ilac (Ark ebotriTtr. . ~ ,\I, pniTricAL .1()UltNAI .0 Y . 13. F. SLOAN -4. ~ ...•rtbora, If pall to advance I —v..l.ll'w pent to one address for P s and •• • Int:, Hob. ~„ I.lllu, t.. pAt tto year, ID* -4 . •.ntlouett mud the aerouut WM& oiat • nut le•fl .111 • I top., oirrer lor A 11VEBTISINO •. or ICY I,ILIOLt . • 14C1,141^0 :5 Ou• *qua, 3 th. $3 00 I 00 ~o . d 5 00 I 4 76 . ham.p•sble •t pleasur•,, $lO, •..4 I. month.. $4. 9 month', r.• -ua• rear, $44! fl .1 t, Huisinesu Directory ►t red I , a ak clod, ovvr ►od under •. t ,wutw • 1104 , , but Du ♦mnnq th.....:wcul Notice. - •• At, retiutrlng fre.juent elainzg•a r „ ~• •limorwi t ,rn .gnaws, paper. • °nal *pat . ., tile eitarr.l. rill .11 a• 1 • • t.« .. , ct.verutettti. tultort be •trintly . • • • , 1./ 11 t011b1121.11. .4 the advertiser Pay .,„.,,..0 orTarbttru...nt• ,o - r sr!. A %,• I.• lig “.; ibrrPen hall - roll'y BUSINESS DIRECTORY. t iff . % CHM:. • 1.1 , Tull -UM,. 11, St rese! and lb.. Puld, Eri u. It EII.IIC V. ' ALUM In Route awl Sheen at W hal : Netail, at N.: 13, Cathretra Eti..ea State street t.IIENor, U U (L 1& 1 . a ('O.. sv 111 IL t ALi G ACIPC AAA, and tlvaiers ID Imported Wine* and also Sevtra, ru.t. I'‘•h, oc,,aud krento 111.0tata Buffalo, . l and Y eotoluerLial F tallthOw, • ~larr,, PA. , 11 IMF.* %V. K $O. 1 4777)R.NEY IT L ls. • tor (nkv, to that of FLIJ•I/ BABBITT, E vy corner of the Pulolir ...luare, • here he will at •• (II raJ v In all !menu.** rotruafe.l ft 2, ISOW I. )11. J. 1.. I.4TEVV4ILT P•Aelielse l'st au,lSUktato• r, o 2.1 tt,,or Paragon Block. Renidenne„ Brown'. He'd' hour* 12 toy ....riot*, P. 11 uneflux.l-611 I) ft. U. and Dwelling to *onth Park 'tow, -1 lr cart of Erte Hank toillditiga t me, July 10, 1,,f0,1 I 1 M. COLE, I J.. H im.lit.ll4kbl. BLANK HOOR M•M'11,41 . V . 11,1k ,1 V:J F.r.• esTtlltE. 4 . I Wm A , ;111111rOLD, J0b1...r, and flotAll In every denerlytion of Foreign and Domestic Dry carpetineß, 011 cloths, Re • IiVIVIN C. W11.140N, I . \TTONVXT R I . OCMNIKLLOR •T Law, Erie Pa - 'tate Street, neer the Park, In the America° pecond start of the building, occupied I i F 4114 • andeker lie will 1411,1111,1 ho found In ht. onier, and punctually atteuded to I i• 4E1,81.1{Y, DRALicit liirOirriio *Olio Ligrori I , P. 'slid+ of French firandice, Gina, kr l'hampaigne o. chi ref, Madeira, lialagn, Sherry, rert.and all kind noodle Winer; nig° man nfertarer of reclined itre. Bourbon, Vonongnhels, he , Reef] flonnr, • L •:tr-et, Erie ', OHMIC H. CA'TII.K.H. j aTTORNItY •Ir 1.•11, Girard, Erie County, .dloctiona and other Vnaienme alt•ouded to with otnwas and itlYnateh GILORLA It J. MORTON. VOIR , " A %DWI) and CoraDtamlon Mend:amt. Po Mk Ihnek, RA*, tioa Ler In Coma, Salt, Fish. F1..4t and ,tpr. ri &AT 41t VAILILAJI, IT • WrioLaws annenna, And &Alan In Ifni India Goode Powder, Shot ('*pa, Seem Foy.. Toney*. r WWI. al& kle.., 314..4.104 3 nod 4. Com • woridai MO" ~. . . .1 nut ►. ►. rAu.R, I 1 t. sty Gonda. earpobOlattialk on elothakals. tn,.n*. 1110,k, Erie, N. Tr.BC RO ' CO.. ?N 'imams 13. Owosso; a* ./ . 'Raw" Mock. PROn.IIOIII4, THIN 16, 'ini r ill.' *eters r 'et Pearlll6.. :bt Hu& footer io all - kis& of Paseky, Dlrswiair Noon, .4tor sod Moto; Chstra, No. 4 goy •woo Block tt*., t)Ot'tlt.A MM, AT..ICANT Ar LAW.—Otis• ITIZICAred .