate tworieto f..s tam
dis lalnadelld laterladdlo rata let comfortably mated at
Om - tablas of Its tine. public Jibing room.. and not bine
that =odors art has derlard for dos cotrurnienes and so
cial gratilicatton albs travelling public has been ounttnel
iii lla pLan, or la backache] in Its onartlcal details. The alter reputation (.1 the boos« at boars and
derivedfroot tta magnitude, its imporb appobstmernta, and
its, comforts tad fetrarrus, las been robadcht
seedy year by tho unwearied *lemons of the Proptildwea
aregalo—inal7.. TBSDWXLI.., WITITCOIM It CO.
L. B. PLATT & Co.,
Coafertiourrs. Baker k Bad Fratteni,
t.„,k betas...ll Urosra'sltrl and „..
ANNI?I'SVE to ehe public that th ,
yr.', constantly da., hand, and are prnps , •l t.,
pie evv•ry cruel* In thoir . llne prlcos that
ItEF 1" r I Jll' ETITI(N'
Theo: arrangements for furutaLlog Coul•eto.ue4
F aney Cakes, Ire t. M1(11. pyramids, ('arty •
sat every thiug else to be fornothetl in •
is rpoorso4 by any . llonee resat of lialfalo Thos.
ran t o f Fir. Works, F ..nry Articles, Toys, a , , Tr , {
Fruit", Choice 1 egetabloo, Clams, Lobsters, Oysters, k , ,
any other of the raritie• ot the ttewsna ran be emtatalit
supplied to order to better advantage that by soy
eetablishm , ut to the rtty
Having made arranges. nU for the Stumm., .
Cr are serving the public daily with a slu we a
lee CM -16m, or Tarim:l4 flavors leroits, it,,„
t ag a anp.rior Soda Fountain this s r,
ennui at all boomer the day or •••eulur
.1, It 'Perkins I. oisr suuertittenderpt‘,, c
and will always be formai at the establisl rnrr •. ~•,.
to the wants of his blends and
Oolers from a dth•at.... ail; t.. r.r• ,
TI, Est.: MEDICI N bar,
fore the publie for a perral ni THIRY' 1 T o.lFL
awl luring that time bare malnie,u.l a i„ z b
in almost every part of the Gird.% • r fI r :.r tr,
. 2 . 4 1 nritheditate power of rector,ni
Done sugaring under nearly errry „f
the human frame is ilabler.
The following &rs &Mang~li~tr«s. ,n r " (
MAUI dincooes 11l which the
Are well known to Ls lotaDitto
YSPEPSI A, by thoroughly clean. or the W.% .„
second stomach& and creating a flow of pun, basil/it
IDROlia: Or slit. stale and stns) kind. DI.A LEN( 1
LOIN or A rettiers, nu. Ki.i
Tai,,, I m.-Tesrelmt, //asters, I.ssGrira. and s r
w Inch are the genera/ symptom. of liysierpros, ,r,
tub. NA a' natural coneret t oenos of its cure.
COSI T 1 Y Y.le/fe, by cleansing the erhurc
the tateetines with is resleent process., and
lyticir, all violent panty* Irtae the bowol. rorttrr 1r
two days.
FEVERN ofall kindA, by re.toriog the Woof t. a ra,
ulcer etreubat ion, through thr prarboka..f reepiration
our.% aced the thorooff ..du lion of all intestaml
Lion In other.
The I.IPa Maun ia as have hero kune ft to cur• MI .
P 4.11 permanently IV three works, and l;01 T
6411 that tune, by reowelug local inflammation tr gn t!
tui1...1.a and I lounenta of the joints.
KKOPMI KM of Nil kind., by treeitN and .trr Ur'
lOC the /Litho.) •ud bladder; they operate moot del., r t
fully on theme important moans, and hence hate erer
found a certain remedy ter the tenrat CatOS of fol ILA E 1..