• • "itilding west of State Street, on the !methyl& of Um I MIN W. WALK KR, ArrnMticT AT I.Aw, St Lows, M. give prompt attention to the toasting. of Land 4 trranta and theriyment ofTaxee to the hate. of 116- . end Tors; Intl also fill all osiers for the gumbo,* r 4 rt p.amp Land, ke. r U. sELDEN, WBOLIIIA La and Retail deal. r to all kinds tf ..1 Etkel ah, German and American Hardware, Anvils. Pleas, a/ la, :[teed, km. Saddlery aid Carriage Trimmings, W•dilDll. Belting and F's,k lag French atreet, opposite the itvoil liner, Krie. T F. DOWNING. I . ATTONSIT AT LAW AND JrXTICIIIPY TUB Pt .rir will practice in the several Courts of Erie County. iv, prompt and faithful attention to all Inanities' en . r•ieted to hls bands, either so an Attorney nr Magistrate. rr Ogle' in Empire Meek, corner of gtafe and Fifth . Ent, Ps. 1,. .1. 110101.1,40 N• D. Wholesale Dealer La Flour, Pork, Beer, Salt, ke... 1. Coreuziereial Buildings, Erie, P. I I I) DELL, de MA - I 11•11177Affre WIWI Of SWm geirlOPlli=l: W. Goering. Agricultural Imtheswata, Iltafiroad t • . Vrio. Ps. j. N. oLopi, Itaac►actraaa h Wholanais and Retail sn •fo Wan and Cistern Pumps of superior quality, the said bast m.w m took. Shop onlareltth street .r.O Peach., Fri., Pa r - Aqueduct for earryinc miter for fsmUy. farm or purprolor for sale ebnip %I . NYORI) CO.. 1 lisr.uros svLo, Salver, Ran ► Sots, 3 •••• at.. of Dr.poeit, ke. sight exchange or,tho ronotantly for sale. OflloeNo 9 We 4 Houma • I, ' , A.10.r., Erie NI IC kItTICK & Kg1.16044G• WHoLI2III.II and Retail dealers In Groceries, .atona Ship Chanillerg, Wood arid Mate Stroot, Rrie, Penn. Allis. S. H HALL. AIL Manufacturer and W holeaale and Retell Dealer t. tioeferv, Lephyr Kolttlog, and Yankee No •la Together • ith • general am.orttornl of Ladles An Peach etreet, 4th 'awry.. Depot . an 21,-11:1„1 Ni p.% v. E. 11.11001{1 4 . • sauesAlma Duxes iL.Agia, and Armat • hf.ler k Wtlmiep Re..lnß blaehla.. Roots* la. I Block, Rut Park, Erie, Pa. 17 Stitching done to order. ,„4 3 Paehion• eerefae., monthly Rift KNIAN, VVII4LPILIII.II KICT•IL 131tOCItEll. land Flour, Pork, Flab, gall, .troda, Wood and qr.* W•rr, NIOIIIO KEA “laas. •t Nn 2 V. right's Block I=l I) Jc. J. 311NPUU. i 'PICA LEIS 111 G MCKIM. Prorielona, Pre ••• rt, neh, Raft, (.4 Min, Floor. Froite, Nola, N. Patin, W..004km, Willow and atone Ware, ruo, t nab loaf No. 4Wrirht'• Block, — ate Kt 4 doom above the Peet (Ale% Erie, Pa. IrGERA & BENNIKTT. necoLite•LE Ann kn.( rt. Hoalenin Hard • ••-. Crocker). Glow/mare and Saddlery. No.. It and VI . .PL , Block. corner of 11111 and SULU •t meta. Erie, Pe , k 4 ,,PR011, C A. maxis* - - - S hl,l TO: 4 1 PKTTIS. arramarr AT I. A Ir .-0191, Oa Cli.stoot • ,•••. Yoqulrinr, Pa. TEMP —Iy3R t• D V KNIVOIRT. %ll'onnET Low --When JO Central , Neuhtrfor & Raker'. Clothing Wore Fln on Stste Atireet. %.:( OTT de NANKIN. . 1 " r •I klll.l/1 of Cosa. ?alt. Mater, 1, he INIAIe Er., Fa. OTT. WZI -—_ _ N. 44.T1\.Intat.aa In l'lneka, N strhela, nn. Jew I".a.terd Warr, I.....ainglaweee, GJt nit:Prr &art Vanerl34werts, Parair.n Flu/Wing, '"" •.i• Neel Park near Hawn et 1' I. UK, Nrivearor to Stewart dr %maw.) • • RirrAti. ••rn. , ?at* nod , '••sinlk 11.•-gte fri. Waft l'anorhen•• ••• nr , •111. Brash«. Re U . I, T. I • 61,1 .11x1111.1.11 I/ tIA. " • 6 t•nf,-,1 4 coroor roIIITOI of a0111.01.1,1e. Block, t And the l'abliel 4 einare. En.. Pl 6 _ . ~l r " I „it/„ it.sty's ..... . . n,,rth •1,1. rnb(1•• Keinaro. tnrcoorfr 0011,1 " r. An tr..rit wsr•.nts.l. \V K. e. 1.1111.A1T/I. A TTOIIATT AT 1 111 , --016e• "el nth "PP ., to U. rourt Nry - K. m•taai.o., ____ (fl'. Is Kneen, !tart!) dap of thy Perk, isrie, Pa. L. A. MORRISON, c=l3= ED Flour, Pork, Beef, Salt, Grain, T1.1107711' 81.1:1), tic. No. 1, Commercial Buildings, ).ORTH Luna Mg PARC beiltifg 3tdigi sm4 P.sth 51e., 1. bl.B ..e THE , ERIE. ~ .._ :_ z a..._ " ,''', ~-,.. -, :, - 7... ..i , - - , ;OBSERVER,- ... _ ~ .ol B. F SLOAN, EDITOR & PROPRIETOR VOLUME 31 J. C. BURGESS & CO., GROCERIES, FLOUR, PORK, &c., AT WHOLESALE, No. 7, Bonnell Blook, State Street. 01. E. P. MIDDLETON & BRO., COGNAC & ROCHELLE BRANDIES, MICCOILLAIVJa Scotch and Irish Whiskicia, PORT, SIFERRY, MADERIA fiND Choice Old Monongahela, VIinE3E7II3.9L I , AND RYE WII IES E. Y. DX. 6c. SILO.. Ils‘e ... Lead the Lemma. end Rest Selected Stock el Fine Old Whiskey Jcniers In thn rnitecl Atatice: al of which Is high Ir Imoroccd by are TON HRO , 1. 25 horib Enial st., J. N. KLINE & CO., Wines, Brandies, Gins, &o. N. , 11 , , Walnut Sf reet. and Nu 11 Granite St J ; \ Li March 3. 1939 WHOLESALE GROCERS No. 7,4tionnell Block F ne, t. 15, 1 b.-04 _ _ DE FOREST, ARMSTRONG, & CO. DRY GOODS MERCHANTS 80 ft 82 Chambers fit, N. Y. 'WOULD not* the Trade that 4hey are oppoist Weeitiy, to new NW hesallestpdilimvip, tn. A.M.OS - JECMAGVI A Saw Print, wHiei.i s.'ory Mat la tin Claqtairs fog =of asicatlaa and design In fall IWO* Oalsm Bata *aver lima may In market. mad soarthe web easmoles cr Orion MIMI 00$ k}, Names, Paper, Stationery, PARK It OW BOOICSTOZIL S* Feb. SS, UM GROCERIaI! GROcERIES Tanbacribera have now on hand the I. largest and mad varied Mt Kik of C3-I;6OCMIZIMS ever to Otto city, "bleb we offer to mat, WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, low "for Cub or Phort Credit" as aer RAU. 10 thls city. 131vo us • mill and ezareloo. RINPERNECHT k N.. 9 iWrftbt's Mock. Fri., Ps.. j une9--&11 ALADY who hart been using t'arter's Sores Palls ash Remedy for Pierrefts Lk:lila', Paha fiamrsi, els., ears that thowe Pills have not only proved of great advantage to her, in the disorders for which she toot them, but they have also almost entirely erred her fli Hardness of Hussar with %bleb she bad born loop allilettri. dune 2-42. CAR MR at KW), EDGE SH EARS, Badding Koiveo, FRESH TOMATORS HERM Sealed. retaining the original cans for family retie, on aeJir at FY4O. Jnne 11. 1W —1 1 italallON'A $l,OO. ONE DOLLAR. 1 $l,OO. A6OOD WARRANTED A XE•eall ins. bought for II at J. a sr.i.nflt-2 SCALES' SCALES' 1 am mewed to furniati F•cahi nr an• kind err die at mach I.llli prtcelui than •r.r npfnro•old in lA.. city A ng. 20. J r sPirEs of all RINDS, %t So 2, Wright's Filnek. April D, 14. SP. HK' KY AN, RElNifilfiken PART, FANS, COMBS S: PINS, lArteirt Stylee,—jdat opened et the Peet Park Jetrelr-r - Ntore. T. b. AUSTIN. Frt, 2.A. IVW RY HANYA RD'S Y. H. Tea for 3e to $1 per pound • Imperial Too foe to to Ee pr pound •• Ganpoirdor Toe for de per pound. • Oolong and ftouehong 4. to 7. prlb err anted to give ostisdaetion or money refunded PAPEIC.HArrantGS For the Spring Trade ! ! =El=l23 1 HAVE in Store and am daily rfteiTing. New %tyke of t , , PAPER Ii.VAIISGs AND •"" ow.