Also V1'01a31124, by dialothrtaK from the turntor•
the te.areta the Cita) [nap, td which these cretture....
mcUuvir, I i.cisits, and INVETERITI
soltie.,4, by tb• perfect purity which the.. L/FP: llt 1 ,
ICINKS give ta. the blood, and all the humors.
se01111111:TIc EltreTioNe4 and BAD COIIFIA,
luAA, by their alterative etfeet upon the Iluida that
the shin, and the n.rhol ■fate of which .teelAtto
eruptive complaint., 'alloy,. rion,ly, and other '
able tornplexiona
The use of fills I. , a va•re abnri 11 . •era
an entire tun• a.f 1.1.1 I.T it /a and •t- t
provement In the rieirDeti of the 'km I(I Hilly
COLDN.n4 INFLCENZA will alwae. ror. ts.
one dose, or two to the Wont MIMI
PI L KS.- The original proprietor the , te
was cured of filen, yeurn 'landing M th.
FEVER AND AGUE.—For think -our*. of tl.. ts eel
tyro country, these Medicine* will be fount
and certain remedy Othor medicine* leave :be
*object to a return of the diseases-a curs by they.
erne. is permanent TRY Tiltd, RE lf ATISi IRD, A\ I.
111111 Diessass or lIIIALYS—t he Bedinnes have been
with the most beneficial results to (awe. of this &wig,
tiou.—iiiritet.„ . anti tieROPYI.a. in Its worst tutor
yields to the mild yet powerful action of these retuarkwhi•
ilechcinea. Atone d we* t SIIIVOCII DISILfTT, XIIMITot •
rostes.aisrta of all kiwis, PAITITATIoN or TOO Hr..,,
PICSTIO/L9' COLIC, are speedily cured.
mesuctlanAL DISRASES.—Persons whose con
rti.iitinms hare hernme Impair.l by the infudieloo* are
of Ingurt - RT, e i I 1.n4 these Wei:Menem a pollee& are, u
they newer fall to eraicate from the system, all **effects
of Mercury. infinitely ...suer than the most powr•rfwi
plviArwtions of !. • rws po ri la Prepa red and said
W. B. 1110/Plia4
vi ,
aug .1 I - is 10 tD. DtroeDw lT New YORi
BERA9 E. A Challases and Wol -
tw mitt) Half thew rest I .(sr
5011 STEA I. l SI f AIV h, Inafty Of thviii
FtJl r por e•ut
H •
Lill{ EN( 'II LA( 'f: 311 Silk--Silk 9n,1 r
‘l•tit i I so.: I •o nnful rhrap at
13A lIASOLS trim auction, much uncle!
regular prlvr. a; the SEE NEVI.
0 1°1'
i.aittaoll a riwal. at
1 CASE iNe•mp,r 11,m d J 1118471.1
limmt g0...10 . 1 r to ~• r was] no, yawl* at
ti %YES at JORDAN -
QUMMEit at Bargains: some r,•si
s t , sari. for choice. patters. .:
14 )1.Y141 & JOAO&
CLOTI IS. IM ER ES, Summer Sttiii.
Linens h, /lota sod Boss wear—every thing m 11 , 1
L tae th•t 1. dosi-ohlo. sod many goods teach mod.r po,•
atthe BEE IHSk
Yrti MAX ri I,As, from taw to •
Onllars le.. than can to , bought elsoirb«, 4 •
Frvneh and SliAdlesea Ladies' Clutha, Lem
taldies, at El A Y ES h SOEDAN,
Ri 'HES, ROBES, Double Capes. A.
and 11. Flounces Bengt and Berne tnv le , .
Hobe*, Negroid Fty lea and very cheap, at
asay2ti—.sl. 111 A ILi t JOHI) \
0 fzi:lo film VW ,ZP
THE Partner hip before existing w.,1,1
the mane of Etnrr R Ko /toy, In the Hoot so •..
basinens, 411 this day tliosolvrn la mutual emottont
The buslwoos will be rontintiod horektfor. H
Kelsey, who Is riathonrell to settle 1114 he buoineor
Lite arm. 1. R. 8.1 RR
ang.— 12. S. 13. KEL.:4F.I
"The Black Tongue and Scarlet Fever,
Is ereatlng y ulte an alarm in our nelghltmh nod, nn•;
avant a bottle of C aRTEWS EXTRACT or StIAI:r
REED, to be for It, It It should make Its appearso..
among my children, s.I beat It hiahly recommended d
such CAM,. strum,: :or neighbors—some of them say the
are nec.•r wit hart it In their houses " Such were the r•
marks. , ' n F Psi tnor ...ur eon Titer yesterday ao be called
for v {W.,. ki.% mi.✓ valuable Extract. lAA others ey.•
en:toe the same prucleucr and be prepared with ouch meat,.
la r aper,ende has shown to be most sale and reliable
Painting, Paper Hanging,
&c. &c.