— P. R-D . 11 , Comprising all U. qualities, from the most common to the dins/ q.islity of }Week English and American man urnetnre, • .14,1"...T prioes than Wont of J. C SEIZES, 3 3 3 lIEIESEM WRIGHT'S BLOCH, STATE STREET. - ERIE. PA., Where • full anortment of choices GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Domestic and /reign Feints, Stews Willow. Wood sod W Vogotobleo, ate... ore grays ern Land and ordlici *heap, at April 2 ,1 JIM '4 BAN Y Anti New Grocery. Bold at Wholesale By J. C. BURGESS & co., july2l-7. BUTTER I BUlTtlit!'.—Wo *ill pay melt for Batter la ll:Was at lam tboarttas. kitting the emirs eemems. tosys 'mean% TualLs, WIRE k CO. k.RIIII, MA. lyr 11=1 CHAMPAGNE WINE. 1= 'successors to KLINE 4 I'IRROLI INI.PtiItTERS 4)F 3P2s i laci co lyakaat . I=l J. 0. BURGESS & 00., abk.igeolatin fcrr FAIRBANK'S SCALES ! 4+ :1 i= I 1^13M3 WALT PAPER, 4 , AT d D. P. BNIPUDN, Proprietor. Give Ear ye Deaf! Pruning Knivem, A NEW 'I'HING! THE CHAMPION AND AMERICAN BOY FINE CUT Chewing Tobacco ! ERIE, PA. A EIBA.RCHPOR THE FAIRIES. ____ I looked 'moss the lirlybidia, I sought macros the roses, A rid threaded all tbe fairy' dells That summer Imo discloser, I trod the porp'e heather bloom, The meadows bright with clover My garden 'mid tie twilight gloom To flod one earetess rower; Rot mother, deer, the fairies slept, they would have listened, Wh►m Dell their flowery hoists I crept, What time the dew drops glistened On money banks by limpid stromine, Among the emerald growing. The yellow trowallp nods sod gleams While ISM the brook is doming; tra I though some golden net might twine The At-winged, airy metatarsi', And koel as priestess iii • shrine To their golden features t.. lint mo r, dear, the &Wet slept In art eir wide dominion, For thro b that shows*, of mialight swept S,t on bright, (sissy pintos. I w night may *boot at me, and welcome:" (COACLCDED MIXT WELK.) ler In the tenth century, to eat oft the same plate, and drink out of the same cup, was considered a mark of gallantry, and the best possible understandincbetw een a lady and gentlensin. sir A daring but unsuccessful attempt to asessainate the Hon. Joint A. Poor, May. or of Carbondale; by shooting, was made on Sunday evening. Four duke passed thro' his hat. The perpetrator orthis outrage is r not yet apprehended. NUMBER 13 A resident of that place, lifr. H—, was one autumn engaged in felling trees at some distance from the house. His LW' son, eight years old, was thehabit, while his mother was busy with household eares, of running out into the field and woods around the house, and often going where his father wu at work. One day after the frost bad robbed the trees of their foliage, the father left his work sooner than usual and started for home. Just on the edge of the forest he saw a curious pile of leayes —without stopping to think what made it, he cautiously removed the leaves when, what was his astonishment, to find his own darling boy lying there sound asleep.— 'Twas but the work of a moment to take up the little sleeper, put in his placea small log, carefully replace the leaves, and con ceal himself &along the bushes to watch the result. After waiting there a short time, he heard a wolfs distant howl, quickly followed by another, till the woods seemed alive with the fearful sounds. The howls came nearer, and in a few minutes a large, gaunt, savage looking wolf, leaped into the opening, closely followed by the whole pack. The leader sprang directly on the pile of leaves, and in an instant scattered them in every direction. Soon as he raw the deception, his look of fierceness changed to that of most abject fear. He shrank back, cowering to the ground, and passive ly awaited his fate; for the rest, enraged by the supposed cheat, fell upon him, and tore him to pieces, and devoured him on the spot. When they finished their com rade. they wheeled around, plunged into the forest, and disappeared ; within five minutes of their first appearance not • wolf MIS to be seen. The excited father. pressed the child to his bosom, and thank ed the kind Providence which led him there to save his dear boy. The boy, after playing till he was weary, had laid down and fallen asleep, and in that situation the wolf had found him and covered him with leaves, until he could bring his comrades to the feast : but, himself had furnished the repast.-- WeodisortAs Cab. Lsb. kaataga Fe. —Once when traveling is a rtfig I:urli I /net a young lady who eeers• eti to is• upon the constant look out for son-ething laughable ; not content with laughing herself, took great pains to make others do the e•ame. Now. traveling in a stagecoach is rather prosy business. People in this situation are apt to show themselves peevish and selfish ;so the young lady's good humor was, for a time, very agreeable to the tray lets. Every old barn was made the sub ject of a passing joke, while the cows and hens looked demurely on, little dreaming that folks could be merry at their expense. All this, perhaps, was harmless enough.— Animals 're not sensitive in that respect. They art. not likely to have their feelings injured because people make fun of them; br - come to human beings that ier thing. So it seemed to while an old lady came run ie swinging her baguet and in a shrill voioe begging the good old lady comingto ,he roadside, squeezed her wo bars, which were not only I positiort, but very near to young lady in the stage coach made some ludicrous remark, and the pai lenge?, laughed. It seemed very enemas bie ; for in getting through the fence the poor woman had made sad work with her old black bonnet, and now taking a seat beside a well dressed lady, really looked as if she had been blown there by a whirl wind. • This was a new piece of fun, and the girl made the most of it. She carica tured the old lady upon a card ; pretend ed, when she was not looking, to take pa terns of her bonnet., and in various other ways tried to raise a laugh. At ngth the old woman turned a pale facet ward her. "My dear," said she, "you young, healthy and happy ; I have bee so too, but that time has passed ; lam now de - script and forlorn. This coach is taking me to the death bed of my ch" d. And then my dear, I shall bea poor o woman, all alone in the world where giTb think me a very amusing objectwill laugh at my old fashioned cloth' i as odd appearance forgetting that the a woman has a spirit that has loved ands ffered and will live forever." The coach now stopped tg4re a poor looking house, and the old lad 3f feebly de scended the steps. low i 4 she?' was the first trembling inquiry of the poor mother, "Jus' said the man who was lead ing her into the house. Putting up the steps the driver mounted hi box, and we were upon the road again. Our merry young friend had placed her card in her pocket. She was leaning her head upon her hand ; and you may be as sured I was not sorry to see a tear upon her fair young cheek. It was a good les son, and one which we hoped would do her good. A KNOTTY Qutarios.