THE St/I , ,criber beg, It to Inform tho
public that he Las purchased the bustneaa of
late lino of 1;,,A1 k and i• prepared to exec,l
all job. ..f Painttug. Paper ilangiug, and Glaain,;
aloch rho 11,t,:,.• may favor Iva. to •uch manner slid •I
such price, a. cannot fall to pleas.. lie illAtt Irvine. •
return thank. tor the very Liberal patronage ....tend. t
the at, limn and rs•imbetliilir Solicit.. continuance
came .ill the 'mu.. a , • , •ounts and !main...a of ate late .
*tit Settled b. tl a undetalgund
ADI:r.1(.1111's Morning lievorago , t ,
Town . almsl by altnont every Planter, Hum. •••
Itnateh an the Tropic, It is espeetnily adapted t... ,
elatnate of this country ata,l, cone...lett to le tne rr • "
wholesome and delaelon• Tonle in the wort I F
from antroalestanc lonlitien, it a. hat-miens an Ito no. ,
and should lw lound on the Soleboard of et ery tt
well ~at the liar of et • Tv well regulated hotel.
142AKE CO. Prof. ,
.1 C 131 flt:(•:SS a, Co , 11 holet,nle A mots, Pt.
Cash ! Cash ! ti
Ekit;S.----Vit. will p.ii
1. 1,, the above quantity of ,'owl torsi:rotes, dein,.
In barrel,' or lefts quantity, at nor store o*Ststr, bets 0. .
Ilth and 12th Streets.
Goods from Auction !
1 t ASE. I.' ):11 . 4,=. Sheep's ilraN 11 , 1. t
and ' , tee! 11is.d , ham a nd Plait! Satinetta
t ion for .1 and M 1 evnt, por ard, real weirs 816. t •
Administrator's Notice!
T ETTEIi' 4 (if .I,iniinistration on th
tate of John i.albrfot h, 46 Mi.s24/24 basing been rr•'
rd In the sonsonher, all person indebted are re.oe.'
to make wisinent, an those having elan=
estate will ma►e 111.-111 th•oat delay to
Erg, lUpl4l 4 4
cASE. 2.0( 10 v.trtl4. PIZINT'
perfect colors, lAto•ot style.. I psaterns, for 10 et, 1. ,
owl talon
winS I T. TI Ft BAIA, 411 IRK &
Another chanye ttl the Prot rietnmhtp
Reed Rouse Drug Store H
1.- BRO. have purchased Mr 1
1...; 1 Rau , . otoeic o f
And amortnted with torte ae Partner, 0. a LAN I‘. •
whop the tinsturnn will in future boonodisoloil o•A
tlia alma and Arm of P. A. LANDON It CO It i. th I
Dation of the Proprietors to remise and replynirh i`o•
pnoent Stock, and to 'pate no pain. or expense neeeo.o ,
to mak* tl nae of the roost to. ten. vr
mm lets in %to pout of lb. couoty. They design ire,
the beet erery thing, and olteeino them •t pm... •
wlll pro•eastudantoty to all roaeotiat•le purrhvo t.
They lest dialled that the Venue, eactonorra 01 1 '
Howe will led, wader tho present art aostivient. 01111,0
Inducement to coating. their relieve heretoreiro: •1 01 '' •
a largo partial" of the ?WAD 101 l he tottered before
tug paramnr* in Otte line, to giro thin Boone
Dine assure therneelre• that their Intrroer ran ' ••• 1
promoted at No. 6, Reed H0n....
WW i 1 t:AIMRAITti
Adminiet rat.
0. ♦. I..A.NDON a 1°