—"Sally Jones, have you done the sum I set you'?" "No, thir; I can't do it." "Can't do it l ashamed of yon. Why, at your age I could do any sum that was set me. I hate the word *can't ;' for there is no sum that can't be done, I can tell you." "I think, thir, that I knoth a sum you can't thifer out." "Ha! well, well, Sally, let's hear it." It ith thith, thir: If one apple cauthed the ruin of the whole human rath, how many thutch will it take to make a barrel of thweet thider, thir ?" "Miss Sally Jones, you may turn to your parsing lesson." "Veth, thir." M•RRitD IN IlAsTz.—A fellow named Greeley took board with a widow in Rooh ester last week. In two days he "wooed and won" the widow's "fair daughter." and two day's after the wedding he ran off, leaving his wife, but taking vests and pantaloon,' belonging to his fellow boarders. I A Professor in a certain colleges wan expatiating to a pupil on the meritsof La tin, cited a specimen. "You will observe from the word." said the Professor, "the flexibility of the latin language. Pater is father, now here we have Patrons, an un cle on the father's side. Can you make vny such change in your language? Pater. patruus. propatruus, is.there any way you can change father into uncle in English ?" ••I don't think on any.' replied the young philologist. "unless you can get him to marry your aunt." The Professor has not been heard of since. A TsaiLux° Wilts arozr.—Tbe settle of Maine found, besides its redfaced own ers, other and abundant sources of annoy ance and thnger. The instic forests, which then waved where now Is heard the hum of business, and where a thousand villages stand, were the home■ of innumer able wild and savage animals. Often at night was the fanner aroused from sleep by a noise without, which told that bruin was storming the sheep pen or pig sty, or was laying violent paws upon some un lucky calf--and often, on a cold winter evening, did they roll a large log against the door, and the beating hearts draw clos er around the fire, as the dismal howl of the wolf ec oed through the woods. The wolf was th most ferocious, blood thirsty, but coward y of all, rarely attacking man, unlest , driven by severe hunger, and seek ing his vic(uu with the utmost pertinacity. The incident here related occurred in the early history of Biddeford. =I 11110.. A newly married couple, some years since, took up their abode in Poplar street. At breakfast, the next =nal:is, after their entrance, the sen,tlemanstto his lady, "My dear, thio is Poplar st ,t, and by puting in r (you) it becotnat popu lar." "And'by putting la in it," prompt. ly replied the lady, ~it becomes populous." The New York Leader, ot Saturthy, claims that Dicks, the pirate, supposed to liars • barb buaK on Redloe's Island, Mar New York okty, on the 13th of July, was reansoitsinkisrtar seteppible exeqution, by meatie of 111/B..l•Vtrr -Chemical bath, and h now ! ."